#h50 asks
teruel-a-witch · 4 months
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just mcdanno things: tenderly stroking his knuckles
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this funny ass o’caan moment from a podcast interview I found that alex did made me start DYINGGG in public 😭
The Pauly Shore Podcast Show Ep. 10 - Alex O’Loughlin
PAULY: So, I’m looking at a picture of your co-star, Scotty Caan.
ALEX: Yeah.
PAULY: So, do you masturbate on that or something when you walk by it or?
ALEX, nonchalantly: Not anymore, I’ve had it for years.
PAULY: Right. [Laughing]
ALEX: In the beginning, when you put it there, it’s a headshot that says “Dearest Al, one day babe, one day.” So, you know, who wouldn’t jerk off to that?
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willtruman-3 · 5 months
my favorite h50 episode was when they revealed steve mcgarrett was gay in canon
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nobigsecrets · 4 months
Hey! Thank you for the ask! :)
📚 A fic you wish you could display on your bookshelf
Considering the books that are already on my bookshelf (mostly crime/thrillers), a fic that comes to mind is @thekristen999's fantastic "Past Tense", an Amnesia AU for McDanno. And it doesn't just fit in because of the genre, it can easily compare to published books because of the fantastic writing and the suspense and the great plot twists. It's one of my favorite fics and I've read it multiple times.
Past Tense by @thekristen999 Rating: M, Words: 66,488 While investigating a kidnapping, Detective Danny Williams gets embroiled in a world of secrets and covert ops. He never anticipated the case would have connections to his own past, and he certainly never expected to be attracted to the victim, a man with no memories, whose pain and loneliness is achingly familiar.
(Ask Me For Recs)
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alea-says · 4 months
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stellagioia · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
I finally have time to sit down and actually reply to this. Once again, thank you @stephmcx for thinking about me. Self-love is still something that doesn’t come naturally to me but I am proud of my writing so I’m happy to share!
Here’s my five favorite fics:
1. One Day More
What if… there was an explanation for Steve’s sudden decision to leave the island? Something he couldn’t share with anyone, not even his best friend?
This is the story that shaved years off my life and made me come to terms — or at least tried to — with the mess that was the series finale. Trying to make sense of what didn’t wasn’t easy, but I needed the boys to be reunited and on their way to something close to happiness. Together, as it should be. I still get feedback about it and it’s probably my most “popular” fic, the one with the most kudos and comments, so it deserved the first spot.
2. E Ho’okō Kuleana (To Do One’s Duty)
When the Governor is kidnapped and her life threatened by a vengeful criminal, Steve ends up making the ultimate sacrifice to save the island.
My one and only attempt at “Major Character Death”. I knew a lot of people wouldn’t read it, and yet I put it out there.
3. Drowning on Dry Land
“I can’t, Lou…” Steve whispered as soon as the woman disappeared from their sight, his voice so quiet that he almost missed it. “I can’t be the guy who shoots his partner. I just—I can’t be that guy…”
This is the first multi-chapter fic I wrote, and definitely one I’m proud of. I was still new in the fandom and unsure about my writing, but the idea of friendly fire wouldn’t leave me alone and Steve was the right character to explore it.
4. The Hardest Place to Be
Short coda to the pilot. Following the events of the episode, this is my take on what Steve might have done during his first weekend back on the island.
A character study of fresh-out-of-active-duty and traumatized McGarrett that picks up right where the pilot ends.
5. Echoes from the Past
Part 6 of the "Rescue Me" series. Sometimes, it's the little things that harm you.
Steve McGarrett and trauma - aka how PTSD can sneak up on you when you least expect it.
Again, I’ve been so removed from writing and fandom lately I don’t know who to tag, so anyone who feels like sharing their work is welcome!
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redgoldblue · 1 year
🎲 Fandom choosing is so hard! Either S&H or H50, a random kiss pls!
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oh hell yeah. there are two directions you could go with this (bridal or h/c) and I went with. the other one.
Send me a fandom and I'll generate a kiss to write!
Steve stared down at the top of Danny's head. Not that that was an uncommon state of affairs, but there was a greater distance to stare right now. It made his hair even shinier, especially under the bright lights of Iolani Palace HQ. "Danny, what the hell are you doing?"
"Just-" Danny grunted, wrapping an arm around Steve's legs. "Just shut up."
"Danny. It wasn't actually a challenge."
"Oh no, boss," Tani chipped in helpfully. "I was definitely challenging him."
"Didn't think it was to propose, though," Grover said, making a manful attempt at pretending he wasn't laughing.
Steve sighed. Danny was reaching up for his hand, but he was reasonably sure he wasn't actually going to just grab his wrist without Steve's cooperation. He rested his hand on Danny's shoulder instead. "Does it have to be fireman's carry? I am supposed to have some authority here. Where did you learn fireman's carry, anyway?"
That, at least, achieved the desired effect of Danny standing up. Apparently he couldn't be appropriately offended while kneeling at Steve's feet. "I was trained as a first responder! I should be asking you how you know it."
"The military invented it."
"That's true," Junior volunteered from the other side of the table, where he'd wisely confined himself.
"No, it's-" Grover interjected. "Honestly. You Navy boys think you made the sky blue."
Steve couldn't help shrugging and responding, "Well, it is our colour."
Danny rolled his eyes. "Oh-"
The man could move fast when he wanted. Stocky and low to the ground came with advantages. As did, to be fair, Steve's reaction time being stymied by his aversion to hurting Danny in the process. Somehow it all ended up with Steve halfway to exactly the position he'd been trying to avoid.
Danny's back was, frankly, a less appealing view than the top of his head. At least at this angle and fully clothed.
"What were you saying about authority?" Danny said smugly.
"I think I lost it ten minutes ago," Steve admitted to Danny's scapula. He was tempted to go dead weight, which he was pretty sure actually would drop Danny, but that probably wouldn't end up in any more dignified position for either of them.
"You lost it years ago, boss," Tani told him. "You're way too much of a softie to keep it longer than first impression."
"You know I led a SEAL team?"
"You've softened since then," Danny said, and poked him in the side. "Candy left in the sun."
Sighing, Steve accepted that as merely the latest in a long line of fond but slightly derogatory food-based analogies. "Are you planning on putting me down anytime soon? All my blood's starting to go to my head."
"Can't have your head getting any bigger," Danny agreed, and helped him heave himself back over Danny's shoulder onto the ground.
Safely standing, Steve blinked a couple of times, letting the dizziness subside as Tani clapped Danny on the back and handed over a dollar bill. "Shouldn't have doubted you."
"No, you shouldn't have," Danny said, and went to take the money.
It floated to the ground untouched as Steve crouched and lifted, one arm across Danny's back and one under his knees.
Danny squawked, and Grover started laughing, bending over with his hands on the computer table.
"Hey! No-one challenged you!"
"Partnership equity."
"I don't think you know what either of those words mean," Danny grumbled, and crossed his arms. Which, given his current bridal-carried state, made Grover's laughter redouble and Steve snort, the movement shaking Danny slightly and pushing his elbow further into Steve's ribs.
"I hate you," Danny said, and let his head fall onto Steve's shoulder.
"Yeah, I love you too." Steve bent his head to kiss Danny on the forehead, which was met with a faint mumble that deniably may or may not have contained words of affection, then he looked over at the rest of the team. "Now, who wants to put money down on how much I can beat his time by?"
"Oh, I do."
"Hundred percent."
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
the fact that Danny literally has to walk out of the room when Steve makes the decision to go rescue his mother... lordie. he cannot cope with this. he's watched Steve put his ass on the line for Doris several times already and every time she repays him by being shady and keeping secrets and taking off and ultimately not being a mother in any way no matter how much she claims to want to. and he just doesn't know how to handle this happening again, let alone all of it going down in circumstances where Steve has to go completely no-contact with the team. Danny can't even go with him and watch his back this time.
not to project, gang, but there's just. so much happening in Danny's tone and on his face in that moment. "it's your mother; you're gonna do what you're gonna do."
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
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mcdanno + reductress headlines 2/? (Steve isn't sure where they stand and Danny is sure he's been dating an emotionally stunted goof)
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bro they’re winking at me
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mayberrycryptid · 1 year
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When your ride just has to match your tux😏
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nobigsecrets · 11 months
I wanted to answer your poll about the prompt thingy but I’m not sure if it worked. So, here’s a prompt for you, babe, to poke your muse🤩💙:
Danny watches how the heavy rain hammers against the window. It’s too cold in the cabin. He hears Steve stepping up behind him. The quiet makes Steve’s breathing even louder.
„Are you mad?“ Steve asks softly.
"Am I mad?" Danny repeats and huffs and then has to bite his tongue so he doesn't blurt out anything that he might regret—
Because, yes. He's mad. He wants to be mad. There are a lot of things to be mad about.
His own stupidity for one, for agreeing to Steve's crazy weekend plans despite past experience and better knowledge.
The crazy Hawaiian weather for another, for being unpredictable and brewing up a storm out of nowhere. There was neither rain nor storm on the forecast this morning yet here they are, soaked through to the bone. Danny's wet and cold and he shivers involuntarily.
He really wants to be mad at Steve for screwing up and not having seen this coming. For making him hike through the jungle, uphill and in heavy downpour in search of shelter because it's likely this storm won't blow over before it gets dark and they will be trapped and—
That's not the point.
The point is that mostly, he wants to be mad at Steve for his miserable, unbelievably bad timing—
He can't.
He can't find it in him to be mad at Steve for being a sentimental sap, for wanting to make this special, for being brave enough to take this first step they've both been dreading to take for a while now—
For dragging up the courage to kiss Danny in the exact same moment the first thunder rolled in the distance and the first fat raindrops started to whiz down around them.
And Danny can feel Steve standing close and he's radiating waves of anxiousness and worry and Danny realizes he's been letting him wait for an answer for way too long already.
"Yes, Steven," he says, while his heart is suddenly hammering almost as fast as the rain is pelting down outside. "I'm mad. I'm mad that you're just standing there instead of kissing me again."
When Danny looks up he has just about enough time to see a relieved, bright smile emerge on Steve's face, like the sun lighting up the sky as it rises over the horizon, before Steve is right up in his personal space. Steve's hands are on Danny's shoulders, pulling him close, and Danny goes willingly. One of Steve's hands moves to the nape of Danny's neck and then Steve leans in and in an instant their lips are touching—
An absurd part of Danny's mind notices how Steve's nose is all cold while his mouth is warm, hot even, Steve's tongue feels almost scorching as it brushes against Danny's own and then Danny wraps his arms tight around Steve's back and starts kissing back.
It should be uncomfortable with their wet clothes sticking to their skin, it should be unpleasant in the cold and damp cabin but Danny barely notices any of it anymore, all his attention on Steve in front of him. The thought crosses his mind that Steve might find this situation actually romantic and Danny barely suppresses an amused snort.
"Am I mad?" he murmurs between kisses, his lips brushing the sensitive skin below Steve's ear. "I must be, because I'm madly in love with you, you big oaf!" And maybe Steve shivers because of Danny's breath tickling his skin, or maybe it's because of Danny's words but he buries his face in the crook of Danny's neck and Danny never wants to let go again.
Thank you so much for this great prompt, babe! 💙 I know it's short and it's not edited (yet), but I'm so happy that I managed to write it today! Your poking my muse has definitely helped and I will try to keep the inspiration going! Thanks for your help, you're the best!
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cowandcalf · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Thank you so much, babe @stephmcx for thinking of me! What a great idea to self rec our stories! It's not that easy to pick five of all the stories I wrote for the boys. They're all my brainchildren but some are highly self-indulgent and these five stories are some of the more recent ones I wrote. I proudly present:
Be Your Very Best In The Darkest Time Summary: "Steve! Fuck, where's the damn blood coming from?" His brother searches frantically for the wound and pats down his shoulders, making him tilt his head to the side. "It's not your neck. Damn it, Steve, you're bleeding like a stuck pig. Stay with me." The urgency of the moment is a silent waver in Freddie's voice. (174'645 words)
Change Summary: Maybe Steve is so wound up in this strange, strange mood because it is the first breather he can take after the crazy start with Five-0. (6137 words)
That Big Heart Of Yours Summary: The Navy taught Steve the way to stay alive at all costs. What the Navy didn't teach Steve was how to ask for help. Long years of sustained combat and crime investigation have left mental scars and physical tiredness. Steve's convinced the best way to face the daily pain is stubbornness and the good old rule: ignore and override. But he hasn't considered Danny in this scenario.(15'505 words)
Surrender Summary: Danny has been assigned to a police deployment for four weeks to work with the Virginia Beach police department. He meets the team at a bar for one last beer before he heads back home to Jersey. The bar is a meeting point for military personnel. Danny runs into a soldier with an intense, annoying glare, muscles for days, and the most arrogant behavior the world has ever seen. His name is Steve. (62'788 words)
At Night Thoughts Are Hunting Summary: The night forces the boys to name those feelings they try to hide from during the day. (6639 words)
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
for the wip guessing game :)
h50 up
s&h look
up (h50)
i picked one line at random out of many many many options, and i'll give it the exact way it's currently written in the wip doc:
Their son, striking out on his own at a tender xx years of age - they grow up so soon.
this is a fic about junior moving out and leaving steve and danny with enough bedrooms in the mcgarrett home that they don't have a good excuse to keep sharing a bed out of oh-so-terrible necessity, because i think we as a fandom should just keep writing fics about that forever. the xx is a placeholder until i google and/or make up junior's age (and the "son" bit is a joke from danny's pov), but it does occur to me right now that in the case of a number the x an interesting choice. my idea of a prank would probably be to write an entirely normal fic one day, but use roman numerals for every number and never explain or even mention it anywhere.
look (s&h)
oh, they do SO much looking! it's probably their favorite activity ever. here's one of many sentences:
Starsky gives him a significant look that Hutch refuses to fully interpret because at its core this is still very stupid, and then swings his legs over the bench and gets up. “Take care of her until I get back, okay?”
(starsky is talking about his pet rock, which is also why hutch thinks this is very stupid.)
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that-birdy-chick · 2 months
longwinded anon here again! remember in my ask when i mention danny 'character assassination'* by writers? (cath is another unfortunate victim, (her actress' bad actions to fans aside)) you're seeing it. you're not overreacting. see poor steve having to deal with this whiny, ungrateful, annoying a-hole? ergh and to think it extends till s10 and some of his acions- uhhh no spoilers!
but worry not and persevere, my friend! for there are some v nice moments ahead! just like those you mentioned!! go frend, go!
*Character assassination is when a sudden and inorganic change is made to a character that makes them worse. Most of the time to make another character/s look better.
Hey anon, good to know I'm not crazy
And yeah I'm starting to see what you mean, right now I wouldn't call the way Danny's written in s7 character assissination just yet BUT it's definitely headed that way (mind you I'm at ep 19 right now? So maybe my opinion on this will change once I've reached the end)
But I'll stay strong frend because the mcdanno brainrott is eternal,
there is no going back anymore only forward
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redgoldblue · 11 months
hello hello, for the ask game: 🌤️☔ and because that's sun + rain and i can never resist a rainbow emoji anyway: 🌈
thanku! 🌈🌈 we all know what wip i'm using for this
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
I was shocked, going through the doc by how little pure dialogue there is. apparently when i'm essentially writing ~30k of Emotions from the POV of a guy who hates acknowledging his emotions, a lot of it is internal/physical description. or at least mixed in with it.
actually. wait. i think maybe my favourite dialogue isn't even between Steve and Danny, it's Danny and Harry:
“Should I be offering congratulations or slapping the both of you upside the head?” “What?” “Yes, I rather thought that might be the case.” Danny spreads his hands in what he thinks is an appropriately ‘what the fuck are you talking about’ gesture, and follows it up by saying, “Harry, what the fuck are you talking about?” “Were you two ever going to discuss the fact that you’re in love with each other, or are you just planning to keep muddling along in the hopes that one day you’ll trip and fall into bed together?” Before Danny can come up with any kind of response to that, Harry raises a hand and amends, “No, sorry, you’re already in bed together. In the hopes that you’ll trip and fall onto each other’s cocks.”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
Danny brushes his teeth, combs wet fingers through his hair, washes his hands on autopilot. Then he sits down on the closed toilet lid and lets himself shake out of his skin. It’s almost habit now, this moment after Steve is discharged where the relief that he’s not actively dying clashes into the terror that medical professionals are no longer watching him, and the resulting noise reverberates through Danny’s body and sets him falling. He has no idea how long it ever takes, just that he sits with elbows braced on his knees staring at nothing until the flood of emotions recedes and leaves him with nothing but the dirty sand of exhaustion. That’s the usual path. Except that today, there’s a knock on the bathroom door and Steve’s voice calling, “Danny? You okay?” He can’t get out more than a grunt in response, still falling, drowning. The door cracks open, and Steve repeats, “Danny?” through the gap. Danny manages something that sounds more like human language this time, but it’s still not any form of comprehensible words. Or enough to stop Steve pushing the door fully open and crossing the few steps to stand in front of him. Then he drops to a crouch, resting his palms on Danny’s thighs for a moment before he reaches for Danny’s hands where they press hard against his own jaw and temple. Danny lets him take them, lower them, then slips his fingers down until he can find Steve’s pulse on both sides. It’s there, strong and steady, and Danny shuts his eyes and curls further towards Steve. There’s a reason he does this alone. He’s just having trouble remembering what it is right now.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
I can do one better - I can do soft and fluffy. mwahaha
Danny tucks the flower through one of Steve’s buttonholes to free his hands up. Steve, of course, looks down at it first like he’s baffled, and then rapidly like his pupils are on the verge of turning into hearts and popping out of his skull like a deranged cartoon character. Danny snorts. “You’re such a fucking romantic.” “Wh- hey,” Steve says, abruptly defensive, and Danny waves a hand at him before he can get any further up in arms. “Calm down, buddy. It wasn’t an insult.” Steve raises his eyebrows doubtfully. “Much of one,” Danny allows. “Not really. It’s one of the things I love about you.”
wip asks
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