#had to freaking show u guys my other things for it not to be like an entire page of a picture grumble grumble
superbattrash · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Thanks for the tag @jellyfitzjelly​, even though you know I don’t actually work on more than one fic at a time (I'm a liar). I recently transferred all my notes into word docs, so it’s the perfect timing! 
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!! 
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Well, that was terrifyingly scary :)
I’mma just throw some tags out, no pressure, my guys: @broosepayne​, @princesstooru​, @babygirlcowboy​, @hiero-green​, @supermanstoddlerleash​, @annoyingartblizzardskeleton​, @fassbenderbender​ uhhhhh. I don’t know who’s already done this, I’m sorry XD 
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isamoa · 6 months
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jjk men x f!reader ࿐ MDNI.
ᰔ、summary. jjk scenarios on how their dicks get hard ofc
ᰔ、tags. (ft. gojo, geto, toji, choso), nsfw, female anatomy, cunnilingus, exhibitionism, sexting, masturbation, etc.
ᰔ、a/n. these are just my silly depictions. if u dont agree idgaf lol
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SATORU GOJO has the dirtiest mind and the highest sex drive. his pants definitely start feeling a little tighter at the sight of you eating a popsicle or something. specifically in public. he would have no shame in it either—casually forming a smirk on his face and dropping a snarky innuendo about the way you’re eating. “can you suck me off like that when we get home?” he’d mumble from across the table, his eyes peeking out from the top of his glasses, a smirk plastered on his lips; wet from the constant licking of his tongue. your eyes widen, a small ‘pop’ sounding from your mouth when you took the frozen sweet out to gasp at the man in front of you. “gojo! are you serious?” you’d yell in a whisper, looking around to see if anyone had heard him. “you’re right,” he’d sigh, standing up from his chair to reveal the very prominent and very obvious bulge in his pants. “we should just do it now.”
SUGURU GETO on the other hand is a polite man. like satoru, he’s a real freak in the sheets—but not as shamelessly. the littlest things can get him hard for sure, but unintentionally seeing your undergarments would really get him going. like an accidental peek at your panties from under your skirt, or a shirt thats a little too see-through showing off the print on your bra. he wouldn’t say anything of course, not right away. you would just be minding your own business one minute and then he’s dragging you towards the bedroom the next. “sugu- what are you-?” you would ask in a confusing tone, craning your head to look at the said man who was now behind you—pushing your stomach up against the countertop; a single hand brought up to grope your breast while the other laid flat against your hip. “your bra is showing.” he’d let you know blankly; an attempt to distract you while his hand slid it’s way into your pants. you would look down in response to his comment, noticing that your bra was in-fact showing like he said. unfortunately for him, you also already noticed the hardon pressed against your back.
TOJI FUSHIGURO gets hard from eating pussy. simple as that. he will get embarrassingly sloppy—juices coating his face and dripping down his chin, loving every second of it while his cock slowly grows harder. emphasis on grows. and if you think for a second that he does it for your pleasure, think again. this man will eat you out purely for his enjoyment only. his eyes are closed and his hands are squeezing at your thighs—legs thrashing uncontrollably from the uncomfortable pressure in his pants that’s about to come undone. “toji- let me help you.” you’d beg with a whimper, dragging your hand from the top of his head down to his cheek when you noticed the constant shuffling of his legs and the crease in his eyebrow. he’d laugh darkly, the breathy snicker creating a hum between your core that made a whine escape from your lips. “im fine mama,” he’ll say cockily, pulling a hand away from your leg to undo his zipper. “ill cum soon, you don’t gotta do ‘nun.”
CHOSO is a needy guy. his face will turn red at a simple flirty text—but send him a slutty pic and he might just cream his pants. fully naked or dressed in lingerie, his favorite or not, he will definitely feel some pressure down below. he might ignore you for a while, uncertain on how he should reply; if he’s even able to. “fuck- couldn’t wait till i got home, could you?” he’d whine quietly, trying his best to keep his voice down from the bathroom of his office job; one hand holding the phone up to his ear while the other rushed to unbuckle his belt. “sorry cho,” you’d apologize from the other line, voice rather faint as you posed for another picture to send him. “when are you coming?” you ask doubtfully just as his phone vibrates with another notification from your contact. “now- im comin’ now baby.” he replies with a huff, phone almost slipping from his ear. “really!?” you try to clarify—much more excited than the first time. “no, i mean im cumming. right now.”
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bananami · 6 months
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character/s: choso kamo x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS: meangirl!reader x loser!choso is a pairing that lives in my head rent free so when you all voted for choso to be the next hot man i wrote for i knew this was what would come out of it so let’s get into it whores
WARNINGS: this is college based bc u know why. 18+, nsfw, mdni, the whole shebang, kiddos avert ur eyes IT'S ALL SMUT / also just be aware i did use fem language for reader. as always, i did not proof read xxx
A/N: delusion is like drugs for simps, and i am the crackhead
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Choso isn't like a nerdy loser, more like he’s just an emo boy, he’s got that alternative look going on and in a school full of preppy rich kids he stands out like a sore thumb. Of course this leads to some not so nice kids being not so nice to him, to which like he literally could not care less. He pays no mind to what anyone thinks of him beyond of course what his brothers think of him.
And as much as people aren’t nice to him, they do not fuck with him directly, lowkey scared of his reactions. Especially following a specfic incident in which someone tried to pick a fight with him. At first he was going to just let it slide but then they said something rude about Yuuji and this man laid them out. People were sent to urgent care and everything. Choso was put on suspension and almost kicked out, but their family friend is a lawyer and threatened to sue the school and anyways (if you know who you know who) so he was allowed back at school and everyone’s a little weary of him. This doesn’t stop the mean comments from coming.
And you. You’re no exception. You made fun of him every chance you got. The way he always did his hair in that weird double bun updo, or how he had his nails painted black, his various piercings and tattoos, the way he dressed so much different, was so much different, than any of the other guys you knew at school.
And you were so disgustingly attracted to him. While everyone would sneer and make fun of him and you played along, in reality you were internally berating yourself.
Choso did his best to ignore you but to be honest in the end you were just too fun to mess with. He thought it was cute how you thought you could hurt his feelings, how you really tried, and didn’t realize that he had a thing for brats and that’s just what you were. Everyone else was too afraid to say it straight to his face ever since the fight except for you.
One time he caught you staring at him and he couldn’t help himself, leaning over with a careless smirk. "If you spent less time staring at me and more time paying attention to the lecture maybe you wouldn’t be failing the class."
"Fuck you, Choso.”
"You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You hoped he’d mistake your embarrassment for anger. He didn’t. You snapped back, as usual. "Maybe if you didn’t dress like such a freak, you’d actually have some friends.”
"Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch your boyfriends would actually stick around for longer than a few months."
The one stung, and you tried not to let it show. Thrown off your game, all you could bring yourself to reply back was: “don’t call me a bitch.”
He shrugged, as though he were bored with the conversation already. "I never said it was a bad thing, just that you keep dating dudes who can’t handle you."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He doesn't answer though, and you spend way too much time thinking about what he could've meant. Was he implying that he could handle you? Was that why he constantly found ways to poke at you? Did he like when you were a brat? Did it matter if he liked it? It led your fantasies down a deep and dark rabbit hole that you spent weeks harping on.
Things get even worse after you realize that Choso might’ve been right about your grades slipping and staring at him in class and whatnot. And (for plot reasons of course) that would mean your professor paired you up with him for the final project so that you’d stand a better chance at passing the class.
Which is how you find yourself standing outside of his apartment door, debating how much you need to actually pass the course for your degree. You kept coming to the same conclusion. You definitely needed to.
"You just gonna stand at my door like a creep or can you move so i can let you inside?” He stood at the top of the staircase up to his apartment, watching you with another bored expression.
You're reaction is second nature. "I’m the creep? How long were you just standing there watching me? Maybe I’d already knocked and you didn’t answer so I was waiting. Let’s get on with it, I don’t need anyone seeing me hanging around-”
"Alright relax, princess. No one’s around to hear you act like you hate me. Come inside and I’ll grab us something to drink.” He opened the door to let you both inside, holding it open for you to enter first.
"First off, I do hate you. And second, how do I know you’re not going to poison me?”
"Don’t worry, I wouldn’t poison you. The plan was going more in the direction of choking.”
"Choked to death? Good to know.”
"You implied killing. All i said was choking.”
"Oh, gross.” You groaned. You pushed away the images that were brought to your mind. Choso's hand around your throat, fingers in your mouth, his breathy whispers telling you what else he'd have you choking on by the end of the night.
It's not too bad for the first few hours. You start out working on the project in the living room, but Choso’s neighbors are loud as all hell and you eventually ask if you guys can move into a room away from that shared wall. And (of course for plot purposes) that would be his bedroom.
"Your bedroom is exactly as I pictured it would be."
"This is the part where I make fun of you for picturing what my bedroom looks like."
"Yeah weird and creepy, just like you.”
"Your insults are getting less and less creative.”
"Yeah well….shut up.”
He’s surprised at that, usually you’d come back at him with something witty and clever and he actually enjoyed it.
It’s quiet and he’s sitting at his desk while you lay casually on his bed when he decides now’s as good a time as ever, and he might never actually get you alone again to say it.
"You ever gonna admit that you find me attractive or keep lying to the both of us?"
You wince. "I don't find you attractive. Stop flattering yourself."
"You flatter me enough with all the staring and drooling you do over me in class."
"You're obsessive," you snap at him.
"At least i can admit it."
You're caught off guard, stuck between wanting to ask what he means and not wanting to give in to the obvious baiting he's doing. When he throws the study material down on to his desk and plops down in front of you on his bed, it seems like he's resigned to not giving you that choice.
"Tell you what, I'll tell you all of the dirty and depraved things I think about on a daily basis, and you can decide after whether you'd like to share those same thoughts of yours with me or not."
"Why would I want to hear any of the thoughts in your head?"
"Because a lot of them revolve directly around you." He's leaned so close you're almost touching one another. Your silence is enough to spur him on. "I think you've never been fucked properly before."
You can't contain the look that falls on your face. "Seriously? This what you think about? My sex life is none of your business, but I'm doing just fine in that department, thank you very much."
He ignores you. "I don't think you've ever been told to shut the fuck up and take it like the good girl I know you can be." That shut you up real quick. Choso is on his knees in front of you, hands cupping around your neck, his thumbs running across your cheeks. "You're whiney little fucking attitude not do it for your boyfriends?" He teased. "They not know how to deal with you when you're being a brat, huh?"
You're head moves without conscious effort, nodding to agree with him.
"You just want some attention, don't you?"
Another nod.
"You want my attention, don't you?"
Hesitation. But you can't help yourself, his presence looming heavy over you, pushing you to admit what you'd kept in the dark for so long.
One of his hands slithers from your throat, down your chest, under the sweats you threw on in a rush to get to his apartment. You're so distracted by his fingers that you don't notice his face moving closer until his mouth is prying yours open. That's all it takes from him to have you stroking your fingers through his hair, pulling it out of the buns they typically are held in.
"Such a little brat." He's hovering over you, pushing your hips into the soft cushion of his bed with his. "Feel how hard it makes me?" He teases as he grinds his hips down, his clothed cock sliding against your center. Your eyes flutter and he grips onto your face with one hand, squeezing firmly. "You're gonna fuck me tonight. Nod if you understand."
You can't believe how quick your head moves up and down. "You're gonna take off those pretty little panties you wore hoping I'd get to see and slide up and down my dick until I tell you to stop. I don't want you cumming until I feel you've begged enough."
It takes no time at all for him to flip the two of you and prop himself up on his forearms. His pants are shimmied off and thrown to his bedroom floor alongside yours.
Your hands are desperate to line him up, anticipation building to have him deep inside of you, but his shoot out to pull them up and place them against his chest. "No, no, no. You don't get me inside you yet, not until you prove to me you deserve it." He urges you along his shaft, flat against his stomach. "That's right, be a good little slut for me and let me feel that pussy slide against my dick."
You watch him from above, his face contorting from concentration to pleasure to near desperation. You've never felt as powerful as you did riding him. Not a single one of your boyfriends ever turning you on as much as Choso was right now. He made you work for it, praising you when you did what he asked, and you chased that praise.
"Shit, look at that baby," he grabbed your hair and yanked your face down to watch yourself slide against him. "Need to feel you squeeze that pussy around me. Fuck, slide me in, slide me in-" his loud groans matched your high pitched sound of relief at having him seated inside you. "Fuck this."
He flipped the two of you back over, gripping each of your legs and forcing them up. "Hold right under your knees for me. Good girl, keep yourself open for me, let me just use you." He fell to his forearms as he plowed into you, giving you no time to get used to any sort of pace.
You tried your best to hold your legs, but you wanted so badly to touch him. One of your hands wandered back up into his lose hair.
He could barely keep his eyes open, mumbling all kinds of truths you were sure he would've kept locked inside had he not been so drunk on the feel of being inside you. "So fucking pretty," he kissed you sloppily, "such a stupid fucking brat, just needed my cock inside you. Feel like heaven, baby. Gonna let me cum inside your little cunt, right? Made me wait so fucking long to have you, I deserve it. Don't I deserve it?"
You can barely form any coherent words, setting for nodding and breathy uh huhs.
"So fucking mean to me, and look how good I'm being to you, huh?" You feel the light slap of his head against your cheek. "Say your sorry, beg me to cum inside your pussy."
You do beg, your apology comes out in between the stuttering and slurring of your words, but you beg and plead with him until he concedes. It his own orgasm that pushes you over, his groans and relentlessness that follow, pushing himself passed the point of no return. You can see the beginning of what looks like tears in his eyes, and he has to force himself to stop, his hips jerking from the overstimulation.
He kisses you ruthlessly, letting his tongue claim your mouth in a manner more harsh than it is anything else. And when he pulls away and his eyes settle back on yours they're equally as harsh.
"No more shitty little boyfriends that can't handle you. I'll handle you. You want my cock, you ask nicely. Understand?"
"Yes," you let your lips peck his, surprising him, "what if I don't wanna be nice about it?"
He smirks, "try it and find out. Now get on your knees and suck my cock like the good girl I know you can be."
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hiii! i love ur avatar writing and i was wondering if u could write something about neteyam x reader, where they're childhood best friends but then some na'vi guy start to show interest in the reader and neteyam gets all jealous and realize than maybe he's in love with them? idk if this make sense, english is not my first language, sorry :((
All Mine
Tags: Neteyam x Omaticaya!Reader, Aonung x Omaticaya!Reader (Only Slight), Fem!Reader, Childhood Friend Romance, Friends To Lovers, Jealousy, Anguished Declarations Of Love, Neteyam Loses His Cool For Once
Warnings: Neteyam Daydreaming About Punching Aonung LMAO
Neteyam was walking along the beach with his siblings when he spotted you, talking to the Olo'eyktan’s son. It had never crossed his mind before that you, his childhood best friend, would eventually find someone to romantically pursue. Was it wrong to realize he wanted you to himself, and not in the arms of another boy?
OMG IM SO OBSESSED W THIS IDEA!!! If theres one trope I love, its a jealous love interest 🤭 also, trust me when I say ur English is perfect!! Fun fact but English is also my second language and growing up I was ass at speaking it LMFAO so ur not alone 😭☠️
Yellow Hyacinth - Jealousy
* ˚ ✦ 1663 Words • Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [02/01/23] ❞  
It had been roughly a week since you arrived on the Awa'atlu village's shoreline. When you initially arrived, the Olo'eyktan's son harassed you relentlessly.
There were many things he liked to call you. Freak, weirdo, dimwit, you name it.
There was nothing freak-like about you, per se, but the fact that you were from the forest made you a target to Aonung's bullying. What skills could a woodland girl teach sea people? It was dreadful that you had to hide among them in the first place.
Technically, you had no obligation to go into hiding with the Metkayina clan, but you felt as if the Omaticaya had nothing left for you when your childhood best friend, Neteyam, informed you that he and his family needed to flee.
When Neteyam initially told you that he had to abandon your clan, including you, you wailed into his arms as if he had just perished. You couldn't bear the thought of not being with Neteyam, even if it meant compromising your clan's safety.
The truth is, you overreacted so harshly because you’ve had feelings for Neteyam for years now. You’ve always been unsure if he reciprocated, but there were moments between the both of you where he’d send mixed signals; you didn’t know what shifted or when, but there was just something between you both that felt like you were more than just friends.
And now he wouldn’t be able to stay and see how your relationship would unfurl.
Maybe you were foolish to persuade Jake Sully into bringing you along, but he eventually agreed (albeit reluctantly), since you and his son made each other happy. Neteyam was pleased when you told him you were departing with him.
So there you were, well acquainted with the Metkayina, and accompanied by your dearest friend. Aside from Aonung's pestering, you could put up with it since you knew Neteyam would safeguard you.
However, the more time that you spent with the sea people, the more you began to suspect that it was only you who had detected something between you and Neteyam. You stopped sending hints, even if he overlooked them unintentionally, as it stung too much to persevere.
Aonung eventually stopped attempting to harass you, and you even developed a pleasant friendship with him. Tonowari, his father, had him apologize for his poor behavior; after that, he was actually fairly delightful to converse with.
This was your life now.
Neteyam sauntered along the coast, followed by Kiri and Lo'ak. He couldn't take his mind off you; were you safe? Was Aonung bothering you yet again? His father had chided him that he didn't need to be at your side all hours of the day, but he didn't quite understand why his father was amused when he talked about how Neteyam behaved with you. You were his best friend, of course he’s worried!
Regardless, Jake instructed him to keep an eye on his siblings, so he didn't have much of a choice in abandoning them and running to your rescue. Not with Lo'ak prowling behind him in search of trouble.
Neteyam maintained his walk, thinking to himself that he was exceedingly fortunate that you had left the clan for him, and although he wouldn't say it, he was overjoyed.
What he wasn't so thrilled with was how he'd discovered you'd grown closer to that jackass Aonung. You could talk to anybody you pleased, and he knew you were far too pure-hearted to entirely dismiss the Olo'eyktan's son, but why did he feel so bitter whenever he saw you together?
Speak of the devil.
Kiri pointed you out, but when she saw who you were with, she shuddered. “Look, it’s Y/N! And... Aonung.” She deadpanned.
Neteyam was paying little heed to what his sister was saying. No, he was paying close attention to how you were giggling at whatever Aonung said.
What the fuck?
Lo’ak nudged his shoulder. “Bro?”
Lo'ak waved his hand in front of Neteyam's face, which he instantly swept aside. What exactly did Aonung say to make you laugh that hard? You only laugh when you're with him!
Neteyam was practically seething, his fists clenched into balls, as Kiri and Lo'ak snickered to each other out of his earshot. If Kiri didn't know any better, she'd suppose Neteyam was thinking about the finest ways to strangle a (what might as well be) merman.
And truly, he was.
Lo’ak held his fist to his mouth to stifle his laughs. “Dude, are you jealous?”
Kiri placed a hand on Lo’ak’s shoulder, and looked away with a smile plastered to her face. “He totally is.”
Neteyam’s rage was now being directed towards his siblings. “What? No I’m not! Why would I be jealous?”
Lo’ak was still chortling when he pointed behind Neteyam, motioning that he should probably look. He turned around indignantly, and saw that Aonung had a hand on your arm. He was close. Too close for his liking.
And that look. Anyone could see that Aonung was flirting with you. He was maintaining direct eye contact with you, narrowing his gaze. He appeared to be listening carefully to what you were saying, but his smirk paired with his eyes passing over your lips indicated otherwise.
Neteyam just wanted to pummel his stupid, blue face in.
Kiri and Lo'ak burst out laughing as they witnessed Neteyam storm over to where the two of you were. He aggressively inserted his own hand where Aonung's own had originally been, shoving your body into his own by the shoulder. The unexpected intrusion caught you off guard.
“Oh! Neteyam!”
You beamed at his arrival right away, but Aonung frowned. Before you could enquire what Neteyam was doing, he stared daggers into Aonung's head, and hauled you away from him by your bicep. Aonung remained there stunned, staring at your back as you walked away.
“What the hell?”
Kiri and Lo'ak tripped over themselves on their way over to Aonung, howling with laughter, and Lo'ak smacked his shoulder in amusement.
“Sorry cuz, you never stood a chance!”
Aonung’s cheeks darkened deeply. He was thoroughly mortified; he had no idea you were and Neteyam were like that! (You’re not.)
Neteyam began to lose confidence throughout the walk once he had pulled you much further away. While you shouted at him to let you go, he inwardly cursed at himself, wondering why he had just done that.
Does he like you?
Your vehement protests about how Neteyam was causing you pain eventually ceased falling on deaf ears. His rage vanished when he realized he'd been treating you like a ragdoll for the entire walk, and he immediately felt horrible. He let go of your arm and buried his face in his hands, ashamed that he had done such a thing to you in the first place.
You rubbed your sore arm, and nudged his shoulder gently. “What’s wrong?”
He looked way too upset, and you rarely saw him like this, if ever.
“Why was Aonung looking at you like that?”
That struck you with irritation. “Are you serious? That’s what this is about?”
His eyes darkened at your words. How could it not be?
You started to raise your voice. “You cannot be for real. You’re just my friend, why are you being so overprotective? If Aonung likes me, that’s my business! Not yours!”
Neteyam snatched your wrist again, evidently upset by what you just uttered. He didn’t know what he was saying anymore. “The only person that can look at you like that is me!”
You went quiet for a time, then realization dawned on your features. “Hold up... do you like me?”
Suddenly, Neteyam’s gaze softened, and he could no longer be furious with you. “How could I not?”
He released your wrist, unsure of what to say next. When he noticed your prolonged silence, Neteyam whirled around, prepared to walk back to his home and cry his frustrations out. He was fighting back tears already; what was the point of telling you this anyway?
You gripped his shoulder and forced him to swivel around and face you. Neteyam could not cover his face, and he felt humiliated because he didn't know why he was acting in this manner. Why was he weeping over a silly look?
He was caught by surprise when you cupped his face in your hands, and wiped the stray tears away. Your irritation had completely dissipated. “You have nothing to be worried about.”
He sniffled. “Why?”
“Because I’ve liked you since forever, but I didn’t think you liked me back. There were so many mixed signals, and you never picked up on my hints, either!”
Neteyam was taken aback. He was at a loss for words.
You rolled your eyes. “Just kiss me, you big idiot.”
Your hand that was on his shoulder was now suddenly imprisoned in his grip, and he jerked you towards his body, lips crashing into yours. He pressed against you with ardor, as if you'd vanish if he didn't embrace you like you were the last Na'vi on Pandora.
Your nimble fingers found purchase in his braids. His hands slithered around your waist, drawing you flush against him, effectively deepening the kiss. He needed you so near that he could only sense your lips against his. When you would try and pull away, his desperate kisses would follow.
You feared Neteyam had forgotten you needed to breathe, because you had to roughly pull his head back by his braids to eventually get him to halt his feverish actions. The minimal bit of pigment on your lips had now smeared, a mark left by Neteyam that claimed you as his. Who the hell taught him to kiss like that?
As you both merely stared at each other, stunned, Neteyam spoke through labored breaths. “All mine?”
“I’m all yours.”
Lo'ak sipped his fruity iced drink, having witnessed the entire exchange from a distance. He patted Aonung's back.
“You wish that was you, huh?”
Aonung punched him.
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papaya-twinks · 2 months
read requests are open and DIVED in them lmaoaoa.
anyway can I request a lando x reader where reader is a famous twitch streamer (preferably italian) and she keeps saying she hates Lando Norris but literally follows him on every social, has plenty of McLaren’s legos etc…
Her fans mocked her when she received a sweater from Quadrant and wore it offen (and things like that)
(Btw Lando secretly watches her)
Warnings: Fake hate
Pairing: Lando Norris x streamer!fem!reader
Summary: I made this kinda smau but also fic and also text lmao
Face Claim: Tyla (my wife 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞)
“Chat this is flabbergasting,” you rolled your eyes, reading the messages as they poured in. Almost all of them mentioned Lando. You’d interacted a few times on social media and knew him as Lily’s boyfriend’s teammate in F1. And as soon as you met the cocky shit, you weren’t his biggest fan. “I’m trying to put my architect face on, and we have y’all yapping about that dude,” you giggled, pulling the box out of the bigger one.
“Sweet,” you tapped the box, showing the screen. It was a mini Lego McLaren that you’d been sent by one of your fans. There was a little message tagged on the bottom, cute. “Right, guys,” you tried to hide your smile, “I don’t want a Lego set that says ‘Lando wants you so bad’!” you throw your head back, laughing. “There’s another parcel in the box,” you read off the screen, tapping your chin. “So there is,” you shrugged, pulling a black hoodie out of it. “What? Max,” you groaned, seeing the handwritten note by one of your friends on it. Wow, a quadrant hoodie.
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caption: y/n was seen wearing the quadrant hoodie she was gifted by Max Fewtrell in 5 different streams
user1: omg she’s so prettyyyy
user2: ngl her and Lando always mention each other (even if they say they hate each other) on stream
-> user3: they’d be so cute lmao
martingarrix: hm 🤔
-> martingarrix: hm 🙂‍↕️
-> user6: MARTINNNN
-> martingarrix: hm 😘
The rumours never seemed to cease. Not that you necessarily wanted them to. You DID like Lando. And Lando liked you. You were both aware of that, which was probably why you were dating. And endlessly teasing your fans by suggesting something then downright proving it wrong was hilarious. 
The fans hated it. They didn’t know you were dating though. So what better way then to go on stream with the entirety of quadrant and spill a few beans. “Well, well,” Max said, pausing the game, “we have ourselves a very special guest,” all the rest of the gamers online started whispering. “Please welcome….Y/N!” everyone of the streamers had a reaction. Except Lando, he just giggled. “Hey love,” he muttered, resuming his own game, “nice collection,” he gestured vaguely at the Lego cars behind you.
“Notice none of them are yours,” you mused, making him scoff. “Alright, babe,” he shrugged, “tell yourself that,”. You shrugged. “Oh shit, got to go, guys,” you faked, an amused smirk on your face at the comments freaking over Lando calling you ‘baby’ and ‘babe’. “Shame, love,” Lando muttered, still flicking along his keyboard. Oh, how you loved chaos.
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sugrhigh · 5 months
FIRST OF MANY - ( m.s )
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summary- you and matt have been dating for over a month now, and you’ve never had sex. his curiosity gets the best of him while you’re watching a romcom, and you find out he’s actually a virgin.
warnings- swearing, virgin!matt, technically unprotected sex, smut at the end (lmk if i missed shit)
virgin!matt x fem!reader
a/n: this is my first req that i’ve ever done, so THANK U TO THE ANON WHO LEFT IT i hope it lives up to your expectations ❤️ if u have ideas drop them in my inbox ! all da love
there is literally nothing matt likes more than spending the night in with his girlfriend, as corny as it might sound. it’s been well over a month of dating now, and he still can’t get enough of you.
the warmth of your body is comforting as you lay beside him on the sofa, dressed down in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. he has one steady arm wrapped around your shoulder so he can hold you against his chest.
he breathes you in as his fingers skim absentmindedly up and down your exposed bicep, a familiar mixture of laundry detergent and citrus shampoo.
“that feels nice.” you mumble into his shirt, eyes still glued to the tv.
you’re forcing him to watch friends with benefits, since he picked the last movie and you were in dire need of a romcom fix. it’s one of your favorites, mainly because you loved mila kunis so much in that 70s show.
it’s only been on for roughly thirty minutes, but matt’s been enjoying it way more than he expected considering this genre is not his norm. he’s even let out a couple laughs at the scripted jokes.
the main characters are in bed together again, rolling around as they banter back and forth about sleeping with each other. it sparks a fire of curiosity inside of him as he continues to stare at the screen.
“is this really what it’s like?” he asks without thinking, and he immediately regrets his words as you tilt your head to look up at him curiously.
“what, the sex? don’t act like you don’t know.” you say, playfully smacking him with the back of your hand.
matt isn't sure why he brought it up, but he figures now is as good a time as any to have this dreadful conversation.
“how could i know if i’ve never done it?”
he feels you tense up slightly under his arm, which scares him. the last thing he wants you to think is that he’s some sort of loser. he just hadn’t found anyone that he really wanted to be intimate with before he met you.
it’s not like you guys don’t fool around sometimes. he’s perfectly capable of using both his hands and his mouth; this is a fact you’ve been made well aware of.
you two just haven’t gone all the way yet, especially considering you hardly ever get real alone time together.
“you don’t have to lie about the girls you’ve been with just because we’re dating now.” you finally respond, quieter than before.
“oh my god, i’m telling the truth, so please don’t make me say it again.” he can’t look at you anymore, because he’s too embarrassed.
this makes you fully sit up in shock, no longer focused on the premise of the film. he can feel you staring at the side of his beet red face, clearly confused by this revelation.
“wait, are you seriously telling me that you’re a virgin?” you question.
matt glances back at you and crosses his arms defensively, because it suddenly feels like he’s under attack. “you’re making me seem like a freak or something.”
he watches your eyes soften as you put a tentative hand on his shoulder, trying to let him know that you weren’t making fun of him.
“shit, i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t mean it like that. it’s just…really surprising, that’s all.”
“surprising how?”
you pull your lips between your teeth, exhaling through your nose as you try and find the right words.
“well we’ve done stuff before, and you were just naturally good at it, so i assumed you’d learned from hooking up with other people. and i know girls must have liked you with a face like that.”
this boosts his ego, and he’s already in a much better mood knowing he’s at least made you feel good in the past. that doesn’t mean he’s not still terrified, but he’s a little more confident than he was before.
“nope, not really. you’re the only one i’ve ever done that kind of thing with, aside from a little making out.” matt admits with a shrug.
your lips part, and it’s making you feel all fluttery.
he smiles a little bit. “i don’t know what that means.”
“it doesn’t mean anything really. i’ve only had sex a few times, and it doesn’t change anything either way.” you move your hand up and down his arm a little bit.
the tv plays in the background, and your mind flits to his original question.
“are you curious? is that why you asked?” you tilt you head toward the screen, though you keep your focus on him.
his eyes go a little wide, and the feeling of your hand on his arm suddenly becomes overwhelming.
“yeah, i—uh, i guess i am.” matt stumbles over his words, and your fingers travel higher to run through his hair slowly.
“you don’t have to be nervous. you can ask me anything you want, i’m not gonna judge.” you say softly.
your fingernails raking along his scalp makes him shudder slightly, a response that you both enjoy.
“i’m…more of a hands-on learner.” he rasps.
you let your fingers travel to rest on the back of his neck, drawing him in for a soft kiss. it’s short and sweet, and his eyelids flutter a bit as you pull away.
“what do you want to do?”
he pauses for a moment before deciding to give in and say what’s on his mind. “nick and chris aren’t home. maybe we should go to my room?”
you grin, nodding your head like you’re in a trance. you’re both trying to hide your giddiness as you scramble off of the couch, carelessly tossing the blankets aside.
you can feel him staring at your ass as you lead him through the hall, and he gives it a little smack of appreciation.
“matthew sturniolo!” you laugh, turning the doorknob to his bedroom.
it greets you warmly, and you always love it because the whole place smells like him. the overhead light is off; it’s just the singular lamp casting warm rays across the mattress.
“couldn’t help it.” he says, smile prominent in his tone as he locks the door behind you.
you slow to a stop at the foot of his bed, and he stands at your side, hand intertwined in yours. it makes your heart swell as he admires you with those charming eyes.
“are you sure? we really don’t have to, there’s no rush.” you squeeze his palm reassuringly.
matt lets go just so he can hold your head, kissing you hard as an answer. you literally can’t help but beam into his lips, and you put one hand on his chest to push him against his silk sheets.
he falls onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows so he can keep looking at you. you crawl on top of him, slowly settling on his hips.
he sucks in a shaky breath as you shift against him to get comfortable. you can feel matt growing harder beneath you as you lean down to give him another swift kiss, letting his mouth melt against yours.
then you move to his earlobe, pressing your lips to the hollow part of his neck. you swipe your tongue against his skin, biting down just a bit so you can suck on the area slightly.
he groans, laying down now so he can move his hands to grip your ass, pushing you against him harder to feel a little more friction. the thin material of your sweatpants doesn’t hide a whole lot, and he’s straining against you now.
“you’re so cute, baby.” you say against his skin, and his hands go to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up over your hips.
you lift your hands from his chest so he can fully remove it, leaving you in your stretchy black bralette.
“god, you’re unreal.” he breathes, and you guide his palms to cup each of your breasts, still rocking against him slightly as you straddle him.
you can feel him squeeze your nipples between his middle and pointer fingers, whimpering below you as he starts to get worked up. you’re growing wet by the second, the delicious feeling of his clothed dick rubbing against you sending shocks of satisfaction right to your core.
“do you wanna keep going?” you ask, just to make sure he’s still on board.
“please.” he begs.
you move his shirt up his chest, and matt sits just high enough to rip it over his head. you trace the tattoos on his arm faintly, trailing a finger down the center of his stomach till you hit the waistline of his sweats.
“you’re terrifying.” he smiles as you slip your hand under the band of his boxers, slowly scratching the area gently.
“why?” you ask.
he grabs your waist and flips you so you’re the one on your back, feet hanging over the edge of the bed as he stands.
“because everything you do is perfect.” he says, and this time he’s the one that goes to your pants, grabbing the soft material and looking at you for permission.
“that is so not true.” you grin as you lift yourself up to help him.
he strips them off your legs and tosses them away blindly, so you’re left in your matching thong. the spandex-like material hugs your sides, the last layer standing between what you both truly want.
“i mean look at you.” he sounds dumbfounded as he gazes at your body, and you feel your face flush from the attention.
“trust me, i’m the one who’s punching.” you reply as he strips down to his boxers, dick clearly pressing against the plaid cloth. you’ve seen it before, on two occasions to be exact.
both of those experiences were great, and you didn’t know that was the first time a girl had ever given him head. now you know this is the first time he’s having sex, and even though it’s not the same for you, you’re still a bit nervous.
matt’s a little above average, and the last and only person you’ve ever done it with is your ex, so it’s been a minute. even so, you’re so enthralled with your boyfriend that you can’t help but pulse in excitement.
he pushes your legs apart with his palms, and air rushes across the wet spot that’s already formed over your panties. two fingers press against the fabric covering your heat, which shocks a gasp out of you. he moves them in a little circular pattern, applying more pressure so he can really feel you.
“love your fingers,” you rock with his pace, speaking through a moan, “but i wanna make you feel good too.”
“oh, okay. so i should…” he stops his motions to go for his own underwear, finally sliding them down so his hard length springs free.
you’re already working your own bottoms down your thighs, and he finishes the job for you once his hands are free.
“do you have a condom?”
“uh, shit…” you can tell by the solemn look that crosses his face that he doesn’t, and you let out a short laugh.
“it’s okay, it’s alright, i’m on birth control. we’ll be more prepared next time.”
his eyebrows shoot up before he can help it. next time. just the confirmation that this will happen again makes him disgustingly happy.
you wiggle up on the bed a little bit, so he has enough room to hover on top of you. he leans down a few more inches to give you a kiss, and you can tell he’s unsure what to do next, so you take control.
“don’t put it inside yet, just slide it against me a few times.” you try and instruct, and he follows well, dragging the base of his shaft up and down your wet cunt.
you let out a little noise of pleasure, and he wants to save it as a sound bite in his memory.
“okay, slowly, go ahead.” you say after a few more seconds spent enjoying the feeling, and both of you make sure he’s lined up properly.
matt looks you in the eye as he pushes inside, taking his time as you adjust bit by bit. he lets out a moan when he’s fully filling you up, shocked by how fucking amazing you feel.
you know he’s stretching you out, but the small pinpricks of pain subside as you get situated.
“you can start moving now, just keep it gentle at first.” you guide him, voice all choked up.
he nods, his long hair almost tickling your forehead as he starts to pump in and out at a leisurely pace. you’re both groaning messes, and your hands go to claw at his back as he keeps pace.
“fuck, you’re doing so well matt.” you mutter against his chest, pressing open-mouth kisses to his collarbone.
he’s getting into it now, finding a good rhythm and relaxing his hips slightly so he’s not as stiff. your bodies are molded together as you move back and forth, and matt can feel you clutching against his cock with each stroke.
“m’not gonna last much longer, angel.” he confesses, clumsily stumbling over his words as he tries to calm himself down, to keep it in just a bit longer.
“that’s okay, babe. tonight is all about you.”
he’s growing sloppier, and matt leans in to kiss you passionately as he gets closer and closer. surprisingly enough, you can feel the pressure building in your own stomach, and you’re both whining into each others mouths as your tongues mesh together.
“right there baby, i’m close too.” you breathe, and you can feel his body trembling against yours, one hand slipping underneath your bra so he can run his thumb over your nipple.
matt holds it all back, drilling into you as hard as he possibly can with the energy he has left. he loves the way you’re scratching at his back, pulling him as close as possible as you both reach your peak.
“i’m—fuck, oh my god.” he tenses up, and you feel him twitch inside of you as he comes undone.
his own reaction is what sends you over the edge, and you ease into the high, letting yourself finish all over him as he slows to a stop.
“yes, matt, holy shit.” you sigh, and he pulls out carefully moments later.
matt flops down beside you, rolling to press his lips to your cheek. you turn your head slightly to look at him, capturing his mouth with yours for another real kiss.
“i think i could get used to that.” he says with a small grin as he pulls away, and your ruffle his hair lightheartedly.
“lucky for you that was just the first time of many. so how was it?” you ask him.
he’s just opening his mouth when a loud pounding erupts on the door, and you both nearly jump out of your skin at the disturbance.
“hey! open the fucking door, we brought you guys mcdonald’s!” chris screams through the barrier.
you both look at each other, still grinning, and matt can’t help but roll his eyes.
“well, being alone was nice while it lasted.”
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ohbabydollie · 5 months
jschlatt x reader who’s so much more confident through text and so shy irl and when he finally meets u he can’t help but tease u the entire time about how shy u are
😁👍 slightly suggestive
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you guys became mutual friends accidentally, being in a random discord server together talking on a call that lead to a friendship people didn’t expect
he had only known you online, never meeting you in person and painting a picture of you
he thought you were bold and not shy remotely
calling him mid-stream
“hey, if jambo and [redacted] still need a mommy i could volunteer, you can call me mommy too if ya want” you say smiling as he shows the stream your facetime
the chat blew up with ‘she’s a baddie’, ‘schlatt, if u don’t fuck her i will’, ‘she can fix me’, ‘she can make me worse’, etc.
texting him flirtatiously which his chat has caught on multiple occasions whenever he shows them his phone
he has his mods do damage control for the hundredth stream in a row
even just posting photos with flirtatious captions he knows is directed towards him
a picture of you in a sheep themed bikini with a caption of ‘he makes my daddy issues act up’
so many angry simps bashing schlatt for ‘stealing’ you
everyone is FLABBERGASTED from how straight forward you’re being, how obvious you are and how you’re so much bolder than before
they couldn’t wait until your meet up with schlatt and a few others to make some summertime content
everyone thought fan service would be amped up
it ends with you shyly looking up at schlatt, a soft “hi” leaving your mouth
ted acts like a dad whose trying to get his kid to tell the waitress what they want
“c’mon n/n, schlatt doesn’t bite” ted says pushing you towards him
“i won’t unless you’re into that” schlatt says flashing you a smile as you go red in the face
any second the both of you are alone he’s on you
“was that all over the phone just big talk?” he asks cornering you
“n-no! your height is just intimidating” you say putting your hands on his chest
“intimidating? huh? i bet it is for a shy little thing like you” he says smiling as you feel yourself blushing
it’s humiliating and embarrassing
schlatt would take any chance he gets to fluster you and flirt
if you run off to get drinks, he’s slapping your ass and calling you a good girl
if you make him something to eat he’s making a joke about eating you out
any chance he gets to make you blush he’s taking it
“this is the second best thing im gonna eat tonight” schlatt says biting down on a burger before looking at you, “you’re the first”
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hannieehaee · 8 months
Hello!!! Long time reader here 🫣🫣 I was wondering if I could request a little svt scenario :>?? Could it be where you're struggling with opening a jar or smt and so you ask them for help but while they're struggling to open it as well, their hand or arm slips and accidentally hits you. I'm curious what their reaction would be. (Recently happened with my guy friend and the poor guy freaked out apologizing 😭)
being unable to open a jar and wacking you in the process
content: gender neutral, reader is implied to be physically weaker than the member, height difference implied in dk's, accidental hitting (its implied to be an accidental light smack on the cheek/chest area; no actual harm is done)
wc: 1720
a/n: this is so silly help 😭 thank u so much for reading my work and for requesting! <3
seungcheol -
seungcheol is a proud man. he's very proud of his strength and loves to show it off, which is why he secretly adores whenever you ask him for anything that requires him to show off his ripped physique to you. if you ever need help with a jar, he's got you! or so he thought. if he ever attempted to open a jar for you but failed at it, he'd be a little embarrassed, but that would not compare to his look of absolute mortification at accidentally hurting you in the process, not having realized his arm would slip off the container as he failed at opening it. the next twenty minutes would be spent with him apologizing over and over, not knowing whether to focus on the pain he inflicted or the embarrassment he's feeling.
jeonghan -
he'd wonder why you're asking him of all people. he's not known for being necessarily strong, so he's not sure why you'd seek him. yeah, he's the boyfriend and all but he never signed up for jar-opening duties. bug killing? maybe. driving? he's your guy. but opening jars? he usually seeks seungcheol or mingyu for that. but since he's jeonghan, he'd say yes to whatever you asked him without much complaint. however, you shouldnt have been surprised when the end result was a still-closed jar and a red cheek. yours. your red cheek, as jeonghan's hand had slipped and caught your cheek in the process. he'd find the situation ironic, thinking that maybe you'd kind of asked for this .. but he would not actually voice that thought and instead would baby you until you whined at him to stop, insisting it didnt hurt that much.
joshua -
he's used to opening jars for you, enjoying the way you usually swoon over the swollen muscle he occasionally likes to show off to you. this happens quite often actually. he's half sure you don't even attempt to open them yourself, just immediately handing them over to him as if he had a built-in command dedicated to opening jars. which he kind of did in a sense. the one off time he'd fail at opening a jar and hurt you in the process would cause him to widen his eyes in terror, thinking he mightve really hurt you. until you started laughing (at his reaction mostly), causing him to whine at you and tell you to do it yourself!
jun -
he'd do anything you asked without question. he's opened millions of jars for you at this point. he doesnt even think about it as he does it, its just an automatic reaction by now. and thus far, he's never met a jar that has overpowered him. until now. this very moment in which he found himself struggling. but he would not be defeated by a jar right in front of the love of his life. who would be defeated, however, would be you, the receiver of a smack right across the face, courtesy of jun's elbow. like most other members, he'd immediately drop the jar and tend to you, cursing at the jar in chinese for causing him to lay hand on you.
soonyoung -
he never outwardly shows off his strength to you, but enjoys things such as opening jars because they allow him to reestablish his rightful role as boyfriend. whats a boyfriend for if not for opening jars for their significant other? on the rare occasion he's unable to open a jar for you, he would refuse to give up, roaring at the challenge (yes, roaring, like a tiger) and putting even more strength into it. this would prove fruitless the moment his hand slipped from the jar's cap, leading his elbow to land straight against your chest, making you yelp. depending on his mood that day, he'd either grow sheepish and beg for forgiveness, or simply laugh as he rubbed at the red area in which his elbow landed, kissing it better. silly guy.
wonwoo -
another one of the strong boys™️. he's used to helping you out with any heavy lifting (literally and metaphorically). enjoys the domesticity behind opening jars for you. it makes him feel needed. its nice. except when things like this happen. if he were ever to accidentally hurt you in the process of helping you open a jar he'd be mortified. he wouldn't verbally react, he would just kind of look at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, not saying much. you'd complain at him wondering why he's just frozen in place, which would cause him to snap out of it and caress whichever part of you he had made contact with. he'd chuckle at the ridiculousness of it but still be very apologetic.
jihoon -
he wont admit to it but he loooves feeling needed. even if its for something as little as opening a measly jar. he also loves doing anything that requires strength when you're around. he's noticed the way you eye his arms. and he enjoys it. a lot. what he didnt enjoy, however, was failing at such an easy task. what he enjoyed even less was his hand slipping and landing against your nose, pulling a whimper out of you. neither of you would know how to react for a second. until jihoon started to apologize profusely, swearing to you that it was an accident and that he'd stay away from jars from now on.
seokmin -
cutie pie loves doing these silly little domestic favours for you. getting you a spoon while you're laying on the couch, too lay to get one? he's on his way! handing you a bowl from a cupboard you cant reach? you dont even have to ask! opening a jar for you? he's your guy! well, maybe not always. like today, when he'd angled himself wrong while opening you a jar of pickles, causing his elbow to hit against your chest. the impact alarmed seokmin immediately, causing him to stop what he was doing and coddle you, apologizing with all his might as he rubbed and blew at the area as if he'd caused any real damage.
mingyu -
he's been on jar-opening duty since he was a trainee. this isnt new to him. you dont even need to ask. the moment he sees you in possession of a jar, he's nonchalantly taking it from your hands and opening it without a word. the one time his distracted manner backfired had been today. he'd grabbed it from your arms, attempting to open it without realizing it was humid due to having been recently taken out from the freezer. his hand immediately slipped and landed against your eye, causing you to yelp. mingyu, being mingyu, would dramatically drop everything (literally would drop the damn jar, which was luckily made of plastic and not glass ..) and tend to you, acting as if he'd accidentally sliced your face open. he'd need convincing to calm down.
minghao -
it was a simple task, but he enjoyed the domesticity of it. he liked how you would seek him out specifically. what was he here for, if not to help his loved one out with these types of little things around the house? he'd chuckle a bit at your sheepish way of asking, fearing you were bothering him by interrupting whatever he was doing just to open a measly jar. but he wouldnt mind, proceeding to attempt at opening it. it usually would end here, except this time. as soon as he felt his hand make contact with your cheek, he'd stop dead on his tracks, embarrassed at having hurt you. he'd coo over you and rub your cheek as he apologized, claiming this was a one time thing and he'd be more careful next time.
seungkwan -
living with jeonghan, he's used to opening the jars on his own. believe it or not, seungkwan is actually very strong! so he would always insist in opening jars and such for you around the house. you didnt even have to ask, he'd do it on his own, wanting to show you what a good boyfriend he made. but well, kwan wasnt that strong after all, as he'd struggle with jars himself sometimes. but being the stubborn boy he is, he'd still insist, even after accidentally wacking you across the forehead with his hand after it slipped from the lid. being the dramatic boy he is, he'd curse the jar before coddling you endlessly and cooing at any pain he may have caused.
vernon -
he'd help you out with random household necessities very nonchalantly. he's not much a homemaker, leading you to take care of most things around your home. it was fine, though, because he would help you out whenever you asked. you wouldnt even really have to tell him what you needed, as he'd know from habit. if you neared him with a jar in hand, he'd already know to put his phone down for a moment and open it for you. if he struggled with it, he'd put a bit more attention and effort to it, but that would only lead to his hand slipping from the lid. without realizing, his hand would land on your nose, making you yelp a bit. he wouldnt go crazy with the apologies, but would feel a little flustered and say something along the lines of 'shit. sorry, babe' and offer a hug as an apology.
chan -
you asking him help to open up a jar would make him feel dependable. being the youngest in his group, he tended to feel like he depended on others a lot rather than the other way around. you were a nice change of pace. if the jar was too tight for him to open, he'd grow a little sheepish, his ears maybe turning a little red. whats with this jar?! but no jar could beat the prowess of lee chan. he wasnt about to let a measly jar embarrass him in front of his s/o. but what he would let happen, apparently, was for his hand to slip and land swiftly against your chin. in this situation, he'd immediately drop the jar and baby you as he coo'd at your reddened chin, scolding himself for being so careless.
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peachy-wolfhard · 4 months
dating yuta okkotsu
a/n: wowzers more than one post a year??? also HAPPY BDAY YUTA LUB U BABYBOY
Warnings: swearing, sims death, yuta gets elbowed accidentally, a little angst
Word Count: 823
My literal bf
He's so in love
Heart eyes whenever someone even slightly mentions you
Yuta will be talking to someone and if they slightly mention something you like he starts rambling about how amazing you are and how much he loves you while blushing and borderline giggling and kicking his feet
He's so sticky too like anything you do he's right there like a shadow
Yuta is also really quiet when he is being your shadow so 99% of the time he ends up scaring you when you turn around 
One time after a mission, you're nerves were still on edge and Yuta just happened to walk behind you and ended up getting an elbow to the eye (Rika beat ur ass sorry)
Yuta isn't that big of a gamer himself but he LOVES to watch you play the sims, especially if you made you and him
Speaking of the Sims ! Whenever Yuta is away for missions you always update him about what's going on
hi yu! Update ab our sims…OUR SON DIED HE DIED IN A FIRE IM SO SAD!!!!!! BUT ITS OK WE CAN MAKE A NEW ONE ;) wink wink anyway we moved to a farm and ITS HAUNTED. ok bye bye baby ilysm MWAH
VOICE MESSAGES!! Yuta can't get enough of them he loves sending them to you and he loves when you send them
“Hi honey, I just saw a really cute cat that reminded me of you. I swear it looked almost one hundred percent like you, not even joking…ok i gotta go bye i love you!”
Facetimes are another thing that is pretty regular. Its either you walking around campus showing him to all your friends or him show you around wherever he is
“Yuta, look at these freaks. They’re going crazy without you here…me too honestly”
“I know I'm losing my mind not being around you guys but especially you.”
Another thing he loves is sending random pictures to each other
*picture of yuta being cute* 
*picture of you doing something*
Cries sobs screams throws up I MISS UUUUUUUUUU <333333 :333
Yuta barely uses emojis, he's an emoticon boy :3
He always brings you presents back from wherever they send him
There's always a big dramatic reunion when he returns. Running into each other's arms, fake loud crying, one of you carrying the other (translation: you carrying Yuta) …the works
Nights after he gets home are very chill. Ordering take out and watching reality tv while just enjoying each other's company. Ending the night by cuddling each other to sleep
Yuta has a note in his notes app of EVERYTHING you like and dislike
Everytime you slightly mention something you like or dislike he makes a mental note to write it down
Even if he doesn't write something down, he memorized it. Remembers what kind of candy you like, what your favorite flowers are, your orders from take out and restaurants
While your guys relationship is lovely and amazing it does get hard sometimes with Yuta always being gone and you having missions and school
Going days without hearing from the other because the two of you are so stressed and busy then having to update each other all at once in one message then repeating the process
Trying to facetime each other but when he's in an entirely different timezone it's hard. You'll be almost asleep and his day is just starting
After a while it started to get to you, that your boyfriend was away for so long, you weren't able to see him, and when you were you had to prepare for him to leave just a few weeks after
Even though you were surrounded by your friends and teachers that love you, you felt so lonely
Finally you talked to him about it, about how all his traveling made you feel so alone and he agreed with you. That he too felt so alone (because most of the time he was) and that he just wanted to stay home for at least a year
Loves snuggling with you but only in private (Maki beat his ass)
Holds you so close at night to the point it feels like he's trying to get into your skin
Seems like the type to either wear minimal clothes to bed or pajama sets, no in between
Kicks the blankets off then curls up to you when he inevitably gets cold
Yes he's very sweet but he still likes to mess with you ESPECIALLY at night
His favorite thing to do is putting his cold hands or feet on you and asking “are my feet/hands cold”
He 100% gets you guys those Lego roses so you can build them together
Overall he very much loves you and cant get enough of you
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eternalfics · 9 months
hey!! can i req hcs of saiki with a very emotional s/o, like takes a lot of stuff to heart and cries their eyes out while watching sad movies (this is definitely not bc i just watched grave of the fireflies and sobbed like a baby) and just someone who’s overall a hopeless romantic?? (I loved your other headcanons for him 🫶🫶)
saiki with an emotional! reader
(gn reader! reader is also new to the class and addressed as “Y/N”
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a/n: OH MY GOSH?! ANOTHER ONE 😍?! I can tell you guys love saiki k 😙 but it’s okay because I’m having a saiki brain rot 🤪 and I literally freaked out when I saw the official art.
What I listened to:
summary: saiki with a hopeless, sad, sensitive partner 😔
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okay, let’s be honest here. SAIKI would absolutely freak out (mentally)
so like let’s see when u met
When you introduced yourself to the class, anyone could barely hear you, while Saiki on the other hand could hear your rushed thoughts.🤨
“My name is L/N Y/N.. and I *mumbling*..”
Literally, when speaking to other classmates was quite a trouble. 😀 And when someone called you “babyface” as a joke, OHOHOHH there come the waterworks (after you excused yourself to the bathroom ofc). Saiki already knew you were gonna cry ofc, but he couldn’t help but get more interested in you more? 🤔
it’s obvious he cannot watch sad parts of movies with you, because every time he always looks at you there’s already a river of tears running down your face 😭
“I’m sorry, Jerold. It’s just that I can’t do this anymor-“
*very loud sobbing clearly coming from you”
We all know Saiki’s sharp with his words, but he’s got a huge soft spot for you. (I should have put acts of service as his love languag) So yeah, everything that makes you sad just doesn’t exist anymore. (We’ll put it that way)
Oh no, The store just ran out of your favourite snacks! Oh? Turns out you have a months supply in the cabinet. The drama series you watched just ended? No, what do you mean there’s another one right next to this show.
If you just happened to come across a purple haired, terrible haircut, way too confident, so annoying person (described by Saiki) he’ll wrap you up in a blanket and lay down next you. Maybe have a conversation about coffee jelly 😌
Sometimes, Saiki can’t handle it 😰 like for example:
“Hey, Kusuo! What do you think of this new jacket I got? :D”
*mentally panicking*
“Its.. good.”
He had to spit that out 💀
About the hopeless romantic thing, he kinda expected that- But take this as a way as saying he knows you well :) 😄
Overall, Saiki thinks of you when he sees crying babies. 🙂
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seungisms · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: a disturbing amount of fluff, read at your own risk
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: kinda based of that one txt song where they're the most pathetic simps ever but make it skz (also lovesick girls by bp but not really, just pinching the title. sorry girls <3) went a little off with minho and hyunjin cause i’m so obsessed with the thought them liking someone to the point it makes them nauseous. reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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#1 [name] stan right here ladies and gents and my non-binary friends 
istg the first time he was introduced to you there was full ass hearts in his eyes
obviously he thought you were so pretty and cute
but as soon as you started rambling about your love of songwriting and hoping to one day become a producer he was officially whipped
felix had to physically hold him back from embarrassing himself
and had to do so multiple times after
he becomes such a big goof around you
like he’ll be so calm and collected when you’re not around but as soon as someone so much as mentions your name he’s suddenly tripping over his feet and sweating at the brow
sometimes it scares him how in love he is with you
literally malfunctions if you even brush against his hand
man would drop everything if you needed him
not cause he’s whipped
he just wants to be a good friend duh
(okay maybe he’s a tad whipped)
makes so many excuses to be around you alone
and once snuck into jeongin’s phone to steal your number
has you stored on his phone as ‘[y/n]🥺🤍]’ for weeks before actually gaining the courage to text you
and like you were practically waiting for him to make a move cause he’s so goddamn obvious 
if any of the multiple hoodies and sweatshirts you own of his that he insists you take to remember him by were a hint 
and you’re like,,, bro,,, u live across the street
and he’s like yeah,,, but,,, shut up
really he just wants to see you wearing his clothes
gives him that boyfriend/girlfriend fantasy
he’ll never actually make a move cause he’s so damn insecure of himself and thinks you deserve someone much better that’ll be around more than him and omg he’s so dumb just kiss him
it’ll make him so happy
until then he’s just happy admiring you from a distance
but you can bet your ass once you guys actually start dating he’ll be 10000% more smitten than he was before
freaked out by his feelings and shows his love for you in the form of relentlessly teasing you to the point where you think he hates you
but really all he wants more in life is to kiss that dumb smile off your face
doesn’t realise how intimidating he comes off to other people
swears he’s staring at you all dreamy and in love but literally all you can see is (ಠ_ಠ) looking at you from across the room
will rant to his cats about you
hand to *god* if they could they’d be rolling their eyes at him
will blush like a mfing teenage girl once you start easing up around him, playing into his teasing and realising he’s just a big cat loving softie behind all those bitchy side eyes
has threatened to beat ur ass on more than one occasion if you ever tell anyone though
the others catch onto his little soft spot for you as soon as they catch him letting you get away with things he’d bitch at them for
like this one time everyone was going on a small road trip
minho was driving and before you could even open your mouth jisung was already pushing past you yelling ’sHoTgUn’
only to get yanked back by the collar of his shirt before he could even reach for the car handle
and minho is just staring down at him like
🧍‍♂️ that’s [name]’s seat
lets you use the aux cord too
buys you this cute little kitty mug for your birthday
leaves out the fact that it was part of a couple set and he has a matching one back at the dorm
but one day you catch him drinking out of it while visiting the boys and you just send him the cutest little knowing grin ever and this mf is choking on his coffee
clutching his heart, falling off his seat, slamming his head against the table from that one smile
you’re the first person he goes to when he has a bad day
just feels like he can actually open up to you 
and you’re just so comforting to him, it makes him love you even more
and everyone thinks you’re such a dumbass cause how have you not caught on yet??? this man literally stares at you as if you hung the stars in the sky???
he'll pine after you for a long ass time before he actually confesses to you cause he doesn’t like to be vulnerable in front of others and he sucks ass at voicing his feelings
teasing gets 10000x worse when you start dating
(if you don’t get along with his cats though it’s a deal-breaker, no matter how cute ur dumbass is)
heart eyes
literally as soon as felix introduced you to him he’s fucking twirling his hair, kicking his feet and shit
doesn’t know how to talk to pretty girls so after you’re done introducing yourself to the other boys and turn to him he’s just like
you know that one time chan and sana from twice did a live together and changbin was just in the corner like 🧍‍♂️
that’s him all the time around you
he’s not above making a fool out of himself
does things he would never normally do
lets you paint his nails
but insists it has to be black
cause he’s a man™️
doesn’t stfu about you
like he could be talking to someone about smth completely unrelated and he’ll just randomly go
‘omg did u see what [name] was wearing today?? she’s so pretty??? she could literally pull off anything?? did you know she has a pet guinea pig?'
and the other person is just like okay changbin go home
like don’t get me wrong the other guys love you like their sister but not when they have to pull this guy away from some random trainee that he decided would be the perfect victim to dump all his [name] rants on
pays sm attention to you
will make you feel like the only girl in the world istg
like you could just be casually talking about ur day and he’ll be soso silent, staring at you with literal fucking stars in his eyes like :) go on :)
just loves to hear you talk
thinks the little twinkle in your eyes and the grin tugging at your lips when you’re ranting about smth you’re passionate about is the prettiest sight ever
will go into full on hysterics if you ever make the slightest change in your appearance
dyed your hair? heart palpitations. decided to wear glitter on ur lids? sweating at the brow. wearing that cute little skirt you recently bought? yeah he’s dying right there on the spot.
probably has a private twitter account where all he does is cry about you
pines for so long before making a move
and he’s just so nervous and can’t keep his cool at all
literally wants to punch himself in the future once you start dating and tell him you wanted him to make a move every time you saw him 😭
he’s a dumbass but at least he’s a cute one
he’s such a flirt
and you don’t catch the hint he’s basically smitten with you cause the way he flirts with you is the same way he flirts with felix 😭
normally very confident when approaching people he’s interested in but smth about you just makes him go into windows.exe shutdown mode everytime he’s able to hype himself up to finally tell you he likes you
approaches with such a pretty grin, hearing his heart in his ears and a little voice in the back of his head that sounded far too similar to jisung saying ‘u got this’
but the moment you look up at him and shoot him that damn smile of yours he’s just like
you swear to this day you could see a little buffering symbol above his head
and he really can’t think of anything to say for the first time in his life and omg you’re looking at him and doing that cute little confused head tilt you always do and he can’t open his mouth and okay now he’s walking away 
you’re just like 😃👍 ok
forbids you from mentioning it to this day
will have n o problem sitting in the corner all sulky if he feels you’re paying too much attention to the other boys
and will get petty about it
‘oh why are you over here talking to me now? thought u were having fun with your bOyFrIeNdS’
and ur like oh okay i’ll just go take my attention somewhere else and now he’s running after u like nO WAIT
lets you braid his hair :((
finds your presence so comforting no matter how much he loves to tease you
sometimes he’ll just facetime you after he’s had a rough day and you’ll just both sit in silence while sketching together
loves your little doodles no matter how shit you think they are
hides the fact that most of his recent artworks are of you <333
whenever you go on day trips with him he'll always have his camera
and like a 9/10 chance most of the photos he takes that day are of you
but if you catch him he’ll become all tsundere and be like ‘yOUR UGLY ASS WAS BLOCKING THE VIEW’
and you’re just like okay then explain the blush on your face
has matching rings with you
actually gifted you the ring and just decided not to mention he also has the same one
bro grifted you
you’re dating before you even know you’re dating okay? okay.
another that makes a fool out of himself for your attention and has no problem doing so
has matching friendship bracelets with you and literally wears it everywhere
even on stage
doesn’t care about the fact that it’s bright pink with little flowers and butterflies attached to it
he cherishes that thing with his mfing life
so obnoxious but in a cute anime girl way of course
if you’re on the other side of the room his first instinct is to make a scene and be the loudest bitch in there to get ur attention
will send you good morning texts everyday without fail
but this guy wakes up at like 2pm on a good day but it’s the thought that counts !! 
so whipped and its soso obvious that the others just wanna grab your head and shake it until you finally realise half the love songs on their albums are written about you
one day when you complimented his shirt he made sure to wear it every time he saw you for the next 2 weeks straight
until the point chan literally had to rip it off him
he’s a such a fool
loves when you randomly show up to the studio during the middle of the night cause you ‘had a gut feeling he was overworking himself’ and he swears he falls even more in love with you in that moment than he already was 
and you just look so cute and sweet bundled up in his sweatshirt, hands carrying all his favourite foods and the sleepiest look in your eyes
lets you cuddle against him while he works away on his tracks 
and has to clam himself down from squealing like a teenage girl once your head starts to slump against his shoulder and cute little snores leave you
has the most precious smile on his face
swears he sees a flash coming from the door out of the corner of his eye
and as he’s turning around chan and changbin are hightailing it out of there
becomes his favourite photo
and the rest are just like??? how tf do either of you not realise how smitten both of u are?? 
spoiler alert: its cause ur both dumb af
will literally do anything you ask
will drop everything to come over to ur place at like 1am just to eat cheap ramen and watch some shitty rom-com he’s already seen with you 100 times before
complains he hates them the whole way through
(lets ignore the fact that he actually loves them and can recite legally blonde word for word)
you guys both have a nightly ritual of doing face masks and skincare together when he stays
says he hates it but his skin has never felt so soft???
takes him awhile to actually realise you like him too 
but jisung :) an oblivious cutie :)
got the whole jype building frustrated af
the whole of twice and itzy 100% ship you two together on a daily basis
anyway [name] and jisung cutest couple 2023 guys get into it
incredibly sweet but you just think he’s being nice so it’s very frustrating to everyone around you
loves skinship
in general a very big fan
but even more when it’s with you (or hyunjin)
lays his head on ur shoulder while watching some low budget movie, gives you the tightest hugs when you meet up and can’t help but brush his hand up against your own for some type of contact
no matter what it is he always has to be touching you
makes plans with you and is like ‘oh yeah, the guys are gonna meet us there!!’
and when you finally get there its just him sitting waiting for you like :)
literally goes ‘oh no !! they cancelled last minute, guess ur stuck with me <333’
and he’s so cute that you can’t even be mad when he decides to be a devious little shit
probably forces you to learn new girl group choreography with him for tiktok
and if you accidentally run into one of the twice members while visiting him during practice this guy will literally lean down and whisper 'don't embarrass me' before ditching ur ass to do the pop choreo with nayeon or some shit
buys you stuff all the time
as if you’re actually dating
once he bought you this little bracelet (for no reason other than ur cute, the bracelet is cute, be cute together) 
gives it to you with the prettiest smile and is just like ‘thought of u !!’ and ur just looking at the price tag like felix this is $500…
this mf insists on holding ur hand in public and people always mistake you for a couple
and when they comment on how cute you guys are and you go to correct them but then felix is butting in like ‘thank u!! :D’
literally gets withdrawal symptoms when he goes home to australia to visit his family
will have no problem calling you at 3am just to hear your voice
his phone lockscreen is 100% a selfie of the both of you
also almost definitely has an album on his phone dedicated to you
filled with cute photos he took of you when you weren’t looking
and will scroll through them at midnight with the most lovesick grin on his face
basically becomes his nightly routine
when one of the other boys are like ‘hey, consider this. maybe felix does all this stuff cause he likes u? idk, just a theory.’
and ur just like hahaha nooo he’s just being nice :D
cue ot7 wanting to rip their hair out over you two stupid asses 
he thinks he’s flirting but really he’s just being an asshole
lucky for him you think he’s a cute asshole
when you first become friends with the rest of the boys you legit thought he couldn’t stand you cause he was sulking in the corner not talking to you once
but really he was just grumpy that the others were taking up all the time of the pretty girl he wanted to ask out
also struggles to look you in the eyes the first couple weeks
cause wow ur so cute
eases up around you when he realises you’re just as dumb as the rest of them
becomes ur best friend in the span of a week istg
sends you this and is like ‘omg, [name]!! someone recorded u in the shower and sent it to me!!’
and you have to resist the urge to drive to the dorms just to beat his ass into next week
extremely protective of you though
if anyone ever tries to mess with you he’s straight over like ‘hey >:( only i can make fun of her >:((‘
100% that childish schoolyard crush where the boy pulls on the hair of the girl he likes
whenever the guys ask him if he wants to hang out he’s like,,, with u losers??? fk no
and chan just goes oh okay well [name] is gonna be pretty disappointed 
and this guy is suddenly all up in his face like …..😳 [name] will be there??….😳
and chan has to restrain himself from grabbing his phone and snapping a picture cause kim seungmin just fucking blushed
likes his own space but he never minds when you decide to come over and keep him company
joins you when you decide to bake at midnight
not to help
he just likes making a mess and pissing you off
randomly decided he likes seeing you in his clothes so please expect his hoodies and sweatshirts to ‘mysteriously’ appear in your room
(really just wants to see how cute you look wearing them)
literally feels his heart get soso warm when you wear his sweatshirt to the dorms one day
and will be like ‘see, [name] loves me. we’re practically dating’ to the other boys
and minho is rolling his eyes and saying ‘as if u pussy’ and now seungmin is ranting with tears in his eyes about how it’s H I S sweatshirt you’re wearing not minhos
petty af
whenever he’s being grumpy he’ll snap at you to go bother someone else
and immediately regrets it when you sulk out of the room
but he's also a dick and just sits and feels sorry for himself for a few hours
later when he goes to find you to apologise and sees you playing video game and goofing around with jeongin
him af
will make it up to you always 
he’s just so in love with you and doesn’t know how to handle it :(
first of all can someone save this boy cause he sure as hell can’t save himself
freezes up anytime you come into the room and won’t say a damn word to you
is perfectly content staring at you from across the room for the rest of his life if that means not embarrassing himself
cause he 100% would if he even attempted to talk to ur cute ass
the only reason you two even became friends was because hyunjin got sick of your pining and locked you in a room together
and you’re just watching like :( as jeongin is banging and yelling at the door to let you out
and you think he’s not interested in being friends with you but really he’s practically seconds away from having a full mental breakdown at the mere thought of being locked in a room with a pretty girl with even prettier eyes
notices your sad stare avoiding him and suddenly he wants to beat himself up for making you feel like that
semi-explains himself
he’s just an awkward little bitch really
leaves out the fact that he’s pretty sure he’s in love with you and doesn’t know how to act like a normal human being around you
cue to the both of you finally being let out like three hours later cause the guys got suspicious from the lack of noise
and there you two were knocked out on the bed cuddling like two cuties :(
istg it was chans lockscreen for a solid year 
after that he’s even more smitten with you
if he’s ever on his phone the boys just assume he’s either stalking your insta or texting you random memes and thinking it’s flirting
but really he’s texting you the same way he’s texts seungmin so???
will show up at your apartment at like 2am and just be like ‘c’mon lets get food’
and now you’re sitting in some shitty ramen place and it’s cold and the lights above you keep flickering
but jeongin is sitting across from you looking so cute while trying to slurp up noodles that never seem to stop and you couldn’t be happier
uses his cutie maknae card to get out of practice earlier
just to visit you while you try to study/work
aka him annoying you until you cave and pay attention to him
will play video games with you
and claims he ‘let you win’ when you beat his ass
always makes the cute scrunchy face when you hug him and be even the slightest bit affectionate with him
and swears he hates it
but really he has to stop himself from locking himself in his room and squealing into his pillow like a 14 year old girl whos crush just looked at her for the first time
i repeat
someone save this boy
in love with you for a good two years before he even thinks about making a move
he’s just shy when it comes to his feelings but trust me when you guys start dating he’ll be the most annoying little fucker ever <333
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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najenvhs · 5 months
thinking about yn sharing bed with bff! jisung. yn's asleep but he's too turned on by her little shorts so he masturbates quietly next to her and she wakes up to the sound of jisung whimpering
also can I be "🐻🍰" anon? have a nice day, love youu
thank you for the ask! and yes of course you can be 🐻🍰 you are my first anon with emojis 🥺🫶🏼 also wa love u too! i hope u enjoy!
mdi ! afab reader !
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“what are you wearing?” Jisung asked shocked, and already sitting in the full-size bed that the both of you have to share tonight.
you guys were out late at night and you lived far away and Jisung place was closer so this was the best that he could do. somehow a store was still open so you were able to get whatever you needed for the night. snacks, PJs, and other things to keep the night entertaining till you guys were ready to sleep.
“my pj’s?” you responded. “Look Ji, I like being comfortable, it's also hot out so if I can't be naked this is the closest I'm going to get,” you say as get on all fours and crawl to your spot in bed.
“o-oh okay! well, yeah makes sense” Jisung said looking down at you as you got comfortable underneath the sheets.
“Goodnight Ji,” you said with your back facing him.
“goodnight” he responded, and like that, he turned off the lights and went to bed.
jisung had gotten up to use the restroom but as he was coming back to bed and lifting the sheets, your ass was still facing him and he was shocked. the fabric of the shorts was lifted due to your movement in bed, causing ur body to show off.
Jisung blinked and just got back under the sheets. but it was just on your mind. so much of your skin showing, your ass your lower back. it was all there for him to see up close and not just imagine.
jisung has been your friend for years so many years, your families knew each other, he was the only friend you would tell everything to and, while going to hang out together you guys were always asked if you were a couple, and would always decline.
but there had been times where you guys kissed but it was nothing more than that, you guys couldn’t help it, it would just happen and would never be talked about again. but for Jisung he would always remember, always remember how soft your lips were and how touching your face felt so naturally. how he was so lucky to have you in his life
bringing him to where he is right now, not able to sleep because of his growing hard, and you right beside him to think of everything and anything he could do with you.
he hated it but he had to touch himself, this was a golden opportunity and he wasn’t going to miss out on it, even though he knew it was insanely wrong.
so he started shifting, laying flat on his back, lowering his sweatpants, while remaining under the sheets. finally, since he was free of his boxers he closed his eyes and started touching himself.
just by the first stroke Jisung gave himself he grunted. freaking himself out and causing him to shoot his eyes open and looking over at you. but you didnt move at all
so he continued, jacking himself off right next to you wishing that it was you with your hands wrapped around his cock.
he was going for a bit, till this was it he was finally reaching his max whimpering thinking about you, back arching off the bed a bit, until he froze, because heard the one thing he didn't want to hear.
your voice.
“Ji?” you ask in a sleepy tone “Are you okay?” you ask rubbing your eyes as you shift to face Jisung.
“y-yn” he is shocked he doesn’t know what to say, your eyes are open fully now just looking at him.
“you flustered? why” you asked still in a sleepy way even though your eyes were fully opened.
he looked over to you and, as sweet as you where being, all he could think about was your breast peaking out from your tank top “I-I was” he stuttered
“bad dream?” you ask brushing some of his hair out
“no, look yn,” he says grabbing your hand and placing it on his racing heart. “I know it's too early for any of this, but I'm so horny right now, I'm sorry, your little shorts turned me on more than I imagined, I'm sorry I can go to the bathroom and take a—“
“jisung stop,” you say cutting off his sentence. “it's okay”
“it's okay?” he asks, making his cheeks turn more pink.
you shake your head up and down, you move closer to him, so close that your boob is touching his side. you use the hand that was on his chest to lift the sheets that were over his lower half to see his big dick standing with his hand still at the base waiting to be touched.
“Oh Ji,” you said looking up at him, “we’ve got a problem that I know I can help fix”
use the hand that was holding up the sheets you threw them off the bed so that it was just you and Jisung and nothing else. still close to him you snaked your hand down to his hardened member. you take a deep breath causing him to look over to you.
“you don't have to do this,” he said quietly looking into your eyes.
“but i want to ji” you replied.
just before he could say anything else you wrapped your hand around his thick cock and with your thumb you drew circles around his tip causing more pre cum to spill out and making him wimpier yet again.
his eyes were closed as your hand went to town on him. his eyes were shut but yours were open taking in everything you were doing to him, physically and mentally.
you picked up the speed on how fast you were stroking him. “jisung look a me”, you begged letting out a little moan yourself, he just did that and without a second thought, you attacked your lips to his.
he was going insane, he couldn’t believe this was real. both your tongues exploring more of each other. your hand on him, as he would thrust up meeting your hand when he felt like you were not fast enough.
still clothed, you move over to where you are on top of him, hand still in between your legs but detaching your lips from his. both of you panting as you sit there on top of him.
“jisung, I like you a lot, and I'm sorry I never told you,” you said as you looked down at him.
“I like you too, yn” Jisung said panting out. giving you a slight smile.
you let go of his dick and placed both your hands onto his chest and started grinding down on his hardened member causing you both moan out loud.
“y-yn… you don't have to do this”, he said grabbing your sides with his big hands.
“I want-t to, I want to feel y-you” you cry out.
you continue just that, rutting your hips back and forth to make sure you feel all of him, a moaning mess on top of him and the wetness running through your shorts. “i-i can feel the outline of your folds” he said, again causing you to moan and humphing him faster.
this was heaven, jisung couldn’t believe his eyes. you on top of him in your tiny pjs, which at this point felt a little more  purpose-full. and of course, seeing how wet you were through them.
he was happy, he was so happy, he was so thankful and he felt so good thanks to you. still a moaning mess he knew all of this was coming to an end.
“yn, your so beautiful, I'm gonna cum” he said looking up at you.
“please-e j-jisung, cum” you yelled out.
and just like that while taking one last final glance at you he closed his eyes and as you rutted forward he came.
after you saw the mess he made, and your shorts feeling sticky still rubbing down on to him and before you knew it you came to without warning. you were just so turned on by the mess he was willing to make in front of you, showing how much he truly liked you.
Your hands are wobbly, which causes drop onto his chest, head just over his shoulder as his arms wrap around you.
“Yn… thank you,” he said breathing heavily as he held your head close to him.
“thank you ji” you responded quietly m since you were close to his ear.
you liked Jisung for a while but it wasn't until recently that you noticed how much Jisung was there for you. when you would come home after a bad date, when you need help with college questions, always make sure you never ate alone.
this was the least you could do to pay back Jisung and you were happy to do so.
Hopefully you liked this!! sorry I accidentally posted this with nothing with it… but yeah please enjoy hehehe. bff jisung turned to lover is my favorite thing ever
please leave something in my ask!
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princessbrunette · 7 months
baby daddy - barely holding down a job because of his attitude - line cook jj who feeds you waffles at his work for free as a ‘i’m sorry i knocked you up cause my pull out game ain’t that strong’ when he finds out. being a consistent thing that ends up with him taking ingredients for the ‘secret recipe’ home to their newly conjoined place because it becomes all she (she/her fem reader) craves. him introducing the baby to the work crew. I NEED PAPA JJ ✋
OHHHH MY GOD IM SCREAMING ???? this is exactly what i needed. anon u are an angel omg.
he gets the job as soon as he finds out you’re pregnant. it takes you like two weeks to build up the courage to tell him, because you’re terrified he’ll freak, have worries about being just like his dad and leave. you’re riddled with guilt, rubbing your tummy and crying, somehow feeling like it’s your fault, practically still kids yourself in your early 20s starting a life together. you were scared.
but jj, god, he’s just such a good guy.
he stares at you in shock when you tell him, taking his hat off and running his hands through his hair, and as you brace yourself to be told to get out, you’re met with a teary grin. “you’re not playing right? you mean it?” his voice is shaking. he’s… happy?
within the next two days he’s got that linecook job, called in a favour with some guy who ironically used to owe his dad— explained his situation, ‘look man, i got a baby on the way, i gotta step my shit up—’ the cravings hit hard and you’re seeing JJ a lot more than you planned, showing up at the restaurant for something to tide you over before dinner. JJ appears from the kitchen, bright smile on his face, backwards cap, grease stained white t-shirt, dark blue apron folded and tied at his waist. “there’s my girls.” he grins despite your bump only just being visible, plate of waffles in his hand for him to fork into your mouth whilst chatting, the restaurant pretty empty that day.
he’s tired, but happy to come home to you. your hormones are all out of whack, so sometimes you’re crying and hugging his tummy as he stands over where you sit in confusion, telling him you missed him so much when he was at work. other times you’re clenching your thighs in your little nightie, tits heavy and bump showing, telling him how good he looks in his work uniform and that he’s making you wanna take more of his babies, had you mentioned how much wetter you get when pregnant? JJ tries to keep up with your rollercoaster, happy to deal with whatever you throw at him.
once you have that baby life gets a little harder but it’s nothing the two of you can’t handle. a little girl, and JJ is relieved. he would have loved that baby all the same if it was a boy, but he has to admit the idea scared him a little — knowing his own relationship with his dad. this felt like a breaking of a curse, a fresh start. that baby is his whole entire world, and so are you.
“my weak pull out game is the best damn thing that happened to me.” he jokes, stretching an arm around you on the couch.
“your weak pull out game is making noise in her crib, can you go check on her?” you sark back with a tired grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
the baby is the sweetest. your eyes and hair, his nose and mischievousness. once you’ve gained back some energy and the baby isn’t screaming through the night anymore, you start to take her places, showing her your world. the chateau, the group taking turns holding her, arguing over who her number one aunt or uncle is. john b and sarah take the role somewhat as the babies god parents, minus the ceremony and legal title. pope and kie, uncle and auntie. it makes sense to all of you, and they all love that baby like it’s your own— offering their help whenever they can. your baby takes a liking to john b the most, warming your hearts when she falls asleep on his chest.
“its ‘cos hes such a dreamboat. look at him. daddy ain’t pretty like john b.” jj jokes, stretching on the couch opposite as the sun goes down.
“my god she’s so cute!” his best friend whisper yells with a pout as he looks down at her.
everyone takes to calling JJ ‘papa J’, once a random nickname turned reality. JJ is constantly calling you “mama” which makes you wanna get pregnant all over again. he gets super upset when he sees even a flicker of his own father in him, locking him self away for the night, crying until you let yourself in, the baby in bed, rubbing his back. you tell him he’s the best daddy in the whole world, and he is. he just needs to believe it.
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kel-lance · 24 days
The New Kid? 🙄😒 (Yandere!?Yuta x Reader)
Warnings: Wrote this months ago and don’t want to reread or fix it up but I feel there should be some warnings though I wouldn’t really know what they’d be other than lying?
- you want to hurt him, ever since you met him, ever since rika hurt your friends to defend this pos who just happens to be gojo sensei’s family. You realize you’re obsessed with him after the 2nd month of not being able to drop it.
- with panda and toge teasing you in front of yuta bc we all know on your crush on maki but she think’s you’re all joking and to stop making fun of her.
- When the truth drops you try to leave immediately to not get everyone else involved with rika but she grabbed your hair and pulled you up, she’s thinking of what she’ll do to you
- Yuta tells her to stop which surprises you all
- He takes off his ring and tells them to watch Rika while you two talk
- You try to leave again but this time he actually has a grip on you
- You’re scared, does that mean all this time he was holding back and just teasing you? you felt humiliated, you hated him so much you start crying into his chest
- He holds you nicely and you realize he does actually care, no one would hold someone like that and say those things but you tell him outright you don’t like him near maki and you hated the fact you keep toying with Rika because a girls love is precious and how could he have toyed with you this whole time?
- he said it was the only time you’d give him more attention so he was okay with it. he’s around maki bc he’s never around girls in general because of rika but bc maki’s also your bsf he wanted to know about you. He kept saying things that made the pieces fit together but you just couldn’t trust him still. You don’t want to go on with him as your classmate, you start to think of how you’ll be moving which freaks yuta out. where which who? why?
- You shove him off of you, for ruining what you tried so hard to make for yourself, and he just comes in. Maki felt the same but they bonded, met while i was on a lengthy mission. I was so pissed Gojo didn’t tell me until after, that ass.
- You try to move for the door but he takes a step out blocking your path. You look at the window and he grabbed your hand again, telling you to stop yelling at you to stop until you finally did, and you broke down again just yelling i hate you at him until you just start to wail into him.
- You cry and cry and cry until youre so tired you apologize. You don’t know what time it is but he’s still holding you. “Why do you want to speak to me about that so bad isn’t this enough u sick fuck?”
- He holds you tither and smiles his usually bright smile and says “Because you see me for who I really am. Rika, Maki, Toge, Panda, even Sensei all see me as weak, nice, a regular person. But you were on guard the moment you saw me, not like the rest of them because of Rika’s CE, but because of my own mind. You know exactly what i’m doing, what i;m thinking. Its like we’re one.”
- What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck you wish for once you weren’t right. He’s a guy, he’s a guy and he’s the same as all of them you had to go. Your crush for him was confused, your excitement, arousal, mixed with how scared you were paralyzed you as you could only stare into his eyes that darkened. He kisses you.
- “Do You want to keep up this act? Being mean to me in public. Then I’ll be as equally mean back when we’re alone?” He locked eyes with you, both showing each other faces you’ve never seen before. Your strong, rude personality was shaken by his secretly abusive side. One hand on the small of your back, pulling you in closer to him as he didn’t wait for an answer, he kept leading the kiss, drawing out each one, creating an itch.
- There was something itching on the inside, this kiss made you feel everything but still empty, you were a mess by the end and could barely think straight as you let his hands lightly grip and explore your body. This was so confusing you were wishing it were over so you could talk to him, the him you’ve all seen, not the one you made up in your head, that turned out to be real.
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AHHH ok, let's talk about Lucifer and Alastor
I've been reading a lot of reactions to Hazbin: from the gushers who think the show is perfect to the hyper-critical who hate the show, the creator, and everything in between. I don't fall into any of those categories. I had a lot of fun watching it, but there were some things I liked, and some others I didn't. You know, as it's usually the case with any piece of media one interacts with.
I love reading other people's opinions. It makes me pay more attention to things I might have missed. BUT for Hazbin, most of the criticism I've seen boils down to two things: either "I, personally, didn't like it, so that means it's bad" which is not the hot take people seem to think it is, or just lack of media literacy.
I won't go over all the examples of that last point (there are plenty), but one example people are using to criticize the show --which I can't seem to get out of my head so now I have to write about it-- it's how out of left field it was for Alastor to think of himself as a father figure to Charlie.
My guys and guysettes, that's because he doesn't.
He does it to piss off Lucifer, because he doesn't like him. That's it.
"But they just met, why doesn't he like him?" I don't know! but let's go over some examples, shall we?
In the first episode, during Alastor's TV ad, we see a picture of the hotel, clearly drawn by him. I ask you to look to the bottom left where it says "No tacky circus decor! I promise"
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Do we know what he is referring to? Sure we do! the ring circus master himself! Lucifer Morningstar, whose whole schtick is circus-related. Clearly, Alastor is not a fan.
When Lucifer arrives to the hotel, did anybody catch Alastor's first reaction? (besides calling him short to his face, ofc)
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Do you see that trembling eye? He is PISSED. Why? Who the hell knows! But he clearly does not care for the King of Hell himself (if you force me to give you my opinion on this, I think it's because of Alastor's delusions of grandeur, and plain-ole narcissism, but that is a conversation for another post, if I ever gather enough energy to write it)
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He introduces himself and immediately does this. R-U-D-E.
Now, let's talk about the song itself, which, again, is clearly just an attempt to piss off Lucifer and not really about Charlie. At all.
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He only cares about Lucifer's reactions. Because he is not being HONEST. We can all see that? right?? I mean, it is pretty FREAKING obvious. He is just trying to get a rise out of Lucifer.
And now, the moment we were all waiting for, the infamous "call me dad" moment.
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Which had nothing to do with Charlie, and it was just another example of Alastor being the most annoying bastard alive. He is not even looking at her! He is staring Lucifer dead in the eye and saying "piss off shortie".
Why? Again, I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine. I hope we'll get the answer in season 2, because immediate animosity against the King of Hell himself is something I need some context for. Is it funny? Absolutely! I love that song! The violin solo? PURE GOLD (he he)
But for the love of Christ and the Antichrist, please stop thinking of "Alastor thinks of himself as Charlie's dad out of nowhere" as a valid criticism. As some have speculated, Alastor involvement with Charlie will probably have something to do with Alastor's deal and 7-year absence. If it's never explained, then sure, what the heck Vivzie?? please include it on the show!
There are PLENTY of things we could criticize about Hazbin (and people smarter and with more energy than me have done so already). But there are so many examples of "criticism" that are just examples of "I don't know how to interact with media anymore" and I beg of you to do better. This is a tiny example of the show showing and not telling, and some of y'all failed the comprehension test.
It is a fun show, guys. Enjoy it.
TL;DR: Alastor does not think he is Charlie's dad, ffs. He just wanted to piss off Lucifer.
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sinning5sos · 11 months
one of the boys (you can choose which one!!) having corruption kink and teaching y/n some stuff? I think it would be so hot him teaching her how to touch herself cause she’s never done it before and in the end just being “good but not as great as you make it feel”.
so basically innocent!yn + corruption kink if you could and isn’t weird for u to write.
Requested: Yes you little freak, I love it
Word Count: ~2,100
Smut:  praise kink!!!!!!! Corruption, masturbation, teaching? Etc. DIRTY!
We all know Ashton has to be the kinkiest one out of the group
“Truth or dare, what are we back in high school?” Luke said, laughing off Michael’s suggestion. Michael rolled his eyes but leaned back against the couch. You were sitting next to him, Calum, Luke and their significant others on the opposite side of the coffee table. Ashton was off in the kitchen, gathering snacks for the group. It was a weekly occurrence that you all got together, something beneficial for all of you involved.
“We all know everything about one another anyway.” Calum said, and Luke chuckled.
“Well, nearly everything. We still don’t fully know you,” Calum’s fiance pointed out, her gaze on yours and everyone else followed.
“You guys know a lot about me,” You said, laughing a bit awkwardly but Michael shook his head.
“Mmm, not all of it. We don’t know the juicy details of yours and Ashton’s sexual encounters.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows. The girls around the table scoffed, but the boys laughed slightly.
“Who’s in charge in the bedroom? Is it you?” Luke’s wife asked, and you laughed again as you shook your head. You weren’t really sure how to answer that. You’ve had a lot of fun with Ashton, but you’ve always felt as if there could have been something else, if there could have been more.
“It’s equal in the bedroom,” You said, taking a sip of your drink to give you time to think of an answer, “But of course, it’s more so Ashton.”
“Well obviously, we all know that Ashton is super fucking kinky, it’s only a matter of time before he truly corrupts you,” Calum said, lifting his beer up in a cheers motion and you felt the blush creep onto your cheeks.
“He’s probably already done it, hasn’t he?” Michael prodded, nudging his knee with yours and you laughed, hoping your embarrassment wasn’t showing itself.
“What are you going on about me corrupting my girlfriend?” Ashton asked, bringing a tray of food into the living room. He had a smile on his face but a pointed look in his eyes. 
You smiled up at him, taking his hand as he sat on the other side of you, “Michael, you’re not being a dick again are you?”
Michael chuckled as he shook his head, and Ashton leaned his head down against yours. He turned slightly and kissed your hair, and you smiled as the topic drifted off to a different conversation.
“Tell me about it later,” Ashton murmured into your hair and you nodded. You knew all the jokes of Ashton being the kinkiest one, but he hadn’t shown that side to you. You weren’t a virgin, but you also weren’t as experienced as he was, and now that thought was a slight insecurity. You felt yourself becoming distant from the conversation, which Ashton so graciously covered for you as you thought more about what the boys had said.
Ashton hadn’t corrupted you at all, nor has he let you feel any shame in it whatsoever. But you wanted more from him, you just weren’t sure how to get it.
* * *
“Baby girl, why are you acting like this? Is it because of the conversation that I walked in on earlier?” Ashton asked, moving to join you on the bed as he knelt beside you.
“I'm not acting like anything.” You insisted, but you knew that was a lie. The conversation had been replaying over in your head, again and again, until the two of you had gotten to this moment. You weren't sure why the conversation was impacting you so much. I'm at the boys a joke around about summer things in the past, but there was a part of your deep down that wondered if Ashton had been holding out on you.
“Okay fine, I am. I’m sorry,” You said, laughing slightly as he looked at you.
“Don’t be sorry, just talk to me about what you’re feeling.” He said, an authentic smile on his face as he leaned down closer to you. He pressed his lips against yours, a nice gentle kiss but pulled back. 
You leaned in again for a kiss, deepening it and racking your brain on how to be more…aggressive. You bit down on his lip but winced as you pulled away.
“Princess, what was that?”
“The boys are talking earlier at Luke's that you're obviously the very kinky one and that I am not as experienced by your means. I don't know, it's just been kind of stuck in my head since we left.”
“Can you explain a little bit more?” He asked, nodding as he cupped your cheek, his thumb grazing the skin.
“I want you to corrupt me.”
He chuckled as he dropped his hand but stopped when he realized you were serious.
“Baby, what do you mean?” He asked and you sighed as you thought more about it. 
“I don't know, I just want you to teach me more. I'm not saying that I am completely innocent, but I know there's more that you wanna explore but you’ve been holding back on me?” You suggested.
“Is this coming only from the conversation or is this something you’ve been thinking about for a while?”
“I guess I’ve been thinking about it for a while,” You said sheepishly. His brow furrowed at your response, and he pushed off the bed, “Baby wait, I’m not -”
He cut you off with his hand raised and you quickly shut your mouth.
“I’m not mad. But we’re going to have some fun now, since you want to learn so badly. You want to be my little slut, is that what you want?” He asked, his voice hard but his eyes still soft.
You felt the blush creep back into your cheeks but nodded.
“Good girl. Now I want you to get up, strip, and then sit with your back up against the headboard.” He commanded. You were quick to follow his words, pushing off the bed yourself and climbing out of your pajamas. You shivered slightly as the air, chilled by the AC unit, now was blowing against your skin. You followed his instructions and climbed back onto the bed, your back now against the headboard.
He stripped out of his boxers and sat on the edge of the bed, by your feet and gripped his own cock. You licked your lips in anticipation, now so excited to hear his next words.
“Spread your legs Princess,” He murmured, his voice low and his eyes dark. You slowly spread your legs, feeling self conscious but also empowered and how hungry he now looked.
“I’m going to tell you what to do, and I want you to do exactly what I say. My mouth is about to be very vulgar, can you handle that?”
You nodded, but his gaze caught your attention.
“Verbal confirmation. Everything will revolve around your ability to answer me, is that understood?”
“Yes Ashton,” You whispered, and he nodded. 
“Good girl,” He praised, and you bit down on your lip again at the praise. Did you have a praise kink? “Now, I want you to take your right hand and bring it down to that sweet pussy of yours.” 
You followed his instructions, your hand grazing down your front to your core and looked up at him, waiting for the next cue.
“I want your fingers to tease your slit, but no penetration yet. Up and down, collect some of those juices I see running already.” He said. You followed his instructions, your two fingers grazing your lips. Your body jolted at the contact, but you kept your gaze on Ashton. His hand was moving ever so slightly, teasing himself and you at the same time.
“The same rhythm I’m stroking my cock, I want you to start fucking yourself with your fingers.” He muttered.
“Yes Ashton,” You breathed out. Your fingers, already slick from stroking yourself, pushed inside of you. You let out a slight gasp at the feeling, craving it to be his cock instead but you didn’t voice that - not yet.
“Good girl. Tell me how that’s making you feel?” He murmured. He started to stroke his cock just a bit quicker now and you matched his pace.
“It feels so fucking good Ash,” You moaned out. He chuckled as he nodded, licking his lips as he watched your fingers move.
“God, already so fucking wet and you’re only fucking yourself. You’re a fucking vision right now,” He breathed out, his eyes closing for a second as he increased his pace once again, “Insert another finger inside of you and start rubbing your clit with your other hand. Fast too, don’t hold back on it.”
You followed his instructions once again, adding in your ring finger inside of you as you brought your left hand to your clit. You moaned as you made contact with yourself, your clit being a sensitive spot for you. You started out rubbing slow circles, but as you heard him tsk, you sped up.
“Tell me again how you're feeling right now, baby girl.” He said, but you barely heard him over the sound of your own moans. You couldn't help it, the way that they fell from your lips at the situation. Ashton looked so hot sitting at the edge of the bed and stroking himself while fucking yourself with your fingers. 
“I feel so fucking good Ashton. I think I’m going to cum soon.”
“Good. Keep going, but don’t you dare cum without my permission.” He said, and you nodded.
“Ah, words Princess, or I’ll have to punish you.” He snapped.
“Yes Ashton, I won’t cum unless you tell me to,” You breathed out, your eyes peeking up at his and seeing him satisfied. He had a smug look on his face, his hand still stroking at a steady rhythm and you were starting to struggle to keep up. You felt your thighs begin to shake, but you kept your gaze on Ashton as you continued fucking yourself.
“Ash,” Your voice was desperate, but he chuckled. You positioned yourself sitting up more, your fingers still fucking yourself as your other hand was on your clit, and you moaned out as your body began to shake.
“Ash, please,” You begged. He stopped stroking and moved closer, giving you a singular nod.
“Cum for me princess,” He said, and your abs and thighs started to burn with how much you were restraining yourself. You let everything go, your orgasm crashing into you as you came on your own fingers. You stilled, your body now exhausted and Ashton went back to stroking himself.
“Let me taste you,” He murmured, and you brought your hand up to his lips. He sucked and moaned with your three fingers in his mouth, before releasing them as he was about to cum himself. He stilled, his cock twitching as he came and you enjoyed watching him become undone.
“I’m going to clean up real quick, then we’ll chat.” He murmured, pressing a kiss on your lips and you hummed quietly. He walked into the bathroom, and you pushed up on your elbows as you watched him grab a washcloth and run it under warm water before returning to you. You moaned as his fingers brushed against your core, feeling extremely sensitive from what had just happened.
“Tell me baby girl, what do you think?” He murmured, pressing a kiss against your neck and trailed them down your throat.
“I definitely enjoyed that,” You whispered. He chuckled as he nodded.
“You definitely did. Did you like fucking yourself while I watched?” He asked, sliding down slightly to drop the rag in the laundry basket before he turned back to face you. This was your favorite version of Ashton, his cheeks flushed and his face glowing in the post orgasm haze.
“I’d much rather have you inside of me instead,” You breathed out and he chuckled as he crawled up the bed, closer to you. He met your lips with his, pushing far more forcefully than earlier and you smiled into the kiss. He pulled back, his hand gripping the side of your hip as he lifted himself up.
“You’re going to regret those words Princess,”
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