#had to literally force myself to wait because i had already found his boss entrance through that weird back alley way
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months ago
i beat rykard in elden ring today and like what the fuck what the actual fuck I'm still reeling over that bossfight.
elden ring's been out for ages now and I had seen rykard's bossfight before on streams and shit but DAMN PLAYING IT WAS WILD???
i've heard people describe it as a spectacle and it did NOT disappoint oh my god I had SO MUCH fun with that fight it was actually unreal and it was genuinely such a cool fight.
morgott's fight was my favorite so far but I think honestly I'm going to put rykard in as a close second above radahn because that was INSANELY cool.
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talesofsadhuman · 5 years ago
3. Kalopsia
Prompt: “I love you.” “I know.��
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Language, depression, anxiety
A/N: Okay, so this is one of my first times writing and I did this for #roz’schallenge; being in quarantine is not as productive as i had hoped. this is the final chapter! unless i decide to do an epilogue. 
3. Kalopsia 
(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are
When Bucky had not shown up at her spot that night after the fight, she felt so broken. He had been there for her. But not this time. But it was her fault, she drove him away, pushed him away. She walked back home, and unlike what she had told Bucky during their fight, this is where she was actually going to be alone. Pick up the broken pieces of her heart and mend them herself. It wouldn’t- and shouldn’t- be Bucky’s job to do so anyway. She loved the man so much, but wasn’t in the right headspace to continue the relationship. 
She got home, showered and changed into some comfortable clothes. It was pretty late, but she decided to email her boss and ask for a transfer to the Los Angeles’ offices of the company. She needed to get away. It wasn’t so much that she wanted to avoid Bucky, but she did need to leave so she could heal from everything she had been through, before Bucky. So much internalized trauma and pain, so much sadness, she decided she was done. She hated feeling that way and was going to do something about it. A week later, her request was approved. She set about making arrangements to move out west. 
“You can’t just leave your whole life here in New York,” one of her coworkers exclaimed when she found her coworker was going to move away. 
“Yes, I can.”
“What about Bucky? Have you talked to him? Have you told him?”
She sighed. “I love the man, which is why I’m doing this.”
“That literally, makes no sense. If you love him, you’d stay and work it out with him.”
“I appreciate your input, but I can’t be with him if I’m not happy with myself. I’m leaving because I want and need to work on myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fucking hurting and will miss him. But I need to do something for myself for once. I’ve been avoiding everything I’ve been through. Ignoring my mental health. Ignoring my pain. I’m tired. I’m done. If I can get somewhat of a fresh start, I will. But I will not force him into my narrative when I don’t even know how I fit into it.”
“Damn girl, go off. Well, I’m glad you’ve had enough and want to get better. I will miss you though.”
“Thanks girl, I’ll miss you too.”
That evening, she packed the last of her belongings. Bucky had not called or texted. She felt shitty about how things went down. Should she just leave or should she try and get closure with Bucky? Should this be the end? At this point, she was thinking about Bucky. She didn’t want to hurt him anymore than she already had. She decided that she couldn’t face him. It would hurt too much and she wanted to give Bucky space. So she decided to write a letter and drop it off at the compound. 
She stayed up all night trying to come up with the perfect words to say to Bucky. Draft after draft, she kept deleting her words. She had enough and decided to just write from her heart. She closed her laptop, got a sheet of paper and pen and wrote her heart out. 
In the morning, the last of her things were picked up by the moving company she hired. She stood at the door entrance and looked at her apartment. She looked at the living room, where she recalled an evening of dancing and goofing around with the super soldier. Her eyes shifted to the kitchen, where she recalled the day Bucky sneaked up on her as she was cutting up fruit and she almost stabbed him. And looking towards her bedroom where she spilled all her secrets and sadness to Bucky. He never once judged her, he just listened and loved her. Even that one time when she revealed faint scars on her left wrist. He didn’t pry about why they were there. He just grabbed her hand and kissed the scars. She gave the place one last look and then headed out. 
She arrived at the compound, but Bucky was out. Steve was there; she was sure he knew what might have happened because he was cautious and quiet when talking to her. 
“I’m sure you know that we broke up, and I’m not here to cause any problems, I just wanted to drop this off to Bucky.” She handed him the envelope. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to wait and give it to him yourself?” Steve responded. 
“No, it’s okay. Plus, I have a flight to catch.” 
“He misses you, you know.”
She gave Steve a sad smile and replied, “I do too. A lot.”
“I don’t want to pry but, how are you feeling?”
“Honestly, I’ve been better. But I’ll get over it. I always do.” He smiled at her and offered her a hug. She hugged him and then kissed his cheek goodbye. 
Bucky arrived later in the day. Steve was in the kitchen when Bucky walked in. 
“What’s up,” Bucky greeted Steve sulkily. 
“Hey, I’m good. While you were gone, uhm, she dropped by.” Bucky stiffened. 
“Yeah? What did she want?”
“She dropped this off,” Steve said as he took the envelope out from his back pocket and handed it to Bucky. 
“Did she say anything else?”
“That she misses you a lot, she feels shitty, and she had a flight to catch.”
“Hmm,” was all Bucky could say. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” Steve said as he patted Bucky’s shoulder and left. Bucky opened the letter and read: 
In the time that I have known you, I have never felt like I have been worthy of your love. At this point, I am gone and seek to find and love myself before I can love someone else. But I wanted to take a moment to tell you some things: I hate myself, but I never hated you. I am sorry I ever let you into my life; it was- and still is- a mess. I should have never let you in if I was not going to let you in completely. 
I am a fraud because I told you I would try for you, try and be happy with you. So I opened myself in the only way I knew how: by letting you meet my sadness. Part of you is right. I do crave sadness. But that is because I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy, and every time something is going my way, I can't help but expect a storm. I want to let people in, but with caution. I don’t want people to know I struggle because I don’t want their pity. If I let people know, then it would be giving away too much about myself. But like the fraud that I am, I also crave attention. For someone to listen to me. To hold me. To see me. 
I left because I need to heal. I have suppressed any and all feelings for a long time, I conditioned myself to think, “the less I let it, the less I have to let go.” Which in part, is true, but only when applied appropriately. I had prohibited myself from feeling that I created a great chasm filled with water and found myself unable to swim. Eventually, I drowned. 
I am healing from years of pain. Both traumatic, and small incidents. You saw the scars on my wrists, and I appreciate that you respect my boundaries. I had been in pain for so long that I had to externalize it- it was the physicality of my pain. I had so much internalized pain, I eventually externalized it on my body.
I am a work in progress. I like me, but I do not love me. Not completely. But I am trying to work on it. My mind is always at war with itself and my heart. I can’t help but think that I am just another sob story- I don’t want that anymore. All my life, I’ve been praised for my work and accomplishments; told that I would amount to great things. That I am special and unique when really, I am the biggest piece of shit you’ll ever meet and still, nobody at the exact same time. 
Sometimes, I feel like I’m not supposed to get better because I do not feel at home in myself. Albeit slow, I am trying to heal. I wanted to thank you for a wonderful year filled with many memories that I will cherish forever. You were right- I do crave sadness. It is a part of me. And because of how I feel about you, I must let you go. You deserve better, and you have every right to be mad at me. But I hope that you can see that this is growth for me. As much as it pains me to let you go, I cannot keep on living this life in which I feel like I’m holding you back. You also need help. You have also been through a lot. And I feel like two broken people cannot make a whole. I hope that if we ever encounter each other, we are both in a better place. 
Until then, I love you.
Bucky smiled with tears in his eyes. I know he whispered.
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romance2d-otomegame · 5 years ago
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 4
After dinner, Zeus and I went to a walk by the garden. Some orbs of light were flouting on all the way lighting up the path. I tried to touch one, I was wondering if it was hot. But actually it was just warm, and it was beautiful, some how, it make me relax and smile.
"What the heck are you doing?"
And stress came back
"I was just curious."
"I was talking about you coming to Gedonelune. What are you up to?"
Zeus approached me and blocked my way.
"I... Don't know what is happening either. I didn't know anything About it, I swear. "
"Like I'll believe that!"
He seems to be very angry. But why? Do he... He doesn't like his fiance? If I remember well, there's never mentioned that Zeus have a fiance. Like ever! But, it can be that he hides it. I need to know on what timeline am I. Is this before or after Night Class is revealed? The things will develop just like in the game or I'm in another time of story? Any way, why do I have to be Zeus's fiance!? If that was the deal well, I might had been Hiro's fiance, or Alfonse, or Elias. Not that Zeus is that bad, I know he's an idiot but he's very soft on the inside. But it seems like right now, I'm on his bad side. What should I do?
"Why are you against it? You don't want people to know that you have a fiance?"
"What I don't want is you saying everyone that I'm your boyfriend and then trying to boss me around all day!"
Huh? Could it be...?
"Listen, don't tell anyone that we're engaged, if you wanna go to the Academy well, go ahead. But I don't wanna you keep bother me all the time! I won't do all that you say just because it please it you! Understood? After all, is just a matter of time for me to find a way of cancel this compromise. "
I see, Clarisse said that between Zeus and I was an "enthusiastic" relationship. I guess it was her way to say that we discuss all the time. Boss him around huh? Is that what Marian does all the time? So Zeus is against it uh? That explain a lot but still...
"Ho-How rude, I already told you that I didn't know anything about this."
Even when I was trying to keep myself together, I'm weak when somebody rise his voice at me, and my voice shakes a little. I need to calm down. I avoid it him and continue the walk. I took another pat, I needed to stay away from him for a while.
"Gosh, what a big problem."
"You need help?"
I jumped in surprise and turn to see Hiro looking at me. I felt restless, I mean, I always enjoyed looking at him on my phone but here, I can't do that.
"Yo-You scared me."
He stayed quite for a few moments. What should I do? What kind of relationship have Marian and Hiro? I might make another mistake.
"Oh, look, the flower I send you the other day is already blooming."
I saw to where he was pointing and I saw a big blue flower on the center of a path. It was really beautiful whit the faint light of the moon upon of her.
"Ah, yea, it has become so pretty."
I smiled to him but he looked at me dead serious at the face. What? Did I mistaken again?
"So, is true?"
"Tru-True. What thing...?"
"It is true that you lost your memories."
My heart that was beating strongly a moment ago, it stopped suddenly. So, he knew. Of course, is Hiro, he can be sharp.
"You... Knew. Since when?"
"I just hear the maids saying something like that so I came to check myself. Of course I never sent you a flower, you neither speak or look at me like ever anyway. But today when we arrive your eyes were glued to me. It was strange since then. But now I see why."
I felt my face burning for embarrassment. Unfortunately there's no other pat I can take to run away.
"P-Please don't say anything. They told me that nobody should know. She'll punish the maids if she finds out too. That'll be unfair."
Hiro's eyes widen.
"Okay, this is kind of strange."
"Why you say so?"
"You're totally different from the Marian I know. She will never worry for the servants. She never smiles or speak softly at least she's plotting something."
"You're making me sound just like mother."
"Mmm... Yea, that's exactly how you are. Both are exasperating. No offense."
"Don't worry, I think I can agree whit you. It seems like I'm such a horrible person uh?"
Okay, now I see why I'm on Zeus bad side. Of course he never liked those things.
"You really hit hard from that fell huh?"
"Ah! Eh... It seems so, he hehe. "
How can I say that actually I'm not from this world!? Losing memories sounds more credible. I'll have to go whit that for now. And if is that the case then, I better gather all the information I can.
"Say, Hiro, if Zeus and I don't get along, why are we engaged? He even said that he'll find a way to cancel it. Why hasn't he done it yet?"
"Well, your mother, and you I think, convinced Zeus's mother to this."
Ah, Zeus's mother is scary to him. That makes sense.
"They're good friends so, Zeus's mother though it was a good idea. Also, your father and Zeus's father have a business right now so, is difficult for Zeus to say something like canceling."
"I see. Even if I also wanted, it seem difficult from my part too."
So basically, mom wants his daughter to marry into nobility. And they trying to caught them by business matters, so they think that a marry is convenient. How typical.
"That's right. But, you can change it if you want."
"What do you mean?"
"You seem to be nicer than before, no offense. So, why don't try to fix things whit him now? Tell him what happened."
"What? They told me to especially not to tell Zeus about it."
"Yea but that can clear a lot of misunderstandings don't you think? Zeus is not that bad as you think."
I know he's not a bad person. He always was a kind person and even when it doesn't seem like it, he was unexpectedly gentle and supportive. Maybe, Hiro is right and I should tell him. He might soften to me.
"Okay, I'll go tell him."
I went to search Zeus again on the garden. And when I found it he of course, send me an annoying glance.
"Zeus, there's something I need to tell you."
"uh? What is it this time?"
"Well, you see, it might be hard to believe but, due to the horse falling, I get hit on my head and when I woke up, I've lost my whole memories. I didn't even remember what my name was."
Zeus stayed silent for a moment, he didn't even blink when I told him the story. Did he hear me at least?
"Mmm, I see, so now you don't remember anything uh?"
I looked at him whit hope. Does he believe me?
"Is this just another one of your tricks!?"
Suddenly, my hopes shattered on pieces.
"What kind of game is that!? Do you really think I'll believe a nonsense like that? You always made up lies like that just to toy with me. That's why I didn't believe that thing of the horse when they told me at first. I just came cuz my mother forced me. And now you have amnesia? Yea right."
Zeus passed me and start walking towards the exit.
"There you are Hiro! Come on, lest get out of here. I'm sick of this place. "
Zeus really is an idiot uh?
"Umm, Marian?"
Hiro approached me from behind. I... Wasn't feeling quiet right.
"Hey, uh, I'm sorry, I... Know I encourage you to tell him but... I guess, I forgot that Zeus is also a big idiot. I should've think on that before."
"No, is okay. He's right. I'm a horrible person after all,. I shouldn't expect him to believe me. "
I felt so frustrated. Nothing of this is my fault! Why I have to bear all of this? I couldn't see Hiro in the eye so I just turned and started to leave. But a ruffle of my dress got caught on a root. Gosh! What else can go wrong! I stared to pull my skirt to free it. Stupid dress!
"Calm down, if you pulled it like that you'll ripped it."
Hiro kneeling down and carefully loose the riffle.
"There you go."
He stood up again, and my eyes fixed on the sword he was wearing on his waist. I saw his tattoo on the other arm too.
"Are you okay?"
He asked me.
"I... Remembered that I'll be going to a Magic Academy next week. But, I don't know anything about magic."
"You also forgot it?"
"I guess."
"Well, it always exists the possibility for you to remember. We still don't know how much time this will be."
"I don't know if I want to be back to who I was before. It seems that I'm not a good person."
I miss my home, I miss my family, I miss my friends. This is not what I wanted. Will I ever go back to my own world?
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, right?. You are the one living now. Whoever you were in the past it has stayed behind, you don't need to behave like someone you don't know. The one you are right now is the one that matters. And while you are here you can, you know, take advantage of this life and live it to the fullest. Don't you think?"
Hiro's words sounded like he'll know about the real me. It felt like... It really makes sense... In a strange way.
"Hey, Hiro! Hurry up! What is taking you so long!?"
"And that's my call. You should come too, to say goodbye. "
"Uh, right."
"The name is Hiro, by the way. Just in case."
"Hiro. Thank you, for being so nice even when is obviously that I haven't been nice to you before. "
"Don't mind it."
He briefly smiled at me and then keep walking, he is so considerated.
We said goodbye at the entrance, and while they leave I keep thinking on Hiro's words, he made me feel a lot at ease. Hehe, he is just like in the game huh? I should live this life to the fullest uh? I headed to my room, but before climbing the stairs, someone grabbed my hair and pulled me up stairs.
"Kyaa! What...!?"
I briefly saw that it was mother the one pulling me from my hair. And she didn't let me go until we reach my room. She pushed me inside and I stumble whit my dress and fell on the ground.
"Can I know what we're you thinking?"
Now, why is she so angry now?
"What were you doing talking whit that servant?"
"Servant? You mean Hiro?"
"Your goal is Zeus! You don't have time to lose on a servant, I've told you thousands of times! The only reason that you will be sent to Gedonelune is to be closer to Zeus and marry him, that's the only way we can enter the nobility, keep that clear on your mind! That's the only thing you can do for your family that it has giving you everything. Don't forget it."
She turned and slammed the door. I didn't even have time to say anything. Is this the kind of circumstances that Marian lives then? So I guess that's the reason why she's so desperate. Oh, look at my dress! It ripped. Hiro untangle it so carefully just a minute ago. I stood up and headed to the window. Is such a stary night, Hiro's word keep sounding on my head. It doesn't matter who I was before, this is what I have now. Let's take the best of it while it last! The good part is that I'll get out of here and I'll be on that place where so many adventures happens! Let this dream last all that it wants!
To be continued...
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littlemissrainhoe · 6 years ago
with this soul that once believed it all was meaningless, i won't stop
For @tododeku-week! Day 1: Determination. This is the first time I’m participating in a ship week. (I was this close to writing an Endgame AU, but then I realized I didn’t want to hurt myself.) I made a weird Spy AU where UA is some sort of spy agency lol. I hope I did okay!
You can also see this on AO3. ^_^
"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart." ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
The door creaks as it opens, revealing a broad figure and the glint of eye wear. Even still, the figure on the couch doesn’t move from where they sit.
Tenya enters the room, quietly closing the door behind him, his footsteps rather incongruous to his large frame. He stops a few feet away from the man on the couch. Though he has not given any response to his entrance, Tenya knows he is fully aware of his presence.
These days, even the lightest wind can wake them up.
“Midoriya-kun,” Tenya calls.
Midoriya doesn’t move from his position, his front facing the fireplace burning before him. After a few moments of silence, he speaks. “Did you know we were thinking about adopting a kid?”
Tenya did not know. At the time, he was with Uraraka, tailing a suspected traitor in China. He hadn’t heard from Midoriya for weeks, but that was par for the course; it was unprofessional to let personal life get in the way of a mission, and Midoriya stood by that as well. But part of him still thinks what if? What if he brought his phone with him? What if he let Asui take the traitor case with Uraraka instead? What if he was here back then?
Would that have changed things?
Midoriya’s voice is low, perhaps even mellow to the ignorant. But Tenya knows Midoriya Izuku, and he is a man who is always dynamic, always fearless—the man who is known to smile at the face of danger.
But this man, who sits alone in this empty home, staring into a burning hearth but feeling no warmth—this is Midoriya Izuku nowadays: solemn, melancholy, closed-off. Hurting.
Tenya can only feel his heart break all over again for his friend.
He met Midoriya on his first day at UA, as is the same with all of his friends. They are a tight-knit group, an anomaly among other classes. After all, it is the height of folly to trust people who are currently training to become spies. UA may be known by the inner circle as the most reputed of all government spy agencies, but even then they are an agency built—quite literally—on lies.
Perhaps, in a different world, that would have been their reality, where the closest relationship they could have with each other consists of wary respect and a hidden revolver. But when hordes of criminals try to kill you and your fellow trainees only a few days in the academy in an attempt to bring attention to their secret society, spies in training they may be, they couldn’t help but bond over their near-death experience when they have no one else to turn to.
Even then, Midoriya was a beacon, pure even in the face of deceit, loyal even to the detriment of himself. Many times, Tenya has heard people call him foolish; that his weak heart would only get himself killed. But his very earnestness is his weapon—his analytical mind sharp in this game of truth and lies.
Tenya remembers asking the same question in the middle of the night, back when he found Midoriya Izuku to be an utter mystery. There, in the quiet of the infirmary room where Midoriya laid to rest after a mission gone wrong, Tenya felt the words of reproach burst from his lips. After all, Midoriya just took a knife in his place—a wound that should have been Tenya’s after his rash decision to confront his brother’s killer.
“If I didn’t trust anyone,” he said, his eyes shining in the dark—not blinded by naiveté like Tenya thought, but filled with determination, belief and hope. “If I couldn’t bring myself to trust the people who I’m around on a daily basis, what kind of life would I be leading then? If I couldn’t help the people I’m with, how can I help the strangers who need it?”
That day, Tenya learned the value of trust from the man he now calls his closest friend, a brother he never would have found had he been too stubborn. Time and again, Midoriya has saved Tenya, be it from danger or even Tenya himself. He has taught him how to live, how to love—how to always choose the path of righteousness.
Now, he has a chance to repay his friend, even if just a little bit. For once, he will be his friend’s guiding light.
So Tenya steels himself and gives Midoriya his news.
“We found Shouto.” 
Sometimes at night, when he lies in bed waiting for sleep to come, Izuku can almost feel Shouto’s body next to him.
“Izuku,” he would whisper softly, looking at him with a tiny smile on his handsome face as if he was sharing a particularly treasured secret. Shouto always preferred to sleep facing him. In one drunken episode, where everything was raw and vulnerable and real, he said that it was to make sure Izuku was still beside him.
He wonders if Shouto still seeks his warmth the way Izuku does for Shouto’s.
It’s been a month of silence. A month since Izuku last saw his husband, walking out the door for a quick grocery run in a rare day off for the two of them; a month since Shouto was taken from him.
Most people would have already given up, choosing to close the book and bury it along with the body that’s not there. After all, in their line of work, not everyone gets to retire voluntarily.
But Izuku isn’t most people. Even if the world is to crumble—right here, right now—Izuku would still find a way to believe that the sun will rise again. Not because of misplaced ignorance or forced conviction, but because there is always hope to be found even in the most desolate places.
Izuku has learned from a very young age, back when he was just a tiny, sickly kid with too big dreams, to never give up hope. Even when the world spat on his dreams and called him worthless, he never stopped believing.
These days, Izuku can only thank his lucky stars for his stubborn streak, even if the weight of his past will always and forever be a stark reminder of how cruel and miserable the world can be. If he gave up hope, he would never have gotten where he is right now. He would have lived his life in regret, thinking of what-could-have-beens and what-ifs. He would never have made connections with these people so close to his heart. He would never have met the love of his life.
But sometimes, even Izuku gets tired. He would never give up hope, because Shouto doesn’t deserve that. But sometimes he just wants to lay down and remember—the way Shouto doesn’t put sugar or milk in his coffee, the way his skin feels under the moonlight, the way he wakes up with his hair somehow more unruly than Izuku’s chaotic curls. In those moments especially, Izuku would yearn for his husband; he would long for the missing part of his heart.
Then, in the wake of his memories of better days, Izuku will find the strength to keep going, to keep searching for his husband.
And now it has finally borne fruit.
Dressed for war in a black and white ensemble, Izuku perfectly recreates the image of a waiter. Plain, simple and easy to overlook. Tonight, he dons the face of Ito Kiriya, a college student moonlighting as a waiter for a catering service. Gone are his trademark green hair and eyes; now replaced with black and dark brown. His freckles has been erased with makeup, nothing too heavy that it will draw unnecessary attention. Izuku is no longer a respectable spy, but an exhausted kid who is thinking about upcoming deadlines.
For a moment, Izuku closes his eyes and remembers to hope. Whatever happens tonight, he will never give up hope. He will never give up on Shouto.
Iida steps beside him, clad in an elegant black suit and without his glasses. His role is an assistant who was forced to accompany his boss in the hopes that she won’t get too drunk in front of important associates. After all, the stakes are high here.
“This will work, Midoriya,” Iida says, shoulders straight and firm in his belief. “We will take him back.”
He can only nod, his mind as clear as it’s always been on the job. He knows they have back-up, their friends either infiltrating the party as well or waiting in the sidelines for support. This is not an agency-sanctioned mission, but he knows full well that they have the agency’s full support.
Izuku clenches his fist. It’s now or never.
It’s time to infiltrate the Todoroki estate and bring Shouto home.
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cannibalisticshadows · 6 years ago
AHSHAAUGAFAF MEGAMINDS TAIL OAO - anyways - metro mans kinda a lil bitch for being so “creeped out” at megaminds alien biology when really he probably has his own alien problems too and thats the tea
Loving The Alien (Part 12)
(trypophobia warning toward the end of the chapter)
(I also want to thank @the-megamind  for helping me generate ideas :D)
Roxanne nearly drops a pan when she hears the banging on her door. It’s obvious whoever is knocking at not even six in the morning is here for a reason, and a major one at that. Huffing, she sets the pan on the stove and wipes her hands on her robe. With shuffling feet she goes to the door.
“Who’s th—“
“Miss Ritchi!” The robotic screech of Minion’s suit voice tore through the door with clear agitation.
She blinked rapidly, because one, how on earth did Minion get up the flight of stairs, or the elevator, without causing mass panic, and two, why was he here? How did he know Megamind was here (assuming that’s the reason he’s here)? Without another thought she unlocked her door and found—she found not Minion, but also Wayne, standing in his superhero get-up with the most miserable look on his face.
“Can…I help you two?”
Minion, without saying another word, marched past her into her apartment with barely a second look. She opened her mouth to protest, but Wayne was following Minion’s lead by more or less forcing himself inside uninvited.
“SIR!” Minion belows, spinning around in his suit’s bowl head as he searched for his friend. “SIR, I’M HERE!”
Roxanne pinched the bridge of her nose. She had no patience for nonsense this morning but it was clear Minion wasn’t here to kidnapping. Clearly. Megamind said so himself he was stopping that. But did Minion know? Did he know why his boss/friend was hiding here with her?
“What are you guys doing here?” She hissed at Wayne, pulling her robe tighter around her when his eyes drifted below his face (her sleep tank top wasn’t the most modest thing).
“When you said… uh… that the little guy was all right now, I kind of went searching for Minion.”
She stared at him.
“Turns out he was looking for him too!”
She sighs. Honestly, a very selfish part of her just wanted to spend a lazy day off work with none other than Megamind. However she knew that the one who knew Megamind best was not her, not in the slightest. So Roxanne motioned to Minion, and says, “He’s up in my room.”
Minion doesn’t so much as give her another second because he’s already storming up the stairs with his big mechanical gorilla feet. She winces, hearing the stairs creek in his wake.
“SIR,” Minion yells again and throws the door open before vanishing inside. If Minion wasn’t a literal (alien) fish, Roxanne would feel terrified of a man throwing himself into her bedroom like hell in a suit. But, this was Minion and had probably spent more time with her unconscious than anything.
She hears Megamind squawk in surprise, and then Minion is marching back out again with him thrown over his shoulder. Megamind kicks his limbs and shouts, “Damn you! Put me down!”
“This is so inappropriate, sir!” Minion cried. “In Miss Ritchi’s bed?! WHY didn’t you call me when you lost your tail again!?”
They’re yelling, now, with Megamind climbing all over this friend’s impossibly large robotic suit and Minion trying to grab Megamind by the waist to keep him still. Megamind is clumsy, though, and she can tell the “phantom pain”, as he put it, is evident as he tries to regain his balance.
“Okay, stop! Both of you!” She yells. Both of them turn to her with wide eyes. “Minion, there’s nothing to worry about. Megamind’s just been resting here.”
“And that’s incredibly unethical!”
“Don’t be a prune, Minion,” Megamind grumbles, having been caught and forcefully squeezed into a bridal position. It would be almost comical, seeing him struggle in the big mechanical arms of his friend, but right now all she worried about was Megamind being “kidnapped” in a weird scene, or his tail stub to start bleeding from all the struggling.
“What are you even DOING here!?” The fish asks, clearly in distress. Roxanne finally takes pity on him and sending a glance to Wayne, who looks just about ready to leave as quickly as possible, she walks over to Minion to insist he put Megamind down.
“Minion, it’s okay. We had… a date last night.”
The fish looked at her like she was the weirdest one in the room.
“A date,” he echoes.
“Not really,” Megamind whines. “Before anything happened, Mr. Elephant here showed up.”
“Look, little buddy…”
“Don’t even start with me.”
“Mr. Scott informed me that he caught you two in a very inapt position,” Minion barked, to which Megamind blew air out of his cheeks, blushing lilac. “I’m taking you back home now, Sir. Enough playing.”
Both she and Megamind jolt. “For one, I’m not playing, and you can’t tell me what to do,” the blue alien whined. “I’m quite…” he glances at her, a clear question in his eyes. She nodded. “I’m quite comfortable here!”
“Sir, this is completely—“
“Minion, this is SO not your place—“
“I’m sure Miss Ritchi has to go to her job, now! She’s much too busy for—“
“She’s taking a sick day!”
“Miss Ritchi doesn’t know how to care for you like I—“
“We ate together!”
This was not the response she’d expect from Megamind to quiet Minion. Yet it was everything that needed to be known, or at least understood, for the otherworldly fish. His jaw dropped open, a few bubbles exiting his mouth. She shared a glance with Wayne over the unfolding scene.
And then the little fish grits his fangs. Roxanne knows without a doubt these two are going to be fighting, and it probably shouldn’t be anything she or Wayne should be privy to. So, she takes the more humanoid alien by the hand and leads him to the balcony. Once outside, she shuts the door behind her. Immediately the two inside start yelling. Oh, boy, she thought gloomy. Megamind hadn’t mentioned their new relationship status at all.
“So… you and him?”
“Yes. Is that a problem?”
“But, he’s… Megamind. I can’t really imagine him as the boyfriend type.”
“You’d be surprised.”
When she heard a chair being knocked over, she winced. So did Wayne, but he covers his head in his hands.
“If your superhearing is that bothered, then you shouldn’t have come.”
He frowns. “Look… Roxie, I know it’s not really my business, but…” He winces again.
And Roxanne understands his pain. The physical pain, that is.
They’ve known each other for a while. Actually, a little longer than she’s known Megamind. After all he was the one to originally kidnap her because of her affiliation with Metro Man.
It goes to say that she and Wayne are somewhat like friends. Sometimes he’s taken her out for coffee after a particularly grueling kidnapping, or they’ve gone out for sushi, a shared enjoyment (she tended to avoid fish-based things after years of knowing her two serial kidnappers [that is, apparently, until now]).
She’s seen his little hideout by the bay, under this old one-room schoolhouse.
So, naturally, it wasn’t strange for them to pick up on the little things in the other. Quirks. Pet peeves. Hobbies. Tastes. Strange alien abilities she’d never guess.
Ooh yes. Wayne was so not off the hook for last night. No way. Not after what happened with Megamind. Especially so, since Wayne wasn’t one to talk.
So, yes, Wayne, she thought to herself bitterly, you had no room to talk about Megamind’s alienness. He has his own little alien quirk, too.
“If you make one nasty comment, one, on our relationship I am throwing you over the balcony myself.”
“That’s not gonna—“
“I don’t care, and you better apologize to him.”
“It’s not—“
“You removed his tail.”
“It comes off on its own!”
“How is that any less wrong!?”
She hears something being turned over in her living room, and with a great strength, she holds herself from turning around to look inside. She did trust Megamind enough not to turn her home into a complete disaster. More or less. Yet before she can say anything she hears, in a loud insisting yell, “Well maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore!”
And then Minion’s squeal of shock.
And then a long silence.
And then the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut.
She waits there for a whole second before the glass doors open.
“Roxanne,” Megamind states. She turns around and swallows.
He’s looking a little worse for wear. Clearly the signs of a passionate fight show on his face, with puffy purple cheeks and ears. He hangs his head and steps aside from the entrance way. “It’s just me, now.”
“Are you okay?” She asked awkwardly, tentatively touching his shoulder. He shrugs, giving her little information as to what just happened between them. She and Wayne follow him inside, watching him collapse on the sofa.
She quickly moves to sit beside him. He looks so tired, now. He pouts, with his brows scrunched together so hard she wonders if he’ll hurt his face.
“Do you want breakfast?” She asks him, patting his head.
“Sure,” he sighs, but pressed against her in a loose fetal position and closes his eyes. Not sparing a glance at Wayne, or even warning him for what she’s about to do, she tugs his sleep pants down an inch to expose his stump. He grunts but doesn’t move her.
It’s still the same dark pink color, not as glossy anymore but still puffy with the blood pumping through his slim body. She’s been keeping an eye on it this whole time, but even so, she wants to cry or cringe because this appendage she’s so accustomed to seeing is literally gone. It’s just gone. Not forever, but it’s… gone.
Wayne looks away.
Good, she thinks bitterly. Let him see it. She gently pulls the elastic band back up, this time letting it pop his skin a little. It’s ineffective.
When she leaves the couch in favor of making him something to eat (and for herself), she gives Wayne a look and crosses her arms. “You need to apologize to him. Big time. For all the times!”
He rubs the back of his neck.
She picks up a spray can of olive oil and coats a pan, quietly placing it on the stove because as much a she felt like slamming it down, Megamind was already asleep on the couch.
“Things are changing, Wayne,” she sighs, pulling a carton of eggs and a variety of vegetables and other foodstuffs out of her fridge. “He’s already trying to accept that. You need to, too.”
He sits at her bar and is just… quiet. For a long time, as she’s already whipping eggs together in a bowl with chopped onions, spinach, pepper, tomatoes, and cheese, the apartment is eerily quiet for once, with the only sounds being her puttering around.
With the omelet starting to fry on the pan, Wayne finally moves off the stool.
Out of the corner of her eye, still hovering over the stove with her spatula in hand, she watches him approach the other alien by crouching down beside him.
“Hey… Blue…”
She briefly wondered where the naming of his color of skin came from and wondered if Megamind would see that as if a white person called an African “Black”. However, when Megamind opened one eye, face half pressed into her red cushions, he regarded this life-long energy with just a suspicious glare.
“Look. I’m sorry about last night. I may have overreacted….”
She’s two seconds from blowing up on “may have”, but Megamind beats her to it by saying, quite quietly, “One time too many. Five times I can count, including last night.”
“Those times happened as kids, man.”
“Tell that to the growing pains, jack hat.”
She knows he’s being literal, Roxanne thinks with a wince.
Wayne smacks his lips and gives a glance to Roxanne. She glares and just vigorously nods her head.
“Look… I think half the reason we all really felt… threatened by you was your—“
“Yes, yes, my appearance,” Megamind hisses, sitting up now. His borrowed top slips off one of his slender blue shoulders, the one with a tattoo. “The tail. The extra fingers. The eyes. The teeth,” he bares them. “Not to mention the time I lost my tail or had my shoes stolen.”
Why would stolen shoes be so bad?
“You,” Megamind goes on, laying on the truth very, very thickly. “You were Mr. Perfect, all smiles and charm and charismatic heroism. Winning the other chee-ildren with a single look. Despite your freakish strength and powers, they all flocked to you, didn’t they? Oh, no, no one could hate Mr. Perfect. Not him! Not even if secretly all the other children had somewhat of a fear for an indestructible child, in which no-one could stop if he had so much as a temper tantrum!”
The room is so quiet that Roxanne thinks she can hear her own heartbeat.
Wayne stands up. He hangs his head. “I’m sorry. I really am. But… would you believe me if I said I was jealous?”
Megamind doesn’t buy it for a second and leans over to rest his chin on his fists. “Oh? Was it my incredible genius that intimidated your tiny mind?”
“No. It was because your alien abilities weren’t as freakish as mine!”
Megamind stares at him. “How so?”
Wayne tries to search Roxanne’s eyes for somewhat of a backup. And though she is still furious at him, she does nod and encourages him silently.
Wayne then brings his hand up to his head and runs his fingers through his graying hair, moving away a chunk of greased locks to expose the hundreds of tiny, little holes in his scalp.
Megamind says nothing, and sits very still.
“They’re… ears. Like. I can hear basically everything in this city. It’s frustrating as heck! And not to mention ear wax. This sounds disgusting but most of the time my hair looks this good is because of the wax. It’s—ew. I know.”
“Is that all?” Megamind is massaging his temples now, but in no way does he appear to be grossed out. Or even that tased.
“Um… not really. No. But. Look. I’m saying sorry. And I really mean it.”
He say nothing. He turns and his eyes meet with Roxanne, but for once she doesn’t know what to say to this. This is between them. It’s probably not even okay for her to be present for this conversation, but she does need to make him something to ea—OH SHIT, she’s forgotten the omelet. She throws herself over to the oven and flips it, cursing as it’s scorched on the bottom.
As for what happened next between the two aliens, she is not privy to, because when she turns around Wayne is leaving through the balcony.
She scavenges the good parts of the omelet and fills a glass with organic orange juice. Walking over to him, she gives him a look over. He’s hunched over, still massaging his temples.
When she sits beside him does he finally look at her.
“I’m on better terms with him,” he nods to the balcony, “than with my best friend.”
She brings a hand up to rub his back, balancing the plate on her lap. “Minion… is quite protective of you.”
“You’ve no idea. I fear I’ve kept this from him for too long for him to take it easy.”
“He’ll come around. You two are the closest friends I’ve ever known.”
He smiles ruefully at this.
She runs her hand down his back once more. He’s so slim she can feel the ridges of his spin. Is that normal? “Here. Eat something,” she offers the plate.
He takes the plate but keeps it where their thighs are touching. “Eat with me.”
“Anything you need.”
“We need. You haven’t had anything to eat since last afternoon? If you hadn’t already had dinner. I saw your news report before coming to look for you.”
“Oh?” She chuckles. “And how did you find me?”
He turns purple. “I may… have a few brain bots around the city to alert me of your wear-a-boots.”
She shakes her head, but can’t find an atom in her to feel creeped out. As long as they were in this together, it felt like nothing could tear them apart.
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sweetness47 · 7 years ago
Don’t Look Behind You Part 6 – The Hunt, The Betrayal, The Hurt
Pairing Mafia Boss!Castiel/Misha x reader
A/N: This is for #spnkinkbingo hosted by @spnkinkbingo  @fanforfanatic. The story will be written from both the reader’s POV and from Misha’s POV.
Square filled: Handcuffs
Warnings: Violence, language, smut, fluff, gang violence, mentions of sexual abuse, sexual assault, child abuse, murder, I’m covering all my bases here. PAY HEED TO THE TRIGGERS! NOT FOR UNDER 18, OR ANYONE WITH HISTORIES OF ANY MENTIONED WARNINGS!
Just a side note…these warnings may not apply to all chapters, but I’m setting out the warnings anyways!!
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Misha’s POV
Monday morning arrived quicker than any of us wanted. We gave ourselves an extra hour to get ready, and I made sure to explain my plan to Y/N for her work area. The new janitor, Jim, was going to be on that floor for the entire work day, and he would remain until she was finished work. He had been fully briefed on the situation, and what my expectations were of Y/N’s safety. Jared was going to drive her to and from work, and she would let him know if any overtime was going to happen. If she ended up working late, he would wait inside the building, outside the office door, until she emerged.
I had sent a picture of Y/N to Jim yesterday, so he would know what she looked like. In turn, I walked her to the office, stopping briefly to casually motion toward my friend, who gave a slight nod in our direction. Y/N smiled at him and turned to the door, opening the lock so she could step inside. I went in with her, and walked through the place beside her, making sure there were no surprises. My transmitter didn’t pick up any odd frequencies of bugs or any such listening devices, but I left instructions with Jim to check regularly as well. After I was satisfied with her surroundings, I brought her into my arms and she melted into the embrace, and our mouths sought each other in desperate need. A polite cough interrupted the passionate moment, and we turned to find Jensen casually leaning on the wall, arms crossed, grinning like a child at Christmas. Y/N blushed furiously and stepped away, but her hand stayed locked with mine.
Jensen’s voice filled the silence with jovial delight. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream. Seriously Y/N, this is freaking awesome! Does Danee know yet? How long have you been an item? Why didn’t you say…”
I stopped his quiz with a stay of my hand, and gestured to Y/N, who cleared her throat. “Jensen, no one knows yet. This literally just happened over the weekend. All I know for sure is I haven’t slept that good in a very long time. He makes me feel safe, loved, and I love him.” Her confession to him, even though she already confessed as much to me, hearing her tell someone she trusts makes my heart soar. She loves me. I love her as well, something I never thought I’d hear myself say. Until Friday, I’d never found a woman worthy of my love, and now that I have her, I don’t plan to lose her.
The first week goes by quickly, and I am amazed at how quickly Y/N has adjusted to her new schedule and the changes made to her life. Jared enjoys spending time with her, he even allows her to sit in the front with him when he picks her up or even when he drops her off. This is rare in itself, he almost never allows anyone to spend time in the front, except occasionally me, and that is usually when urgent business needs to be discussed. Our evenings are filled with talk of work, next day plans and the latest updates as they come in regarding the danger we still find ourselves in. Jared leaves after dinner, his girlfriend is in town for the weekend, so he will spend his Saturday and Sunday with her. She lives in Atlanta, so they don’t get to see each other often except when she’s on a business trip. I made sure she was clean, as I would with anyone, and discovered she owns a cleaning business, with over 100 locations across the U.S. There are two locations here in Boston, and she comes to check on them every two months. I’m certain she comes here more than most because of Jared, but he’s happy to see her, which makes me happy.
Y/N watches as Jared leaves and remarks that she’s from the same place where her brother went to tech college and is currently working. I make a mental note of that, as seemingly coincidental as that is, and stand, holding my hand to Y/N and she takes it, standing now with me. We retire to our bedroom, where I produce a pair of soft handcuffs and a sheer lace short nightgown. She smiles and removes her work clothing, donning the delicate lingerie, and making a seductive gesture my way. In less than two seconds I have crossed the room and I cuff her wrists, and then carry her to the bed, where I attach the cuffs to the headboard. There she lay, unabashed and wanton, her body writhing in anticipation. She parts her legs for me, and I see her juices, she is so wet and I haven’t even started yet. I remove my clothes, my large cock already standing at full attention, pre-cum dripping from my slit, and it takes every ounce of willpower I possess not to take her right there. My plan goes beyond a simple love session.
I make sure as always that I have her approval. My heart would never allow me to take her if she was not willing. I love her too much to hurt her in that way. I go to the drawer by the bed and produce a feather, a decent-sized dildo, and a container of whipped cream. She licks her lips and her eyes gleam as she watches me, there in her gaze is the approval I seek. As she continues to follow my movements, I take the whipped cream and spray it on her wet pussy. She gasps as the cold topping comes in contact with her heat, then I go down, my tongue eager to feast on the dessert before me. Her scent fills my senses as I partake of her essence, tracing lines up and down her folds, juices mixed with the sweet cream. Her hips buck and push my face more into her center, and my appendage finds her entrance, darting in and out at a furious pace. My fingers join the merriment, her mouth uttering cries of intense pleasure. Now I suck hard on her clit while I fuck her with my fingers, three of them, and her first orgasm rips through her in droves, like vibrations from an earthquake. I ride her out, inhaling every drop of her sweet nectar as though I were starving. But I’ve only begun.
Now I take the dildo and begin to fuck her with that. The throbbing pussy coats the new toy in slick, her pressure building again for round two. I don’t allow her to come yet, and instead go to phase two, taking the wet dildo and as I turn her to her side, and slowly insert it into her ass. Her breath stops and she moans, deriving nothing but pleasure from my actions. I smile and finish inserting the item, then I keep her on her side as I once again insert my fingers into her wet folds. My name is on her lips again as I move my fingers, then begin moving the rubber cock, synchronizing so both are rhythmically fucking her at the same time. Her body bucks and her moans fill the silence, the juices flow around my fingers as she comes again, this one harder than the last, hitting with the force of a hurricane, strong and fast. I continue my vigorous ministrations, the aftershocks only adding to the moment.
As her third climax runs through her, I remove the toy and my fingers, lapping up the soaking folds, then I drive my painfully hard cock into her slick. My lips are on hers, claiming her, giving her tastes of what I experienced, a taste she eagerly receives. I slam in and out, my thrusts are fast and furious, my need outweighing all else. She welcomes the assault, wrapping her legs around me, and I am her prisoner as I fuck her. Then I am crying out, my hot seed spewing forth, filling her completely, and I feel her clench around my shaft, as her fourth orgasm wracks her small frame.
I gather her into my arms, releasing the handcuffs and tossing them over the side of the mattress. She snuggles in willingly, placing kisses on my chest and shoulder. We drift off to sleep, exhausted and sated. My phone interrupts our sleep around three in the morning, Jared’s voice on the other end, panicked and worried. I am up immediately, pulling on my clothing with one hand while listening and talking with the other. Y/N sits up as well, as she hears bits and pieces of the conversation, pulling on her own clothing. I motion to her to stay here, that it isn’t safe, but she argues with me, insisting that her safest place is at my side. I think back to what she said to me when we first met, and she has proclaimed this a few times. Yet I am hesitant to bring her with me, Genevieve, Jared’s girlfriend, has gone missing. He got to his place to find the entire apartment in shambles, and while Gen’s things were there, she was nowhere to be seen.
I plead with her one last time. “Y/N, this is too dangerous. Jared’s girlfriend is missing. I can’t give this my full attention if I am also worrying about you. Please, just stay here until return.”
She shook her head and countered. “Misha, Jared is my friend too. Besides I don’t want to be alone.”
“What if I send for Jim? He could stay with you while I am out.” My eyes search hers, hoping she will agree to this compromise. “He won’t let anything happen to you.”
Y/N took a deep breath. “I would rather be at your side, but if you believe that I am safer here, with Jim, then I will stay. But I won’t allow you to go until he gets here.”
I nodded, accepting the terms, and I call my old friend, explaining the situation. He arrives in 10 minutes, it helps that he lives in the same building, and once he is settled in, I make my way over to Jared’s place. He doesn’t live far, but I take the car to be safe, you can never be too careful at night. I park and rush inside, finding my brother sitting on the couch, his head bent forward, his hands running through his brown hair. Upon seeing me, he gets up and I give him a reassuring hug, telling him we will find her and get her back. I mean every word of that statement. Together we search the place for any clues that might give us an idea of who did this. I find some torn paper on the floor in the washroom, looking like they were to be flushed down the toilet. They didn’t make all and I retrieve the three clues off the tile. As I read what I can, I frown, the words on the little pieces of parchment don’t make sense. I see part of a name, and what looks to be another name, a number and the latter half of a time. The number could be part of an address, but with out more details, I can’t say where. I put them in my pocket for now, leaving my findings out of the mix. The last thing I want to do is worry my friend even more.
Gen’s personal belongings are strewn across the bedroom floor and on the bed as well, as if someone was desperate to find something. But the way some items lay almost seemed placed, like they were staged to look like they’d been thrown around. I took pictures of everything and went back to the living room, where Jared was also finding some oddities.
“Hey Misha, does this look weird?” he asks as he points to the coffee table, tipped over on it’s side, but nothing that fell off the decorative piece was broken. If this had been a real fight, the dishes that were on the floor would be broken, as would the glass top of said table. The lamp on the side table was knocked over on the floor as well, but also remained intact, like it was placed. There were pillows and cushions tossed around the room, some dining chairs tipped, but the carpets were untouched. The china cabinet remained in one piece, and other than some flower pots on their sides from the cushion tossing, there was no physical damage.
I decided to pull out the paper I found and show my friend. “I found these by the toilet in the washroom Jared. Whatever this was, it wasn’t supposed to stay around. I imagine the rest made it down the sewer system.”
Jared mimics my reaction as he reads the same words I did. He looks up at me and we leave to head back to my place. The writings haunt my thoughts as we return, and I can see my friend’s mind working as well. None of what we found make sense, but now we need to put out word, possible security threat in the city and possible betrayal. When we enter, Y/N runs to me, then to Jared, giving him a sisterly hug. He smiles at her gesture and returns the affectionate embrace. I go to the office and begin sending word to my city families, appraising them of the new developments and warning them to watch their backs. Jared informs Jim of our findings as well, and the older man nods, patting Jared’s shoulder and taking a seat in the office lounge chair.
Once all my notifications are sent, I lean back in my leather chair, closing my eyes for a moment. Y/N comes over and sits on my lap, burying herself in my large embrace. I welcome the distraction and just hold her, placing chaste kisses on top of her head. With all that is happening, she is always my light, a guardian angel here to guide me through the hardships. I no longer believe I can survive without this precious gift that fate has brung into my life.
“Marry me Y/N. With all that’s going on, I don’t want to leave things till it’s too late. I don’t know what tomorrow has in store, but I do know that I love you. This may not be the best timing, and I am not the most ideal choice for the perfect husband, but I’m hoping you’ll consider my proposal.”
Y/N’s eyes went round like saucers, a huge smile slowly making it’s way across her gorgeous face. Even Jared and Jim were smiling, despite the circumstances. She let out a squeal of pure delight and screamed “YES!” at the top of her lungs.
“Would my family be able to come?” she asked hopefully. I pondered this, knowing her family was important to her. I also knew that danger was still lurking, and bringing more people around right now gave the traitors more targets to use against me. But my love for Y/N won out, and I nodded to Jared to make some quick calls. As it happened, one of my friends here in the city was a minister, so I called him. He was thrilled to be of service, and said he would have his church set up for the occasion, including some extra bodyguards and some snipers, both inside and out. Jared gave Y/N a secure phone with which she called her parents first, then her sister and brother-in-law, then her brother in Atlanta. The only one that couldn’t make it was her brother, he couldn’t get the time off work in such short notice. He wished her the best, promising to send flowers and a gift after he finished work.
Reader’s POV
Jared drove me to pick up my family and I introduced him as Misha’s best friend/driver. His friendly manner and charm had my entire clan eating out of the palm of his hand within minutes. Then they descended upon me, congratulating me and asking all sorts of questions, all except Jensen, who had already met Misha. His greeting was one of joy and delight as he picked me up in an enveloping hug and whispered, “That’s awesome sweetheart! I hope he makes you happy.”
I whispered thanks, tears streaming down my face. Everyone gave us inquisitive looks, especially Dani, who actually gave me a death stare, one that said “how come he knows before me?”. I promised to tell her everything once we were in the car. Jared opened the doors, and allowed the ladies in first, then the gentlemen. As we drove to the church, I told everyone the basics, how we had met, how everything just clicked after that. I confessed my love for Misha, and told them he had healed me from a lot of my childhood nightmares, mentally. My mom was happy crying at the end of the tale, as was Dani. They both gave me big hugs at the same time, then my dad and Jensen followed suit.
When we arrived at the church, my sister, mother, and myself were ushered into a separate room, where a gorgeous dress hung, complete with shoes, corset, veil and the most amazing bouquet of white roses I had ever laid eyes on. “Oh Misha, What did you do my love?” I whispered to myself as I took the beautiful gown off the hook, inspecting the work of art. The tag said Amore by Anna Sorrano. It was a mermaid style made from Mikado fabric, almost a satiny feel to it. The back had these delicate buttons all the way down, a stunning classic, yet modern, dress that would make any woman feel like a princess.
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Mom and Dani helped me into the dress, then between the two of them managed to do my hair and makeup in record time. Both women stood back when they were finished, speechless at the transformation they had just created. I stole a glance in the long mirror, and my breath caught in my throat at the image before me. The lace veil only enhanced the beauty of this already stunning gown, and indeed, I felt like a princess. Dani helped me into the white satin shoes and handed me the bouquet. Then she changed quickly into the bridesmaid dress that was purchased at the same time. I was a little shocked when Misha asked me if my sister was close to my size, to which I had replied yes, but never thought he would be buying her a dress as well. Mom did her hair to mirror mine, adding baby’s breath to the braided crown. Dad knocked just as we finished, and couldn’t believe the sight before him. Two of his favorite ladies in the world were now two of the most beautiful in the world. He came up and kissed my cheek, and motioned for my mother to go and sit, stopping to give her a corsage and a kiss before she sat.
Dani went out first, meeting up with Jared, who was Misha’s best man. His expression upon seeing me was priceless, jaw dropped to the floor, eyes bulging and I could almost swear he was drooling. He came over to give me a hug and to tell me the dress looked absolutely stunning. I smiled and thanked him, and he went back over to my sister, and also complimented her dress, to which she said thank you and I could swear she blushed. Jared took Dani’s arm as the wedding march began to play, leading her down the aisle, Dad and I close behind. Misha watched as I started walking, and I couldn’t help but smile. He had picked the dress, but didn’t realize how nice it would look on me till he saw it on me. He could only stare as I made my way to the front, the small crowd of family and friends also quietly expressing their delight. As my father took my hand and placed it into Misha’s, he looked over at my husband-to-be and said, “Thank you for helping her find love. Treat her well.”
Misha bowed and led me up the stairs to where the minister waited. I handed Dani my bouquet and we took each others hands as the service began.
“I stand here today, to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony. Misha Tippens Collins and Y/F/N Y/L/N have consented today to become husband and wife, and are pleased that they could share this event with their close family and friends.” He paused here, staring at the small gathering. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
My father and mother stood up. “We, her father and her mother, do give Y/N to be married to Misha this day.”
The minister nodded and smiled. “Misha, turn to Y/N and repeat after me. ‘I, Misha, take you, Y/N, to be my wife. I promise before God and these witnesses to love you, honor you, protect you, cherish every moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.’”
Misha turned to me. My stomach was doing somersaults as he spoke those words, and the love that radiated from him melted any resolve I might still be carrying. “I, Misha, take you, Y/N to be my wife. I do indeed promise before God and these witnesses to love you, to honor you, to protect you, and cherish every single moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”
Then the minister turned to me. “Y/N, turn now to Misha and repeat after me. ‘I Y/N, take you Misha, to be my husband. I promise before God and these witnesses to love you, honor you, protect you, and cherish every moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.’”
I smiled. Tears threatened to spill as I cleared my throat and began. “I Y/N, take you Misha, to be my husband.” My voice cracked, but I continued, and I felt the first tear fall. “Before God and these witnesses this day, I promise to love you, to honor and protect you, and to cherish every moment we spend together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” Misha smiled and reached up to wipe a single teardrop from my face.
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The minister nodded and turned to Jared. “The rings will be exchanged now.”
Jared reached into his pocket and handed Misha my ring, and I watched as he slipped this diamond band on my finger. His words were filled with promise as he said, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
Then I stood shocked as Jared handed me one that mirrored my own except that it was made for a man, this man. As I slipped the gorgeous jewelry on his finger I also said the words, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
The minister raised his hands in joyous momentum. “As sure as we have witnessed the union of these two souls, I am pleased to pronounce Misha and Y/N, husband and wife, joined together under God.” Then he looked at Misha. “You may now kiss the bride.” Misha wasted no time and pulled me into his warm embrace, his lips crushing mine, his tongue invading, caressing my own, sealing our marriage vows. Cheers and shouts of congratulations vibrated through the entire sanctuary, as we waved and made our way down the aisle, where the reception hall awaited.
Misha’s POV
We were officially husband and wife, and to my ears there were no sweeter words spoken in that moment. We made our way to the dining hall where my chef, along with my closest friends, have prepared a wonderful meal to share with our guests. Y/N’s family have a German background, so I had Louis prepare some well-known dishes from that country. German potato salad starts the courses, along with Rouladen, Spatzle, Schnitzel, German fries, Pretzel buns, and for dessert a very delectable Black Forest Cake. For beverage we were given a choice of Riesling, which is a popular German wine, or German beer. Louis had indeed outdone himself this evening. The feast was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and Y/N’s father came over to tell me as much during the meal.
As the evening drew to a close, people gathered to wish us well and take their leave. Y/N’s family stayed till the end, as they were promised some more information about this man their daughter had fallen in love with and married within the span of a week. Jensen helped with the start of the story, saying how Y/N had saved my life, and how I had come to the office with her to intercede on her behalf for being late. Then I took over and explained how I had invited her to the charity function, and everything just happened from there. Then I was enveloped into a hug, first by Y/N’s mother, then the rest of the family joined in. I was now part of their lives, and they welcomed me without question. Jared was also invited to join the family group. I have never experienced love like this, so freely given, unconditionally accepted into their inner circle just because I married their daughter.
We all exited the church together, talking and making plans to get together for another meal, a chance to get to know one another better. Jared was also invited, to which he happily accepted. I was so engrossed in all the family talk I never saw the black car slowly making its way down the street, nor did I see the window slowly open. It wasn’t until Y/N screamed and pushed me out of the way that my mind came to focus. The gunshot echoed through the block and Y/N’s body covered mine, my hand on her waist. But my horror was realized when my hand came back red, fresh blood flowing from the bullet wound in her side. And worse, I saw two faces in the car, one looked a lot like Gen, and the other was that of Y/N’s brother.
@legion1993 @spnkinkbingo @fanforfanatic
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moonprincess92 · 8 years ago
Hush, little darling
Jyn Erso was really not handling the whole ‘mum’ thing all that well.  (IE. the ‘single parent/hot neighbour’ au yall didn’t ask for but get anyway) 
Read on AO3 
Jyn Erso was really not handling the whole ‘mum’ thing all that well.
“She’s still crying! Why won’t she stop crying?” she asked desperately down the speakerphone.
Apparently, nothing good ever happened at 3am. Why was it always 3am? The squalling mess currently in her arms utterly refused to do as she was told, deciding that sleep was just not for her (and for no one else either, apparently). To top it all off, Jyn’s own mother was miles away, she was now on the verge of a mental breakdown and her entire building was going to start complaining soon since, swear to god, it sounded like a bloody cat being murdered up in here!
“Look, I know it seems like the demon hates you, but she’s just getting used to the world, ok?” Lyra told her patiently. “She’s only been in it for three months, give her some time.”
“Can’t you come back, Mum?” Jyn asked, not even caring at how her voice wavered. If there was ever a time she needed her mother, it was now, but she had been at her side the last several months and apparently now, it was time for Lyra to give Jyn the space she needed to find her feet.
Though naturally, her first night without her everything had to descend into chaos.
“You know I would, Jyn,” Lyra sighed. “You know I would.”
“Oh and great, she’s hiccuping too now,” Jyn noted as apparently, Mia still wasn’t happy with her predicament at all. “Mum, I’m literally at my wits end, I don’t know what to do! She’s eaten, but she won’t stop crying or go back to sleep at all, and I’m about to throw myself out the fucking window–”
“How about you try taking her for a walk?” Lyra suggested helplessly. “That’s what I always did when you were being fussy?”
Jyn just shook her head. “God, I bet you’re laughing now, aren’t you?”
Her mother actually had the gall to chuckle at her. “You are such a strong woman, Jyn,” she reminded her. “And you’re a great mother. I believe in you, ok? You go show that little girl of yours who’s boss.”
“Wait, don’t leave me!” Jyn cried, hastily.
“Jyn, it’s 3am. I love you and I love my granddaughter, but you’ve got this. Ok?”
She was about to cry herself, but she answered,
“… ok.”
She hung up the phone, not even caring that the force of it sent the device spinning off the arm of the chair she sat in, hitting the floor with a dull clunk. Jyn stared down at her tiny, crying offspring and tried to get a sense of love back into her. Damn it, she made this thing, she could bloody well get it to calm down!
“Did you hear what Grandma just said?” she told Mia. “I’m the boss. Ok?”
Mia just waved an angry fist at her. Naturally.
Screw it. It might’ve been the middle of the night, but Jyn still stood and bundled up Mia and herself until they were ready to brace England’s chill. She didn’t plan on going far at any rate, so it was relatively easy to just throw on a huge jacket over top of her ratty pyjamas. It wasn’t as if there was going to be anyone around to see her either, except for cats and potential serial killers and hey, if it was the latter, then maybe they’d be doing her favour in offing her?
“Seriously, if someone comes at me, you gotta run, ok?” Jyn said to the snuffling and whining lump that was currently zipped up under her jacket. Only the very top of Mia’s woolly hat could be seen and Jyn wrapped her arms protectively around her as she walked down the hall. “’cause let’s face it, I’m on my last legs here, I’ll be a fucking gonner. But you, my friend, you’ve got to fight! No one’s allowed to take you this early in your life.”
Mia gave a high-pitched whine as if to say, but Muuuuum, my legs are too little to run yet.
Jyn tsked. “Ok, fine. MAYBE I’ll run as well. But I won’t be happy about it.”
She walked them all the way down to the lobby of her building. The courtyard was usually empty, even during the day, save for the overflowing rubbish skips and broken patio furniture so it was probably the best place to take a baby that just wouldn’t calm down. She pushed open the door and together, they stepped out into the cold. Jyn shivered at the breeze that blew around her thin pyjama pants and she hugged Mia tighter to her chest.
“The things I do for you,” she muttered.
Honestly, she hadn’t asked for any of this. Ask anyone and they’d say that Jyn Erso was the last person in the world they’d ever expect to accidentally become a mother. But a lot of tequila and an ex showing up last minute at a friend’s birthday party roughly a year ago had led to some pretty poor choices on her account, and poor Bodhi had been the first person she’d called when she had finally figured out why she’d been so sick recently.
“OH MY GOD, YOU’RE DYING AREN’T YOU?” he had immediately insisted from the look on her face.
“Worse,” she’d said. “I’m pregnant.”
“… holy fuck,” Bodhi had said in astonishment.
Holy fuck had been about right.
But Jyn, never one to shy away from a challenge, had taken to it with gusto. She almost thought it was sheer determination to prove everyone wrong that made her throw herself so intensely into it. She had honestly cried for days after finding out. However, at the end of it, Jyn had found herself getting up from her Bed of Pain, wiping her eyes, and walking straight to the nearest baby shop. She’d ended up reading every goddamn pregnancy book that she could find. She’d forced herself to call up her ex and tell him (only to find out that he was apparently getting married in a month, so thankfully that phone call had been rather short). She’d begged Bodhi to come with her to every appointment and even worked up the courage to eventually tell her mother. The Erso’s did not do things lightly, and Jyn had no doubt that her daughter would be no different some day.
She was suddenly drawn up short when she realised that she wasn’t actually alone in the dark courtyard.
A man sat in one of the few chairs that wasn’t currently broken. She vaguely recognised him from living in the building at least, but she was brought to a complete stop at the unexpected company. He glanced around at the sudden entrance of a shrieking baby and she found herself blurting out,
“Sorry, I didn’t realise it got this crowded at three in the morning.”
The man looked utterly mortified. “I’m so sorry!” he was half out if his chair already. “Did you want to sit down? I can leave–”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Jyn reassured him, quickly. “Just so long as you don’t mind the screaming, I guess.”
“I don’t mind,” he said. When he noticed that she was aiming for another chair he was quick to leap up and pull it out for her. Jyn rolled her eyes a little, but still thanked him before sitting down.
Apparently, the change of scenery was enough of a jolt to shock Mia into calming and Jyn desperately encouraged her, stroking her head gently. It was several minutes before she even thought to be self-conscious.
“She won’t go back to sleep,” she explained when she noticed the man unable to stop watching.
“Right,” he nodded, politely. “Um, how old is she?”
“She’s been fucking my life up for about 3 months now,” Jyn answered. “Her name’s Mia.”
The man tried not to laugh too much. “That’s a nice name, how did you come up with it?”
HA, well, I watched The Princess Diaries one night while I was six months pregnant and got SUPER emotional about it?
“Yeah, um,” Jyn coughed. “It’s my mum’s name?”
Thankfully, the man had no idea that she was blatantly lying. He sat at the table next to her, apparently totally content to share the space with a baby and her still-in-a-constant-state-of-internally-screaming mother. May the lord be on her side though, since Mia was actually miraculously staying calm for now. She snuffled and was still alert, but she wasn’t crying anymore at least! Afraid to jinx it, Jyn tentatively stopped stroking and instead remained still.
“Oh, thank god,” she groaned, letting her head fall back in triumph.
The man laughed a little. “Finally quiet?”
“If I fall asleep here, would you do me a favour and get us a blanket?”
“Of course,” he said.
“You’re new, right?” Jyn asked. If she didn’t talk she really would fall asleep, and while the chill wasn’t too bad right now, she had a feeling that they would become human ice lollies by morning if they actually stayed out here too long. “I think I remember you moving in …”
“Yes, I’ve only been here a few months,” the man said.
“Right, probably around the same time that I looked like a beached whale,” she replied. “I’m Jyn, by the way.”
“Cassian,” he introduced himself. “Nice to meet you and the little one.”
“Ha, it’s all right, you don’t have to pretend,” Jyn snorted. “I know she’s got to be keeping the entire building awake.”
“I don’t hear her,” Cassian tried to reassure.
“You’re nice, but I know she’s got vocal cords like an air horn.”
As if on cue, that was about when Mia started fussing again. “No, noooo!” Jyn whined in utter horror. Despite her best efforts, Mia’s grizzling just slowly escalated into another full-blown crying fit. Did her daughter honestly hate her? She was starting to feel like she did at this point. She pressed a hand desperately to her eyes to try and force her own tears back because for god’s sake, she wasn’t about to cry in front of her new neighbour! Sure, she hadn’t slept for hours and she was slowly going insane, but she needed to maintain at least a little dignity here.
Apparently, Cassian felt sorry for her or something.  
“Hey … I don’t know whether you’d want …” he began hesitantly. “Um, but I could try holding her maybe, if you think that could work or …?”
Jyn glanced back up, sniffing slightly. “Holy shit, would you?”
“Oh – only if you –”
“Because don’t just be saying that,” she warned. “You’ve offered up your services, I’m accepting, you can’t take it back!”
It seemed that Cassian hadn't quite thought the entire offer through, but he still gritted his teeth and held out his arms. It took a few moments to dig through all the layers of jackets and slings, but eventually Jyn was handing her baby over to who was essentially still a total stranger. He seemed a little wary, but he also cuddled Mia close in a way that told her that he’d definitely done this kind of thing before. Jyn offered him the blanket that Mia had been wrapped in, and he added it back around her, letting the baby rest her little head against his shoulder. They both watched with bated breath as amazingly … Mia stopped crying.
“It’s a miracle,” Jyn threw up her hands. “I hope you realise that this means you’re coming home with me now.”
Cassian spluttered a little and she immediately regretted the words. Blimey, didn’t she ever think before speaking? She normally wouldn’t get quite so embarrassed, but a rather attractive stranger was holding her baby at 3am, and the image was doing quite a lot of things to her that she was rather ashamed to admit.  “Sorry, I apparently make inappropriate jokes when I’m sleep deprived,” she hastily said, cheeks burning.
“It’s fine,” he answered, coughing slightly as he smiled at her.
Hoo boy, now THAT’S a smile.
“So go on,” she added. “You know why I’m out here, but why are you?
She was only trying to keep things light. Really! But she should have known that the topic was on the heavy side just from the sheer fact that he was sitting out here this early in the morning in the first place. She was really going all out on the personal mortification, wasn’t she? It was only a quick wince, but she noticed the look and regretted her question immediately. She almost took it back, but before she could, he said,
“I … don’t sleep very well.”
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Jyn blurted out. “I shouldn’t have asked, I didn’t mean –”
“No, no, it’s ok,” Cassian assured her. “You don’t get too many people awake at this time, after all.”
“Maybe we’ll have to talk again then, sometime,” Jyn mentioned. “You know, at a more reasonable hour.”
“Oh, reasonable hours are overrated,” Cassian shrugged. He glanced down at Mia then and added, “She’s quiet, that’s good right?”
“I’m honestly praying it stays that way,” she said. “Are you all right, I can take her back if you want–”
“I don’t mind–”
“Ok,” Jyn laughed a little at both their eagerness. It apparently hadn’t taken her long to find the hottest babysitter in all of England (not that she’d ever admit that, Bodhi would have a bloody field day). “Maybe you could walk her back up to my flat, then?”
“Of course.”
They made their way slowly, Cassian not wanting to jostle the now-nodding-off Mia too much and Jyn just lingering. They chatted their way up the stairs and down the hallways. She learned that Cassian had apparently moved to England five years ago and that a new job had brought him to the city. He apparently had a lot of nieces and nephews, which explained his ease at handling babies, and he in turn found out that the father of her baby wasn’t exactly around.
“Yeah, he knows but he’s not exactly bothered with her,” Jyn shrugged, just as they were reaching her floor. “I don’t really mind, I was even a little relieved to be honest.”
“If it helps,” Cassian put out there. “I think you’re doing a great job by yourself so far.”
Jyn scuffed her feet as she walked. “Thanks.”
By the time they reached her front door, she could barely see straight from tiredness. Thankfully, Mia had apparently finally worn herself out and was now sound asleep against Cassian’s shoulder. They carefully transferred her back over to Jyn’s arms and for a moment, they hovered uncertainly in the hallway. What was she even supposed to say after this?
“Thank you,” she decided to start with. “Honestly, you literally saved my arse.”
“It was no problem,” Cassian insisted. “I hope the rest of your night goes well.”
“Trust me, I am probably going to crash as soon as I hit my pillow. Sorry you had to see me at my worst crying, early morning meltdown stage,” She then suddenly felt the need to add, “Hey, but um … I was serious earlier. Hit me up if you ever want to hang out when I’m fully conscious, I know it sucks moving somewhere new and not knowing anyone.”
Cassian smiled and god help her, she felt it wedge its way into her chest and shiver down her spine.
“I’d like that.”
“I like him,” Jyn whispered to Mia later, once she had closed the door on Cassian. She settled the sleeping baby back in her cot as she added, “What d’you think, huh? My taste in men getting better or worse?”
Mia just let out a snorting breath.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Jyn sighed. “God, I’m nuts. Love you, Insane Child.”
She was asleep within minutes of crawling into bed.
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octopodeez · 8 years ago
Tony stark broken whiskey life dishonesty
Saw Spider-Man: Homecoming, so I got Moving Day on the mind.  
“It’s already broken.”
You jumped and spun around to find Tony–Mr. Stark–in the doorway. His hands were tucked casually in the pockets of a very not-so-casual suit. It was deep charcoal, and probably cost more than your car. Thin framed sunglasses rested on his nose. They were lightly tinted. Enough so that you could clearly see the amused twinkle in his eyes, while still managing to catch a glimpse of your own reflection in the lenses. 
You were awkwardly cradling a thick knob of crystal. The other half was lodged in the neck of an ornate whiskey decanter. It was the last item to be packed from a lengthy list of delicate objects. All of which had gone into their respective boxes without incident. Naturally, Tony managed to time his entrance perfectly with the one mishap you’d had all day. 
“Thank god. I nearly had a heart attack,” you mumbled. The distinct ringing of cracked crystal still lingered in your ears as you set the knob down. 
“That’d be pretty terrible seeing as it takes months to get reservations at this place…I mean, not for me. But think of the faces of all the people who waited, to have to sit and stare at an empty table.” You heard a smile in his voice somewhere amidst the sarcasm as he approached you. 
It was strange, being in the presence of Tony Stark. A few weeks ago, Stark was just a brand name slapped onto a few products you owned, and Tony, himself, felt like fiction. An unobtainable man whose feet never quite touched the ground–figuratively and literally. You’d always admired him for that. You saw past the controversies. The mistakes. The irresponsibility. Even when it proved to be catastrophic; because in the end, he fixed it…or at least tried. It was hard for you to grasp why people didn’t  see that.
Tony Stark lived his life for others. He just did it in his own, unconventional way, and you respected the hell out of him for it. 
But now he wasn’t fiction. Now he was very real. Very obtainable. Very close. 
You never expected things to end up where they were. You never even expected to see him while you worked, yet somehow the two of you found yourselves chatting at 2am while you were elbows deep in bubble wrap. He ended up kissing you in the middle of a sentence, then coyly offering to take you to dinner as an apology. You gladly accepted.  
“Do you want me to finish wrapping that or–”
“I’ll get someone else to take care of it. Why don’t you just go change into whatever slinky thing you picked out for this evening,” he quipped, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Classy for the first date, slinky for the second.” 
“It’s funny, I have the same exact rule for myself.” 
“Sounds like we’ll need to make it to a second date, then,” you remarked, feigning a serious tone.
“It sure does. Now come on. Go get classy before we’re late.” 
You glanced around, making sure you had all your belongings, and nodded. “Give me five minutes, Mr. Stark–”
“Mr. Stark? Are we going for the taboo “secretary sleeps with the boss” thing? Because I could definitely get into that.” 
“Force of habit,” you chuckled. “Five minutes, Tony.”  
With that, you grabbed your bag and walked off, feeling quite proud of yourself. You weren’t the bundle of nerves you thought you’d be. Things felt natural with him. Fun. And the feeling in your gut told you that maybe this would go past that second date you’d so hastily planned.
The feeling was mutual, as Tony watched you enter the bathroom, already fishing something black out of your bag. He made a small noise; something between thoughtfulness and content as he looked back at the crystal knob behind him. He’d never let you find out that you were the one to break it. Sometimes a little dishonesty didn’t hurt. Especially when it left him with such a nice memento. 
I love Tony, but god damn do I suck at writing for him.
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setsunatama3 · 5 years ago
Chapter 12: the date and troublesome meetings
Chapter 12: the date and troublesome meetings
Naruto met up with Weiss at the docks to the bullheads. He paused to take in her beauty... She was wearing a form-fitting sleeveless bodice that wrapped around her neck.and a ruffled skirt that had coattails that extended to her shins adorned with her crest on the tails. And a pair of opera gloves. And blue stockings and a pair of heels. All in hues of blue and white. "Weiss, you look amazing."
Smiling at the compliment she looked him up and down seeing that he had left the vest behind  and now wore a black jacket with the sleeves rolled up and his chest on the right sleeve and a pair of orange pants with the same open-toed sandals. "so are we going to get on a bullhead Naruto?"
"Nah, I've got something better," Naruto said, pulling her to the side of the building. In a flash of light, they were gone. They reappeared in an alley a few blocks from the center of Vale's commercial district. 
"Wow, just wow that was… a lot better than last time." Weiss said Stumbling slightly from the disorientation when naruto caught her by the arm. Left grasping for straws at trying to describe the sensation of her second teleportation. 
"Yeah, you get used to it," Naruto said while holding her by the arm to keep her from falling.
"So where are we heading Naruto?"
"it's a surprise Weiss, Naruto said with a grin. As they started to walk down the street. Weiss started to notice the upscale buildings that they were passing. Until they turned the next corner. Weiss was stunned Pausing at the front door looking up at the letters on the signboard. It read LUX. As in one of Vale's most famous upscale restaurants. The same restaurant that had a year-long waitlist. Escorting her into the restaurant and walking up to the podium with the Maître d'. "can I get your name, sir?"
With a smile, naruto answered," it's Uzumaki."
Upon hearing the name, his eyes widened "right this way, sir," and the Maître d' immediately lead them to a private room in the back. With a table for two and a mini grill and prep tables.
After leading her to the table, Naruto took off his jacket and draped it over his chair. He reached into his back pouch, and grabbed two small scrolls, set them on the tables and grabbed the apron. Seeing all this Weiss was dying to get answers out of the blonde." naruto what is going on here?"
"Ah, right, I own this place. you would be surprised what you can afford to do once you set up an international information network and are an international bestselling author. After all you need to have several legitimate businesses." Rolling out the scrolls, he pulsed his chakra into them, unsealing his ingredients and a menu. "H-how," she questioned, unable to believe naruto.
Setting the menu on the table in front of her naruto gave his answer. "well smut sells Weiss. Also, I believe that I told you I'm old, far older than you. With age comes experience. I came to this world about two years ago. To hide and not draw attention to myself. Sarada and I almost literally took over the information apparatus of the world and for most of the organized crime in Vale and Mystral. In short, a lot of people answer to me."
Seeing the look on her face, he continued before she could start to speak." don't get me wrong I don't precisely control the organized crime in Vale like some kingpin I just set some ground rules to reduce crime and punish severely any who step out of line I really just act like an information broker. But they know that I can crush them anytime I want, so it's like I am a boogie-man to them."
Nodding in understanding, she gave her order." can I have the lobster risotto, beef wellington with potato puree, glazed root vegetables, red wine demi-glace."
Making his now-signature hand seal two clones popped into existence. And started to help cook within 4 minutes he had the appetizers ready than not long after that they were eating a full course meal paired with a finely aged wine. Making idle chatter and having a good time. "So princess tell me about the real Weiss Schnee."
"Well, I am the heiress of the Schnee dust company as many know. But what many don't know about me is while I want to take over the company. I want to restore the honor and reputation of my family's company." taking a pause to sip some wine to get her thoughts in order.
"I also like to sing.  My greatest desire is to live up to my family's legacy and become a huntress," she said with a smile.
They were having a good time until a waiter came in a handed naruto a note. That read "need to meet soon its urgent. -R.T.- "
Sighing he incinerated the letter with I burst of fire chakra.
"Naruto is anything wrong?" Weiss asked worried about the look on his face. 
"No, I just have a meeting I have to take care of later. Now, let's go do something fun," Naruto said with a grin on his face. 
The pair soon left the restaurant with Weiss on his arm. Soon they were heading to the city gates when she quirked an eyebrow and asked." and just where are we going, mister?"
"Well, I'm going to show you how shinobi really date it's going to be fun."
"And just how are you going to show me that."
As soon as she asked the question. Naruto picked her in a bridal carry and took off out of the gates. It wasn't long before he began to pick up speed and took off like a rocket into the forest. Weiss holding on with a death grip.skidding to a stop once he made it into a clearing far from the city he set her down and crouched down." get on." he said motioning to his back. Complying Weiss climbed on. Standing up, he lept into a tree then started leaping from tree to tree. With a final jump they were consumed by a golden aura. Closing her eyes after the jump expecting to be falling blinked her eyes and had to do a double-take. Because they were flying.
Allowing the truth-seeking orbs to form with his cloak he positioned one under Weiss. Landing on top, he set her down. With a smug grin, he said," see this is fun right." 
Weiss couldn't help but nod as they started to ascend higher and higher. Soon they broke through the clouds and could see the stars in the night sky. Stunned at the beauty of the night sky, Weiss couldn't help but utter," it's so beautiful."
"The only thing that makes it better is you, Weiss."
Hearing what naruto said she flushed red, making a lovely contrast to her hair. "I think it's time to get you home now Weiss it's almost time for curfew." naruto said and in a flash, they were gone and reappeared in her room. "I had a great time naruto." she then pulled him down for a chaste kiss blushing. And with the flash, he disappeared, leaving her there.
Reappearing in one of his flats on the outskirts of Vale. Naruto changed out of his outfit and walked over to his armory and started to put on his Anbu armor. Affixing a tanto to his back, he tapped on the Anbu tattoo on his shoulder with three quick pulses of chakra he sent a summons to Sarada. After putting on his kitsune mask, she soon appeared bleeding out of the shadows already in Anbu garb of her own with the Ryu mask and their hair shifted from blonde and black to red. Taping his tattoo twice, he sent out a message that they were on there way to the meet.
As soon as they left the building, they faded away into the night.
After scouting out the meeting place at the warehouse, the two listen in on the conversation." roman do tell me why we are here?" a sultry voice called out. "If you must know I called for a meeting with our 'benefactor'." the now-named roman said. Taping the ash from his cigar.
Noting his posture and the lack of utter fear that she instilled in the man when they first met. The sheer lack of respect he was showing angered her considerably. Cinder thought to herself that she would need to remind him that this benefactor of his could not save him. That by the end of this meeting, this so-called benefactor would be nothing but ash, and he would know his place as one of her pawns.
Noting the guards in the building naruto nodded to Sarada by his count there were sixteen of them not counting the skilled pair behind the woman called Cinder. Signing to Sarada to take them out non-lethally. She nodded, and she set to work while he dropped from the ceiling behind Cinder and her associates soundlessly. The only one to notice him immediately was neo who looked to him, and he motioned for her to play along. And she went back to her scroll. Signing to Kitsune, " fine but you owe me ice cream."  naruto could only nod.
Standing there, he waited for them to notice the next to notice was roman due to his clear line of sight. Seeing the grin on Roman's face, he spoke up. "now roman why exactly did you call me? You know I don't like to be disturbed unless it's urgent."
Stunned that someone could sneak upon them, the trio turned to attack but found that they could not move. "What did you do," Cinder snarled despite the situation. His only response is to look down an action that they were forced to mimic. "You see that your shadows are connected to mine. It means I have complete control of your actions like this. I think that's all I am going to explain to you." he said to them.
"Now to business Roman."
"Yes, Boss."
"Roman," Kitsune growled. 
Unperturbed by the killing intent sent his way Roman continued to speak.
"Let us be serious for a moment here.you may call yourself an information broker but for all intents and purposes you are the boss here.you just proved that with your entrance. Even if you don't take any of the proceeds from your ventures. I mean for me your the best boss I've ever had we can do what we want as long as we don't step out of line and break your rules. I mean there fairly simple no killing civilians. Don't attract the Grimm. maintain the status quo and the biggest one of all you have don't under any circumstances mess with Beacon."  
After his little speech, Roman took a smooth drag from his cigar. Revealing in the fear coming off to the brats behind Cinder. With a smug grin, he knew now that all he had to do is wait and this metaphorical mess. With that bitch, Cinder would be cleaned up. Even if he would need to hire new minions to clean up the literal mess with a mop and bucket.
Looking to Cinder Kitsune freed her alone with an errant thought. As if to show just how powerless she is in the shinobi's presence. Kitsune walked over to the crate next to neo and sat down. Forcing the two bound by his jutsu to mimic to the best of their abilities. In this case, they walked over to the space parallel from him and fell on their collective asses.
After sitting, Kitsune directed his full attention to Cinder. "Explain now!" the shinobi sneered at her.
At this point, Cinder was absolutely furious with the man in front of her to the point that for the first time in a long time, she acted without thinking things clearly. And made to use her semblance to send a spike of glass into his chest. The only thing that stopped her was the blade at her throat. With some kind of energy flowing through it, making it vibrate and generate a slight ringing sound. But what really caused her to stop was the blade cut through her aura like it wasn't there. The blood blossoming from a small wound. She came to the revelation that the only reason she was not dead yet was because of the skill of the owner of this blade. Turning her head to come face to face with another masked individual with a dragon mask and armored similar to Kitsune.with hair as red as blood only long and flowing down her back.
"Ryu you can stand down for now," Kitsune said. 
Nodding Ryu stepped away and faded into the shadows.
Taking the time to recompose herself, Cinder took the reprieve to run through all her plans. Coming to the realization that without her maiden powers. In all likelihood, she would never leave this warehouse alive. if it came to it and either way, she wouldn't make it out unscathed. Not wanting to reveal that trump card just yet. She knew that the best way out was with words. And hopefully, he could be persuaded to her side by the end of things. So a halve truth it is then she decided.
"Well, for now, my goal is to steal as much dust as I can. But that only part of it I want revenge on a particular man."
"Why?" naruto asked, now curious about her reasoning and taking note of her posture. She lacked the confidence she had earlier. And it was evident that there was something that she was hiding. Then her blatant desire for revenge and the willingness to do whatever it took to get that revenge. And based on what he had sensed. The excuse that this was all because she no longer wanted to be weak and desired power above all. Else was to him utterly false. This situation reminded naruto too much of Sasuke and Itachi for comfort.
Crossing her hands underneath her bust to emphasize her beauty and regain some confidence.
"He killed someone significant to me," was her short answer. But to Kitsune, it was very telling how she maintained this facade of superiority. The act of careless abandon towards her companions. Cinders posture said it all for him.even if it cost her life the two he had bound would be her first priority. They were not just simple pawns.
With his mind made up, Kitsune stood up, and the pair mimicked him, and he walked to stand parallel to Cinder. And released his control over the couple.
"Provided that you do not step out of line you won't meet me again, Cinder. If you require information, I expect you to go through roman. You will only receive this one warning if you have stepped out of line we won't be having a conversation am I clear...." after making his stance clear, naruto started to step back into the shadows when Cinder called out to him.
"Wait! Would you be willing to help me? is there anyway at all to get you to join me?"
As he slid back and into the shadows till only his face remained, he responded." at the moment no, the path you walk is very wrong. And your master will care not when you fall. It will only end in your death Cinder fall the next fall maiden." he slipped into the shadows and disappeared.
"So that was rather enlightening don't you think Cinder." Roman snarked to the stunned woman who was left speechless.
While all she could think was that this Kitsune and Ryu know everything. So stunned, she missed Romans last cutting remark as he left. "ha, you came here and tried to play with a stacked deck. And you forgot one simple rule the house always wins."
After making their way back to one of the flats to store their armor. Naruto and Sarada made their way back to beacon separately on his way to the dorms. Naruto was stopped by the headmaster. "Mr. Uzumaki a word if you would in private."
Following the headmaster up to his office, Naruto waited for the man to speak.
"Mr. Uzumaki Ever since you enrolled here at Beacon, you have gone above, and beyond my expectations, you have gained my attention. And I would like to know what do you know of fairy tales. More specifically, the story of the seasons."
Now more alert than ever naruto extended his senses to encompass all of Beacon in an instant. Before zeroing in on the headmaster after determining no one was listening in on their conversation.
"Headmaster, if this about some nonsensical story where four girls get an incompetent wizard to pass his responsibility to them. I think I'll have to pass." 
Without being excused naruto turned to leave. But stopped with his hand on the door. "headmaster if you're wondering what I think about that story you should ask yourself why was a man of such great power in hiding in the first place." 
Leaving Ozpin to question the further growing mystery that was Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto slipped into his room and after shedding his clothes and putting on his nightwear. Shifting into his bed  to find a shock of blonde hair and lilac eyes staring back at him. "yang, what are you doing here?"
"It was cold in my room." 
"You could have turned up the temp."
"Naruto "
"shut it, you have a hot girl willing to use you as a pillow. besides, I like to cuddle."
"You could have cuddled with blake."
"Your better."
The two soon fell into a blissful sleep.
-Location atlas -
"Dr. Weller, how is project Gen: lock preceding?"
"Yes, general ironwood the project is having some success we just need candidates. However my variant project P.E.N.N.Y. is already operational honestly she is astounding and may surpass Gen: lock. As it stands, she is compatible with Gen: lock."
"Understood we shall begin a trial run on Penny while you look for candidates. I will have transport sent to the anvil."
Ending communication, the general turned his chair to look out the window of his flagship the Prydwen.thinking to himself over the information of three students of his. Pulling up the files on his display readout: Pyrrha Nikos possible candidate for Maiden inheritance, Sarada Uchiha likely candidate for Maiden succession pending further investigation, Naruto Uzumaki optional recruit allegiance unknown. "Damnit oz just what are you playing at ."
0 notes
mechefbear · 6 years ago
Policing and Poltergeists
The world is constantly moving, constantly changing. It evolves, and as it evolves so do its inhabitants. A long time ago, the world was the gateway to any and all life forms. It was filled with beings and creatures of fantastic origins. Dwarfs, elves, faeries and trolls, angels and demons, just about anything you can think of. But times have changed; the world is a different place now. Time moved on and the world moved with it.
  My name is Grok, and I am an Orc. Thousands of years ago our peoples, orcs and humans, were at war. Had I been born then, I would have been born a warrior, fighting with my brethren on the bloody battlefields. Hundreds of years ago, my people were slaves to yours. If I were born then, I would have been born into captivity, forced to work against my will. Now? Well now, it’s business as usual, and now I’m a police officer.
  Ok, so maybe that’s not a fair explanation. I’m a detective sergeant for the London Metropolitan Police and I work out of the D&D Division. That’s the Dungeons and Dragons division. It’s the organisation, directed by the government, to police and assist with all criminal situations involving creatures or persons of fantastical origin. Well, at least that’s what it says in the welcome pack. The D&D Division is just what it sounds like, a police department that deals with all the crimes that the regular cops won’t touch.  We used to be called the SS Division (The Swords and Sorcery Division) but the Nazi Party connotations did not sit well with Human Resources, or the political correctness brigade.
  We deal with everything that no one else wants. From children-stealing faeries to ogre serial killers, drunk and disorderly deities to drug dealing harpies. You get the picture, if it sounds magical or mystical in anyway it usually gets shunted over to us, which is why I found myself on a rainy Friday night, chasing a bloody gnome across town.
‘Suspect is heading up Charing Cross road, towards Leicester Square’ I barked into my radio.
I was losing him. He had a distinct advantage, as he could quite literally run between the legs of anyone in his way. I, however, had to repeatedly yell ‘Police!’ to get the crowds of commuters and revellers to move out of my way.
‘Why do they always run?’ I wheezed to myself, as I followed him across an intersection.
  But why was he running, what had he seen? I wondered. Whilst attending a crime scene down by the train station, I’d noticed the gnome watching the forensics team, but when I approached him to ask if he had witnessed anything, he took off at a sprint down the road. And let me tell you, those little bastards can really fly. I’m a big guy, I’m about 300lbs and I’m not really made for speed. Marathons maybe, sprinting definitely not.
  Something was not right about this, about the whole situation. We’d had an anonymous call telling us that there was a body in an alley next to Charing Cross train station, forensics had quickly turned the case over to us when they’d identified that the body was a vampire, being that there wasn’t a body at all, just a forlorn looking pile of ash inside a designer suit. I’d left my own forensics team to determine who the corpse used to be, whilst I chased the suspect. But I still didn’t understand why the gnome was fleeing, there wasn’t a chance that he’d have been able to off the vamp. Something was wrong. The gnome must have seen something.
‘Where are you Boss?’ Somebody squawked into my earpiece
‘Coming up to the tube station, where the hell are you Nex?’ I shouted into the radio, and receiving a squeal of feedback in return.
I could just see the gnome up ahead, dashing across the intersection by the tube station entrance. I was losing sight of him in the thick crowds of people waiting for the lights to change.
‘Police!’ I bellowed again, as I barrelled into a group of Japanese tourists, scattering them and probably bruising them severely.
 I dashed into the road, following him across to the other side but I already knew he was gone. I’d lost him, and with so many different directions he could take, I’d have no chance of catching him now.
  There was crack of thunder and a cloud of thick green smoke appeared in front of me. Before I’d even had a chance to react, a dark figure came charging through the haze and crashed straight in to me. We went down in a tangle of limbs and swear words.
‘Get off me you flaming idiot!’
‘Ow! My Hair!’
‘Nex! I said get off! It’s me!’
‘Sorry Sarge’
 I picked myself up and hoisted Nex to his feet. He brushed himself off, while I looked around to see if there was any clue as to where the gnome had headed. He didn’t look like much; standing in at just under 6 foot and only 120lbs, with his thick glasses, green trench coat and curly shoulder length hair. But Nex was a wizard, and while he wasn’t great (to be perfectly honest, he was pretty awful at it), he was my partner and my friend and we’d been through a lot together.
‘I don’t suppose you saw anything as you ‘ported in did you?’ I asked, turning back to Nex
‘Nope, just the usual spinney-vortex stuff’ He replied cheerfully
I didn’t want to seem defeated in front of him, but we’d almost definitely lost the gnome now. I turned to look around the intersection again, and as I did, I noticed the entire Japanese tourist party I had crashed into were running towards me. One grabbed my sleeve just as I was about to radio in to dispatch to tell them about the gnome’s escape. They all started shouting at me, I literally had no clue what was going on. They were grabbing me and pointing at me, and babbling away in Japanese. I don’t understand Japanese, I have a hard enough time with English.
‘I’m sorry!’ I protested, ‘I hope none of you are hurt, I was just trying to catch a suspect’
‘They keep saying the same thing Sarge’
‘Well I’m trying to apologise!’
‘I don’t think it’s that sir, I think… Wait, my Japanese is a bit rusty.’ Nex turned to one of the tourists and indicated they should tell him instead.
‘She says, Small something Go something something. No wait… Tiny something Go That Way.
I suddenly understood, I spun the tourist to face me and growled,
‘Which way?’
She pointed to the entrance to Leicester Square Underground station. I quickly released her and run towards the stairs.
 Moving around an Underground station is never easy, but it’s almost impossible on a Friday night, its even worse on a rainy Friday night. Hundreds of people were milling about, trying to decide which line to take or which exit to leave at.
‘It’s useless Sarge, he could be anywhere by now. He’s had enough time to get on a train and leave’ Nex voiced, from just behind me.
 I didn’t answer because I thought he was right, but I wasn’t sure either. I pressed forward towards the barriers and looked up at the monitor displaying what was happening at platform level. It was fruitless really; the platform was as packed as the rest of the station. I was about to give up the hunt when I noticed movement on the camera. Something blurred for a second around a woman’s legs. There it was again further down the platform around a man’s legs.
‘Gotcha!’ I growled triumphantly
I pushed through the throng at the barriers and vaulted one of the gates, I heard Nex crash to the floor behind me after attempting the same thing, I flipped my badge to the Guard and sprinted to the escalators.
 Now I know I said it before but I am a big guy. I’m a lot wider and taller than your average human being, all orcs are. So as I careened down the escalator, people didn’t so much make way for me, as hold on to the rails for dear life as I barrelled past them at top speed hoping not to send anyone plummeting downwards. As I hit the ground again, I skidded on the wet floor and just managed to avoid crashing to the floor by slamming painfully into the wall. I turned the rest of the corner to the platform entrance, to find it blocked by a wall of people.
‘Police!’ I bellowed at the top of my voice
The crowd parted as best it could and as I squeezed through I heard somebody scream further down the platform. I turned to the noise and rushed forward, just in time to see the Gnome disappearing down the tunnel.
‘Bugger! He’s down on the tracks!’ I moaned
‘We’ve lost him Sarge’
‘Balls to that!’ I shouted jumping down to the track ‘He knows something!’
I turned to Nex, who had enough common sense to not follow me down.
‘Get on the radio to dispatch, get them to stop the trains coming in to here’ I ordered
Nex nodded and I ran off in pursuit of the gnome. Dispatch wouldn’t be able to stop the trains; D&D didn’t have enough pull for that. I just had to hope I could catch the gnome before the next southbound Piccadilly train flattened me.
  The gnome had a head start but I was angry now and my adrenaline was really pumping. I could even hear the little bastard further down the tunnel struggling in the suffocating darkness. My vision however, was almost as good in the dark as it is in the light and after a few more seconds I could even see the small figure ahead. I was closing in on him, and that was when things went from bad to worse. The tunnel started to rumble, just a little at first but the vibration was steadily increasing. I saw the gnome stumble as the vibration increased enough to knock him off his feet. I sprinted forward and scooped him up.
‘You’re nicked son!’ I growled as I held him up to my face.
‘Piss off Copper!’ He spat, and he actually did spit right in my face.
 I didn’t get the chance to retort, the vibrations had increased ten fold and there was a strong wind coming down the tunnel. I could even hear the train now. I spun round and raced down the tunnel, still keeping my fist clamped down on the gnome who was battling futilely to free himself from my grip. All the while the rumbling increased and the noise grew louder. Suddenly I tripped over something on the track and tumbled head first to the floor, somehow I managed to keep a hold on the gnome as I fell. Two beams of light raced towards me on the floor as I pulled myself up. I turned to see the train barrelling towards me, the driver hadn’t noticed me stand up. Well, I thought, if this is how I go out then I’ll I go out properly, I lifted the gnome back up to eye level.
‘You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you in a court of law’ I recited
The gnome stared wide eyed back at me, then we both turned to look at the train. The driver had finally spotted us on the track and was pulling down hard on the brakes. It wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference to us now but the thought was there.
 I suddenly felt a sharp tug on my coat and there was a loud crack and I all I could see was green. Once the haze if green smoke had cleared I could see I was back on street level with Nex who was attempting to explain to me that dispatch had told him that he had two hopes of getting the trains stopped. I was attempting to listen but I couldn’t shake the image of the train literally inches from my face. I could still feel the rumble in my legs and the wind on my face.
‘What a night boss, eh?’ Nex was asking
I still couldn’t respond but I managed to grunt in the affirmative. The gnome seemed to be coming back around quicker than me, because he was once again battling to get free of my hand. Nex was looking at me in a sort of worried way, he led me to a nearby bench and sat me down while he radioed in for a lift back to the station. A moment later he came back and was pushing a warm cup into my free hand. I drank the tea in silence and by the time the car had turned up, I was feeling distinctly more myself.
 The ride back was silent, the driver was annoyed that he’d been left to do escort duty for D&D and, Nex and I were too caught up in our thoughts to even attempt civilised conversation. We pulled up outside the D&D headquarters, it was a small grey office building directly opposite the main police station, it had once been the head office of a taxidermist and as such we’d never been able to rid the place of the smell of formaldehyde. Behind the front desk was a young elven officer I’d not met before, she smiled brightly as we approached.
‘Good Evening Sergeant, Constable’ She greeted us
‘Evening’ I responded trying to convey a brightness I didn’t actually feel
‘Good Evening Elsati’ Nex responded with a bright smile of his own
‘Right, we need to book this guy in for a night’s stay and I need to get him into interrogation as well’ I barked, trying to break the awkwardness I was feeling
‘Um…’ She paused, ‘Well you’re actually wanted upstairs Sergeant Grok, Chief Inspector Stonejaw told me to send you up as soon as you walked in…’
I groaned as I realised I was probably due an ear-bashing for this evenings events, I turned to Nex and asked,
‘Can you get this sorted and get him waiting in Interrogation for me as soon as I’ve finished with the boss?’
He nodded and I walked away thinking of how I could spin the story of tonight’s mishaps into something more plausible than, ‘He ran so I chased him across town, into the Underground, down into the tunnels and nearly got flattened by a train’. The problem was it wasn’t plausible, there was no reason I should have chased him like that across the city, it was just policeman’s instinct. Somebody running away from you, usually means they’ve done something wrong. I stood in the elevator heading up to the top floor, 5th (I told you it was a small building), brooding on everything that had so far happened. The doors opened on 3rd and a selection of D&D officers walked in; a couple of witches I knew by sight alone, a trio of goblins who worked in accounting and unfortunately for all of us, an Ogre named Travis squeezed himself in as well. It’s quite hard to be introspective when you’re face is squashed against an elevator wall, but I did try. The lift announced that it had reached the 5th floor and we all bundled out.
‘BAGGINS!’ An unseen voice bellowed,
I looked over to where the noise had originated, Chief Inspector Stonejaw’s door was wide open and he was apparently yelling from within.
‘BAGGINS!’ He roared again, this time though he came to stand in the doorway.
  He still cut an impressive figure even though he was reaching near to the 500-year mark, around retirement age for a dwarf. Although his long hair and impressive beard were mostly grey, those were the only external signs of age, he was still relatively fit and agile, and he still commanded an amazing amount of respect from everyone at D&D.
‘Where the hell is that Hobbit!? Always vanishing at the worst times!’ He complained
Unfortunately for me, he suddenly noticed my appearance and all thoughts of the vanishing hobbit were forgotten.
‘Ah Grok. My Office. Now.’
I followed him into his office and took a seat on the other side of his desk, he didn’t talk, just continued to stare at me. He opened a pack of tablets, plonked a couple into a glass of water where they joyfully began to fizz away whilst his eyes bore holes into my face.
‘So.’ He finally began,
‘Look Chief I-‘
‘Don’t you Look Chief Me! Do you have any idea the trouble you caused?’
‘Yes sir’
‘You do? Then why don’t you tell me Sergeant?’
‘I knocked over a group of tourists in Leicester Square?’ I offered
‘There may have been a part of my pursuit which was inside the Underground tunnels, and I may or may not have requested the trains be stopped and I also may or may not have been nearly flattened by a tube train…’ I added,
‘That would be what I wanted to discuss with you, yes’
‘Chief, I was chasing a suspect in a murder, he was fleeing the scene!’ I explained,
‘He ran down on into the underground tunnels Grok! You should have let him flee! You didn’t just risk your life, you endangered your partner and you put the lives of the people on the train, that you so narrowly missed, in danger too!’ He exclaimed
I paused; I didn’t have an argument for that. He was right, I had been reckless. As usual. I looked away from him and heard him finally drink the water, when I looked back up he was again staring daggers at me.
‘Last chance Grok, you get one last lifeline, so this witness better be worth it or you just put your job on the line for nothing…’ He let the last sentence hang in the air between us
‘I’m sorry sir’
‘Don’t be. Just get in line and do your damned job!’
I nodded and left the room, my head awash with a multitude of different thoughts and emotions. I was still pondering the evening’s events when I finally found the interrogation suite the gnome had been placed in. Nex was waiting by the door for me.
‘Still not talking Sarge’ He responded as I approached
I grunted in acknowledgement, and as I was about to enter the room Nex’s phone went off. He pulled it from his coat pocket and looked down at the screen.
‘That’s forensics; they’ve got the results from the scene. I’ll go get them and bring them back here boss?’
I just grunted again and entered the room, shutting Nex out. The grey dilapidated room had nothing but a table, a recorder and two chairs in it. I took a seat opposite the gnome, whose chair was actually upon the table. I picked up the dictaphone and pressed record, this was made slightly more difficult by the size of my fingers to the buttons. I looked down at the notes left for me by Nex and then back up to gnome.
‘It’s 22:23 on Friday the 9th of March 2012. This is our first Interview with –‘ I paused and looked back down at the notes given to me,
‘It says here you have refused to give your name? I asked the gnome, in response he just stared blankly towards me
‘Let the record show that the suspect is refusing to answer. This interview is being conducted by myself; Detective Sergeant Grok and Detective Constable Nex Tate, who shall be joining us shortly. So…’ I paused, staring at the gnome and deciding what I wanted to know first ‘You are aware that you have been arrested for resisting arrest and refusing to cooperate with a police investigation? And that furthermore you are now a chief suspect in an ongoing murder investigation? Why don’t you make this a lot easier for me and a lot easier on yourself by telling me what the hell you saw, and why the hell you ran?’ I stopped and looked at the gnome, he was fidgeting now, not nearly as defiant as before.
‘I want to know what made you run from me, from a violent crime scene, halfway across town and into the underground, just to avoid talking to me. What the hell are you hiding?’ I continued, ‘If you don’t talk, the investigation will have to continue and I can promise you that by the end of it you will be begging me to talk, begging me to let you tell me what you know, so listen to me mate. We can do this the hard way or the easy way, and the decision is completely yours…’
I left the threat hanging in the air between us and waited for the gnome to make up his mind. The silence dragged on between us and I knew now that the gnome wasn’t going to talk. The door opened and Nex let himself in.
‘Sarge, you need to see this’ He said brandishing the test results
‘One second Constable,’ I said in my most officious voice for the benefit of the dictaphone, then I clicked the dictaphone off and turned back to the gnome.
‘Listen here you little shit, I need to know what you saw. I need to know what the hell happened in that alleyway. I’ve got a dead body on my heads and right now you’re gonna go down for it if you don’t help me out here…’
‘But Sarge, really you need to see this…’ Nex interrupted
‘What is it?’ I snapped at him, annoyed at his interruption.
‘They’ve managed to identify the ashes boss. It’s Tony Vialli...’ Nex paused, looking at me to gauge my reaction.
Shit. The shit had well and truly hit the fan now. Tony Vialli was the eldest son of Count Vialli, the head of one of the biggest crime syndicates in Europe. An entire Vampire Mafioso, I’d had dealings with them before but they were pretty much untouchable in terms of arrests, they had the best lawyers and the best protection.
‘It gets worse Boss,’ Nex added
‘How the hell can it get any worse? When the Count finds out that somebody offed his eldest son, all hell is gonna break loose!’ I exclaimed
‘They found some unidentified hairs on his suit, they’ve been identified as Wolf hairs Sarge…’
The bottom dropped out of my stomach, I looked at the gnome and realised now why he had run. He’d seen a Werewolf and a Vampire go at it and he was probably the sole witness of the crime. This was bad though, worse than just a murder of a high profile gangster’s son. This was war; or rather this would start a war. The vamps and the wolves had never gotten along, the werewolves had their own wolf-only criminal empire and the two were in constant competition with one another. There’d been turf disputes and battles for centuries but for the past few hundred years there had been relative peace between the two clans. Now though if it got out that the werewolves had killed Tony Vialli there would be all out gang war on the streets. Regular civilians fantasy or otherwise would be caught in the crossfire. As would we, the D&D. I had to stop it, I had to solve the case and find out what the hell was really going on and I had to be quick before the news got out and the war really began. The gnome looked up at me and with an almost wild fear in his eyes just said;
‘Now you know why I was keeping schtum guv!’
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months ago
i beat rykard in elden ring today and like what the fuck what the actual fuck I'm still reeling over that bossfight.
elden ring's been out for ages now and I had seen rykard's bossfight before on streams and shit but DAMN PLAYING IT WAS WILD???
i've heard people describe it as a spectacle and it did NOT disappoint oh my god I had SO MUCH fun with that fight it was actually unreal and it was genuinely such a cool fight.
morgott's fight was my favorite so far but I think honestly I'm going to put rykard in as a close second above radahn because that was INSANELY cool.
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