#had to do my little AKAs because this is my summary style and I like it
sesamestreep · 1 year
For the fake fic titles: "Tort Law and Other Aphrodisiacs"
for this ask game! - send me a title and I’ll write a fake fic summary to go with it! 🍓
In the span of six months, Don learns much more than he ever wanted to about what you can reasonably sue someone over in the surprisingly lawless American legal system. In the same six months, he also learns which places have the best breakfast by Sloan’s apartment and the weird trick it takes to get the water in her shower to come out at a normal, habitable temperature. So, it’s not all bad…
[ AKA - Don and Sloan, from Election Night to Patriot’s Day, roughly]
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whore-era · 1 year
never meant to be
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☁︎ ellie x fem!reader ☁︎ summary: in which you and ellie go through the heartbreaking realization that love is never fair. ☁︎ warnings/themes: cheating (ellie cheats on current gf with you), dina is your sister, heartbreak/forbidden love, not a happy ending, familial issues | fingering/thighriding (r!recieving), use of strap, fem anatomy ☁︎ a/n: hi. don't hate me lol. sometimes i write stories like this to feel a little something. also it's 2:30 am and i have to be in class by 7:00am so this is not proofread lol. there will be NO part two. ☁︎ word count: 9,800 words aka my longest fic yet
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for as long as you could remember, you were always in dina's shadow.
despite you being the youngest daughter, dina was your parent's pride and joy. she was the smartest and prettiest daughter, who never failed to win the family's attention.
dina was the 'perfect' daughter in your parent's eyes. she followed in mom's footsteps and won prom queen 3 years in a row and was crowned 1st place as miss wyoming since she was 14 in the annual pageant every year. last year, she got accepted to yale university with the intention of going to law school and becoming a criminal lawyer just like father.
your parents were set on having two extremely intelligent daughters who attended ivy league colleges and strived for an above-average career like an award-winning surgeon or a ground-breaking research scientist.
but that wasn't you. at all.
from a young age, you were always attracted to art — such as sculptures, paintings, murals, and various types of music. you had a keen eye for things more abstract, which always set you apart from your own family.
sure, math and science were subjects that came easily to you, and you had no difficulty with keeping straight A's at school, but you always knew you wanted to do something different than what was set for you.
despite being the black sheep of the family, you did find yourself envying dina. she had the bigger room, nicer clothes, a car, and always got money whenever she asked mom and dad for it. it was hard not to be jealous.
especially since she started bringing ellie williams around.
dina met ellie during her freshman year at yale, and the two hit it off. they officially became a couple this summer, and with the approval of our parents, ellie followed dina back home and agreed to stay the entire summer with her and the family.
from the first moment you met ellie, you were smitten.
it was the first week of summer, and you were relishing in all the much-needed vacation time, knowing by the time summer was over, you would be on your way to los angeles for college.
you were relaxing in bed with your copy of 'pride & prejudice', reading it for probably the 70th time. from your bedroom, you can hear a car pulling up in the driveway followed by your mother's loud voice yelling "welcome home!!", and then slamming car doors. getting up from your comfortable position, you drew the linen curtains to the side and took a peek out your window, down at the driveway.
from above, you could see mother taking dina in her arms, giving her a hug and placing a kiss on her forehead.
your eyes drift to father, and to the girl he was shaking hands with.
she was unlike anyone you've ever seen. her short brunette hair was cut short, hanging right at her neck in the style of a mullet. her slender arms revealed one tattoo on her right forearm that was visible underneath the folded flannel layered over a plain white t-shirt.
she held this charming aura about her, evident by how your father let out a hearty laugh as he gently nudged her on the shoulder. this woman must've been impressive because it was a rarity to see your father laugh, let alone when first meeting someone.
as dina grabbed the girl's hand to drag her inside the house, her eyes flickered up toward you, lingering on you for a little too long.
"so, ellie, tell us. what are you studying at yale?" your father's deep voice resonated throughout the dinner table.
"ugh, daaaad, please. no more interrogating my girlfriend," dina groaned out, "you're gonna scare her away, and we've only been together a month!"
"i was just asking a question, sweetie. no need to fret," your dad interjected as he took another bite of chicken.
ellie cleared her throat before putting her fork down, "uh, i'm actually in a computer science program— i'm in the works of developing my own software."
father's eyes widened, "wow! how impressive! what kind of software is it?"
"it's actually a type of software used by government agencies to store highly classified government documents, sir," ellie added, "it keeps unverified users locked out of the servers so they don't access the documents unless they recognize the IP address, and the software reports any unknown addresses back towards us to be monitored for criminal activity."
your ears would usually tune out the boring conversations held at the dinner table, but you couldn't help but be completely absorbed in everything ellie was saying and it only left you wanting to know more.
"how exciting! glad dina found someone who's doing something significant with their life," your father complimented, "unlike our youngest."
"such a shame. you graduated top of the class this year, yet you want to attend art school." your father's eyes bore into the side of your face as you pretended not to notice his words, distracting yourself by poking at the cold piece of broccoli on the expensive china plate.
"art school is cool too," ellie complimented, "what are you majoring in?"
you picked your head up, surprised by ellie's sudden interest in your studies. you were used to everyone else asking about dina and talking about dina and would compare you to dina. it was exhausting.
"um— fine arts. i'm also minoring in graphic design," you managed to squeak out, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"and what are you planning to do with that, young lady?" your dad prodded in his signature stern voice, "you're 18 years old, almost 19, you have to start thinking about your future seriously."
you take the glass of water, and take a sip from it, suppressing that urge to cry from his words, "okay, father."
your mother places a hand on your dad's shoulder, attempting to calm him down, "honey, not at the dinner table."
he doesn't say anything else, and continues eating his dinner, whereas you lost your appetite a long time ago, and are no longer feeling in the mood to be around your family for another second.
the fork falls from your hands, creating a clinging sound against the ceramic dish. "may i be excused?" you tremble, ignoring the burning gaze from the brunette's eyes. you couldn't put into words the humiliation you felt at this moment, and you couldn't bear to look at dina's mocking smirk or at ellie's pitiful stare.
"okay, sweetie. goodnight." your mother murmured. you got up from the chair, and scurried out of the dining room, wanting nothing more but to curl up under your covers and lay in dark silence.
as you ascend up the stairs, you can hear dina continuing the conversation as if nothing ever happened, laughter and jokes ensuing in your absence.
the past two weeks with ellie in the house was an adjustment you had to get used to.
there have been a few occasions where you'd forget to lock the bathroom door, and bam, ellie barges in. luckily, she was a gentlewoman and always covered her eyes even though you were fully clothed. but it was extremely awkward, to say the least.
one morning, you thought the house was empty and took the opportunity to blast your favorite pussycat dolls song and belt out the chorus while shaking your hips around in the living room, only to find ellie looking down at you from the top of the stairs with an amused expression on her face.
needless to say, you put an end to your one-woman concerts and kept them in the privacy of your bedroom.
it was currently 2:45am, and you just wrapped up a painting you started this morning. the house was still and silent, and no one else but you were awake during this time of night.
feeling the gurgle and rumble of your belly, you take off your headphones and tiptoe down the stairs. with your socked feet pitter-pattering on the cold tile of the kitchen, you opened the door to the fridge and scanned the shelves for a tasty late-night snack.
"hmmm...." you hummed, "strawberries and cream might do the trick." you pulled out the bowl of strawberries and a tub of cool whip, and sat down on the tile, opening the lid, and dipping the berry in the creamy topping.
you were about 5 berries deep before you heard a voice clearing their throat, causing you to jump in your spot.
"isn't it a little too late to be eating dessert?" ellie queries. she was in a grey hoodie and plain grey sweatpants with half of her hair tied up. it was evident she probably just woke up, and a part of you felt a little guilty that you possibly were the reason for that.
unable to speak with a mouthful of fruit, you slowly shake your head left and right, eliciting a chuckle from the brunette.
"alright, no judgment here." ellie puts her hands up, "can i join you?"
swallowing the lump of red fruit down your throat, you respond, "sorry, yeah. of course," you hold up the bowl of berries, "want some?"
the girl crouches down and sits next to you on the floor, grabbing a strawberry and dipping it in the cool whip, then taking it all in one bite.
she chews momentarily before shaking her head in satisfaction, "not bad, not bad. never tried this combination before."
"really? i've had this snack for years, ever since i was a little girl," you smile, "it was my dad's favorite snack growing up..."
your voice trailed off as you reminisced about the earlier years when life was easier and you didn't have the pressure of worrying about college or career aspirations. all you and dina worried about was grilled cheeses and finding your bratz doll's missing feet.
ellie spoke again, "were you close with your dad growing up?"
you bit your lip, the sweet taste of strawberry and whipped cream present upon the skin, "yeah. we were," you laughed dryly, "we used to watch those cheesy law and order SVU shows all the time."
"mhm," you hummed, "they were always entertaining to me. he thought that it'd eventually influence me to become a lawyer like him. he always said that we'd become the dynamic duo or whatever and that we'd kick ass in court."
ellie sat intently, watching you, listening to you as you told her this memory. from the moment she first met you when she got here, she knew you were quite the opposite of dina. dina was type A. she was occasionally uptight, a bit boring, and not really fit for ellie. ellie was chill and was a 'go by the flow' person, which was one thing dina hated about her. don't get her wrong, ellie liked dina, and she liked how dina was funny and smart, but she didn't really see them lasting long-term.
it was shitty. it was shitty how ellie didn't see herself being with dina for that long, and it was worse that ellie didn't have the guts to tell her.
but, for her own selfish reasons, ellie didn't want to tell dina, not yet anyways. she gravitated toward you and often found herself staring at you for a little too long during meals at the table and thinking about what you were doing in the next room over while dina was cuddled up in her arms.
ellie knew this was a bad idea. she could not get attached to her girlfriend's sister. it was nothing but a recipe for disaster.
but ellie was only human. she couldn't help her ever growing curiosity.
"you didn't want to be a lawyer?" ellie asked.
you shook your head, "hell, no. looks stressful and boringgggg," you sang out.
ellie laughed, "yeah, can't disagree with you there. dina tells me it involves lots of reading."
"yea, i'm good." you giggle, "what about you? have you always known that you wanted to work with computers 'n stuff?"
"i guess. i was always a 'nerd' and all that bullshit. loved watching sci-fi movies and shows and i'm also a huge gamer so—" ellie began, "i can't imagine myself not doing anything else other than techie shit."
you nod, putting another cream-covered berry in your mouth, "that makes sense. at least you're passionate about what you do."
"yeah, i guess," ellie snacks on another strawberry, "how 'bout you? you're an artist?"
you cover your mouth to muffle a laugh, "i wouldn't call myself an artist. but i do love painting. it's all i ever want to do."
"then it wouldn't be too much if i could ask to see some of your art."
your eyes widen, and you nearly choke on the fruity snack. "what?" your voice almost comes out sounding shocked.
"yeah, i mean, i'd love to see some of your stuff," ellie looked toward you with a sly smile.
"um, no," you laugh, "my parents haven't even seen some of my work."
you were hesitant to show anyone any of your artwork, and only allowing your best pieces to be kept in the security of your personal portfolio, only to be viewed by colleges for applications and such.
"aww, c'mon. i wanna see."
you huff, "maybe."
ellie smirked, "i'll take what i can get," she continues, "besides, think of me as....an art critic."
you let out a giggle, "oh yeah?"
the night progresses and you and ellie get lost in conversation, talking until 4am about life and whatnot. ellie was an easygoing person to talk to. she never seemed to judge you for any of your own opinions, and it felt like she was actually interested in what you had to say. it felt like you've known her for years, even though it's only been a matter of weeks.
you could already see the rays of orange peeking up from the navy, blue sky. it was already early morning.
"we should probably head back upstairs," you suggest, nodding your head towards the window, "the sun's gonna rise....and dina'll wake up soon."
it was like clockwork. dina woke up every morning at 6:30 am, never earlier nor later. you definitely did not want her to catch you and ellie here, alone and together.
for a moment, ellie forgot that she was here with dina. it was fucking terrible and she felt guilty, but she really liked spending the night talking with you and she knew she needed to do it again.
"uh— no, yeah, of course," ellie stood up first, holding out a hand to help you up next.
you took her warm hand in yours and hoisted yourself up until you were stable on your feet.
"thanks," you murmur.
"yeah, no problem."
ellie didn't pull her hand away, and neither did you. it was like your hands were two pieces of a puzzle, fitting perfectly in the spaces of each other's fingers.
realizing what was happening, you quickly pulled your hand away from hers, "uh—"
"fuck, sorry," ellie stammered, "i'm getting— um— awfully tired."
good excuse, ellie thought to herself.
"it's fine, no worries. let's head upstairs," you lead the way up toward the stairs with ellie alongside you. you stop in front of your bedroom door and ellie stops in front of dina's, her hand lingering on the doorknob.
"um— just wanted to say goodnight, ellie." you smile at her, and she returns the favor.
"goodnight." ellie whispers, and you both head inside.
with dina still fast asleep, ellie crawls into bed next to her. she pulls the blanket close to her body, and turning away from her sleeping girlfriend, a small smile makes its way across her face as her mind drifts to you and how you were just a few feet away, a wall being the only thing separating you both.
and as you crawl into the comfort of your own bed, you couldn't help the wide smile that curls upon your lips as you thought about ellie, and how badly you wanted to talk to her again, ignoring the fact that she was probably laid up against your sister's body, holding her close.
it was an unfortunate thing — the slow formation of the connection between two people who were right for each other but were bound by the fate of knowing deep inside the chance of them being together was just not a possibility.
ellie could not get herself to fall asleep. she's been here for weeks, yet found herself tossing or turning in bed, never sleeping soundly for more than 3 hours at a time.
it happened again tonight. she fell asleep at 11:00pm, and here she was, wide awake at 3:00am.
she never knew how dina could do it— how she could make her body sleep at the same time, and stay asleep until morning.
ellie blamed it on the idea that her body wasn't adjusted to being at dina's house with her family. she thought that spending her summer vacation with dina's family would be fun and that it would be a good getaway from all the stress at school.
but ellie fucking hated your dad. from the first night she met him, she hated how he talked down to you. he was an asshole. it was obvious to ellie that he favored dina, and she knew it was only because she was following the same career path he was on. ellie didn't agree with how he felt about you at all, and desperately wished she could say something to him, but she thought it'd be best to not interfere...for now.
sighing, ellie took the covers off and quietly walked towards the door, slowly opening it and gently closing it.
she didn't know what the hell compelled her to walk over to your bedroom door, but before she had any time to even consider her actions, her fist planted three soft knocks on the surface.
ellie thought you must've been fast asleep by now, but a small part of her hoped that you would still be awake.
you swung your bedroom door open, unsure who would be knocking on your door at this hour, but was relieved to see it was ellie, "oh, hey."
ellie's eyes trailed up and down your body, taking you in and letting her eyes rake over the way your sleep shirt hangs loosely off your shoulder and how your cotton shorts stop mid-thigh.
she had to force her eyes back up on your face, and she was beating herself up for even letting her look at you that way, like a piece of meat.
"uh- er- sorry, i was just—" ellie stuttered, "i couldn't sleep."
you nod slowly, and step aside to let her inside your room.
god, this was such a bad idea.
after letting her inside, you close the door and lock it. walking back over towards your bed, you plop down on the mattress as ellie awkwardly stands in the middle of your room.
"you can sit down, you know," you giggle, and ellie shrugs and chooses to sit on your swiveling desk chair.
silence fills the air for a moment before ellie speaks up first.
"were you busy?"
you shake your head, "nope, was just reading a book."
"ahh, okay," ellie was silent for a moment before speaking again, "sorry again, for uh— bothering you."
"you didn't bother me," you laugh, "i'm usually up around this time anyways, jus' doing whatever."
ellie nods and turns the chair to face your desk where she sees your black leather sketchbook. her fingers open the book to a random page, and it was a sketch of a cat napping on a window sill in incredible detail.
the sound of pages flipping caught your attention, and you immediately jump to your feet as the realization hits you.
"hey! my sketchbook!" your hands quickly try to snatch the book from her hands, but ellie was faster, and got up and held the black book up and out of your reach. to your loss, ellie had the advantage of being a couple inches taller than you were, which made it extremely difficult for you to get to your book.
"these are amazing! let me just look through them a little bit longer—" ellie says, flipping through the pages of all the sketches you made, "holy shit— is that— is that me?"
your eyes grow wider, and you could feel the sweat seeping out of your pores, "give that back!"
you jump and try to grab the book, but ellie has this annoying smirk on her face as she holds the book high above her head, knowing you wouldn't be able to grab ahold of it due to your shorter stature.
"ugh, seriously?" you whine, flushing red in embarrassment, feeling like she just read an extremely personal section of your diary. in a way, your sketchbook was your diary.
"let me take a picture of my sketch and i'll give it back to you, deal?" ellie attempted to negotiate with you, but you narrowed your eyes at her, really not wanting her to have any evidence of your sketch at all. but she doesn't seem like the type to take no for an answer.
luckily, you were quite the trickster yourself. it's a youngest child thing.
you huff, "fine."
ellie smiles with pride, and as she lowers her arm to put the sketchbook down, you act fast and seize the book. but before you succeed, ellie snatches it back, and suddenly she's falling back onto your bed. you fail to steady yourself, following suit and landing on top of her, your forehead thumping against hers.
both of your eyes meet, and for a second, everything stands still. you and ellie don't move, afraid that whatever happens next, it'll end up with you both in a compromising situation.
"i— uh—" you sputter, "sorry." you quickly scramble up to your feet, getting off of her, and standing back to create some distance.
the absence of your body made ellie feel cold, but she pushed that feeling to the side and stood on her own two feet, handing you your sketchbook.
"thanks," you take the book from her hands and stuff it in the top left drawer of your dresser, where it usually is anyways.
"you know, those were really good," ellie mutters, scratching the back of her neck, "especially the one of me."
heat rises to your face once again, "it was from the day i saw you in the driveway— when you first got here with dina."
she nods, "i can tell, 's really good though. i swear."
you blush, "thanks," you think of something quick to change the subject, wanting to stray away from your sketch of her, still reeling in the embarrassment of her finding out.
"wanna watch the office?"
you know what? imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so i thank you.
"god, i love dwight so much, dude," ellie laughs, throwing a chip in her mouth as she watches jim's character pull out the bobblehead and place it on his desk.
identity theft is not a joke, jim! millions of families suffer every year!
oh that's funny— michael!
you let out a sleepy giggle, cuddling your pillow. you and ellie had been on your bed with the show playing on your laptop for an hour already, while she munched away on a bag of chips you had in your room.
ellie turned her head to check on you, and she could tell by your heavy eyelids that you were about to knock out in any second, "you sleepy?"
"mhm," you manage to hum out.
she smiles, in awe at your cute, sleepy state.
"go 'head and sleep. i'll finish up this episode and let myself out when it's over," ellie murmurs. she unfolds the blanket that was sitting at the edge of your bed and places it over your body.
"you sure?" you ask, nearly half asleep.
"mhm. i'll be gone by the time you wake up." but you knew you didn't want ellie to be gone when you woke up and ellie didn't want to go either.
as the show continues to run, you close your eyes and fall into slumber.
you weren't sure what woke you up, but you did. you hear the sound of 'the office' theme song playing, causing you to stir slightly, but you were surprised by the pressure present around your waist.
you sit up a bit, and you see ellie fast asleep, with her arm wrapped tightly around your waist, spooning you.
you look at the clock next to your bed and read the time: 6:23 am.
the air is sucked out from your lungs. dina is gonna be up soon.
"ellie! wake up!" you whisper quite loudly in her ear, shaking her awake. she doesn't wake up, and just groans, pulling you back to hold you again.
ignoring the butterflies going rampant in your belly, you attempt to wake her up again, "ellie! please, wake up," you shake her arm, "dina's gonna wake up in any minute."
ellie's green eyes open, and for a moment she's glad it's your face she sees when she wakes up, until the realization dawns on her.
"shit, shit, shit," ellie curses, getting off your bed and standing up, "i have to go."
and she exits your bedroom, leaving you alone in your bed only with the memory of waking up in her arms.
as ellie slowly and quietly enters dina's bedroom, she's relieved by the sight of dina's body still fast asleep. she gets back in bed and turns away from her, trying to calm her fast heart rate down.
on cue, dina's alarm clock goes off at 6:30 am sharp. ellie can feel dina turning and shutting off her alarm clock, and then she scootches closer and wraps her arms around ellie's body, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"morning, babe," dina whispers, and ellie shuts her eyes, pretending she's still asleep.
ellie lets out a mumbled 'morning' sounding groan and nestles her face into the pillow. she feels dina get up from bed and head into the bathroom to begin her morning routine, leaving ellie alone, wishing she had you wrapped up in her arms instead.
two days had gone by and you barely talked to ellie, sharing nothing but longing glances and brushes of fingers when you handed her a plate during meal times.
you didn't purposely intend to avoid ellie, but your mother had filled your agenda with errands for your 19th birthday party this weekend. you had to go talk to the caterers, talk to the florist, get fitted for a dress, buy new shoes, send out invitations— it was all so tedious and tiring, but you didn't want to make your mother upset by disappointing her.
the contractors were currently setting up the house with decorations and such for the party, and ellie was outside in the backyard with father, helping the rest of the workers set up a stage and other things needed.
you hated hot days, especially ones like these, where the air was scorching and dry. but you couldn't complain today, ellie was in a tight, white tank top showing off her muscular biceps and arms. you couldn't help but stare a little longer, trailing your eyes over the beads of sweat that would roll down her neck.
thank god for hot days like this one.
"honey, will you please do me a favor and bring out this tray of refreshments to everyone outside please?" your mother handed you a tray of cold drinks and fresh fruit.
"of course," you smooth out your sundress and take the tray from her hands, walking out of the kitchen and through the open doors leading to the backyard patio.
you walk over toward where they were working and set down the tray, "here are some cold drinks everyone."
your father and the workers mutter a quick thank you and take the offerings, sipping on the chilled drinks and talking amongst themselves.
however, what ellie needed wasn't a cold refreshment or a fruity snack. in fact, the only thing she could think of that would help ellie in this heat right now was you.
she couldn't tear her eyes away from the way your tits looked, the way the fabric hugged the soft, pillowy flesh. she definitely couldn't look away when you walked back towards the house, only wishing she can run her hands over the smooth skin of your thighs, grabbing on your ass.
the way you made ellie sweat was incomparable to the sun's radiating heat.
"excuse me, i'm gonna use the bathroom," ellie muttered, making her way back inside the house.
as you neared the kitchen, you overhear your mother's conversation with dina.
"yeah, we'll be leaving a little early. i have stuff to do back on campus," dina's voice remarks.
"oh, that's too bad. i really like having you both here," your mother pouts, "when are you and ellie leaving?"
"the day after the party," dina replies, "it'll give us time to rest and pack up."
your heart sank in your chest. ellie was leaving? and so soon?
you ran back inside the house, jogging up the stairs, not wanting dina or your mother to see the tears watering in your eyes.
"sweetie? you okay?" your mother yells out from the kitchen.
"uh, yeah! just need to get something from my room!"
you make a bee-line to the bathroom and shut the door behind you, looking at your reflection in the mirror, and letting yourself break down in tears.
something like this was bound to happen. you knew ellie wouldn't stay here forever, and you would be leaving for college. but why did this hurt so bad?
you hear the bathroom door open, and you quickly wipe your eyes.
the brunette was surprised to see you in the bathroom at first, knowing you did have a habit of leaving the door unlocked sometimes, but that all went away and concern washed over her as she noticed your tear-filled eyes and red, stuffy nose.
"hey, hey, hey," she whispers as she takes a few steps toward you, "what's wrong?"
you blink a couple times, a tear falling down your cheek. you hesitated to answer her question.
"you know you can tell me anything, right?" ellie coos, her hands soothingly rubbing up and down your arms.
you nod, and bite your lip, thinking of how to word your response correctly, "d-dina said you both were leaving after my b-birthday."
ellie softens and an evident look of disappointment appears on her face, "yeah, we are."
you wipe your nose, looking up at her with glossy eyes, "it feels like you just got here and— and—" you sniffle, "you're leaving already."
ellie's heart soars understanding that you were upset because she was leaving. "i know and i'm sorry," she snakes her arms around your waist, pulling you close to her, "i wish i met you sooner."
ellie wished she met you first, she would actually have a chance at giving you both a shot without the guilt of betraying dina.
you bury your face into her shirt, the scent of her perfume wafting in your nostrils. god, there was just so much to do and so little time.
you pull your head back to get a good look at her face, to memorize her features, and sear them into your brain.
your eyes fell to her lips, and before you could even form a single thought, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against hers.
ellie instinctively pulled you closer by your waist, kissing back, moving her lips slowly with yours.
you slowly try to pull away from her lips, but she brings you back in for more, her grip on your waist never releasing.
"ellie," you breathe out, but it comes out sounding more like a moan, "w-we can't," you whine, "d-dina's here."
fuck. she stops, and pulls away from your lips, leaning her forehead against yours for a brief moment.
ellie plants a small kiss on your forehead, before letting you go and exiting the bathroom, leaving you alone once again.
"happy birthday, dear," the lady greets, leaning to give you a kiss on your cheekbone, "19 is such a fun age, don't take advantage of it, alright, hun?"
"sure," you hum, smiling back as the lady retreats back to the party, getting lost in the sea of people.
you had no idea who she was. actually, you didn't know a lot of the people here. a bunch of them were your father's associates from the law firm, some of your mom's book club members, and dina's friends from high school.
it was your birthday party, but your parents never turned down the idea of hosting a celebration if it was an excuse to mingle and network.
you head upstairs toward the balcony and step outside to the cool, summer night, leaning against the railing. you took a deep breath in, briefly closing your eyes in an attempt to gather your thoughts and clear your head.
"not enjoying the party?"
the sound of the voice causes you to spin in your spot, and you're met with ellie standing at the doorway. she was dressed in a white, collared dress shirt that was slightly unbuttoned at the top, with black slacks. her hair was down, in her signature mullet. you could tell she'd been drinking, as her eyes appeared dazed and she seemed more relaxed.
"uh— it was getting hot and stuffy in there," you tore your eyes away from her, "i just needed some air."
ellie sauntered over, standing next to you and placing her arms against the rail. her eyes raked over your body, drinking in how absolutely gorgeous you looked in your dress.
"you look beautiful tonight."
heat rose to your cheeks, and luckily the blush you wore today camouflaged the deepening crimson fading on your cheeks, "thanks."
"you always look beautiful, but you know, it's your birthday tonight and i had to remind you."
it was possible that ellie's words just fell from her lips because she was slightly inebriated, but it was true. ellie thought you were the most beautiful thing this earth could offer. you were the closest thing to heaven on earth.
but ellie couldn't have you, and without you, she was in her own personal hell.
you cleared your throat, attempting to wave off the tension in the air, "are you enjoying the party?"
she shrugged, "yeah, it's okay. i mean— dina's been introducing me to all your dad's friends and shit, trying to show me off like some kind of fuckin' trophy or something." she lets out a harsh laugh, "have you met my girlfriend ellie? she's a computer science engineer at yale! she's already done work for google and apple! isn't that so cool?"
ellie mocks dina's voice, and you can tell she has this slight bitterness to her. but you couldn't blame her for how she felt, dina only cared about the superficial things.
"oh...i'm sorry," you turn your head to face the view, "she's always been like that. trying to compete with everyone else and prove that she's better."
"yeah, i fucking hate that."
silence falls between you two again, and the elephant in the room couldn't be more obvious. it's been two days since the kiss in the bathroom occurred, and neither of you had even acknowledged it since then.
ellie would occasionally find herself thinking about the way your lips molded onto hers, and how she'd risk her relationship with dina just to experience it one more time. hell, she'd break up with dina.
it was hard for you to think about ellie without having the guilt bubble in your belly. you couldn't get ellie out of your head at all, and frequently spent those late nights fantasizing what it'd be like to be in dina's position, as ellie's girlfriend.
but, those feelings of shame always came to the surface and you tried to suppress them, pushing them into the dark corners of your mind, but as the day's progressed, it got harder and harder to do.
even being next to ellie made your body feel like it was on fire, and the urge to kiss her again was coming full throttle. you had to leave before you did something you both would regret.
"umm, i'll see you down there," you quickly sputter out before turning your heel to leave, but you felt ellie's hand grip your arm, stopping you.
you force yourself to look at ellie, and your eyes connect with hers. your heart rate picked up, and suddenly the oxygen left your lungs. it was insane how one person could make you feel like this— like you could die if you were to let go.
"i—" ellie was about to let her heart speak for herself, and she was going to tell you everything. she was going to put her heart on the line and risk everything, for you."
"ellie! elllieee! where are yo— oh! there you are!" dina appeared at the doorway, a wide smile on her face as she finally found ellie. "where were you? i have to introduce you to this guy who works for this video game company! come on!"
before ellie can say anything, dina grabs her arm and drags ellie away.
the party happened and ended. you blew out your candles and cut the cake, and soon enough all the people left by midnight. dina was fast asleep on the couch in the living room downstairs, as the expensive, bubbly champagne had officially defeated your older sister.
your parents were asleep. dina was asleep. the only two people awake in the house was you and ellie, a deadly combination.
ellie was in the next room, intoxicated, and thinking about what her next moves were. she was leaving tomorrow and she knew that soon enough that you would be leaving for los angeles too, for college.
the thought of you possibly meeting someone new during college made her skin burn. ellie wanted to be that person for you, to be the one who made you laugh, to be the one who you called at the end of the day to tell her all about what happened in class, to be the one who gave you butterflies and made your heart flip.
fuck it, ellie thought, and the next thing she knew she was walking to your room and knocking on your door.
you swung the door open, and ellie swore she could've died and gone right to heaven. you were still in your birthday dress, but your hair was down, and you just looked like the most beautiful thing she'd seen in a long time. it was impossible that you were a real person.
"....ellie?" you spoke softly, and the sound of your voice knocked her out of her thoughts.
"huh? yeah— uh— fuck. sorry," ellie stammered, "can— can i come in?"
you could smell the mixture of whiskey and her sandalwood perfume radiating off her body, and it was an addicting combination. you just wanted to bury your face in her neck and sniff her, as creepy as that did sound.
you sit down on the edge of your bed, crossing your legs, and ellie leans against your wall, with her hands stuffed in the pockets of her black slacks. she was still in her outfit, but the top of the buttons of her shirt were opened much wider, revealing a bit of skin.
silence falls in the room, and there was tension in the room. the room was beginning to feel humid and hot, and a small bead of sweat rolled down your temple.
ellie's eyes raked over you in your little dress, and how the dress bunches up just enough for her to get a peek of the sweet skin of your inner thighs, a paradise she's been dreaming of.
she wasn't sure if it was the little bit of alcohol still left in her system, but she could feel that familiar heat bubble in her core, making her feel even hotter.
"so, i was thinking, and i realized that i didn't say 'happy birthday' to you," ellie spoke softly, "i didn't even get you a gift."
your eyes widen, and you let out a small laugh, "it's fine, don't worry about it."
"nah, you've been so good to me, and— i mean— the least i could do is buy you something or take you out for dinner when me and dina come back for winter break."
your smile falters. when me and dina come back. the words echo throughout your head. me and dina. come back.
shaking your head, you try your best to respond without choking up, "i-it's okay..."
"what? don't be ridiculous-"
you cut her off, "it's f-fine, ellie," you breathe out, "i'm gonna head to bed now."
a pang hits ellie in the chest, and a look of hurt washes over her. "w-what? but i-"
you couldn't contain the jealousy that simmered in your belly, and it was partly due to the specialty cocktails you had tonight. you just had to have a midori sour.
"you and dina have to leave early tomorrow," you spat, with venom dripping off every word. it was enough to be noticed by ellie, and she received your message.
ellie doesn't say anything and her mind whirls in search of the words she wants to say.
after a few seemingly long minutes, she speaks up, "i think i'm gonna break up with dina."
your head snaps in her direction, your expression in utter disbelief, "what?"
ellie nods, "yeah."
"but, why?" you ask, "dina loves you and my family loves you—"
"dina is not who i want to be with."
you freeze, and your heart skips a beat.
"who do you want to be with?" you had an idea of who, but you played dumb, eager to hear her say the words.
time stops, and suddenly, everything feels like it's frozen in time, and the only two things that were present were you and ellie. for a moment, you let yourself imagine how things would be if she did break up with dina and went with you instead. of course, you would be over the moon being ellie's girlfriend, but at what cost?
dina would surely hate you if she already didn't and she'd make your life a living hell. and your parents? your dad would think you were a bigger disappointment, especially for ruining his perfect daughter's relationship.
you and ellie would face ultimate backlash, and wouldn't be on the receiving end of support from those close to you.
it pained you to think about it, but you had to be realistic.
"ellie......" you whispered, your voice coming out slightly strained, "i don't think we could be together."
ellie shakes her head, "we can. i'll break up with dina and— and— we'll have a long distance relationship and we'll come back—"
"and we'll be here? together? in front of dina and my parents?" you cut her off, hurt evident in your voice.
her demeanor faltered, and she was quiet for a moment. ellie understood your point of view, and how it'd be difficult to continue a relationship with her ex-girlfriend's sister.
"just stay with her."
ellie sighed, "no, even if we can't be together, there's no way i'm going to stay with her. no fucking way."
"no. i don't want to be with her," ellie comes closer to where you were, causing you to stand on your feet and back up, "everyone is talking about how everyone else would feel. what about me? i can't fucking stand not being with you. you think i enjoy thinking about you while i lay with dina? do you even understand how hard it is for me to just look at you? do you know what you do to me?"
you feel the cool surface of the wall press on your skin as you were backed up against the wall. she had you cornered and you couldn't do anything about it, and a small part of you enjoyed this.
ellie's voice is low and raspy, "do you have any idea how much i think about you? having you as mine? thinking about the things i would do to you?"
you swallow hard, and you shake your head left to right, "ellie, you're just d-drunk."
she shakes her again, "i'm not. i'm one hundred percent sober."
"you're talking nonsense—" you try to convince her, but deep down inside, this was you trying to convince yourself.
"why can't you just face the fact that i want you?"
"because you're dating my sister!" the tone of your voice shocks the brunette.
"i can't— i can't have these feelings for you," you breathe out, "you're with dina."
ellie closes her eyes at the mention of her name, and again, silence fills the space.
"then let's forget about her, okay? for one night, i just want to forget about her," ellie whispers, "all i wanna focus on is you."
you search her face, and you bite your lip, actually contemplating the idea.
as you and ellie make eye contact, it was then you realize how close she was to you, you can nearly taste her lips if you leaned in further enough.
and in a swift move, ellie presses her lips against yours, pushing you against the wall. her hands cup your cheeks, kissing you with a sense of urgency and passion.
she takes control, and pushes her tongue in between your lips, roaming around in your mouth, eliciting a mewl from the back of your throat.
ellie's hands move to the back of your neck, and wrapped up in each other's lips, you both continue your way over to your bed, falling onto the mattress.
you pull away for a brief moment to flip her over, straddling her and sitting on her thighs.
ellie bunches your dress around your hips, fully exposing your thighs for her enjoyment. her cold hands send a shudder up your spine as they make their way to your thighs, "so fucking gorgeous."
ellie whispers, and she reconnects her lips against yours, and you couldn't help but grind your core against her, eager for friction as you feel a pool of wetness gather in your panties.
you let out a small whimper against her lips, and ellie grows more greedy, and slides her tongue inside your mouth again. the burning heat forming in your core begins to be harder to control, and you couldn't help but grind your pussy harder against her again.
the brunette smiles against your lips, and she takes hold of your hips, guiding you and placing you securely on her right thigh, "there, baby. grind that pretty fuckin' pussy on my thigh."
desperate for more, you place your arms around her neck for security and begin rubbing your panty-covered pussy against her pants, the fabric providing some friction on your swollen clit.
you couldn't suppress the soft whimpers that leave your lips, and ellie presses her lips against yours, drinking in every single moan that reverberates through your throat. she has you right where she wants you, wet and desperate for her.
"ellie.." your parted lips whine, "want more."
your pleas come out sounding as pathetic moans, and she smirks at the sight of you, eager for more.
"yeah? you want more, baby?" you nod frantically.
the brunette flips you over, takes you off her thigh and lays you on your back. using her knee to part your thighs, her fingers slowly trail down your inner thighs, and she uses her index finger to slide your panties to the side, sliding her finger down the wet slit of your pussy.
"shit," she curses, "so wet for me."
your hips buck up, craving more and more of her touch against your sensitive cunt, "ellie, please."
smirking, ellie pulls down your panties, the damp fabric pooling at your ankles, and she uses two fingers to spread your lips, the wet skin creating a slick-sounding echo throughout the room.
she uses one finger to rub your soaked, swollen clit, drenching her finger with your wetness.
"hmmph," you whimper, gripping her arm tight. ellie takes your lips in hers, muffling your pleading moans with her mouth as her fingers rub agonizing slow circles on your pussy.
she briefly pulls away from your lips, breathing heavily, "god, you're so beautiful when you moan."
ellie continues the circles against your clit, and you grab her wrist, stopping her, "e-ellie, please, i-i want more.."
the brunette pauses and thinks for a moment, "alright, baby, give me a second and wait here."
ellie places a kiss on your forehead, pulling her fingers out of you and quickly hurrying out of your bedroom. seconds later, you hear your door open and you see her come back in with a black strap and a harness.
"do you use that with—"
ellie cuts you off, "no. this one's new."
she takes off her shirt, and her black pants, leaving her in a plain black sports bra and plaid red boxers. she quickly hooks the harness around her hips and attaches the strap.
coming back on the bed, ellie looks at you with soft eyes, "is this okay with you?"
you nod, "yes, it's perfect."
she smiles, and she leans in to kiss you again, this time the kiss being much gentler than the previous one before. her hands make their way down your hips, and taking the hem of your dress in her hands, she slips it off of you.
pulling away, she takes the chance to gaze at your body. there was nothing but absolute adoration in those pools of green.
"you're beautiful, have i told you that?"
"only a couple times," you reply shyly, and ellie smiles, kissing your cheek.
her hands gently part your thighs, and she lines her cock up at your entrance. "we'll start off slow, yeah? you let me know if anything hurts, and i'll stop, baby."
looking up at her with glossy eyes, you nod. ellie takes the base of her strap and slowly slides it inside of your pussy, slowly filling you up.
"oh my god." was all you could muster.
"fuck," ellie curses, "you're so fuckin' wet for me, sweet girl."
filling you up almost completely, she grabs your waist and begins thrusting her hips, the strap easily sliding in and out of your wet pussy.
your eyes roll to the back of your head and you grab onto her arm, your grip tightening around her limb with each striking thrust.
the sound of clapping skin and wet slick fill the room, along with a combination of your soft whimpers and ellie's groans.
"keep your eyes on me, babe, wanna see those pretty eyes as i fuck you," ellie groans out, tilting your chin to look up at her.
how can something so wrong feel so right? she had your legs spread apart, with her strap buried deep inside you as dina slept soundly just downstairs.
it was hard to feel guilty when she was hitting every sweet spot inside you.
ellie leaned her forehead against yours, her thrusts never losing rhythm as you coat the black silicone in your white, cream.
as her strap slides in and out of your pussy, that familiar knot begins to form in your belly, and you feel almost as if you're nearing the edge.
"god, ellie— i think i'm about to cum," you stammer out, feeling your pussy tighten around her cock. ellie's eyes never stray away from yours, wanting to make sure you kept your eyes on her.
"yeah? come on, pretty girl, cum on my cock," she coaxes you, and her words cause that feeling of euphoria to wash over you, as you tip over the edge and writhe beneath her.
"ellie," you cry out, "i-i l-love you, fuck." you whimper out, as your pussy clenches around her, the black plastic strap squelching as your juices drip all over it.
"i love you, baby," ellie groans out, as she does one last thrust inside you, falling over in exhaustion onto the bed.
moments later, ellie gets up and takes the strap off. she cleans you up with a clean, wet rag, and climbs into your bed, the both of you still without clothes.
she drapes the blanket over your bodies, and she pulls you close to her.
"you okay?" she asks.
"mhm, i'm more than okay," you hum.
a comfortable silence falls, and you speak up again.
"i just wish you didn't have to leave tomorrow," you whisper, a stray tear falling down your cheek.
ellie kisses the top of your forehead, and rubs your back soothingly, "me neither, baby."
and you and ellie both fall asleep in each other's arms, just for this one night.
you really didn't want to have to see dina and ellie off.
it was sad enough that the girl you were in love with was dating your sister, but for her to go to university almost halfway across the country was something close to heartbreak.
luckily, ellie woke up early and got ready and packed up her things before dina woke up. but unfortunately, you woke up alone.
and for the rest of the morning, you stayed cooped up in your bedroom, not wanting to endure the sorrow of seeing ellie leave.
but she had to.
from your upstairs window, you watched as your father and ellie both began loading up the car with suitcases and other bags.
you didn't even want to say goodbye to her, knowing that the minute you saw her face, you'd burst into tears.
so, you just decided you wouldn't say anything to her at all. it was easier that way and it made a cleaner cut.
you hear a knock on your door, and your mother's head peeks out in your bedroom.
"hey honey," she coos, "come downstairs and say goodbye to ellie and dina."
you sigh and turn your head away from the door, "no, thanks. they'll be good without me."
you hear your mother sigh, and she shuffles into your room, closing the door behind you and sitting next to you on the bed.
"don't you wanna say goodbye to your sister, before she leaves?"
you shrug, "dee will be fine without my goodbye."
and for a moment, your mother is silent.
"well," she begins, "don't you want to say goodbye to ellie?"
you were stumped and you didn't reply.
"after all those late night conversations and such, i think ellie would want you to say goodbye."
your eyes widen in surprise, and you turn to look at your mother. "hold on, you know about that?"
she scoffs, "i may be your mom, but i'm not stupid." she laughs, "i can see things from a mile away, and my motherly intuition is telling me that...you like ellie."
you sigh and tear your eyes away from your mother, feeling ashamed, "i know, and i'm a terrible sister for that."
your mom soothingly rubs your back, "no, that makes you human. you can't help who you get feelings for, hun."
she tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and smiles at you, "ellie is an amazing girl, and i'm glad she realizes how wonderful you are."
tears fill your eyes, and you completely break down. your mom looks at you with sympathy, her heart cracking seeing her daughter experience heartbreak, "i love her, mom."
you let out these muffled sobs, and your mom takes you in her arms, comforting you as you cry.
as soon as you come back, she wipes your tears, and takes hold of your hands, "listen to me, sweetie," she coos, "if you love her, let her go, and if she comes back, she was always yours. but if she doesn't, it was never meant to be."
you laugh a little bit, "ugh, mom, that was corny."
"it is, but it's also true," she says, "which is why i think you need to say goodbye to ellie. life will take you in two different paths, and you'll regret it if you don't say anything."
absorbing her words, you nod and wipe your face with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. you get up from your spot, and hurry outside, nearly sprinting to the driveway, seeing dina already in the passenger seat and ellie about to get in the driver's side.
"wait!" you call out, and ellie's head snaps in your direction, a wide smile curling on her face.
first, you jog over to dina, "bye, dee. have fun at yale and stay safe."
you kept your words short and sweet.
"thanks, kid. go crazy in LA, okay?"
smiling, you nod at her and make your way over to the driver's side of the car, where ellie was standing and waiting.
you stand in front of her and you take a deep breath, before wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her in for a tight hug.
you take this opportunity to whisper in her ear, only for her to hear, "maybe in the off chance we see each other again, and things are right, we can give us a shot."
"you better stay true to your words, pretty girl, because i plan on seeing you again," you can hear the smile in her voice as her arms wrap around your waist.
before anyone notices the prolonged hug, you pull away from her and stand next to your mom and dad, where you all wave goodbye to them as they pull away and disappear into the road.
maybe in another life, in another time, in another dimension, you and ellie were together.
you would have this big house overlooking the hills, and you'd have this amazing studio with huge windows to paint whatever you wanted and ellie would have her own office, dealing with her own ordeals. you would have a dog running around with a grumpy cat trailing along with them. you and ellie would always end the day with dinner together, and by the end of the night, you would be curled up in her arms and life would be perfect.
but this wasn't another life. for now, you and ellie were just two souls who are merely passing by each other in this lifetime. from strangers to friends, friends into lovers, and strangers again.
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madebyrolo · 3 months
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Holding me and holding back
Pt.2 Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
Read Pt.1 here
Summary: summer fling with Rafe. Your typical kook vs pouge war but what if instead of gold it was love?
Obx masterlist
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
You pulled into the Tanny Hill driveway, you parked leaving your sleeping bag and stuff in the car because you didn’t know where this night was gonna lead.
You planned on confronting Rafe, the whole tire thing was absolutely insane.
You starting walking up to the door as Rafe was already waiting for you. He opened the door and greeted you with a bear hug and kiss on your lips.
The mint taste feeling like home.
“Where’s your stuff?” He asks “aren’t you spending the night?” Rafe sounded concerned.
“Maybe, my bags in the car just in case.” You say rubing your thumb across his knuckles.
“Okay come on, I set up a movie in the screening room. Sarah’s gone she’s off with Topper, wheezy at a sleepover and my dad trusts us enough to leave us alone” he smiles leading you to the room.
You and Rafe lay on the gigantic bean bag. One had wrapped around you and the other using the remote.
“Okay we can watch scream, mean girls, don’t worry darling-”
“Don’t worry darling.” You say without even considering the other options
“Alright should’ve know, Harry styles is in the movie….” He sighs giving you a tight squeeze.
You guys are into the movie, Rafes eye are glued on the screen and you’re deep into your thoughts.
You and Rafe have being a “thing” since April.
Never in your life you would be in a situationship with the kook king, Rafe Cameron.
You're a pouge yourself, working as a bev cart girl at the golf course. The job is easy and the tips are ever better. Tipsy old men with a girl in the skirt is like the money-mouth emoji.
That were you met Rafe of course.
You were covering for your other employee, she was over 21 and she could actually handle the alcohol legally but some how the mangers didn't care that one day. You were doing your loops and happened to meet your best tippers, who usually have $20+ they were easy in a way, but not that day.
"Look it's our favorite doll!" The oldest one said.
"Good to see you too Mr.Adams!" you say with a fake smile plaster on your face.
"Honey, what did I say call me Paul!" Mr Adams said playfully.
"Okay Paul, what would you and these gentlemen like today?" You said getting out the cart and pulling open the coolers.
"Arnold Palmer, needs some of his luck if I wanna win this bet with Andrew" Mr Adams winked
"throw in a splash vodka too"
As you began pouring the vodka Mr Adams kept saying "a little more..."
"Might as well made it a longgg Island" you joked earning fits of chuckles from the tipsy men.
"I'll take a beer" Andrew aka Mr.Gage asked
"And I'll get your number sweet heart" the bald one said checking your ass out.
You pulled it down praying there was gonna be no breeze to help fill out his fansistes. You gave them their drinks about to turn around to enter your cart as the bald one grabbed your wrist.
“I didn’t get what I ask for.” He said leaning in with the smell of wiskey heavy on his breath.
“Sir let me go.” You said with your head down trying to fight your wrist back.
The other men were laughing, sipping their drinks watching their friend miserably hit on you.
“Darling I’m not gonna ask you again.” He said squeezing tighter.
You were about to risk them seeing your paintes to kick this bald bitch in the dick but right before you could lift your leg the man fell right in front of you with a grunt.
As you watch him go down you saw an another dude behind him, and that being Rafe Cameron.
He had a golf club, which you connected that he hit him with. You can see the mark of dirt and grass on the back of his shirt.
“You want another one?” Rafe said looking down at the man as he turned to face him.
But all he could hear with groans, the man bareley being able to get a word out.
“I’m not gonna ask you again.” He ordered.
And with that Rafe slammed the golf club right between his dick. Barely hitting it but enough to scare him.
He yelled as he rolled down the hill as his friend run away.
“I’ll make sure you never set foot in this club, or any club on this island again.” Rafe yelled at them.
You shook your head trying process what just happened, or what could’ve happened. Your legs shaking from the thoughts and your arm being red from the “man's” grip.
“Are you okay?” Rafe asked.
You heard stories of the boy, him being played as this big scary guy from Jayj and the fights you heard involving your friends and others.
“Um yeah I guess, thank you Rafe.” You said avoiding eye contact. You didn’t want him to see the tears building up in your eyes.
“Hey kid.” He said lifting up your chin to see the tears spilling down your cheek. “Here let me help you in, I’ll drive you back to the house, we’ll get your stuff and I’ll take you home.” Rafe offered as he guiding you to the passenger seat of the cart.
As he got in he started the cart slowly driving. Whiping the melted mascara, trying to get yourself together before you have to face your manager.
“You know their names right?” Rafe asked as he looked over at you.
“Uh yeah all of them except the one that grabbed me.” You said trying not to cry again.
“It’s alright I bet you $100 I’ll get it within the next 30 minutes.” He said with a small laugh trying to ease the tension.
“Thank you Rafe, if you didnt get there in time I would’ve had to kick him, giving them the view they wanted” you said with a breathy laugh wiping the rest of your tears.
“Would’ve been one hell of a kick girl!” He said placing his hand on top of yours.
In a way it felt comforting, scary cause you barely knew the kid but he wasn’t a complete stranger.
Soon you were in the passenger seat of his truck, and with a $100 bill in your pocket from the bet he made.
“Can’t believe you got them banned practically everywhere.” You said with a small laugh.
“Oh and they donated 100k to the club all together too. And here’s your tip” He smiled to himself handing over $520 in bills.
“Snagged them from their wallets” he said giving you a wink.
“I’m not even gonna ask,” you scoff in amazement counting the cash.
He’s driving along the beach to the side of the island he swore to never ever to be on. The sun was setting creating a warm ambiance with “3005” by childish Gambino playing from his playlist.
“Great music taste” you complement trying to change the topic.
“Mmm thanks, I take pride in it.” He hummed “you listen to childish gambino?”
“Um the one and only Troy Barnes ? Yes I do girl” you giggle.
“I love the community, it’s so good. I haven’t done my annual rewatch yet.” He said taking a quick glance at you before focusing on the road again.
“Omg me too. Although I can never get myself to finish season 6 because it’s just boring without Donald glover and the problematic old man.” You say looking out the window watching the sun set.
“You have to come over and watch it soon. We can have a little watch party” Rafe offers as he pulls into your neighborhood.
“Yeah I’ll like that.” You say locking eyes with eachother.
Soon he parks into your driveway. You began unbuckling before he speaks up.
“So you’re down to come over one day? Netflix and chill or what not.” He laughs with blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Yeah it’s a date” you say with blush now matching you both.
“Hey I wanna thank you again. I genuinely don’t know what I would’ve done without my knight in shiny golf club” you joked
“Don’t sweat it, besides I’m glad you’re okay y/n .” He said nudging your shoulder as you let go of the seat belt.
“So are you gonna give me your number or…” you joked.
“Oh yeah yeah my bad. Here type yours in” he said handing you his phone.
As you enter it you hand it back.
“What emoji you want by your name ?” he ask trying hard not to have you go.
“A princess would be nice ‘cause you were my prince today.” You give a dopey smile to him.
“Perfect.” He said entering it in before turning his phone off.
The car is filled with silence with his music barely being able to fill your ears.
He looks at your eyes before going down to your lips, you also doing the same.
Next thing you know they’re a warm touch on your lips. And your hands are tangled in Rafes hair.
You break the almost minute long kiss, you have to enter your house at some point.
“Thank you Rafe.” You said before your open the door.
“No thank you y/n. I’ll text you when I get home” he said as you shut the door.
He watched you enter your home before driving off home.
You run into your parents on the couch.
“What are you doing home, I thought you didn’t get off till 7?” Your mom ask
“They let me off early ” you say as your enter your room.
You lay in bed thinking about the eventful night.
Screw the bald man, you just made out with Rafe fucking Cameron.
— end of flashback—
Ever since that day you have been so grateful for Rafe. Even though you guys aren’t exclusive you both knew better not to touch another breathing thing.
He was a sweetheart, to you at least. He always payed for the food, little (big) gifts here and there, sleep overs ever weekend, driving you to world, picking you up from work, hanging out after work.
You two were inseparable.
It was fun behind doors, but the second you were with the rest of the pouges you were nothing more.
Him and his on going “war” with John b and jayj for no reason other then social class. He would call the others out with names and insults laced with venom but never said a thing to you. He couldn't even find the words.
One time he called jayj white trash and made fun of John b for having a dead dad, them literally millimeters away from a fight before you called him out for being obsessed with them, throwing in a gay joke.
He looked at you with soft eyes before throwing a small insult to throw the rest off.
“Okay princess, go make tips with your boobs.” he said leaving everyone confused for the “insult” he threw at you.
And with that he left without a fight.
“Okay so I get called a slut and you get called out for boobs?” kie said offended watching the boy walk away.
“I mean she does have nice boobs…” jayj whispered before Pope smacking the back of his head.
You giggled at the old memory,
But the feeling of guilt washes over you.
Rafe and his buddies always messing with the pouges, you’re bestfriend. The name calling with bruises and vandalism to prove it.
Where does your loyalty lie?
Rafe perks up with the sound of your giggles
“Okay are your giggling at her being crush by glass walls right now?” he asks
“No no it's something else.” you say looking off to the side.
“Actually pause the movie, I wanna talk about something” you say as he grabs the remote.
“Uh okay, so what's up.” he ask with thoughtful eyes.
“So I know we've been sneaking around for a while now-”
“Well I wouldn't call it sneaking around, you've met my parents and vise versa” he said with a nervous laugh
“Yeah i guess but our friends Rafe. If mine find out about us I don't know what they would do”
“Why do you care what they think?” he ask
“Cause you just ruined Kies car…”
“Well she deserved it”
“What did she even do?? We were just having pizza for crying out loud.”
“Oh didnt know jj was pizza…” Rafe mumbled under his breath.
“Oh so this is about jj.”
“I’m just saying if he wasn’t all up on your the night wouldn’t have ended like this!”
“First of all, nothing happend, second of all if it was jjs fault why did you destroy Kiara’s car!”
“Like she couldn’t get it fix, she a kook too you know!”
“You slashed her ties Rafe! Money or not that’s still a despicable thing to do?? She’s completely innocent and she’s never did a thing to you yet your terrorize her? How would she ever react if I tell her? ‘Oh you're fucking y/n? Okay that's fine u forgive you for the slut shaming and destroying my car yay!!’ is that what you think she'll do?” you argue.
“Well if they're the real friend you claim they are they wouldn't care! They'll be happy ur happy!!” he said back
“And Jj? The bruises he has on his back won't disappear the moment you come out hand in hand with me.” you say
“Why who you care what jj would think huh? I see you guys all up on eachother especially after today. What do you think that makes me feel? Seeing you all touchy touchy right in front of my eyes knowing I can’t do a thing about it!” He
“He wiped fucking sauce of my face Rafe.” You say
“I see the way he looks at you! He’s totally into you he’s like a 12 year old, practically drooling over you! Every time I come around you guys he steps in front of you, guarding you from me always with some time of body part on you. Every time I look back after I leave he’s giving you hugs or some bull shit.”
“Is this really about jj Rafe? He’s my bestfriend, brother even! We grew up together and hes seen and been physical with you of course he’s gonna get protective!” you say ruffling your hair
“Rafe are you jealous of him?”
“What? No, no he’s a pouge, he has nothing against me. I-I can practically buy him if I wanted too.” He said
“Screw them you're happy with me alright?” he said trying to change the subject.
“Rafe we aren't even-” you didn't even know what to say. Together? He sure acts like you can't sit by a guy especially at a party.
“What y/n? Official? Dating? Cause these past 3 months have been nothing but perfect for me!” Rafe said trying to make you feel bad.
“Thats the thing Rafe! I wake up in your bed then end the night talking shit with the pouges! Thats not normal, healthy! It's far from perfect can't you see that?” tears began to well up in both of your eyes. “You can't even call me your girlfriend.”
“We can never have a sweet date that doesn’t involve me ducking under a table or you hiding in the bathroom Rafe. We always have to have a small dinner or another movie marathon at Tammy hill, I just want at least a peaceful day at the park or the board walk.” you cry.
“Belive me y/n i want too, do you know how many girls never make it to tannyhill? Only the back seat or a trashy motel room.” he said
“Oh thanks for that image-” you say as your getting up from the bean bag
“Y/n stops that's not what I'm trying to say.” He huffs trying to collect his tears, grabbing your hands into his.
“The moment I first saw you, you were surfing with jj. It pissed me off that you were with him out of all people. but then my eyes landed back on you and all that anger went away. I wish I could explain it, how I feel. You're the only person I find tolerable in this world. When we first officially met on the golf course, the circumstances obviously could've been better” he said with a small laugh
“But you and me sitting in my truck, driving you home felt so, normal. Like it was meant to be. It felt like I've done it a million times even though I was so nervous. If you get what I'm trying to say y/n is that I like you. I want you in my life, as a friend, girlfriend or even the Bev cart girl. But I really hope you take the girlfriend title”
“Y/n these 3 months have meant everything to me and I hope for many more. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?
“But the pouges-”
“Screw them, this is about you and me princess” he said looking for something in your eyes.
And it was lust.
You smash your lips onto his, hands tangled into each other hair.
Rafe pulls you onto his lap letting his hands roam all over your body, slowly trying to get your shirt off.
As you began shifting on his lap to tease the poor kook, he starts sliding his hands underneath your shit cupping your breast.
“Let’s take this upstairs yeah?” Rafe offers in between kisses.
“Aren’t your parents up there.” You mumble with your lips still on his.
“Guess we just have to be quiet huh princess?” He says cupping your face, soon getting up.
As you guys walk out the screening room he picks you up bridal style causing fit of giggles.
Finally in his room he puts you on his bed towering over you once again starting a make out sesh.
Rafe and you were on the beach, walking along the sunset after you first date.
You guys went to an arcade in on the mainland so none one can spot you guys.
The date was fun, you never knew this side of Rafe or Rafe in general. The Rafe who let you win in air hockey, who helped you make baskets in basketball, the Rafe would spent all of his tickets on a stuff animal for you.
Everything the pouges describing him to be was far from this Rafe.
Did they have the right to say all those nasty things about him? Yes 100% but you never had it happen to you. The worst thing he’s ever done to you before this whole relationship happened was dirty looks, he never once said or did anything bad to you.
In a way you felt terrible, you were betraying your bestfriends. Yes you felt guilty, but boy were you in love. You hate to admit it, being in love let alone being in love with Rafe Cameron.
One kiss and you instantly metled.
The first being shared in the beach, where you and Rafe went after the ferry ride back.
It was a beautiful May sunset, the weather was finally warm enough for shorts on the beach. Obx winters felt way longer than anywhere els.
You were walking hand in hand with the stuffy you got. Rafe was sharing small stories of from his childhood.
“And so when Rose came out the bathroom she had hot pink hair and very orange skin! She looked like one of those troll dolls from the 90s.” He said laughing.
You guys then sat in a rock, in the between the long grass and daisys sprouted around.
“I remember this one time I manage to actually pull of a prank on jj” you laughs to yourself recalling the memories, Rafe tensing at the boys name but you never noticed.
“I blew up a shit ton of ballon’s and cut open a mattress and replace the insides with ballon’s and I also did it too his pillow. So I know jj jumps onto the bed everytime so the night when he went to sleep I was in the living room and we all heard the big pops and a uncanny high pitched scream from jj.” You say completely losing it.
“Oh so you’re one tough cookie huh?” He said playfuly while you trying to collecting yourself.
“Honestly I didn’t think it would work” you say looking at him.
You guys sat on the rock, waves crashing and the sunset creating the perfect warm atmosphere.
Rafe look down to your lips, you looking at his. His eyes looked into yours asking for permission without saying a word, you nodded and he started to move in closer.
You connected your lips with his.
The kiss sent electric waves downs your spine. Nothing els really matter, everything that once clouded your mind just melted away as you melted into him.
The taste of mint and lemonade.
The kiss was semi short, you both didn’t wanna part but the look in yours eyes made it seem worth it. Rafe swore he could’ve seen stars in yours eyes.
That was the first kiss of many.
Who knew mint could be such a sweet flavor.
— end of flashback—
You’re clothes are fully off, Rafes on top sliding two fingers in and out of you
“Taking my fingers so good Baby” he teased.
His favorite thing has to be fingering because he can’t get over how pathetic it is that you are clenching over practically nothing.
“More Rafe” you can barely get out. now with 4 fingers in.
Rafes pumping back and forth, lips on your breast sending chills down your spine.
As you get tighter and tighter Rafe takes note that you’re about to finish so he picks up his face and tugging on your nips to get you there quicker.
You let out whimpers trying to hold in your moans.
“Such a good girl.”
As you finally reach the first orgasam for the night you quickly grab Rafes free hand covering your mouth muffling the moan.
“Fuck Rafe” you say as he flips you guys over with you now on top.
You send trails of kissing down his body, grabbing his hard dick sliding your fingers over the tip.
“I’ll never get over how pretty you look like this” you say as you staring going up and down his dick looking him in the eye.
“You should see my angle babe” he soft chuckles, buckling his hips.
“Needy” you say putting the lip in your mouth.
You’re head going up and down, trying to take his length in one hole. Reaching the tip you swirling your tounge on it looking up up Rafe that has a smirk on it watching you.
Your hands cupping his balls as Rafe throws his head back.
“Mhmmm fuck y/n” Rafe placing a hand on top of your head slowing pushing down.
“I wanna hear you.” He said as your start gagging.
Deep and deeper you get him both turning you on even more.
You press your legs together as his breathing starts getting more intense.
Before Rafe can finish he pulls you off, yanking you on him before putting it in.
“Remember not too lound princess.” He starts lowering you into his cock. The tip so red its pulsing.
You start to slide down his dick, your body feeling like it’s the first time again.
The way he stretches you out making your brain go numb.
“Oh fuck-” you say as your barely on it.
“Come on princess you can take it, you’ve done it before” he said as he guides your hips.
You moan as you completely take him in. Your hips connect to his, you take a minute to let your body adjust.
Soon your start moving up and down
The feeling of your tight pussy making Rafes mind go haywire.
The slow pace wasn’t enough so Rafe starts bucking his hips into you trying to make you go faster and taking note you did.
Rafe watched as your tits bounced, his hand reaching for your nipples as he begins to twist them.
Your moans being made into whimpers
The feeling of Rafe pelvis hitting your clit makes you go faster, the way his tips perfectly hitting your g spot.
But his length makes is tiring.
“Rafe help.” You pled.
Rafe lifs you up by your waist as he begins pounding you himself.
“Love it when I fuck you huh baby?” He says as he pounds you.
You’re knees began to weak as the familiar sensation that overtakes your body.
The way Rafe easily slides in and out, him being inside you feeling so normal. Like his dick was meant for you. Always surprised how it’s able to fit.
As you grab one of his pillows to drown out the moan messing he’s leaving you in, the tighter you get the more fast he is.
“Rafe..” you gulp as your legs shake.
“I know baby, cum with him.” He grunts.
You free a hand and begging rubbing your clit in fast circular motions, throwing the pillow to the side.
You bit on your lips to hold in the moans so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if they were gonna be bruised later.
Soon enough you reach your climax, legs shaking and giving up on as aquejen on Rafe as he shoots his load in you.
Both in sweaty and hot you fall into him.
Nothing if your body’s conlasping on the king size matress bento you.
You roll off of him trying to catch your breath, with him doing the same with grunts in the middle.
You look at him admiring the high he gave you before he also turns to look at you.
You let out a little giggle before he pulls you in laying together.
“Are you still jealous of jj now?.”
“Oh shut it.”
-time skip-
You wake up in the king size bed if Rafe, the sheets smelling like him.
As you turn to reach for the boy you're met with nothing.
You began to grab your phone, as you reach for it there's a note
Ran out for breakfast princess, your clothes are in the dresser.
You turn to look around a spot a brand new dresser you've never seen before. How the hell did you miss that.
Hope you like it, it has a built in jewelry storage :)
Damn you Rafe. Time like these you wished your friends saw.
You get up and throw a shirt on that you found on the floor.
You open up the drawers you see he organizated it himself. On the top is your undergarments, then tops, bottoms and PJs (the clothes you took from him)
You grab a pair of clothes which included a new Victoria secret set and head to take a shower.
As you stand under the waterfall showerhead, you can't help but what your friends are doing right now.
You grab the Redken shampoo Rafe bought and lather your hair. The only way you could afford it is if you bought it at tj maxx.
Soon you're out, you change and as you began brushing your teeth you get a text.
Rafe 🕶️: Hey just ran into Jj
Rafe 🕶️ : I think we should wait a little longer to break the news
You sigh.
You: Rafe what did you do.
Rafe 🕶️: lets just say he needs to think before he makes a comment on my girl.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
I literally hate writing smut 👎
Sorry for the long awaited pt2
Please ignore any typos 💁
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adorethedistance · 1 year
Princess Antics - Trevor Zegras x Actress!Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA
Words: 1352
Summary: Dating a famous hockey player is tough sometimes, but dating a Disney Princess may just give Trevor a run for his money.
A/n: I've posted this fic before and if you want to know the reason why, I've included an author's note at the end to explain.
A fruit smoothie. All week I have been craving a fruit smoothie, but because I’ve been in the recording studio all day everyday, I’ve had to eliminate dairy from my diet completely. I’m recording songs from the upcoming sequel to my first Disney movie “Cassie and The Prince”; a half-animated, half-live action Enchanted style movie, in which I play Cassie, the cautious and delicate wallflower-princess whose best friend is a grey rabbit. ‘The Prince’ aka Prince Oliver, who is voiced by Tom Holland, is the rambunctious, rifting presence in her life that gets her to live a little.
This week, the two of us have been recording vocals for a duet that the characters share at the beginning of the movie, and continuous days of singing equals ‘it’s better to not risk it’ with foods that affect your vocal sound and ability. We eventually wrapped on the song and the arrival of the weekend means I can finally fulfill my smoothie craving. My supportive as ever boyfriend, Trevor, accompanies me in getting my hard earned smoothie, figuring we could make a date out of the outing.
As we enter the small shop on the outside of our favorite mall, Trevor and I breathe a little easier to see we’re the only ones in the place. When you’re a Disney Princess and NHL player together, at least one of you can and will be recognized in public at any time. However, it’s hard to be recognized by people that aren’t around. I give Trevor my order (although I’m sure he already has it memorized), spewing the information at him as quickly but coherently as I can, as I have to use the bathroom urgently. Trevor assures me he’s got it and ushers me away to finally use the restroom. 
Once I finish, I look at myself in the mirror and gasp aloud at the realization that, in my hurried state, I forgot to tell Trevor I wanted a vitamin boost in my drink. With a pouty bottom lip and a melodramatic sadness in my eyes, I exit the smoothie shop’s bathroom, and approach my boyfriend who’s sitting on a bar stool that’s facing outside the store window. I begin to whine because of my own slip up,
“I had to pee so bad I forgot to tell you I wanted the vitamin boost in my drink!” Trevor laughs as he pulls out the adjacent stool, patting it for me to sit on,
“Good thing I got it for you.” 
“You did?!”
“Ah! What would I do without you?”
“Not have a vitamin boost probably.” The quip makes me laugh and Trevor smiles upon hearing the sound. I open my mouth to ask him another question but my voice is caught in my throat when a tiny squeal interrupts the mechanical sounds of the smoothie shop.
Looking to the source of the noise, I spot a young girl who can’t be any older than pre-school age with her mouth open in a gaping-smile. Her tiny brown eyes glitter with pure shock upon seeing me look at her. I can’t help but smile at her excitement and look at Trevor who is trying very hard to conceal a smile of his own.
“Princess Cassie! Mom, look! It’s Princess Cassie!” The girl tugs on her mothers hand to grab her attention before pointing in my direction and I grin at the mother to ease her previously startled demeanor. Her face morphs from confusion to a smile of disbelief.
“Oh my goodness, you’re real!” I laugh lightly at the woman’s joke before turning my attention back to the little girl who can hardly contain herself.
“Hi sweetheart. What’s your name?”
“Lucy.” I bend down to her level to both hear her and to let her know she has my attention.
“Lucy! What a pretty name. That sounds like a princess name, are you a princess, too?”
“Well, sometimes.”
“Sometimes? Me too. How old are you, Lucy?”
“Four- Also, I saw you in the mall yesterday,” responds, clearly not interested in talking about herself at the moment.
“You saw me in the mall?”
“The poster for Cassie and The Prince is in the window of the Disney store,” her mother clarifies, as the ramblings of four year olds can be incoherent at times.
“Ah, gotcha.”
“And, also, you were on the tv there, too, singing ‘Be Free’ with all the animals and Prince Oliver.”
“‘Be Free’ is a fun song. Is that your favorite song from the movie?”
“No. I like ‘Today Of All Days’ when you teach the prince how to talk to Louie the Bunny,” Trevor and I still haven’t gone public with our relationship, so I honored him in naming the Princess’s animal sidekick after his own real-life animal sidekick “What happened to your hair?”
“Oh, Lucy!” Her mother scolds the bluntness of her daughter’s question. My hair is up off my face today, and nowhere near the length of the extensions hair and makeup puts me in, so the contrast is notably different.
“It’s okay. I had to cut some of it off because it was getting too heavy.”
“Order for Trevor!” The one man cashier-barista calls from behind the counter, setting down the two smoothies Trevor had ordered not just five minutes ago. The mother clocks Trevor--the unfamiliar man I’d been talking to earlier--rising to grab the two drinks and leans down to speak to Lucy.
“Honey, we should let Princess Cassie go, I’m sure she has things to do today.”
“Can we take a picture?”
“You have to ask her for a picture, not me.”
“Can we take a picture with you?”
“Of course, honey.” I squat down to be closer in height with the small girl before beckoning her over. “Is it okay if I hug you for the picture?” I ask to which she nods yes and wraps me in a tight hug, pressing her tiny cheek against my face. Her mom snaps the picture on her white iPhone 12, using her index finger to do so. After, she motions for her daughter to come view the picture, and once Lucy’s attention is centered on the picture, she mouths a silent ‘thank you’ to me; I break character to wave off the complimentary closing and, miraculously, gracefully rise from the floor. When I’m back to full height, I take my smoothie from Trevor’s extended hand, smiling at the fact that he took the liberty to unwrap ¾ of the straw like a restaurant would.
“Thank you, kind sir.” Trevor steps in front of me to hold the door open, and with a wave, I give Lucy a final goodbye. As the two of us begin walking back to his car, I don’t miss the indiscernible smile he’s giving me. “What?” I ask. He shrugs nonchalantly,
“Whaaat?” He then shakes his head in partial amusement, partial disbelief. 
“I can’t believe I’m dating an actual disney princess.” 
“I’m just glad she didn’t ask me to sing.” Trevor barks a laugh as he nearly chokes on a sip of his smoothie.
“Has that happened before?”
“Oh, babe,” I puff out of exasperation just thinking about it, “They want the whole album!”
“Did you?”
“Yes! I’m not gonna crush a little girl’s dreams just because my voice is cold. Would you refuse to throw a puck to a kid over the glass if your arm was sore?”
“This isn’t about me, Princess Cassie.” I roll my eyes as I slip into the passenger seat of Trevor’s car. Once buckled, I pull the remaining straw paper off my straw and at the first taste of the fruit smoothie hitting my tongue, I let out a groan at the satisfaction of what had been a week-long craving in the making.
“God, if I’d known a smoothie was all it’d take to get that kind of reaction out of you, I would’ve brought you here ages ago,” Trevor jeers from the driver’s side. I playfully shove his shoulder which doesn’t do much in the way of inconveniencing the six-feet-tall pro hockey player. 
“That’s no way to talk to a princess!”
A/n: If there's anyone who's been following me for a while now, you'll recognize this is the exact same fic as one of my Owen Joyner fics. I originally wrote this piece about Trevor but posted it for Owen because I didn't have a hockey following then and I didn't think anyone would want to read it at the time. Now that I have a relatively stable hockey following I figured posting the original would reach the original intended audience.
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actuallyacerrr · 8 months
can you please do a movie Lloyd X reader basically this takes place after the movie so everyone in Ninjago city knows that Lloyd is the green ninja but back to the plot Lloyd is currently going through the Oni and dragon equivalent of puberty so he is growing 2 new arms, horns, Wings and a tail and the reader always visit and Lloyd is starting to feel insecure so the reader shows Lloyd all the messages on her phone and all of them are from there school saying that Lloyd will always be the city green ninja and so on and Lloyd is happy that everyone will accept him and the reader and Lloyd end up cuddling and then garmadon walks in accidentally and processed to embarrass Lloyd in front of the reader and the reader pushes garmadon out of Lloyd room and the reader locks the door so both the reader and Lloyd can have cuddling in peace and the reader says that she loves him no matter what he will look like
Helloooo! I wanna say thank you to who sent in all those requests although i’ve only decided to do two of them ^^’ I still appreciate it!! I am excited to write this one hehe. I’m a sucker for comfort stuff (thought this turned out more like a hurt comfort tbh) so I hope this does the request right! (cause it kinda deviates from the request a bit) I apologize for how long this took to get out. 😭
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“In my eyes, you are everything”
Pairing ->
Movie!Lloyd G. x F!Reader
Warnings ->
Blood mentions, OOC Lloyd(?)
Summary ->
After the events of the movie, Y/n and Lloyd officially get together and often sneak into each other's houses. But one thing Lloyd just so happens to forgets to mention is the fact he has Oni and Dragon blood. And Y/n only finds out when she stumbles upon Lloyd panicking over going through changes. Aka Y/n comforts Lloyd going through Oni/Dragon puberty.
1.7k Words | Masterlist
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Footsteps trudged against the pavement of Ninjago city. Today had been a long day for Y/n, but work was always exhausting. What made it worth the wait though was getting to see her best friend and boyfriend, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
Her pace quicken the second she saw that familiar apartment complex. She rushed to the alleyway as soon as she reached it and found the usual fire escape. Rusty as it was the fire escape was surprisingly sound. Climbing past the first…second…third, and finally on the fourth floor.
There wasn’t much to see through the curtains but if Y/n was right.. the window slid open with ease and she climbed in. The room was nice, surprisingly messy but overall organized. She scanned the room even with how familiar it was. Yet there was no sign of Lloyd.
“Must be getting a snack or something..” she mumbled plopping onto his bed starfish style. The feeling of soft sheets let her sink into the familiar mattress sighing contently. She always got jealous of this because seriously?! How does he get one this comfortable!
Y/n stared at the ceiling, more specifically as the spinning fan. The clock ticking in the background producing a rhythmical melody. A minute passed and Y/n got a little curious but stayed still, then another passed, and another. Still remaining comfortable until about five minutes. That’s when She began to worry. Had she misread the texts? Were they supposed to meet at her house?
Rolling over and pulling out her phone to opening their conversation from earlier. And right there, clear as day it confirmed they were in fact supposed to meet at Lloyd’s…but where was he? Y/n concerned shot him a text asking if he was okay and where he was. She put her phone down afterwards resuming staring at the ceiling.
A noise came from the bathroom, like something got knocked over and a pained hiss followed behind it. Worry flooded her systems as she hastily rushed to the bathroom door. Y/n knocked calling out “Lloyd? Is that you?” No answer. “Lloyd” and again there was no answer. So she tried the door handle, unlocked. She peeked in before swinging the door open. There stood Lloyd facing the mirror, hands messing with something on his head, and a box of bandages spilt over on the floor. “Lloyd..” Y/n moved closer but he just turned away like he was ashamed of something. “Whats wrong Lloyd? Are you hurt?” Y/n questioned, her voice soft.
Lloyd turned his head slightly and Y/n places a hand on his shoulder, he turned towards her hesitantly. Finally, as the two stood face to face Y/n cupped the teens cheek looking him over. There was dried blood matted into his hair, on his fingers and under his nails, on his forehead too. Two horns were visibly poking through his hair. And without a second thought he was pulled into a hug, tightly but not to tight either. She could feel his tears soaking her clothes but didn’t care.
Lloyd was gripping her hard, she still did not care, only pulling him closer. his knees felt weak as they both slowly sank to the floor. She rubbed circles into his back and ran fingers through his messy hair. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Y/n asked pulling away now holding Lloyd’s face in her hands. He didn’t say anything at first.
“Puberty..” Lloyd mumbled which led to a slightly confused look forming on her face. “Puberty?” She stated and Lloyd nodded. “Oni…Dragon? Puberty” Lloyd added and Y/n nodded “mmm.” She pushed his hair out of his face, wiping away the tears. “How do you feel right now?”
“Weird and and scared, scared of how people will see me now that not only am I, a Garmadon, but also..a monster.” The last part was spoken softly as he adverted his eyes from her. He didn’t want her to see the forming tears.
“Monster? No no no. Lloyd. You are not a monster. You’re changing and that is okay. I remember this story..The First Spinjitzu Master..he was the mix of Oni and Dragon..right?”
Lloyd nodded, not seeing why that story was relevant.
“and he had two sons, one of them being Garmadon, your father.”
Again, Lloyd nodded starting to catch on.
“It’s because of your heritage is it not then?”
For a third time Lloyd nodded.
“Then there is no reason to call yourself a monster. You should be proud to wear these. A symbol of your heritage and a reminder to yourself and the people that even now there is still a great person protecting them. This realm, and everything you stand for.”
Lloyd glanced back at her, sniffling.
“Mhm… I think we should probably get you cleaned up.” Y/n said referring to the dried up blood. She watched Lloyd awkwardly smiled and nodded. Getting up she looked around the bathroom.
“Sink cabinets.”
“Thanks” Y/n replied crouching down, opening the sink, grabbing an excess cloth before going to damp it with water. Getting on the ground she pushed Lloyd’s hair out of the way again and pressed the cloth to his forehead wiping the blood.
Lloyd hummed as if holding in the pain. “I know, it’ll hurt for a bit..once I get the blood off i’ll need to clean it so it doesn’t get infected.” Y/n explained continuing her work. She finished with his forehead moving on to his fingers and under nails. That was much significantly easier to clean. Y/n turned back to the sink’s cabinets for the med kit, and grabbing rubbing alcohol. “Ok, this will hurt. I’m gonna count to three so brace yourself.” She warned getting the gauze ready.
“Ok, 1, 2, 3” she began to clean the wound as Lloyd hissed trying to pull away. “Moving is only gonna make it worse.” Y/n warned..again.
Lloyd mumbles trying to not move as much.
Y/n finished and dressed the wounds. “How’s that?”
Lloyd nodded, “better thank you..” He watched his girlfriend nod and peck his forehead.
“Cmon, let’s go get comfy.” Y/n pulled up Lloyd and they walked back to the bed to get comfortable, maybe watch a show or something. She plopped down by the top while Lloyd sat at the edge near the bottom. Something was still bothering him it seemed. So she flipped over putting her head in her hands.
“You feeling any better?” Y/n asked.
“not really..” was the reply.
Y/n sat up, “come here.” She patted the place beside her. Her boyfriend moved closer and leaned on her. She pulled him closer. Her fingers brushing through his hair once again.
“I love you Lloyd, nothings ever gonna change that.”
Lloyd nodded “I know that..I love you to, so much. I’m just scared how others will see me” he spoke. “That they will no longer see me as their green ninja..that i’m..” He didn’t finish his statement.
Y/n gave him a look “Lloyd.”
Lloyd continued “different enough to be shammed, that I reflect my father more than my uncle or or the First Spinjitzu Master. I don’t want people to be afraid of me-“
“What if they start being afraid of me!-“
Y/n pecked his lips. “Lloyd!” He just stared at her “You are and will always be this cities green ninja, you are this cities hero, They are not afraid of you, they love you Lloyd.” Y/n cupped her boyfriend’s face.
“You are my hero, you are my favorite person in all of Ninjago, because you are you.” Y/n began pecking his face, starting on his forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, lips. “I love every inch of you. In my eyes, you are everything. You’re my world, heart, and sun. I smile every time you text me, every time I see you, your appearance will never change that.”
“How would you know that?”
Y/n looked confused, “what do you mean?”
“How do you know they don’t hate me.”
Y/n shows him her phone, she had Chirp pulled up. On the trending page were #GreenNinja, #Weloveyougreenninja, #LloydGarmadon, etc. She turned her phone away to click on one of the hashtags and turned it back scrolling through all the chirps. hundreds, thousands, of them about how the cites green ninja and hero. How they love him, congrats on saving the city and many more. That wasn’t all, she pulled the phone away and opened Instabook. Scrolling through hashtags related to him, even showing post from many of the students and school.
“They don’t Lloyd, they love you, as do I. Don’t forget that okay?”
Lloyd stared at her before tackling her in a hug. Causing his girlfriend to giggle, Y/n paused not even realizing till now “you have four arms?”
“…you don’t mind them?” Lloyd asked.
“What? No! they’re awesome! I mean like with four arms just think of all the things you could do, climbing faster, fighting faster! Plussss you can give me more cuddlessss.” Y/n said booping Lloyd’s nose. She pecked him and began to run her fingers through his hair.
They fell into a comfortable silence, just her and Lloyd together. Everything was alright in the world as if it remained only them two. Lloyd falling asleep on her as she falls asleep holding him.
Y/n looked down with a small smile, Lloyd looked half asleep by now. Especially in all this peace and quiet-
The door slammed open.
“Guess I spoke to soon..” mumbled Y/n
Lloyd shot up looking in the direction of the door and groaned plopping back onto Y/n. “Go away dad”
“Oh, did I interrupt something?” Garmadon spoke with a teasing tone and a raised eyebrow.
Lloyd’s face turned red which Y/n got a glimpse of. Burry his face into her more. Y/n just giggled at his response.
“You know you should really lock the door, son” Lloyd groaned “daddd.” All Y/n could do was giggle at this interaction.
Another head peaked through the open doorway. “Honey we should leave the kids alone. Let them have their fun.” Koko, Lloyd’s mom, winked.
“Moooomm not you too!”
Koko laughed. “Okay okay, we’ll leave you alone. Cmon you.” His mom dragged away Garmadon.
“Thanks Mrs. G!” Y/n Yelled out as Lloyd used his elemental power to shut and lock the door.
The two got comfortable again, cuddling up and laughing. Eventually falling asleep together, embracing themselves in each other’s warmth and arms.
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igotanidea · 2 years
We're all broken here: five hargreeves and reader.
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Summary: Five is known to say exactly what is on his mind, even if it may hurt someone else. What if he takes it too hard and aim at the one person he really cares about. Will she understand?
A/N: This is just some story focused mostly on family relationships and supporting each other. no romance, just brother-sister stuff. Located somewhere in season 1. no "y/n"s
„Shit! Why you gotta be so stupid?!”
This last words echoed through the rooms and hallways of Hargreeves mansion leaving all of the siblings frozen. Despite the fact that Five was the one to use them he already regretted it.
“Eight, I …” he stuttered
“No. You  know what, it’s fine. I’m stupid and you’re mean. Let’s settle here and move on. No sorries, no I didn’t mean it, because for a matter of fact you did mean it.” It took all of her courage and inside strength not to fall apart at this adjective. She was used to being called weak, pathetic, distant, unattractive and plump and that did nothing to her. Aiming at her intelligence however, the only thing she was building her confidence on was just too much. But of course she would never let her idiotic 80somethign year old brother in a kid’s body know that.
“Save it. We are good. I’m gonna go, but by all means you stay here.”
“Oh, no, honey, wait, wait for me! I’m not leaving you alone with your misery!” Klaus stood up immediately and stumbling a bit followed his sister with a bottle of alcohol in one hand.
“Low blow Five. Really in-style” Alison , aka number three mocked.
“Oh, just shut up and give me a break” Five hissed with clenched fist in his best attempt to teleport back to his room and move on with work and equations that did not make any sense.
“You’re not gonna do this” Diego, number two pointed a knife in his direction. Eight was his favorite sister, always there to calm him down after a fight or to help him with his stuttering or whatever else he had going on and inside he always felt the need to protect her.  She might have been gifted with seeing people’s auras, manipulating their emotions and occasionally getting into their thoughts but she couldn’t use that on herself. And at this moment, surely she had a lot.  “You’re gonna go to her and apologize.”
“I do not have to listen to you, Diego” Five squinted and took a sip of coffee, which was his inherent accessory. “And as a matter of fact, I will not. I’m out.”
“He’s a prick” Luther, number one mumbled with his mouth full when Five excused himself in a flash of blue light. “But that is nothing new.”
“He never was for her” number seven, Vanya shook his head “this whole apocalypse business must have really got into his head if he’s acting like that.”
“Nope” Luther pointed “you seem him differently cause you two always had a connection. But Five is an ass.”
“Hear, hear” Alison nodded
“Hate to say it, but Luther’s right.” Diego stood up.
“Do you think I should check on Klaus and Eight? Don’t know which one will have worse influence on the other.” Vanya was truly the only one who wasn’t afraid to show she cared.
“Leave them be. She can handle herself. In fact, I see Klaus getting advice from her not the other way round. He’s been acting strange lately.”
“Can’t remember the time when he was not.”
Meanwhile in eight’s room she was sitting on her bed with legs up to her chest, staring blankly into a space. Well, in fact she was staring at the wall bordering her room from five’s but it was not intentional.
“My lovely sister!” Klaus stumbled into her room and fell on the bed making the girl jump a little. “Do not torture yourself with Five’s words. This is unhealthy.”
“Look who is talking about unhealthy” she smirked pointing towards the bottle “care to share?”
“Um…. Sure, yeah, why not? Here you are.” He took a long sip before passing the alcohol to her “enjoy.”
“Yes, dear?”
“It’s empty, you ball of fuzz. You drank the last drops”
“Ups. Sorry.” he grinned “I’m sure you can do without, right?” he hid his face in the bed sheet and groaned
“You left me no choice. Anyway, anything I can do for you, brother?”
“Me?” he raised himself on the elbows and looked straight at her, his hair being a mess, confusion all over his face “Oh, no, I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“I can see your aura, remember? I can feel your emotions.”
“And what do you see, sister my?”
“Brown.” She raised an eyebrow
“You have to be more specific on that.”
“Well, you are either high, but that’s usual or you’ve been dealing with your ghost powers. I bet the latter.”
“I’m working hard you know, I’m trying” he cried “I even let Diego tie me to a chair so I would keep on track”
“So that’s what it was all about. Cute.”
“Don’t mock me” Klaus fell on his back dramatically “It’s exhausting.”
“Sure is. Ben giving you a hard time lately?”
“Not more than usual.” Number six, Ben, died at 17, but was still showing himself to Klaus and on some occasions Eight was capable of feeling his presence and emotions.
“It’s so good that at least you believe me I see him” Klaus grabbed her hand “He’s terrible. Won’t let me do a single thing.”
“Oh, shut up, Ben”
“He’s here now? Where?”
Come on, eight, focus. I’m …. right…. here….
“Sitting on the window sill. You feel him?”
“Somewhat. I see yellow from that side. He’s mad. Not sure if It’s about you being a liar or ….”
The other one, obviously. Tell her, Klaus!
“Yeah, it’s about Five. Now, come here, sis. Let me hug you and make the pain go away. You do know you are not stupid, right?”
“Of course I do. But thank you Klaus.” She was more than happy to let her brother embrace her.
There was no denying that this damn upcoming apocalypse had an effect on every one of the siblings. Each of them reacted in their own way, leaving Luther and Alison spending the rest of the time together, Diego doing his vigilante shit, Klaus crying his heart out on Eight’s shoulder and Five going crazy. More than usual. Doing stuff he was not supposed too.
“Eight.” It was his best chance to make things right with her, so he appeared inside her room startling Klaus.
“Ah! Five. Don’t do this.”
“Go away. I need a word with her.”
“I don’t know if she….”
“If you don’t leave in like 5 seconds I’m gonna ….”
“Ok, fine, fine. I’m leaving. Jeez, threatening, Five? Seriously? I’m fragile!”
“Get out, Klaus!”
“Come on, Ben. We’re out.”
Nope. I’m staying. This will be interesting.
“Don’t you disobey me, now!” four yelled at the air making both Five and Eight look at him in confusion. Five more than his sister since she saw a bit of red in the air. Ben was angry for being told what to do. She shook her head not sure what to do with three brothers, one dead inside her room.
“You know what, since you all act like lunatics, I’m gonna go. Whoever has a business with me, feel free to join. I’ll get coffee and wait in the garden. 
And with that she left Klaus bantering with Ben and dumfounded Five behind.
“Come out now, blue, I can see you” couple minutes later she was sitting on the garden bridge, legs hanging from the edge, sipping coffee, watching the street.
“Stop calling me that” Five took a step towards her, hands in pockets, his whole posture a little slouched.
“I can’t help you just radiate this color.”
“And what does that mean to you. Sadness? I am not sad.”
“Of course not. Blue is not sadness, it’s more … thinking, considering. I can almost feel the wheels in your brain turning. So, the question is, what is on your mind to leave you like this?”
“Stop playing around. You know damn well what this is about.”
“Guilt?” she tilted her head
“Don’t push me Eight! You can say it to yourself.”
“Maybe” she refused to look at him “but I want you to express it.”
“I never should have called you that.”
“If that’s what troubles you ….”
“No. Don’t interrupt me!”
“How could I. After all you are older than me.” She fixed her gaze on the tree on the opposite side of the road.
“Look, Eight” he sighed in exasperation and rubbed his forehead “I saw you all die. I have lived through the apocalypse, and came back here looking like a kid. Surely you understand it is not… normal.”
“I do. And?”
“And…. This may have some effect on how I behave.”
“I call bullshit, Five.”
“Fine!” he yelled “you are infuriating, you get the craziest ideas, you make me mad and small, you constantly undermine what I do and …..”
“And what?” she finally looked at him. The second she laid her eyes on his face he could not hide anymore. She saw right through him like an open book. Not only because of her abilities, but because she was always the one closest to him. Challenging, yes. Demanding, yes. But at the same time so ambitious that it made him want to do more, to do better. To outsmart her, to impress her and to prove that he was in fact worth her friendship. He sighed, feeling utterly defeated.
“I hate you, Eight.” The boy shook his head in frustration  “But at the same time you are my sister and after some snarky comments and spiteful words I would jump into the fire for you.”
“I know. That is why I did not take what to you said to me personally.”
“It didn’t look like that to me.”
“Well then you are no smarter than me, dumbass. We are family, we are all broken, messy, chaotic and a bunch of individuals. We fight, scream at each other, get mad and even do not talk for … how many years?” she smiled at him “but at the end of the day we resist the urge to kill each other and that is the progress.”
“You want to kill me, Eight?”
“Sometimes, yes. Do you remember that?” she moved slightly so he could see a carving on the bridge.
“Fight” he smirked “Like Five and Eight combined.”
“How old were we when we made that up? Six?”
“Possibly. It’s good to see some things stays the same.”
“You know Five, we may have grown up, but seems like our relationship will always come down to this one words. Fight. Each other or other people, never mind. To me it just mean we are here for one another.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
“Good” she raised her cup “but stay away from my coffee. If there’s anything about you I know is that you are an ass, mischievous, spiteful, vengeful …”
“Careful there sister….”
“I’m not done yet… you act on impulse and do not mince your own words, but you are not cruel.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen my fair share of people who wanted to hurt another. Their faces when they told words that were meant to tear each other apart and to cause damage. There were so much viciousness inside. That single purpose on their mind to break and destroy. Whatever you may think about yourself you are not like that, Five. You are not evil. Just a menace.”
“So touching” he mocked  “I think I’m about to cry.”
“Don’t mind my presence than” she took another sip and having finished the coffee put the cup down ”“Now. You got silver sparkling in your cloud. Who are we fighting with today?”
“Have I ever told you about the Commission?” he squinted at her.
“Nope. But it seems like a long story. I’m listening.”
Yes. After all, they were family. And at the end of the day they were up to get rid of anyone who would threat a member of it.
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whowantslovergirl · 2 months
Two nerds in a pod
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Ross Geller x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: just pure fluff, y/n is a doctor yall aka paleontologist, but that’s it 🥳 friends masterlist
Summary: The one where Ross met someone just like him and fell in love
posted: May 10, 2024
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“And that’s why the Salin theory is pure bullshit!” Ross was going on and on about some paleontology theory. You overheard and walked over to the couch in the coffee shop. “Hi sorry I couldn’t help but over hear but are you a paleontologist by any chance?”
“Yes, yes I am.” You immediately got happy and squealed and his two friends jumped. “I am too!”
“Oh my god?! You are?!” You nodded. “Yes I love dinosaurs.”
“Oh my god there’s two of them.” His friend said you didn’t say anything cause you can tell he was joking. “Sorry for him that’s Chandler.”
“I’m Y/n. But ima go but here’s my number you should call me sometime and we can talk about how the Salin theory is indeed not bullshit.” You left your money at the coffee table and left. Ross had a dreamy look on his face.
“Wow! I never met another paleontologist?!” Ross said while looking at the card. They all just looked at him. “She’s just like you Ross.”
“I know!”
Ross never called. But that didn’t matter because you called him.
“Um hello.” He tried to sound cool. You laughed. “Hey mystery man. You know I never got your name.”
“Oh it’s Ross, Dr.Geller.”
“Oh we’re being formal? Well I’m Dr. L/n”
You guys got to talking and you kept trying to hint that you wanted to go on a date but he just wouldn’t get it.
“So what’s your dream date Ross?”
“Um probably something with astrology.”
“Oh my god! Ross I’m asking you on a date wanna go?” You took his silence as a yes. “Ok pick me up at 7:30.”
Oh he’s in for it.
You guys went on exactly ten dates. You were finally going to meet his friends and sister. You were nervous but excited. He just walked in and everything looked at you. That made you even more nervous.
“Everyone this is Y/n. Y/n this is Joey, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel, and Monica.”
“Hi Y//n.” They all said. You just waved then the questions started. “So what do you do?” The blonde one with the unique style said.
“Oh I am a paleontologist.” They all groaned and you instantly felt insecure.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t be rude.” Ross said and they all fixed their attitude. He turned to you. “They’re just scared they’re going to hear about dinosaurs.”
“Oh I try not to bore people with my job.” They all smiled and went to hug you.
“We love Y/n!”
You guys were all at the coffee shop just talking. Then you found out something that you didn’t know about Ross.
“You were married three times?!” He looked at Joey who brought it up.
“Thank you Joe.”
“You only told me about the lesbian.” You turned to Ross in amusement. “What’s the story with the other two?” At the mention of the other two divorces everyone just walked away but stayed close. He grabbed your hands. “Well the second time I kinda said the wrong name.”
“Whose name did you say?”
“Yea Ross whose name did you say?” Phoebe added.
“Um well it was Rachel’s and before you say anything that was when I was in love with her.” You just nodded.
“And the third time?”
“Married Rachel is Vegas.”
“Wait after you said her name at the last wedding?!” Is he still in love her? Are you just a rebound? All the thoughts running through your mind. I mean you can be that girlfriend that completely takes him away for his friends.
“Well are you still in love with Rachel?”
“No no no. I don’t think about her anymore. Like ew Rachel.” He chuckled nervously.
“I’m right here Ross.” Rachel said.
“Rachel not the time!” Ross exclaimed. You are a little suspicious. I mean who wouldn’t be?!
“I promise Y/n. I am not in love with Rachel.” You just nodded.
Let’s hope this wasn’t a mistake.
“Come in!” I walked into Ross’s apartment. “Hey babe.” You gave him a peck on the lips. You came over so he can show you his fossil collection. You already showed yours and he swears he has a batter collection.
“These are 58 fossils ok?”
“Yeah Ross I can count.” He just shushed me dramatically and you giggled. You really like how funny he is especially when he doesn’t try. He began to show all them off and explain as if you guys aren’t in the same career path. But you let him geek out anyway. You got a little turned on by how excited he was and one thing led to another.
He should talk about fossils more often.
You and Ross were at the coffee house with all his friends and you guys were talking about the Salin Theory. He said it doesn’t make sense and you say that it was a groundbreaking discovery. Obviously his friends were not fond of this conversation.
Chandler groaned. “I cant take it anymore!” You both just look at him. “Leave them alone Chandler I think it’s cute.” Phoebe said.
“Thanks Phoebe.” You and Ross said.
“Yea they’re like two nerds in a pod.” At this you both made a face and left. Now that you think about they’re really not all that different.
And you love that.
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An: hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍🤍🤍
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕁𝕠𝕓
summary: eddie looks for a job
pairing: eddie munson x reader
a/n: “domestic eddie the series” aka my baby.
new life fresh start masterlist
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
You and Eddie had been living in your apartment for about a month. You took Eddie around the neighborhood, went to the beach, did a small amount of clothes shopping, and even explored your college campus. Eddie still was frustrated that he couldn’t wear his style of clothes in California. What you could afford was very little.
You felt bad for him too. You wanted to comfort him but your parents had a tight leash with your finances, only giving you a small allowance to spend per month. They had no idea you were living with a second person. Or that the second person was the very much alive Eddie Munson. They just assumed the tragedies that struck Hawkins pushed you to leave. You would because of that they would send a little extra so you were comfortable somewhere new.
You sit at your dining room table looking through job offerings in the newspaper. Eddie walks into the room and scoffs, “Woah, what are you up to?” He looks over your shoulder at the paper. Several highlighter marks and red ‘x’s cross out the page.
You sigh in frustration and rub your eyes, “I’m looking for a job.”
“A job? What do you need a job for? Your parents have us covered.” He snatches the paper from you and looks over it on the couch. You follow after him and lay down resting your head on his lap.
“They are covering for me. You don’t have anything to call your own here, Eddie,” you smile, “So I’ll make some money for you to spend and get some stuff you want.”
“I have you to call my own.” He pouts a little and leans down to kiss you. “You don’t have to do that for me, babe.” He stands up from the couch and puts the paper down.
You look over at him, “You sit here all day, bored out of your mind. You hate the clothes you have, that’s why you rarely wear the shirts I got you. You literally drum on every surface in the house, and whenever a car stereo outside is loud enough you stick your head out of the window to listen.” You get up behind him and hold him, “Lemme do this for you baby.”
He shakes his head, “Nope, no way. You need to keep your summer free until school starts. I’ll look for a job.”
“Eddie.” You turn him around and furrow your brows, “You’re joking right now, right?”
“I’m not. I’ll find something low profile or under the table nothing too sketchy and work there. There is bound to be a convenience store or something that will take a worker.”
You feel your stomach turn with unease, “I don’t know. It sounds too risky. It’s only been a month here and I don't want to go running away again.”
“We won’t.” He grabs your waist, “I promise to be a good boy and stay out of trouble.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
“Hello, I’m Eddie and I was wondering if you were hiring by any chance?” Eddie walks into the store and rests his arm on the counter. He had been doing this all morning. Going from place to place around the apartment looking for a job. However, he was unsuccessful thus far. He exits the store feeling defeated.
You were out running errands while he was goofing off. Maybe he should take a break. He walks further down the street and comes across the record store. You didn’t have anything to play a record but it would be nice to check it out. He could even bring you here later. 
He enters the store and hears the chime of a bell, “Welcome to Al’s Records.” A guy stands behind the counter. He gives Eddie a nod, “Let me know if you need anything.” Eddie nods back and goes further into the store looking around. There were rows and rows of milk crates full of records. All organized by their genre.
He sighs as he looks through the familiar album covers. He misses his collection. His heartaches as he thinks about all the stuff he lost. “Nice choice.” A man speaks behind him. Eddie jumps slightly before turning to face a man who was of the same likeness as the boy behind the counter.
“I’m Al.” He holds out his hand for Eddie to shake.
“Eddie,” and he takes Al’s hand.
“Over there is Joey.” He points, “Not many know about this place unless they live nearby. You live around here?”
Eddie nods, “Yes sir, just a couple blocks from here, but I’m no local. I just moved here with my girlfriend from the midwest.”
Al’s eyes widened, “Oh impressive. That’s a big step and you’re quite young. Not much older than Joey.”
“Yeah, she’s coming to school out here.” Eddie smiles, “And I’m just tagging along.” He can’t help but feel like he is weighing you down right now. Runaway murder suspect, high school dropout, and unable to do get a job.
Al lets out a hearty laugh, “Then you must be one hell of a guy to keep around.” He pats him on the back, “So you’re into rock n’roll. LA is the right place for it.”
“Yeah, I used to be in a band before I moved.”
“Hey, hey, music aficionado here. You must really know your stuff. Joey plays at a club nearby, you should check it out. Ain’t that right, Joey.”
“Yes sir.” Joey nods. Al smirks and looks back at Eddie, “Say, I need some more young folks in here during work hours and you seem to know your stuff. Need a job?”
Eddie nods rapidly, “Yes sir I do. If you’re offering right now, you’re truly saving my ass right now.”
“I know a kid down on his luck when I see one.” Al chuckles. He then gives Eddie details of the job. Weekly pay in cash, Eddie got to pick his shifts, talk to Joey about his band, and Al showed him around the stock.
“Eddie, you seem like a good kid but I can sense something about you and it worries you.” Eddie’s heart starts to race, “I just want to say you ain’t gotta worry about that here, okay? Don’t let it get the best of you, understand?”
Eddie swallows hard, “Yes sir. Thank you, Mr. Alan.”
Alan waves him off, “None of that. Just call me Al. And hey, take a record on your way out. Payment for your first day.” Eddie smiles from ear to ear and goes over to the crates he was looking at earlier. He shuffles through a few before stopping and thinking about you.
You deserved something for all you did. He heads over to another crate and brings out “Purple Rain” by Prince. It was one of the first albums you had listened to together. He smiles then bids farewell to Al and Joey before heading home.
When he arrives home, he sees you on the couch. You smile when you see him enter. “Hi, baby! I’ve got a surprise for you.” 
Eddie smiles, “Oh yeah? I’ve got one for you too.”
“Okay, let me go first, I’m too excited to wait.” You run to the bedroom and continue to talk, “Okay, I know you’re nervous about the job search but I just wanted to let you know I am proud of you.” You return and reveal a small square glass case and inside was a disc. “It’s a compact disc. Pretty cool, huh? I also got a CD stereo too.”
Eddie looks at it in surprise, “Cool!” It was the ‘Ride the Lightning’ album. The first album, Eddie had you listen to when you met.
“Feel better.” You ask. He grabs your waist and kisses your forehead.
“Now it's my turn because the best is last.” He smirks and reveals the Prince record, “I got this for you.”
“Aw baby you didn’t—” 
He presses a finger to your lips, “I’m not finished. I got this for you because I got a job at the local record store.”
You gasp and look at him in shock. “Oh my god! Eddie, that's incredible. I’m so proud of you.” You kiss him repeatedly then stop abruptly.
“Oh, now I feel bad that I got the CD stereo.”
Eddie chuckles, “We can get a record player too. Start a collection for both. Now let’s hook this baby up.” You set it up in the corner and put it in the disc. You and Eddie then spend the rest of the night listening to the album on repeat.
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test-of-my-patience · 8 months
that's right people. i am obsessed with fic.
this one filled my rockstar eddie (&steve) heart 🥰
today i am highlighting @anniebibananie & @galmance beautiful series i write too many songs about you (specifically a bottle of rouge [just me and you] and come right inside [welcome to my new life]) AO3 link.
STEDDIE AND RONANCE ROCKSTARS!!! a collective 196,326 words masterpiece!!!
side a (a bottle of rouge) has powerful yearning and angst, with beautiful and delicate sprinkles of fluff. but with big reminders of self image, insecurity, and self destruction.
side b (come right inside) is a breath of fresh air. it’s clarity and growth. it’s worry but more confidently, because of powerful communication. it’s fluff, doubt, security, love, happiness, and hope.
little things i loved about this fic:
steddie's first nsfw experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the harry styles references as titles (that match perfectly)
robin's yogurt 😭
nancy as always. being so. observant.
the descriptions of steve at bars post-show!!
secluded cabins that also have a recording studio trope
eddie's mf well deserved grape juice
keep reading for the author's summaries of the two fics 🥰
"Harringley's 1988 tour and beyond. Bassist & Lead Singer Steve Harrington and Lead Guitarist Eddie Munson fall in lust and love... amongst other things.
Eddie was sure 1988 was going to be his fucking year. Harringley had finally made it big enough for their first national tour, and, sure, they might all get sick of each other on the bus and kill their livers over the course of several months, but this was his fucking dream. None of that other shit could wreck it.
But Eddie Munson’s life has always been a dumpster fire of massive proportions, so really he should have expected it: Steve Harrington ruining his fucking life.
[Over the course of Harringley’s first national tour, band rules are made, broken, and might just cause feelings that leave them on the precipice of destroying everything they’ve built.]
Five years have passed since the halted conclusion of Harringley’s last tour as a band when Steve gets a call that changes everything. After five years of pursuing their own projects, the band is tentatively back together. Sort of. Steve is an adult now—he knows a good opportunity when he sees one and can totally handle being in the same room with the man he loved and lost five years ago. He’s got this.
It’s just… Steve hadn’t expected all the changes in Eddie, or the things he’s missed and is now reminded of, and it’s bringing up a lot of shit he would rather not deal with. Like, how he apparently never stopped loving Eddie Munson at all.
He’s survived Eddie Munson before, why can't he do it again?
everyone please go do themselves a favor and read this work! it's so impactful, fun, and loving!!
never forget to leave kudos & meaningful comments!! share these stories around -- do all the good things! happy reading 🤍🤍🤍
PSA: there is also a wonderful 2,555 words worth of a ronance one shot also linked at the top with the rest of the series!
series content/trigger warning: recreational drug use and substance abuse
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wickeddruig · 2 years
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pairings: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: you secretly tutor steve because him and your best friend hate each other but you start to fall in love. aka inspired by naley from one tree hill
warnings: unedited, angst, jealousy (only a little) dirty talk like really filthy, doggy style, unprotected sex, breeding kink
you stood outside of steve harrington’s house, completely shocked at how big it was or the fact that you were even there to begin with. your best friend, jonathan and steve weren’t the best of friends especially after jonathan stole his girlfriend. you knew this could be a trap you weren’t stupid but last week steve stood in front of you with those puppy dog eyes and then you saw his grades and no one could fake those terrible as grades.
you just felt really bad for him so you decided that if you two did this in secret then it would be okay. jonathan wouldn’t have to know plus he was just running around hawkins taking pictures with nancy anyways. steve’s mom opened the door and you were greeted with beauty, of course she was fucking beautiful. steve was a masterpiece so the woman that made him obviously had to be stunning. she was so nice and pulled you in for a hug. you were very thrown off because you weren’t the friendly type especially not this kind of friendly type.
“thank you so much for helping out my boy, he really needs it” she said, you saw steve behind her.
“mom, please” steve said as his mom released you from a hug, he grabbed you by your arm, pulling you up a flight of stairs “c’mon”
“have fun” she said. steve led you down a long hallway and then you entered his room.
“no tour?” you asked, you took in his room, it was very boyish
“later” he said and closed the door. that kind of threw you off, you just looked at him as he went to sit on the bed “make yourself comfortable”
you sat down on the corner of the bed. it was slightly awkward in your opinion but you took your backpack off your shoulder and threw it on the ground. bringing your books out and laying it on the bed.
steve scooted closer to you, you shrugged it off and started to tutor him. you knew he was listening but with you looked up the way he was looking at you gave him butterflies. you two were looking into each other eyes for a moment and you looked down back at the book.
“anyways” you started and you smiled a bit, you felt his hand brush your hair, he was pushing your curls behind your ear.
“i hope that’s okay” he said, referring to him touching your hair, you bit your lip and nodded “you’re really beautiful y/n”
you smiled, no one had ever really called you beautiful before. it was stupid but it made you feel good. his hand traveled from your curl to your neck. you were looking back up at him again. he hand brushed again your neck and down to your boobs. his hand circled your nipples and you instantly got wet. you too the chance and leaned forward to kiss him.
he pressed his lips against yours and then pushed you back gently so you were laying on your back and he was on top of you. his hand slid under your shirt and he was grabbing your boob, pinching your nipple. your hands were on the sides of his face as he bit your lip asking to slide his tongue against your lips. you almost accepted but then your senses hit you. you pushed steve off of you and you gasped.
“what the fuck?“ steve looked up at you confused
“we can’t do this steve” you said “jonathan is my best friend”
“fuck jonathan is such a cockblock, he stole nancy from me and now i can’t have you either because of him” steve sighed
“i’m no one’s to have” you said “you don’t own me”
“you would be mine if you would let me” steve stated “i’ve had a crush on you forever, i’ve wanted you since we were kids. when we were in high school all i could do is stare at you. jonathon already stole my ex girlfriend but now i can’t have you either because of him”
“you liked me in high school” you asked
“i used to stare at you when you weren’t looking, i would always admire your beauty and your bouncy curly hair” steve said as he laid next you
“i thought you just wanted to have sex” you said, you wouldn’t mind a quick hookup with steve but if you’re going to be risking your friendship you need something more than just fucking. you’ve had a crush on steve since high school as well.
“of course i’d like to feel that tight wet cunt around my cock but” he said, his hand was placed on your tight and was rubbing small circles “i’ve been mesmerized by your beauty since i first met you and you are the kindest girl i know, you care for everyone around you and would anything for them, you’re funny like actually really fucking funny and obviously for someone like jonathan to be friends with you, you just have to be amazing”
that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to you. you could feel tears wanting to come out but inside you just smashed your lips against steve. he was back on top of you but this time he slid his hand under your skirt. you moaned against his lips. you were reaching down trying to unbuckle his pants when he took your hands and pinned it above your head.
you were so thrown off because you never expected steve to do that. he bit your lip again asking for entrance and this time you accepted. your tongues fought for dominance. you were so wet from this make out session you started grinding yourself against his budge. you wanted him inside you so bad. steve pulled away and looked down at you. you were breathing heavily.
“such a fucking whore you want my cock so bad youd fuck me through my jeans” he said letting go of your hands and grabbed my chin with his hands making you look up at him “so fucking desperate, alright i’ll fuck you little angel since you clearly can’t wait any longer for my dick”
he sat up and pulled his shirt over his head. he got off the bed and unbuckled his pants, you watched him, it was making you wetter than ever. you reached down to pull your panties down just as he pushed his boxers and pants to his angles. you were about to pull your skirt down and take off your clothes when he slapped your hand.
“you can keep your clothes on so i can fuck you like whore you are” he said as he flipped you on your stomach and pulled you to the edge of the bed “now arch your back so i can see that wet pussy”
you did as you were told pushing your ass into the air, you felt steve enter you and you gasped, gripping on to his bed sheets. he started thrusting of you and he reached one hand over to grab your clit and the other to grab your hair, pushing your head into the bed.
you were already seeing stars. you’ve never been fucked half this good before. you were trying not to be too loud but steve obviously didn’t care. the bed was slamming against the wall and the sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room. steve pulled you up by your hair so that your head was against your ear. you were listening to him grunt and moan.
“such a dirty little whore” he said into your air “your pussy is so tight i want you dripping in my cum”
“please steve” you begged, he was picking up the speed as he thrusted inside of you.
“yes baby, beg for my cum, i bet you want my children dripping out of you so bad huh” he asked and you couldn’t speak you just nodded your head
he gripped your hair tighter and yanked it back a bit “i asked a question”
“yes steve” you moaned out “i want your children in me so bad please”
“good girl” he whispered into your ear, licking it. if you would’ve known steve harrington fucked this good you would’ve let him a long time ago.
“i’m going to come” you cried out
“cum for me baby” he whispered again, picking up the speed. you let out one loud moan and came all over him. he came at the same time as you. “mm look at my cum spilling out of you baby”
you laid on his bed, almost about to pass out, he pulled up your panties for you and smacked your ass. he sat down next to you, he was fully dressed.
“now let’s finish, i want you to tutor me while my cum is dripping out of that tight, wet pussy” he said smirking.
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spyroforlife · 9 months
I finally retrieved the ancient texts from my storage unit
aka the "books" I made from the ages of like 9-12(??) by writing and drawing on printer paper (or just notebook paper!!) and then stapling them together, I'd do a lil cover and everything, I'd write a summary on the back like Real Books Have, and I was so proud of them
and I have kept them all. and now. I decided to look at them once more. the relics from as early as 2005..
so. You guys wanna see an unfinished dragon comic written by a 10-year-old?? haha yeah you do c'mere
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Super Dragons #1. Rhynoc Trouble With Powder
Written and illustrated by (full name redacted for privacy reasons)
This is labeled #1 but I never did more lmaoo let's dive into this mess
(rest will be under the cut, along with transcriptions of the writing because it didn't scan very well but also I just had terrible handwriting and the crayons smudged like hell. I WILL preserve any spelling or grammar mistakes in my transcription so you can really get an idea of my skill level back then)
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So first off can I just say. I am. OBSESSED with how I would consistently draw dragon wings backwards, ignoring my older brother who constantly pointed it out to me and I was like "no they're not", until I eventually paid more attention and tried following some tutorials on how to draw Spyro-style dragons and I was just like ohh. Okay. Yeah. I'll fix that.
Also I like that while Deserae is a "sun dragon" she has no features that would make you think that, she's just a magenta and pink dragon. Though in retrospect I'd suppose that'd make for a fun subversion of expectations. My thinking was clearly next level. So, the text:
Once upon a time, there was a brave dragon. Her name was Deserae. She controls the Sun. When awake, the Sun is bright. When asleep, the Moon comes out. But one day, Deserae overheard a group of Rhinocs talking about keeping her asleep, so that the Sun will never come out. Deserae was devastated! She saw Permanate Sleeping Powder. That's what they were going to use!
Deserae: (thinking) That one Rhinoc has a fat head
Unnamed Rhynoc: We'll put her to sleep with Powder!
Now here's a fun thing of note, young me insisted on trying to fit characters fully into the panel instead of just letting parts go past the borders, so. Keep an eye on parts like tails going forward because it's ridiculous what I did with them sometimes. I also would have characters like, think about random stuff I personally thought was funny while drawing, or they'd explain things unnecessarily. idk why, it's just what I did
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Spyro jumpscare! Deserae makes a badly done flier trying to find a bodyguard (if she has such an important role why does she not already have one? who knows) and surprise, Spyro answers the call. Because he's a heroic guy and that's what he does <3 And bigger surprise, he and Deserae immediately fall in love. He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious?
Deserae started to make posters to get protection. She isn't a good drawer, but it worked!
The poster reads "WANTED BODY GUARD. FOR INFO CALL 111-2531"
In just 1 hour Spyro called. He did it for free! (An arrow points at Spyro, labeling him as Spyro) Deserae accepted him. Spyro got to Deserae as fast as possible. Spyro and Deserae fell in love with each other as soon as they met.
Spyro: (thinking) She's the girl for me.
Deserae: You're handsome.
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Spyro said, "So... What is it you need to be protected from?" Deserae told him all about the Rhynocs and the Permanate Sleeping Powder. They went off to find the Rhynocs.
Spyro: (thinking) Great! Tracks!
Spyro and Deserae headed to the lake. There wasn't anything there. The volcano did not have anything either. Finally they came to a forest.
Spyro: They might be in the forest!
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They found a bag of the Sleeping Powder. Spyro destroyed it, but little did they know, it was a fake!
Unnamed Rhynoc 1: Where did I put that Sleeping Powder?
Unnamed Rhynoc 2: How should I know!? (while thinking 'It's in the safe.')
Back to the dragons...
Spyro: At least we got rid of the Sleeping Powder.
So he thought. The real Powder was in the metal safe.
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Spyro had to use the bathroom, so he ran off and left Deserae.
Deserae: Hurry up!
Unfortunately, the Rhynocs heard that Spyro had stopped protecting her. They headed her way.
Unnamed Rhynoc: Sun dragon! You're mine!
The Rhynocs found Deserae and shot a net on her. Then they carried her away.
Deserae: No!
Deserae got bored in the room they put her in. So she decided to work on her fire power. Suddenly, Deserae changed color to confuse the Rhinoc!
Unnamed Rhynoc: WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?
Note: I love how I keep switching between spelling it as Rhinoc and Rhynoc. For the record, they're a classic Spyro enemy and Rhynoc is the correct spelling, I believe. Meanwhile, Deserae's color swap was done entirely because I was using a different set of crayons from the usual ones and had to use different pinks for her, so I just decided to make the color switch a part of the story. Lmaoo
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The Rhinoc opened the door and Deserae flamed him accidently. Another Rhinoc came running and saw her. But he was so stupid he let her out because he thought she was another dragon.
Desarae: I must find Spyro! (while thinking 'Idiot')
Rhynoc: Beat it!
Deserae got back to the forest's entrance. Spyro was laying down, sleeping. Deserae shot a flame at him to wake him up.
This is what happened...
Spyro: What the... Deserae! Is that you?
Deserae: Duh. Oh wait, I'm still a different color.
I adore how my sequence of events here is Spyro going off to use the bathroom, Deserae gets taken in the meantime, and apparently when he gets back and can't find her, he just... lays down to take a nap?? Okay man. Sure
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Spyro went to find some sleep. Deserae turned back to shades of red-violet.
Deserae: My horn bent! (While thinking 'I'll have to fix it...')
Deserae headed to the lake for a drink and some fish. It's very dark water.
Suddenly, and trust me when I say I don't know how it happened, Snape from Harry Potter walked up.
Deserae: Snape! I like your daring! I do stupid things too!
Deserae: (thinking) Is that a dress or robe? His skin is pale.
Snape: Do I know you? (While thinking 'Dragons are big...')
Snape ran away for unknown reasons. Deserae found Spyro.
Spyro: Stop doing that!
Deserae: It does work. (While thinking 'I'm good at talking while flaming')
aand that's it. I never got further than that. The goddamn Snape cameo hit me like a truck, god. I forgot I just threw him into this for no reason. He's there for one entire panel and just runs off again. Good riddance.
So yeah, that's Super Dragons. Again, I love Spyro walking away from the person he agreed to protect to go sleep, and she again just went and found him and flamed him to wake him up. That probably would have been a running joke if I kept writing this. There's also how they fell in love at first sight, only for that to proceed to just not be relevant for the rest of it. Spyro/Deserae I guess
But yeah looking back at this was SO fun, yeah there's very little artistic talent but nonetheless, I had an idea and I followed it, and ya gotta respect that. Everyone starts somewhere, and that's where I started with learning to write and draw. With silly lil dragon stories like this, many of which didn't get finished or shared, but any practice was still valuable. For anyone who decided to read through this whole post, I hope you've enjoyed taking a look at my oldest creative works. I might scan and share more of my old "books", I'll use the tag 'my old writing' for any of it, lemme know if you're interested in seeing more! :D
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
Mushy May: Day 24 - Tour de-stress
So @sonnenflamme mentioned they thought of Dusk aka the new ghoulette as a water/air hybrid, which gave me ideas that I wanted to explore. Prompt list for Mushy May can be found here, curated by the talented @forlorn-crows.
Relationships: Dusk/Mist
Summary: Dusk has had enough of touring after one week and calls her girlfriend. Slice of life angsty but with a mushy ending.
Word count: 1076
Rating: Gen
Dusk has been on tour for a week, and she feels like she can’t take it anymore. Everyone in the band had been wonderful to her, and the fans seemed to like her but for three rituals in a row she felt like there was something building inside her, gnawing at her and if she waits any longer, she will explode like a geyser.
Dusk locks herself in the bathroom of the hotel room she shares with Cirrus and Cumulus. She turns on the faucet in the bathtub, trying to drown out her voice with the sounds of running water as she calls the one number, she has saved on speed dial.
“Dusk! Oh, I’ve missed hearing from you.” Mist picks up immediately and Dusk feels like she can breathe for the first time in days. She had avoided calling her mate, only texting her as she had been scared that once she did, she would be overcome by longing.
“Hi Mimi,” the nickname slips Dusks’ lips and she sighs. It’s no use trying to hide her turmoil from the ghoul who had welcomed her topside when she was summoned as just another pair of hands to help at the Abbey.
“Oh, babe, let me just get to my room and we can video chat. Are the ghoulettes treating you alright?” Mist asks, and Dusk does not need to see Mist to know she is frowning. “I will kick their asses and sick Dew and Rain on them if they’ve been mean to you.”
“No, no, they’re alright. It’s just…” Dusk takes a deep breath. She hates letting her favorite person in the world down, but she must. She can hear Mist slam a door on the other side of the call. “I want to come home. I miss you so much and I love performing but…”
“I’m not going anywhere, but I’ll close this call and call you again over video, ok?” Mist says voice cool and collected, and Dusk has never wished more to be held by her mate. She always knew what to do and had a plan for everything.
“Okay, not going anywhere, love you,” Dusk mumbles into her phone and the call is over. She counts the seconds until her phone rings, her screen showing a photo of Mist making a silly face, in the middle of dyeing her death hawk.
“Oh babe,” Mist’s hair is in a sleek top knot instead of a styled death hawk and is wearing the work uniform of the library, but that does not matter to Dusk at all. She looks like a fallen angel, gorgeous in every way and Dusk wishes she could reach through the phone and hug her mate. “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“I just miss you so much and I wish I could share this with you,” Dusk sobs. She pushes her long hair off her face with her free hand, the other holding the phone shakily. She can see her ruined face paint in the small window in the corner of her screen, and it makes her cry even more. “The band is fine, but they’re not you. I want to come home to you and curl up in our nest and swim in the lake together.”
“I miss you too, but I’ve seen you perform, and you glow like nobody else,” Mist assures her mate. “Your talents serve the church and I’m so proud of you every night you climb up on that stage.”
Dusk shakes her head. She can hear the words, but she can’t listen to them. “I did not think it would be this hard when I took the job.”
“I know, and I found out I was not made for it either. But you finish your contract and then you come home to me, and we can teach music to all the kits in the nursery, right?” Mist tries to cheer her up, and Dusk must admit it works a little. Curse Mist and her knowledge of all her soft spots. “Are you ok if I call Rain and tell him to hang out with you or are you going to hang out with the ghoulettes tonight? Because you need a proper cuddle pile no matter what.”
Dusk considers her options. The ghoulettes are lovely, but right now her water side is calling to her. She has been indulging in her air side far too much lately. “You can send a message to Rain. I think I’m just going to soak and sleep in the bath tonight if he’s alright with that.”
“Thank you, babe,” Mist starts typing something and Dusk puts down her phone on the counter. She starts getting out of her sleeping clothes, not wanting them to get wet. “Alright, he’s on his way. Have you done any of the water exercises I told you to do after rituals?”
Dusk blushes. She had ignored them, as even thinking about water made her miss Mist. “I’m not going to lie to you and say I have. Blowing bubbles seems silly, and we haven’t had a hotel room with a bath before this.”
“No wonder you’re so pent up!” Dusk rolls her eyes at the patronizing tone Mist is using, even if Mist is right. “Why do I even teach you these things…”
Dusk lets Mist’s familiar rant roll over her as she checks the water temperature. She is already feeling better, and she begins sharing tour stories as they wait for Rain to arrive. Mist talks about her day at the archive and mentions how big the kits she’s been looking after in the nursery have become. Perhaps it’s not too bad to call Mist after all.
When there’s a knock on the door to the bathroom, Dusk is already feeling much better. Cirrus’ voice is heard from the other side, announcing, “Ducky, your favorite bass boy is here. He said there’s a water ghoul de-stress soak going on, you want to let him in?”
“One second!” Dusk picks up the phone again, blowing Mist a kiss and promising her to call every night instead. “I love you. I’m sorry I put off calling.”
“Love you, tell Rain I miss him and that I have comments about his performance!” Mist yells, and Dusk chuckles. Her girlfriend might not want to tour anymore, but she is still Rain’s mentor and it makes Dusk love her even more to know how much she cares.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hey now, where'd you go?;
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Summary; aka my version of the pocket watch movie. Where Chad disappears and a few years pass, leading into the events of the pocket watch.
Trigger warnings; Favoritism, implied child neglect, dissolving sibling relationship, kidnapping, swearing, and disappearance of an older sibling.
Chloe knew that Chad wasn't perfect.
Even before he had disappeared, she had known he wasn't perfect.
Even though she was only 10 at the time, she had known.
He was rude, he didn't pick up on social cues, he wasn't the brightest. He wasn't very brave, made lots of bad decisions, and wasn't well liked. He was nowhere near perfect.
But she didn't care because he was her big brother and she loved him. Even if he didn't always seem to love her.
She loved him, because she knew him and remembered what he use to be like before he graduated middle school.
Before their grandpa died.
Even if the memories she had were only vague ones.
Their granddad took them to their circus, when Chad was 10 and she was 2.
Dumbo was there but she couldn't see him and started to fuss.
Chad, hair still fully curly, had simply smiled at her (instead of rolling his eyes in annoyance as he would grow to do) before lifting her up. Resting her on his shoulders so that she could see the elephants she loved so much.
He even shared his chocolate sprinkled popcorn with her even though their granddad told him not to.
It was her earliest memory and her favorite one.
"Chloe, Chloe" Chloe groaned, rolling over in her little toddler bed. Squinting into the dark. "Bubba?"
She was three and he was eleven.
Chad sat on the floor, criss cross applesauce style. Grinning at her, box in his lap. A messily made cupcake in hand wirh a lit candle.
"Happy birthday! I got ya something!" He whisper shouted, causing her to shot up in excitement. Eyes wide.
He put a finger to his lips "shhh. You don't wanna wake mom and dad or they'll make you go back to bed."
It was still dark out.
Chloe just gave him a sheepish grin "sworry."
Chad snorted, holding the cupcake up to her. "Don't worry about it, birthday girl. Just blow out the candle and make a wish."
Chloe did, though she couldn't remember for the life of her what she had wished for. But she still remembered what he gifted her that day.
Because she never let go of the stuffed elephant that he gave her.
Chad tossed her into the air, repeatedly catching her.
Grinning at her as she giggled and squealed, no doubt in love with being able to see over the hedges. Which she usually couldn't do because she was so tiny.
"CHADWICK JAMESON CHARMING!" Someone from out of her sight yelled, causing Chad to pale.
He caught her one last time, nearly dropping her, and simply said "oh shit."
One night it was storming when she was about 5 and Chloe got scared because their parents weren't there.
So Chad bulit a blanket fort, hung up some fairy lights, and stuck her in it with all the stuffed animals and blankets he could get his hands on before going to raid the kitchen. Returning with two mugs of hot chocolate, the whole cookie jar, and a big storybook.
They spent the rest of the night curled up in the blanket fort, reading and eating and laughing until they both drifted off to sleep.
In Chad's last year of middle school, he started to change.
Blowing her off, no longer spending time with her, Getting dismissive of her love of fencing.
He straightened his hair and got snappy when she asked why.
Refused to let her play with his pets.
He stopped coming home to visit when he got into Auardon prep.
He was nice to her for the most part when they saw eachother but it wasn't the same as before and she never knew why.
It wasn't until he was gone that she realized their parents tended to spend all their time with her even when he was home.
Till she realized they usually just gave him things so he wouldn't bug them as much and so he'd stay out of trouble. Only really intervening when he started failing.
It took Chloe even longer to realize that she didn't even remember the last time Chad had invited someone other than Audrey over. It took her twice as long to realize that she was sick and that it had affected him more than he ever let on.
It took their parents months to realize that he was even gone.
And it took her asking them why Chad had stopped calling her for them to realize it.
It made her heartache and even the pet elephant her parents got her didn't relieve the ache.
Nor could the multitude of cousins they suddenly had.
After Chad disappeared, Chloe started to attend Auardon Prep and made a new friend who called herself 'Red'.
Chloe came to learn that it was because red was her favorite color.
She also came to realize that Red was the best friend she could ever have because she didn't brush off Chloe's desire to find Chad like everyone else did.
She even offered to help Chloe find him.
Chloe took her up on that offer and the duo searched and searched, even as the years dragged on.
8 years passed and the pair eventually got side tracked. Eventually dragging Danny Darling and Hadie of the Underworld into the mix when the royal baby went missing.
"I'm getting really tired of pretending I'm not evil" Hadie complained as they trekked through Wonderland. Swatting flies and branches out of his way.
"That's because you're not evil, you're just dramatic " Danny replied, rolling his eyes as he fidgeted with the vial of pixie dust he wore around his neck.
"I resent that remark! I am very evil! I have my own song and minions and everything!"
Chloe glanced back at the pair, shaking her head when she met Red's eye. Trying not to laugh.
Hadie was the farthest thing from evil they had ever seen. And they had met Gil.
"Sure you are man. Sure you are. And I'm Captain Hook's uncle" Danny snickered snarkily as usual.
Only to have the grin knocked right off his face as Hadie tackled him, causing Red to stumble into Chloe who tumbled down a small hill.
The other 3 following almost immediately, with all four of them a tangled mess of limbs as they landed at the bottom.
Causing the odd pocketwatch they had burrowed to crack right down the middle and start glowing along with the ground beneath them.
"Oh fuck--"
"This is all your fault!" Hadie said shoving Danny, who looked indignant as they walked through the past version of Wonderland they found themselves in.
"What? How is it MY fault?! You're the one who shoved me!"
"You provoked me! So it's your fault that the stupid watch broke, which makes it your fault if we can't get home and stop the baby from getting kidnapped.."
"Why you little--"
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?" Red snapped, annoyed. "It's both your faults!"
That just started a three way argument that Chloe wanted no part in.
She picked up the pace, hopping the other three would notice and knock it off. They didn't.
She really needed a break from them. They had been arguing nonstop all week.
A normalish looking bar caught her eye and even though she techinqually wasn't old enough to drink, she really didn't care at the moment.
Chloe quickly ducked inside, an excuse on the tip of her tongue.
"I know I'm not old enough to be in here but I really need to get out of the rain--"
She faltered, eyes widening as they adjusted to the low lighting-- helping her get a good look at the bartender. Who looked almost exactly the same as he had the last time she saw him, only older...
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Assassin's Creed x Dreaming of Sunshine brainstorm/fake fic summaries/spring cleaning (2023-03-18)
Back when I was in the throes of my Could/Should/Actually phase, I was also reading a lot of esama’s Assassin’s Creed fic and my brain, as per usual, went: but what if DoS? And so it started churning different types of crossovers which I lightly noted down but never pursued. I then ran into chamiryokuroi’s art, specifically that of Desmond’s son Elijah, who kind of has the memories/personality of an Isu in him. THEN those earlier notes that were percolating in my head then scrambled a bit because instead of separate AUs, my brain just smooshed them all together and then also brought up the critical point that was stopping me earlier:
In an Assassin’s Creed AU/crossover, the nearest equivalent to Desmond—genetically crafted by the Isu (who humans know as gods, aka Minerva, Juno, etc) in order to be at the right place at the right time—isn’t Shikako or even Naruto, but Sasuke. Especially going with wafflelate’s idea that the different Mangekyo Sharingan powers (also named after gods!) are indicative of different Uchiha lineages with a slight extrapolation that multiple lineages merging earlier on is why Sasuke (and Itachi) has so many different Sharingan powers. Oh, also, Desmond has something called the Eagle Eye which basically gives him psychic powers like the Sharingan.
Although, speaking of Itachi. I guess what I should have said is that the nearest equivalent to Desmond is actually Itachi—the perfect son who has all the tools and all the abilities and all the expectations of the world—while Sasuke is the spare, aka Clay (who had some of the lineages that the bad guys wanted but not all of them and not as much). Although, you know, not as bleak a future… And that’s about as much as I know of Assassin’s Creed because like many things, I mostly know it through fanfiction, fanart, and watching my friend play ACIII nearly a decade ago.
Anyways, with that in mind. My brain continued that since I wanted both sets of characters to exist as opposed to shoving Team Seven into the AC plot, that I should figure out what Team Seven was doing while the AC plot is going on since, you know, the sun burning up the planet is a pretty big deal. So obviously the sun is a problem, but presumably Minerva via Desmond had that covered. Either they fail and everyone’s dead anyway, or they succeed but there’s other stuff that needs to be considered. Such as: THE MOOOOOOOOOOON. But in all seriousness, I don’t super know how it would work, but even if Minerva via Desmond protects the planet from the initial massive solar flare, wouldn’t there be lingering excess energy or a secondary blast/wave reflected off the moon? I don’t know enough about pseudo science to know if my pseudo science makes sense.
Regardless. Excess energy or secondary wave on the side of the planet that has the moon, aka, Japan in the middle of the night (since I think the solar flare happened in the morning in New York?) And it’s pretty thematic, for Naruto canon at least, that the moon is the problem (whether or not we want to bring up Kaguya’s alien nonsense… although that is a pretty good equivalent for Juno’s evil in the AC side)
Anyway, the reason why chamiryokuroi’s art reinitiated this brainstorm is that, hey, obviously I love when Shikako is an OP almost literal deus ex machina. And Elijah almost literally has a “god” in him. Which Shikako also has had, or maybe the reverse, what with Gelel. And then whatever her beef with Jashin is. So either the Isu that Shikako has is Gelel (which is much kinder and benign that who Elijah is stuck with) or it’s “Shikabane-hime” and the personality sort of… glitched so that instead of taking over the body, muahahaha, style it just grew up as a person as in DoS. Although I’m a little handwaving how AC Sages work since apparently that relies on lineages/genetics (even though it somehow skipped Desmond but Elijah is one?) So either Shikako is an “artificial” Sage via picking up the Gelel stone or she’s a “natural” Sage and Shikabane-hime is just a chill Isu instead of the other muahahahaha evil Isu.
Then, to make Naruto match, what if, instead of Pieces of Eden (alien technology that seems like magic) the Isu on this hemisphere went with the bijuu? Maybe they were originally created to absorb the excess solar energy but over the millennia developed sentience. Or maybe they always had sentience which is what caused the Sage of Six Paths to rebel against the other gods (and also the human slavery en masse might have contributed) and while the bijuu remember the early days humans with their ever short lives forgot and so the bijuu grew bitter and resentful etc. etc.
So that’s the world building.
The plot of this fic I’m probably not going to write is actually my way of combining the three different AUs I thought of for the Could/Should/Actually and incorporating it into the above world building:
Subject Seven, like many of Desmond’s predecessors, died before they could ever meet. Whatever she learned in the Animus she never told Vidic or, at least, it never made it onto any Abstergo files.
STAY CALM. DON’T REACT. Desmond can’t tell if this is a new twist to the Bleeding Effect or if he’s unlocked something else in his Eagle Vision, but now he’s reading the shadows on the walls and that can’t be normal.
“Juno, huh,” says the girl in green, the only spot of color in the vast expanse of The Grey. “I had Jashin.”
Obviously, the way to fix 1 is simply Shikako faked her death and escaped. Or even Abstergo’s internal communications between departments is garbage and the team that was working on Sages just up and yoinked her from the Animus project. And also, what’s kinda fun about this (in a horrifying people being experimented on against their will kind of way) is that in order for Shikako to be Subject Seven while Desmond is Subject Seventeen and not have her be so much older than him (or even so much older than what I'm used to seeing her as in DoS, although this coming from me who writes future fic, lol) that means she was very young when she was Subject Seven. So we could have canonically badass twelve-fourteen year old Shikako in this seemingly normal world and then she has a full decade of being badass in time to help with Desmond’s side.
Although, in order to best incorporate 2 and 3, what an author who is not me could imply is that she died for realsies and ended up in The Grey (which from my understanding is like the coding space behind the world where Calculations aka sealing is done and might also be the afterlife but perhaps is only the afterlife specifically for Juno who hid herself in technology so that she could pop out millennia after all the other Isu had died and fuck with humanity). And from the Grey she can manipulate shadows, as in 2, and also meet Desmond “in person” as in 3 when he dies after the planet saving thing he does in AC canon.
And then the fun reveal is that, hey, The Grey isn’t actually an afterlife. It’s a pocket dimension from where you can manipulate the real world through strength of will. I’m not dead and neither are you, also would you like to meet my friends I feel like they could probably help you deal with the fact that your entire existence was a manipulation by beings that died over 75000 years ago because they have similar experiences. Would I have more relevant/similar experiences having been an Animus subject and having been in The Grey? Maybe, but I also contain the personality/memories of an Isu and I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
Anyway, here’s also the following:
[Some kind of cool title playing off of Dreams and Sunshine that also applies to Assassin's Creed, maybe something like Of Disasters and Daydreams?]
Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted is one way to interpret the creed. A more accurate way would be to say Nothing is Immutable, Everything is Possible, but that’s just not as catchy. Or, the Isu had their Calculations, but Shikako has sealing and that’s way more fun.
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 11 months
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This is definitely a long time coming, but I finally wrote a text only fic for Sterek, complete with a stylized AND plain text view for reading! Also my first long fic that I've written since...I don't even know when (aka it's NOT a drabble or ficlet!!). This is also belated from July, but for reasons you can read more about below the cut. Inspired by @yearoftheotpevent's July prompt "stars," as well as sniperjade's Masturbation Midsummer Bingo 2023, using the square "I can't anymore," and Summer of Cum 2023 prompts "creampie," "come marking," "precome," "come swallowing," "coming untouched," and "coming in pants" (yeah, there's definitely a spicy theme here :P).
Title: Feel You Breathing (<- on AO3) Rating: Explicit WC: 8.4k Tags: Texting/Sexting, Established Relationship, UST, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Fantasizing, Teasing, Banter, Filthy, Dirty Talk, Masturbation, Idiots in Love, Writer Derek Hale, Bartender and Graduate Student Stiles Stilinski, Business Trip, Flight Delays, Coming In Pants, Coming Untouched, Nipple Play, Light Dom/sub, Bad Pick-Up Lines, Humor, Shopping, Sex Toys, Kink Exploration, Werewolf Mates, Anchors, Love Confessions, Pet Names, Romantic Angst, Stiles AND Derek are Little Shits, POV Alternating
Summary: Derek: So, you need a distraction. Stiles: Maybe Stiles: It’d be better if you were here to help me with that. Stiles: ;D [Or: Sexy things start late one night when Derek gets a text from Stiles and escalate from there. A few secrets are revealed along the way.]
Some of my lovely Sterek friends know I've been dabbling in and out of writing text fics since last year (2022). Easier said than done 1000%, I'm going to tell you that right now. It only took me 3 tries to get it right! (And yes, it means my other 2 WIPs need to be reworked, le sigh.) It's one thing to write a text fic, but it's a completely different beast to style the damned thing with AO3 skins while making it as legible and accessible as possible. I thankfully know how to code in CSS and HTML, but it took me quite a long time to create a custom skin template that I liked and could reuse while getting the look and feel just right for our idiotic boys and the overall Teen Wolf world. Texting and sexting is legit an art. There are so many ways to approach how to write a text because each person does that differently. There's also intention required when using emojis, figuring out how someone would react to things, and hell, even playing around with timestamps and timezones is important. A text fic isn't just about words. All the tiny details add up and make a new experience. I think I took a full week to QA this whole fic because I wanted the aesthetic to look good, and it was worth it! It was nice to make something for myself, which let me write dialogue and banter and a lot of fun things I normally wouldn't had this been a different kind of fic. Super grateful for having a Write-A-Thon sprint weekend, which motivated me to finish the bulk of this baby up. And when I think about it now, this labor of love was originally supposed to be an experiment for me to play around and learn more about coding intricacies. It was supposed to be a short Porn without Plot thingie (but uhhh, it's definitely Porn with Plot and Feelings because that's the way it is). 1-2k words somehow became 8k+ words. No regrets though. It has been a long time since I've felt good about writing something this long and doing something different than the norm. It has been such a blast coming up with all the texts in this fic, because they're humorous and spicy with the usual banter and sarcasm we love between Derek and Stiles. But hey, there's some romantic angst too (they might be texting and using words, but they could do better, of course). Anyway, I hope you give this a read when you have a chance. Enjoy!
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 months
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The Glass Town Game. By Catherynne M. Valente. Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2017.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: YA historical fiction
Series: N/A
Summary: Inside a small Yorkshire parsonage, Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne Brontë have invented a game called Glass Town, where their toy soldiers fight Napoleon and no one dies. This make-believe land helps the four escape from a harsh reality: Charlotte and Emily are being sent away to a dangerous boarding school, a school they might not return from. But on this Beastliest Day, the day Anne and Branwell walk their sisters to the train station, something incredible happens: the train whisks them all away to a real Glass Town, and the children trade the moors for a wonderland all their own.
This is their Glass Town, exactly like they envisioned it…almost. They certainly never gave Napoleon a fire-breathing porcelain rooster instead of a horse. And their soldiers can die; wars are fought over the potion that raises the dead, a potion Anne would very much like to bring back to England. But when Anne and Branwell are kidnapped, Charlotte and Emily must find a way to save their siblings. Can two English girls stand against Napoleon’s armies, especially now that he has a new weapon from the real world? And if he escapes Glass Town, will England ever be safe again?
Together the Brontë siblings must battle with a world of their own creation if they are to make it back to England alive in this magical celebration of authorship, creativity, and classic literature from award-winning author Catherynne M. Valente.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: references to child hunger/neglect, blood, death of a child, reference to suicide
OVERVIEW: I happened upon this book by chance at my local used book store. I do love the Brontës, and I've been hit or miss with Valente's works, so I took a chance and picked it up. Overall, I found it to be a delightful little fantasy story in the vein of Alice in Wonderland or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was whimsical in the way that Valente is good at, and it had some truly heartfelt moments about death, war, and good vs bad. The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars is because I think it went overlong. Some scenes were absolutely drawn out more than they should have been, which makes this book at times feel self-indulgent.
WRITING: Valente's prose in this book takes on the tenor of a fairy tale or old-timey children's book. It's whimsical and bright, and it doesn't concern itself with trying to be anything other than clear and creative. I really loved the imaginative work and wit put into this story, taking the ideas from the Brontë children and making it come alive with Valente's own style.
I do think, however, that portions of this book tended to be self-indulgent, reveling in its own cleverness to the point where scenes stretched on overlong and the pace slowed.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows the four Brontë siblings - Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne - when they find themselves transported to Glass Town - the fictional city they created in their playroom. Amidst a battle between wooden soldiers and frogs, led by the Duke of Wellington and Napoleon Bonaparte (respectively), the children must avoid danger while also finding their way home.
I loved the imaginative whinsy of Glass Town and how it reflected the real world. People were made out of dolls and objects (as they would be in a playroom), and Valente used clever wordplay to make some of Glass Town feel more Wonderlandish (for example, by using literalisms; in Glass Town, brown besses are firearms that shoot little winged creatures who wear brown and are named Bess. The Duke of Wellington, aka the "Iron Duke," is literally made of iron).
I also appreciated that this story thought a lot about themes such as death, war, and good vs bad. The children grapple with the death of their mother and two elder sisters while also contemplating the ethics of Glass Towners having an immortality potion that the other side does not. They also think a lot about who is the "good side" in the war and whether violence is heroic. I especially liked the scene in the publishing house where they discussed whether it was more barbaric to kill a criminal or "re-educate" them (essentially changing who they are to fit society's morals).
CHARACTERS: The four Brontë children are a delight. I loved the way they pickerel and worked together, constantly turning to one another and pushing them away (as siblings do). I felt for Charlotte, who was suddenly tasked with being the eldest after the deaths of her sisters. I felt for Anne, who invented a "sister" so that she wouldn't be lonely when Charlotte and Emily went away to school. I loved that all of them had unique skills that were helpful in navigating Glass Town (for example, Charlotte is a great liar and Anne is the best thief). I was, however, somewhat annoyed by Branwell's constant desire to be in charge merely because he was a boy. It reeked of entitlement, and though he has a pretty compelling reason for being insecure, I would be lying if I said his behavior didn't grate on me.
Supporting characters were fun and whimsical. I loved the friendliness between the Brontës and the wooden soldiers, and I loved how all "real people" (such as Wellington, Lord Byron, and Jane Austen) were aged down so it felt like the children could interact with them on their terms. Sometimes, these side characters would speak overlong and distract from the main narrative, but at the end of the day, they were creative and easy to enjoy.
TL;DR: The Glass Town Game is a lovely tribute to the Brontës, using Valente's strengths writing whimsy to contemplate things like war, death, and good vs bad. While parts had a tendency to feel overlong, this was a charming and wild trip through children's imagination and it will surely delight fans of the Brontës' work.
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