#had her get kidnapped and disposed of. so shes FAR from home
dragscore · 4 months
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swept away by seafoam
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stinkykitty8 · 5 months
(Yoki belongs to me!!! Everything else credits to Gatobob!!!)
This post incudes very heavy topics, nsfw, 18+ stuff, and overall just not very good things. Do not read if you are sensitive to these things.
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Read warnings before pressing more please!!!
(Events of BTD 1 happen with Ren and Strade but Ren was kidnapped at 19 and decided to escape at 21, still dealing with a bit of stockholm syndrome he never actually goes to police after.)
After escaping Strade and building himself back up Ren ends up paying a prostitute to fuck during his heat. And because of this it caused an accidental pregnancy she didnt want. She wanted nothing to do with the baby but she also couldn't afford to get rid of it. Instead she just waited it out and after having Yoki she tracked down Ren and gave Yoki to him. Ren took full custody of her and Yoki's mom hasnt been seen since. Ren named Yoki (full name Yokino) and raised her all by himself even thoughit was a bit of a struggle. Ren allowed Yoki to be more free and give into her animalistic instincts more which also caused her to be much more animalistic then Ren. Aka being more feral and getting triggered much easier around like blood or food (especially when hungry). As a young child she really liked meat of course, especially rabbit. Due to Ren taking her out into the woods sometimes and allowing her to hunt she enjoyed bringing back a fresh kill with her bare hands (even when being young she was still able to do it). He doesnt mind Yoki hunting on her own, actually enjoys it and is happy it makes her happy. As long as she doesn't come back home covered in blood or brings the dead animal she killed on the porch he doesnt care. Hes proud of his little girl. At a young age Yoki was introduced to Rens jobs but she didnt really care. Since she basically grew up with it even as a baby its sorta just a thing she knows about and Ren does. They are animals afterall. They have to give into their instincts at some point. Over time Ren started disposing of his 'stars' a different way by giving them to his private chef and asking them to cook it. It helped dispose of bodies easier and quicker all while having a good meal after. Because of this Yoki developed a taste for human flesh. Now she can't go a week without having her favorite meal, human heart. From rabbit hearts to human hearts. Yoki absolutely loves shopping and spending daddys money. Like once a week she gets his black card and goes shopping. Ren doesnt mind though since at this point hes pretty loaded. Plus he loves making his little girl happy. Ren and yoki have probably the most healthiest relationship out of all 3 kids. Ren has raised her well and the best way he can all while giving her a comfortable happy life.
As a young child yoki was often bullied in school for being a freak since beastkin are rare to find. It wasnt until around highschool she started to gain popularity due to her getting popular online. Shes your average tiktok and Instagram girly and being the daughter of a rich guy everyone wanted to be her friend after that. During middle school though she did make a few friends (and a few enemies) but nothing to serious. Basil was her number one friend all the way though just because of how well they bonded together (or well she bonded with basil). She saw him as a close friend and even better a brother to her. And with Hanz. Well he was the little prick. He was the main person that targeted both Yoki and Basil, picking on them and even going so far as to pull on Yoki's tail. Then one day he hust stopped and started staying to himself. Nobody knows what happened to Hanz during that and he never said what happened. Yoki alway knew Ren had scars but never knew what caused them. After learning some information from Hanz when they were older she gets help from one of Rens men to get on the web and check out of what she heard was true, and after snooping around on Strades account she finds out why Ren is that way. And due to this she gets in a small fight with Hanz but they end up settling it out. Yoki and Hanz are sorta a thing when older? But not? Its nothing serious. Mainly because Ren doesnt accept or like it at all. If he could he'd kill Hanz and Strade. He wants nothing to do with strade whatsoever even though Hanz did nothing wrong. Ren found out about Hanz and Strade during a parent teacher conference. Ren knew about Hanz before because Yoki would complain he would pick on her but after finding out it was strades kid he seemed to hate them both even more. Ren would have pulled yoki out of school if it wasnt for it being the only decent school around and plus he wanted Yoki to interact with other children. He couldnt just take that from her and hide her away. So he just protected her from afar. Ren wants nothing to do with Strade and as long as he doesn't bother him or Yoki he doesnt care. Strade likes the thought of fucking with Ren even if hes not doing anything. He could just sit back and relax as Hanz does all the work for him.
Yoki does know a bit of Japanese from Ren and Ren taught her a bit about their culture (trying to remember what his mother taught him). After getting older she could maybe only remember a few things but not everything.
(Hopefully i wrote everything correctly and it makes sense X3)
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a0wz · 4 months
The Butcher's Son Self-Assignment
TKM Spoilers, set directly after Neil found out about what happened to Andrew while he was at Easthaven Hospital for rehab.
Content Warning: torture, insinuation of assault, kidnapping, racism
Neil felt a fire rise in his chest. Of all the stupid thing's he's done, believing Riko would keep his word was the most egregious. In silence, Neil went back to his room but unable to respond when Matt asked if thing's were alright. Too much was going through the striker's mind as he found his phone on the charger. Neil's father spoke of making him an apprentice, it was his mother's love and borderline paranoia that kept him from turning into the monster they spend his entire life running away from. He disobeyed and betrayed all that she had sacrificed just to play Exy for a year. Now, he would continue to betray her in the worse way possible.
The text to Wymack was short and did little as a heads up.
You: I'll be back in 3 days.
The response was immediate;
But Neil's vision was merely a haze of what was around him. All Nathanial wanted to see was the inside of Dr. Proust's ribcage, warm and drenched in blood. Nathanial's finger twitched at the thought of such a sensation, plucking shards of bone from the wedges of a hammer. He almost couldn't hear Matt's phone ringing as he rushed out the door. A high laugh escaped between his gritted teeth, it was hysterical to him that he was running towards, and not away, from his first kill as the Butcher's son.
He disappeared form the fox tower to make his way across highways in the dead of night to reach Easthaven Hospital. It was as simple as waiting for the doctor to come in the next morning. The anger Nathanial felt against himself kept his nerves from subsiding. Nearly manic with energy the Butcher's son had a day to prepare, a day to execute, and a day to cover his track further.
Walmart had everything he needed for cheap, but he jogged around the entire city to different locations to split up his purchases. Nathanial knew to grab some clothes and shoes that didn't fit to make himself appear as a different, much larger body type. He knew hydrogen peroxide and sponges would get the blood stains out of most materials. He knew a generic air freshener and a wide brush to fake vacuum patterns along the carpet would make it look as though custodial came by through the night. He knew to get a disposable camera to keep track of where everything was in the office before the struggle.
It was easy enough to get Dr. Proust personal phone number, home address, and the name of his house maid. It was easy enough to find a dead bird in the park. It was easy enough to wait until the doctor came in the next morning so coworkers could watch as he willingly left work in the middle of the day due to a 'personal emergency'. It was easy enough to make the call pretending to be a police officer investigating that maid's suicide which left a positive pregnancy test and note addressed to him by name. It was easy enough to knock out the security camera in the parking lot by chucking a dead bird at it just before dawn. It was easy enough to have drained the oil from his car. It was easy enough to watch his engine blow out in the middle of the road and him getting out red-faced and stomping.
"Shit dude, hey I have a shop not too far form here I can get you to were you need to go in no time!" A hooded figure with his hands in his pockets shouted from across the street.
"I truly don't have the time for this crap, I'll just call a cab -uh, thanks for the offer though." Dr. Proust waved off the hooded figure and turned his back to dial something in his phone.
The hooded figure crossed the street and pointed just a block away, not lifting his head enough for Dr. Proust to see his face clearly, "I can have someone give you a ride if you let us rotate your tires on top of checking out the engine bust."
Dr. Proust rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine, fine, but I better not see a scratch on my car when your done and no messing with the headlights I know one is out and I've never met an maraca shaking alien who could change them right." Dr. Proust didn't make it half the block before being pulled into a dark alleyway. A wash cloth damp with chloroform muzzled his shouts and before he could remember why he was out of his office in the first place, the world went to black.
Nathanial brought Dr. Proust to an abandoned shed a few miles out from a walking trail. The lanky heap was bound in cables and duck tape. The blaze-haired Fox prowled around his prey, watching as he groaned and twitched in confusion. Nathanial spent some time examining the doctor's hands. Wrinkled with age and sun-spotted, Nathanial doubted Andrew was his only victim. The Butcher's son would be doing many people a favor by getting rid of such a monstrous bug. Nathanial's teeth ground as he sneered, almost involuntarily, at the sight of it. All he went through thinking Andrew was safe, instead this creature violated the only person he's ever trusted since his mother's death. The hands, that's were he'll start, dissecting them like he was taught to dissect and destroy minds.
Dr. Proust woke to the feeling of skin peeling form the back of his hand. He writhed in pain, eyes rolling round the room without truly seeing. Nathanial had redone the binds to wrap around his forearms to keep him still while also exposing enough flesh to work with. Is glassier-colored eyes looked on with curiosity as he prodded and poked the now exposed veins and muscles surrounding small bones. Nathanial didn't mind the trembling or desperate muffles of what he assumed were bargaining pitches. He knew no amount of money could correct what he had done to Andrew and so many others. Not even blood could pay them back for their trauma. Despite this, Nathanial looked into the doctor's brown eyes and smiled. A smile Andrew couldn't help but wear to bury a deep anguish.
Within the day Dr. Proust was slowly dismembered alive.
After the initial rounds of argument between the Foxes, Nicky had the news broadcast on blast incase something came up about Neil while he was gone. Dan thought they should put out a missing person report but Kevin spoke up against it. Instead they watched the news, correctly guised whatever Neil was up to would be picked up on, with or without his name being mentioned. On day two, Dr. Proust was reported missing after leaving work at his own free will. His car was found abandoned width the engine blown out due to an empty oil tank. Unfortunately, a bird had smashed the camera that would have recorded any tampering with the doctor's vehicle.
When the Foxes brought the news to Wymack, he raised his hands and said, "I don't see how nay of this has to do with us unless there's a warrant involved." Uneasily, the Foxes waited another day for their striker to return. When he did, smiling as if nothing had ever happened, Andrew smacked him in the back of the head and did little to pretend he wasn't targeting Niels ancles during practice. Matt tried to tell Andrew to knock it off, but Neil chuckled and said it's Andrew's special way of saying thank you. The goalkeeper's glove was thick with padding and made a prominent, very visible middle finger.
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
How I Get Myself Killed
Pairing: Javier Peña x CIA!reader
Author’s note: god I hate writing endings
Summary: When it rains, it pours [2.7k]
Warnings: canon typical stuff, idk man it’s midnight and I’m tired if you’ve read this far, you get it
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Besides the Palace of Justice massacre and the burning of thousands of documents that would've helped to extradite Pablo Escobar to the United States throwing a wrench in things at the Agency, it's also given you a massive headache. You've been stuck in back-to-back meetings about communist activity all day and trying to talk Lou down from grabbing a machine gun and going off into the jungle himself. Noonan is still hesitant about letting you back into the field even though she's cleared you because of that kid Javi and Steve picked up, who is currently being interrogated by Colonel Carillo. On top of that, Southern Command has decided to pull the resources offered to the DEA and redirect them to fight against M-19 radicals. Javi is pissed, Steve is worried about Connie, and you're stuck at your desk, listening to wiretap information and making notes. It's a fucking nightmare.
You know Escobar made the connection with M-19, and you know if you had the clearance, you could have that information and witnesses ready to go by the end of the week. But the CIA wants to focus solely on the fact that the Palace of Justice was taken over by a communist group. To them, it means fuck all if Escobar had anything to do with it. A stint in a political office, hundreds if not thousands of sicarios at his disposal, millions of dollars, a kidnapped CIA agent, and an attempt at a government takeover, and still, the CIA won't consider Escobar a higher security threat than communists. You throw your headphones off, unable to listen to the staticky recordings anymore and bury your face in your hands.
It's been days now. You've spent practically every waking second in the office, and when you manage to make it home, you don't sleep. When you do, you're woken up by nightmares every few hours. The lack of sleep has made you jumpy and annoyed by every little request asked of you, especially if the person asking even utters the words M-19. You want this investigation to be over so you can move on. So you can get closer to Escobar. So you can sleep through the night for once.
"You alright there?" A sweet voice asks, and you pick up your head to see Colleen, Ambassador Noonan's secretary, standing there. She's always been nice to you, often sharing stories back and forth when she drops something at your desk or you catch each other near the coffee pot. With the right amount of pressure, she will spill her guts to you about the inner workings of the Embassy, which has worked out in your favor more than once. She's young, a little naive, and a horrible gossip, but you like her.
"Yeah. Sorry," you say, smoothing your shirt and smiling at her. "Things have been a little chaotic recently. I'm sure you know all about it."
"Oh, yeah. The Ambassador's been getting call after call every day since the siege. I think everyone's running around like a chicken with its head cut off," she leans in to whisper to you. "Well, everyone except DEA." You chuckle at that and hold your hand out for the file in her hand. She passes it over, but you're more interested in what she knows than Lou's scribbly handwriting.
"I mean, I'm sure you're right, but what makes you say that?”
"Besides the fact that they've been arguing with Colonel Wysession at every turn," she glances around. "Peña and Murphy have been off base at the same times on the same days this week. You know I don't like to gossip, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're out... getting intel." She raises her eyebrows at you to ensure you get her meaning, and you shake your head.
"I'm sure they're off on some wild goose chase just like the rest of us," you barely believe the words as they leave your mouth, but she seems convinced. "Thanks for the file, Colleen." She leaves an adorably mid-western "you betcha" thrown over her shoulder, and you're left alone with your clunky headphones.
Now that you're thinking about it, you can't remember the last time Javi or Steve passed you in the halls. Sure, the days have blended together, but normally, they make themselves known by appearing at your desk with some request or even just a cup of coffee. If it's not one of them, it's both. Noonan might've made them take a walk or even ordered them off base for arguing with Lou, but they would've told you before they left. Then again, they're agents just like you. You don't like people knowing every move you make, so you can have plausible deniability. Something pricks at the back of your skull, but your phone rings before you can let it develop. You answer the call with your last name and hear someone shuffling on the other line.
“¿Puedes venir aquí?” Javi asks in a hushed tone. Speak of the Devil. He sounds stressed, and you can feel the anxiety rolling off him through the phone. You look around to make sure nobody's paying attention to you and sigh, holding the phone closer to your ear.
"¿Ahora?" You ask, and he hums.
"Sí, ahora."
"Soy trabajando."
"Please," he says. “Sabes que no preguntaría si no fuera importante.” You take a deep breath and check the time on your watch. There are still a few more hours left in your work day, but you've clocked enough overtime this week that, realistically, nobody could argue with you for leaving a little early. You'd also love an explanation as to what he's been doing. If Colleen has noticed, the likelihood that somebody else has is high enough to make your palms sweat. And even if this is the kind of call you would expect from Javi, you know you can get it out of him one way or another.
“Será mejor que hagas que esto valga la pena.” You don't even wait for him to respond before hanging up and standing from your desk. You gather your things quickly before anyone can see you leaving. What's a few hours spent playing hooky from work when dealing with cartels and coups, right?
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When you knock on Javi's door, you're half-expecting him to pull you into his apartment before you can even say a word and fuck you until you're both too spent to even think about the horrors of the day, let alone dwell on them. So, to say you're shocked when Steve opens the door and greets you is an understatement. "C'mon in," he drawls, opening the door wider for you to enter. You furrow your eyebrows but step over the threshold, searching for Javi, only a little frantic.
The walls, as usual, are decked in the stock art that comes with the apartment. When you asked him about it, he just shrugged and reminded you that you guys aren't supposed to be in Colombia for long. You get it. Why make something homey if it's not actually home? Still, you've put up pictures and decorations in your apartment to make the miles between you and your hometown seem smaller. As you make your way down the hallway, the main thing that tells you this is his apartment is the smell. It's a mix of tobacco, the leather of his couch, and the cologne he's prone to wearing when he knows he has to be in meetings and impress the higher-ups. One whiff of it, and you already feel your shoulders relaxing. At least until you find him.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." It escapes your lips before you can stop it. Seeing a DEA agent talking to an M-19 revolutionary will do that to you. You recognize her from the photos pinned to the corkboard in the office. She doesn't look as big and scary now as she does next to other guerillas with long criminal records. Here, on Javi's couch, she looks terrified. "This is the informant you've been talking about?"
"She needs help," he says, almost pleading, and you huff. "And you know more about M-19 than we do."
"Yeah, I also know how much they want for her fucking head, Javi. I can't believe you've known where she was this whole time and didn't say anything. They could try you for treason for this."
"I told you she'd be pissed," Steve says, and you glare at him over your shoulder.
"I don't know why you're acting so smug. Your hands are just as dirty as his," you feel like their mother with your scolding, but you don't know what else to do. You take a deep breath and cross your arms over your chest as you try to tamp your temper down. "How long has she been here?"
"Couple days," Javi says, bowing his head a little like a kid in trouble, and you feel your patience thin.
"Days?" You say. "Have you not been in the meetings where they're discussing tearing the communa apart to find her? And you've just been keeping her here, not even ten minutes down the road?"
"This is probably the last place they'd look." Javi defends, and you scoff.
"Probably," you repeat, more annoyed at Javi's shitty idea of sheltering her than anything else. You pace for a minute or two, your mind swirling, before he stands and walks over to you, his hands coming to your shoulders in a familiar gesture. The muscles in your jaw unclench just enough, and you pause your panic when he looks at you in the way he knows makes you fold. You sigh and glance at Elisa. She looks scared. You're sure the gun on your hip does nothing to make her feel better.
"Just… trust me," Javi says softly. You look between him and Elisa one more time before, against your better judgment, sitting down at one of the bar stools in Javi's kitchen.
"Start at the beginning."
Steve settles against the wall next to you, too anxious to sit, while Javi paces and talks. He explains it all. Elisa meeting Connie at the clinic, her involvement with M-19 and Escobar, and how she ended up in Javi's apartment. Steve chimes in every so often with his own side and ideas for what to do now that you're all involved, but none of them are positive.
"I've got somebody in Cumaral who's sympathetic. She'd be willing to hide her until she can testify. We just need to get her there soon." Javi says finally. You're about to open your mouth to offer to drive before remembering the hit still out on you and the fact that you'll probably be stuck in meetings about this exact topic for the foreseeable future. It seems to connect for Steve at the same time because he sighs heavily and rubs his temple.
"I can drive her early in the mornin' and be back by tomorrow night. Noonan wants me to stay with Gaviria while you go to Cartagena anyway." Steve says, looking at Javi, and your brows knit together in confusion.
"You're going to Cartagena?"
"We have intel that Gacha's there. I'm going in... an observational capacity," he says, and you squint at him. You're about to call him on what he's actually going to do in Cartagena until you remember Elisa's presence. The likelihood that she'll repeat any of this to anybody is slim, but you're not willing to take any chances. You give Javi a we'll-talk-about-this-later look and turn back to Steve.
"Hide her in the backseat and take Connie with you. Make it look like a day trip out of the city. They'll be less likely to pull you over if you make it seem like a date or something."
"Woah, woah. Connie isn't a part of this."
"She became a part of this the second she handed over a ticking time bomb," you say. Steve looks like he wants to argue, but you beat him to it. "Or we can just sit on our asses and hope Lou doesn't bust down that door and hang us all out to dry." Steve grinds his teeth and shakes his head as he thinks, and you know you've got him right where you want him. Even if you didn't, you know there was no way in Hell Connie was gonna let him do this alone. Not when she's been so involved up to this point. He curses under his breath and scrubs a hand down his face.
"She better give the best fuckin' testimony anyone's ever heard," he says, and you nod. Once you iron out a few more logistics together, Steve goes upstairs to explain the plan to Connie, only a little pissy that he's the one having to execute it. The second he's out the door, Javi turns to Elisa and clears his throat.
"You mind givin' us a minute?" He asks and she stands from her place on the couch. You feel bad discussing plans about her without asking her opinion or what she wants to do, but you figure it's only fair. If she wants immunity, this is the price she has to pay.
"Thank you for this." She says, her voice small. You chew on the inside of your cheek and nod.
"Like he said, you better make this worth it," you say. With that, she walks down the hallway, into Javi's office, and closes the door to give you some privacy. It's quiet for a few seconds, the two of you reveling in the unexpected peace in the eye of the hurricane, and his knee bumps yours. It's his MO: intentional gestures small enough to get played off as accidental. It's his way of trying to get back on your good side. You rub your eyes and resist the urge to drop your head against his chest. "When were you gonna tell me you're going to get Gacha?"
"I'm just going to see if he's actually there."
"Is Carillo going with you?" You ask, and he gets quiet again. It's all the answer you need. "If Noonan is sending men with you, he's there, which means you're walking into a war zone."
"He has his kid with him. He might go peacefully," he says, obviously trying to placate you. You give him a look. "I'm on orders to bring him in alive if possible." You open your mouth to say something, but you're cut off by the sound of your sat phone ringing. You sigh in exasperation, grab the phone with one hand, and snake the other around Javi's neck, keeping him close. He doesn't look displeased with the sudden affection and almost keens into you when you run your nails through his hair and answer the call.
"Are you off base?" Carillo says in lieu of a greeting, and you roll your eyes. There's no way you've been gone for over an hour and a half, and they already need you back?
"Getting lunch. What's up?"
"Castillo's ready to sing. Figured you should be here when he does." He says. You hesitate. Not even a full week in custody, and the kid is talking? What the fuck did Carillo do to him? Do you even want to know?
"I'll be back in thirty. Go easy on him until then." The words are barely out of your mouth before you hang up. Javi tucks your hair behind your ears, pulling your attention enough to get you to look at him.
"Go. Steve and I'll keep you updated. If anything goes south, you'll be the first to know." He says. It's meant to be comforting, but the icy fear ribboning around your spine doesn't let up. You nod anyway.
"You come back in one piece, do you hear me?" You ask, poking him in the chest to make your point, and he grabs your hand.
"Loud and clear," he says, squeezing you. You stay like that for another few seconds, knowing this is the closest you'll get to be until this whole thing blows over, and savor the feeling of his warm hand in yours. Hopefully, it’s not the last time. Don't be a fucking hero, you think. You count to three and stand, letting him go and gathering your things in one swoop. He walks you out like a gentleman and kisses you like someone looking for salvation in all the wrong places.
On the drive back to the Embassy, you try to remember what you thought your life would look like when you joined the CIA. They warned you it’d be lonely and you’d have to make hard decisions in the best interest of democracy or whatever other bullshit they fed you in the Academy. You don’t think you were prepared for just how lonely and helpless it can make you feel. You should be helping Javi and Steve but instead you’re being called back to witness whatever horrors were done in the pursuit of information.
“Everyone has to sacrifice things in this line of work,” one of your instructors told you at your graduation ceremony. You thought you were prepared. When Colonel Carillo leads you down the dark hallways and to the bloody nineteen-year-old mumbling prayers under his breath, asking for forgiveness, you know there’s nothing in the world that could’ve prepared you for this. And nothing in the world could’ve prepared you for what more you were about to give up.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia @space-zaddy-din-djarin @rainy-darling @its-me-mila @mnn11ankamaaka (let me know if you don't wanna be tagged for this series!)
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askinkiskarma · 2 years
The Archer | Chapter VI: The Great War
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Summary: Your secret meeting with your dad brings out the worst in you and your mate. The RDA go after one more tulkun in the beginning of the biggest fight of your lives - for your lives.
Pairings: Neteyam x Avatar!Reader
Word Count: 9.7k words
Warnings/notes: lots of angst, mentions of death, blood, violence, cursing, SPOILERS for ATWOW
A/N: I apologise in advance for the next few chapters, but I am feeling feelings and you have to feel them with me!! This chapter took a little longer than expected, but I am trying to not kill myself juggling everything I currently have going on. As always, thank you so so much for engaging with the story, and replying, liking, reblogging, following etc etc. (all the good things). Ily all and can't wait to share the rest w you soon xoxoxo
You drew up some good faith treaties, I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone
You said I have to trust more freely, but diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire
And maybe it's the past that's talkin’, screamin' from the crypt
Telling me to punish you for things you never did, so I justified it
You were hyperventilating a little, entering the tent that you now called home and revelling in the silence, which you needed desperately to make sense of what just happened. They did it, they killed a tulkun. You’ve heard from the Metkayina that they were doing that, far away from the village, but now they did it here. You knew instantly it was a ploy to drive Jake out, drive you all out, and you wondered meekly if Jake would answer. Even if he didn’t, you didn’t think the Metkayina would just let this slide. Your dad, your dad left you a message. And you lied about it. Why would you do that? What in tarnation possessed you to do something so stupid? You lied to Jake, to Neytiri… to Neteyam. 
You were mad, mad at Jake that it had to come to this point. You told him, you fucking told him months ago. You should have never run, ever. You told him they would find you eventually, you told him innocent beings would get hurt as a result of hiding. Death would follow you wherever you went because the RDA wouldn’t just give up, and they had very little to lose. People were disposable to them. You, on the other hand, all had everything to lose. 
You were mad at your father, for yet another atrocious act. You were mad that he desecrated any good association you had with his memory once again and made you hate him, hate yourself for having any connection to this cruel, sick, twisted individual. You were mad at your mother, who chose him, who allowed him to be your father, who protected and defended his honour and memory your entire life and in death, and you wondered what spell he put on her that she was so so blind about this man. 
You should just tell them. Tell your family and take them with you and just kill him. Your heart sank as you considered that he might kill them on the spot if he notices anyone else with you. Maybe they could take the ilu? Maybe you and Jake would be enough to take him down. You didn’t like how much your brain was screaming in pain at the thought, at watching your father, that you’ve never even met before, lying dead on the ground, bleeding out in front of you. Why should you care? Why do you care? Why did you lie? It was painful, near damn unbearable having to admit to yourself that you wanted to see him, you wondered what he had to say for himself, this man that has been an almost mythical thing in your life, that gave you self-loathing issues you can’t outrun and haven’t outgrown, this man, this man, this man. 
Maybe it was a trap. Maybe he wanted to draw you out to kidnap you, to use you as leverage to draw Jake out. Maybe he knew from Spider how close you were to the Sullys, knew you were bound to the hip with Lo’ak, knew you were mated with Neteyam, and that you would perhaps bring them along and he can get a Sully kid to threaten and manipulate the former Olo’eyktan. It was a good plan, you thought, except you would go alone, and you were more than capable of killing anyone who tried to get in your way. Your dad would learn that soon enough, as you were determined to finish this, once and for all, and free yourself of this burden and this nightmare that has plagued you far longer than anything else has.
Neteyam came into the tent before anyone else did, looking at you curiously. 
“Are you alright? You seemed quite shaken after seeing the tulkun.”
Calm yourself. You couldn’t lie to Neteyam. It was one thing having kept that you were sick, it was one thing to lie by omission. You couldn’t lie to your mate, but you had to try. 
“Can you blame me?”
He sighed, then approached you, pulling your body into a warm hug. His hand went to the back of your head, softly stroking your hair with the pad of his thumb in a calming motion. The guilt was eating at you, deep and unpleasant at his trusting, loving nature. You sniffled into his chest, soft tears escaping you and landing on him. You were crying because you were scared, because you felt like you were betraying your family, the only family you’ve ever known for a man who could be killing you tomorrow, or using you to kill them. You didn’t know what was wrong with you.
“It’s alright, Atan. We will be alright. Dad will come up with a plan.”
You didn’t say anything, afraid that any words out of your mouth will be a dead giveaway and Neteyam will be able to see right through you, as he usually could. 
The evening was quiet and tense, as your family returned to the tent after helping Ronal and Tonowari. There will be a funeral for Ro’a, and traditional rituals will take most of the morning tomorrow as a final farewell to the tulkun and her calf. Luckily, Tuk slept in between Neyriti and Jake tonight, and with a big lump in your throat and a thumping heart, you went to sleep nestled in Neteyam’s embrace. 
You waited patiently for everyone to be fast asleep around you, room filled with deep, regular breaths. You knew as soon as Neteyam fell asleep, as he twitched when he did, then started snoring softly in your ear. They were all light sleepers, except for Tuk and Lo’ak, trained soldiers, ready at a moment’s notice for trouble, ready for battle. You had to be careful, you had to put all that Na’vi stealth training to good use. 
It took a while, but eventually you made it out, carrying a handgun that you managed to remove silently from the tent, without having alerted anyone, and pushed passed the village into the mangrove forest where Neyn was. When you were sure you were past the point anyone could have heard you, you let out your calling cry, and you watched as your beautiful banshee made her way to you, cooing gently at your sight.
“Did I wake you, sweet girl? I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”
You got on her, making Tsaheylu, and felt concern in her as she took you away in the dead of night, and without your mate to accompany you. She was a little scared, as she was very rarely on her own, Seze always keeping her company on such late nocturnal rides. 
You rode for a while, loving the feeling of the warm air on your face, loving being back on your ikran, that you used to fly with every day in your old life and you sighed soundlessly, knowing an ilu will never compare to this feeling right here, to this beautiful creature you knew was your spirit sister. You thought about Neyn, and how you would feel if you lost her, if she was killed, and you felt her wobble a little mid air as the intense emotions on your mind engulfed you both. You tried to calm yourself for her, so she could keep a steady pace and a straight path. She was here, she was okay, there was nothing to worry about. 
As was made clear in the crude note, about 10 kilometres east of the village was a small island with nothing on it that you could reasonably see except a deserted beach and a couple mangroves. It was small enough to know it was empty and safe, big enough to shield you both from any suspecting eyes. 
A man was waiting for you. An Avatar, he was tall and muscular, dressed in the same camo outfit as that night months ago, the night you almost died at Alien hands, just like so many Na’vi did before you. He was beautiful, you thought. Even in this form, you could recognise the traits you got from him, and you knew then anyone would be able to tell you were related, no matter which body you inhabited. 
“So it’s true.” You heard yourself saying, trying to reconcile the thought that this man was indeed your father, brought back from the dead. 
“What exactly are you? Are you an Avatar? You’re not controlling a body with your mind through a neurolink, so I guess Avatar is a bad name for it. Abomination would be my preferred trademark name, if you’re taking suggestions for T-shirts or action figures.” 
He wasn’t speaking, just looking at you intently, and you swore you saw the glimmer of tears in his eyes. He came closer to you. Your hand picked up the gun you had tucked in your loincloth and pointed it straight at his face. 
Your thumb went to the hammer, that you pulled down. With the gun loaded and your index finger on the trigger, you saw the man flinch briefly, but he recovered immediately and continued to stare at you, at your face and features. 
“You have your mother’s eyes.” 
Your hand slightly trembled on the gun. 
“Stop. Whatever father daughter reunion you had in mind, you’re gonna be disappointed. I’m here to make you answer for your crimes.” 
He raised an eyebrow at you. Fuck, that’s where you got that from. 
“If you were here to make me answer for anything, you would’ve brought Jake Sully with you, or any of the kids you were with that night.” 
“You mean the night you almost killed me?” 
“Also you had no way of knowing this wasn’t a trap, but you came alone anyway. You put yourself in harm’s way to meet me here in secret. Just like I did.”
You don’t really have a comeback for that. So maybe he wasn’t some jarhead dropout after all. Didn’t matter. He’d be dead in a few minutes anyway. 
“I know you must have a million questions, just like I do. Can you please lower the gun so we can talk?” 
“I only have one question for you. How do you sleep at night?” Your eyes welled up, angry tears like needles, prodding, begging to be released. “You killed a Tulkun. Just like you killed so many Na’vi. How do you live with yourself?”
“I didn’t kill the Tulkun -“
“Do you think you’re gonna get away with this on a fucking technicality? Do you think that telling me it was all Quaritch is going to make this fucking better somehow?” 
He looked pained for a moment, gaze shifting from your face to the ground. He looked embarrassed. 
“You’re right, it doesn’t.” 
A silent sob escaped your lips. “Why? That was someone’s spirit sister. She was a beautiful creature, she didn’t deserve to die.” 
“Quaritch wants to bait you out in the open. He hoped that if he did that, you would attack.” 
You hissed loudly. “And what did you do? Watch?”
He recoiled a little at your words, embarrassment still ever present on his face. 
“Pretty much.” 
“That’s just as bad. Inaction is just as bad.”
“Inaction is necessary when you’re using them to find a daughter you have never met. I had to take that risk, I had to say nothing, and I don’t fucking regret it. You’re here, aren’t you?”
“Not for long. I have nothing to say to you.”
“You do. I know you do, because you’re here. Please, just give me a chance. I need a chance.”
He sounded desperate and your welled-up eyes stung now, trying so hard to keep the tears in, trying to be strong, trying to not humour him, to not show him that this was tearing you apart, tearing apart all of the stitches of your patched up pretty new blue heart.
“Please, put the gun down.” Your lips trembled and fingers twitched on the trigger, and with a loud curse, you lowered your arm. 
“You know, I could have killed you that night. I killed two of your little friends, had you in my shot. It would have been an easy kill.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
Your eyes moved from him to somewhere behind him, thinking hard, trying to justify it to yourself as much as him. It took a few minutes of introspection to figure out you had nothing.
“I don’t know.”
He moved from where he was and sat down by the beach, in a tiny enclosure that was shielded from areal view by the trees, but still overlooked the beautiful sea, flowing back and forth with soothing waves. He looked up at you expectantly, and you moved to a rock a little further away from him, facing his body, prepared for any possibility. He sighed.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“So, how did this...” You pointed with your gun, that you unloaded for the moment, all over his blue body. “...come to be?”
“When I first came to Pandora, part of the contract stated that if I die, I give permission for them to put my consciousness in an Avatar body so they can revive me in case they need me again. They did the tests and took the chip that contains…well, me… right before the last battle.”
“Why would you agree to that?”
“I didn’t really have a choice. I needed the job, I would have signed anything, done anything they asked.”
He didn’t look at you as he spoke, but to the distant sea, fiddling with his fingers. 
“I had a daughter. Back on Earth. Her name was Sarah. She was everything to me, and she got sick. I worked for the Air Force at the time, but they let me go after I sustained an injury in the war they said deemed me unfit for service. The money I was getting on vet benefits was not enough, not enough to save her,  not enough to matter. Then I found a job offer for the RDA, a mission to a beautiful far away planet. The pay was phenomenal, and I knew I was good enough to be accepted. I had accolades up the wazoo, and was desperate - exactly what they needed. They gave me the first pay check before we took off, and I had to have faith that the money was going to be enough to save my baby girl. When I came out of cryo, six years later, I found out she had died.”
You saw light reflecting a tear dropping on his face, and your heart hurt painfully in your chest. You have wondered for years, your whole life, what could have possibly gotten this man to give up a life on Earth for such a despicable cause, and now that you knew, you didn’t know if it was relieving you of your guilt or not. On one hand it did, because it was as good of an excuse as it got, but on the other hand, it amplified it at the horrid ways you have thought about your dad all these years. You thought him a cold-hearted killer, a monster. Turns out, just like Jake, just like Neteyam, just like you, he was just willing to give up his own life, his peace of mind, for someone he loved. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He smiled a sorrowful smile at you. “It was a long time ago. But anyway, when I found out, I was in pieces. Whatever heart I had left, my little baby took with her. I was jaded and broken, and wanted nothing to do with this world. But these men and women, the soldiers I met, they became my family in time. They pulled me out of a very dark place, and in turn I gave them my undying loyalty and whatever little was left of my soul. I knew then I would protect them with my life, and with the life of the Na’vi, if needs be. It wasn’t right, but it is who I am. Who I’ve been since as long as I remember. A soldier, an army man. I fight for my country, I fight for the job and for the squad, and I don’t complain, and I don’t question it. It was a good way of living, easy to digest, it helped me sleep at night.”
“And then I met your mother.” His smile changed from one filled with sadness and pain to a happy one, a melancholic one, filled with love and wonder. “She was a shock to the system, to every system. She was kind, and loving, smart and curious, soft and patient, but also the most badass, brave, strong person I knew. It was such a complex mixture, I didn’t think anyone like that could exist. But she did. And, somehow, she saw me. She saw more in me than what I thought I was, she saw who I could be, who I think I wanted to be all my life without ever realising. I fell so deeply in love with her, I could feel my heart beating again. She was everything to me.”
The tears were falling freely down your face now, and you didn’t have it in you to stop it, didn’t have any power over your own mind, who had trouble understanding what it was going through, all the information it had to come to terms with in such a short span of time. 
“Spider said she died.” His voice broke as he said that, and you tried to compose yourself from becoming a sobbing mess.
“Yeah… she did. When I was ten. Cancer.” 
Your eyes snapped to him, not being able to stop the shock on your face. 
“Her sister and grandmother died of ovarian cancer, too.”
You didn’t know that. She has never told you that. 
“Are you an Avatar? I didn’t think it was possible for them to make Avatars on Pandora.” 
“I’m not an Avatar, technically. I used to be, but I did the consciousness transfer, just like Jake did almost 20 years ago.”
You sighed loudly. You didn’t know whether you could trust him, whether he would use the information you gave him to betray and hurt you. But at the same time, you have waited for this chance your whole life. You have wanted to speak to the man in front of you, wanted to bond with your dad that you never even met, and so you had to try. 
“Multiple reasons. From an objective point of view, my human body wasn’t made to survive this world. I was stuck in a lab for 18 years, or stuck to an oxygen mask. It wasn’t ideal. From a subjective point of view, I fell in love. With this planet, with the Na’vi… with a boy. My mother and the scientists made me this Avatar so I can live my life the way it was meant to be lived: giving myself fully to it. So when I felt ready, I committed by becoming one of the people for life.”
“There has to be more to that story. I know we don’t have a lot of time, but please, just tell me everything you can.”
So you did. You spared little detail about your mostly miserable existence, hoping that it would make him feel like shit that he didn’t try harder to be part of your mother’s life, that he didn’t forsake his kinship bond with the murderous soldiers and ally himself with the Na’vi when he had the choice, perhaps ensuring his survival, and the presence of another parent in your life.
“Jake found me in the woods, and brought me to Norm and Max, but then my heart stopped for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes, I saw her. I saw mum, and she told me the truth. That the cancer wasn’t what really killed her. What killed her was your death, that she was never able to get over. She was so depressed, so lost, she chose to die than become one of the people. I realised then I did the exact same thing throughout my whole life, and that I wanted more time, to heal, to love, to live. So Eywa gave me a second chance at life. And I took it. I cured the virus, I became Na’vi, and now I am here. That’s pretty much it.”
Gideon’s head was spinning with the influx of information that was being thrown at him. It was so hard, hearing everything, hearing everything he’s missed. It was hard to deal with knowing this girl sitting in front of him, beautiful and blue, a strong Na’vi warrior, was his, and that whoever she was, he had no part in it. His heart constricted hearing how much pain you have had to endure, how hard your life has been, and know he was directly responsible for at least some of it. His mind echoed with your words about his Jo, about how she died, about whyshe died. The hatred he felt for himself, for his actions and inactions quickly reached an all-time-high, and he almost prayed you’d change your mind and point that gun at him again and finish the job.He couldn’t speak, so he just stared into the abyss, hoping that words, any words would come to him, knowing they won’t, knowing no words would be enough, no words would ever erase or change the damage he had done, the anguish you’ve had to endure.
“This... Neteyam. Is he a good kid?” 
He saw you smile softly, almost bashful at the mention of this boy who was in a lot of your stories, who seemed to shine a light on your otherwise dark life.
“He’s the best. We’ve been through… a lot. And it’s not always been easy, in fact, for like a year and a half he was a lot of the reasons I hated this life, I wanted it to end. But whatever’s ever happened between us, our differences, our fights, it’s never been out of lack of love. On the contrary. I think both of us love each other a little too much for either of our sakes.” 
“Does he treat you well? Do they all… the Sullys, the village, do they treat you well?” 
You smiled again, at him this time, and Gideon swore his whole body stopped - your smile, your eyes, the glimmer in it… Jo. His Jo was still here. His Jo lived so well within you, every ounce of you a walking reminder of the woman he loved more than life itself. Soft, and brave, and strong, and smart and curious… like Jo. 
“They treat me well. They always have. I was the one who pushed them away for years, but their love and desire for me to be in their lives never wavered, and I could not be more grateful. They gave me a family, and a place of belonging. They gave me a squad, and I would do anything for them.” Your expression shifted suddenly, to a hard one, one directed at him. “Anything.” 
“Why are you here? Are you here to sell me out? Are there people spying on us, tracing back where I came from so they can find Jake? Are you here to kidnap me? You either set me up, or you took a big risk leaving that message for me, hoping no one would see it, hoping no one could read it. Which one is it?”
He hated how the first thing you thought of and associated him with is vile and cruel, and underhanded, but he couldn’t blame you. He didn’t have the best track record, otherwise he wouldn’t be standing here right now.
“If I wanted you kidnapped, or found, you would have been kidnapped, or found. Do you think I don’t know you and the Sullys are in Awa’atlu?”
You mouth fell agape, eyes wide and ears pushed back at the new piece of information. He saw your tail stop moving, a sign of alertness and fear, and watched as you cocked the gun and pointed it at his face again.
“Who else knows about this? When did you find out?” 
“No one else knows.”
“Then how would you know? How did you figure it out?” 
“I still have a few aces up my sleeve, kid. Your finger’s not on the trigger, so I don’t think you’re planning on shooting me yet. Can you please lower the gun?” 
“What exactly prompted this little change of heart, if this is even what this is?” 
Gideon pulled out the rock that he found in his makeshift grave and watched as your expression deepened from surprise and fear to shock, amazement. 
“This did. I found a little spot in the forest, where it turns out I died. I found the recording, I saw Weinfleet, that son of a bitch, kill me. Although I guess that’s fair considering I did the same to him. I found my body, that you buried. And this rock.”
Gideon looked at you, at this girl who was undoubtedly his, undoubtedly Jo’s, with awe displayed all across his features. He couldn’t believe you came from him. He wishes he could have seen you as a little girl, as a human, he is so sad he didn’t get to see you take your first steps, or say your first word, or shoot your first gun. He wishes more than anything he could have taught you. He loves you, he realises. He loves you, despite so little time, because you’re his, you’re Jo’s, the best of both of them.
The man saw you thinking intently, tugging at the inside of your lip so hard he was scared it was going to bleed. He didn’t know what to expect from you. It was easy enough to read you as your face mirrored your feelings as if he had a direct link to your thoughts through it, but somehow you were still an enigma to him. He’s never seen Sarah grow up, he’s never had to be a dad to a young woman, a fierce warrior, a scientist who thinks about everything, calculates three moves ahead. He wondered sadly if there is anything left for him to teach you - you seemed as self-sufficient as they come, and a twinge of jealousy for the Toruk Makto blossomed in him, for getting to raise you, for getting to see you grow up, for helping make you who you were right now.
“So what now? I mean it’s a long shot, but maybe I can convince Jake to let you come to Awa’atlu, we can go and ask the Olo’eyktan, we can say you had nothing to do with it, it will be hard, but maybe if I -“ 
“I’m not coming with.”
“What?” There was no more confusion or focus on your face, just anger, pure unadulterated rage. 
“I have to see this through. I have a better chance of protecting you if-“
“Oh, fucking stop. You’re really going to play the martyr act til the end, aren’t you?”
“I can protect you from them, I can find out wh-“
“I need you to prove to me you’re better than I think you are. I need you to show me, that despite all the fucking horrendous things you have done, my mother wasn’t a fool to trust you. To love you.” 
“Don’t talk about your mother like that, girl.” Gideon was panting now, angry with you, with how quickly you were dismissing a perfectly rational plan for your emotions, for the desire to not part with a grudge you’ve held on to for 19 years. He understood it, but there was a line, and Jo was that line for him, always. 
“You go back, everything you have said to me, everything is moot. Because you have a chance to be better, to do better, you have a chance to fight on the right side once in your life, and you’re not going to take it?” 
“I’m not going to repeat myself. I have a better chance of protecting you, protecting the people you love… your family, from there. I can figure out what their plan is and I can warn you.” He pulled out a radio and receiver from one of his pockets. “Take it. It’s set on a different frequency than what they use, or you and the Sullys use. It can be for us. Wear it, I will contact you if anything happens, and you will know and you will be safe.”
You hissed loudly at your dad, tears pricking painfully at your eyes. 
“Are you really going to pass on an opportunity to protect your family, your mate, because of your ego? I know you want everything done your way and you think you are always right, and you know what? You probably are. But this is more important than this. Just take this.” He took your hand in his and opened your palm and placed the radio and receiver in it. He closed your fingers in a fist, and let you go. “I will be in your ear, I will be there to tell you if anything’s wrong. I will do my best to fight this fight the way I think is best, the way my gut is telling me to. And when this is over, I will come. And by then, I hope I will have proven myself at least enough to be worthy of a second chance. I want to get to know you. I want you to know me. And when this is over, maybe you’ll want to. But for now, I have to go. And so do you.” He looked up and you saw that eclipse will be over any minute. Shit. Time got away from you. Neteyam would have woken up by now. Fuck.
You saw him turn around and call for his ikran. You were shocked he had passed the Iknimaya, and you made a mental note to ask him about it when you saw him next. Just for research purposes, you weren’t curious for any other reason. His ikran was beautiful, dark blue with hints of gold and pink all over, almost like the opposite of yours, the yin to your yang. You called Neyn and she came quickly, batting her wings at you playfully. She made a new friend, it seems. You sighed as you got on her and made the bond. 
“Is Spider alright?” 
“He’s fine, he’s integrated at well as could be expected. I think him and Quaritch are bonding.” You didn’t like the sounds of that, but you said no more on the subject. You were late enough as it is.
“Prove me wrong. Please.” 
“I will, kid.” 
You both took off at the same time, in the opposite directions, and you turned around and watched him with tears swiftly running down your cheeks, blown away by the warm air hitting you in the face. Dad… 
As you made your way back, your mind was running a thousand miles a minute with so many thoughts that were fighting for dominance. The top contender was concern and mind-paralysing fear at the thought of seeing Neteyam and knowing he will know, know you were gone, know you couldn’t lie, you couldn’t even try because he would know that too, and the fight that would ensue as a result. When did things get so complicated? 
You were relieved to not see any lapis blue Na’vi anywhere in sight when you dismounted your ikran, and you quickly started making your way to the village when a voice, the voice, stopped you in your tracks, like shackles to your feet. 
“You know, when we saw that sign on the tulkun yesterday, I felt your heartbeat in your wrist increase to three times its normal speed. I could feel your panted breaths in the back of my neck. I knew something was wrong. You may be able to lie to my dad, to anyone else, but you can’t lie to me, Atan.” 
Your breathing was laboured and shallow, and you felt scared to turn around, to face him. He came so close to you, his breath was making the hairs on your back stand up like needles, hurting you from the forcefulness of his presence, from the anger that was so palpable it was pulsating all around you. 
“What did you do?” 
“Neteyam…” you turned around, and you regretted looking at him. Because this wasn’t your mate, not anymore. This was the perfect soldier, the Olo’eyktan in the making, the Na’vi warrior, and he was looking at you like you were a stranger to him, like you were the enemy.
“What did you do. I need to hear you say it.” His voice was calm, too calm and it reminded you of the knife he always kept on his waist, sharp and deadly.
“How long has this been going on?” 
“How long has what been going for?” 
“This, you mingling with the fucking enemy, you lying to my family, to your family.” 
Your eyes widened in disbelief, as you took in the accusations your mate was carelessly throwing at you, like pebbles on the surface of the sea. 
“I know you are upset, and I am sorry I lied, but please don’t jump to conclusions.” 
“The message on the tulkun was from my dad. It was the first time I have made contact with him. I haven’t been mingling with any enemies. I just wanted to see what he wanted. I have a gun, I was prepared to kill him.”
“Your dad is a fucking murderer, he could have killed you, he could have kidnapped you. It could be a trap. We could be fucking swarmed by the RDA in the next 20 minutes and it would all be your fault.”
You couldn’t believe him, you couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. Neteyam was many things, but he wasn’t cruel and he definitely wasn’t so quick to blame, to draw unwarranted conclusions. You have known he has been acting a little strange for a while, and you knew there were things eating at him that he is yet to share, but you hated how instead of communicating them, he was lashing out like a wounded animal. You felt anger bubbling in your stomach and you tried really hard to keep it at bay, knowing that both of you attacking each other will not be productive whatsoever. 
 “Neteyam, stop. You’re being unfair. I know you are mad at me, and I know you have been upset about things you have refused to talk to me about for a while, but I will not stand and watch you attack me.” 
“You are right, it was risky, and I am sorry. But I’m not fucking stupid. I was careful, I made sure nobody followed me as much as I possibly could. I didn’t tell you because I was scared if you came, and it was a trap, you were a much bigger prize than I was.” 
“Oh, that is such fucking bullshit. If you told me and I came, you had double the chance to defeat whoever was waiting for you, whoever left you the message. But you didn’t want that, did you? You seem to like saying one thing when you mean another, don’t you?” 
“Ok, what the fuck has gotten into you? This is so not about me leaving.”
“No, it IS about you leaving. It’s about you lying. It’s about how every time I think we’re in one fucking place, it turns out we’re about five steps behind.” 
Neteyam watched as you stretched on the grass of your clearing, taking deep breaths in with your eyes closed, peacefully enjoying the outside, which you never really saw anymore. It will be your 17th birthday in a couple months, and Neteyam was wondering sorrowfully if he will get to be there for it. It’s been eating at him, the realisation he needed to leave, leave your life forever, but he was painfully grasping at every chance to see you, still be with you. He couldn’t imagine a life without you, and soon, he’ll have to live through it. 
Recently, your relationship changed. You have always been close, so close the whole world around you felt like just a playpen for your souls alone, but recently, things… evolved. Everything about it felt heightened, like it reached new zeniths Neteyam never thought anyone would be able to feel without collapsing from the intensity it pulsated through his veins. He’s always loved you, Neteyam mused. His whole life, there was not a moment he has not loved you. 
But as he watched you on the grass, soft shiny skin, so unlike his own, your tiny figure and those eyes that, despite being closed, Neteyam knew every inflection of by heart, he knew he felt more, that he fell in love with you - deeply and irrevocably. It wasn’t a recent development, either, it has been going on for a while, but in light of everything he knew he had to do, Neteyam knew it would hurt even more to vocalise these thoughts or even acknowledge them for himself. Only hurt could come of whatever it was you two had, and there would be no cure for the calamitous heartbreak he would have to go through when he did decide to leave for good, so the less he thought about you two together, your body on him, his lips on yours, spoken confessions and wondrous nights - the better.
“Hey, do you ever think about kids?”
“Yeah, about having kids. About the future, about little Neteyams running around the village, one day bound to inherit your titles, and your beautiful soul and your endless good looks. ”
He blushed at your comment. He has, Neteyam thought. Multiple times. He thought about a family, about them running through this clearing, about their mother singing to them with that incandescent voice and worn-down guitar, and then he had to stop thinking about it, because it hurt, it took him out, the pain of knowing it was never going to be possible. It nauseated him, the idea of another woman, a woman he’d have to love and give himself to, a woman that wouldn’t be you, and his children that wouldn’t have your eyes, or your hair, or your propensity for being a lovable know-it-all. 
“Not really. It’s still a lifetime away. I’m just trying to enjoy each day as it comes along.”
Neteyam watched as you propped yourself up on your elbows and eyed him inquisitively. You were so tiny, you had to stretch your neck to look at his face. 
“Liar. You’re not a carpe diem kind of guy. You think about everything. You told me you had your whole future planned out when we were like seven.” You got up and walked to where he was sitting on the ground, back against the bark of a tree. When you were on your feet, your face was at the same levels as his, so you got really close to him, so close he could feel your breath on his face, and tried to ignore the thumping heartbeat and shivers going down his spine at your proximity. It’s gotten easier in time, being this close to you, as you have always been a touchy person, so he had no way of avoiding it - not that he would want to avoid it. 
“So why are you lying to me, Ne-te-yam?” 
Neteyam gulped, and he wondered if you knew - what this was doing to him, what you were doing to him. Wondered if you felt the same way, if you also felt dizzy when he was this close, if you also felt your knees weaken in his presence. 
“I’m not lying… I used to have everything planned out, but not anymore. It’s a little more complicated, this whole life thing, than I thought it was going to be when we were young.” 
Your gaze shifted from him to somewhere behind him, and you looked sad and deep in thought, subtle pain obvious in the way your eyes glistened with new-found tears.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Do you ever think about kids?” Your eyes found his again, and you looked hurt by his comment, and the unshed tears found their way down you cheek, that you wiped immediately. You turned around and started walking towards the river, and you kneeled next to it, looking at the way the water flowed, peaceful and determined. 
“That’s not funny.”
“I wasn’t trying to be funny… you asked me, so I assumed it’s because you were thinking about it.”
“You know I can’t think about kids, Neteyam. I can’t have kids, unless I have them with Spider.” You rolled your eyes and laughed a joyless laugh and he felt anger envelop him just at the mere thought. Agonising images were flashing through his mind, of you two, a much better fit for each other, compatible in biology and bodies and he felt suddenly sick and regretful of ever asking. 
He faintly saw you look back at him, and you clarified - you knew, knew he needed it. “I’m never having children with Spider, Neteyam. I was just saying, unlike you, the prospect is never in the cards for me. You will go off, find yourself a suitable mate, beautiful and smart and kind and fit to be a Tsahik, you will have a life and a family. I won’t. I will never have a tiny me running around, I’ll never have my parents’ genes, and everything I’ve learnt, and everything I am live on.”
You sighed, and the tears were falling swiftly in the palms resting upwards in your lap.
“Would you? If you could? Have kids… with someone else?” 
You smiled a small sorrowful smile, and looked up at the sky, almost as if you were praying to whoever could hear you.
“If I could… yes. With… someone else.” 
“Just fucking admit you don’t want to have my kids. You don’t want a family.” 
And the hits keep coming. So that’s what this is about. The guilt you felt about lying to him and sneaking out was quickly dissipating and being replaced with rage, burning heavily and brightly, wanting to leave nothing but destruction in its wake. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me. Why? Why are so desperate for those pills, why do you hate the thought of having a baby with me so much? Do you have any fucking clue how that makes me feel?”
“NO, Neteyam! No, I have no fucking clue, because you won’t fucking talk to me. You have some nerve to hold these feelings inside after months of me asking you what is wrong, of KNOWING you are not ok, you LYING about it and then exploding in my face and demanding an explanation in this way.” 
“You know what? You are right. I don’t want a baby with you.” As soon as the words came out of your mouth, you knew it was too late. You knew you made a mistake. Because while the words were true, they were also not the whole truth. And as you watched your mate’s heart shatter in front of you, yours did too. It was too late to stop, though, as the rage was eating at your insides, begging to be released. 
“Why in God’s name would I want a child with a man who continuously puts himself at risk and will most likely get themselves fucking killed in the nearby future?! I grew up without a parent, Neteyam. I grew up without a dad. And I grew up with a mother who was heartbroken because of the lack of dad, and killed herself when I was fucking 10 years old. Do you have any idea what that does to someone? Do you have any idea the hell I have lived through my whole life? The holes in my chest nobody was able to fix, not even you, they’re still there. They’re patched up nice and neat, as well as anybody could hope for, but they’re still there. They will always be there.  I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, much less on my child. So no, I do not want a baby that will grow up an orphan, that’s why I am so fucking desperate for those pills. And if you bothered to ever share with me, share what’s been bothering you, you’d know this.” 
Neteyam looked broken, eyes on you but not really, unfocused and distant, and you tried to calm down, tried to make words come out that could fix your previous ones. Your eyes were frozen on his, frozen on the tears forming in them, watching as they fell down his cheek and onto his bare chest. Eventually, it’s like he snapped back to life, and he started moving, not sparing you a second look. As he passed you by, you grabbed him by the wrist and stopped him. He removed his arm from your grasp like it burned him, like being touched by you was poisonous, and you winced at it, knowing deep down you deserved it. 
“Neteyam… I have dreamt about having a family with you for so long I can’t even remember when it started. I dreamt about our children, careless and free, happy and loud, running around the village, swimming in our clearing. I dreamt about teaching them guitar, and watching you teach them how to hunt or shoot a bow. I dreamt about them growing up and feeling sad about how quickly time is passing but being grateful for being able to watch it go by. I dreamt about their Iknimaya, and flying together for the first time. I dreamt so many things, for a long time my dreams were the only things keeping me going. Even when you were gone, the dreams, they never left. I had to live with knowing they would never come true for so long before I got the Avatar. I had to live with knowing I’d have to watch you have someone else’s babies, and it killed me. It killed me.” You were crying now, your chest convulsing in pain at the memories, at the present, at seeing Neteyam’s back tense and rigid, of not being able to look into his eyes. “When I got my Avatar, and we started being close again… when you kissed me for the first time, when you held me in your arms before my Iknimaya, I had flashes, flashes of hope, that despite my sickness, maybe those dreams weren’t impossible anymore. They were quickly shattered, of course, but they were there. Then after my consciousness transfer, the humans came back, and I was scared. I was scared of having a family during an active war. I thought we both agreed on that. Then watching you continuously put yourself at risk for Lo’ak, watching as you almost died in that train battle, it snapped something in me. My entire life, all the hurt and the pain of being orphaned came back full blast. Neteyam, if you die, I will too. And I don’t want to put an innocent being, our innocent being through that.” 
“Please, try to understand.”
You watched as Neteyam left you without another word and you were unsure if you would ever be able to fix this and you couldn’t help clutch your chest to try to alleviate the pain that was so strong it was radiating all throughout your body, just like one sentence, over and over. Did I lose him? Did I lose him? Did I lose him?
Neteyam walked towards a village like a ghost, like zombie, like a body without a soul, or a mind, just robotically taking step after step, trying to figure out if he could wake up, if this was a nightmare, if it was some sick joke. 
I don’t want a baby with you. I don’t want a baby with you. I don’t want a baby with you. 
Crack after crack, the pieces of his heart shattered like a broken jigsaw, like the one he did with you and Kiri when you were children, huddled together in the recreation hub. So he was right. He was right, his insecurities, however ridiculous they seemed sometimes, they were not without merit. You didn’t want his children. Not children, just his children. Because of who he is, because of his life choices and his desire to protect his family, his brother, you didn’t want him. Neteyam heard you justify it, and maybe somewhere deep, deep inside of him, he knew you had a point, that your own unique circumstances entitled you to this view, that you weren’t being unreasonable, but the hurt, the pain, the anguish and betrayal, they ran deeper. What was he supposed to do now? How would you ever be able to resolve this?
He noticed absentmindedly that there was commotion in the village, screams and wails coming from the Olo’eyktan’s tent. He felt himself walking towards it, with no real input from his mind, which was numb and in its own isolated, desolate little world. 
He heard Tonowari’s imposing voice, screaming over the booming voices of the villagers. As he approached, he saw his family, his father in the middle of the crowd, desperation all over his features. 
“This war has come to us! We knew about the hunting of our tulkun people, but it was over the horizon, far away! Now, it is HERE!” Neteyam saw the Metkayina poke their tongues out in a war cry, and he knew what he feared, what his family feared, is finally here. There was no avoiding it, the war with the Sky People, no avoiding the deaths that followed. Fear enveloped him, momentarily replacing the anguish you put in him, and he wondered where you were, if you had run away, as you used to like doing when you were young. Were you in danger? 
“Look, you have got to understand how the Sky People think.” His dad was trying to force his voice through the ululation, trying to get them to see reason. “They don’t care about the great balance.”
Neteyam couldn’t help his voice from speaking. “Listen. Listen to him.”
“They are not going to stop, this is only the beginning. You have to… tell your tulkun to leave. You gotta tell them to go far away!” 
“Leave?!” The Tsahik look disgusted with his dad, and he knew the Metkayina would never understand. None of them will, because they have never lived through what the Omatikaya had. They had no idea the depth of the cruelty, and lack of morals that plagued the aliens. They had no idea the loss his village suffered at their hands, and the sacrifices his family had to make. 
“You live among us and you learn nothing!”
“No no no no! IF YOU ATTACK, IF YOU FIGHT, THEN THEY WILL DESTROY YOU!” Pointing at Ronal’s pregnant belly, his father continued. “They will destroy everything that you love!”
“Hear my words!”
Like an out-of-body experience, Neteyam heard himself speak yet again. “Listen to my father. He speaks the truth.” 
The Toruk Makto picked the red impaling rod they found on the tulkun yesterday, got up to where the Olo’eyktan was so he was towering above everyone else, and pointed it for everyone to see. 
There was quiet all around him now, the villagers watching his dad carefully, with focused eyes. 
“You tell the tulkun that if they’re hit by one of these, they’re marked for death. And call for me, I’ll silence it. Saving their lives. That’s all that matters, right? Saving your family.”
“Tell the tulkun.” 
“Go, go!” 
Ululating can be heard all around as the Metkayina hurried and dove in the water, rushing to warn their brothers and sisters. Neteyam’s gaze shifted instantly to Lo’ak. He wouldn’t…
He would, it turns out, as Neteyam saw his baby brother hurrying out of the tent. He followed in his footsteps, knowing very well what Lo’ak was intending, knowing he had to stop him, no matter what. 
Neteyam watched as the younger Sully was sneakily placing a saddle on his ilu. 
“No way you’re running out today, baby brother.”
“I have to warn Payakan about the pingers.”
Neteyam was in no mood for this.
“No. You have got to keep your skxawng ass here.”
“He is outcast. There’s nobody to warn him but me.” Neteyam saw Lo’ak getting aggravated, the way he always got - his brother had no control over his emotions, never had, always ready and more than willing to explode at the slightest perceived slight. 
“Why do you always have to make things so hard, Lo’ak?”
“No, you mean why can’t I be the perfect son like you?” Neteyam’s heart took yet another beating, and he was unsure how much longer it could continue going in light of today, in light of everything it has had to suffer. First you, now Lo’ak, it seems everyone he loved was taking turns kicking him until the breath was knocked out of his lungs, until he would be unable to stand back up. 
“The perfect little soldier. Well, I’m not you!” 
The anger overtook Neteyam, who made his way so close to Lo’ak he was towering over him, a dark expression marring his features. 
“I’m not you. He’s my brother. I’m going.”
Crack. Crack. Crack.
“He’s your brother?” He pulled Lo’ak by the arm as he was turning away, speaking through clenched teeth. “No, I’m your brother!”
The conversation was interrupted by Tsireya and Ao’nung, both of whom jumped from their ilu and onto the platform they were on. 
His brother took the opportunity that presented itself when Neteyam’s attention shifted onto the two siblings to escape his tight grip and jump into the water, immediately leaving towards Three Brothers Rock, where Payakan was. 
Neteyam didn’t think of anything else besides saving Lo’ak in that moment, and, as he called for his own ilu, he finally knew in his heart that you were right. 
You were flying, faster than you should be, considering the rain pouring all around you and the fact you could barely see a few meters in front of you, but you couldn’t stop. Because if you stopped, you’d have to think, you’d have to deal with the consequences of your actions, and that would be too much, too painful. Neyn was worried, as she could also not see, but she trusted you to guide her, she trusted you to keep her alive - her worry extended to you as well, to the horrid mood that seem to plague you, for the deep anguish in your soul that was making her cry loudly. You tried to calm her down, petting her gently. 
“Tam tam…” 
You have been going for a while now, longer than you knew you should have. You had little idea where you were, and where you were going. You didn’t even know if you could go back. Would you be able to face Neteyam again? Would you share a tent, would you ever be able to fix this?
You were so harsh, harsher than you needed to be. You hated his predisposition for following in his brother’s dangerous steps, but you promised him you’d be there to fix it. You told him you didn’t want to change him, that you would be there to patch him up. You told him you’d protect him. And instead of doing that, you struck him where it hurt most. You both had a habit of hurting each other, both had a habit of shooting to kill when in pain. So much has changed in between you, so much has changed in your worlds except the one thing that should have, that one thing that needed to. 
“Kid, are you there?” 
The voice pulled you out of your pondering, a voice you now recognised as your dad’s. 
“I’m here. Over.” 
“I don’t have a lot of time. The ship is hunting another tulkun. A solitary one.”
Oh, no… It can’t be.
“We’re about two klicks out. Kid… the Sully kids are there too.”
You felt all air being pushed from your lungs, unable to breathe in, feeling yourself becoming faint at the lack of oxygen and maddening heartbeat deafening you. 
“I will try to stop them. I don’t know if I can do this on my own.” 
Breathe. Try to breathe. 
“Hold your position. I’m coming. Get me a gun. Over and out.” 
Kiri. Tuk. Lo’ak…. Neteyam. Adrenaline coursed through your veins like icy water, waking you up, focusing your mind. You had no time to go back. You willed Neyn towards where you thought Three Brothers Rock was, and prepared yourself to fight for your life, for your family’s life, for your dad’s life. 
Your mind flashed to your fight with Neteyam, knowing you had to do everything in your power to make it right, not knowing that fight was the last conversation you will ever have with him before both of your lives are changed - forever. 
Taglist (thank you ily x) @changing7 @erenjaegerwifee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @winchestertitties @puffb4ll @rebeccao03 @ultimatebluff @cottoncandy23 @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @n3t3y4msm4t3 @loquatious-josephi-krakousky @eternallyvenus @fresh-new-yoik-watah @lu-the-ghost-reader @@miawastakens @mm0thie @fanboyluvr @amortencjja
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Lestrade x reader - save you
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Can you do a Lestrade x reader where she gets kidnapped from a case he and Sherlock are working? - @winterreader-nowwriter 💜
You weren’t sure what kind of cause your brother and Lestrade were working on, they wouldn’t tell you, so you decided to wait until they were done.
You were supposed to go meet a few friends for some drinks, but the only issue was you didn’t make it there.
And your friends soon grew worried, and tried calling and texting you, but none of them went through.
They assumed you changed your mind, maybe went to sleep or your phone died, but when neither of the three got a reply the following morning they knew something was wrong.
They tried your flat, and you weren’t there, they tried Sherlocks flat, but neither of you were home, so the reported you as missing.
It wasn’t long until Mycroft found out, and it wasn’t long until Sherlock found out, because Mycroft had sent him the new file with your name on.
Sherlock stared at his phone, hands trembling a little bit.
“Sherlock, we’ve got work to do.” Lestrade snapped.
John looked up from the papers he was reading and furrowed his brows a little.
“Sherlock?” He asked.
Sherlock didn’t seem to be in thought, he seemed to just be staring at his phone until he set the phone on Lestrade’s desk.
“My sister is missing.” Sherlock said.
The room was filled with a tense silence.
��When?” Lestrade asked.
“Filed half an hour ago, last seen yesterday afternoon. She was supposed to go for drinks with her friends and never showed, she’s not answering her phone and no one has seen her.”
Lestrade took Sherlock’s phone to look at the report Mycroft had sent over.
The door to the office was thrown open and a younger officer ran in, slamming a file on the desk with your name on.
“Another sir.”
“We know.”
The officer nodded and left and they all tried to figure out what to do.
They didn’t have long, they knew that, and they had to find out before the clock hit midnight.
Not only was half the force looking for you, but so was your oldest brother and every single one of the contacts he had as his disposal.
It was all hands on deck.
No time to worry.
No time to stress.
They just had to find you.
You didn’t remember much from walking to the bar, but when you woke up, head feeling heavy, body aching and confused, you knew it wasn’t good.
Unlike your brothers, you weren’t as smart, or lacking as much as emotions, or able to push them all away.
You were terrified, tears streaming down your face you tried to find away out of this locked and freezing cold room.
Your fingers were bloodied from trying to open the door, you hit the walls, screamed until your lungs ached and you couldn’t scream anymore.
Nothing worked.
And so you gave up, you sat in the corner of the room you woke up in, tears running down your face, head buried in your knees as you cried.
You couldn’t get out.
You couldn’t escape.
And as far as you knew, no one was coming to find you.
There was no explanation as to whoever this was or what they wanted from you or why they were doing this.
Absolutely nothing at all.
Just left in there, cold, shivering, scared, alone.
Then it hit you, the smell of smoke, the sound or roaring fire getting closer, and the lock of the door.
Your head snapped up, and you immediately jumped up, rushing to the door you opened it and you were hit with heat.
Looking down the hallway, you found yourself struggling to breathe.
Lifting your shirt to cover your nose you looked around, seeing one end of the hallway clouded by smoke and flames, you ran down the other side.
Turning the corner, you backed away from the flames and ran the other way.
It was like a maze to try and find your way out, and it getting harder and harder to breathe, to run.
Sherlock, John, Mycroft and Lestrade were the first ones to arrive at the building, and they saw it already consumed in flames.
“(Y/N)!” Mycroft and Sherlock yelled.
The two didn’t stop to think, they ran into the building, so Lestrade and John did the same thing, all of them running and calling your name.
They could only search so far until they had to start backing towards the entrance again, and it was Lestrade who saw something.
He turned around and turned back to what he saw and ran over, dropping to his knees.
It was you, half awake, covered in ash and dirt.
“(Y/N) hey.. hey..” he whispered.
He grabbed your wrists and began to pull you towards the door as fast as he could.
When he was nearly there he reached down and pulled you into his arms before rushing outside and towards the other three.
They all called your name and rushed to your side.
You were soon rushed to the hospital where they all had to wait for you.
John stayed by your side while Mycroft, Sherlock and Lestrade chased after the person responsible.
And they soon caught her, and Mycroft was the one dealing with her prosecution.
They all stayed by your side until you woke up.
“How’re you feeling?” Mycroft asked.
You shrugged a little and sat up.
“I’ll get the nurse.” John smiled.
He left and Sherlock looked at you.
“You’re struggling to breathe.”
You gave a weak laugh, and shrugged a little bit.
“I… inhaled.. a lot.. of smoke..” you rasped out.
He nodded his head and they waited for the nurse to finish checking you over.
You had to stay in hospital for a while, your brothers staying with you so you weren’t alone, and they would swap with John and Lestrade when he was off work.
And today was one of those days, he walked in and you were flicking through a book.
You looked up and smiled softly at him, setting your book aside.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” He asked.
He walked over and sat on the side of your bed, taking your hand in his.
“Still tired, a little sore. But okay.”
Lestrade looked at you and nodded his head, running his thumb along your knuckles and you watched him do it.
“And your lungs?”
“Getting better. Nearly all cleared.”
He nodded his head again and you looked up at him.
“Can I ask something?”
Lestrade quickly nodded his head.
“Of course you can.”
“Did… did you save me…?”
Lestrade stayed quiet for a moment before he softly sighed.
“Yeah.. yeah I did. I saw you against the wall.”
You nodded your head, and gestured for him to come closer.
He leant forward, and you placed your hand on the side of his face, kissing his cheek and you leant back.
“Thank you Greg..” you spoke softly.
You sat back again and he smiled at you, leant over his kissed your head.
“I’ll always save you…”
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Searching for My Father (Webcomic)
Created by: Blooming bouquet, Ongnyo
Genre: Fantasy
Searching for My Father, or I Only Came to Find My Dad starts out pretty tragic, but then ends up sweeter with a very cute family love dynamic. Unfortunately, this also feels like it sucks out most of the conflict once the yandere gets disposed of, which is unfortunate, because I'm sure he could have been a very good villain. As of writing this, there are currently 56 chapters.
The story starts out with Louise being groomed by her uncle Benjamin, a man who was obsessed with Louise's mom, Leah. Since Leah died an unfortunate death, Benjamin attempts to marry Louise as a replacement for her at the age of 16 (yikes). Unwilling to live this life, Louise commits suicide, only to be reincarnated back to when she was eight and back when her mom was alive. As a result, she vows to never let what happened in her past happen again, starting with taking care of her mother. Benjamin attempts again to marry Leah, but she refuses, and this causes pretty much the entire town to turn on her. Leah dies again because of unfortunate circumstances and it seems that Louise is going back on track again to being groomed at married by Benjamin. She's able to plead to the priest, Father Patrick to help her find her real father. After escaping and locating her father, Louise and Father Patrick set out to find Duke Alistair. He accepts her immediately, and though heartbroken by the death of Leah, fully decides to take care of Louise the best she can. She meets the twins, the two that learn under her father, as well as her new step brother Erhi and while in the town together, even (unknowingly) befriends the prince, Idris. Soon after though, as Father Patrick returns home, he is accused of kidnapping Louise under Benjamin's influence. We learn that the reason Benjamin has a bit of an inferiority complex when it came to his older brother, Alistair, believing that he would never have anything because his brother would take it away from him, which included his crush Leah, whom Alistair married. Alistair gets wind of this and goes to find his brother himself, even finding that all the letters that Leah sent were confiscated by Benjamin, and making him go into a rage. Father Patrick is put on trial and Alistair is able to win and prove Benjamin guilty, even going to rip out Benjamin's tongue and is sent to an island after his hands are cut off. After that we learn about why Alistair had to leave Leah and Louise behind, since he was bound with a curse and it was all in an attempt to save them. There's cute scenes with the entire family, Louise befriending some divine beasts, and finally learning that Erhi is a prince. The last chapters so far are after a time jump and meeting the newest villainess character that will oppose her.
Honestly, the story up until the yandere gets dispensed is kind of interesting. Louise gets a new start after running away from her old fate and gets an extremely loving family, but... after that is all becomes fluff with very little conflict. Sure, there are some internal conflicts with her attempting to get close to her dad, but most of it is resolved so quickly you wouldn't think it was much of an issue at all. I also think that everyone loves Louise far too quickly. It makes sense for the dad to love her since she did in fact love her mom, but the twins and even the stepbrother, who seemed rude to her all change their tune very quickly and not really for any good reason. I'm not saying that you can't have a cute family dynamic after having such a traumatic happenings, but considering how fast it happens, it doesn't feel realistic that everyone would suddenly accept her very fast, even under her father's rule. She doesn't really have any specific enduring traits that the characters even mentions to why they might like her. I can understand why people might like it though since it does have a very cute dynamic of family, but for me, everyone accepts her too fast and with such little conflict it makes it seem like nothing is really happening and it's a little boring for my taste. I kind of wish there was more conflict with Louise opening up to her father since the two look REALLY similar and I think that it would be a lot more meaningful if it took her much longer to get used to someone that looked really similar to grooming her, or even just having trust issues with the rest of the household.
Moving onto Benjamin. It's obvious that we're not suppose to like him considering he's a groomer and attempts to marry Louise at the age of 16, but he is at least, probably the most interesting character in the story. He ends up being a replacement yandere after he attempts to "replace" Leah by marrying her daughter, and there is actually backstory to why he would feel this way, unlike most of the other characters. I honestly thought he would be a character that would have stayed around more since, as I said, he's the main source of conflict for the story and he kind of just gets shoveled off after Louise finds her father. It's possible that he might come back in the future, seeing how he's not dead, but I would have loved to see more of a villain arc with this character- maybe attempting to lay siege on his brother's mansion or manipulating his brother more, but nope. It seems like such wasted potential since he's built to be this huge bad villain and he's just taken away from the story so easily.
Overall, the story is just kind of mediocre in my eyes. If you enjoy more family based isekai style stories that are focused on fluff, then this one is probably one that you may enjoy. The yandere is in there for the first 25 or so chapters before getting shoveled off (though it is mostly in the beginning) so if you are interested in more villainous yanderes, it might be interesting for you as well.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
Little preview of the next Single chapter cus uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk when the rest is gonna happen SO HERE
“Big brother,” Yuuta said with complete seriousness. “Why do you have a baby.”
Kusuo debated. It took him about three seconds.
He said, “Why shouldn’t I have a baby?”
Yuuta squinted. It was hilarious to watch the kid’s face work as he mulled over the riddle Kumi presented, one which Kusuo had decided not to answer so easily because this was all Yuuta’s fault, really, at the end of the day. It was his little bit of fanfiction slash creative writing project that’d gone viral and meant people were leaving Kusuo prayers at the hokora after all. Why he’d even posted it on his blog to begin with Kusuo wasn’t sure, certainly it wasn’t poorly written but what it was was embarrassing.
He ignored the flash of intuition that said to look at the hokora. Not for the first time today, either. He was tired, damnit, and still dealing with the other o-
Yuuta said, “Did you kidnap a baby?”
Kusuo’s jaw dropped in offense. “What? No! Why would you even say such a thing?”
Kumi’s presence in his home was entirely legal, thank you very much.
“Well you’re not married and last I checked, you’re still more interested in dating coffee jelly over people,” Yuuta said, grinning ear to ear but there was a tick in his eyebrow that told Kusuo he was, for some reason, not as happy as the rest of his face told. “So it’s not like you could conceive naturally. She doesn’t look like a clone, or like an experiment your older brother cooked up, so that only leaves one option.”
Yuuta ducked closer to the phone and raised his hand to hide his mouth from the side, pretending to a slyness he really didn’t actually have. “Do you need help burying the bodies?”
Kusuo stared.
Sometimes Yuuta’s imagination was a little frightening. He could only guess what the kid must be thinking for him to ask something like that.
As if Kusuo would ever need help disposing of remains. Tch. But anyways.
He sighed as Yuuta cracked up into laughter, no doubt his so called ‘little brother’ was enjoying teasing him. Fine. He’d let the kid get the one up over him this time.
Even though calling Yuuta a kid was a bit of a misnomer by now. He was in college after all. Just about done, too.
“The only body around here worth burying is yours, kid.” Kusuo said, looking down at his little girl. 
She looked confused, insomuch as an infant could look confused, and he could feel her developing mind cranking hard in an attempt to figure out where the brand new voice was coming from.
“What?! Mine?” Yuuta squawked.
Successfully distracted from his daughter’s cute little face, Kusuo looked into his phone. He even arched an eyebrow, for the benefit of appearing arch. 
“Yours. You’ll never guess,” Kusuo lifted Kumi a touch. “What I found at a certain hokora, in the rain, with a cup of coffee jelly.”
His intuition pinged again. He ignored it. Again. It was easy, because Yuuta’s face was falling into a very entertaining cringe that told Kusuo yes, he understood. He understood very well.
“Ah.” Yuuta said.
“Ah.” Kusuo agreed.
“But that’s insane,” Yuuta said a handful of minutes later. “Why on earth would a person leave a baby in a hokora?”
Kusuo shrugged as he poured himself a cup of coffee, one eye on Kumi’s nearly sleeping face, the other on the coffee pot. The phone levitated to his left, keeping Yuuta’s face in view.
“As far as I can tell they may not even be from earth. Our earth, anyway.” Kusuo said, setting down the coffee pot and starting on doctoring it to his preferences. “Her mother has uncontrollable psychic powers that tear her around dimension after dimension. I’m not altogether unfamiliar with it, it’s a bit of a pain. Not a suitable environment for raising a baby in, at all.”
His intuition again. Uhg, it was so itchy today. Leave him alone.
“So she left it in the rain? No, I still don’t buy it, not when she knew enough about our world to get you a coffee jelly,” Yuuta, lover of sci-fi anime and flexible punch-roller-wither, said. “If she knows about coffee jelly then certainly she knows about police, why not leave the baby there?”
There was an undercurrent to Yuuta’s voice that made Kusuo’s other sense of intuition perk up to nag at him, his more earthly sense, the one that had known instinctively that punks were trying to hassle him when he’d been oh so temporarily powerless all the way back in high school. It made him look up into the camera after he finished preparing his coffee. It made him look at Yuuta’s face. The boy was a man now, tanned from the outdoors, his green hair cut short but still long enough to flip out from under the edges of his beanie. His jaw was stronger, and his shoulders wider, but those big green eyes were looking, somehow, someway, very five years old.
“Yuuta,” Kusuo said. “What’s the matter?”
Yuuta appeared taken aback. He puffed himself up.
“Well. It’s just not right, leaving a baby like tha-”
“That’s not what I’m talking about Yuuta, and you know it.” Kusuo said around a sip of his coffee, his unblinking eyes now fully focused on the young man before him.
Yuuta blinked. He looked down, then, avoiding his eyes, and Kusuo knew immediately that something was definitely up. Yuuta only ever avoided his eyes like that when he’d been caught out at something.
Some things really never changed.
Yuuta blew out a sigh. He smiled. He looked a bit embarrassed. “It’s nothing.” He said.
“Then it’s nothing to talk about it,” Kusuo said, getting a bit irritated because uhg, if this was nothing if just not him, prying at people’s problems like he wanted more of them. 
But this was Yuuta. If there was anyone Kusuo should be allowed to prod and pry at, he decided, it was Yuuta. Payback, fair and square and such, right? Right.
Yuuta scratched his cheek with a short laugh. “Well. When you put it like that. Uh.”
He sighed and dropped the pretence of a smile, his shoulders slouching.
“I’m just. Being silly, I think. Really, it’s-it’s nothing. I’m. Just.”
Yuuta forced another short laugh. “I mean, I called you up for help on my homework cus you’re always good for that, but.”
He looked down, probably at his feet if Kusuo had to guess.
“It’s not like you can just drop everything to come help me anymore.”
So this was a bit awkward.
“You’re jealous of Kumi,” Kusuo surmised, perhaps a little too abrupt to be gentle but, well, he’d never been the gentle sort and Yuuta knew that. Still, it hurt to see the kid drop a short flinch, but then Yuuta was flushing hot around the ears and Kusuo knew that even without the aid of his telepathy for all this distance, he was right.
“It’s silly, right? I mean. She’s a baby. And I’m definitely not that anymore. But.” Yuuta’s shoulders rode in a onesided shrug. “I guess in some ways I must still be a kid, to be jealous of your kid like this. I mean, we’re not even related, like at all, and it’s not like you’re my dad, it’s just.”
Then Yuuta sighed, a long and tragic affair indeed, and looked up at Kusuo with eyes that made him want to flinch because it was those very eyes that’d sucker punched him how many years ago now, when Yuuta had been barely five years old and whimpering up at the sky after his lost balloon. Good grief, he was such a sucker.
“You’re still my big brother, right?” 
Ah… Ah hell. 
What else could he say to that, what else could he do? 
But bear the uncomfortable brunt of reassuring another person.
Kusuo smiled. 
He said, 
“Of course.”
Yuuta blinked, looking a little flummoxed, but then shortly relieved and he coughed into his fist, itching at a bottom eyelid and pretending he wasn’t a little teary eyed. Kusuo’s smile quirked to the left and he shook his head.
“I might not be able to teleport to be there in an instant anymore, Yuuta, you’re right about that. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still help you with your homework. We just have to do things the, uh, normal way.”
“I guess you’re right about that.” Yuuta sighed then the background behind him stopped moving, signifying that he’d stopped walking, and Kusuo got to recognize the buildings behind him as their old stomping grounds. Even like this, his old neighbourhood was nostalgic to look at for some reason. “That’s still too bad though.”
Kusuo blinked. “How come?”
Yuuta lifted a plastic bag and looked at it with an atrocious pout. “What am I going to do with all this coffee jelly? You know I can’t stand the stuff.”
Kusuo’s jaw dropped, but he shortly picked it up again, but he also didn’t know what to say, and he was sure he looked very consternated right now indeed because Yuuta was cracking up, the brat.
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bluejayboi · 1 year
Servant of Evil
This is part 2 of my Story of Evil song series. Enjoy~
Part 1: Daughter of Evil
Part 3: Regret Message
TW: Yandere themes, mental breakdown (of yandere), murder and violence (no explicit details)
Songs to listen to while reading:
Servant of Evil- Will Stetson, Lizz Robinett: English, Lizz Robinett: Japanese, Classical version, Boba and Ari
Everything had been starting to get better. Sure, it’s not perfect– you could never leave the confines of the palace, you had to put up with a petulant princess who demanded your time and attention, and the temper she showed when she got jealous was a force to be reckoned with– but it was at least manageable now. Riliane had taken steps to be kinder and more respectful to you. She was still entitled and threw fits when she didn’t get her way, but she never took things out on you and went out of her way to try to make you happy. So long as you treated her with basic kindness, she would dote on and cling to you. Allen was as respectful as ever, always making sure you were taken care of. While his first priority was serving his sister, you were a close second. He loved pampering you and always had an affectionate look in his eyes when he saw you.
You still fantasized about your freedom though. You spent great spans of time–mainly during the dull political meetings that you didn’t have to pay attention to– daydreaming about being able to run through fields of wildflowers, go wading through streams, and live a simpler life in a nice cottage in the woods– far away from all this mess. You knew it was probably impossible but you made plans regardless; You would snatch whatever treasures you could, steal a horse from the royal stables, ride away during night fall, fetch the money that you hid back when you were a worker at the palace instead of a glorified prisoner, and use both that and the stolen treasures to finance your escape and future life. You would travel far from here, carving a home for yourself wherever you ended up. You’d never have to worry about being kidnapped and held prisoner. You would be allowed to live your own life, free of these golden chains.
Things were running somewhat smoothly. The kingdom was doing well, despite unrest about the princess raising taxes ever higher. Your relationship with the twins had become bearable. It was all going well. Until the Prince in Blue and the Lady in Green came for a visit.
The two were visiting the kingdom for political discourse. Riliane had brought you to the discussions to show off her precious darling in front of the other royals. Unfortunately for her, the two seemed to express more interest in you than she was comfortable with. They were especially kind to you, even inviting you to come visit their kingdoms. As the three of you talked, Riliane grew more and more insecure. What if they tried to take you away? What if you ended up liking them more than her? What if you tried to leave her? Everything broke down when the Lady in Green gave you a kiss on the forehead when she was taking her leave.
Riliane was too overwhelmed in the moment to act. She just froze up, staring listlessly at the woman’s retreating form. Envy enveloped her as she started seeing green. It was as if she had gone numb. She ordered Allen to bring you back to your room. She fled to her own room, barricading herself in. No one knows exactly what happened behind those locked doors but the screams of anger, banging of furniture being toppled, and shattering of glass told them all they needed to know about the princess’ mental state. Once things calmed down in her room, she summoned her Minister. Her voice was low and cruel as she muttered “Go seek out the Kingdom Green. Destroy all of their land.” He nodded and left and she called in her brother next, ordering him to dispose of the Lady in Green. He left to do so with a heavy heart.
After her orders were given, she went to your room. You’d never seen the princess look this distressed and disheveled. Her hair was a mess, her gown was ripped, and her face was wet from tears and with makeup smudged across it from her trying to wipe the tears away. She threw herself on you, sobbing and desperately clinging to you like a scared child hugging a plush. She glued herself to your side for that night and the following days. She tried to compose herself and put on her usual confident air but she kept breaking, clinging to you pathetically with little sniffles that would lead to sobs if you didn’t comfort her. With her confident aura put on the backburner, she was actually honest about her feelings with you. She explained how insecure she was about you not loving her or loving someone more than her. She told you how scared she was of losing you, like she had lost her brother for so many years before they were reunited. She’s so distraught that she can’t even take care of herself, so you have to drag her to the bathroom to wash her makeup off. You get some servants to draw her a bath and get some food prepared. She’s still reluctant to leave you so you tell her that you’ll be right outside the bathroom door (or inside the bathroom with her if that doesn’t make you uncomfortable) and talk to her while she’s having her bath. The bath and food are enough to help stabilize her a bit but she still ended up crying herself to sleep as she’s hugged against you and with you trying to calm her down by running your fingers through her hair.
She did what she could to keep you in the dark about her actions. She knows you don’t like bloodshed and cruelty but they deserve it! That Lady in Green tried to take her precious lover! So why shouldn’t she and her kingdom pay the consequences for her actions?!
Despite doing her best to hide it, you ended up learning the truth. Houses were burned before people's eyes. Soldiers and innocents alike were murdered on sight, being left to die on the streets. And the princess wasn’t swayed in the least. When you try to confront her for what she’s done she simply smiles innocently and chimes “Oh my, it’s tea time!” before trying to serve you some brioche
The night Allen returned was horrible. The boy was clearly shaken by something. He had a far off look in his eyes. When his sister greeted him upon his return, he smiled and told her ‘it was done’. But once her back was turned, you could see his smile quiver and his eyes glaze over. You brought him to your room and asked him what was wrong. He tried to deny at first, giving you a smile that you could clearly tell was forced. You caught him off guard with a tight hug. Despite everything he had done, you had formed a bond with him. You felt like you both were in a similar boat. He was a victim of his sister too, forced to act against his morals for the sake of keeping her happy. Just because he was here willingly, doesn’t mean he wasn’t suffering from her actions. So you hugged him and rubbed his back, telling him that he can let it out and that you wouldn’t tell anyone what he says. You can feel him tense up in your hug before melting into your arms. You can feel warm tears drip onto your shoulders as he buries his head against you and grips onto you like a life raft. You can’t make out everything through his sobs but you can hear that he ‘loved her’, that he ‘didn’t want to hurt her’ and that he ‘had to’. You do your best to comfort him. After a while, he looks at the clock and thanks you before leaving your embrace. You ask if he’ll be okay and simply says that ‘Riliane will need her nightly tea’ while giving you a bittersweet smile.
Neither of you talk about what happened but you go out of your way to help each other. He goes above and beyond to pamper you (you didn’t think you could be any more spoiled but clearly that was wrong) and you force him to come to your room when Riliane isn’t taking up either of your time so you can talk or simply hug one another in silence.
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aluraveil · 2 years
The Puppet
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Pairings : Yandere Sandrone x Reader
TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, torture, non-consenual touching, blood, kidnapping, swearing/cursing, and syringes/needles.
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It’s been a few months since you escaped from Sandrone. She was scary, she made you feel uncomfortable. She would often make you watch her as she experimented on things such as ruin guards and sometimes even people. Until one day you say something that made you completely lose it. That was when she tortured a man that looked at you for barely a second.
Obviously, she saw and she was furious about it. She wanted to prove a point. That you were hers and only she could ever look at you.
You were shaking and crying as you heard his screams of torture and pain.
“Open your eyes Y/N or else you’ll be next.”
You quickly opened my eyes and what you saw was a terrifying, bloody, gruesome scene. You wanted to faint.
“How dare you even bat an eye towards them.” She screamed as she hit and punched the poor guy in front of me.
You wanted to get up and run. Run far away from this horrible place. You wanted to go back to your old life. But unfortunately, you just had to catch the Fatui Harbinger’s eye.
You wanted to get up. But there was one problem. Your hands and legs were cuffed to the chair. Finally after what felt like years, Sandrone stopped torturing the poor dude.
“Take his body and dispose of it.” She said with a sharp tone as a fatui agent grabbed his body and carried it out of her office. 
You were shaking. You couldn’t even move. You just froze in place.
Sandrone turned around and looked at you with a fake smile on her face.
“Aww look at you.” She cooed as she caressed your cheek. “Such a poor little fragile thing. That’s what the bitch gets for even daring to look at my s/o.”
She wiped your tears off with a tissue, “hmm it’s getting late now. Come on, let’s go home.”
You didn’t even say anything. You were still frozen and scared.
She picked you up into her arms as she sat down onto the hand of a ruin guard. You visibly flinched as she touched you. You felt tears about to burst out of your eyes.
“Shh. Now, don't cry. It’s all over now.” Sandrone said as she kissed your lips. 
Sandrone had a remote in her arms as she clicked a button. Then the ruin guard became awake and started walking the both of you out of her office, making their way into the “home” the both of you lived in.
About an hour later the both of you finally got back home. She got up into her bed as she cuddled with you as you laid into her arms. You waited for her to fall asleep, and as soon as you did, you crawled out of her arms. You made a run for it and you never looked back.
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Your new home was a small cabin in the middle of the woods. There were barely any people near your cabin that lived close by. You decided to get some fresh air as you felt like you wanted to take a walk and clear your mind.
You put on your coat and you began walking into a trail in the woods. It was refreshing to be outside. You have been walking for about an hour when suddenly you hear a tree branch crunch behind you. You jumped in fear as you scanned your surroundings, but you couldn’t see anyone. It wasn’t anyone, but rather something.
You checked behind yourself again when suddenly you noticed…
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
A fucking ruin guard was right behind you on your tail. 
Out of all the things she could’ve done. She sent a fucking ruin guard on your tail.
You fucking panicked as you ran and you hid behind a gigantic rock in the middle of the forest.
You waited for the ruin guard to go away. You were scared and your heart was beating so fast.
Suddenly, the ruin guard grabbed you into its hand. You screamed and thrashed around as you tried to break free from its suffocating grip. You notice the other hand of the ruin guard had a syringe in its hand.
The ruin guard lifted its other hand and lifted the syringe along with it. Suddenly the syringe went into your neck as you felt it pressing something into you. You suddenly felt sleepy. A few seconds afterwards, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were chained to Sandrone’s bed. You had a gag in your mouth.
A few moments later, Sandrone entered the room with a smile on your face as she saw that you were finally awake. 
She had a tray of food in her hands as she placed it in front of you onto the bed. She tore off the gag and undid the chain on your arms. Unfortunately, she left the chain on your legs off that way you couldn’t do something stupid.
“Eat. You must be hungry already.”
You obeyed as you knew you were in deep trouble. The feeling of dread suddenly spread throughout your body as you were scared on what punishment you would receive from escaping from her.
It’s been a few months since you escaped from Sandrone. She was scary, she made you feel uncomfortable. She would often make you watch her as she experimented on things such as ruin guards and sometimes even people. Until one day you say something that made you completely lose it. That was when she tortured a man that looked at you for barely a second.
Obviously, she saw and she was furious about it. She wanted to prove a point. That you were hers and only she could ever look at you.
You were shaking and crying as you heard his screams of torture and pain.
“Open your eyes Y/N or else you’ll be next.”
You quickly opened my eyes and what you saw was a terrifying, bloody, gruesome scene. You wanted to faint.
“How dare you even bat an eye towards them.” She screamed as she hit and punched the poor guy in front of me.
You wanted to get up and run. Run far away from this horrible place. You wanted to go back to your old life. But unfortunately, you just had to catch the Fatui Harbinger’s eye.
You wanted to get up. But there was one problem. Your hands and legs were cuffed to the chair. Finally after what felt like years, Sandrone stopped torturing the poor dude.
“Take his body and dispose of it.” She said with a sharp tone as a fatui agent grabbed his body and carried it out of her office. 
You were shaking. You couldn’t even move. You just froze in place.
Sandrone turned around and looked at you with a fake smile on her face.
“Aww look at you.” She cooed as she caressed your cheek. “Such a poor little fragile thing. That’s what the bitch gets for even daring to look at my s/o.”
She wiped your tears off with a tissue, “hmm it’s getting late now. Come on, let’s go home.”
You didn’t even say anything. You were still frozen and scared.
She picked you up into her arms as she sat down onto the hand of a ruin guard. You visibly flinched as she touched you. You felt tears about to burst out of your eyes.
“Shh. Now, don't cry. It’s all over now.” Sandrone said as she kissed your lips. 
Sandrone had a remote in her arms as she clicked a button. Then the ruin guard became awake and started walking the both of you out of her office, making their way into the “home” the both of you lived in.
About an hour later the both of you finally got back home. She got up into her bed as she cuddled with you as you laid into her arms. You waited for her to fall asleep, and as soon as you did, you crawled out of her arms. You made a run for it and you never looked back.
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Your new home was a small cabin in the middle of the woods. There were barely any people near your cabin that lived close by. You decided to get some fresh air as you felt like you wanted to take a walk and clear your mind.
You put on your coat and you began walking into a trail in the woods. It was refreshing to be outside. You have been walking for about an hour when suddenly you hear a tree branch crunch behind you. You jumped in fear as you scanned your surroundings, but you couldn’t see anyone. It wasn’t anyone, but rather something.
You checked behind yourself again when suddenly you noticed…
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
A fucking ruin guard was right behind you on your tail. 
Out of all the things she could’ve done. She sent a fucking ruin guard on your tail.
You fucking panicked as you ran and you hid behind a gigantic rock in the middle of the forest.
You waited for the ruin guard to go away. You were scared and your heart was beating so fast.
Suddenly, the ruin guard grabbed you into its hand. You screamed and thrashed around as you tried to break free from its suffocating grip. You notice the other hand of the ruin guard had a syringe in its hand.
The ruin guard lifted its other hand and lifted the syringe along with it. Suddenly the syringe went into your neck as you felt it pressing something into you. You suddenly felt sleepy. A few seconds afterwards, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were chained to Sandrone’s bed. You had a gag in your mouth.
A few moments later, Sandrone entered the room with a smile on your face as she saw that you were finally awake. 
She had a tray of food in her hands as she placed it in front of you onto the bed. She tore off the gag and undid the chain on your arms. Unfortunately, she left the chain on your legs off that way you couldn’t do something stupid.
“Eat. You must be hungry already.”
You obeyed as you knew you were in deep trouble. The feeling of dread suddenly spread throughout your body as you were scared on what punishment you would receive from escaping from her.
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Combining the idea that Teresa wants to work in the ICU and the idea that Mac has energon poisoning, I've been given the following:
Mac, sitting in the emergency room holding a bucket of her own glowing vomit and looking like death warmed over: huh, that's new
Wig you have given me a wonderful idea for a drabble, please enjoy:
Teresa had bounced between multiple different hospitals in her time working as a travel nurse. She knows the ins and outs, the dangers of the profession, and what the various codes mean. Code blue is cardiac arrest, code red is a fire, code pink is someone trying to kidnap a kid, code aqua is part of the building is flooding, code white is get security to me now, code silver is someone's grandpa wandered off again, and so on. Those were the most common she heard on her usual shifts and she'd called a couple of them herself.
However, as she bounced between her two ICU patients, thinking about if she should text Emily about bringing home dinner, she freezes in place as the overhead intercom crackles to life.
"Code orange in emergency department, code orange in emergency department. Stay clear of area."
"What the fuck?" she mutters. The emergency department was a meager floor below them.
One of the nursing students with them on shift gives her a confused look. "What's code orange for?"
"Hazardous materials that aren't biohazardous. Usually radiation or chemical spills," she says, stepping behind the counter of the nurses station.
The phone rang and Teresa nearly jumped out of her skin. The charge nurse answers it and Teresa takes a few deep calming breaths. She tries to remind herself that it probably wasn't that bad. Someone probably cracked the container of one of the xray machines or spilled cleaning chemicals.
"Teresa?" She turns at the sound of her name. The charge nurse had one hand over the receiver of the phone. "You have radiation and hazardous material safety training right?"
Her stomach twists as she sighs, "Yeah."
Teresa had worked in her far share of various wards and units while traveling. She had oncological experience handling both chemotherapy patients and radiation patients. Whatever was happening must have been a mix as she had been told to gown, double glove, put on a respirator and face shield, and a lead vest with an EPD. She was pulling her disposable shoe covers on when the elevator dings.
Teresa was already in the patient's designated room. It was at the very end of the unit and had no one in the neighboring rooms to reduce the chances of cross contamination. She's not sure what she's expecting to be wheeled in. She had seen gruesome sights in her career. Everything from fourth degree burns to necrotic limbs to chemical burns down to the bone. She always expects the worst and hopes for the best.
The bed is wheeled into the room and Teresa freezes in shock.
Her patient is a young woman, looking small against the stark white sheets, still wearing street clothes, and clutching a bucket in her lap. Her eyes are glossy and something bright blue is dribbling from the side of her mouth.
Transport gets the bed into place and Teresa steps into the hall to take report. The patient, Mackenzie Adam, came into the emergency department complaining of gastrointestinal distress, high fever, trouble focusing, and a migraine. She then proceeded to vomit into a bucket, the contents of which were described as "unnaturally blue" and set off the radiation warning system. Vitals had been taken, blood type and allergies unknown, and she scored an eleven on the Glasgow Coma Scale.
"Great," Teresa says, clapping her hands together.
"We're trying to pull doctors to come and see her right now, it's just, we don't know what's wrong so we don't know who to send," the nurse says.
"It's fine. I'll take vitals and see what her complaints are," Teresa says.
She steps back into the room and smiles wide enough that it translates to her eyes. "Hi Mackenzie, can you tell me where you are right now?"
Mackenzie blinks slowly before mumbling, "Hospital."
Teresa gently places a monitor onto one of her fingers. She glances into the bucket and bites back a wince at the glowing contents. "Wonderful. Do you know which hospital?"
"Mercy," she mumbles.
"Correct," Teresa says. Slowly increasing that GCS was always good. She taps at her patient monitor, bringing it to life, and begins reading her vitals. Then she does a double take and reads them again. Just to be sure, she fishes a thermometer out of her pocket and swipes it across Mackenzie's forehead.
"What's wrong?" the woman asks her.
Teresa hesitates before answering, "Well, your vitals are a bit concerning. Your heartrate is a little high, as is your blood pressure, but still within range. And your oxygen saturation is phenomenal. But your temperature is very high and we need to bring it down."
Teresa had seen high temperatures before. She had encountered her fair share of hyperpyrexia patients and coaxed their 106 degree fevers down within normal range. She had seen patients hit 108 and watched their bodies give out.
The temperature on the monitor and her own thermometer read 125 degrees Fahrenheit. By all modern medical logic, Teresa should be standing next to a corpse, not someone who looked like she was suffering through the worst hangover of her life.
"Oh. I do feel kinda warm," Mackenzie says. She begins to shift around, pulling at her coat, and Teresa breaks out of her daze to help her.
With her arms free, she should start an IV line on her, start getting fluids in at the very least, and pull blood samples. But that grinds to a halt when she looks down at her patient's arms.
"Do you know what's wrong with me?" Mackenzie asks her. Her heartrate has increased.
Teresa snaps her eyes back. Normally, this was the point when she should be forcing a reassuring smile onto her face and saying she'd get the doctor. But there was no doctor right now.
"I am not a doctor, so I cannot give you an official diagnosis," Teresa begins. "But I can point out abnormalities."
She walks over to the light switch and flicks it off. The room is illuminated only by the meager light from the hallway, the dying sun outside, and a third source. She walks back to the bedside and gently grabs one of Mackenzie's wrists, turning her arm over to expose the underside of her forearm.
"See how it looks like your veins are glowing?" she asks.
Mackenzie nods and in the low light Teresa sees that it's not just her veins. The sclera of her eyes were tinted the same luminescent blue.
"They're not supposed to fucking do that," Teresa says.
"Oh," Mackenzie replies and Teresa has to bite back a nervous laugh. The whole situation felt so surreal, so fake, so inane. She wondered if she was going to wake up to this all being some wild dream.
As she snaps the light back on, she hears Mackenzie mumble, "I don't feel good." It's the only warning she gets before the woman goes lax and the monitor screams as she flatlines. Teresa curses to herself before calling a code blue.
Twenty-eight minutes of chest compressions and an ungodly amount of epinephrine later, Mackenzie is sitting up in her bed, asking for some water, surrounded by confused neurologists, cardiologists, hematologists, and toxicologists.
Teresa has retreated to the clean stock room to take a moment to compose herself by sitting on a box of clean linens and whispering, "What the actual fuck."
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
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THE FORSAKEN ✽ key members
Led by Enzo Foust and Zora Pierce, the Forsaken run Lawmouth City. They are the most notorious gang in town, and they plan to keep it that way. Each member has their own area of expertise.
Warren Knox, AKA Knuckle Duster, is the bruiser. In charge of intimidation, Warren is hot-headed and trigger happy. He was the first member to be recruited into the Forsaken. Enzo gave him a home and a family, and he’s never going to let that go.
Leo Orion, AKA Golden Boy, is the charm. Ever the smooth-talker, Leo always has people wrapped around his fingers. He is known for getting what he wants, but on the off chance he doesn’t, he’s an excellent pickpocket and a master of stealth.
Jack Benson, AKA Boomer, is the demolition man. With a knack for pyrotechnics and explosives, Jack takes care of any and all disposal of evidence, buildings, cars, you name it. He would have been left to rot in jail had it not been for Enzo, who used his connections to get him out at the request of Warren, his only family member left.
Romy Katz, AKA Wildcard, is just that: a goddamn wildcard. When things start to go south, the Forsaken can count on Romy to distract with whatever crazy scheme she pulls from her bag of tricks. In most cases, her impatience gets her in trouble, but her ability to shake things up makes her invaluable to the Forsaken.
Parker Stroud, AKA Siren, is in charge of distraction and seduction. With a voice as sweet as honey and the natural ability to charm, Parker is incredible at her job. She tends to stay away from the action, but that is not to say that she can’t handle herself.
Magnus Bellamy, AKA Deadshot, is the sniper. Like Parker, he likes to stay away from the action, preferring to strike from the shadows. There’s not a lot to say about Magnus as he mostly keeps to himself, but everyone in the Forsaken is very fond of him.
Axel Mendoza, AKA Adonis (the alias he gave himself as everyone else only came forward with unkind aliases for him), is one of two new members in the Forsaken. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Axel found himself all but forced to join the Forsaken, but he likes it. Being in a gang that is on top of the world, undoubtedly, has its perks.
Sullivan Walker, AKA Baby, is the youngest member of the Forsaken by far, just barely twenty-one. Enamored with the Forsaken, Sullivan tried and succeeded in hacking into the Forsaken’s information database in order to learn more about them, and ended up on Enzo’s radar in the process. Warren and Leo kidnapped him and Axel, and they were both very nearly dealt with for knowing too much, but Enzo couldn’t ignore how valuable a hacker could be for the team, so Sullivan was given a place in the Forsaken.
→ taglist: @waterloou @sunlitscribe @hiddenqveendom @akabluekat @arrthurpendragon @asirensrage @decennia @connietheecunning @darth-caillic @kbeescreams @raith-way @eddiemunscns
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midasgutz · 1 year
playing through rdr2 again. going really slow this time, im like 15 hours into chapter 2 easily. new events ive seen: a woman in valentine at night near the saloon had me dispose of the body of a man she killed, claiming he assaulted her. 13 dollars for dumping him in a pig pen unseen. a woman screaming on the back of a horse, i was off mine so i had to shoot the guy kidnapping her with my bow and chase his horse down. i got more good boy points from that than anything else so far, easily double my current total. if i got that much good karma for it, you kinda gotta wonder what kind of fucked up shit he was gonna do to her. was not able to offer her a ride home though, really unfortunate when you consider the girl that you could give a ride to who was trapped under the horse didnt have it nearly as bad. cmon, let me make sure she gets back safe... geez. i saw two guys arguing about one of them screwing the others wife, the guy screwing the other guys wife killed the guy with a single punch. i walked into the saloon afterwards taunting him and the game didnt give me a bounty when i beat the shit out of him. didnt get any good karma either though, which makes the whole event a lot better in my opinion. one of tommys friends yelled at me in the street by his house and i tried to make good with him but he was dead set on being an asshole about it. listen, i didnt mean to give him brain damage. and he chose to jump into the fight like that. at some point theres at least a bit of moral grey area there and it's by far one of the least irredeemable arthur actions possible in the game.
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the-gory-gardner · 2 years
Slasher OC: Cassidy Brooks
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Name: Cassidy Brook – Nickname(s): Cass – Alias: The Slayer
Age: 35 – Gender: Male – Height: 6’0 – Eye Color: Grey – Hair Color: Auburn
Occupation: Bridal Shop Worker – Killer Type: Obsessive, Stalker
Expert Manipulator.
Torturous Expertise.
Skilled Mechanic
Fixing And Selling Vintage Cars
Stalking Targets
Collecting Vintage Records
Serial Killing
Breaking & Entering
Cassidy Brooks was born during his parent’s divorce. He grew up in two home’s watching as his mom’s string of boyfriend abused her physically and emotionally. At his father’s he’d watch him bring in different girlfriends of varying character each relationship ending due to his father’s infidelity.
He would spend most of his early life wanting his parents to focus their ‘love’ on him, while also being put off on the idea of love. Cassidy would be in his early twenties before he finally got into his first relationship. In the beginning it had felt great especially when his girlfriend had introduced him to the romance novels and movies she loved so much, in no time he fell love with them no. Well, the idea of them.
Cassidy wanted a relationship just like the one’s he read about and watched on TV. So, he did his best to be the perfect partner, getting his girlfriend her favorite flowers, complimenting her daily, making her favorite meals after long days at work. But all of his devotion was for not when one day he came home from work to find her in bed with a co-worker.
Cassidy couldn’t tell you exactly what happened that day. All he knows is that arguing had turned to pushing then fighting and then he’d picked up a baseball bat. When he came to he’d saw what he’d done and panicked. He went on autopilot taking the bodies, sheets, blankets and pillows before driving them far out of town and into the woods. 
He would dig for hours before burying everything in the most secluded part of the woods he could find. Cassidy would stop at a store buying new bed sheets, blankets and pillows. The next day would have been both his and girlfriends off day which he of course would spend cleaning up and reorganizing everything. 
It wouldn’t be until the next day halfway through the day after his girlfriend’s work called that he would call the police to report her missing. The police would look though her phone and internet history where they would find months of messages between her and her also missing and married co-worker. After weeks of ‘looking’ the police would consider the possibility that the two had run off together. Leaving Cassidy in the clear. 
Despite the horrific ending of his first relationship Cassidy still found himself obsessed with the idea of love. All the stories' people wrote of romance and soulmates just seemed too wonderful to be completely false. He just needed to look hard for it, if he disposed of other terrible partners in the meantime then so be it. 
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pineappleandcake · 2 years
The Puppet
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Pairings : Yandere Sandrone x Reader
Authors Note : There are barely any Sandrone fics when I searched it up on Tumblr. I was pretty upset. But I couldn’t sleep last night but I had this idea. It was where I was like “hmm so Sandrone was seen to be sitting on some sort of ruin guard during the Fatui Harbinger’s reveal, so why don’t I make something about it?” But anyways I finally put it into words LMAO. 
TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, torture, non-consenual touching, blood, kidnapping, swearing/cursing, and syringes/needles.
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It’s been a few months since you escaped from Sandrone. She was scary, she made you feel uncomfortable. She would often make you watch her as she experimented on things such as ruin guards and sometimes even people. Until one day you say something that made you completely lose it. That was when she tortured a man that looked at you for barely a second.
Obviously, she saw and she was furious about it. She wanted to prove a point. That you were hers and only she could ever look at you.
You were shaking and crying as you heard his screams of torture and pain.
“Open your eyes Y/N or else you’ll be next.”
You quickly opened my eyes and what you saw was a terrifying, bloody, gruesome scene. You wanted to faint.
“How dare you even bat an eye towards them.” She screamed as she hit and punched the poor guy in front of me.
You wanted to get up and run. Run far away from this horrible place. You wanted to go back to your old life. But unfortunately, you just had to catch the Fatui Harbinger’s eye.
You wanted to get up. But there was one problem. Your hands and legs were cuffed to the chair. Finally after what felt like years, Sandrone stopped torturing the poor dude.
“Take his body and dispose of it.” She said with a sharp tone as a fatui agent grabbed his body and carried it out of her office. 
You were shaking. You couldn’t even move. You just froze in place.
Sandrone turned around and looked at you with a fake smile on her face.
“Aww look at you.” She cooed as she caressed your cheek. “Such a poor little fragile thing. That’s what the bitch gets for even daring to look at my s/o.”
She wiped your tears off with a tissue, “hmm it’s getting late now. Come on, let’s go home.”
You didn’t even say anything. You were still frozen and scared.
She picked you up into her arms as she sat down onto the hand of a ruin guard. You visibly flinched as she touched you. You felt tears about to burst out of your eyes.
“Shh. Now, don't cry. It’s all over now.” Sandrone said as she kissed your lips. 
Sandrone had a remote in her arms as she clicked a button. Then the ruin guard became awake and started walking the both of you out of her office, making their way into the “home” the both of you lived in.
About an hour later the both of you finally got back home. She got up into her bed as she cuddled with you as you laid into her arms. You waited for her to fall asleep, and as soon as you did, you crawled out of her arms. You made a run for it and you never looked back.
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Your new home was a small cabin in the middle of the woods. There were barely any people near your cabin that lived close by. You decided to get some fresh air as you felt like you wanted to take a walk and clear your mind.
You put on your coat and you began walking into a trail in the woods. It was refreshing to be outside. You have been walking for about an hour when suddenly you hear a tree branch crunch behind you. You jumped in fear as you scanned your surroundings, but you couldn’t see anyone. It wasn’t anyone, but rather something.
You checked behind yourself again when suddenly you noticed…
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
A fucking ruin guard was right behind you on your tail. 
Out of all the things she could’ve done. She sent a fucking ruin guard on your tail.
You fucking panicked as you ran and you hid behind a gigantic rock in the middle of the forest.
You waited for the ruin guard to go away. You were scared and your heart was beating so fast.
Suddenly, the ruin guard grabbed you into its hand. You screamed and thrashed around as you tried to break free from its suffocating grip. You notice the other hand of the ruin guard had a syringe in its hand.
The ruin guard lifted its other hand and lifted the syringe along with it. Suddenly the syringe went into your neck as you felt it pressing something into you. You suddenly felt sleepy. A few seconds afterwards, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were chained to Sandrone’s bed. You had a gag in your mouth.
A few moments later, Sandrone entered the room with a smile on your face as she saw that you were finally awake. 
She had a tray of food in her hands as she placed it in front of you onto the bed. She tore off the gag and undid the chain on your arms. Unfortunately, she left the chain on your legs off that way you couldn’t do something stupid.
“Eat. You must be hungry already.”
You obeyed as you knew you were in deep trouble. The feeling of dread suddenly spread throughout your body as you were scared on what punishment you would receive from escaping from her.
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
The Luna
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◐ Series Masterlist ◐
◐ Part I ◐ Part II ◐ Part III ◐ Part IV ◐ Part V ◐ Part VI ◐
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Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Jimin x Omega Reader
Rating: Hard Mature 18+ (for this installment)
Warnings: this one is a little darker... implied violence, mentions of blood, ABO sexual dynamics including discussion of scenting, marking, mating, and claiming, sexual innuendo, discussion of violence relating to ritual combat, possessive behavior, injuries and discussion of injuries, discussions or ruts, (non-explicit) kidnapping and drugging, its not as bad as it sounds, but it is definitely a bit darker...
Word Count: 4200
Author’s Note: You have no idea what your support has meant to me. After getting the dreaded Covid it was awhile before I had the energy to work on this. Truly your asks and your messages and comments...they made me so happy. You made me believe that people wouldn’t forget about this story. I am so grateful you were able to wait. As always, my angels @ppersonna @xjoonchildx @untaemedqueen and @underthejoon were the best betas and the best friends anyone could ask for. My thanks to ALL of you for helping me bring this story to life! I don’t know what I would do without your daily encouragement and your daily support. You guys are the heartbeat of this story. 
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Fifteen Years Ago...
“It can’t be-”
“Run for the elders! Quickly! 
“Red smoke rises from the Luna’s hearth!”
The red smoke was invented by the first wolf known to mate a witch. Legend has it that their bond lent him some of her magic and with it he created a mystical powder that unleashed bloody plumes like knife slashes in the clouds. 
It was a distress call. 
A wolf in danger or in need could throw the powder (usually into their fireplace) and the red smoke would rise - drawing others to their aid. 
No fire was needed and the strange shimmering clouds it produced could even be seen on a moonless night. 
“What happened? Where is the Luna?”
The chief elder was still out of breath, having charged over from his chambers to find Isa in hysterics. 
“She’s gone! Something scared her! It triggered a half-shift!”
His eyes widened in fear and alarm. 
“She’s too young to half-shift. The energy it would take-”
Isa broke into sobs again. 
The girl was only five years old. She and her wolf were too volatile to merge safely. The wolf would be frightened - it would run. 
Eventually the child might regain control, but she would have no way of knowing where she was or how she got there… 
And she would be weak. The effects of the shift were too much for a pup that age. 
The chief elder felt true terror grip his heart. 
“Call for the alphas - immediately!”
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Although they were technically one of the oldest bloodlines in the village, Park Clan had only five families to its name - all betas. 
Except for one. 
Park Jimin was the first alpha ever born to the Parks and as such he became the head of his family on the day of his birth - officially the youngest clan leader in history. 
When the call for alphas spread through the village, nine year-old Jimin was roused from his bed to serve on behalf of his people. 
Clan alphas were required to report, regardless of their age. 
“I don’t have to tell any of you what is at stake. Our pack has been entrusted with the Luna’s bloodline. Her safety is our sacred commission.”
The woods were no place for a child. If fluctuating temperatures and possible starvation weren’t bad enough, there were wild bears, packless ferals, rogue witches, snakes, and worst of all-
Unblessed wolves—animals without a human heart. They were by far the most pressing danger to the little girl. 
“Surely young Park can remain at home for this,” Jeon Jinseok pressed. The boy was barely older than his grandson, Jungkook, and he was reluctant to endanger another pup needlessly. 
Some quiet murmurs of assent could be heard around the elder’s chambers, however the chief elder himself shook his head sadly. 
“I understand your concern… but the law is the law. Every clan alpha is sworn to such a task. He took an oath after his first transformation-”
“He was seven-”
“An oath is still an oath.”
All eyes turned to the gentle voice in the corner. The Park alpha looked impossibly small and soft. 
But his gaze burned with determination. 
“It is my right and duty to seek the Luna alongside all of you.” His round little jaw clenched stubbornly. “I’m not afraid.”
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The sound of bones and sinew shifting filled the air as one by one the clan alphas fell to their wolf forms and took off into the forest. 
Until only a small silver wolf remained. 
The chief elder sighed. 
The boy would not undergo the Change for another six years. The mental link between his wolf and human forms was not yet complete. It was difficult for information to pass from one to the other. 
“You are the wolf force of Park Jimin.”
After a moment the wolf nodded.
“You were called here because the Luna has gone missing and you must find her if you can. Search the woods until your wolf force can endure no longer and then return. If you find the child, bring her home as soon as possible.”
The young wolf nodded again and then disappeared into the night. 
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It was cold. 
The last thing you remembered was a loud noise. It was too close - you panicked-
Then there was heat and pain and running and now this-
Darkness and barren trees looming over you as far as your frightened eyes could see. 
Your hands were bleeding. Tears began to slide softly down your cheek as your lips trembled. 
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Jimin had never been allowed into the forest alone. A myriad of new shapes and odd smells assaulted his senses as he ran. 
He had only seen you a handful of times. 
Bright silver eyes with a smile that could set even the coldest heart into bloom. 
Now you needed him.
And he was going to save you. 
It was not a question or a matter of chance in his mind. He was meant to find you. It was as if a thread from his chest was bound to a thread from yours and his wolf knew to follow it without question or thought for its significance. 
I’m coming, little Luna. Hold on. 
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Your nose was not yet fully developed, but the stench creeping through the air toward you was unmistakable. 
A soulless wolf. 
The last time you encountered it was after a hunt. Your father killed one who attacked him and he brought it home for you to scent. 
So you could recognize the smell of danger. 
Gradually two shining eyes emerged from the darkness, yet unlike the wolves of your village, these were dark and fathomless-
You couldn’t tell much about its age or coloring, it was too thin - too dirty, but the bared teeth and steady progress closer signaled its intent clearly. 
“Please,” you whispered, as it crouched back on its hind legs, preparing to strike. 
Tears blurred your vision as you heard it leap forward. 
But the strike never came. 
Another wolf tackled it to the ground before it could reach you. The two of them tangled viciously in the moonlight; a terrifying mass of snarling and claws. 
The smaller fighter was already bleeding, but he clamped down on his opponent’s throat in the first hit and hung on to it even as the animal snapped and scratched brutally at his skin. 
Jimin could feel his strength beginning to fail him. The pain was excruciating, but he had to endure. If he let go, he was lost- 
You were lost.
So he held. 
And at last the soulless wolf collapsed on top of him. 
For a moment, all was quiet. 
Jimin felt the wounds over his hide begin to tug at the edge of his consciousness. Accelerated healing could only do so much... He was hurt badly. 
Then two small hands began to push at the unblessed corpse. Small huffs and heaves poured from you as you worked to free him from beneath his defeated foe. 
“Don’t be afraid, Silver,” you grunted, “Momma says the healing works best if you can get warm.” 
With one final heave you disposed of the beast as best you could, then moved to wrap your body around your injured champion. 
“I can help,” you whispered, letting the tears fall freely. His soft whimpers were the only reply you received as you snuggled in closer, running your hands gently over the soft fur. 
The young wolf’s eyes were already beginning to lose focus. 
“Please goddess,” you begged into the night. “Please save him.”
Then the two of you drifted into a heavy sleep. 
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Jimin opened his eyes again just as the dawn broke. 
He was still in wolf form, but the pain of his injuries had lessened considerably. 
Either that or he was becoming numb. 
His eyes dropped to the figure curled up next to him and his heart stirred. You were so pale… and he could feel your small body shivering violently against his chest.
She will not last much longer...
It took nearly everything he had to stand to his feet and nudge you awake. 
“Will you bring me back, Silver?” you asked weakly. 
Jimin nodded and the two of you stumbled forward into the forest, trusting the vague recollections of his wolf instincts to lead you home. 
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Isa was beside herself with worry. Wolves came and went throughout the night-
But there was still no sign of you. 
And the odds of a child surviving the woods alone with no heat and no protection were slim at best. 
Her hands shook as she gathered feed for the horses from the storeroom near the back of the house. She willed herself to complete the task - any task - in an effort to busy her mind and perhaps achieve a moment of respite. 
Her hand closed around the back door handle and she started forward - only to nearly lose her balance over something lying on the porch. 
The bucket of feed dropped from her grasp, sending kernels of grain in all directions. 
Two bodies lay in a heap at her feet, clutching one another desperately. The Luna and her silver wolf were covered in matted blood and dirt. 
But they were alive. 
Isa began to scream, drawing out the other two occupants of the house; her husband Roojin and his younger sister, a beta healer named Ryn. 
“Oh my goddess,” Ryn gasped, “that’s the Park alpha! I heard some of the elders saying that he hadn’t checked in last night!”
“Get them inside. If we don’t act quickly we could lose them.”
Roojin tried to lift you away from the wolf, but the action was enough to rouse you and you immediately began to kick and scream frantically. 
“No! I won’t leave him!” you sobbed, wrapping your body even tighter around the injured pup. “Silver, wake up! Please wake up!”
“Baby you need to let him go! We have to treat him!”
But you were frantic, refusing - violently - to be separated from your rescuer. 
Ryn was eventually forced to grab a syringe from her field kit to sedate you. 
Isa carried your limp body to the fireplace and began to peel off your wet clothes while Ryn and Roojin dealt with Jimin’s injuries in the kitchen. Blood dripped over the tabletop and puddled ominously on the floor while they worked. 
“It looks like he was attacked.” Ryn’s eyes began to water. “What a brave little boy.”
“How the hell did he survive this?”
“I don’t know, but without a healing touch he’ll die.” She ripped her gloves off and rolled up her sleeves. “Stand back.”
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Twenty minutes later Isa and Roojin caught the young healer as her legs gave out from under her. She had poured the majority of her energy into restoring the young Park alpha - perhaps more than was strictly safe-
But he would survive and that was all that mattered. 
“I must contact the elders,” Isa murmured as she helped Ryn to a seat near the hearth. “In all the chaos I forgot to tell them that we found her.”
Roojin sighed, letting his eyes drift back to the table. 
“That pup brought her back, but I wonder if they’ll even believe it. I wouldn’t - not if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”
“No...” Ryn whispered from the chair. “You can’t tell them about the boy.”
“Why not? He’s the only reason she’s still alive. He deserves to be recognized.”
“You don’t understand,” she shook her head weakly. “His clan is nothing. They have no power - no other alphas. This will make him a target. The alpha pups will challenge him and the stronger clans will see him as a threat to their influence…”
She pulled herself upright and limped over to the table where the young wolf slept. 
“But he's just a child….and small for his age at that. He has no powerful clansmen to protect him from the ramifications of this.” 
Her hands clenched to fists. 
“When his human form returns, he won’t remember saving the Luna. We’ll take him to his mother’s home at nightfall - make it seem like he wandered back. He may garner some respect for surviving the woods, but then they’ll leave him alone… and he can go on living his life in peace.”
Ryn turned to face them both with a determined expression. 
“We owe him that.”
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“Where is the silver wolf? Where have you taken him?”
As soon as the sedative wore off you reached for the boy once again, only to find that he was gone. 
“The silver wolf was hurt very badly, sweetheart. Your aunt carried him away to be treated.”
“I have to go with him! He needs me!”
“No, honey - you can’t-”
Isa pulled you into her arms and you collapsed into helpless sobs. The last twenty-four hours had finally caught up with you. 
You were too weak to fight back. 
“Luna… the silver wolf is in danger. Are you willing to keep him safe?”
You nodded fiercely, letting the flow of your tears soak through your mother’s sleeves. 
“Then you must never tell another soul that the silver wolf saved you. No one can know that he was with you in the forest.”
Your eyes narrowed in confusion. 
“You will tell everyone that you found the way back alone. Do not mention the silver wolf.”
Isa lifted your chin till your eyes met hers. 
“Promise me, Luna.”
Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest as you thought of your champion. He had spared you from a gruesome fate and you did not even know his name. 
You wanted so desperately to thank him. 
Last night, you were so cold - so afraid - that you hadn’t said it...
Now you never could. 
So instead you would protect him - no matter what it cost. 
“I promise.”
“I don’t like him.”
Jimin tilted his head slightly toward his best friend.
Taehyung took a long sip of water then moved his hand to cover his mouth. To an outside observer he would appear to be wiping excess liquid from his lips. 
“The senior envoy from the Iron Claw pack.” He shook his head. “Something about him is off. He’s ill at ease.”
All the major packs of the mountain nations dispatched representatives to greet and solidify their relations with the new Alpha. 
Any pack who failed to send a proper delegation risked a diplomatic incident. 
The first twenty-four hours held great significance when it came to the transfer of power. The official term for the tradition-packed period between the revelation of the Alpha and his ultimate reunion with the Luna was called “The King’s New Moon.”
The new moon was the darkest phase of the lunar cycle and the immediate separation from his mate was meant to be a test of the Alpha’s restraint and bearing. 
Jimin wanted to put his fist through a wall. 
He missed you. 
Fighting Namjoon was nothing compared to the torture of this bureaucratic circus.
As the day progressed he was extremely grateful to have Yoongi and Taehyung at his side. Yoongi agreed to act as interim Praetor while Namjoon recovered and he and Taehyung were quick to fill in any knowledge gaps Jimin had with regards to protocol. 
The first round of ceremonial greetings between packs dragged on more than an hour before the bell struck for a brief recess. In fact, until Taehyung’s rather strange pronouncement, nearly every moment played out with boring predictability.
Though there was one notable surprise. 
Apparently the Iron Claw pack had just undergone a change of leadership and was now under the command of a female alpha named Azira Kai. 
Authority in the Iron Claw pack was traditionally decided through combat, and Azira beat nearly thirty-five challengers to ascend as queen. 
Female alphas were extraordinarily rare. Jimin knew they existed, but Azira was the first one he’d ever heard of. 
Iron Claw’s senior envoy delivered the news himself at the start of the ceremony and personally conveyed the queen’s well wishes. 
Jimin eyed the representative in question speculatively from his corner of the table. At first glance the man seemed much like every other emissary gathered in the crowded hall to fulfil centuries old obligations. But Taehyung had always possessed a strange sense about people. 
His instincts could not be easily dismissed. 
“I will keep that in mind,” he whispered as he sent the young man a courteous nod.
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The sun had already begun to set when a messenger from the chief elder’s chambers arrived at your door. At long last the ceremonial requirements were drawing to a close and soon the elder’s council would be sending you instructions.
However...‘soon’ could mean anything from twenty minutes to five hours. 
“You might as well rest while you can,” Jin teased with a salacious wiggle of his brows. “Who knows what strenuous activity you might find yourself involved in when they finally let that boy loose.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to pretend that your cheeks weren’t burning with embarrassment. 
“I will rest, but not for any reason you’re thinking.”
Truth be told, your nerves were a bit… frayed. 
A frustration was building within you and nothing seemed to satisfy it. You weren’t even sure what you were wanting, but you definitely wanted it. 
“Of course not,” your cousin chuckled as you gathered your gloves and wandered back to the bedroom. 
An hour later Jin’s boredom found him snuggled up on the couch near the fireplace reading over an old cookbook from your mother’s pantry.
“Heavens… no wonder Aunt Isa’s kimchi is so dry. This is a disgrace.”
Suddenly the front door began to shake and pound violently. Strange smells carried through the air and his eyes widened. 
Foreign wolves. 
He drew in a deep breath and immediately growled in frustration. 
Foreign alphas.
A small bowl of red powder sat on the mantle above the hearth. Jin just barely managed to toss it into the flames before the door splintered off its hinges. 
“Hello boys,” he drawled, unleashing a massive dose of pheromones while the knives strapped to his forearms slid smoothly to his hands. “What brings you here?”
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“I just heard the strangest news,” Min Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the small scrap of paper passed to him by one of the council aides. 
The next set of guild masters were making their way to Jimin at a snail’s pace. It would be several seconds before he needed to greet them. 
“One of the healers sent word that Namjoon has disappeared from his assigned recovery room.” He shook his head curiously. “Where do you suppose he’s gone?”
Jimin’s eyes widened. 
That mangy mutt. He’s probably bent Yunli over every surface of her brother’s house by now. Goddess above! He couldn’t hold out for six more days? 
“I’m sure I have no idea.”
I should have killed him. This is a disaster. He can barely walk, how does he expect to-
“The Miner’s Guild is honored to serve at the pleasure of the Alpha.”
Jimin nodded regally and forced up a pleasant smile. 
“The honor is entirely mine, Master Lee. I look forward to-”
A loud crash split the solemn hush of the room as a young member of the council guard burst through the heavy wooden doors. 
“Red smoke! Red smoke rises from the Luna’s hearth!”
Jimin felt his heart plummet into his stomach. 
Chaos erupted immediately. 
“Call for the guards!”
“We must notify the healers.”
“The messengers just spoke to her-”
“Is it an attack?”
The Alpha’s voice cut across the assembly with authoritative resonance. 
Every eye turned to him in expectation. 
But he could only think of you. 
“Jung, lock the building down. Take your clansmen and seal off every entrance.”
Murmurs began to stir through the hall as Hoseok directed his people toward the access points, but he ignored them. 
“Choi. Make for the healers. Have a dozen of them meet us there.”
Jimin was already heading for the door. The deadly length of his claws flashed ominously in the firelight. 
“Kim, Min, Jeon - with me.”
The three alphas in question fell in step behind him without a word. 
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The scene at the Luna’s home was nightmarish. 
Jimin ran to your room immediately, but all he found was a broken window and the lingering scent of your fear. 
His wolf howled in anguish as he fell to his knees and screamed in rage. 
At the front of the house four badly beaten bodies lay strewn about the kitchen and living room area. Most of the furniture was destroyed and the scent of carnage soaked the air. 
The omega stood at the center of the rubble. There was a nasty slash running up his right leg and another grievous wound near his ribs. 
But his arms were wrapped around a massive foriegn wolf with the thin blade of his favorite knife pressed against the intruders throat. 
“What happened here?” Yoongi gasped. “And that smell-” he moved his hand to cover his nose. 
“Pheromones,” Taehyung nearly gagged. 
His eyes fell to the corpses - examining their injuries with a critical gaze. 
“Jin, you dangerous bastard.”
The omega simply smiled and forced the prisoner onto his knees. 
“I don’t understand…” Jungkook shook his head. 
“He flooded them with omega pheromones... These four were unmated.” The Kim alpha let out a cold chuckle. “He triggered their ruts… and they killed each other over him.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. 
Male omegas really were terrifying.
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed and he considered the scene. 
“None of this makes sense. The scent markers are clearly from the Iron Claw pack. They didn’t even bother to mask…”
Jungkook and Yoongi began to search the bodies for any hint of their motives or identity when Jimin returned from your room. His fury was palpable in the air around him. 
“Why would anyone kidnap a Luna?” he snarled. “The divine bloodline is sacred to all wolves. Who would be so reckless?”
Jin shook his head.
“I don’t know.” His knife twisted into the prisoner’s neck. “But he does.”
Jimin crouched down in front of the foreigner, fighting every urge in his soul to tear the mountains apart for his mate.  
“Where is she?”
The prisoner sneered.
“You may be a powerful Alpha, but you are not of my pack or my blood.  I’ll never tell you anything.”
“Oh,” Jimin’s eyes flashed with golden fire, “I think you will.” 
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That was how you felt. 
Your body was sore (like it had been tossed and carried a long distance) and your mind was out of focus (as if everything around you was moving either too quickly or too slowly - honestly you couldn’t quite tell).
You remembered being drugged; some sort of compound pressed against your nose and mouth.  
Glass from the window shattered onto your face…
Then unfamiliar scents and unfamiliar hands closed in on all sides. 
Too fast for you to react.
Too shocking for anyone to have predicted. 
Nothing like this had ever happened and there was no reason to believe it would. 
To harm a Luna was sacrilege. 
It was simply not done. 
What could drive men to such a course of action? 
You should be afraid; terrified even.  
But you weren’t.
Your eyes fluttered open to take your new surroundings. You could vaguely see the shape of seven or eight wolves - alphas by the smell of them-
And then you smiled. 
It wasn’t your usual impish grin or anything close to soft or inviting. 
It was a cold twist that crept over your lips as you watched your abductors set up their camp. 
After a moment, one of them noticed your strange expression. 
“Looks like the little Luna hit her head on the way here,” he called out to his comrades with an amused snort. “You should have been more careful with her, Mac.”
He shook his head and made his way over to where you were tied up. The young alpha reeked so heavily of sweat and self-importance, you almost gagged. 
“What’s got you so amused, Miss Luna?”
It was more of a taunt than a question, but your smile widened nonetheless. 
“My mate is going to kill you.” 
Shock flickered over his features for just a second before he threw his head back and laughed. 
“We’ll be long gone before your sweet little alpha even knows we’re here.” He gripped your chin between his fingers and you snarled. “We masked our scent as soon as we got you - and there isn’t a wolf alive that could track our crew through the woods.”
“You’re wrong,” you whispered. 
Jimin’s face flashed through your mind - followed immediately by another memory, buried deeply, but never forgotten—
of a frightened little girl and the silver wolf who braved the forest and fought a monster to save her. 
“He’ll come for me - no matter what precautions you’ve taken.” You leaned forward a bit, letting the conviction in your gaze blaze through to the depths of your captor’s soul. “And then - he’ll come for you.” 
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And also please tell me what you thought of this update! I am really excited to hear your thoughts! (I know it was kind of unexpected right?) Feedback really does fuel my writing and hearing from you means a lot to me! On days that its hard to write, I go back and I read your lovely words and it makes me want to keep going! I cannot overstate its value in my heart! 
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