#had my earrings out for 3 weeks bc i had to take them out in the ward aghhh
coffee-bat · 5 months
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i am inagony
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simp4wom3n · 5 months
Why Don't I Know You?
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Requested: Yes/No ~ How about Regina having a crush on the reader but not saying anything bc she thinks the reader won't like her, but when the reader starts talking to her and everything, Regina is suddenly possessive ykwis
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Summary: Shocked when a face she doesn't recognise shows up in her class, Regina makes it her goal to learn everything about them, even if it leads to her gaining a massive crush. ~ Word Count: 4.1k ~ Warnings: lotta swearing, one slur, otherwise mainly fluff
A/N: HI!!! FIRST RENEE/REGINA FIC!!! she is criminally underwritten, so I thought I would do my part (other people pls do right for her I need stuff to read). I love her so so much, and I had a blast writing this, so pls enjoy <3 + I will be creating a Renee rapp taglist so comment or message me if you wanna be on it :)
The halls of North Shore High were like a second home to Regina. Some would call it her hunting ground. Each year, she relished her opportunity to prowl the hallways, hunting the new freshman as she committed every new face and name to mind, with the intention of digging up all the dirt she possibly could. With thanks to Gretchen, she knew everything about everyone.
But then there was you.
"Alright, we have a new student joining us today."
Regina's eyes widened in pure shock as you walked into the room. With your bag casually slung over your shoulder, you make a beeline for the empty tables surrounding Regina. Ignoring the intensity of her gaze, you drop your bag and settle into the chair next to her. The faint strains of music emanated from the headphones hanging from your ears as you began organizing your belongings, only to be interrupted by the teacher.
"Y/n, if you could please stand and introduce yourself."
Your eyes flicked nervously towards the teacher, and the entire class turned to look at you. The intensity of Regina's gaze made your cheeks glow with a faint red before you sighed dejectedly and reluctantly stood up, pulling out your headphones.
"Um... Hi, I'm Y/n... not really much else to say."
The teacher nodded at you before turning around to start the lesson. Watching as you sat down, Regina's focus shifted entirely to you.
She couldn't tell whether it was because she knew nothing about you, or that you were just so damn hot.
Maybe it was both.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the class, Regina wasted no time storming off to find Gretchen. Having watched you for the entirety of the class, she was desperate to find out everything about you.
Strutting through the packed hallway, everyone staring at her in fear, Regina locked onto her target as she came into her view. "Gretchen!" she called irritatedly. The small girl quickly turned around as her eyes widened in fear. "Tell me... How is it that I don't know anything about this new Junior, Y/n? Why wasn't I informed? I need all the details now!"
Gretchen, scrambling to keep up with Regina's relentless pace, stammered out an apology. "I-I'm sorry, Regina! I didn't even know they were coming."
"God, you are useless!"
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In only a week, not only had watching you become her routine, but she had even started to develop a crush on you, as painful as that was for her to admit.
She was supposed to be chased, not the one chasing.
Seeing you had become the favourite part of her day, even above having the whole school bow at her feet. She hadn't even talked to you. She just watched.
She meticulously studied your every move, subconsciously committing all of your subtle mannerisms to memory. Like the way you would take notes, or the way you would nibble at your fingers when you were focused. Or her personal favourite, when you knawed at the end of your pencil when you were nervous or stressed.
Fuck, she wishes she was that pencil.
She hated to admit it, but the thought of talking to you terrified her. Her usually overbearing confidence drained away whenever you sat in the chair next to her, your mysterious yet comforting presence causing her to malfunction.
And yet, as she sat at lunch with Gretchen and Karen, she refused to mutter a word about you to them. The furthest they pushed was when Gretchen asked about you after catching Regina staring at you, and the look Regina gave the poor girl made her shut up immediately.
The lunch tables were packed as usual, but Regina's eyes scanned the hallway beside them. She was well aware that you never sat at any of the tables, so she patiently waited for you to return to your locker, which was conveniently placed within sight of her table.
Karen and Gretchen's incessant babbling went unnoticed as you finally appeared. She couldn't help but notice your slouched posture and sluggish movements. You looked exhausted. Your headphones, which you always had on you, dangled from one ear as you forcefully opened your locker.
As if she wasn't already concerned, the table of varsity jocks had also noticed you, taking your clearly irritated mood as a green light to push even more of your buttons. From across the room, Regina watched with a clenched jaw as three of them stood from the table and made their way towards you.
Her body ached with anger as she watched them grab you by the shoulder and throw you against the lockers. Your exhausted expression turned to one of fear as they held you up against the cold metal doors. The guy forcefully snatched your headphones away, callously tossing them to the ground and obliterating them with a single forceful step.
Regina choked on a gasp. She knew how much you loved those headphones.
She was annoyingly out of earshot as she watched them continue to laugh at and berate you whilst shaking you against the lockers. Her blood was boiling. The others had noticed her expression and cast confused glances towards the commotion, which only confused them more.
The Regina they knew would be laughing.
After Regina's next victims finally let you go, your body shook as you realised that the whole school had just watched you get shamelessly belittled. As soon as your gaze locked with Regina's, your embarrassment grew unbearable, triggering you to hastily get your belongings before moving to make a swift escape.
The last Regina saw of you, you were frantically running away, desperately trying to hide your state as tears streamed down your face.
Those jocks had no idea what was coming for them.
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The next time she laid eyes on you was the week after. She had already exacted her revenge on the jocks, having called their parents and telling them they all had STDs, yet when she caught sight of your weary expression as you entered the classroom, the familiar sense of triumph eluded her.
As the lesson passed and the teacher blabbered about a new group project, Regina's eyes never left you as you buried yourself in your notebook.
"Ok, listening, please." the teacher announced, garnering both of your attention. "The groups are as follows," you patiently waited for your name to be read out so you could go back to absentmindedly doodling in the margins of your book, whilst Regina similarly waited to hear the name of the poor soul who would be stuck with her. Yet, to her surprise, she wasn't disgusted by the name read beside hers.
"Y/n and Regina,"
With eyes wide and fixed on the teacher, Regina failed to notice the sudden blush that crept onto your cheeks, causing you to quickly lower your head. "You have the rest of the lesson to plan." the teacher mumbled before returning to their desk, where they sat silently.
Neither of you moved. After a second of secretly hoping Regina would make her move, you figured she wasn't interested in you or the project. Opening your computer and immediately diving into research, Regina sat at her desk, trying to build the courage to talk to you.
God, she hated being a coward.
After a few minutes and a few internal pep talks, she decided to take her one excuse to talk to you as she finally scooted her desk towards yours and turned to face you. As she inched closer, your heart began to race, sensing her gaze fixed on you. With a bashful smile, you diverted your attention from your screen and finally made eye contact with her.
She was breathtaking.
Clearing your throat, you quickly turned back to your computer as you scratched the back of your neck. "I-I'll just do it all when I get home," you spoke nervously, presuming THE Regina George would want nothing to do with you or the project.
"What makes you think I'd make you do it alone," she retorts, her tone more flirtatious than she had intended, but she wasn't mad about it. You looked back at her, lost for words for a second as you tried to scramble together a response.
"Well... I-I just presumed you wouldn't want to help." A small smile formed on her lips as you briefly glanced at her, "I mean, you hardly pay attention, so I just... figured." She softly giggles at your words, her laughter sending a flutter of excitement through your body.
Little did you know she was distracted by you.
"Come to mine later. We can do it together." Regina's unexpected display of confidence caught both of you off guard as her usual flirtatious demeanour made a comeback. Meanwhile, you stared at her in disbelief, trying to process what had just happened. "Ugh... Yeah, sure, if that's ok?"
"I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't"
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As the school bell rang through the corridors, you were overwhelmed with both relief and anxiety. After enduring a tedious day at school, you were now faced with the terrifying task of not only talking to Regina but also spending hours alone with her at her house.
Walking out the doors and towards the car park, the sound of the bustling school fading into the background, your eyes catch a familiar blonde leaning up against her Jeep. Your heart began to race faster as you approached her, your bag feeling heavier with each step.
Her expression softened as she noticed you approaching, a warm smile gracing her lips, and she pushed herself off her car. "Hey," she greets softly, a soft shade of pink painting her cheeks as you both smile at each other. "Hi," you said breathlessly with a small chuckle.
Without another word, Regina moves to get in, and you follow suit, chucking your bag into the backseat next to hers before climbing into the passenger seat.
The breeze gently tousled your hair as you drove to her house, the soothing tunes of music filling the air, matching the nervous excitement between you both. Your heart beat along with the music as you snuck glances at the girl sitting next to you. With her eyes focused on the road and the wind softly brushing her skin, you were utterly mesmerised by her.
Of course, you had heard of Regina George's horror stories, but this girl was different.
Sure, you hadn't spoken till this morning, but there was something about her you couldn't quite describe. Something that brought you to school every day, comforting you as you sat in undoubtedly one of the most boring classes, and that gave life at North Shore High purpose.
Frankly, you rejected any idea of her being a heartless bitch.
When you eventually turned into her driveway, your gaze was forced away from her as you caught sight of her house, or should you say mansion. The house was almost cinematic in grandeur, your eyes growing wider by the second as you drove closer before eventually stopping at the door.
"Wow," you mumbled under your breath as you exited her car, your eyes not leaving the building as you reached for your bag. You heard Regina chuckle lightly as she led the way to her door. "My mum's not home, thank god, so we have the place to ourselves."
You nod mindlessly as you follow her through the front door. As you trailed behind her, the pristine marble floors beneath your feet echoed with each step, a stark contrast to the scuffed linoleum of the school corridors.
Just when you thought you had gotten used to it, Regina led you to her room. Stepping inside, you find yourself mesmerised by everything around you. "This is your bedroom?" you asked, clearly taken aback. Regina glanced back at you, a shy smile on her face.
"Yeah, It was my parents, but I asked them to trade me." "Right...". You couldn't help but be captivated by the array of decorations adorning the walls, taking in the posters and photos that offered a rare glimpse into her life beyond her reign as the queen of North Shore.
Sitting on her bed and removing her shoes, she motions for you to do the same. Dropping your bag next to her massive bed and grabbing everything you need, you carefully sit down next to her, leaving enough room between the two of you so you don't seem invasive.
Opening your laptop and notebook, you place them on the bed as you pull up the project materials. You can feel Regina's gaze on you even though she's trying to be subtle, and the thought instantly makes your cheeks glow softly.
"So, uh, where do you want to start?"
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The next few hours flew by as you worked on the project together. Regina was surprisingly helpful, the two of you moving closer as your work drew to a close. Now that the project was over, the familiar awkwardness lingered in the air as you searched for something to talk about that wouldn't embarrass you.
"You're really good at drawing, you know." Regina compliments softly, pointing at your notebook margins before you can say anything as you blush at her words. "Thanks... I've been doing it more since-" "Your headphones broke." Regina cuts you off as you look at her surprised.
"Yeah... How did you know that?" It was Regina's turn to blush as she realised that she had just revealed herself. Stammering to find an excuse, she looks away for a second, embarrassed. "I-I'm just a very observant person."
You look at her suspiciously with a small smile gracing your lips, the thought of Regina watching you making your heart flutter.
"You're different." you find yourself blurting out, "from how everyone else describes you, I mean." you finish quickly. Regina chuckles as she smiles at you softly. "You're different too. Good different. I like it."
The tension between you grew as you stared into each other's eyes. A softness behind her pale blue eyes drew you in, and before you knew it, you were slowly leaning in. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you caught Regina glancing down at your lips, her own caught between her teeth as your faces grew closer.
"Regina, honey!" You scramble backwards as Regina's bedroom door flies open, revealing who you believe to be her mum. "Oh. Hi there!" "Mum, seriously!?" Regina yells in disbelief. Your ears begin to ring as your head pounds, thinking about what would have happened if you had not been interrupted.
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't realise you had anyone over." While Regina's mother was apologising, you could hear Regina sighing in frustration next to you. "I'll just go to the kitchen." Her mum suggests as she begins to leave the room, but you beat her to it. "No, Ms George, it's okay. I was on my way out anyway." You offer her a smile you hope appears as genuine as you quickly throw everything into your bag.
Trying to ignore Regina's pained gaze, you threw your bag over your shoulder, grabbed your shoes, and quickly exited her bedroom, making your way out the front door. You had no plan on how to get home, but you would rather walk than have to sit in that room after what had happened.
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Walking into school the next day was like walking straight into a nightmare. You already weren't fond of the school, having been called slurs and made fun of constantly, but adding to that, your usual excitement of seeing Regina had been replaced with pure fear.
In just one night, you managed to spin every interaction you ever had with the girl, leaving you incredibly embarrassed about how you had let it all happen. Who were you to think Regina might actually like you? You were probably just a pawn in some big game.
Unlocking your locker and throwing it open, already fed up with the day before it had even begun, you began to unpack your stuff, completely ignorant of the approaching jock.
Walking into school with a similarly distraught look, Regina's mind was stuck reeling over the events from last night. The question of why you ran away was all she could think about until she heard a sharp bang.
Before you could react, you were once again thrown against the lockers, an irritated grunt leaving your lips. Your eyes met the same bastard who had made bullying you their new hobby. "Back for more, dyke?" he taunted you, your fists clenching involuntarily as you awaited the verbal abuse he was undoubtedly about to unleash on you.
Regina's head immediately whipped in its direction, a new sense of anger rushing through her body as she saw your saddened figure being pinned up against the lockers. Without hesitation, she storms towards the jock holding you against the wall with a fire burning behind her eyes.
"Fuck off, asshole!"
The boy's expression quickly shifted, causing him to release his grip on you and hastily retreat in terror. You sighed in relief as you observed Regina approaching you, her face contorted with unmistakable rage.
You found it quite amusing how scary everyone found her, causing the boy who had just been full of confidence to shrink into insignificance, like a tiny ant that she was about to step on.
"Look in her direction again, and it won't just be STDs next time."
The boy's face flashed in realisation before hurriedly scrambling off. All eyes were fixed on you as Regina directed her gaze towards you, her expression instantly softening with a hint of concern in her eyes. "Are you ok?" you managed a nod as the softness of her voice filled you with a comforting warmth.
"Yeah… Thanks," you replied softly, your familiar awkward energy filling the air. She watched you momentarily as you remained silent, hopeful that you would acknowledge her. Yet, as you continued to avert your gaze away from her, she gave you a soft nod before turning to leave. Her stomach sank as the failing state of your relationship grew more and more obvious.
With an unfamiliar burn of tears behind her eyes, her pace quickened as she tried to get as far away from you as she possibly could.
But you stopped her.
"Regina, wait!"
Looking over her shoulder and meeting your sorry gaze, her heart can't help but flutter as she watches you slowly jog after her. "Sorry, I-" you hesitated, feeling a surge of nerves as you came the closest you had been to Regina since yesterday. "Did you want to maybe... hang out at yours after school again?"
"Didn't we finish the project?" She seems confused, completely missing that you wanted to spend time together outside what was needed. "No, we did. I just thought we could, you know, just watch a movie or something, but if you're not into that-"
"I would love to." She interrupts your anxious babbling with a gentle laugh, her gaze filled with admiration as you stare at her in a state of surprise and joy. "Meet me at the same place, ok?" "Yeah". Regina walks away from you with a smirk as you stand there frozen.
Holy shit, you just asked Regina George out.
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The trip to Regina's after the bell finally rang was much like the day before.
She waited for you by her car, dismissing her other friends when she spotted you. Greeting each other warmly before jumping in the car, you once again listened to music whilst the wind swept through your hair, a nervous yet warm sense of anticipation falling between you.
Pulling up to her house, which you were still in awe of, you jumped out of the car and walked towards the front door behind Regina. "This time, my mum actually isn't home and won't be. I made sure of it. So we really do have the place all to ourselves."
You both laughed at her words as a small blush crept onto your cheeks. You walked behind Regina as she entered her bedroom, studying the now familiar walls as she set up everything you needed to watch a movie.
After sitting on her bed with the TV switched on and Netflix loaded up, you still remained standing in her doorway, nibbling on your pencil, which you always kept stowed away in your pocket, causing her to glance at you with a puzzled expression. "You seem distracted. Everything okay?" she asked, her voice soft yet discerning.
Snapping back into reality, offering her a sheepish smile, you replied, "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess." taking the pencil from your lips, you slowly moved towards her bed, your eyes subconsciously scanning every inch of her body, your mind going wild seeing her so comfortable.
Her gaze fixated on you, her piercing blue eyes captivating in the sunlight pouring through the window. She laughed softly, the sound filling the room with a pleasant melody. "Lost in thought or thoughts of me?"
The comment caught you off guard, and your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I… um, what makes you say that?". Regina, who reclined into her bed, gestured towards your hand, occupied by a chewed-up pencil.
"You always chew on that when you're nervous," she spoke softly. Your eyes widened in astonishment as the familiar burn returned to your cheeks. "How do you know that?" She smirked, "I notice everything." Regina's gaze never wavered as she continued watching you, a playful glint in her eyes.
"So, what's got you so nervous, Y/n?"
You felt a lump form in your throat as Regina's question hung in the air, filling the lavish room with tension. You couldn't help but fidget with your pencil, trying to find the right words to capture the overwhelming mix of emotions that Regina's presence constantly stirred within you.
"I, uh… it's just… everything, I guess. School, people, this…" You gestured vaguely between the two of you, unable to articulate the chaotic mess of feelings inside. Regina leaned up, her voice softening. "Well, you don't have to be nervous around me." Her eyes locked onto yours, a sincerity beneath the confident facade. "Now sit."
Slipping your shoes off and sitting on the bed, you move closer to Regina, who is lying against her pillows, her gaze unwavering. Eventually settling next to her, you turn to look at her, your heart fluttering as her soft eyes meet yours.
The room seemed to buzz with an unspoken energy, and all you could hear was the sound of your shared breaths. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, watching Regina's eyes analyse your face. A blush painted her cheeks, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
Regina seemed hesitant, her mouth opening as if searching for the right words. "You know, I've been infatuated with you ever since you first walked into class." Your heart did a somersault at her words. A dreamy smile spread across your face, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of joy and disbelief.
"Regina George. Infatuated with me?" you teased playfully, her confession coursing adrenaline through your veins. With a gentle laugh, she hides her face briefly behind her hand before looking back at you, matching your wide smile.
"Shut up."
Leaning towards you, Regina's hands delicately wrapped around your neck, a slight shiver travelling down your spine. The room appeared to tighten as Regina held you, her touch confident and gentle. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyes never leaving Regina's as she closed the distance.
Time seemed to stand still as her lips met yours.
The touch of her lips against yours was gentle, her hands brushing your neck with a mix of desire and passion. Everything else faded away as you fell into the kiss.
Her breath mingled with yours, and you could feel the rapid beat of her heart echoing your own. The room seemed to buzz with an electrifying charge, and the only sounds that reached your ears were the shared breaths between you two.
As Regina pulled away, a shared moment of breathless silence hung in the air. Once buzzing with unspoken energy, the room was now filled with the soft sounds of your intertwined breaths. Regina's cheeks were tinted with a deeper blush, and a subtle smirk played on her lips.
Your mind still reeling from the feeling of her lips on hers, you speak with a breathless chuckle, "What's everyone else gonna think?". Regina smirked at your question, a glint of defiance in her eyes as she pulled you back in, mumbling her response on your lips.
"Let them talk."
Tag-list:@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams @alexkolax @ssinfulprayers @wifeyjennaortega @thenextdawn @wol-fica
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sjkezz · 2 months
୨୧ u gave them a plushie
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pairing: enhypen x reader | genre: fluff
cw: no warnings!
[notes] hi everyone! i wanted to try and do this for the first time so i hope that yall note it! im trying my best to post 2-3 this week so if i cant, i apologise. enjoy reading and please show support. thankyou! 🤍
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[heeseung] he would come home and see a random plushie on his bed with a note on it saying that it's a gift for him from you and a smile would beam from ear to ear. he would find you in the house and when he sees you, he would give you a backhug and wont let go. he would pepper kisses all over your neck as a form of his appreciation. both of you know that you dont have to say thank you as a sincerity, you have to show it.
[jay] he will probably start bawling his eyes out since he feels very thankful and very grateful for having you as his girlfriend. (also bc he's dramatic) he would go up to you and give you a big hug and continuously say thank you and will tell you that he's going to buy you an even bigger and nicer gift. (bc yk jay's 💸)
[jake] he will of course get startled by the random plushie on the bed and seeing layla playing with it but he'll start to hold the plushie and hug it. he would go to you and ask you why you bought him a plushie, when you did it, why did you do it, which store you went to and how did you manage to do it. he'll ask you all sorts of questions because he's excited and happy that he had gotten something from you. (such a jake behavior)
[sunghoon] he will be so unfazed when he reaches the room after work or something, then get back to his senses and see that there is a literal plushie on the bed. he would pick it up, show it to you and say, "who got you this?" and be so possessive to you then you tell him that the plushie is actually for him and he'll start laughing and showing his fangs a little. he'll thank you, kiss you all over the face and go back to the bedroom to put back the plushie and go change. (correct me if im wrong but i feel like this is such a sunghoon coded tho)
[sunoo] he'll literally squeal like at the back of his lungs and take the plushie and start hugging it due to how cute it looks and naming it. he'll kiss it all over and then go over to you and start hugging you and being so lovey dovey to you. he'll play with the plushie and bring it around in the house as if the plushie's his pet or his child. he'll eat with it, sleep with it etc.
[jungwon] he'll get startled by the plushie from afar thinking that it's an animal. he'll go closer to your room slowly and when he sees the plushie, his dimple smile will be shown and he'll be so grateful for it. he'll go to you and say, "so, you got that plushie for me babe" and hug you by the waist. he'll admire you and ask himself how did he get such a thoughtful, beautiful and caring girlfriend. he'll be the most whipped whenever it comes to you.
[ni-ki] he'll start smiling and already thinking about his next gift for you. both of you will compete for the most cutest gift for each other that yall had gotten. he'll say that the plushie is cute in his heart because he doesnt want to admit these type of things and he'll say that you look like it. he'll compliment you whenever you're around and also because he's clingy after getting something from you. he'll let bisco play with it because the plushie's from you, not a stranger. he's a big baby when it comes to you giving gifts. to him, gifts is not necessary, your pure love and existence is.
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chvoswxtch · 1 month
hi my love, my sweetness!! congrats again on 4K you deserve it so much and I love youuu!!
I know the cafe is technically closed but I thought maybe if I flirt a bit with the owner, who’s such an amazing lovely person who writes excellent fics, I thought I might be able to order a drink or two (only if there’s time and of course fine if not<3)
so could I order a macchiato over ice for Frank or Hotch. how would they be/react if they saw you in their clothes? I think both are so territorial and like daddies and if they saw you just in their sweatshirt or jacket or whatnot in a completely innocent situation they’d lose it. Let’s not even get started on at home or bedroom related
love you thank you for sharing your writing with us <333
oh i've missed you so. thank you so much my sweet. you can order anything you want <3
sjdkshdsjkd do you know how absolutely feral hotch would go if he came home after a shitty week & saw you wearing one of his dress shirts bc i'm going feral just thinking about it so let me paint you a lil picture
as a reminder, over ice means it's spicy ! (minors dni)
headcannon below the cut
aaron hotchner likes you in his clothes
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let me set the scene for ya. it's been a long week for our bau daddy, dealing with narcissistic psycho killers & keeping all his kids in line (the rest of the bau), & the frustrations are high when he finally steps off the jet. he doesn't even stay back to handle the mountain of paperwork waiting for him, that's how fed up he is
when he finally makes it home, it's well after midnight, & he's so tired he doesn't even wanna take a nice hot shower like he usually does to unwind. he just wants to fall into bed & let the exhaustion take over
but when he passes by the kitchen, he instantly freezes, bc there you are standing by the counter, having a lil midnight snack (eating ice cream straight out of the tub), wearing nothing but one of his dress shirts. and when I say nothing, I mean hotch can tell you are wearing absolutely nothing underneath
his eyes quickly darken with pure lust & his cock is already half hard when he stalks over towards you with determined steps
the spoon is still in your mouth when you notice him, a smile stretching across your lips around it before you lick off the sweet remnants & slip it out of your mouth
"hey, how was the c-"
you don't even get a chance to finish that sentence bc hotch cuts you off by grabbing the back of your neck to capture your mouth in a heated kiss & he does not hold anything back as he pushes you up against the counter
his kiss is aggressive & needy, & the muffled moan that escapes you tastes delicious on his tongue. his fingers make quick work of unbuttoning the few buttons you'd had done, but he doesn't push it off your shoulders. oh no, he wants you to keep it on
his hands roam over your newly exposed skin, greedily grabbing at your breasts to squeeze them roughly, his thumb & index fingers toying with your sensitive nipples knowing it'll get you all riled up for him, & the sounds you make let him know it's working
he grabs your hand & guides it to his belt, & without hesitation you follow his silent command, your nimble fingers unbuckling it while he sheds his suit jacket & tie
in a flash he swiftly spins you around & bends you over the counter, bunching the bottom of his shirt up around your hips, & he spreads your legs further apart with his foot
he wastes no time pushing forward, burying his cock deep without warning, his hand quickly covering your mouth to contain your sharp moan. his other hand has a bruising grip on your hip as he leans forward & hisses in your ear
"be quiet."
the sensation of your warm, tight walls completely enveloping his cock makes his brain go blank. he can't focus on anything else other than how good you feel. he immediately begins snapping his hips, fucking you hard & fast while grunting in your ear
with every powerful thrust, the stress & tension built up in his body from this week starts to fade, & the pleasure rapidly builds. even though he's chasing a much needed release, he's not selfish, so he slips his hand between your thighs & begins to strum swift circles over your clit with two of his fingers
he lets out a quiet, wrecked groan in your ear when he feels your pussy start to contract around him, the muffled moans against his palm only heightening his arousal. as badly as he wants to hear you fall apart, he doesn't wanna wake up jack
when he feels your body seize up as you come, hotch squeezes his eyes shut & lets out a strangled groan, gripping your waist tightly with both hands as his hips start to stutter
"fuck fuck fuck."
he comes hard, spilling deep within your snug walls, emptying himself completely. the way your cunt continues to contract around his cock milks him of every drop he has to offer, & it makes him let out a shuddering breath
placing both of his palms down on the counter to steady himself, he buries his face into your hair, panting heavily. if he wasn't exhausted before, he sure as hell is now, but he's definitely more calm. a breathless laugh leaves your lips before you speak
"well, hello to you too."
letting out a breathless chuckle of his own, hotch smiles & wraps one of his arms around your waist, pressing a soft kiss to your neck
"sorry, hi."
reaching one of your hands back to caress his face with your hand, you hum softly with a grin
"missed me that much, huh?"
leaning into your gentle touch, hotch's smile turns into a full blown grin
"always. but I have to say, I love your choice in pajamas tonight."
glancing down at yourself, it clicks that seeing you in his shirt is what set hotch off, & a devilish smirk spreads across your lips
"i'll keep that in mind. sir."
in conclusion if you hear screaming from across the world it is me
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kvnis · 2 months
making scara whimper and whine bc you've been teasing him, fucking him dumb by riding him then edging him till he's crying < 3
౨ৎ ﹒𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 . . . ?
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── ୨୧:sub!scaramouche x dom!reader
୨୧﹑ synopsis :; teasing scaramouche until he breaks underneath you.
୨୧﹑ genre :; smut , nsfw
୨୧﹑ cw :; fem!reader, riding, orgasm denial / edging, blowjob, handjob, grinding, biting, not proofread.
﹒notes ! ⸜⸜ hey chat . . sorry for disappearing for WEEKS i’m literally cooked for all my exams and have been worked to hell and back. i’ve procrastinated this for SO LONG . . . but i loved writing this !
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    the whimpers coming out of scaramouche’s mouth were way too heavenly to ignore. the feeling of your hands slowly trailing up and down his figure, catching on the hems of his clothing and giving playful tugs to the fabric, drove him mad with lust.
    his breath staggers, soft pants fuelled by raw, unfettered hunger fanning against your cheek, pleads desperately spilling from his glossy lips.
    “please,” the whine in his tone isn’t easily covered up. it’s portrayed in gasps, a sound capable of brainwashing you into caving in to his desires. “p-please… i want it…”
    your nimble fingers skim down to the collar of his shirt, pulling it down to give you 
free access to his neck. your lips come into contact with the sensitive flesh, burning your marks into his pale complexion.
    “want what?” your voice cuts through his humming requests, effectively silencing him, all further noises he was planning to make knotting in his throat.
    he swallows the lump in his throat upon your hand beginning to brush down to his growing bulge, and he can already feel himself get harder once your knuckles brush against it. his lips part, mewling out as you cup his erection.
    his hips buck up into your hand, before you pull away with an amused smirk. his gaze is steadily trained on your hand, watching in shock as you take it away. he shamelessly whines, hips rolling up into thin air, desperate for any kind of friction.
    tears were welling up in his eyes, which he sternly brushed away. “please,” he spat, refusing to admit defeat. “want you…”
    his direct request never fails to make your stomach do flips, the heat in your stomach only increasing tenfold, blazing into a raging hot wildfire.
    your gaze flits down, your hands reaching out to tug down the waistband of his pants, revealing his underwear, which has already become stained with his pre.
    your palm rests against his bulge, and he’s reeling at the contact. he whimpers, eyes watching your hands intently—piercing gaze burning holes through your flesh. you apply slight pressure, beginning to massage him softly.
    soft curses spilled from his moist lips as he’s catching his bottom lip between his teeth in order to silence his noises. he was biting so hard he felt as if he was going to break skin.
    but this wasn’t enough. he wanted more, craving it so much he was almost spiralling in insanity.
    “properly,” he gulps, his hand firmly wrapping around your wrist to halt your movements. even though he wanted it to continue, it didn’t feel as good as it could be. you knew this fine well, however, it was fun seeing him turn completely compliant to your every whim. “properly,” he repeats. “please.”
    “give that tongue of yours a break,” you look up at him, moving your hand to tug down his underwear. “you’re like a broken record, whining please all the time… you never know when to stop.”
    he seethes as you mock his tone, but is effectively shut down once your hand wraps firmly around his flushed, leaking cock. his back arches off the bed, a moan rolling off of his tongue fluidly, his thighs twitching as you slowly squeeze the base, thumb flicking over the weeping tip.
    he was in heaven, his mind lightheaded and cloudy with pleasure. his eyes had a milky haze to them, one notifying you that he was too far gone to even comprehend your voice anymore. it all flows in one ear and out the other, dissipating in his skull into a sinful symphony mixed into his own lewd noises.
    collecting a wad of saliva in your own mouth, you lean down to spit on his cock, allowing your hand to glide more smoothly down his length. he thrusts his hips up into your hand, constant moans pushing out in between gasps. his cock twitches in your hold, a bead of pre-cum dripping down from the reddened tip.
    “f-fuck…” he mutters, resting the back of his hand on his forehead, brushing his wet bangs back slightly. your touch was otherworldly, godsent, and he couldn’t help but want to bask in you even more. “more…” he mindlessly pleads, his hips bucking up into a pace that filled him with the satisfaction he needed.
    “this isn’t enough?” you joked, your strokes gradually increasing in their pace.
    “no, no, n-no… don’t stop.” he felt his lower abdomen coil, his breathing picking up significantly. his fists grip onto the pillow behind his head, tugging at the case, threatening to completely shred it to pieces. “i’m so… nnh… close…”
    you swipe your thumb over the tip again, before letting go of his length. he choked on his breath, not even realising you were instead moving to take off your bottoms; all he was focused on was the loss of friction.
    “what’re y–” his eyes finally land on you as you reveal your dripping folds to his prying eyes, which widen upon the sight. he swallows as you curtly shush him.
    “it wasn’t enough, hm? isn’t that what you implied?” you adjust yourself to straddle his lap, manoeuvring your hips in order to rub against his cock. his legs twitch underneath you, his sight still steadily eyeing your cunt as you continue that teasing, almost agonising display of mirth. “you wanted more, so i’m giving you what you want. it’s simple.”
    and with that, you slowly lower yourself onto his length. his hand immediately go to grip your hips for support, subtly guiding you down. practically all the blood in his body rose to his head, creating a dizzy, light-headed feeling at the sensation of your gummy walls fluttering around him. the warmth felt as if it was scalding him from the inside out, only adding to his intensifying arousal.
    not long after getting used to his size, you brace your hands of his shoulder, lifting yourself up slightly before dropping completely down. he lets slip a loud moan, one filled with pure lust and adrenaline. 
    his hips immediately thrust to meet yours the next time you lift yourself up, promptly crashing down against him—the impact creating a scandalous slap to sound out in the room. slick was spread along the inside of your thighs, only making your grinds against him more smooth and loud.
    his breathing speeds up, his head lolling back and his eyes struggling to stay situated on your face, always glancing down to your cunt sucking him in so alluringly. it hardwires his brain into a frenzy, the only comprehensible words coming out of his mouth being gasps on how good you felt around him.
    instinctually, one of his hands parts from your hips to rub chaste circles on your clit, making you clamp down impossibly harder around him. it almost sent him over the edge alone because of how far gone he was.
    “f-fuck… feels so good…” he breaths out shakily, his voice wavering as his cock pulses inside of you. his brows knit together, trying to contain himself but he just can’t, not with how euphoric you’re making him feel.
    his moans slowly dip into the territory of sobs and whines, gradually edging closer and closer to his orgasm, which had been stalled for way too long in his opinion. your hands brush featherlight against his cheek, pulling him in to lap and bite at his neck.
    your pussy produces lewd squelches and wet slaps every time your hips come into contact with his. your once smooth movements, however, begin to twitch, signalling you were closer than you had originally thought. it didn’t matter though, as scaramouche was way closer than you.
    “i’m gonna c-cum…” scaramouche whines out, tilting his head to the side to make eye contact with you. a small smirk comes across your face, your hips starting to grind faster and you promptly tell him to “hold it in.”
    scaramouche tries to keep eye contact with you, his brows furrowing with your request. he was already struggling just to talk, never mind try and hold back his orgasm he’s been crawling after for hours.
    “please…” his repetitive begs start yet again in your ear, however this time his voice was hushed, barely above a whisper. “i wanna cum, please?” his grip tightens on your hips, his fingers beginning to trace your clit with even faster movements.
    “f-fuck, yeah— yeah… cum with me…” you moan out, body stilling as your pussy tightens around him, fluttering as you gush around him. the intense feeling sends him over the edge as well, his hips pressing up into yours as he releases as deep as he can in you.
    his head rests against your neck, his shaky breaths fan over your skin as you both relax for a moment, the feeling of both of your mixed releases seeping down your thigh now.
    scaramouche’s eyes widen upon feeling you shift on him, your hips slowly beginning to move atop him again. he moves his head out of your neck, looking down at your hips.
    “w-what are you doing…?!” he gasps as your pace drastically speeds up, his hands attempting to stop your hips from moving even more.
    to that, you scoff, as if the answer wasn’t obvious already. one of your hands rests on his shoulder while the other swats his attempts at halting your advances.
    “simple,” you lean down close to him, narrowing your eyes. you were so close; he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up on end from the proximity. “i’m not finished with you, love.”
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©2024 kvnis do not copy, plagiarise, translate or repost any of my works.
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moviecritc · 2 months
hii could you write something about lestappen x reader? maybe taking care of max because he is sick? thank you 💕
sick days ⋆ lestappen
pairing: lestappen x reader
summary: after going on a long run in the morning, max ends up sick, but he doesn't accept it
word count: 1.5K
a/n: ok im in love with this, if you guys have more lestappen requests do them!! bc i love writing em <3
english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling.
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Another day, Charles and you woke up feeling the absence of a body in your bed.
"Has he gone out for a run again?" you asked as you approached Charles's bare torso.
"I think so," he nodded, his voice sleepy. You leaned against Charles's chest to see the clock on the nightstand, eliciting a groan from one of your boyfriends.
"It's seven in the morning," you said, almost in a groan yourself.
You collapsed onto the bed, planting a kiss where your hand had rested before. You stretched out, and Charles slipped out of bed, putting on one of Max's Red Bull t-shirts. Before leaving the room, he kissed you on the forehead and then on your bare collarbone. You stayed in bed a little longer, dozing off while Charles prepared breakfast, as he did every morning. The winter break was your favorite time of the year. After being stressed all season with work, going back and forth, and spending weeks without seeing them, these months were the best gift.
Your days revolved around having breakfast together when Max returned from his run. Then, you would make love leisurely and shower together. If you felt like it, you would go shopping or play paddle tennis, then return home to cook together. The boys would then train in the sim or at the gym, and you would usually go for a walk with your friends or even train with them. Although when that happened, it often ended up in a long cardio session in bed. And to end the day, you would go out for dinner at some fancy place in Monaco and then drink and dance at a club.
That morning, Max took a little longer to arrive, but when he walked in, it seemed like a cold smoke followed him. It was mid-December, and it had been a cold winter in Monaco.
Max entered the kitchen and kissed Charles and then you. You noticed his outfit. "Aren't you cold, love?" You looked him up and down, with his short shorts and tank top clinging to his body from the cold sweat.
"Nah," he denied, brushing it off and wiping the sweat from his forehead.
You didn't think much of it until you went to open the window in your room and received a gust of cold air from outside. You were attentive to your boyfriend's behavior for the rest of the day, noticing how he had sneezed several times in the last hour or how, after the shower, he seemed even more tired than usual.
At noon, while Charles was preparing pasta for lunch, you went to Max, who was lying on the couch.
"How are you, love?" You sat next to him, intertwining your arm with his, and noticed - or rather heard - as Max sniffed his nose.
"Fine, why'd you ask?" Max furrowed his brow, feigning confusion.
"Oh, no reason," you shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "I just notice you seem tired."
Charles had an ear on the conversation, also noticing that Max was probably brewing something and hadn't mentioned it for some stereotypical nonsense he thought.
"No, no. Don't worry, schat," Max assured. "I'll go help you now."
He leaned in to kiss you, but at that moment, he started coughing heavily. You let out a sweet laugh and went over to Charles.
"Char, I think our Max is getting sick," you nodded, while Charles put an arm around your waist.
"It can't be!" Charles exclaimed, pretending to be surprised.
"No!" Max jumped in immediately, stood up, and practically ran towards them, swaying a little. "I'm not getting sick."
Max let out a heavy breath and leaned on the counter, catching his breath that he had lost in the four steps he had taken.
"I see," Charles commented, walking past him and giving him a gentle pat on the butt.
"Max, why don't you go lie on the couch? We'll take care of this," you suggested with a comforting smile.
Max rolled his eyes in a very exaggerated way and crossed his arms as you and Charles looked at each other and smiled knowingly.
"I'm going to the sim, I can see I'm not wanted here," he said, with a somewhat sad look.
When Max left, Charles and you looked at each other. "Is he mad?" you asked, leaning on Charles's shoulder and hugging him from behind while he cooked.
"Nah, he just thinks he's the strong one in the relationship," He gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.
In all the time you had been together, you had never seen Max weak. You had seen Charles cry and complain countless times over any little thing. But Max? That man seemed like a piece of iron when it came to feelings. He hadn't even cried at the end of How To Train Your Dragon, and although to some extent the image of a strong guy and the pillar of the relationship was fine, you were dying to see his softer side.
Twenty minutes later, Charles had finished cooking the pasta, and you went to the room where the sim set was.
"Charles, come see this," you called. He came immediately, finding Max totally asleep in the chair, with the car crashed in the first curve of the Monaco Grand Prix.
"Do we wake him up?" Charles whispered, looking at him lovingly.
"Wait," You approached him carefully, taking a picture of him. "Okay, wake him up," you smiled.
Charles began to leave soft kisses on Max's cheek and lips, even lightly biting his earlobe. The sleeping man let out a loud gasp and practically jumped up from the chair.
"Hey, easy, easy," Charles said, putting his hands on his shoulders.
"How you doing, sleeping beauty?" you said.
"I wasn't sleeping,"
"Oh, sure not," Charles said, with a little smile. "Wanna come eat with us?"
"Yeah, just give me a minute," Max nodded, stifling a yawn.
Both Charles and you heard him blowing his nose for almost two minutes straight. Max appeared in the living room, trying to pretend he was fine, but his reddened nose gave him away.
He helped set the table. "What are we going to do this afternoon?" the blonde asked before blowing his nose.
Charles and you exchanged glances, knowing that if you didn't do anything, Max would keep insisting he was perfectly fine.
"I don't feel like going out today," you commented calmly.
"Yeah, me neither," Charles agreed.
Both saw the look of relief on Max's face. "Oh, okay. Well, nothing then," he pretended.
"We can watch a movie," you suggested, shrugging.
After lunch, you cuddled up on the couch, and you chose the movie. You noticed Max moving closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder, which was usually the other way around. Towards the end of the movie, you heard Max sniffling repeatedly, and you didn't even consider that they could be tears until you saw Max wiping his face.
You glanced at him. "Are you crying?"
"No…" Max muttered with a thin voice.
Charles looked at them. "You're crying!" he exclaimed, and quickly changed positions, with Max now in the middle.
"It's just… he found someone who loves him," he said between tears, pointing at the TV. "Like I love you guys."
Charles and you looked at each other with a pout, immediately showering him with kisses. You were watching Shrek.
"Wait, wait, I don't wanna get you sick," Max said, denying the kisses.
Charles backed off a bit in surprise. "Are you admitting you're sick?"
"Of course I'm sick, look at me,"
They chuckled a little, and you got up to get some cough syrup and ibuprofen for your boyfriend, finally. It barely took a minute, but when you returned, Max was lying on Charles's chest while he stroked his hair.
"Did he fall asleep again?" you whispered.
"I think so, come here," Charles stretched out his hand, and you wrinkled your nose a bit.
"I don't want to wake him up,"
Charles rolled his eyes. "Come here, mon ange," he repeated.
You stretched out on the couch, under Charles's arm and covering Max with a blanket. From where you were, you could see Max sleeping perfectly.
"It's so cute to see him like this," you whispered to Charles, while he gave you kisses on your jaw and ear.
"Isn't it?" Charles agreed. "And get ready for tomorrow because he's going to be clingier than ever."
"It's like he's been waiting for this moment all my life," you said, with a radiant smile.
Charles chuckled slightly, causing Max to move a bit, letting out a moan and falling back asleep immediately.
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leqonsluv3r · 5 months
picnic date with Leon 🥺
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re2!leon kennedy x f!reader
— a oneshot (request)
warnings: so much fluff it’s kinda gross, a little touching, mentions of sex, reader is female and uses (she/her) pronouns, leon is the best boyfriend ever and we love him for that, no physical description of reader except that she has hair, pet names (baby, sweet girl, etc.) based heavily on love by lana del rey (leon is lana coded bc i say so).
“she didn’t know what else to expect to her already worse work week, besides the papers that always seemed to pile up on her desk and swarm her like a colony of hungry bees. she hated her job, wanted to slap her boss and her co-workers. so how could this week get any worse? she thinks it will when her phone buzzes with a text from leon, only to find out if she wants to go on a picnic date this weekend. suddenly, her week just got better by a thousand percent.”
— or reader is having a terrible week and leon decides to spoil his favorite girl
an: thank you for the request, i loved writing something that wasn’t pure smut for once. did include a little seggsy tho (i can’t resist). gave my overworked brain a little vacation lol. i took your idea and ran with it, hope you enjoy <3
masterlist taglist
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she actually hated her boss. hated him.
aside from spilling coffee on herself this morning before she left for the office, she had a thousand reports on her desks and emails flooding her work inbox. her boss went on a rant about her work performance and the fact that he was almost using his superiority as a manager to make her feel belittled was enough to send her blood pumping through her veins.
but mindlessly, she tried to get through her day. taking deep breaths and trying not to freak out on her boss. only did her day get worse when she overheard gossip in the break room.
“i hear she’s like some prude. her boyfriend only touches her when he’s drunk.”
she listens in on the gossip, pouring herself some coffee that hopefully won’t make its way onto her pencil skirt again. she wondered who they could possibly be talking about so openly in the middle of the day in the break room.
the other voice goes on, one of her coworkers that she knew from working here so many years, “that’s not true. i know her personally. she told me she’s waiting for marriage.”
her ears perk up at this, all the blood draining from her face, she knew they were talking about her now. her worst fears have been confirmed. she should’ve never stupidly trusted someone she worked with to keep such information about her relationship with leon, private.
she felt so stupid. but they kept going and she kept listening. the other women who she didn’t know opened her mouth again, “still, how much of a prude do you have to be to wait until marriage? like just fuck and get it over with already. unless he’s ugly…”
she feels anger rise in her like tsunami. leon? ugly? he could never be ugly. he was so fucking beautiful. how could this random woman even say that about her and her relationship without even knowing her? she kept her back turned and waited for the coworker she was more familiar with to say something.
“he’s actually quite a looker. shame she got her hands on him, if i had a man like that. i would fuck him until he couldn’t see straight.” she fisted her porcelain coffee cup with white knuckles, almost fuming and waiting for steam to pour out of her ears. jesus, she wanted to smack this woman silly, she considered them friends and now she was just so openly bragging to another woman of the company…that she wanted to fuck her boyfriend of two years.
she fumed and briskly left the break room with her coffee, slamming the door to the room shut behind her as she briskly walked back to her office, trying to keep up a demeanor that was professional and meanwhile she was seething on the inside.
she finally reached her office and went inside, slamming the door as she rounded her desk and sat her cup of coffee down on it. she leaned her elbows on her desk, burying her hands into her hands.
she wanted to cry, this week had been terrible and today was one of the worst out of all of them. and she needed to manage to get through it until after tomorrow.
thanking god it was thursday, one more day and she wouldn’t have to think of this place for a solid 48 hours. she took shaky breaths, trying to calm herself so she didn’t cry at her desk at work. she was still fuming from hearing that conversation in the break room about her personal life.
eventually, her phone buzzed on her desk and she looked down at her phone. she sighs and shakes her head, praying it’s not another report or upset client. she can’t handle anymore of that today, or this week for that matter.
she grabs her phone and looks at the contact, it was leon, she sighs in relief and smiles as she opens the text thread, looking at the screen.
LEON <3 : hey baby, just wanted to check in on my break. hope your doing okay, know it’s been a rough one for u.
besides wanting to cry at my desk all morning. first my boss says my reports are useless and utter shit. then i hear two of my coworkers gossiping in the break room about me like it’s no big deal. i hate this place, this week has sucked :(
LEON <3 : whoa, what? oh my god. are you okay? i know that’s so stupid to ask considering everything u just told me but…god. i’m so sorry.
no, i’m humiliated. i feel like stabbing my eyes out with my pencils at my desk. i hate this place, i hate everyone. minus u ofc <3
but seriously, i can’t wait to get through tomorrow and just be done with this place. even if it’s for two days.
LEON <3 : hmmm, that reminds me. do you still plan on coming over on friday night?
uhhh, yeah. considering i haven’t seen you all week. unless your canceling on me. which just makes me wanna cry more :,)
LEON <3 : oh god no, fuck that. i would never cancel on you baby. i just have an idea. and i was wondering if you would like it, considering how stressful and overwhelming your week has been.
i’m listening….
LEON <3 : you still come over on friday night, you pack a change of clothes and we go for a picnic on saturday. i know a good spot. and plus, im a good cook.
you don’t have to…
LEON <3 : but i WANT too. i wanna make my girl happy after having such an awful week. you need this baby. don’t bother arguing with me >:)
fineeee i suppose i could pack an overnight bag, stay the whole weekend at your place. go on a little picnic and ACTUALLY enjoy myself for once.
LEON <3 : that’s the spirit my love :). don’t worry, i’ll take care of you this weekend. don’t stress and don’t worry. trust in your amazing boyfriend ;)
you are an amazing boyfriend. don’t let that boost your already enormous ego though lol. god, i miss you so much. i can’t wait to see you. :,)
LEON <3 : you only have a little less then 48 hours to go before you see my handsome face again. don’t worry your pretty head baby, i’ll make you forget all about this week. spoil the absolute shit out of you. <3
okay, i gotta get back to work before my boss comes in to belittle me some more about phone usage at work :,). i’ll see you soon babe, i love you.
LEON <3 : see you soon beautiful girl, i love you too. gotta go bust some criminals lol. ttyl :)
she sighs in content, a lovesick grin on her features. she felt so much better, just talking to him through text even. it was enough to make her heart swell with love and forget all about the incidents this week.
she couldn’t wait to see him on friday night, then go on a picnic on saturday like he promised. she needed him like air sometimes. and he had been pulling shifts so frequently at the station that she barely ever saw him.
it sucked, yes. but when they did get to see each other it was absolutely worth it. she knew that he was gonna stay true to his word like he always did. make her happy, spoil her and make her forget all about her sucky week at work.
she loved him so much, it was almost consuming sometimes. overwhelming to think that before she met him two years ago, she had never known love or that men like him could even exist.
god, she was praying for this weekend to come sooner. and hopefully, it would.
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eventually she made it to friday, she managed to get through the day, working as hard as she could. she dealt with clients, dodged the lecturing of her boss and the gossiping of her coworkers.
she slipped out early, not really giving a fuck because all her work was finished as far as she was concerned. she had better places to be. like leon’s apartment for example.
she had packed an overnight bag that morning, watered her plants and made sure she had everything. she had kept her overnight bag stored in her car just so when she got off work, she could head straight over.
she sent him a text that she was off and she was heading over early, putting the car in reverse and leaving her works parking lot.
she drove down the familiar streets and roads until she made it to leon’s apartment, parking her car in the guest parking spot. she got out, grabbing her overnight bag and everything else she needed as she locked the car behind her.
she walked over to the gate to enter the complex, typing in the numbers and once it buzzed, she opened it and let herself in. she made her way up to the second floor, walking over to where his apartment was. she slipped her key to his apartment, unlocking the door and slipping off her shoes.
“baby? you home?” she calls out as she drops her overnight bag by her shoes, dropping her keys on the coffee table. she looks around, she feels a buzzing in her hand where her phone is. she looks at the text from leon saying he was on his way home from his shift.
she sighed and looked around his apartment, looking down at the coffee table where she sat her keys in front of his couch. she saw something sticking out from in between the pages of a book he was reading. “what the…?” she opened the book and looked in the book.
a piece of paper with scribbled writing over it, leon’s from what she recognized. she started to read the crumpled up piece of paper.
ever since i’ve known you, i’ve loved you. i’ve never wanted anyone more then i’ve wanted you. i’m not just doing this in the hopes you’ll say yes, i’m doing this with the intention that you’ll let me love you for as long as we’re both alive.
i’m not doing it like this to be cliche, i know how much you think im corny. how hard i try to make sure you’re not laughing at me (even though i love your laugh more than anything.) i want you to know that i love you. i always have, i always will.
with that, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?
it would be my greatest achievement as man, as your boyfriend and future husband if you’ll let me.
she feels her eyes well up with subtle tears, wiping at her eyes as she looked down at the crumpled up notebook paper with a small smile, even though the letter didn’t say much, it said enough.
this was just more then a simple picnic, she knew now. why he was so keen on taking care of her this weekend. taking her out for a picnic tomorrow. she can’t believe he wanted to marry her, she wasn’t shocked but she was…she wanted to cry. it was almost like a dream come true.
she was about to re-read the note to make sure she wasn’t dreaming until she heard the lock on his front door click. she scrambled to put the crumpled up piece of paper back into the book where she found it, effectively slipping it in and standing up straight just in time as he entered the door.
“hey, honey.” he says with a small smile, kicking off his shoes. he wore his police uniform still, all pristine in pale blue and navy. she swallowed and wiped at her eyes, “hey.” she shuffles towards him and wraps her arms tightly around him.
he noticed the sniffling and the watery eyes, he craned his neck down to look at her face that was pressed into his chest, rubbing his hands up and down her back in a soothing gesture.
“are you okay? your eyes are red.” he says softly, his voice dripping with such concern it just almost made her heart melt in her chest. she nods and squeezes her arms tighter around him, “i’m okay. i just missed you.” she lies a little, she did miss him, but that wasn’t the true reason for the red eyes.
“okay, baby. it’s okay though, we’re gonna have a good weekend and your not even gonna think about work.” he says softly as he continues to rub her back up and down in a gentle gesture, smiling down at her with a soft grin. she nods, “okay, i’d like that.” she says with her cheek pressed against his chest, sniffling.
she knew she wouldn’t think about work, work was the furthest thing from her mind right now. the only thing on her mind was the picnic tomorrow and the note she had found.
she knew he was going to purpose, she wasn’t even trying to snoop, but now she knew. she loved him even more for it. if that was even possible.
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the next day, the morning light would peak through the curtains of leon’s bedroom window. it casted both of them in a glow that was more then just a simple glow of the morning but a new day.
she loves waking up beside him, especially today when the promises of their future hang right over her head. a promise that he’s intending to keep.
she rolls over onto him as he lays on his back, giggling as she does. she presses a small kiss to his chest and then makes a path up to his collarbone, pressing a kiss to his neck. she felt herself growing more aroused by the minute.
she wasn’t a virgin, she had dated plenty of shitty guys before leon. and it isn’t like she didn’t not want to have sex with him, they just decided to wait until marriage. but now that she knew he was going to purpose today, she forgot all about that little promise she made with him.
she presses her lips to his jaw, hearing him mumble something sleepily as she grins against his skin. she leans towards his ear, “wake up.” she mumbles as she moves her hips to sit on his covered dick in his boxers beneath the sheets. her panty clad frame gently moving her hips lightly against his as she adjusts.
she feels him slightly move again, moving in his sleep so she moves her hips more firmly on him again, feeling him grow harder against the fabric that separated them. he mumbles something and she pulls her face out of his neck, bracing her palms flat on his chest.
he slowly opens his blue eyes to meet hers, his dirty blonde hair messily on the pillow. she smiles down at him with a small grin, “morning sleeping beauty.” she chuckles as she leans down to his face and presses a kiss to his lips.
his half-asleep frame is still waking up and trying to wrap his mind around everything. “what are you doing?” he chuckles with a lazy opening and closing of his blue eyes.
“what does it look like im doing?” she says with a small smirk, moving her hips again. he had no idea where this was coming from, they had agreed to wait until marriage and now…
she was straddling his waist, her wet core on top of his morning wood, there were the barriers between them but still, he could feel everything. she tilts her head innocently at him, his blue eyes looking up at her, “why are you so…? what’s gotten into you?” he says with a small furrow of his brows as he leans up on the bed, his elbows propped up behind him.
she bites her lip and looks at him, “why am i what?” she says as she bats her eyelashes at him, feigning innocence. he struggles and takes a shaky breath, “why are you like…all over me? like, we didn’t…i thought you wanted to wait.” he manages to get out with another shaky inhale.
she sighs and rubs her palms over his chest, “i want you, i’ve waited long enough. married or not, i want you.” she says with a small look, letting his blue eyes latch onto hers. she needed him to know she was serious, that this mattered.
she knew he was going to purpose soon anyways, so what was the big deal? that’s what she thought anyways. she didn’t see it as this huge thing, it would be their first time together. but…she was ready.
“unless…your not?” she says with a small sigh as she looks down at him, her palms pressed flat on his bare chest as she looked down at him. he shook his head so fast, his hair flopping as he did, “no, i want it.” he replies as he looks up into her eyes.
“anything that you want from me, i wanna be able to give it to you. even this.” she hears him say as his blue eyes never stray from his gaze on her. she smiles widely and sniffles, “god, i love you.” she whispers as she leans down and presses a kiss to his lips.
it starts slow, his hands holding onto her waist as the kiss grows more intense and passionate. her hips moving against his erection. she doesn’t fear it now, not when she knows what will happen.
not when she can trust him. she knows he’s different, he’s not like the others. she wants to give him all of her, every single part. she wants to give him marriage, her soul, her body. she wants him to have it all.
so as the kisses and the touches escalate, she feels herself trusting in him, letting his love consume her body and mind in a way she had never known before. his kisses were like rain, falling on her skin and soaking there. his touch was like fire, spreading over her body.
it was beautiful, she couldn’t wait to have him with her forever.
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the picnic was beautiful.
leon, really knew how to make her forget about her shitty work week. whether it be a picnic, their first time having sex together earlier that morning, or the proposal that has yet to happen.
he really outdid himself. just like he promised, he had cooked and packed a lunch for them by a small pond in a park. it was about a 20 minute drive from his place, how she never knew it was there, she had no idea.
it was beautiful, some swans were in the pond swimming around with their babies, made her smile and think of how leon had made this so perfect without even trying. he spread out a blanket for them, sitting the food down in the picnic basket.
she brushes her hands over her purple sundress, looking at him as he sat down and began to spread out the food for them. “wow, baby. you really thought of everything didn’t you?” she chuckles as she sits down next to him on the picnic blanket.
“of course, anything for my girl.” he says with a sweet smile in her direction as he gets wine out of the basket and two glasses. my girl…jesus, if he’s trying to make me melt, it’s working. she thinks as she watches him uncork the wine bottle, and pour them both red wine into the glasses.
“i know, you spoil me, leon. but still…” she trails off as she looks over at him, she reaches over the blanket and grabs onto his hand. she watches as the subtle breeze blows his dirty blonde hair over his blue eyes and his forehead.
he rolls his eyes playfully and scoots closer to her on the blanket, squeezing her hand back. “don’t argue with me. it’s in your best interest.” he says with a small lopsided smirk as he hands her one of the glasses of wine. she accepts and smiles back at him, sipping on the wine in her free hand.
“fine. i won’t.” she says with a small roll of her eyes, grinning at him as she swallowed the wine. letting it slide down her throat. they stayed in silence for a while, just enjoying the sounds of nature, the breeze that blowed softly and made the leaves rustle in the trees above them.
she let him dote on her a little more, still feeling that anxious bubbling in her stomach that had been occurring since last night. the note, the proposal that had yet to happen. she felt her body get amped up and she was trying not to give her hopes up.
she sipped on her wine, looking over at him as he stared off into the pond a little ways in front of them. she admired him like this, when he wasn’t looking at her. he was deep in thought, in his head and she could almost see the gears turning in his mind.
“thank you, leon.” she says as she snaps out of her daze of staring at him. she didn’t think she could ever not want to stare, admire him like a piece of art in a museum. he lets his head turn her way, looking directly at her, a gentle smile on his boyish features.
“no need to thank me. i wanted to do something special for you.” he says as he reaches across the blanket and rubs his hand over her bare knee. she nods and swallows more nerves, “i don’t need to thank you, but im going to anyways.” she giggles.
he just shakes his head with a teasing grin on his face, he doesn’t mind this. sitting here with her and knowing where it’s going. he almost feels like this can’t be real, sitting here with her. the weather’s perfect and this day is even better.
they continue to just sit together on the picnic blanket, eating and sipping on their wine. they just talk and snuggle up next to each other on the blanket.
eventually the sun starts to set, painting the sky in a beautiful pink and red hue. it almost looks like a painting and she watches it with almost admiration. he knows this is the time, the ring in his pocket burning a hole through his jeans.
she keeps her gaze trained on the sky, not even noticing that he’s staring at her with admiration. he swallows his fears, his nerves and everything that could potentially stop him from doing this.
“your so beautiful, you know that?” he starts as he looks over her features. her gaze only temporarily looking over at him, a blush coating her cheeks. this isn’t how he had planned it, but he’s gonna do this differently.
“of course you know that, i tell you all the time how amazing, beautiful and sweet you are. even to people who don’t deserve your kindness.” he says as his blue eyes stay trained on her, she smiles and bites her lip in bashfulness.
she knows something is happening, but she lets it happen. she doesn’t care…not if it’s a promise to make her happy for the rest of their lives.
“your the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he continues as he looks at her, turning his body a little towards her on the picnic blanket. the ring feels like an anchor in his pocket, keeping him tethered to the moment here with her.
“and i don’t think i’ll ever find anyone better then you, that’s honesty. your the best that’s ever going to happen to me.” he says as he looks deep into her eyes, her eyes blinking back at him as she feels her heart start to pound in her ribcage.
“and i would be a fucking fool if i went on another two years and didn’t show you how much you mean to me.” he says as he fists the ring in his pocket. she feels her heart swell and her eyes water. the smile spreading on her face is the rare kind.
“what are you…?” she says with a small look of disbelief on her face, her smile widening and the crystal of her eyes staring back at him.
he smiles with a small blink of his blue eyes that are now crystallizing over as well, he pulls his palm out of his pocket, opening it up between them to brandish a engagement ring.
she blinks her tears away, raising a hand over her mouth, trying to somewhat hide her shock. “leon…” she looks between the ring in his palm and then his eyes. this was much better then what was written on that crumpled sheet of paper.
“i love you so fucking much, i would do anything for you, to you and with you. only if you’ll let me, forever. please marry me. let me love you forever, let me wake up to you every morning. it would be the greatest honor i could ever have.” he says as he gestures the ring in his outstretched palm.
he looks at her with hopeful and love filled eyes as he does this. she doesn’t even have words, she expected it. but not like this…
this was definitely better.
and he was the love of her life, she couldn’t say no to him, not in a million years. she couldn’t dream of turning him down. of declining his proposal because he’s her happiness. even from two years ago when they met to now…
her body and mind want him the same, love him the same. she knows it will never change. not when it comes to him and just everything he does for her.
“yes…” she says as she sniffles away tears, feeling the breeze in the park billow her hair. the swans swimming idly in the pond in front of them. the sun setting in a beautiful sunset that paints the sky. he blinks at her, he doesn’t think he heard her right for a second.
“did you say…?” she laughs and looks at him, “i said yes. i’ll marry you.” she says as she feels more tears leak down her flushed cheeks. he smiles widely and grabs her hand shakily, his face coated in tears of happiness too.
he slips the ring onto her ring finger and strokes his thumb over her knuckles. he slides his free hand up to cup her jaw, rubbing the tears that slid from her eyes. “oh god, i love you.” he says in a trance as he looks at her.
“i love you too.” she says back to him, catching him in his trance of looking at her. she feels the ring on her ring finger, making its home there. she feels like she’s on cloud nine right now. he pulls her face towards him and presses a kiss to her lips.
she returns it and kisses him back, her hand, now ring clad, holds onto his face as she deepens the kiss. she doesn’t think she could ever be happier then she was right now.
in this moment with him. not a thing matters and her mind and body are full of him. she feels so consumed by him and his love that she can’t even explain it.
she’ll be wrapped in him forever and she can’t bring herself to care if she is. because at least she’s happy, happy and in love.
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leons letter:
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taglist: @heartsforvin
(go to this post to join the taglist, pls reblog and follow for more, my asks are open in my bio. i love you all <3)
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512 notes · View notes
tearsofastraeax · 5 months
hiii i just love ur stories and i was wondering, could u write a story where a lot of girls flirt with ghost (cause he's just so hot tbh) and we're crying and feeling bad bcs we're scared he'll find better since he dosen't reject or ignore them??
ty a lot and take care <3
thank u anon ♡ i had so much fun writing a lil angst
sorry it took me longer than expected to wrap up your request, the creative juices are not flowing these days, but i hope you enjoy ♡₊ ⊹
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It's no surprise to you that going out with an incredibly fine piece of man is going to come with some jealous feelings here and there.
Just a couple weeks after you started to hang out with Ghost, you noticed women staring at him. But you didn't blame them, how could they not stare? Ghost just naturally attracts women, with his broad shoulders, his veiny arms, those giant hands ... you could go on and on forever.
But you never expected to find yourself sitting in your bedroom, hiding underneath the blanket and silently sobbing into your pillow because of it.
Earlier that day when you were out with Ghost for a drink it really hit you. You had barely left for a minute to head to the bathroom, but when you came back you saw a beautiful woman standing next to him. Inching closer and closer to him, her hand on his shoulder and a flirty smirk on her face. And it didn't look like he was opposed to it in the slightest. His body was slightly angled towards her, his face covered in mystery behind his mask, but you could feel his smile, you just knew.
Your heart felt like it was about to drop, break apart, stop beating all together. Your stomach was in knots. Your thoughts ran a mile a minute, you had no right to be jealous, right? You were only seeing the man for a couple of weeks now, nothing serious... only, at one point, unbeknownst to you, your little heart had accepted him in and made it serious. You were fucked, royally fucked.
To feign calmness you took a slow breath, in and out. Before you made your way back to Simon and the woman still plastered to his side. You coughed uncomfortably to make them both aware of your presence.
It took him a moment to take his eyes off the woman, before he turned to you.
"Oh, this is my friend, y/n," he looked back towards her, gesturing to you.
You all but managed to swallow the big lump that had formed in your throat. His friend? Is that all you were? A friend? Nothing more? Did it only take one beautiful woman to suddenly make you nothing but a friend to him? You should have known this, it was just too good to be true. Of course he would find someone better than you. You felt your eyes begin to water, but you aggressively blinked the tears away. No, you were better than this.
"Yea, his friend", you pressed out, a tight and obviously fake smile on your lips. "Who is just about to leave actually. Have fun."
You grabbed the jacket haphazardly thrown over the seat next to the one you were just sitting on and turned around. Your legs carrying you out of the bar, you couldn't wait to get out of there, to just get away, as far as possible.
What you didn't see was Ghost's slightly confused expression as he watched you leave. But what you did know was he didn't follow you. Didn't he notice how upset you were? Did he just not care?
You huffed out an annoyed sigh, at yourself, at him, at the world, at everything.
You had barely made it home, slamming the door behind you, before the tears came. They welled up, making everything blurry, and then they came crashing over you like a wave, making it hard to breathe, harder to see and impossible to do anything but slide down against the door and sob into your hands.
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And there you were, laying in bed, an hour later, still fucking pissed and sad and helpless and jealous and ...
Your phone vibrated next to you, Simons name popping up on your screen. You tried to ignore the call but he immediately called again. Deciding to pick it up you heard a low growl in your ear, the hairs on your neck standing up, a slight shiver running down your back.
“Open the fucking door, y/n.”
The edge in his tone made you immediately jump off the bed. For a quick moment though you stopped in your tracks, hating how he could command you and make you feel, how he had so much power over you when clearly he didn't feel the same about you.
But you heard him pounding on your door, so you hurried to open it. The door swung open and his eyes immediately bore into yours. You swallowed down a thick lump in your throat as he crowded into you, effectively pushing the two of you into the apartment. He slammed the door behind him shut and stared down at you, never breaking eye contact.
"What the fuck was that?" He growled. You couldn’t fucking believe his attitude, weren’t you the one that was supposed to be angry?
You took in a deep breath before you answered, "well, I wasn't the one flirting with some chick..."
You meant for the words to come out more powerful, maybe even as aggressive as his. To make him understand that he had no fucking right to barge in here like this and act as if he had the right to demand answers.
"You...", his gaze softened then, shifting into ... surprise? "You're jealous?"
All you could do was shrug, feeling too raw from crying to vocalise your feelings. But to your surprise, he didn't say another word, his hand softly cradling your cheek. Your skin underneath his felt hot to the touch as you looked up to him. His eyes seemed so soft and gentle then, making your breath hitch in your throat. The feeling of him wrapped around you like a warm blanket was overwhelming. His gesture nearly stitching your heart back together all by itself.
"I'm sorry... I-", was all he could say before his lips pressed onto yours, so harsh and hurried, yet somehow gentle and sweet.
His hands slowly travelled down your body, once he reached your ass, he lifted you up so effortlessly, your legs immediately wrapping around his, as he carried you to the bedroom.
He gently whispered between kisses, "I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise."
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4unnyr0se · 4 days
hhii 🫶🏼💕 I know you're probably busy and I visible kick my feet n twirl my hair when you post, your writing is so amazing 💕💕 I would love any sort of p!tskp sugawara content 🥹 he doesn't get enough love
❥ elysian | koshi sugawara
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warnings: timeskip! sugawara, fem! reader, coworkers to lovers, mentions of alcohol, reader went to shiratorizawa, making out, sugawara is a flirt bc i said so, hickeys, cunnilingus, fingering, sugawara is a gentleman, protected sex, rough(?) sex, fluff at the end, not proofread
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.3k (lol)
a/n: hiiii omg im sorry this took so long to make but i hope u like it!! koshi is my fave <3
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Art has a funny way of bringing together people they would never meet. “It’s a catalyst of romance,” your professor used to say when you were in art school. But that was a year ago, and so far, there was nothing: no romance, no dates, nothing. However, you didn’t mind one bit. Your art degree landed you a job teaching children at the local elementary school, and they brought you constant laughter. Sure, it was pure chaos the second a gaggle of second graders entered your classroom. But it was innocent chaos formed by nothing but the innocent minds of children longing to create something out of nothing. Getting paint on their hands or glue in their hair was chaotic, but it was free. Besides, it wouldn’t be your problem if they returned to the homeroom covered in glitter. That was for their homeroom teacher to take care of. You were the fun teacher, the one who had all the neat stuffed animals and who put on cartoons in the background. Honestly, your job was perfect.
It became even more perfect when the homeroom teacher for your most recent class actually came to collect the children instead of you having to escort them back to their classroom. The children were happily giggling in line as you clapped your hands together. “Okay, guys, who’s ready to return to Mr. Sugawara’s room?” the children raised their hands in the air, various versions of yes filling the room. 
“Miss!” one child pointed out. “Mr. Sugawara is outside the door,” he said, his little voice slurring his words slightly. You turned around to see a green sweater in the window frame.
“Oh, he must be coming to collect you today,” you smiled, patting the child on the head. You opened the door without looking, waving goodbye to your students.
“Thanks for watching my kids for today, Miss,” his soft yet deep voice filled your ears. It sounded like warm honey rolling off of his tongue. “I know they can be a real handful.”
“It’s no probl-” your words stopped in your throat once you turned around. Holy fuck, Sugawara was handsome as all hell. He had such a kind face, and his silver hair matched him perfectly. And that beauty mark on his cheek? Fucking ethereal. He looked like one of the great masters painted him, jumping to life off of their canvas.  “O-oh, hi, Mr. Sugawara! Yeah, your kids are no problem at all. In fact, they’re a delight to teach.” you stammered, placing your hands in front of your belly. 
Sugawara chuckled. “Maybe they just behave because you put on cartoons,” he playfully winked, instructing the child at the line's font to follow him. “Well, I’ll see you next week.” 
And with that, he left, the children obediently following him like a line of baby ducklings. You sighed happily, leaning against the doorframe until they were out of your sight. The door closed, and your hand lingered on the knob, mind being filled with thoughts of him.
“Oh no,” you mumbled, running your other hand through your hair. “I have a crush on my coworker.”
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You began to long for the days when you taught Sugawara’s class because it meant you could see his handsome face outside of the window. He would even come in occasionally, greeting you with a friendly smile as he ushered his students out of the door. He was so caring, so kind and attentive. The way his students looked at him with such admiration in their eyes, there was no word for it other than adorable. Koshi Sugawara made you swoon every single time, and he had absolutely no idea that he had that power over you.
Today was a messy day in particular because the children got to make macaroni crafts with glue and noodles on construction paper. It was a reasonably elementary project (it’s an elementary school, after all…), but it was so chaotic. Macaroni noodles were found in places that macaroni noodles should not be, and glue was somehow covering every surface it possibly could, including the ceiling. You will never know or hope to understand how a gaggle of giggling children managed to get glue atop a roof. 
“Alright, kiddos, line up for Mr. Sugawara to come collect you for pick-up time.” you breathed out, wiping your forehead while the students shrieked in delight, fighting for the spot first in line. Your hands rested on your desk as you took a deep breath, glaring at the mess across your otherwise elegant classroom. “I’m gonna be here a while,” you mumbled, waiting for the doorknob to turn. 
The children’s conversation stopped as their eyes turned to the now-open door, Sugawara smiling happily. “Did you all have fun today in class? You’re so messy!” he chuckled, bending down to be at eye level with his students. “The librarian is gonna bring you guys to your parents, okay? Be good for them now.” 
Various shouts of “Okay!” and “I can do it!” faded into the distance as the children left the classroom, holding their sticky hands together to follow the librarian’s lead. Sugawara sighed and ran his hands through his perfect wavy gray strands, winking at you. “Were they a handful today? It looks like it.”
You pushed off your desk and stepped towards him, secretly doing backflips in your mind. “Well, kind of. But they’re delightful and-”
“You don’t have to sugarcoat it. I know they can be monsters sometimes.” he chuckled.
“Yeah, they were monsters,” you sigh, shoving your hands in the pockets of your floor-length cardigan. “They’ve been so good thus far. I don’t understand why they went insane today. It’s just glue and pasta noodles.” you groaned, looking at the mess across the rainbow-colored table that the children painted themselves. “I’m probably gonna have to stay after-hours to clean this up,” you rolled your head to the side in exhaustion. “Which blows because I had dinner plans. And by that, I mean I was gonna order Chinese food and watch soap operas in my pajamas. It’s Friday, after all.” the exhaustion from the students overrode your anxiety around your crush, making you much more candid. 
“Look,” Sugawara took a step forward. “I know my kids were a pain in the ass today. I love them, but they were a pain. Let me help you clean up the classroom. It’s the least I can do for causing you to miss Chinese food and pajamas night.” he shrugged off his green sweater vest, rolling up his white sleeves. You suppressed a groan at the sight before you. Did he know how tantalizing he was being?
“Are you sure? I can do it by myself,” you snapped the hair tie around your wrist, pulling your disarray of strands into a messy bun. “I’ve cleaned up after them before.”
Sugawara shook his head, smiling. “Don’t be silly, I don’t mind at all. It’s equally my fault, too. Now,” he stretched, exposing the tiniest bit of his midriff. “Where are the cleaning supplies?”
You pointed to the cabinet under the sink, blushing softly. “Uh, there’s sponges in the sink. They’re ancient, though.”
“Old things still have use. That’s why we keep them around for so long.” he chuckled, holding a bottle of cleaner and a sponge. “I’ll start on the tables. Maybe you can get the counters? The tables are the messiest.”
You shrugged off your cardigan, letting it fall onto the swiveling chair that the children loved playing on. You wore a simple black tank top, which was permitted by the school’s dress code as long as it had a cover-up that was buttoned. Sugawara’s soft brown eyes lingered on you briefly, returning to scrubbing the tables. The minutes you were passed by with tasteful conversation between the two of you, ranging from various subjects such as what high school you attended to what made you want to become a teacher.
“No way, you went to Karasuno?” you laughed, throwing away the third empty box of macaroni you had found. “I went to Shiratorizawa!”
“You did not!” Sugawara laughed, cracking his back as he scrubbed the second table to a sparkling shine. “I can’t believe you went there. You don’t seem like the type.” he flashed you a smile; it was so pretty. All of his smiles were pretty.
“What, you don’t think I could be prude and stuck-up?” you pretended to clutch your pearls. “I’ll have you know that I was bullied constantly. Thank you very much.”
“Crap, I’m sorry. I didn’t-” 
“Dude, relax. I didn’t care one bit. The volleyball team you destroyed before going to nationals was always kind to me. Especially Goshiki, for some reason.”
“The kid with the awful bowl cut?”
“Exactly!” you giggled, enjoying the moment the two of you were sharing. “They were always nice to me, even though I was the weird kid. I hung out in the art room most of the time, painting and sculpting,” you paused your scrubbing for a moment, nostalgia taking over your thoughts. “I kind of miss it.”
“Tell me about it,” Sugawara scrubbed off the final table, sitting beside you on the caterpillar rug. “You know I taught Hinata how to receive a ball and how he plays professionally? I feel proud but also sad. He’s doing so much with his life.”
Your hand hovered above Sugawara’s shoulder, landing on the soft fabric of his shirt to gently massage it. “Hey, we’re doing just fine with our lives. We teach little people things they didn’t know before, which has to count for something.” you offer him an assuring smile, your cheeks happily blushing.
Sugawara smiled in return, topping your hand with his own. “Yeah, I guess it does count for something,” his gaze focused on the classroom, which was about three-fourths of the way clean. “Hey, what time is it?”
“Maybe six o’clock?” you shrugged. “The clock in this room is broken. A kid from another class threw a pebble at it.”
“Do you still think you have time for your evening plans?” Sugawara got off of the caterpillar rug, dusting off his slacks. He offered his hand for you to take, pulling you off the floor. 
Nodding, you went to your desk to check the time on your phone. Yup, it was six o’clock. “I mean, probably. Why?”
“Would you mind if I joined you?” Sugawara blushed. “This is going to sound stupid, but I’ve meant to ask you out for a while. I just don’t exactly have the guts for that sort of thing, that’s all.”
You covered your mouth with your hand, giggling. “You wanna ask me out? That’s…wow. I mean,” you were at a loss for words, the prettiest shade of pink flooding your cheeks. “I’m more than happy to, Sugawara.”
He beamed at you, grabbing your wrist. “Well, would you wanna go to your place and order some Chinese food? I can pay. I’ll be a total gentleman.” he chuckled. His laugh was so gentle. 
“You’re cute,” you grab your purse, walk out of your classroom, and lock the door. Sugawara stood behind you, the grin not yet leaving his handsome features. “How the hell are you single?” you joke, the two of you making your way to your car.
“I haven’t the foggiest clue,” Sugawara giggled.
 You took your keys and unlocked the vehicle. “You didn’t drive here?” you tugged the handle of your car.
“Oh, I did. I just wanted to walk you to your car. Was that not okay?” he looked worried.
You shook your head and smiled once more. “You’re so sweet, Sugawara. Do you need my address?”
“Yeah,” he typed your address on your phone, double-checking to ensure everything was correctly spelled. “So, I’ll see you in thirty minutes?”
You nodded and got in your car, turning it on and driving away. Once you were out of the school’s faculty parking lot, you screamed joyfully as the radio played your favorite band. Your manicured fingers tapped on the steering wheel with the tune of the music, and the windows rolled down. You felt like you were in a romantic comedy, and it felt fucking incredible. 
You entered your apartment, checking out your reflection in the mirror. There wasn’t any use in changing into something more presentable; it was supposed to be a casual date. Your thoughts began to wander, focusing on Sugawara’a’s handsome features. The way his gray hair swayed when he walked, the beauty mark under his left eye. He was beautiful, and he wanted to date you. Your hand caressed your cheek, your face breaking into a smile that rivaled that of a lovestruck schoolgirl. Did the hands on the clock suddenly get slower, or was it just the anticipation that filled your stomach with dancing butterflies?
The thoughts that raced through your mind made you groan, sliding down onto the chair in your kitchen. “Hm, I should probably put out some wine…is wine casual? No, right? But we’re both adults…so maybe it’s okay?” you grew frustrated, staring at the bottle that had been gifted to you by a coworker for your birthday. “It’s a special occasion, after all…what’s wrong with a little wine and Chinese food?” 
Your eyes wandered back and forth, following the tail of your cat clock until it was around when Sugawara said he would arrive. You waited anxiously by the door, excited to hear a knocking. Were you being too weird about this? You shook your head. Absolutely not. This was perfectly normal. Just two coworkers on a date—what could go wrong?
Knock-knock. You jumped out of your thoughts and gulped, carefully turning the doorknob. Sugawara stood in front of you, still in his teaching outfit. Green sweater, white shirt, black tie. He held a small bouquet of roses in his hand, blushing softly. “I missed you,”
You leaned against the doorway, inviting him inside. “It’s only been thirty minutes,” you said, trying to keep it cool. Then, shutting the door, you walked away.
“It was still way too long. Where should I put these?” he kicked off his shoes.
“I’ll get a vase,” you said, taking the roses and bringing them to your nose. Their scent was extraordinary—smelling of romance and morning dew. It was no wonder they were such a romantic flower. “These are pretty, by the way. Thanks, Sugawara.” You grabbed a tall, empty glass and filled it with water, placing the roses into it. 
“Koshi,” he insisted, standing behind you. “You can call me Koshi. I insist,” his hand trailed up your arm. “Please, call me Koshi.”
You squeaked, goosebumps appearing on your arm. “W-wow, we're on a first-name basis already. You must really like me.” You tried to use humor to cope with the ever-growing tension.
“Maybe I do,” his husky breath whispered into your ear. Forgive me if I’m being too forward,” he snuck his arms around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. But I want you to be as close to me as possible.”
“Koshi!” you squealed, nearly dropping the vase. “I-I thought you were a gentleman!” your bottom lip trembled.
He hummed, resting his top atop your head. “I am, but I got the sense that you don’t want me to be a gentleman right now,” he purred, his fingers snaking to the hem of your top. “Ever since I saw you, I felt you wanted the same thing I did. We just never had the means to interact, at least not before today.”
“What are you saying…?” you turned your head to gaze into his eyes.
“I’m saying,” his hands slid under your top, his fingertips burning your skin. “Even though I want to sit on your couch and eat Chinese food with you,” his lips hovered above yours. “I’d like to kiss you first.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, the words you were about to say dying on your tongue. You could only nod, your face cartoonishly flushed as Sugawara held you closer to his form. 
He chuckled and pressed his lips against yours, kissing you gently and softly. His lips were plump and plush, faintly tasting of caramel and vanilla. Your lips rolled along with his, smiling into the kiss. He turned you around so you were pressed against the counter, your hands gripping the granite countertops. His hands rested snugly on your waist, rubbing the tiniest bit of exposed skin. 
Sugawara broke the kiss after several blissful moments, snickering. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you in that classroom with my students,” he said, pulling you further into his chest. Your hands gripped his sweater. “It took all my restraint not to pull you into a janitor’s closet and make out with you. All. Of. It.” he punctuated his sentence with pecks on your nose. “Did you…did you feel that way about me, too?”
You chuckled. “Of course I did. I was just too nervous to say anything,” you assured him, leaning upwards in the hopes that he would kiss you again. “Now, are we going to get back to what we started, or are you gonna keep teasing me?”
Sugawara smirked, slamming his lips against yours with newfound confidence. His hands roamed further down your torso, landing on the curve of your ass. He squeezed it, earning a cute little moan from your pretty lips. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth, pulling away after a second. He only took a moment's pause before forcefully tilting your head to the side, brushing your hair out of the way so his pillowy lips could better pepper your neck in kisses.
You gasped, your fingers finding purchase in his silvery locks. He groaned against your neck as you tugged, biting down gently onto the spot just above your collarbone. He relished in the noises that escaped your lips, sucking a perfectly circular bruise to mark you as his. “Y’can just cover it up with a turtleneck or something, right?” he mumbled, slapping your ass. “God, you look so fucking sexy right now. Do you know that?”
“Koshi, I wore this to teach today. How the hell is it sexy?” you breathed. 
“Because it’s on your body,” he growled, nipping at your bottom lip. “This kitchen isn’t the proper place for what I wanna do to you. Where’s your bedroom?”
His words made you weak at the knees. “A-around the corner,” you pointed.
“Fantastic,” he grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the kitchen with a devious smirk. You giggled, both nervous and excited. He flung open the door to your bedroom, scooping you up in his arms and throwing you onto the neatly made bed. 
You landed on the plush pillows behind you, giggling as Sugawara climbed over you. His hands landed on either side of your head, another smirk decorating his lips. “You have an eye for decor,” he leaned down, hovering his lip against yours. His husky breath was like a drug. Who knew someone who seemed too gentle could be a completely different person in the sheets? 
He crashed his lips against yours once more, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist as his tongue explored your mouth yet again. He groaned, sending shockwaves through your body. He was gentle yet dominant, making you want him all the more. Sugawara pulled away with a harsh smack of his lips, breaking the saliva strand connecting your lips. 
The pads of his fingers danced on the hem of your top. His brown eyes bore into yours for permission to take it off. He thanked you with a peck on your now exposed abdomen, tossing your shirt aside. Sugawara’s voice rumbled in his throat at the gorgeous sight of your bra, black and lacy. “Fuck,” he cupped your breasts, the lace dancing with his fingers. “You look so fucking pretty. Did you wear this just for me?” he leaned down, pecking the exposed portion of your pillowy breasts. 
“Maybe,” you purr, gasping as his hand slid around your back, fidgeting with the clasp. “D’ya want me to take it off, Koshui?”
“Please,” Sugawara moaned, loosening his tie to unbutton his shirt better. “I love it when you say my name, fuck.”
Your bra was tossed aside, your nipples instantly perking up at the cold air in your bedroom. Sugawara’s hands practically flew to your breasts, his shirt being tossed aside as well. His mouth found your pert nipple, sucking on one breast while his hand toyed with the other. He relished in your moans, but his brow furrowed when he heard you choking back the louder ones.
“Don’t be quiet with me, princess,” he growled, his tongue flattening across your breast. “I wanna hear those moans of yours.” he bit down on the supple flesh, sucking another perfect purple bruise on the delicate flesh.
You gasped and tossed your head back into the pillows behind you, letting out the guttural moans that Sugawara craved. He smirked against your breast, stopping his sucking with a wet pop!
“Good fucking girl, did you hear how pretty you sounded?” he purred, his thumbs in the loops of your jeans. “M’gonna take this off you, okay cutie?”
You nodded and sighed, shimmying your legs so he could throw your jeans behind him. He took in the gorgeous view, prying your legs apart. “Those are some pretty panties you have on,” he chuckled, nudging your clothed core with his knee. “What do you want me to do to you, baby? I wanna make you feel so fucking good. You deserve it. My girl,”
His girl. Those words rang through your ears, your pussy getting wetter. “J-just make me feel good, Koshi. Wan’ you so badly.” you looked into his eyes, your own filled with lust and desire for him.
He snickered. “Whatever my girl wants, she’ll get,” he pulled your panties down to your ankles, your goddess-like body now on display for him to admire. He took a thousand mental pictures of it, silently hoping you would stay like that forever. 
“You have such a pretty pussy. Look at her,” his fingers gathered some of your slick, bringing it to his lips. “She tastes so fucking good.” he shoved his face in between your legs, licking a fat stripe up your folds. You gasped at the sensation, your legs instantly squeezing his face upon reflex. 
“Fuck!” his tongue was somehow both cold and hot, eagerly lapping at your soaked folds. You clenched the bedsheets, your thighs securing his head between your thighs. He didn’t mind one bit, groaning into your core at every squeeze of your luscious thighs. He adored your taste; it was sweet and addictive. Sugawara couldn’t get enough of you. He needed more. He craved more. 
He ate your pussy like a starved man, acting like he hadn’t drunk in weeks, and you were an oasis in the desert. His nose brushed against your clit, the added stimulation ripping whimpers off your lips. His index and middle fingers slipped inside your soaked entrance, curling inside of you, searching for your sweet spot. You cried, bucking your hips into his face.
“That’s it, squirm around f’me, princess,” he demanded, his deep voice sending vibrations through your core. “Show me how good I can make you feel without even fucking you.” 
You hissed in pleasure, continuing to buck your hips into his face. Finally, his fingers curled inside you just right, acting as a catalyst. “M’gonna fucking cum, Koshi!” you sobbed, your release coating his fingers and lips. He pulled his fingers out of your pulsating core, replacing them with his tongue as he lapped at your release, the filthiest of sounds leaving his lips while his tongue fucked you through your high. Your thighs squeezed around his head, so tight and firm.
He reluctantly pulled away from your core, smiling while covered in your shimmering slick. Sugawara climbed atop you once more, slipping his covered fingers past your lips. “Can you taste yourself, princess? See how addictive you are?”
Your tongue rolled over his fingers with purpose. You knew what you were doing. “Mhm,” you let go of his fingers, licking your lips. Your chest moved up and down, still attempting to recover from that mind-blowing orgasm. “S’good, Koshi. You make me feel so good.”
“I’m about to make you feel even better, princess,” he got off the bed, unbuckling his belt to place on the vanity chair and his pants. There was a stain on his boxers, no doubt caused by his tip-gushing precum. The briefs were forgotten about as well. He stood before you just as naked as you were before him. 
Sugawara was toned, that’s for sure. All those years of playing volleyball had reaped their rewards, and he was fucking proud of it. He didn’t quite have the most defined six-pack, but his abs were prominent, accompanied by a silver happy trail. His biceps rippled along with his shoulder muscles; he was beautiful, and you both were. 
His cock slapped against his abdomen, glistening with precum. “Do you see what you do to me, princess? D’ya see how fucking hard I am?” he crawled above you, his hands caging your head in place. 
His cock wasn’t girthy, but it was long. Not so long that it would be painful, but long enough to make you see stars. It teased at your entrance, begging to push past your soaked folds. “Princess,” Sugawara kissed your cheek. “Do you want me to use a condom? I brought one just in case.” his voice was reassuring. Even though he wanted nothing more than to demolish your insides, he would do whatever made you happiest. Whatever brought you the most pleasure, whatever could turn your vision white.
“Condoms are in the dresser drawer,” you pointed to the table next to your bed. He lunged over you and rummaged through it, eventually rolling the foil packet between his fingers. He ripped open the packaging with his teeth, moving the latex over his cock with ease. He made sure it was secure, tugging at the base of the condom. 
“For what it’s worth, you would look so pretty covered in my cum,” Sugawara purred against your lips, teasing your entrance with his tip. “Are you ready, princess? How do you want me to fuck you?” he clenched the sheets beneath him with knuckle-whitening strength.
“H-however, you wanna fuck me s’fine, Koshi,” you assured him, wrapping your legs around his waist. “I just want you to fuck me, please.” 
Shit, you sounded so pretty when you begged for his cock. Sugawara mumbled something incoherent and pushed past your entrance, slowly filling you up until the head of his aching cock touched your cervix. He hissed at the sensation of your tight walls fluttering around him, trying to pull him impossibly deep.
“However I want, yeah?” Sugawara leaned down, his face buried in the crook of your neck. “Then I’m gonna fuck you like you’re mine.”
He snapped his hips against yours, each thrust more brutal than the last. He bottomed out each time, the head pressing against your cervix so deliciously. “All fucking mine,” he groaned into your neck, sending electrical pulses throughout your core. Your legs locked around his waist, not letting him escape. Not like he wanted to, he could fuck you forever. 
“Koshi! Oh, fuck, Koshi!” you sobbed, your hands clawing at his lean back. Your long, rainbow-colored nails left wild, catlike scratches that would likely be sore tomorrow. Sugawara fucking loved it. He loved how you reacted when he bullied his cock into your cunt, how it squeezed around it shamelessly. He fucking loved your pussy. Why did it take him so long to get the balls to ask you out? “Love y’dick Koshi, fucking love it!”
“I love you do, princess. You’re being such a good girl and fucking taking it.” his hands moved your pelvis, hovering it over the bed so he could better pound into you. This new angle somehow made you take him even deeper, his balls slapping against the cleft of your ass. “Your pussy feels even better than I could have imagined, fuck.” he moaned as your cunt fluttered around his cock, driving him closer to the edge. 
Suagwara’s punched forward over and over again, getting drunk off your sickly, sweet heat. He left an open-mouthed kiss on your neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin until you were covered with his teeth marks. He pistoned in and out of your weeping cunt with reckless abandon, whispering filth into your ear as he approached his release.
“Fuck, is my cock stretching you out, baby? You’ve been, oh my God, you’ve been whimpering all this time. Am I too much for you?” he teased, squeezing harshly on your breast. “Don’t worry, princess. I’m gonna give you what you need, I promise. Just lemme keep fucking this cunt, yeah?” he rasped against your neck, desperately chasing his high. His hips lost all sense of rhyme or reason, throwing sloppy and uncoordinated as his cock twitch deep inside of your core. 
“Fuck, I’m close. Y’feel so fucking good, baby, fuck. Got me addicted to this pretty pussy, shit.” he whimpered, setting a relentless pace. The sound of your sweat-covered bodies slapping against each other in unison filled your apartment, the atmosphere thick with the scent of sex. 
“Koshi! Feels so fucking good, need more,” you choked back tears, cupping his face to bring his lips to yours. Sugawara rasped against your lips, his kiss bruisingly passionate as he fucked you both through your lustful tremors. 
“Shit, I’m gonna fucking cum, fuck. That pussy’s milking me for all I’m worth, princess,” he tore himself away from your lips, his hips snapping once, then twice, then stopping their motions completely as he came. He moaned, his seed spilling into the condom. 
He pulled out of you, tying off the condom and tossing it onto the floor. “I’ll get that later,” Sugawara whispered before slumping onto your chest, burying his flushed face in your tits. You giggled and lazily kissed his forehead, treasuring this moment.
“I can confidently say that this has been the best first date I’ve ever been on,” you giggled, your thumb rubbing across Sugawara’s beauty mark. “I mean, I’ve only ever been on a couple of first dates, but this has been the best one by a long shot.”
“I’m so glad, princess,” he groaned, pulling his face from in between your breasts. “I’m so lucky you’re all mine. T-That is if you still want to be.” his brows furrowed.
You chuckled and brushed his hair to the side. “Of course I do, Koshi. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now, dummy.”
“I’m not a dummy. I’m a teacher!” he joked, a bright smile gracing his features. Sugawara’s expression then softened. “I’m so glad you’re mine. This feels like the best dream ever.” he lazily pecked your lips, pulling up your comforter to warmly envelop you. 
“Do you wanna just order food and lay here for a bit?” you mumbled, giggling as Sugawara repositioned your body so he was holding you.
“I would love that, princess,” his voice was soft and warm. “I can’t wait to go on more dates with you,” he pecked your cheek. “And I especially can’t wait to see my sexy new girlfriend at work wearing those cute little outfits.” his hands squeezed your breasts, causing you to yelp.
“Koshi!” you pretended to scold him.
“Sorry, princess, I couldn’t help it. You’re way too pretty.” he giggled, pulling you closer to his chest. You heard his heartbeat; its smooth rhythm instantly made you calm. The two of you lay there, cuddled under your covers as you talked the night away.
Art did have a way of bringing people together, after all.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
Could I request a Principal Larissa Weems or Lesso? with 52,54,59? Maybe with her assistant? Maybe with some smut🫣. I was thinking that they would be cold to the reader bc they like them and then the reader says something like why do you hate me and then it leads from there.. but do what you feel most comfortable with!!! ( Also I love your writings they are so good and you are so talented<3)
Quivering at Your Touch ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Mommy!Younger(20s)!Assistant!Reader (feat. Morticia Addams)
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Summary— Sub!Larissa fic where Reader is Larissa’s assistant at Nevermore and they don’t really get along because Larissa is just cold to Reader all the time. But when Reader confronts Larissa, Reader finds that the tall blonde principal is a desperate sub who just wants to be a good girl for her mami… Anon Response— Hello anon!! You can absolutely request this! I would love to write this for you. I admit, I got a little carried away… Enjoy♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
#54. “You can call me Mommy/Daddy if you want too…”
#59. “You… find this attractive?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, little fluff, eating out (oral sex), fingering, age gap (all legal), clit stimulation, grinding, humping, squirting, voice kink, sexy Spanish— I am not fluent so I apologize in advance for any mistakes, mami(mommy) kink, desperation, teasing, praising, light begging, light taunting, implied light overstimulation, implied Morissa, Morticia Addams, comforting, physical comforting, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
You walked into Ms. Weems’ office before the sun had even come up, handing over the paperwork that she had sent you home with last night. Being Ms. Weems’ assistant was your dream job. But it was not easy. The tall, blonde principal had high standards for herself and everyone else, especially her assistant.
After her near death experience, Morticia had convinced Larissa to hire an assistant, because according to the raven haired goddess, “You cannot carry the weight of the world, neigh Nevermore, on your shoulders alone, Mon Chérie…” Morticia had cooed late one summer night into the blonde’s exposed ear.
So, Larissa had began looking and interviewing two weeks before the new school year started. She had put out the news that she was interested in hiring an assistant, and soon the woman had resumes to look through. It had been almost two weeks and Larissa hadn’t found anyone suitable, when you had walked through the door of her office.
Larissa took an immediate liking to you. You were intelligent, organized, well-dressed and well mannered. After a mere twenty minutes, the tall blonde was offering you the job. You had eagerly accepted and moved into Nevermore at once. And the new school year started with a quick bang. And just as quickly, your work began.
“Here is your schedule for the week and those quarterly reports for this semester that you requested, Ms. Weems.” You spoke in a professional and formal manner, as always and as expected, as you handed the blonde principal the files.
Larissa looked up from her computer, reaching out and taking the files.
“Thank you, Miss L/N.” Larissa hummed, then standing up and going over to her cabinets of files, “One thing before you leave…”
You knew that Principal Weems was on first names basis’ with most of the staff, as far as the tall principal using pet names for some of your colleagues. The fact that after over nine weeks of working for this woman that she never wavered from Miss L/N, and she always expected Ms. Weems or Principal Weems made you sad. You knew it shouldn’t, she was your boss after all. But it did.
“Yes?” You asked, raising your head in her direction as she moved across the room.
Larissa paused to look through the many files, before pulling one out and coming back around her desk and up to you. She handed you the file, looking at you expectantly.
“Parent Teacher Conferenecs are coming up throughout the week, I need these typed up and reviewed before the end of today.” Larissa instructed you in her professionally cold tone, the tone that she only used for formal principal meeting, events and for you.
You nodded, taking the file, and looking away to blush at the intense eye contact.
“Yes Ms. Weems…” you spoke out, “Is there anything else…?”
Larissa went back to sit at her desk chair, then looking back at you with a stoic face.
“That will be all, Miss Y/N.” The blonde principal calmly stated, “You are excused until my first parent teacher conference, where I will be expecting you to take notes.”
You nodded and murmured, “Yes ma’am…”, before shuffling out of her office and going back to sit back in your tiny assistant area, designated to you by Ms. Weems.
You sat down with a deep sigh, Larissa’s tone internally eating away at you. You hated how cold she always was… You didn’t think you’d ever down anything to her. But you must have. Because the warm, caring, tall Principal that you saw interacting with students and her staff was a shallow, cold bitch to you when you were alone.
For the rest of the day, you made sure to attend all of the woman’s meetings, taking diligent notes and remaining silent, as she would glare at you if you said a word. By the end of the day, you were tired and still had some of the papers for the conferences to finish. You worked until you had completed all of the work Ms. Weems had given you. You walked into Ms. Weems’ office, it was way past time for you to be off for the day, but alas.
“Ms. Weems?” You called, knocking and then opening the door, only to enter when she permitted you.
“Come in…” Larissa hummed, not even taking the moment to meet your gaze in curteous recognition.
You closed the door behind you, before taking a deep breath.
“Here are the conference files you asked me to fill out, along with my notes from today’s meetings…” You spoke, waking up to her desk and handing over the files.
Larissa continued working.
“Leave them here, Miss L/N…” the woman coolly spoke out, “You are excused for tonight. I will see you early tomorrow.”
A wave of frustration came over you, as you left the papers and turned to leave. You felt your eyes begin to water, as her hurtful treatment seemed to finally hit a nerve. Something about today, and maybe all the other times, made you turn swiftly on your heel, back towards the woman.
“Ms. Weems…?” You choked out, your voice faltering.
The woman hummed lightly, letting you know that she heard you, but not giving you the time of day for any eye contact or actual words.
“I…” you walked back to her desk, “Why do you hate me…? Have I… done something…? Is… my work not up to your standard…?” You stammered, your voice breaking throughout your sentences.
At your words, Larissa stopped typing on her computer. She then very slowly raised her head and her intense gaze finally met yours. She then closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose with a deep sigh.
“No Darling, your work is impeccable…” Larissa sighed.
The petname sent warm shivers down your spine and goosebumps across your skin. And at hearing her compliment, a faint blush immediately began to creep up around your cheeks. You were able to take a little sigh of relief at her words, but an underlying pit in your stomache still tugged at you nonetheless.
“Oh—Ok. Then… why do you treat me like…” you stammered, struggling on how to express your feelings without offending your boss.
“Cold? Abrasive? Harsh?” Larissa scoffed at herself, finishing your thought far more direct than you would have ever admitted to.
Your blush deepened and you nodded slowly.
“Yes” you softly stated.
“Because…” Larissa sighed, clasping her hands together and biting her lip before continuing, “I don’t hate you, Darling… Far from it.”
You knew you could hear Larissa’s words, but they didn’t seem to register, as your face was still plastered with confusion and broken spirit.
Larissa’s expression slowly softened at the sight of yours. She then proceeded to stand up, coming over to the other side of her desk, the one closest to you. She indicated for you to sit on the couch by the fire. As she walked to the burning fireplace next to the couch, you scurried to take a seat, then looking up at the woman, whose face was now a myriad of emotions.
“Y/N… You…” Larissa began softly and with the most vulnerable tone you’d ever heard from the formal woman, “You are the most marvelous woman—person, that I’ve ever encountered…”
She paused to take another deep sigh before continuing, “You are brilliant at your job, I have never had anyone do their job as well as you do yours, the passion and effort you put into your work is unmatched. From the very first time I met you, I knew there was something about you. Your personality, your heart is so warm and you are so caring…”
Your eyes widened the more the woman confessed, and your lips parted slightly in shock. You wondered if this was a dream… Where you hearing the woman correctly…?
But when Larissa leaned forward and grasped your hands in hers, you knew this was no dream. Her sapphire gaze bore into yours intensely, and her eyes radiated truth. You gasped lightly at the touch, and found yourself immediately yearning for more. But her gaze and face then turned sad. And in the at moment, you would have some anything to make the tall blonde smile.
“I… I apologize for the way I treated you… I thought… I thought that if I kept you at a distance that I wouldn’t get hurt… But I see now that my actions, while protecting me, ended up hurting you… and that was never my intention, Darling. For that I am truly sorry…”
She squeezed your hands reassuringly, as her remorseful gaze met yours. The realization of the woman’s words started to creep into your mind. A rogue tear managed to slip past your watch, rolling down your cheek. Larissa’s heart nearly broke them and there, having to watch you process your past few months of agony.
“Protect yourself from what…?” You whispered, as you met her gaze once more.
At your question, Larissa looked away and a light rosy blush flushed her cheeks. She sighed once more and then began to chuckle lightly at herself.
“Protect myself from my feelings…” Larissa admitted, biting her lip anxiously, “And now that I think about it, it seems so absurd.”
These words were the final piece of the puzzle that you had spent months searching for. Suddenly, all the pieces came into place, it all made sense. And a wave of calm seemed to flow over you.
Without thought, instinct had you raise your hand and cup the woman’s flushed cheek. Her head immediately swiveled back toward you, her eyes widened at your bold move. But she didn’t pull away, quite the opposite in fact, you found that the woman only leaned into your touch, closing her eyes and letting out a hum in contentment.
“Larissa Weems, are you saying that you like me?” You softly asked, with a little smile and a light twinkle in your eyes.
The woman’s eyes fluttered open and at first, her face was panicked, but once she saw the calm expression on your face, she seemed to relax a little.
“I… I suppose so…” Larissa whispered, her face radiating raw vulnerability.
You smiled even brighter, caressing the woman’s cheek with one hand, as her hands held your other one. The tall blonde then fell gracefully to her knees, now sitting right in between your legs and right up against your couch. And she looked up at you, searching for some, any direction.
“I like you too…” you whispered back.
Larissa entire body seemed to be needing to hear those words, because as soon as they left your mouth, a weight was lifted from the blonde’s soul. And before you knew it, the woman was curling up in your lap. Your jaw threatened to drop, but you restrained yourself. Never in your life had you expected the cold, formal Principal Weems to be in your lap and purring like a content cat.
You gently reached out to her, running your fingers along her tight back hair. She raised her head into your hand with another hum, encouraging you. So you began to take out the pins of the woman’s hair, one by one, until her curls were falling onto your lap and you could run your fingers through her hair freely. The entire time, Larissa was snuggled up in your lap, purring in delight.
You chuckled to yourself, wondering what it would be like if someone walked in… but that thought quickly slipped away, as the ambience of the moment took over your mind. The fireplace crackling and giving a soft glow to the room, seemed to make it all feel more intimate. Not to mention Larissa being literally in your lap, also made it far more intimate..
Time passed naturally, as the woman continued to purr in your lap and you continued to run fingers through her hair, eventually moving to massage her tense shoulders. The blonde let out little whimpers and groans every now and then, which you found to be utterly adorable.
Larissa began adjusting her position for you, so that you could scratch and massage all the itches and tensions littered around her stressed out body. The woman ended up straddling your lap, her head tucked into the crook of your neck as you massaged a particular knot from her upper spine.
She let out a groan as you kneeded the knot out of her tense muscle, inadvertently bucking her hips into your lap and releasing a particularly breathy whimper along with it. Larissa’s mouth opened and her eyes widened in light shock at her overtly sexual actions.
Your eyes sparkled at the shift in tone of the scene, your hands traveling to the woman’s hips, starting to guide her hips to lightly grind against your form beneath her. Larissa’s hands shot to your shoulders as she arched her back and rolled her head back with another groan, this one most definitely sexual. Her eyes fluttered shut as you helped her get off against your frame.
“That’s it… Let me help you relax, Ms. Weems…” you cooed lovingly, eagerly drinking in the other woman’s frame.
“L-Larissa please Darling…” Larissa insisted with another breathy groan, as she continued to grind down against your lap.
You chuckled lightly and nodded.
“Alright Larissa…” you teased her name on your tongue, making the woman melt into a puddle in your lap.
You slowly shifted her frame onto one of your thighs, so that she could grind her core against your tensed thigh more effectively. The blonde was quick to catch on, letting her dress rile up her thighs as she began to put her grinding weight against your tensed muscles.
Larissa let out a mutter of expletives, words that you never would have thought to come out of such a proper woman’s lips. But it felt so right in the moment as the blonde was holding onto you for dear life, as she rutted against your thigh. You could feel the warmth of her pussy on your thigh, as you tightly held her hips and guided her further towards her impending climax.
Breathy whimpers and groans spewed from Larissa’s lips, her eyes were screwed shut tight, all of her previous inhibitions lost, as she unabashedly got herself closer and closer to her high. When she was teetering on the edge, you gripped her hips tighter, keeping her sloppy grinding in a rhythm and your lips snuck to the shell of her ear.
“Cum for me, Larissa… Te ves tan hermosa así… Let go, let it all out.”[You look so beautiful like that…] You purred into the blonde’s ear.
It only took a couple more grinding motions before the woman was coming undone on top of you. Letting out a strangled moan, she rode her high as best as she could before collapsing on top of your chest with heavy panting.
“Eres una chica muy buena, Larissa…”[You’re such a good girl, Larissa…] you praised the blonde.
Larissa couldn’t help but blush, she could recognize praise, even when it wasn’t in English. You let her gather her self in your lap, and the minutes past in comfortable silence. Eventually, Larissa stirred, sitting up once more and meeting your gaze.
“You’re sexy when you speak Spanish…” she breathed out, before her eyes went wide and she instantly began to correct her statement, “What I meant…! You’re always sexy— no I…!”
You hushed Larissa by leaning into her and connecting your lips swiftly with hers. Larissa immediately leaned in, impossibly close to you, her hands coming to cup your cheeks, pulling you even closer. You hummed into the passionate kiss, which seemed to be reigniting Larissa’s lust once more. Not to mention your own…
“You… find this, my Spanish… attractive?” You breathlessly whispered into her lips.
Larissa eagerly nodded before smashing her lips back into yours, and you practically purred in delight. Your lips and teeth began to clash together as hour respective hungers grew. Larissa happily allowed you to slip your tongue inside her mouth, deepening the kiss even further. Pretty soon, the woman was encouraging you to pick her up, which you eagerly did, carrying her to her attached private quarters.
“Eres tan hermosa, mi amor. Quiero mostrarte lo guapa que eres...”[You are so beautiful, my love. I want to show you just how gorgeous you are…] you whispered against her hungry lips, as you devoured one another.
Larissa bucked her hips against your frame and spewed a string of breathy whimpers as a result of your Spanish. You placed Larissa on the center of the bed as your mouth began to wander past the woman’s lips and towards her neck and shoulders… Larissa gasped as you sucked on her pressure point, her hands scrambling to pull you even closer, tugging you onto the bed with her.
Soon, hands were flying to zippers and buttons, as the two of you practically tore each other’s clothes off in the heat and passion of the moment. The blonde’s dress pooled at her feet as you unbuttoned your pants, both being thrown aside, along with your shirt. Your nimble fingers unclipped both her bra and your own, both of which were also tossed aside.
Now left in nothing but your knickers, you guided the woman to lay back on the bed, propping herself up by her elbows. You crawled on top of Larissa, perching yourself to straddle her stomache before connecting your lips together once more. The blonde let out a whimper into your lips, as her hands dropped her fully on the bed and shot to your exposed skin, wandering and feeling their way down your body. Her fingers stopped and paid special attention to your sensitive buds.
“Dios mío, vas a ser mi muerte...”[My God, you’re going to be the death of me…] you breathed out into her lips, her teasing causing you to buck your hips against the blonde’s form.
Another whimper erupted from Larissa’s throat in response, desperate for more friction. You pressed your lips once more time against her plump red ones, a mere ghost of a kiss, before starting to slowly run down her body, paying special attention to each bit of exposed skin that the woman had to offer. Larissa’s one hand shifted to your head, eagerly attempting to push you further down, down to where she needed you most. Her other hand wandered up to her own nipple, teasing and tugging to deepen her own pleasure. When you showed no signs of speeding up your worshiping of the woman’s body, Larissa began to beg,
“Darling P-please… I need you… need you so bad… need it… give it to me—” Larissa chocked out in a mewl.
Your mouth was attached to her left nipple as she spoke, arching her back into your touch. You let go of her tit with a pop!, and then smiled before shimmying your body further down her frame. Lowering your face down to her clothed, needy cunt, you licked a stripe along her underwear, right above her core. Larissa’s knees buckled and her hips jerked upwards, towards your face.
“¿Es esto lo que quieres? Te ves tan bien, cariño…”[Is this what you want? You look so good, my darling] you purred, fanning your hot breath onto her quivering pussy.
You were quick to hold her shaking thighs down, so that she didn’t accidentally suffocate or hit you from her impending intense pleasure. Larissa struggled a little against your firm hold, but as your grip tightened on her thighs, she quickly became even more desperate in her pleading.
“Christ Y/N Please!! Stop teasing and just… just fuck mami please!” Larissa cried out, desperately bucking her hips to encourage any kind of friction with the throbbing heat.
Her face flushed and all her motions came to a halt at the name just uttered from her lips, and the blonde began to stamer.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… Darling it, slipped out…? I—”
With a chuckle, you hooked your fingers along the waistband of her knickers. Tapping her hips, the woman couldn’t meet your gaze from the embarrassment but nonetheless she instinctually raised her hips and thighs for you. You then pulled off her last garment, throwing it into the abyss. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of Larissa’s glistening cunt. You looked up and met the blonde’s goddess figure and then her lustful, hooded gaze. She nodded in desperation, encouraging you to take her.
With one final teasing, hot breath to the woman’s cunt, you finally gave in and began lapping your tongue through her folds. Her back arched deliciously into your hot touch, her fingers curling in your hair and into the bed sheet. As your tongue flicked her clit, the woman’s head lolled back and her eyes fluttered shut, completely forgetting her verbal slip up for the moment.
“Oh yessss… Yes yes yes…!” She chanted, her mind swimming in overwhelming pleasure.
You swiftly pulled away however, making Larissa’s head shoot up and give you the most needy pout and whimper.
“You can call me Mami if you want too…” you purred wickedly, before swirling two fingers in her wetness and then sliding the digits into her core.
Larissa let out an unbridled groan, her fingers digging into your scalp as her walls fluttered around your fingers. You fucked the woman at a decent pace, pumping and curling your fingers inside her core, paying close attention to what motions made her toes curl especially. Her eyes fluttered closed. Larissa was huffing and whimpering more and more, and soon the sounds turned into full on moans.
“Eyes on me, hermosa…” you lustfully purred, drawing the blondes hooded gaze back to yours.
“Y-yes mami—” Larissa choked out.
Her blown out pupils met your sultry gaze. Her face flushed at the intense eye contact. She held your head in a vice grip as your fingers thrusted inside her expertly and your mouth latched onto her aching clit. Larissa’s back arched desperately in your touch, and one of your hands moved up from her thighs to tease her perked, straining buds.
It didn’t take long for the blonde to be teetering on the edge again…
“Mami mamiiiii…!!” Larissa babbled, shaking her head violently and fighting the urge to screw her eyes shut tight and scream,
“AhgghhhhHhH GOD pleaseeee—!!!” She cried out, her hips thrashing and body spasming.
“Vamos, vamos... Cum for me… lo tienes, mi dulce chica…”[Come on, come on…You’ve got it, my sweet girl…] you purred gently, curling your fingers with huge words to perfectly hit that spongey spot inside the woman’s core.
Larissa’s breath faltered and suddenly her orgasm was washing over her, her juices gushing out of her and onto your fingers as her walls clenched around your fingers. Your tongue eagerly lapped up all the woman’s arousal, practically keening over at her taste. Then with sudden force, the woman’s core squirted all over your fingers and face. You moaned in delight, eagerly taking all that Larissa would give you.
She was so wrapped up in her orgasm, Larissa hadn’t even registered that she had squirted. But even as she came down from her high, the older woman still seemed to be not fully satisfied. She was squirming in pleasure, in need for more, babbling and begging for it…
“Mami mami—por favor, necesito más, necesito más…!!”[Mommy mommy—please, I need more, I need more…] Larissa pleaded with a desperate cry, her hips bucking against your face is desperation.
You nearly moaned into the woman’s cunt at her pleading, her tone, her words, her voice… You couldn’t deny the fact that even broken Spanish sounded sexy on her tongue… It made you shiver with anticipation. With one last lick to her cunt to rock her back from her orgasm, you pulled out of her cunt. Larissa immediately whimpered at the loss of feeling.
“Vale, vale, te escucho, dulce chica… Tell me what you want, bueno chica… Use your words for me…”[Ok ok, I hear you, sweet girl… good girl…] you cooed.
The following sweet babbles that flowed out of the submissive blonde’s mouth were like music to your ears. And you were more than happy to grant any request this woman made of you. Hell, with a simple please from her lips, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for that woman…
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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starrylothcat · 9 months
Hey so I love your writing and I hope this is okay <3
Can you write a Hunter x f reader where the reader is thinking dirty thoughts whilst they're all on a mission or otherwise engaged on the Marauder and uses that to tease Hunter since he can sense it (smell, heartbeat etc) but can't act on it with others around? And he's getting more frustrated bc he knows you're doing it on purpose to tease him.
Love your work! <3
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Basically the ask. You tease Hunter on your way back to Kamino with dirty thoughts. 😉
WC: ~2500
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. PiV sex, established relationship, some female masturbation. Feral Hunter. All the good stuff.
A/N: I’ve been traveling around Japan the last week, so that’s why I’ve been a littl MIA. I had this in my drafts before the trip and finally had some downtime to finish it! Feral Hunter and his senses is such a delicious meal, thank you anon for the request. I hope you like it and thanks for reading and your kind words! 💕
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It has been a brutal couple of weeks, back-to-back missions without respite. You never thought you’d miss Kamino, but as you lay on your bunk on The Marauder, exhausted and mentally taxed, the sterile white hallways and pounding rain sounded like paradise.
It didn’t help that you and Hunter haven’t had a chance to be alone, either. You both understood the war came first, along with your duties, but you couldn’t deny you missed feeling his body on yours, his touch, his intense passion. You knew he longed for you, too.
Once you were back on Kamino, you would have that time, as you were promised a few days’ leave before being shipped off again. The buildup was driving you both crazy, but patience was a virtue.
Too bad you weren’t that patient of a person, though.
You knew your scent drove Hunter wild. You tried your best to not accidentally tease him as best you could, especially when you were trapped on The Marauder for long periods.
Your body often betrayed you, though.
Hunter easily picked up on your longing, your arousal, your absolute bone-deep need for him. It was especially bad now since you haven’t partaken in carnal pleasures with one another in a few weeks. Your body was calling out to him, begging for him to take you for hours on end, pleasuring you beyond belief, taking you as his and only his.
You decided to tease him, only a little, to enhance the buildup for when you could finally be alone. You knew an animal lay within him, something he kept back even in your most intensely passionate moments. You wanted him to finally let it all out, not hold back.
You could take it, and you wanted it more than anything.
You set up in your bunk, powering on your datapad. You pretended to be invested in whatever was on the screen but instead watched as Hunter carefully took apart his blaster, inspecting each piece for wear or weakened points. He did it religiously after every mission.
Hunter’s fingers were dextrous, careful. Your mind wandered, knowing it wouldn't be long until he noticed. You thought of those thick, calloused fingers running down the sides of your body, mapping every curve, trailing down to where you needed them most.
You shifted your legs, squeezing them together for a little friction. You could feel your arousal growing, your eyes on Hunter. You imagined those fingers tracing over your panties, rubbing your folds, hearing his husky praises in your ear as you dampened for him. Finally, he would slip a finger under, gathering the slick and teasing your entrance, biting at your neck as you whined in pleasure.
Hunter’s eyes snapped to yours, knowing he must have picked up on your scent. You smiled coyly, still pretending to look at your datapad. Your fantasy continued, his thick digit now fully in your sopping cunt, his name leaving your lips as he pumped in and out of you, his other hand playing with your breasts.
You saw Hunter fidget, his nostrils flaring. He shot you a dangerous look, almost pleading.
Hunter couldn’t wait to get his hands on you, take you apart, and piece you together again, but what you were doing now just wasn’t fair.
You still had at least an entire day before landing on Kamino. If you kept this up, he might not make it that long.
You smirked a little, feeling how your panties moistened at the thought. You left it at that, going back to your datapad.
Hunter was relieved when Tech asked him to help make upgrades on the navigation system, hoping it would distract him, though your scent filled the ship to an almost dizzying degree.
A few hours passed, and you decided Hunter needed another reminder of how much you wanted him.
You stepped into the refresher, needing a shower anyway. While the water sprayed down on you, you let your fingers wander, sliding down your stomach, imagining Hunter’s touch, slipping fingers between your folds.
You rubbed yourself, biting your lip, stopping yourself from making any noise. You wanted nothing more than Hunter to be in there with you, plunging his cock so deep inside your pussy that you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week.
Once you worked yourself up, you stopped. You didn’t want to come, not yet. You wanted Hunter to have the satisfaction of doing so. It only added to the anticipation. You were careful not to wipe any of your slick off your fingers as you dried yourself off and dressed.
When you emerged from the refresher, Hunter was engrossed in sharpening his knife. You sauntered up to him, placing your hand on his shoulder, the same hand that was playing with your pussy just minutes before.
“Hunter, could you help me find my communicator? I lost it somewhere on the ship.” Hunter bristled, his body going stiff.
You glanced behind you, making sure no one was watching. Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair were focusing on other tasks, not paying attention to either of you at the moment.
You traced your finger down his jawline, rough with stubble. A pleasant jolt shot down your spine, wanting to feel it on your inner thighs as he buried his face in your pussy.
You passed your thumb over his lips, knowing you were asking for it.
“Mesh’la…” Hunter’s voice was hoarse, barely audible.
He shuddered, his tongue quickly flicking out to your thumb, tasting you.
He let out a low, agonized groan, gripping his knife so tightly that you thought he might snap the handle. Hunter’s pupils widened, something carnal and animalistic making itself known in his darkening expression. He looked almost dangerous, his eyes flashing with an absolute feral desire.
Hunter’s hand was around your wrist so quickly, you didn’t even see him move. His knife dropped to the floor, his hand circling your wrist, holding tight.
“Don’t…” he rasped, quickly glancing back, his brothers not bothered by the sound of his knife clattering to the ship’s floor. “Unless you want me to fuck you right here. Right now.”
You sucked in a breath at the intensity radiating off him.
Your knees buckled, and you knew Hunter could hear your pounding heart.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you, filthy girl?” His usual smoky baritone was somehow deeper, infused with a ravenousness that sent molten desire to your core.
His eyes bore into you, his tattoo seemingly darker in the shadows of the ship. “You’re going to pay for this later.”
You licked your dry lips, knowing he’d keep his promise.
It took all his strength to release your wrist and not fuck you on the floor like an animal in front of his brothers.
You reluctantly pulled away from him, seeing how his body trembled, his neck muscles bulging, trying to dampen the raging fire that threatened to consume him. You couldn’t help the coquettish grin on your face, seeing the effect you had on him.
“Oh, I know.”
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
The second you were excused from the mission debrief back on Kamino, you headed back to your quarters.
As your door whooshed shut behind you, Hunter’s lips vehemently consumed yours, his hands tearing your clothing off your body.
You couldn’t finish the thought of how he even got to your room first, since you left the mission debrief at the same time.
You didn’t even make it to the bedroom. Soon enough, Hunter had you bent over your couch armrest, fucking you with such ferocious intensity you thought you might tear apart at the seams.
Your face was buried into the fabric of the couch, his hands a vice on your plush hips, driving himself into you without pause.
“Fuck…mesh’la…” Hunter all but growled as he leaned forward, pressing his broad, sweaty chest to your back.
“So good like this…taking me so well…this is what you wanted, hm?” He changed the angle, your hands desperately grasping at the fabric of your couch, tears pricking at the sides of your eyes. Your wanton moans garbled with sobs as he hit that devastating spot deep inside you.
Every atom in your body was thrumming with white-hot ecstasy, completely consumed by everything that was Hunter.
“Tell me…” He panted in your ear, “You need me, you need this cock.”
“Hunter…” you managed to string one coherent thought together, the ecstatic pressure building in your lower abdomen, the slick from your arousal dripping down your thighs.
“Want to hear you say it, sweetheart.”
You could hear the smugness in his voice, his hands holding you tight.
“Hunter, I need you! I need your cock. Please…want to cum so bad!” You were so close to exploding, but missing that final push only he could give you. “Been thinking about it for weeks, I need you so badly…please…”
Hunter let out a satisfied grunt, giving your ass a hearty squeeze as he leaned back slightly.
“I know, mesh’la. I could smell you every single day. Drove me crazy. Was close so many times bending you over and fucking you in front of my brothers…show them how lucky I am to have this beautiful pussy all to myself…”
You mewled at the thought, knowing the power you had over him, trying to press back in time with his powerful thrusts.
He grabbed a fistful of your ass a second time, leaning down again. Hunter’s breath was hot on your neck, latching on to your skin, biting down to mark you. Tears ran down your cheeks onto the couch cushion, gasping between your heady moans at the mix of pain and pleasure.
Hunter’s pace didn’t falter one bit as he gave you what you wanted, what you consciously and subconsciously begged him for on the ship.
His sounds were becoming louder, more ragged and breathless, knowing he was close to his end.
Finally, finally, Hunter pressed a digit to your swollen clit, rubbing circles as he pounded into you.
Even with his training, his endurance, and other super soldier qualities, he could only control himself for so long with you.
You just knew your smell was entrancing him, overtaking all his senses, driving him mad with lust.
All the pent-up stress, need, and longing were unraveling between the two of you, every thrust bringing you both closer to an explosive release you both so desperately needed.
His thick cock drilled you, filling you to the brim, reeling as his cock seemed to find a deeper spot every time he dragged against your walls. His finger moved in faster and tighter circles over your swollen bud, giving you just the right amount of pressure you thought you may disintegrate into the couch.
You were so close…so close…
Right as you were about to come, Hunter pulled out of you. You let out a desperate cry, cut short by Hunter easily picking you up, maneuvering himself to sit on the couch, pulling you down into his lap.
“Want to see your face and taste these gorgeous tits.”
Hunter had a wild look in his eyes, his curly locks falling from his headband, chest heaving and lips parted in short pants. You’ve never heard his voice so hoarse and husky with hunger.
You lowered yourself on his length, immediately starting the same desperate pace as his hot mouth encapsulated your pebbled nipples. You threw your head back in bliss, letting out moans that rivaled any dirty Holonet actress.
He sucked hard, relishing how your nipples felt in his mouth, his teeth tugging at your sensitive flesh.
Hunter wasn’t being gentle, and you didn’t mind. The slight pain of him nipping at your hardened nubs was washed over with pleasure as his tongue soothed his harsh sucks, his rough hands running up and down your back.
Hunter matched your pace, immediately back on the precipice of pleasure, his hips pistoning up to meet yours.
“Hunter I’m going to-I’m so close…!” You tangled your hands in his hair, your thighs burning with exertion, his hard cock rubbing your aching clit just the right way for you to come undone in his lap.
“Cum for me, mesh’la”.
You came hard, all the muscles in your body tightening as you tugged on his hair, crying out his name, your vision whiting out and everything falling away around you.
Hunter followed.
The hypnotic sounds of you unraveling, your tits in his mouth, your soft and succulent skin under his palms, and the enticing sensation of you pulling on his hair, brought his system to an overload.
Hunter let out a long moan into the crook of your neck, pressing as deep as he could inside you, feeling his warm spurts fill your cunt.
You sighed as you collapsed into him, feeling his body tense and writhe with yours as he rode out his release.
You gently stroked his head, taking a moment to come down from your highs and catch your heaving breaths.
You leaned your head to him, and Hunter opened his eyes, the feral flint gone, replaced with a soft gaze that fell when he saw the mark on your neck.
Hunter gently traced a hand over the reddening bruise, where he bit you before.
“I hurt you. I lost control, sorry-“
You shook your head. “It’s okay, it felt good.” Hunter’s lips twitched in a small smile, but you could tell he felt bad.
“I guess you’ll just have to kiss it better.”
You touched your lips to him in a chaste kiss, his hand cradling the back of your head to deepen it.
Hunter slid his tongue over your lips, and you opened to greet his tongue with yours.
You sighed, relishing the slow dance of your mouths, his softening cock still inside you.
You dragged away for a breath, and Hunter enveloped his arms around you, strong and secure.
“Wasn’t fair you know, back on the ship.” Hunter murmured, gently kissing the hickey he left on your skin.
You hummed in reply. “I know.”
He chuckled lightly, kissing up your neck to your jaw.
“I’m not done with you yet.” You felt his hands squeeze your hips, rutting up into you again. His cock was hardening, slowly fucking up into you.
You moaned, still sensitive from your orgasm, rocking your hips in time with his.
“Move to the bed?” You whispered against his lips, caressing his face with your hands. Hunter’s cock was fully hard now, slowly riding him and capturing one another’s sighs as you kissed.
Hunter smirked against you, his hand sliding over your ass.
“We’ll get there. Eventually.”
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Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @coraex @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @the-cantina @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501
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cheollipop · 9 months
*swims across the ocean and shows up at your door with my lobster plushie (larry) in my arms* hiii my nora i love youuu and i’m so excited for the sleepover ahh >< ALSO I HAD THIS IDEA RIGHT …. soo … gamer boyfriend woo – he loves to play LoL in the late night hours and he’s been ignoring you and you’re just sooo needy for him that you crawl into his lap and rub yourself against this thigh to try to get his attention and bc he sucks ass at the game he’s mad and hard but stubborn so he’s like, “if you want my cock so bad then you can keep it warm for me, can’t you, baby?” so you cockwarm him until you can’t help but move your hips and he can’t resist your pussy so he just fucks you into next week <333 ahem … so… what should we do? make some hot cocoa and have a pillow fight? :3 💕
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
my alyssa ily too!! <3<3 gamer bf woo...... cockwarming...... frustrated woo...... *head in hands* good god. I fr had to do research for this bc I don't play league, but wanted to include some of the gameplay between paragraphs of reader being needy ^^ also went a little crazy towards the end so enjoy the filth ig. hope you like this, happy reading!!~
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pairing: gamer bf!jung wooyoung x fem!reader
w.c.: 1.0k
tags: smut, dry/thigh humping, some teasing, cockwarming, mean/frustrated woo, he may or may not switch up a little tho ^^, reader is so needy (not projecting whatsoever), creampie kink, terrible description of league gameplay oopsie
nsfw under cut—minors dni!
Wooyoung’s character remained perched by the fountain, mainly because the opposing team had formed a camp around his own’s spawn point, taking them down before they got the chance to make their way out. He tried to convince himself it was just that, and that the heavy drag of your clothed cunt over his thigh had nothing to do with the drowned out, fuming screams blasting into his eardrums, the idle stares at his screen while his character repeatedly respawned, the nth time the ‘defeat’ screen flashed before him.
“Woo, please,” he saw your lips move in his peripheral, one side of his headset moved off his ear to catch the faint whine leaving your lips as you used his thigh to get off. “You’ve been playing for so long….. ‘want you so bad.”
He didn’t reply, but the arms reaching past you to punch at the keycaps tightened around your waist, his muscles flexing under your moving figure. It’s only when his screen turned red once more that his attention shifted to you, your grinding faltering when fierce, lidded eyes fixed on yours. He remained quiet, the silence stretching until you shifted on his lap, a groan echoing in the space between you when the heat of your wet cunt engulfed the throbbing bulge in his sweatpants, your arousal seeping through your ruined panties to stain the grey material. His fingers floated above your hips, refusing to hand the control over to you, yet battling the need to touch you as you rolled your hips over his weeping cock.
“C’mon, Woo, I've been good-”
“Good?” His eyebrow raised, he gazed at you in disbelief. “Is that what you call humping my thigh like a needy slut while my friends listen to your pathetic whining?”
Wooyoung watched you panic, turn your head around in search for the crossed out mic, your shoulders slumping in relief once you realised that had muted himself the second you’d walked through the doorway, the familiar glint in your eyes enough to inform him of your intentions.
Twisting your head to face him again, you stutter over your words while he stares back at you with burning irises, “no, Woo, I-”
“if you’re such a good girl, then why don’t you warm my cock while I win the next match for my friends, hm?”
And you did, scrambling to pull the elastic waistband down to free his pulsing length, the tip glistening with precum, lowering your head to allow a line of drool to lube up the rest of it, unaware of the hooded eyes following the trail of saliva then the hand spreading it over his cock. Adjusting his headset to properly cover both ears, the infuriated scolding blaring through the speakers masking the grunt leaving his lips when you split yourself open on his girth, taking every last inch between your walls.
Wooyoung waited until you found a comfortable position, a hand on your lower back urging you closer to his chest until your arms circled his waist and head rested on his shoulder. You heard his keyboard clacking behind you, followed by the rasp of his voice in your ear,
“Was AFK, sorry. What did I miss?”
More screaming. Screaming you drowned out as soon as it started—the overlapping voices and aggressive mouse clicking fading the more you take in Wooyoung’s warmth, his cock nestled deep within your fluttering cunt, inhaling the pungent musk emanating off his honey skin. His thighs flexed under you. He wasn’t unaffected by your tight heat, that much was obvious. He was just being stubborn.
You rolled your hips experimentally, the edge of your panties dragging over the side of his cock where you had them pushed to the side, the fingers resting over the expensive keyboard flying to your hip, Wooyoung’s neck craning to shoot a disapproving glance your way. Shifting his attention back to the game, you moved again, clenching around him and smiling to yourself when a broken moan left his parted lips.
Wooyoung wasn’t sure where his irritation stemmed from—was it his continuous losses, the fact that he was absolutely terrible at the game and the only reason his team ever won is because Yunho carried every time, or was it because he needed you so bad, despite his wordless claims otherwise? Both, perhaps. But mostly the latter, he finally admitted, the small, incessant rolls of your hips paired with heated lips pressing kisses to his pulse point breaking his long-lasting composure.
“Something came up, got to go,” he blurted out, hurriedly dropping his headset over his desk before standing up with you in his arms.
Hastily grabbing onto his shoulders, you studied his expression while he held you—features relaxed, a semblance of a smile on his lips, it seemed as though his previous exasperation had dispersed without warning, eyes now filled with nothing but adoration. He mooned over your dazed features, clouded by unbearable lust as you continue to grind on him despite your position, sending gentle waves of pleasure up his spine and aggravating his need to stuff you full of his cum. Until you’re fucked-out and leaking, mumbling repetitions of his name into the sheets, begging for a break while he pounds into your overstimulated cunt.
He laid you down onto the mattress, a hand on your spine to soften your descent, contrary to the replaying images of how he planned to take you, to fuck you senseless, to watch your pussy spit his load out only to finger it back into your womb.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry,” he ran his hands up the sides of your body, pressing his lips to the exposed skin of your neck as he spoke. “You’ve been so good, haven’t you? ‘Been such a needy slut for Youngie,” slipping his cock out, he swiftly discarded of your panties and fitted himself back inside your heat, fingers pushing up the material of your shirt to grab handfuls of your tits. “Let me make it up to you, ‘wanna give you all my love.”
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kazvha · 1 year
Hi! May I request headcanons of Yoru, Gekko, and Phoenix (separately) trying to confess their romantic feelings to VP agent![Reader] [Gender Neutral], but some situations kept blocking their attempts to do so like last minute missions and other chaotic events that happen at the Valorant Protocol; then towards the end, they finally confess their feelings to them?
Summary: They want to confess to you, but they get interrupted.
Including: Phoenix, Yoru & Gekko.
Notes: Hi and thanks for the request! I'm new to the Valorant fandom and this is also my first time writing for it. I had some trouble bc of that, but I hope it's alright?👉👈 Enjoy!
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• He's so down bad for you
• When you joined the Valorant Protocol the two of you instantly clicked, mostly because of his social and welcoming nature
• Since he was way longer in the Protocol, he showed you around and taught you all the different stuff
• It didn't take long until he fell for you after you spent so much time together
• And as impatient as Phoenix is, he wanted to confess his feelings to you as soon as possible
• But every single time, the odds were against him
• For example, one time you were in the common room in the early morning, eating your cereal when Phoenix joined you on the couch
• The room was deserted and you were in a good mood, which made this moment a perfect time to confess.
• This man got so nervous all of a sudden and asked you some random question instead of saying the three words. "Yoo, is the cereal tasting good?"
• You gave him a side glance and hummed because you had the cereal in your mouth
• Phoenix wanted to say more, but Jett walked into the room and started a conversation with you, ruining his opportunity
• He was losing his mind the more time passed
• So eventually, he decided to confess to you in front of your room in the middle of the night
• Before anything could happen he blurted the words out as soon as you opened the door. "I like you. I like you more than a friend."
• Instead of watching your reaction, he looked around as if he was waiting for something to happen.
• When nothing happened, he whispered a silent "Ohh yeah baby, I won this time!", which only made you more confused
• "So what's your answer?" He ran his fingers through his locks and gave you a professional smile
• "Phoenix, please, it's 3 AM. Ask me again in the morning, I'm too tired to think straight." You closed the door on him
• But after thinking about the things Phoenix said for a few minutes, you opened the door to give him a positive answer
• To your surprise he was still standing there
• "I like you too."
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• It was how you treated him seriously and genuinely heard him out compared to the others
• When he first realized his feelings for you, he suppressed them. What good would come out of this?
• But he couldn't stop thinking about you. Every little thing reminded him of you. And it didn't help that you often had missions together.
• These bottled-up feelings would hinder his performance to the point he would panic every time on the inside when you faced an enemy
• It couldn't go on like this
• He tried to confess to you on the flight back from a mission. The others were in the front and you were the only two in the back
• "Listen, I-"
• Yoru couldn't say more since Brimstone had another mission for you
• "Mirrors have been sighted in that area. We have to get there quickly. Yoru, [A/n] make yourselves ready."
• A heavy sigh escaped him
• Next time he tried to convey his feelings to you in the range. However, Killjoy and Raze interrupted your moment to test out their new machines and bombs
• Even if they left you two alone again, you wouldn't be able to hear Yoru because of the ringing in your ears😭
• At this rate, Yoru got the feeling that he would never be able to find the right moment. This noticeably soured his mood for a few weeks. The other agents thought he lost a bet or smth
• In the end, he said it in the middle of the battlefield. He was done waiting, and you needed to know. So, before everyone went to their positions, he walked up to you
• "Hey, you're the person I like. So don't die on me now. I need to hear your answer later."
• With burning cheeks, Yoru fastly teleported to his position and left you with a surprised Pikachu face
• You also came clean after the mission. "Hey, I didn't die!", you smiled, "and I have feelings for you too. Possibly more than you can imagine."
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• When Gekko joined the Valorant Protocol, he stuck to you and Neon like glue
• In addition to being assigned to various missions together, you three also spent most of your free time together
• When there was nothing to do, you hung out in each other's room, went to a boba place, sparred together, etc.
• You three and Gekko's little buddies, quickly became close friends
• With time, Gekko developed romantic feelings for you. Of course, Neon noticed this fact which resulted in you and Gekko spending more time together because she gave you two some space
• Whenever he was near you, he felt giddy and nervous. Even his little crew became more touchy with you
• He wanted to confess to you when you two were drinking boba in a cafe. He waited till you finished your drink. "[Name], I gotta tell you something big."
• You shifted your attention to him, curious about what he was going to say. But suddenly a man who passed your table spilled his coffee on your shirt
• Let's just say, it got heated between you and this stranger, and Gekko had no moment to confess
• Next time, you were chatting with Neon in the common room, and Gekko wanted to ask you if you could speak in private. However, Phoenix dragged him off, so that Gekko could see his new moves. "Pheonix can't you show me your moves later, I'm reaaaaally busy right now..." He dramatically reached his hand out to you, but you didn't see him
• At this point he lost all hope
• But, Wingman came to his rescue!
• When Gekko's bored, he draws in his sketchbook. This book had tons of sketches of you (with lots of hearts😏). Wingman ripped out a drawing to give it to you
• When Gekko realized this and ran after him, it was already too late. You looked at the paper with surprise in your eyes then you turned around to Mateo, who was a blushing mess
• "Did you draw this?" "Yeah..." He gathered up all of his courage and finally told you his feelings with a nervous grin. "You know, I liked you for a very long time now, haha."
• "I kinda noticed that because I feel the same. Let's go out?"
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justlillythinking · 1 year
hey! I love the na'vi x human!reader trope a lot so I want to request lo'ak smut where they.. try to make it fit? Only in case you are comfortable with it of course! thank you a lot! <3
lo’ak x human!reader smut
2.7k words
repost since the last one got marked
warnings- aged up lo'ak!!!! sex, underage drinking, fingering, size difference, making out, etc.
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GIF by helicarrier
i got so carried away.
in this fic, neteyam survives and quaritch dies. y/n and spider and the sully family return safely to the forrest. this event takes place several years after the battle where quaritch is killed, the clan being unbothered. also let’s pretend exopacks aren’t needed, reader can just breath the air bc of a tea that ronal made for humans to breath air or something idk.
laughter echos around the forrest as neteyam, lo’ak, some other teenagers from the village, spider, kiri, and i sit in front of fire, passing around a bottle and talking. this morning, me and lo’ak went to the abandoned military base and found some ‘alcohol’ from the old food crates. jake had told us about alcohol before, and we wanted to see what would happen since it wasn’t going to ever get used. it’s turns out it’s pretty good(but not good tasting), now that all of us are drinking and laughing.
kiri says we should play 7 minutes in heaven, a game that she read about in her mothers old diaries. apparently, you spin a bottle and whichever two players it lands on have to go into another room and sit together for 7 minutes, allowed to do anything. it seems like we all simultaneously agree, and i wink at lo’ak (one thing about this alcohol is that it makes me bold; letting me do all the things i’ve always wanted to do, but thought about twice or got too scared). he stares at me wide eyed before chuckling and winking, leaving my cheeks pink.
we put the bottle in the center, sitting on the ground around it. i sit next to kiri and her friend, both of them eyeing their target kisses. kiri stand up to explain the rules to the group.
“ok guys! the way that this game works is pretty simple, you spin the bottle twice and whoever the two people that the neck of the bottle points to have to go in that closet for 7 minutes. oh and to spice it up, if you stay in the closet for less than 7 minutes you have to take a shot.”
everyone nods and kiri sits back down. i make eye contact with lo’ak again, this time kiri’s friend alo’ya notices and gives me a playful shove and leans down in my ear, whispering, “i bet if it lands on you two, you’re totally going to fuck.”
i laugh, “no way, he doesn’t like me like that! i wish though.”
“fine,” she says, “if you’re so sure then if i’m right, you have to do my cleaning duties for a week. same goes for me if you’re right.”
“deal”, i snicker and shake her hand.
kiri leans into the middle, spinning the bottle. turns out bottles don’t spin well on grass, the glass barley moving. we laugh before neteyam gets up and grabs a flat stone to spin it on. he sets the bottle down and turns it before sitting down. when it stops turning, it lands on kiri and spider, who both blush before getting up and go into the closet. everyone goes quiet as we try to hear what they’re saying or doing, only hearing little laughs and small talk. i groan, wondering if they’re just going to talk the whole time.
it seems alo’ya is thinking the same thing; she gets up and bangs in the door, drunkly yelling, “if you two don’t hurry up and kiss, i think it’s majority time that you have to take a shot.”
i laugh and make small talk with her while the 7 minutes passes. when the timer goes off, spider comes out blushing and kiri wipes her lips off. people woop and make kissy noises, both of their cheeks getting red.
“ok let’s spin it again.”
this time spider spins it both times, landing on lo’ak and alo’ya. my heart sinks a little as they both stand up, but alo’ya pats my back and tells me not to worry. they both walk into the closet and it goes quiet again, everyone trying to listen. the room is completely silent and so is the closet.
i hear lo’ak clear his throat after about 15 seconds of silence.
“umm…” he starts.
“so umm…”
they sit in awkward silence for 10 more seconds before alo’ya says, “yeah i don’t think this is gonna work, shots?”
lo’ak lets out a relived sigh just as i do too, thankful for her playing my wingman.
“yeah, i could definitely use a shot”, he says, laughing.
the closet doors open, both of them standing as far a way from each other as possible. kiri pours both of them a shot, they gulp them before sitting down. i give alo’ya a thankful smile as she winks at me.
a couple more rounds are played before it lands on me and kiri. we both giggle and go into the closet, drunkenly joking. i whisper to her, “so how good was your kiss with spider?”
she giggles, “it was so good. he’s so cute and it was so sweet and i think i might be in love with him?? i don’t know though i’m so drunk and he’s literally like half my height but y/n it was so good.”
i laugh before responding, “ ok kiri come on be serious he’s only like”, i pause, holding a pinched finger in front of my face, “ he’s only like a foot and a half shorter that’s not that bad.”
she sits very seriously, contemplating what i said. i laugh at her sudden change in demeanor.
“yeah i guess you’re right.” she snickers and looks at me.
“i don’t know why i’m complaining, you’re actually half of lo’ak's height. i guess that’s good though, you wouldn’t even have to get in your knees-“
i gasp and slap her hands.
“kiri do not say that!! you’re so dirty minded! plus i’m not even that short and you know it.”
“i’m just saying!! like would it even fit-“
we both start laughing like hyenas and before we know it the timer goes off. kiri and i stumble back down still laughing, now because she is hiccuping since she’s so drunk. neteyam gives her a look before clearing his throat, “ kiri, i think it’s time you go home. you don’t need anymore to drink.”
she starts to complain before spider interjects, “you’re right neteyam, i’ll walk her back to her tent.”
i giggle and wiggle my eyebrows at her, alo’ya yelling, “go get some girl!” as they walk off.
once they’re gone i get up and spin the bottle, it landing on me the first spin. i spin it again and it lands on lo’ak. i giggle and grab his hand, pulling him into the closet with me. once i close the door, i turn around to see him staring at me with a smirk. god, seeing this man smirk does things to me.
“someone seems excited to be alone with me, huh?”
i blush and look down at my feet, losing all my new found confidence.
“well i mean it’s a fun game-“
“no, no,” he’s says, grabbing my chin and tilting it up to look at him, “don’t get all shy on me.”
i stare up at him and nod, trying to keep myself together as his huge hand lets go of my chin. i blush again and smile, looking him in the eyes before my gaze drops to his lips. he notices and laughs, licking his lips.
“yeah y/n?”
i giggle again before whispering like i’m about to tell him a secret, “did i ever tell you that you’re like… really really pretty?”
he laughs shaking his head.
“well lo’ak, i think you’re really pretty and i love your eyes and you hair and i really like how tall are because sometimes i wish i was tall-“
he cuts off my drunken rambling, grabbing my waist. his touch sends butterflies into my stomach, sobering me up quickly. i look up and him and put my hands on his lean chest.
he leans down, warm breath fanning on my neck and sending shivers all down my back.
“can i kiss you y/n?”
i nod up at him before standing on my tip toes, pressing my warm lips against his. his hands tighten around my waist, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his torso. i feel my back hit the wall of the closet, grabbing his hair hard. he groans into my mouth, moving his hands to grab my ass. he breaks from the kiss, moving to kiss my neck. i quietly moan as he sucks hickies onto my neck, swiping his wet tongue over them when he finishes.
just as he goes to suck another hickey, the timer goes off. he laughs before setting me down, opening the door while holding my tiny hand in his huge one. when he opens the door we see alo’ya straddling neteyam as they make out. i tap the off button on the timer as lo’ak and i sneak out, leaving them to do eywa knows what.
i lead neteyam to my tent, laughing as we run. when we get there, i struggle trying to untie door fast enough, finally getting it done and shoving him inside. he laughs and falls onto my bed, sitting up. i tie the tent shut, happy that it’s not around anyone else’s. i walk over to him, standing between his huge legs.
he looks as me, they same height sitting as i am standing. his hands go to my waist, pulling me close to him. i put one of my small hands on his leg, the other on his chest. he rests his huge hand on top mine. i look at the size difference, my whole hand only the size of 3 of his fingers. he smirks at me before grabbing me by my waist again, pulling me onto his lap.
he pulls me closer, kissing me hard. i grip on his biceps, feeling the strong muscles. my hands follow up his arms to his hair, tugging him closer to me. his teeth tug on my lip, sharp bangs making me gasp. when my mouth opens his tongue enters and i tug on it, still wanting more. he groans, his huge hands gripping my thighs and pressing them down on his hard bulge.
i pull away from his lips, nails scratching his back, making him shudder. i go to kiss him again but he grabs me and flips me under him, making me whine. he hovers over me and before i can complain, his lips crash into mine. he moved down to my neck again, hands fiddling with my top as he kissed his way down to my breasts.
once he tugs my top of he, gropes my breasts, whispering, “you’re so perfect y/n. you’re so beautiful.”
i whine and put my hands on his back, trying to pull him closer, but he grabs both of my wrists with one hand, pining them above my head.
“lo’ak please,” i say, arching my back to try and wiggle out of his grip, “don’t tease me right now. i need you.”
“don’t be a brat y/n, hold on.”
“please lo’ak, i need you inside of me.”
“you’re going to have to patient, i have to prepare you first.”
i look at him confused before he moves down, taking off my bottoms. he rips them off, kissing my thighs before licking a stripe down my folds. i moan loudly at the unexpected contact, closing my legs. lo’ak pinches my inner thigh, making me writhe before using his huge arms to pin my legs open. he puts his tongue on my clit, lazily flicking it. i buck against his face, hands going into his hair.
“oh fuck”, i whimper loudly, feeling myself already starting to come undone.
“yeah, do you like that?” he says, pinching my clit.
i nod wildly, feeling the tip of his huge finger against my entrance. he spreads my wetness around before pushing in, tongue now returning to my clit. i moan loudly as he curls his finger in me, adding another one after. he lets me adjust, not moving in and out but still sucking on my sensitive bud. after a couple seconds, he slides both fingers all the way out before sliding them back in. he repeats this, getting faster every time. he starts going at light speed right as i reach my climax, moaning and pleading for him to let me cum. i feel the knot in my stomach untie, breathing heavily.
lo’ak laughs at the fucked out look written across my face, licking his fingers off. he leans down and kisses me, my sweet taste on his tongue. he grinds on me hard as we make out, my slick staining his loin cloth. i move my hands down, trying to tug it off. he stands up and pulls it down easily, his cock springing up and touching his toned stomach.
now i finally realize why he said he needed to prepare me; his dick is easily 11 inches long. he grins at my wide eyes, “expected less?” he asks. i just look at him dumbstruck before shaking my head no. i kneel on the bed, grabbing his thighs as my other hand trails up to his huge dick. i go to lick it before he stops me.
“not tonight, i need to be inside you now.”
i giggle and lay back, his huge hands spreading my legs. he gets on top of me, kissing me before grinding on top of my pelvis. i whine and grab back, trying to press his closer to me. he leans up, letting me look as he sizes me up, putting his dick on top of me for me to see how big it is compared to me. i open my mouth at the size difference before capturing his lips in a kiss. he rubs the tip on my entrance, teasing me as he kiss. he breaks apart from the kiss as he pushes it in, making me moan.
i’ve never felt this full before, and it’s only half way in. he slowly pushes the rest in, a bulge visible in my stomach. he presses his hand down on it, leaving me the whimper loudly. even though he ‘prepared’ me, nothing could have mentally prepared me for how good this felt.
as he starts moving in and out, i clench around him hard, making him groan loudly. he starts sliding in and out faster, finger circling my clit. i moan over and over again, barley able to catch my breath.
“oh fuck y/n, you’re so tight.”
i clench again at his words, already feeling myself getting close to another release. he grunts and pounds in and out of me, whispering how good i feel. he pushes my legs onto his shoulders, the new angle making my eye rolls into my head.
“look how big i am in you, i can see my cock in your fucking stomach”
my final straw his when he pushes onto my stomach, making me cry out every time he thrusts into me. i clench around him as i cum, shuttering and shaking as he continues to fuck me through my high.
after i calm down from my high he pulls out, jerking off before his warm cum lands my stomach. he lays down beside me, both of us panting and exhausted. i look over and him and smile.
we lay there for a couple minutes before he goes and gets a rag for my stomach, wiping it off. he goes and cleans himself off before laying down beside me again. i sigh and cuddle into his chest.
“i see you lo’ak.”
“i see you y/n.”
i smile up at him him before groaning and rubbing my eyes.
“what is it?” he asks, confused if he’s done something wrong.
“i have to do a week of alo’ya’s chores now.”
he laughs, and before we know it, we are asleep in each others arms.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Chosen by Eywa - Crossing the Bridge - Chapter 4
← chapter 3 | chapter 5 →
contains: arranged marriage, mentions of war and grief, angst, one-sided enemies to lovers, slow burn
wc: 4.2k
chosen by eywa masterlist | general avatar masterlist
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a/n: i know i haven't updated in two weeks, but it was only due to the circumstances. like i promised, i will have another chapter out during the week, bc i'm so happy that i got my visa and went to my concert, so stay stuned, babies. i hope you still like this series and will keep reading T.T
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It was awkward. The way Neteyam stood in front of the tent, hesitating to walk in to avoid drawing the attention of the other healers. Awkward, how he had to shift his weight from one foot to the other every few minutes because everyone, except her, had caught sight of the future Olo'eyktan at some point. And it took Kiri to finally shove her so forcefully to look up from her task, that Y/N almost fell face first onto the ground.
The whole intention of spending time together away from the High Camp was to avoid the attention and the murmurs of the villagers about them. More importantly, to avoid running into Kaye and his new mate. But the moment their ikrans touched down in the forest, far away from the prying eyes, the pressure of performing got replaced with an uncomfortable tension. And neither Y/N nor Neteyam knew how to close that gap between them. How come weaving mats in a healing tent seemed to be easier and less stressful than taking a stroll in the lush forest of Pandora?
“Say something, show her the real Neteyam,” Neteyam muttered to himself, trailing awkwardly behind Y/N.
She, immersed in her own thoughts, walked ahead without a clear direction, fingers fidgeting with the hem of her loincloth. Neteyam desperately tried searching for an opening to deliver, and took a few larger strides not to fall behind too far.
“So… how was your day?” he finally mustered the courage to ask.
Y/N paused in her tracks, glancing back at him with a small frown, as if she couldn’t quite make out the words he said. Neteyam stopped walking too, waiting for a response.
“The usual. Lessons,” her voice lacked any enthusiasm that could have encouraged him to go on. 
“Good,” Neteyam nodded, trying to offer something else in return, “I’ve had training today.”
“How was it?” 
“The usual,” he repeated Y/N’s words with an ironic snicker, recalling his morning, “It’s either getting beaten up by your fake opponents, or by the actual bad guys. Today was the pretend one.”
He shrugged to complete his explanation, something that he had borrowed from his brother whenever he made a joke, as if to give his words a humorous meaning. And though they were quite ghastly, it coaxed a small chuckle out of Y/N. Neteyam’s ears twitched at the sound with a flicker of delightful surprise. He made her smile.
“Well, you look alright for someone who got beaten up,” Y/N gestured at his woundless body, her canines peeking out.
“I’d have to turn that compliment down, since I didn’t get beaten up today,” Neteyam smirked, “You should have seen the other guy.”
“Oh, is that so? That’s always the case with you?”
“No, I get beaten up too sometimes… though not as often,” he shrugged again, this time releasing the pressure of performing, as he admitted to a vulnerability that most warriors wouldn’t, “And even when I do, I don’t worry about that stuff.”
“Why not?” Y/N’s ears perked up in curiosity.
“Well, let’s see…” Neteyam bit back a smile, pretending to be thinking about his answer, “I have a grandmother for Tsahik, my mother used to be the tsakarem, now my sister is a tsakarem,” he paused, hesitating to add, “And my destined mate is training under the guidance of the Tsahik. So, I think I’m in good hands.”
“Right,” Y/N snorted at the comment, and for a moment Neteyam thought that he might have crossed the line his father kept telling him about, but once she turned away from him to continue walking, he noticed a ghost of a smile on her lips, and that was enough of a confirmation to send his heart into a rapid beat.
Neteyam wasn’t even sure why the reaction made him suddenly giddy but it felt like a small victory he could showcase, if his family expresses any interest in his progress with Y/N. And as he continued to trail behind her, though they mostly remained in silence, the atmosphere seemed to ease.
“It’s okay, Y/N, let’s switch,” Kiri’s tight grip on Y/N’s arm brought her back into reality.
Y/N stood awkwardly a few steps away from the two warriors in front of her - one, who looked at her with guilt but still some lingering warmth in his eyes, and the other - who studied her earnestly, looking for any signs of discomfort, as if he could make them vanish. Kiri, who was only a moment ago treating her brother, was quick to read the situation and attempted her best to resolve it. Everything just unraveled so fast, the way the group of warriors stumbled into the tent for the first time in days, seemingly wounded after an encounter with the sky people. 
Since they were practically regulars at the tent, each warrior was used to being treated by the same one or two healers, and everyone found their places right away. Kiri too, without a second thought, was immediately grabbing her older brother and getting to work. Which left Y/N standing in front of Kaye, according to the unspoken habit that had developed over the past months. Kaye had a gash across his chest that needed close inspection, but Y/N couldn’t really move, as if her feet were suddenly glued to the ground, weighed down. 
Neteyam, of course, watched the scene unravel before him, but he couldn’t do much but just contain himself from making a bigger deal out of it for the whole tent to see. His eyes darted around the room, searching for his grandmother, who perhaps could help Kaye instead, but Mo’at was already busy with placing stitches on another warrior’s thigh, and it would take a while before she would be free.
“It’s alright, I can wait for somebody else to -” Kaye cleared his throat, raising his palms in the air, as if to prevent the switch up, but Kiri simply ignored him, already nudging Y/N to the side.
“That looks bad, you need to take care of it,” Neteyam gestured at Kaye’s chest with much discontent, as if acknowledging the truth made him cringe.
Defeated, Kaye stopped disagreeing, the sting of the wound was only getting more painful when he spoke, and to be quite honest, he couldn’t wait. Y/N’s expression remained stone cold, as she watched Kiri lead Kaye to the other side of the tent. Neteyam pressed his lips into a thin line, watching them two, his irritation finally starting to seep away, the farther they got. He was almost caught off guard, when he felt a pair of cold hands against his skin.
Y/N silently kneeled in front of him, starting to treat the small scraps over his arms and shoulders. Her expression was unwavering, as if nothing had happened, and he wondered what she was really thinking about. Was this the first time she saw Kaye after their fight?
“Stop staring,” Y/N mumbled, without looking up at him, while her hands still worked their healing magic.
Neteyam shook his head to deny her request, and continued to watch her every move intently. Irritated, she hooked a finger under his chin and forcefully turned his head to the side, so that he was met with the tent wall. He chuckled weakly at the gesture but kept the new position.
“You can take a breather, you know? I’m not dying, I can wait,” he suggested.
Y/N paused to stare at the side of his face for a moment, giving him a false sense of actually contemplating his offer. Of course, she was going to turn it down, there was no way she could’ve just walked out of the tent. The scolding she’d get from Mo’at wasn’t worth it.
“I can’t,” Y/N pretended to be unbothered, her hands continuing to work over his forearm, where a few smaller cuts were in need of a soothing balm.
“Why not? I won’t mind,” Neteyam turned his face again to look at her. 
“Because I can’t leave my destined mate unattended, can I?” Y/N's voice dripped with irony, and she couldn't resist stealing a quick glance at him, searching for a reaction.
Neteyam's frown deepened, caught off guard by the repetition of his own words. Was that a bad slip? Maybe she took what he said in a way where Neteyam only valued Y/N for her skills, rather than her as a person. Disappointed with himself, he shook his head and then gently covered her hands with his own, halting their movements.
"Y/N, I didn't mean it that way," Neteyam's voice was low, and he waited patiently for her to meet his gaze before continuing, "This... it doesn't matter. I was just kidding. Go on, and take a breather if you need one."
“I know, Neteyam, I was only teasing,” the corners of her mouth twitched in amusement.
For a fleeting moment, Y/N allowed herself to forget that the love of her life was sitting and watching her from across the room. It felt exhilarating to indulge in the playful banter, teasing Neteyam and pretending that they were a blissful couple, free from the weight of their responsibilities.
“You’re teasing,” he breathed out with relief, “Oh… good.”
“Yes,” she rolled her eyes, “And obviously I can’t just take a break right now. Your grandmother will kill me.”
As Y/N returned to tending his scrapes and cuts, Neteyam bit his cheek, thinking for a moment. A sudden surge of courage coursed through him, and he made a decision, quickly standing up and pulling her gently to her feet. His hand found hers, and the movement surely caught the attention of those around them but Neteyam only shrugged, his eyes on Y/N. She was confused, and she couldn't help but glance nervously at Kaye, who had been watching the whole interaction with unease. 
“Let’s go,” Neteyam’s thick-accented voice grabbed her attention once more, and without waiting for an answer, he was already walking out of the tent, leading her by the hand with him.
Y/N had little time to react, on the way out, her eyes caught a sight of Mo’at, who shook her head at the interruption and returned back to her task.
“Neteyam,” Y/N hissed embarrassed, but his grip on her, though gentle, remained unmoving.
“My grandmother won’t kill you, if I’m coming with you,” he explained, without even glancing back at her.
“You’re coming with me? Where?” Y/N’s nose scrunched up in confusion.
“Wherever you want.”
Neteyam was never one to protest the rules. Lo’ak liked to tease him about it and call him a “goody-two-shoes,” but Neteyam was too focused on excelling rather than getting offended by his brother’s weak insults. But he also never had enough motivation to disobey. Breaking the rules only brought trouble, and after careful consideration, Neteyam had never deemed it worthwhile. But here, now, as he led Y/N away from her responsibilities to offer her a moment of peace, he decided that it was for a good reason. That it wouldn’t matter if his grandmother got mad at them and he would take the blame anyway, since he initiated it. But if it meant that she didn’t have to keep working while her past lover gawked at her, then maybe it was worth it.
When they were finally away from the tent, Y/N stood right in front of him, their hands still intertwined. Despite trying to stare down at his much bigger frame with disapproval, there were traces of gratitude in her eyes. Her tail swished with excitement, thinking of how great it felt to abandon her day’s duties and just be left alone.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying an earnest tone.
"No need to thank me," Neteyam squeezed her hand, "My mother always reminds me that those who care of others also deserve care in return. I tend to forget it at times, but she's right."
He tugged at her hand once more, his gaze already wandering off to somewhere else. Without hesitation, Y/N willingly trailed behind him along the narrow path that meandered through the Hallelujah Mountains. Neteyam's grasp on her hand remained firm all throughout, neither of them sure if it was to guide her safely or simply to reassure her with his presence.
Walks with Neteyam had shifted from being an obligation to somewhat of an entertainment. They still didn’t speak much, finding peace in the quiet companionship, as they wandered through the forest, away from the eyes of the clan. In those moments, Y/N stopped feeling the pressure of pretending to be happy about her impending union with the future chief, while Neteyam was happy to reconnect with the forest. Since the relocation of the clan to the Hallelujah Mountains, his time in the forest was limited to missions or overseeing his siblings, never to revisiting his past and his roots.
And while to Y/N, this relationship had evolved into a strong foundation for friendship, Neteyam struggled with his growing protectiveness over her. It felt like she might crumble if he wasn't there to watch over, and the mere mention of her past could be her breaking point. These thoughts consumed Neteyam's restless mind, keeping him awake at night. Alongside with them, his frustration towards Kaye and the lack of respect, fueled his anger, as he delivered another forceful hit to his pretend opponent. Was it genuine protectiveness he harbored for Y/N, or was it simply his frustration with Kaye's behavior? Neteyam felt like a hypocrite. 
The future chief groaned in frustration, delivering another calculated strike, disarming his opponent, Kaye. But his anger and irritation were blinding, making Neteyam lose his focus, not necessarily in his movements but within the depths of his mind. He couldn’t stop the attacks. 
Kaye fell into his parents’ trap and mated with a woman of their choosing. Yet, he seemed content with their decision and he had no trouble leaving Y/N behind. Did he ever even love her, or was he simply leading her on all that time? Either way, Kaye had moved on, and Neteyam had to be the one who watched Y/N try to deal with the fact.
Another powerful shove, and Neteyam swiftly toppled his opponent, sending him sprawling onto his back. His spear was aimed threateningly, directly at the vulnerable spot beneath Kaye's throat. Kaye’s eyes widened in fear, as for a fleeting moment, it seemed like Neteyam might not stop. He immediately lowered his ears in a gesture of submission to the future Olo’eyktan.
“Neteyam, that’s enough,” Jake's voice cut through, jolting Neteyam back to reality.
With an almost aggressive shake of a head, as if trying to force away the nagging thoughts, Neteyam took a step back and lowered his spear. The fight was clearly over and he was the winner, but it barely even felt like a victory.
Neteyam exchanged a look with his father, who was confused with his son’s behavior. To Jake, Neteyam was one of his best warriors, always in control of his emotions and precise with his movements, and it was rare that he got to witness him being overtaken with anger. With a loud sigh, Neteyam still complied with the unspoken rule within the camp and extended his hand to his opponent to pull him to his feet.
Oblivious to the fact that the fight was twice as violent because Neteyam had developed a personal vendetta against him, or perhaps he only chose to be ignorant of it, Kaye offered a small, appreciative smile in response to the extended hand, accepting the help. He dusted off his back and thighs, and before Neteyam could sign a goodbye and leave, Kaye quickly moved to stand in his way.
“I need to talk to Y/N,” he announced, forcing Neteyam to stop in his tracks, “You must see her, right?”
Neteyam clenched his jaw, struggling to contain the anger that still hasn’t died down from the fight. Just when he started to get the things moving for himself and Y/N, just when it seemed like Kaye wouldn’t hurt her anymore, he was suddenly wanting to talk to her? She wouldn’t hide if she wanted to see Kaye, would she?
“I think it’s safe to say that she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Neteyam’s voice trembled slightly, “If I were you, I would have kept my distance. Just like you've grown accustomed to doing over the years.”
“Ouch, I guess I deserved that,” Kaye winced at the comment, “Listen, I am truly sorry for the way things turned out but I never meant to hurt her. I just want to apologize.”
Neteyam simply shook his head, indicating that the explanation fell short of convincing him. If Kaye wanted to speak to Y/N, it would only be on her terms, Neteyam certainly wasn’t going to take part in helping him.
Y/N sat in front of the healing tent in silence, the small wrinkle in between her eyebrows was turning deeper within each passing minute. She was annoyed with Neteyam, who didn’t show up, but mostly she was annoyed with herself for still being there and waiting for him. Her lesson had ended long ago, their usual routine of going for a walk right after was simply abandoned, and Neteyam was nowhere to be found. She knew that he came home a few hours ago, when she heard the shouts of the warriors, and some even came in for a check-up at the tent. So, if he was safe, it puzzled her why he hadn't come. Did he seize an opportunity and forget to warn her not to wait? 
She shouldn’t be annoyed though. Wasn’t this exactly what she wished for? To spend less time with him, to be left alone. But it didn’t feel like a win at all, just a let-down. The times when Kaye would sometimes stand her up floated her mind with insecurity. Though it didn’t happen often, she got hurt deeply every time. No amount of apologies from Kaye could ever help her overcome the fear of him simply not showing up one day and giving up on her completely. 
Shaking her head, disappointed with herself for wasting time, she stood up, ready to leave. To her surprise, just as she rose, Neteyam appeared right in front of her.
"You waited," he uttered softly, a mix of confusion and gratitude in his voice.
“You made me wait,” she retorted, her irritation impossible to hide as her eyes bore into his.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Neteyam raised his palms in the air, offering a defeat.
And that’s when Y/N noticed it. Before she could unleash the angry words she had rehearsed in her mind for the past hour, or fully grasp the tinge of pain in his voice, her eyes caught sight of something. A streak of red smeared across Neteyam's forearms, clumsily wiped but not enough to be completely rid of. Almost as if he tried taking care of it himself and failed miserably. Her amber eyes swiftly traced the path of the color, trailing from his ribcage and vanishing around his body, and without a word she circled him, to find his back, covered in awkwardly arranged leaves. She guessed that Neteyam had placed them himself, since some of the wounds were only partially covered, and there was dried off blood all over his skin.
“Neteyam, what the hell happened to you?” Y/N asked, her eyes turning bigger in shock. How long has he been in pain? Why didn’t he come to the healing tent and get it treated? Her mind was flooded with questions.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbled, turning around to face her, though his expression was painted with guilt, “Just a few scratches.”
“These are not just scratches, they look horrible,” Y/N gestured at him once more, “Why didn’t you come to your grandmother? You came home hours ago, no?”
Neteyam flinched at her words. They held the truth, but he didn't want to admit it. There was something embarrassing about getting that many wounds on his back. It meant he hadn't noticed the enemy behind him, which also signified his lack of attentiveness. But how could he pay attention when his whole reality was shifting around him? Neteyam took a step away from her, trying to force a small smile.
“Since you had to wait for so long, let’s go on that walk now, hm? I’ll try to make it up to you,” he tried nonchalantly.
But Y/N was quick to close the distance between him. She grasped his hand and without a word pulled him into the healing tent. Once inside, she gestured for Neteyam to take a seat on one of the rarely used old wooden chairs, thinking that being on her feet would be more convenient when treating his back.
“Seriously, I am okay, we can still go on that walk,” Neteyam tried to reason, but she was already hissing at him in annoyance to stop talking.
His ears lowered in defeat, which he desperately didn’t want to accept, but also secretly had craved. Because even though Neteyam was used to being the one taking care of others, it felt like a sun on his skin, knowing that somebody else was there for him. And he could tell she was mad just by the way she treated him with silence, but the anger was coming from a place of caring.
The wounds he bore were throbbing with pain, located in a difficult-to-reach place. Neteyam hadn't intended to be late; it simply took him longer than expected to dress his injuries. Yet, his heart fluttered with a mixture of relief and gratitude when he spotted Y/N still seated in front of the healing tent, patiently waiting for him. She could have easily left hours ago, so why did she choose to stay?
“You have a whole family of healers, why didn’t you just ask them for help? Why didn’t you ask me?” Y/N sighed.
Neteyam's ears twitched at the touch, a subtle response to the gentleness of her fingers on his back. Soon, the leaf bandages he had grown weary of were being carefully removed, and as she worked, a wave of empathy flowed through her, her tone turning into a softer, more understanding one.
“I know that there is some kind of pride that comes with being the Olo’eyktan’s son, and also this pressure of being perfect and never showing your vulnerabilities. But when you get hurt, Neteyam, none of it should matter.”
“I know, you’re right,” Neteyam admitted guiltily, hanging his head, “I just…”
Y/N tsksed at the incomplete explanation with discontent, taking off the last bandage. Now, fully exposed, Neteyam’s back was covered in multiple gashes arranged at sharp angles around his spine. Fortunately, they hadn't pierced deep enough to cause nerve damage, which meant that Neteyam was quick to react. A damp cloth grazed his skin as Y/N gently wiped away the brown stains of the dried off blood.
“Whether we like it or not, we are a team now,” she continued after a pause, “So you can rely on me.”
He nodded, even though he couldn't see her face. There was a sincerity in her words, something different from before. It didn't feel like mere obligation; it felt like she genuinely meant it, like she truly wanted him to rely on her.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
His earpiece suddenly crackled to life, interrupting the moment, and Neteyam immediately tensed up at the sound of his father’s worried voice. He sat up, and pressed a finger to his wired necklace, speaking into it.
“I am safe, dad, what happened?” Neteyam questioned.
Worried, and unable to hear Jake’s voice on the other end, Y/N quickly came in front of Neteyam, searching his face for clues of what was happening. The future Olo’eyktan seemed to grow more concerned, as he remained quiet to hear his father.
“What is it?” Y/N whispered impatiently, and then she felt it.
Y/N's stomach plummeted as she observed the transformation of Neteyam's expression. What was initially concern now gave way to a haunting mix of guilt and remorse. It was as if he carried the weight of something deeply troubling, something that was unfixable, probably too difficult to say out loud.
“How many of them?” Neteyam spoke again, his eyes still glued to Y/N’s, “And who exactly got shot?”
It felt like the world around her came to a stop, as in these seconds of waiting, Y/N had imagined hundreds of scenarios running through her head. And it could be anything, but the way Neteyam rose to his feet in a hurry, she feared that the worst one was coming to life.
“Is it him?” Y/N’s voice cracked, and Neteyam nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line.
“It is Kaye.”
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chapter 5 →
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♡ taglist ♡ : @kiri-tuk @samiiistarss @afro-hispwriter @iwantjaketosullyme @thexplosivegirl @peachinsomniac @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @koala-wonderland @sakura-onesan @dimplesxx @i-live-in-a-fantasy-daydream @theycallmesia @crazy4books1 @empiricsad @summertimedepression @vihelm @cleverzonkwombatsludge @ducks118 @couragemydearheart @xstarsmvxz @jkeluv @qtkat @marsbars09 @buckysleftarm420 @soleilmoon @blueslxt-primary @kavyaas-world @books-for-summer @tojis-discord-kitten @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @jackiehollanderr @totesnothere04
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http-finnick · 1 year
𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐞.
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finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: finnicks pov on how the capitol tortured and used you while he stands useless in district 13. once saved, he quickly realizes you aren't the same.
request: i just discovered your blog! It came up in the stuff Tumblr thinks I might like! Finnick seeing the broadcasts of the reader and Peeta. The rescue scene where they reunite. But reader wasn't tortured with Finnick, like lPeeta was with katniss. Sad and the reader having to get used to life again. Finnick almsot crying bc she jumps at loud noises, flinches. And at first she can't handle being touched. At all. Like they hold hands after a week.
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a week ago I saw you on the tv. you weren't in your mother's dress getting reaped, you weren't fighting for your life in the arena. you were perfectly put together as you begged me to stop something you would die for.
I sat silently in the dining hall as people raged and threw insults at the seemingly disgusting capitol-loving traitors but I sat there knowing that you were being tortured. you are going through hell and there is nothing I can do about it.
I was in my pure white room as I rubbed my dry eyes to the new lighting, blurred vision, and ringing ears making out nothing until I hear
"They found her"
They found her? what, is she dead? did they find a body? did the capitol realize they didn't need her anymore and strung her up as a warning to others? caught and killed. know your place.
of course, dead or alive I fell out of bed and followed who I found out to be katniss, pure white walls and pure white tiles are all my eyes see until we stopped at a room and katniss turns to me.
"look, she's been through hell. all of them have been..I- fuck, peeta hates me. just, keep your distance" she warns before walking off and I can't help but linger on the words keep your distance... she's been out of my reach for god knows how long and you want me to sit across from her watching my words? fuck no.
I open the door, adrenalin running high as step in and look up to see her
but she doesn't see me
she knows who I am I know that. but, her eyes, she doesn't...feel right around me...like I'm a stranger
I'm already feeling like tears are running down my face and I haven't even said hi yet
"Y/n" the words choke out as I stumble a few steps towards her, she flinches slightly and my heart shatters.
"Hi, finnick" her voice is hoarse, scared. she brings her knees up to her chest as she takes her busted lip into her mouth, rather sucking the blood of her wound than speaking to me
maybe katniss was right I think, grabbing a chair and sliding it over to her, taking a seat I grab the blanket of the bed and whisper "I'm so sorry" as tears pick and poke my glassy eyes
"me too"
She's out of the hospital and I go to bed with her by my side, to wake up with it being empty.
shes been sleeping on the bathroom floor lately, the first time I found her there I thought she died.
she shakes and jumps when a door closes and doesn't let me touch her, even to console her when she's woken up from a nightmare. I feel tears run down my face when she lets me grab onto her hand for the first time in weeks.
so, when I tell you I cried. I cried as she cupped my face and brought her lips towards mine, soft as ever as she lays her head on my chest and whispers,
"I missed you, so badly"
"I missed you too"
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an: sorry this took so long! I had lots of fun writing from finnicks pov! it was quite the challenge to write about lost, found, and recovered all in one short drabble but I hope I did an alright job! i love you guys so much! mwah <3
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