dishaaster · 2 years
top 5 ticktum looks
alright that one is tricky because top 5 as in best looks or top 5 as in worst looks
here are 2 good ones
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and then 3 bad ones. especially the one with those gucci trousers.... they never fail to destroy every somewhat acceptable outfit
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Still reading new sourcebooks (now looking into Jergal and the Dead Three's updated backstory) and for some reason I found this funny:
"In the wake of his victory over Edranka’s goblinoid armies, Haask returned triumphantly to the keep to feast and rest. Inside, the priest-king was stunned to discover two grim looking humans — Bane and Myrkul—sitting nonchalantly upon his giant-crafted throne. Before Haask could react, Bhaal appeared behind the priest-king, driving [his dagger] through his back and into his heart."
Yep, they were definitely an adventuring party. King walks into his throne room and finds two heavily armed goths sitting on his throne like they own it and then he gets shanked by the party's murderhobo. Typical.
I'm just surprised Bane knows what sharing is. I figured he'd be trying to shove Myrkul off the seat.
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drgmissioncontrol · 2 years
Hey, do you happen to oversee any miners with grounded bases, particularly on the planets of Raazaa, Haask, and Skarm?
Who’s asking, and for what purposes?
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I threw this Scindapsus haask cutting in my shrimp tank and now I have roots and shoots baby! #scindapsushaask https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZzI4ZprhR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fanthaastic · 3 years
you just called schulott blondie x brownie. ur mind. that's ingenious. may i steal it?
yup, go ahead :)
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marymenchaca-blog · 6 years
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When the waves are flooding the shore and I can't find my way home anymore... That's when I, I look at you #haask #eyes #white #skin #portrait #winged #cat #eyeliner #lips #teeth #ginger #hair #redhair #freckless #eyebrows #hoola #bronzer #selfie #samsungs9 #details (en Metepec)
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patrizio-ag · 5 years
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http://davventura.altervista.org/inizio-del-gran-tour-di-phlan/ Racconto: La Descrizione della Tenebra da parte di #Urgund. Diario di prigionia nei reami inferi. Principalmente è una lista di nomi e luoghi, e gli orrori presenti sono oltre ogni descrizione. «… e seduti preminenti nella Sala delle Corti Minori, ci sono i poteri inferiori: #Maram della Grande Lancia; #Haask, Voce di #Hargut; #Tyranthraxus l’Infiammato; #Borem del Lago del Fango Bollente; e #Camnood l’Invisibile. Coloro che decaddero e diventarono i servitori del grande signore #Bane https://www.instagram.com/p/B73tcYvpDKF/?igshid=17zzne520a3kl
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sebxvettel · 3 years
🤗&😊 for the haask thingy 🤍
🤗  given the chance I would gladly hug you
😊 Your blog makes me smile
thank you 🤍
send me emojis
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supphaased to phaaste it in the haask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 🥰🥰
aww thank you so much tina! right back at you gal!!💖💖
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sleepy-piastri · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supphaased to phaaste it in the haask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 🥰🥰
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Thank you very much!! 🧡🤗
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dishaaster · 2 years
miss tina a boyfriend??!!!!! so happy for you🥰
alcohol is in fact the answer to your christmas problem, might I suggest hot chocolate with baileys as well?
thank you thank you. never thought that could happen but here we are ✌🏼
that suggestion is noted and will be tried immediately. can't stand another christmas song/ party/ themed stuff
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Iden Versio should have stayed a villain 2.0
It’s 2019 and I am still bitter we were baited and lied to about Iden Versio’s story. EA blatantly lied to us about playing strictly as an imperial. I strongly feel like Disney or EA had cold feat and made Iden turn traitor because for some reason Star Wars cannot have compelling female villains in the new canon, unless you’re Phasma and they decided to make her useless for the movies, we can’t have good female villains. Iden should have been a villain and leading the inferno upon the Rebels.
She was marketed as a Imperial loyalist. Battlefront II’s campaign was marketed as a Empire pov and a villain’s story. Iden is even a villain in arcade/multiplayer. Iden spends the first half of the campaign labeling the Rebels as terrorists and praising the Empire. In the novel Inferno Squad, Iden is absolutely ruthless, and loyal to the Empire.
We were promised to get a campaign from the Imperial Perspective… Only for her to go from interesting imperial to boring generic rebel on Mission 6….Predictable. The trailers were false advertisement. Shown Iden aiming a blaster at Luke, seen giving a speech to First Order era Stormtroopers. Iden should have been the die hard Imperial loyalist who wished to ignite the Inferno upon the Rebel Scum and after evacuating Jakku with the Imperial remnants. Iden should have been one of the architects of The First Order.
If she stayed loyal to the Empire, we would actually get what we were promised; a game from the perspective of the Empire’s elite.
Iden Versio should have been a villain. Keep her loyal to the Imperials and have her leading and training The First Order. She stays loyal and sticks by even during Operation Cinder. She sees it as the Empire reigning Inferno Squad upon an ungrateful galaxy. The rest of the story we play as both Iden and Del. Del kills Haask and knocks out Iden. Del turns Rebel, while Iden makes it her mission to hunt and kill the traitor. Iden helps install Operation Cinder satellites, while Del has to stop them. We play as both Iden and Del. Iden is the die hard Imperial, while Del is a Rebel who was inspired by Luke Skywalker to do what is right. It all comes to a close at battle of Jakku. It ends with Iden blasting Del out of the sky, she lands and hunts him down and kills him for treachery. It ends with Iden flying to what is to become The First Order. Iden will go on to lead a new generation a new generation of Inferno Squad and personally abducting children for Operation Resurrection.
What should have been done. After the mission with Del and Luke, Iden appears attempting to kill Luke, but Del tells her he saved her life and to stand down. She says “I AM YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER, YOU DO NOT TELL ME TO STAND DOWN, THIS IS THE JEDI WHO KILLED OUR EMPEROR” and prepares to kill Luke but Luke force pushes her. Tensions are very high with Inferno squad. Iden is given the mission to escort Gleb, but she actually goes through with it. Del is the only one who questions it. and there is a standoff. Del is telling everyone Operation Cinder is wrong. So Iden tells Del to stand down and follow orders. Del cannot go through with it, knocks Iden out and kills Hask. Iden makes it her personal mission to hunt Del down and kill him for treason against The Empire and Inferno Squad. So we would be able to play as both Iden and Del. Iden has multiple missions helping Operation Cinder succeeding but Del helping the Rebels hinders their plans. In the Battle of Jakku, Iden finds Del to succeed in killing him. With the tide turned against the Empire, Iden flees with the other Imperials to the Unknown Regions and Iden trains a new generation of Inferno Squad.    
In place of Kylo interrogating Del Meeko, we get a prequel. Iden begins Project Resurrection. It opens with Iden in a village and we see a family. Iden kills the parents. We see a child. Iden tells the child. “Welcome to the First Order FN-2187″ End story. 
There we have it. We have a strong female villain in Star Wars who is firm in her beliefs and goes forward to becoming one of the architects of The First Order and we see the tragic origins of Finn, his family killed and stolen by Iden Versio to becoming a child soldier for the First Order.
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piastri · 3 years
heyy you're an amhaasing content creator & person so please do not listen to those people who send you mean haasks <3 also huge fan of your blog
aww tina ty 🥰 will probs just take a break from stream stuff for a while, I’m glad it’s race week!
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kingeneral · 7 years
TTHHiish  aass  goottten ;; absso;;l,u,,te,e,ly f  ucjiinngg  r,,ru,,iidcduulloouuss. ..i   ,,onn’T TTc;caa  re,e ..wh;haa... L,Lanne  dimd, IId onn’t crmaee   ww,hm,a;t;;th hee  qot;hre;;ea l],,tersr,,r haav;v;e odne,, I.I do;n’’tt  c rae aaaoout.t a..annY o,,of,f tt;aat. tthhi,,is,,s iis. har,raasSSm;;meenntt ..Fu..ulll  stt,,Ompp.. WhIIhcEEvjeeerr oo,,f  Hea,th;;er;r’s/oeey’’S  f riie..ennr dss  I..Iss dionnt,,g thiss,,,, stso,,op, .pi,tin ;;woo;.  TTH  Hi,is Siis  s  yyouurr oone  e , wwarrniin,ngg. ouu  hh,av;vee be,e,een S  Su,,uiicc  i.e  ba,,iatingu  ss,, s,,s.endni,ign   us,s  deddaTh, t hRR  aattSS,, ,,puurrppoeef,,fuul,,l ytt..rigggerriingg    \uus  s,,  aan,nd  I   w,,won..’ott   ;;eveen  n ,,,goo . IIn,,nto . thhee   e  ,s,,saagge xy,,youur rFFrriin.d A,Aii,cee se;ntuo ;; ss  preveioo,us,,slly. ,YoUvUee  beEEn , CCaallli,n,,igg , ourrs  syeym “..“fa,,akkee..,”” ; dcll  ai,,im,, jus stittnng ew’.’rre;e  “,,ra;co,ae kein;;g,,”” c,caal.ll;l,,ng, .usa,, ““r/p/iss,,t””o; se err iinttrruusIv ve th,,ho,,,,ugghht  t;;s;; tt,ha[htt  we w `havvE  nneve,,r acteedd.. uuppoonn .a nnd , hhaivv,e ddEalt wwithh thorroougghhLLyy,,r cclla;im m;;jmmustt  w wee ’,,,e ““ssTa;;alkxi;;inng” youu,, .,A nd dh..haav,vee  tovvErral;l,,l  b be]nn bbbulllyLviinnggr  u,,uss .. ssIc   eethe..e. ddaayy;; swwe ,lef;;tffo  ur.r s,,sriide d,do..uo; 'h,hav,,e ;; AAviodeedd .atTTmc,,eptt aft,,eerr ..aattty.elmmpptt  ;to, ggeett   yy,ouu ,, ttoo .lnea  ee  u`ss[  aaoll,,en,n.,  ,ro..o,mmoovvi,g,, . bloGGs,, c,,cllo,osi;;in ng,,gw n,,aonyymous,e  c,,cloossinvg,g s U;;bmm;t;;t;;,[ ,,s   eettti,,ingg  eeru.st  tiRRccti.ino.o ns ,onm  whw..wo accnn  ennd `us,,  mmsE,Esa,agss,;;,  a  nad  ey,ve;;neeb  lloocks. ssaan,,nddc    om mpplletellyy t,,tuunrir  rng ,, offf  tt h;haask , bOXX xowwnn’tt,, ke.epy ,o ,,u  away.. .Andd ni’ts s ,, i  ll;leeg,gaLL, ,,NNoott  o  onnyl;;a   ree yyo..ou  bbueraakii,,ng  T;Tub,Mll r’ss ruuless;t O;O  harasss, u,,s urft thherr, ,utu  thhEE ,, elrngt,,t hs yy,,u,,o’’Ve bbee enn ,, ,r,,ewAcAAHHiinng,g haa.v vioila,ate ed,,d  U.S.. ; LLA  Aw. .  Yoou  f..frrequue;;nttly   thttreeatte  n  to ical.L; .oru,u  mmooTe rroov voE `htisc,, iissuss,e, b quut  l,,l,,e.tm  tthhiss ;;beea    ,,w,,arnniinn,,g ,,thA `tt,Sh'e St,andds,,s ,,bheIIn;nd..d UUs sonn ,thhs;;, aan,,d  tthereee iissn o u,,uar nwat;eee  w.we can;;n  keepp hher, rfom,,rreeppoortingg  yO dut too tthe, ppoo,,lyi,ice  if f,, fss h;;ev   iis c    aa,,ll,,led . o,,ove..er thhi,,issI;;f  ;;yoou uuwoou,,ldd  ss..toop a ,, nnd,,d LLiissttee,, nttoox. jjuusst oonnee  r,,erq  queus,stt,, ;;I hahqev, ,,iit i;;s. tto   dropp    ictt.. , L[naie,,h,, as..s app[oll,,okGi  ized  Fo,,o   rthhee ttr.rauu  ma a  nn[d, ppaaiinn    q,h,,e’ss ccaaUUs,,sedd, ,and  IIss w,owwrk.ki,,ing  tto ooIIm  jjusTprrovOee ;;iphmm ;; J..,,uSST.Tsse.le,,eff  fforr tt,,h,,e , ,,Fuu.t  u;;r,ev ;; ;as s t;; oop  r  r.vEEeennT o,smeteeh,h,,in,,n ggssiimm . j,ussttill;;a, rr;frrm..o haappple..eNing gg.g  g,,aII. .T.h er’ess  noothhinngg;; ,,moorre hee kacN;N    ddo..o,; ,,,..h,e hh,,sm;; ovevd o n  .  YYou..u  aaree  tthhe  ,,sooll r,,reA  Assoon ;thiisss yittuuaattiio mo;is, sslssttiil,,lll  ann  oognoing  p.pror.rbllzeemm,  rrma.thceerr,t ehn hhkoen,n of,,fp th   ee ,, casstt.,.  oon;;ne  ffiN.Nall . stattement..n? LaN;Nee’’[ss  nanm,mE i,,siio  tte L eo,onn,  ,andd` hhee, hass ,,sppc..ciifi,,c.al.ll,,ly  aaskeeD  yyoouu too  n.too ccaLLll  hhi im,m,, juust htatt..  MUl;ltt;ippl;;lee;; ,tiim , jjuussttee;;s  . I,,In aamm .. o ot..t  susrr,,e iiff  itii;c;ou,,nu uTT   ss..as tt rannS  peS,,S,h,Obibbaa,,,;;B,,BujTT   ii;t i   sd  eef;;nnitiiely  a  giianntt d .tiicc  k m,,moove ;teo   do  ttHH\iiss .,.;To .. rrpEEeeaa.t  my,, eearllii,err  ,sttaat;temetN:: L,,Leavme.. Uss.;. ll/onen,n., IIf  f oyu c on;;oiinuuee t o  pm,,maak    newe  lb obbgs  aand a,hrraassss  uu,s,  ;;it t.tccn,A pndn  wi..i;lll  g..ge tee  ugly nfo,,r  yoyuu  V.VEr;Ep  q;;quiicc..kl,l.py  TT;;hi,,sii i  is  u  orr; fin fall,  ffio atnllwppo  s t,a;;Boout  tt,,ih;hs..T  hh;;is,s  e;;rap o'ff oour   lliivvee;s, .,alL o.. ffoo urr lli;;v,,ies,,  iiss o ov er..  I,, .. hope ee  evve.y,  on  e eevenee tthe eeU,Us;s;;e,,R  har..ras,assin ng .. us,  h.haas a  G,oodd d..day., .
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dishaaster · 2 years
top 5 songs off midnight
hello :)
that would be
The great War
Anti Hero
Snow on the Beach
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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dishaaster · 2 years
Ahhhhhh the url is back 💅💅
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