#had one or two dreams about danganronpa characters
kessielrg · 11 months
Is it bad that I want to work on my potential MMX Danganronpa AU because I want to get to the scene where Zero punches Aero because she's standing over Iris's fresh corpse? ^^;
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1perplexed1 · 3 months
More ranting but its the protags now
Danganronpa, despite its out of pocket comments and shitty development sometimes, is actually still great with presenting how characters deal with trauma. This is mostly gonna be about the 3 main protags but yk (p.s. I haven’t watched the gameplays in over a year or two, so correct me if I’m wrong😓)
Makoto, being a cheery guy, still came to forgive everyone for their misdeeds. He didn’t yell at Kyoko for getting mad at him, he kept Sakura’s secret, he still got along with everyone, and he didn’t hold a grudge despite being sent off to the execution. He never held a grudge (apart from Junko but that’s cause she’s a bitch!!). He obviously went through a lot, watching people he actually knew for 3 years die right in front of him while he thought he didn’t know anyone, as well as nearly dying from the execution. But even so, he still kept his optimistic self and continued encouraging everyone despite knowing what the cycle would be, never giving up. In the Dr3 anime, in the scene where he’s driven insane, you can actually see that a lot of his trauma is internalized. Meaning he still holds regret in his heart, but chose the healthy way out and continued to work on it, despite having to go through 2 different killing games. His trauma had a heavy impact on him, which was the reason why he could be driven to despair, but even so, he’s a strong character, which allowed him to keep his mindset and still fight for the best
Now onto Hajime. Hajime is a whole different story. We don’t know much about his backstory or family, apart from a few glimpses into his Reserve Course life. We can easily tell that he truly dreams of becoming talented because Ultimates were a big deal in the world, but the Reserve Course was deemed as being desperate for that (they were lmao). So dealing with obvious self-esteem issues and somewhat implied self-loathing, he sold his damn body to scientists to experiment on.
What you believe is entirely on you. You can believe that Hajime and Izuru are two seperate identities, sharing the same body and brain, as a split personality, or you can believe that Hajime and Izuru are one in the same, with his brain just getting a few modifications. And there is no humane way for him to be able to accommodate all of those talents without obvious body modification, so imagine that, some parts of him aren’t even his at that point. Anyways, Hajime deals with trauma a bit differently. He gets agitated and deals with it like any average person: panicked and desperate. Constantly seeing his friends die, it gave an impact on his brain where he had slowly, but unknowingly grown used to it, with still being obviously impacted, but each time less and less, though it’s really faint. By chapter 6, Hajime let those bottled up feelings out, since he never lets his guard down and is always tense, and is obviously upset and angry because he had no reason to be there, again his self-loathing. In the anime, we can see him getting better, accepting his past (via the symbolism of Chiaki fading out, though he still keeps her dear in his heart), and moving on by going back t his friends. So he most likely also ends up dealing with it healthily!
Shuichi? Oh fuck he’s a mess…
Shuichi obviously also struggles with a self-esteem problem, but it’s not severe. He generally doesn’t believe he’s worth his Ultimate, because he only solved one case the police couldn’t, and is quite shy or introverted on his own. Throughout the gameplay, he obviously builds up confidence, which could also play as tiredness and anger, because of continuously doing these class trials and losing people he tried to make a genuine connection with. Even so, he tries to stay strong, but again, he never truly built true confidence, which is why he’s so easily knocked down in chapter 5, where his feelings are exposed, revealing that he did in fact become/was already depressed. He gave up with everything, because knowing there was no point in killing, everyone’s deaths were a waste, and everything that happened was pointless, gives a pretty big impact. He even comes to a point of giving up on his own life. But with a bit of support from Maki and his friends, he gets back up on his feet again and continues on, making everyone’s deaths important because they never lost their value. Though in chapter 6, you can see his confidence waver again, but he still stands his ground, proving that he actually grew to accept everything, and built actual confidence, which I think is a nice touch to his character.
So truth be told, Danganronpa, despite still being shitty, is still good at character development when they actually put work into them. But of course, sometimes you just can’t get that
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dreamzghostz · 19 days
So, this Talentswap AU, it's like the average killing game
*Oh no, Celestia (the protag) got kidnapped and forced in a killing game with 15 other students. She finds Kiyo (the support), and they have to escape, waaaah*
To be honest, what inspired me to make this are Danganronpa V3 (I like how they have features like Scrum Debates, Argument Aranments, and Mass Panic Debates), and the Danganronpa: Another series
So, yeah, everyone's talents are swapped. If you click on the "Danganronpa: A Dice of Despair" tag, you can see everyone's designs and talents. So, what I mainly want to talk about are the characters, their talents, and their personalities, backstories, etc.
There will be a LOT of yapping below, so keep reading if you wanna
Celestia Ludenberg - Ultimate Lucky Student: So, in this AU, Celestia is the protagonist. She has a mix of her and Makoto's personalities. She can be cold and a douche at times, but she does care about everyone. Here, she has a mix of good luck and bad luck, but they both work at the same time... Somehow? Her real name is still Taeko Yasuhiro, and she made up her fake name to hide who she really is since her family has very dark secrets that could easily crumple her reputation if spilled. Hence why she also doesn't believe that she's really the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Swordsman: Here, Kiyo is the support/deuteragonist. Celestia runs into him after escaping into the gym. In this AU, he's aloof, smart, but also starts showing kindness after a while. In Chapter One, he's the one to snap Celestia back to reality after she has her initial panic. He can come off as a bit hostile, but that's because growing up, he didn't have many friends as he spent most of his time training since his family are mostly famous warriors.
Sayaka Maizono - Ultimate Gambler: In this AU, she's more of an anti-hero then an antagonist. She's pretty rude and demanding, and she uses Kiibo to her advantage since he's the Ultimate Butler, and growing up, she had many butlers and maids to her aid whenever she needed them. Eventually, in Chapter Two, Sayaka starts to see that Celestia isn't a bad person, and starts to open up to her. Sayaka's cruel and sadistic personality stems from her childhood where her mother was killed by being burned, and her father basically abandoned her, so Celestia's really the only person she likes. Also, she ALWAYS wins every gambling match (Always? ALWAYS.) As well, she's a bit narcissistic, and thinks she's above everyone.
Byakuya Togami - Ultimate Gamer: Here, Byakuya is more of like an AI (like Chiaki), because his father wanted an heir, and none of his kids were "fit for it". So, Mr. Togami got a friend to create Byakuya. Though, Byakuya was never interested in the Togami Corporation, and took an interest in video games instead. He's a bit insensitive, but does mean well. He doesn't express much emotion, but is protective of the people he cares about, and he has a deep sense of justice. He knows his father doesn't love him, but as long as he has video games, he'll be happy.
Chiaki Nanami - Ultimate Pop Sensation: In this AU, Chiaki is a human. She's a lot more energetic then her game counterpart, and is like who she was in Danganronpa 3. Ever since she was a little girl, Chiaki had dreamed of being a famous star, despite her parents' wishes. She loves to write songs and sing with her group, even though after Chiaki gets trapped in the killing game, her girl group gets killed by the Ultimate Despair, which sends Chiaki into despair, though she masks it well. She'll write a song for everyone in the place, and she'll sing it as loud as she can. She's a great friend to have, like a golden retriever!
Gundham Tanaka - Ultimate Traditional Dancer: So, growing up, Gundham's home life was pretty bad. His family was VERY strict on what he ate, what he wore, and what he said. His house was near a street, and every afternoon, he would sneak there and feed all the tabby cats, making him gain their trust, and making him feel a sense of comfort. He's kind of an asshole in the AU, since he had a bad home life, and it left a huge mark on how he viewed people. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to warm up to anyone, as he's secretly scared they'll just use him, so he closes himself off, and he only trusts the tabby cats.
Hajime Hinata - Ultimate Inventor: Hajime's mother was rarely in the picture, causing him to develop a very close relationship with his father. When his father got ill and passed when Hajime was ten, he found all his father's unfinished inventions. Determined to finish them, Hajime worked for hours, nights even, to make his father proud. Hajime gets his vulgarity and bluntness from the highschool he was at before Hope's Peak Academy, since the crude and rudeness was basically the norm at where he was. Also, yes, Hajime is Izuru in this AU, though I'm still trying to figure out how to write that.
Mahiru Koizumi - Ultimate Astronaut: She's the Antagonist of the AU, so I probably should have placed her up way higher, but I'm too tired to change it. So, Mahiru's mother was an astronaut, and Mahiru has always been intrigued by space. In the village she lived at, she would tell the younger kids stories about space and amazing astronauts, forming a close bond with them. Unfortunately, a few months before Hope's Peak, Mahiru's village was burned down, leaving Mahiru homeless. When she saw the advertisement for Hope's Peak, she took it in a heartbeat. She's kind, a little naive, and protective to make sure she can keep everyone as safe as she can.
Mikan Tsumiki - Ultimate Pianist: School was a very tough time for Mikan, as she was always the targeting of bullying, though she felt safe in her music class. After a very traumatic event, Mikan basically clung to her piano, playing it every day, as many times as she could. She's shy, but also very determined and kind, and she's quite skilled at the other instruments other then piano! Which she personally finds to be very cool!
Nagito Komaeda - Ultimate Anthropologist: Nagito's house was very close to a library, so every day, after school, he would stop by the library and find a book. The ones about culture and evolution were the ones that intrigued him the most. He spent most of his childhood in the hospital, so the library was like a safe space for him. He's also aloof, but somewhat disturbing and also mature. He has to keep a close eye on Hajime, so he's basically Hajime's babysitter (lol).
Sonia Nevermind - Ultimate Detective: Sonia was always very smart, even as a young child, so she didn't have very many friends as she got frustrated by people who weren't as smart. One day, the detectives brought her in to see if she could help them with a case, and she solved it, pretty quickly. She can solve cases quicker then the average detective can. She's pretty quiet most of the time, but she also has a strong sense of justice, is no-nonsense and quick, and she really doesn't have as much empathy as she probably should.
Kaede Akamatsu - Ultimate Princess: So, Kaede is the princess of Japan, so she also has to follow strict and unfair rules. She often but heads with her parents since she wants to actually be her own person and not follow their rules. Her parents had arranged a marriage for her, and when she found out about this, she quickly signed up for Hope's Peak to escape this. She's kind, charming, curious, and always willing to learn. She may not give the best advice, but she tries her best!
Shuichi Saihara - Ultimate Artist: Shuichi here seems like your average Joe. He doesn't really talk highly of himself, and he just does art as a hobby, so he wasn't really expecting it to become his actual talent, lol. Despite all of this, he's fairly nice and pretty chill, but can also be pretty morbid due to the fact he was born and raised in an unusual church. No, he isn't religious. Also, he loves art, but he doesn't draw eyes when he draws people, as he finds it difficult to do (this will come in handy later).
Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate Magician: Growing up, Kirumi always loved magic. She was a street magician for a while before being allowed to enter a school that allowed her to embrace her interests. She's kind, energetic, and kooky since she had been seen as a "weird kid" by most people growing up. Despite this, she's incredibly loyal to those around her, and she can be scarily serious when she needs to.
Kiibo (Idabashi) - Ultimate Butler: So, in this AU, Kiibo is also human, so I will refer to him as Kiibo Idabashi. He always loved helping people, despite what they asked him to do. His father, Professor Idabashi, spent a lot of time on robotic engineers, so that led Kiibo to wander off... a LOT. He always enjoys to serve people, and he enjoys Celestia's company. He doesn't like Sayaka much though, as she uses him. There are also times where he feels empty, like a robot. Though, he's hardworking, devoted, and can take on even the hardest of tasks.
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Photographer: Rantaro still has twelve sisters in this AU, and they always loved for him to take pictures of them, to where they would even ask him daily to take pictures of scenery they liked and outfits they liked. Rantaro found himself enjoying photography, even in the darkest of times. At first, he's bossy and a bit stubborn, but he eventually learns to trust his classmates and even befriends most of them. After that, he's kind, still a little stubborn and bossy, but more willing to hear others out. Also, him and Korekiyo become quite close very quickly!
I'm SO sorry that I talked more about the characters and their backstories then their roles!! I'll make a relationship chart of them in a post eventually. Also, this took a long while and isn't my usual content, so my bad! Also, if you read all of this, thank you 💕
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nagito-kissmaeda · 8 months
If it isn't real why does the sun still burn?
Chapter masterlist
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Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don’t go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns, some mild sexual themes
Read on Ao3
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The beach is bustling when the two of you arrive. Pekoyama quickly gives you a farewell nod as she heads off to accompany Kuzuryu where he is sitting in the shallows and trying to make it look like he isn't having a good time. 
You can see Mioda already in the water, chasing Souda around and attempting to throw a handful of seaweed at him. He is screaming. Owari is sitting at the shoreline with her legs in the water, she’s halfway through an ice cream, but still manages to grin widely when she waves in your direction. You return the wave and make plans to head over to her before you notice Tsumiki and Sonia sitting together in the sand. 
Tsumiki’s hands shake as she attempts to round the edges of the sandcastle that the two of them are currently working on. Sonia’s tongue sticks out of her mouth as she, opposite Tsumiki, continues adding a set of perfect flying buttresses to the castle; you are unsure how she has managed this, but have learned not to question these sorts of things.
“You’ve made it!” Sonia says with a wide smile, now beginning to sculpt a collection of tiny gargoyles around the top level of the castle, “I hope you were not too disappointed by my early departure, I just think Mioda-san is often in need of supervision.” You peer up at where she is now trying to toss a starfish onto the top of Souda’s head, “Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s okay, I had a nice conversation with Pekoyama-san.” Tsumiki looks up at you, she’s wearing a wide brimmed hat and a loose fitting white shirt over her bathing suit. It makes sense that a nurse would care about sun safely, the hat suits her, she looks very cute, “I-I’m glad you came. I hope you have a good time” She smiles softly, hands now shakily building a drawbridge, “Just be sure not to get burnt this time, I have more sunscreen if you need it, please take care of yourself.” She huffs, “I’ve already had this discussion with Komaeda-san, but I-I think he’s just going to ig-ignore my advice.”
You hadn't noticed Komaeda, which is very out of character for you. He’s in the water, but far enough away from everyone else that he seems excluded. His own doing, you assume. 
“Would you like to help us?” Sonia asks, abruptly tearing your attention away from Komaeda.
You blink, “Sorry?” She laughs, though not unkindly, “Help to build our sandcastle, of course!” 
You look briefly at the perfect replication of gothic architecture somehow sculpted out of sand alone, “Thanks but uh, I might work on expanding the royal empire and build my own castle, if it’s all the same.” Sonia claps her hands together in glee, “Expansionism! How delightful!”
“I-I might swim now, actually.” Tsumiki starts, “I-If that’s okay, Sonia-san?” “You don’t need my permission.” Sonia replies, waving a dismissive hand, “You’ve done a brilliant job, Tsumiki-san, and all castle architects are owed at least one day of allocated time off per castle built, so by all means! You are free to go.” Tsumiki nods gratefully, and rises a little shakily from the sand before heading to the water. 
You turn to Sonia, “Only one day of leave per castle?” She nods seriously, “Oh yes, my father always said ‘any less than that and they start getting rambunctious’. We tried only half a day some years ago, the riots were very bloody.” “Uh-huh…” 
“Anyway! I might go ask Tanaka-san if I can hold one of his Dark Devas.” She stands with utter grace and poise, giving you a brief curtsey before walking away. You are briefly stunned by the utterly dismal working conditions in Novoselic, but shake your head and sit in the sand before you start thinking about it too much. 
You start building the only kind of sandcastle you have experience with, a big pile of sand that is vaguely pyramid shaped. It’s nice to have something to do with your hands, a monotonous task to keep you occupied while the ever turning cogs in your head crunch and grind. You have to assume that Monokuma will bring out a new motive soon, and at this point you can only assume that it will be the despair disease. It’s hard to tell if access to the third island will make everything better or worse, Tsumiki having access to the hospital is a net good, only so long as she doesn’t catch the disease itself, and boy is that disease catching. 
Peering out at the ocean you see that Tsumiki is swimming with Mioda now, more accurately, Tsumiki is treading water while Mioda quite literally swims circles around her. Tsumiki deserves better than she got in the game, so does Mioda. 
You turn back to your castle, attempting to make it any sort of shape other than a vague lump. It feels weird to just be hanging around like this when so much is at stake, but there isnt much that you can do other than socialise and socialising is more useful than doing nothing. Trust is valuable, especially here, even if it’s something you aren’t all that used to garnering.
“Nice pile of sand.” 
You look up to see Komaeda standing above you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He’s still wet from the ocean, his hair clings flat to his head and it makes him look much less intimidating.
“Thanks.” You say, gesturing to your attempt at a sandcastle, “It’s my magnum opus.”
He peers down at it appraisingly and then says, “Could use a moat.”
You laugh, “You’re right.” feeling mischievous, you add, “Your hair looks nice, very drowned rat-esque.”
Komaeda bursts out laughing, hiding his face in his hands. When he looks back up at you again, his smile is so warm, and genuine that it feels like a shard of the sun has lodged in your chest.
“You’re funny.” He says
His expression is too intensely bright, you have to avert your eyes, “Thanks. I try.” you return to working on your sandcastle, anything to keep yourself from staring at him.
“Why aren't you swimming?” Komaeda asks. You peer back up at him, you were honestly expecting him to walk away when he was done mocking you, “Oh um, I just don't really want to?” He gives you a sly grin, “You can swim, can’t you?” That bristles you a little, “I’m a great swimmer actually! I love swimming!” you gesture halfheartedly to where the waves turn to foam against the sand, “I just don’t like the ocean. It’s spooky. There’s stuff in there, and the salt really hurts my eyes.”
His expression turns uncharacteristically soft and he drops to a crouch beside you. You shuffle back from him instinctively, not expecting him to get so close so quickly. For a moment, Komaeda just blinks at you slowly but then his brow creases with contemplation before he finally says, “Swim with me.”
Your heart feels like it come to a stop in your chest, “Uh- I, um-“
He laughs a little, cocking his head to the side, “That would help, wouldn’t it?”
“Um.” You wring your hands together, “I would feel better with company, but that doesn’t mean that you-”
He stands back up and holds his hand out to you, it stuns you into silence mid-sentence, you just stare up at him, utterly dumbfounded. “Come on.” Komaeda says, reaching further forward with his hand, asking you to take it. 
You barely manage to swallow around the lump in your throat as you tentatively take his hand in your own. If the contact is anywhere near as momentous, electric and world shattering for him as it is for you, it doesn't show on his face, but you do catch a near imperceptible bob in his throat that you try not to read too hard into.
His hand is cold, even in the heat of the sun and you can feel just how fragile his fingers are, like if you clenched your hand too hard they would all break. He doesn’t really pull you up from the ground, but holding onto him like this does make it easier to regain your balance on the uneven sand.
The water is warm when you take your first step in, more pleasant than you ever remember the ocean actually being. Neo World Program benefits, you suppose. Komaeda walks in front of you, still tugging on your hand. The back of his head eclipses the sun, its light catching in the white strands of his hair and causing them to shimmer like folded glass. 
“H-How deep are you planning to go?” You ask once the water reaches your shoulders, voice tinged with growing anxiety.
Komaeda looks back at you over his shoulder, “Not much further.”
You notice that the two of you are much deeper out than the rest of the class, barring only Nidai who is off in the distance swimming laps. There is an intimacy to it, the separation from everyone else on the beach. The second you can’t touch the ground with your toes anymore you can feel a nervous churning in your stomach. Komaeda is still walking, head and shoulders well above the water. When an admittedly small wave knocks you off balance, you panic and lurch forward to grab onto his arm. 
Komaeda laughs, but it’s good natured and warm “Aha, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
You want to kiss him. 
That thought is not so alarming. You have grown quite familiar with it these past few days, but the panicked and aching desperation of it is completely new. You begin to fear that you no longer have feelings for Nagito Komaeda the videogame character, but instead for Nagito Komaeda the real person. Which is somehow much more complicated and insurmountably harder to reconcile. Now that the water is deep enough, only Komaeda’s head bobs up above the water, and since you are floating in the water yourself, you actually meet his eye line for once instead of staring up at him. He watches you intently, staring so hard that it feels like he can see right through you. “Is there…something on my face?” You say quickly, trying desperately to diffuse some of the tension. He smirks, “Nope.”
Your eyes follow a droplet of water sliding down the length of his nose. Komaeda chuckles, “have I got something on my face?”
You quickly avert your gaze, “No! It’s just, uh-“ you suck in a breath, “Why are you even spending time with me? I’m not exactly working towards ending the killing game right at this moment, so there’s really no reason for you to be talking to me.” Komaeda’s brow furrows, “There’s something about you,” he says, “Ah, I'm not sure what it is, but it interests me.”
You close your eyes, feeling the cold dread filling your chest cavity, “What if I’m not interesting?” You say desperately, “What if it only seems like I am?”
“Hm, I don’t understand what you mean.” He smiles, “Whether or not I find you interesting is entirely up to me.”
“But I’m not . I'm not worth your time, or your effort, I need your help so I’m trying desperately to keep you around but the second you realise who I really am, what I really am, you’re going to hate me. I just know it.”
Komaeda hums aloud, “I suppose, the others are right.”
He laughs, “it is uncomfortable being on the receiving end of this kind of talk. I suppose I owe everyone an apology.”
You are suddenly forced to wrestle with the fact that Nagito Komaeda thinks you are laying on the self depreciation a little too thick, “Sorry.” You say quickly, shaking your head “I didn’t mean to just say all of that at you.” 
Komaeda goes quiet for a moment, staring at you intimidatingly, “You would do anything to help the Ultimates defeat this despair, wouldn't you?”
“I uh-” You swallow thickly, “I think the both of us have a very different definition of help , but I will do all that I can to make sure everyone gets out alive, yes.”
“You promised to die for my cause, if your own method fails.” He cocks his head to the side, “Why?”
Your breath grows uneven, and you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears, “Because I won’t fail.” Komaeda chuckles, “Ha. You're confident.” You shake your head, “I’m really not, but I’m the only one who can do it, so I have to.” you sigh to yourself, remembering that even if you manage to keep everyone alive, they will still need to grapple with their identities as the Remnants and the destruction of the world they once knew, “What I do isn’t what’s important though, the hard part comes after and how that resolves is entirely up to you and the other Ultimates. I’m just doing what I can to make sure everyone survives until then.” “How can you say things like that and expect me not to find you interesting.” His eyes are half lidded, and his grin is loose, “We aren’t so different, you and I. We are both working towards bringing the Ultimates to their next exuberant victory, over a despair even greater than the last.” He sighs, “But I have to admit, I’m still just a little curious about how you know all of this, and what comes after.”
You frown, “I can’t tell you. I can hardly expect you to behave yourself if I did.” Komaeda barks a laugh, “Behave myself?”
“Yes. You’ve promised to help me, and if you’re going to, then I need you to behave . So no spoilers.”
“You have a lot of nerve speaking to your superiors that way.” He says, but his expression holds none of the malice that his words convey.
Feeling brave, you reply, “Good thing it’s just you here, then, isn't it?” If anything, his eyes grow brighter at your answer. He floats a little closer to you, and you suck a breath in through your teeth, "If the talentless nobody promises to give me her due reverence, maybe I can promise to behave myself.”
“What, do you want me to get on my knees and beg?”
A visible shiver runs through him, and his smile turns wide and syrupy, “Maybe.” "O-oh.” You reply, swallowing thickly as you rub your thighs together. You had been joking, but the deep heat in your belly makes it clear that neither of you is joking anymore, "As long as you can make time for me in your busy schedule, I’m sure that I can manage something.” The next exhale of his breath is dangerously close to being a moan, “Aha…I’ll make sure to pencil you in.”
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doctorbunny · 4 months
Hi! I hope you don't mind the sudden question, but i got really into Milgram recently and was wondering: What reasoning did people give when they voted Haruka guilty in the second trial? Like, generally speaking, what did the consensus seem to be?
Haruka is a character i strongly relate to, so i have a lot of Thoughts about him.
Firstly: Wow the start of the second trial was that long ago, huh 😅
Secondly: I need to explain that Haruka's trial was a bit different than most Not sure how recently you joined but in a normal trial, the MV will upload the same day a CD releases, and stuff like the instrumental, DECO covers and most importantly the voice drama will be officially uploaded at the same time
But for Haruka, due to some unspecified CD issue, we were getting the MV as planned then wouldn't get the voice drama for another two weeks This will be very important to his voting
Thirdly: Going into his trial, things were uncertain, a lot of people really liked Haruka and were very worried for him due to his new relationship with Muu. Whom many saw as a potential bad influence or threat. I won't get into it too much, but before this trial it was definitely more common to have a.... soft image of Haruka as a harmless little guy who had gone through a lot, who just made some mistakes because he didn't know any better
Its worth remembering that without the context of AKAA, Weakness is a very dream-like MV and not many were sure which parts were real or imagined One of the biggest debates about weakness was about if the blue haired child was a younger bother or Haruka himself It all seems quite quaint from here Some people thought Haruka might not have even killed a person, just animals, I was even considering a theory suggesting Haruka was in milgram for his own suicide (in the words of Danganronpa 'killing the person who is most important to you: Yourself') The girl with the plait wasn't thought about much as other than a possible childhood friend due to her being shown running next to young Haruka.
Fourth: The premiere of AKAA was super emotional and intense, it was a beautiful MV But like Purge March later, it would contextualise parts of Weakness we didn't expect it to Mainly the animal murder and the girl's death.
But without the voice drama, many were unsure what verdict would be best for Haruka Despite the failure of T1 Amane, many still thought we could fix the prisoners through voting right Some people saw this vote as a chance to get Haruka to break up with Muu if we played our cards right Overall people were confused and conflicted and couldn't wait for the voice drama to come out I think the best summary of feelings is a comment from the top of the AKAA comments section
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This was posted right after AKAA came out and reflected a common mood
This part of his voting period was very strange. Because of the uncertainty, people were pretty split People didn't think he deserved an innocent verdict, but they didn't want to punish him so harshly with a guilty one either And it turned into an interesting situation: What happens if a prisoner gets exactly 50%? It was an unlikely truce between two passionate sides but for about 2 weeks straight, 50-50 was sustained Or more accurately, it was a constant flux of 49.9-50.1, changing by the hour if not minute (I actually dreamt up a fic of this causing Haruka to get a migraine but like most of my fics it never materialised)
Then the voice drama released
At the time I was the mod of the second biggest milgram server (rip Fancult - unfortunately that place got nuked so I'll have to go off memories alone) so I got to watch as a lot of people gathered and listened to the VD at the same time We were still waiting on translations, but still people could appreciate the acting and pick out key words like the prisoners' names and... other common phrases
お母さん, "Okaasan" The Japanese word for 'mother' or 'mum'
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By the time we got to here it was Harukover 😔
Then a second Okaasan hit the verdict
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And this giant mess ended with the suicide threat that's been haunting us for the rest of the season...
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Needless to say, people were not too pleased
The 50-50 pipe dream was immediately shot down and betrayed
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This graph (by paiplushie on twt) shows it pretty clearly
One thing to keep in mind is that even before Muu's MV was out, people were certain she'd be voted guilty, there was a fervour for it (mostly because people saw her as having taken advantage of Haruka and having the wrong attitude towards her verdict)
For some reason, voting Muu innocent was never really considered an option
It was 'Haruka threatened to kill himself if we vote Muu guilty, how do we stop him doing that after we do' [personally I voted him innocent because I had a pipe dream that if both Haruka and Muu were inno then they'd be obnoxious about it but unharmed]
People justified voting guilty in different ways, some thought it'd make him break up with Muu and not want to die for her, some just didn't want to enable his action (threatening suicide is awfully manipulative) and some people genuinely believed that physical restraint was the most effective way to prevent him from attempting suicide... which all I'll say is I disagree with that logic
But yeah, once the VD was out it never really showed any signs of returning to inno
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
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❓ FAQ ◇ 🎨 Art Tag ◇ ✏️ AO3
recurring fandoms ::: mcyt ◇ legend of zelda ◇ danganronpa ◇ …others WORKS ::: isaac beamer versus the supernatural ◇ kagehara cinematic universe inactive works ::: dreamswap ◇ greyscale ◇ dintis discontinued works ::: meme waker ◇ driftverse
🌟 Isaac Beamer Versus the Supernatural - Written work
A plot-heavy comedy. With a large cast of characters, IBVS is a mostly-original work that evolved from an idea for an Undertale Multiverse story conceptualized back in 2016. It centers around the unusual activity that occurs in the fictional city of Foxfield, California. Edward Quinton, the 'school king' of Foxfield High who secretly harbors mysterious powers, discovers a social outcast with his same supernatural predicament: the titular character, Isaac Beamer. Edward, motivated to form a secret club of others like them, goes down a path that changes their lives for the better or worse. The two of them make friends along the way… and enemies. Curiosity just may lead them straight to hell itself. Last updated June 8th 2024.
🔪 Kagehara Cinematic Universe - Written works, mostly
An incredibly niche fic series where I rip apart everyone’s derogatory favorite Danganronpa V3-inspired fan character, featuring lucid dreams, existential crises, depression and kissing your idiot hot inner demon. The character list has increased significantly since it started, featuring counterparts for other V3 characters as well. Last updated August 2022.
🗡 Dreamswap - Open Setting, No Ongoing Story
An ‘AU’ based on the UTMV outcodes. It originally got its name from being centered around Dream and Nightmare switching roles. Other other characters have also technically switched roles, but at this point, the swap thing is basically obsolete due to the convoluted nature of the lore. A comedy-heavy setting despite its themes. This was being adapted into a separate story called Fatal Flaws.
❤️  Greyscale - Comic (Stopped)
An Undertale comic about two humans with drastically different ideas on how problems should be solved who end up in the Underground at the same time and have to work together to make their way through it. Went on hiatus in 2019. Any comebacks would be a complete rework.
🌙 Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems - No Ongoing Story
Forced into the role of a hero, Dark has been at odds with his power-hungry childhood companion Jet for a long time, but he decides that continuing to fight him is not worth it anymore. A Dreamtale alternate timeline. Its tag is #dintis.
❌  Meme Waker (Discontinued) - Comic
A parody of Zelda: Wind Waker featuring various Underverse characters as characters from the original game. Please note that the link may not work on mobile due to being set to a chronological tag. The last comic strip was in 2018.
🌓 Driftverse (Also Discontinued) - Comic
An interactive story dedicated to Nightmare and Dream, except they were combined into one person and they had no idea how. A post was released explaining the remainder of the story. The last comic strip was in 2019.
If you’re looking for some of my old works that are not on Ao3, feel free to check out the #fics tag. If you want anything older than what you can find in that tag, you'll have to dig for them yourself.
There are other projects that I don’t talk much about online, if you can call them that. I may as well note that when I say private projects, I really just mean characters and stories that I brainstorm them occasionally and I don’t actively work on. If you see something not listed here, it’s probably one of those.
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justanisabelakinnie · 9 months
What characters do you headcanon as lesbians? Not just for Encanto, but all your fandoms!
I'm glad you asked me, friend!
Hmm...let's see...there's Isabela and Luisa in this fandom, we all know that already.
But besides them, my favorite lesbian headcanon would have to be Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Each of her interactions with boys just screams comphet, especially the nameless bums on the beach! And she has much better chemistry with Azula and Mai, and--look, regardless of what you think of either the Tyzula or Mailee ship(I am okay with both), you gotta admit that Ty Lee having feelings for either of the two ladies is infinitely more believable than her having feelings for a boy. Especially since she reminds me very strongly of myself: we are both bubbly, girly, pink-loving, and friendly with people we are close to, and often dismissed and not taken seriously, yet tougher and cleverer than we look. Her interactions with both genders reminds me of my own struggle with comphet and grapple to come to terms with my lesbian identity, it all reads as incredibly lesbian to me, to the point where I feel uncomfortable(if not personally attacked) when I see her in m/f ships. And with how widespread femme erasure is, Ty Lee being a proud femme lesbian would be awesome rep to have! but the show's over so 😥 but oh well, I can still have it as a hc, it gives me comfort all the same!
From the same fandom is Azula. For much of the same reasons as Ty Lee, except her comphet would be even stronger. but once she gets over it and undergoes a redemption arc I can see her and Ty Lee being an incredibly loving power couple together lol.
Anyway, I also hc Misa Amane as a lesbian, a hc which is only strengthened by this post.
I also hc Sonia Nevermind and Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa as lesbians bc I ship them and they're way too pretty and femme to get with boys hahahahhahahha~!
Also, Queen Elsa, obvi!
Also from Disney, Charlotte la Bouff definitely had a thing for Tiana and only thought she wanted the prince because it's a "required" part of the fairytale dream and I will not be convinced otherwise. In the sequel it will turn out that Naveen has a pretty sister or female cousin whom Charlotte will marry so that she and Tiana can be sisters/cousins-in-law and both have their princess dreams!!!
And for live-action movies there's Regina George from Mean Girls(this one doesn't even need explaining, it's literally the same as miss pyromaniac princess above but without the abusive dad lol), Jennifer Check from Jennifer's Body.
All the Vocaloid girls minus a select few are lesbians because I say so.
Also from the mha fandom: Mina/Jirou/Tsuyu are a poly lesbian couple, perhaps a qpr since Mina is canonically cupioromantic and I'd hate to take that away from her.
And finally, Annabeth Chase.
I think that's it for now, I def have more that I can't remember bc it's too much to add here lol. Maybe I'll put them in another post for my lesbian/sapphic ships in general.
Anyway thanks for asking because I love to ramble about my lesbian ships/hcs/stories and ideas! Take care!
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xoniarainforest · 7 months
Got tagged by @kiki-shortsnout and this seems fun, so let’s do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Great question! None! Mainly because I started using AO3 last year and I have natural anxiety towards the publish button.
(You may not understand, but that button… that button scares me.)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I have a very prideful zero. My goal this year is to try publish at least a 1k word count fic? I think it’s a fair step towards conquering my fear with that publish button.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Various Minecraft YouTubers (MCYT). I’ve been in this fandom for years, wrote about lots of peeps, but my current obsession is GeminiTay o/ (and maybe a little bit of Ethoslab. I never watch the guy before and I’m finally discovering his charm whoops)
DanganRonpa. As in writing OCs in the killing game aspect. I barely written anything about the characters other than my top 5 favourites though.
Undertale and its AUs. Especially the AUs, I remember being so crazy about it. Still do, but a bit more tone down in these past years. I write them during my need of comfort days. I have this one incomplete story from the fandom that I intend to finish it one day.
Marvel. This is my current biggest obsession. Specifically FrostIronStrange, following up with the Avengers.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m gonna answer this based on other websites that I’ve published since my AO3 page is empty. I don’t normally publish my fics cuz I’m a bit awkward in sharing, but amongst the ones I do share to public (they are mostly taken down at this point):
Méng Yǒu
Five Nights at Team Crafted
Three Peaks Castle
Dream. Glitch. World.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of my comments are from my friends so yes!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that one Marvel series about an immortal child entity who travels through the multiverse determined to help solve the universal problems/threats in every universe/dimensions that they visits. It’s a series of never ending one shots because she never stops travelling. Obviously there are bound to have some very angsty endings where they fail to save the whole universe. Or she saved the universe, but she had to make hard decisions that affects them deeply.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhm… the world is saved from not being converted into a coded game? If you don’t consider fluff fics about typical daily life. Now that I think about it, there’s never a ‘true’ happy ending with my fics. I usually write the ‘to achieve the ultimate win, you lose something along the way’.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. My fics typically don’t get discovered by people. Let alone by haters.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
When I’m feeling horny. I write very questionable porn with plot fics. Don’t ask. I swore to never share them.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! I love writing crossovers between two of my favourite fandoms! I think the craziest would be MCYT x FNAF. Cuz it’s my first ever crossover fic and it holds a special place in my heart.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. I think people prefer stealing works that are both great and completed. Sadly I’m neither great nor have I ever publish a complete fic to the public.
12. Does not exist apparently
Like my works? I have a ton that I have completed but never share to anyone.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Does co-writing a comic counts? I’ve co-written a short comic series with an irl friend before. It was only shared amongst my group of friends.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
FrostIronStrange is definitely at the top. It’s one of the very few romance shippings that I do since I normally do platonic or familial ships like Gemtho, SansxToriel, CharaxFriskxAsriel, Grian and Pearl etc.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Most of my long fics. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of them and I’m not abandoning them, but I have this problem where once I finish outlining the plot of my fics, my brain automatically files them as completed and places them at the easily forgotten corner even though I didn’t finish writing them. Plus I have a habit of jumping around between different stories… listen, I write for fun okay? I enjoy writing for the sake of writing so I don’t really care if it gets complete or not. Thinking about ‘must complete’ gives me stress and I don’t think it’s worth carrying that pressure when life itself is already stressful.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding, plot making, character backgrounds.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar, dialogue writings, endings.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I constantly writes in both English and Chinese, so that’s not an issue for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Team Crafted from the very old MCYT fandom
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I like all of my fic. Case closed.
(You are never gonna force me to pick one. NEVER)
Who to tag next for the game?
I’m tagging everyone who has seen this post and hasn’t done the answers yet. So TAG, YOU’RE IT!
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ushioliddell-blog · 1 year
Time for thoughts about what Ultimate will have been the QSMP's characters in Danganronpa.
Antoine : Ultimate Doctor with his abilities. Has paranoïa and will not trust easily someone. Will put cameras everywhere for that. Most of the time, a chill guy who loves building. Dreams to have occasion to practice medecine.
Baghera : Ultimate Forecaster or Analyst. Not like Fortunetelling, but more like she is so smart that she can guess what will happen like with Cellbit getting used. An another Chilcaregiver. A cheerful person who loves taking care of children, gossiping and matchmaking. Actually succeed to help two couples.
Étoiles : Ultimate Warrior, of course. Jokes about himself all the time but will always cheer the others with all he had. Has a toxic relationship with Junko AI. When he loose, turn to an really bad Ultimate Builder, claiming he retires.
Aypierre : Ultimate Engineer. This one is obvious too. An Ultimate Furry when he needs to take a break. An Ultimate Winegrower because of his mistrust of the Federation and the knowledge of how good can be a French wine. Is much more with his projects than people and as a few very good friends even if he talks to everyone. Can be really calculative, even with the persons he loves but will always help them, no matter what and do everything for them. Most of his projects are to help them, the others are to feed his competitive side against Mr Leader which he thinks is his true rival. Loves cringe humour and pranks. His goal is most of the time to embarass people which he succeed all the time. Used to be flirty but began to work on it since he began to have feelings for his one night stand and currently dating him.
Badboyhalo : Ultimate Occultist. Could have been Ultimate Childcaregiver but with recent events and the Soul Voulters..... An Ultimate Agitator too, who loves pranks. Often disagree with Mr Leader so much that nobody at this point is able to know if they love or hate each other.
Cellbit : Ultimate Investigator, of course. Will kill ANYONE who try to harm his Mr Interior Designer without hesitation. Has a dark past and know how to remind it, when needed.
Felps : Ultimate Demolisher. For his square. Use only one method and will always refuse any other. Disappear all the time and viewers always forget about him. When he comes back, it always seems to the others that he is new.
Pac and Mike : Ultimate Scientist. Because they don't only make machines.
Forever : Ultimate Leader. Obvious, too. Cheerful, tries always his best. Has a competitive side, currently feeded because of the Warrior and the Engineer. Will do EVERYTHING to win. Loves to tease The Occultist all the time.
Bagi : Ultimate Detective. But tries to be also the Ultimate Breeder (if she suceed to save her animals from Badboy ). Has principles and will not betray them. Has a pan and know very well how to use it. I try hard to give them différent titles, right ?
Foolish : Ultimate Builder. That goes without saying. Loves Chaos the most all of them but loves more to look at it, than cause it.
Philza : Ultimate Farmer. Could have been Childcaregiver too, but I dont want his potatoes to go in vain XD Real anarchist, doesn't really care about rules, or politic but will not be active until you touch someone he loves.
Tubbo : Ultimate Mechanist. Because much more younger than Aypierre and make trains. Can become engineer too and try to steal this title to his rival who dont really care about it and his efforts to try to steal it which infuriate Tubbo XD
Fit : Try to make believe that he is the Ultimate Housekeeper but is in reality the Ultimate P.E, good at all sports.
Jaiden : Ultimate Botanist. Loves to make flowers grow. Make her own tea and loves to serve it to the Monokumas. A chill and gentle girl who will do what she can to protect the persons she loves.
Tinakitten : Ultimate Cook and Assistant. Try really hard to help Mr Leader and loves to make Avocado Toasts. Extremely kind but loves chaos too. Touch someone she likes, you won't get away easily from her. Seems kind and cute and know how to use, or never with mean intentions. Often tease Mr Builder.
Ironmouse : Ultimate Singer. Even if she doesn't show it often to the others Islanders.
Roier : Ultimate Interior Designer. For ALL the efforts he makes when he creates his builds, like his supermarket, restaurants, hospitals.... A gentle, cheerful person. Seem sometimes stupid but is not. Loves explosions a lot.
Melissa : Ultimate Therapist. And as always in Danganronpa, the character who thinks that is good at it, but.....There are some twists. And Ultimate Dancer, at night.
Abuloeir : Ultimate Luck. This guy come always from nowhere, survive to MANY things without problems. His luck is like Nagito's. Worst happen but he always manage to survive. Is hated by the Investigator who causes most of his problems. What else could it be ?
Willyrex : Ultimate Pyrotechnician. Can be vicious in his traps. Art is explosion, after all, if you ask him.
Polispol : Ultimate Film Director. A chill guy who has a lot of humor and loves pranks. Seems so harmless that most of the time nobody suspect him as the author of thé pranks.
Maximus : Ultimate Presenter (not Host, dont want controversery for nothing :P ) Has his own show which he is really proud. Seems to be a cheerful person who has the same humor as his boyfriend. In reality, he is the most affected by this game and their lockdown. Has a depression because of the several losses he has and tendencies to keep his problems for himself all the time. Wants to be loved and find it with his currently boyfriend. Their relationship began by a Friends with Benefits but become a dating relationship. Greatly affected by Junko AI and hides it.
Code : Junko AI. As escaped Junko's control and do who know what.
Cucuruchos : Monokumas. Serves the Federation.
Fédération : Ultimate Despair. The society which create the game.
The Duck Manager : Junko. The mastermind of all this game.
The eggs : The warriors of Hope. Created by the Federation but have decided to be more than seeds of Despair.
I dont know more about Rivers, Lenay, German, Vegetta, Luzu, or Carrera so I have no ideas. If you have, go for it. If I forgot someone, say it to me, too.
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destinygoldenstar · 6 months
Rose Nicholas ; The Ultimate Good Cop (Danganronpa The Privileged Traitor)
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Rose Nicholas (As it sounds) ; 21 Years Old ; From Chicago, Illinois ; The Ultimate Good Cop
Rose Nicholas is a student of Hopes Peak College Class B-3 in Danganronpa The Privileged Traitor. She is nobody’s favorite character.
Rose is a privileged kid, as someone who was born in a family with high influence, her father being the country treasury and her mother being a military captain. She was born weaker than an average infant, but that didn’t stop her.
Growing up, she’s always had a dream of making the world a better place, as the head of the entire country’s police force.
So she worked HARD for that goal of making the world her image and training to be a proper police officer. She quickly became a heavily established member of the force despite just being in training, and earned high respect from her chief for her ‘sweet’ personality.
It’s in the name really. Rose is sweet as roses. She’s the good cop. She’s the one who always has the moral high ground and can’t ever be wrong ever-
But to her, that isn’t enough. As she’s had a few problems. Problems that are not her fault at all why even suggest such-?!
One, she doesn’t actually have friends. No one wants to be her friend. She’s not sure why, as all she ever does towards her peers is judge them and tell them exactly what they are, and most of them are degenerates or degenerate sympathizers so really they don’t deserve her-
Two, her little sister, Rain Nicholas. Ever since the speck was born, Rain has been the favorite by everyone but the chief, who prefers Rose. Rain follows Rose to a T and mimics everything she does, to the point where she too becomes a cop, and is sometimes said to be stronger and more reliable on the field than even Rose.
But Rose calmly tolerates it to Rains face cause she’s the good cop. Despite how erratic her sister is to the point of sabotaging Rose’s training grades and social life sometimes. Everything wrong with Roses life is totally just Rain’s fault and not Roses. But someone has to keep her little sister in check. Even if it is extremely grating to even look her in the eye-
Rose is VERY passionate about her ideologies. She will protect those who need it, she claims. She will make the world a better place, she claims. As a member of the police, she is the good figure of society and can do no wrong, she claims.
In her mind, a perfect world is reached when she is at front and center and in charge. It is law to have rose gardens in your home. The evil men are in jail or dead. The ‘good’ men are stuck in office where they belong. Baseball is illegal. Bollywood is displayed prominently. No debt. No murders. No suffering for anyone but the evil party. And there are no vigilantes of any kind cause those people are objectively evil-
Rose has an absolute awful time taking criticism towards herself. Towards Rain, she absolutely supports it, but towards herself that’s another story.
See, to Rose, because she is so sweet and a lawful good, she’s never wrong.
Everything she does is objectively the correct thing to do in any situation. If she’s not calling the shots, or agreeing with the shot being taken, there’s a problem.
Every opinion she has is objectively a fact. Anything else is not a different opinion, it is simply a lie.
Don’t even slightly imply you don’t agree with her. She will let you know you’re wrong. After all, disagree with her and you’re just exposing yourself as a pure evil person out to destroy the world and commit global crimes.
Agree with Rain? You’re an awful person cause no one should ever side with the bad cop.
Not follow her plan? You’re a criminal sympathizer who wants bad stuff to happen.
Don’t agree with an opinion she has? You’re spreading lies and you’re a gross whiny human being for it.
Just simply don’t like her? You’re misogynistic and a disgusting piece of garbage that deserves to rot cause CLEARLY you just don’t like her because she is a woman with power. And you don’t, so you’re just jealous and insecure. Disliking Rose is objectively wrong.
At least that’s all what Rose thinks. That’s her headspace when it comes to opposition.
Still, with her power, she can get out of basically anything cause she has the excuse of being correct and justified, and she’s also a privileged kid so…
With it, she and Rain are the officers watching the other students when the whole school scam reveals itself as a killing game. Both the cops are ready to take action and find out who is running the game so justice can be served and the innocent students can be protected. After all, it’s Roses job to protect the others, it’s Rains job to smash stuff.
Get on Roses good side and she will protect you. Just… don’t get on her bad side.
Victim? Killer? Survivor?
I’m not gonna lie, out of everyone in this cast, Rose is at the bottom of my list no contest. Some of the scenes with her I’ve outlined so far, I’ve felt angry at multiple occasions because of her. It’s all intentional, but I will be very surprised if anyone actually likes this character at all.
Also yes, Rain Nicholas is also a student and a character. Take a wild guess what Ultimate she is.
See my other profiles; The Protagonist ; The Mastermind; The Ultimate Musical Sensation ; The Ultimate Bad Cop ; The Ultimate Scientist ; The Ultimate Archer ; The Ultimate Environmentalist ; The Ultimate Arsonist ; The Ultimate Vigilante ; The Ultimate Violinist ; The Ultimate Renaissance Student ; The Ultimate Dance Streamer ; The Ultimate Video Game Modifier ; The Ultimate Poetry Writer
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
20 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
tagged by: @andtherewerefireworks. THANK YOU. <3 <3 <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
206, apparently. O.o I didn't realize it was that much. Whoops. >.>;;;;;; ...when did I end up with 55 fics in the MCU. I knew I had a lot in JTV, but when did I end up with that many in the MCU
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Uh...currently? ...uh...let me check my pinned post. Uh. Danganronpa (not DRV3 because I haven't finished it yet; specifically Junko etc. I like rewrites and consequences more than...crossovers...right now. I would rather play with canon...ish). MCU (specifically Wanda-related etc. re: Wandavision and DSMOM, but also add the Ancient One and also add Viv Vision because I love her). JTV (because yes, I can be persuaded to write more Roisa stuff). Miscellaneous Kathryn Hahn etc. (frequently referred to as Hahnverse, specifically beyond Agatha I will also write Eve Fletcher and Claire Debella). Who Framed Roger Rabbit (because yes, I can also be persuaded to occasionally write more Jessica Rabbit stuff, although it is often highly specific to my Jess). Puella Magi Madoka Magica (just because I haven't in a very long time does not mean I can't). Noir (the 2001 anime; just because I have very little posted doesn't mean I won't write for this). The Haunting of Bly Manor (specifically Dani and Viola and we pretend that most of the last episode didn't happen because I love Viola and I like looking at the complications of that whole situation). ...probably others that I can't think about at the moment, honestly.
4) Top Five Fics by Kudos:
By kudos? 1) What Dreams May Come. 2) Finding Family. 3) Lost Causes. 4) Make Life Worthwhile. 5) Take A Sad Song and Make It Better. Surprised by that last one, honestly, but not by the other four. The top two on my stats are pretty much always Bly Manor Fix-It Fic and FF; they just switch places every now and again.
5) Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I respond to comments if I feel I have a response or if I want to continue the dialogue or if I'm asked a question and don't put it off for a while (I'm really bad at this, actually). But I feel like a lot of comments...don't need...a response? And have been running into the weird situation lately where responding to comments...feels like...it keeps people from commenting? Which is? A weird feeling?
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Timeline canon doesn't count (I see you out there reading this) because that's not fic, that's rp. And, I mean, technically that had a happy ending. Technically. the day her line went flat. hands down. i've got some other angsty stuff that comes to mind, but like. nothing like that one, i don't think. ...but if I ever finish it all happens so quick, that may take it.
7) What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...uh. Hm. I think probably Finding Family, because it was nearly 375k of build up (385k if you include the Holiday Special) and character development and relational development just to get to that ending so that it felt well earned and deserved and still not expected even though set up and just. I knew the ending of that one when I started it, and it was exactly what I wanted it to be, and I think it's the most happy because it's the most right and complete and just.... I don't know how to put words to it, but that one.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten bot hate on my MCU fics by bots who want me to switch to a different fic website, which I don't think really counts. I haven't gotten hate as comments on AO3 fic, BUT I DID have a period early last year and some the year before of A LOT of Anon hate, some of which was fic hate. Specifically character interpretation. But that felt more like a campaign of hate against me and that was just the avenue they were deciding to use at that particular time because there was so much other hate they were sending, so like. ...yeah, that was a thing.
9) Do you write smut?
10) Craziest crossover?
Heart in Motion aka the JTV/ODAAT crossover that no one asked for and then everyone asked for and then I never went back to. XD
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Partly! Someone started translating Finding Family into Russian! With permission! You can find it here!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Room for One I co-wrote with @butimnotasexyrussian! IT WAS GREAT.
14) All time favorite ship?
Honestly, I don't think I have one. I love Jess/Scully and Jess/Regina. I love the Valentines. But my shipping favs are flexible at best.
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What Dreams May Come. I don't think I left it in a good spot, as opposed to If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now, which is unfinished and will probably stay unfinished but at least stops at a good spot.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Consistency. I'm very consistent in terms of world-building and maintaining exact specifics through a fic. I keep my through threads, usually, and if I set something up, it's probably going to pay off later.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS SO LONG. WHAT IS WRITING SHORT STUFF, I DON'T KNOW HER. But also plot. And description. And setting. I suck at all of these things. Oh, also, having characters have distinct voices. All of my characters sound the same. -shrugs-
18) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't have a problem with it, but I very rarely do it. I'm worried I'll get something wrong!
19) First fandom you wrote in?
Tales of Symphonia. I was in, like, middle school, and I did not post it. Fortunately. (This does not count RP, which I was doing earlier than that. That's not the same. And to be honest, I'm not sure I would know the answer then. Teen Titans or Inu-Yasha, maybe? I'm not sure.)
20) Favorite fic you've written?
It's a toss up between Luisa and the Fox and Surrogate. Probably there's something else I'm forgetting but will remember after I post this. But honestly? It's probably one of those two.
tagging: @adhdavinci (FINALLY I CAN TAG YOU BACK BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T TAG ME FIRST! HAHA!); @captaintoomanybattles; @auburnlaughter; @eriquin
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andromebaa · 7 months
Despair’s Legacy
A Danganronpa AU
Part 2 - The Legacy Students Here are the first half of the Legacy students!
Sid & Joey
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The silly guys! Sid and Joey are the oldest kids? (I think I made them like 19 initially but I'm still calling them kids I don't care) out of the Legacy Students. Thought it would be fun to have twin characters because as we all know twins are not at all significant to the plot of DR I only had to make one sprite yey. Their main personality trait as a pair is the pretty stereotypical wacky, prank-pulling twins. Sid's technically the older twin and is a bit more aggressive and weirder. Joey is more charismatic and friendly. They dress and act the same in public-facing situations for shits and gigs but they do have distinctly different personalities. I'm not sure I'm like, entirely happy with how I initially characterised them. They just felt too similar to Leon at some points but eh. Had a mini freak out because I wasn't sure if wacky coloured hair is like....genetic in the DR universe?! Whatever.
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Oh Daiya. Daiya, Daiya, Daiya. She was the first OC I created for this thing and the one who I spent the most time on. I thought it'd be cute if Taka's daughter took one look at Mondo and was like you are my entire personality now. He's definitely a father figure to her (Ishimondo was end game in this AU btw, also on that note any father/mother pairings in this AU do not equal couples or anything. That was all done out of fulfilling the contracts. Half of them are gay/queer in some way I promise) Anyway, I always kind of pictured her as a rebel - as much as she could be in such an intimate place. Getting answers wrong in class on purpose, and hanging out in areas she's not supposed to be in. A big part of the plot of the AU hinges on her creating a club with the sole intent of escaping the school. Her dream is to travel across the land Mad Max style. Daiya ended up being the more or less 'antagonist' archetype for this AU. I still kind of flip-flop between giving her delinquent and queen bee bully personality. The twins are her lackeys.
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Sad girl hours time! Ren is a jumpy, skittery mess. She knows her existence was a mistake, so she spends her time desperately trying to make up for it.
She loves being around children and is the designated babysitter for the younger Legacy Students. When she's not being mercilessly bullied by Daiya or alienating herself from others, she also likes to make toys. Another really big aspect of this AU is that Toko voluntarily locks herself away (to protect the others from Genocider), so Ren takes it upon herself to act as her caretaker. I'm still kind of working out what her relationship with Byakuya is. I definitely made it more fractured in the original concept, but I don't think he would be that cold to his own child.
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Hi I am very unhealthy about Kaito he is my favourite. Before you ask, I made him before V3 came out and I absolutely refuse to change his name even though it makes everything I write really confusing (I think he'd get along really well with V3 Kaito though) He's my favourite attempt at mixing two Danganronpa characters together and creating an amalgamation because he ended up becoming a chill and friendly surfer vibe new age one with the universe bro friend. Also he's a blind seer who kickstarts the AU story with a horrifying vision so that's always fun! He's definitely one of the most complex Legacy students because he has tons of layers to him. Something something happiest people are always y'know - not.
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Ah yes, gotta have the quiet, stoic guy who stands in the corner. Yuki start off a lot meaner/more sarcastic when I first made him but then I was like nah I kinda like making him the guy who says like five words a day and judges you quietly from a distance. I was also going to make him more martial arts focused but I ended up making him more into meditation once I figured out his whole thing, that being he's afraid of his own power so he tries to keep himself in a calm state as much as he can.
and that's all the older kids! If anyone ever wants to discuss them or anything I am always open lmao they've rotted my brain for like 6 - 7 years so I have some weird ass lore for all of them.
Part 1 - - - Part 3
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About an hour or two ago i had this dream where jerma wore one of those conical princess hats and was acting like a prima donna on stream, for some reason i was a character in the game he was playing and he asked me to make him a cup of tea (i was manning a shop at a waterpark) and the only thing i remember of the dream was me asking jerma how many sugarcubes he wants in his tea and he said "oh- about 2....2-- lumps" before the whole dream shifted into being about me trying to filter out my youtube recommended because it was filled with danganronpa naegami edits and most of them revolved around byakuya walking makoto like a dog for some reason (also one of them was a togafuka edit where the thumbnail was byakuya doing the "when the imposter is sus" face and i was scared of it)
If this is the first ever post you're seeing from me, i'm so sorry (also i ship naegiri and celesgami so the latter part of the dream was probably jerma letting me peep the horror lol)
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asha-mage · 11 months
17, 23, 49! Gratz on finishing the next chapter of Sworn btw!
[Send me a number and I'll answer your fanfic related questions!]
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is hard to answer because my first response to most new media is 'a WoT AU would make this better'. It is my Forever Fandom.
That said, to delve into the Deep Cut Zone for a moment (and maybe expose myself as utter nerd), I got pretty far into an outline for a Danganronpa X WoT crossover where pre-War of Power versions of the Forsaken + Rand and Moiraine where locked up to play the Killing Game together. The idea was to show off the flaws that led to the Forsaken falling to the Shadow, and examine the disparity between where they started/where they ended up/what drives them. I'd like to say more but I've always vaguely kept the idea of doing it around in the back of my head, and its' the kind of thing can't be spoiled and still be good.
For a non WoT contender? I have the first two chapters of a Adam Taurus/Jaune Arc fic written out that I want to go back to one day. Basically a 'they get stranded alone in the north of Anima and have to work together to survive' type thing that is meant to get into a lot of what makes the two characters tick. Love me a good Dark Knight/Paladin combo. It would have a potential audience of like, four people, but I still might go back to it one day if I get back into RWBY again.
23 - What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
This will come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows me but- ABO. I find ABO fascinating less for horny reasons and more for the potential it has to impact world building, character relationships, and general societal fuckery in interesting ways ways. A good example is WoT- one day I really want to write a ABO that would explore the weird intricate of Omega Rand for example, and how that effects the already profound Gender Fuckery of WoT.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Heh. I should have known this was coming when I posted about finishing the Sworn Chapter 15 rough. Have this preview:
Rand resisted the urge to shiver at the sound of dead grass and fallen leaves crunching underfoot. So many layers of it had fallen and turned to mulch and fallen again that it made a thick blanket of under brush through which only peaks of strangely veined marble where visible, at least on the outer edges of the grounds. Even with his height, the grass rose well past his knees out here, and would likely grow taller and thicker, as spring turned to summer. It was late in the evening he thought, but it was hard to tell in this place. The trees made a thick canopy over most of the grounds, some towering higher than the highest oaks Rand ever seen in the Waterwood. That canopy let in only thin rays of light that allowed a vague sense of the time of day. He had slept more he knew, after they had settled with a fire in the main hall, out the way of the strange Aes Sedai, but how long before he had awoken he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t dreamed again, or if he had, he didn’t remember anything beyond unsettled lurching darkness. He would have stayed in the hall still, to keep watch over Mat, waiting for him to awaken, but Loial and Selene between them had managed to convince him that he wasn’t helping by looming. Stalking about Loial had called it, though Rand hadn’t agreed with that assessment. Still he had needed some fresh air, so he had come out here, to the edge to wander about the manor grounds and try to avoid brooding over Mat’s fate. It had been that or submit to a lecture from Loial about how beautifully preserved the ruins where as he made notes in his little book. Mat will be fine. Rand told himself firmly. The Aes Sedai had said as much as she worked her healing over him and they could not lie. If you believe that- A voice began in the back of his head, the one that sounded like Moiraine. Rand crushed it ruthlessly. Moiraine was wrong. It was that simple. It had to be that simple. He was not the Dragon.
More then a few lines. I hope that's okay 😉.
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serenescribe · 1 year
serenescribe's ao3 fics masterlist!
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here's a collection of all my written works that i've posted to ao3 thus far! listed below the cut in alphabetical fandom order! (had to ditch my orange text for it due to formatting woes...)
total number of works: 28 last updated: 4/7/24
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blaseball: ✤ — in the truly gruesome do we trust —> during the chaos of earlsiesta, parker macmillan iiiii takes a stand. [ao3]
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cookie run: ✤ — we've got history —> espresseleine. espresso hates madeleine. madeleine is obsessed with espresso. somehow, everything comes together for better or worse. [ao3*]
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danganronpa: ✤ — a beginner's guide to breaking your (apparently requited) crush out of a time loop —> saiouma + non-despair. shuichi gets stuck in a time loop. kokichi helps him out. [ao3]
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danganronpa 54 series: ✤ — nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy —> when shuichi saihara fails to connect rantaro's presence in drv3 to the survivors' sacrifice, maki harukawa is forced to join another killing game. [ao3] [ongoing + on hiatus] ✤ — cause for concern —> set during intermission 1 of the main fic. the morning before dr54's premiere, shuichi, tenko and himiko go grocery shopping. [ao3]
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eastward: ✤ — for you, the world —> isabel/alva. a retelling of chapter 4's bar scene with an in-depth look at isabel's perspective. [ao3] ✤ — do not stand at my grave and weep —> post-canon. john copes with life and learns how to move on. [ao3]
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fantasy high: ✤ — dear gravity (you held me down in this starless city) —> fig punches a mirror. somehow it's a metaphor for teenage rebellion. [ao3] ✤ — the pied piper (of a singular rat) —> in a determined bid to prove to himself that he is not, in fact, a coward, fabian tries adaine’s secret sylvan gift again. [ao3] ✤ — something borrowed, something blue —> after a plane shift spell gone wrong following the last stand, kristen finds herself in a dreamscape modelled after her goddess' wedding. [ao3] ✤ — glaciers melting in the dead of night —> in another universe a step to the left, adaine and oisin are paired together for a project in the first week of freshman year. this doesn’t change everything — but it changes just enough. [ao3] [ongoing]
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fire emblem: engage: ✤ — "would you care for a cup of tea?" —> céline, princess of firene, seeks out three potential partners for tea time. [ao3]
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fire emblem: three houses: ✤ — tower of withering hearts —> sylvix + fairytale au. felix has been stuck in a tower guarded by dragons for ten years. one day, sylvain finally finds him. [ao3] ✤ — dancing with a star —> doropetra. dorothea teaches petra how to dance fódlan-style. she gets more than she expected out of it. [ao3] ✤ — and no one saw and no one heard —> a short drabble studying felix's character. [ao3]
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inside job: ✤ — i miss the thought of what we were —> post-season 1 part 2. reagan keeps a close eye on ron staedtler martin higgins. gigi and brett find out, one after the other. [ao3]
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night in the woods: ✤ — longest night —> a retelling of the longest night supplement, with a heavier focus on mae's psyche and the unreality of her dreams. [ao3]
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persona 5: ✤ — but they don't give a flying fuck about us —> a retelling of the first few days of persona 5. akira kurusu moves to tokyo, befriends a blond boy, and fights the urge to throttle a volleyball coach. [ao3]
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twisted wonderland: ✤ — two for nero —> when silver falls to a sleeping curse, lilia resolves to do anything to wake him up. [ao3] ✤ — everything goes dark —> silver is a dream fairy in the realm of nightmares, suffering from sleep-spells and knowing he doesn't belong. [ao3] ✤ — hollow moon —> don't fall asleep in the light of the full moon. except one day, silver does. things go... very badly. [ao3] ✤ — true love feeds on absences (like pleasure feeds on pain) —> a departure, a reunion, and everything in-between. chapter 7 spoilers. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — rhapsody in green —> a mirror, a comb, and the differences between a knight and a king. [ao3] [Collab with @olivebranch311] ✤ — garden in the ceiling —> malleus steals his family away into a dreamscape, content to take care of them for all of eternity. [ao3] ✤ — the snow prince —> a mysterious spell afflicts one lilia vanrouge, encasing his heart in frigid cold. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — pénthos —> silver is dead, and everything is wrong. [tumblr link] [ao3] ✤ — the prince's physician —> malleus is the physician of an eternally reincarnating prince. he reflects on all that entails. [tumblr link] [ao3] [collab with @ohsleepie] ✤ — the once (and many) prince(s) —> silver is, has always been, and will always be, the crown prince of his kingdom. [tumblr link] [ao3] [collab with @ohsleepie]
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(asterisk* —> archive-locked)
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sky-sykes-starr · 2 years
Danganronpa: Elite Stars (Yandere) - Character Introduction
Introduction: 15 students, who are labelled to be ultimates are given letters to attend a top academy for the elite stars within the entertainment industry that guarantees them further success that they could ever dream of. However, with no other students or any teachers arriving, the group begins to get suspicious until a robotic teddy bear forced them to partake in a killing game. Will the students be able to escape? Will they kill each other off? I guess only time will tell. With the protagonist, Y/N being the ultimate triple threat will she be able to survive or will someone force her to stay inside the academy for life.
Monokuma (Head Master of the killing game)
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Beomgyu (TXT) - Ultimate Visual
Beomgyu, the ultimate visual is a well known boy in his city for his charming looks, whether it be cute or sexy, his duality is insane. The possibilities for his career are endless, he can go to any direction that he wishes. Only if he knows that looks aren’t forever lasting, but then again, everything always comes back with into style.
Yeonjun (TXT) - Ultimate IT Boy
Yeonjun, the Ultimate IT boy, who could do no wrong and has always been placed first within singing, dancing and rapping, he is a force to be reckoned with. Thus, every single trainee knows not to mess with him or go up against in him during evaluations. Although, it is highly suspicious that Yeonjun doesn’t attend every class that he is supposed to.
Wonyoung (IVE) - Ultimate Influencer
Wonyoung, the ultimate influencer, rose to popularity and stardom when she was 14 years old doing advertisements for products on her social media account. Her little dances and quirks (along with her looks), made the public pay quick attention too her. But what happens when it’s not the attention she desires?
Taehyun (TXT) - Ultimate Vocalist
Taehyun, the ultimate vocalist, is known for his beautiful voice that has attracted the attention on many entertainment companies As he signed to one of the most biggest entertainment companies he is expected to make his debut soon, by attending the academy he will have a stable singing career that would last him a life time. Yet, what would happen when people stop paying attention too him, would he be able to have a back up plan.
Jay (Enhypen) - Ultimate Heir
Jay, the ultimate heir, has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth as his family owns several entertainment businesses such as, dance academies, pharmaceuticals and a reporting news station. Being the only child, all he needs to do is show his good side to the public without any flaws. Only if he knew that everyone is always watching him, waiting for him to fall.
Gaeul (IVE) - Ultimate Dancer
Gaeul, the ultimate dancer, had started dancing at the age of 3, learning different styles of dances be it tap, lyrical, jazz and so on. She has attended every competition and winning every award that even the judges know her name. However, all it takes is one injury to make sure she’ll never dance again.
Yeosang (Ateez) - Ultimate Cheerleader
Yeosang, the ultimate cheerleader, is one of very few males that are apart of the elite cheerleading competition team going to nationals and winning three times in a row. He was even elected as cheer captain leading his team to victory every step of the way. If only he knows that the journey of life is not always winning but losing too.
Felix (Stray Kids) - Ultimate Rapper
Felix, the ultimate rapper, started off as an underground rapper who was scouted by several top agencies that wanted him to debut in their boy group. With his deep tone of voice and a cute style he brings a unique perspective to the public, giving them two very different versions of himself. What he needs to know though is that it is not about pleasing one person but pleasing everyone when it comes to the entertainment industry.
Heeseung (Enhypen) - Ultimate Gamer
Heeseung, the ultimate gamer, has always had a love for games be it horror, action or rpg he’ll play them all. So he started to stream the games he played a making a rather quick following of subscribers and loyal fan base. He has furthered his work into streams, YouTube videos all the way to collaborations, merch and podcasts. But he needs to be careful as sometimes the numbers won’t be as big as they used to be.
Sakura (Lesserafim) - Ultimate Actress
Sakura, the ultimate actress, has been on the t.v since she was 3 years old, starting off in kids media playing lead characters all the way to doing teen dramas and more mature projects. She is said to change the acting industry, being one of the most well known actresses that there are. But there are other ways to be remembered than being on T.V
Aisha (Everglow) - Ultimate Model
Aisha, the ultimate model, is well-known for her proportions and height. She first started off as a catalogue model when she was a child and that modelling soon reached to high fashion and runway modelling for big names. Those big names being Gucci, Dior and Victoria’s Secret. However, there is more to life than fancy designer clothing.
Yoshi (Treasure) - Ultimate Song Writer
Yoshi, the ultimate song writer, has been writing music since he was a young boy. First as a hobby to now being a career, all the songs he writes have reached the top 100 and a lot of agencies have scouted him. So far he has wrote 47 songs, for himself and other artists but people are aware that he will continue to write more. But what happens when someone does not like his work or when his creative juice stops flowing?
Soyeon (G-IDLE) - Ultimate Producer
Soyeon, the ultimate producer, is the first female producer to produce her self made album on her own. She has received many praises from the public and the higher ups, Since then she produces her own work along with producing for some other artists. The problem is their have been some noteworthy news of her work that has been squashed down, but if it is revealed and not squashed her life would be over.
Miyeon (G-IDLE) - Ultimate Host
Miyeon, the ultimate host, had started of her career presenting children’s T.V shows then to music shows and is soon going to host her own T.V show. That show being called Miyeon’s Late Nights that will have singers, actors and well established people as guests on her show. The problem is that her charm and ability to make everyone like her poses her as a threat to danger.
Y/N - Ultimate Triple Threat
Y/N, the ultimate triple threat, is what people want to be, she covers the three M’s in the entertainment industry. Those three M’s beings modelling, movies and music (in that order). She has it all, she’s accomplished her dreams of being remembered to be a legend, making her parents proud. Only problem is that she thinks she is untouchable even when it comes to bad situations. Only if she knew that there are times when you are not able to be strong and you’ve fallen into weakness.
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