#haalide adaar
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
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save me buff old lady
buff old lady
buff old lady save me
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youcangouge-away · 9 years ago
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
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"And will you be reporting the runaway Saarebas to your superiors like a good little Ben-hassrath?"
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
Elfroot :: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
* throwing a dart at a corkboard *
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Haalide's turn!
Small, Mundane Comforts:
Haalide is not a sentimental person. She was raised under the Qun, after all, so the order of the day is Ruthless Practicality.
However. There is One thing she carries, that she will carry until her death: two halves of a dragon's tooth, set into a pair of amulets, their cords knotted together and tied to her belt. Years ago, her Kadan was a viddathari, an elven convert. When a surface lyrium vein awakened her magic and wiped out her antaam, Haalide went to him first. He tried to convince her to hide, or flee with him, so they could live together; he didn't want to see her bound as Saarebas. But she was loyal; she turned herself in to the Ben-hassrath. Partway through the binding, her Kadan attacked; he thought she'd been captured. The Ben-hassrath killed him. Haalide lashed out, and killed those responsible. She claimed the amulet of Kadan from the body and fled south, not because she was afraid, but because her Kadan had wanted her freedom.
And so she will always carry the amulets. Her Kadan is gone, but never forgotten. If there is anything she holds to give herself strength, to remind herself of her path, to bolster her heart, it is his amulet.
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
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thick as fuck gmilf madame inquisitor
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
list post.
for my ocs. sorry. not canon characters
Sylaira Mahariel: dead & dying trees. single, lost feathers. love lost. suicidality. bonds forged in grief. life lived to the fullest on borrowed time, with acceptance of - longing for - impending death.
Laure Amell: birds. A chick with its wings clipped. the pretty, empty life of a captured songbird. the call of the zugunruhe. the croaking squawk of the carrion crow. Rising wind, and the storms that come with it. determination, competence, confidence, pride, Valor. how many ways can an ego die?
Hahraka Aeducan: [incomplete] The savagery of Nobility as a class. The kindness that nobility might represent. The ignominious death of the Deshyr houses. The havoc that darkspawn wreak not only on a population, but long-term, as a culture.
Danie Hawke: birds again. simple joys and sorrows. loyalty and loneliness. Loyalty and loneliness. [incomplete]
Dominic Hawke: [incomplete]
Mara Hawke: Piety and compassion. [incomplete]
Brendan Hawke: [incomplete]
Asaaranda Adaar: mountains, colorful silks, the bonds of brotherhood. Cliff-climbing goats. Blood and sweat and laughter by the campfire once the battle is won. Shattering stone and your comrade's back against yours.
Haalide Adaar: broken weapons, re-forged sloppier but stronger than before the break. Fire and steel, stone and bone. Ease and assurance that comes with age and experience. Old wounds, old scars. Hurts and secrets buried by time. More than anything, though: forgework, be it forging the Inquisition, forging weapons for the Valo-kas, or forging a new future.
Revallen Lavellan: grief, guilt, fury, responsibility, failure, redemption. Fire and forest. Secret and song. The legacies of the dead and of the living. Curiosity, creativity, laughter, affection. Fathers that love their children. Lessons learned from the dead.
Orathari Lavellan: skill and patience. copper and gold. clever mechanical trinkets. stranglevine and morning mist.
Valovera Lavellan: anger and ambition.
Azimir Ingellvar: black, red, white, gold. cannibalism. brutality hidden under a veneer of gentility and academics.
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
sketch dump. bleeaaaarrgh
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
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funny how my legs fell open all of the sudden
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
yall up? help. haalide sketch.
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
haalide is very fun but her backstory is like.... if i was a published creator with a fanbase i would be torn the fuck apart. but it intrigues me. it's so contradictory and also fucked
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
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Haalide ma'am may I help you adjust your bandeau. please
qunari ladies save me. save me qunari ladies
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attractthecrows · 7 months ago
very fond of making characters that make you go "hey what the fuck"
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attractthecrows · 1 year ago
🚶🏻‍♂️ <- yearning for ocs i never developed
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attractthecrows · 7 months ago
finally finished danie's playthrough of da2 but now im stuck so poll time
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attractthecrows · 8 months ago
passing curiosity. no real lasting anything.
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attractthecrows · 8 years ago
tell us about your inquisitors, i only ever hear about shepard
SWEET OKAYI have 4 that I've spent any time playing or building- 2 Adaars, a Trevelyan, and a Lavellan, tho I do want to play a Cadash eventuallyHaalide Adaar is my favorite, by which I mean she's the one I put the Most Backstory into. She's 48 at the start of inquisition. She's a mage/warrior that was actually born in Par Vollen under the Qun, who fled when her magic manifested when she was about 26. At some point after she joined the mercenaries she picked up a Nevarran apprentice, Lura, and a runt dragonling that she named Judex. Asaaranda Adaar is a two-handed warrior from a family of goatherds and cloth makers- in her canon Adaar silk is known for being exceptionally colorful, and she usually wears sheets of it and wool instead of actual uniforms. The only reason she joined the Valo-Kas is because her little brother wanted to and she wanted to keep him out of it. So she made him promise to take care of their father and went off to be a mercenary.Thalia Trevelyan is also a two-handed warrior. I haven't played her much, but she likes horses and dogs and would be a lot happier in a hut on a lakeshore than at the head of the Inquisition.Revallen Lavellan is also my Favorite, because he's a beautiful asshole. He's a mage. He's got a half-human half-sister named Aiana that stays in ruins and plays music for the spirits, and a corn snake that Aiana named Tak. He loves to dance- the "our world" equivalent of lyrical ballet- and also hoards knowledge like a dragon, so his quarters are basically an extension of the Skyhold archives.I really love my inquisitors, I just have a hard time playing inquisition on my laptop so they don't get much playtime 😢
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