#had a fight big right before sasuke moved away and they lost contact for a few years
axel-tiredstudent · 12 days
Narusasu high school au that no one asked for because I have Naruto worms in the brain
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I'm cringe but I'm free
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
The moon and the deer boy (Sasuke x Reader x Shikamaru)
A/N: here’s my one-shot/imagine Sasuke x Shikamaru fic??? I absolutely loved writing this with my whole heart since Sasuke and Shikamaru are my most loved men. I
I just want to make it clear that the reader, Sasuke and Shikamaru are all of age for this fic and that even though Sasuke left the village way before Shippuden, we all should ignore that and pretend he left it when he was way older so this can all make sense alright? thanks.
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The moon and the deer boy
Sasuke x Reader x Shikamaru
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The lights were low and the sound of the clock ticking was the only noise left. You looked through the window only to see the moon keeping you company. Your head was pounding and your eyes were dry from the tears that made their way out just a few hours ago.
“Why wasn’t I enough to stop you from leaving?” Your voice trembled as you whispered to yourself, “Why have I never been enough for you?”
Your heart was beating too fast but everything around you moved slowly. You were tired and drained.
It had been a year since Sasuke left the village and didn’t look back. You’d tried everything to convince him to stay but it was never enough. Not even your love made him stay.
You always knew loving him would be hard, you knew it wouldn’t be a normal relationship and that the one who loved and cared the most would always be you, but deciding to face it was what your heart convinced you to do.
A year since your love left meant a year of sleepless nights. Some nights you did manage to sleep a couple hours but you always ended up waking due to the countless of nightmares that made their way through your head.
It was driving you crazy not knowing what was happening to him. Not knowing if he was even alive.
A knock on your door made you snap out of your thoughts and you wondered who could be knocking at almost 3 in the morning.
“Maybe it’s Naruto.”  You thought as you made your way to the front door.
You were used to giving a place to sleep to Naruto since his nightmares about Sasuke were equally as bad as yours. The two of you felt guilty most of the time for Sasuke leaving Konoha, no matter how many times people said to stop those thoughts.
As you opened the door, the smell of smoke met your nose and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your best friend.
“Took you long enough to open the door woman,” Shikamaru said as he threw away his cigarette, knowing how you constantly complain about his new habit of smoking, “I nearly finished my cigarette.”
“I was asleep.” You lied, not wanting your friend to worry about your mental state.
But Shikamaru knew you way too well and was way too smart to know how badly affected you were by Sasuke. He could easily tell when you lied, even when you did your best to hide your sadness with smiles and your dark circles with concealer.
“Yeah and I’m feeling motivated enough to go for a hike with Rock Lee.” His sarcastic tone made you roll your eyes at him.
“Whatever,” you muttered, “why are you here at this hour anyway? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“There’s nothing I want more than that,” he quietly chuckled at his words until he noticed your puffy eyes and straight face, “but I’d rather know you’re okay.”
“I’m alright Shika.” You assured him, avoiding any possible eye contact with him.
“Should I mention the hike with Rock Lee again or?” He raised his eyebrow at you, pressuring you in his laidback and calm way to speak up.
“I just have to meet Neji early tomorrow to train and I’m nervous he will beat me.” You lied again.
“Right, sure.” He sighed and made his way towards your room.
You watched as he grabbed one of your pillows and put it on the left side of the bed, knowing how you prefer to sleep on the right side. He slowly took his socks off and climbed into bed, placing both of his hands behind his head and letting out a loud and classic Shikamaru sigh.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
It had been a long time since Shikamaru stayed over at your place, or vice versa. Being best friends since childhood had made the act of staying at each other’s places something very common and casual, until you got into a relationship with Sasuke and the two of you stopped.
“Sleeping.” He muttered, his eyes closed.
You copied his sighing and joined him in bed. There was a pretty big space between the two of you, not that it was uncommon since Shikamaru wasn’t exactly the guy to cuddle, well at least not after the two of you joined the academy and he decided that the two of you were already pretty old to do that since you were just friends, so the cuddling also stopped.
You turned off the lights and closed your eyes, Shikamaru’s calming breathing making your mind ease from all the overthinking.
“I hate seeing you like this.” His voice made you open your eyes, but you remained silent.
“It’s such a drag to see how much light you lost after Sasuke left. You know he doesn’t deserve you and you don’t deserve to go through all this bullshit when he didn’t even bother to think about you before he left th-“
“I know I wasn’t enough for him Shikamaru, I fucking know it alright?!” You snapped out at him, your voice breaking as fresh tears came out of your eyes.
There was a long silence. Shikamaru was not one to fight or make you lose your temper, he tried his best to avoid any conflict so you knew he would just stay silent if you showed any signs of starting a fight with him.
So you were surprised when you felt him wrap his arms around your shaking body. It had been an extremely long time since he had shown any physical affection towards you.
“You’re wrong,” he whispered softly against your shoulder, “you were more than enough for him. God damn it, you’re everything.”
His last words made your heart stop for a second and your breathing speed up.
“Shikamaru,” you breathed out as you slowly turned to face him, his eyes were closed but you could feel his heart beating rapidly.
“If I were him I would’ve never left.” He kept going, his eyes still closed even though yours were wide open, trying to process his words.
“Shikamaru,” you whispered again, this time carefully cupping his cheek, “what are you saying?”
He took a deep breath and remained silent for a few seconds. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest, and so did his.
“I’m just saying,” he said as he opened his eyes to look at you, “it would be a drag to live without you when there’s clearly no one else like you in the world. Man, I don’t even want to bother on meeting anyone else.”
You felt a few tears stream down your cheeks and Shikamaru’s hand was surprisingly quick to wipe them away. You didn’t know how to take his words but they made your stomach burst with butterflies and your heart get a warm feeling that had been long gone.
Shikamaru knew you well enough to know this would take time so even though everything inside him wanted to make a move, he stopped himself and just pulled your body closer to his as he positioned himself to sleep.
“Don’t cry or else it will get in the way of sleeping.” You smiled at his words, feeling the warmth of his body near yours.
“Goodnight Shika.” You whispered as you snuggled closer to him, taking in his minty scent mixed with the cigarette he had smoked a few minutes ago.
“Goodnight.” He replied and you closed your eyes.
The lights were still low and the sound of the clock ticking was still the only noise left, but as you looked through the window, you smiled at knowing the moon was not the only one keeping you company anymore tonight.
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animetrashlord-007 · 4 years
Getting Down To Business
Word Count;; 2.2k
Genre;; Smut
Pairing;; Kabuto x Reader
The voice was familiar but you couldn't be sure. If the wrong person heard what you said, you would have a hard time explaining why you should keep your job. Hesitating, you turned around. The man smirked as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Notes;; Published: 2017-05-11
My Masterlist
   “Hey, I need to tell you something. It's serious shit, you can't mention it to anyone else,” Sasuke whispered in your ear, eyes darting back and forth to ensure no one was close enough to hear.
   Curiosity piqued, you leaned a little closer to your coworker. “Sasquatch, you know me. I won't tell a soul.”
   He narrowed his eyes. He did know you; he knew you a little too well. You wouldn't intentionally let something slip, but most of the time you forgot it was meant to be a secret. He also suspected you had no qualms brokering certain information when convenient. If you could benefit from it, you'd take advantage of it. He couldn't complain. After all, he wasn't much different. The business world was cutthroat and his common sense was tossed out the window with his fifth glass of champagne.
   “Right, so completely serious here. What do you think of Orochimaru-san?”
   “Why? He's our boss. Get to the point already.”
   “No, no. What do you really think? Don't you think something is off about him?”
   To call Orochimaru your boss was an understatement. In actuality, he owned the company that both you and Sasuke worked for. You didn't see him much as he spent most of his time in his office, for which you were grateful. The first time you had met him you had thought there was something odd about the man. He seemed cold and calculating and distant, yet his smile always reached his eyes. Somehow that only made you feel more intimidated.
   You nodded. “Go on.”
   He searched the room once more. There were quite a few people scattered throughout but none close enough to hear. Not to mention that most were intoxicated. They had been celebrating some merger, at least that's what you assumed. You stopped keeping track after the first couple of these events you attended. There was always some new reason to hold a soiree. You didn't mind. It was nice to get a little buzzed after a long week.
   “He's a snake.”
   “He's always cold and pale because his reptilian body doesn't get enough sun. I think he wears contacts, probably to hide his snake eyes. He doesn't talk to people - he uses his minions. I did once hear him talk, though… he sounded like a snake. Like... hiss hiss. You get me? A snake.”
   You contemplated the possibility for a moment. It's not like you could for sure say he wasn't a snake. Sasuke wasn't wrong in what he said, either. Orochimaru was a bit weird. He was different from every other boss you’ve had, and the stereotype you held for a CEO. You frowned, scratching your head in thought. If he was a snake, it wouldn't be a big deal. He had a genuine smile and paid you well. As long as you did your job well, he had no reason to dislike you nor you him.
   “You've convinced me, Sausage. He's a snake.”
   “Oh? You think Orochimaru-san is a snake?”
   You froze upon hearing the words. Sasuke’s dark orbs widened as he looked beyond you. He choked on his drink, spitting it back into the glass. The voice was familiar but you couldn't be sure. If the wrong person heard what you said, you would have a hard time explaining why you should keep your job. Hesitating, you turned around. The man smirked as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
   “Fuck, Sassy! You scared the shit out of me with your goofy-ass face! I thought it was someone important,” resting a hand on your chest, you sighed in relief. “Kabuto-kun, you shouldn't sneak up on people.”
   “Sneaking around… remind you of anyone?” Sasuke murmured into his glass.
   “Shit, you're right! If Orochimaru is a snake, that makes Kabuto,” you paused, a grin spreading across your face, “the baby snake!”
   Kabuto scoffed, “How exactly did you reach that conclusion?”
   “It's simple, really,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, chuckling at his glower. “You’re Orochimaru’s bitch!”
   “Wow, what a night! I think I'll be heading home now! See you both on Monday!” Sasuke backed away with a nervous wave of both hands, muttering under his breath, “At least I hope I will.”
   “That's a good idea, Sasuke-kun.” Kabuto nodded at your retreating coworker before dropping his tone, his voice a harsh growl, “Perhaps you should head home as well, before you embarrass yourself further.”
   “Whatever, this party is dull anyway.”
   “I'll drive you home.”
   You didn't bother to reply, instead allowing him to escort you out of the building. His hand was on your waist, holding you in place in case you lost your balance and fell. At least that's the excuse he would spout if you questioned it. Both of you knew you weren't drunk enough to trip or stumble. Hell, you were barely even buzzed. You didn't mind. He felt warm as he pressed against you. You could smell his cologne as he helped you into his car, leaning across you to buckle you into the seat. The temptation was too great as you blew on the small patch of his exposed neck above his collar. You batted your eyes as he peered at you. Lifting your index finger to rest on the corner of your mouth, you smiled. He rolled his eyes.
   You did your best to annoy him the entire ride home. It started with obnoxious humming and playing with the temperature controls. When you didn't get a reaction, you decided to run your fingers along his arm. He swatted you away, ignoring your pout. Not satisfied, your fingers brushed against his cheek before tracing his jawline. He told you to stop, so your hand moved south. You drew circles on his chest as you travelled down, rubbing his abs as you licked your lips. Your hand roamed up and down his thigh. You brushed against his cock with every stroke. With an irritated hiss, he grabbed your wrist and tossed your arm back to your side of the vehicle. Deciding to approach the situation from a different angle, you unfastened your slacks. Soft moans filled his car as you lazily circled your clit before delving a finger inside your folds. Your eyes never left his face. You saw how he struggled to keep his attention on the road, saw him fight his inner desire to watch you pleasure yourself.
   His fingers clenched the steering wheel as your moans got louder. Using two fingers to thrust into your womanhood, you used your other hand to pinch and rub your clit. You were nearing your climax. It took every bit of his self control to keep his eyes forward. There was only a few more corners to turn, a few more streets to travel before you would arrive at your destination. He was a patient man. As soon as the car was parked, his focus was on you. You continued to work toward your orgasm, oblivious to the fact that the car had stopped. With a shudder, you came. His gaze never left your body as you panted, still feeling the aftershock of your high.
   “Are you done or should I go around the block a few times?”
   Pulling yourself out of your reverie, you smacked his arm. After watching your knees tremble as you exited his car, he carried you to your apartment. No words were exchanged; they weren't needed. You wrapped your legs around him, hands gripping his shirt. Your face rested in the crook of his neck. His scent was familiar and comforting. Taking your keys from your bag, he entered the apartment. Walking to the couch, he released his hold on you and laughed as you dropped with a yelp. Shooting him a glare, you used his shirt to pull yourself to your feet. The material stretched but otherwise remained unaffected, much like the man wearing it.
   “Kabuto-kun, I'm so horny. Why didn't you just fuck me in the car?”
   “It’s brand new.” He crossed his arms with a sneer, “You got it dirty enough without my help, though, didn't you?”
   You snickered before placing a kiss on his lips. To your disappointment, he didn't return it. You caressed his cheek and tried again but to no avail. Targeting his sensitive spot, you dropped your lips to his neck. Licking from his collarbone up to his jaw, you beamed as his body relaxed. Fingers entangling in his hair, you kissed every spot that was exposed to you. It wasn't until his breath hitched and you knew you had found his sweet spot that you made your move. First a gentle nip then a light kiss before your teeth clamped down, earning a gasp. He never could resist you when you bit him there.
   “You're a naughty girl, you know that?” He purred, wrapping his arms around you once more.
   You nodded against his chin, lips still on his neck as your tongue swirled along his skin. He continued, “But you're also a dirty girl, still wearing those clothes after you came in them. You disgust me. Take them off.”
   With one last bite, you detached yourself and pulled off your shirt. Soon after your pants fell to the floor and your underwear followed. You played with your bra strap, tugging the material up and away from your shoulders. Snapping his fingers, he rolled his finger in circle, indicating for you to speed up and get it over with. He didn't have all night and his patience had run out as soon as he reached the apartment. He didn't need a strip tease, not after your little display in his car. You frowned but obeyed, standing bare in front of him. Sauntering forward, you began to unbutton his shirt.
   “Are you going to punish me, Kabuto-kun?”
   “I wouldn't give you the satisfaction,” he smirked, fingers entwining within your hair. Inching forward, his breath felt hot on your ear as he whispered, “Kneel.”
   Falling to your knees, you had his pants and boxers off within seconds. You leaned into his touch, his hand massaging your head. Looking up with the most innocent expression you could muster, you grabbed his cock and swirled your tongue around the tip. He groaned through gritted teeth. You took as much of his length as you could within your mouth, running your tongue along the underside as you bobbed your head. His grip tightened in your hair, a pained gasp escaping your lips. With one hand holding his toned thigh for support, you used the other to pump his shaft as you sucked on his balls. Once again you looked up at him with puppy eyes as you took the tip back into your mouth. He moaned as you continued to devour him. Yanking your hair, he pulled you off his cock with a wet pop. He ignored your surprised yelp as he threw a condom down at you, the package hitting you square in the face.
   “Your mouth feels so good,” he purred, “but I have no intention of cumming until I hear you scream my name. Now be a good girl-” he nodded to the condom that had fallen to the floor, “-and put it on me.”
   As soon as it was in place, he lifted you from the ground. He hugged you close to his body as he dropped onto the couch. Straddling his hips, you lined your entrance with his cock. With one swift movement, you pushed his entire length inside. Your nails scraped down his torso, his half-unbuttoned shirt taking the brunt of your assault. You didn't wait to adjust, raising your hips up before crashing back down at a rapid pace. Your lips crashed against his, engulfing both of your moans. He had a vice grip on your hips, bucking up to meet your every descent.
   “Scream my name,” he groaned as he drilled into you, his thrusts become faster and more erratic as you slowed down, your oncoming peak already starting to hit you wave by wave. Grasping your hand and bringing it to his face, he placed a gentle kiss on your palm as your body began to tremble.
   “Ka-Kabuto! Fuck!” A smirk spread across his features like a wildfire at the sight of you quivering around his dick, out of breath and eyes heavy with ecstasy. With a few more thrusts, he came into the condom. For a few minutes, he just watched you catch your breath.
   “Stay the night,” you huffed, stretching your back before flopping down beside him.
   “Of course.” He removed the condom, tying it shut and tossing it in the direction of the trash. You were about to tell him off for it when he sighed, “My shirt is a mess.”
   “Your life is a mess,” you snapped, ignoring his smirk. “Why weren't you wearing a tie today? I could have put it to good use.”
   He dropped his gaze, a pink tinge painting his cheeks as he mumbled, “I spilled coffee on it.”
   You snorted, “My point exactly.”
   “Go ahead, keep it up. We'll see how many jokes you're cracking when I don't take you to pick up your car tomorrow.”
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soulairee · 4 years
Note: Long before Rise came to be there was a file on my computer named “Untitled SasuSaku.” It has a little over 30k words and it’s been abandoned since 2017 because I decided the overall direction of the story didn’t fit what I wanted anymore. Instead I began writing Rise, in which I’ve corporated a lot of the themes and quite a few scenes from the original file. If you’ve read Rise you may notice something familiar in the story below. 
I was inspired by the #sssnippetaday tag on Twitter to post a snippet from the story (you can find me on Twitter under the username konohahoe). After posting the snippet I decided to skim through the rest of the story and came across the scene below. Reading it brought back a lot of warm memories (I remember it being so fun to write) and since I decided it worked well enough on its own and I would never be posting it otherwise, here we are! 
I hope you enjoy. <3
It's her twentieth birthday and Sakura wakes up after a good night's sleep to stretch, twisting the sheets around her ankles before pausing to stare contentedly at her ceiling. She plans on being utterly and completely lazy today, and with a yawn she rises from her bed to fix herself a nice, big, fattening breakfast.
She's just taken the first bite of her stack of chocolate chip pancakes when there's a sudden thud in her bedroom. Automatically her senses fan out, and her tightened muscles loosen when she recognizes Naruto, Sai, and Sasuke's chakra signatures.
"We could have just gone through the door, idiot," she hears Sasuke quietly mutter.
"But that takes away from the surprise!" Naruto shoots back.
"I don't think Ugly will appreciate us breaking into her house," Sai deadpans.
"Her name," Sasuke says slowly, deliberately, the iciness not hidden in his tone, "is Sakura."
"Shut up, guys." That's Naruto. "You're being too loud."
Sakura rolls her eyes but continues to eat, pretending she doesn't hear them. Some stealthily shinobi they are, she scoffs.
Another few seconds pass, and then her bedroom door creaks open. She twists her head to see Naruto's blond head poking out.
He freezes when he sees her, realizing he's been caught, and then grins. Before she knows it she's in his arms and trying her best not to suffocate in a crushing hug. 
"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Sakura-chan!" 
Sakura laughs as much as her constrained chest will allow her. "Thank you, Naruto," she gasps.
"Let her go, dobe," Sasuke commands flatly. "You're hurting her."
Naruto sheepishly takes a step back, and Sakura coughs a few times as she regains her breath. 
"What are you guys doing here?" she huffs, fixing them with a stern glare. “And have you heard of using the front door?”
Naruto pouts. "We're here to celebrate your birthday, of course."
"Did you have to show up so early in the morning?" she complains. Gesturing down at her abandoned stack of pancakes, she says sadly, "I haven't even eaten yet."
Taking her words in stride, Naruto strolls over to her small living room and plops himself down on her couch. Making himself comfortable, he responds easily, "No problem, Sakura-chan. We'll just wait until you're done."
Sakura rolls her eyes. She watches as Sai moves to sit beside Naruto, and just as she's about to take another bite of her pancakes Sasuke pulls up the chair to her left instead of joining their teammates on the couch. 
He meets her gaze, then glances down at the fork frozen in its path to her mouth. Sakura clears her throat. And even though she knows he hates sweets she holds the fork out to him anyway. "Wanna try some?" she asks meekly.
It's all she can do to stop her jaw from dropping open when he leans forward and closes his mouth around her fork, pulling the portion off as if it's the most natural thing in the world. 
She watches, nearly gaping, as he chews for a few moments; slowly his nose wrinkles, and he frowns.
"Too sweet," he states simply.
Sakura expels a short, breathy laugh. "I know. You don't like sweets. Why'd you even try it then?"
He shrugs, not meeting her curious eyes. "You offered."
She stares at him. Shaking her head, she forces herself to focus back on her food. "You're strange," she comments nonchalantly, and takes another bite.
He snorts. "And you're annoying."
Sakura's fingers tighten around her fork instinctively. She hasn't heard that word in a long, long time—hasn't heard him say it since the day he defected. It stirs her emotions in ways she can't explain. Her throat clenches and her chest suddenly feels too tight. 
It's like he never left. 
They're so different now, so irrevocably stained by blood and death and war that they'll never be the same again. They've lived through nightmares other people will never be able to understand, but in that moment Sakura feels so utterly whole, so complete, that she has to remind herself that she's no longer twelve and that it's been eight years since the boy she loved more than anything left her alone on that cold bench to conquer the demons from his past.
Swallowing hard, she smiles softly down at the table. "Yeah," she says quietly. "I know."
Her three boys linger around her for the rest of the day. Naruto says that they haven't been able to properly celebrate her birthday in years since she's either always had work at the hospital or they've been out on missions, so he doesn't want to miss a moment of such a rare opportunity. 
They've planned to take her to the village's Spring Festival (which just happens to fall on her birthday this year) later on that night, but just before they leave to get themselves dressed properly, Naruto beams and holds out a wrapped bundle containing her gifts.
Laughing, Sakura graciously takes the bundle from his hands and sits on the couch. Sasuke drops gracefully to sit beside her while Naruto and Sai fold themselves on the floor at her feet, watching her intently.
She pulls out a medium-sized orange package first. Even if the coloring isn't enough to tell that it's from Naruto, the blond's beaming grin is more than enough of an indication. Having received some extremely random and unexpected presents from her blue-eyed friend in the past, Sakura opens it with great caution, preparing herself for the worst.
An astonished gasp falls from her mouth as her hands come in contact with frayed, worn leather. The thick book now evident in her hands is ancient, but even so Sakura is able to make out the words spelled out in gold on its cover.
"This is Hamakura Renichi's 'Origin of Healing Ninjutsu'!" she all but squeals. "But, but"—her gaze flashes in disbelief up to Naruto's pleased blue eyes—"Hamakura-san lost this in a raid on his village before any prints could be made! He had to start all over from scratch and only recorded a third of what's in this before he died. And that was centuries ago! How in the world did you come across this?"
Naruto leans back to rest on his palms with a satisfied smirk on his face, obviously more than content with his work. "I found it while on a mission a few months ago. I stopped to rest for the night and went to go hunting and found this really small abandoned cabin—more like a shack, really—in the middle of the forest." He points to the book that Sakura now cradles against her chest like a baby.  "That was there poking out under a bunch of really nasty-looking blankets." With a casual shrug, he finishes, "I thought it looked pretty cool so I did a little research and once I found out how important it was I knew it would be perfect to give to you. You like it, right?"
Sakura throws herself at Naruto—mindful to gently place the book down beside her before, of course—so hard he tumbles over, and with her arms wrapped around his neck she nearly yells in his ear, "Of course!"
Naruto's laughing from beneath her, and she squeezes him tight once more before releasing him. Smiling brightly into his whiskered face, she says with the utmost sincerity, "Thank you, Naruto. This is just about the greatest thing you could've ever given me."
As she rises to sit back on the couch she sees Naruto shoot his other two teammates a smug grin out of the corner of her eye, almost as if in challenge.
Sakura decides not to comment. With a small smile she turns to her next present. It's encased in a large, rectangular wooden box tied shut with a simple navy blue string around the middle. There's a miniature uchiwa fan printed in the middle of it, a direct indicator as to who it's from.
Curious, she undoes the string with deft fingers and gently pulls the lid off. Sitting on a bed of shimmering dark blue silk is a pair of combat gloves, very similar to the ones she has now but—as she can tell when she picks them up to inspect them—made of much better quality material.
Sakura slips them on to find that they fit her perfectly. She squeezes her hand into a fist, marveling in the way the black material conforms perfectly to her movements. With her style of fighting she tends to go through at least fifty different pairs of gloves a year, but she has a feeling that these will last her for quite some time to come.
"They're perfect," she says, meeting Sasuke's gaze that has been locked on her the whole time and smiling widely. "Thank you."
He nods at her, an unspoken You're welcome. His dark eyes flicker back the wooden box, and she remembers the blue silk that still rests there.
Her curiosity doubles instantly. In all honesty she didn't expect much out of Sasuke; he's not one to care much about such occasions and she would've been more than content with just the gloves. She slips her gloves off to turn her attention to what else lies in the box.
Carefully she lifts the delicate-looking silk and holds it up in her hands. It rolls gracefully out of its careful fold like midnight-colored liquid pouring from her fingertips, and there's only a slight moment of confusion on her part before she realizes that it's a kimono.
Her eyes widen, mouth falling open in shock. The kimono is the single most beautiful piece of clothing she's ever seen. The material is downy-soft to the touch, such a deep, pure blue it could've easily been woven straight from the night sky. 
There's an intricate design stitched up and around the left side: a thin, curling silver branch holding a sparse number of pale pink cherry blossoms. At the bottom of the kimono, circling around the branch as if to reach up and pluck off the flowers, are three silver-and-maroon colored koi fish. They've been so neatly and expertly woven that with each small movement of the silk Sakura swears they're alive, swimming in the pool of midnight upon which they're placed. 
Lying in the box is a folded strip of silver cloth. The obi, she assumes.
"It was my mother's," Sasuke says quietly, instantly breaking her out of her entranced paralysis.
Sakura's eyes widen impossibly more. She slowly turns the kimono around, and sure enough—resting just below the collar—there's the small red and white Uchiha fan: such a simple emblem, so seemingly harmless, yet filled with so much history and significance that it transcends any possibly inconsequential first impressions a thousand times over. Such a precious, irreplaceable piece, and he’s decided to gift it to her.
It was my mother's.
"This—this was your mother’s? Sasuke-kun, I..." Her words falter and she suddenly feels like crying. "I mean, are you sure—"
"I want you to have it," he interrupts, voice not in the least biting or malicious yet undoubtedly stern. 
She twists her head to look at him from her place beside him on the couch. His black gaze is serious as she continues to stare wide-eyed at him, at a loss of what to say.
Finally Sakura finds it in her to muster up a wobbly smile. Blinking hard a few times to keep the tears at bay, she leans forward and—because she can't think of any other way to express how incredibly thankful she is—kisses him firmly on the cheek. 
He jerks back slightly at her touch, then stills. Sakura smiles against his skin before pulling away. And although the words aren't nearly enough to express how truly grateful she is, how touched, she says softly, "Thank you, Sasuke-kun. I—I can’t imagine how much this must mean to you. I’ll be sure to take good care of it."
Sasuke glances at her before looking away. There's another small nod of his head, but otherwise he remains silent, refusing to meet her gaze. 
Feeling a pair of eyes on her, she looks down to see Naruto watching her intently, a slow smile starting to show on his face. His eyes flicker over to Sasuke and his smile grows larger. She shoots him a puzzled look before her attention is drawn to Sai walking back from her bedroom holding a large rectangular package in his arms. 
"I wasn't sure what to get you," Sai tells her as he sets the wide, thin package in front of her. "You are hard to choose presents for, Ugly."
She grins. "That you even got me anything is enough to make me happy, Sai."
He smiles at her and it's genuine. 
Pursing her lips, Sakura tears the plain brown paper open to reveal the corner of a canvas. The sudden notion that Sai might have painted something for her has her pulling the rest of the paper off in excitement. From the moment he first showed her his artwork years ago she's been his biggest fan, always wondering what his newest project is and peeking over his shoulder to watch him work his magic. 
Once the paper's completely off she has about a second to see what's on the canvas before tears begin welling in her eyes, promptly obscuring her vision. She presses her hand against her mouth to stop a sob from escaping.
Sai painted her a fully detailed portrait of the four of them together. Bright and full of life and color, it's a hand-made snapshot of Sakura standing in the middle of her three boys, Team 7's training area in the background. She's bending down slightly, eyes filled with undeniable joy as she laughs. The cause of her laughter and awkward position can only be Naruto, who sports a similar expression. He has evidently jumped upon her back, his arms wrapped around her neck and legs crossed over hers, suspended in time as he tackles her. Sai is smiling at the imaginary camera, standing to her left. On her other side is Sasuke. The Uchiha has a light frown on his face, glaring slightly at Naruto as he reaches an arm out to keep their only female teammate from falling over.
"Sai, it's beautiful," she exhales. The tears overflow, and she smiles a smile so big it almost hurts. A sudden laugh escapes her lips, and before she knows it she's placed the painting to the side, pulled Sai to her by the collar of his shirt, and hugged him as hard as she can without injuring him. "I can't believe—oh, thank you, Sai. I love it so much."
Sakura taught him a long time ago how to respond to such affection, and he's only still for a moment before reaching up and winding his arms around her back. "You're welcome, Ugly," he states simply.
Another laugh escapes her mouth. She leans back out of Sai's grasp slightly and with a hefty, "Come here, you two," pulls her other two teammates to her as well. 
Naruto joins in on the group hug in a heartbeat, but Sasuke shies away, eyeing them warily.
Sakura holds out her only free hand to him and raises her eyebrows, expectant. Sasuke just stares at her with a small frown, black meeting green.
But then he reaches out, just close enough to be in her reach, allowing her to thread her fingers through his and tug him down to her. 
Once he’s beside her she kisses his cheek again, just to see what he'll do.
He jerks back as he did before, obviously startled. "Sakura," he lets out, more of an instinctual reaction to her sudden movement than a sign of displeasure.
"Hm?" She tilts her head at him.
This time he holds her gaze for a bit longer, searching her eyes with his, before purposely focusing elsewhere. Sakura's grin only grows wider when she notices that he hasn't let go of her hand. And for a moment she pictures how they’ll look tonight at the Spring Festival, walking side by side, the Uchiha fan displayed proudly between both their shoulders.
“Thank you,” she whispers as she holds three of her most precious people in her arms, feeling overwhelmed at the thought and care behind their gifts. “So very much. I can’t even tell you how much this means to me. You guys just made this the most amazing birthday ever.”
“Only the best for you, Sakura-chan,” Naruto huffs. 
“The day isn’t over yet, Ugly,” comments Sai.
She laughs, then notices that Sasuke’s finally turned his head back in her direction. 
Meeting her gaze with soft, content eyes only she can see, he squeezes her fingers in his and quietly says, “Happy Birthday, Sakura.” 
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spacecadetal · 4 years
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New Blood (a Kakashi Hatake x OC fic) - Chapter One
Warnings: Use of violence, violence, use of knives, swearing, drinking, death mention, death
Read on AO3 or below the line
As the sun began to rise, Kakashi swung his legs over his bed. Stretching his bare body high in preparation for what the day would bring. Whether that was a mission or battle. Grateful for the previous day of rest, Kakashi couldn’t deny he was beginning to feel the pressures of being shinobi.
Orochimaru had caused devastation around the village. Buildings destroyed, lives taken, and the Third Hokage gone. Because of this, manpower was scarce and in an attempt to assure the village appeared just as strong as before to outside eyes, missions continued to be carried out. Despite shinobi in the village being stretched thinner than rice paper.
To make matters worse, Sasuke Uchiha left the village in pursuit of power and revenge. A squad being sent after him to recover him only ended in disastrous results. The village was lucky not to lose anyone but still two members of the squad were left in critical condition while the rest were in need of proper rest. Unfortunately, this left Kakashi to fill in any gap that was in need of filling.
With a book in hand, Kakashi quickly ate breakfast before he prepared himself for the day. Flak vest on, knives packed, headband fastened around his head, Icha Icha packed in the breast pocket of his vest. Ready for what the day may bring.
“Kakashi, you're needed on an A Grade mission. Intel for a client I’m unable to name at this time. You’ll be leaving tomorrow at dawn” Tsunade had said as soon as he arrived at her office, surrounded by paperwork.
“Who is on this squad?”
“It’s a two person squad. You and Gai”
Ah yes. Another Gai and Kakashi adventure. He had been wondering when he would have another one of those. At least this mission should be amusing with Gai tagging along.
“I see. Is that all?”
“No, actually I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I’ve decided because this village is in need of manpower, we need more genin trained to be prepared for anything Orochimaru or anyone else may throw at us. So I’ve outsourced some chunin from across the country to come to Konoha and help prepare the genin for the chunin examinations. We’ll be holding them earlier than usual”
“So where does this leave me?”
“You’re one of the best we have right now. I need you focused on missions. Because Naruto is under Jiraiya now and Sasuke has gone to Orochimaru, Sakura will be trained by someone else”
“Then who will continue her training?”
“Maia Setsudan,” Tsunade said as she slid the folder over to Kakashi.
Kakashi opened it. A picture of a young woman stared back at him. Long brown hair, dark brown eyes, light skin. A serious look on her face. The record itself was thin. No missions, no history of her training, no rank. Just her basic details and stats.
“I don’t mean to question your judgment but this woman has not been trained in any type of jutsu, by anyone”
Despite all of that, her record appeared clean. Nothing sticking out at him, her stats however pointed to her abilities being of a jonin level and this confuses him greatly.
“Not officially no but I’ve seen her skills and she owes me a favour” Tsunade smiled. “The others are at least chunin, yes they did not continue their training but I’m assured they’ll assist the students in any way they can”
“My decision is final. This is only temporary Kakashi”
Kakashi accepted the decision, walking out of the office. He would never doubt Hokage, never disobey Hokage. They were Hokage for a reason but Tsunade had to have lost her mind.
In a little clearing, surrounded by trees stood two out of three of Mais Setsudan’s students.
“Hello, I’m glad to meet you both. And I’m sure it will be good to meet Sakura when she gets back. Nevermind that. I’m Maia, just Maia. No need to call me sensei or anything else. I’m just here to help you guys out”
“Now my speciality is knives. Knives are dangerous weapons if you use them right. You can hit your opponents chakra points if you aim them precisely, with agility and speed you can slice your opponent to ribbons.”
“But it would be foolish of me not to have other stances to fall back on. My belief is that ninja should always have a form that acts as both offence and defence”
Kakashi sat hidden in the trees, legs firmly planted on a branch, watching as this woman gave her students a lecture. Stances that enabled both defence and offence of course was a good idea in theory, but realistically sometimes you weren’t able to do so.
“Ma’am-Maia I’m not really skilled in defence” a student, Moto, quietly spoke.
Nodding to himself, Kakashi understood that this wasn’t realistic for every student. Some were just not capable of performing such jutsu, mostly countering this with other stances to make up for it. Knowing your weakness was as important as knowing your strengths. He would give this Maia Setsudan the benefit of the doubt, maybe she would prove to be a capable mentor after all.
“And that’s okay. At your age I was only learning offence but I also learnt how to defend too eventually”
At your age? So she did have training. Nothing formal that Kakashi could see on her record so the question was: who trained her?
Konoha was in a compromising situation as it was these days. Last thing they needed was someone coming into the village and turning out to be a spy for someone that did not have Konoha’s best intentions at heart.
“Look I’ll show you” Maia said, getting herself into stance.
She began running in circles slowly, a wall of wind slowly forming at her feet and growing towards the treetops, forming to incase her in a dome.
“When I say so, throw your kunai at me” Maia ordered.
As she continued to run in circles, increasing her speed, the dome began to form fully. To Kakashi this was a basic wind wall, nothing special or out of the ordinary.
Moto threw his kunai at the dome but on impact the kunai bounced off the dome, flying back towards the student. Kakashi was ready to move and catch it if necessary, getting into position but as he moved to leap, something stopped him. It was Maia leaving her wind dome, running to the kunai and grabbing it before it was inches away from the student’s eye.
“Why didn’t you block or dodge?” she simply asked, no anger in her tone.
“I-I don’t know it’s like my brain froze”
“Well...just don’t do that on the battlefield…”
She was fast, sure but that was dangerously close and maybe Tsunade should be informed that a student almost got seriously injured during the first day of training.
“With the wall, I generate enough speed to defend myself and if my wall is attacked then my wall deflects my opponents attacks back onto them. This includes attacks involving chakra too”
Attacks involving chakra? How could this be? It only stunned Kakashi because it was a basic move weaponised into something more. His suspicions lead him to the conclusion that the dome was infused with low levels of chakra.
“I can also move with my wall meaning my opponents will be knocked over or caught in the wind trap. A basic form can be transformed and with enough training you can use these basic forms as weapons. My wall works for me because of how comfortable I am with speed but we will find where your skills lie and match your forms to that”
Kakashi had watched the rest of the lesson. Waiting for Maia to slip up, give him a reason to run to Tsunade and tell her she’s made a massive mistake but the almost kanui to the eye was the only slip up Maia had made.
She was attentive to the students. Focusing on their strengths and their weaknesses, giving them small adjustments to help chakra flow. It was a very basic lesson but Maia was becoming familiar with the students and this was the best way to do it.
“Next time I want you two to fight each other. Friendly clean match. I just want to see how you do your thing”
That was lesson over, Maia and her students parting ways into the forest and back to the village.
Shadowing her through the forest, Kakashi watched as she walked on her own. For someone so fast she sure enjoyed dawdling along, taking in the trees and the flowers along her path. Maia was an attractive young woman, Kakashi wouldn’t deny that. Her method, from first impression, seemed fine despite the almost injury but Kakashi wasn’t always going to be hidden in the treetops waiting for her to slip up. Despite all of this, a bigger question remained. Who was she? Because if she was a spy or collecting intel for someone then this put Konoha in jeopardy. Even if she knew Tsunade, doesn’t mean others close to the village hadn’t betrayed it before.
Kakashi decided to continue shadowing her through the village. Figure out what kind of character she truly was. Maybe she would prove him right, meet with some contact in the shadows and show him that her intentions were not so pure as they appeared.
Instead of some thrilling spy chase, Kakashi found Maia’s time in the village quite uneventful. She had taken quite some time picking out ingredients at the food stalls, Kakashi could feel himself yawning as she weighed up two carrots. Maia continued to walk around the market, stopping at a bookstore. A copy of some smutty romance novel in hand as she walked out of the store. Kakashi’s eyebrow rose, he himself was a lover of erotic fiction. Perhaps she was as big a pervert as he was, not that he’d openly admit he was a pervert or anything.
He had been shadowing her for a while before he lost her in the crowd. In the streets now instead of the rooftops. Kakashi frowned for a moment as he scanned the crowd, no sign of her anywhere. Still he continued to walk through the crowd, pretending to be minding his own business.
“Can I help you with something?” A voice said to his right, almost making him jump in the air.
Looking to its owner, he found Maia Setsudan. Height wise she came up to his neck, a little shorter than him but she had glared at him as if she was seven inches taller than him. Brown onion in hand ready to pelt him.
“You were up in the trees during my lesson and now you’re following me through the streets. What do you want?”
She knew he was there? How? Kakashi frowned. He’s not detected by just anyone, let alone a ‘shinobi’ with no formal training and Maia was starting to catch on to that.
“Your hair was sticking out from the tree you were watching me from” she laid it out plainly. “Then I saw you on the rooftop at the market”
Kakashi still was yet to say anything, he just couldn’t believe he had picked a terrible hiding spot to begin with.
“No need to frown. If anything I should be the one frowning. I don’t appreciate being followed”
“I’m Kakashi Hatake, Sakura’s mentor” Kakashi finally spoke.
“Ah… I see. You were just making sure your student was in good hands and I can assure you she is” Maia seemed to be beginning to warm up to him despite him shadowing her. Understanding the concern a past mentor may have for his student.
“Can I ask who trained you?”
There it was, the question Maia hated being asked the most. Her smile has started off as genuine but now she started to smile sweetly, a way to hide her frustration. She told Tsunade she would be well behaved. It was a shame he had to ask, she really was warming up to him.
“A shinobi who left his village”
“A missing-nin?”
“Yes. Is that all?” Maia said directly, her patience fading rather quickly. What is this? Interrogation hour?
“What gave you the idea to allow Moto to throw a knife at your shield if you knew it would rebound back at him?”
“Well… I guess my expectations for formally trained ninja of his level were too high” she said, a puff of air leaving her nose in the form of laugh, “but I’m sure you would have stepped in if I had neglected to do so”
Kakashi swallowed hard. She was trying to playing games with him, something he didn’t care too much for. He could stand around all day, taking her quips but he truly had better things to do.
“If that’s all, it was good to meet you Kakashi Hatake.” she said as she walked by, refusing to look back at Kakashi as she left him standing in the crowd alone.
Maia’s happy place was always in the kitchen. No matter how busy her mother was, working two jobs to support them, she always had time to cook dinner. Maia would watch, standing on a wooden crate, helping peel vegetables and wash rice. It’s no wonder she became a chef.
Cooking was second nature, so was holding a knife. She had cooked her mee goreng, sat herself on the couch shovelling it into her mouth as she dived into the new novel she had bought that day.
Descriptions of lust and sensual touching filled Maia’s focus. It had been a very long time since she let a man into her life, let alone in her bed. But it was okay, she lived vicariously through characters in fictional worlds getting their rocks off instead.
As she turned the page, throwing a noodle into her mouth, her attention wandered to the man following her today. Kakashi Hatake.
One day long ago, her master had told her the story of the child prodigy of Konoha. The kid that made his own jutsu, a jutsu so powerful it could cut a lightning bolt in half. Maia remembered how her master told her that one man should not be capable of all that power and destruction and now Maia had stood face to face with him.
Though she felt as if she stood her ground, she still couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the man. For him to question her abilities and asking questions about her training just showed Maia that he was someone she had something to prove to. To prove she was a capable mentor and a capable shinobi. Not only to him but to the whole village, possibly even the world.
Maia ran through the forest, searching for the man she saw wander through earlier. Everyday this man would disappear into the forest and Maia would watch the village gates, waiting for him to return. This day, with her mother working a double shift, she bunked off school, instead she would follow him.
She came to a halt when she heard a sound, like a knife scraping on wood. Creeping slowly, Maia approached a shrub to hide, taking notice of the sound of her footsteps. There she crouched, her heartbeat flooding her ears. She thought she had gone unnoticed until-
“I can hear you” the man said, sitting alone in the forest on a rock, sharpening a stick with his kunai.
A young Maia popped her head out behind the large shrub, shy but curious.
“Are you a shinobi sir?”
“I used to be” the man said, unbothered.
“I thought they killed shinobi that ran away”
“They do but they haven’t found me yet”
Maia took a moment to absorb what the man truly said. He was on the run, jumping from town to town till he would eventually die.
“Can you teach me?”
“No way, the last thing I need is something kid exposing me to the whole village”
“But sir, I think I’m meant to be a shinobi”
“Yeah and? Every kid does”
“No, look”
Maia had begun running, running and running in circles. Her speed was unusual for her age, not as great as it would be when she grew older but still impressive. Maia had practised this for months, hoping to impress him so he’d take her on as his student. He began to stroke his chin in thought. Maybe this kid could be shinobi after all, however the shinobi way had the potential to be isolating, trapping. Once that was your path you could never leave and if you did, you’d be on the run for the rest of your life.
“What's the name kid?” the old man asked.
“I’m Maia!”
Next Chapter
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shikastemari · 6 years
promise - k. h.
pairing kakashi hatake x reader
summary you heard your ex boyfriend were in some spy’s mind and you promptly offer yourself to follow them as an ANBU member.
word count 3,308
when it happens kakashi love song filler in naruto shippuden!!
warnings lots and lots of angst
a/n so LET ME EXPLAIN WHY I AM POSTING SOMETHING THAT WASN’T A REQUEST!!!! basically, i went to a lunch party on saturday and it was open bar, so summing up, i got really drunk, got home and was like I SHOULD WRITE A FIC WITH KAKASHI WHY NOT and i did.... ofc when i woke up the next day and read it i was shocked because the whole thing was a mess and apparently i forgot how to write a lot of english words, so it was a bilingual fanfic. but once i fix it i realize the idea was really good, and i was like how come i didn’t think about it when i was sober? so i fixed it even though i should be studying really hard and decided to post because i thought it was really good.
but i didn’t give up on your requests, don’t worry. 
please enjoy this one
masterlist on my profile bio
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“Here is something I wasn’t expecting, like... At all.”
The voice of your ex boyfriend should have startled you, but you didn’t even flinch. Perks of being used to someone’s chakra that much. 
“Kakashi.” You greeted the shadow clone next to you, while not taking your eyes from the real one, next to a pretty girl. The thick branch you were currently standing made a strange noise when Kakashi appeared, so you were ready to move in case it fell. “I gotta say, babysit you was not on the top of my list for today... Or any day, actually.”
“I got everything under control, y/n. She is not going everywhere.” His tone was harsh, his pride showing. He stood by the tree trunk, hands tucked in his pants pocket as he watched you. Kakashi sighed deeply as he looked at your eyes, which were locked on the real him, shining bright with what he wanted to believe it was fondness and love. But he knew you better before assuming anything about you. “When did you stop believing my abilities?”
You couldn’t hold the sight that left your body. Never, you wanted to reply, but you kept your mouth shut.
"That cloud looks like Naruto." You heard the original Kakashi speaking, his voice echoing through the tree while he was trying to get anything out of the woman - Hanare, you remembered. "And the next one... Is it Sasuke?" 
From where you were standing, you could hear perfectly every word they were saying, and Hanare did get your attention once she started to talk about how a younger Kakashi taught her to look in the clouds when she felt alone. Breathing heavily, you tried to push to the back of your mind the thought that you were the one who told him that.
The fact alone that he used it with some random girl - even though it was ages ago - was enough for your blood boil in your veins.
“She could easily use some jutsu on you and get away. We are not aware about her abilities, just that she can get through Ibiki's torture. She is tough. I am not to be blamed if I am the fastest from ANBU.” You frowned when you saw, between the leaves, the way the spy were looking at the original Kakashi. The look was way too familiar for you. It was the same you gave him.
“You seem jealous.” He simply stated, his clone rolling his eyes even though you weren't watching. He bit back an annoyed groan, not knowing how to deal with the whole situation.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You hissed at him, your heart skipping a beat once you realized you were indeed jealous.
The clone shot his eyebrows up, eyeing you in suspicious, so you did what you did best. Change subjects.
“Your students are on the top of the three now. The blond one is almost falling.” You moved your glance up for a second, before looking down again to the couple.
“They are not known for their hiding abilities.” Kakashi shrugged, while watching the feet of his team. “Even Sasuke is there, no one can run away from curiosity, I guess.”
Following his gaze, you saw the raven boy there. A sad smile spread across your face. “He looks like him, doesn’t he?��
“No, actually. He is nothing like him.” Tilting your head, you noticed a sparkle shining on the corner of his eyes. Amusement, maybe.
“You really like being a sensei, huh?” It slipped before you could contain yourself. “It suits you.”
“I do, actually.” By his squinted eyes, you just knew he was smiling. “But I miss being an ANBU. The thrilling missions. Being feared by the bad guys. Fighting them with you. You, in general.”
You swallowed hard to keep yourself from admitting for both of you how much you have missed him. How much you still loved him.
Breaking up with him was the hardest thing you have done in your life. You two went from sleeping next to each other every single night, touching every time you had a chance to nothing.
The day your best friend killed his entire clan was still a vivid memory inside your head. Thoughts about the hundreds of people dead by his hand have haunted you for so long and you still didn’t understand what happened. How your loving, caring friend become a cold machine capable to murder his family without thinking, leaving only his little brother behind. You have thought about the reasons why he had left Sasuke live, and a spark inside you always shined, hopefully. Spending so much time in the Uchiha complex, you have met Sasuke when he was little a million times. It was always your favorite thing to make him blush, but since what happened you never spoke to him again. It was too painful for you to realize that something was bothering your best friend and you didn’t even notice.
Losing Itachi Uchiha was one of the worst things you have dealt with.
It affected every single relationship in your life. You didn’t know how to trust anyone anymore. Not even the guy you loved the most.
“Did she say anything else?” You questioned him, not showing any signs of being touched by his words, for his sake and mostly yours.
“No, actually. What did Ibiki and Inochi tell you?”
“Everything I needed to know to complete my mission. They didn’t get much though, she had training. Or they are getting soft.”
“Right.” He passed his hand on his face. “So you know.”
“About she not being able to forget you? Yeah, pretty aware, and after hearing this cute cloud story you told her, I kind know why.” You shot back, the words were jumbled as they came out of your mouth.
"Althought you changed a bit, I recognized you when I saw you because you are always in my heart, you are my hope." Every word that came from Hanare's mouth reached your ears. It was like your heart broke into tiny pieces after hearing that, not being able to gaze away from Kakashi's face. Desperation was getting the best of you, you needed to hear his answer.
But his clone had another plan.
He approached you, making you finally lost eye contact with the original one, to stare at his abrupt move. He was watching you with a displeased look on his face, very different from his general deadpan facial expression. You had never seen him like that and to be completely honest, it kind of scared you but at the same time, a part of you was deeply intrigued by what he had in store for you.
“Stop acting like a jealous girlfriend.” Kakashi finally retorted, as you licked your lips under his burning gaze and rested your body against the tree truck he was once standing next to.
But as soon as you opened your mouth to give him a comeback, it happened.
His whole team have fell from the tree, directly on the original Kakashi. The bump made him to collapse on the girl, taking her to the ground with him.
It didn’t take much until you realized his body wasn’t the only thing pressed against her.
His lips were too.
You couldn’t fight against the reactions your body had. Your jaw clenched, as your hands turned into fits.
“y/n...” It was all the clone said before it vanished in a gray smoke, right after you stabbed him with the closest thing you got - which happened to be a sharp branch.
Once it happened, you saw the original Kakashi glance over the tree, as trying to find something. Someone. But you knew the leaves were camouflaging you, unless he activated his sharingan, he wouldn’t see you. Although, he wouldn’t do it. It could raise suspicious from Hanare.
And you were glad for that, because as Kakashi tried to control his genin team, you turned to the other side, trying to run away from him and the tears. 
 “You didn’t go make the exchange.”
Once again, his voice didn’t startle you. Sitting on a random bench on the street, as the night fell, you could see his eyes shining due the orange light coming from behind the walls across the Village.
“Inoichi said y’all didn’t need me.” You lied to him, as he sat next to you, but still keeping a big distance.
“Funny. He told me you requested to be dismissed from the mission.”
You let out a sigh. “And he agreed to that, see? I was not necessary there.”
“You were right before, he is getting soft.” Kakashi let out a dry chuckle next to you. "Didn't cross your mind that maybe I needed you there?"
You sighed exasperatedly, ignoring the thudding in your heart.
“I read your report. She died, huh?” You tried to hold back a scoff, but you didn't manage to do it.
That got his attention, making him turning his head at you, confusion and admiration crossing his face. “Why are you talking like that?”
“I know her type." What you meant was I know how she feels. "I would guess she asked to die by the hands of the guy she loved and you didn't do it. You wouldn't kill her, no way.” You mumbled, glancing over the last ray of sunshine disappearing, the sky ready to fall into darkness.
The lack of an answer gave you the confirmation you needed. Kakashi could do everything, except lying to you.
“Bold move. What if she comes back in the future and actually manage to steal some big information from Konoha?” You started and the beginning of this assumed-to-be argument confused you because he seemed bothered when he first reached you but now he was calm and laid back, despite the fire in his eyes and the fact that he looked like he was waiting for the right moment to drop a bomb on your lap.
“She could have done it already, but she didn’t. I think we are good.” That words alone made your skin tingle and for a moment you had the feeling you were playing a game with him. Although you were not excited at all for that, you decided to play along.
“Yeah, she didn’t do it because of you. What about the next time? What if you are not here anymore?” The words left your lips before you could do much to stop them and you realized your mistake too late when his eyes darkened just a shade and he lift his right eyebrow. The whole situation made your voice cracked on the last question, and as usual, it didn't pass unnoticed to his trained ears.
“I am not Itachi, y/n. I am not leaving.” Your heart stopped for a mere moment as your best friend's name slipped his lips, voice swallowed by assurance. Even trying to turn your head to the other way around, it didn't worked, as he stopped you with a swift movement by gripping your jaw in his fingers and pulling your face to peer at his piercing eyes.
“You can’t be sure about it.” You finally spoke, your tone of honey and milk but your eyes burning with a fiery passion as you looked down, eyeing the floor that was lined with melted ice creams, and swallowed harshly.
“Look, I know the feeling. Losing someone.” The moment he got closer to you passed unnoticed until the moment he placed his hand on your own.
Trying to take his hand away, you felt sick to your stomach as you felt the words sitting in the back of your throat, but for the first time, you decided to give it a shot.
“No, Kakashi, you don’t." You bit your bottom lip, head spinning as guilt settled in the pit of your stomach, but Kakashi did nothing but nodding, encouraging you to keep talking. "I have lost someone close to my heart, just like you did with Obito and Rin. I lost a father figure, like you with Minato. But you don’t know how it feels to lose someone who chooses to leave. Those people had no choice. They died. Itachi did, he had a choice and still he chose not to stay. I am sorry, Kakashi, but it is not the same thing.”
It took some time until he pounded every word, carefully, and as he did it, you couldn't stop but admiring his sculpted face for a moment. Words along the line of gorgeous, stunning, perfect ran around in circles between waves of nervousness and regret.
Eternity had passed until he spoke again, and when he did, you just couldn't believe the words that left his mouth. 
“Is that the reason you broke up with me? Because you think I will deliberately leave you?”
You tried to hold a gulp, but it didn't work, feeling your mouth suddenly run dry as you decided that you necessitated to put if off because you were sure that if you kept talking to him, you would end up hitting the nearest thing out of pure frustration and that was the last thing you wanted to do. Especially because the nearest thing happened to be Kakashi.
“Just... Forget it." Coming back to your usual, you kept quiet about your true feelings and you hated yourself for that. Kakashi deserved to know everything that was going through your mind, the guy had always helped you to figure whatever you told him out and was deadly honest with you. 
Riddle with emotions you were too afraid to express, you stood up, ready to leave him, but you hesitated for a second, and it was enough for him to grab your wrist. The action itself gave you the feeling your lungs were starting to burn, causing your breathing to heave.
"I don't understand. First, you ask to participate on my mission."
Wait, what?
"Yes, y/n. I know."
But how?
"Inoichi told me."
Eyebrows arched, you got a little shocked he was even answering the questions inside your head.
"You acted like a jealousy girlfriend the whole time. Now, you are acting like you can't stand be near me. So?" The frustration was showing on his tone, clearly. There was a few times when you saw Kakashi actually mad about something, inside his usual deadpan look. Fewer things could cause this reaction on him. You being one of them.
"Kakashi, drop it." You felt a wave of anxiousness fall upon you, as you wet your lips, feeling uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading. How it even landed on the two of you? Again. You were unsure.
"Sorry if I can't be as cold as y-"
You interrupted him, before he could say anything he could regret later. "You can. You do it all the time, except when you are with me. No one can see what you are thinking. No one can wonder what is going inside your head, but I can, because you let me. It is not my fault, Kashi." 
The nickname simply slipped of your throat, and even through the mask, you could see him biting his lower lip.
"Fine, I get the part that you broke up with me because you don't love me. What I do not get is-"
The second time interrupting someone was always easier, especially when it was a outburst. 
"I didn't break up with you because I stopped loving you, I did because I am afraid to lose you, you idiot!" You blocked everything out, focusing on easing the pain that comes with relationships and working your feelings down until your heart that beat almost for him, each individual beat coursing blood through your veins, metaphorically turned into ice.
Except that, Kakashi managed to melt everything inside you just with a shining glance.
"Wait, you still love me?" He spoke every word slowly, as trying to absorb it and the same time, trying to make you realize what you have just spilled. It was just something he wasn't expecting from you. Not at that moment, not never.
"Of course I do, Kakashi. I love you so much. I'd rather die than lose you, I can't even stand the thought of it." You bit your lip and nodded at your own words. His hand came back to your face again, holding your jaw. More than once, you did your best to look away but his grip on your jaw tighter every time, stopping you from doing it.
"You are not going to lose me. I promise." Your breath hitched at the sound of his voice, and the way his eyes squinted, a proof he smiled carried a warmth that caught you entirely off guard.
"Stop making promises you can't keep!" You choked out, fearful that you were about to cry in front of him and ruin your hard-built reputation. It was like you had fallen to the bottom before and you just didn't know how to go back.
"I promise I will keep that promise." His comment stoke you like a knife and your mouth fell open. What had started as a normal evening had ended in a way that was completely unseen by the two of you.
"Kakashi..." His name on your tongue was more a warning than anything else. It was basically a request from him to stop because everything was so much.
If he noticed it was an advice to be away from you, he ignored it promptly, as he pushed your arm to place you sitting on his lap, each leg on one side of his. 
He pulled his mask down, the sight of the lips you were dying to kiss one more time right next to your mouth. "Stop pushing me away. I am not going anywhere. Please, don't make me spend another day away from you."
Kakashi's hand ran down your waist, fingers wrapping around the trousers you wore, body resting against his. His touch was warm, practically radiating confidence after your confession. 
"It will be easier for both of us if we keep our distance." You tried to reasonable with him, already trying to get up, but the grip on your pants got tighter.
"Fine. Let's do it, but first." He smashed his lips against yours with urgency, catching you completely off guard. There was no running away from him, from what you had. If one day you lose him, your world would crash down, for sure. Although, little did you realize, you already had lost him. 
Honestly, you were the one to blame for that.
Now, he was giving you a chance to get him back, and you hated yourself for not being sure about it. It was simple, actually. He was everything to you. So, for the first time, you decided to have faith on his promises.
He parted the kiss, panting. "Fuck, I thought we needed a last kiss before going separate ways, but now I don't feel like stopping."
"Good, because you are not." You gave him a little peck on his lips, pulling his mask up. "But we are taking this to your apartment."
"Last sex?" He questioned, holding you tight with both arms, noses pressed against each other.
"First last sex." If you were afraid you were going to lose him, you might just well live like it would be the last time you would be seeing him.
"Promise?" You expected that your eyes were mirroring his, filled with love and adoration for the boy with the gray hair you had grown up with, the teenager you had fallen in love with and the man you had needed your entire life. Everything was easier with him around and you just hoped this would be just one more thing on the list.
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ikesenhell · 6 years
Status: Solved
Again., Chapter 9–a collaboration by myself and @a-shout-to-the-void​ AKA Vaya. You can find all other IkeSen works of mine here, and Vaya’s here. NOTES: AND THUSLY WE FIGURE OUT THE CASE.
Police issued a search warrant for the apartment of Zachary “Zach” Beto, age 22, at 7:52 p.m. Upon arrival, police were greeted with a belligerent Beto. He demanded to see the warrant, then attempted to bar the officers from entry. He was removed from the doorway and restrained as officers conducted their search.
In the apartment, police found:
>multiple open boxes of pizza, contents unfinished >One broken x-Box >One mint condition x-Box >One angry ferret, cage uncleaned >Three skateboards without deck tape >Two skateboards with deck tape >A furby that would not stop talking >One Ms. Renee Ailes, aged 16, sitting on the couch
CONCLUSION: Fuck that guy.
Officer: Renee, are you aware that we’ve been looking for you for quite some time?
Officer: And here I was thinking you kids were so plugged in these days.
RENEE: I’m not a kid.
Officer: You--you’re--How old are you, Renee?
RENEE: Sixteen.
Officer: Thank you for reminding me. This old noggin ain’t what is used to be, ya know?
RENEE: ...sure
Officer: I’d like to ask you a couple questions about your dad’s murder.
RENEE: Yeah, I know. I already agreed to this. We did the whole rights thing and whatever. So go on. Ask.
Officer: Were you there, that day? With your dad?
Officer: And did--tell me, did you notice anything weird? Anything happen that might have been freaky?
RENEE: What, you--other than my dad being murdered, you mean?
Officer: Before that.
RENEE: [Eight second pause] I mean, him and my mom fought.
Officer: Fought? They--could you, uh, tell me about this fight?
RENEE: Like, screaming, shouting. Mom was--I, um, she just. So angry, you know? Screaming her head off, couldn’t even understand her she was yelling so loud, and um. I. My dad kept telling her to calm down, and she just yelled more, and then she um. She uh, reached in her--her purse, yeah, and she pulled out this--this knife, like a big one from our kitchen, and I. I just sort of ran, it was really scary, and I just. I didn’t want her to find me, because like. Like I knew the truth, you know? So I had to hide until she was gone for good. I um. Didn’t really think anyone would notice.
Officer: [Extended pause] Just--just to be clear, now. You said your parents were screaming at each other?
Officer: On the street.
RENEE: Yeah.
Officer: And your mom had a knife, you said?
RENEE: That’s what I said.
Officer: [Five second pause] Renee, are you lying to me right now?
RENEE: What are you--
Officer: We interviewed the whole neighborhood and nobody heard any screaming. You wanna try that again?
RENEE: Well I--maybe people didn’t hear--
Officer: Hear all that screaming? Right outside of their houses? Well, maybe it’s possible, but that would be pretty weird, don’t you think?
Officer: Who are you covering for, Renee? That guy? Zach, right?
RENEE: Zach had nothing to do with--
Officer: Dad found out about your relationship and didn’t like it too much, right? And Zach wasn’t about to take some old man telling him who he could and couldn’t date, so he--
RENEE: No, Zach would never--I don’t--why would you even say--
Officer: If you come clean and tell the truth about Zach right now, you’re gonna be okay. He goes away, and you’re safe. He can’t hurt you.
RENEE: He would never hurt me! He--he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Officer: Did he use another knife? Fake a murder weapon with your kitchen knife, keep his prints off the crime scene, peel off in that car of his before anybody thought to ask questions?
RENEE: How do you even know--
Officer: His car was at the scene of the crime. I know it, you know it. All we need from you--
RENEE: You don’t understand--
Officer: Tell us it wasn’t your mother and--
RENEE: I don’t--I don’t--I--I--I can’t--
Officer: He’ll go down for this like he should--
RENEE: No he didn’t make me do anything I did--
Officer: And you’ll be safe from the murderer.
RENEE: It was my knife I did it please don’t send him to jail--
Officer: [Extended pause] Could you say that again?
RENEE: Please don’t send Zach to jail he didn’t kill anyone I did he has a ferret--
Officer: Oh my god.
RENEE: [Extended silence. Soft weeping is audible.]
Kenshin didn't get invited to as many parties as he used to. Granted, he’d never liked being invited--he only ever went for the alcohol and because Shingen Takeda (back when they were firm partners on medical malpractice suits) often forced him to. Those days felt like forever ago. Just as often he’d go as stay home with his wife and curl up together on the couch.
Then breast cancer claimed Isehime. Then he was nearly disbarred after assaulting her former doctor.
Needless to say, he wasn’t invited to many parties anymore.
Something about Isehime’s death had both sharpened and shattered him in one. He had less patience with fools these days. He was more withdrawn and sullen, more prone to drinking, more lost in his thoughts. Caring hurt. God, it hurt so badly. Some nights he wanted to drink his heart dead.
His old friend, Sasuke Sarutobi, was just as determined to see that never happen. It took some convincing, but somehow (somehow!) he wound up in a small soiree with Hideyoshi Toyotomi, of all people. They got to talking. Talking turned to stories of Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide’s daughter, Leyla, and next thing he knew, he was spending time with the small family. At first it was almost too painful to bear. How could he look at their wonderful world without thinking about the one he’d never make with his late wife?
It softened eventually.
He still cried some nights. He wrapped a pillow in one of her old nightshirts (an extra soft one that she used to wear when she worked in the garden at their old home, the one he’d sold because it had too many memories of them) and clung to it. But life moved on. The days pressed relentlessly forward, and he went with it.
So here he was: at a party. With the prosecutor’s office, his former rivals. Holding a Shirley Temple, of all things, in one hand, and Leyla bouncing on his arm with the other. The toddler was almost completely asleep against him.
“Do you need a break?” Hideyoshi offered, hovering around like the mother hen he was.
“I’m fine.” Kenshin adjusted her with a shift of his elbow. “She’s tuckered out.”
“Yeah. She didn't have naptime today.”
That was just fine by him. Kenshin settled down into a chair and crossed his legs, balancing the girl against his chest. Nearby on the other couch, Mitsunari Ishida--their genius extraordinaire and airhead--was picking through his phone for something.
“Ieya--” The man blinked owlishly at Kenshin before smiling. “Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr. Uesugi. I didn't see you there.”
“I imagine not,” Kenshin noted. “You had your nose in your phone.”
“Sorry. I know it must seem rude of me.” Mitsunari paused, contemplative. “Say, do you know much about mattresses?”
“No more than the next guy.”
“Mmm.” Mitsunari frowned at his phone. “Do you think a King or a California King is better for more than two people? Or is the California King just excessive?”
It took a few seconds for the question to really hit home. Kenshin almost wanted to laugh. “Are you planning slumber parties?”
The other man opened his mouth, worked his jaw, shut it. Tellingly, those bright purple eyes roved over to--ah. Tokugawa and Williams. Those two looked deep in conversation over a punch bowl.
“Can’t say,” Mitsunari answered cheerily. “Maybe! Maybe I just like to splay out.”
“You’re not subtle.” Kenshin permitted himself a chuckle. “Go with the California King, if you really like to splay out so much. You might not be the only one.”
Apparently this hadn’t occurred to Mitsunari. He nodded fiercely, tapping away at the phone. “You’re right. Slumber parties can be messy.”
“What can be messy, now?” Hideyoshi appeared from nowhere, glass in hand and a thousand questions in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“Mattresses,” Mitsunari answered. “Did I say something odd?”
Mitsuhide appeared from seemingly nowhere, wrapping his arm around his husband’s waist. “Dearest, you owe me money on our bet.”
Hideyoshi paused for a half second before lighting up. “They are!?”
“What?” Mitsunari blinked. “What? What?”
“Nothing.” Hideyoshi staggered, fishing out his wallet and putting it back. “I’ll just--I’ll just take you to dinner one night.”
For his part, Kenshin just laid back and observed. It was miraculous to him that the others didn't see it sooner. Tokugawa wasn’t much of a man for contact, but the way he and Williams entwined around each other was poetry in motion. It made sense. Tokugawa was gold and she was bronze and Ishida was silver, all three of them like precious metals that wound seamlessly together.
Leyla stirred in his lap.
“Ke-shi?” She murmured, and all his attention turned back to her.
“Hush,” he murmured, and sipped his Shirley Temple.
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blxxdsweatntears · 5 years
Chapter 1
“Did you hear what happened to their clan..?” “Yeah, apparently their brother killed everybody but them...” “I wonder why he left those two alive if he was trying to kill the whole clan..” “Why not kill the one with the white hair, she was always an outcast anyway.”
Another day in paradise. Sasuke and his twin sister Yuki were making their way through the town, shopping for groceries as if their entire lives weren’t shattered in one night. Everyone now looked at the twins with sadness, pity, or contempt in their eyes. No longer adoration or pride, but pity.
Yuki was no stranger to belittlement or hateful words, but after what happened to her clan she had shut down completely. She no longer to responded to anyone’s negativity for she just never had the fighting energy in her anymore. She refused to believe anything anyone told her about her clan. Her brother did NOT kill their whole family. She wouldn’t believe it.
Yuki didn’t leave their home for days after her and Sasuke got out of the hospital. She spent her days and nights wandering the compound, just waiting for Itachi or somebody to show up and say it was all a test. Just a big, cruel joke. But that day never came. The blood stains were still there. Everywhere.
Yuki and Sasuke didn’t leave each other’s sides right after the massacre. They held onto each other’s hands even as they slept, for they both feared that if they woke up their twin would be gone too.
It took Yuki a whole day of sitting by the lake, lost in her thoughts, to snap herself out of it. She let herself have that time to mourn but now it was time to work. She owed it at least to Sasuke to stay strong. She had to take care of her twin since he seemed much more rattled than her. He was much closer to everyone in the clan than she was. The black sheep of the family, the embodiment of their shame and humility. She had still lost her family and her heart ached, but Sasuke’s heart completely shattered.
He hadn’t really spoken to Yuki since the incident. She made it her mission to get herself together and put on a brave face for her brother. He was all the family she had left. Him and Itachi. She had to keep going for them.
Yuki slapped her cheeks and got up to go find her brother. She wandered around and found him laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. She grabbed her brother’s arm and tugged. “Nii-san. Let’s go. We need food.” she stated, dragging her brother with her. They needed to get out of the place that was causing them so much pain.
“Yuki-nii, I don’t want to..” he grumbled, but didn’t put up much of a fight and let himself be dragged. She took a deep breath and sighed before turning around with a stern look on her face.
“I don’t either. I want nothing more than to lay in my bed and wallow in my pain and cry all day. But I can’t, Sasuke, because I still have you. We still have each other. And we can’t give up. We’re still here for a reason. We owe it to mom and dad to tough it out, so stop moping and help me with the groceries!” Yuki declared boldly, her face determined even though her voice quivered as her eyes welled up with tears at the mention of their parents.
Sasuke let out a shaky sigh and nodded, matching the determination in his sister’s eyes. “Okay! Let’s go, Yuki-nii!” the two sad twins smiled at each other and walked out together, hand in hand.
The days, weeks and months passed by. Sasuke and Yuki allowed themselves a mopey mourning period before deciding to train hard together, and attend the academy together.
They were both obviously the top students, and Sasuke grew to have his army of fangirls. He became apathetic and indifferent to the people around him, even speaking and interacting less with his twin, whom he used to be so close to.
Yuki had spent most of her time keeping to herself, much like her brother, but found solace in writing about her complicated feelings in a journal by the lake they walk past every day to get home.
On more than one occasion she’s seen a yellow haired boy walk a little slower and pay a little more attention to her than other passerbys, but he looked away and sped up when she moved to make eye contact. She always thought he was blushing, or maybe it was just the sunset. She soon found out she attended the academy with him, but they never spoke.
It seemed like in no time Sasuke and Yuki had graduated and got their leaf headbands. Sasuke put his around his forehead and Yuki kept hers tied around her neck. She didn’t want it to interfere with her bangs or have to change her hairstyle. She was content with keeping it in one untouched long braid to her left side.
When the genin were all placed into teams, Yuki was thankful she got onto a team with her brother. They were the only 5 man squad but the Third Hokage didn’t deem it fit to separate the twins, considering all they had been through.
Yuki was cautious of her new teammates, since she never paid much attention to the students in her class she didn’t really know anybody too well. Just a few names and faces.
The yellow haired boy she had seen by the lake plenty of times was on their team, and also a pink haired girl who couldn’t seem to keep away from her brother. Yuki instantly disliked her. She seemed shallow and though she might be smart, she was obnoxious and physically incapable.
The yellow haired boy was obnoxious in a different way, he was extremely loud and outgoing. He kind of reminded her of her former self. Headstrong, stubborn and desperate to prove himself. She was never as loud as he was though.
Their sensei seemed like he would rather be doing anything but be around children all day. Yuki didn’t pay much attention to the people around her, except her twin. Even if they don’t talk as much as they used to, Sasuke is still her beloved brother at the end of the day and she would do anything for him.
As the team went around introducing themselves, Yuki couldn’t help but roll her eyes at their new sensei.
“My name’s Kakashi Hatake. ... I don’t really feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. As for my dreams....” he looked up into the sky. “I have a few hobbies...” he added on, and just stopped there.
Naruto didn’t hesitate to go next. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka Sensei treats me to.” Yuki tuned out then since he kept going on and on about ramen, but tuned back in when he started being loud right next to her. “And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages! I’m going to make all the villagers recognize my existence!” Yuki’s eyes went wide and she couldn’t help smiling a little. He really was like her. At least he could still be cheerful with so much suffering in his heart.
Sakura went next. “I’m Sakura Haruno! What I like.. I mean who I like is... And my hobby is... well my dream is to....” Yuki rolled her eyes and scowled at the pink haired girl who ignored her completely and squealed, staring at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes. Sasuke ignored her.
Sasuke glanced at his sister before going next. “My name’s... Sasuke Uchiha. I have a lot of dislikes, but no likes in particular. And... what I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.”
The tone in her brother’s voice and the look in his eyes made Yuki’s blood run cold, and her forehead grow numb due to panic. She knew he meant their brother. Who else could he possibly be talking about?
“You’re up last, girl who looks eerily similar to me.” Kakashi sensei said, referring to their matching silver hair and dark eyes. Yuki sighed and rolled her eyes.
“My name is Yuki Uchiha. I like .... flowers. Like my brother, I have many dislikes. Hobbies..... I like to train or study flowers. As for my dream........ I want to prove my worth and keep a promise.” she started off slow, but ended with a low, determined voice, remembering the promise she made her big brother when she was little.
She would get stronger and fight him with all her strength. And she would win.
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kumeko · 6 years
Character/Pairing: light hints of NaruSakuSasu, mostly friendship
A/N: Written for the @narutohistoryzine —this is technically a platonic piece so I could only put the lightest hints of shipping. I picked ancient India, during the Maurya Empire as the setting for my piece.
Summary: Sakura dreamed of poison dripping through her veins, corroding all it touched. She was an assassin, after all, and it might have been too much to dream her friendship with the prince and his general could last forever.
 Sakura dreamed of poison dripping into her veins, corroding all it touched. Her body burned from the venom, an all-consuming fire. It spread to everything she came into contact with until everything was up in flames. Her skin, flesh, organs blackened, the contamination swallowing her whole.
 You’re a brave girl, her mother whispered into her ear, stroking her hair. You will survive.
 A mountain of corpses grew beneath her feet and still the poison flowed on.
 Naruto’s voice was as loud as usual, echoing through his chamber and into the main hall. Sakura winced at the threshold of his entrance; she had not wanted her visit to be a big deal. Looking behind her, she saw the servants scurrying from one post to the next, none of them so much as looking up at the outburst.
 Well, that was to be expected. He had the loudest voice in the region. Her bare feet brushed the cool stone floor as she entered the room. There was a rustle of silk, the sound of footsteps, and the blonde rushed her, sweeping her off her feet. She laughed, accepting his welcome. Fortunately, curtains blocked the view so no one could peek inside and witness this impropriety.
 Over his shoulder, she spotted Sasuke standing erect next to the cushions. Catching her eyes, he rolled his own and sighed. “You deal with him.”
 “What is it this time?” she asked, still dangling off the ground as Naruto whirled her around. She could spot the traces of a pout on his face.
 He had been sulking then.
 Also not entirely unusual for her friend.
 Finally, after much laughter, he released her. Stepping back, he rested his hands on her shoulder. “You’re back?”
 “Just returned.  The mission went well.”
 His face darkened a bit. “I can’t believe Dad knows and allows this.”
 “Naruto, one day you’ll have to do this too. Even if you don’t like it,” she admonished, not breaking free from his grasp. “You know your position.”
 Naruto frowned, letting go. “My father’s position.”
 “Your position one day,” she corrected. As though he needed the reminder. His quarters were filled with only the finest goods. Rich tapestries hung from his walls, depicting scenes of old, while the floor had soft rugs. Even his clothing, made of rich silk and heavily decorated with jewels, indicated just what his position in life was. Son to the Kumara, next in line to govern their province, he was only subordinate to the emperor and his family.
 As though she needed the reminder—she was just a common spy and Sasuke, while gifted, a general.
 “I didn’t earn it.” Naruto gritted his teeth, gripping the bracelets on his arm, the gold necklaces that hung heavy on his neck. The trappings of wealth and power that he had never wanted. “This isn’t mine.”
 “It is.” Sasuke stepped forward, staring down at the slightly shorter man. “And if you didn’t earn it, make sure you do.”
 It was an old argument, one they had every now and then. As usual, it would end the same way, with the two wrestling on the ground while she waited for them to let out their steam. Trying to speed up the process, she quickly interrupted Naruto before he could argue back. “So what were you pouting about this time?”
 “This time?” Naruto gasped, clutching his heart. Good. If he could act like this, then the argument was as good as over. “Sakura, you wound me. You’ve been spending too much time with the bastard.”
 “Better than spending time with you,” Sasuke retorted, playing along. Turning to Sakura, he smirked. “They’re arranging his marriage.”
 Sakura blinked, not sure if she heard him right. “Naruto. His wedding. Our Naruto.”
 “The one and the same,” Sasuke confirmed, dodging Naruto’s punch effortlessly. “His.”
 Well, he had reached marriageable age. The time one started worrying about heirs. Sakura blinked again, staring at her old friend. The pout was back, his cheeks pronounced and puffed, and she wondered if he was more chipmunk than human.
 He was supposed to marry someone. Suddenly, she pitied his future in-law. “Congratulations.”
 “Sakura!” he whined, abruptly stopping his fight to grasp her hands. “Is that all you have to say?”
 Was there anything else one was supposed to say? “Uh...good luck?”
 Clearly, that wasn’t the answer he wanted. His eyes grew bigger, if possible. “I don’t want to get married and all the bastard can say is that it’s for the good of the family and it was bound to happen. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
 His grip was tight, his arms shaking. Suddenly, she understood this was more than his usual game with Sasuke. Despite the playacting, this was all real on some level. “Naruto?”
 “I want us to all be together,” he murmured, his voice low, his head hung. There was something small about him, lost. “If I get married, we can’t…”
 Can’t be together were his unsaid words. It was true. Right now they could be casual away from prying eyes, assured that none would enter without permission. A wife could change all of that. Her announcements could be minimal, her visits frequent. Perhaps Sasuke could still visit frequently, a prominent general. But her? She could guard him from outside his chambers at best, from a respectable distance.
 “We aren’t children anymore, idiot.” Sasuke’s hand gripped Naruto’s shoulder, his voice more affectionate than he would ever normally let on. “We all knew this would happen one day.”
 And what of him? If Naruto was on the market, then Sasuke would be as well. A shiver ran up Sakura’s spine at the prospect. Both of them would be married and she, well, it was never in the cards for her. She lost that right a long time ago.
 In the end, she’d be alone.
 “Yeah.” Her voice trembled and she hated herself for it. All those years of acting and now she couldn’t keep up the performance? “You both can’t avoid this forever.”
 Sasuke gritted his teeth, looking away. It seemed the same realization hit him as well.
 “No.” Naruto’s voice was soft but firm and she looked back at him. There was a fire in his eyes. His jaw set, he shook his head. “No, I won’t let this happen.”
 “You can’t avoid it,” she said, but without any force. When he talked like that, she knew he’d make it happen. He’d move mountains if he had to. It was the reason she knew he’d make a great Kumara.
 “No, it’s easy.” Naruto’s expression relaxed into an easy grin, catching her off-guard. “You both will pick my bride.”
 They stared at him for a long moment before releasing a simultaneous “Huh?”
 Sakura rubbed her head as she left the prince’s chambers. Despite her persuasion and Sasuke’s force, Naruto hadn’t budged from this at all. They were to inspect all the possible the brides and find one that would work.
 An impossible task. But then again, Naruto was an impossible person.
 Behind her, soft footsteps echoed in the arched corridors. The fires lighting the path flickered softly, the colourful paintings decorating the wall looking darker and grimmer in the faint light. Small jewels glittered from where they were embedded. The footsteps were closer now but no louder. There was only person it could be. “Tenten?”
 “The one and only.” When Sakura turned, her fellow visha kanya waved lightly. “Been a while.”
 Sharp. If there was one word to describe Tenten, it was sharp. A dagger in the night. Even her greeting, though jovial, seemed to slash the air around her. She was wearing her sari so it was more like a pair of pants and a long cloth wrapped around her chest, tightly binding her breasts to her body. Even though Sakura was wearing the same uniform, it looked sleeker on Tenten. In another life, she would have made a great warrior.
 “Going on another mission?” Sakura asked, moving to the side. Pillars lined the corridor and it took little effort to vanish within the shadows of one.
 Tenten held out a small vial. Its murky contents were hard to make out. “An easier one this time.”
 Poison was still poison, whether her body could withstand it or not. Sakura grimaced. “Good luck.”
 “I won’t need it.” Tenten hide the vial in her bodice. Showing the scroll in her other hand, she handed it over. “Tsunade has selected your next target. Take care of it while protecting the prince. I hear he’s making a ruckus about his marriage.”
 Sakura gingerly gripped the parchment. The paper crinkled at the touch. “A ruckus is putting it lightly. Did they pick someone yet?”
 “Not yet.” Tenten shrugged. The kohl at the edge of her eyes looked fresh; she must have applied it recently. “A list of candidates has been gathered but they still have to go through them.”
 “A list.” Sakura smiled. That made everything much easier. Much, much easier. “See you later.”
 Before she could leave, Tenten grabbed her arm. “Don’t get soft on me.”
 “Soft?” Sakura chuckled. “I’d rather not die carelessly.”
 When Sakura was five, her mother dressed her up in her prettiest kurta. She brushed her hair slowly, braiding flowers in her hair. Their family was a merchant family, doing relatively well since the era of peace had begun.
 “You are a brave, smart girl,” her mother praised, taking her by the hand. They walked the stall-lined streets, various smells and sights distracting Sakura as they travelled. “You will survive.”
 At the time, she hadn’t understood what her mother meant. When they arrived at the palace gates, her mother handed her over to a blonde woman, telling her to be a good girl and then left without so much as a backward glance.
 Their first candidate was a woman named Temari, the sister of the neighbouring province’s governor. Gaara had stared at them when Naruto asked to meet her and Sakura was certain if he hadn’t lost his eyebrows from his wounds, he’d have raised one. As it was, his younger brother did it for him, questioning them as the pair led them to her waiting room.
 “Temari? Are you sure you want to court her?” Disbelief coloured his voice as they led the trio down the hall. Elaborate clay pieces, ranging from urns to religious sculptures, lined the walls. Gaara’s province was well known for its pottery so this was of no surprise.
 “Not really,” Naruto replied bluntly and if this were somewhere more private, Sakura would have hit him. Honesty was not the best policy. Especially considering Gaara’s fame as a blood-thirsty warrior. Naruto claimed that he had reformed and changed since his father died, but Sakura wasn’t all that sure about it.
 Especially since he might have killed his father in the first place. His only saving grace was that he hadn’t killed his older brother.
 “Then why? On a whim? You should leave then,” Kankuro warned them. “Prince or no, she’ll kill you.”
 “I won’t let her.”
 Despite the monotone in Gaara’s voice, it sent a shiver down Sakura’s spine. Not a killer her foot. Sakura adjusted her sari, worn in alignment with a typical servant girl’s outfit. It was looser than she liked, not quite as good to run in, but she had to make do. Unlike Sasuke, she couldn’t accompany the pair as openly without a disguise.
 “Really?” Naruto practically bounced to his friend, wrapping an arm around him. Sakura twitched.  Gaara. Killer. It was hard to protect someone who insisted on doing dangerous things. “Don’t worry, I’m not doing it on a whim—I have to get married soon and I’m trying to pick my bride before she gets picked for me.”
 Gaara looked at Naruto for a moment then back at Kankuro. “I can do that?”
 “No, no, no.” Kankuro shook his hands in front of him, shooting Naruto a glare. It seemed the Uzamaki household wasn’t the only one preparing for a wedding. “You won’t pick someone, I just know it. Let Temari handle it.”
 “Oh.” Something akin to a frown formed on Gaara’s face. This was clearly a conversation they had had many times before.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll help too,” Naruto offered, still leaning against Gaara. “I’ll find you the most fun wife.”
 Kankuro’s expression paled. Before he could refuse, Gaara had already given his permission. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Sasuke’s smirk growing wider, clearly amused by the whole conversation. It seemed she was the only one concerned about Gaara then. The party turned right at the next entrance, pushing their way through silk curtains to reach a chamber.
 Interestingly enough, Temari’s waiting room didn’t have a trace of pottery. Instead, fans decorated the wall, intricately detailed. Some appeared sharper than others, each more foreign than the last. Catching Naruto’s curious gaze, Gaara explained. “We trade with Iskander and Cina.”
 This perked Sasuke’s interest. “Iskander? Have you fought him?”
 And of course it was the prospect of battle that pushed him into the conversation. Sakura suppressed a sigh, standing several steps behind the group. The usefulness of being a servant—without much work, she was invisible and had the best vantage points to every room.
 “Once.” Gaara moved to a pile of cushions and soft sheets, gesturing for them to all sit there.
 When he didn’t elaborate, Sasuke prodded him further. “How was it?”
 “Hard. Long.”
  Another short answer. Before Naruto could chime in and prod him further, the soft clink of bracelets alerted them to Temari’s entrance. From the back of the room, she entered. Her clothing aligned more with the northern regions of their country, pants and long shirts, clothing that was far easier to move and fight in. Sakura had heard rumours on the warrior princess and she wouldn’t have been surprised to find a weapon or two hidden within the folds of her clothing. Even her nose ring could be one.
 If Tenten was sharp, Temari was dangerous. Every part of her screamed it, from the kohl lining her eyes to the way she smiled. On a different pile of cushions, she sprawled on the floor, resting her head on her hands as she watched them. Two male servants sat near her, their bare chests glistening in the pale light. “So?”
 Naruto stared blankly. Clearly he had not actually planned this far ahead. Rubbing his head, he gave a sheepish smile. “Marriage?”
 Sakura almost hit her head against the wall.
 “Marriage? That’s how you word it?” She gave him a once over and snorted. “To you?”
 “Hey!” Flustered, Naruto glared at her. “What’s so bad about me?”
 “Do you need a list?” Temari rolled her eyes and looked at her brother. “I know you like him but I refuse.”
 Definitely dangerous. She was staring down Gaara. Sakura’s smile grew strained as she watched it all unfold. To be honest, as a queen, Temari made a great candidate. She was forceful and had great mental strength, something required when Naruto was away and she would have to rule on her own.
 Unfortunately, those very qualities unnerved him entirely.
 “Oh come on! I didn’t even get a chance!” Naruto almost got up before Sasuke discretely yanked him back down. Even if Gaara was his friend, Sakura was sure he’d take offense to whatever Naruto had been planning. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to impress me? I’m the one searching.”
 “Whatever gave you the idea?” Temari gave him a bored look as she gestured for one of the servants to come closer. A handsome man, he obeyed instantly and sat next to her. Her hand traced the man’s face idly.
 “Sis, not in front of me!” Kankuro complained, averting his eyes.
 It didn’t stop her in the least. If anything, her hand went lower, running up and down her servant’s chest. Her nails lightly raked his skin, leaving faint marks. Throughout it all, her eyes remained on Naruto. “Now what do you have to offer me?”
 “No.” Naruto had repeated this several times as they returned down the corridors. There was a wild look in his eyes. “Definitely no.”
 Sasuke smirked. “You sure? I think she liked you by the end of it.”
 “What?” Naruto shivered, as though that scared him even more. He shook his head even more vigorously. “Nope, I can’t, definitely can’t.”
 Her poor prince had been completely dominated. Temari had controlled the entire conversation and no matter what Naruto did, he had been a step behind. He’d be haunted by this humiliation for weeks. Sakura chuckled softly. “You sure? I think she likes you.”
 “Not you too, Sakura!” Naruto grumbled, picking up the pace.
 Ahead of them, the entrance to Gaara’s compound loomed. A guard remained posted at the entryway, eyeing the streets outside. She halted before they got any further and Sasuke turned around. “Not coming?”
 “Not this time.” Sakura let loose the pins in her hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 Sasuke nodded, understanding immediately. Naruto, catching on, frowned. “Don’t do this.”
 They had had this argument before. Yesterday morning in fact. She shifted her bracelets. “It’s my job, Naruto.”
 He took a step toward her, his hand outstretched. “You don’t have to do this.”
 “No, I do. It is my job,” she repeated firmly, rejecting his offer once again. Though she would never wish it on another, she took some pride in her abilities and her position.
 Naruto opened his mouth to argue before gritting his teeth and looking away. “Stay safe.”
 These were the times she wasn’t sure if he’d be able to rule their province. The hard decisions were impossible for Naruto and while she admired his spirit in finding good alternatives, there wasn’t always one. He would never be able to hand her orders, even if he must. “I will.”
 Without another word, he whirled around and left. As his angry stomps echoed the hallways, Sasuke gave her a nod and followed after him.
 Now then, it was time she completed Tsunade’s orders. With that in mind, she sauntered off a side hall.
 Sakura’s hips swayed with the beat. The sitar and tabla played in a corner, their musicians watching the dancers almost as closely as the generals were. Her target was one in the corner, already drunk off his lust. The alcohol was a formality at this point. He was a minor general but was already making waves as he haphazardly aimed for power.
 If he truly wanted it, he should have been more discrete about it.
 Her anklets chimed as she stepped toward him, her smile disarming. The other dancers were twirling around the rest of the officers, their bracelets clanging together as they lightly stepped from one patron to the other. Sakura picked up one of the drinks, discretely slipping a poison in it.
 She took a deep sip in front of him, his eyes following the trail of an escaped droplet as it slide down her throat and into the valley of her breasts. As he reached for her, she offered him the cup. Accepting it, he quickly downed the whole thing before reaching for her once more. This time she relented, allowing his roaming hands as she silently counted down.
 In a minute his breathing grew laboured, his arms drenched in a cold sweat. His hands gripped her arms hard as he fought the poison, unable to comprehend just what was happening. Fifteen seconds after that, he collapsed, choking on air as he struggled to stay conscious.
 “Why?” he croaked, his eyes locked on hers.
 Instead of replying, she let loose a scream, pointing at his body. The other dancers shrieked and bolted and she slipped into the crowd. Within minutes, she was gone.
 Visha Kanya. Girls reared since childhood on poison. Those who survived the process were immune to poison, making them effective assassins and guards. It was even rumoured that even their very blood was poisonous, though Sakura scoffed at that particular myth.
 More girls died than survived the painful process. When she was younger, she remembered collapsing in pain for days after their regular doses. The beds in her dormitory grew emptier with each treatment, girls giving in to death’s call. This finality was a blessing never granted to her, each day more painful than the last until finally she could withstand almost anything.
 Her mother had sacrificed her to this. Without looking back, without warning. Sometimes, she liked to pretend her mother’s shoulders were shaking, that her eyes were sad.
 But the truth was obvious. Her family had abandoned her. Perhaps it was only fitting then that Sakura could never have one of her own now.
 “How was it?”
 Sakura halted at the entrance to the servant’s quarters. The moon filtered softly through the trees on her as she slowly turned to Sasuke. A warm breeze blew through the courtyard and a quick scan revealed that they were alone. She slipped out of the shadows and approached him. “You noticed me.”
 Sasuke just gave her a look and perhaps she deserved that. Somehow or the other, he always did find her when she wanted to be hidden.
 The trees provided a natural canopy, an archway connecting different compounds. Closer now, she noticed a series of dark flowers blooming on his arm. Her fingers reached out to brush them involuntarily.  “Naruto?”
 “Sword lessons while we waited for you,” Sasuke explained, not flinching as she gently pressed each one. She didn’t have to ask to know Naruto had fared no better. “How was it?”
 The keen general struck again. Perhaps it was fine to have a single confidant. “The target died.”
 “Not what I was asking.”
  She could barely make out his expression in the shadows, only his eyes as they bore steadily on her. It was hilarious how ineffective her deflection and lies were against him. Sakura sighed, baring her right arm. Her victim had a surprisingly strong grip as he died, his fingerprints marking her skin. “Aside from this, it went fine.”
 His voice lowered, his fingers examining her wound. “Even the poison?”
 Like the moon, his expression was distant and she didn’t need to ask to know he was remembering the times she had collapsed due to her work. The poison would not kill her but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t harm her at all. It still ran its course through her body, leaving waves of pain until it was fully purged. Sasuke always seemed to find her when she had one of those fits, no matter how hard she hid. “Even the poison.”
 “Good.” Sasuke stepped back, no doubt to return to his own abode. “We’ve picked a second candidate to inspect tomorrow.”
 “Another already?” Sakura laughed, relieved her interrogation was over. “After what he went through today? Can he handle it?”
 At this, Sasuke cracked a grin. “Probably not.”
 A few hours after dawn, she found Naruto hacking away at the training grounds. She watched for bit, his blade glinting as he spun from one stance to the next. It was his usual spot when he found out about her work. Either that or taking it out on Sasuke, though the end of those fights left her wondering if there were even any winners or just losers.
 When she was younger, Naruto had seen her position as superhuman. You don’t even need poison, you can just spit in his drink! he had suggested, laughing, as they played in one of the many secret gardens of the palace.
 At some point, he realized just what it meant to be a Visha Kanya and all his jokes died just as surely as her victims did.
 He finished the last of his stances before dropping his sword. Sweat dripped down his bare chest and onto his cotton pants. Once his breathing calmed, he turned to her. There was something fragile in his expression, like a bird caught in her hands. “Did anything happen?”
 Sakura chuckled. Same question as Sasuke. For all their grievances with one another, they were more similar than they realized. “Nothing at all.”
 He stepped forward, frowning. “Is that the truth?”
 “I swear.” Sakura’s arms were covered in a fine layer of powder. What Naruto didn’t notice wouldn’t hurt him. “See? I’m fine.”
 Naruto studied her for a long moment before giving a nod. “When I take over, you won’t have to do this.”
 An empty promise and they both knew it. She played along, not quite ready to break his heart just yet. “I look forward to the rest.”
 “Maybe you can join me on touring the province.” Naruto wasn’t quite smiling yet, his expression like a sun slowly rising. The morning birds sang from the gardens around them. “We can even be nice and invite the bastard.”
 “I don’t know if I can handle that many months on the road with the two of you.”
 “Then we don’t have to bring him.” Naruto waggled his brows, his expression almost too bright to look at.
 “He’ll cry,” Sakura replied seriously before breaking out into laughter. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
 “Why are we in the bushes?” Sasuke asked, irritated as they crouched next to a dusty road. Across from them, the Hyuuga palace rose. Delicate colours covered the various walls, an extravagant display of wealth.
 Naruto shivered. “I don’t think I can deal with a second Temari.”
 Sakura knew little of the Hyuuga princess other than that she behaved more like most princesses. Soft, gentle, she might not have the spine to lead as a ruler. “I think it’ll be fine with this one.”
 “No.” Naruto insisted, still clearly traumatized. “We confirm before we talk.”
 “Maybe next time you should practice what you’ll say.” Sasuke stood up and stretched his legs for a moment.  His arms were crossed as he studied the food stalls near them. “Why are we hiding in the bushes and not in the food stalls?”
 “It’d be easier, but we’d be noticeable after a while,” Sakura explained, getting logic even if she didn’t agree with the premise. For once, Naruto was finally putting those tactic lessons to use. If only he’d use them for something other than stalking his bride candidates.
 “A while?’ Sasuke stared down at her. His expression was ice. “How long are we staying here?”
 “Well…” Sakura heard a soft click and she pointed at the gate. “They’re leaving!”
 His expression told her it wasn’t over and she crossed her fingers that Naruto’s next stupid act was enough to drive this from his mind. Quickly, he crouched next to her once more and they watched, barely breathing, as a palanquin exited the compound. Heavy veils lined with golden tassels and jewels hid the princess from sight, offering only the barest hint of blue and pale purple silk.
 A beautiful princess, it was rumoured. A beautiful, shy princess. Entranced, Naruto leaned forward. His eyes were as big as saucers and he craned his body left and right to get a better view of her before she disappeared. He started to rise slowly.
 “Oh?” Sakura cocked her head. “I thought you wanted to wait.”
 “I am waiting.” His gaze was still transfixed on the palanquin as it shuffled on. “I just can’t see very well from here.”
 “Should we just go to her?” Sasuke cut in, rolling his eyes. The sooner this was over the better.  “If you’re not scared.”
 “I’m not!” he retorted, getting up. The gates opened once more and another figure on horseback exited the compound. The figure was stately, even his mount was covered in gold, and quickly he trotted up to the princess.  Naruto stared in disbelief before he hissed, “Is that Neji?”
 Sakura nodded, remembering the rivalry they had since childhood. A one-sided rivalry to be honest. Unlike Sasuke, he never took the bait. “They’re cousins, remember.”
 “Yeah, but why is he here now?” Narut groaned. He swiftly ducked back down, watching as Neji laughed at some joke Hinata said. “I thought he was off at the border.”
 “Didn’t you just say you weren’t scared?” Sasuke frowned, his lips a thin line. This had gone past amusement and into pure annoyance territory for him. Despite what it looked like, he was a general and he did have actual work to do.
 “You don’t like him anymore than I do,” Naruto snapped, tearing his eyes away from the scene to shoot a glare at his friend.
 “I’m not the one getting engaged.”
 Boys. Sakura sighed and softly smacked the pair. “Not now!” Turning back to departure, she waited for a good time to push Naruto out. Maybe Neji would push forward—he hated travelling slowly. The entourage around them wouldn’t protest. Sakura scanned the group before her eyes rested on a pair of brown buns mixed in with the group.
 Tenten. It was only for a moment, but she was sure she glimpsed her friend. Whatever brought her here could not be good news. There’d be death and it’d be best if Naruto was not around to witness that. Depending on who died, Hinata would be too distraught to consider his proposal anyways.
 Casually, she slowly got up. “Let’s do it when he’s not here then. Some other day.”
 “Huh?” Naruto squinted up at her. “Seriously?”
 “Do you want to talk to Neji?”
 He blanched. “No. Next time, definitely next time then.”
 “Naruto? Seriously?” Ino scoffed, running her eyes up and down him. “Sure, he looks better than he did as a child, but he’s still Naruto.”
 Naruto shivered under her gaze.  “I feel violated, Sakura.”
 It had been almost a week since the incident with Hinata. Sakura hadn’t yet heard about Tenten’s victim—either she was being cautious or the target was so minor that no one talked about it. Either way, she had directed Naruto to almost everyone else on the list in the meantime.
 Which now left them in front of Ino, a somewhat childhood friend. Sakura remembered bumping into her a few times at the palace when they were younger. Her mother was clever—though Ino’s family were merely wealthy merchants, she knew how to leverage their position to rise in the ranks. Perhaps she was no princess but money and connections could make up for such things.
 “He has a good position,” Sakura countered, ignoring his whines entirely. “I hear you’ve taken on a job as an administrator—he’ll allow you to retain that position.”
 It was rare for a woman to achieve such a rank and Ino bit her lip, considering it. Desire and disgust warred in her expression. “Give me some time to consider it. If you are serious, arrange for a proper meeting with my parents.”
 “We will.” Before Naruto could ruin it, Sakura quickly bid Ino farewell and propelled him out of the room. Sasuke hadn’t been able to join them, a backlog of work overtaking him, but they had managed the past few candidates just fine. Heck, they even managed to find some that looked viable.
 Despite their recent successes, Naruto seemed deflated. “Both she and Temari laughed.”
 Ah, it was pride. Sakura resisted the urge to pat his shoulder as they were in public. “Others didn’t.”
 “But others didn’t know me and they did.” Naruto ran a hand through his hair. “Am I really that unreliable?”
 “No, it’s not that.” Sakura tapped her chin, trying to find the words. “I guess it’s just that they know you so long, so it’s weird?”
 “Would you laugh if I asked, then?” Naruto gave her a sullen look, not quite buying her words.
 Sakura blinked, not sure how to answer. His expression was serious and she rubbed her arm. After a few minutes, she quietly shook her head. “No, I don’t think I would.”
 It was the right answer. Naruto perked up, his stride more purposeful. “Alright. Do you think we’ll find someone?”
 “I think so.” It had seemed an impossible task at first but Naruto had always been someone who found possibilities. “We still have to double check Hinata, but we have a good list now.”
 “Hinata.” Naruto grimaced, remembering Neji. “If none of them work out, I’m becoming a priest.”
 “A priest.” Sakura stared at him, rubbing her ears. There was no way she heard that right.
 “Yeah, a priest.” Naruto warmed up to the idea, flinging his arms up. “I won’t have to marry and we can be casual—”
 Leaving his fantasies aside, Sakura asked, “Could you really shave your head?”
 That stopped him cold. Naruto gingerly touched his hair, frowning. “No? Maybe?”
 “I don’t think I could handle it.” Sakura grimaced at the image. The idea of him in priestly robes, leading prayers and meditations, it made her shiver. He could barely stay still long enough for conversations, let alone for deep thoughts. “So that’s out.”
 “Boooo.” There was no bite to it. He laced his hands behind his head. “You know, it’ll all work out.”
 “Huh?” Sakura looked at him in confusion. The crickets chirped around them, a constant steady beat. “Why?”
 “Even if my room isn’t safe, there are all those secret gardens and stuff.” Naruto gazed up at the sky, at the slowly setting sun. “That’s how we met, right?”
 Sakura remembered a young prince reaching out to her, his hand helping her up. “And we met there for years after.” Sneaking around guards, always on alert—it had never been the most comfortable meetings but she treasured them all the same.
 “Besides, you’re smart and Sasuke’s smart.” Naruto puffed up his chest proudly. “If you two can’t figure out something, no one can.”
 It was praise she didn’t deserve. “I’m not that smart.”
 “You are,” he insisted. “It doesn’t matter where we meet, as long as we can.” Looking ahead, he shouted, “You should have just come if you were going to wait anyways!”
 Sakura followed his gaze to find Sasuke leaning against the palace walls. He grunted in response and she laughed.
 Maybe he was right. It would all work out. As they all returned to his chambers, Sakura walking a few steps behind the pair, she smiled.
 She had been wrong. Being a Visha Kanya had not stripped her right to have a family.
18 notes · View notes
usratonkachi · 7 years
sasuke uchiha’s trajectory / a pro-sasuke meta.
Sasuke was more than just a rebel, spoiled and “whining emo kid” that wanted revenge, I can prove it.
Contains anti Konoha, shinobi system, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Danzou, Hiruzen, Tobirama, SS/SNS arguments, so if you're not ready to handle criticism against your favourite character or ship, don't even read it.
This is for people to think more deeply about Sasuke and his actions, so you don't have to fully agree. But I'm not open for critics or similar. I'm exposing what I think, what I saw and how I interpreted Sasuke's trajectory. If you strongly do not agree with or get offended by anything under the cut,  that's not my problem so you can complain over there, don't @ me.
However, if you have any real doubts, other valid arguments to add, or you just want to talk about what you just read / discuss about anything you politely disagree with, you can contact me here or here, or chat me on tumblr itself. I'm not changing my mind though.
Also, a big thank you to my friend who translated from pt-br for me because I’m too lazy. Love you, Konan. ♡
Here's where Sasuke starts being hated by the Naruto fanbase because it's when he stops acting according to what Konoha believes he's supposed to. But, before hating him, there's a lot of things to acknowledge about.
Sasuke always believed to be an avenger ever since the Uchiha massacre. Even when he began to blend in well on Team 7's dynamic, as soon as Itachi landed feet in Konoha again and he failed to defeat him, he came back to believe in such fact. Thus, he wanted to grow stronger.
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Not just for seeking to be stronger, Sasuke also feels like he doesn't belong to Konoha anymore. Sakura never understood the pain of having everything that matters the most taken away, Naruto never really had anything and Kakashi, the only one who could connect to him, only pushes him away.
Although what people think, Kakashi and Sasuke's relationship was deeper than it seemed. Kakashi was someone that made Sasuke feel safe and vehemently trained him for the Chuunin Exam. In a summary, Sasuke trusted Kakashi and had him as a mentor.
Instead of offering Sasuke the emotional support he needed, Kakashi basically fought him for using one of his jutsu against an ally even though Naruto had done it too and could just have killed him as well. Beyond that, he insults him multiple times and doesn't take his only goal seriously. He tied up the boy to a tree like he was some kind of animal, for God’s sake.
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You can read more about Sasuke and Kakashi’s relationship in this awesome analysis.
This is only the beginning of Konoha trying to make Sasuke feel guilty for everything he did and wanted to do, when actually all his hate and thirst for revenge was perfectly comprehensive, since he lost everything to the system he lives in.
1.2. SAKURA:
Besides comparing her pain of losing him with his pain of having his whole family murdered by his own brother, Sakura still blackmails him emotionally because it's all about what SHE wants, about what SHE feels. It only shows she doesn't really understand him.
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1.3. NARUTO:
Naruto, just like the rest, also doesn't get Sasuke's goals and motivations and tries to stop him from seeking power with Orochimaru, even if he has to "break his arms and legs".
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In a summary, the approach of these three didn’t work. Naruto thought he could handle everything with his fists, Sakura thought making it about her own feelings was a good idea, but their lack of maturity is understadable. However, Kakashi understating Sasuke’s pain, like he wasn’t allowed to feel that way because Kakashi himself didn’t (it’s not even the same situation lmao), only made it all worse and was a decisive reason for him to leave.
Besides what everyone thinks, Sasuke doesn't really allied himself to Orochimaru or condoned with his ideology like Anko or Kabuto. He didn't intend for him to possess his body, not before killing Itachi. He wanted to train and get strong.
To this point, Sasuke literally didn't do anything questionable. During training, he never killed anyone or acted as cold as he wanted people to think he was. That's why he says "I'll be merciless in front of him (Itachi)," because that's something he has to force himself to become, not something he is.
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One more proof Sasuke never shared Orochimaru's goals and, instead, used him as a way to obtain more power is his speech before "killing him", where he questions his goals and ways.
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After Orochimaru's "death", Sasuke frees all his prisoners and victims of his experiment, including Suigetsu, Juugo and Karin. In Juugo's case, he offered himself to be his "prison", stopping him from hurting even more people.
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In pursuit of Zabuza's sword, Sasuke prevents Suigetsu from killing just any person.
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This is a crucial point in Sasuke's history because it's where he finds out that the brother whom he always had the goal to kill in revenge actually did everything in order for him to stay alive and become a hero.
At this point, it's important to keep in mind that Sasuke accomplished his lifetime goal, the only thing he believed he was alive for. Many times he said he didn't care as to what happened with his life after that moment, so it is unimaginable the misery and emptiness that he felt. Pay close attention to the expression of his eyes.
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Not even the sight of another Uchiha alive took this expression of pure misery from his eyes. That’s how broken he was at this point.
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Obito took advantage of Sasuke's mental instability to pour over him all the truth about Itachi. At the minimal possibility of all the acknowledge about his brother and his entire life being a lie, he breaks down, literally blacks out.
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At this moment, there is a giant lack of critical sense from the fandom. Sasuke finds out that Itachi was coerced to do a mission to save his life at the behest of the Konoha leaders. So it's OBVIOUS that he couldn't return to Konoha after knowing the truth.
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Many think that, since he knew Itachi did everything for the Village (which wasn't exactly the truth because he'd feel doubtful before, but made his decision once Sasuke's life was threatened), Sasuke should, too. But instead, he hates who made Itachi suffer.
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Not only because of his brother, Sasuke hates Konoha for the way it treated his clan, with mistrustfulness and discrimination over one of the families that helped founding the Village.
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"Even in the middle of the most profound despair, his eyes reflect a single ray of hope"*. That summarises well how Sasuke felt without any perspective of life, but grabbed onto the first shadow of objective that was offered. Obito knew how to take advantage of Sasuke's misery.
*This is a sentence that is written on chapter’s 400 art cover but I couldn’t find it in English.
Recruited to Akatsuki and manipulated by Tobi, Sasuke made his first move directly against Konoha when he appeared at the Kages' reunion to face Danzou, one of the responsibles for his clan's genocide and Itachi's sacrifice.
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Sasuke's plan was to find Danzou and destroy him like part of revenge against Konoha, but Zetsu alerts the Kages about his presence in the place, which causes everyone to fight against him.
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From here on, Taka starts to question Sasuke's sanity multiple times because of the sudden change in his chakra. Gathering all the precious traumas, the guilt for Itachi's death and sacrifice and the hate over who made him go through it, he was on the edge of going mad.
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At this point, Sasuke doesn't put anything above his goals. Danzou confirms that Itachi's sacrifice was true and nothing else matters to him, so he kills Danzou and sacrifices Taka. After that, he realises Sakura's intention to kill him and strikes back, trying to kill her as well.
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Then Sakura tries to kill him once again, and once again he defends himself trying to kill her back. The same happens with Naruto and Kakashi. So psychologically unstable, he doesn't even care about his physical limitations and insists on keep on fighting blindly.
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We all know Sakura hesitated but Sasuke didn’t. His sight was troubled and she came from behind. He was defending himself.
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Tobi advising him to kill Karin:
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As much as Sasuke was reluctant because he wanted to be definitely full hatred, vulnerable regarding physical strength, he voluntarily decides to hear what Naruto has to say.
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Then Naruto starts the “because we’re friends” talk and Sasuke clearly feels kind of affected because he actually wants that bond so badly but he also wants justice for his brother and clan, about what he’s totally right.
In a summary, besides the declared intention to kill Karin after she was hit because of his shaken up sanity, Sasuke acted in self defense and in defense of his goals, what ended up not killing anyone.
Sasuke meets Itachi's edo tensei with still profound grudge over Konoha for what it did to his brother. He wanted answers from Itachi in order to confirm everything that was told by Tobi and Danzou.
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The closer to Itachi he feels, the more Sasuke hates Konoha and wants to revenge his brother for being forced to sacrifice himself.
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After confirming that Itachi's sacrifice for the village and himself was true, Sasuke falls into an internal conflict for not being certain of any concepts anymore; of a clan, a village, a shinobi, and even himself. To obtain answers, he resurrects Orochimaru to bring the Hokages back to life.
There is a lot of virtue and maturity in Sasuke's decision of understanding all the concepts through their stories. Patiently, he listens to Hashirama's version about everything to then come to a conclusion on what to do about his revenge and himself.
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Hashirama talks about his and Madara's trajectory, inwardly connected to the Village's concept, which he had helped found. And allied to the concept of a ninja village, he defined sacrifice as one of the methods to protect it, which Madara stated would drag the Village into darkness, what was clearly a reference to Itachi and the Uchiha's sacrifice, culminating into Sasuke's personal hell. In the end, Hashirama ends up taking the responsibility for this method being considerated valid to protect the Village.
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In front of all that, Sasuke, for now, decides to battle next to the Shinobi Alliance so that his brother's sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain. Next to Naruto and Sakura, he seals Kaguya and has an important part in the world's salvage. Without him, there would literally be no way to save it.
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Besides all of that, he still recognised the mistake he made on Karin and asked for her forgiveness.
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An addendum: SASUKE DID NOT TRY TO KILL SAKURA IN THIS MOMENT like a lot of people try to decontextualise. He put her in a GENJUTSU, the same way Itachi did to himself after the Uchiha's massacre. One more reenforcement to his attempt of cutting his ties with the previous Team 7.
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To this point, Sasuke comes to an obvious conclusion, but that requires extreme perspicacity from a 17 year old kid: Konoha's problem was its system. The failure that would allow sacrifices like Itachi's to happen was structural.
Even Orochimaru, when resurrected, acknowledges Sasuke's maturing.
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With that in mind, Sasuke decides to become a Hokage and lead a revolution that would change the shinobi system and would nip the world's evil in the bud.
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Sasuke's revolution consisted in following Itachi's steps, his great inspiration and influence, sacrificing himself to carry alone all the hate in the world. The intention of it was to unify the whole world and that only he would have to deal with the Villages' darkness.
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This new goal of him destroys every argument against him that paints him as someone egocentric and selfish. Everything Sasuke wished for was to deal with the darkness by himself in a way that there wouldn't be any more sacrifices like Itachi's or of children like himself and Naruto.
Therefore, as noble as his objectives were and as mature as they sounded for his age, Sasuke sins on the chosen ways to start his revolution (even though I wouldn’t mind if he killed the kages whereas all their war crimes). Still, it's comprehensive since he started using Itachi's example as a guide of his actions.
Sasuke then apologised for all the suffering he caused his friends, even though it wasn't really his fault. He felt so responsible for the bad events that he left on a redemption trip to see the world with his own eyes, proving his maturity once again.
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I want to start this section saying how much I despise for personal reasons (it’s explained at the end of this meta) canon adult Sasuke for what Kishimoto did to his character but I defend him anyway because he’s still hated for absolutely wrong reasons.
Apart from everything he went through previously, Sasuke was brainwashed accepted the position of shadow Hokage and started to protect Konoha even if the village never had redeemed itself for its crimes against his brother and clan.
He sacrificed almost an entire life next to his wife and daughter in favour of not only Konoha, but the world, since he was the only one who could track traces of Kaguya thanks to his Rinnegan. In the meantime, he saved the village again and again.
Sasuke is constantly judged for pointing out a sword in Sarada's direction on their first meeting, although there wasn't how he'd know that, out of all people, she would be there (thank you Naruto you’re so responsible, no wonder you’re such a good parent lmao) considering there were sharingan user clones walking around.
Anyhow, he saved his daughter when it was needed and searched for Sakura to guarantee her safety, even though he had defended that she would be fine since she was as strong as him and Naruto. Besides, he AGAIN helped saving everyone.
Sasuke was a child that had everything and lost it all in the most traumatising way possible to the person he loved the most, ordered by the Village he grew in. He saw his family BEING SLAUGHTERED thousands of times in Itachi's genjustu when he was just a kid.
He had his only goal ripped from him on his teen years when getting rid of the target of his revenge only to learn that he actually had sacrificed himself on HIS BEHALF, since his LIFE WAS THREATENED by the superiors responsible for Konoha.
Although being a completely traumatised child and psychologically shaken up, being manipulated by his brother first, then by many others who only wanted to take advantage of his abilities, Sasuke still became aware of the world enough to want to change it for the better.
The revolutionary ideals that conferred depth to the character and made him promising were devastated because antagonists are portrayed as "insane", "out of their minds", "dominated by hatred" so we'll think the revolution of systems is a crazy people thing.
Sasuke was a victim of the system that allows 13 year old children to kill their families in sacrifice of a "greater cause", like this kid and theret family weren't part of who deserved protection. If he had controversial actions, Konoha and its system are the ones to blame.
The real guilty ones are Tobirama, who SEGREGATED the Uchiha without a reason; Hiruzen, that didn't have any tact or pulse to deal with Danzou and the Uchiha; and Danzou, whose crimes I don't even have to mention because they're common sense. If you want to blame someone, these are the ones.
Even though the real guilty ones were previously mentioned, Sasuke was thrown in jail and still got scolded by the greatest Sixth Hokage, his said mentor, who told him to "try not to go mad again", like it was his fault for being traumatised thanks to the Village.
And that's why I hate the ending of my favourite character. It has nothing to do with some kind of ship like many may think (even though I’d much prefer him to end with someone who could really understand him), but because he was distorted to fit in a stupid and conformist narrative, when he had a marvellous potential as a character.
And as if it's not enough, he's hated and made fun of in the fanbase, even though he's the only one, among the kids, to really make sense, even with all the traumas he suffered. Even when he had proved not to be selfish, or dumb, nor egocentric or a terrible father or an abusive husband and etc.
Sasuke Uchiha did nothing wrong and I just proved it. If you, a possible anti who read it all the way here, still want to keep in the ignorance of hating the character based on his actions then that's on you. I've done my part. That's it. Now go love my baby cause he deserves it. ♡
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I couldn’t get to all of these opinions without help, so I’m recommending some important pro-Sasuke posts (besides the ones I already did during the post).
Sasuke changing the shinobi system thread. About adult Sasuke. Sasuke’s “crimes”. Sasuke’s protectiveness 1 and 2. Anti SasuSaku fandom. Naruto’s feelings for Sasuke. The Fucking Will Of Fire™. Why pro-Sasuke people are pro-Sasuke anyway? Anti-SNS. Sasuke’s guilt trip.
pt-br twitter thread / pt-br tumblr trans
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fifi-uchiha · 7 years
Saved by a Devil (4/4) rated: hard m
Tonight, Sakura would be his completely.
And he would make sure to make her enjoy every single second of it for Sasuke knew, that he would too… . . .
Sakura didn’t pay attention to his huge house and instead wondered why she let him capture her until he carried her to his big, dark blue room. It was like she couldn’t see, couldn’t think, couldn’t get excited- No, because everything that occupied her mind was him. Everything she felt was… Sasuke.
The once torturing emptiness was suddenly filled by his mere presence and Sakura felt like she was completely safe with him. As if she just got what she wanted for so many years… Sasuke let her sit on his big desk and breathed deep and calm, trying to get his mind function normally again. Because right know where he was completely alone with her, he felt everything. Her warmth, her aura, her scent, her blood-
Sasuke felt Haruno Sakura like she was made for him only. Everything became more intense when being with her, when Sakura was with him. And that’s why he just did it. Breaking her personal space and walking in between her legs almost too soon, he broke the distance and kissed the woman sitting on his desk. His lips captured her mouth like it’s owner and finally claimed her. Or more like… begun claiming her.
Sakura was literally spellbounded and returned his kiss, suddenly feeling like a whole new person who was just born again. A person who was born for this vampire before her… His lips were demanding and hungry, his body hot and wanting and Sakura sighed when his hands hold her face in place to make their little game even more intense.
“I can’t stop, Sakura...”, he murmured against her delicious lips. “Fate chose you to be with me. For over two decades I waited for you and wasn’t myself. All this fuss… for a human girl.” He still couldn’t believe it, really.
“Then you were the reason why I… ooooh...-” Hungry lips attacked her neck, kissing her hungrily and experiencing something he never had before and Sasuke didn’t remember having felt such soft skin before. “-… that I felt so lonely all the time..?”
It made sense. Why else should she allow a stranger to touch her like this?
Sasuke became impatient and Sakura jumped a little when her vampire suddenly ripped her dress, throwing the little, offending  shreds to the side. Immediately, Sakura blushed out of shame for she had never been with a man before, much less gotten intimate with one. However, Sasuke wasn’t planning on giving her time to be too ashamed as his starved lips kissed her again, acting on pure instinct. Sakuras hands were shaking like crazy while she tried to unbutton his shirt which Sasuke found quite amusing.
Because she really was… cute for being so shy. Fuck, he couldn’t wait any longer.
Holding her legs, he pulled her sitting from towards him, hissing harshly when their groins made sudden contact and Sakura barely noticed how her back curved for him so her breasts pressed against his chest. His hands wandered to her soft sides, feeling small wounds here and there and knew that this damn, dead bastard did this to her. He kissed her hot and angry for it, forcing her to forget Zuko forever and only see him instead.
Sakura felt him like crazy, brushing her fingertips over his exposed chest. She could feel hard muscles ripping over his form, finding them inviting and warm under her touch. The pinkette couldn’t help it and explore his body with soft fingers without knowing how good she felt.
“Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are?”, he whispered in a low voice. “Do you know how tempting your blood is, Sakura..?” “Is that… bad?”, her voice asked breathlessly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to another, passionate liplock. Her lips moved like a soft, satin pillow against his, kissed him like he was everything for her, like he was all she ever wanted.
“Don’t worry. I can control my hunger.” He grabbed her hips and suddenly, Sakura felt like she was flying. A second later, she was pushed against the wall and Sakura moaned breathlessly when his clothed erection collided with her hot womanhood. “You want me to prove it, Sakura?”, he smirked devilishly at her as Sakura widened her green eyes in awe when his dark orbs bled red again. Sharp teeth appeared and thinking about them sinking into her flesh, Sakura felt… unsure. A harsh breath escaped her when Sasuke wrapped his arm around her middle, making her legs fall and her feet touch the floor for she wasn’t able to lift them herself. Only now did she remember that she wasn’t able to use her legs because with Sasuke, she forgot her greatest disability to soon.
The vampire simply hold her, made her feel like she could stand by herself and again, she felt so protected and safe in his supporting arms even though she knew that he wanted her blood. “Aren’t I too heavy? You carried me so long...” She wasn’t used to be carried so long or even being carried at all for that matter.
His hot breath met the crook of her neck as Sasuke laughed deep and low, as if she just made an amusing joke she didn’t quite realize. “I’m a vampire, Sakura. Trust me, I could carry a small girl like you for years without even noticing.”, he growled against her hot skin. “Now kiss me.”
Again, their lips melted into a feverish, hot kiss which made the disabled pinkette close her green eyes as she felt his strong chest with her left hand while grabbing his black hair with her right. Hot waves of excitement washed through her body when his wet, warm tongue licked her bottom lip and begged for entry he immediately was granted. Sakura let out a low moan when his big hand caressed her still clothed breast, feeling the soft mound under her red bra.
A little fight sparked but Sasuke was far more experienced than her which was why he empowered her a little to fast for her taste. After all, Sakura was stubborn, proud and competitive  A deep, raspy sound came out from his throat and Sakura couldn’t help but holding him more tightly.
His hold on her waist was so tight and secure, the pinkette couldn’t believe the lack of fear she had from falling for she trusted Sasuke too much. Their upper bodies met and she couldn’t fathom the words to describe the feeling of this skin to skin contact that was driving her crazy.
“Let me taste you...”
Hunger and Lust mixed and created intense, hot emotions with his deep demand but still, Sakura had the feeling that he was asking for permission. “Your heart beats faster.”, Sasuke acknowledged and caught her eyes with his. “Don’t worry. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you, Sakura.”
He lifted her up again and before she knew it, Sasuke sat on the edge of his bed and positioned her on his lab which leaded to harsh pleasure hissing through both their groins. She was sitting right on his hardness, feeling all hot and bothered by this intimate contact.
“Why do I trust you..?”, she whispered, feeling Sasuke take of her bra slowly. Immediately, she was caught by immense shame and kissed him because of it, hearing his low growl when her soft mounds pressed against his chest. Full lips kissed the corner of his mouth, his cheek, wandering over his skin and tasting his neck.
Sakura was bathing him with hungry kisses and found his manly, extraordinary sent intoxicating. “You’re a vampire, Sasuke. So… why do I trust you with my life?” “Because there is no reason to fear me.”, his deep voice answered honestly. “You are mine now. And I must say, fate really can be enjoyable.” He grinned and felt her heartbeat increase at his prompt words. The alluring scent of her tempting body in combination with her sweet, tempting blood almost put him into a daze ans Sasuke felt his hunger grow stronger. She made him crazy. Sakura made him feel things he never felt before.
But when he smelled her arousal, he almost lost control.
That’s why he stopped kissing her and instead grabbed her soft, pink hair a little harshly and tilted her head to have better access to her neck. Sasuke looked at her pulsating throat, almost saw the blood rushing through her veins.
“Mmmh...” Her body was shaking by the sensation of his lips against her pulse and Sakura sighed nervously when he pushed her locks away.
“Your blood smells like you look, Sakura. Like my personal sin.” Soft, testing kisses were raining on her nape and Sakura’s breath became more shallow, however, Sasuke’s hand stroking her sides really calmed her down. The way she was sitting on his lap, her knees touching the soft mattress and the friction between their sexes… The way he was allowed to held her hair to expose her alluring, captivating neck to him…
This was pure eroticism. Never in his life had any woman turned him on that much and he didn’t even have her yet.
Sasuke wanted her, needed her, lust after her. The vampire couldn’t find the words to explain his crave for this woman. “You drive me insane.”, he growled lowly. “Don’t worry. You will enjoy it more than you think.” And finally, he did it. Sharp teeth broke soft skin and Sakura’s body jerked but was hold in place by her black haired lover who pressed her against him. This feeling… was not comparable to anything she’d ever felt. It hurt at first somehow but… Sasuke managed to create a feeling that overpowered the pain almost immediately.
Then, Sasuke begun sucking.
“Aaaaah… Sasuke..!” Little hands hold his hair and Sasuke growled hotly, pulling her even closer to cause more friction between their sexes. Ecstasy captured both of them and the red eyed vampire swore that he never had the luck to taste such exquisite, sweet blood like hers. The red, liquid life essence of the woman on his lab tasted fantastic, felt like molten gold in his throat, not even his wildest fantasies could keep up with this insane reality.
She didn’t understand why, but Sakura felt immense pleasure obscure her senses and she was forced to find Sasuke biting her… arousing. It felt so intimate, so exceptional that she couldn’t find the words to describe these sinful sensations, however, Sasuke stopped too soon. “I don’t want to save the rest for our climax.”, he smirked at her, licking the wound to stop the bleeding only to suddenly flip her around soon after. God, she just couldn’t get used to his inhuman speed..!
When she lied on the dark blue pillow and saw the man kneeling before her, Sasuke’s lips formed a suggestive, flirty smirk for her while licking away the droplets of blood from the corner of his mouth. His beautiful eyes sparkled red and looked to captivating to Sakura who almost felt shame for her obvious desire.
Holding her look with his, Sasuke’s hands touched his black belt and loosened the button of his pants which became much too tight for him, really. In all his manly glory, Sakura saw him and widened her innocent green eyes for this was the first time she saw a man… without any clothes on. And what made her even more nervous was the fact that Sasuke... was huge. Hot, hard, stiff, large- She never would have imagined that a man could possibly this... well endowed. Her lover was definitely hard for her and Sasuke laughed smugly at her innocence. “What’s wrong, Sakura?”, he teased. “Nervous?” He had no idea…
“Just lean back and enjoy. You’re a human and this is your first time. I really don’t want you to black out before we even get started.” The pinkette wanted to say something but her words were cut short when her lover leaned over her, burying her small form under him.
Sasuke wanted to test her, taste her, make her crazy but the little minx really managed to steal his concentration with those suggestive touches of hers, making him feel almost too good. “Ah… fuck!”
Never would she forget the first time she held his manhood. Sasuke was so… hard but still… soft and silky even… she really couldn’t explain. As if silk was wrapped over hard, hard rock.
The Uchiha almost growled when she started pumping, moving her small hand up and down while his tongue traced over the skin of her breast. His teeth captured one erect nipple, sucking and biting the sensitive flesh while feeling sinful pleasure. He felt alive like never before, fuck, Sasuke never knew how incredible intimacy could be with the person he wanted with all of his very being.
Over twenty years without sex. The vampire would do without sex a whole century to have one night with Sakura. She was worth it. Sakura… was definitely worth it.
But if they continued like this, he would come and that’s why he grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed, giving her a deep, intense look. Moments of heavy silence passed and Sakura knew that Sasuke could hear her hammering heart. Her loud, human heart and the vampire was aware that it was beating for him only.
She looked stunning, absolutely beautiful how she lied under him, swollen lips parted and sea green eyes shimmering full of emotions. A pretty blush made her look even more beautiful with her pink hair lying on his dark blue pillow. Sakura was his personal perfection, his drug, his sin- She was the best thing that could have happened to him.
“You’re perfect.”
Enjoyable shivers trickled over her as Sasuke’s lips raced over her navel, marking, kissing, licking her soft flesh with his teeth and tongue. He went down, tasting her belly and finally reached her paralyzed legs. Never would he allow her to be hurt by some bastard. Never.
“Sa-Sasuke...” She felt even more vulnerable when his lips touched her upper legs which made her feel even weaker and more imperfect than she already was. “My… My legs...” “I know that your legs can still feel. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
He kept his promise.
Soft and tender, his mouth brushed against the velvet skin of her beautiful legs which caused for even more shivers taking in her body. The Uchiha kisses on her tender, paralyzed legs felt so intimate that she felt another wave of pure emotion and trust in her heart.
It was weird to feel so much pleasure and trust at once and when Sasuke nipped her inner thigh, she wanted to move her legs. But Sakura couldn’t. She wasn’t able to. That really was SO depressing because she didn’t want her lover to do all the work..!
“Lean back, Sakura. And close your eyes.”, he ordered. “I want to have you tonight completely.” Feeling a little awkward, Sakura complied and stayed still, letting out a shaking breath as the vampire kissed her thighs.
However, her whole body jerked when his hands suddenly teared her red slip apart but she couldn’t move her legs. She couldn’t move her legs to close them so he couldn’t see… “Sasuke, I-” “Hush. You will enjoy it.” Dark, mysterious laughter left his throat while Sakura tried to keep calm, biting her lips and almost draw blood. Really, she tried EVERYTHING to stay calm… But her efforts were fruitless for she felt Sasuke’s finger entering her womanhood nice and slowly.
“Oooooh… Sasuke..-” “So wet already?”, he teased darkly and was surprised. She was untouched -it was too obvious, really- and she was more than ready for him already without needing any more stimulation. “Did you enjoy being bitten my me that much?”
Her hips jerked again when he pulled his digit out of her before dipping it into her wet, hot entrance again, filling her like no one did before. Or at all for that matter.
The black haired vampire really worked her up, making her pant in the process which definitely boosted his ego. Sakura closed her eyes in complete shame, however, pleasure took the upper end and forced soft moans out of her. But it was far from enough for Sasuke because he wanted to hear more.
Sakura lost it when his teeth closed around her bundle of nerves and suckled her most sensitive part an no, she didn’t -COULDN’T- focus on her immense shame. “AAAAAH… OH GOD!”  Fuck, how was it possible that such a perfect creature could exist? How can it be that she tasted so fucking good EVERYWHERE, what is it with this woman?
Sakura lost it and braced herself by holding his black hair and couldn’t help all those loud, embarrassing sounds she couldn’t keep in. The vampire changed his tactic and switched, so that his thumb was working on her swollen nub while his tongue tasted her delicious juices, penetrating her womanhood like a mad man. He became addicted.
Hungrily, the Uchiha licked every corner of her tightness, took even the smallest droplet of her lust essence and stole beautiful sounds of raw lust from his pink haired lover. “AHH… OOOOH… PLEASE… SASUKE-”
The black haired vampire didn’t know which taste he prefered.
Her lips? Her inner mouth? Her skin? Her blood?
Or the taste of wet womanhood..?
“Sasuke! AH! OH GOD..!”
Her back curved, her toes curled  and her breathing became louder and less controlled, her whole body shook hectically and after many, agonizing, pleasuring minutes Sasuke decided he’d tortured her enough. Because he was just about to burst.
He needed her. Now.
“Mph!” Of all sudden, he hovered over her again and the fast vampire kissed his woman passionately, took her hand and pressed them above her head on the bed. Domination seemed to be a big part in Sasuke’s sex life and the disabled woman under him enjoyed everything he did to her. Tasting herself on his tongue, she returned the kiss and moved her mouth feverishly against his and gasped as she felt his wet tip against her entrance.
“I can’t wait anymore, Sakura.”, he said, a wild expression on his face. “I want you right now. Never in my life have I felt so much desire, much less for a human...-” “Is that bad?”, she asked weakly. “Sasuke… If I am bad for you, we should-” A harsh kiss cut her off and Sakura hummed softly when she felt his warm palm on her cheek. “More so. You’re probably the best thing that could’ve happened to me.” Green eyes widened in astonishment at those words followed by a pretty blush that covered her cheeks. Sakura’s belly prickled and tingled, excitement made it harder to breath properly when Sasuke pressed his tip against her slit and angled her motionless legs for her.
The time has come. It… It would finally happen..!
“Look at me.”, he demanded darkly and met her nervous, innocent green eyes. From this moment on, Sasuke and Sakura didn’t use words to communicate but acted on pure, raw instinct.
Slowly, Sasuke pushed his hard, long member into her wet tightness clenched his teeth together after he felt just how innocent she was Sakura felt how he buried himself in her core inch after inch, stretching her as slowly and carefully as he could. Kissing her forehead one last time, he pushed and broke her maidenhood with one single move.
Her head came up and Sasuke caught her lips and pushed her against the matress, trying to distract her with his loving, yearning kiss. “Mh… fuck...-” His hands wandered over her body, touching her soft curves and left a tingling, warm sensation on her skin.
Pain and pleasure filled moan hollowed through his room as Sasuke rubbed her nub with his thumb, making soft, teasing circles in her bundle of nerved. He teased her, tested her and drove her over the edge nice and slowly- The vampire forced his human to forget the pain and instead feel the pleasure he too felt because of her.
She felt so good. Hot, wet, tight and fucking perfect.
It took all his energy to NOT ram into her and fuck her hard and fast. No, he would never cause her pain like that bastard and instead, he would be patient so she could life out this moment as a human. Both of them had to adjust, even if it almost killed him.
“I’m… okay.”, she panted after a few, agonizing minutes and looked into black orbs which made it more than obvious to see how much he tried to control himself. “You s-sure?”
Sakura could see how his jaw hardened, how much he kept it back. She lifted her head to plant a soft kiss over his hard jaw and gave him a small, honest smile full of emotions he never saw on anyone else but her. “I want you just as much as you want me.”, she panted softly. “Now show me what I missed all these years.”
This little, damned sin. Of course, he couldn’t disobey her orders. “If you insist.”
That’s why he pulled himself out and listened to her soft whimper when he did so which proved how ready she now was for him. Perfect. “This might get a little hard, Sakura.”, he smirked smugly and reached his hips out.
And then he thrust into her without stopping.
Immediately, Sakura threw her head back and felt storm-waves pf pleasure flash into her center which made her writhe under the Uchiha, who took her hard and fucked her mercilessly. The immense friction of his hard member penetrating her hotness felt like crazy heaven, making Sasuke crazy with want and desire.
Again, he pusher her arms into the mattress and braced himself, enjoying those sexy sounds he received from screwing the little human. Sasuke felt like a starved beast who was being fed after years of starvation. The Uchiha fucked her harder but slower, dominated Sakura completely. “Shit… Sakura!”
His inner monster wanted to take her faster, to ram into her like an animal, to fuck her hard and wild but he forbade himself to do so for he would not hurt her. Once he turned her, he could be as rough as he want, however, now was not the time.
He growled like an animal against her nape, catching her springing breast with his hand and suckled her delicious flesh. Neck, decollete, breast- No part of her did he left untouched and Sasuke felt immense satisfaction by marking her skin.
“From now on, you’re mine, Sakura.”, he growled against her ear and thrusted harder, causing her body to jerk with each push. “Only mine. You belong to me know and you won’t leave me, you hear me?” She nodded absently. Hell, she wanted to be with this man forever so that was nothing he had to demand. “Answer me!”
A rough thrust broke her trance and Sasuke swallowed her scream of pleasure, sucking her lip and kissing her harder. “AH! Yes, Sasuke!”, she shouted in ecstasy and heard his diabolical, evil laugh.  Her heartbeat increased, her blood rushed louder and her breathing became more hectic as she felt those waves of pleasure drove her over the edge. Sasuke knew how close she was and also felt his climax coming closer.
“Fuck… Sakura..!”, he grunted raspy. “You’re so fucking tight!” “OH! Ah, Sasuke..! I can’t..!”
She was his prisoner, his marionette, Sasuke’s most precious obsession and if Sakura really wanted to come… Who was he to deny his lover her wish? For a moment, he slowed down and made the pinkette insane and desperate who didn’t register how he brushed away her pink locks from her neck. “Let me give you a first time you’ll never dare to forget.” His breath fanned against her nape and Sasuke’s jaw hardened at the feeling of Sakura’s inner walls tightening around his hard erection but he was able to control himself.
Instead, he fixated her with his now blood red, hungry eyes, his fangs sharp and dangerous which flashed from being touched by the moonlight. A devilish, unearthly smirk touched his lips and for a moment Sakura really thought her heart was about to burst.
He looked like he came from a different world. His hair darker than the blackest night. Eyes that were redder than blood. Skin that looked like being made of ceramic. And a smirk that melted her soul. This man was a vampire, a vampire that belonged to her alone- He was hers and changed everything for Sakura. . . .
He bit her. Sasuke bit her, burying his fangs into her flesh and started sucking her sweet, addicting blood. And then, he fucked her recklessly, animalistic and hard.
Sakura small form jerked and she gasped, screamed through his room at the feeling of his hard girth that was penetrating her with inhuman speed and strength. Stars were shimmering before her eyes, pleasure and lust made her his personal slave. Combined with the feeling of the vampire who stole the blood of the pinkette-
Every suck he took turned those waves of lust to waves of insane, hard, ripping pleasure that almost broke her apart. Sakura swore that she almost lost consciousness but Sasuke didn’t allow her to black out just yet. “Fuck… Sakura!” His lover was nothing but a writhing, screaming mess under him, her weak arms were trying to free themselves from his dominating grip with made him smirk even eviler. Sakura screamed, moaned and grunted, even forgot her name for a second. His lover felt so good, so perfect… Sakura was so fucking tight that it took all his self control not to come too fast. “AH! OOOOOH… S-SASUKE!”
He sucked her blood harder, harsher and turned her into his screaming, moaning, insane puppet whose noises of pleasure were music to his ears. Her climax hit her hard and her loud moan made Sasuke smirk even more. Letting go of her neck, Sasuke braced himself and thrusted even faster, penetrating her inner walls passionately and full of lust as he felt her inner walls tighten even more around him. Her orgasm raged like a wild tornado inside her, making her shout out his name like a mantra as she was caught in a world full of lust and ecstasy. “FUCK!”, Sasuke shouted uncharacteristic loudly as his body jerked with the intense orgasm ripping through his body. Hot and heavy, he emptied himself inside her, his white cream filling up her burning core, mixing with her sweet juices. His hot lips collided against hers and while he rode out their climax, he swallowed her soft moans in absolute satisfaction and desire while grunting right into her mouth.
“Ah… Sasuke..!” That just was the best orgasm he ever had. Never in his life did he experience something like this, Sasuke didn’t even know that an orgasm be this… intense and incredible! He didn’t even need to start with Sakura for she was a goner. A human and a vampire… Who would’ve known that sex with a human could drive him insane..? . . . “I meant it.” A few minutes later -the Uchiha was still hovering over and his member was still buried inside her hot core- Sasuke broke the silence and looked into two, vulnerable green eyes. “You are mine from now on. I cannot let you go, Sakura.” Her chest fluttered and Sakura seemed relevent, shy and unsure for not only had she had sex for the first time in her life… but she did it with a vampire. She knew her was perfect. Sakura knew he was good… “Why do you want me? What… What just happened between us?”, she asked more than confused. “I don’t know you and we just...- And this trust-” “Hn. That’s fate’s fault. We don’t exactly have a choice.” The Uchiha didn’t know that his words had hurt her and felt unsure when she looked at him with sad, disappointed eyes. “So you’re forced...”, she spoke quietly,, looking really hurt about this. “You mean you actually don’t want me-” “Shut up.”, he snapped at her and met her defending gaze. How could she think after having that kind of sex with him that he wouldn’t want her?! “Everyone has a soulmate, Sakura. But as vampires, we need a little push or… help to find our partner. It would’ve happened eventually, even If I were human.” The Uchiha sighed, not used to explaining things. “I wanted to let you go, Sakura. I wanted you to have a normal life.” “Normal life? What I had was hell on earth.”, she said bitterly. “I’m crippled, Sasuke. I’m not as strong and independent as I was before. I can’t take care of myself, I’m weak and-” “You’re an idiot.”, he cut her of.
“You just let yourself seduce by a vampire, a creature of darkness and now you think you’re not good enough because you can’t walk? And here I thought you were smart.”, he  reproached bluntly. “You have to deal with it.” His words were harsh but his look comforting. “You are strong, Sakura. No one but you could take the place by my side.” Really, Sasuke had never seen so much determination in anyone’s eyes but hers and he told her the truth when he called out her strength. “And by the way, there are more doctors in the world. As I just found out, your legs can sill feel touches and pleasure.” She blushed when he winked at her smugly. “We’ll try to find a way to cure you. And even if we can’t, fearing that you would not be enough for me should be nothing but a bad joke in that pretty head of yours.” He barely recognized his own voice anymore but he didn’t find the will to care. For her, he can be soft as long as she understands that he only wants her by his side an no one else. His hand brushed away the pink lock on her cheek, his now black orbs full of compassion and unspoken feelings as he lowered his face to seal her lips with a slow, consuming, loving kiss, tasting the sweet taste of her love bitten lips. “I will turn you one day.”, he murmured promisingly against her lips without mentioning that he will be healed as a vampire. He didn’t want to leave the impression that she wasn’t good enough for him like this for Sasuke just wanted to turn her so he can have her forever. “I know.”, she smiled lovingly at him. “I can’t wait to get to know you better until then, Uchiha Sasuke.” “Hn. I think this is getting even more interesting than I expected.”, he grinned cheekily as he kissed her again, touching her full lip with his demanding tongue. Over three hundret years. Sasuke had to wait several centuries to have her and he would do it again begause this woman was worth all the wait and effort. “Why don’t we get started now, Sakura..?” His hands started roaming over her body and Sakura knew what this meant felt the member inside her core harden again which made her heart beat faster against her chest. . . . So, a new chapter began for Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. A chapter where the both of them no longer had to endure this horrible loneliness crashing their hearts. No longer did they have to suffer and wonder about the horrible feeling in their chest. A chapter which tells the story of a human and a vampire who would share a whole eternity together without being forced to miss their soulmate ever again… . . .
. . . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. OMG, I finally did it! Guys, I’m so happy for all those reviews I got and to be honest, I’m not sure if you liked this lemon. Like I said, English is my third language so please, be easy on me, yeah?
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sleepyfoxprince · 7 years
Sasu/Naru - I Love You
Little drabble that came to mind that I felt like getting out. (Be gentle I haven’t written anything in forever @_@ )
Lightly weathered hands gripped at edge of the blanket in his arms, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Was he really ready for this? I mean, honestly of course he was. He had been ready for this moment for… Gods… since he was fifteen when it finally dawned upon him that his feelings were beyond those of friendship. Probably? Well, physically ready for what may come after the words that would messily spill out of his mouth, but not mentally. But now, now that he was the age of seventeen, and things were finally settling down he was definitely ready.
Problem was - where was Sasuke?
He glanced up at the sun, which was setting just beyond the line of trees now, knowing the time was getting well beyond the agreed time of meeting. If they were going to climb to the top of Mt. Hokage, they needed to go soon… where was he? Maybe he should go meet him at his place? Maybe he ran into some trouble on the way here? Naruto rocked back and forth on his heels, nibbling on his lower lip as he debated what to do.
“You’re going to make yourself bleed, dobe.” Naruto’s head whipped around to see Sasuke standing there, a few feet away, acting like he had been there the whole time - casual with his hand loosely in his pocket. Sasuke was always cool and collected like that.
“You’re late, ittebyo.” The blond groaned. Cool or not, Naruto did not like to wait, even if it was Sasuke. He was nervous enough as is, so he wanted to get a move on. Not that he wanted to rush things… it was… “You ready for a hike?”
Sasuke eyed the blanket in Naruto’s arms before turning his black eyes back to the sun kissed face, “What are you planning exactly?” He seemed skeptical. “You didn’t exactly give me any details to why you wanted to meet up so suddenly, you know?”  Not that it sounded like he minded.
“Mmn. Like you need more reasons to get out of that big house of yours.” He hummed in reply, starting off, knowing that the other would follow behind. “Like I said, we are going on a hike. Up to the top of Mt. ‘Kage.” He pointed, as if Sasuke was not away of the giant mountain that hovered at the back of their village with the momentous faces of their past leaders carved into it.
“Okay. Because that explained everything.” He rolled his eyes, but like Naruto predicted he followed anyways.
It did not take long for the two to make their way up the mountain, a clear path cut through the base with stairs leading up to an entrance that was usually meant only for officials to go through. But Naruto had a key. This meant that either he had permission, or he snatched it from someone. Sasuke did not know which, and if he asked Naruto he doubted that he would get a straight answer out of him anyways. Either way, the blond to be having fun, so he did not really want to spoil it with needless banter – this time of night the place entrance and area was empty anyways.
Once both on top, Naruto closed the hatch and went to work spreading out the full sized blanket. It looked rather plush, which would be a good thing as the stone was most definitely hard for what he probably intended for their sitting. He turned back to Sasuke with a full grin on his face and a gesture to the blanket.
“So. Sit?” There was a slight waver to his voice, faint, but the Uchiha caught it all the same. He was going to comment on it, and the fact that Naruto was being awfully demanding as of late, but since he was nervous he did not. Instead he simply nodded and moved to the blanket, and seated himself down.
“You’re being compliant…” He mumbled, chuckling lightly probably to continue to cover up his nervousness. Could Sasuke tell? Is that why he is letting me get away with this? He coughed and then moved over to sit beside him before he could respond.
“So… You have been really busy lately, and we have not been able to talk much… so…” Naruto’s hands were rubbing together, his brows knitted, and he could taste his heart beat. “I wanted to get you away from the bustle of the village so we could just have some time… you know ittebyo… just the two of us…ittebyo…” he mentally cursed and using his impediment twice, Sasuke would definitely know he was nervous.
Sasuke watched the way Naruto moved, the way he talked and spoke. Oh yeah. He knew. “Naruto.” His voice was calm, smooth and he reached out to touch his forearm to try and calm him. “I have wanted to talk, just the two of us, too.” He wanted to reassure the fire cracker that it was alright, it was just him. “There are so many things left unsaid between the two of us, and so much lost time…” He looked out at the village, his mind leaving him.
He looked up from his hands, startled at how honest Sasuke was being. His stomach did a back flip. He did not know if he felt better, or worse. He wanted to remain on track, but also did not want to diminish what Sasuke wanted to speak about. “But… now that you are back, we have all the time in the world to make up for this lost time. All of the time.” He softly placed his hand over top of the pale one on his arm, “So let’s start now, kay?” His blue eyes connected with those dark circles.
“So… I wanted to discuss a few things. Like… Us?”
“Us?” Sasuke raised a questioning brow at this, “What are you referring to?”
Naruto looked up admiring the night sky filled with glimmering stars, trying to find the courage amongst the beauty of it all. “Yeah, ittebyo… You know I have been literately cashing after you since we were 12?” he chuckled, still looking up. “Running, fighting, crying… running some more. It has been a long, hard road but, we have always come back together. And then now, here we are. Here, in this village, together on this mountain. We always end up together.” The more he spoke, the more confidence he was gaining.
Slowly, he glanced back down at Sasuke, who he now noticed was staring at him. It was a soft stare, almost apologetic, eyes slightly glossed with abandoned tears that probably would not come, but sympathetic all the same. Naruto smiled, knowing that even though Sasuke hurt him, he was sorry for all the pain he caused, and that they could and would work through it. He would make damn sure that they would.
“So… I want us to stay together. Forever in moments like this. Staring out at the world, just existing together side by side.” He squeezed the hand on his forearm gently for greater emphasis, “Sasuke… I don’t want you to leave again, not me, not this village, not ever again.”
“Naruto…” Sasuke started, and the other shook his head, squeezing the hand tighter, “Naruto.” He repeated more forcefully this time, which demanded him to listen. “I know what you are saying, and I hear you, I do. You have to give me time to respond, though. You always go into things so head on and boisterous without giving other people time to respond.” He mumbled the last part.”
Naruto flushed, embarrassed by the statement, “…Sorry…”
“It is one of the reasons I find you so interesting, but also so frustrating.” The dark haired male continued, “Always so head first into things without thinking about how it will affect you, and sometimes the people around you.” He sighed, probably thinking of examples of Naruto doing just that, “But please. Remember how hard it is for me to be here still, in this village. This is your home, your place… but the moment I left… I left this place behind. No one really still wants me here besides you.”
“… Aren’t I enough?” He mumbled softly, sadness creeping into the normally chipper voice. It made Sasuke wince.
“I didn’t say that…” he counted.
“Look, I understand. I do. A lot of things happened, and a lot of people are still having issues trusting that you being here is not a good idea. But… I…” he paused, his brows knitting together, sadness almost over coming him, “I need you.” He allowed his hand to finally fall from Sasuke’s.
It was snatched back up just as quickly as it left, and Sasuke held it up to his heart. It was rapidly beating. “Don’t think for one second that I don’t feel the same, dobe! I just… it’s hard. I want to be here for you, but…”
Naruto could see him struggling with his words. He could feel his heart beat. That, was for him. Those strong and powerful beats were pounding for him. But he was struggling. What could he say? What could he do to put his mind at ease? Finally it came to him, and his body was reacting more than he his brain could control. The next thing he knew, he was pulling Sasuke towards him and crashing his own lips against those paler ones.
A Kiss. It was something that he knew was supposed to be calming, reaffirming, and at times passionate. But he wanted to be gentle, to be soothing, and to bring Sasuke back down. It was slow, messy, and he had no idea what he was doing much more besides than the fact he wanted to do it. That and he was pretty sure it was just repetitive motion with your lips touching your intended. Right?
He didn’t move at first until Sasuke reacted, his lips relaxing and face tilting inward so their lips melted better together so the angle was not so awkward. He was pretty sure Sasuke knew a lot more at this whole kissing thing, because once he actually joined in on the idea it suddenly got a whole like better. Deeper, his lips started to tingle, and his body was starting to warm up at the contact. He hoped that Sasuke was feeling the same, because if so he was feeling so much better by now.
This went on for a few minutes, gentle and reassuring for the both of them, before finally they both broke away. Naruto’s hands on Sasuke’s hips and Sasuke’s hands on Naruto’s face. Both of them very breathless and staring half lidded into each other’s eyes. Naruto was the first to break the silence.
“… So… is it too late to tell you now that I love you?”
Sasuke chuckled, rolling his eyes, “Hmmn.  I thought we covered that?” He reached up and ruffed soft blond hair atop Naruto’s head, “… I love you too.”  Was his soft reply, after he had gently leaned his head against the other’s shoulder. In fact it was so soft that he probably would have missed it if it were not directly in his ear.
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electraposts · 7 years
AIC 27 preview
The next chapter is finished, but I’m putting just the first section up for you to check out while I send it out for revisions.
I’m going to be trying something new soon- I’m going to put up a patreon page. In the near future, I will go live. I’m going to use it for showing previews of Aiko in Canon just like this, original writing, videos and live chats with patrons.
But I’m actually about to start a big project. I’m going to rewrite Vapors and Clarity. I think that I became a much better writer over the course of the story and so I definitely do not regret what I currently have posed. I will be leaving it up. But I want to do better- the emotional arc of the story, pacing, and consistencies are some of my big goals for improvement.
If you’re interested in any of that, and especially if you have ideas about what you’d like to see from my patreon, keep an eye out.
AIC 27 preview section
Sasuke rushed the bastard. Kakashi-sensei yelled out, but whatever he said was lost in the blood pounding in Naruto's ears.
“I said run!”
Oh, that was what it was. “No chance.” Naruto bit out, fumbling to pull out a kunai and run to help Sasuke. He moved-
“Sasuke!” He heard Sakura shout it with him.
Sasuke fell forward.
Naruto's vision froze. That didn't make sense. Did Sasuke stumble? One second he was running and then he tripped down and didn't move.
The dark-haired jerk stepped forward so that his sandal was at Sasuke's head. He looked down. He didn't even look like he cared.
“Get up, bastard!” Naruto shouted, because what the hell was Sasuke doing at a time like this?
Shark face laughed and looked at Kakashi-sensei. Then his face changed. He was looking at something else.
Naruto followed his eyes- Sakura was trying to leave, like sensei said. And the sharkman wanted to stop her. Naruto moved to get in between them. Kakashi-sensei had the same thought, because Naruto blinked and he was looking at Kakashi-sensei's back.
Metal clashed- Kakashi's kunai sparked against the shark's enormous sword. Naruto dared a glance over at Sasuke. He still wasn't moving. What was wrong with him?
“Kakashi-san. It has been a while.”
There was something about that guy's voice that was beyond creepy. Sharkman had stopped when his partner spoke. He took a step back, hefting his sword over his shoulder.
Kakashi-sensei wasn't looking at the sharkman, even though he was only less than a meter away. He didn't say anything and Naruto couldn't see his face, but something was very wrong.
The absolute bastard stepped over Sasuke on his way to Kakashi. “If you wouldn't mind, Kisame-san.”
Naruto bolted past the bastard to Sasuke. No one stopped him so he dropped to his knees and shook his teammate. Sasuke's head sort of rolled on the dirt. It was so wrong that Naruto snatched his hand back. “What the hell did you do to him?”
No one answered him.
“Let me go! Stop, stop!”
Naruto looked up in time to see that the sharkman was walking towards them slowly, holding Sakura up around his head with one hand around her wrist. She was struggling and beating at his right hand and head with the arm she had free, but it didn't seem to register.
Kakashi-sensei's knees buckled. He fell to the grass as limply as Sasuke had. His face stared up blankly.
“No!” Sakura made a horrible sound that hurt to hear. She struggled even harder- and there was a really weird wet popping sound. She screamed and curled her legs up, clutching at her shoulder with her free hand.
Naruto got back up to his feet and stood between the intruders and his unconscious teammate. “Let her go!” The kunai shook, just a little.
For the first time, the assholes looked at him. The sharkman smiled at him with way more teeth than should fit in a mouth.
“Look at that, Itachi-san. Convenient, don't you think?” He hefted Sakura a little higher. She made a high sound that boiled Naruto's blood.
“Yes.” The one who must be Itachi had a voice that lower than he should. Naruto tried not to shiver. There was something really wrong with him. “I'm afraid that you will have to come with us.”
“Why the hell would I do that?” Naruto spat. His hand was so tight around a kunai that it was cramping.
The sharkman grabbed Sakura's shoulder and oriented her body front. Itachi seemed to see it as a cue because he glanced at her and she went as still as Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei. Her hand dropped, her legs straightened.
“Because it will be easier for us to pass Konoha's security with a hostage.”
Sharkman tossed Sakura over his shoulder.
Itachi's voice was infuriatingly calm. “You should come with us. Someone will have to return your teammate here to Konoha, once we are done.”
Naruto really, really tried to see another option. “You'll let us both go?” he asked, as hard as he could. Kakashi-sensei really wasn't moving. Was he dead? Sensei and Sasuke and Sakura had all gone down just like that and Naruto didn't even know what Itachi had done. “What if you decide to keep us? Or kill us?”
Sharkman gave a mean, ugly laugh. “Don't think too highly of yourself.”
“Of course.” Itachi said it so matter of factly. “You can be of use to us for a time. With a hostage, we will not have to engage in combat with any other unfortunates.” His eyes strayed to Sasuke. “But you are only genin. We would gain nothing from killing one such as you. After you help us, you may go free.”
He felt sick. It was all so wrong. Was he really going to go with them? The fight had been so fast and so quiet- maybe it would be better to scream. If he yelled even once someone might notice before Itachi could shut him up.
But probably not. And if someone came, then they wouldn't need a hostage. Maybe they'd just kill Sakura.
Naruto swallowed. “Okay.”
He felt like the lowest of the low. But he followed. The really creepy guy, Itachi, led them through the brush of the training field and kicked aside nothing at all to reveal a hole with a metal ladder.
Naruto had no idea at all what was going on.
The shark guy went first, Sakura still and small over his shoulder. The creep came last and having that guy behind him in the dark made Naruto want to scream.  It felt like forever. His eyesight gradually adjusted to the darkness. The passage was only about a meter across. Sometimes there was another hallway, but they weren't all the same size. Some were smaller. Itachi quietly called out directions... He was the one who knew this place.
His forehead protector.... He'd been a Konoha shinobi, hadn't he? The line meant that he was a deserter. He had belonged to Konoha, and that was why he knew the way around.
Naruto felt so angry he might be sick. How could that utter bastard do this? How could a person betray his friends and attack people he should protect?
It got worse once they went back above ground because then they were running. Naruto was gasping to keep up. Once he began to fall behind but Itachi and Kisame didn't even seem to notice. They definitely didn't slow down.
Of course not! They only needed one hostage. And they didn't really care if someone was there to help Sakura when she woke up wherever the bastards would leave her. He needed to keep up. He couldn't let her down again.
The nightmare went on for hours. Naruto ran harder and longer than he knew he could. They never went to the road team 7 had taken when they had gone to Wave Country. The whole time they were running in the trees, up high and if he messed up he could fall and lose them and Sakura would be alone-
They stopped, and then dropped down to the ground. Naruto copied quickly and his knees burned from the force of landing. Itachi gave Naruto a quick, dismissive glance. “Five minutes.” Naruto wanted to punch him.
“Is it that time already?” Kisame let Sakura hit the grass.
“Watch it!” Naruto yelled. No one looked at him. Not even when he went to check on Sakura and see if she might be waking up.
Itachi made a series of hand seals and then held his right hand in front of his face. He touched a ring he was wearing. Something really weird was happening.
Naruto leaned in to watch, fascinated despite himself.
A sheet of light rose up. It looked like the static on a tv, except there were a lot more colors.
The light grew a dark center. The darkness turned into a human shape. A guy, with spiky hair.
Itachi seemed to have been expecting that. “We have left Konohagakure and passed most of the internal security. There ought to be no trouble until the border.”
“Acceptable.” The figure wavered. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
Kisame glanced at Naruto.
'If I could figure out what they wanted, the old man will want to know.”
“One of two objectives has been fulfilled,” Itachi said.
That wasn't very helpful.
The stranger's voice sharpened. “Are you alone?”
There was a moment of quiet. “Very well.” The figure seemed to nod. “Acceptable. I look forward to your return.”
They ran again after that. Naruto had no idea how long it was. His legs went through the cycle of tiring, hurting, and feeling fine again three times. And then Itachi slowed down a step and made contact with Kisame. “Aa,” he said.
Kisame snorted. “I wondered if we would really be so lucky.” He jumped to a lower branch and then to the forest floor. Naruto copied, because Kisame was the one holding Sakura. He didn't see Itachi for a couple of seconds but then he was right there with them.
Kisame and Itachi were both looking the same way, so Naruto did too. He didn't blink. But he still didn't see the other shinobi show up. One moment there was no one. The next, four people were outlined in the shadows.
One of them, he knew.
Kisame made a surprised sound. “Only one Konoha nin? And one without a hitai-ite.”
“And two from Kiri.” Itachi sounded bored. “Friends of yours, Kisame-san?”
“Can't say I know them. Peculiar.” Kisame sounded like he was smiling. “This is interesting, isn't it? Did you know we were here?”
“Put down the kids and I might not kill you.”
Aiko-san's voice was so cold. He was so glad to see her. She was making some handsigns he couldn't see.
Kisame laughed. “That's not very friendly, now is it?” He cocked his head. “I remember you. You're good at taxes, but mean. Not sugar-sweet enough to be from Konoha. You're with Kiri.”
Aiko-san turned her face away from Kisame, to narrow in on Itachi.
“Don't look at him!” Naruto heard himself shout. “He looked at Kakashi-sensei!”
It didn't exactly make sense and it was too late. She was looking right at him, Naruto could see it, and she was going to fall down just like sensei and Sasuke and how could anyone fight someone who could just look at you and-
There was a horrible, high pitched sound that hurt his ears. Blood was in the air. And Aiko's fist was sticking out the back of Itachi's chest, along with a shining mass of what looked like glass needles.
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ryodan · 7 years
Sasuke and SASUSAKU.
Okay, I just saw this and I’ll humor you. I’ll even make a whole post for you.
1)      Whether  Kishimoto said he was good or bad at writing romance is pretty irrelevant here as sasusaku related material made it into 44 of his 72 volumes. And actually, he never said he is bad at writing romance, he said he felt uncomfortable seeing characters he ‘grew’ kiss (Hinata and Naruto) and that he does not understand the hearts of women so he had to consult his editor and wife to write certain SS scenes, which in itself is effort spent. He never said ‘Idk how they got together’ he said he wrote the story with them in the back of his mind wondering how he would make them end up together and just decided to go with the flow.  This is coming from the man who also said in the second board meeting with the Naruto staff that they were end game since their conception as character #5 and #6 respectively, a rival and a heroine added to the story and he thought of making a love triangle thing happen but was like no I probably could not pull that off. So, there goes that argument.
2)      I will mention part 2 ss if you want me to, friend. But, saying SS does not make sense to the character (who I am assuming is sasuke?) and trying to erase part 1 is pretty???? Because a lot of part 2 was focused on getting the Sasuke they loved in part 1 back..a happier more emotionally stable one though.
3)      Part 1 SS is very important because it is the time during the run of the series that featured the most  positive emotional growth and development for sasuke, and a huge part of it was linked to sakura. We start off with this irritable, socially reclusive boy who’s first thought in the series is ‘more people will just drag me down’, and we later learn the reason of this behavior is trauma and survivors guilt which often leads to isolation, repression and irritability. This is not me trying to add psychology to his character arc, all of this is out right shown multiple times on spaced out occasions which reinforces that these are reoccurring thoughts. His fixation on his ‘revenge plot’ was aided by the fact that he was an introverted shy boy (this does not equal wants to be left alone considering he regularly sought acknowledgment) pre massacre and a full blown out isolated mess afterwards. Being alone only allowed him to obsess over revenge further, which no matter how you look at it is not healthy and it was never shown in the series to be healthy.
But anyways, I digress. A lot of him growing positively linked to Sakura. Some of his biggest part 1 moments include fighting orochimaru, awakening his seal and suppressing it (the cursed seal is arguably one  of  the biggest progressions of his character in part 1 as it leads to him being manipulated into leaving the village) and his fight with gara (again, arguably the moment he showed how much he grew as a character with team 7)
4)      Don’t forget. The Curse of Hatred (憎しみの呪い, Nikushimi no Noroi) was an ideal common to the Uchiha Clan, the Uchiha are people greatly devoted to love and friendship, yet they tend to conceal their more affectionate traits. When the object of their affection is lost, an Uchiha’s love can instantaneously turn into hatred, leaving them more inclined to do anything and everything in their power to achieve their goals and show their own superiority, regardless of the consequences and repercussions of their actions. The despair of these experiences cause a manifestation of unique chakra within an Uchiha’s brain, impacting the optic nerves and creating the sharingan. This also requires extremely painful experiences, which cause the user to delve into darkness that utterly consumes them.
I won’t bring this up
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                        Because this also happens
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What I am trying to say is early part one gave a very good set up for who sasuke really is as a person, genuinely pretty empathetic and pure hearted which is easily backed up by the fact that when he was a kid (kishi regularly uses childhood to explain a psyche of a character) despite his inferiority complex growing due to his brother, he was still more concerned with the relationship between his dad and his brother going sour than his own feelings of neglect.
Even so, it was still obvious that he needed to go through some positive development.
The first time we are introduced to Sasuke’s stance in the entire series as an avenger is through his first interactions with sakura, which were literally given romantic context from volume 1 and mentioned again over the entire series and highlighted nearing the finale in volume 70, so yeah pretty relevant.
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His isolation and irritability generally made him seem off standoffish but even with that, he took his time out to explain his stance in the story which is a pretty fuckin big deal considering this opening up is something suigetsu complains about in part 2 and jugo struggles to understand him because of. Naruto has to physically pull it out of him, kakashi got it when sasuke was in a very emotionally volatile state and sakura got it with a hug.
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Cut to the first mission and his ties with naruto and sakura are established , the rival friend and the girl with the crush he feels some sort of protective affection for.
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Moments like these (that make grown ass men cry but get antis panties in a knot) are funny bc when you say that he is comfortable with her touch already someone has to say he just woke up, but homeboy had a bunch of senbon sticking into him like a hedgehog and he still took a moment to call naruto a moron and say he did not want to die before accomplishing revenge.
 So, until this day the person he is most physically comfortable with sakura and we all know how he feels about physical touch haha
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After said mission, a very sweet and important scene happens and it highlights a shift in character for sasuke. It’s also the scene my avid sasuke hater friend says ‘the only time that dick did anything nice’. Where after he has a lil salty moment with a naruto who was acting particularly bratty that day gives Sakura the ‘instead of minding me why don’t you practice a jutsu? To be frank with you, your abilities are even less than naruto’s.��� which if after the guy readily jumped in front an attack to protect her you think he is going out of his way to be a dick then that is a pretty faulty assumption. He was being frank, it is what it is. Was it needed to make sakura realize her ass needs to grow up? Yes. Could it have been worded better? Also, yes. Which is why the next scene happens where Sasuke grows more in tune with her and is able to tell she is feeling down. Him being aware of and caring about her personal feelings is a huge step forward  for his character and is pretty much the only time this type of behavior exists from him.
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He is being nice, says a huge compliment and look at his little smile, he is satisfied that she is happy. A huge step forward from ‘I don’t care for bonds bc I have revenge!!11!!’
The fight vs rock lee happens and sasuke grows a little more and team 7 has a scene furthering their bonds (added romantic context on sakuras part ofc)
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During the chuunin exams ofc they face orochimaru and sasuke over comes something shown right in the beginning of the land of the waves arc : an intense paralyzing fear of strong  opponents with an intense blood lust dating back to the day of the massacre.
 He sees Sakura shaking and his sharingan activates, showing he is worried about her and as they are about to get attacked he forces himself to move (ugoke!) and stabs himself to go get her. Cute moment showing he cares. A lot.
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And yet again a huge character moment, when she calls him out on being a coward and for his hypocrisy towards naruto, insulting him frequently yet in the same position naruto was once in and in his mind he immediately flashes  back to the reason he always believed he needed to live : his ‘moral burden’ of killing itachi and for the first time refuses to live tied by the ‘rules’ itachi made for him and over comes that fear and fights. She talk no jutsued sasuke lol
And ofc he gets bitten and seeks physical comfort from her. he initiated that contact with her meaning her presence is comforting to him, a big deal in a moment of such intense agony.
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And then the iconic hug scene, where his survivor guilt is shown in his nightmares and his intense feelings of hating himself for not being able to protect him family causing his curse mark to act up and when he wakes up to see sakura hurt, the mark and by extension sasuke under it’s influence heating him up go out of control. (but even then when she expresses worry over him he takes time out to explain his major stance in the entire story yet again, even if I abandon myself to evil on my path I must obtain power)
‘Sakura, iie! omae o kizutsuke ta no wa doidsu da?’
‘Sakura, tell me! Which of them hurt you?’ chosen in the databook by kishi and readers as one of the best scenes because it shows ‘she is now a person he wants to protect and how angry he would get at himself if he could not do it’
Again quoting the databook, Sakuras heart thinking of sasuke devours the wicked power.
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And even after this is over homeboy watches over her getting her hair cut, is like ?? at Naruto when he asks about her hair instead of her beat up face. After this, they really became much closer and more in sync, even working together and show casing that they can strategize together.
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His resolve of avenging his families death doesn’t magically disappear however and he is still focused on getting stronger hence the little conversation they have, where sakura is worried about him in pain and starts crying, sasuke sees this and is disturbed so he yet again explains his stance in the story to her but funnily enough singles her out (ikura omae demo) as a very special person and says he won’t forgive even her if she takes that away from him. Inside the fight he is sustained by his wet dream (joke)  and the cheer he got from the annoying orange and is able to suppress the curse once again thinking about (his crying fetish) her tears.
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And then god damn, they are on a roll here bc the fight with gara happens and sakura jumps in to protect him from a lethal blow and if what happened previously wasn’t enough of an emphasized thing, the love in sakuras eyes #triggers  gara.
And Sasuke gives his little speech telling naruto to save her and essentially that he is about to go off on a suicide mission and knows it’ll probably end here but he is ready to do it because he is not willing to see another precious person to him die right in front of him again. Mind you, this is after he shows again the intensity of his survivor guilt straight up saying the only reason he was ‘allowed to live’ was to carry the moral burden of avenging his clan but at this moment in time the pain of losing someone that precious to him is enough to make him consciously decide he is willing to die and leave all of that behind. This is the biggest difference between this and those scenes in the land of waves arc. Back then, it was show casing his empathy and kindness, my body moves on it’s own and even though I could die and not accomplish my goals which I really want to I cant just let a comrade die in front of me, where as now it’s I know I probably won’t come out of this but then pain of dying and not accomplishing my goals seem less than seeing another person I care so much about die right in front me. Seeing this, naruto realizes the importance of caring and fighting for the people you love and fights gara, teaching him the same values. Important scene overall to the story.
After seeing  naruto go up to par with gara and ‘realizing how helpless’ he was in that fight he was pretty jealous due to feelings of inferiority to naruto, and that jealousy was  partly fueled and thrown in our face twice by seeing sakura smile gently at naruto. Romantic or not, he is jealous of her smiling at naruto, that is undeniable.
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And then itachi happens, and that reawakens his intense resolve. It doesn’t help the fact that orochimaru sought him out while extremely emotionally vulnerable. Ofc his petty ass attitude in the hospital scenes was fueled by his feelings of inferiority thrown in his face by the one person he really did not want that from, the same person who made him feel inferior as a child. And again to add heat to the burn, he remembers the smile and the plate thing happens.I see a lot of anti sasuke people talking about his scene pretending that when i say inferiority complex while talking about sasuke i mean something stemming from lack of acknowledgment from his dad, from being weaker than itachi and not able to protect his family, for having itachi be like i am here for naruto idc about you after everything. Not, oh man naruto seems better than me :/ gotta start shit :/
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Oh right the hug when he wakes up. Again, people claim he was tired and traumatized, which he was, But the look he gave her for caring about him so much was very tender and it did not go unnoticed to nardo.
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He ofc gets manipulated by the sound 4 and we are shown how emotionally attached he is to team 7
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And the confession scene happens where sakura just desperately gives him promise after promise of making him happy and it isn’t just because she wants him there but also she doesn’t want to see her loved one torment and hurt himself over revenge, but it is more than revenge to sasuke it’s a moral burden, (he has a right to want to avenge his family from their murderer from a moral stand point) and that is what he kept trying to communicate to both her and kakashi. He doesn’t allow her to come because just as we saw with team taka, he isn’t willing to let anyone shoulder what he believes to be his personal pain and burden, specially not someone so special. And when she cries over him leaving and the fact that she believed for a second that he doesn’t care and forgot all of their meaningful interactions he turns around and says annoying, but with a smile this time.
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That thank you meant a lot, man. It was not just a thank you for saying I love you.
Sasuke fights naruto to obtain the mangekyo by killing his best friend but then realizes last moment that he being manipulated by his brother and snaps out of it, refusing to kill such a close person.
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Sasuke’s encounter with team 7 early part was pretty significant in developing naruto and sakuras friendship as 2 comrades who share the pain of their dear friend gone from their lives, but it also explains sasukes psychological point of view. After having his resolved awakened to a point of obsession again and realizing that there was a time in his life where he cared about other people to the point of giving up that goal, he decides to cut off his bonds with them.
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The ‘attack’ on naruto was again for the mangekyo, and sakuras ass would have come out unscathed if she didn’t go all ‘gotta stop this hoe he out here hurting my pals’  but he was hurting her pals and stabbing people ofc she wouldn’t be like yas baby go. He pulls out his sword in defense but yamato ends up getting stabbed, my poor wood boy.
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Sasuke takes down orochimaru because in  his constructed moral everything that relates to itachi is bad and senseless killing and torturing( at that time) registered in his head as an itachi thing, which only made his already strong moral code tingle with a strong feeling of ‘im going to take you down you sick son of a bitch, and ill make a bible reference while I am at it’
The lil hawk takes flight and assembles Taka, showing again, a strong moral sense when he says he isn’t going to take anyone by force and he even sets orochimarus captives free. Sasuke is shown to care for Takas safety on multiple occasions but it’s the biggest insult his character receives when people look at him with fan goggles to monopolize him as if he is a cold hearted sadist who only cares for a few people when he is a very selfless, empathetic person. On a personal level though, he did not know their last names, nor did he ask about their history as captives (except for jugo..for obv reasons) so I would not exactly call that emotional investment. But I do think something was there, like they were a hella good team in combat. However,they noticed him going ‘dark’ and never tried to help or stop him so I cant call it a friendship, but I can’t deny it was a team.
After the fight with itachi he is again very emotionally vulnerable and obito hops on his dick to manipulate him, and it works significantly well because sasuke ends up seeing the ENTIRE leaf village as responsible for killing his family after they discriminated against them, and while that might be a wrong train of thought since most people in Konoha are innocent (ten tens worst crime is how little screen time that cutie has), in his now much more jaded, cynical mind it makes a whole lot of sense since it now seems like konoha killed them for their personal benefit and are dancing on their uchiha graves by pretending it never happened and that they never placed the burden of an entire world war on his brothers shoulders.  Everyone is guilty. Everyone is laughing at their deaths. I am a little unstable. I am also a victim. Not to say he isn’t held accountable for his actions because he is a victim but a lot of his character arc and decisions make sense and tie in with his suffering …people going ‘bad’ because of their victimhood is not a new concept you see it with bullies all the time and that is why its important to grasp the situation by the balls and end the circumstance that creates such victims. He also awakens his mangekyo sharingan, meaning he is slowly stepping further into the curse of hatred.
They go to retrieve bee and its shown that he has yet to lose all logical moral reasoning because he still cares for takas safety even though he has declared to crush the leaf, meaning he hates only the leaf atm..all of his concentrated itachi hatred redirected. But he falls a little morally when he captures innocent ass bee and attacks the cloud. That shit was uncalled for, but he was trying to further his plans. I mean suna attacked konoha and its all good in the hood so we could chill. But it wasn’t right.
Ofc however during the bee arc sasuke uses his power that is obtainable through an emotionally driven doujutsu by having an image of team 7 on his mind as he was made to remember when he sees people showing genuine care about him. No matter how far he slipped, seven was always there. Right there, in part 2. The only time sasuke remembers team  7 in a positive light (otherwise he just wants to kill naruto because he stands in the way of his plans) includes sakura and kakashi. You cant argue he doesn’t care cause???
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In the 5 kage summit arc a new falling rapidly into the curse of hatred sasuke makes the leap in logic that if his brother who he saw as a good person now, and Konoha which he previously thought to be good could kill on multiple occasions then killing is no longer an off the table option anymore and he warns those samurai before doing the doodly do. He is a bit out of character here, but his change in mind set made him 180. Its an interesting shift in character for a kid whos empathy and moral high ground kept him on the fence of killing in a series where a teacher tells 12 year old kids to come at him with the intent if killing. He seeks out danzo and this is where his motives and pain come into full display  ‘sono migiude teni ireru tameni nanin no uchiha o teni kaketa?’ ‘how many uchihas did you take down in order to get that right arm’
His driving force for his emotions and suffering are lost bonds and a moral burden he still sees himself accountable for.
Ofc this fight features his full descend into the darknes when he stabs Karin and generally looks beyond mentally unstable, this is where his character even though distorted before, goes through a gross distortion where he seems maniacal and just not there. This is bc as an uchiha, the more emotional pain he feels the more hatred he feels ,and the more he uses magic eye level 2.0, the more he loses himself.
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Sakura somewhere out there doesn’t know the truth about itachi so sasuke is just acting like a dick wad and attacking innocent villages to her, and to avoid anyone getting hurt, physically or emotionally she burdens herself with killing him in order to save him from going darker. ‘oh but she gave up on him!!111!!!’ like, kakashi did the same thing for obito and at this point her logical order isn’t flawed. Sasuke was by definition an S ranked internationally wanted criminal attacking villages and peace meetings, falling rapidly into a darkness that his past self wouldn’t approve of  and he was getting hunted by every hoe in every country who wanted his ass dead. At least sakura (who again, did not know his reasons and you cant blame her for not knowing) did it to protect the empathetic boy who wouldn’t do something as senseless as attack an innocent man and aid a terrorist organization and to protect naruto emotionally and physically from akatsuki as well as ensure no one gets hurt from him as he is strong. In no way is it her way of being selfish, considering the language she used insinuated she was willing to die right there and then with him. The mission was a complete failure from the start bc hoe can’t kill him and if you truly think she could, I pray for you to find the light.
She shows up ofc and homeboy is suspicious right away, like I know u well enough what u plotting yo?? He knows from the get go shes out here for murder and he goes behind her and almost chidoris her. The factors that go into play here are 1) curse of hatred. 2) she is out for murder, he knows it and turns the table. It’s a low moment for him but that’s the whole purpose behind the scene. The fact that he went behind in the first attack of The Day ™ even though he probably knew he could take her down if he wanted to showed that he still isn’t able to attack face first. That’s not me romanticizing that scene bc ew, but it’s the truth. The look on his face is also not that of the most stable person. Second attack is purely in self defense and he has fallen to the point where he could do it from the front. Naruto shows up and his face shows he knows he done fucked up.
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Naruto declares that you are my friend ™ (aaah ano hi no yume..) after sasuke yet again shows how far hes fallen due to the curse, pain and obitos brain washing by some good ol’ evil laughter, shouting he will turn peoples laughter into ‘screams and moans’ (how..awful sounding..to have sasuke make you scream and moan..jokejoke) and sasuke is like fuck u shit how dare u CARE about me ? Stop. And again naruto declares he will stop him and help him to which sasuke pulls an I-listen-to-my chemical romance and bring me the horizon- you don’t understand me!! And although affected by naruto still calling him a friend after all of this, he ends up getting also annoyed by Naruto trying to stop him and leaves thinking give me magic eye level 3.0 I want to kill Missy Elliot in her orange jump suit bc she thinks she will stop me by being my friend. How do I feel about what Naruto said to him that day? Personally, I think he missed the moral perspective of sasuke going crazy (he knew the truth) but he was coming from the right place. They all were. They just wanted him to stop suffering, all of them willed to die with him.
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And thus begins their cute chase. Will Naruto fight sasuke first and save him? OR will sasuke kill him first so his ninja jesus light doesn’t stop his plans? Are they going to die together? So much to think about.
Sasuke gets his much deserved confrontation with itachi during the war and this is the healthiest time for them. Itachi no longer sheltered sasuke in a way that was poisonous for the both of them and sasuke asked the questions he deserved answers for. He got them, and an I love you all wrapped with a bow of existential crisis because after the fight with Kabuto, he sees his brother still doing his best for the leaf, still believing kabuto -an evil hoe- could change for the better. And he asks why such a ‘perfect’ person as itachi would still associate with shit like this and itachi is like dude I think you missed the part where I killed your family, tortured and manipulated you. I am not perfect, and neither is the dark world we live in but let me tell you some solid advice  that correlates with the star hax of the arc, the beautiful jutsu that makes no sense : Izanami. The past may be shitty, and we could either run around in an infinite loop suffering because of it, or we could chose to break free, accept what happened and change the future instead of doting on the past. Sasuke is like k cool man I get u but what next? ur jesus talk no jutsu ability is impressive but now I am questioning everything. What do I change? What is right and wrong? What is a village? What is a shinobi? I may not know now, but when I become supreme lord of everything, ill know then haha.
To answer these questions he goes to the One Who Knoweth All, the master of snakes-voldermort with a nose, and revives the kage who basically tell him yeah dude listen our history was fucked, apparently now is fucked, conflict always arises in every age and time its like madara said- you can never look into someones gut.But like maybe the new young generation can deal with it?? deal with ur own fucked up economy, suzan. He also finds out more about why the uchiha were so feared (madara, sharingan, tobirama the little shit, a sticky messy situation kishimoto why are u like this)and Donald trump (tobirama) tells him ur bad bc u love too much tf is wrong with u and sasuke was like fix ur fucking face tattoo u discriminatory bitch. Sasuke comes to the conclusion that he is now a renewed konoha fanboy ‘I wont let this village or my brother go to waste!11!’ because he realizes yeah man history is fucked and I want to change that so no other kid ends up in a situation like mine, full of pain, anger and blind hate.
Shows up on the battlefield, (Sakura, ka? ) and engages in some eye sex with sakura while ignoring others and declares yoyo idc bout what u think of me losers, imma be president. And naruto was like um imma let u finish but im gonna be the greatest hokage of ALL TIME (about that…anyways) . and ensues some team 7 and some naruto and sasuke being the iconic duo they are. It is important remember however, sasuke was at the moment in process of truly cutting all bonds, ensuring he is hated and fully immersing himself into the shadows. Although he is the first to react when sakura is attacked, warns her and kakashi multiple times so they don’t get hurt, saves them from infinite tsukiyomi and double checks on them in the Kaguya dimension, he pretends that like uh idc whatever I don’t care u guys cant even do much, I saved naruto because without him the world would end and u were just there so I saved you
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to which naruto calls bullshit and sasuke is like ‘ur ruining my reputation as a heartless bitch’ ah brings back memories..of sasuke pretending to be a heartless bitch.
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But like, he could not let her hit the floor so I am sure her hitting lava was a no-no. That moment happens, it was nice. Thank u, for that, kishimoto. And he even says ‘okagede todoita’ ‘thanks to you, I reached’ , nice moment.
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After kaguya is over, they even exchange smiles. But nah, sakura, still in tune with sasuke as ever was right not to trust him 100% bc he pulls a IM GOING TO BE SUPREME WORLD LEADER, START A REVOLUTION, KILL THE 5 KAGES AND CAST THE WORLD INTO A NEW FUTURE. I fully support sasuke wanting to change the world that caused people like him, itachi, naruto, nagato, madara, obito, neji etc etc so much pain. I fully support revolution. I don’t want him to kill the 5 kages, but they really aren’t innocent so I understand where he is coming from. Him wanting to put the entire weight of hatred on himself is pretty selfless. It pains me (and naruto) seeing him say he is alone and willing and ready to bear hatred. All of that is valid but see :
1.    a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.
Autocrat, monocrat, absolute ruler
How a dictatorship works : Dictatorship is a form of government  where a country or a group of countries is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure that the entity’s power remains strong
A dictatorship is a type of Authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior of citizens. Dictatorship and totalitarianism societies generally employ political propaganda to decrease the influence of proponents of alternative governing systems.
Examples of dictators :
·         Adolf Hitler ,dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Benito Mussolini ,dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943.
·         Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome.
·         Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953.
Sasukes plans :
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So, while I do support him wanting change, I don’t think his method was right. Not for the world and not for him and the only person who could communicate that to a boy who is at his core is just lonely, is a boy who was equally lonely but learned the value of comradeship, unity and love. He saw it’s ability to bring about great, good change and he believed he wanted that to continue and not sasukes self destructive autocratic plans.
Anyways, sakura begs him not to slip any further, says that she knows he is in pain but she doesn’t want him suffering any longer but she cant fight him physically like naruto, neither can she convince him to stay even though she loves him so much, however she tries one last time again, hoping maybe his hoe ass will agree that unity is better than separation and sasuke is affected as hell. He shakes, showing once again he is the boy who cares about the people he loves too much.
Gave her a look that would have looked like this without the rinnegan, because he does not want to be alone and anyone who says that is a jackass
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She is an annoyance because for a faltering second, she can still after all this time, in part 2 weaken his resolve.
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He shows her the genjutsu of him killing her to seal the deal and ensure she hates him, but I doubt he would have ever been able to physically harm her after his head cleared up a bit. A bit.
Kakashi scolds him saying she doesn’t deserve this when all she did was try to help you. literal Japanese translation, Sasuke says ‘ are you suggesting I enjoy ‘renai’’ quite literally ‘romantic love’ in Japanese. He acknowledged the romantic context of their relationship himself. Then he goes on, and I translate literally again ‘I have no reason to love her and she has no reason to love me’, and kakashi calls bullshit by basically stating sasuke, love is not something you have to look for a reason for. The thing you do need excuses and reasons to fill your life with though, is hatred. She is not trying to make you ‘her thing’, she wants to help you no matter how much bad you’ve done her because she loves you so much it makes her suffer. AND IMMEDIATELY he flashes back to the purest love he knows, the love that he never sat down and tried to reason with, the love that caused him suffering. His love for his family. ‘perhaps those are ties to a failed past’..and goes on to kill Naruto bc he is the last friend who will stand in his way.
Hagoromo basically confirms ss will happen when it shots to sakuras face saying ‘love turned to hate’ then kakashi asks ‘so like sasuke is a lost cause?’ hagoromo says ‘not at all I hope naruto and sasuke break the cycle of hate’ then it pans to sasuke saying ‘I hope  hate turns to love’ and since this is a shonen, ofc it did.
Naruto and sasukes fight communicates all of their feelings and experiences and no matter how stubbornly sasuke insists on being alone, naruto is like no bitch I know what that’s like and I refuse to let my brother (from another mother) go through that eternally. And boom bada bim, it took an arm but he got free from the curse of hatred, and they broke the cycle. Sasuke then goes on to say how he always admired naruto to a point where it gave him an inferiority complex, just like itachi. He had a strong will and a power source unknown to sasuke. But one thing he finally fucking learned, is wait yeah man when we were on the same time and you became my comrade I felt your pain too. I saw you guys as my family- fuck right shit the sharing of pain and enduring it together until it comes to pass. That is what I learned from team 7, that is where your source of power comes from and you know what I accept that you learned it a lot earlier than I did. It’s my loss. Naruto is like if ur hoe ass don’t stop with this emo shit ill beat u up again bc YOURE MY FRIEND AAAH and sasuke finally god damn gets what naruto meant by that and the realization that the love he starved for all his life was right there waiting for him to accept it was so earth shattering to him that he cried. Blood connected, pain shared, bond reformed and sasuke wanted to start over. Which is why when he realizes what was meant by sakura loves you so much that seeing you suffer makes her suffer was she loves you unconditionally he fucking asked for that beautiful bond again. After all this mess, there is a reason he apologized only to her. She couldn’t do much for him because she isn’t as strong as he is, but her love was pure and selfless and all she ever wanted for him was happiness and he apologizes for not getting that earlier, for his mistreatment in the war, for the land of iron, for ‘everything up until now’.
We don’t know what happened in the blank period, but all we know is they spent some time together. And he is about to go on a redemption journey, again his own moral
burden but this time it’s to start fresh and check some kaguya traces that worry him. Sakura is all like k but can I come, and he tells her frankly girl no ur too pure for what I did, lemme deal with this first. ‘Mata condo na’ is different from itachis ‘mata condo da’, theyre both delaying something, but the difference with na is that is is definite promise of something inevitable. The forehead poke means the world to sasuke, both the negatives and the positives that came with it and he let it’s legacy carry on but in a positive light. This is a promise of a better tomorrow together, where I am ready and think I am in a position where I completely understand the world without being manipulated or full of hate.(he was so easily manipulated when because he was always kept away from the truth so he had no footing to base thing off) that happens, I’ll be back for you, and that is inevitable. I want this, but on amicable, better terms. And fuck, that happens. Sasuke learned the answer to his question by the end of the series and the final blow of logic was thanks to naruto- a ninja is one who endures until things come to pass. The sharing of pain can be applied to greater things.
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He would have to endure a little longer before his redemption comes to pass.By shinden sasuke walks around the best human being, helping people, doing a talk no jutsu, worrying about Konoha but he isn’t sure if he shows up there it would be completely safe from people after him or if everyone is ready to welcome him back and at the end of the novel he receives a letter from naruto that’s like sup yo come back homie I miss ur emo ass also sakura was like ooh hes protecting the village from the outside like a police officer!!11! And sasuke flashes back to his dreams when he was younger and says ‘I guess I should head home’, basically this bitch came back for sakura, and sakuras hiden concludes with him showing up home after he took down the people on the outside of root to come save her (lol but his wife is not a weak woman) and seeing her saying ‘I am home, Sakura.’ ‘Welcome home, Sasuke-kun.’
They travel together probably fucking under stars and shit, got married, had a baby and raised her until Naruto became hokage and sasuke took up a mission only he could do bc he has rinnegan. Obviously this fucking hurt him and he was miserable about it considering he finally gets a family and hes walking his baby girl with his wife one day and the next fate is like ok but if the world ends in 2 minutes and they both like die along with the rest of planet earth haha sasuke I like to shit on ur life. But as he and sakura said it he took up the mission for the future to remain bright and because sakura and sarada are very precious to him. Sakura wasn’t allowed to give out any potentially dangerous information as this mission was top secret so she would avoid questions but still gave her daughter the basic run down ‘vv important he loves u k that’s all I can say’ and she was in general a great mother, shown to be caring, reveal what she could and take care of her sick baby. Sasukes mistake was even though he was doing it for his family, he failed to realize that his daughter still wanted him there. That is why he apologized and told sakura that this mess is not on her.The baby mama drama happens and sakura is like leave it to the child of the man who wanted to be ninja hitler to think she has a different mom bc she wears glasses and jump to 30 conclusions about her dad and I’s relationship, which I’d like to mention gaiden has no ss marriage issues. Sakura and Sasukes bond lives, their feelings are connected, their thoughts and feelings reach each other, they both greatly love and respect each other.. gaiden was about saradas adventure in whys my dad such a jerk and holy shit is this woman my mom land. As it goes on she sees her parents interact, sees the love and respect, the depth of the bond between them and is shown smiling, touched by that. She gets her verification of love and the importance of the mission and why it was done by the end of gaiden, and she even gets a forehead poke (try and make it negative but it gave her tears of joy) and a hug. + a cute ass family photo that she stares at and thinks how her family shares a true link of love. He tries his best to spend time with his family despite such an important mission waiting for him and he promises more if he can. I will defend papa-suke until I fuckin die bc from what we are shown he is a deeply caring dad who actually makes sure his child is happy. And if you are pressed about him leaving without kissing her sakura herself says an expression that means he Is teasing me by making me wait, and like sasuke is a reserved ass boy who grew up very traditionally Japanese, he isn’t about to make out with her on public. He does leave however with a smirk on his face (lil shit is happy he saw his wife and teased her) and a bento (not just a boxed lunch..its made with love by someone very special to you –sarada my bb) in his hand. By boruto he comes in time for the chuunin exams and the light novel literally says sakura has been gleaming and glossing since he came back, a Japanese expression for having lots of sex so the wait was worth it. Boruto defeats Momoshiki in 2 minutes like the op bitch he is and hallelujah sasuke is back with his family and everyone is smiling and happy and loved up. Sasuke looks over his child and student with a gentle smile that he only shows sakura (light novel written by kishi), they stand with each other just watching over their baby girl how cute.
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Sasukes character is complex but if you sit down and try to understand him before running your mouth, he is easy to understand. Kishimoto does not owe you shit, he worked hard, he put his work forward and that is it. criticize his work or the dude but don’t pretend to understand a character you misinterpreted better than the author. Sakura was always relevant. This is a little SS input into the character of sasuke. If you need anything else i own most of the series (even tho i got lazy to keep taking pictures lol) and i am pretty fluent in japanese, so come to me if you need anything else. Bye.
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orenjisakuranbo · 7 years
VegeBul and Sasusaku are nothing alike.
I dislike when SS fans compare their ship to Vegebul, trying to make their ship look better by saying they are alike feels insulting to Vegebul, these ships are so different there is basically nothing truly in common between them.
Here are 10 differences that would make it clear how different these ships really are:
1. Bulma can be harsh when necessary with Vegeta (he doesn’t mind) she is also supportive of his training, they understand each other and have a dynamic of 2 people that love and respect each other. Compared to that Sakura blushes and becomes embarrassed every time Sasuke is mentioned or is nearby. she acts like his admirer and not like his wife, Sasuke isn’t even around to know how he acts around Sakura but from what is shown he treats her more as a comrade then a wife.
2. Vegeta actually loves Bulma and he shows it, when she is hurt he not only get’s extremely angry at the one who hurt her he unlocks new powers from it and shows how much she means to him. - Compared to Sasuke who hasn’t shown much concern towards Sakura even when she is kidnapped or hurt by the enemy (in Naruto gaiden) also Sasuke never could unlock any new powers for her anywhere in the manga.(curse seal doesn’t count as it is not his power and Sasuke would of reacted the same if it was Naruto or Kakashi hurt, because of his fear of losing his family again.)
3. Bulma would never get angry with Trunks for asking questions about their dad and their relationship. Compared to Sakura who destroys her own house out of anger because Sarada only questioned the nature of Sakura and Sasuke relationship which she had every reason to do so.
4. Vegeta would never leave his family side when they need him shown when he was offered to go to do what he loves to do fight (in the tournament of power) but he refused because he wanted to be there for his wife and see his child born. - Compared to Sasuke who leaves Sakura and Sarada for years (8-12) never writing them, and doesn’t even recognize his own daughter;s face when he meets her, you can say he is doing it to protect the world but not contacting them is not excused and his mission is crap and makes no sense anyway, you can’t deal with an enemy that hasn’t and might never appear, he could of just waited in the village and dealt with it as they showed up like what actually ended up happening anyway..
 5. Vegebul was confirmed to have kissed by Vegeta by being surprised that Goku has never kissed his wife. - compared to the implication of Sasusaku to have never kissed by Sakura’s avoidance of answering a simple yes or no question and ending up deflecting the answer, later she got nothing from Sasuke at the end of gaiden, not even a head poke or a hug.
6. Sakura doesn’t remember if Sasuke ever wore glasses, Sasuke is unsure if Sakura can treat her own injuries when he asks: “you can heal the wound yourself now right?” (talking about her injury in gaiden).showing how little they actually know about each other - compared to that Vegeta and Bulma know each other well enough to know when something is wrong or happened to one another (that is how you show you’re feeling are connected) and I will be surprised if they didn’t know such common knowledge about each other. 
7. Sasuke was good at the beginning and he betrayed the leaf especially Naruto and Sakura and Kakashi for vengeance, he cut away the people who loved him and eventually turned on them completely, then tried to kill them  even when they cared about him still. he only decided to stop his dark ways because he lost to Naruto both in combat and will power and decided to support Naruto’s idealism, Sakura had zero influence on his change. - Compared to that Vegeta started out as a bad guy he never knew Bulma when he attacked earth, after he changed sides (against frieza)  and gotten to know and married Bulma he never truly betrayed her or planet earth, he was brain washed in the majin buu arc but he resisted it and eventually showed how much he truly changed and cared for his family by sacrificing his life to save the world, Bulma and Trunks did have a big effect on his choices to become a better person and to protect earth.
8. Vegebul happened after a time skip but it was foreshadowed at the end of planet namek arc when they returned to earth, and was confirmed with future Trunks appearance, considering Dragon ball never really had a romance sub plot it was all that necessary to establish their relationship - Compared to that Naruto had many one sided romantic sub plots, Sasusaku was one of those one sided relationships and it has turned into a cliche and should of ended at the end of part 1,  but part 2 had other plans and it developed in a  very negative way, with Sasuke almost killing Sakura at least  twice putting her in a cruel genjutsu and not caring about her. Sakura also gave up on saving him at one point or she thought killing him = saving him depends on who you ask. She also lost trust in him after he tried killing her. Sasuke also stated he is not interested, she should of taken the hint and moved on but she still chases after him hoping for scraps of affection that never come making her look pathetic.
9. In terms of personality Vegeta can be hard to deal with he doesn’t show his emotions on the outside to others but it’s obvious he cares because he usually doesn’t do a good job of hiding them basically it’s easy to call his bluffing Bulma sees right through it, when something happens to his family he loses that front and shows how much he really cares., Sasuke on the other hand usually let’s his actions speak for him, before defecting from the leaf  he would save others selflessly without thinking his body just moves on it’s own because he cared probably too much which is why he lost it under the effects of the curse mark in the forest of death. he is the type that would actually say what he thinks, he doesn’t tease or hide how he feels about anyone he might not be the best at showing his feelings as he can be rude but he doesn’t hide his feelings unless he has a reason to, his character was colder in part 2 but he remained true to these traits at heart especially after the end, to sum up Vegeta would not say how he feels Sasuke and Sasuke would, which makes him not say anything to Sakura or show any sign of affection towards Sakura at the end of Naruto gaiden strange and not something he would do if he actually loved her.
10. Sakura has the makings of a tsundere, so does Bulma , only problem is that while Bulma does act as one with everyone including and especially with Vegeta, Sakura on the other hand acts like this with Naruto mostly sometimes with others like Sai or Konohamaru but never ever with Sasuke her personality is completely different when he is around always has been since part 1 with the inner Sakura creation, and it seems she keeps it up even a decade later she becomes docile and obedient and gets nervous and hits Naruto for no reason except her Sasuke fangirl mode, she is a complete 180 from her bad ass normal tsundere state basically RTN Sakura in a nutshell. Around Sasuke, Sakura is nothing but a pathetic addicted fan girl with no back bone. While Bulma will always be a bad ass no matter what.
Bonus images:
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These Vegeta Bulma images speak for themselves.
Compared to:
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Sakura gets kidnapped to an unknown location with the enemy and Sasuke is thinking about the enemies abilities I can really feel the love here lol, 
also the next page here where he seems concerned, he is only concerned  from the danger of leaving a weapon that is under the enemy control in play which before made it possible for Naruto to get stabbed. as for Sakura, Sasuke basically tells her I don’t have time to deal with you now take care of your wound yourself you can do that much right? you useless wife can’t believe I thought you could take care of these weakling enemies by yourself. notice how Sakura is still crouching down on the floor in a few of the panels in later pages which shows Sasuke didn’t even bother to help her get up lol.
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kusunogatari-a · 8 years
[ Guardian Angel ] [ @despairinghxpe​ ] [ Suigin Ryū, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke ] [ Death mention ] [ Verse: Watching Wings of White ]
White wings tucked orderly behind her, a young guardian angel looks over the orders she's been given. Her very first assignment...! She can't hide the tension, or the wide-eyed stare of determination at the face of her first charge. Purpose flutters in her chest – she wants to make a good first impression.
“Itachi,” she murmurs to herself. A troubled boy with a little brother, parents lost to a tragic accident. According to her missive, the pair are staying with their aunt and cousin now, but...a loss like that still means they're vulnerable.
Puffing up, she tucked the heavenly document into her sash before approaching the lip of a cloud. Far below, humans bustle about their lives. It's her first trip to the surface...and she can't hide the fact that she's terrified.
But more than that...a wish to fulfill her role – to help the humans that need her – beats in her chest like a drum. So with a deep breath, she unfurls snow-white feathers before leaping.
Wind rushes through her hair, whipping at her clothes as she plummets. Flying is something she's always loved...and she wonders if she'll still be able once she lands upon Earth. The thought is lost, however, as the surface nears.
Unseen by mortal eyes, she banks and eventually flutters to a stop upon a sidewalk, sandals landing with a light tap. She can sense the boy nearby, her figure ignored as humans see only what they wish to see.
And then, she sees him.
A hand is clasped around his brother's, leading him on the path across the road. His expression is drawn and tired, but he glances to the younger boy with a smile as he catches his attention. Words are spoken she can't hear over the noise of the street.
Immediately, she gazes at him in wonder. Putting aside his sadness for his brother...how strong he must be! With a small leap, she crosses the road with a flutter of feathers, landing behind them and following.
“I didn't get a part, but...that's okay. The teacher says I can help with the lights. That way I don't have to be on stage.”
“I'm sure you'll be a big help, Sasuke.”
Watching them curiously, Ryū listens as the brothers speak. Though the younger, Sasuke, sounds a tad lighthearted in spite of the circumstances, she can hear the lingering weariness in his brother's tone. She wilts, hands wringing slightly as they approach a small house.
A cat sitting upon a stone wall around it meows at them before glancing to her. Pausing to scratch its ears, Ryū watches as the boys climb up to a porch to remove their shoes.
That's when it happens.
Feet in nothing but socks, Sasuke puts his shoes aside before looking up. For a moment, he stares...before dark eyes go round and his jaw drops.
...he can see her?!
Tensing, she takes half a step back, wings half-open as she contemplates simply flying away. But the damage is already done. How...?!
“Brother, look – look!”
Abandoning his seat on the steps, Sasuke runs along the walkway to approach the angel, who balks. “....oh, n-no! Go...go away!”
He stares at her in amazement, reaching out and touching her wings, which makes her jolt. “...you're an angel!”
Itachi, still back on the porch, furrows his brow. “...what are you talking about?”
“Can't you see her?”
“...see who?”
“The angel!”
Itachi blinks, worry evident on his face. “...Sasuke...there's nothing there.”
“Yeah huh!” Running back, his tugs his brother's hand despite his complaints of dirtying his socks. “Look, right there!”
Taking another half step back, Ryū squeaks as Sasuke points directly at her. Itachi's eyes rove over her, but apparently still see nothing.
“She's right there, honest! Here...!” Reaching out, he takes the angel's hand, lifting his brother's and pressing their palms together. “...see?”
Despite her protests, the contact is made, and like a snap, she pops into sight.
The elder boy stares, blank-faced in shock.
She stares back, face blooming pink.
Her mind screams at her to do something – fly away, speak, anything! – but she just stands and gawks, mirroring his expression.
“I bet she's a guardian for us, big brother!” Sasuke tugs on the hem of Itachi's shirt. “I told you! I told you they'd send someone! Mother and Father wouldn't leave us alone!”
The words make Itachi wilt.
Doing the same, Ryū finally calms. Clasping her hands in front of her, she looks to them somberly. “...h-hello. Your brother is right. I...I'm a guardian angel, and...I've been sent to Earth to watch over you.” She glances aside, looking embarrassed. “...though...y-you weren't supposed to...see me...”
“Isn't she pretty, Itachi? Look at her wings!” Laughing, Sasuke pets at them again, making the angel jump and flush darkly.
“Sasuke, you should ask permission first,” Itachi scolds, tone still a bit airy with disbelief.
Smiling nervously, Ryū gently pats the boy's head. “...it's all right. They're pretty soft, aren't they?”
The smile grows in confidence, and Ryū pauses before scooping the boy to her hip. “...you can touch them. I don't mind. You just...surprised me, is all.”
A tiny hand pats at her hair. “...whoa, it's like a cloud! You really are an angel, huh?”
Warming to the pair, Ryū nods with a light laugh, like a wind chime. “Mhm! I'm here to protect you.”
Sasuke gives a noise of delight.
They both turn to Itachi, who steps back slightly.
“...this is impossible. It...it can't be real...!”
Glancing to Sasuke, Ryū gently sets him down. “...I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm...not sure why your brother could see me. Nor why you can now. That's not usually how it works.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “...but, I assure you...I'm real. And I'm here to watch over you.”
After a moment, Itachi tenses. “...why didn't someone watch over our parents...?”
The angel wilts, gaze dropping. “...I can't claim to know why your parents were lost. All I do know...is that I'm here, now. And I will be for as long as you need me.”
Picking up his brother, Itachi stares at her, brow drawn and eyes narrowed with distrust. “...why?”
“Because...that is my purpose.” Hands clasped again, she shrugs her shoulders. “...it's all that I am. All that I know. And...I will do my best for you! There are some things I...cannot do. But anything I can...I certainly will. You need only ask.”
“...can't she stay, big brother?” Sasuke asks, a slight whine to his tone. “I want her to stay!”
“Can Aunty see you? Or Shisui?”
“Well...they shouldn't be able to. The more people who see me...the more trouble we might have. I'm...supposed to be a secret.”
“And how do we explain what you'll be doing?” Itachi demands.
“Most people won't notice. I'm supposed to work in subtle ways, or...make tricks of the light, to hide what I do.” She gives a sheepish smile. “...I'll have to learn a bit as I go. This is my first time on Earth, helping someone.”
The elder brother sighs. “...this seems tricky...”
“People who can't see me also can't touch me. Unless...” Ryū looks to Sasuke. “...well, I'm not sure what happened here. But I'm pretty sure it won't happen again. I'll be careful!” Her head bows. “I'll do my best!”
From Itachi's hip, Sasuke tugs the collar of his shirt. “Please say she can stay?”
He glances to the boy, expression unsure.
Looking to Itachi with imploring eyes of silver, Ryū murmurs, “...I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to help you.”
He sighs. “...okay. But if anything goes wrong, you have to leave. We might get in trouble, or...people might call us crazy.”
“I understand.”
“...come on, Sasuke. We need to go inside. Grab your backpack.”
Watching them go, Ryū glances around, expression worried. ...I still don't know how Sasuke saw me. But he allowed Itachi to see me, too... She chews at her lip in thought before looking to a balcony on the second story. Already, she can hear their voices.
With a leap, she lands softly, sitting on the railing and watching through the glass door. A shared room meets her gaze, Itachi settling his brother down to do his school work before looking to her. Frowning slightly, he steps outside. “Should you really just be sitting there?”
“No one can see me.”
“But what if someone does?”
“They -!” Words cut off by a yelp, she flinches as Itachi moves to lift her...only for him to panic as she floats, weighing almost nothing.
“...are you...not...solid?”
Flushing as she wriggles out of his grip, she retreats back to the railing, hands gripping it tightly. “I-I am! I just...don't weigh much. It's...hard to explain. You can touch me...obviously. But we don't weigh as much as humans.” Her head tilts. “...I'm still learning, so...I'm not sure why.” Pouting with rosy cheeks, she mumbles, “But maybe...warn me next time you try to...pick me up.”
Eventually the boys settle in for their typical routine, doing their best to adapt to the angel fluttering around the house.
“Can you reach up there?” Sasuke points to a jar above the refrigerator.
“Mhm!” Hovering, she hands it down to him. “...what's in there?”
“Sasuke, Aunty doesn't want us eating those unless she says so. You don't even like sweets.”
“I got them for you!” Sasuke presents the jar with a beaming grin.
Itachi sighs, but can't fight a hint of a smile. “...I'm all right. Please put them back.”
“Do you want one, Miss Angel?”
Ryū laughs. “You can just call me Ryū, you know.” Considering the jar, she reaches in before nibbling the treat. As she does, her eyes go round. “...this...this is...wonderful!”
“You've never had a cookie before?”
“No!” She looks to it, awed. “...I must know where to get these.”
“I already said we're not supposed to have them!” Itachi retorts. “Put them back!”
“I only gave her one!”
Itachi just sighs as Ryū hovers and nibbles, humming happily. “...it's more like we've got a pet than an angel...”
When their aunt returns home, cousin in tow, both boys seem to watch carefully as they move about the house. Neither seem to notice the fluttering wings or curious glances from the angel – eventually, the woman phases right through her when Ryū isn't paying attention.
Not a word.
Once the day comes to an end and Itachi tucks Sasuke into his bed, he glances to see Ryū back out on the balcony railing, staring up at the sky with folded wings.
Stepping outside, he asks, “...homesick?”
“Mm...maybe a little. And it's hard to see the stars from down here.” She glances to Itachi. “...but I like it here, with you.”
He balks slightly, not replying.
“...I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to stay...but I'm glad I'm here.” A smile blooms across her face, eyes closing. “...and I'm glad...you let me stay.”
“...could I make you leave?”
“...I think so. After all, it's you I'm assigned to. But I'm not about to say no to helping Sasuke, too.”
“...me? But...” Itachi frowns. “...surely he needs you more.”
Ryū considers him for a long moment. “...but he's got you. You already look after him. But...” Her head tilts, and she leans toward him slightly. “...who's going to look after you, Itachi...?”
His eyes widen, staring at her with a hint of a blush.
“...so...that's why I'm here!” Ryū perks up, breaking the tension she didn't seem to note. “And I guess as long as I'm helping you, that helps Sasuke, too!” She winks an eye. “And I'll be watching over him regardless. So you don't have to worry too much, okay?” Ryū smiles, expression warm. “...you won't be alone anymore.”
Wilting, Itachi's gaze drops, thinking.
“...now, you better go get some sleep.”
“What about you?”
“We don't sleep too much. Besides...I'm still too excited!” She beams. “I had fun today...I even got to eat my first cookie!”
That gets him to give a small scoff of a laugh.
“...and tomorrow, we'll do even more. But for now you'd better get some rest. Goodnight, Itachi.”
“...goodnight, Ryū.”
Watching him go, the angel eventually turns back to the sky, a hint of an eager smile on her face.
...I'll do my best...!
     >w> Sooo...I was a tad bit self-indulgent with this lol      TECHNICALLY it still fits the prompt of her watching over him...but this is a concept I’ve wanted to do for a while...especially since I’ve been writing angel!Ryū in that Kuroshitsuji thread lol      So you get a wee Ryū being a guardian angel for wee Itachi...and Sasuke by proxy. I thought it was pretty cute x3 If it’s not what you’re looking for I can always write something else, eh heh~      But I hope you like it anyway =‘D Lemme know if you want it redone lol
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