#h50 team as family
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alea-says · 6 months ago
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agentbootyreportingforduty · 5 months ago
OKAY so with full respect and admiration to scott caan for wanting to be with his family more, I do have to admit I just watched an episode where I wanted danny to be involved SO BADLY it’s unreal.
episode 9x14, the h50 team come across annie, an lgbtq+ teen who’s trying to become emancipated from her parents so they don’t forcefully send her away to conversion therapy. and the whole team is so defensive and protective of her and rightfully shaming the parents and I was full on crying hearing all their affirming words. and all I could think of is that if mfing danny williams, father of two, was there in that room he would’ve read those parents to absolute FILTH. he would’ve dragged them so bad. especially with how we see him become extra upset with any cases involving kids being mistreated, like I think he would’ve been so goddamn PISSED. I can fully imagine a scene where those parents look at him in shock at how affected he is, asking how he’s allowed to talk to them that way, still being their stubborn bigoted selves, and even steve wouldn’t hold him back on this because they all agree those parents are absolute assholes. I was imagining a scene similar to lou’s where he questions how the hell someone could do this to their child, parent to parent.
and this isn’t even me wanting danny there in a mcdanno shipper way. it’s just purely me wanting to see the side of the character I love that would have spoken up so loudly for this girl just like he would with grace or charlie or anyone else. god the potential there would’ve been so MWAH CHEF’S KISS it’s crazyyyy.
anyways if you need me i’ll be in the ao3 tag praying there’s some fics like this 🙂‍↕️
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ellena-asg · 2 years ago
@adelaydebclouds 😘
Answering to your tags: yeah, there are two episodes in this crossover. That one from h50 episodes list (2x21) seems to be more popular in our fandom (well, no surprise here cause we all watched h50 and not all watched NCIS or not all knew about the second part of Touch of death - though if I remember correctly there was some info in the end of Hawaiian part that the case would be continued in NCIS 🤔). You mentioned that you haven't seen NCIS part (3x21) yet so, huh, please let me recommend it to you 😉 Oh come on, there's Danny. And Chino. And there's a tiny moment about Danny's poor/bad life with Rachel/her family 😢 And there's Hetty and her interaction with Danny (it's hilarious, by the way! 😂). And it's generally funny to watch whole NCIS team interacting with our Five-0 😊
Touch of death (h50 2x21 & NCIS LA 3x21 crossover episodes) and... Three times when Danny Williams felt like a suspect 😉
I. Steve is in Japan, Danny is in Steve's house, Chin comes and...
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Don't look at Danny like that, Chin. And please, don't be too curious. Leave it, man. You just have to believe that he has a... a... um... a key. Cause he was crashing there, you know. And don't even try to ask what Danny means by "crashing" (there with Steve).
Danny: *Phew! He changed the topic, good. My alibi is strong*
Chin: *chuckling mentally*
II. Danny is calling Sam Hanna, he needs his help so he says "I'm detective Danny Williams from Five-0 blah blah blah" and then...
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A friend of mine. A colleague. A Seal/cop guy who works with me in the same team. Non-stranger. Fellow human being... You know, um, McGarrett...
aka: What to call Steve so Sam won't think that Danny is head over heels in love with Steve.
Danny: *Phew! Good that I added "a colleague" word*
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Sam: *trying not to laugh maniacally* *oh yeah, detective Williams, I know McGarrett but I didn't know that he's got a boyfriend* *winking mentally*
III. The Five-O/NCIS case is solved. Danny, Chin and NCIS team are at NCIS' HQ. They're joking and talking, they need some beer and shower blah blah blah. And then there's... this:
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No, uh... You know, we left Kono there. She's alone. She can't fight with all Hawaiian crime alone, right? And Monkey misses me and um...
Danny: *Phew! My alibis are the best*
NCIS team: *Geez, it must be a Very Hot Date* *chuckling mentally*
Chin, also mentally: *Hot date? Not yet! But he desperately needs to be in Hawaii as soon as possible. Cause, you know guys, his future(?) boyfriend Steve McGarrett is in Japan and Danny needs to be in Hawaii to wait for him! And you know, there is a lady, Catherine, she, huh, she's often around Danny's boyfriend when Danny isn't there so you know... DANNY REALLY NEEDS TO COME BACK*
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bisexualstokes-archive · 6 years ago
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dannomode · 8 years ago
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The unstoppable team... 🎬🔝
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shittykawagirl97 · 4 years ago
No one but Steve and Danny are shocked.
Like, they hear one of the kids swears for the first time and they are all: "I'm ShOoKeD, WhO tEaChEd YoU tHat?!"
I think the first one they hear is Grace near season 6 or 7. Maybe she was sick, had skipped a couple of day of school, and found out she that one of her friend forgot to tell her that they have a paper due to monday.
She found out through the class chat while she's at Steve, bathing in the sun whit Steve and Danny bickering as a general background. Suddenly she jumps up, blurting "G*d f**king d**n it!" really loudly.
And Danny and Steve just stop, because WHAT?; they're so shocked that they can't say a thing before she disappears inside the house to do her homework.
The second one is Nahele.
He's serving them at Kamekona's when a person bumps into him and he spills one of the team's beer all over the table.
There's a moment of silence and: "Son of a b***h!".
Then Nahele understands what he just exclaimed and he looks at Steve and Danny really afraid to have done something bad. But the two man are just watching him with an open mouth, totally shocked, while Kono is wailing with laughter.
Lou is the first to comment of handily: "That, my friends, is all on you two".
Charlie is probably the more shocking of the three because by the time he came into Steve and Danny lives he was already three and they were better at keeping the swear to a minimum near underages.
So, for them, it really came to a shock when a fifteen Charlie came home to Danny and Steve after baseball practice shouting something on the line of: "That fu**ing b**ch had one job to do! One bl**dy job! That motherf***er!".
And at Danny's question: "Where did you pick that up?", Charlie looks at them like they had just grown a second head each and answer truthfully: "What did you mean, Danno? You and Dad always talk like this!"
Two weeks after that incident, Danny and Steve recieve a call from an angry Rachel because Grace and Charlie had a screaming match over the TV controller and half the time they were swearing.
Considering Steve’s a sailor and Danny’s from Jersey, it’s really surprising to people that the kids don’t swear as much as their dads. 
(Or if they do as they get older, no one’s really shocked.)
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100hearteyes · 3 years ago
Hi sorry to pop into your inbox but I feel like you're the forefront of the NCIS HI fandom here and I have been fixated on this theory and wanted to share it with someone - basically I've been obsessed w this H50 fic for years (https://archiveofourown.org/works/375841) and the gist is the one guy who doesn't like the ocean gets thrown out of a helicopter and has to swim for hours while his partner who surfs and loves the ocean has to find him. And I've been FIXATING on this happening for Kacy after all the talk of Lucy hating the ocean, and swimming, and Kate telling Tennant she'd want her looking for her lost loved one, and I'm extremely late to fandom news so I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT SURFER KATE AND IT JUST PLAYS INTO MY IDEA OF HOW THIS COULD GO - like Lucy somehow getting stranded in the ocean and having to face her fears cuz she wants to come back to her family so she can't drown meanwhile the whole team is going crazy and Kate like, jumps out of the helicopter when they finally find Lucy and swims to her rescue CUZ SHE'S A SURFER anyways I'm gonna go curl up in a corner like a feral cat cuz I can't handle it. Lots of love!
Hi there! First off, I'm not the forefront of anything 😅 blogs like @hatchetation @theoppositeofhero @mangeur-detoiles @binary-not-found @littlesolo been here WAY longer than I have and producing great content. Everybody should go follow them now.
That said-- OH MY GOD YES. Something went terribly wrong on a mission and Lucy ends up stranded in the middle of the ocean. And yes, she can swim (if you can call her grotesque mix of front crawl, breakstroke, and off-tilt dog paddling 'swimming'), but she hates it and is terrible, horrible, no good, very bad at it.
And the team is just- fRANTIcaLLY looking for her, and Kate is ~on the verge of a breakdown, and like you said, when they finally find her? As soon as the helicopter is within jumping distance of the water she just LAUNCHES into the sea and into a frantic (but very correct, efficient, all-around sexy) swim towards Lucy.
They meet in the middle (well... lesbihonest, Kate makes way a lot faster than Lucy, so like, they meet at 30-70 of the way), and the first thing Kate does is wrap Lucy in a bulky life jacket, then hug her tight, because she thought she'd never see her again (Kate is a little bit dramatic), and then kiss her. Lucy lets her and meets her halfway, because she, too, thought she wouldn't survive her greatest fear, and to meet the face of the woman you love - the eyes that kept her moving, the smile that kept her swimming - at the end of the tunnel is just... overwhelming, but in the best possible way.
Kate helps take Lucy back to the helicopter, where she's immediately wrapped in blankets, cheers from the whole team, and a big bro dad hug from Jesse. She tells them she's fine, now, and maybe cracks a small joke, but they can see it in her eyes, how terrifying the experience was and how tired she is. They can also see how her eyes keep finding Kate, relief and gratitude written in them - and oh so much love.
After the initial thrill, Kate and Lucy retire to a corner, both boneless - physically and emotionally. They just sit there, hands linked, Lucy's head on Kate's shoulder, in their own little world. A welcome reprieve from the rollercoaster of the rest of the day. No words are needed; the physical contact, each other's warm presence, their mingling breaths are enough. It's quiet and it's comforting.
Lucy only lets Kate's hand go when they get off the helicopter. Hours later, she's holding it again - they're in bed, cuddling, each reliving the events of the day and holding just a bit tighter when they remember what they could have lost.
Well, now I'm gonna go curl up in a corner too.
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teruel-a-witch · 3 years ago
Hi, H50 for the ship ask thingy? 😉
Hee, how unexpected 😉 (heey *waves*)
Hawai'i Five-0
(bear in mind I've only seen up to 6.08 so some of the opinions are subject to change)
otp: Steve/Danny aka McDanno (they have completely taken over my life in the past three months which I'm totally not obvious about, nope, lol)
favourite canon pairing: McDanno and Steve/cats (both canon whatever do you mean)
worst pairing ever: in a shocking twist to nobody, Steve/Cath aka McRollins (poorly written, poorly developed, nothing but a heterosexual smokescreen, relies on tell not show, reads like 100% comphet on both sides because of forcefulness and abysmal lack of chemistry, it's a lavender relationship to me and taking it seriously would be doing the work of h50 writers for them) also the h50 writers/treatment of female characters (if I started ranting about that I'd never stop lmao)
guilty pleasure pairing: Catherine/Kono and Kono/Lauri (purely for the aesthetic because unfortunately they didn't get to develop much of a relationship at all, I wonder how many episodes would even pass the Bechdel test) and Steve/Freddie Hart (it's very sad and also my mcdanno heart doesn't like sharing)
a pairing you want to see more: Kono/more screentime and storylines that don't revolve around her relationship with Adam (a pipe dream right? *sigh*), Chin/more central storylines/not just his dead wife's family drama, Danny/more screentime and something interesting to do, a TV special in which McDanno reunite and grow old together :p
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: I didn't think anyone could ship McRollins but apparently it was kinda popular back in the day? Also not a huge fan of Kono/Adam, nothing against individual characters, but since it started that has been the only storyline Kono got to be a part of for 4 seasons <_<
favorite non-romantic pair: team ohana (especially the core four ♥️), Steve and Chin, Chin and Kono, Kono and Danny, Kono and Steve, Steve and Nahele, Danny and Grace, Uncle Steve Grace and Danno family and Cath and Steve as lesbian/gay solidarity (I don't care if that only exists in my mind :p jokes aside they actually make so much more sense as bros)
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itwoodbeprefect · 4 years ago
Hi! Since youre into sga again how do you think mcshep would be in a h50 au or as steve and danny?
fjdkfd honestly, i think merging those two that way around (transplanting john and rodney into the h50 universe, rather than steve and danny into the sga one) would be a lot harder than it sounds. the h50 world is... fairly nondescript? its big draw as a show was undeniably the characters, so swapping those out changes a lot of the details that actually made the show what it is.
if we are going for it, however, i think the obvious choice would be to try a john-as-steve and rodney-as-danny approach, except john wouldn't be john if he were a highly decorated superseal with a spotless record and rodney wouldn't be rodney if he had a kid to care about and prove from the getgo that he's not as selfish as he appears, so... we could hide that, for a little? or, and bear with me here! we could do something a little unorthodox and make it rodney-as-steve and john-as-danny instead, which i think would overall be a MUCH better fit.
like, rodney is a brilliant scientist who returns to the island where he grew up after many years because his father was killed; john is an unwilling transplant cop from the mainland who followed his ex-wife (which he canonically has!) and their little daughter (which he doesn't, but if he DID, you can't tell me he wouldn't blow up his own life and move to a place he hates to try to stick close to her). i think that particularly for john this works a lot better: his captain and the other detectives don't think much of him (like colonel sumner), he hates hawaii and how sweaty and crowded by tourists every single bit of honolulu is (remember that he LIKED antarctica), and he lives in really awful one room apartments because the divorce, custody proceedings and move across the country ate up all of his savings, but he DOES still own a very expensive very pretty very fast car, because of course he does.
rodney is maybe a little more tricky, but i think we could make it work, especially if we draw a little vegas!rodney into it, perhaps. he's done well for himself, he has a bunch of awards and hops from place to place working on very secret projects (for the us military, potentially, if we want to keep that aspect), and then he hears his dad with whom he has a very complicated relationship is dead, so he returns to oahu where the governor personally greets him and is like, hey, you have a very unique skillset, want a job on my new special taskforce fighting major crime? and he goes nope, and then he runs into john in his father's garage, makes a call while john is pulling strange annoyed faces in the background, and suddenly they're putting together a team. rodney doesn't know chin from their football days, but from chin playing in the school band (which he did, iirc!); chin can still draw in kono, etc. obviously jeannie is mary, but i think jeannie could still bring the same chaos while nonetheless being married and having a kid (there HAS to be a scene in which she and john bond over Being Parents and she HAS to be surprised when she sees rodney be very gentle and sweet with john's kid), and i feel like it's important to note that catherine's role does NOT go to sam (because that would be weird and would only happen if rodney were the one writing this au), but to jennifer, who also gets a little of her vegas personality probably. especially the bit where in that episode she acts as an ME, because that would work very well for what is now essentially a cop au - she's the person that gets called in if they have a very weird body.
and yeah, uh. there's probably more "borrowing" of kamekona's helicopter in this version, because john can never resist. it's a little less clear who's actually leading this taskforce, because officially it's rodney but he definitely needs john to reign him in sometimes, which honestly, might just be another way this configuration fits the steve-and-danny dynamic well. i realize that i kept chin and kono and then replaced the other characters with faces from sga, so if we want to fill out the cast: i propose another swap from the first thing you'd think of if you had to put ronon and teyla into those two positions. teyla is chin, wise and ruthless and devastatingly beautiful, and ronon is kono, the looks-like-an-actual-model newbie who used to be a professional surfer and stuck with teyla when she was accused of corruption and all of her family (the athosians!) turned on her. (they still meet him on the beach as he punches a guy for stealing his wave, and john still has his mouth hanging open a little.) also! carson is max, of course. instead of dressing up as keanu reeves characters for halloween he dresses up as scottish folk heroes.
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alea-says · 10 months ago
Fic Planning - H50 / 911 Crossover
Creating a post for bouncing H50/911 crossover ideas...
The main problem I have here, is that I have *so many* different ideas on how these two shows could crossover. Because I have so many ideas, I am also interested in what others find most intriguing.
Oh, also putting at the beginning: I am a McDanno and Buddie shipper, so anything I write will likely go that route.
Various thoughts on how the characters could meet:
While Buck was wandering around during his traveling years, he ended up in Newark in winter. Detective Danny Williams wasn't going to let Buck (at that time known as Evan) to sleep in his car
The typical - Buck meets Steve at BUD/S or, Buck actually became a SEAL and met Steve that way
Eddie met Steve while both were serving
The complicated: Buck was a SEAL. But he doesn't know this. Buck's last mission as a SEAL left him with memory-loss. For some reason, the higher-ups decided that it was best to not try and get Buck's memory back. Seeing as he remembered BUD/S but nothing after, they told him he was in a car accident, that he's been drifting around traveling (to explain any memories he may have of different countries, etc), and he rang out of BUD/S years ago. Buck believes them. So when he tells Bobby he rang out, he believes that to be true. Meanwhile, Buck's SEAL team get told he died. So Steve, thinks Buck is dead. Until one day when he sees Buck on the news... which could be any of a number of times - ladder truck, the well, aftermath of the tsunami, the shooting, etc
Various times at which the shows could crossover / a fic be set:
After the ladder truck bombing - Buck still has either Danny or Steve (depending on who he's already met) listed as his medical proxy. Hand-wavy with medical stuff as I don't know how it works in the US, but maybe his earlier injuries on the job weren't enough to need more than his emergency contact. This time, with medical decisions needing to be made while Buck can't make those decisions, they have to make the call.
As an alternative to the lawsuit - after finding out Bobby is holding him back, Buck gets a call (from either Danny or Steve), and ends up confessing what is going on. He then gets invited to Hawaii for a bit. Thinks, why not, seeing as he's not being allowed to work anyway.
Fight-ring era. Eddie knows he needs to get out of the fighting, but also that he may be in deeper than he'd thought. So he rings an old friend to help him get out and keep his family safe.
the tsunami - the same day Buck and Chris are at the Pier, so are Steve and Grace (hand-waving timelines here). After Buck loses Chris and while he's looking for him, he comes across Grace. Who has been split up from her Uncle Steve. Meanwhile, Steve finds Chris. For this one, the characters have not necessarily met before.
Eddie's breakdown. Eddie finds out all those he saved have since died. Meanwhile, one of those who died did so in Hawaii and Five-0 investigate. Turns out the deaths maybe aren't so accidental after all. So they have to try and contact the last remaining survivor before he becomes another victim. (Alternatively, they could stop the killer before *all* of those Eddie saves dies)
and I could keep going... so many thoughts...
(@bybobbysbeard @mayberrycryptid @dielgonacoffee thank you for your interest in helping bounce ideas and please let me know if you know of an easier way to do this)
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ilikemcdanno · 3 years ago
I recon there would be SOME overlap going from Navy Intel to detectve work but I also like to think that Steve's love for science probably helped him out in the forensics side too. -Beast
Steve the science guy!!
Honestly watching h50 has made me wanna learn more about forensics. As much as I wanna say “I want to be like the team” no. I kinda wanna be like Max and help the people who do the detective stuff.
Also thank you, beast. I genuinely was wondering, and I wanted at least an opinion or two. I kinda figured there were some things Steve knows about that helps him be a cop, but I’m sure there might’ve been learning curves. Especially - now that i think of it - the more emotional stuff could of been harder? Breaking the news to the victim’s families and such. Maybe that was a little bit new to Steve.
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katiecomma · 4 years ago
Fandom details for...h5o?
the first character i ever fell in love with: Kono when she punched that guy in the face on the beach. I was like: this is the girl for me.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Lou. When Lou started on the show I liked that he was this guy trying to move on from something. Trying to change his life and start over. And he was very different from the rest of the team, which is nice. I even liked when they went back to the stuff that had happened to him before in Chicago... but they turned Lou into a joke. He became over-the-top dad jokes and just... bad plot lines. Honestly, that episode in one of the last seasons where it was so hot... and Lou was out on the golf course and gave the caddy heat stroke because he wouldn’t let him go inside... WTF WAS THAT?!
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: So... I still like the ship if I can rewrite canon... but for obvious reasons I hate what they did with Kono/Adam. I still love the idea of them together, but they ruined it in canon. Otherwise I’m not the kind of person who changes their mind on a ship usually... so I don’t have any in this show.
my ultimate favourite character™: Danny Williams. I love everything about him. Sassiness. Stature. Devotion. Everything.
prettiest character: I think we can all agree that Chin Ho Kelly is the prettiest character in any season of H50.
my most hated character: Doris of course.
my OTP: McDanno
my NOTP: McRollins or Danny/Rachel - I’ve ranted about this SOOO many times... but these relationships are unhealthy. I love Catherine as a character but her and Steve are bad for each other. Steve treated her like a doormat the entire time they were together, and she left him when he was relying on her several times. They’re bad for each other. And Danny/Rachel - no. She lied to him about Charlie. He would never forgive her for that.
favourite episode: Honestly, probably the Sarin episode from S1. That moment in Danny’s hospital room... when Steve’s all: You’re lookin’ good... like... that was the moment I was 100% committed to the ship. I shipped them before that moment... but that moment was my: OK, they’re actually in love... moment. S1E23
saddest death: Joe - I couldn’t believe they killed Joe. I bawled my face off.
favourite season: Probably S1 - solid all the way through. Good plots. Good episodes. Loved the characterization of everyone. Building up the team. Found family vibes. I could have done without the Danny/Rachel stuff... but otherwise good season.
least favourite season: Probably S10 - I just... I didn’t like the end. Even setting aside my McDanno shipping glasses... it didn’t make sense to me... and there was a lot I just didn’t like. I can’t get specific cause it was just a general vibe. Maybe because everyone knew it was coming to an end?... I don’t know... 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I never cared for Jerry. I don’t hate him... just... everyone seems to really like Jerry... but he just... I don’t know I just never cared for him. Hate is a strong word though. I don’t hate him. But I don’t think there’s anyone in this series I hate. Except Lou, and he’s never struck me as a fan favourite.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Jenna Kaye - she really fucked them over and did some terrible things. But I love her a lot and I kinda ship her and Steve a little. Although I like that they never went there in the show and had the shield of her “maybe alive fiance” to keep it from going there... but I still ship them a teensy bit.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Kono Kalakaua - girl deserved better. So much better. I love what they did with her while she was on the show. But I HATED what they did with her character off screen after she left.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I don’t have one in this fandom. But I don’t really ship much outside of McDanno in this fandom.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: I ship Quinn/Catherine... but they’ve never interacted... and although I had plans to write them a fic, I still haven’t... they just hang out in my head being military girls in love.
Thanks for the ask!!! I love these!!!
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redgoldblue · 2 years ago
[@itwoodbeprefect submitted:] showing up late with starbucks etc for the wip tag game: can i. can i say 1, 2 AND 7 for h50? because i was going to say 1 and 2 from the things that hadn’t been picked yet and then i saw 7. (and also. if you want to. i’d love to hear anything at all about huggy & pete!)
me? turn down an opportunity to talk about my wips? it’s even less likely than you’d think (also tbf i very much did also send you four so. fair turnaround)
Spinning Faster Than The Plane That Took You (I Don’t Want To Miss You Like This)
You’d expect this to be post-Aloha, wouldn’t you? but ha! it’s not! tricked and fooled! it’s intra-Ka I'o, which is a far more depressing place to be. Basically there’s this one very very brief shot of Danny, when he first hears Steve’s voice over the phone after he’s been dark in Mexico for months - this one - and the sheer emotion Scott Caan conveyed in those three seconds pushed me into writing an entire ficlet of Danny’s POV on those months. it’s. well let’s be honest it’s sad and one of those fics that comes out of the woodwork to challenge my assertion that I don’t write angst. But we all know that plotline ends in hotel-bed sharing h/c (…as I’ve already written) so it’s okay. also i know i said they were all / in the heading but there’s actually a decent chance this will be one of my trademark ‘could be & or / shrug emoji up to you’ specials.
Danny usually changes his phone background pretty regularly, cycling through new and old photos of his kids with occasional cameos from other family and/or ohana members. When Steve left, it had been a shot of Grace teaching Charlie to balance on a surfboard at the edge of Steve’s beach, with Steve in his stupid low-slung swim shorts hovering just out of arm’s reach watching them. It stays as that for one week, two weeks, a month, two months and more. Until Danny’s pushing down the feeling that it might be an ‘in memoriam’ photo every time his phone lights up, and still can’t bring himself to change it, because what if the next time it lights up with news that Steve’s safe? What if keeping this moment of Steve at his most antithetical to whatever it is he’s doing right now – soft and happy and paternal, with sandburn the greatest danger in mind; but simultaneously with a stance borne from exactly the same instinct that drove him to Mexico in the first place – concern for and protection of his family, whether necessary or deserved or neither –  what if that’s somehow the only thing reaching across the miles between them and tying Steve to life? It’s a stupid thought, and Danny should know better by now than to tie his anxiety to stupid superstitions, but any time he’s clicked into his photos he’s just been presented with the absence of Steve from the last months. The absence of any photos from the last months, really, apart from a couple of Charlie, because when you spend your days working and your nights trying to stop yourself from falling back into a bottle and from there into a pattern of alcoholism you thought you’d left behind ten years ago, there’s not a lot of photo opportunities.
(Four) Seasons of Love
Okay, this one is a lot more usual fare. I haven’t worked on it for a while bc state of disrepair’s been taking up the longh50fic portion of my brain but I will go back to it eventually bc. undercover as honeymooners! they’re undercover as honeymooners! at a resort! to catch a husband-wife jewel thief team! Steve comes into it going 'oh, this is the perfect opportunity to push one of us (Danny) into some kind of action on the thing we both obviously know about but won’t admit (that we’re in love with each other)’ while Danny, who’s POV, spends the entire time going 'why is Steve being so absolutely painful in aggravating my definitely unrequited love/lust that he definitely doesn’t know about’ until Steve finally breaks and calls him an idiot. There’s a creepy fish lamp (which is a real thing in the actual Four Seasons Lanai suites, where they are) that Danny instantly develops a grudge against.
“The point is-” Danny said, and was about to hit Steve in the chest with the back of his hand to emphasise said point when, in rapid succession, three things happened: the boat hit an outlandishly large wave, Danny lost his footing and almost his champagne, and Steve’s quick reflexes and occasional chivalrous instincts kicked in. The combined result of which was that all of a sudden Steve was holding two champagne flutes with one hand and Danny with the other.
Well, that was a slightly unfair description. Steve’s hand was on Danny, specifically on his lower back, but he was also using his entire arm and somehow most of his torso to hold him.
Meaning Danny was essentially plastered against Steve.
And, this being a reciprocal relationship, Steve was plastered against Danny.
And if anything, the hand on his back seemed to be pressing him even closer.
 Behind them, someone let out an ‘aww’, and Steve’s expression twisted up into something that was half-smirk and half-fond grin. He held the champagne flutes out to Danny, and Danny took them numbly and without protest, because his brain was spending all its focus telling his body not to react to having Steve pressed against him through what he was rapidly realising had to be the world’s thinnest t-shirt.
Doing anything without protest was a mistake when it came to Steve. Danny was reminded of this fact when the next thing Steve did with his now-free hand was raise it to Danny’s face, lean down, and kiss him.
The Irritating, Annoying, Infuriating, (Effective) Seduction Techniques of One Steven J. McGarrett
Okay, so this one was directly inspired by Deus Ex Girlfriend sending me round the bend, and doesn’t currently have much other than the title and what-will-end-up-as-the-blurb actually written down, but it’s on the back burner of my mind as a Fun Easy one to fill up one of my Fun Easy slots next year. it starts out with Danny accidentally getting Steve to taste pasta sauce off Danny’s fingers and ends up with Steve hand-feeding Danny Indian takeaway because like I said Deus Ex Girlfriend drove me insane. the aforementioned blurb:
Danny manages to gather enough breath to ask, “How…?”
“Oh, it’s good, Danny,” Steve husks, low in the back of his throat, maintaining steady eye contact.
He definitely wasn’t talking about the sauce.
Steve didn’t actually get nicknamed 'Smooth Dog’ for nothing.
Huggy & Pete
my best friends Huggy and Pete…. Pete starts fairly unobtrusively hanging around the Pits every afternoon, and Huggy’s like… okay. sure. guess I’m babysitting now. and then notices that Pete seems to be taking specifically a lot of interest in the queer denizens of the Pits, and goes 'ah. okay. I’m queersitting’. Eventually Pete comes out as nb to Huggy before anyone else. Basically this is just an excuse for me to write a) genderqueer Pete and b) Aunty Huggy Bear and his Known Queer Safe Space The Pits
“Who’s that?”
Huggy follows her gaze to the corner booth, where a stocky woman in straight jeans and a collared shirt with an open-to-closed button ratio to rival any of Starsky’s is sitting. She’s got one arm flung out along the back of the seat and the other around the curvaceous, dark-haired lady sitting close enough to in her lap that her flared skirt is draping over both their legs. “That’s Bertha,” he tells Pete with a deliberate blandness. “And her girlfriend, Andi.” He doesn’t really expect a bad reaction from a kid with Pete’s fashion - and nickname - tastes, who spends half their time around Starsky and Hutch and who clearly came to the Pits with some kinda crisis of her own, but Hug hadn’t got where he’d got by not being careful. He didn’t get where he’d got with bad instincts, neither, which was backed up well enough when Pete’s response was a breathy, “She’s so cool.”
(also, just for you:)
“Ugh. My guinea pig never has to think about this stuff.”
Huggy still wasn’t sure precisely what the stuff in question was, but that’d play out eventually. Meantimes, “You have a guinea pig?”
Pete looked up at him, brightening slightly. “Yeah. Uncle Starsky gave her to me. He’d called her Louise, but that was a stupid name. She’s called Flamer now.”
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bgharison · 5 years ago
Nincompoop -- an H50 Fix-it coda 10.22
Prompt from @rijariz
So I really want Danny to say "I told you not to make me come looking for you, you stubborn Ass. But before we go back I have some conditions. No exes, no mysteries, and no more 3 letter agencies please!!!"
Thanks for the prompt!!  This was written kind of quickly, un-beta’d, and I might polish it later, but I hope it does service to your wonderful idea.  I ended up splitting up Danny’s dialogue, but I think it worked.  :-)  
“Danny,” Steve sighed, closing his eyes and gripping the phone tight.  “It’s good to hear your voice.”
“I almost didn’t answer; I didn’t recognize this number,” Danny said.  “Not that I mind -- texting is fun and all, but yeah, it’s . . . it’s good to hear your voice, too.  This your new number?  The team will want --”
“I’m calling from a payphone.  It’s -- “ he stopped.  “I started thinking, maybe I shouldn’t keep in touch.”
Danny was silent.  Steve could feel the hurt and betrayal from thousands of miles away.
“We still don’t know if the threat is over, there could be more . . . I can’t do this, Danny, I can’t keep putting people I love in danger.”
“Steven.  Don’t do this.  You plunge yourself into that hole of guilt . . . you go too deep, there’s no coming back.”
Now Steve fell silent.  He had promised to come back, but maybe it was safer if he didn’t.
“Steve?  Steven!”
“I love you, Danny.  Take good care of Eddie for me.”  He hung up the phone before he could change his mind; before his emotions betrayed him.
Danny slowly thumbed the call off his phone screen, then pulled up another contact and pressed call.
“Yeah, Catherine?  I’m gonna need Steve’s location.  It’s time to bring our boy home.”
Danny pulled the scarf up around his neck, hunched against the wind and a few determined pellets of freezing rain, as he made his way to the rental car building.  The inconveniences of flying in to a small airport, he supposed.  
The Jeep he’d requested was fueled up and ready for him.  He tossed his bag into the passenger seat as he climbed in, wincing a bit.  He hadn’t been back to driving for very long, and the flight had already stiffened his healing muscles.  At least the bruising was completely gone.  It had been weeks before Tani could look at him without tears.  
The freezing rain quickly gave over to snow, making the drive even more peaceful.  He thought nothing of the conditions.  Montana snow was still easier than Jersey ice.  
He wasn’t surprised to see Steve on the porch as he pulled up to Joe’s ranch.  He wondered if there was ever -- would ever -- be a time that Steve wasn’t hyper-aware of his surroundings.  He wondered the same for himself, now, as he pulled himself carefully, stiffly, out of the driver’s seat. 
"I told you not to make me come looking for you, you stubborn ass."
“I wouldn’t have thought you’d look for me here,” Steve said, pulling a blanket tighter around his shoulders.  
“Yeah, for someone who needed to get away from memories . . . you picked a weird place for that,” Danny said.  He studied Steve, taking in his appearance.  His cheeks looked a bit pinched under  his thick, soft beard, but his beard was trimmed, his eyes clear.  Danny had seen worse.  He snorted as he took in Steve’s bare feet.
“Must be slipping if you could track me,” Steve said.  “Or was it a lucky guess?”
“You gonna let me come in, or you gonna get frostbite on your toes?”
Steve smiled at him then, genuine and full of affection.  Danny felt relief wash over him.  
“Get in here, Danno.”  Steve held his arms open, and in a few steps, Danny felt himself wrapped tight, cocooned with Steve in the warmth of the blanket.
“I can’t believe you low-jacked me,” Steve said, but he was grinning.  
“Catherine said she’d tag the one thing you’d never ditch.”
“My Sig?”
“The picture of Grace and Charlie, actually,” Danny said.  He raised his eyes to look into Steve’s.
Steve’s breath caught.  “I love them.  That’s why I can’t come back, Danny.  She knew, she knew exactly how to get to me, how to hurt me the most -- I almost lost you.  What if it’s not over?  Hell, what if someone else I took down decides to come after me?  What if they go after the kids?”  He stood up abruptly and walked to the fireplace.  Resting his hand on the mantel, he turned his back to Danny.
Steve flinched when Danny rested a hand on his back.  “Turn around and look at me,” Danny said softly.
Steve turned, reluctantly, and even with his head ducked down, Danny could see tears threatening to well over.
“Steve.  You remember the last time I got shot?  Did that have anything to do with you?”
Steve shook his head.
“No.  That was one of my old cases.  That guy could have decided to go after the kids.  Thank God he didn’t.  But Petterson did, remember?  He took Gracie.  You’re not the only one who’s made enemies in their line of work, Steven.  I have, too.  Your dad did.  Your mom.  And Joe.  But you have something they didn’t, Steve, you have a family.  An ohana.  You taught me that -- you gave me that.  And now, instead of turning to that family for comfort -- comfort we all needed -- you ran.”
“I’m exhausted, Danny, like never before.  I thought, getting away, getting some space, would . . . and then I almost lost you, because of a vendetta against me and I thought -- I wanted to get as far away as I could, before anyone else got hurt.  I didn’t want to risk hurting the team any more by staying.”
“You hurt us by leaving,” Danny said softly.  “You hurt me, leaving.”
“Danny, I’m so sorry,” Steve said.  “I should have been there for you.”
“Did leaving help?  Has some space and distance helped you, Steve?”
Steve shook his head, the tears finally spilling over.  “No,” he rasped.  “God, no.”
Danny pulled him into his arms, Steve tucking his face into his uninjured shoulder.  Danny could feel a few hot tears splash onto his neck.
“You needed a vacation and instead chose an exile,” Danny said, rubbing Steve’s back.  “Nincompoop.”
Steve chuckled and held Danny tighter.
“I’m pretty sure we’re both exhausted,” Danny said.  “Come on, let’s get some rest.  Then we’ll talk.”
It seemed the most natural thing in the world to follow Steve down the hall and into the bedroom he was using.  Steve shucked off his jeans and pulled on a pair of soft, faded flannel pants.
“My bag’s still in the Jeep,” Danny said, but he was already unbuttoning his jeans and flannel shirt.  Steve reached into a drawer and pulled out a similar pair of flannel pants and tossed them to Danny.  It was easy enough for him to shed his jeans, but he winced as he tried to ease his arms out of his shirt.
“Let me help,” Steve murmured.  He gently, carefully slipped the shirt off Danny’s broad shoulders and tossed it aside.  His fingers traced carefully over Danny’s black t-shirt, where he knew the bullet wound was, feeling the small bandage still present.  “It’s healing?”
“Yeah, Steve.  It’s healing just fine.”  Danny pulled on the flannel pants, shooting a glare at Steve’s smirk when he rolled the hem up.  “Shut up and gimme some socks, would’ja?”
The bed was soft, the fluffy quilts just the right weight, and Steve’s shoulder the perfect fit.  This was different than sharing the bed in DC.  There was no hesitancy, no caution.  DC had been about efficiency and Steve’s raw anguish.  This . . . this was mutual exhaustion and mutual comfort. 
“I shouldn’t have left,” Steve said, rubbing his fingers absently over Danny’s bicep.  “You were already living in my house, this should have happened a while ago.”
“Well.  Technically, nothing’s happened yet,” Danny said.  He thought they were on the same page, done with fighting this thing between them, but what if --
His thought was cut off by Steve leaning up and over, pressing his lips to Danny’s in a soft, sweet, lingering kiss.
“There.  Now, technically something has happened.”
“Can I hope for more to happen?” Danny asked.  He couldn’t keep the grin off his face if he tried, but Steve looked solemn.
“If you can forgive me,” he said quietly.  “And if you can’t, I’ll understand.”
“Goof,” Danny said, wrapping his hand around the back of Steve’s neck and pulling him down for a kiss, one that was not quite as soft, or sweet.  “Steve.  I do forgive you.  Yeah, it hurt but . . . I know you were trying to do what  you needed to do, to protect us.  But next time, listen, hunh?  When you get wrapped up inside your head and feel like you need to run, listen when I ask you to stay, yeah?”
Danny woke slowly, the smell of coffee and bacon drifting in from the kitchen.  He sat up in bed, stretching out his stiff shoulder, and stopped in surprise at the sight of Steve’s bag, open and mostly packed at the end of the bed.  He slipped out of bed and padded toward the kitchen, careful not to trip on the too-long pajama pants.
Steve grinned and poured a second mug of coffee, holding it out to Danny.
Danny accepted it and took a grateful sip.  “Your bag is almost packed.”
“Good work, detective.”
“You thinking of running away some more?”
“Thinking of running home,” Steve said slowly. “With you.  For good -- no running; not me, not you.”
Danny pretended to think it over. “Okay.  But before we go back I have some conditions.”
“Okay,” Steve said cautiously.
“No exes, no mysteries and no more 3 letter agencies please!!!"
“Danny, you have to know, Catherine wasn’t --” Steve started earnestly.
Danny held up a hand to interrupt him.  “Babe, I know.  I, ah, might have been the one to suggest Catherine get you through the first leg of your little expedition.  She told me, it’s not that way between the two of you . . . explained it when we were talking about putting that locator on you.  I don’t just mean Catherine.  No more Lyns, or Ambers, or Brookes . . . no more half-assed attempts to convince ourselves that there’s anyone else for us but each other.”
Steve nodded enthusiastically.
“And for the love of God, Steven -- I don’t care who comes with an envelope or a message from the beyond -- no more.  Stop letting your past hurt you.  You’re not responsible for the choices of your parents.  You don’t owe them anything.  You don’t owe the CIA or the NSA or any other alphabet a damn thing.”  Danny didn’t try to keep the anger out of his voice.
“The Navy?” Steve asked quietly.
Danny heart skipped a beat.  “You’d give it up?”
“For you.”
“Babe.  Asking you not to love the Navy, to cut yourself off from your fellow sailors . . . God, your brothers . . . no.  No way.  But no crazy stunts!  No more jumping in with Junior on crazy missions!”
“I’ll ask you first, I promise,” Steve said, grinning.
“Ask -- first --  no, no, Steven, that is not --”  Danny stopped, narrowing his eyes at Steve.  “You’re joking.”
Steve shrugged.  “Mostly.”  He turned back to the stove and cracked some eggs into a skillet.
“So?”  Danny asked.  Steve looked back at him over his shoulder.
“So, what?”
“So, do you agree to my conditions?”
“Yes, Danny,” Steve said, rolling his eyes.  “Yes, I agree to your terms, I accept your conditions, nag, nag -- here.  Eat your breakfast.  We need to get to the airport, catch the next plane out.”
Danny took a bite of perfect scrambled eggs and moaned softly.  Steve raised his eyebrows and gave him a heated glance.
“I never even got my bag out of the car,” Danny said.
“Well, that’s gonna make packing real easy for you, buddy.”
“Or . . . you did, at one point, want to get away.  Get some space.  Clear your head.”  Danny gestured around the ranch house, the wide porch, and the peaceful scenery around them.  “You could still do that.”
Steve put his plate down across from Danny’s with a thunk.  “I thought you wanted me to come home.”
“Oh, I do.  Absolutely.  But . . . we’re here already.  We both could use some time away, some time to rest, and heal . . . together.  Don’t you think?”
Steve nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face.  “Yeah.  Yeah, that sounds nice, Danny.”
Danny grinned back at him.  “And, you know, we can see if . . . maybe that something more we mentioned will happen.”
Steve stood up quickly.
“Ste -- where you going?” Danny waved his fork at Steve’s still full plate.
“I’m getting your bag out of the car and calling Catherine to say thank you,” Steve said.
“Nincompoop!” Danny called after him.
“Your nincompoop,” Steve yelled back over his shoulder.
Danny shook his head in resignation.  Steve still didn’t have socks on.
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With all the cameos they had in H50 and Danny’s love/interest of sports...in an AU where Steve had to be deployed (my head’s still very fuzzy minded, so sorry about keeping it hella vague as to how that would happen within a time frame of 5-0′s creation, them working and falling in love, and getting into a relationship), imagine Steve setting up his come back by pulling a few favors even from overseas. Maybe it’s Danny’s birthday and Steve tells him he feels horrible about missing it but scored him some prime seating at a big game as a consolation prize. Danny tells him that the main prize he wants is for Steve to come back home in one piece and alive. Well, Danny’s getting his birthday wish!  Steve’s coming home! The tickets were for Danny and Grace to get the full VIP treatment. And sports events love the PR about stuff like this I’m sure, so they easily work with Steve. And as Danny and Grace get to come down to take pics with the team before the game starts or at whatever half time. Steve’s in the picture as well, but one the sidelines. When the person who took the pic goes back to show it to Danny and Grace(who are in the middle) they see the whole pic and it’s one of those reunions of a soldier and his family, the embrace is tight, nearly clingy from both sides though still mindful of Grace, people are cheering, the kiss cam focuses on them and they have a big smooch(simple and family friendly. The fierce, passionate, primal heated kiss comes later that night ;) )  
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flamingbluepanda · 4 years ago
H50 AU. Trans Joe transferring to Hawaii to be closer to family. She immediately butts heads with Nicky. Andy is the team leader, Nicky is sniper, Joe’s the new detective, Booker is tech specialist, Nile and Quynh do a little of everything. Found family, eating lots of shrimp, the team attending Joe’s niece’s softball games. Andy bragging how she has state records. Quynh and Joe bonding over missing the mainland.
okay okay so yes joe would be danny in the best way like. sassy. loves her daughter. will kick ass and take names. Nicky is so in love with her and makes the stupidest fucking decisions.  andy shoves them in marriage counseling bc she cant deal with them AAAAA good SHIT
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