#im also guessing... hi mikaela
dishaaster · 2 years
top 5 ticktum looks
alright that one is tricky because top 5 as in best looks or top 5 as in worst looks
here are 2 good ones
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and then 3 bad ones. especially the one with those gucci trousers.... they never fail to destroy every somewhat acceptable outfit
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withoutzeuzey · 2 years
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Finally got to draw the origin Mikaela! It’s only a sketch tho lol
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zabala0z · 2 months
Oh my god. Okay hi. Welcome back to “New TMA listens to season 2” and guys holy shit I’m freaking out. I just listened to The New Door. So much is happening in 3 episodes and I gotta write it down oh my god. Guys. Guys.
MAG 44: tightrope
Gertrude Robinson!!!! She sounds so nice. Didn’t even realize there was a mention of this circus before until Jon said it. Gotta up my game. The guy who played the steam organ, Nikolai Deniken, was featured in Strange Music. Or his granddaughter was. I looked over the transcripts again; Gertrude mentioned that Deniken leaving in the 70’s made the circus tamer. Makes me wonder if the steam organ is essential for the circus . Also the circus of the other is such a metal name for a circus like okay damn.
I’m thinking the circus is gonna pop up again. New main villain??? Maybe??? Or maybe that cult that hadn’t appeared for a bit.
MAG 45: blood bag
Ewewew. It’s literally summer, the definition of mosquito season, why did I go through with this episode, I’m literally gagging. Anyways. Not many notes but the antiques dealer who bought that Victorian syringe off of Thompson is also from Lost and Found (MAG 38) and Piecemeal (MAG 14). Like all bro did was buy it and shit went off the rails. Wonder if he’s like cursed or something. Also small note for piecemeal: the guy who made the statement said after Mikaela Salesa left, Noriega was missing teeth, an eye and fingers. He may have had them before Salesa came but who knows. Salesa seems suspicious.
Also the description of the mosquitoes. Like. Eugh.
MAG 46: literary heights
Yooo Michael crew! He appeared in Pageturner as the childhood best friend who got his shit rocked by the lightning. He also apparently appeared in a boneturners tale when he returned a book. He seems like a book nerd now after his near death experience. That lightning figure that was chasing him at the end sounded like it was from the book but another thing: Michael was chanting that shit before y’know jumping out the window but he mentioned “The Vast”. I already vaguely know that name, along with a couple others. Like the fear entities or whatever?? I knew them before going in because Im into Hatchetfield and the lords in black got compared to them a couple times so I guess i didn’t go into this fully blind. More like 94% blind. I’m guessing The Vast is important though. We’ll see.
Finally the one I’m still freaking out over: MAG 47
Holy shit. If anyone saw my abrupt post, congrats. Anyone who didn’t: OH MY GOD MICHAEL APPEARANCE. The voice was so creepy, genuinely I’m freaked out. The whole premise of the episode was scary to me just because one of my fears generally is just being alone and having no one and just being lost so obviously, yeah. But also..god. Starting to doubt my assumption on how morally correct Michael.
Also SASHA. FAKE SASHA. She sounds completely different, thought it was fun they changed voice actors for this. I think fake Sasha has been rifling through Jons stuff. He’s been mentioning that someone has been going down in the tunnels and I think it’s fake Sasha.
Not many notes, I’m just freaking out. Couple things though: Michael said to Jon “do you even know they’re lying to you?”
Now they could either refer to fake Sasha as some gender neutral term since whatever replaced her is definitely not human and maybe doesn’t have a gender but I think more likely it’s referring to multiple people. Thing is, it could be anyone. I’m still suspicious about Elias, like he seems to know something no one does, jon had his rant about Tim and how Tim was here for practically no reason which is true and Martin is chill, I trust Martin. If Martin ends up like killing someone, I will die.
Just god. Michael is so creepy. It makes me wonder about its “domain”. It said it came to collect what is “mine.” The one who entered its domain. Is it like some underworld shit where you go in, you can’t come out? “The wanderer had a brief respite but it’s over now” like that’s just cruel.
Like I screamed when Michael said “did you notice which door she left through?” Like I full on got chills. Also “I am not a who, I’m a what, yada, yada” Okay pop off but you just stabbed a man wtf.
I have seen that infamous Michael line before in like fanart but god nothing compares to hearing the words actually coming from my phone while lying in bed when it’s pitch black outside. Props to the voice actor. Also that buzzing noise that happens in the background of fake Sasha and Michael disappearing when they leave? God it’s beautiful.
Anyways. Uh. Sorry for the long post but you guys gotta understand, I am literally going insane, I love this podcast so much. I got I think like 17 pages of notes/details from episodes to keep in mind like genuinely I am so invested. It like invigorates me. Fully.
Anyways, my only takeaway is bring back Sasha and Michael is terrifying
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estrangedyawn · 1 year
Spoilers for new chapter of ONS: Yuu has ANGEL MIKAELAS soul, right? But the events in ancient Greece (that had to have happened much later after Shikama was damned) show that "Yuu?" was still able to talk to angel Mikas corpse. So who was he talking to if Angel Mika's soul is in Yuu?
In the ancient Greece flashbacks, yuu was able to be resurrected over and over like he was being cloned. This kind of makes sense seeing how eyeball Yuu was able to make humans. Maybe these default humans have the appearance of "Yuu"? But when host Yuu dies, what happens to the Yuu who had mikaelas soul? Is it his soul that keeps being reincarnated into a Yuu body?
ALSO if the souls of the fallen angels went into the new humans, WHERE DID THAT SOUL GO??? did it just get kicked out when Mikaelas soul went into Yuu? What!???!?
And obviously, the elephant in the room- WHO IS MIKA(demon/vampire/human)???
He's a vessel most likely, and has his own separate soul from Yuuichiro. But if Mika is a vessel, why has shikama saved angel Mikaelas body?
I don't think they're the same person no, so no selfcest. I think that this will be more like a half-soul plot thing if anything (maybe I guess???) I'm 99% sure though that there's gonna be some "But I'm still me, and you're still you!" speech at some point.
I have a lot more questions but I'm just digging a hole now. I love this manga, but actually what. Like what. As a KH superfan who gets the plot, even I'm confused. I'm sure this will be answered. Eventually, like in three years time. But it's just so frustrating. No i dont read the novels, or catastrophe at 16, but im assuming this is news to everyone in the community. Am I missing something? I'm just trying to theorize.
I'm in a little cage and want answers. Someone help.
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chronosbled · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?
Due to the fact I pretty much have nothing else to do because of reasons I’d rather not specify to everyone here on this hellsite, I’m basically here 24/7. You can always reach me via IMs (granted that my phone doesn’t make the little message noise like it’s supposed to so sometimes I don’t know you messaged me) or throw me asks and starters whenever you’d like (that also takes some time for me to get to though because I only answer that stuff on my laptop). You can also reach me via Discord 24/7 since I always have that open on my phone and laptop (when my laptop isn’t off anyway) so if you want that, just shoot me a message via IMs.
2. What verses are you involved in?
God, due to this being a multimuse, I’m involved in so many different verses/fandoms. Though the ones that I’m mostly invested in are my Resident Evil verses, my Yu-Gi-Oh verses (which I never get to use sadly because people don’t give a shit about the series anymore it seems), some of my own verses from my novels (which I won’t go into detail about), and probably my Fire Emblem verses?
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Um... probably just the basic stuff for roleplaying that everyone else gets irritated with? Godmoding, force-shipping, not reading rules, and metagaming I guess? Though if I’m completely honest, I could care less about what someone else’s muse knows about my muse because it’s not like it’d bother them in the first place, lmfao. Most of my muses are pretty nonchalant about everything, especially Dickson, so if your muse somehow knows he’s a monster or something and try to use it as a way to get one over on him, he’d literally just laugh about it and be like “yeah, I’m totally not human. Pretty cool that you noticed.” It’s the same with if you try to godmod against my muses, if I don’t like what you’re doing, I’ll just do it back. XD I promise you I can be ten times more annoying (especially since my sister says I’m annoying 24/7). :D
I guess what irritates me more though is when your freaking partner doesn’t barely add shit into the roleplay so it’s just a basic response and you don’t know what to do with it. Like... it’s just three lines of absolute horse shit that you can’t even pick up and throw even if you wanted to! Nothing interesting is happening and the actions preformed are literally just being repetitive. God... I hate the repetitive actions. I can’t do anything if all your muse does is blush and giggle. Please, if you value me as a partner or even just value my sanity, DON’T FREAKING DO IT.
Also, please, and I do mean PLEASE, do not expect my muses to fall in love with yours ESPECIALLY if they’re: 1) already married or in a relationship, 2) are single-ship muses, 3) aren’t interested in relationships, or 4) are like Dickson where they literally HAVE NO EMOTIONS TO BEGIN WITH. Everything he does is ACTED. Learned through observing others and copying them. His feelings, unless worked on by himself or someone else (and I mean worked on for a very long time), are not genuine. He does not love you, he is using you unless he actively states otherwise, and I don’t mean when muses who are in love do the usual “oh, I love you so much.” I mean him quite literally obsessing over your muse to the point he’s willing to murder anyone who even breathes in your muse’s general direction. I rambled a bit there... but the point is, don’t think my muses will instantly love yours just because yours confess to mine. Most of my muses would probably just call your muse an idiot or laugh at them. One more thing, I promise. Do not assume that just because your muse is some big and scary bad person (or whatever) that my muse will fear yours (unless they’re possibly human or some weaker being, but even then most of my human muses don’t care) because they won’t. People like Philis, Rain, Mikaela (sometimes it depends on his mood though), and Ember will not be afraid of you, if anything, they’ll likely just think you’re crazy. People like Dickson, Tina, Giovanni, and Hazen (in the future only) will not be afraid of you either, instead they’ll laugh and ask if you’re looking for a partner to aid you in whatever terrible path you’re going down. Also, do not assume that my muses will not outright kill yours if you piss them off to a certain degree because they will, especially since most of my muses aren’t against killing random people (either because they aren’t stable or come from a world that is filled with war). Even if you interact with my kinder muses, they still have a line you can cross and they will try to still kill your muse if need be.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
I’m pretty sure everyone has noticed, but I have an unhealthy obsession infatuation with darker muses, such as ones who are unstable or unhinged. *coughs* Like Envy as the biggest example. *coughs* I also am really drawn to male muses that are either super pretty or super masculine (I don’t know any other word to describe what I mean, please forgive me) or ones that are very fatherly (probably because they remind me of my own dad). Bonus if they’re super masculine and fatherly because it melts my heart. ; w; Appearance-wise though, I’m drawn to male muses with black hair and blue eyes (*gestures at Dickson*) while I’m drawn to female muses with bizarre colored hair (meaning outside of the usual blonde, black, red, brown) and bizarre colored eyes (outside of green, blue, and brown). But I’m also super fond of male muses with black hair and bizarre eye colors too because sometimes it can look super pretty. This is totally uncalled for, but my biggest draw in to a muse is if they look a lot like or remind me a lot of Chris Redfield from Resident Evil because that man has my WHOLE heart. And I don’t mean that shitty excuse of a “Chris Redfield” from Resident Evil 7 either. I’m talking about Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, and Resident Evil 8 (where he now has a dad bod), though I also love all previous Chris Redfields too. <3
5. Are there reoccurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
Um... aside from the fact that I tend to ramble a lot? I don’t think so? I personally don’t think my writing is all that great so I don’t think I can really answer a question like this? I’m also not really sure what a reoccurring theme could be in my writing. Sorry! ; ;
6. What are your favorite RP trends?
Dunno really? I don’t really know any roleplay trends aside from the Google Docs and carrd thing. I attempted to do Google Docs, but I got frustrated because I couldn’t figure it out so I gave up. I didn’t even attempt with carrd because you gotta pay for that and I’m always broke so... haha. I only recently learned how to do mediocre graphics and add extra muse themes onto my blogs. I’m a pretty bland person honestly.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?
I usually try to just toss them a very small random starter that isn’t really affiliated with anything in case they wanna use a specific verse with it. I try not to actively talk to the person I’m trying to start a thread with because of my anxiety being so bad to the point (mainly from all the years of being bullied and being ignored when I attempt to talk to people) that I just assume everyone doesn’t actually want to listen to me talk to them. I remember when Envyness teased me about something and I almost cried because I thought they were mad at me. The only reason I didn’t was because they actively said they were teasing and I instantly felt better afterwards. I’m pretty pathetic, haha.
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
I don’t mind duplicates of my canon muses (though I’m pretty sure I have more OCs than canons). I think duplicates are pretty cool to be honest, especially when they like to do the whole “twin” situation with me. XD I had two friends that roleplayed Mika do that with me and it was hella cute. Though since OCs are supposed to be one of a kind, if I find someone stealing my fucking character that I put YEARS of work into, I’m ripping their arm off and beating them into submission with it.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
Um... I think I first started when I was like... thirteen or twelve? I just recently turned twenty-four so... twelve years or maybe closer to thirteen? Hard to fully remember since I started roleplaying via Skype and I’ve had Skype since I was in fifth or sixth grade. Yes, just imagine a baby Speka typing up a storm for roleplay with friends. Probably not as cute as most think since I was a gremlin according to my older brother.
10. Is there a muse or verse you could write in, but haven’t?
Um... given how I’m a pretty huge multimuse, there are way too many muses that I want to/could write for but haven’t because there aren’t people who are interested in said muses. It’s the same with verses honestly. There’s a lot of them that I want to/can write for but haven’t because of the same reasons I’ve listed above, especially since I’m always somehow into series that are basically dead. Like Magi.
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Tagged  by: @s-talking​​
Tagging: @crxstallium​​, @anomieheld​​, and anyone else who wants to do this because my brain is blanking right now.
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.��� She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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yuudefensesquad · 4 years
I'm kinda new to this fandom, but I underestimated the amount of hate for characters. (And I see why this blog exists) But this amount of hating on Yuu?? It's awful. It'd be nice if the Mika wives would just admit they only like Mikaela and stop tagging their hate ):
aghh yeah like there’s a difference between criticism and downright insulting and degrading a character.
i made this blog in 2018 because of the paragraphs i would see on this website saying yuu is a horrible person and that he did this to himself. it’s disappointing because everyone would agree / like the posts.
people do have the right to their own opinion, especially regarding characters, and people are saying “BUT IT’S THEIR OPINION IF THEY WANT TO DISLIKE YUU THAT’S VALID” and it’s like Listen Here Bastard I’m Not Saying It’s Invalid To Have An Opinion I’m Saying You’re Fuckign Clogging Yuu’s Tag With Negativity And Spitting On How He Copes With His Fucking PTSD
and i wouldn’t have SUCH a problem with these people if they would just OWN UP TO THEIR LITERAL WORDS.
WHAT are we supposed to guess from you saying “I HATE YUU”?? that you… Don’t hate yuu is that what we’re supposed to deduct from a very simple straightforward message filled with hate?
like the fact that they revealed there’s an entire COMMUNITY shitting on yuu like this…
like yes! you CAN criticize a character. i’ve criticized yuu before and more often than not i am FRUSTRATED with how kagami has written him lately (this chapter was an exemption because he finally fucking showed more emotions than “^_^”), but i’ve ALSO criticized the ENTIRE owari no seraph cast because they’re all flawed. yes, including mika. mika has flaws. like yuu. and i’m not going to excuse yuu’s flaws because he’s meant to have flaws because for god fucking sake he’s a 16 year old human experiment child soldier bioweapon abuse survivor like the list goes on.
if you find yourself 100% agreeing with one character’s actions and think they’re ALWAYS in the right ESPECIALLY in owari no seraph then you need to sit down and reevaluate how you view this series.
this series isn’t SUPPOSED to make you sit down and 100% agree with the character. you’re not SUPPOSED to look at one and suddenly be like “oh yeah everything they’ve done thus far is completely 100% morally correct”
and the FACT that these people think YUU is the most PROBLEMATIC CHARACTER? this literally came out of one of their mouths on twitter and im like WHAT? you don’t have to like him but WHAT? there’s an ENTIRE ASS GUREN, FERID, KURETO, AND SHIKAMA STANDING RIGHT THERE!! and this fucking teenage boy who just wants to fix everyone’s problems but his own is the MOST problematic out of the entire series?
like it goes to show that they are so hyper obsessed with yuu’s actions that they’re not even fucking Thinking about what the other characters are doing.
it’s ridiculous. seriously… i mean c’mon. damn.
people want to make “defense parties” for the other characters, but i’ve never seen any other character in owari no seraph who is literally just trying to do the best for everyone get THIS much backlash and unnecessary harsh comments. the fact that yuu NEEDS a defense blog more than any other character because no one else will stand up for him shows miles.
there’s a difference between giving necessary criticism and then there’s literal spiteful comments because yuu isn’t 100% projecting your own personal interests
anyways thanks for the ask anon, i’m sorry for going off LMAO
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softpine · 5 years
so ben is cas’s dad and Mik went to DSV to tell him/make it work? I thought Cas’ dad was an older man, also does Mik have a “type” was ben suppose to look like Danny? sorry i probs sound like a dumb bish rn im just a wittle confused :/
i’m sorry for the confusion!! i purposely kept everything vague, but i can see how that would be confusing. i’ll put the rest of my answer under the cut so you can skip it if you want to!!
so first, yes ben is cas’ bio father. he grew up in willow creek, but moved to DSV at some point. when he met mikaela, he was (unbeknownst to her) already married. he married young, but he’s still much older than her, which is why i’m treading sooo carefully right now. so he came back to willow creek to visit family, and happened to stop by the party (it was a mix of all ages tbh, you know in small towns you see a party and just drop in, even if you don’t know anyone lol). that’s when they met. he was just buttering her up when he told her she should come visit him in DSV, he never thought she would actually go find him. but you’re correct in guessing that once mikaela finds out she’s pregnant and everything blows up at home, she has no where to go except to find ben in DSV. that’s when he tells her to leave before his wife gets home.
and he does somewhat look like danny. he’s not like a clone or anything lmao but you can tell what mikaela likes. this is literally the only pic of his face that i have (bc i still don’t think he deserves the screen time lol) but it gives you a general idea:
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evakaname · 5 years
10 favourite fictional characters
I was tagged by @sakurabunnie edit: AGES AGO and forgot the almost done post in my drafts- and i still cannot decide but there are a few certain ones as of late in no particular order, cuz theres no system for me to fit different people into, like your
Maxwell Trevelyan, @sakurabunnie​ The most adorable blessed hearted inquisitor to ever exist.
YES im counting him as legit cuz he IS, using my own art of him cuz i CAN, and while at it i must mention my Soren and Caren as big faves too but i guess own characters are too far a shot lol, but maybe i could also mention Hadiden cuz hes also a unique piece of elf XD
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Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition the sassiest most fabulous gay mage ever -if we dont count the next entry of...
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...a bisexual warlock who trumps anyone with class and being fabulous and all, with golden eyes, silver tongue, and a gentle caring heart to fit worlds in it, the magical  Magnus Lightwood-Bane from Shadowhunters tv series (a HUGE FAVE) of course
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but a Magnus without an Alec? i need both sides of Malec pls, so enters Alexander G. Lightwood-Bane one of the best and hottest and gayest of shadowhunters, who blooms from his shell in Magnus’s light  (also hes great and would get a spot anyways)
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and get the HEALTHY, supportive, trusting, caring, loving, understanding, etc amazing power couple of the centuries, the absolute peak for all to aspire for, which i must add as a unit entry for the sake of wholesomeness  :3 :D as u see im pretty far deep with them XD but seriously just most of that shows characters are so amazing they could hold 1st place in their own show each
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Ezra Bridger from Star Wars Rebels Im sure just a few know him but oh boiii my fave jedi ever.
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mr im a MUCH sappier hopeless romantic than i look Venom of course
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and how could i leave out Deadpool
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and Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel 
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but i could go on marvel characters like Tom Hollands Pieter, and dr Strange and Tony Stark and Pepper and  Shuri and Okoye and Rocket and Natasha...
Geralt of Rivia from Witcher got a special spot too
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now if im back to games again i must mention Ezio Auditore da Fireze from Assassins Creed  (yes still a fave XD) right along with “his” Leonardo da Vinci 
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there are so many from animes tho i CANT even... ok ill pull a few from the top of my head but...
Shirayuki and Zen from  Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
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Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov (among others) from Yuri on ice u know it i know it we all know it
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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya from  Boku no Hero Academia 
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Kotetsu Kaburagi aka Tiger from Tiger and Bunnie  
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Naruto and Sasuke from strictly FANFICTIONS, u know, the characters they had the potential to grow into  yes romance included but even without just agh kishi is an evil cow farmer
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ah the joy of digging up old drawings and have a use for them
GOSH WHATS WITH ME AND COUPLES XD BUT i like great duos on both sides lol, and a great duo is sometimes a couple so... fanfic Sasuke and Naruto can be either so i choose couple version cuz reasons
Kaname Chidori and Sousuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic
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talking of full metal, Edward and Alphonse totally should get a spot from Full Metal Alchemist
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talking of siblings, Rin and Yukio Okumura from  Ao no Exorcist 
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talking of yuki, Yukine and Yato from Noragami
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Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya from Owari no Seraph (this duo being actually a couple is still under heavy “discussion” XD but yeah thats an opening pic also...)
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Chise Hatori and  Elias Ainsworth from  Mahoutsukai no Yome two dysfunctional dork making a functioning couple its just priceless and fun
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WAIT its been way more than 10 already for sure... oh f, whatever. gosh and i havent even get to the old ones like some Slayers or Kyou Kara Maou characters and Inuyasha or new ones like from Suisei no Gargantia and also more movies and gah TOO MANY 
I want to tag everyone but at least @hadiden-lavellan​
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zombeamik · 6 years
OKAY SO BIG BIG BIG BIG SPOILERS DOWN BELOW IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME AS THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE SO i did update this as i was playing so please ignore my spelling mistakes and confusion as i am to lazy to go back and fix it lmao enjoy!! :D
but man it’s so cool and i’m happy so
ok was there a way to finish the crown mario button fight without being pacifist ew
i’m sorry i don’t know how to get exp or love or whatever they call it and i am MAD
when you loved clover but you trying to be mean so you had to kill them D: I AM BAD PERSON BC IT WAS THEIR BIRTHDAY UGH
i love magnus and his hammer head ugh he cute
i charged my mind i love lancer he’s just scared and he wants his papa to live and love.
ALSO HUH LOOK AT THAT ATTACK WOW REMINDS ME OF FLOWEY OH WOW IT WORKS LIKE FLOWEYS ATTACK! WAY TO STEAL AN ATTACK FLOWEY (he don’t exist yet i’m guessing as toriel talked about asriel at the start of the game so prequel to when monsters lived above???)
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susie is like ok we can talk it out with the king and i’m like WHAT NO IM HERE FOR GENOCIDE I AINT DOING NO PACIFIST
even tho i couldn’t kill the button crown dude whatever honestly didn’t know how lmao
excuse me Rouxls Kaard??!?! ur basically a royal mettaton OK BUT WAIT WHAT WAS THAT SPARKLY THI G DOD I MISS IT OR HUH
ugh gross the shop keeper is Rouxls Kaard MAN EW UR PUZZLES SUCK
you’re much stronger than i envisioned PLS don’t use toriels like thanks i am TRYING to do genocide BHT OK
wow i suck i just want to kill everybody and not even do a peaceful way whoops lmao
okay yes toby i will leave you be but i wanted to look i the computer lab cri
omg did asgore die maybe they had a fight again or whatever but excuse me what happened i want to know.
and undyne and alphys not together???
huh that’s cool instead of souls he has flowers instead pls don’t tell me we gonna run into evil soul flowers in this game thanks.
oh the flowers toriel used for her wedding are probably the ones in the containers i am sad
excuse me mum but if you do not put those flowers in the kitchen and you put them in the trash I AM MOVING OUT
oh i just noticed that my side of the room in really empty and now i am sad, asriel what the hell.
end of first run lol
starts of pacifist run
also so i’ve replayed it as i’m trying to actually do genocide and pacifist instead of neutral, ill figure it out. but the cutscene when they were falling down tbh could have been my eyes but i swear i saw abit of red on uh chara or mikaela or kris or whatever you want to call them. anyways.
so i’m doing pacifist ugh anyways omg?
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anyways if ur doing pacifist o honestly think you gotta fight the temptation to kill everything as the evil character man it’s gonna be hard bc goat mama noticed something was wrong and now we ripped our soul out so UH I MEAN YES SOMETHING IS WRONG. CALL 000 PLS
anyways time to continue with pacifist story
ah lovely pacifist ending
no my only question is when chapter 2 comes out i’m wondering if that’s gonna be start of the “genocide route” or where you start gaining levels if you want.
im sorry i thought i was done with this post lol but that ending gets me everytime i’m still wondering where the soul will go or who will take it bc goat mama is probs gonna see it in there. but i honestly wonder why they turned evil like was it because asriel wasn’t there and mum and dad broke up or was it because of susie even tho she was nice like?????? maybe it was because of the king like spooky king not dad king like maybe they noticed that you can’t trust anyone and like i gotta kill them or. UGH I DONT KNOW. TO MANY THINGS.
as someone who loves Chara/whatever you name them/frisk/kris but also loves genocide i can’t say anything to justify their actions as i did nothing wrong and they ripped out their soul and got a knife by themselves so uh IT WASNT MY FAULT
if ur waiting for a theory it ain’t coming i mean there might be bits in this but like it’s honestly me screaming LMAO
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
oh goody, more vampires!
Lucy: "...Well, um...If you didn't get any sign of them when you were asleep, maybe our look in the alley earlier this afternoon will help..." *looks over notes she took* "Ranpo found some faint marks along the wall, but you didn't hear someone hitting it?"
Katai: *shrugs* "M-Maybe? It sounded like an argument--They may have threatened someone. I heard 'bleed'?"
sylvia: *gulp*
Kyoka: "We also noticed a receipt nearby from earlier that day at a nearby thrift store--which is half-way across town."
Ranpo: "And of course, this..." *holds up a big shiny coin* "Foreign!"
aya: neato! where's it from?
Ranpo: "Not sure...It looks Japanese, yet it has this ram's head and says...I can't read it. 'Chinom'-something?"
aya: maybe it's a game token?
Lucy: "We can check arcades in the morning..."
shiori: zzz
Yumi: "???" ("She's not in her room...") *notices Kid and Stocking's door open a crack* "???" *peeks*
shiori: zzzz
Kid: "Zzz..."
stocking: *asleep*
Yumi: "... ... ... ..." QwQ ("D'AWWWWWW!") *waves to Lord Death*
lord death: *peeks* QwQ *snaps a pic*
Yumi: TwT *hug*
miyuri: *snoring, asleep on top of chuuya*
Chuuya: "Zzz..." *tries to move--* "UMPH!" O_O; *looks* "..." *strokes her head*
miyuri: mm...papa...=w= zzzz....
Chuuya: *sighs* *keeps stroking while he sits up*
miyuri: *yaaaaaawn* morniiiing *sniff* *still half-asleep*
Chuuya: "Sleep okay?"
miyuri: *nods and rubs her eyes* *yaaaawn* *STOMACH GROWL*
Chuuya: "Aaaaaand hungry..."
sonia: *in the bathroom, brushing her teeth*
Chuuya: "Come on--let's get something to eat."
amelia: *doing morning stretches*
Kanin: *finishing packed lunch* "Last night was so fun..."
amelia: mmhmm.....arent you gonna do stretches too?
Kanin: "Oh! Um, sure!" *closes bento boxes* ^^; "I guess a lot on my mind..." *rotates his shoulders first*
Saria: "Then they were like--BOOM! SPARKLE! SHINE SHINE SHINE!--and so pretty!"
greg: that sounds wonderful, bug-bear!
Saria: "Yeah! It's been so fun getting to hang out with friends..."
Ranpo: *spread out* *snoring*
Katai: O_______O; ("I couldn't sleep all night...")
Kyoka: *huddled with Sylvia*
atsushi: *getting a head start on breakfast*
Lucy: =w= *yawns* *sits up* "???" *walks to the kitchen*
atsushi: morning lucy, im making eggs. you want yours sunny side up, scrambled, or omelette?
Lucy: "Oh...Um, omelette?" *sits* "...You're good at that..."
atsushi: thanks, i've been practicing.
Lucy: *smiles* "It's paying off--smells delicious!"
(Odasaku: >_>; )
atsushi: *smiles*
Kyoka: *yawns, wakes up...looks out the window--* "!!!"
sylvia: ??
Kyoka: "...Sylvia?" *smiles* "Could you help Atsushi set the table?"
sylvia: o-ok *goes to do that*
Kyoka: *keeps the smile on...until she looks back at the alley...where there is a spear of blood along the wall only now visible in the daylight...*
Takehisa: *cooking* "Good morning, Sister."
Relan: *signing* <Morning!>
rita: <good morning>
tamaki: mornin'! so what's today's game plan?
Akitaru: *sighs* "Viktor is still on leave for 'family' and work he was called in to consult on at Haijima...A few of you will be sent to try to find him around town."
karin: i volunteer.
Akitaru: "Sounds good...but you'll need a disguise."
chie: here comes the airplane~
toru: ga!
chie: *feeding him*
toru: *nom* ^u^
Yohei: *filming* "What a good boy..."
chie: *chuckle*
mono:....hmph...i guess he's _kinda_ cute... 7.7
Assi: >w< "Incredibly cute!"
Emine: -_-; "So he can eat--big deal. I am not complimented for every last thing I do--"
Shotaro: "VROOM! Here comes the oatmeal train to Emine's mouthy-wouthy!"
Emine: "I do not have a 'mouthy-wouthy'..." *nom* >_>;
setsuna: ^^;
io: =3=;
Tool: "Still hungry, Io?" *fills up the bowl with more cereal-O's*
tsuyu: *yaaaawn*
ochako: *waves* morning!
tsuyu: morning...*yaaawn* late night last night...
Izuku: "??? Working?"
tsuyu: we were looking at old baby pictures last night. then the topic got to how our tails dropped off, and since satsuki still has hers yet, she got scared and started crying. it took a while for us to calm her down.
Izuku: "Oh no--I'm sorry. That must've been challenging..."
tsuyu: it's fine. one of the many things that comes with younger siblings, haha.
ochako: i guess.
Izuku: "Yeah, this is new to me without siblings..."
Todoroki: "..."
Iida: "..."
jirou: *cough*
Izuku: ^^;
Todoroki: *covers his ears* >~<
edouard: *knocks* <sis? it's breakfast time!>
Valentine: *curled up in bed...staring at the floor*
edouard: *knocks* <we're having waffles!>
Valentine: *sobbing*
edouard:....<papa! i think valentine might be sick!>
Villefort: *opening his door, limping* "???" *opens the door* <Valentine?>
Valentine: *hugging herself, sobbing*
Villefort: <?! What's wrong?>
Valentine: <Th-They're dead! Grandma, Grandpa...>
Villefort: "..." <What? How-->
Valentine: *hugging him*
Heloise: *exits Villefort's room* "..." *smile*
edouard: ?? <mama?>
Heloise: <Eddy? Where's Daddy?>
edouard: <in val's room. she seems upset>
Heloise: <???> *adjusts her robe, follows* <Valentine?>
valentine: <what do _you_ want?>
Heloise: <?! Well, someone is in a grouchy mood-->
Villefort: <Not now!> *holds Valentine*
Heloise: <?!!> "..." *frowns, exits*
valentine: *sniff* <j-just leave me alone...>
Villefort: "..." <Okay. I'll check with...I'll take care of funeral preparations. When you're ready...> *exits*
valentine: *crying into her pillow*
*there's a small pearl left on her nightstand...*
edouard:... <papa, will she fell better soon?>
Villefort: "..." *smiles* <Of course...But it needs time...>
Dumas: *smiling widely, humming to himself*
marquis: *making breakfast*
Cervantes: *reading the newspaper* "..." <So sad...>
marquis: <what is it?>
Cervantes: <An elderly couple died in a gas leak...>
marquis: <oh no!>
Cervantes: <'The Saint Merands had already lost their daughter at a young age...Survived by Valentine Villefort-->
*a teacup falls*
marquis: !!!
Dumas: *falls back, shocked*
marquis: <are you alright??> D8>
Dumas: <...It-It was supposed to be the judge...It was supposed to be the judge...>
{Lord Wilmore: <--a medicine that is poisonous-->}
Dumas: *shaking, trying to pull loose*
marquis: <dumas, please, pull yourself together! it was an honest mistake!>
Cervantes: "..." *frowns, rolls up the newspaper*
Dumas: <I wanted him dead! No one else! I wanted him-->
Cervantes: *WHAP WHAP WHAP* <Get a hold of yourself, darn it!>
benedetto: ._.
Dumas: >_< *slap-fighting* <I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL _THEM_!>
Cervantes: <Well, who did kill them?!>
Dumas: "... ... ..."
benedetto: ..... <i'll just...go back to bed for a bit.>
Dumas: *collapses onto the floor in the fetal position*
Minoura: *looking at the blood splatter against the alley wall* "Jesus..." -_-; "And why am I not surprised you're all somehow involved..."
Ranpo: *waves* "Good morning!"
atsushi: um. hello.
Katai: Q_Q "As-As we said, we heard nothing last night--but the night before, there was some argument..."
Minoura: -_-; "Okay, Detective, what do you think? Which ability user did this--"
Ranpo: "They didn't."
atsushi: ??
Minoura: "What? Look, kid, I don't see any evidence here: we got blood on the wall, no prints, no footprint--nothing. It's like there was a body, and not even tissue left, so--"
Ranpo: "I don't think it was an ability user...I think it was another type of creature..."
aya: we did find this. *holds up the coin*
Minoura: "...Officer, bag the coin."
cop-chan: *takes the coin*
Minoura: *looks at the coin* "Hmm...'Chinom'? The arcade?"
aya: AHA!
Ranpo: =3= "I still say it looks foreign--probably some group from overseas who--?!!!!!!!!!!!! AH HA!"
atsushi: you figured it out?
Ranpo: "Indeed! Blood splatter. Game token with Japanese beginning with 'Chinom.' Foreign people sneaking in...It's happening again, just as it did years ago..."
atsushi: years ago?
Ranpo: "Yes...It is not ability users--it's more vampires!!!"
Katai: Q_Q *faints* "I-I'm gonna have to move again..."
Minoura: =_= "I picked a bad day to stop eating donuts..."
aya: but the question is, what _kind_ of vampires are we dealing with. naomi mentioned there's different vampire types.
Ranpo: "That is the next order of research, Aya. Procure the tomes of vampire lore!"
Lucy: -_-; "This'll just be an excuse for Naomi to read her 'sexy books' again..."
cop-chan: to be fair, there are vampire residents. i'll get to the interviews.
Minoura: -_-# "Fine..."
*a tabloid web site already says 'Vampire Attack'*
Black Star: -^-; "...I promise not to get mad...I just want to know whether any of you did this."
naho:....*looks at belkia*
Belkia: OwO "...I don't remember?"
Black Star: "SO IT WAS YOU!" *strangles Belkia*
otogiri: he's innocent this time. i was helping him get gum out of his hair. again.
Black Star: "...Oh. Okay." *lets him go*
Belkia: XwX
naho:...he's fine.
Higan: "We've been feeding the way you told us to, so it must be someone else..."
Sakuya: "...What if it's _him_? We haven't heard from Mr. Tsubaki in a bit..."
lavender: unless he has an eve, i doubt it.
Black Star: >_>;
lilac: w-what if it's...t-true ancestors? i-i heard rumors about them from the others....
Shamrock: "...That would be worrisome...I suggest we all be on high alert--as now they will be investigating vampires again, and we can't afford police attention..."
-sakuya's phone goes off, and has a very cute ringtone-
Sakuya: .\\\.; "Th-That's me...Totally not my intentional ringtone--It's ironic--Shut up." *answers* "Y-Yeah?"
naomi: hey sakuya, is naho there?
Sakuya: "Sure...Naho, it's Naomi."
naho: oh cool! *takes the phone* hi naomin~ whats up?......oh really?....i see....we just heard ourselves.....actually, i think i know someone who can help you out! ever heard of 'the land of nod'? yeah, they have vampire experts...ok...call you back~ *hangs up*
Sakuya: "??? Why'd she want to know?"
naho: her agency is investigating into the case!
Sakuya: ._.;;;
*someone wipes his mouth*
Mikaela: "..."
lacus: whew, what a feast! ^^
chess: where should we strike next?
Crowley: "I think we should ask our scout..." *smiles at Mikaela* "You told us such wonderful locations--"
Mikaela: "Just go wherever."
chess: =3= you're so boooooriiiiing.
lacus: you're as bad as those....'things' we've read in some books. *shudder* whoever this 'meyer' is, i hope to slaughter them horribly.
Crowley: "Patience...We still have to map out locations..." *marking the map on the wall, circling spots in the slums, with giant x's crossing out True Cross and the DWMA*
hyakuya: *staring up at the ceiling* ....
Guren: *knocks* "Akane? We're finishing prelims..."
hyakuya: *responsive grunt*
Guren: "You should see the reinforcements...So, um, get up?"
hyakuya: *grumbles and sits up* give me about a minute, im getting changed now...
-girls getting ready, please be patient-
Guren: *opening a box*
hyakuya: *looks*
shinoa: ??
mitsuba: *looks around*
Yoichi: *humming, polishing some daggers*
Kimizuki: *packing meals* "And don't touch them until lunch!"
hyakuya: so what are we doing today?
Guren: "Looks like the vamps showed themselves here--two suspected feedings in a part of town."
hyakuya: ....
Kimizuki: "!!!"
Yoichi: "So, we're on patrol? Okay!"
mitsuba: tch- about time we started doing something.
Guren: *nods* "So let's use that training on our off-time to put a stop to these attacks...The recent attacks were at night, so we'll be using daylight to find vantage points for observation and attack..."
shinoa: right.
Yoichi: "We'll do our best!"
Noirtier: *bandaged, struggling to dial* "..." <Answer already, you stupid brat...> *shaking*
Noirtier: *growls, tosses the phone* <Damn it, Gerard!>
Valentine: *staring at her phone...'No new messages'...'No new calls'...*
Vulcan: *has on a panda hoodie and sunglasses* "All set?"
karin: yep!
Iris: "All set." *wearing a baseball cap, basketball jersey--and tattoos*
Vulcan: O_O; "Um, Sister? Wh-What's with the new look--"
karin: easy now. *she's in what looks to be a business suit*
Iris: ^^; "Sorry--just getting into character by modeling myself on people in disguise--Sister Hibana, Shinra's smile, Patty Thompson--"
Vulcan: *hiding behind Karin* Q_Q
karin: ^^; it's pretty well done. well, shall we be off?
Iris: "LET'S DO THIS!"
Blair: "I'm heading out, Sachiko! Could you let Dr. John know?"
sachiko: already on it.
Blair: "...How's she holding up?"
sachiko: still stressed...maybe she should take a vacation...
Blair: *nods* "She had gone out to Tombstone...Maybe there or somewhere more, you know, vacationy?" *snaps her fingers, is now in a Hawaiian shirt, hula skirt, and with a coconut drink*
sachiko: *sweatdrop*
Chuuya: "Okay, we got our juice boxes, we got crayons, we got Kajii's homework...Ready to draw?"
miyuri: ready!
Chuuya: *takes out a worksheet* "Okay, so this one is a maze..."
miyuri: *looks*
Chuuya: " 'These are the Canadian geese...Help them fly to the South for the winter'..."
miyuri: *doodling*
-little geese pop up from the picture and fly around the room-
Chuuya: ^^; "That's one way to do it..."
Goose: *honks, steals Chuuya's bread*
Chuuya: ._.;
miyuri: *giggles*
Chuuya: "Leeeeeeet's check the maze again..." *a goose lands on his hat*
miyuri: ^^;
Chuuya: "So, there are many paths to take...I used to do these by starting at the goal and working backwards..."
Goose on Hat: =^=
miyuri: hmm...
Chuuya: "So, if I take a pencil at the goal..." *traces back--mock concern* "Oh, no--I hit a dead end! Ah!"
miyuri: oh no! D8
Chuuya: "But that's why a maze usually has another path..." *follows a new one* "So far, so good, right?"
miyuri: mmhmm.
Chuuya: "Now we go left, then right, then right, and waaaaaaay up..."
miyuri: hehe ^^
Chuuya: "And--BOOM! We've made the path!"
-the lines float up-
Chuuya: .____.;;;
-suddenly they're in a maze?-
Chuuya: *looks around...tries to leap up to the top of the wall--and falls*
miyuri: ._.;;;
Chuuya: =_=; "...Let's start walking. Don't get separated..." *holds her hand*
miyuri: ok.
Katai: *sips* "Th-Thank you for the tea, Nagisa..."
nagisa: any time, mr katai. ^^
Blair: "I'm home! Oh, Katai! Nagisa let you in?"
Katai: Q\\\\Q
Blair: OwO "~?"
nagisa: welcome home! ^^
Blair: "Thanks..." *yawn* "Busy morning...What're you two up to this afternoon?"
-nagisa explains what all katai told her-
Blair: "Oooooo--vampires! That's no good. But at least it's not the Rats again, right?"
Katai: >~< "Please, don't remind me..."
Blair: *strokes his head* "There, there..."
Katai: =///////=
nagisa: *sweatdrop*
Blair: "Besides, vampires tend not to stay in one place for long--and if they do, it's only until they can pick off every victim they can or farm them for their blood--"
Katai: *protective hug*
Blair: *stroke stroke* ^^; "Do you want to stay for the night?"
sonia: *in class*
Teacher: "--and you'll have your test in two weeks, so we'll be reviewing the biology section..."
sonia: *taking notes*
Teacher: "Let's begin with the different organs in the typical humanoid body. Sonia, which organ takes in oxygen?"
sonia: the lungs.
Teacher: "Correct! And which bodily fluid transports that oxygen to the rest of the body?"
sonia: the blood.
Teacher: *smiles* "Right! Very good."
-one student glares at sonia-
sonia: ....
Teacher: "Let me type some keywords for you to review..." *typing on the projector's computer, not looking at the class*
Danglars: *sips his bubbly drink, pulls up his stock portfolio on his tablet and--spits out his drink, coughing*
lucian: ...*wipes his face* <sir?>
Daisy: "Yes, your check is in the mail. ...Yes, he's happy to support thriving young reporters. Let us know what other dirt you dig up. Yes...Goodbye." *hangs up*
Fitzgerald: *sips his drink*
Vulcan: *on bat incom* "Target spotted, exiting clothing store...He's going into--?! A toy store? Huh. Must be getting new action figures..."
karin: hmm.
Iris: *inhale* "Okay...I can do this..." *swaggers into the store* "Yo, boss. I'm here for the new mad fresh figurines to power up my game system, bro!"
Hyde: ._.;
Viktor: "Excuse me, sir? Do you sell dolls? Like, for little girls?"
Iris: *whispers into incom* "Oh, that's nice--Viktor is buying dolls!"
karin: ?? *imagining--* D8 (now now, be rational, maybe he has a relative?)
Viktor: "And candy. Little girls like candy, right? How much could I fit into my mode of transportation of just candy?"
Hyde: O_____O "...This isn't a white van, is it...?" *reaching under the desk for the 'police' button...*
karin: D8 !!!! (SON OF A FUCKING FUCK!!)
Vulcan: "...I'm going to fucking cut his balls off."
Viktor: *spots someone outside the shop* "!!!" *waves at her*
misora: *walking along in a rather cute dress* hello~<3
Vulcan: O_________________O
karin: isnt she from squad 0?
Iris: "???" ("Oh, Misora's here, too! How nice.") ^^
Vulcan: *whispers* "Yeah, with a creepy little-girl idol fixation! This is sick!"
Viktor: "Hi! I'm almost done. Anything else I should get you?"
karin: YOU!
Viktor: OwO "...Um, me?"
karin: so this is your little secret, huh?
Hyde: *pressing the button frantically* "Why is nothing happening?! Wait--this isn't even connected?!!"
Viktor: OwO;;; "Secret? What secret? I have no idea what you mean...HA HA HA?"
misora: OwO;;;;;;;;
Iris: "We know exactly what you're up to! ..." *whispers* "What are they up to?"
Vulcan: -_- "This is sick. You are nasty, Viktor..."
karin: viktor licht, misora hina, you two.....HAVE SOME CREEPY SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP DONT YOU?!
misora: ......
Iris: "... ... ..." *brains snaps* D8
Viktor: "...If I say 'yes,' is that better or worse than the alternative?"
Viktor: QwQ "Ha ha ha...No. I'm shopping for my baby cousin, and Misora offered to help deliver while I get back to work." TwT;
karin:....*raises a brow*
Iris: "Oh, well, you're always visiting your family, so this checks out. Good day!" *turns--*
Vulcan: *grabs her by the sleeve* "Why the big secret, you two?"
misora: as it so happens, his cousin is my manager! ^^
Vulcan: "And this never came up why...?"
Viktor: "I don't like to brag. I got where I am without nepotism..." ^^;
misora: =3= and besides, no one ever asked!
Iris: "Oh, I'm sorry for not asking! So, what's your manager like?"
misora: very busy, i actually have to meet up with him now, so bye bye~ *exits*
Viktor: *empty handed* QwQ "...This is mortifying."
Hyde: "And you owe me $141.67 for the stuff. And I'm calling the cops on all of you..."
karin: ._.;;;
Walter: "..." *punches Viktor in the jaw*
karin: *grabs him by the arm and runs* BAIL! FUCKIN BAIL!
Viktor: XwX
Iris: *praying* "Forgive me for what I've done--"
Vulcan: *picks up Iris, runs*
miyuri: *following chuuya*
Chuuya: "Darn--dead end...Miyuri, you got markers or string or something?"
miyuri: *shakes head*....miyuri's sorry.
Chuuya: "Hey, it's okay..." *rubs her head* "These things happen. It's like Theseus and the Minotaur...only no Minotaur."
miyuri: miyuri didnt mean to get us lost *sniff* i...*hic* i was only t-trying to-
Chuuya: "..." *hug* "It's okay. You'll learn from this. And we get to make this a game."
miyuri: a game? *shiny eyes*
Chuuya: ^^; "Sure! Mazes can be games. We can even make up sayings or songs to follow our path..."
miyuri: yay! ^o^
Chuuya: *stands up, takes her hand* "Now, let's count the steps to the corner...1, 2..."
Akutagawa: *sitting in the motorcycle side-car with a helmet* "Where are we going?"
naoya: just out for a drive. and maybe to do some shopping to get you some new digs.
Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "I'll need a new jacket, too..."
naoya: that's what i meant by 'digs'.
Akutagawa: ._.; "...I know. I was...just emphasizing..."
naoya: well, let's get a move on then.
Asako: *frowning...petting Goldie*
goldie: ^w^
Asako: *small smile* *picks up Goldie into her lap* "Keep me company while I review the hospital records?"
goldie: *bark* ^^
Asako: *smiles...then turns back to file* "Okay...Admitted after the Slums attack...Now at Haijima..." *sighs* "What are they doing..."
Yumi: "Okay, Christa--which one do you want?" *holds out donuts*
christa: that one!
Yumi: "Good choice..." *hands her the one with sprinkles* "Careful not to drop them..."
christa: ok!
Yumi: *picks up Shiori* "Want one, Shiori?"
shiori: ah.
Yumi: "Let's try a donut hole--don't swallow it all at once..."
Rin: "Hey, you two--how was the slumber party?"
shiemi: it was fun.
Izumo: >_>; "...It was nice. Educational. Lovely garden..."
Shima: *opens his mouth--*
Izumo: *slams his head face-first into the desk*
Rin: O.O; "..." *sniffs* "Ugh! What's that stench?!"
shiemi: ??
Bon: =_= "Hey..."
Izumo: *covers her nose* "Good lord!"
konekomaru: bon! are you alright?!
Bon: "I've been researching for days...No sleep...Little food..."
Rin: *holds his nose* "No soap, no water..."
konekomaru: (he almost rivals the queen of stink...)
Shima: *opens his mouth--*
Bon: *slams his head face-first into the desk* "I know..."
Kunikida: "...Vampires? ..." *takes off his glasses, rubs his eyes* "You have to be kidding me..."
atsushi: weirder things have happened.
Kunikida: "Weird, yes. But usually within our knowledge set--"
Dazai: =w= *listening to his headphones*
Kunikida: "...Most of our knowledge set." *hands a book to Atsushi* "Read it on your way to Naomi's informant."
atsushi: um...ok? *looks*
*It's a book titles 'Vampyr'*
atsushi: hmm...
Kyoka: "We'll also be checking the arcade mentioned..."
hyakuya: why do we have to do these tests again?
shinoa: to refresh our knowledge.
Kimizuki: "You gonna complain the entire time?"
hyakuya: =~=
Kimizuki: "We'll get through this more quickly if everyone is prepared."
hyakuya: =~= fiiine.
Mitsuba: "So try to remember the terms..."
Guren: "Okay, okay, settle down and take your seats. You'll need a number 2 pencil, closed book, no notes, cell phones under your table, spit out any gum--"
hyakuya: =,= *looks out the window*.... (huh, brings back memories....)
{hyakuya: *looking out the window, tapping her foot in annoyance*}
{*tap tap*}
{hyakuya: *looks back* ??}
{*a girl holds up a notepad with a message: "Hello. I am Shinoa. I will be your handler."}
{hyakuya: ??? (handler?)}
{Shinoa: *notepad: "Cooperate, or I will report you for additional punishment."*}
{hyakuya: D8}
{hyakuya: =~= what the hell is your deal anyway?}
{Shinoa: "I was told how vampires killed your family, that you were abandoned, lost...So, you're afraid to make friends." *smiles* "So how about some ice cream, champ~?"}
{hyakuya: ...what do you _really_ want from me?}
{Shinoa: *sighs* "The lieutenant colonel wants you to read this message." *hands her a paper*}
{hyakuya: of course he does.... *looks*}
{Note: "The army has no use for some shut-in who doesn't know about the value of cooperation within a military system. Usually, such cooperation starts when you make friends in school. But since you're at the obvious disadvantage due to arrested development and slow maturation, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a friend--and introduce them to me. And a real friend, not someone you pay, bribe, or do anything else to fake it. Granted, I think you're not going to go through with this, so, enjoy being a failure."}
{hyakuya: WHY THAT MOTHER-....*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* i dont have a choice in this, do i?}
{Shinoa: *shakes her head--*}
{hyakuya: ?! *turns*}
{*a student is knocked through the door to the floor*}
{Student: "P-Please...Don't--"}
{hyakuya: ??!!!}
{Bully: "Don't what? I was just asking to borrow some cash, that's all--" *STOMP*}
{Student: "OW!"}
{hyakuya: hey! what the heck are you doing?!}
{Bully: "?! Bitch, mind your own business! Unless you want something else from me..." *puts a foot on top of the Student's head*}
{hyakuya: actually yes, i want you to stop doing that to the poor kid.}
{Bully: "Then I think you'll need to convince me~"}
{hyakuya: ok ^^ *PUNCH*}
{Bully: X_X *knocked down*}
{Shinoa: "...Oh, that's bad news...I forgot to mention..."}
{hyakuya: yeah! that's what you get for being an asshole, shit for brains! *looks at the student* hey, you ok?}
{Student: Q_Q "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you involved in this!"}
{hyakuya: it's fine. that prick was asking for it anyway. i swear, there's some really annoying assholes in this place. *helps him up* you seem ok, though.}
{Student: "Aside from the head injury. Ha ha ha...But seriously, no, that really hurt..." TwT }
{hyakuya: jeez...come on, let's get to the nurse...what's your name, kid?}
{Student: "Yoichi."}
{hyakuya: got it. 'name's akane.}
{Yoichi: ^^}
{Shinoa: "And that adds more punishment to your account."}
{hyakuya: 0_0 well shit.}
{Shinoa: " 'Well shit' indeed." *smiles*}
{Yoichi: "...Is she your friend, or punishment?"}
{hyakuya: at this point, im going to go with yes.}
{Yoichi: " 'Kay...So...You're another student here? Are you hoping to join the military?"}
{hyakuya: pretty much. i want to fight vamps as soon as possible.}
{Yoichi: "..." *nods* "Yeah, same..."}
{hyakuya:...say, shinoa and i were gonna get ice cream, you...wanna come with?}
{Yoichi: "Oh! Um...Yes! Thank you!"}
{Shinoa: "Hang on--I didn't say I'm paying for 3!"}
???: akane!
hyakuya: !!! im paying attention!
Shinoa: "Really? What was just said?"
hyakuya:.... ._.;;;;
Guren: -_-; "That'll be a punishment later."
hyakuya: ... *grumbles*
mitsuba: *facepalm*
Yoichi: ^^;
Kimizuki: "How embarrassing..."
hyakuya: get stuffed, kimizuki.
Kimizuki: "Pay attention in class instead of zoning out! You'll get yourself killed like that!"
hyakuya: >Xp
mitsuba: so immature...
Guren: *chops* "Enough, both of you."
naho: well, this is the place!
atsushi: looks kind of shady....
Kyoka: "Like something Dazai would go to..."
sylvia: *gulps*
Ranpo: "There's nothing to fear once you understand it! And I understand the rules of the Agency--NEWBIE OPENS THE DOOR TO SCARY PLACES FIRST!"
Lucy: -.- "Wimp..." *moves to the door--*
*the door blasts open*
atsushi: !!!
*a tall man exits*
atsushi: *notices something in the man's hand* ._________.
Tall Man: "Mikuni! I found the secret ingredient for the best banana split ever! I'm just going to need to behead your dolly!"
*The Tall Man is holding a decapitated head*
Lucy: "?!!! YOU MONSTER!" *punches him in the jaw*
*The Tall Man is down--KO!*
metsu: ._. *sweatdrop*
atsushi: D8
metsu: um....welcome to the shop?
Ranpo: *peeks* "Oh, soda! Excuse me--investigation in progress. I'll need to inspect these--all of these--" *piling them into his arms*
metsu: um... ._.;;
atsushi: *steps in* um....i-is the owner here?
Lucy: *dragging Johannes by his ankles* "I'M NOT DONE WITH THIS ONE YET! HE HAS INFORMATION!" *pulls him into the backroom, as punches are heard*
metsu: at the moment, no. he should be here in about 25 minutes. would you like some tea and cake in the meantime?
Ranpo: "Yes, please."
Kyoka: *nods*
-and so-
atsushi: thanks for the food! ^^
metsu: so, you're investigating vampire attacks, you say?
Kyoka: *mouth stuffed* *nods*
Ranpo: "We found blood splatters consistent with most vampire attacks, along with a few other clues that indicate itinerant individuals who travel around seeking new victims."
metsu: what a coincidence, our boss actually went out to investigate as well.
Kyoka: *muffled* "Oh? How long has he investigated these kinds of things?"
metsu: it's one of the businesses he offers here. we do research on the supernatural, particularly vampires.
Ranpo: "Then this should be the best place! We can't wait to meet him!"
-the door opens-
Lucy: *exits the backroom* >_< *sits...angry cake nom*
metsu: speak of the devil- here he is now.
atsushi: *looks*
Mikuni: *enters* "Hello, Metsu! I see the business is still standing and--Oh, we even have customers! Excellent! Howdy!"
sylvia: ._.;;;
Ranpo: *waves* "Hello, proprietor!"
Lucy: "...Oh!"
Mikuni: "...Hey! You!"
atsushi: oh, you know him?
Lucy: *nods* "We bonded over a common appreciation in the fine art of dolls."
atsushi: (wait, i think i might have been here once before myself...)
Mikuni: "HIGH FIVE!"
Lucy: *high five*
Johannes: *his head pops out of the backroom* "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME!"
sylvia: eep! *hides behind kyouka*
Kyoka: "It's okay--the bad man will be taken care of in good time." *hands a taser to Mikuni*
Mikuni: "..." QwQ "Yay! New friends!"
Ranpo: "But first, we had some questions about your recent vampire investigation--...Huh. You look familiar to me, too. I think Poe mentioned you--"
Mikuni: "... ... ..." *slow head turn, voice changes* "Who did you say...?"
atsushi: miss metsu, more tea please? ^^;;;;
Ranpo: D:<
metsu: *chop* dont be rude to customers, sir.
Mikuni: T~T "He's going to hurt me again..."
atsushi: ??
Poe: *reading the newspaper* "... ... ...!!! Karl! Hand me the telephone!"
karl: *chitter*
Poe: *dials* "...Yes? I am interested in more information about the recent vampire attacks. ... No, I am not a crank caller. ... Criminal record? ...Uuuuuum..." *hangs up* .____.;
karl: *chitter*
Poe: "I think maybe I need a new plan...I'll ask Rowena."
Minoura: *sets down the cup of water* "Here."
bram: -~- sir...how many times do i have to tell you? i'm _not_ a vampire- *VOMITS BLOOD*....*cough* s-sorry....
Minoura: -_- "We'll need to decontaminate later...If you're not a vampire, what's with the blood?"
bram: it's my ability! plus im sickly.
Minoura: "And your ability is...?"
bram: creation and manipulation of blood, but that doesnt make me a vampire!
Minoura: "I think that's what a vampire would say...Let's administer the tests..." *picks up the cup of water--and tosses it into Bram's face*
bram: >~< why would you do that?!
Minoura: "It's holy water. Are you melting yet?"
bram: NO! i'm just wet! im probably going to get a cold now...
Minoura: *sighs* *presses a button on the intercom* "Bring the silver washcloth."
bram: is it just silver in color, or made of silver? if it's the latter that's highly useless in cleaning or drying!
Minoura: "Hey! I'm the one trying to test this out every which way I can, even if that means force-feeding you garlic!"
Bram: TT~TT im going to die for sure…
Akitaru: .____.
Takehisa: *facepalm*
Vulcan: >_>; "So, yeah...We may be criminals now."
Iris: T~T
shinra: technically it's your _disguises_ that are the criminals.
Akitaru: "I'll handle this--not the first time someone here broke the law."
Iris: "I didn't even realize Viktor's cousin was in music..."
Joker: "How you like the new dress, Nana?"
nana: *look of seething, unbridled hatred and fury*
Joker: "...So, yes?"
nana: you think this is some kind of sick game? WHO WEARS SOMETHING SO FRILLY AND STUPID LOOKING?!
misora: =3= rude.
Joker: "I agree. Your Uncle Viktor and Aunt Misora went to a lot of work to get you that dress. Do you think dresses grow on trees?"
scarlet: technically, depending on what material the dress is made of, if it's cotton, then it does come from a plant.
Joker: "Please don't upset my metaphor in front of the child, darling."
scarlet: just keeping things in perspective. also dont call me that unless you seriously want to get punched out a fucking window.
Joker: "..." *shrugs* "Maybe later. Also, language in front of the kid. Now, Nana, if you keep the dress on today, you'll get to play with your new dolly!"
nana: *excalibur face* (what did i do to deserve this?)
Joker: "Look, we're trying our best. What do you want to play?"
nana: can i go back to bed now?
Joker: "...But it's afternoon..."
nana: whatever! im going to bed anyway!
Joker: "..." Q_X *humming* " 'When you coming home, kid--I don't know when...'"
scarlet: *concerned look*
Kuro: =_= " 'Hello. We are selling baked goods to help support our school and charities. Would you like a free sample?' *forced smile*
suzuhara: um...thanks?
Kuro: "You're welcome...Our strawberry cupcakes are quite affordable..." *yawns*
Chuuya: "--So Theseus would mark where he went to know where not to go back..."
miyuri: ooooh! ....!!! miyuri sees something!
-it's the exit-
Chuuya: "Oh, good!" *follows*
-successful escape!-
-the lines return to the page-
Chuuya: =w= "That's good..." *collapses onto his back*
-the door opens-
sonia: im home....
Chuuya: =w= "Zzz..."
miyuri: *looks* sonia? whats that on your cheek?
Chuuya: *yawns, sits up* "...?!"
-sonia seems to have a bruise on the left side of her face and has trash on her and her schoolbag-
Chuuya: "What happened? Who did this?!"
sonia:....it's nothing...im going to go to bed now....
Chuuya: "Sonia, this is not nothing--you were attacked?"
sonia:....i think my classmates might hate me.
Chuuya: "..." *hug*
sonia: ......
Chuuya: "It's okay...It's going to be okay, Sonia."
miyuri: ??
Chuuya: *strokes her head* "Come on--let's get you cleaned and patched up..."
Villefort: *staring at brochures* <Okay, so they'll be buried with...with her. I am confirming dates for the church...>
valentine: ......
Villefort: <...I think it would be good for you to say something at the memorial...>
Villefort: <...> *nods* <I can take care of this initial reservation. How about you go out...>
valentine:...*nods*....*checks phone*
*no calls or texts from Francesca...*
Cervantes: *in disguise--as best as he can--walking to a pharmacy...*
pharmacist: <can i help you?>
Cervantes: <Hello. What would you recommend for a friend with a fever?>
pharmacist: *checks a book*
Cervantes: *looks around, picks out some candy...looks out the window...*
dulcenia: *exiting a shop. seems she's off duty*
Cervantes: OwO *steps outside, waves*
dulcenia: ??
Cervantes: <Hello! How are you?>
dulcenia: <im fine? and you are?>
Cervantes: <Me! You know! Your favorite father!>
dulcenia: .....*confused look*
Cervantes: ^w^; <May I bless you?> *starts imitating complicated signs--before somehow getting his arm stuck behind his head*
dulcenia:.....(what the fresh fuck?)
Cervantes: <I know it is not proper for a man--*GRUNTS*--of the cloth to say this, but--*GROANS*--you seem like a very kind, sweet lady with pretty eyes. Care to split a candy bar~?>
dulcenia: ...*blink*
Cervantes: <You strike me as a connoisseur. Proprietor! Your finest Three Musketeers candy bar!>
Chuuya: "...Feel better?"
sonia: ...*small nod*
Chuuya: "Okay...Hungry? We can make dinner or just something small..."
sonia:...im not hungry...
Chuuya: "...Alright...You know you can tell me if something is wrong."
sonia:....can i stay home tomorrow?
Chuuya: *nods* "Sure."
miyuri: *peeks in*
Chuuya: "Want to watch a movie?"
sonia:...*hides under the covers*
miyuri: papa? is sonia ok?
Chuuya: "...She will need some time to rest."
Lucy: "I hope this information is helpful..." *brushing a doll's hair*
Mikuni: ^w^ "I think so~"
atsushi: anything we should know about these vampires?
Mikuni: "There are others who are also hunting them, so be careful not to get in their way...Also, there are some vampires that take the form of animals, so I'd be suspicious of them."
atsushi:... >->
*knock knock*
atsushi: YEEP!
*the door's bell jingles as it's opened*
atsushi: oh, poe, rowena, fancy seeing you guys here.
Lucy: "Hi!" *smiles*
Mikuni: Q___Q;;;;
rowena: hello mikuni ^////^ is johannes in?
Poe: *frightening stare*
Mikuni: O_____O;;;; "I think Lucy knocked him unconscious and dragged him into the back..."
Lucy: *proud nod*
rowena: oh no!
Poe: "Perhaps some smelling salts would work..." *towers over Mikuni, who falls deeper into his seat*
Mikuni: "A-Allow me!" *runs into the back--slapping sounds are heard*
atsushi: ._.;
Lucy: ._.; "...Edgar? What did you do to that poor man?"
Poe: "Nothing...yet."
rowena: ^^;
Johannes: *walking stiffly into the shop, his face full of hand-marks* "Greetings, happy paranormal investigators! How may I help you?"
-atsushi and rowena explain-
Johannes: "I see...Well, there is one thing you must do before you head out."
atsushi: what's that?
Johannes: "You've heard the old stories how vampires can't see their reflection in the mirror, making them easy to sneak around right behind you..." *walks behind Atsushi and Rowena* "Worrisome, isn't it..."
atsushi: *SCREAMS*
Lucy: >_O *covering her ears*
sylvia: eep! *hides*
Johannes: "Unlike the vampire...you must not lose sight of yourself in the mirror!" *seizes Atsushi and Rowena, his hands cupping their foreheads*
rowena: *nods*
Johannes: *smiles* "And to help you..." *pulls back his hands* "TAH-DAH!"
*he's put something on them...their foreheads say 'IHSUSTA' and 'ANEWOR'...except he put each one onto the wrong person...*
atsushi:....what the heck..
rowena: ._.;
Johannes: OwO; "...See, I once did this to some guy by shoving him into his cat's brain, but I had to draw onto his forehead his name backwards so he could--You know what, you had to be there."
Poe: Q_____Q "...A cat?"
atsushi:.....eh, i'll take it.
Lucy: ^^; "In any case, aside from mirrors and name recognition, we may need more help than just knowledge..."
Mikuni: "Hence why not to get in the way of the vampire experts...Although..."
atsushi: ??
Mikuni: "Hang on--let me whip my snake out..."
Lucy: "EEEK!" *covers her eyes*
Poe: "Pervert!" *slaps Mikuni*
Mikuni: *KOed*
*a snake pops up behind Rowena*
rowena: oh!
ranpo: dang poe! i didnt think you had it in ya. im impressed.
Poe: -^- "Hmph. I will not tolerate improper men...Now, could someone please get me ice for my wrist!" T~T
Snake: "...Hi."
atsushi: aaand it talks.
Lucy: ._.;
Snake: "Yes. Hi. I'm Jeje."
atsushi: nice to meet you.
Jeje: "Same. And the guy on the floor is my, um, handler."
miyuri: *sniff sniff* mmm smells yummy!
Chuuya: "I hope so--Sonia likes it."
miyuri: *nods* are we gonna take some of it up to her?
Chuuya: "I think so--it might help her appetite..."
-phone rings-
Chuuya: "??? Miyuri, keep an eye on it?"
miyuri: ok!
Chuuya: *answers* "Hello?"
teacher: yes, is this mr nakahara?
Chuuya: "Oh, good. You're calling to schedule?" *looking through a calendar...*
teacher: yes, it's this weekend.
Chuuya: "Okay, I'm available around 11 Saturday?"
teacher: excellent!
Chuuya: "I'll have to watch Sonia's sister that day, too."
teacher: well im sure we'd love to meet her!
Chuuya: "Thank you. We'll see you this Saturday."
miyuri: it looks ready, papa!
Chuuya: "?! Sorry, we're making dinner, I have to hang up. Goodbye!"
sonia:....*pokes her head out of her room*
Chuuya: *plating the food, then setting it onto a tray* "Miyuri, can you pour a glass of water?"
miyuri: ok!
Chuuya: *scoops out pasta onto a plate...*
sonia:....*gingerly walks over, wearing a blanket around her*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Hi, Sonia."
sonia: *nods and sits at the dinner table*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Want some cheese or tomato sauce?"
sonia: ...cheese....
Chuuya: "You got it..." *dusts a bit of cheese onto the pasta* "Dig in."
sonia: *nom*
Chuuya: "...Hey, want to do something this weekend?"
sonia: like what?
Chuuya: "Well...Would you like to visit your grandmother while I go to a parent-teacher conference?"
sonia:....i'll go to.
Chuuya: "You're okay to do so?"
sonia: i probably should...
Chuuya: "Okay...Miyuri, you can go with Grandma if you want."
miyuri: miyuri wants to see school!
Chuuya: ^^; "Okay, you can come, too--if you'll stay with Sonia."
miyuri: *nods*
Chuuya: "Great..." *sets plates for himself and Miyuri* "Let's eat..."
miyuri: *nom* mmmm! yummy!
Chuuya: "That's good--try some of the sauce."
miyuri: *slurp*
Chuuya: ^^ *slurp*
Kimizuki: "That was an informative lesson."
hyakuya: *reviewing notes* =3= ok, ''beast virus', a rare disease that mutates living things into vicious mutants. it's effects on humans remains as of yet, unknown.'
Kimizuki: "Yes, that is what it is..."
hyakuya: ...do you think that's what has your sister sick?
Kimizuki: "..." *sighs* "I don't know." *holds his head, stares at his notes*
hyakuya:....just a thought...
Kimizuki: "I know. It's been a thought I've had. But we don't know the effects the virus has on humans, now do we?"
hyakuya: well, you did say the doctors werent able to determine what's causing her sickness.
Kimizuki: "I know, okay? Could you... *sighs* Could we talk about something else?"
hyakuya: alright fine.....is that your natural hair? *smug grin*
Kimizuki: >_<# "Ha ha. Do you practice that scary face, or is natural?"
hyakuya: >XP
Kimizuki: "How immature..." *sticks out his tongue, pulls down his under-eyelids*
shinoa: ....when's the baby due?
hyakuya: AS IF!
Kimizuki: "Never!" *slams his book shut--onto his hand* "..." Q_____Q
shinoa: suuure. ^^
Mitsuba: "Is this a private conversation, or can anyone join in with critical remarks about how far behind Hyakuya is on her studies?"
hyakuya: what is this, pick on akane hour?
Yoichi: "I just wanted to fit in." Q_Q
hyakuya: *hug* i am so sorry i didnt mean to upset you you precious bean.
Yoichi: T~T "I'm sorry, too." *hug*
Kimizuki: "..." >_>;
Yoichi: "Let's have ice cream--with sprinkles and chocolate syrup!" TwT;
yumikage: *sips drink* look at them, enjoying their youths as best they can. brings back memories
Tsurugi: *whispers to Yumikage* "You're not young anymore, old man..."
yumikage: you wanna go? -_-#
marquis: *knocks* dumas? feeling better yet?
Dumas: *turned over in bed*
marquis: im making pudding~
Dumas: =~= "Pudding doesn't help..."
count: <so you miscalculated, so what?>
Dumas: <...I was nothing more than an 'acceptable loss,' 'collateral damage.' I lost 6 years of my life...and just killed 2 people.>
count: *chop* <oh stop your moping. beethoven didnt create his masterpieces by moping about his deafness. human beings are unpredictable, that's part of how we are.>
Dumas: "..." *chops her on the head* <Music is not killing people! What is your problem?!>
count: <im putting things into perspective! what's _your_ problem?>
Dumas: <I'm not interested in killing other people on this task--just the ones who ruined my life! Don't you get that?!!>
count: *sigh* <look, the world can be an unforgiving place sometimes. in some circumstances, you have to do some shitty things. 'sides, it's not like _you_ killed them directly, it was that crazy old hag that did it. if anything, blame her for fucking up and being an asshat>
Dumas: <...> *nods* <She will pay for this...>
Katai: *yawns* =w= ("What good sleep...") *turns in bed*
blair: *snuggling him to her chest*
Katai: "?!" *opens his eyes* O\\\\\\\\\o; *small muffle*
blair: *yaaawn* morning~<3
Katai: .\\\\\\\. "...Hi? Um...What?"
blair: ~? want some waffles?
Katai: "...Yes. So much yes."
Kyoka: *staring at Mii*
mii: *snoozing* *cat yawn*
Kyoka: "...Maybe Mii is a vampire cat."
atsushi: hmm...nah.
Kyoka: "Just a thought." *pours tea for Atsushi* "We have the arcades to check."
atsushi: right.
liz: *checking grocery list*
Patty: *grabbing apples* "What else?"
liz: we need more milk.
Patty: " 'Kay! And chocolate syrup?"
liz: yep
Patty: "I think the kids deserve something..." *holds up cereal*
liz: *nods*
Patty: "Cool!" *dumps an entire shelf into the cart*
liz: ._.
Patty: "Now for the rest! Wes ask for anything?"
Yumi: *pours a glass of orange juice* "Here you go."
shiori: ^o^ thank you mama
Yumi: "You're welcome, sweetie. Kirika, donut?"
kirika: bacon please.
Yumi: "Okay." *serves some* "What are your plans today?"
kirika: *shrug* might just check out the arcade or somethin'
Yumi: "Okay--be safe out there, and call if you're going to be late for dinner."
kirika: i got'cha.
Yumi: *nods* "Well, Liz and Patty are still out. Have you seen Kid?"
kirika: out back.
Kid: *watering flowers in the backyard* "Hey, there, little ones. Ready for the new day?"
Cervantes: =w= *swaying with glee...*
benedetto: ???? <is he ok?>
Dumas: =_= <He probably did something stupid--ignore him...> *shoves a waffle into his mouth--then guzzles pancake syrup straight from the bottle*
benedetto: ._.
Cervantes: <The world is such a shinier color! If I could make a crayon of it, I would name it...'Love'!>
benedetto: ._.;;;;
*Dumas is giving off a dark aura while Cervantes gives off a light aura...They are stuck in their moods*
Dumas: "OW!" <WHAT THE FUCK?!>
Cervantes: *shakes his head* <Sorry--what did I miss? Lunch?>
count: <you three are here for a reason, are you not?>
Cervantes: <Right! To help our friend get vengeance on his enemies--and avoid the plant woman from hurting us! And maybe having coffee with the pretty police officer...>
Dumas: =_= *grumbles* <Fine. My next disguise will be the smelly sad man. Happy, you recalcitrant jackass. Ugh. I'll go review Danglars's stock prices falling and see him. Boy, put on the dress.>
benedetto: =3= <i have a name you know.>
Dumas: <...'Andrea.'>
benedetto: =_=#
edouard: <valentine?>
Valentine: *lying in bed* "..."
edouard: <i snuck a muffin up for you.>
Valentine: "..." <Thanks. Leave it on the nightstand, please.>
Kyoka: "Thank you for coming with us, Kenji."
kenji: anytime. ^^
Lucy: *checking the map on her phone* "Chinom is around the corner..."
atsushi: *looks*
*the arcade looks spooky--appropriate for Death City, with some coffins along the exterior and bats on the facade*
sylvia: ....
Lucy: -_-; "Gee, this totally doesn't look like a vampire den at all..."
kenji: it looks nice. ^^
Lucy: "?!!"
atsushi: *steps forward*
*inside are a few teenagers playing games*
Ranpo: "Hmm...Pale people inside who look like they've never seen the outside...Eyes tired as if they are not used to sunlight and daytime hours...I can't tell whether they are gamers or vampires...Oh well!" *pulls out a pouch of quarters* "I'm hitting up Donkey Kong..."
sylvia: .~.
Kyoka: "How shall we speak to the manager? Explain our interest, or pass ourselves as customers?"
atsushi: maybe just look around for now.
Kyoka: *nods...looks at the black lights inside* "Hmm...With the right posters, this would not be bad for the apartment."
Gamer: *playing Tetris...looks back at them...*
kenji: *humming*
Lucy: "Well, if we're playing, who's up for air hockey?"
???: *whispering to Kenji* "Hey. Hey, you, buddy?"
kenji: ??
*someone in baggy clothes and messy hair smiles at Kenji*
???: "You're here 'cause you like games, right?"
kenji: i guess so.
???: "You ever play virtual reality games? They're the latest thing we got in stock."
kenji: oooh, i've heard about those!
???: "They're really neat! I'm testing out the newest one from the manufacturer--real big city operation, first of its kind, hardly anyone has tried it. You should take a crack at it..."
kenji: how much?
???: "For you? If you help me test it out, I'll make it free..."
kenji: wow golly! thanks!
???: *smiles, showing shiny teeth* "No, thank you..." *leads Kenji to the storeroom...*
sylvia: *looking around, nervous*
Kyoka: "Want to try skeeball?"
sylvia: o-ok...
*there's a small child near them, clubbing the whack-a-mole really hard with the mallet while cackling*
sylvia: .~.;;;;;;
*in the food court, someone has dumped too much ketchup onto their fries, as they dig in voraciously*
*someone in a hoodie plays Space Invaders near the air hockey table*
Lucy: "KAH!" *knocks the puck*
Hoodie: =_= ("Too loud...")
atsushi: *bumps into someone* oh, so sorry-
???: whatever...
Ranpo: "Hey! This thing is busted!" *slams a fist against the side of the cabinet*
Employee: ^^; "Sir, please do not hit the machine..."
kenji: ^3^~♫
Manager: "Now, just have a seat...I'm going to secure you into the chair..." *lowers the VR headset onto Kenji*
kenji: oooh, neato.
Manager: *secures straps on Kenji's wrists and ankles* "This will keep you in place when you use the foot and hand controls on your vehicle..." *chuckling to themselves as they look at Kenji's neck...*
kenji: feels kinda tight.
Manager: "It's for your safety...I'm going to start the game..."
kenji: ok!
*the VR headset blinks on, showing a road passing through a peaceful field*
kenji: ooooh.
Manager: "Lightly tap your left foot for gas, and use your hands to turn the wheel..."
kenji: ok, like this?
*the vehicle starts moving along the road*
Manager: "There! What a pro..." *licks their lips, looking at Kenji's neck* ("Scrawny, but that neck looks to be full of it...") "You must play a lot of these games back home..."
kenji: not often.
Manager: *leans in* "I wouldn't know it from seeing you in action..."
*in the game, a cow blocks the vehicle*
kenji: *hits the breaks*
Manager: "?! What?"
VR Cow: O_O "...Moo..." *leans down its head to Kenji, as if it wanted to be petted*
kenji: there was a cow! i have to let them pass through...aww, nice cow! *pet pet*
*Kenji's "petting" breaks the restraint--and punched the Manager through the wall*
kenji: ^^
Manager: *tossed into the arcade, crashing atop the air hockey table*
sylvia: EEP! >~<
Lucy: "?!!! You jerk! You owe me a quarter!" *tosses the puck at the Manager's head*
Employee: D:< "Oh, come on!"
atsushi: ?!
*the Manager has some...sharp teeth*
atsushi: !!!!! um....guys?
Lucy: O_____O;; "Now, let's not jump to conclusions...Maybe they're just a weapon! Plenty of weapons have sharp...teeth..."
Customer: "...Well, cover's blown..." *grabs Atsushi by the shoulder--and bites into his neck*
atsushi: *yells out in pain*
Lucy: "Atsushi!" *picks up billiard stick, breaks it into the Customer's face*
atsushi: t-thanks. *tiger arms*
Customer: "GAH! FUCK!" *crashes into Space Invaders, pulling the plug on it*
Hoodie: "... ... ..." *sighs*
Employee: "You idiots! I'll show you how it's done--" *grabs Ranpo by the sleeve* "Come here, you!"
Ranpo: "??!" *smashes his roll of quarters into the Employee's eye*
Employee: "GAH!"
*vampires chase Sylvia*
???: *pulls out a pistol and shoots the vampires point blank*
sylvia: *ducks* *scream*
Ranpo: "...Nice aim!"
???: thanks.
Kyoka: *using Demon Snow, it's light scaring away vampires*
Ranpo: "And now for you!" *grabs Hoodie* "I've seen you here, and I know who you are!"
Hoodie: "...I just wanted some time away. 'Go out and have fun,' she said...I'm tired now..." *walks up to a vampire*
Ranpo: *smirks*
Vampire: *yells in Hoodie's face*
Hoodie: "..." *a tonfa pops out of their sleeve*
Vampire: "?!"
Asher: =_= "I should've stayed home..."
Lucy: O_O; "...Vampires have tonfa?"
Ranpo: "They're a weapon, stupid."
Lucy: *GLARE*
atsushi: actually, i think that person goes to our school.
Asher: "First plant monsters, now vampires...I'm going to lie down in the back for a bit..."
kenji: hehe ^^
Asher: "...Weird." *sits in the manager's chair...* "Zzz..."
atsushi: is that all of them?
sylvia: *throws something at them*
Manager: *KO'ed by a Rubix cube from the prize booth*
Kyoka: "Good work, Sylvia."
sylvia: t-thank you...
Employee: O_X; *tries to sneak out the front door--*
Employee: *SCREAMS, falls forward* "I-I'm sorry! Don't kill me!"
???: alright. i'll give you till tonight to leave this place.
Ranpo: "Before we even find out who they were working for? No way this operation was just these idiots..."
Employee: "I'll leave! I'll leave!"
???: good.
Lucy: *looks at the company name* "Chinom..." *wipes something off the counter--revealing "CHINOMIYAKO"* "???"
???: hmm...
Kyoka: "??? 'Chi No Miyako'? 'Blood City'?"
Ranpo: "..." ._____. "Oh."
Lucy: *smirks* "Now who's the idiot?"
Ranpo: >3< "I can't be expected to catch every bit of writing!"
???: alright, start checking around. there should be a passageway.
Lucy: *looks under the bar at the food court*
atsushi: wait, just who are you?
???: call me doctor belmont.
Ranpo: "..."
Lucy: *opens her mouth--then shuts it* "Too easy."
kenji: *slips the VR headset off* what i miss?
Kyoka: "They were all vampires."
Asher: *yawns* =_= "Too loud..."
kenji: oh.
Ranpo: "So, Doctor, you hunt vampires?" *checking behind cabinets*
belmont: sometimes. i'm more of a hunter for hire. a mercenary if you will.
Ranpo: "We've seen a few of those. We're the Armed Detective Agency of Death City."
belmont: ah, so i've figured, given the samurai ghost and were-tiger.
atsushi: ^^;
Demon Snow: *stare*
Ranpo: "Our reputation precedes us..." *pushes one more cabinet*
kenji: *opens a door that reads 'employee's only*
*stairs lead downward, with candles dotting the sides of the stairway*
belmont: huh, hidden in plain sight.
atsushi: the candles seem a bit cliche.
Asher: "Personally, I was hoping for a TRON reference."
Ranpo: "Well, after you, Doc."
Jordan: "I'll take the burger!"
Daisy: "Bloody mary."
louisa: a latte please.
Zuno: "Is the breakfast menu done?"
Assi: "Thanks for treating us, sir!"
Fitzgerald: "...I'm not paying for this."
louisa: ._.
Daisy: "Sir..."
Fitzgerald: "..." *sighs* "I'll pay for nachos--but that's it."
mary: *feeding toby under the table*
Toby: =w= *nom*
Waiter: ._.; <Is that fox a service animal?>
louisa: ...<yes?>
Waiter: <Okay...> ^^; <Not from around here?>
Iida: *jogging...then stops* "..." *turns quickly*
*no one is there*
Iida: "..."
mashirao: oh, iida, whats up?
Iida: "?! Oh...You startled me...I thought someone was nearby..."
mashirao: sorry. ^^;
Iida: *smiles* "Not at all. How is your day going?"
mashirao: just getting some groceries.
Iida: "Ah--hope it went well. And that you're dining well ahead of our training camp!"
???: BOO!
Iida: "!!!!" *leaps up*
hagakure: gotcha~
Iida: "Wh-What?! Hagakure?"
hagakure: hiya~ just me.
Iida: "I see your skill at staying hidden is only improving..."
hagakure: ^^
Iida: "Were you also out with Ojiro?"
hagakure: yep!
Iida: "..." *smiles* "Very good..." *looks behind them* "..."
hagakure:...what's up?
Iida: "Sorry...I keep having the sense someone is following me...And doing a poor job of it."
*some muttering is heard...*
hagakure: *looks*
Izuku: *hiding behind a corner* O_O;
hagakure: hey izuku!
Iida: -_-;
Izuku: ^^; "Hi...How is everyone?"
aya: booooored.
Kunikida: "I know a fun activity..."
aya: *looks up*
Kunikida: *drops a stack of papers in front of her* "Alphabetize and file." *goes back to typing*
Fukuzawa: *walking by*
aya: hey mr fukuzawa?
Fukuzawa: "Hmm?"
aya: do they have secretary uniforms in a size small?
Fukuzawa: "Yes--we try to keep them for all potential employees of all body types."
aya: do they come in like, kid sizes?
Fukuzawa: "Likely...I assume you want one?"
aya: well if im being expected to do paperwork, may as well fit in, eh? if i cant be on field, then im gonna make some stinkin' income.
Kunikida: "?! Now wait a second--"
Fukuzawa: "Naomi, could you show our newest secretary to her uniform?"
naomi: um....sure. ^^;
Kunikida: "B-But, sir--"
Fukuzawa: "??? Is it not one of our policies that our employees adhere to a dress code? A rule you wrote?"
Kunikida: "..." *sighs* "Yes, sir..."
aya: 737;
Tanizaki: ^^; ("Small miracles...Glad I'm not wearing one of those...again.") >_>;
Mori: "Please, Elise! Just try it on just once!"
elise: would you give it a rest already? -3- miura, how about you do it?
miura: i'll have to have a shrinking protocol installed first.
Mori: ._.; "You...You can do that?"
miura: not right now. i'll consider bringing it up with kajii at my next tuning-up.
Mori: "...Call him. Immediately. Now."
miura: *chop*
Mori: >3<
miura: behave yourself. your reputation is bad enough as it is.
Mori: "I was pardoned..."
miura: i meant amongst members of the mafia.
Mori: "...That reminds me. I want to have increased security."
miura: ..very well...
Mori: "Good. And I will be reviewing each member of security thoroughly..."
Akutagawa: =~= "This attire is...not my usual."
naoya: better than nothing, right?
Akutagawa: *grumbles* "Some of us lack a wide range of stylistic options..."
naoya: aw c'mon, the rock look is totally slick on you! ^^
Akutagawa: *sighs, looking at his shirt*
-seems to be a grey shirt with a black leather jacket and pants-
Akutagawa: "..." *knocks one of his boots against the wall* "...At least these look durable..."
Chuuya: "Want to help me fold laundry?"
miyuri: ok!
sonia: *nods*
Chuuya: "Okay. Miyuri, you can start with towels--fold them twice."
miyuri: ^^
Chuuya: "And Sonia, you can fold shirts..."
sonia: right.
Chuuya: *pulls out the laundry storage bins* "And I'll put some socks together..."
Lucy: =_= "Is this going to be a trend that our missions take us into dark underground locations against superpowered people?"
atsushi: at this point, im willing to put it on good authority.
Lucy: "...How is the bite healing?"
atsushi: getting better.
Lucy: "..." *holds his hand*
Ranpo: *whispers* "So, Doc, how do you take out vampires?"
belmont: your best bet is to aim for the heart or head. usually a wood stake or bullet infused with holy water does the trick on the weaker ones.
Kyoka: "Good for anyone with such materials..." *holds up a broken billiard stick*
Kyoka: "..." *rests a hand on Sylvia's shoulder*
belmont: sunlight also is shown to have an adverse effect on most vampires, depending on how strong they are, it's either an instant death or a slow and painful one.
Ranpo: "Hmm...We're a bit too low underground for that..."
belmont: then i suggest taking one of these. *hands him a spare pistol* hope you have good aim.
Ranpo: "..." *holds it*
Lucy: "If this gets too rough, I'm pulling us to Anne's room..."
kenji: *humming*
*some creaks...*
sylvia: EEK! >~<
Ranpo: "Just creaky steps--nothing to worry about--" *shines the candle, revealing multiple coffins littered throughout the cavernous room*
atsushi: ._.;;;
Lucy: O_O;
Kyoka: "..."
Ranpo: "...Yeah, I don't think we have enough for all of these, so let's quietly leave..."
-something lunges at them-
Lucy: "EEEK!"
Ranpo: "?!" *ducking, trying to get away*
Kyoka: "Don't get separated." *stabbing with the billiard stick*
kenji: huh?
*A vampire lunges at Kenji...They look emaciated...*
kenji: hello! ^^
Vampire: *SHRIEKS, grabbing Kenji by the arm, swinging him towards the wall--*
kenji: woah!
Vampire: *slams Kenji into the wall*
kenji: GRK-
atsushi: *swings tiger arm*
Vampire: *tries to dodge--but gets knocked down the stairs*
*the Vampire hits a coffin, knocking out...3 tinier vampires*
atsushi: any plans?
Kyoka: "Stab the heart."
Asher: =_= *still in the back* "Um..."
atsushi: *PUNCH*
Tiny Vampire 1: *punched through the heart*
Twice: "I keep digging, and nothing's happening!"
Muscular: "Because you keep shoveling into my hole!"
Twice: "Okay, I'll dig up, then!"
banshee: *checking the map*
Dabi: "Think about what you need down here to put this much dirt over it..." *wipes his brow*
Dabi: "??? Who went 'thunk'?"
himiko: i found something!
Dabi: "??? Is it a case?" *climbs up out of his tunnel*
himiko: looks like it!
Dabi: "Okay. Kirby hid that thing here because it was developed for construction--until it overpowered and knocked down Orion into a ghost town. So whatever you do, don't put it on, and don't use it--"
himiko: *wearing it and punches a rock, which sends her back flying* WAH!
Dabi: "?!" =_=
Twice: "Wow...She went 30 feet! NO, MORE LIKE 10 YARDS!"
banshee: are you alright?
himiko: @w@ awawawawa
Muscular: "Tiny glove, though..." *flexes his fist* "Still...I'd live to test out against it..." *sadistic grin*
Tanizaki: "--then put the reimbursement forms in the 'Reimbursement' box for the President's review..." *files some forms into the box*
aya: hmm...
Tanizaki: "It's not the most interesting work, but after the kind of things we've faced, it's nice to do something that is a little less fatal...Oh, that reminds me..." *fills out a form* "You have to fill out a form every time you are treated by Dr. Yosano."
aya: really?
Tanizaki: "Really, so that the reports, um...align with what Dr. Yosano reports happened...And to keep an eye on any weird side-effects..." >_>;
aya: ._.;
Lord Wilmore: <Don't fall behind, Andrea...>
andrea: *grunt*
???: <Lord Wilmore, wait!> *huffing and puffing is heard*
Lord Wilmore: "..." *small smile* <At least one good thing is going well...> *turns, smiles widely* <Monsieur Danglars! Good day!>
Danglars: *pushes Andrea out of the way*
*some bystanders look at Danglars, whispering about him...*
andrea: <ah!>
Lord Wilmore: <?!> *frowns* <Sir, I ask you not to push my child out of the way-->
Danglars: *grabs Lord Wilmore by his coat* <Don't tell me what to do to your brat, you bastard! I'm losing a fortune because of you!> *shakes him*
Lord Wilmore: *his eyes go dark* <Unhand me this instant, you ignorant swine!> *grabs his wrists, squeezing*
Danglars: <AH!> *screams, his wrists getting crushed*
eugenie: <papa!>
Lord Wilmore: *stops...lets go, letting Danglars fall onto him, as he supports him* *smiles* <Get ahold of yourself, old man...Now...> *pretends to hold him close in friendship--but is squeezing his shoulder rather hard* <What are you and your delightful family doing this fine day...?> *looks to Mrs. Danglars*
Danglars: Q~Q *squeaks*
hermine: <we were....getting crepes.>
eugenie: <hi andrea!>
andrea: *holding onto 'her' head*
Lord Wilmore: *smiles at Hermine* <I'm afraid Andrea had a nasty stumble--could you keep an eye on her while your husband and I chat about our continuing business?>
hermine: <r-right....come along girls...>
Danglars: *whispers* <That really hurt! Are you trying to kill me physically too now?!>
Lord Wilmore: <??? What's wrong?>
Danglars: <I've taken a beating in my stocks! Fallacious articles lying about my ships! Investors pulling out! But you--you're not suffering like me, you rich, sniveling little shit! Why are you ahead? Why are you always-->
{Dumas: *looking at his compass* <See? If we follow this path, we'll be home before we know it, sir!>}
{leclare: <excellent, alex. i can always count on you.> *smiles*>}
{Danglars: <B-But sir! I had that same idea yesterday--and you told me it was ridiculous!>}
{leclare: <you didnt account for a change in weather.>}
{Dumas: <Hey, it's alright--some of us aren't meant to be meteorologists...>}
{Dumas: "... ..." <Wow. That's just sad...> *turns back to Leclare* <Sir, I think that bottle of Amontillado should've chilled by now--ready to taste it?>}
{leclare: <why yes, morrel, keep an eye on things up here.>}
{morrel: <yes sir.>}
{Danglars: *STARING DAGGERS AS DUMAS AND LECLARE WALK AWAY* <That stupid, stupid, ugly piece of putrid shit! Always getting every pretty face at every port! Getting all the praise for my hard work! He can't even tell right from left--is he stupid or something?!>}
Danglars: *has gotten pale* O_O
Lord Wilmore: "..." *blinks* <My good sir...You look like you've seen a ghost...>
Danglars: ("...No...No way...Just a trick of my mind...") *forced smile* <N-No...I just...came here to ask for some advancement on my investment in your company...A few thousand dollars...>
Lord Wilmore: "???" <I could return on your investment, but that's for shareholders--so, rather illegal-->
Lord Wilmore: "..." *smiles* <Do tell...>
Danglars: <Hmph! I once made sure a man was sent to prison--so I could be the new golden child at our old shipping company! And I did it all with the man who wanted to fuck his fiancee!>
Bystanders: *walking by...*
Lord Wilmore: "..." *calms himself* *smiles, walking him back to Hermine and the children* <Of course...Now, I admire a man who is willing to do _anything_...but I will not break the law on this. Instead, I'll give you a loan--at a low interest rate, my friend...>
Danglars: *tears of joy* TwT
eugenie: <papa? are you ok?>
Danglars: *picks up Eugenie, tossing her into the air with glee* <We're saved!>
eugenie: *laughs* ^u^
hermine: ....
Lord Wilmore: *writes out the check* <Here you are, sir-->
Danglars: *hands Eugenie back to Hermine, snatches the check--* <Thank you, my lord!> *bows--then gives a wet kiss to Hermine's cheek* <I'll be home later!> *skips away with glee--almost running into Andrea again*
hermine: <ah->
Lord Wilmore: ^^; <He is rather spirited, isn't he?>
hermine: <....i suppose...>
Lord Wilmore: <...> *holds out an envelope with her name on it*
hermine: ??
Lord Wilmore: <Mrs. Danglars...Get out.>
hermine: ?!
Lord Wilmore: <Think. You know he is in trouble, right?>
Lord Wilmore: <These tickets are for you and Eugenie. They'll take you wherever you want to go. But please...don't get hurt in all of this. You can't afford to be collateral damage when he screws up.>
hermine: .......
peppino: *looks around*
*someone walks by...seems to be the person she seeks...*
peppino: <hello~>
Beauchamp: "???" *turns* <...Hi?>
peppino: *hands him something* ^w^
Beauchamp: <?!! Hey, I already got in a lot of trouble-->
peppino: <it's just a little audio recording i kept~ and you're probably scared about going to prison again, so maybe you could help me put someone else behind bars? that way, mr vampa and i can leave without problems.> ^^
Beauchamp: <...Okay...Who's Vampa?>
peppino: <...someone important.>
Beauchamp: <'Kay, nothing cryptic there...And if I throw this away?>
peppino: <at least give it a listen first.>
Beauchamp: <...If this audio recording blows up on me, I'm going to be very cross.>
peppino: =3= <it woooont.>
Beauchamp: <...Very well. And after I listen to it, how do I contact you if you _leave_?>
peppino: <you wont have to worry about me after you hear it...>
Beauchamp: O_O; <Oh, God, this is some suicide cult or 'The Ring,' isn't it?>
peppino: *chop* <you're too paranoid!>
Beauchamp: T~T <Okay, okay, fine--I'll look into it...>
Yohei: *sets up a mini basketball hoop* "Okay, kids..." *hands a tiny basketball*
toru: ba!
Yohei: "Yep--ball. Care to drop it into the basket?"
toru: ...*drops it*
Yohei: "Good work, big man!" *holds up his hand at Toru's level for a high-five*
toru: ^o^
Yohei: "Hee hee..." *bounces the ball*
Vampire: "STOP! MAKE IT STOP!"
atsushi: *WHACK*
Vampire 2: "AAH! MY FACE!"
Vampire 3: *trying to sneak away...*
kenji: *TOSS*
Vampire 3: "GAK!"
Kyoka: *picks up the head of one vampire* "I think this one is ready to talk..."
Vampire Head: Q____Q;
sylvia: *faints*
Lucy: *catches Sylvia*
Asher: *still clubbing a vampire...glances* "...Is that a head? Neat."
Vampire Head: T~T "Just kill me...What do you want?!"
belmont: first off, are you working for anyone?
Vampire Head: "I'm now missing the neck down--do I look like I'm doing this on my own?! Of course I work for someone!"
belmont: who is it?
Vampire Head: "...The Progenitors."
atsushi: progenitors?
Vampire Head: "Really powerful vampires who sire powerful vampires, and so on..."
belmont: why would they have business in death city?
Vampire Head: "..." *small laugh* "You know, for the 'City of Second Chances,' a lot of people sure go missing here, don't they?"
Ranpo: "And when they go missing, you all feed off them..."
Lucy: "Who knows how many 'missing people reports' may lead right here..."
Kimizuki: *cooking lunch* "...Quiet around here..."
mitsuba: maybe everyone's out on missions?
Kimizuki: "...Likely...I think it would be worth asking..."
mitsuba: *looks out into the hall*
*looks like some equipment has been tossed into the hallway*
mitsuba: ugh, so sloppy. *picking it up*
Kimizuki: *not even looking back* "I wouldn't do that--she's busy tinkering again..."
mitsuba: ??
*a giant console is tossed out of the garage, almost hitting Mitsuba's foot*
mitsuba: *jumps back* HEY!
Tinker: *pops her head out, still wearing her mask* "Hmm? Oh, sorry! Could you scoot back a bit...?"
mitsuba: ._.
rowena:...edgar? are you sure you're alright?
Poe: =_=# "I'm fine..." *sips long on tea...*
rowena:....is this about mr mikuni?
Poe: >_<# "Who? You mean that lanky cowboy...?"
rowena: why does he upset you so much?
Poe: "I just think someone who is that lackadaisical requires extra vigilance, especially when fooling around with the occult..."
rowena: perhaps, but i think he does mean well. he did help save me from that man...
Poe: =^= "Just be careful around him--such men can be troublesome."
rowena: ^^; *hug* you worry a lot, you know?
Poe: "..." T~T "I don't want you hurt..."
Johannes: "Did I get them all?" *he's bandaging his bruises*
metsu: i believe so.
Jeje: "Was it really okay to let non-vampires and non-Eves to pursue those kind?"
Mikuni: *twirling a keychain on his finger* "Why not? Consider it a trial run..."
metsu:...you realize if they die, their blood is on your hands.
Mikuni: *smirks* "Do you honestly think I'd send sheep to the slaughter without considering whether a shepherd joined them? Or a dog to keep them on their path?"
metsu: ....
Mikuni: "Until then, we keep up our work--starting with inventorying the remaining goods--" *spots the dolls for sale* "...And returning the heads to the missing ones."
Johannes: *innocent whistling*
Cervantes: <?! What happened to you two?!> *looks at Dumas* <Why are you...smiling?>
Dumas: *deep inhale* <I feel accomplished...Maybe things will go better...>
Daisy: =_= "We're lost, and only one of us knows the language..."
mary: *looking around*
Jordan: *looks at a sign* " 'Circus Maximus'...Sounds fun!"
louisa: *checking the travel guide*
Fitzgerald: *holding his own umbrella* "It's where chariot races were held, before you start thinking of elephants and clowns..."
Jordan: "I-I wasn't..." >_>;;;
mary: ooooh.
Fitzgerald: "There's always the Coliseum for fights to the death and lions eating prisoners..." *sighs* "The olden times..." *looks wistfully*
louisa:...... riiiiight.... >->;;
Assi: "Well, there are fountains, the thermal baths, the Sistine Chapel..."
mary: *snapping pics*
Daisy: "Sending those to Bram?"
mary: yep!
Jordan: "Too bad he couldn't come along..."
atsushi: *outside, nervous*
Lucy: "...Hey."
atsushi: hey...
Lucy: "How are you holding up?" *puts a hand on his shoulder*
atsushi:...ok i guess. a bit shaken though…
Lucy: "Y-Yeah...If you didn't have your regeneration..." *shivers*
Lucy: *holds onto him, trying to steady herself* "That was goshdarn intense!"
kenji: yeah, let's get some food. we need to regain our energy.
Asher: =_= ("...Cassidy is going to kill me for this...")
Kyoka: "Good. Ranpo, how many quarters do you have left?"
Ranpo: >3< *holds them to himself*
belmont: *hands atsushi a card; a business card* just something to keep in touch.
Lucy: "???"
banshee: *calling on her phone*
Kurogiri: *answering* "Hello."
banshee: we found it.
Kurogiri: "Excellent. Ready for your return?"
banshee: yes.
*Warp Gates open up*
banshee: let's go.
Dabi: "Don't fire it, ever again."
Twice: "Do a dive into it, Muscular--it's fun! WHEE!" *dives in--and slams into a bar stool* "...Ow."
himiko: ^^;
Kurogiri: "Welcome back. How did the first mission for our newest recruit go?"
Muscular: "..." *crosses his arms, grunts*
banshee: it was successful, and we did find this. *hands him the gauntlet*
Kurogiri: "So, this was what was hidden in Orion. How powerful is it?"
himiko: very!
Dabi: =_=; "Reinforce it."
Kurogiri: "I already have storage ready..." *warps it* "But someone needs to deal with our prisoner."
Amaimon: "??? Teacher-Niece? Looks like someone is here for you."
stocking: hm?
Kid: *waves*
stocking: kid! *hugs* what a surprise!
students: awww!
girl: get a room!
Kid: ^^; "Hi! I thought I would stop by. I'm not interrupting, am I?"
stocking: we were just about to start class, actually.
Kid: "Then I won't interrupt--see you after?"
stocking: meet up for dinner?
Kid: *nods* "It's a date."
stocking: see you then~ *blows a kiss*
Kid: *blushes, waves*
stocking: ^///^ *ahem* alright, now where were we...
sonia: *stares out into the backyard*
Chuuya: *hammering*
Chuuya: "Hmm? Yes, Sonia?"
sonia: can we put hydrangeas in the garden?
Chuuya: "Hmm...I don't see why not."
sonia: thanks. i think mommy liked them.
Chuuya: "..." *sighs* "Yes. She did. Aunt Ichiyo had said she mentioned them..."
sonia:...im a bit nervous for tomorrow.
Chuuya: *nods* "I know. It can be anxious...The important thing is to face that fear. After all, no one at your school is more important than anyone else."
Chuuya: "Would you feel better if I spoke to your teacher about anything?"
sonia:...i dont know.
Chuuya: "...Maybe you could show Miyuri some of your drawings? The hallway had really nice ones."
sonia: i'd like that.
Chuuya: *smiles* "You're a good sister."
Danglars: *counting his money* "Hee hee..."
hermine:...*sneaking downstairs*
Danglars: *not noticing, giggling like a madman*
hermine:....*steps outside to the car, packing luggage*
Lucian: *whispering* <How much more?>
hermine: <this should be the last of it...im scared, lucian. where do we go from here?>
Lucian: "..." *sighs, holds her hands* <Take the ticket--and get somewhere. Are there any relatives or friends you could visit?>
hermine: ...<i dont really speak with my parents anymore.>
Lucian: *nods* <...I know someone.>
hermine: ??
Lucian: *hands her a business card* <If you give my name, I know he will keep you safe. He is very good.>
hermine: ....<thank you, so much. you're a really good person.>
Lucian: *shakes his head* <No, I'm not. I just can't stand to see this happening to you two...> *looks at Eugenie, smiles* <You'll be a good girl until we see each other again?>
eugenie: *she nods* *hugs* <i'll miss you, uncle lucy>
Lucian: T~T *hug* <So will I...>
dulcenia: *examining case files*
Beauchamp: *throws open the door, panting*
dulcenia: ?! <what the->
Beauchamp: <I am here...> *exhales, pants* <Jeez, that was a long run...I-I am here with evidence that is going to shock you!>
dulcenia: <what the blazes are you talking about?>
Beauchamp: <Arson!>
dulcenia: ?!
Beauchamp: <Multiple fires! The criminals are on this tape planning it!>
dulcenia: ??
Beauchamp: *presses play on his phone*
Person 1: <--and now that their check cleared, you know what to do.>
dulcenia: *listening*
Person 2: <Hang on--I'm still confused. When someone 'burns for the insurance money,' since when does the _insurance company_ collect?>
Person 1: <I insure for _higher_ than the value of their property. _They_ pay me more.>
dulcenia: !!! *in spanish* <son of a bitch..>
Beuchamp: <You recognize that voice? Can you check it?>
dulcenia: <provided this isnt some hoax. but yes, we'll take it to Ali to scan it.>
Beauchamp: *nods* <I can describe the woman who gave me the audio...>
Kunikida: "Where are they..."
-text message from ranpo-
Kunikida: *reads*
ranpo: [getting food @Ihop. pancakes r hella, will report l8er]
Kunikida: ._. "..." -_-; [we were worried]
ranpo: [had a lil trouble, but we cool]
Kunikida: [very well. submit your report upon your return]
???: *holding up a photo of 'Andrea'* <Found him. And the weirdos who took him.>
marquis: <ok, so danglars is mostly taken care of, now we have to deal with mondego, right?>
Dumas: *sets his disguises onto mannequins...* <Yes...That's going to take more work...> *picks up a knife, checking its sharpness*
Cervantes: ^w^; <I may have an idea...I met someone who may help~>
benedetto: ??
Dumas: <Who?>
Cervantes: <That angelic police officer! I spoke with her-->
Dumas: <?!!!! WHAT.>
marquis: <what all did you tell her?>
Cervantes: <How we should share a Three Musketeers bar-->
-something is thrown into the window-
Dumas: <?!>
Cervantes: O_O;;;
marquis: !!! *grabs onto benedetto*
Dumas: <Shit!> *smashes the lamp next to him--*
-from outside-
???: <...> *smiles*
marquis: *lands in the bushes with benedetto* <are you alright?!>
benedetto: !!!!
???: <See? I knew you could survive that, kiddo.>
marquis: ?? <who-?>
???: *pushes Marquis away, grabs Benedetto by the arm* <Don't you have anything to say to me?>
benedetto: <ow! that hurts, uncle bert!>
Bertuccio: <Not as much as this will hurt you...> *pulls back his hand--*
marquis: *tackles bertuccio*
Bertuccio: <?!> *lets go of Benedetto* <Get off me, you bitch!>
marquis: <leave him alone! he doesnt deserve to be abused like that! no one does!>
Bertuccio: <That kid is mine! I made him who he is--a thief who can escape anything, steal from anyone--and has no time for flighty, ugly, weak-ass losers like you!> *swings his fist at Marquis*
marquis: AH! <how could you be so cruel to your own family?!>
Bertuccio: <Ha! Buddy, if you saw that boy's family, I did him a favor!> *kicks at Marquis*
marquis: ??
benedetto: <what do you mean?>
Bertuccio: <...Oh, so now I'm supposed to tell the runaway his origin story? How I found some infant in some treasure box--and the 'treasure' was this little urchin?!>
benedetto: ?!?!
Bertuccio: <So, Bene, which did you want: buried alive to die, or fight to live?>
marquis: ?!?!?!
Bertuccio: <I stabbed that man who was burying you in that garden--and I made sure you didn't go back before some other inhuman monster did worse.>
marquis: <what man?>
Bertuccio: <That judge I always see putting thieves like me behind bars--Villefort.>
marquis: !!!!!!!!
Bertuccio: <I knew I should've blackmailed that judge--but he'd probably kill me like he tried to do to his own son-->
benedetto: .....<what?>
Bertuccio: <??? 'What' what? He tried to bury you alive! Your dad didn't want you except dead! Who knows what mom wanted, burying you in some garden-->
Bertuccio: Q_____Q *collapses*
marquis: *glares at him*
*a groan is heard behind Marquis*
marquis: !! *looks*
Cervantes: *crawling out from wreckage--as Dumas holds up the debris*
Dumas: <Hurry...>
marquis: <are you two alright?!>
Cervantes: <I think so-->
marquis:.....<this man. have him arrested....>
Dumas: *tosses the debris* <...How are we supposed to do that?! And for what-->
Cervantes: <Hello? Police?> *on his phone* <Put on the angelic officer, please~>
benedetto:........*too stunned to say anything*
Dumas: *grunts, looks at Benedetto* <...You okay?>
marquis:.... <i think things got more complicated.....bene.....is villefort's son...>
Dumas: <... ... ...> *falls back* <You got to be kidding me.>
Asher: *unlocks the door to their apartment*
cassidy: there you are! do you have any idea how worried sick i was?!
Asher: "I know. I'm sorry. Something happened."
cassidy: *sighs* im just...i worry about you.
Asher: "..." *nods* "...This city is scary."
Kid: *pulls out a chair for Stocking*
stocking: *takes a seat*
Kid: *sits across from her* "I'm happy you're here."
stocking: *smiles* im happy you're here too.
Kid: ^\\\^ "Shall we order?" *opens his menu*
stocking: *nods*
yuu uraraka: *posing*
Mr. Uraraka: "Ballerina!"
ochako: flamingo!
Mrs. Uraraka: "A crane!"
Mr. Uraraka: "A Haijima Telescopic Crane 4200 with Hydraulic Extending/Retractable Boom!"
yuu uraraka: that's correct.
Mr. Uraraka: "Yes!"
Relan: "Hey." *nudge*
tamaki: ??
Relan: "I think it's my turn to keep watch by the phone..."
tamaki: ah.
Relan: "Going to bed or nap at least?" *sits by the phone, picks up a book*
tamaki: probably.
Relan: "Well, have a good night. I'll hit the alarm if there's anything..." *next to the phone is a camel-shaped alarm with the hump as a button*
Danglars: *yawns, walks into the dining room* <Good morning, wife, daughter, Lucian...> *looks* "..." <Lucian? Where are they?>
lucian: <errands>
Danglars: <Huh. Splendid! Glad to see Heloise getting an early start--and with the kid out for the day, I can finally concentrate on important things...> *pulls out his phone, starts scrolling through social media* <...Ha! Funny cat picture.>
*Mono's phone gets a text alert*
mono: ??
*It's a pic of Assi and Zuno, posing in front of the Leaning Tower--Zuno is "pushing" it down, Assi is trying to push it back up*
mono:....*small smile*
Yohei: "OOOOOOOOOooo..."
mono: *YELPS*
Yohei: "Looks like Assi and Zuno are having fun..."
valentine: ............
-there is various muttering amongst the funeral attendees-
Max: *walks into the Church, looking around* "..."
valentine: *biting her lip, looking down at the ground*
Minister: *shaking the hand of one guest* <Thank you for coming. Thank you...>
Max: "..." *walks up to her* <Valentine...I'm so sorry.>
valentine: *she doesnt say anything* ......
Max: "..." <If you need anything, Grandmother and I are here...>
Cervantes: ^w^ <Thanks for putting us up for the night yesterday...>
Dumas: -_- <This bed is too cramped--move over.>
count: <any time. i even had your costumes replaced if needed.>
Dumas: T~T <Thank goodness...Do you know how hard it is to find the right wig to play Wilmore?>
count: <its understandable.>
Cervantes: <...How's Bene holding up?>
count: .....<he wants to find his mom...>
Dumas: *sighs* <Well, she's dead. Villefort remarried after his first wife died...>
count: <but what about _before_ he remarried? think about it. did bertuccio ever tell _where_ the child was buried?>
Cervantes: <Marquis had said the jerk forbade Bene to go back to that 'garden.' Maybe Bene knows that location?>
count: hmm...<i'll see what else i can get from him.>
Cervantes: ^w^ <Thanks! And let's look on the bright side: we got that jerk locked up...> =\\\w\\\=
stocking: *snuggled in bed*
Kid: *smooch*
stocking: i do not want to get out of bed today. im way too comfortable.
Kid: "Well, if I get of bed, I worry you'll get uncomfortable...or lonely." *cuddle*
stocking: *purrs*
Kid: *rubs her arm* =w= "Just 8 more minutes...Then I'll bring you breakfast in bed..."
Kazue: "..." *lowers a rope down the side of a building*
Saria: *looking up* "...What was wrong with them taking the stairs?"
lukas: beats me...
Kazue: *lands, pulls out a scroll* <Okay. Where are we heading?>
miyuri: *shiny eyes* WOOOOOOOOW!!!
Chuuya: "Now, don't walk too far--I think this may be 30 minutes?"
miyuri: okay!
sonia: *holding onto miyuri's hand*
*the hallway has some other students waiting for their parents*
Student: *glares at Sonia*
miyuri: *peeking into classrooms* WOOOW!
*the lights are off in other rooms, with desks lined up and whiteboards on the walls*
*looks like markers on the whiteboards, too*
miyuri: *GASP* what's that?
sonia: those are the whiteboards.
sonia: ^-^; that's the janitor's closet.
Student: *whispers to another one* "Who's that? Her stupid sister or something?"
miyuri: *waves* hiiii! ^w^
Student: "?! ...Weirdo. You stupid or something?"
miyuri: hm?
sonia: *shaking, her hand balled up into a fist*
Student: *knocked down, holding his eye* "Ow! What the hell is wrong with you?! Freak!"
sonia: *glaring at him*
mother: arnie!! *hugs him* are you ok, sweetie?!
Arnie: *sniffs* "She hit me! She's a freak!"
mother: *glares at sonia* how dare you! what do you have to say for yourself, you little ingrate?!
Arnie: "She should be expelled!"
miyuri: sonia? are you ok?
Chuuya: *steps out* "?! Sonia? What's wrong?"
teacher: what on earth is happening here?
mother: this little brat struck my baby!
Chuuya: *glares at the mother* "Sonia?"
Chuuya: "..." *looks at the boy--glaring*
sonia:...i dont care what happens to me...but i want you to apologize to my sister right now...
Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia and Miyuri's shoulders*
mother: you expect an apology after you assaulted my child?! i should take you to court for this! *points to chuuya* _you_ need to control your children's wild behavior before they end up in prison!
Chuuya: *narrows his eyes* "I am sorry Sonia hit your child. Now it's his turn to apologize for what he did to her so she couldn't even come to class without fearing getting garbage thrown at her again."
mother: WHAT?! how dare you accuse my baby of such nonsense!
Chuuya: "Your 'baby' comes after my kids, they're going to stand up for themselves. That's how any parent should raise their child. So take your kid out of here now."
mother: how DARE you speak to me like that! do you have any idea who i am?!
Chuuya: "Should I?"
mother: i'll have you know my husband is head of sales at the death city mall!
teacher: and yet you take the subway to work.
mother: !!!
Chuuya: *smirks* "Important work. Maybe your husband should focus on parenting, too."
mother: *speechless*
Chuuya: "...Sonia, Miyuri, the meeting is about done. Ready to head out?"
miyuri: ok!
Chuuya: "..." *pats her shoulder*
Fernand: *yawns* *opens his front door--* "?!"
dulcenia: <mr mondego, do you have a moment?>
Fernand: "..." *smiles* <Of course...> *closes the door behind him, stands on front steps* <How may I help you?>
-there are a few officers there as well-
Fernand: <...> *gulps*
dulcenia: <we'd like to ask a few questions of you, if you dont mind.>
Fernand: <Go ahead...>
dulcenia: <we're investigating a recent fire at one of the shops you ensure, and we're trying to determine the cause.>
Fernand: <Ah, I see. It's indeed unfortunate--I've had my investigators checking as well...>
dulcenia: <from what the owner told me, you made them an offer that morning before the fire. how curious.>
Fernand: <Hmm...You think someone is targeting locations that I've insured.>
dulcenia: <it's likely. seems you've been getting quite a lot of money from it, so that should be a bright side, right?>
Fernand: "..." *sighs* <It is a tragedy for my clients. However, also consider the costs for me: the money I receive goes into re-building these businesses, finding what happened and who is responsible...if someone is indeed responsible. After all, I have to make sure my clients weren't faking this so they could collect their share of the insurance money.>
dulcenia: <and how long do you suppose the investigation will take?>
Fernand: <These kinds of things are complicated. Could take a month, even a year.>
dulcenia: *whistles* <i think we can find a much, much, quicker solution.>
Fernand: "..." *narrows his eyes* <With police cooperation, yes...I think this could go more quickly...>
dulcenia: *plays the recording*
Fernand: <?!>
dulcenia: *smirks* <your expression says enough. cuff him.>
Fernand: "..." *narrows his eyes, holds out his wrists*
mercedes: <fernand? what's going on?>
Fernand: <?! Mercedes, I left numbers by the phone--call Robert!>
mercedes: ???
Fernand: <He's a lawyer--get him to the police station-->
Police Officer: <Come along.>
mercedes: <officer toboso?>
Fernand: <!!!>
dulcenia: *nods* <seems your husband here is suspected of fraud and arson conspiracy>
mercedes: !!!! <fernand? is that true?>
Fernand: <Call my lawyer!>
Chuuya: "Okay, girls--which flavors?"
miyuri: *face pressed against the glass case* oooooooooooooooooh! *shiny eyes*
sonia:....just vanilla....
Chuuya: "Okay, vanilla for Sonia. Miyuri, how about...You know what, Miyuri, just stick to one flavor for now--don't want to over-stimulate your taste buds..."
miyuri: *looking at them all* miyuri doesnt know which one to have first!
Chuuya: "Chocolate may not be bad."
miyuri: ooh! that one!
Chuuya: "Any toppings? Maybe sprinkles?"
miyuri: can we?
Chuuya: "Sure!"
*pallbearers carry the two coffins...*
valentine: ......
Villefort: *stone faced*
Heloise: *struggling to appear morose*
edouard: ...
*the pallbearers bring the coffins to the plots dug up...they are next to the grave of Valentine's mother*
Max: *watching Heloise's face* "..."
valentine: *shaking*
*the coffins are lowered...*
Minister: <Please take a handful of our Lord's earth, so that our friends may be returned to that Earth, until such time that we see them again in the next world...>
Asher: "Yo." *waves*
izumi: hey!
Asher: "What're you doing out?"
izumi: just taking a walk.
Asher: "Hmmm..." *walks with her* "Relaxing weekend?"
izumi: yeah.
Asher: *nods...rubs their arm*
izumi: ?? you ok?
Asher: "Yeah--just in pain from a beatdown--er, at the arcade, on a machine...Frogger." >_>;
izumi: ...
Asher: *awkward cough* "So, just recuperating...Making sure not to over-do it..."
izumi:...want to hang out?
Asher: "Hmm? Yeah, sure. Anywhere you heading?"
izumi: hmm, how about the park?
Asher: *nods* "Okay." *walks with her* "Hope it's not super-crowded..."
Akutagawa: "Okay, so 2 of them?"
gin: *nods*
Akutagawa: *holds up fingers to the crepe maker* "Two, please." *looks at Gin* "New sundress?"
gin: yeah.
Akutagawa: "It looks good."
Lucy: "Cute uniform, Aya."
aya: =3= thank you.
Kunikida: "Take seriously the responsibilities represented by that uniform."
aya: yes sir.
Lucy: "Yeah...I notice the boys here don't exactly have some uniform...Never had any non-female secretaries?"
kirako: a few, yes.
Lucy: "Huh...Do they all have to dress like Kunikida?"
Kunikida: -_-#
Kid: *reading*
stocking: *still snuggled up to him* =w=
Kid: =\\\\= *smooch*
Francesca: *holding papers to herself as she walks* "..."
valentine:.... !!!!
Francesca: *frowning, her lip quivering*
valentine: *runs over* <francesca!>
Francesca: *holds up her hands, stepping back, shaking her head*
valentine: <francesca, what's wrong? why havent you answered my calls?!>
Francesca: <...You knew about that bastard? Your fucking grandfather?>
valentine: !!??
Francesca: *shoves papers at Valentine* <Noirtier Villefort--member of Mimic--the man who killed countless soldiers, including my dad! Did you know this?!>
valentine: *too stunned to speak*
Francesca: <...You have to be kidding me...You knew your dad and his dad were involved in Mimic?! What the fuck, Val?!!>
valentine: <i didnt, honest!>
Francesca: "..." <How can I believe this? My dad is dead. Your grandfather just laughed at me-->
valentine: <i didnt even know i _had_ another grandfather until now!>
Francesca: "..." *inhales, holds her forehead* <...Old man named Colby? Your dad has kept him hidden for about 6 years since your dad sentenced some guy to a slow death in prison. None of this rings a bell?>
valentine: ........
Francesca: "..." <Oh God...> *falls to her knees*
valentine: <francesca-> *reaches out to her*
Francesca: *shaking all over* <Don't! I can't!> *sobbing*
valentine: ah-....*hug*
Francesca: *shaking, struggling against the hug, but sobbing*
valentine: <it's going to be ok... we can get through this...>
Francesca: <I'm sorry...> *hug* <I'm so sorry...>
Chuuya: *opens the door* "Careful not to spill..."
miyuri: ok!
sonia:....*walking upstairs to her room*
Chuuya: "...Sonia? Could we talk?"
Chuuya: "That was the boy who attacked you that day after school, huh?"
sonia:......*gets under the covers of her bed*
Chuuya: "Sonia, please...I really want to talk about this."
sonia:....yeah...one of them...
Chuuya: *sighs* "I'm so sorry...More than one? I tried asking your teacher about them..."
sonia:...they say im trying to make them look bad by getting answers right...but im not trying to do that. im just doing what im told to do...
Chuuya: *nods* "You're doing the right thing--it's not your fault that your classmates are being asses."
sonia: *sniff* i-im not trying to be better than anyone at all, but they think i am. *shaking* i never asked to be like this...
Chuuya: *hug* "I know...None of us ask to be how we are..."
sonia: *whimpering* i-im going to be an outcast forever, arent i?
Chuuya: "Sweetie, no...No. It takes time to find the people in your life you want to be with."
sonia: w-why couldnt i have been normal? *sobbing*
Chuuya: *strokes her back, holding her*
sonia: *crying into his chest*
Chuuya: "I'm so sorry, Sonia...But this is not your fault. You are you--and you are a beautiful, smart, imaginative, hardworking person who deserves so much..."
sonia: *hic*
Chuuya: *rubs her back* "Sonia...I'm so proud of you, especially for protecting Miyuri."
sonia:...*sniff* im sorry for getting her involved in this...
Chuuya: "I know you are...But there's no way to avoid getting involved in every problem--it's why we have to get stronger to face anything...and that means standing up for yourself and others."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "...Sonia, are you not happy in your class?"
sonia:....can i be homeschooled for a while?
Chuuya: "If you want, sure. But I think you should consider that offer your teacher had...about you skipping some grades.'
Chuuya: "Just think about it...I'll call Kajii in the morning."
Chuuya: *pats her back* "Thank you for standing up for Miyuri."
Chuuya: "Want to rest a bit?"
Chuuya: "Okay. Sleep for a bit...Want anything? Water?" *hands her tissues*
Max: *walking home* "..." ("What is up with her stepmom...She was weird the entire time...")
???: <maxi!>
Max: "???" *turns* <Oh!> *waves*
-max's sister, julie, and her husband, are there-
Emmanuel: <Hey, Max.>
Max: "..." *nods* <H-Hey...>
julie: ?? <you ok?>
Max: <I-I just came from the funeral...>
julie: <oh...>
Max: *nods* <...Val's not doing well...Not talking...>
julie: <is there something we can do to help?>
Max: <I'm not sure...She needs time to heal, and, ugh, I'm already pressed for time...>
julie: <well we wont keep you long.>
Max: <S-Sorry, I didn't mean it like that...How are you feeling?>
julie: <alright. the little one's growing more and more.> *rubs her stomach*
Max: *smiles* <That's good...How much longer?>
julie: <about two months now...>
Max: <Still some time...> *sighs*
Fernand: *handcuffed to the table* "..."
???: <well, look how the mighty have fallen.>
Fernand: <?!> *looks*
-the count stands in a corner of the cell-
count: <a pleasure to meet you, mr mondego.>
Fernand: <Who the hell are you?>
count: <you dont know me, but i believe you knew my father...does the name 'Edmond Dantes' ring any bells?>
Fernand: <?!>
count: ...<i think your reaction says it all...so why? what did he do to deserve such a fate?>
Fernand: <Wh-What fate? I haven't seen Edmond in years...>
count: <perhaps i should introduce myself first. My name is Elena Dantes, my father died by your hand....>
Fernand: "..." *lets out a laugh*
elena: <and now....>
Fernand: *coughs...looks down*
-there is a knife in his chest-
elena: <...you die by mine...>
Fernand: *gasps, struggling to call for help...*
elena: *takes the knife out and walks toward the small window, her body dissapating into a mist and escaping*
Fernand: *his throat constricts...he collapses onto the table*
Bakugo: "I came here, to this mall, one of many malls in this city, just to find socks. SOCKS. And you're still following me..."
eijiro: just thought we could hang out a little bit. ^^
Bakugo: -_-# "...If you delay my shopping, I'm going to put you through the wall." *walks with him*
Sakuya: *checking through closet* "You sure none of these are what you're looking for?"
tsubaki: i dont think so.
Sakuya: "Nuts...Maybe buy a new one?" *pulls out a dress tie, looking at it* "Huh. Gaudy..."
tsubaki: i guess. ^^;
*there's a mechanical blowfish staring at the 8th*
shinra: ._.
Akitaru: "This one isn't going to blow up, right?"
Vulcan: "Not if it works right..."
tamaki: and _it_ is...?
Vulcan: "It's an ultra wide-band device that can detect breathing even under 100 feet of debris."
shinra: woah!
Vulcan: *presses a button labeled 'Test'*
Blowfish Scanner: *eyes light up as it inflates*
Vulcan: "See? That's what it'll do when it detects breathing..."
nozomi: wow! that's incredible, vulcan!
Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks...I hope it'll help, not just for the next house fire but if we can scope the underground again--or if you encounter Chinese fire worms again..."
tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Wes: *rubs Ghost Dog's belly*
ghost dog: =w=
Wes: *smiles...checks his phone's calendar* "Few more weeks before practice..."
liz: got any events coming up?
Wes: "Yeah, a practice first--trying to get some replacements...Before the next concert."
liz: ah.
Tezca: "--so I said 'You think I'm under deep cover? No one has even seen Akane and Clay in months!'" *laughs loudly, slapping the table*
clay:....we're right here.
Tezca: "...Oooooooooo! Neat disguises!" *tugs on Clay's face* "I can't believe you disguised yourself as Clay, Akane!"
Akane: *sitting beside Tezca, sipping tea*
clay: >A< MR TLIPOCA!!
Akane: *chop* "Stop that."
Tezca: =3= "Not my fault the makeup is so thorough..."
clay: IT'S NOOOT! >3<
Tezca: "Oh, don't sell yourself short--"
Akane: *pulls Tezca loose, ripping his bear head off--and there's no head underneath*
Tezca: "..."
Akane: O_O;
Tezca: "..." *reaches into his dufflebag, pulls out another bear head, puts it on, screwing it in properly* "Ah, that's better..."
Anya: *brushing her hair*
ao: anya?
Anya: "Hmm? Yes?"
ao: miss misery is hosting a knitting group downstairs, care to join?
Anya: "Oh...Sure." *stands up* "That would help..."
mercedes: ....
Albert: <Papa?>
mercedes:...<papa will be home soon, baby.> *picks him up*
Albert: *sniffles, hugs her*
mercedes: *rocking him*
Albert: *closes his eyes, slowly falls asleep...*
mercedes:...*forehead kiss and puts him in his crib*
Albert: "Zzz..."
Hyde: *counting dollar bills* "Okay, where do we want to dine tonight, folks?"
romina: lets get pizza!
Hyde: "Okay! Toppings? Remember, pineapple is still a topping."
julian: =~=
licht: -_-#
Hyde: "??? Okay, fine--one plain cheese for the boring ones..."
Hibana: *reviewing child services paperwork* "..."
gabriella: is everything ok?
Hibana: "I'm not sure...Was looking into some kids that Rekka bastard kidnapped and where they went..." *pulls up another file: "Shinra Kusakabe"*
gabriella: hmm...
Hibana: "..." *rests her head on her shoulder*
Hibana: *hug* *rubs her back, quiet*
hanako: *peeks in* mama?
Hibana: "??? Hi, sweetie..."
hanako: can we watch movies?
Hibana: *smiles* "Sure. What you feeling?"
hanako: disney movies? *shiny eyes*
Hibana: "Heh heh...Sure!" *head rub*
hanako: ^^
Hibana: "Pick out the first one, okay?"
Assi: *flipping through posters of famous Italian paintings...*
Daisy: "What, finding something for your girlfriend?"
Assi: "?! N-No..."
mary: *snapping photos*
Fitzgerald: "Wait just a moment--you are missing something in that photo."
mary: ??
Fitzgerald: *poses*
mary: ooh! *snaps pics*
Fitzgerald: *more poses*
Daisy: =_=;
Zuno: "..." *whispers* "Who's that weirdo?"
louisa: *staring at an eagle that has landed on mary's head, pecking at her*
Assi: O_O; "...Sh-Should we warn her about this?"
louisa: i dont think she's bothered...
Daisy: "High tolerance for pain..."
Akutagawa: *sets down food in front of Q*
Q: thanks for the food! *nom*
Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Hope it is sufficient."
higuchi: ^^
Gin: "It's good to see them getting along."
higuchi: yeah, it sure is.
Gin: "...How do you think Q is getting along? Seeing as there are few others around his age in the Mafia..."
higuchi: well, there is elise...technically.
Gin: *nods* "Both of them could use more acquaintances...technically."
higuchi: yeah....didnt hirotsu mention a gang of kids that were once scouts for the mafia? the 'sheep'?
Gin: *nods* "I do not know how willing they would be willing to work with the Mafia again after certain poor encounters."
higuchi: and considering how long ago it was, most of them are probably all grown up by now...
Gin: *nods* "Time flies...Q got along well enough with the Sturm kids."
higuchi: yeah....
Gin: "...Maybe something can be arranged for a playdate again."
valentine: .......
*looks to be messages from Max, her dad...and one text listed as "Unknown"*
Max: [<valentine i'm so sorry. please know you have friends and that you are not alone. if you need anything please ask>]
Max: [<any time>]
*looks like her father's message was just asking when she was getting home...*
valentine:......*checks the unknown number*
Unknown Number: [<hello, child. you and i will talk now.>]
valentine:...[<who are you?>]
*suddenly, she hears wheels creaking behind her*
valentine: ?!?!?! *turns*
*a very old man in a wheelchair rolls up to her...a cell phone is in his lap*
valentine: *screams*
Old Man: "?!" <Shhh! You want to wake up the whole house?!>
valentine: <w-who are you?!>
Old Man: <Gerard's father, Valentine.>
valentine: .....<you....you killed francesca's father....>
Noirtier: <??? Who? ...Wait, was that the name of that 'nurse' who accosted me? Huh...Wait, how do you know her?>
valentine: <she's...._was_ my girlfriend...w-why are you here? what do you want?> *taking a fire poker to defend herself*
Noirtier: *frowns* <Well, this gets more complicated...Let's table the whole 'girlfriend' thing and focus on the fact that your stepmother is likely gunning for you.>
valentine: ?!
Noirtier: <Oh, come on--'gas leak'? That's low-level nonsense...> *takes a medical folder on his lap and drops it to his feet* <Pick it up.>
*it's a coroner's report, showing photos of her grandparents...*
valentine: *covers her mouth*
*the report lists 'brucine'*
Noirtier: <Shocking, I know...Except you're ignoring the big red flag that the anti-cancer medicine brucine was found in their systems...>
valentine: .....
Noirtier: <And neither of your grandparents had cancer...Now, where do you think the brucine came from?>
valentine:....<i dont know...>
Noirtier: <This is why I went through their medical files. The answer? Nope. That brucine was used to poison them.>
valentine: <y-you dont think...>
Noirtier: <Now, you haven't asked me: why do I suspect your stepmother? Where did she visit last, Granddaughter?>
valentine:........<why should i trust anything you say?>
Noirtier: <You have no reason to. So, you can wait for the facts to present themselves--at which point, you'll be dead. Or you can be smart and think whether you have seen anything that proves she wants to get rid of you and your family to take your inheritance.>
Noirtier: <...I never got to talk to your mother. But I remember her jewelry...So exquisite.>
valentine: <i remember her pearl necklace...>
Noirtier: <And where is it now?>
valentine: <it should be in...> *goes to look*
Noirtier: *still in his chair* <...No problem. I'll wait.>
-later, valentine runs back in-
valentine: *shaking* <it's-...it's gone!!>
Noirtier: "..." *small smirk*
valentine: <w-what do i do?>
Noirtier: <Do you remember seeing anything at the scene of the crime...I mean, at your grandparents' house?>
valentine: <i-i'm trying to think...>
Noirtier: <Trace your steps backwards, child...>
valentine: ......
Noirtier: "..." *pulls out a vial*
valentine: <w-what is that?>
Noirtier: <Your medicine...>
miyuri: zzzz...
Chuuya: "???" *checks the girls' room*
sonia: *still asleep*
Chuuya: "..." *checks on Sonia first, checking her temperature on her forehead*
-she's a slight bit warm-
Chuuya: "Oh no..."
miyuri: *yaaawn* =.=
Chuuya: *looks* "..." *checks on Miyuri*
miyuri: tacchan?
Chuuya: "..." *sighs*
miyuri: *opens eyes* oh, hi papa.
Chuuya: *smile* "Hey, kiddo..."
miyuri: is sonia ok?
Chuuya: "...I think she may be a little under the weather, so keep up your fluids and wash your hands so you don't get sick..."
miyuri: ok papa!
Chuuya: *smiles, strokes a hand over her head* "Now, get some more sleep. Sorry to wake you."
Kid: *kitten yawn*
stocking: *making breakfast*
Kid: *walks into the kitchen* "Good morning..."
stocking: morning hunny~ anything you want?
Kid: *smiles* "Some pancakes with sugar?" *hugs her*
stocking: that sounds lovely~
Kid: "Hee hee..." *nuzzles* "Thanks, sweetie."
Danglars: -^- "..." <Do you really think I'm this stupid?>
lucian: .....
Danglars: *holds up an empty milk carton* <Hermine has not bought more! She never came home last night--where is she?!>
lucian: ...<staying with relatives?>
Danglars: <Why didn't she tell me?!>
lucian: <well to be fair, you would have just ignored her.>
Danglars: <?! How dare you!>
lucian: <i'm just being honest.>
Danglars: <Really? How's this for honest?!> *throws the empty milk carton at Lucian*
lucian:...<throwing trash at me isnt going to make your problems disappear.>
Danglars: <Then this will: YOU'RE FIRED!>
lucian: ....<with all due respect, the only reason i stayed is for your family's sake, so that your wife didnt lose her mind and kill herself and eugenie. but all i have to say is; kindly go fuck yourself and die.>
Danglars: <?!!! Y-You insubordinate traitor!> *reaches for Lucian* <Did you take my wife?!>
lucian: grk- <i d-did nothing!>
Danglars: <You probably had a thing with her, you thief! Give me back my money!>
lucian: <i have not! *shoves him off* and besides, i'm not even into women!>
Danglars: <URK! Is that so?! That's just your cover!> *swings his fist--*
lucian: !!! *dodges*
Danglars: *screams--as he falls down the stairs*
lucian: <sir, if you dont calm down, i'm going to call the police!>
lucian: *ignoring him*
Danglars: <I'll have your head! I'll make sure you get the guillotine! I'll--> *tries to stand, falls* <...Ow.>
lucian:.... <i'd get you help, but from what i recall, i'm out of a job, so i'm just going to pack my things and mosey on out of here. toodles~>
Danglars: *LOUD ANGRISH* <I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS! Ow...I need a doctor...>
mercedes: .....
mercedes: ??
Albert: <Papa?>
mercedes: <wait here, baby.> *opens the door* <yes?>
Police Officer: <Mrs. Mondego?>
mercedes: <yes?>
Police Officer: *takes off their hat* <We wanted to let you know something about your husband...Would you like to sit down?>
mercedes: <...please, do come in...>
Police Officer: *enters* <...> *looks at Albert* "..." *sighs deeply* <Ma'am...As you know, your husband was taken into police custody...>
mercedes: *nods*
Police Officer: <...Last night, an officer found your husband in his jail cell, unconscious.>
mercedes: !!!
Police Officer: <Medical attempted to resuscitate him...I'm sorry. They were not able to...>
mercedes: *covers her mouth in shock*
Police Officer: <...We are investigating the cause of death at this time...>
mercedes: ......
Police Officer: <...Do you need a moment?>
Police Officer: *nods* <I'll be outside...> *exits*
mercedes:...*hides her face in her hands, crying*
Albert: <??? Mama?>
mercedes:...*picks him up and hugs him*
Albert: "..." *holds onto her, looking contemplative*
mercedes:...<papa...papa's gone to heaven now...>
Albert: <Papa? Gone?>
mercedes:...*sniffs and kisses his head* <it's just you and me now...>
Albert: <...Mama...> *reaches for her face*
mercedes: <...we're gonna make things work out, i promise...>
Albert: <...> *sniffle*
mercedes *rocking him, humming*
Albert: *small baby cries before closing his eyes, calming down...*
Lucian's Friend: <Good morning, ma'am and young lady!> *smiles*
eugenie: *eating waffles*
hermine:...*nods* <g-good morning>
Lucian's Friend: ^w^ <Was the bed comfortable? I could get a different pillow until the new one comes in the mail...>
hermine: <i-it's fine, really.> *looks out the window*
*Forecast today in Rome looks to be sunny...*
hermine:...*small smile* <thank you again, erm->
Lucian's Friend: <Cavalcanti.>
hermine: <right, right. i really do appreciate this.>
Cavalcanti: <Well, when Lucian called, I was a bit anxious...I mean, not every day I have visitors...> ^^;;;
Chuuya: "Sonia? Breakfast..."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "??? Sonia?" *checks on her*
sonia: *hiding under the covers*
Chuuya: "..." *sits on her bed* "Hey."
Chuuya: "...Need to sleep a bit longer?"
sonia:...*weak nod*
Chuuya: "Okay...Whenever you're ready, come out for something to eat--whatever you want. Need some water?"
Chuuya: *smiles* "Okay. Be right back..." *exits the bedroom*
miyuri: ~?
Chuuya: "Miyuri, hungry?"
miyuri: mmhmm!
Chuuya: "I'll cook up some breakfast after I get Sonia some water..."
miyuri: ok!
Chuuya: *pours a glass of orange juice for Miyuri* "You can start with that..." *pours a glass of water, grabs a warm washcloth, too, and goes back to Sonia* "Sonia? Here you go..." *holds out the glass*
sonia:...*small sips*
Chuuya: "Need a warm towel for your neck?"
sonia:...im ok....
Chuuya: *nods* "...Want to talk?"
sonia:...i dunno...
Chuuya: "..." *nods* "How about you read something after you wake up? Anything I can get you?"
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "...Would you like me to step out and let you sleep?"
Chuuya: "..." *nods...hugs her* "I love you, Sonia."
2 notes · View notes
zabala0z · 1 month
Welcome back to my crappy live blogging. I got 6 episodes to talk about!!! Good luck!!! 🫡
MAG 61: Hard Shoulder
Oh shit Daisy statement!! Or more important, that damn “Breekon and Hope Deliveries” people AGAIN. The cockney guys were there so the same guys Martin saw when they delivered Jons stuff. The gasp I let out when Daisy heard the sound and I was like “oh my god it’s raining, it’s the coffin”
Did not expect staircases! Anyways another thing, the other guy who drove the van said his name was Tom. “Sasha” said her new bf at the wax museum name was Tom as well before. I’m assuming they’re not actually dating but meeting up for some nefarious reason. Or maybe it’s two different Tom’s. Who knows
MAG 62: First Edition
Oh jeez Mary Keay. Yeah she was a bit screwed up as a child. No wonder Gerard does not seem to like her. Not much to note but the way Dr Tellison murdered her patients with the whole flaying and putting up their skin with writing was the same way Mary Keay was found dead. Interesting. I don’t think her son killed her. But I wonder who. Maybe it was Gertrude 💀 bet.
MAG 63: The End of The Tunnel
Eughhhh. Not much on this. It does sound really familiar to MAG 25 with like churches and that cult thing but Jon couldn’t find a connection. Still. Weird.
MAG 64: Burial Rites
Not much on this either! But the dice in the tomb reminded me of Cheating Death with like the games and gambling but it’s probably not related
MAG 65: Binary
When Tessa started talking, I immediately got lost. I had to pause my Minecraft and rewind. Jon the whole time was like “is this related??” And she’s like “y’know analog and digital-! 😀” she’s great.
No connections but oh my god, Tim REALLY laid into him, I literally was listening in like I watching some drama unfold. 🫢 <- like that was me. He’s not even wrong though because outside of Jons perspective, he’s an asshole and also has been stalking his coworkers so I don’t even blame Tim.
But also, that buzzing noise. Throughout the podcast, there was always that buzzing noise in the background whenever there was something supernatural present like with Michael and Sasha. When Tim said he literally couldn’t quit and Jon literally couldn’t fire him, that noise came back.
Is the archives cursed? Can you never quit?? Maybe Gertrude wanted to quit but like couldn’t so she hired someone to shoot her 💀 sorry that’s insane anyways
MAG 66: Held in Customs
Someone get Vincent Yang like a raise. Also, Mikaela Salesa mention!! It’s interesting because he didn’t seem like he wanted Yang in the crate. He made a concerned face and even told him to not sleep which was most likely a warning if anything. He seemed pleasant enough in MAG 38 and he even, at least, like, took him out the crate gently?? Barely minimum I guess
Also Peter Lukas, istg. I know the Lukas family is a patron of the institute and first popped up in Alone, but god why are they involved in everything. STOP. I’m wondering what’s their relation to the supernatural. I mean we have Peter Lukas, Nathaniel Lukas, probably another Lukas I forgot. Oh Conrad Lukas. What is their god damn deal.
Im guessing Gertrude has been screwing up the archival system on purpose because she figured something out, knew she was going to die and didn’t want the next archivist to figure it out as well and die. Obviously Jon is too intrusive and curious for his own good. Or maybe I’m totally wrong but still
Think that’s everything! Currently my page count on my doc is 41 pages!! Yay
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jojo-suga · 8 years
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*SURPRISE* - Jimin scenario
Pairing: Jimin + reader
Genre: fluff/romance
Word count: 1785
SUMMARY: Your relationship with Jimin is new. You’ve been together for almost 2 months and you haven’t spoken yet about how you will spend your monthsary as a couple. He was always busy because of his busy schedule as an Idol and he haven’t talked to you in days. But you were always that girlfriend who is very understanding even before when you’re still suffering for how many months because of him.
*Jimin’s POV*
After how many days of preparation along with my busy schedule, finally the long wait is over. Luckily, Bangpdnim gave us 3 days vacation before promotions. Life is great!
“Hello Mika… how are you? This is Jimin… Can you do me a favor?” “Yes, chimchim.! I’m okay, what is it?” “Sorry if I’m bothering you, but I really need your help…” “No, It’s Okay…” “I’m actually preparing for a surprise date for Y/N and I’m almost done with it. I need you to invite her and don’t tell her why, just make your own story. Haha. Please? I know it’s hard, but I know you can do it, Mika.” “Wow, is that for real? Omg! That’s so cute, I’m sure Y/N will love it Jiminie… and of course, I’m willing to help. Just tell me the time and place and you’re good to go, boy.” “Wahhh.. Thank you so much, Mika! I’ll just send you the details later. And don’t forget… it’s a secret, Okay?” “Arasseo… Take care! bye!”
*Y/N’s POV*
“Mr. Yoon, here are the permits for the renovation of room 216. I’ve already contacted the contractor and probably they will start tomorrow. Just call me if you still need anything.” “Don’t worry, Y/N… I’m sure everything will be okay. I’ll just call you if anything happens. I’ll go ahead.” “Annyeong! Ahjussi….” Mr. Yoon went ahead and I’m still busy checking out all the tenant’s contract when I heard someone knocked on my office door.
It’s Mika… why? I thought she’s hanging out with his lovey dovey since they’re having a 3-day vacation. Jimin said he’s going to be busy and will visit his family in Busan. I’m quite sad because it’s supposed to be our 2nd month of being together, and it seems that he forget about it already. But it’s alright, I understand his situation, though. He must be having a hard time because of his busy schedule.
“Hey! What’s up bitch?” I welcomed her warmly. LMAO “I’m okay, Bitch! Haha.. So, are you busy today?” “Actually… NO. I’m just checking some papers and I’m done with my collection, so yeah! I’m kinda free. WHY?” “Hmmmm… Coz’ I need to go somewhere. My friend invited me to a beach birthday party and I have no one to go to, Suga is busy with his mixtape and he said I can’t go if I don’t have someone to accompany me. Can you go with me, please?” “Why are you even asking? Of course! It’s a party! count me in, Girl!” “Yes! Thank you…. I owe you one!” Mika said excitedly. “Oh wait! I’m gonna call Jimin first…”
“Hello baby? Can I go with Mika, today? She’s going to a beach party…” “Beach party? Just be careful, Okay? Text me when you get there… and behave.” “Okay… but I won’t promise…HAHA!” I teased. “What did you say?!” he exclaimed from the other line. “Ouch… I’m just teasing you… of course, I’ll definitely behave. My boyfriend is Park Jimin, so should I ask for more?” “Exactly… Y/N, I’m telling you.” I can’t see if he’s serious or not, but I’m definitely enjoying this. “You’re acting like a baby… duh. I promise, okay.” “Good, stay with Mika.” “Okay, baby… I LOVE YOU. Bye!” I ended the call and realized that Mika is staring at me weirdly.
“That’s so grossssss…” Mika blurred out. “What? Yah! Mikaela… its as if you’re not like this with Yoongi, and I think you two are the worst!” “Yah… we’re not!” “Really? Jimin told me that you two were doing something in his music room and the boys caught you in the act! Haha… now, who’s EWW?” “Excuse me, we’re not doing something bad. Okay?! It’s Hobi’s dirty mind fault…” Mika defended. “Hahah! then why are you blushing?” “Pffft…no I’m not! Yah… are you coming with me or not?” “I’m just teasing you…bish. I’ll go. I’ll just prepare very quick.” “See you later… Y/N!”
After 2 hours, Mika and I went to the train station and I just realized that we’re going to Busan. We took the train and arrived after 3 hours. When we arrived at the venue, I’m totally in love with the place. The resort is indeed beautiful and peaceful.
“Y/N… c'mon. My friend already provided us a room.” We headed to the reception area and claimed our room keys. The room that was provided is an isolated mini beach house which is located almost front of the sea.
It’s curious that the place is very quiet. A type of vacation spot that can give you peace of mind and serenity. This is quite not suitable for parties. Oh well, who am I to complain? I’m just an extra and this is totally great! Hehe. Mika’s friend is probably rich.
As we entered the room, I can’t help but to admire the surroundings. Elegant but simple. Fresh looking designs with an overlooking view of the seas. My type of getaway indeed. Something that I’ve always been dreaming of.
“Omg! I totally forgot to tell you that this is gonna be a white beach party. Did you bring a white dress?” “Yah! You didn’t tell me. I just brought some but it’s all printed.” “Oh wait, I’m just gonna check my bag. Great! Luckily I have prepared two white dresses. Here take this!” Wow. She is indeed prepared, and wow again, the dress is extremely beautiful.
“Are you sure…You’re not going to wear this?” “Yes, I have another one right here. hehe! Geeezz I’m so excited. Hurry up! You could take your shower first and put some make up. Omg! Why am I even? You’re an expert, so you could definitely make yourself pretty without even trying. Haha!”
“Mika? Are you okay? You seemed so giddy. Maybe you should hurry up too!” “Me? oh im so sorry! I’m just excited because this is gonna be my first time to wear a white dress!”
We laughed and I proceeded to enter the bathroom and took a shower.
I’m feeling nervous and I don’t know why. By the time I went out of the bathroom, Mika isn’t around. I wonder where did she go. I wore the dress and put on a light make up, sprayed some Giorgio Armani Sensi perfume. Wore my white gladiator sandals and I’m done, but where the hell is Mika?
I took my phone and texted Mika.
ME: Where are you? MIKA: I’m here at the hotel lobby. If you’re done can you come by here? ME: Okay. Wait for me there.
I left the beach house and made my way to the hotel lobby. When I reach there, Mika isn’t around. This is getting a little bit weird, I prepared too much and here she is playing games. Where the heck is she?
I’ve been standing and walking for a while so I decided to sit down on the elegant couch and waited for Mika a little more. After 30 minutes of waiting, the time is already at 7:10 pm. I’m starting to get scared for myself and for Mika too. Is this some kind of a joke or what? Where is she?
My hands are getting sweaty. I tried to call her but her number is unattended. Wtf? Then my phone beeped…
MIKA: girl I’m so sorry… I went back to our room. Sorrrrryyyyy. I need to get hurry because the party will start at 7:30… Can I get some help? I don’t know how to do my make up. You know I suck at making myself pretty. thank you bestie! ME: You scared me bish… I thought I lost you. Okay… I’ll be there.
When I reached the beach house, I immediately opened the entrance door but the lights are off. Seriously Mika? Pulling pranks?
I was struggling to find the switch when I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. OMG. It’s the scent that makes me shiver and the voice that can make my heart flutter.
Am I just dreaming? Am I? But its the scent and touch that lingers inside my heart.
“Surprise…” he whispered.
“Happy Monthsary….” Jimin blurted out while hugging me from the back more tightly.
“Is this real? Jiminie?’
"No, it’s a wonderful dream… Do you want to continue?” he kissed my neck lovingly.
“I’m afraid to wake up… if this is just a dream.” I mumbled.
There was a long silence and I heard a muffled cry.
“Are you okay?” I carresed his arms around me.
Silence again… I felt his tears trickled on my shoulder…😢
“Mianhae… Mianhae….” he said in between sobs.
“Hey, why are you like that… C'mon baby tell me. You’re scaring me… are you breaking up with me..?”
“No, its not like that… I just remember the times that I hurt you so much, the pains, the neglect… I’m so sorry for everything, Y/N.” his face is resting on the crook of my neck.
“I know, I have been so hard on you before. I sometimes think that I really don’t deserve you, Y/N…”
“Yah… are you stupid? I shouldn’t have accepted you in the first place!” I playfully hit his arms.
“It’s all the past… I’ve already forgiven you. I still believe that everything happens for a reason. And all that had happened before made us together…”
“Is that for real, baby? Thank you…” He still can’t believe it. Jimin is so cute. Omg!
“I promise. So don’t worry anymore. And where the hell is Mika?!” and i also realized that we were confessing in the dark. Lmao.
“Don’t mind her, she’s on her way to Seoul now… So you’re officialy detained here for two days like a prisoner.” then he covered my eyes with his little hands pushing me somewhere, then I felt the sea breeze on my skin… guess he’s leading me on the porch.
“Yah… Jiminie, you basically kidnapped me. I’m going to sue you and Mika. For real.”
“Oh yeah… I’m scared, baby. And Yoongi hyung will be very mad if you do that.” he chuckled.
He let go of my eyes and I was stunned on the beauty on in front me… So romantic. Just like what I wanted… 😍
Candlelight dinner in front of the sea… With flowers scattered all over the veranda. Should I cry right now? Wtf is this. I’m not prepared. Haha.
And here he comes smiling so sweetly holding a bunch of white combined red roses with dried tears on his face.
“I love you…” he mumbled. My heart… My goodness. I’m not supposed to cry but my tears started to fall.
I swiftly ran to his embrace and cried on his chest. “I love you too… Jimin.” I replied with all honesty.
He hugged me back while crying with me. Omg. And he pulled out something on his pocket and he ask me to turn around. As i did, he placed something on my neck, a necklace.
“This is my heart, Y/N…. It’s all yours. Look, I have mine too…” He chuckled as he wiped the tears on my eyes.
His necklace is indeed paired to mine. Oh god, this is so wonderful. How can I ever hate this person?
“Thank you so much, Jimin…” I smiled at him and wiped the tears in on his chubby cheeks.
This is indeed the most beautiful moment of my life.
A/N: who wants to read the continuation? 😂
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