#had to include one little gif with matthias cause :(
evanzbuck · 2 years
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What bound them together? Greed? Desperation? Was it just the knowledge that if one or all of them disappeared tonight, no one would come looking?
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rubysunnday · 3 years
ask the saints
Summary: Y/N fled from the Little Palace and her fellow Grisha and straight into the arms of Matthias Helvar - former Druskelle. Yet, Y/n finds herself slowly falling for the man who was raised to hate her.
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Ketterdam was an entirely different city to Os Alta . Y/N had gone from the grandeur and kitschy style of the Little Palace and the royal family to the dark, dingy unpredictable style of the Crow Club and she preferred it.
No one was expecting her to be perfect. No one was watching her every step like a hawk. She blended in with the countless other Grisha who had fled to Ketterdam and felt at home for the first time since she'd been taken to the Little Palace.
The Dregs were not safe - there was no guarantee of safety in the Barrel and, after all, they were a bunch of criminals - but Y/N was still glad for their presence.
Y/N got along with the almost all of the Crows - including Kaz. She brought a new side out to them and was a valuable investment according to Kaz - a comment that had earned a scoff from Jesper and an eye roll from Inej.
Y/N and Jesper were best friends and were the two causing complete and utter chaos in Ketterdam, only to be bailed out by Inej and Wylan before they could break anything or blow anything up.
Nina and Y/N had hit it off from the start - the two Grisha girls bonding over their similar upbringing. Somehow, they had never met despite living in the same place for most of their life.
The Crows felt like her weird, mismatched, very traumatised family.
Matthias Helvar, however, scared Y/N.
She knew that the man was no longer a part of the drüskelle, but that didn't change the terror she felt whenever she saw him. Y/N had narrowly avoided being killed by a member of the drüskelle when she was at the Little Palace and again when she'd fled Ravka and her fear had stayed with her.
It haunted her in the depths of night and had her waking up covered in sweat, dreaming of blood staining her hands.
Despite the fact he had drastically changed since meeting Nina, Matthias still had the air of a drüskelle about him. His mentality may have changed as had his outlook, but Y/N was still wary of him.
"Stop looking at him like he might bite you," Nina whispered, leaning over Y/N and picking up the waffles that sat on their table.
Matthias was guarding the front door with Jesper and Y/N had been watching him for the past five minutes.
Y/N shot Nina a quelling look and slapped the hand that was straying near her serving of waffles. "Back off my waffles, Zenik."
"What is it, exactly, about Matthias, that scares you?" NIna asked, taking a bite of her waffle. "He isn't a drüskelle anymore."
"I know."
"I trust him."
"A foolish mistake, but you do you."
"Y/N -"
Y/N rolled her eyes. "No, don't do that voice, Nina. Kaz doesn't trust anyone but I don't see you having a go at him."
"Because he's Kaz, it's to be expected," NIna replied, shrugging. "Y/N, why don't you trust Matthias? He's not going to hand you over to the Fjerdans." Y/N said nothing and Nina's eyes widened. "You think he's going to betray you, don't you?"
"I barely survived my first two run ins with the drüskelle, Nina, forgive me if I don't want to be all lovey dovey with a man who used to be one. I find it hard to trust him because I physically cannot. I was taught, as were you, to fear the Fjerdans and to kill them on sight because they want to end the existence of our kind. Tell me how I'm meant to trust one?"
Nina's eyes softened. She reached over and grabbed Y/N's hand, entwining her fingers with hers. "If you can't trust Matthias, trust me. Trust the fact that I trust him with my life, Y/N. If it wasn't for Matthias, I wouldn't be here. I would have fallen to my death yet he saved my life. Just, please, give him a chance."
Y/N looked at Nina. She sighed and reluctantly said, "fine."
And so, like a complete and utter fool, Y/N began to trust Matthias Helvar.
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Y/N sat at the bar of the Crow Club, drumming her fingers on her glass as she contemplated life and her existence. Her thoughts were interrupted as Matthias sat down next to her and Y/N tried not to tense up or move away. His arm brushed hers and she flinched slightly, warily watching him out the corner of her eye.
"Nina spoke to me," Matthias began quietly, his accent softening his words.
"Oh, of course she did," Y/N muttered, snatching up her glass and drowning the rest of her drink. She winced as she swallowed, the alcohol burning her throat.
"Y/N... I understand why you cannot trust me," Matthias continued. His arm brushed Y/N's again as he reached across the bar and snatched up a bottle of whiskey, pouring himself a glass and Y/N resisted the overwhelming desire to move a seat up.
"Do you?" Y/N asked, forcing herself to turn on her stool to face him. "Do you actually understand?"
"Because I am a Fjerdan -"
"No, it's not just because of that, Matthias," Y/N said, cutting him off. "Everytime I look at you, I - I can't help but wander when you will hand me over to the Fjerdans or the drüskelle. Or when you'll try to kill me for being Grisha. I understand that you are not a drüskelle anymore but that mindset and mentality doesn't just vanish.
"I know that deep down there is a small part of you that wants to shoot me. That wants to strangle me until I die in your arms simply because I am Grisha."
Y/N looked into Matthias' eyes and could see the hurt inside them at her words. She smiled sadly at him and looked away. She didn't want to insult him, she just needed him to understand. To understand why it wasn't as easy as just moving on from her fear of the drüskelle.
"Matthias, I know that you are a good man," Y/N said quietly, turning her stool to face the bar again. "But, please, forgive me for not being able to trust you just yet."
Matthias nodded. "I understand, Y/N," he said, watching her intently as she poured herself another drink. "And I am sorry."
Y/N turned to face him "For what?"
"For what I did. And for what the drüskelle continue to do," Matthias said quietly. "I wish things were different."
"Maybe one day they will be," Y/N replied.
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"It's an easy in and out," Kaz explained pointing to the back door of the house. "Matthias and Y/N, you'll be on the first floor watching Jesper's back. Inej and Nina, you'll be on the second floor, stealing the artwork."
"And you'll be where?" Inej asked, looking at Kaz.
"Outside with Wylan, ready for Plan D."
"Should it be reassuring knowing that we have a Plan D or should I be worried that letters A through C will probably go wrong?" Y/N asked, frowning.
"Just do your job, Y/N, and try not to murder Helvar," Kaz drawled, rolling the map up.
"Well, I can do one or the other, not both," Y/N replied, giving Kaz a one shouldered shrug.
Kaz rolled his eyes as he stood up and set his hat on his head. "Come along, I'd rather Y/N murdered Matthias outside my office, it's less blood to clean up."
The seven Crows all stood up and checked their weapons. Y/N trusted her Inferni powers but still kept two knives and a revolver on her belt, just in case.
As they walked down the street and into East Stave, Y/N glanced over at Matthias. For once, he didn't look uncomfortable or out of place - he looked like he was excited.
Saints, they were beginning to rub off on him.
They reached the fork where they would all go their separate ways and they stopped.
"No mourners," Kaz called, standing next to Wylan, both hands on his cane.
"No funerals," the others replied.
Matthias, Jesper and Y/N turned left and headed towards the back of the building. Y/N knelt down and quickly picked the lock, pushing the door open as quietly as she could.
"After you, ladies," Y/N said, smiling as she waved Jesper and Matthias in.
"Why, thank you, gorgeous," Jesper replied, winking at her as he passed.
Matthias followed and gave Y/N the smallest grin he could muster and Y/N found herself returning it.
In the weeks since their conversation at the bar, Y/N had found herself beginning to trust Matthias more. Kaz had begun putting them together on jobs more frequently and a weird bond had begun to be formed.
It was tentative and susceptible to breaking in two at any minute, but it was just about strong enough to support them both.
"Please, do not murder each other in the ten minutes I'm leaving you unattended," Jesper said, turning around on the stairs to look at them closely. He pointed a finger at Y/N. "Behave, missy."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Y/N replied, sounding insulted but a smile warped her face, giving away her amusement.
"No mourners," Jesper called as he jogged up the stairs, an excited bounce in his step.
"No funerals," Matthias called after him, his voice overlapping with Y/N's as she replied too.
Y/N and Matthias looked awkwardly at one another as they realised that they were alone, in the dark, with no one around.
"You do realise that Kaz is partnering us up on purpose," Y/N said,, in a desperate attempt to break the silence as she perched herself on the stairs and stretched her legs out in front of her.
"I noticed. Nina pointed it out. As did Jesper and Wylan," Matthias added. He hesitated for a moment and then sat down on the stairs next to Y/N, his arm bushing hers.
Y/N didn't flinch.
The two sat next to each other in silence, occasionally looking around to ensure that no one was coming and that they were still alone.
Y/N looked down at her trousers. "When I was still at the Little Palace, I was sent to Kribirsk to be apart of a trip through the Fold. On the way, myself and the ten other Grisha I was travelling with were attacked by the drüskelle. I was one of only five who survived. And we only survived because General Kirigan saved us."
Matthias was watching Y/N intently, his eyes locked onto hers like a lock around a door. Y/N looked up from her trousers and found his eyes with hers.
"I lost too many friends that day to the drüskelle. I almost died myself - my kefta didn't stop the bullet from hitting my side and I would've bled out if..." Y/N trailed off and swallowed, turning her eyes away from Matthias as she felt her eyes burning.
Matthias kept quiet. He watched Y/N as she quickly wiped away the tears that fell, not wanting anyone to see. Matthias heistated for only a second before reaching over and grabbing Y/N's hand.
Y/N flinched slightly but didn't pull away. After a second, she turned to look at Matthias and entwined her fingers with his.
"I would never hurt you, Y/N," Matthias said softly.
Y/N nodded. She shyly smiled as she spoke. "I know that now."
Matthias turned his head a bit more so that he was directly facing Y/N. Their legs brushed together as Y/N leaned further in, her hair brushing Matthias' face.
The two of them sprung apart as the sound of footsteps began getting closer. Y/N shot to her feet and snuck down the stairs to the door, peeking her head around the door frame.
Her heart dropped. She recognised the man walking down the corridor towards them. Y/N stumbled back into Matthias and he caught her as she tripped over his feet.
"Grisha," Y/N whispered, spinning around to look at him. "He's a heartrender - killer for hire. I thought he was just a rumour."
A muscle in Matthias' jaw jumped. His grip on Y/N's shoulder tightened a fraction. "Someone should warn Jesper."
"You go," Y/N said firmly, stepping back from Matthias.
"Y/N -"
Y/N cut off Matthias by clicking her fingers, a spark of fire wrapping around her fingers. The shadows it cast on her face as she smirked made her look like a witch. "I can manage. Go."
Matthias didn't move for a moment. Y/N raised her eyebrows, encouraging him to go, and Matthias sighed, turning on his heel and taking the stairs two at a time.
Y/N watched him go and then spun back around to face the heartrender as he turned the corner and stopped at the sight of her.
"Oh, hello," Y/N greeted, waving. "I was looking for the Emerald Palace and I think I got lost."
The heartrender moved his hands together and Y/N snapped her fingers and threw a ball of bright orange fire at him. Whilst the man was busy trying to dodge the fire, Y/N ran up the stairs, trying to create some distance between her and him.
She knew he could hear her heartbeat pounding away in her chest. She knew that he would inevitably find her. She just had to give Matthias and the rest of them long enough to get out.
Y/N ran down the corridor and skidded to a sudden stop as she felt her heart constrict in her chest. Breathing became harder and her chest tightened with every passing second. She turned around and saw the heartrender stalking towards her like a predator did once it had cornered its prey.
"Inferni, huh," the man said, his hands overlapping and Y/N realised that he was the one with a grip on her heart. "What are you doing here in the Barrel, eh?"
Y/N gasped. "I could - I could ask you the same thing," she choked out, coughing. She could feel blood begin to drip down from her nose.
The man laughed. "Money is better for killing than for protecting," he replied.
A gunshot went off from behind Y/N and she fell to her knees, coughing violently as the grip on her heart disappeared and she could suddenly breathe again.
She turned her head and Matthias stood behind her, smoke drifting up from the revolver he'd just fired. The man was lying on the ground, a bullet hole in his chest, blood slowly seeping out and onto the marble floor. Y/N gagged and a fresh wave of coughing hit her and she doubled over on the ground, barely able to keep breathing.
"Y/N," Matthias said, rushing over to her, dropping his revolver. "Y/N, hey, just breathe."
Y/N coughed again and clutched Matthias' arm tightly. He had his back to the heartrender and couldn't see as he crawled forward and stretched his arm out, grabbing the revolver Matthias had dropped.
It happened quickly. Y/N looked up and saw the revolver aimed at Matthias' head and shoved him to the side as the man fired. The bullet hit her just below her right breast, to the left of her ribs, and Y/N slammed into the ground, her head smacking the tiles with some force.
Another gun fired as Y/N hit the ground and the heartrender fell backwards, a bullet hole in his head. Matthias whirled around and saw Jesper standing behind him, his revolver smoking.
Y/N groaned as her body caught up with what had just happened and Matthias turned back to her, reality catching up to him too.
"Y/N," Matthias said, kneeling beside her and moving her jacket aside to see where the bullet had hit.
Blood was blooming across her dark green shirt and was dripping down from her back onto the marble, seeping outwards and running through the joints that connected the tiles together. Y/N coughed and blood stained her teeth and Matthias couldn't tell if it was from being shot or having had her heart constricted by the heartrender.
"Y/N, hey, hey, stay with me," Matthias said, placing his hands either side of her face. "Look at me."
Y/N opened her eyes slightly and met his gaze. He could tell she was in shock, her pupils were dilated and she looked dazed.
Jesper appeared next to Matthias, pulling out a scarf from his pocket and pressing it against her side. "Helvar, hold this here."
Matthias did as Jesper said, his hands leaving Y/N's face and pressing down on her bloody side. Y/N cried out in pain at the sudden pressure on her side and Matthias felt his own heart tighten at her cry of pain.
"Can you carry her to the rendezvous?" Jesper asked, his fingers wrapping around Y/N's wrist as he checked her pulse.
Matthias didn't trust himself to responded without giving away how he felt so simply nodded.
"Great, don't drop her, I don't think she'd forgive you," Jesper replied, slapping Matthias on the back as he stood. "I'll go find Nina."
As Jesper disappeared down the stairs, Matthias crouched and slipped one arm under Y/N's knees, his left arm wrapping around her back. He lifted her up as carefully as he could, well aware of the blood staining his shirt as he held her against his chest.
"You're welcome," Y/N mumbled. Her head lolled to the side, hitting his chest.
"For what?" Matthias asked, glancing down at her as he carried her through the building.
"Saving your stupid ass," Y/N replied, her eyes closing.
She was pale and Matthias could see that her breathing was becoming more laboured and stuttered. He looked up from her face and saw the back door looming towards them. Matthias kicked open the door and stepped out into the street.
"Old me would have let you die," Y/N continued, her voice growing weaker. "But I like you, Matthias..."
Y/N trailed off and Matthias felt her arms slip from around his neck, falling either side as she lost consciousness.
"Nina!" Matthias yelled, spotting the woman as she rushed out the side door, Jesper at her side.
Nina ran up to them and placed her hands on Y/N's chest. She closed her eyes for a second and then opened them again.
"Slat, now," she ordered. She turned to Jesper. "If Kaz -"
"Go," Jesper replied, cutting her off. "We'll manage."
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The painting leant against the wall in the kitchen of the Slat, taunting them. But none of them were celebrating their success. Matthias was sitting sullenly in a corner, a bottle of alcohol on the table next to him, half empty. Jesper and Wylan were practically sitting on each other, Jesper with his arm around Wylan's shoulders, his fingers drawing random patterns on his boyfriend's arm.
Nina and Inej hadn't left Y/N's room since they'd all gotten back. Matthias had wanted to be in there with her but one glare from the two women and he'd left them too it.
Kaz was up in his office, trying to work out when and how a Grisha had been hired as a killer without him knowing or anyone in the Barrel knowing.
"She'll be fine," Wylan said quietly, breaking the silence. He looked up at Jesper. "She has to be fine."
Jesper dropped his head onto Wylan's. "She can't die," Jesper whispered, closing his eyes. He pressed his lips to Wylan's curls. "She can't die."
Matthias picked up the alcohol and took a big, long sip from it. He swallowed in one, barely registering the burning in his throat. He couldn't bare the waiting. The not knowing.
Jarl Brum would be ashamed of him. He'd fallen for a Grisha - the one thing he'd been taught to hate his entire life. He'd fallen off a cliff and straight into her arms.
Y/N trusted him. They'd gone from barely talking to holding hands in just a few months and he knew Kaz had partnered them together on purpose. Matthias didn't know if he was more surprised at the fact that Kaz cared or that Kaz had noticed how he felt.
Matthias realised his eyes were burning and quickly used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the tears before anyone saw.
Saints, he was actually in love. In love with a woman who he'd been born to hate.
Matthias stood up from his corner, startling Jesper and Wylan. He opened the kitchen door and disappeared down the corridor.
"What's the matter with him?" Wylan asked, lifting his head to watch Matthias leave.
"He's just realised that he's in love with Y/N," Jesper replied, letting Wylan drop his head back onto his shoulder. "That's all."
Matthias headed up the two flights of stairs to Y/N's room and gently knocked on the wooden door. He didn't wait for anyone to reply and slowly pushed it open, almost afraid of what he might possibly find inside.
Inej was nowhere to be seen, the Suli girl had presumably disappeared up to the attic to talk to Kaz about their next steps. Nina was fast asleep in a chair at the head of Y/N's bed, one hand entwined with Y/N's.
Matthias walked in a bit further until he could see Y/N. She was still unconscious but there was more colour in her skin than there had been the last time he'd seen her. Nina had wiped the blood off her face and put her in a fresh, clean shirt that matched her eyes.
Matthias surprised himself with that last realisation.
"Nina," Matthias said softly, approaching her and putting a hand on her shoulder.
Nina blinked awake and jumped when she saw Matthias standing beside her. "What? Is it Y/N -"
"No, no, she's fine," Matthias said, glancing over at Y/N at the same time Nina did. "Can I..." Matthias trailed off, unsure of why he was struggling to ask the question.
NIna smiled knowingly. "Can you sit here?" She asked for him. "Why, of course, Matthias, I could do with some food."
Nina let go of Y/N's hand, gently setting it down on the bed. She gestured to the chair and Matthias sat down in it hesitantly.
"Anything happens, come and get me," Nina ordered, pointing a stern finger at him. "I meant it, Matthias. If she even twitches I want to know."
Matthias nodded and Nina took that as confirmation and flounced out the room. She shut the door behind her and Matthias was alone with Y/N.
For a moment, he just sat there, his hands in his lap. And then, he moved his right hand to Y/N's left, picking it up with surprising care and gentleness, and wrapped her fingers around his hand. He then put his other hand around hers and pressed his lips to her fingers.
"Djel, please bring her back to me," he whispered quietly, dropping his forehead onto their entwined hands. "Please. I can't live without her."
It wasn't until early dawn that Y/N woke up, her head pounding, her right side aching. It took her a moment to enter reality again and as she did so, she turned her head to the left and found a small smile appearing on her face.
Matthias was fast asleep in the chair, his right hand still entwined with hers. Y/N stared at him for a moment, taking in his peaceful, sleeping face.
Saints, she had actually fallen in love him. The man born and raised to kill her had stolen her heart and wrapped it in a ribbon. She had to appreciate the irony in the fact that her own kind had almost killed her yet a former drüskelle had saved her life.
Y/N's smile grew as Matthias' hand twitched in hers and she half rolled onto her left side, shifting closer to him, their hands still holding onto each other as if they were scared that, should they let go, they would never find each other again.
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It took four days for Nina to finally allow Y/N to leave the Slat. And even then she was only allowed down to Fifth Harbour and was put under what was practically an armed guard in the form of Matthias.
Y/N looped her arm through his as they walked down the canal and out to Fifth Harbour, each step agonisingly slow. Matthias didn't mind, though. It gave him more time to look at Y/N and appreciate how alive she looked and felt.
They found a bench on the harbour wall and Y/N slowly sat down, wincing slightly as she bent. Matthias sat down next to her, their arms brushing. Except this time, instead of moving away or flinching, Y/N dropped her head onto his shoulder and looked out at the harbour.
Matthias, surprised by the sudden affection, stopped functioning for a moment. Eventually he raised his arm and wrapped it around Y/N's shoulders, his fingers rubbing soft circles on her arm.
"Thank you," Y/N said after a moment of silence. She was still watching the harbour. "For saving my life."
"You saved mine first," Matthias reminded her, his hand moving up and down her arm slowly.
"I wasn't going to let you die the same way your family did," Y/N said softly. "At the hands of a Grisha." She paused. "I'm sure you do know this but the Inferni who did that to your family... they're nothing like me. Or any of the Inferni I knew."
"I know."
"And I wish I had met you sooner, Matthias, so that I could have shown you that," Y/N continued, tilting her head up to look at him.
Matthias smiled sadly. "I would have killed you."
"I know."
Y/N turned her head back to the harbour. Matthias dropped his head onto hers after a moment, the stray hairs that had escaped her braid tickling his face as they danced in the wind.
"I was raised to hate Grisha," Matthias said quietly, unsure of where exactly he was going with what he was saying. "I was taught that you were Drüsje. That you were to be feared and that you were unnatural and inhuman."
"And now?" Y/N asked, looking up at him.
Matthias watched her. The sea breeze kept picking up the stray pieces of hair and blowing them around her face. Y/N raised a hand and pushed them back out the way only for them to be blown back into her face again. There was no sun in Ketterdam but the gloomy afternoon light brightened enough that the water was lit up, it's reflection landing on Y/N's eyes, making them look as if they were on fire.
"Now, I know that he was wrong," Matthias said, almost whispering it because she was so close to him. "That you are everything he said you weren't. And I know that you are not messing with my heart to make me feel this way."
"I could set you on fire," Y/N pointed out, raising her eyebrows. She let out a little laugh and Matthias smiled. He leant down and kissed her on the lips. He lingered for a moment and then leant back.
Matthias looked at her surprised expression and his smile grew. "You already have."
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Little did you know - Kaz Brekker/platonic! Crows x fem! reader
A/n: I don't know where this came from... It's a mess but its like- whatever I guess
Warnings: GORE, DEATH, TORTURE, questionable sanity, this could be disturbing to some people so don't say I didn't warn you!
I do not own six of crows or shadow and bone or it's characters
Summary: The Crows make a vital mistake when trying to get information not knowing that it would cost them everything...
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(Gif not mine)
Her hair flows in the wind the only part of her moving the rest still as a serpent creeping up on its prey. Slowly, she starts to move forward as she spots her victims, some pretty little birdy's, just some unusually remarkable crows. If anything went right today the only thing that would be remarkable about them would be their downfall.
She almost yells out in excitement and joy when they wander right into her trap. They walk into her house - a dead merchant's house and go to loot what's left of it.
From her vantage point in the ceiling, she can see everything, from Nina's hands out ready to Matthias beside her. She sees Jesper's darting eyes and Wylan's uneasiness. Moreover, she can even see Inej Ghafa in the shadows high on alert ready to strike at any moment, just in case.
Then her eyes find Kaz and she almost kills him there and then.
He's in his normal attire and he hadn't changed his atrocious haircut either. Yet he's different still, it's the way he's holding himself. Like he feels accomplished.
And even though he has his neutral 'I'm bored' face on Y/n can see through him. She's always been able too and right now he's happy for an easy run. Not a trace of him is guilty or mourning and it's only been one week.
Now that she thinks about it there's not a trace of mourning in anyone.
Balling her hands into fits she nearly screams in agony, they thought she had died and they didn't even care. If she had any doubts before they're gone with just some simple observation.
Yet Y/n still waits and as soon as the Crows get into the trap completely she starts moving.
They had killed her loving parents who worked at a bakery, they had done nothing, nothing wrong. But now they were still six feet under, and she knew it was not just some casualties. Kaz was too precise for that.
She creeps up behind Inej and knocks her out cold before she can even cry out, Y/n catches her body before it can hit the floor and she carefully lays Inej to the said knowing she'll have to tie her up later.
Next is Jesper and Wylan.
For Jesper, she shoots him with a sleeping dart made out of a massively hard metal to control for fabricators and blinds Wylan before doing the same thing to him as well.
Taking out a bomb from Wylan's bag she sets it off. Running towards Nina and before she can use her heartrender abilities, Y/n headbutts her causing her figure to fall to the floor. Unconscious.
Matthias starts sprinting towards her but she simply grabs his shoulder and hits him on a pressure point on his neck and he's out with the rest of them.
It's funny because he taught her that manoeuvre.
"Kaz!" She yells in a shrill voice beckoning him downstairs, did he really leave his little itty bitty Crows alone? Ah, just like he did to her, what they all did to her.
The Crows and Y/n were on a mission and something went wrong, she was shot and they left her to die. She could have been easily saved but they left her and while they did that she remembers - the thing that she remembers most about that night. Kaz leaned down into her ear and said;
'Thanks for the information little snake.'
They had used her to get information, everything she had with them was fake. Everything with Kaz was fake. Every little touch, every little moment, their entire (established) relationship was fake.
"Come down Kazzy I helped you! Now you help me!" She runs up the stairs knowing that there's only one exit, the window. That was extremely high off the ground he would hopefully try to bargain with her first.
Even if he didn't Y/n had brought some rope because he would definitely break his legs at that height.
But Y/n wasn't a little snake now she was a majestic serpent that wielded the screeches of revenge in her venom.
She runs into the room with the window and there he was there in a chair in the shadows looking smug, but the serpent knew it was all just a facade - fake confidence.
Smiling at him she pulls out a second chair from a broken-down desk and places it right in front of him. 'Bang.' It's a simple sound but it echos throughout the room bouncing off the walls into the depths of madness.
"Oh Kazzy, have you come to help me?" She takes her lip in between her teeth and fake trembles.
"Have you come to save me?" Her voice is tiny and it's nothing like it used to be around him, yet he still flinches. He knows she's putting on an act but it still hurts him. And she wants to hurt him over, and over again.
"Y/n... We needed that information, lots of the Dregs' lives were on the line. There is so much more you wouldn't don't understand."
Laughing into the open she secretly pulls out a syringe from her back pocket readying it in her hand.
Instantly her voice changes from the scarce poor girl's voice to a very dark voice. Vengeance was held there and it was like burning your ears in the pits of hell listening to it. The sins and revenge sounded melodic but the torture that laid underneath was horrific.
"Really Rietveld? Did you think I would forgive so easily?"
Kaz's face morphs into surprise at hearing his real last name, Y/n jumps at the chance and she plunges the syringe deep into his neck.
"See you in hell."
___________________TIME SKIP A COUPLE OF HOURS__
All the Crows are tied up to some chairs in the secret basement of the house. The woman waits for what looks like patiently but really she's boiling with excitement.
This is going to be fun.
Finally, the last Crows wakes up and the Serpent takes out her playthings. Just a couple of knives and guns, but those were just her toys the real weapons are the emotional and mental pain she would cause everyone including herself.
"You know why you are here, don't you?" She walks around the room watching every one of The Crows' snarling faces but perhaps some of them held remorse.
Although Y/n was past their pity now. None of the damage could be undone, what's done is done. An eye for an eye.
"Nina darling, this may hurt a bit." Quicker than Jesper's sharpshooter's eye could catch she stabs Nina in the stomach as she yells out in pain Y/n twists the knife back and forth.
Matthias screams out for his lover and after what feels like an internity the serpent pulls the dagger out knowing that she'll just eventually die from blood loss.
Taking a quick look around the room she notices some of the terrified faces and how everyone is on edge. Good, just how she wants it.
"Mörd demjin," Matthias mutters under his breath and Y/n takes his throat in her hand and holds tight enough to choke him.
"Don't call me by the little nickname you gave Kazzy!" She yells furiously holding onto him tighter and tighter. His face starts to become purple and she can hear the yells and screams of the birdy's in the background.
'No! Let go! Matthias! Matthias! Let him go!'
"Any last words?" She jets out her lip before holding onto him tighter and she sees the fury of the ice in his eyes before there's nothing. His eyes roll back lifeless.
"No Matthias! Matthias!" Nina shrieks trying to desperately get out of her chair.
Rolling her eyes with a huff Y/n pulls out a gun and shoots Nina twice in the head.
"Now you're with your lover." She drawls on the word lover and turns to Inej. She didn't really want to do this but she had to cause him all the pain that she could. Even if Inej tried to stop them.
Swiftly she pulls out the knife Inej gave her and kindly kills her with a hard blow to the heart. She doesn't suffer, she just solely died, it's the only kindness the Serpent can afford to give her.
At this point, Jesper and Wylan are openly sobbing and screaming for their friends and for Y/n to please stop. But she doesn't, with blood all over her clothes she makes her path towards her next fool.
"If you were wondering why you couldn't control the bullets, Jesper." She drawls on in a monotone voice. She can see and hear Wylan screaming and it pains her but she doesn't let it show. She lets the Serpent take over or else this will never get done.
Fully becoming the Serpent Y/n places the barrel of her gun up to his heart and she just shoots, no emotion on her face whatsoever.
"A special venom of mine for Grisha. Had some fun testing it."
Going over to Wylan she quickly slits his throat not wanting the little merchling to suffer more than he already has.
She looks at Kaz blankly, he's shaking and he's beyond trying not to show any emotion. Tears are streaming down his face and he's gasping for air. Trembles roll off his body and the agony on his face pierces her hurt.
"Why?" Rietveld finally manages to rasp out. "WHY!" He screams ultimately reaching his breaking point.
"Because Kaz," She whispers in a sickeningly sweet voice lifting his chin with the tip of her pointer finger.
"Everything comes with a price." She pauses letting it sink in.
"And little did you know the price it would cost you."
And that's the story of Sankta Serpentina and Sankt Dirtyhands.
Words 1634
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover
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