#had to stop and admire my collection for a moment this morning
b-daman · 8 months
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Battle B-daman manga
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dreamingcricket · 1 year
politely requesting either halsin or astarion with a tav/reader who like..shrugs off their advances bc they don’t think someone like either of them would take interest in them. like very oblivious to the fact that people actually like them. (totally not self indulgent lmao) ((i love mutual pining to lovers i-))
CW: Mild sexual content, reader is injured
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Astarion has started to question whether this is your way of gently rebuffing him, or you're actually this dense.
He's not a subtle flirt. He uses all his most seasoned tricks, exhausts every overture he can think of. He can't remember wanting anyone this much. And yet, every one of his suggestive quips is laughed off.
He's there in the morning, sliding in beside you as you drink your tea. "Good morning, beautiful. You're looking absolutely radiant today." He runs a finger down your arm. When you blush and smile back, something warms in the pit of his stomach.
He's there as you put on your armour. "Allow me, dove." And as he tightens the straps on your mantle, he lets his fingers brush the underside of your jaw. "There. Just right." He purrs into your ear.
And of course, when he feeds. He takes his time, pulling you close, cradling your head, running his fingers through your hair. He nuzzles into your neck before he bites, pressing his lips against your rabbiting pulse for just a moment longer than he should.
Even in battle, when he's swiftly at your back, flashing you brilliant smiles as he races to your defense, you jovially thank him, like you do all your companions. Like he's your friend. Just your friend.
All efforts so far, completely ignored.
So now he watches you from across camp, the firelight dancing across your features as you laugh (he tries to ignore the tender stirring in his chest at the sound).
He throws back his glass of wine, and grimaces at the pitying glances of his compatriots. Of course it was obvious to anyone except you.
You stood, bid Wyll and Karlach goodnight, but instead of disappearing into your tent, you vanished into the brush.
Astarion sat for a long moment. He should let you go. You clearly weren't interested, and he should just... move on. Like he always had.
Who are you kidding, you fool?
He didn't care that he startled Gale with his speed and he pursued you into the woods.
You were seated on a rock, your face turned up toward a shaft of moonlight, eyes closed. He stopped to admire you.
"Sorry I took off. I just wanted to enjoy the quiet."
"I'll go, if you want me to."
You start, and turn towards his voice. "Astarion, didn't expect you."
"Were you expecting someone?"
"No... just-
He's suddenly surging forward without thought, and the two of you are rolling across the grass.
"Astarion, what the fu-"
He silences you with a burning kiss, brimming with anger and desperation. You roll him onto his back, furiously returning his advance. "What-" you pant between kisses. "-took you so long, idiot."
He's furiously tugging at your linen shirt, baring your back and shoulders. You'd be angry if you weren't still reeling.
"You never flirted back!" He pins you down, only to find his hips locked between your legs.
"I flirt constantly, Astarion! You drink my blood every night! I've been waiting for you to take the next step for weeks!" Now it's you tearing at his shirt, your hands groping for purchase on his shoulders. "I thought you didn't think of me like that." Now it's your lips against his neck, and he chokes on a moan.
"That's not flirting!" He's never been this heated during sex. He's a collected lover, and for all the inherent violence of his existence, he realizes - he wants to be gentle. At least this time.
He takes your hands in his and stills your thrashing. You lock eyes, both of you out of breath, chests heaving. He places a single, gentle kiss to the palm of your hand. "Shall we begin again, love?"
"I'd like that."
"My name's Astarion. You are a truly stunning creature," he leans down, and whispers to you, "... and I'd very much like to make love to you tonight."
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Halsin thinks you are quite possibly the most extraordinary person he's ever met.
He can't erase the image of you the first time he saw you from his mind, eyes ablaze, arcane power crackling at your fingertips. 
He's had so many partners, but all of his love affairs were brief, transient. Deep, but nothing had ever moved him like this. Typically, Halsin is straightforward with his feelings. His passing dalliances with fellow druids and traveling rangers had never daunted him. But with you, making his feelings known was... complicated.
You'd been through a significant trauma, and while you put on a quite the brave face, ever the intrepid leader, he's been around long enough to see your fragility. You'd seen so many horrors in such a short amount of time. Emotions were running high, he wouldn't risk coming on too strong.
So instead... he brought you gifts. It was a very natural way to court someone, at least. Baskets of berries, a fresh catch from the river, perhaps they're gifts to his own taste, but he hopes you'll enjoy them.
He offered to braid your hair, to help ease the tension in your shoulders with a massage in the evenings (his hands are absolutely enormous, which certainly helps). 
And, unbeknownst to the rest of the camp, and to his mild shame, he couldn't help but rub his scent near your tent. He wouldn't invade your boundaries and touch your things, but he couldn't help his instincts. Lae'zel noticed at last, but only scoffed and offhandedly remarked, "The way you dance around your affections is pathetic. Tell them, or stop simpering."
Things eventually came to a head when you were injured, badly. The arrow tore through your side, and you hit the ground before you could register you'd been shot, the world became pain and a blur of color and noise. 
Halsin was by your side in a heartbeat, shielding you with his frame as spells and arrows flew overhead.
"Don't move little one, you're losing blood." He sounded calm, but there was a tremor in his voice. You'd never seen him afraid before.
"Shh, shh. Hold still." His magic flows through you, and the muscles in your side knit back together as he pulls the arrow free.
"Halsin." Your hand lifted to weakly brush his cheek. Your vision was swimming. 
The thunderous roar of battle magic echoed nearby. Gale rushed towards you. "Are they alright?"
"They will be." Halsin spoke it like an oath. "But they're weak." 
"We'll finish this, get them to safety!"
Halsin cradled your body to his chest and barreled off the battlefield. You drifted in and out of consciousness, but were always aware of his arms around you. They felt like safety. Like home.
The druid ducks behind a half destroyed wall, and begins to reassess your wound. "Gods, you frightened me." He lays you down carefully, head in his lap, and begins to clean the wound. 
You smile up at him. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me."
"I like this."
He's puzzled. "Being horribly injured?"
"Being held by you." 
At that moment, your body finally gave out, and your vision went black. 
When you woke, bandaged and sore, in your tent, Halsin was sitting by your bedroll with his back to you. Recalling in horror the confession you'd made, you try to pretend you were still asleep. 
"I know you're awake, little one." 
You sigh. "I'm... about what I said, I'm sorry. I know you don't feel that way, and-" 
"Stop." He turned and placed a finger against your lips. "No more words." 
You braced for his rejection. At least the druid was kind, empathetic. Or perhaps his pity would make it worse. 
His lips coming down on yours were not what you expected. He was gentle, and smelled of moss and pretrichor, dark soil and sweat. You kissed him back, laughing into his mouth. 
He pulls away, then presses his forehead to yours. "I'm here. As long as you'll have me." 
"Oh, I intend to." Your attempt to sit up is hampered by a shock of pain from your wound. "Ow. Shit."
Halsin guides you back down to your pillows. "All in good time, little one."
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aemondsbabe · 9 months
Love is Patient and Kind
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summary: hand holding & dry humping || you aren't ready to take the next step with your monk, luckily for you he has the patience of a saint
pairing: osferth x f!reader
warnings: mature/explicit, 18+ (minors dni!), no use of y/n, afab reader, dry humping, very fluffy, osferth being cute and understanding and ruining other men for everyone, let me know if i missed anything!
word count: 2.5k
a/n: welcome to day one of 12 days of smuff!! hope y'all enjoy this one! Can be read as part 1 to Wind’s Howling or as a stand alone!
12 days of smuff masterlist
gif creds to @thecruel!
likes, comments, & reblogs are very appreciated but never required!
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“Are you sure you do not wish for me to carry that, my lady?” Osferth asks for the millionth time, nodding his head at the basket, laden with various herbs and medicinal plants, in the crook of your elbow. 
For the millionth time, you merely shake your head with a crooked smile. “I wish only for your company, monk,” you glance over at him as the two of you walk through the forest, admiring the way the early afternoon sun casts a golden halo through his hair, “I told you as much when we left camp this morning.”
Osferth merely nods in reply; your man is one of few words. A soft blush blooms across your cheeks at the thought – your man, but it was as good as true. Osferth was the first man in Uhtred’s company you felt comfortable with when you joined their cause all those months ago when they’d stopped in your small hamlet in need of a healer; you’d been by their side ever since.
In the months since, your relationship with the monk had steadily grown from hushed whispers around the campfire in the dead of night, when sleep eluded the both of you, to heated glances, delicate touches, and stolen kisses. More recently, Osferth had all but insisted on accompanying you nearly everywhere you went, which is how he’d come to follow you as you walked through the forest to gather the variety of curative plants you need.
A content sigh passes your lips as you tilt your head up, taking in the way the tips of the trees stretch up toward the blue sky. “I had almost forgotten what the sun looked like,” you joke, your heart squeezing proudly in your chest as the monk chuckles next to you, “But hopefully this summer will be dryer than the last.”
“I have prayed many times for sun,” Osferth says with a nod, blue eyes soft as he gazes at you, “Unfortunately, the Lord seems to ignore those requests.” The corner of his lips tilts up as he huffs a laugh at his own joke. 
Suddenly, a branch snaps loudly not too far off the winding path the two of you have been strolling down. Osferth acts quickly, ever vigilant, and takes your hand to usher you behind him as he draws his sword. Your breath quickens as you peek around his shoulder, pressing yourself tightly against his back as your hand grips his; you’d been assured by Uhtred’s scouts that the forest surrounding camp was perfectly safe, but in these times danger seemed to creep up from every corner. 
A buck appears a little ways down the path, followed by two more deer, each sparing you and the monk only a quick glance before scampering into the forest once more. The two of you let out a collective sigh of relief as Osferth sheaths his sword with a shy smile. 
“Perhaps now would be a good time for a break, my lady?” He suggests with a soft smile, “We’ve been walking since morning.”
“I think we’ve earned a break,” you nod, gazing up at him through your lashes, the two of you still close enough that you could make out soft flecks of green in his blue eyes, “I believe I saw a clearing a few paces back.” 
“Lead the way.” Osferth nods, keeping in pace with you as you backtrack to where you’d spotted a lush clearing through the trees only moments ago. As you walk, nearly shoulder to shoulder, the monk silently takes your hand again, his rough fingers threading together with yours. Neither of you speaks, though you can nearly feel his pleased smile from your periphery, twin to your own. 
After only a few moments, you veer off the path as the two of you step into a sizable glade, the trees giving way to a field of tall grass. Your hands stay clasped as you walk together, basket still tucked in your elbow as you lift the skirts of your linen gown to prevent it from snagging on the high blades of grass; your chest tightens once more when you glance down and notice how Osferth takes great care to step over any flowers in his path, the ones that sprinkle the meadow with pops of yellow and lilac. 
Soon, you come to a spot where the ground seems to be drier, however the monk grasps your forearm to stop you as he slips the thin, grey wool cloak off his shoulders and drapes it over the ground.
“Osferth,” you gently admonish, though a smile does creep across your lips at the sweet gesture, “I am perfectly capable of sitting on the ground.”
“A lady should not have to,” he says simply, nodding to the cloak, “Please.”
With a final glance, and a good-natured roll of your eyes, you comply, setting your basket down before relaxing atop his robe. After making sure you’re settled, the monk joins you, setting his sword to the side as he sits and leans back on his hands, scanning the treeline. 
“It’s so lovely here…” you smile as you glance around, a soft breeze causing the grass to rustle around you.
Osferth sits up beside you, a relaxed smile on his lips as he takes your hand and pulls you closer to him. “I find the company to be far lovelier,” he whispers before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, never taking more than you seem keen to give. The two of you easily fall into a lazy rhythm, your lips moving together as he guides you to lie against his chest. You lay your hand against his chest, right over his heart, thankful that he’s forgone his usual leather armor and chainmail today as you feel his warmth through the soft tunic he wears. 
He sighs against your lips, his fingers gently weaving into the locks of hair at the nape of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine and making you cling to him all the more tightly, his other hand wrapping around your waist before settling in the small of your back, holding you to him. 
After a few moments, the two of you part to catch your breath and he studies you with a warm gaze as you relax against his chest. “We are meant to be stopping in a town tonight.” Osferth says simply. 
“That we are.” 
“We could get a room together,” he breathes, making you gasp as he trails kisses across your jaw, “Just the two of us.” 
Immediately, you tense up and untangle yourself from him, sitting up with a sigh. He quickly sits up next to you and you can feel him eyeing you with concern, though you dare not meet his gaze. 
“My lady, I didn't mean to offend you…” He says hesitantly, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“You didn’t offend me, sweet monk,” you turn to him with a bashful smile, “I am simply…I don’t know if i’m ready.” 
“Ready for what?” His head tilts to the side as he eyes you curiously. 
You chuckle nervously, unsure of how to broach the topic. “Osferth, I have heard enough tales of your…prowess around the campfire to know that my skills do not match your own.” 
The crease between his brows only deepens as he continues staring at you, blue eyes flitting between your own. “My prowess?” 
“With more…intimate relations…” You say slowly, glancing away from him. 
“Oh,” he says softly before his eyes widen comically, a dark blush cascading over his fair cheeks, “Oh!”
You can’t help but laugh softly at his dumbstruck expression, your lips quirking up into a soft smile despite your nerves. 
The hand on your shoulder tightens as he leans closer to you. “My love, you need not fret over it,” he whispers, blue eyes conveying a deep seriousness, “We can get a room at the tavern and not do anything at all.”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion – you’ve always been told to expect a very different answer from men. “What?”
He huffs out a soft laugh and pulls you back down to lie on the grass with him once more. “I mean what I say,” he says softly, one hand stroking your hair, “We can get a room and just kiss or cuddle or merely talk, I don’t care.” You look up from where you’ve had your cheek laying against his chest, the emotion in his eyes shocking you for a second, “I just want to be with you.” He whispers finally.
You can feel yourself blushing as he speaks, the apples of your cheeks heating up deliciously under his kind gaze. A girlish giggle erupts from your lips before you can stop it, which only makes him laugh too as you bury your head against his chest and bite your lip, breathing in his familiar scent of leather and campfire smoke. 
After a moment, the two of you calm down and you finally look back up at him, “Kissing sounds good…” you nearly whisper, suddenly shy as he surveys your face.
Osferth merely chuckles, low in his throat, and rolls the two of you over. Normally, this is when you’d be pushing any other man off of you with some mumbled excuse, but you can’t help but feel safe with the sandy haired monk, taking him at his word that whatever you were willing to give would be enough.
“We have time, and plenty of herbs already,” he rasps, his voice thick with an arousal you’d only heard on a very scant few occasions when the two of you had shared frantic kisses in the night once the rest of the men were asleep, “Why wait until tonight?”
A small giggle escapes you once again as the blush on your cheeks extends down, almost all the way to your chest, but you nod nonetheless, your arms coming up to snake around his neck as you pull him down to you. A small whimpery breath escapes you when his lips touch yours yet again, and he responds in kind with a low groan, the sound rumbling from his chest. His lips are soft against your own as the two of you move leisurely; once again, he lets you set the pace, only licking at your bottom lip after you do the same to him first. 
Your thighs spread as your kiss deepens and you moan again when he slots himself between your thighs, the linen of your dress hiked up just above your knees. A shiver rolls through you at the feel of him on top of you, so warm and weighty.
“Is this alright?” He breathes, navy eyes blinking between each of yours as he checks for any signs of discomfort from you, visibly relaxing when he finds none.
Wordlessly, you nod, bobbing your head eagerly as you pull him back down. His hands roam carefully over your body as your lips and tongues move together, breathlessly licking into each other's mouths. You whine into his mouth when you feel a hardness pressing against your center, a pleased hum emanating from your chest at the realization that you’ve affected him this much with only a kiss; the pride in your heart twists into something different, something deeper as a knot forms and begins tightening in your belly.
“My lady –” Osferth mumbles as he starts to pull away from you, an apologetic smile on his handsome face.
“Don’t!” You say quickly, tugging him back to you and surprising even yourself as you wrap your legs around his trim waist, “Please, I – It’s good.” You confirm breathlessly, eyebrows quirked up with need as you look up at him through your lashes. 
“Yeah?” He asks, unable to wipe the pleased grin off his face as he settles back on top of you, careful to keep most of his weight off of you as he presses against your center again.
You nod, already threading your fingers into the short hair at the back of his head to draw his lips back to yours. A breathy, high-pitched moan leaves you at the feel of his clothed length pressing against you, the ties at the front of his breeches only adding to the pleasurable sensations that zap through you as he starts rolling his hips against your own.
His pace quickens as he breaks away from you, panting against your skin as he traces wet kisses down your jaw to your neck. Your head lolls to the side as you whimper and whine underneath him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you feel his hard cock twitch against you, even through the fabric of your smallclothes.
You’re quick to match his pace, using the leverage of your legs wrapped around his middle to ruck yourself up into each thrust, earning grunts of pleasure from the monk. 
“My lady,” he groans, one hand fisting into your hair as the other trails down to run appreciatively over the bare skin of your thigh, “Y-You are bewitching.” He gasps, mouthing at your neck, his cock no doubt leaking into the leather of his trousers. 
Your only reply is a choked out moan of his name as your back arches underneath him, the knot in your belly winding tighter and tighter as the ties of his breeches rub over your pearl deliciously, your smallclothes no doubt soaked. 
Blessedly, Osferth seems to understand the desperation in your voice and movements and pulls back to look at you, both of his hands quickly grasping yours, fingers threading together as he holds them to the earth beside your head.
 “Sweet girl,” he grunts as he gazes down at you, a rosy blush cascading beautifully over his high cheekbones, “P-Peak, my lady, please,” he pants as his fingers tighten against your own, “I’m, God be good, I’m right behind you.”
You nod frantically, your only sound a choked out sob as you tense underneath him when his hips rut perfectly against yours, the knots of his pants catching against your sensitive bud in just the right way to tip you over the edge. You twitch underneath him, white knuckling his hands when you feel your center clenching helplessly around nothing as pleasure buzzes through you. 
Osferth reaches his end mere seconds after you, humping against you two or three more times before tensing, his eyes squeezing shut as his own high washes over him, cock spasming in his breeches as his spend leaks into the waiting fabric. 
“You’re beautiful,” you declare softly, the words tumbling from your lips as soon as you think of them.
The monk blushes somehow more heavily above you, though a soft smile graces his lips. With a soft sigh, he falls to his side, bringing you with him. Your cheek once again finds its home against his chest and you smile at the sound of his heart thumping wildly as he pulls you closely to him, one arm wrapping protectively around you as he tucks the other under his head, letting his eyes flutter shut.
“You flatter me, my lady,” he says lowly, a pleased rasp to his voice. “You are truly an angel,” he continues after a moment, “A beautiful, precious angel.”
You smile contentedly, his heart thudding steadily in your ear as you let your eyes drift shut, happy to stay in this still, safe bubble with your monk for as long as the outside world will allow.
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tagged lovelies: @helloworldiamnotarobot @drakonflames @marysucks-blog @watercolorskyy @valeskafics @iamaegontargaryenwife0 @aemshaircare @1997babyyyy @lovellies @little-moonbeam-666 @blackswxnn @alerisc
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kingkatsuki · 7 months
Hihihi hello! More Dragon King Bakugou thoughts
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Dragon King Bakugou drags you kicking and screaming. A brute display of strength as he wraps a bloodied, muscular arm around your waist and hauls you towards his dragon.
It’s the only way he can remove you from the devastation and destruction that he caused, your village— your home, now nothing more than charred ash and embers. You’ll die if you stay here, and maybe it’s a warped sense of morality that has him bringing you with him. A spared pardon that will allow the gods above to judge him less when it comes to judgement day; if there even is a god when all this life seems to give is destruction.
His castle is dank and cold, nothing like the warm grass that settled beneath your feet in your village. The saccharine of wildflowers that blessed your senses each morning as you made your way to collect fresh water from the flowing river. You have nothing inside these four walls but time, aimlessly wandering through the bleak halls as though it’s some kind of reward for being alive. For being pitied.
The first night he brought you here you tell him that he should’ve killed you. Of all the people that night, you wondered why he’d chosen to pity you.
It’s the better part of a week before he forces you to bathe. The cinders and blood from that fateful night are still seared into your skin, a constant reminder of the anguish of watching everything you’d ever known burn. You had nothing else— and this was yet another thing the Dragon King was trying to take from you.
This was the first time you’d left your village since you were a child— your first look at the big wide world outside and all you wanted was to go back home.
And yet here you were standing in front of the man that stole everything from you. The ruthless King that had seemingly taken everything was still trying to take more. The numerous attempts from Mina to help you bathe had been in vain as you refused to remove the tattered cloth that you wore that fateful day, the stench of death and decay was even starting to bother you as you tried to fight the desire to purge yourself of the toxins. But the desire to disobey Bakugou was stronger—
“Get in,” He snarled pure venom, “Or I’m throwing you in the lake.”
You fought the urge to spit back ‘make me’ knowing that he most definitely would. His crimson eyes focused on you, challenging you to disobey him now.
“You’re stinkin’ out the castle,” He sneered, “Even my dragon smells better than you.”
“Let me get in then.” You challenged, hoping he’d leave the room so you could lock the door again.
“You can try that shit with Mina, but it won’t work on me, fuckin’ brat.”
It felt like stalemate, as you both bore into each other. The intensity of his gaze made you want to look away, but you had to hold what little fight you had left— before you broke yourself completely.
“Lake it is.” Bakugou took a step towards you, booted feet clomping against the cold stone floor as your hands balled into fists in the fabric of your dress. Holding the cloth in your hands as you begun to bunch it up your body, focusing on the way Bakugou seemed to stumble— catching himself before he paused.
You lifted the dress up and over your head as you let the soiled, bloodied cloth fall to the floor beside your bare feet. Leaving you completely exposed to him as he tried to stop his hungry eyes from feasting over your bare skin, left eye twitching as he fought the hardest war he was yet to face to maintain eye contact.
The air silent as you stepped forward, raising a leg to dip your toes into the forged metal tub. Exhailing when you felt the warmth engulf you as you stepped in, trying to ignore your heart hammering against your ribcage at how exposed and vulnerable you were right now as Bakugou allowed himself a moment to admire your round breasts and plush hips as you dipped into the bath.
Bakugou could feel his pants tighten at the sight, a multitude of sordid thoughts racing through his mind as his cock pulsed in response. Making no attempt to leave the room as you sunk lower into the bath, letting the dirt and grime mingle with the water as you breathed a sigh of relief. The warmth helping to soothe the aching muscles that you hadn’t allowed a proper chance to relax since that day— maybe you had needed this.
You hid your smirk beneath the murky water as you noticed the way the tips of his ears tinged vibrant red at the sight of you, successful enough to rile him up or piss him off you weren’t sure. But it was enough to be called a small victory as you let the warm water calm you, the first time you’d felt at ease since that night.
“That wasn’t so hard was it, brat?” Bakugou growled before turning to leave the room. Thankful his cloak was long enough to hide the bulging tent between his thighs as he took swift, long strides down the hall towards his quarters. Pressing a palm to his crotch to try and elliviate the tension as he tried to commit the sight of your naked body to memory. The door barely closing before he had a large palm fisting his cock—
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selene-ella · 2 months
"Relics of the Past| II"
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Summary: Qimir offers you the chance to confront your hidden emotions buried deep within
Pair: Qimir×female!reader
Notes: This might have one or two more parts.
Warnings: mention of food(?), force choking, angst.
You can read Part One here
Word count: 1.7k
Part I Part III Part IV(final)
Qimir’s eyes traced the delicate curve of your spine as you stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun. The salt-laden breeze ruffled your hair, and he wondered how many secrets it carried—secrets that perhaps even you didn’t know.
Descending the rocky stairs, he moved closer, admiring you from behind. He knew you felt his presence; the Force connected them in ways mere words couldn’t convey. A small pebble found its way into his palm, and he tossed it toward you. You stopped it effortlessly before it reached your proximity.
“Meditation, very Jedi of you,” he teased, his voice a low rumble. You emerged from your meditative state, your eyes meeting his. “It helps with the racing thoughts,” you replied, turning around.
He took a step closer, “What could bother your serene peace?” he asked, his tone both mocking and curious. You remained silent, the weight of what happened last night hanging between you. Qimir had always been skilled at reading people, but you were an enigma—a puzzle he couldn’t quite solve.
“Hungry?” he offered, changing the subject. The wind tugged at your loose strands of hair, framing your face. “Quite a bit, yes,” you admitted, brushing the hair away. His eyes lingered on your lips, and for a moment, it seemed as if the world had narrowed down to just the two of you.
“What do you have?” you inquired, and he smirked. “Some stew,” he replied. “Old stew? Is that what Sith Lords eat?” you quipped, and he chuckled. “Got anything better?” he challenged, closing the distance between you. His fingers itched to touch you, to trace the contours of your face, but he held back.
“Actually,” you said softly, “I do. I have some rations in my ship. I’ll get them.” You turned away, and Qimir watched you go, the ache in his chest growing. He’d lost you once, and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
As you disappeared into the direction of your ship, he clenched his fists.
Turning away, you swallowed the lump in your throat. The urge to touch his face warred with restraint, and once again, you abstained.
You hurriedly retrieved a few portions of food from the drawers and returned to his side. There he stood, bent over a pot of steaming stew, two empty bowls waiting patiently next to him.
“Here,” you broke the silence, tossing the air-compressed packets to him. He caught them, curiosity in his eyes. “What’s in here?” he asked.
“Vegetables and some porridge,” you replied. He deftly opened each pack, pouring their contents into the bowls. As the hot stew mingled with the vegetables, they softened, transforming the porridge from a clump of sandy rocks into something more palatable.
He extended your serving, and you moved closer, taking a seat beside him. “Thanks,” you murmured softly. The silence enveloped you both as you ate, the smell of warm food lingering in the air. For you, it had been a full 24 hours since your last meal, but for him—well, you had no idea.
Once you finished your meal, Qimir extended his arm, collecting the empty bowl. He placed both bowls on a nearby countertop. A few inches away lay your belt and lightsabers, their metallic gleam contrasting sharply with the dark stone surface.
As he eyed them carefully, his gaze lingered on a peculiar item protruding from one of the leather pockets.
“What’s that?” he asked, pointing toward it. You rose to retrieve your belongings, deft fingers extracting the object. “A Sith holocron,” you answered quickly, its dark energy palpable even in your palm.
He stepped closer, extending his hand. “Can I?” he asked, his eyes never leaving the ancient artifact. You hesitated for a moment, then placed it into his palm.
“Any intentions of opening it?” he inquired, turning the object around. The intricate carvings seemed to pulse with suppressed energy.
You exhaled, the weight of your past choices pressing down on you. “I don’t know,” you admitted. “I’m not entirely sure about all the information contained within. Besides, I’m not fully equipped to access a Sith relic.”
His gaze bore into yours, searching for answers. You had sworn never to touch the dark side again, to resist its seductive pull. So why this sudden change?
“Wanna give it a try? Together?” Qimir suggested, his voice filled with anticipation. You looked up, meeting his eyes, and a small smile formed on your lips. “Yes,” you replied. “It sounds good.”
"After you,” he said, clearing your way ahead. You settled onto the cold, rocky ground, and he followed suit, the relic placed between the two of you.
“Did you decipher the inscriptions?” he asked, his eyes fixed on the ancient markings. You felt quieter than ever before, anxiety flooding your body. “Yes,” you replied, your voice barely audible. “It offers teachings on obtaining the skill of prophetic visions.”
He lifted the object, examining it once more. Curiosity danced in his eyes, and though he wondered why you sought to foresee future events, he refrained from asking. Perhaps opening the relic would reveal answers.
"Your hand please" his whisper cut through the tension. You extended your hand, palm up, and he took it gently. Your gaze fixated on the point of contact, the warmth of his skin against yours.
“Good,” he continued, his voice steady. “Now I want you to focus on anything—past or recent—that could evoke feelings of loss, despair…” He paused, drawing out the moment, “…desire.” His words hung in the air, and you lifted your gaze in surprise. Could he truly delve into your mind? The thought sent a shiver down your spine.
But there was no time for hesitation. With a swift movement, you closed the gap between you. You delved into your emotional depths, seeking the raw, unhealed wounds hidden within. He lent you some of his energy, a silent partnership. This task was yours, a delicate balance. The Sith relic threatened to open to him instead, its glow intensifying as if aware of the impending revelation.
The pyramidal object trembled, red light pulsating around it. You mirrored Qimir’s actions, channeling your intent. Together, you would pierce the veil of consciousness that could regain what was lost to time.
The energy surged, filling the room like a maelstrom. It engulfed both of you, pulling you into a sickening trance. Whispers echoed—the voices of those who had held the relic before you. Their screams of pain and the clash of battle reverberated through your mind.
The relic’s power surged within you, intoxicating and overwhelming. It made you feel invincible, as though you could challenge the entire galaxy and emerge victorious. But you clung to your purpose—to glimpse the future, to unravel the threads of destiny.
As the room spun around you, you focused on that singular purpose: to pierce the veil of time, to see what lay ahead. The past and present merged, and you braced yourself for revelations that could alter everything.
Qimir watched as you became ensnared by powerful emotions and the dark side. Possibilities of past and future events mingled with your own history, weaving a web of alternate endings. Suddenly, you were back in the moment you had left him—a distant voice echoed in your mind: “I want a pupil, an acolyte.”
Weren’t you enough for him, as an equal? What purpose would a third person serve? And what knowledge could he impart? He was still learning himself.
Your eyes snapped open, a threatening glare directed at him. “You! It was your fault! You pushed me away!” The voice that emerged wasn’t yours; the eyes that looked at him belonged to a version of you from the past. A time when Qimir had yearned for absolute control, seeking mastery of the dark side alongside you. That had been the breaking point—the reason you left—when he expressed interest in having another to teach. You interpreted it as betrayal, fearing he would replace you.
Qimir wanted to confront your memories, but an invisible grip pressed upon him. Suffocation filled his chest. Weapons scattered nearby now pointing at him.
“This isn’t you,” he struggled, desperation in his voice. “Put these down. This power is clouding your perception.”
Your retort thundered through the air. “Who is it, then?” you rushed toward him. “Isn’t this your greatest wish? To wield power as you see fit, to do whatever you want? I’m merely following the example- Master ” you mocked, a sardonic twist to your lips.
He seized your arm, attempting to break the Force grip you had on him. “I only wished to be left alone, to teach myself and other lost souls. You were already ahead—I had nothing to teach you.” His cough echoed, voice barely steady. “Your jealousy interfered. It was your choice to leave!”
Your focus wavered; past memories intertwined with glimpses of future events, alternate endings. In some, you ended him cold-blooded; in others, a Jedi struck him down. His old master? A young girl? No, he wasn't that weak. This isn’t right.
While your mind grappled with the visions’ messages, he snatched the floating device. You noticed, panic rising. “No!” you screamed as it collided with the wall, shattering into pieces.“What are you doing?!”
Your exhausted body collapsed onto the floor, the collection of blades you had pointed at him falling in tandem. He tossed them aside, striding toward your limp form.
He cradled you in his arms, wiping away the droplets of sweat that clung to your forehead. His thoughts circled back to the accusations thrown earlier. If anyone understood betrayal, it was him—but this was different. There had been no emotional entanglement with his last pupil; he hadn’t even revealed his face to her.
For the first time in years, anger toward you simmered within him. Why hadn’t you disclosed the true reason for your departure? Perhaps you had concealed it even from yourself.
Qimir gently places you on his bed. A second pillow is positioned under your head, and his hand rests on your chest. Signs of the dark possession linger—the red and purple markings tracing across your neck, chest and arms.
As he leans down, pressing his lips to yours, a soft moan escapes from your lips—a fragile bridge between past turmoil and what the future has to offer him.
The Sith holocron lies shattered, but its echoes resonate within you. Has it altered you? Changed the contours of your soul? He wondered, fingers tracing the lines of your face.
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gtgbabie0 · 11 months
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•Bi-Han x reader
{There’s a softer side to Bi-Han that is saved just for you, he shows it in the early hours of the morning}
Could it be slightly ooc? Perhaps, but a girl can dream. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my lovelies!! 💕 {requests are open}
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A soft breeze passes through the room, causing the sheer curtains to softly move with the wind. Bi-Han had left before the sun. He wanted to start his training extra early today, claiming the peacefulness of the early morning brought him a ‘clearer piece of mind’.
You smile, sitting up as you take in the sounds of nature; the birds, the insects, the way the leaves rustle. It’s the type of music that brings clarity to your heart and soul. Then you hear him, your husband as he walks towards your shared bedchambers, pushing open the door carefully so as to not wake you.
“Sorry my love” he whispers, his hair is slightly damp, freshly washed with a black robe wrapped securely around him. He takes a seat on the bed, looking down at you with the softest eyes.
You shake your head as his hand caresses your cheek ever so gently. “No, I was already awake. How was your training?” You ask tiredness still evidently laced within your tone. He tucks loose strands of your hair behind your ear as he admires your sleepy state.
He wonders to himself for a moment how he’s managed to keep someone like you, so soft and precious. You, who cares about him so deeply in ways he never expected. He wonders how long this moment of clarity will last.
“It was good, peaceful” he pauses, for a moment, his heart skipping a beat when you lean into his touch. The feeling of his calloused palm against your cheek is a pleasant, welcome feeling, and the way his thumb gently caresses the space under your eye almost lulls you back to sleep. The gentle action speaks volumes, a silent “I missed you” in the way he holds your face.
He watches the sly smirk that teeters on your lips, how your eyes brighten. The way his actions affect you. It makes him feel all types of emotions, ones that used to scare him, but now they bring him nothing but comfort.
“Perhaps next time you might join me?” he suggests, breaking the silence with his strong voice, before taking the bed sheets from behind you and draping the warm soft covers over your shoulders, protecting you from the chilly morning air.
“Mhm- perhaps you will give me a kiss every time I impress you?” You test your luck, the playful glint in his eyes gives him away immediately.
“You are a menace” he mumbles, dropping a delicate kiss to your shoulder. His lips trail up to your jaw, and he smiles against you when he hears your breath hitch. “It would be impossible,” he tells you, deciding to indulge in your banter, just this once.
“Oh? And why is that?” You press, feigning offence.
Bi-Han leans closer to you, his lips grazing against your ear as he whispers, “I wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you” he smirks when you gently push his shoulder, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
He catches your hand gently in his, his fingers wrapping around your wrist before pulling you closer to him. His arms envelop you as he presses his lips against yours, in a fleeting but yet loving kiss. It’s you who deepens the kiss, your hands cupping either side of his face gently, and as always Bi-Han follows with nothing but trust.
He pulls back, “Let us go eat breakfast.” He whispers, and you nod, watching as he stands to collect your robe, helping you to slip it on. he steps in front of you, taking the silk and tying it gently around your waist. His hands find purchase on your hips, “Beautiful” he whispers, pressing one last kiss to your cheek before leading you into the dining area.
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
any other world - prologue
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader - soulmate au
series masterlist
to those who voted no on my poll: i see you and i get you 🙏🏻 i’ll try not to be frustrating and make you wait too long
also i want to thank @criminalskies and @hotchs-bitch for listening to me talk about this idea, it motivated me 🫶🏻
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- 18 -
“Not unless you tell me.”
Sticking to your word seemed impossible at that moment though, as Aaron’s hands attacked your sides, causing you to giggle in a way that made it hard to breathe.
“Okay, I give up,” you cried out. “I give up, stop.”
“Okay,” he said, and the motion of his hands turned quickly into a comforting, soothing one.
“Promise you won’t make fun?”
Aaron lowered himself on top of you and left a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose. “On my life,” he said, and placed his palm over his chest.
“Alright…” You took a deep breath and continued. “Leila if it’s a girl. Jack if it’s a boy.”
Aaron had promised he wouldn’t make fun, so it sure made you feel curious as to why he had turned red from laughing.
“You liar!” You slapped his arm softly.
“No,” he rushed to defend himself, his voice muffled with laughter. “No, it’s just…Jack is the most generic name. How did you come up with that?”
“I just think it’s cute. Jack,” you said the name with a smile. “Short and cute.”
“Jack…” he repeated after you, testing it on his tongue. “Maybe you’re onto something.”
“See? I told you.”
“Jack and Leila.”
“We’re having both?” you questioned with a grin.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to your body. Aaron melted on top of you in the same way he always did, as if you were his home.
You stared up at him dreamily, running your fingers through his hair; dark and full, you wished your future kids would get that part of him. His dimples, his smile, his cheeks... every part of him was perfect.
“You’re staring, tulip.”
“What? Am I not allowed to admire the future father of my kids?”
Aaron’s grin grew wider, but he didn’t let you look at it for too long, as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, leaving tiny kisses on the sensitive skin.
“I’m gonna wake up every morning before anyone else to make us all a nice breakfast.”
“Now I know that’s a lie,” he said, his lips behind your ear. “You’re always still asleep when I return from my morning runs.”
“Okay, fine. You’ll make breakfast, I’ll make dinner.”
- 11 -
 “Stay still!”
“I am still!”
“You’re not and it’s gonna turn out all wrong. It has to be perfect.”
Aaron pouted, but followed your instructions anyway. You both wanted it to look as real as possible. Then people would think you were real soulmates already. Even if you were only eleven.
A.H. on your skin. [Y/I] on his.
Your classmates later made fun of you for them and said they looked fake. But neither of you cared. You just had to stay patient, and the marks on your wrists would turn real when it was finally time.
- 16 -
Tulip was an easy flower to draw as a kid. Especially when you had to draw one every day for the boy you had a crush on.
Now, as a teenager you cringed at the memory of all the drawings you used to leave on Aaron’s desk during third grade. But Aaron had never made fun of you for it. Instead he had shown you his collection of your tulip drawings. He had kept them all in a shoe box.
Just like you had kept his. And on top of the stack there was of course the most important one. The one with the “Will you be my girlfriend?” question and the ‘yes or no’ boxes underneath it.
You were both artistic as kids when it came to expressing your love for each other and it was both sweet and embarrassing.
You and Aaron had grown up together, your houses right next to each other. The memory of your first day of school with a little backpack in one hand and Aaron’s hand in your other was engraved in your brain.
Aaron was your best friend. The one who stood up for you every time a kid decided to be funny on your expense. The one who helped you with your homework when science got too hard to understand. The one you played hide and seek with and had physical fights with over board games.
But he was also the boy you had a crush on. The one that filled your stomach with butterflies every time he smiled at you. The one whose name you filled your notebook pages with along with pink glittery hearts. The one who stole your first kiss and the one you daydreamed about every night as you fell asleep.
He was your soulmate. And he thought so too.
“Is Aaron staying for dinner?” your mom yelled from downstairs, as you and Aaron studied on your bedroom floor.
“He is,” you yelled back, without even asking him. He kept running his thumb over his knuckles, which was a sign that he was stressed. There was no need for him to tell you what had happened when he had rung your doorbell earlier that day. All the screaming from the house next to yours had reached your own ears perfectly clear.
If you could, you’d hold him in your arms forever, protecting him from the world. He’d never have to go home again.
“We have tomato soup and grilled cheese, your favorite,” you whispered and he smiled at you.  
- 21 -
A pair of chapped lips pressed against your forehead, as your naked body was resting against Aaron’s.
“I’ve told you to put this on before bed. It’ll change your life,” you said, shifting to reach a small lip balm jar you had left on his nightstand.
Opening the little box, you dipped your ring finger in it and got some product, ready to apply it on Aaron’s lips.
Using your arm on his chest to steady yourself, you put it gently across his lips.
“My soulmate mark is about to appear in less than ten minutes and you’re worried about my chapped lips,” he joked.
“Exactly! It’s a big moment for us, and your lips need to be ready.”
“Ready for what?” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you said, and dropped your head back on his chest.
His fingers tracing patterns on your bare back made you yawn and he was quick to prevent you from falling asleep.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep on me.”
“I won’t,” you promised.
“Eight minutes,” he breathed.
“Eight minutes and our forever begins.”
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
Flowers (Phantom x GN! Reader) FLUFF
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WARNINGS: Recreational smoking 🌿, doesn't go into detail, all fluff, Primo being a dad, Phantom being sweet, cute, and nice. Just a good old innocent mutual crush. Not proofread, sorry if there's any mistakes with keeping it GN, please feel free to let me know if I missed anything so I can correct it!
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
"Good morning Papa." You greet Primo with a smile, carefully setting down the cup of tea you had brought him on his work bench.
"Good morning il mio Bambino." He responds softly, completely engrossed in his task of pruning one of his many bonsai trees. "When you get a moment my dear would you be able to do me a small favor?" You breathed out an amused sigh. You had been Primo's assistant for a while, enjoying the slow pace of working with the eldest Emeritus brother.
"Papa, you don't need to ask." You giggle, bringing a smile to the older man's face. "Anything you need I'll take care of, don't worry."
"You truly are too good to me." He shoots you a wink causing you to playfully roll your eyes. "There's some produce that needs harvesting in the greenhouse. I was hoping I could have your assistance collecting it all."
"Of course. Let me just make sure I don't have any paperwork to file first." You give his shoulder a gentle squeeze as you pass, leaving him to finish his pruning. You fell into the chair at your desk with a sigh, flipping your letter opener around in your hand to sort through the daily mail. You paused as something caught your eye. A single sunflower sat at the edge of your desk. You picked it up curiously, a smile finding its way to your lips as you spun the stem between your fingers. "Thank you for the flower Papa!" You call into his office. You hear the scraping of his chair against the wooden floor, Primo emerging in the doorway moments later.
You glance over your shoulder as you hear him chuckle. "That flower isn't from me, my dear." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Perhaps you've caught the attention of someone special, hm?" You couldn't stop the blush from spreading across your cheeks as you giggled.
"I doubt that," you state with a wistful tone as you continue to admire the flower in your hand, "I'm pretty plain compared to a lot of the other Siblings. This was probably supposed to be a gift for you if anything."
"I'd like you to keep it regardless." He gently pats the top of your head. "And you are not plain. You have a smile that could light up any room, a laugh so melodic it would rival Cirrus' piano. You're a kind, beautiful soul inside and out. Not to mention your Papa's favorite." He teases with a wink.
"Thank you Papa." He holds out his arm for you to take.
"Come il mio bambino, we have a lot of work to do." You slide your hand into the crook of his elbow, allowing him to prattle on about whatever came to his mind as you made your way to the greenhouse together. No matter the task, working with Primo always managed to put a smile on your face. Over your time as his assistant you had grown quite close to him, Primo had become somewhat of a father figure in your life. The two of you would sit and chat about everything while you worked; filling each other in on the gossip you heard around the Abbey, Primo telling you stories of when he was in his prime, both of you unwinding with a nice cup of tea at the end of the day in his cozy office. Today was no different. You were both droning on about how, somehow, Sister Imperator had been even more stern than usual lately.
"Maybe you should offer her a joint, it might help her stop being so uptight all the time." Primo chuckles at your statement.
"You might be right, I heard she used to be quite the stoner in her day." You both paused at the sound of the greenhouse door slowly creaking open. Primo began to stand, you motioned for him not to trouble himself.
"I'll go see who it is Papa, it's probably just one of the Siblings from the kitchen." You rise with a groan, meticulously pulling off your work gloves before stuffing them into your pocket. As you approached the entrance you were met with the sight of a Ghoul curiously looking over the plants. He froze the moment he picked up on your presence, like a child getting caught doing something they weren't supposed to be. His shoulders relaxed as he realized it was you who emerged from the greenery and not the eldest Emeritus. "Phantom?"
"Hey." He returns your greeting with a sharp smile, fangs glinting in the bright afternoon sun that glimmered through the glass roof. "I was sent to ask Primo about some of his tea." He nervously shifts his weight between his feet.
"Oh, he's right back here actually." You motioned for him to follow you. Phantom takes a couple long strides, allowing himself to walk by your side. "You help in the greenhouse too?" He asks genuinely. You nod, giving him a small smile.
"I work pretty much wherever Primo needs me." You chuckle softly. "If I'm being honest I'd rather be out here than at my desk, it gets awfully stuffy in there sometimes." You whisper to him, as if it was a secret just for the two of you. You found Primo still diligently harvesting the produce you had left him with. "Papa, Phantom needs to ask you about some tea."
"Papa," Phantom bows his head slightly in a polite greeting, "Copia sent me. He's having, uh… that problem again. He said you'd know what I meant." His eyes widened slightly as he waited for Primo to remember what particular ailment he was referring to.
"Right," Primo claps his hands together. "I'll go grab the senna." Once Primo is out of view Phantom's attention immediately shifts back to you.
"What are you two harvesting?" You smile at his curiosity, aside from Primo and the other Siblings that helped in the gardens no one ever seemed interested about the work you did in here.
"Berries mostly." He trails closely behind you as you return to the plant you had been previously seated in front of. "The raspberries came out wonderful this year, I don't think we've ever had this big of a crop." Phantom kneels next to you in the dirt, eyes darting between your hands as they worked and your face.
"Can I ask a silly question?" He inquires sheepishly.
"There are no silly questions." You give him a reassuring smile, gently bumping your shoulder against his.
"What do raspberries taste like?" You paused. You had gotten so used to seeing Phantom dart around the Abbey that you had forgotten he had only been summoned a little while ago. Something as simple and well enjoyed by you he had never experienced before.
"Would you like to try one?" He nods eagerly. You search through the bush, looking for the best looking berry you could find. You carefully held it between your fingers as you offered it to him. "Now, I'm going to warn you, they have seeds and they're kind of fuzzy." He squints at the fruit, bright violet eyes analyzing it closely. He takes the berry between his teeth, taking extra care to make sure his fangs didn't accidentally graze your fingers. He chewed it slowly, eyes never leaving your face.
"It's good… sweet." He smiles proudly at his small triumph. His gaze travels to the top of your head. "You, uh, have a leaf." He points to your hair. You attempt to brush it away on your own but you could tell by the expression he was giving you that it was still there. He cautiously reaches towards you, untangling it from your strands before discarding it on the ground. His eyes scan over your features, a smile coming to his lips as he brushes the disturbed hair back into place. "Beautiful." You let out a flustered giggle. You both jump as Primo speaks up.
"This should take care of Copia's problem." He holds out a jar of herbs to Phantom. Seeing both of your bashful states he pauses. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He gives you a smug grin.
"No Papa, we were just talking." You nervously fidgeted with your fingers as you spoke.
"Thank you for the tea Papa. (Y/N), hopefully I'll see you soon." He flashes you another dazzling smile before making his leave. You couldn't stop your eyes from trailing after him as he left, turning back to Primo once he fully stepped out of sight. You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at the shit eating grin he wore 
"Don't look at me like that." You tried to hide your flustered state.
"I see we fancy ourselves a Quintessence Ghoul, do we?" He returns to the plant at your side with a laugh.
"We were just talking Papa." You reiterate again to try and get your point across.
"Just talking wouldn't cause the two of you to jump like that my dear. I've witnessed my fair share of crushes in my day, it's nothing to be ashamed of." He addresses the matter casually.
"Papa!" You exclaim through a giggle. 
"Fine, fine." He accepts defeat, holding up his hands in surrender. "But, when you do finally come to terms with the fact you're attracted to him, I'll be here to talk." He smiles patiently.
You laugh and shake your head, "I don't have a crush on Phantom, it's just…" you trailed off for a moment. You couldn't exactly put into words how you felt. You had always been pretty close with all of the Ghouls, so when the newest members were summoned you were one of the first to be introduced. When you had first met Phantom he was timid, still feeling somewhat awkward in his more humanoid form.
"Walk me through what you're thinking tesoro, maybe I can help you sort things out." You both kept busy as you talked, knowing if you actually allowed yourself to focus on the words spilling from your lips you would end up overthinking.
"He's very easy for me to talk to. It took me a while to form the friendships that I have, but with him it almost felt effortless. The first night I met him there was something about him that was just so… captivating. He was unlike any person or Ghoul I had ever met." You explain.
"You two definitely seemed to hit it off pretty quickly. Up until he met you I don't think I had ever really seen Phantom interact with any of the Siblings, he mostly kept to himself. Perhaps there are a few members of his pack he's close to, but compared to the rest of Copia's Ghouls he seems a bit reserved." Primo remarks.
"That's the thing Papa… he's not." You thought back to one of the times it had just been the two of you. "Phantom is loud, boisterous, confident." His infectious laugh echoed through your memories, bringing a smile to his face. It wasn't uncommon for Phantom to coincidentally stumble across you smoking alone in the garden, enjoying the twinkling starlight as the pungent smell of herb filled the air. Being with him only added to the dizzying head rush you had. Gazing into his eyes felt like you were running through a field of lavender, his fingers bumping against yours making your pulse thrum in your ears, entirely consumed by the image of him mere inches away from you. The two of you in your own world together as you resisted the urge to lean into him. You were snapped from your day dream as a thorn pricked your finger, you winced slightly, letting out an exasperated sigh as reality set in once more. "Him and I just get along really well, that's all." Primo just smiled knowingly. He had seen that far off look in your eyes many times before; pining Siblings stumbling into his confessional to pour their heart and soul out to him over a friend who they swore would never be anything more than just that. You didn't say much for the rest of the afternoon, the memory of Phantom playing repeatedly in your mind as you tried to convince yourself none of that mattered.
"I'll see you in the morning." Primo waves over his shoulder as the two of you part ways in the halls. You headed back to his office, having a few things to check on before fully retiring for the evening. You look behind you as you hear another set of footsteps join your own in the empty corridor. You were a bit surprised to see none other than the Ghoul occupying your every thought round the corner. You smile at the sight of him, pausing to let him catch up.
"Copia wanted me to bring Primo a thank you note for the tea." You found yourself shoving your hands deep in your pockets, the slight brush of his hand against yours sending a jolt through your body, causing you to have an urge you didn't dare give into.
"Primo decided to turn in a little early tonight…" you trail off, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. "But, I am heading down to his office now. I wouldn't mind the company if you'd like to walk with me."
"I would love to." He smiles down at you. You blush, quickly darting your eyes down to your feet so hopefully he wouldn't catch your flustered expression. "You seem nervous." You remarked how that was a statement, not a question. You flashed him your most convincing smile, trying to shove your anxiety away so he wouldn't worry.
"It's just been a long day. I'm not really feeling fully… myself, I guess." You found yourself wanting to be honest with him the more you spoke. There was something about being with him that made you feel so undeniably safe that you couldn't lie about how you were feeling. The question flashed through your mind about whether or not Quintessence Ghouls possessed some type of mind control power to make you tell the truth. You noticed him glance over at you out of the corner of your eye. "I promise it's nothing to worry about." You slid into your chair as you arrived at Primo's office, Phantom perching himself on the edge of the desk at your side.
"Have you eaten?" He suddenly chimes. Your stomach decided to answer before you had a chance to, giving off a low angry growl over your hunger. "I'll take that as a no." Phantom chuckles. You return his laugh as you open some of the new letters that had appeared on your desk. You groaned as you recognized Sister Imperator's neat script.
"What now?" Phantom's brow furrowed at your distress. "Great, another meeting with Nihil, Papa's going to be thrilled." You drop your head into your desk with a groan. You felt Phantom's warm head slide across your back, rubbing soothing circles in between your shoulder blades. You reluctantly picked up the receiver of the old rotary phone, dialing the number for Primo's quarters as you propped your chin up in your hand. "Hi Papa." He sighed at the tone you greeted him with, already knowing what was in store for him. "We have a meeting with your Father." You held the receiver away from your ear as a loud string of Italian curses exploded out of it. "I'll be there in ten minutes." You inform him before hanging up. "I'm sorry to run off-"
"It's alright." He cuts you off, grimacing slightly as he realized he had done so. "Are you going to be in the garden tonight?"
You nodded slowly, "probably. I'm sure I'm going to need to unwind after this." You stand with a groan. You collect your belongings, smiling at Phantom as you turn to leave. In a moment of boldness, more than likely brought in by the aggravation of having to deal with Sister, you paused. "These meetings usually take about two hours. I'd really like to see you tonight if you have time."
"I'll be there." He responds eagerly. You try your best to hide your excited smile as you hurry off to meet Primo. The second you entered his quarters he noticed your change in attitude.
"Well, what do we have here? You seem awfully happy my dear." You met Primo's gaze in his reflection. His papal paint half done, still dressed in his gardening clothes. "Might I venture a guess this has something to do with a certain Ghoul?" You knew there was no lying to him in your current state.
"I may or may not be seeing Phantom after our meeting tonight." You spit out your statement hurriedly, knowing he was going to make a big deal about it.
"Hm," he hums, grinning at you, "sounds like a nice little date to unwind after a stressful day, no?" You haphazardly comb your fingers through your hair, trying your best to appear somewhat decent.
"It's not a date Papa, just two friends meeting up." He chuckles at your response.
"Tell me tomorrow if your feelings on that subject have changed." You breathe out a laugh, shaking your head in disbelief for how sure he was of himself. You helped him shrug into his Papal robes before heading to the never ending meeting. Every second felt like an hour, your eyes practically glued to the clock as you waited for the meeting to come to a close. 
"You are dismissed." The second Nihil groaned out the words you bolted for the door, not missing Primo's amused expression on your way out. You headed straight for the garden, expertly winding your way to the spot where you and Phantom always managed to run into each other. A smile instantly spread across your features at the sight of him. He had set out a blanket in the pathway, a small spread of various foods set out for the two of you.
"What's all this?" You ask with a soft laugh as you approach him.
His eyes darted to the ground nervously, you noticed him swaying on his heels slightly as he spoke. "Well, I know you haven't eaten so I wanted to bring you some food. I didn't know what you liked so I asked Mountain and well…" He trails off, motioning to the spontaneous picnic. "I was thinking maybe you and I could have some dinner together?" 
"I would love to have dinner with you, Phantom." He beams at your response, excitement immediately overtaking his nerves as he motions for you to sit. You sat and talked with Phantom for hours, your body and mind feeling lighter the longer you spent with him. As time passed the two of you eventually cleared off the blanket, opting to lay side by side to gaze up at the stars, a lit joint passed between the two of you. You watched the smoke curl high into the air, the warmth of Phantom's body seeking into your shoulder.
"I really like spending time with you." He speaks up suddenly. You blush at his statement, feeling his fingers ghost over yours both of your hands intertwined carefully. You didn't need to respond, he knew you felt the same way. The two of you took turns pointing out different constellations you recognized until, eventually, you decided you should probably get back to your dorm. Phantom's fingers remained intertwined with yours as he stood, hoisting you from the ground after him. You stumble slightly, falling into his chest. You felt the quick, steady rhythm of his heartbeat under his palm. His free hand lands on your waist to steady you. Your eyes snapped up to his, they glowed a beautiful violet in the moonlight.
"Sorry." You giggle nervously. He chuckles, giving your waist a gentle squeeze.
"No need to apologize, are you alright?" You nod, both of you blushing and mumbling out an apology as you realized you were still holding onto each other, taking a moment to separate. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence through the halls until you reached your dorm. You stood across from each other in front of your door, nervously swaying in your heels. "That was fun, maybe we can do that again sometime."
"I'd like that." Both of you searched for something, anything at all to say, to stay with each other just a few moments longer. But nothing came to mind. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He smiles at you, beginning to turn away. You reach out, catching his wrist in your hand. He looks back at you, a hopeful expression in his eyes. You stand on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"Goodnight, Phantom." You take one final glance at him before you slip into your room. You fell into your bed with a sigh, dragging your hands down your face. "He's so handsome." You groan to your empty room. You let your arms fall out to the side, staring blankly up at your system as you remembered Primo's words from earlier. "I've witnessed my fair share of crushes in my day, it's nothing to be ashamed of my dear." You grimaced, that old man really could read you like an open book. You got ready for bed, dreading talking Primo tomorrow that he was right. But you needed advice. You had never taken the whole romance thing into consideration. Sure, you had dated a few people in the past, but none of those relationships really went past the honeymoon phase or initial hookup. You could already tell that if by some miracle Phantom did reciprocate your feelings this wouldn't be a simple fling. You woke with a start, getting into your overalls as you prepared for a long day weeding the flowerbeds. As you entered the garden you found Primo already waiting for me, a cup of tea waiting for you on the bench next to him.
"Good morning il mio bambino." He greets you with a smile. "These were left on your desk this morning." He picked up three white roses, all tied together with a purple ribbon.
"Was there any note?" He shook his head. You held the flowers to your nose, inhaling their sweet scent with a smile. "I'm going to put these in some water." You quickly run to the greenhouse, placing the blooms in a vase so you could take them home later before returning to Primo. You picked up the tea cup he had set out for you, sitting by his side and enjoying the stillness of the early morning air.
"So, how did last night go?" He prods.
You sigh, "it was perfect, I don't know what else to say about it." You chuckle.
"Are you still trying to keep up the façade that you're just friends?" He asks before taking a long sip of his tea.
"As much as I would like to, I don't think I can." You admit with a bashful laugh. "I've definitely got a bit of a crush on him." You spent a good portion of your morning catching Primo up on the events of the night prior.
He looks at you with an amused smile, "dare I say I think he might be feeling the same towards you my dear." He grins.
"I hope so, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to hide this from him." Primo collects your cup from you as you finish your drink.
"Well you'll have plenty of time to think things over tesoro. Enjoy the flirting, romance is supposed to be fun, you should be basking in the glow of young love." You blush, shaking your head as you playfully roll your eyes. 
"I'm going to get started out here, I'll come check on you in a couple hours." He pays your head before heading to his office.
"Don't work too hard." He calls over his shoulder as he disappears from the garden, allowing you to get to work.
"Well what do we have here." You jump slightly as Mountain bounds up beside you, a basket of vegetables perched on his hip. 
"Hey Mount." Your hand claps into his as he helps you out of the dirt.
"Primo's got you on weeding duty today?" He asks, a bit confused. Weeding was usually a job saved for new Siblings, Primo believing in a hierarchy of sorts until they got settled in.
"I needed a task that would let me reflect on my feelings." You preach back to him in your best Papa impression. "He's had some suspicions that are proving to be correct."
"Everything alright?" He motions for you to walk with him.
"Yeah." You trail off for a moment. "If I tell you something, can you promise it'll stay between us?"
"Of course, you know you can always talk to me." He nudges you.
"So, there's been someone leaving flowers on my desk the past couple days. Which is super sweet, but I need to find out who it is. Recently I've… come to terms with the fact I have feelings for someone." You chose your words carefully, hesitant to give away who the object of your affection was despite the fact you knew you would end up telling him regardless. "Then on top of that I don't want to say anything to this other person because they might not feel the same."
"First off, I wouldn't worry about confessing your feelings. You're amazing, whoever it is would be so lucky to have earned your affection. Regardless of the answer I'm sure everything will work out for the best. And if you want to know who's getting you flowers, maybe hideout in the greenhouse, they're bound to show up sooner or later." You nodded, that wasn't a terrible plan. "Now, the real question is, who's your secret crush?" He asks in a teasing tone.
"Promise you won't say anything?" You felt ridiculous, you felt like you were in high school all over again. You were a grown adult acting like a teenage girl. Yet you couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in your stomach at the mere thought of him.
"You have my word." Mountain promises.
"It's Phantom." He pauses, looking down at you with the biggest smile. "What?"
"You have to tell him, the two of you would be such a great couple!" You attempt to stutter out a response, Mountain's bluntness getting you completely fluttered. "Seriously though, I think it would be worth a shot telling him. You never know, maybe he could've been your secret admirer the whole time." He chuckles before the two of you parted ways. You headed to Primo's office, already having gotten a good deal of weeding done today. You pushed through his office door with a groan.
"Good afternoon my dear." He greets you jovially despite not looking up from his paperwork. A pair of thin, wire framed reading glasses sat perched on the end of his nose.
"Afternoon Papa, do you need me to take care of anything?" You refill his glass of water in his desk.
"Actually there is, I have a stack of hymns that need to be returned to the music hall. It took me a while to decide which ones I wanted for mass this week." He chortles. You accepted the stack from him with a smile. "When you return we'll have so tea, I believe you're due for a break."
"Of course Papa, I'll be right back." You read through the stack of sheet music as you walk through the halls, humming the melodies presented before you. You kicked open the door to the music hall with your foot. Your ears were instantly met with an all too familiar tune. You glanced up to find Phantom perched at the edge of the stage, his usual black guitar resting comfortably over his thigh as he rehearsed by himself. You sit yourself in one of the chairs in the room, watching as his fingers effortlessly moved across the fret board. He jumped slightly when he noticed you were there.
"Now how did I end up with such a pretty audience." He flashes his fangs at you as a wide grin spreads across his features.
"No matter how many times I see you play you always amaze me. You're so talented." You compliment him, earning a bashful chuckle that made your heart flutter in your chest.
"Thank you." He stands, slowly striding over to you. "Now what brings you all the way down here." You held up the stack of papers.
"Primo needs these returned." Phantom takes the stack from you, knowing howuch of a pain organizing hymns tended to be.
"Want some help? I'm pretty familiar with how Cumulus has it set up in here." He offers.
"That would be great, I'd be here all night doing this by myself." You joke. Phantom clicks on the radio, some oldies station buzzing to life. He slings an arm over your shoulder, guiding you to the filing cabinet where the hymns were stored. Phantom seemed much more relaxed than normal today. He was consistently making jokes, the two of you idly chatting as you sorted everything away. "I love this song!" You exclaim, turning up the volume of the radio. You swayed around the room, humming along with the tune. Phantom chuckles at your excitement. He sets his remaining sheet music down, stepping closer to you so he could pull you towards him. You laugh, letting your fingers intertwine with his as the other slides over his shoulder. The two of you swayed along with the rhythm, Phantom giving your waist a gentle squeeze as he smiles down at you. He spun you around, causing you to giggle. "I didn't know you could dance."
"I wanted to learn to impress someone I like." He winks at you, both of you letting out bashful laughter.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I need you for band practice." Sodo leans against the doorframe, eyes darting between the two of you. Phantom reluctantly released his hold on you, holding your hand a few moments longer than necessary before joining the other Ghoul.
"I'll see you soon." He promises.
"Bye Phantom." You smile at him, waving to Sodo as they both leave. You finish filing away the hymns, clicking off the radio before heading back to Primo's office. The rest of the day passed in a blur, the feeling of Phantom holding you close clouding your every thought. You had decided to take Mountain's advice of waiting in the greenhouse, wanting to tell your secret admirer that you already had your eye on someone else. So, once you had said goodnight to Primo, you slipped out into the gardens in hope of capturing the mysterious florist in the act. You hid in a relatively secluded corner, tucked away behind some lush bushes where you couldn't be seen. Luckily you didn't have to wait long for them to show up. You heard their soft humming approach where you were. The soft snips of pruning shears as they collected their flowers. Your eyebrows knitted together as you realized that this was a voice you recognized. You peeked out from your hiding place. You smiled softly at the sight before you, stepping out into the open, you cleared your throat.
Phantom's eyes shot up to you, he froze as he realized he had been caught. He looks nervously between you and the flowers he held in his hand. His mouth fell open but no words came out at first. When, finally, through all his nerves he actually takes a moment to look at you. Your whole face lit up with a smile, eyes searching his face as you waited for him to say anything. He couldn't believe how cute you looked as you nervously wrung your hands. He stands, offering a small bouquet of red chrysanthemums. "I'm assuming you've been getting my flowers." He chuckles. You carefully take hold of the bunch, gazing it down in awe before placing them off to the side. Your body moved purely on instinct, arms sliding around Phantom's waist as you pulled him into a hug. He tenses up for a moment before wrapping you tightly in his embrace.
"They've all been beautiful." You mumble against his chest. You slowly separated from each other, his gaze catching yours. He smiles warmly at you, those gorgeous, glowing purple eyes causing you to melt.
He gently takes your chin between his fingers. "I feel… strange whenever I'm around you." He admits, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Strange how?" You ask through a smile, laughing as he tugs you closer.
"Sweaty mostly." He jokes. "You make me nervous in a good way." He continues to ponder out loud. "My heart starts to beat really fast, and all I can think about is reaching out to hold you… what kissing you would be like." You blush at his admission.
"You're more than welcome to find out for yourself." Your voice shook as you spoke, a soft breathy laugh punctuating your statement. His thumb ran over your bottom lip, his eyes tracing over every detail of your face.
"I'm sorry if I'm not any good at this." He chuckles.
"Just follow my lead." You tease, your hands sliding up his chest and into his hair as he closes the distance between the two of you. His lips crashed into yours. A satisfied hum left your lips as you pushed your body into his. He held you tightly, as if he let you go you would disappear before his eyes. The kiss started out slow, you slowly guided him through the motions. You had found out that Phantom was a very quick learner. His pace gradually increased, the kiss growing more passionate by the second as he grew addicted to the feeling of your lips on his. You pulled back with a gasp, both of you panting softly. You didn't even have time to catch your breath before Phantom's lips were back on yours, earning a surprised squeak as he pulled you flush against him one more. He pulled back slightly, his breathing ragged.
"That was nice." He chuckles. He places another few short pecks to your lips causing you to laugh softly.
"Does this mean you won't be bringing me flowers anymore?" You laugh.
"Sweetheart, I'll bring you flowers everyday if you want me to." He says with a smile as he pulls you in for another passionate kiss.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @ramblingoak @kissingghouls @mustluvecho @belnovacaine @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @herripinkle @iamsarahsaysso @fleagutz @jennmakesitweird @gothdaddyissues @i-fondued
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charliehoennam · 7 months
A/N: fulfilling @j23r23's request. Subtle reminder that my ask open again! Tried my best to sum it up, hope you enjoy <3
Summary: Reader's a pub owner and fianceè to The Alfie Solomons. Turns out she's a bit more than just that.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!reader
Warnings: Language, Adopted!reader, not proof-read, I think that's it??
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Most people would have been nervous if Alfie Solomons strolled on into their area of business without any notice.
Everywhere he went, his most trusted and strongest lackies followed behind for protection. They were intimidating on their own, but Alfie's dominant presence was enough to make anyone mentally retrace their days, wondering if they'd made their weekly payment for protection or if they'd gotten in trouble with any of Alfie's clan.
You, on the other hand, were not like the others. You remained calm, cool and collected the minute he wandered into your pub.
Despite it being young to the busy street and small in comparison to the neighboring establishments, you had heard many things about Alfie. Only rumors, however, mostly from your drunk clients at the Glass & Barrel.
Some would argue that he was full of himself. Others would make remarks on how he was a form of savior with the jobs he'd given them. A few despised him with all their might for the beating he'd ordered onto them. Judging by what you knew of these specific clients, you knew it hadn't been for nothing.
It was early morning when you hear the doorbell chime. You could hear him mumble on as he looked around at the pub, but couldn't quite make out what he said.
You knew right away who he was. The hat and the cane were dead giveaways, but it was his demeanor that made it clear. And what he did for a living did not sway you in the slightest.
You had expected his visit for a while. It was just a matter of time that he showed up to explain how his method of security works. It was simple. You pay and his boys protect. Extra pay meant he'd place a strong lad in the pub to chase away any unwelcome, rowdy guests.
The first thing Alfie noticed about you when he walked in and sat down at the bar was how unfazed you seemed. He knew at the moment that you were a fearless woman and he admired that.
He assumed you had to be that way, given the dubious characters that milked the bottles from your shelves and the barrels in the basement.
However, there was still a sweetness in you that teased his curiosity. It made him yearn for a woman in such a foreign way that he hadn't felt since he was a young lad.
Since then, his visits became more and more often until you realized he was stopping by about two or three times a week. The funniest thing about his visits was that he never drank anything other than water. It was quite comical.
He enjoyed charming his way into your heart. Every visit consisted of laughter, taste-tests of his finest brews, playful flirting and him trying to convince you to go out on a date with him.
You resisted. Alfie knew that you wouldn't be easy. He could barely imagine just how many drunken fellas have tried their luck with you. The gun you hid under the bar wasn't for nothing.
In fact, your reservation made you all the more special.
He respected your pace and, every time you turned down his invitations, he didn't press you.
"I respect that, love. But a man's gotta try, right? Maybe one day I'll get lucky and you'll say yes."
And he was right. One day, he did get lucky indeed and you finally accepted one of his relentless invitations. However, you requested that it'd be during the day.
You told him it was because the pub made more money at night, but really, you didn't want to give off the impression that you'd be repaying him with sexual favors.
Not that you didn't want to. Alfie's ruggedness was just one of the many features that you admired. You were more than attracted to him, but you weren't the type to sleep with someone so early on.
It was an unspoken boundary, but Alfie understood you better than you could ever imagine. He didn't need to hear you say it and he never forced you or questioned you about it. Truth is he was willing to wait as long as he needed to because he knew it'd be worth the wait. Because something told him that you would be the one.
The chemistry between you and Alfie was naturally cohesive. He cherished every moment he got to spend with you. Every laugh and smile he teased out of you were trophies to him.
Your relationship grew into mutual petting and necking often stolen in secret at the opera, in the corners of fancy restaurants or in the convenient shadows at the pictures. It gradually grew to the point where you finally felt comfortable enough to invite him to spend the night with you.
Alfie was right. It was definitely worth the wait.
He made sure to take it slow as to burn every single second and touch of into his memory. He wanted to make it about you and your pleasure.
Every kiss of his lips burned into your skin. His beard scratched your soft flesh of your as his kisses trailed over your body. His greedy hands pulled and squeezed you tightly, aching to meld your bodies to become one.
He couldn't get enough of you and you couldn't bare to part from him. The softness of his hair when your fingers raked through it, his hairy chest brushing against your breasts and then your back, the moans and groans vibrating from the depths of his core. It was enough to have you addicted to him.
That night with you was unlike any night he'd ever spent with any other woman. There was meaning to this act, deep meaning. You were the woman he loved, the one he hoped to marry. You were the woman that had given him hope to become a father and inspired him to be a better man. Despite being a hardworking man, he felt the lost desire to have a home to return to. Suddenly, Alfie had hope for a future in which he wasn't alone.
Throughout the time he'd gotten to know you, he noticed how you always seemed to stray away when the topic shifted to your family. You didn't lie about them. You told him just enough to satiate to his curiosity that was entirely about your adoptive parents.
The truth was that you barely knew your biological family. You knew who they were - your loving adoptive parents had always been honest with you about your origins - and that you were indeed one of the legendary Shelbys of Birmingham.
You hadn't thought about them for a long time until your now-fiance Alfie was meeting with Tommy Shelby at the distillery.
At first glance, you didn't know who was sitting across from Alfie in his office until Ollie told you and asked you to wait.
You stood outside of the office, away from Alfie's sight. It was clear Tommy was in rough shape. You'd heard about the beat down; you were amazed to see him still walking.
If he recognized you, he didn't make it obvious. He only saw you on his way out of Alfie's office, but he simply walked past you and left the distillery without looking back.
An emptiness hollowed you inside after he left. You wondered if he knew who you were. You wondered if anything would've changed if you had told him. After all these years, you doubted he'd even remember he had a little sister younger than Ada. Granted he was older than you - you yourself didn't remember anything from that time - there was a small part inside you that had hoped he'd remembered, but you had finally been answered.
It'd been a couple of days since you saw Tommy at the distillery. Although it hurt a bit to know he hadn't remembered you, you accepted fate as it was and felt like you could finally put it behind you as if you had finally buried the past.
Until the devil himself walked into the Glass & Barrel, announcing his arrival with the doorbell chime. He paused for a moment and let his eyes scan the pub.
It was early in the morning with only a couple of your regulars: veterans of the war drinking away their sorrows, and Bubba: the large bouncer Alfie insisted to keep inside the pub.
You froze as you watched Tommy take a cigarette before sliding it across his lips to wet the bud. From the corner of your eye, you noticed how Bubba looked at him and sat up alert, instantly recognizing him.
Bubba was a tall man who had gained his nickname for seeming common and unthreatening. You'd seen him in action plenty of times dealing with the rowdy clients to know he was anything but. He could blend into the crowd just as easily as he could fend off four men at once. Bubba always loved a good fight.
You nodded at him to let him know it was alright. He opened his newspaper again, but his eyes stayed locked on Tommy from the far corner.
You treated Tommy as you would treat any customer and offered him a drink.
"Whisky, please," he answered as he sat in front of you at the bar.
"Brown or white?"
"Brown" he nodded watching you move behind the bar. "This place yours?"
"It is, " you answered setting a glass in front of him to pour his drink.
"Nice place... Decorate it yourself?"
"I did."
He nodded and a small sip of his drink.
"You grew up 'round here?"
"Around London, yeah. Moved a bit here and there, but always stayed in London."
"You know, I once had a little sister. She was taken away early from us. My poor mum, she did her best to raise us. We were a bit of a handful. Six in total... Last I heard about her is that she lives in London."
Tommy cradled the glass in his hand and admired the brown liquid, but he could feel your eyes burning through him.
You froze as the realization washed over you. It was no coincidence that he wandered into your pub. It was entirely intentionally.
"Runs her own pub. Seems like that tends to run in the family," he paused and eyed you with a steely steady gaze, as if he could see right through you. "Does he know?"
Tommy felt like he already knew the answer. Alfie would have most likely brought it up during their first meeting if he knew.
"No. I haven't told him. I don't feel it's necessary to."
"I can respect that. But it doesn't change the fact that you're still family."
"With all due respect, Mr. Shelby, I have a family."
"I'm just saying, that's all. If you ever need a hand, you know where to find us."
You didnt bother replying since he was quick to stand, snuffing his cigarette out in the ashtray on the bar.
He stopped just before the door to set his cap on his head before glancing at you one more time on his way out.
You felt Bubba's eyes boring a hole into you so you quickly moved about, getting back to work. There was no doubt he'd be telling Alfie about this little visit. Tommy's a wise man; Bubba knew his visit was no coincidence despite having not been able to hear your conversation.
The truth would have to come out.
Once Eddie arrived to take over the night shift, you made your way a few streets over to the home you and Alfie shared.
Unlocking the door, you walked inside to hang your coat up. But from the corner of your eyes, you could a familiar shadow standing by the fireplace.
Alfie was never home this early. The lack of acknowledgement to your arrival made you certain something was up.
"Alfie. You're home early," you smiled walking towards him.
"Yeah, I am. I had an urgent matter to tend to myself."
"I see..." you nodded as you slowly drifted over towards him over the wooden floor that now felt like eggshells. Had Bubba told him about Tommy's visit? Had word spread about your relation?
"I heard tommy Shelby went to see you today... Care to tell me what that was about?"
"Before I tell you, Alf, there's something you should know."
As he lifted his gaze from the warm fire, his eyes carried the same softness he heard in your voice.
"I never told you this because I never thought it'd be relevant. But the truth is that I was adopted when I was a child... From Birmingham. I was 12 when my parents told me I'd been a Shelby."
You paused, hoping for some sort of reaction from Alfie, but there was nothing that could hint at his reaction.
"I didn't even who they were until that day I went your office. To be quite honest, I didn't even think any of them remembered me. That's why he came to the Glass & Barrel, to tell me he knew it was me."
Unbeknownst to you, Alfie already knew the truth. There was a doubt in the back of his mind that questioned - if you did in fact know your biological family - where your allegiance would lay and, at this point, it was only growing within.
His doubt consumed him, slowly but surely, over the following days. Everything had changed.
You first noticed that Alfie started missing dinner. After you moved in together, he was always home for dinner.
The mornings you once used to treasure due to the breakfast you shared with him were shared only with the presence of Cyril.
Gone before you woke up and home after you'd fallen asleep.
This night, you decided you were not going to bed. Tonight would be the night you confronted him.
The exhaustion of the day was beginning to set in. Your eyes felt heavy as you struggled to read your book, attempting to keep yourself awake.
Cyril, whose head was resting on your lap to be petted, snored peacefully. Blissfully unaware of your brewing angst.
Adrenaline quickly chased away and drowsiness you felt the minute you heard Alfie's car outside. It was now or never.
You waited for him to unlock the door and hang his coat up along with with his hat, still seated on the couch.
Alfie noticed the living room light on as he walked towards it and spotted you on the couch.
"Bit late, innit love? Should be in bed."
"Why are you avoiding me, Alfie?"
"No one's avoiding you," his foot was already on the first step of the stairs. Your anger quickly turned to tears as he proved you right.
"Then stay down here and face me, damn it."
Your hands trembled as you marched towards the stairs. Alfie stopped halfway up them when he turned to face you.
"I did not choose this, Alfie. I did not ask you be a Shelby. I did not choose the family I was born into. But if there's one thing I did choose was you."
Silences lingered heavily. His blue eyes stared down his nose at you. Your chest rose and fell with the adrenaline and flood of emotions coursing through you. As frustrated as you were, you didn't want to hate him. You couldn't if you tried.
Alfie hadn't thought about how his attitude would have affected you. He needed time to think. He trusted you blindly, but not knowing if your allegiance could change paralyzed him.
He watched how deeply emotional you were about his absence and realized that - the same way you chose to leave your biological family in the past despite knowing who they were - he needed to make a choice too.
He walked down the stairs until he stood before you.
"You're right, love," he nodded gazing into your tear-filled eyes. "I'm sorry, yeah?"
His palm met your cheeks as he cradled your face in his hands.
"I'm sorry."
"Do you really think I would betray you, Alf?"
Your hands wrapped lightly around his wrists.
"For a moment, I wasn't sure if I'm not honest. Fuck, love. You gotta see from my side, yeah? Just wasn't expecting the love of my life, the apple of my eye, to be a Shelby. And that you knew."
"I didn't it mattered, Alf. I'm no Shelby. This is where my family is. In this house, here with you. I'm a soon-to-be Solomons."
"Right, you fucking are," he whispered wiping an escaping tear from your cheek.
"I choose you, Alfie. You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, love. C'mere," his arms opened and welcomes you into his embrace. "I choose you too."
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94blazed · 1 year
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WC : 8.3K
Genre: smut. fluff. crack. angst.
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: depression. alcohol; consumption. no smut in this part!
Summary: Seven wednesday jungkook. You and Jungkook have been delusional about each other your whole lives, but when Jungkook is off the market, you start to wonder if it was all just one-sided. After the break-up with sohee, you became friends with benefits right after a simple hookup, but when he receives a text from his ex..
a/n: this is a two part series! i couldn’t stop expanding the story :,) - no hate to sohee this is fiction!
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You and Jungkook have known each other since the 3rd grade, basically throughout your entire lives, and have always had a connection towards each other. Ever since you were kids, there was always something there, a spark, but no match to ignite it. So it was more of an under the table type of thing, but everyone knew it was obvious.
At age 20, I was enrolled in Seoul University along with Jungkook and the rest of the boys. It was the summer of 2020 and we had gathered around the campfire on the beach, cooking s'mores, admiring the sunset, and playing a few rounds of volleyball while enjoying a few cans of Truly. Everyone was present except for Jungkook, who was the last to arrive with a hinted surprise he had mentioned in the gc. As the drinks flowed, I began to suspect that his surprise was just another bottle of alcohol. However, I'm growing a high confidence from these drinks, I start to prepare myself for this moment mentally and physically. To confess my feelings to him.
Light beams hit our faces as Jungkook finally arrived, and I couldn't contain my excitement. Everyone started dashing towards him, with me being the last to arrive. "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Sohee, my girlfriend," Jungkook announced. Everyone greeted her as they should, and as a friend, I knew I should do the same. However, my heart sank deeper and deeper as I came into contact with her. It registered that she was now Jungkook's girlfriend and that everything that we had between us was probably one-sided and never meant anything, but I couldn't help but wonder why he never mentioned her before..
⋆ TIME SKIP ( 2 years later / december ‘22 )
After Sohee and Jungkook got together, they would always show up together at the hangouts. Even with the rest of the boys being there, I still felt like a third wheel. "jk's kinda a jerk for leading you on just for him to bring a girl out of nowhere," your best friend Jimin whispers. "Yeah," you sigh. You're honestly happy for them, but to be honest, you're a little jealous.
When we hung out with the boys, we would often sneak off to talk and maybe share a kiss or two, but it never progressed into anything further..
Just talking to him as if we were together made me feel like the world was on pause. Looking up from the ground, I saw them cuddling on the couch, his hands on her waist and hers resting on his chest, their eye contact never breaking. It stung a little, but as a friend, I knew I had to be supportive and had to accept the fact that it was over. "Hey, I'm gonna head out. I'm getting tired," I said. "y/n, stay a little longer. It's barely 11," yoongi replied, glancing at the couple. They didn't even acknowledge your presence. "No, it's okay. I have work in the morning anyway," I said, hearing a collective of "aww's" Jimin spoke up, "I'll walk her down. I'll be right back."
"I'm sorry, y/n," Jimin says, turning around to face you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Jimin, it's not your fault." "I know, but I really thought you two would've ended up together." he pauses. "You know, I've always seen you two sneak off, so I thought you two would have confessed to each other during that time. I would even distract the guys so they wouldn't notice." you smile. "I thought so too, but trust me, chim, I'm happy for them." Jimin throws you a squinted look, making you laugh, as you reach your car, as you say your goodbyes. Jimin embraces you and whispers, "Don't think about it too much. I don't like seeing you like this." grinning, you hug him back tightly, "I won't. Thank you, chim." After letting go, you waved goodbye and made your way home.
⋆ february ‘23
A week after that hangout, Jungkook stopped coming to the hangouts along with Sohee. He slowly stopped responding to the group chat and stopped posting on all his socials. You started thinking that he was just too busy being lovey-dovey with his girlfriend, but your assumption was wrong.
You attempted to contact him multiple times but went straight to voicemail. Frustrated enough you grabbed your keys, hopped in your car, and made your way to his place. Upon arriving, you knocked on his door. only to find that the lights were off, but it was only 9pm? he never goes to bed this early. Banging harder the door finally opened to a messy-haired Jungkook. "What do you wan- y/n?" He was surprised to see you at his doorstep. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to see what's going on. You don't come to the hangouts, nor do you text or call us?" "I'm sorry." "Yeah, sorry. I love to hear it." "You think this was my choice?" Now you were confused. "What do you mean?" "Sohee. She didn't want me to be around you guys, especially you." You were taken aback a little. "Wait, me?" " I told her about us. She never did things like you did, and comparing you to her must've gotten under her skin." you didn't know Sohee would feel this threatened by you. "Wait, where is she now?" "We broke up a while ago. she took everything of mine, even my phone." You felt bad, really bad, and it kind of pissed you off. "Okay, um, can I come in?" He finally raised his gaze to meet yours, now seeing his face, you noticed how pale he got along with dark circles under his eyes. Which caused you to be concerned for his health. "Have you eaten yet?" "No, the last time was two days ago." Your heart sank, but you couldn't just stand there. "Okay, um, I'll order takeout right now, but let's wash you up first." Grabbing his hand, he followed you like a lost puppy. Looking around, you saw clothes everywhere, smashed dishes on the floor, and cabinet doors flung open. And pretty sure she did take everything.
After finding the bathroom, closing the lid to the toilet you assisted him to sit down. Turning to the tub, you plugged up the drain and turned on the warm water from the faucet. "Okay, can you undress for me and hop in once you're done?, I'll be right back." closing the door, you heard shuffling on the other side, which was a good sign. After placing an order, you helped clean up the mess that was made around the place. placing clothes in the hamper, making the bed, sweeping the glassware off the floor, and putting the dirty clothes in the washer. When completing, you went to check up on jungkook. Knocking on the door, you heard a quiet "come in." Opening the door, you saw him immersed in a bath of bubbles, which you did not recall adding, indicating that he had done so himself.
Sitting on the rim of the bathtub, you stare at his face, head tilted back, eyes shut, messy hair, and that cute little mole beneath his lip that you love so much. You didn't even notice a smile had crept onto your face until he opened his eyes, "What are you smiling about?" realizing that you were caught, you averted your gaze and responded, "Nothing, I just thought the bubbles were cool." There was a long moment of silence before you offered, "Let me wash your hair." dampening his hair a bit, you pumped a few globs of shampoo onto your palm and proceeded to massage it into his hair.
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, "feels so good," causing your cheeks to tint a light shade of red. After rinsing it off, you continued with the conditioner, and so on. You stepped out for a little while so he could wash himself up. While waiting outside, you heard your name being called. "yeah?" "um, do you think you can wash my back?" burning up, you cooled yourself down a little before entering. returning to the rim of the tub, you took the sponge and gently applied it to his back.
While scrubbing, he spoke, "thank you, and I truly mean it. thank you." pausing, you resumed scrubbing. "That's what friends are for, Jungkook." he fully turned around this time, making eye contact with you. "No, I actually mean it y/n. thank you. To be quite honest, you were the last person I thought I would see." "Kook, after everything, I still care about you. Yeah, what happened between us was nothing, just a little fling. You didn't hurt me like you think you did. I completely understand." ( yeah right ). "Honestly though, I mean it. I owe you. a big one" You both held contact in silence, the world pausing yet again; both flicking your eyes at each other's lips, making sure the other wouldn't notice. "Can I kiss you?" you were taken by surprise, but after all this time, you couldn't miss this opportunity. Smiling, you leaned in closer, hand dipping to the bottom of the tub for support, eyes never breaking contact. You were an inch away before you answered, "yes."
Jungkook finally breaks a smile as he takes his damp thumb, tilting your chin to adjust to his angle. You deepen the kiss, not holding back as you slip your tongue through his parted lips, which he gladly accepts. Playing with his lip ring earns you a small bite to your tongue, making you want to play with his tongue instead.
You guys lasted a while in the bathroom, having an intense make-out session, but like before, it didn't lead up into anything. After helping him out of the tub, providing him with a towel. You left him to get dressed while you unclogged the drain, allowing the water to flow along with the rest of the bubbles down the drain.
After eating the takeout you ordered, you guys watched movies together on the sofa, but it was 2 in the morning, and you couldn't stay here all night, so you had to say your goodbyes. Looking over, you noticed that jungkook had fallen asleep. Cracking a smile, you get up and plant a kiss on the top of his head, but as you reach for your keys, he grasps your wrist. "stay, just for tonight." Breaking into a smile, you agreed. and let me just say, it wasn't the only night.
⋆ TIME SKIP / april ‘23
Ever since that night, you two have been fwb. slowly but surely, you started bringing him back into the group. He seems more lively now than he was when you first found him.
Like today, you both came back from the group to hang out, to spend time, just the two of you. ordered pizza, watched movies, and just enjoying each other's presence.
until now, jungkook received a notification.
- unknown: Do you like her?
- JK: who is this?
- unknown: Sohee.
- sohee: Y/N, do you like her?
- JK: why are you asking me this?
- sohee: because I still want us.
to be continued…
a/n: i hope you enjoyed part 1 even though it’s on a cliffhanger 😭 but i’ll be posting part 2 this week !
taglist : @jjklves @ane102 @moonbinniehappy @caro134340lina @bbtsficrecs @ahsluv @tatamicc @heartjiminie @ta3bae @ahsluva @starbrightday
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c0ld0utside · 3 months
Beach Centaur father adopts a siren kid that is super timid?
Siren kid (timid) Centaur dad
Warnings: (Let me know if I’ve missed any): Mentions/descriptions of violence, poorly written timid reader, manipulation
Criticism + advice is welcome, here we go
At first, Jordan didn’t care much for humans. As far as he knew all they did was whine, take, and fight over the smallest things. Not to mention, their other behaviors were… interesting. So, like most other species that the humans deemed “monsters,” he ignored them. He focused on his own life in his home in the woods, tending to his pond and garden and admiring his collection of fish. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. 
This, however, was something he couldn’t ignore. 
It’s true that voices carry. The news that some human sailors had killed a pod of merfolk spread like wildfire through Jordan's coastal town. A few weeks later, a small pod of merfolk washed up on the shore, their tails sloppily lopped off. Everyone was in an uproar. The outrage was understandable; most species had been allied with sirens for centuries. Their songs and stories were loved by all.
Jordan’s dislike for humans grew with every new report. Being humans, they got curious and wanted to explore. Instead of asking for help like any other sane person, however, they settled on harming those who would be happy to lend a hand. 
So when he found you washed up on the rocky part of the shore, covered in cuts and a large, nasty gash, he was more than happy to help. Jordan swaddled you in wet towels and hurried home with you in his arms. He clutched you close to his chest the entire time, and you may or may not have heard him muttering prayers to the Gods under his breath. Originally, he had planned on fishing and collecting trinkets to sell, but you were far better. You were precious. A helpless, innocent little thing. How could anyone want to harm you?
The trip back didn’t take long. It turns out the stranger lives up on the cliffs. It’s different from observing them below, somewhat hidden by the fog. Seeing that first thing in the morning always filled you with a sense of something that you couldn’t explain. Trees and greenery tinted by the mist…beautiful yet ominous. Up here, however, the trees are thinner than they seem, covered in moss and fungi. Trails are constantly battling with plants growing back over them, too.
“We’re almost there, little one,” the centaur said. “May I call you that, by the way? ‘Little one’? I hope you don’t mind.” You respond by curling up further into yourself, trying to hide. The stranger responds to that by rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder. 
When you arrive, he nudges you carefully. “Look,” the stranger says. “Isn’t it pretty?” You look up, and he’s right. It’s beautiful. A cozy wooden house with a large decorated pond surrounded by odd thin trees, wildflowers, and shrubbery everywhere. If you squint past the fog, you can see the ocean down below. Home, your heart aches. 
The centaur gently lowered you into a closed-off part of his pond- an area he had for whenever his fish got injured somehow. “Wait here,” he said quietly, rushing into his home and returning a few moments later with a jug of…something. He slowly poured some of it into the pond, the liquid smelling absolutely wild. “I don’t know much about sirens or merfolk, so I figured the medicine I use when my fish get hurt might help.” The centaur explained sheepishly. “Are you comfortable? What do you want to eat? Have you had strawberries before?”
He couldn’t stop bombarding you with questions like a fussy mom when her kid is sick. “No,” you answered, voice weak. Sure, this centaur was helping you, but you had no idea who he was, where you were, or if he would hurt you. Was he luring you into a false sense of security like those humans had? It all happened so quickly. You and your family had been lounging in the shallow waters and basking in the sun. Your mother was humming a tune when a boat approached. Some humans called your parents over and the next thing you knew there were harpoons and nets and screams and cries.
The stranger must’ve noticed you sinking into your mind because he (to the best of his ability) knelt down at the edge of the pond. “Hey, you’re okay here, I promise. I just want to take care of you.” The stranger says, keeping his tone as comforting as possible. He frowns when you slip underwater, peeking out a few moments later. “Okay, let me try this,” the centaur mutters under his breath. “My name is Jordan, and I’m going to help you get better. I swear on my heart.” He introduces, making a cross-my-heart motion. “Now, I’m going to go get you some strawberries. Let’s see if you like them, yeah?” Jordan announces, getting up and trotting away.
Jordan doesn’t quite get it. He’s trying his best. He keeps his voice soft, he talks to you, and he tells you interesting things, like the weird scent you smell when he pours the medicine into the water is tea tree oil.And that the hammering noise you heard is a bird called a woodpecker. Oh- and that pretty fish swimming around you is called a koi fish. And aren’t those strawberries sweet?
Yet it’s always the same. You barely answer, only shaking your head or nodding. You hide underwater most of the time, hanging out with the fish and poking at the underwater plants. If his voice is anything but soft you freak out and disappear into the pond, back to the safety of rocks and pebbles and weird-looking fish and plants. 
That’s not the only problem. The news of human attacks on sirens and merfolk is getting worse. Apparently, humans are treating them as they would seafood. As if that couldn’t get any worse, reports of kidnappings turned into busted “fish farms” after clans raided human settlements in search of the missing sea creatures. 
Jordan can’t possibly take you back to the ocean now. It’s too dangerous, and he’s getting attached. You’re not some prized fish, oh no. You’re a treasure that he has to protect. So when you finally muster up the courage and ask him to take you home in that nervous, tiny voice of yours, he’s quick to say no. 
He knows you won’t understand right away, so he tells you things he’s heard through the grapevine from his time in town. 
“I went to sell some of the vegetables from my garden today, and saw a poster saying that a pod of mermaids has been taken by humans.”
“I went to buy these shells to remind you of home. …I also heard that a group of humans killed some more sirens today.”
“That market is full of depressing news nowadays. A group of werewolves found that missing pod. I don’t know how they’re ever going to recover, kept in those cramped tanks. Poor things.” 
“You don’t need to worry about that happening to you as long as you stay here with me. You’re safe up here!”
“Humans have no reason to come up here. And if they do, I’ll take care of them. Promise.”
Slowly but surely, it works. You stop asking to go home. You start talking to him. It isn’t much at first, but Jordan’s smile grows every time you give him more than just a few words. He’s also made a whole new pond just for you, decorating it with shells and sea glass and other ocean-y things he got from the market. Jordan only goes down there to sell his crops and decorative plants, along with seeds in case anyone wants to try making their own garden. The rest of his time is devoted to tending to his garden and spending time with you. 
Like a good, proper guardian. 
I'm finally free for the summer, expect a lot of things. To the people who did not read the pinned post; requests are closed for now. Will admit that like my Miguel O'hara one, this wasn't my favorite mostly because I think it's bland and I don't know how to write timid/shy characters just yet. At least I gave it a go.
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Hey there! I know I know, I just asked you for a request*, but this idea hits so hart today >.< My request number two: Reaction of Students and Professors if - how in Merlins name could this happen?! - some photographs from MC as a baby/toddler/child circulate around Hogwarts....some really cute and really embarrassing pictures from their first years. Awww! I would love it, I'm giggling alone in my dark room at the moment... Your blog is beautiful and I hope so is your evening! *I still request it, but just if you like^^
A/N: this is hilarious! Lmao
A spell mishap and Peeves interference had MC frantically running all over Hogwarts trying to collect the photos but they just kept multiplying and flying away.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He entirely entertained watching MC run around like a chicken with its head cut off to collect all the photos. He doesn't really understand what they're freaking out about anyway, they're cute pictures. Especially the one where MC wears a pair of trousers on their head.
OMINIS GAUNT: To him the whole thing sounds like someone left a door open and a bunch of leaves were blowing around inside. It's only through the surrounding students that he determines that they were photographs of an embarrassing nature. Heh, He's glad it's not him.
ANNE SALLOW: She stows one away. One of MC proudly holding a bored looking cat like a teddy bear. It was too cute to let it fly away. She'll give it back eventually.
IMELDA REYES: She laughs at MC expense and walks away. This is their problem to solve, she has flying to do.
NATSAI ONAI: She's running around with MC trying to collect the photos. She can't help but stop every once in awhile to admire a good one, though. MC was a really cute baby.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He was eating lunch when one smacks him in the face. He looks at it, chuckles and then goes back to eating. He holds it up for MC to snatch when they come barreling through the Great Hall.
LEANDER PREWETT: He casually goes through the photos that fly to him and he admires them. Not just how cute and funny some of them were but seeing where and how MC grew up. Photos tell a story and he was very interested in it.
AMIT THAKKAR: He tries to help with summoning spells. He collects a few at a time but the photos are multiplying faster than they can catch. They're jinxed!
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's sneaking away from the situation. He was practicing the duplication jinx and accidentally hit MC's photo album. He doesn't even remember why they had it with them. Just that Peeves showed up after the photos burst from the book.
POPPY SWEETING: She just watches the chaos. She's sure jobberknolls hopped up on accelerant potion would be easy to collect. She does see a few photos that settle near her. MC eating cereal out of an expensive looking vase is her favorite.
ELEAZAR FIG: "Peeves! Stop this at once!" Peeves drops the pile of duplicating photos and flies off with a cackle. He nullified the jinx and helped MC clean up. He sees a few photos and smiles to himself. He'd have to ask if he could see them proper some day.
MATILDA WEASLEY: "Aresto Momentum!" With a powerful wave a magic, all the photos stopped dead in their tracks. She looks at MC with slight disappointment. One spell could have fixed all this instead of panicking. "Clean up this mess, I'll handle Peeves." She storms after the poltergeist.
CHIYO KOGAWA: "Well, that's unfortunate." She finds one photo of MC drinking water from a puddle next to the family dog. "Kids..." She chuckles and hands the photo to MC when they run past.
AESOP SHARP: He's mid sip of morning tea when he walks in on the situation. Peeves has done worse. He turns around and walks away from the pandemonium.
ABRAHAM RONEN: He laughs as he joins MC in the chase. "This is fun!" He exclaims like it's just one big game. He will adore MC's pictures, they'll have a hard time getting them away from him without explaining them.
MIRABEL GARLICK: "Peeves! You absolute scoundrel! Stop tormenting the students!" She shoos away the poltergeist and helps MC collect the photos and cancel the jinx. She checks if MC is actually alright. These photos may be embarrassing but they are more than that. They're precious memories.
MUDIWA ONAI: With a wave of her hand, all the photos come to her. She gives Peeves a stern look, which he returns with a loud raspberry, and she hands the photos back to MC. "You should be more careful with these. They may be embarrassing moments now but they are wonderful memories to hold on to. Would you like to see Natty's?" She chuckles.
DINAH HECAT: She sighs and wordlessly waves her wand at Peeves. He stops, drops the photos, and dives through the floor in hast. No one knows what she did but she is one of the few people at Hogwarts Peeves is actually afraid of.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He watches Peeves fly by. He sinks through the floor to the dungeons and finds the Bloody Baron. "He's at it again." The Baron zooms off to do unspeakable things to Peeves.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She quietly collects a few photos after Peeves had his fun and gives them back to MC without a word.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: He's just annoyed by the interruption of his day. The poltergeist, the students, they're all so annoying.
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randomlifex · 8 months
Don’t you dare
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Go Kyungjun x fem!reader
Plot:your bully turns out to be something way different than what you expected
This story is a request
Author’s notes:hello guys,I’m back. I gotta say that the past days have been painful, but I promised that I would’ve been strong,so here’s a new story for you. I’m sorry if this work isn’t as good as usual,I’m trying my best to process everything. Please,enjoy♡
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You turned the corner, head low in hope to avoid Kyungjun and his friends, as the only thing you cared about was to arrive to class on time.
You believed you would’ve done it, until someone grabbed your shoulder and pushed you against the wall of the corridor.
“Look who’s here” Kyungjun smirked. His right forearm was resting on the wall as he was pressing your body against its cold surface.
Next to him Jinha and Seungbin were staring at the scene with their arms crossed
“I-I have to go to class” you mumbled, trying to sneak away, but Kyungjun stopped you
“Without saying good morning to me?” he lifted your chin up with a finger
“I don’t have money today, please let me go” you talked, collecting the strength to stand his eye-contact
“Let’s see if that’s true,then” he grabbed your backpack, handling it to Seungbin who started spreading your pens and notebooks everywhere on the ground
“I need to go to class, please!” you exclaimed again, trying to stop the blonde guy, but Kyungjun blocked your arms behind your back,pressing your body against his chest.
“No need to be so whiny babygirl, just let him check” he whispered to your ear, warming your cheeks with his breath.
While Seungbin was doing his job, Kyungjun’s eyes were fixed on you,piercing your soul. He couldn’t do much as somehow you were his magnet.
He didn’t give a shit about your money, all he wanted was your attention. That was why, when he bothered you, he was never cruel:the maximum he did was stealing a few won from you, or taunting you a little bit during class; besides that he had never harmed an hair on you.
“There’s nothing in here, just school stuff” the blonde bully mumbled with a disappointed face
“Let me check her pockets” Jinha scoffed, sliding his hands in your jacket.
“Ya! -Kyungjun suddenly yelled, pushing Jinha away- have I told you to do so?”
“Answer me! Have I told you to do that?”
“Then don’t, idiot”
Kyungjun freed your arms, dragging the other two bullies away.
You were confused, extremely confused, however you had no time to look for answers as you had to ran to class:you were still able to make it on time.
During the whole lesson Kyungjun didn’t stopped staring at you for a single moment, nor he did for the rest of the day.
When he met you at the cafeteria, he made sure he found the perfect spot to admire your sweet eyes and pinky lips.
When you spent the after lunch in the garden with your friends, he made sure to sit at the window which allowed him to see your dimples appear at every smile of yours.
And when classes were over, when outside it was dark and cold, he made sure to walk down the same street as yours to not leave you alone.
Even tho he wasn’t good at showing his feelings, he couldn’t avoid but worry about you.
You turned the corner, freezing on the spot when you saw Jinha resting against a nearby wall.
“What are you doing here? You don’t live in this neighbourhood” you mumbled,holding onto your plaid skirt
“You’re right, I don’t. I was looking for you” he replied with a vicious smirk on his lips
“W-why?” you stepped back
“Do you really think you can fool me?”
“I don’t understand why Kyungjun turns into an harmless puppy when you’re around, letting you do whatever you want, but I am not like that with losers”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you whispered, trying to leave, but Jinha grabbed your wrist and pushed you against the wall
“You have no idea what it means to mess with us, and if Kyungjun doesn’t wanna show you, I’ll do -he paused, pulling your hair- you own me today’s money, where are you keeping it?!”
“I had no money with me today, I swear” you cried in pain, trying to push the bully away
“Stop messing with me, it gets on my nerves!” he exclaimed, sliding his hands in your pockets one mode time. Nothing was there so, after growling, he pushed you on the ground and opened you backpack, spreading your things everywhere.
“Seungbin has already checked in there, please let me go!” you were sobbing in fear
“Shut the fuck up!” Jinha yelled. You slid back, against the wall, hiding your face in your hands.
“This is enough! -Kyungjun approached Jinha, grabbing his shirt- the fuck are you doing?!”
“I swear, if you don’t leave her alone I’ll beat your ass”
“She-she owns us her money!” Jinha tried to justify himself, but the more he spoke the more his friend got mad.
“Have I told you that she owns us anything? Have I told you to follow her home? I didn’t. You have no right to mess with her”
“No buts! If I catch you bothering her one more time I swear you won’t see the light of another day,got that,Jinha?! Kyungjun freed the boy, who ran away.
“Are you okay?” he then asked you, kneeling next to you
“T-thank you…I was so scared” you sobbed
“I’ll take care of him, no one messes with my favourite girl” he spoke, collecting your things before walking you home.
You didn’t know what had just happened, nor why he was suddenly acting like that, but you swore you had never felt safer while going back home.
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star2fishmeg · 3 months
Hey, Queen, me again. Got another B O M B idea right here. Got the G O O D S. hickey obsession with Fujio. Mother lover can’t get E N O U G H, he can’t stop, he can’t understand why he loves the sight of you being cOvered in love marks made by HIM. Slight boob worship? (I love my boobs and should be worshiped.)
Slay, Queen. Gonna do so well sweetie! 🫶🫶✨✨��🤭
ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴏғ ᴀʀᴛ
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Pairing | Hanaoka Fujio x afab!reader
Summary | fujio is a true artist when it comes to his girlfriend being the canvas
Warnings | 18+ smut, hickeys, marking kink, praise, tit play, swearing, pet names (baby, princess)
Authors Note | thank you for the request! I’m so sorry it took so long!! I'm not really sure if I like this one, it’s a lot shorter than usual but I’m still rusty
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“You’re so fucking hot,” his teeth met her skin again, leaving a hot kiss on her breast and sucking another hickey into the collection, “Love seeing you marked up. All mine, aren’t ya?”
Y/n’s back arched against the mattress, fingernails digging into his back muscles in all their ridges, creating an art piece of crescent indents and red marks clawed over his skin. Fujio held her hips down in a bruising grip, knee between her legs and trapping her exactly where he needed, blood rushing to his cock with every languid drag of her pussy over his knee while high-pitched whimpers bounced off his bedroom walls. He loved it, bathed in the stinging of her scratches, it reminded him that he was making her feel like she was on top of the world at that moment and that no one else could ever do what he could. He thrived in the aftermath. Looking in the mirror the morning, seeing her territory marked vividly. Suddenly walking around in just a tank top became more appealing than before, screaming a big ‘fuck you’ at the other guys.
He sat back on his knees, his smile dripping in charm plastered on his face, admiring his work like it belonged in a museum. He didn’t know where this obsession started, but he loved how beautiful she looked covered in blossoms of pink and purple, created by his and only his teeth sinking into her while she sang his name. Her neck, her chest claimed by the only boy she’d ever loved at full capacity. Every bite, every hickey placed over her was like a medal, it just really got him going like nothing else. Perhaps it was the thrill of everyone knowing his sex life, rubbing it in at Oya that someone like him could pull too. Or maybe it was territory, a dominance over other guys sort of thing. Or maybe it was the way she wriggled and cried his name with erogenous wails that stimulated his every fibre in such a euphoric way he just had to fuck her in some way. Whatever it was, he loved it shamelessly.
Shuffling back, his lips met her hips, hands soothing up and down her thighs as his canines nipped at the flesh with urgency, leaving eager hickeys over the intimate areas of her that only he had the privilege of basking in. The soft little moans she let out as he sucked filled his veins with some sort of perverted elation. Not the same adrenaline he felt when fighting, but a consuming one, a loving one that practically made his heart swell and made him wish he could wipe her clean and start his handiwork all over again.
“Yours, ‘jio! All your- yours.” Her jaw hung open, strings of broken whines slipping from her throat the closer his lips hunted her cunt, hands carding through his thick strands and tugging harshly, his groans vibrating on her skin and through her body. He may have eaten her out like a starved man once that night but could anyone blame a girl for wanting to be devoured again, especially by her boyfriend who just loved putting his mouth all over her?
He pulled away, panting heavily and chuckling, his voice low. His eyes raked over her body; squirming beneath him, dishevelled with sweat glistening over all her curves and marks. God, he thought it was such a delicious sight to succumb to.
“Why’d you stop?” she whined, the tone needy and desperate and luring him back into her neck, assaulting her column with more wet, sloppy kisses over the established hickeys that lived along it – like she’d been mauled. He trailed kisses down the valley of her breasts, attending to them not with his mouth, but with his hands that groped gently, squeezing, and pushing them together. His thumbs circled over the buds, lips ever so softly ghosting over the skin. She knew he was smiling, she could feel it, feel every nuzzle and peck, relishing in how the boy was on cloud nine when stuffed between her tits. Only hers. Only her tits could make him as hard as he was, her thighs could feel him, and she wanted nothing more than his bedframe to bump into his wall in an erotic rhythm.
“So fuckin’ perfect.” He mumbled; voice muffled by her body, “So soft ‘nd warm and all fuckin’ mine.”
His lust fed into her ego, eyes half-lidded and she bucked her hips up into his. Lips tugging into a weak smile, she threw her head back into the pillows, mouth shuddering open when his clothes cock dragged over pussy; exposed and wet, practically spilling in arousal and cum from before still. She choked out his name in a carnal moan, losing her breath and feeling her hair stuck to her forehead.
When Fujio did pull away, chest heaving and face flushed rosy, his eyes flicked across her face. To him, she was stunning when laying pornographically like that. Making pretty noises for him, being his blank canvas and tasting exquisite as always.
“I lo-“ she panted, trying to find the strength to smile, “-love you, ‘jio.”
“I love you too, princess.” He placed a sweet kiss on her lips, his grip loosening, and he held her as if she were glass. There was no other way he’d rather spend his nights, taking care of his girlfriend felt far more meaningful than throwing fists in some junkyard. Y/n meant that much more, and he sure did love showing everyone who she belonged to.
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delphi-shield · 11 months
classified intel // jill valentine
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Jill x GN!Reader Fluff wc: 1,543 read on ao3 suggestive themes bc reader sends jill a tasteful nude, reader implied to be civilian, post-di!Jill.
this almost turned into angst, but i excised the sad parts and it turned into another wip. tbh i should be prepping for my tabletop tomorrow but i miss my wife.
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Jill's on a work trip, but that's never stopped you from texting her before and it sure as hell's not going to stop you now.
also known as:
i am ruminating on a relationship with jill once more. 😔
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Technically speaking, your relationship isn’t long distance.
Just because Jill spent a large portion of her time overseas, god-knows-where, doing god-knows-what, did not mean that you were long distance. Yeah, maybe you do have to schedule calls, fighting timezones and your responsibilities to carve out a measly half hour with each other. That doesn’t qualify, technically, as long distance. You tell this to your friends over and over again. Still, they roll their eyes, hum their doubt, and insist that you may as well be long distance.
Their point remains. You and Jill are apart far more than either of you would like. She’s a busy woman by her own design. Her drive had been something that you had admired about her, even if it was the very same thing that kept her from you. You hadn’t entered this relationship blind to the fact that she would be gone sometimes. You had learned to be okay with it, learned to handle the distance that was often double-edged. 
Texting was usually infrequent when she was away. Her personal cell phone was usually left behind when she went out for assignments - and if she did have it, it was turned off and shoved to the bottom of her pack. You texted her throughout the day, leaving behind a collection of your thoughts for her to come back to. She had taken to responding in one text, a bullet-point list to catch up on everything that she had missed.
 Once, you had gotten anxious about bothering her, about the egregious amount of notifications she would be flooded with when she finally turned her phone back on. You had sent her just one text, telling her to be safe, that you loved her. She had called you the moment she had service, demanding to know what was wrong. Thought something happened to you, I don’t know, she had grumbled, dismissing her paranoia easily over the phone. You had let it go unchallenged, quietly returning to your text spam. The next time she had a chance to talk to you, she had saved her bullet-points for a phone call.
The last time you had heard from her, her plane had landed safely. Her day was going to be packed with intelligence meetings - not really the kind of thing she could be on her phone during. You’ve just gotten home from work when your phone chimes. You take your time checking it, not expecting your girlfriend to be able to chat. She was at least three hours behind you, still in the middle of her work day.
It's a pleasant surprise to see a text from her. Instead of her usual bullet-point reply, she had sent an unflattering picture of a pitbull. Jill’s arm came in from the side of the frame, her hand blurred in the motion of a head pat. The text accompanying it simply read:
5:12 PM: PB&J.
Before you could even ask what that was supposed to mean, Jill sent a second text.
5:29 PM: His name is PB&J.
You grin at your phone, sending her an array of emojis to show how cute that is. You flop back onto your bed, your phone held over your face.
5:31 PM: can you call? just got home lol
5:35 PM: Sorry. Waiting for my next meeting to start.
Shit. You push down your disappointment and look for the silver-lining. At least you could text her for a little bit before she got wrapped up in work again. The dishes in the sink were forgotten in favor of the back and forth between you and Jill. It was hardly the most thrilling conversation. You exchanged the daily monotonies with each other - what sort of coffee she had that morning, how terrible traffic had been for you on your way home, your coat forgotten over the back of your chair at work and Jill’s pen borrowed from an embassy, blue ink, ballpoint and scratchy. It’s easier to superimpose the memory of her alongside you when you have the little details to work with, when you can fill in the gaps in your imagination with the particulars.
Naturally, this devolved into teasing.
5:47 PM: what are you wearing?
5:47 PM: That’s classified.
5:48 PM: tank top and jeans again, huh was kind of hoping for a pantsuit 👀 i know u packed that navy one send pics
You scrolled through your photos, searching for a set of pictures you had taken a few nights ago. If you were going to ask for pics, it was only fair that you send one in return. You had taken them early in the week, consumed by a swell of confidence that had been flushed away the moment you had to scroll through them. You had scrutinized every angle, pinpointed every flaw, every way the light played off of your skin. Your motivation to send them had dwindled quickly. They were filed away into a password protected album, a break in case of emergency stash of photos that may never see the light of day.
Rip the band-aid off, you tell yourself. Send it before you can second guess yourself. You pick your favorite photo, your thumb hesitating over the send button for a fraction of a second before you decide fuck it. She’ll like it. Hopefully.
You drop your phone facedown onto your chest so you don’t stare anxiously at the conversation. It takes all of ten seconds for it to chime again.
5:55 PM: You know the BSAA monitors my texts, right?
Your heart lurches. No way. No fucking way. She’s got to be bluffing. The idea of Jill’s colleague scrolling through your messages with her was mortifying. It wasn’t like this was the first time you had sent her pictures like that. Even if you hadn’t sent those, there were still plenty of texts that you didn’t need anyone else seeing.
She’s bluffing. Has to be.
5:57 PM: bullshit lol 5:57 PM: very funny 6:13 PM: youre not serious right 6:14 PM: ?? 6:14 PM: jill pls 6:24 PM: omg ur not joking are you
Logically, you knew that Jill’s meeting had started. That was why she wasn’t responding. You knew there was no way the BSAA monitored her personal communication 24/7, and you knew that if they did she would have told you about it the first time you had sent her a picture like that, not the hundredth. However, you also knew that she loved keeping you in suspense. No matter what she said to the contrary, you knew that Jill loved to watch you squirm. She found it cute, or so she had confided in you one night, half-asleep and tangled in your sheets.
It took a full hour later for Jill to get back to you. During the course of that hour, you damn near paced a track around your bedroom and filled your google search history with plenty of things to ruin your targeted advertising. Choice examples include ‘employee handbook bsaa north america’ and ‘bsaa employee phone policy’. 
Your phone doesn’t even finish the first ring. You see Jill’s name flash on screen, and you’ve already got your phone up to your ear.
“Please tell me you’re joking,” you blurt out, your thumb wedged between your teeth.
Jill blurts out a confused what, her voice wobbling with a laugh. It clicks for her a moment later.
“Oh - the ‘monitoring my texts’ thing?” She says, voice lighting with amusement. “Yeah, no. They don’t do that. You look good, though. Did I buy that?”
You let out a relieved groan. “You are such an asshole,” you huff. “I was worried the entire United Nations had just seen my ass.”
“Oh, c’mon. I would have told you not to send stuff like that if they were pulling my texts.” You can’t argue with that. She may have liked to see you squirm, but she was well aware of your boundaries.
“Got any other angles? I remember that outfit having more straps.”
You snort. “Maybe. Gonna need some reciprocation first, though.”
You hear Jill hum over the phone. A door opens in the background, a deep voice drifting over the phone, indecipherable. Jill pauses, listening.
“I’ll see what I can do. Gotta go.”
You hurry to say goodbye, squeezing a quick love you in before the call cut off.
The quiet creeps back into your apartment. You’re left staring at Jill’s contact photo. You tap it to view it in full. Jill’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head thrown back in a laugh. You were cuddled up on the porch swing of a bed & breakfast, an impromptu weekend trip Jill had taken you on a month ago. You had cropped the photo, centering it on Jill - on the way she looked at you and smiled, her eyes soft in a way that you had never seen before.
Your phone buzzed, and you nearly swiped the notification away out of habit. You caught yourself just in time, catching Jill’s name.
8:53 PM: 1 attachment
Your eyes scoured the picture, grin crinkling the corners of your eyes. Goddamn - you knew she had packed that pantsuit. You’re typing a reply when she sends another text.
8:54 PM: Do not say awooga.
You delete your draft and think of a different way to express your appreciation.
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grizzersmamma · 1 year
One Surprise, Two Surprise | König x F!Reader
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Summary: König has been away for months and is eager to get back home to you, only you have a couple of surprises for him. 
Notes: @lethalchiralium​ and their Happiness AU has me out here acting like a broody hen 😭 I’m also a sucker for the trope of “partner goes away for an extended period and comes back to a whole ass baby having been born”, so this is inspired by that too. Absolutely recommend their fics, so go read them if you haven’t already! My family has the twin gene quite prominently, so König gets two babies for the price of one 👉👉
Pairing: König x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Pregnancy Implied, Infants.
Series Masterlist: Here
CoD Masterlist: Here
Next: Here
It’s been almost ten months since König has last been home. His deployment with KorTac had been keeping him constantly on the move, constantly taking mission after mission with little to no reprieve. To make matters worse, there had been a strict no-contact rule in place for the entire duration of his deployment thanks to the sensitivity of the missions.  
Ten months, only two short of a whole year without seeing you. Without holding you in his arms. Without so much as hearing your voice.  
It was agonising, knowing that he could have been curled up in your shared bed together rather than trudging from safe house to safe house. He had never known a true longing for home until he’d met you – normally he couldn’t wait to be sent off to some godforsaken forest or desert in the middle of who-knows-where, enjoying the isolation – but now, his skin had begun to feel like it was crawling, searching out the gentle touch you always offered.  
Sleeping was difficult on a good day, never quite feeling safe enough to lower his guard. After spending so much time with you, however, he found his arms automatically trying to seek out your body in his sleep, needing to know you were there for his brain to calm. Sadly, he was only ever met with cold sheets at best, and at worst he would end up grabbing at poor Horangi when they were forced to share a bunk.  
Fortunately, Horangi didn’t seem to care too much, simply slapping at whatever offending limb had slid into his personal space and going back to sleep again. That didn’t stop König from apologising in the morning, relieved when his squad mate would just lazily wave him off.  
But finally, he’d arrived back on Austrian soil, able to take in a deep breath of frigid air the moment he stepped off the plane. It was early afternoon, the sun hitting the snow at just the right angle for it to sparkle. Within a few weeks the ice would all be gone and spring would be in full swing, bringing with it some much needed warmth.  
König pulls his jacket a little tighter in response to the chill, deciding that he’s admired the view long enough and refocusing on getting home.  
He collects his personal items from the locker where they’re housed during deployment, switching on his phone. It’s an old Nokia, used purely for receiving texts and phone calls while working, while his personal one is kept safe at home with you. It takes a while to finally boot up, clinging on with a measly 3% of its battery, but it’s enough for it to load the few messages he’d missed while abroad.  
There are the usual messages, generally wishing him luck, telling him that he was in your thoughts, simple ‘good morning’s and ‘good night’s scattered throughout randomly. The second to last, however, is different from the rest, a request for König to call you as soon as possible.  
His brain is quick to offer up a handful of the worst-case scenarios – maybe you'd gotten hurt while he was away, or perhaps you’d grown tired of his lack of presence and decided to call it quits – but after glancing at the next message he finds himself calming again. The last text was sent just over two months ago, telling him to disregard the previous message and to meet you at his oma’s home when he returned, that you had some sort of surprise for him.  
Odd that you would choose for him to go there rather than the small home the two of you occupied, but König refused to let his worries spiral. You got on well with his oma, much to König’s delight, and she had been a huge help, considering you had no close family living nearby. The moment he had introduced you to his grandmother, the woman immediately decided you were perfect, taking you under her wing as one of her own. She was absolutely delighted to finally have a granddaughter to dote on and pass all of her family knowledge to.  
König had attempted to stop his grandmother from smothering you completely, lest his girlfriend be scared off after only the first meeting, but to his relief you’d told him you already adored the older woman and looked forward to seeing her again. His heart turns into mush every time he sees his two favourite women spending time together. Even if that time is spent with his oma telling you all sorts of embarrassing stories from König’s youth.  
The drive to his grandmother’s house is fortunately rather short, and within an hour of touching down on the runway he’s already arriving. König ensures to remove the simple balaclava he’d been wearing on base, knowing from experience that his oma doesn’t appreciate him “looking like he’s about the rob the place” when he arrives.  
After gathering up his belongings, König gently raps on the glass of his grandmother’s front door. He could hear soft voices inside, but they quiet the moment his knocking rings out, leaving him stood in silence while he waits for someone to answer.  
It’s his oma who opens the door, gasping out his name joyfully, before wrapping her arms around his middle in a bone crushing hug. It’s impressive, really, that a woman of her stature and age is somehow still strong enough to hold him tight enough that all the wind is driven from his lungs. “Hallo, oma,” he smiles, giving her a gentle squeeze in return.  
“Mien lieber Enkle, wo bist du gewesen?!” She demands, pulling back from König, only to grab his hand and begin dragging him into the warm house.  
“Ich war arbeiten,” he mumbles back, but is ignored as his grandmother deposits him in the living room.  
König’s eyes zero in on you in mere moments, unable to resist the soft look that crosses his face, nor the way his shoulders droop. It’s as though a massive weight has been pulled from his shoulders, even more so when you near enough throw yourself into his arms, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck so you can pull him down toward you.  
He meets you in a tender peck which quickly devolves into a more desperate kiss, eager to make up for lost time. It’s only the awareness of where the two of you are that stops König from escalating from loving smooches and taking you right then and there. “I missed you, mein Vögelchen,” he breathes, nosing at the side of your face.  
“I missed you too, mein König,” the grin you give him is nothing short of playful, but that doesn’t hide the clear signs of exhaustion on your face.  
König’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, gently encouraging you to release your hold on him so he can look at you more closely. “Are you alright?” he asks, his gloved thumbs softly caressing your cheeks as he takes in the large bags under your eyes.  
“Your surprise kept me awake,” you laugh, taking König’s hands into your own.  
“Surprise?” He had almost forgotten about the surprise you had mentioned in your text, blinking in confusion, “what kind of surprise would-” He cuts himself off when his oma comes back into the room – he hadn’t even noticed her leaving, too focused on you – his voice flees him at the sight. A tiny little creature is nuzzled into the older woman’s chest. A baby, his brain belatedly supplies for him.  
“Where- Who- Wha-” König blinks once again, unable to process what he was looking at for a long moment. “A baby?” he whispers, breathlessly, his heart racing as he turns to look at you.  
You laugh again at his stunned reaction, gently guiding him closer to the tiny boy. “Say hello to your son,” you smile, watching as he reaches out a hand to caress the infant’s face. His hand is huge compared to the baby and it’s amazing to him that he could ever create something so small and fragile. He’s spilled enough blood in his life that he was certain he’d been stained by it, yet here this child is, completely untainted by the horrors of the world. “His name is Lukas. I remember you saying you thought it would be a cute name,” you add softly, snapping him out of his thoughts.  
He reaches for Lukas, his oma helping him to lift the child from her, showing him exactly how to hold the infant so his head is properly supported. His arms are shaking, despite how light the baby feels, the weight of this new responsibility, this whole new person who is relying on him, leaving him feeling weak at the knees.  
“Hallo, Lukas,” König murmurs, pressing his lips to the top of his son’s forehead. The infant’s little face screws up at the disturbance, eyes blinking open to gaze at his father with the exact same pair of blue eyes. There’s a grumpy pout on the child’s face, but it’s smoothed away with an impressively large yawn only moments later.  
“He’s perfect.” König can feel his throat tightening up, eyes threatening to fill with tears. He supposes that meeting his son for the first time is an understandable reason for crying – there's no need to keep up any appearances here, surrounded only by family – he's more than happy to shed a few tears while he presses feather-light kisses to Lukas’ face.  
Lukas reaches out, placing his tiny hands against König’s cheeks with a curious little coo. He seems to be entirely unphased by his father’s shaking breaths and damp eyes, too focused on the smile he was being offered.  
“I’m glad you liked your surprise,” you say, curling into König’s side and gazing down at your son, “are you ready for your next one?”
König’s head shoots up, staring at you wide-eyed. “My next one?” he chokes out, “y-you don’t mean...”
He sees you biting down on your bottom lip to try and keep the grin from completely taking over your features, unsure if he should be horrified or excited when you turn around and wander into one of the spare bedrooms. “Schatz, no,” he gasps, only able to stand there, gaping like an idiot when you return moments later with a second child in your arms.  
"Keine Chance! There are two of them?!” König’s voice has taken a slightly higher pitch, gripping at the sofa beside him to keep himself from toppling right over. His outburst startles Lukas enough for the baby to whimper, bottom lip poking out and wabbling dangerously. “Ah, sorry, mein leiber,” he quickly shushes, swaying to try and calm his child.  
“Here’s your little girl, Anna,” you coo, bringing the second baby close enough for König to see.  
“Anna...” he repeats, staring down at his daughter in amazement, looking at her pretty eyes, exactly the same as her mother’s. “We have two children, mein Vögelchen,” he wheezes, slowly slipping down to sit on the couch, his legs no longer able to hold him. He knows he told you he hoped to have a family one day, a couple of children and some dogs or cats, but to have two children in one go?  
The realisation hits him like a slap to the face. You had been here alone, carrying not one but two children, and then had to give birth to them. His oma was here for you, of course, but there’s only so much one elderly woman can do to help.  
König should’ve been there to help you throughout the entire process. He should’ve been there when you found out you were pregnant, when you went in for scans, when you found out there would be two of them, and when you found out there would be both a little boy and a little girl entering the world. Instead, he had been overseas, fighting enemies, while you were taking on your own battle by yourself.  
With his free hand, König reaches out to take one of yours, giving it a soft squeeze. “Liebling, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” he breathes, pressing your hand to his forehead as he seeks your forgiveness. He would be on his knees, grovelling, if it weren’t for the tiny child currently attempting to reach for his face again.  
“No, none of that,” you shake your head, removing your hand from his grip and instead cupping the side of König’s face, “you didn’t know, there’s no way you could have.” You sit yourself down beside him on the sofa, crowding in nice and close so the two of you can be pressed together.  
He wants to argue, entirely convinced you should be angry at the very least, but now isn’t the time for it, not when this should be a perfect movement between the two of you and your children. So instead, he says, “thank you, mein süßer Vogel,” placing a kiss against Lukas’ head, allowing the boy to hold his finger as he then leans over to kiss Anna. “I love you,” he breathes, finally offering you a kiss.  
“I love you too,” you hum back, staring into his eyes.  
A moment later, Lukas lets out an upset wail, breaking you both from your interlocked gaze. His loud shrieking causes his sister to whimper, awoken from her slumber and most displeased about it.  
“Time for these two to be fed,” you huff, briefly letting the exhaustion catch back up to you.  
König quickly stands, holding out his hand to pull you to your feet. “You can show me how to feed them so I can help, ja?” he asks, eager to take at least some of the work from you. He’s only just returned from months abroad and is tired beyond belief, but this is his responsibility now, and it’s one he is more than happy to take on. He’s already missed almost two months of his children’s lives and he has a lifetime of making it up to you for being away so long.  
No doubt you will disagree with him.  
You walk to the kitchen together, König wrapping his free arm around your waist to keep you close.
He needs to discuss what the two of you are going to do going forward, especially regarding his work now that he more important things to concern himself with. There’s no way he’s going to leave for another deployment, not for a good while after this. All he wants to focus on is spending time with his son, his daughter and the love of his life.  
“Mien lieber Enkle, wo bist du gewesen?!” | “My dear grandson, where have you been?!”
“Ich war arbeiten,” | “I was working,”
“I missed you, mein Vögelchen,” | “I missed you, my littlie bird,”
“I missed you too, mein König,” | “I missed you too, my king,”
“Schatz, no,” | “Treasure/Darling, no,”
"Keine Chance! There are two of them?!” | “No way! There are two of them?!”
“Ah, sorry, mein leiber,” | “Ah, sorry, my dear,”
“We have two children, mein Vögelchen,” | We have two children, my little bird,”
“thank you, mein süßer Vogel,” | “thank you, my sweet bird,”  
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