#h50 analysis
this scene in 3x23 of doris doing magic for steve is really sweet at first and then I started thinking about it more and it actually became really angsty and sad to me because I’m mentally ill✨
because think about it. steve hasn’t had a mom for over 20 years, he got sent back to the mainland after he lost her and later on, he enlisted really young. but he grew up and he’s this big navy seal now. and he refuses doris at first because of this and because they’re in a serious situation but then he actually plays along. and just lets himself remember what it was like when they did magic together and he was young and didn’t have everything on his shoulders. before he’s been through everything that he has. and he gets all smiley and giddy and it’s so cute but it actually broke my heart at the same time. the “blowing magic breath” part and “how’d you do that” in the soft voice is especially so sweet and innocent like this is a man who didn’t get to have a fully normal childhood and it makes me wanna CRYYYYY
and on doris’ end. she left her kids when they were really young and she hasn’t seen them since and she’s been on the run this whole time. and she doesn’t know how to act or behave around them anymore because they’ve grown up so much without her, and so on both sides of the scene it becomes genuinely sad if you analyze it a little deeper. like she only thinks to show him magic tricks as if they’re kids again. because she doesn’t know how else to act like a normal mom, after he mentions that earlier in the episode. anyways I’m sorry if I forever ruined this scene for you guys because it’s such a cute scene fr but alas, my brain craves angst and can’t shut up.
let me know if yall have any thoughts but please no spoilers for the rest of the show, I just started season 4! :)
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
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If Steve didn't want his co-workers to assume he was taking a vacation to 'reconnect' with his partner perhaps he shouldn't have looked at Danny like that and touched him in a way that indicated that this decision to take days off is directly related to him. Subtlety, thy name is not McDanno.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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Babe, you asked about Danny's suicidal thoughts/attempt so here it is.
In 1x18 there is a moment when Danny and Steve have a talk with FBI guys and later, when boys are alone, Danny is devastated by the news about Matt's financial crimes and Steve's "what if Matt is really guilty?". Danny wants Steve to have faith in Matt (or: Danny tries to still believe in his own brother, he wants to be loyal) and there's his confession.
Very dark and painful confession: once Danny thought about suicide (and I guess/interpret that he TRIED to kill himself - and that's why Matt was always there, was there almost 24/7).
Why? Because of damn Rachel. No, it wasn't because of the divorce (he could live without her, he would be happier without her and his mental health would be much better when she's away from him). It was because of Rachel's plays. GRACIE. She used Grace against Danny, she wanted to ruin his fatherhood. She took Grace away from him and was like "You'll lose her, Daniel. I swear" ("I'll punish you, Daniel"). Once she and her mother behaved in toxic and abusive way towards Danny and then, after divorce, Rach ruined Danny's mind again. She knew well what would hurt him, what would really hurt him. She knew well that Grace was Danny's everything. Danny's forever-love. Rach knew where to hit so she hit.
So in 1x18 we can see all Danny's pain. All painful memories. It's a double pain cause it's about Gracie and now also about Matty. Matty saved him. We can say about Matt many things but yeah, he saved Danny's life. He helped Danny to be strong again. He helped him to fight for Gracie. Danny almost lost Grace, almost lost his life (literally and metaphorically) and in this moment he fears that he will lose his brother - a brother who helped him so much.
Gosh, Steve's face. He's shocked. He's terrified. He tries to stay calm but he can't - he's shaking inside. His Danny, his beloved Danny, his angel, best friend, his best human ever, sunshine of his life... Danny almost died. Almost killed himself. Danny. Suicide, fuck. Yes, Steve understands Danny's loyalty and love for Matthew BUT THIS. SUICIDE. Steve can't think about Matt now. He is focused on Danny. On Danny's old pain. He can't believe that his boy tried, thought... His strong, "there's always hope" boy... Fuck. No. God, why? Why Danny had to suffer? Why Danny has to suffer? Oh, Steve knows well that part of the pain is still there - cause Rachel still wants war. She is still mean to Danny. Her smile can't hide it. Steve knows her. He observes. He listens to Danny and believes Danny, not her.
Steve is pissed off. He was pissed off earlier when he saw Rachel's games. When he heard Danny's bitter words, Danny's fears. But now Steve has such a face like... It's the face "I wanna go back to the restaurant and...". Shout at Rachel. Tell her that she's the worst. Gosh, Steve looks here like he wants to punch her. He can't do this, he knows (plus: he doesn't want to ruin Danny's fatherhood). But in his mind he is punching her. He is shouting at her (well, maybe one day he will tell her, one day he will punch her with his bitter words, one day when Danny and Grace are safe).
Steve is here (and always will be) for Danny. He touches him. This touch is like a touch of guardian angel. And in the end he is looking at Danny and there's so much love and concern in Steve's eyes. Rachel can't hurt Danno anymore, no fucking way, he thinks.
It's such a strong scene. Danny opens his heart. Oh yes, Steve is the only one - Danny lets only him to know. To know about the darkest moment in Danny's life. Danny knows that Steve will understand. That Steve will treat this seriously. Steve is like him. And Steve is the opposite of Rachel. There's no shame, Danny. Steve loves you. Your pain is his pain. All what is yours is his.
I love that they're together SO MUCH. They're together so it will be all right. They're strong together. So strong.
I'm not a fan of Matt but it's so good that Danny had him around. Matt saved Danny and all what he did for him as a brother... It's touching. It's beautiful. All that beer, all those talks, all this time... Thank you, Matthew Williams. You saved an angel.
But... I can't believe that this Matt, this Matt that saw his brother's pain, deepest depression, that witnessed Danny's suicidal attempt... Why the hell Matt still tries to be nice (SO nice) to Rachel? Why the hell he wants her around Danny? (and Grace) Why the hell he invited Rachel for his family dinner with Danny and Grace? Why the hell he told Danny "You love Rachel, I see this"?! Why the hell he behaves like he wants to see Danny and Rachel together again (knowing well about Danny's pain and seeing well how much Steve means to Danny)? Why sometimes he behaves like HE is in love with Rach? (well, sometimes she looks at him like "I chose the wrong brother" so... hmm...).
And Rachel, geez. Why show's plot is on her side? Why no one sued her for what she did? She's guilty. She (and her mother) ruined Danny's mental health. After divorce she ruined Danny's mental health even more. Her toxic/destructive behaviour (and using Grace in her war against Danny) was the cause. Her behaviour and toxic deeds, her "I'll take Grace" pushed Danny to suicide attempt. Why didn't she face any consequences? Why are people still kind to her? Why the hell Grace lives with her? Where's "I'm sorry, Danny?" (oh, okay, there's no apology cause Hollanders are never sorry, right?).
Six months. SIX MONTHS! Six months full of deepest anxiety and depression. Six months WHOLE of that. Six months without light. Six months, for six months Matt tried to change Danny's mind. For six months there was a danger - that Danny would do it. I can imagine Matt's fear when he went to work and for those few hours per day Danny was there alone... Six months with darkest thoughts. And before and after that? Still dark. She made/makes Danny's life dark (and Steve's too, by the way).
Where's the law? Where's the justice for Danny? What an irony - he fights for other victims' justice but he as a victim got no justice.
Yeah, I know. Writers hated Danny. And Lenkov wanted Danny/Rachel so badly...
"I would not have gotten through that"
It hurts. It's blood-curdling. Danny, our bamf!Danny said that. It's generally scary to hear such words. To see other person's pain and feeling of total loss. Gosh, I can't 😭 This line kills me. It kills my heart.
(Thank you, Matthew for saving the life. Thank you, Steve for saving this life again. For giving Danny a real good life, safer and colourful. Life full of love).
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 months
some combination of @actingcamplibrarian's advent calendar fic (hidden in plain sight) and @redgoldblue's recent due south watch has got me thinking about starsky and hutch's hutch canonically not carrying the key to his own apartment but hiding it on top of the doorframe vs. due south's rayk in mountie on the bounty naming the whole bundle of keys he's carrying, telling fraser that the ones he's holding up are, in order, the keys to his old car, to his apartment, to his old apartment, to his locker, and "don't know. ... don't know", meaning that at any time he has at least six keys on him of which four are either obsolete or entirely a mystery, and that's while they were looking for a seventh key (to ray's handcuffs). i don't have a point here except i guess. the blond part of a buddy cop duo. he'll either carry zero keys (bad) or ALL the keys (also unfortunate).
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nobigsecrets · 2 years
Hey dear, I made myself sad+angry again by writing about 10x22 and especially that stupid line they put into Steve’s mouth about his father.
Wondering if you ever made some sort of collection about h50 and mcdanno meta, especially episodes analysis (I know you came in later, but I suppose you caught up?), and especially some good, balanced, professional dissection about the finale.
Thanks anyway, mahalo
Hey there! Aw man, sorry to hear you've written yourself into a mood but I understand very well how that can happen in regards to the H50 finale!
Your ask made me smile though. While I never thought of creating a collection of metas, it's a great idea (like a rec list for metas) and it sounds like a thing I might have tried if it ever occured to me, lol. (I've been into H50 since 2018. S8 had just wrapped up but I was there for all of S9 and S10.)
I do, however, try to tag my posts and reblogs somewhat consistently, so what I can offer you is to browse through the following tags on my blog: #meta and #episode review and #h50 finale. (Just click on them. You may find occasional posts about other fandoms in there, but it should be H50 mostly. It should be sorted chronologically, so you might have to scroll back a bit for the older stuff.)
As for some balanced reviews on the finale, I actually do have a rec for you! My friend @cowandcalf wrote a great meta series on the finale and she even posted them to AO3. Her views sometimes differ from the general fandom opinion and she's never shy to speak her mind (which I love about her). I value her opinions very much and always find them inspiring (even if we don't quite agree about the finale! :))
[Meta] PART I - The Goodbye Scene S10E22 – Steve and Danny [Meta] PART II - The Goodbye Scene S10E22 – Steve and Danny [Meta] PART III – Steve and Catherine (as in Steve & Catherine) 10.22 - The Scene on The Plane
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just-fandomthings · 4 years
Don't know how many people will see this but I love the H50 fandom
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cowandcalf · 4 years
Hi! I would like your thoughts on the ep where they force Steve to go undercover w/ Rollins as a married couple. Could just be me but like...Rollin's acting felt so damn forced. It felt like the dude only accepted the drink b/c it was in the script & not cos she pulled off the 'sexy minx willing to cheat on my husband with a richer better man' thing they were sort of going with her cover???Idk that scene just really felt too forced & really took me out of.
Hi, dear anon!
Thank you so much for your ask! God, it has been a long time since I’ve got an ask like this. Mahalo for this precious question. And I apologize for letting you wait. After the Covid19 lockdown and the easing of the list of strict measures, RL is crazy. But here I am, trying to answer your question.
Okay, I assume you talk about H50 9.11, right? Where Harry Langford pulls two wedding bands from his pockets and hands them over to Steve and Cath to complete their cover. It’s that episode where Steve revenges Joe’s death, up in Montana. That’s the one, correct?
Yeah, I get why you feel off watching this special scene. I wrote three huge summaries, meta-like analysis on this episode. And I also wrote my thoughts down on the chemistry between Steve and Cath. That was one hell of an episode with so many interesting hints, telling us how Steve has moved on - without Cath and how done he is with Cath. (Wow - just want to jot down a short note how the series final wasn’t ending with Steve and Cath, it was ending with McDanno...but that’s not what you’ve asked for - sorry, got carried away.)
This is my review on 9.11 concentrating on the vibes between Steve and Cath. Maybe you wanna read it. It gives you some sort of closure and it might help you to see this scene in the casino with the drink in a different light. As I see it and it’s totally clear for me: Rollins played her role well. They were undercover, meaning they had to convince their audience. It was an act, also from Steve’s side. Nothing more. Everything they did at that table was played to come across real. And don’t forget, even if you might not like Cath Rollins that much, but she and Steve had some successfully completed missions, together as a team during their active duty. And this moment at the casino was part of the plan, the important mission to revenge Joe’s death. So, Cath did a great job pretending this  'sexy minx willing to cheat on my husband with a richer better man' as you described it so accurately. That was part of her cover and had nothing to do with her trying to draw a reaction from private-Steve. It was all work.
I hope I could answer your question. Thank you again for your ask. I wish you a wonderful time. Take care!
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ilikemcdanno · 3 years
I actually studied to be a Charlie Fong / Eric Russo type so I'm totally with you here about wanting to be on that side of investigations. The problem with studying forensics is when you watch forensics in shows you either go "What the hell was that analysis? That's not even possible!" Or you sit there sighing whistfully WISHING it was that easy and fast. I started off as the fist one but the years have mellowed me out into the second one. -Beast
Not gonna lie, as it is, I already see some of the stuff the shows do and think “that’s unrealistically easy”
One example is when - on h50 - they catch a picture of the license plate of a suspect’s car. Then they zoom in, and the picture is clear as day. Like? It was a blurry ass picture, how does that work? But it’s all a part of a bigger plan to get the team to solve the case within 40 minutes, lol lol.
Also that’s awesome you studied forensics!! It seems like a cool thing to do, like I’ve kinda mentioned. I’m sure you enjoyed studying it.
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
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mcdanno - a study in touch (with a little help from quora)
Steve isn't a particularly touchy-feely person before he meets Danny and even after him initiating physical contact is usually very precise and deliberate. He ushers Danny the way one does with a date. A wooing and guiding gesture.
When it comes to Danny, Steve is all of those things: protective, possessive, reassuring. He lets Danny know he's got his back and he really means it, as evidenced by above caps from 7x17 when Danny was babbling and embarrassed but couldn't stop himself so Steve stepped in and interrupted him fondly. Having his back doesn't just mean in a life or death situation, it's all the little things too. Based on body language alone it's obvious Steve has feelings for Danny and isn't shy about showing them.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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This moment when Jerry is singing Presley's song: 🎶treat me like a fool, treat me mean and cruel🎶
and after hearing 🎶but love me🎶 boys are immediately reacting:
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They're always like this. They catch "love" word and then look at each other. They're like "you are love, love has your face".
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And this moment when Steve is like "Hey, honey, it's our song!" (oh, "they're playing our song" is a popular trope, romantic trope mostly, isn't it?).
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Also, this moment of Steve's pure joy and Danny's "Oh yeah, you're right. This song is about us. Every song with "love" word is about us".
This moment of their physical closeness and mental intimacy.
These two exploring (and enjoying so much) romantic feelings together.
They're even sitting "like a couple".
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And their delight, gosh.
I bet that they're dreaming of Jerry singing at their wedding (Jerry, be prepared!).
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tari-aldarion · 7 years
Steve McGarrett is not an ESTJ
So on H50 in season 5 episode 17, Danny mentions that Steve is an ESTJ and reads off a short description of an ESTJ’s less than admirable qualities as proof of Steve’s typing. However, I would like to state, for the record, that he is most certainly an ENTJ and I’ll tell you why: 
ESTJs and ENTJs are often confused for each other due to the fact that they view the world and react to situations in some similar ways. However, an in-depth analysis of the personality types (using cognitive functions) can display the difference between them. 
So, in MBTI, there are things called cognitive functions. They are essentially ‘modes of processing information and making decisions based on your Myers-Briggs type’. These functions help to explain more about the thinking and decision-making process that the different personalities go through. Each MBTI type has four cognitive functions: primary, secondary, tertiary, and inferior. The primary function is something you do innately, unconsciously. It’s just a part of you. The secondary function is something that you are very aware of but can choose to use or not to use. The tertiary and inferior functions are not as easily accessible but develop as you grow older which can balance out some of the more extreme parts of the primary/secondary functions.
OKAY now that we’ve gone through a brief course in cognitive functions:
ENTJs and ESTJs share both primary and inferior functions (Te – extroverted thinking as primary – and Fi – introverted feeling). This contributes to the confusion between ENTJ and ESTJ personality types because their instinctive reactions to the world and the way they process emotions are so similar. But analysis of the secondary and tertiary functions reveals the difference between the two.
First, a brief description of Te and Fi primary/inferior functions (summaries taken from here):
Te: People who lead with extroverted thinking are frank, decisive and highly productive in every capacity. They are natural leaders in the workplace as they are quick to take charge and impose order. Dominant extroverted thinkers may come across as bossy or opinionated to those who lack the function, but in reality they are simply pointing out what they believe to be the most efficient course of action for everyone involved.
Fi: Introverted feeling is the in-depth analysis of emotional processes and morality. It seeks to break down emotions to their core and understand them as wholly as possible. It also develops a strong internal system of right and wrong, which the Fi user employs to make decisions. Introverted feeling searches for the deeper meaning behind absolutely everything. (Remember, this is the INFERIOR function. This is something that is not easily accessible to both ENTJs and ESTJs.)
Secondary functions: introverted intuition (ENTJ) and introverted sensing (ESTJ). Secondary functions exist clearly in the mind but aren’t as intuitive as the primary functions.
Introverted Intuition (Ni): People with introverted intuition are usually intense, focused and highly perceptive of inconsistencies that arise in their external environment. They enjoy riddles, puzzles and wordplay. They often experience ‘hunches’ or ‘aha’ moments that they may identify as epiphanies or a gut feeling. Their intense foresight is a product of their future-oriented introverted intuition.
Introverted Sensing (Si): People with introverted sensing are organized and structured, as they believe in being prepared for any potential mishap. They hold tradition in high esteem and believe that the tried and true method is always the best way of getting things done. Introverted sensors believe that the future will repeat the past, more so than any other type.
Note the emphasis. ENTJs have a focus that is unparalleled and they are able to adapt to new situations on the fly. They tend to be able to have those “gut feelings” that lead to proper identification of threats. This is Steve McGarrett through and through. He often takes a leap in trusting people and has an insane ability to focus. He’s constantly adapting his plans and feels stifled if he doesn’t have autonomy over his plans/decisions. He can become impatient if outside circumstances limit or hinder his productivity, especially in cases that tug at his heart strings. Steve has secondary introverted intuition.
This is juxtaposed to the introverting sensing of the ESTJ that is incredibly structured and repetitive. Introverted sensing also places a high priority on personal physical needs (alone time, eating, sleeping, taking care of themselves before being able to handle responsibilities). They tend to stick to a structure, even when it may not work. They can doubt other people’s suggestions and methods and instead, stick to their own methods without consideration of another way. 
This is definitely not Steve. Steve will ignore every physical demand his body is making of him, displaying that single-minded focus, and rescuing/attacking/defeating/running/etc. as he solves the case and apprehends the bad guy. Steve will disregard something immediately if he sees that it doesn’t work. Steve is about efficiency and achieving his goals. He will listen to other’s ideas and methods (even if he may disregard them). Steve does not have secondary introverted sensing.
Tertiary functions: Extroverted sensing (ENTJ) and extroverted intuition (ESTJ) – remember, tertiary functions are ones that can be accessed but not necessarily active in their personalities all the time.
Extroverted sensing (Se): People with extroverted sensing are often naturally athletic, highly impulsive and enjoy ever-changing stimuli. Extroverted sensors simply see what they want and they go for it. These types tend to exude a natural sense of confidence, as they are usually quite sure of who they are and what they want.
Extroverted Intuition (Ne): People with extroverted intuition are usually excitable, entrepreneurial and highly creative. They are constantly thinking about what to do or experience next, but have a difficult time sticking with just one idea or plan long-term.
The Se function clearly displays many of Steve’s personality traits. He loves being athletic and finds it energizing. He’s incredibly impulsive (as Danny yells at him about his impulsiveness all the time) and confidence radiates from him in an engaging way that people find hard to resist. In contrast, Steve’s natural focus and he wants to make long-term plans with the people he cares about (I mean, he’s planning to have a restaurant with Danny, he wanted to marry Cath, he’s looking towards the future). Steve is definitely a tertiary Se.
TL;DR people mistake ESTJs for ENTJs all the time but one of the main differences between them has to do with the rules. ESTJs will follow the rules and structure to the letter (it’s part of their ST-ness) but ENTJs accomplish their goals in the most efficient way possible. ENTJs are natural leaders with strong charisma and the ability to create a team that works solidly together. They have the unique ability to inspire loyalty in others and use their gifts to the best advantage.
ESTJs are great and the world would not be able to function without ESTJs. But Steve McGarrett is not one of them.
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Ballistic Studies on Fox-7 Based Triple Base Propellant for High Calibre Gun-Juniper Publishers
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In the present work, triple base propellant (TBP) containing mainly energetic nitrate polymer nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine, picrite, 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (FOX-7) along with ingredients such as stabiliser and plasticizer has been processed by solvent method. Picrite has been replaced in increments with FOX-7 from the propellant composition. Acetone: ethanol used as solvent to gelatinise/plasticize NC during processing. Dimensions of the propellant was determined by physical measurement and propellant grains were subjected to mechanical properties (compressive strength (CS), % compression) determination, sensitivity tests and closed vessel (CV) firing. Incorporation of FOX-7 led to remarkable increase in CS at sub-zero temperatures (-20°C) and reduced at higher temperatures (+55°C) for 20 % FOX-7 in TBP composition. CV test of the propellant was carried out at 0.2g/cc loading density in 700cc closed vessel at +21, -20 & +55°C to evaluate ballistic parameters such as Pmax, force constant, (dP/dt) max, pressure index (α), burning rate coefficient (β), rise time, relative force (RF) and relative vivacity (RV). The trends observed during this work bring out the potential of FOX-7 to impart temperature independent characteristics in the TBP used for high calibre gun.
Keywords: FOX-7; Pressure index; Force constant; Burning rate; Chamber pressure
FOX-7 or 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (DADNE) as reported by Lochert [1] is a low vulnerable energetic compound. It was first synthesized in 1990s by the FOA Defence Research Establishment (Sweden). However, its application in propellant has received attention during last decade. The performance of FOX-7 is comparable to cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) whereas its impact and friction sensitivities are much less than that of RDX and other nitramines. Calculated detonation velocity of FOX-7 based high
energy compositions has been of the order 9090m/s compared to 8800m/s for RDX based compositions [1-3]. FOX-7 has a potential for application in high performance IM-compliant explosive formulations. Most of the research establishments working in the area of high energy materials (HEMs) like Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory (AMRL) have focused on the synthesis, hazards characterisation and performance evaluation of FOX-7. Dorsett [4] has mentioned in the report that 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene i.e. FOX-7 is like the insensitive chemical compound triamino trinitro benzene (TATB), a benzene ring compound having three amino and three nitro groups. FOX-7 has a two-carbon backbone in place of a benzene ring, but the amino and nitro groups have similar effects in both cases according to published reports on sensitivity and chemical decay processes of FOX-7 [5] Table 1.
It is mainly produced by Eurenco Bofors AB & Sweden [1,6,7]. Some of the characteristics of FOX-7 vis-a-vis RDX and picrite are given in Table 2. Various tests such as slow cook off, fast cook off, bullet impact test have been conducted along with Composition B to establish the insensitive nature of FOX-7 based propellants. Most of the reported literature pertains to FOX-7 based plastic bonded explosives. FOX-7 based compositions have undergone deflagration (type V reaction) whereas, Composition B has given detonation response (type I reaction). Burn rate (mm/s) was found to increase with pressure (MPa) and force constant (J/g) was found to increase with temperature.
Thus, FOX-7 enhanced the safety of propellant without much compromise on propellant energy. Mishra et al [3] have also studied lower vulnerability of FOX-7 based, non-aluminized and aluminized, melt cast explosive with marginal decrease in performance compared to RDX based compositions. S Karlsson [8] has reported height of 50% explosion (H50) 63 - 79cm in Drop hammer tests and no reaction in the friction test (>340 N). A castable composition of FOX-7 and poly-glycidyl nitrate (Poly-GLYN) has also been studied by these researchers. Limited safety tests indicated that the compositions with FOX-7 were less sensitive to friction, it had excellent thermal stability at 65°C and slow cook-off stimuli. It did not detonate at a diameter of 25 mm and upon slow heating (3.3°C/hour) it ignites at 220°C and burns without damage to the container or the surroundings. Limited work has been reported in literature on FOX-7 based propellant. Wuxi Xie et al. [9] studied the performance of Nitrate Ester Plasticized Polyether (NEPE) rocket propellants containing FOX-7 as replacement of Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX). They observed decrease in combustion temperature by about 100K and increase in burning rate as well as pressure exponents. Moreover, tensile strength of the propellants was increased, whereas maximum elongation decreased by about 40%. The initiation probability under pressure decreased by 12% along with decrease in friction sensitivity of the propellant suggesting improved insensitivity characteristics. Bogdan Florczak [10] observed that, the propellant containing FOX-7 has a comparable deflagration temperature and gaseous reaction products volume as the composite propellant containing the same amount of HMX. Linear burn rate of propellant formulation containing FOX-7 is nearly 17% less than that of the propellant formulation containing HMX. Hendrik Lips et al. [11] has studied FOX-7 / Ammonium perchlorate (AP) / Glycidyl Azide Polymer (GAP) based rocket propellants for a shoulder launched projectile. It is found that formulations containing FOX-7, AP and GAP exhibit a plateau burning behaviour between pressure values of 7 and 12 MPa, like double base propellants. Chemical stability and sensitivity test also within acceptable limits. FOX-7/ polyurethane compositions with nitro plasticizers exhibit the best thermal stability. Shock sensitivity test results of FOX-7 based propellant correspond to values with a hazard division (HD) 1.3. However, the mechanical properties need further improvement.
As limited studies are reported on FOX-7 based gun propellant, the present work was undertaken to study FOX-7 as a component of triple base gun propellant with NC as polymeric energetic binder.
Experimental Section
NC-NG paste having volatile matter (VM) content 0.4% and other ingredients weights are taken on dry weight basis for processing the propellant batch. NC-NG paste, picrite and FOX-7 loaded into incorporator for kneading and solvent (17-25%) along with di-butyl phthalate to form homogenous and fully consistent dough, warm water circulation started (38 - 40°C). Propellant processing was carried out by well-established method. (Surjit Singh Vol-II [12].
Chemical analysis of TBP was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) model No. Ultimate 3000. This model of HPLC is manufactured by Dionex Softron GmbH, Germering, Germany. The HPLC column has a neutral stationary phase containing C18, octadecasilane with the dimensions of 250mm length, 4.6mm diameter and 5μm pore size. Mobile phase included methanol: water (70:30) mixture. Propellant sample was ground, and ether extract was prepared by heating the content in water bath. It was injected into the HPLC column. The system is run for a duration of 30 minutes by conditioning at a temperature of 35°C at a standard flow rate of mobile phase of 1ml/min and 64 bar pressure in reverse phase. Content of polymeric binder NC, graphite and K2SO4 in the propellant is calculated by difference. In order to obtain only NC and graphite content in the propellant, the residue of ether extract is treated with hot water. K2SO4 gets dissolved in hot water that was estimated by well-known methods. To estimate graphite, acetone is added in the remaining extract to dissolve NC. Chemical analysis results are given below in Table 3.
Thermo chemical parameters for all the experimental propellant compositions that is processed are calculated using THERM program of HEMRL are given in Table 4. In this program, some basic thermodynamic equations that are reported for gun propellant combustion have been used for calculations [13-19]. Approximate determination of temperature of explosion is carried out using computer program. Then the calculation of heat of reaction of gas and its internal energy is carried out. Number of gram atom/gram of C, H, N, O are given by well-known and reported equation. The energy released at 2500K is evaluated making use of well-reported combustion parameters for C, H, N, O. The major products of propellant combustion are predicted viz. CO2, H2O, H2, N2 gases and dissociation products are OH, H, NO, O. Calculation of internal energy of these gases is carried out by applying standard thermodynamic equations. Thereafter, other important and quite relevant constants such as co-volume, force constant and heat of combustion are calculated and compared with values reported in the literature. Detailed research work involving computer program had been published by K P Rao [12]. Researchers have been using this program widely for approximate calculation of ballistic parameters pertaining to gun propellants [20-24].
Measurement of dimensions of dried propellant grain was carried out using Vaiseshika Zoom Stereoscopic Microscope Type 7004 TNC Sr. No. 99075 having resolution 7X to 60X manufactured by M/s Vaiseshika Electronic Devices, Ambala Cantt, Haryana, India. The propellant grain is held in different positions under the microscope which is connected to a programmed computer and image is frozen and thereafter various dimensions such as web size, hole size, grain diameter, length etc. are measured in mm by moving the crosswire from point to point in the frozen image. Movement of crosswire across the image gives the length or distance between the two selected points on the image that is displayed and recorded by a programmed computer connected to the microscope. Geometrical parameters of FOX 7 based TBP grains are tabulated in Table 5. Photograph of a few propellant grains taken using camera make Sony Japan. Model No. Cyber-shotDSC- S980, 12.1 Mega pixel, Optical zoom 4X is placed at Figure 1.
Form function is a measure of surface area of the propellant grain and theoretical web factor (TWF) is the ratio of ballistic web to geometric web is calculated using available computer program [11,12]. Input parameters like grain geometry, hole size, diameter, length: diameter ratio is given as input parameters for calculation and form function and TWF are obtained as output parameters. Mechanical properties testing was carried out using Hounsfield Universal Testing Machine H25KN, New York, US. Length: diameter (L/D) ratio of propellant grain was adjusted to 2.0 and conditioned at +21, -20 & +55°C for 4 hours. Mechanical properties viz. compressive strength (CS) and % compression of the propellant grains was determined.
Impact sensitivity and test was carried out using BAM IM Fall Hammer apparatus make Chilworth Technology, UK, with 2kg drop weight. Friction sensitivity test was conducted using BAM FR Friction test apparatus, make Chilworth Technology, UK. Similarly, autoignition temperature was determined using Wood’s metal bath. During all the three tests propellant sample was powdered by grinding and 150-300μm particle size was taken evaluation [6,25].
Closed vessel evaluation of FOX-7 based propellant along with standard TBP (Std TBP) was carried out at 0.2g/cc loading density in 700cc CV [26] after conditioning at +21, -20 & +55°C for 24 hours to determine ballistic parameters such as Pmax, force constant, (dP/dt)max, pressure index (α), burning rate coefficient (β), rise time, vivacity, relative force (RF) and relative vivacity (RV) [19,27]. Measurement of pressure during CV firing was done using tourmaline piezo-electric gauge. 1.2g gunpowder was used to ignite the main propellant charge. Nearly 4 ampere current was passed through a thin nichrome wire having length 22-25mm connected across the firing electrodes closed vessel in order to ignite the gunpowder which then ignites the propellant charge [28,29].
Results and Discussion
Chemical analysis results of TBP using HPLC is given in Table 2. Some important properties are reported from literature [3,4]. It shows that FOX-7 has higher density and oxygen balance as compared to picrite. Result of theoretical calculation (Table 4) shows that, most of the parameters such as flame temperature, force constant, chamber pressure, calorific value, and mean molecular mass are increasing for FOX-7 based propellant compositions as compared to standard TBP which do not contain FOX-7. Geometrical parameters of propellant grains (Table 5) shows that web size, hole size, diameter, length and form function for FOX-7 based compositions grains are comparable to the Std TBP grains.
Mechanical properties such as compressive strength (CS) and % compression after conditioning at +21, -20 & +55°C for four hours are given in Table 6. The result shows that incorporation of FOX-7 at 5% level bring down the CS whereas increase in FOX-7 content to 20% level results in improvement in CS at all the temperatures. The CS at -20°C for 20% FOX-7 based composition is more than that of even Std TBP. However, CS is increasing as the amount of FOX-7 is increased in the propellant grain composition. Incorporation of FOX-7 brought down the % compression at +21°C. These results suggest that incorporation of FOX-7 renders the TBP hard at sub-zero conditioning temperatures probably due to reinforcement by FOX-7 particles involving physical forces (hydrogen bonding). It is possible that microcracks may be developing in the FOX-7 based TBP grains at sub-zero conditioning temperatures offering greater burning surface resulting in combustion stability and near to temperature independent ballistics of gun propellant. This is on the lines of the work already reported. The results also suggest that FOX-7 based TBP can retain structural integrity even at higher temperature thereby preventing the accidental damage to gun.
FOX-7 based propellant grains are stronger at -20oC and weaker at higher temperatures than Std TBP as the value of CS is higher at sub-zero temperature and lower at +55°C. The performance at +21 & +55°C is almost similar. Values of CS are plotted in Figure 2.Impact, friction as well as auto-ignition temperature test results are given in Table 7. Auto-ignition test results bring out decrease in vulnerability to thermal stimulus of propellant on incorporation of FOX-7. These results are in line with the reported studies Waldemar A. Trzciński [30]. FOX-7 did not have adverse effect on impact and friction sensitivity of the propellant unlike RDX/ HMX. This may be due to stability gained by the molecules after each oxygen atom of the nitro groups involved with two hydrogen bonding in FOX-7 molecules resulting in two intra-molecular and six inter-molecular hydrogen bonds [31] Figure 3.
As depicted in Figure 4, rate of change of pressure i.e. differential pressure attains a maximum value for every composition during CV firing is denoted in terms of (dP/dt)max. The value of (dP/dt)max is lowered for FB-20 at +55°C whereas it is increased at -20°C and almost coincides at 21°C with that of Std TBP. This behaviour of FOX-7 based TBP indicates a trend towards low temperature coefficient propellant.
Chamber pressure was found marginally higher for FB-05 and FB-20 compositions compared to Std TBP evaluated during this work at -20°C and 21°C, as shown in Figure 5 whereas it is found to be marginally increased for FB-05 composition at +55°C. This may be due to brittleness of FOX-7 based propellant composition which gives rise to increase in surface area and increased burn rate. Increased burn rate increases the amount of gases thereby increasing the gaseous pressure. This trend in pressure indicated that FOX 7 based TBPs are showing low temperature sensitivity [32]. This result shows that FOX-7 based TBP can be used in large calibre guns without hazards.
Force constant which is a measure of propellant energy is almost same for FB-20 composition at -20°C and at 21°C as compared to Std TBP and FB-05 composition whereas it is increased at +55°C. The graph is plotted in Figure 6. This behaviour of FOX-7 based TBP indicates a trend towards low temperature coefficient propellant in sub-zero temperature region. This may be due to hardening of FOX-7 based propellant grain making it more brittle propellant composition which gives rise in surface area and increased burn rate. Increased burn rate increases flame temperature and gaseous molecules move faster giving more force or energy (Table 4) [30]. CV firing results bring out increase in force constant with increase in FOX-7 content in the propellant at replacement of picrite. This may be attributed to higher density and superior oxygen balance (stoichiometry) of FOX-7 compared to picrite.
Dynamic vivacity expressed as [(1/P). (1/Pmax). (dP/dt)] is plotted against normalized pressure (P/Pmax). A comparison of Figure 7-9 corresponding to CV tests at -20, +21 and +55°C respectively shows that graph of vivacity for FB-20 composition begins on the lower side as compared to FB-05 and marginally higher than Std TBP and it remains on the lower side for entire range of normalized pressure. It indicates comparative lowering of the production of gases at all temperatures of conditioning for FB-20 propellant composition and particularly at +55°C. This clearly brings out the fact that FOX-7 based propellant composition has the potential for exhibiting low temperature coefficient ballistic parameters. Similar is the trend in case of RV as observed from the graph between RV versus temperature shown in Table 8.
Burn rate versus pressure profile obtained during CV firing of FOX-7 based propellant compositions at -20, 21 & +55°C respectively plotted in Figure 10-12. Graph shows that burn rate increases with increase of temperature and attains peak at certain pressure and then falls off steeply even though the pressure increases as the propellant gets consumed fully. It may be noted that the burn rate is lowered as the FOX-7 content is increased in the propellant compositions. Burn rate for FOX-7 based composition FB-05 is reduced as compared to Std TBP; however, for FB-20 it was close to that for Std TBP at -20°C whereas at +55°C for FOX-7 based composition gave marginally lower burn rates at Pmax compared to Std TBP. These results are indicative of introduction of temperature independent/less dependent combustion of FOX-7 based TBP. It increases the duration of combustion. This indicates that pressure may act on the base of projectile for a longer duration increasing its velocity [Table 9 & 10].
FOX-7 based gun propellant has given improved energetics and ballistic properties as compared to conventional TBP. Force constant, Pmax, (dP/dt)max, and RV are on the higher side as compared to standard TBP propellant showing that loading density in high caliber gun can be reduced to get the same muzzle velocity and chamber pressure. Vivacity variation indicates lowering the production of gases at all temperatures of conditioning of the FB- 20 propellant composition and the rate of generation of gases is further lowered at higher temperatures as compared to Std TBP. This clearly brings out the fact that FB-20 propellant composition has the potential for exhibiting low temperature coefficient ballistic parameters. Similar trend is observed in case of RV versus temperature. Burn rate is lowered and the peak is broadened as the FOX-7 content is increased in the propellant compositions indicating increased duration of combustion. This indicates that pressure may act on the base of projectile for a longer duration increasing its velocity. The trends in ballistics observed bring out the fact that FOX-7 has potential to impart less sensitive, temperature independent characteristics in the TBP used for high calibre gun.
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H50 rewatch highkey shipping catherine with crimson on the roller derby episode (S3 E18) they would be so cute. Both she and steve deserve better,they had some good moments over the season but the show runners never cared about their female characters enough to develop her better. So happy grace park (kono) moved on to another show that does their female characters justice.
I ship mcdanno to the end but some of you guys really slam catherine for no reason, she's great and doesn't deserve it. And I'd also point out that steve shows no interest in her when she tells him that she's really enjoying roller derby, he ignores her and forgets stuff. Bad writing when the show runners kept insisting on their relationship. And used the fact that she lied to remedy his behaviour.
It's so annoying that the writers have projected their distrust of women and general misogyny onto almost every female character on their lineup. I always loved the found family of H50 but damn I never realised how much shit they put the women on the show through.
Rewatch got turned into a straight up analysis of misogyny in the show and of cop shows in general.
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cowandcalf · 6 years
Humm, hey! I wasn’t sure whether to write to you or not but I was reading your analysis about Danny and Rachel, and I wanted to tell you about some ideas that came up by reading your meta. You can ignore me if you feel like it, I really only write because it was a interesting point of view because it's very different from mine and it helped me. Rachel’s a character with whom I can’t sympathize but it’s more for personal experiences because in my country (I’m from Argentina) [1/?]
the concealment of identity is something that marked our history, our memory and I know that I would never judge Rachel very well. It's one of the reasons why your reasoning helps me think more about her side of the story, and I like that. I understand Danny better because I see him through the lens of his anxiety disorder (it’s a predominant personality trait). He has all the symptoms of the book: catastrophic thinking, concealment, fear of the unpredictable, insomnia, perfectionism, [2/?]            
a tendency to depression, phobia, pretending that EVERYTHING is OK even when NOTHING IS OK, a pretense of infallibility and feeling excessively responsible for things that are beyond his control. I think even Matt alludes to this in chapter 1x18 and, well, there is 4x19. Danny doesn’t let anyone in and Rachel, even if she tried and tried and tried really could not get to the bottom because her personality is also fluctuating (she’s impulsive and emotional) [3/4] 
I think Danny's anxiety disorder is very well written in H50, really consistent, and I would love it to be recognized more within the canon. Thanks for your writing, you really helped me think about Rachel, Danny, and their relationship. [4/4]                      
Hi, dear anon!
First, thank you so very much for reading my Danny and Rachel analysis. The relationship topic between Danny and Rachel is a minefield and I was so convinced to get anon hate for having the guts to put my opinion out in the open for everyone to read.
But I wasn't prepared to get such a great, excellent addition to my essay about those two. Your insight and your explanation are perfectly explained. It confirms and supports my thesis and the way I've tried to analyze their relationship. Thank you very much for sending me your messages. I'm so very pleased and thrilled, and also happy that my Danny/Rachel insight has kept you thinking. I'm happy you get to know a different angle that has helped you to see their relationship from another point of view.
I never would ignore you and your great messages! Everyone who takes the time to write to me will get an answer. I cherish this attention, the one you give me by reading my stuff and the other one you gift me with by writing me your thoughts.
So, of course, I'll write you back!
I love to read about your others, well-expressed points of view on the topic of Danny's and Rachel's psychological issues. I'm always keen on sharing opinions when there's a threat of thoughts I can follow to reach the end that helps me to understand why someone, you, dear anon, came to this conclusion. What I can't cope with is senseless bashing and complaining and hitting always on the same spot without coming up with a solution or at least a resourceful opinion. So, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me.
I like your messages a lot and what you've expressed in the text. It explains in an explicit way how Danny's and Rachel's personality has been built through their lives and their experiences, and why a relationship between those two doesn't work. I appreciate it very much that you feel like sharing your view with me.
You've analyzed Danny spot on. It's so well said. Yes, that's exactly that. I'm still not done talking about him and the way he behaves with his girlfriends. Rachel has a very special place in his heart and the way he has treated her still has some potential to keep discussing. I'm currently in season 2 where Rachel calls Danny in another time of need. She's in labor and Stan's out of town. So, Danny jumps in without any second thoughts and supports her with all his mighty love and affection, what's real and honest at this point.
I assume Danny and Rachel get along great when they aren't involved in a relationship together. It's so obvious to observe. Both are seriously trapped in their pattern as soon as they get involved emotionally.
Thank you again for getting back to me. It's so appreciated. I wish you a great day, dear friend and Mahalo.
 If someone is interested that's the link: Danny and Rachel Meta.
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rivermoon1970 · 8 years
Title: Silencing Perfection Author: rivermoon1970 Fandom: Criminal Minds/H50 Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, JJ, Penelope Garcia, Chin Ho Kelly, Steve McGarrett Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Chin Ho Kelly Genre: Case Fic, Romance Prompt: Picture Prompts Beta: None Word Count: 7901 Tags: Pre-Slash, Introspection, Introversion Warnings: Canon typical violence
**Challenge by DJQ accepted. Using all four pics in one story.**
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The girl was sitting in the chair, the Viola leaning expertly in against her, the bow poised at the perfect angle. The gauze was still wrapped tightly around her mouth and up to her nose. She could breath, at least, but she couldn’t talk. She felt the tears in her eyes, but when the background music began and her captor commanded her in that hard gravelly voice, she had no choice but to comply. She played for him. She played for hours, her captor relentless. She played till her fingers bled and she was shaking from the pain in her fingers, and her body for sitting there for so long. She wanted to stop, to close her eyes, to rest, but he didn’t let her. Then, he turned off the recorder and she knew, she knew she was dead.
“Dammit, I was sure we were going to find her in time,” Steve growled as he paced the hotel room. The Cello was on the ground with the bow and the rosin sitting next to each other perfectly straight. The victim as also laid out next to the instrument. Sighing he wiped his face.
“Steven, I just got a message from a Jennifer Jareau from the FBI. The Behavioral Analysis Unit, to be exact. It looks like this is an ongoing Federal case. She’s asking if her team can come.” Danny walked up and stood next to his partner.
Steve looked down at the girl and a part of him wanted to protest, he didn’t want to give the case away, but even he had to admit that this was way outside of even 5-0’s purview.
“Tell her yes. I think we are going to need their help.” Steve walked off, frustrated as hell. This was the third body of young women who were musical prodigy’s that had been found so far. He didn’t get what was happening, and he had a feeling it was going to get worse before it got better.
Vegas was hot and dry. Spencer and Aaron were standing over the body of a young girl, rotting gauze over her mouth, a violin by her side in perfect alignment with her body. Bow and rosin next to the violin. The rate of decomposition was going to make it hard for them to tell when she had been killed. The odd tree, the only one for miles around, had both men frowning and wondering why the UnSub chose this particular location. It was barren, and the area looked cracked and dry. The desolate nature of the location made Aaron think that it was an extension of how the UnSub was feeling. Each location so far had been remote, desolate in some way, and this one seemed to be the worst. He was brought out of his reflection when Reid’s voice filtered past his consciousness.
“Finger’s bloody, just like the other’s. Violin this time and again the alignment of body and instrument are perfect. Won’t know if there is any sexual violation till after the autopsy.” Spencer carefully used gloved hands to examine the body before the coroner’s office came and took her away. “The wounds, like on the other girls, are consistent with being forced to play for long hours at a time.” Spencer stood and looked out at the desert landscape, an area of Vegas he didn’t know well, but knew that it was popular for body dumps. “It’s a miracle that she was even found, even in this state.”
“We are lucky it was a set of experienced desert hikers that found her. It could have been years, or even never. But, we need to know at least an approximate time of death. Come on, we should let them do their job. As soon as the medical examiner gets us a preliminary report I want you to go there with Morgan. We need to know how long ago this happened. She maybe our origin.”
“Okay Hotch.” The two started off towards their SUV. They headed back to the LVPD station where they were set up. Everyone else was at another crime scene, this one in one of the hotel rooms on the strip. JJ was working at the station, setting them up and calling in family members.
“He’s moving on quickly. I feel like we’re chasing our tails.” Hotch was frustrated. They had seven bodies in five states so far. They were lucky that someone had started to put it together in the first place, but they were already months behind in the investigation. And with parts of it spread through the various PD’s it had been difficult at first to co-ordinate.
“We’ll get him Hotch.”
“What’s the significance here Reid? I understand the binding of the mouths. That’s to keep them quiet, but is it the music that is most significant? And we aren’t even sure what type of music it is.”
“I don’t think that matters. There have several studies done on music and how it can mimic the feelings one has after sexual release. In fact, there was a study done in Copenhagen where they had broken up an orchestra into its individual parts, woodwinds, percussion, strings, and brass. Each part played a piece of music geared to their specific group. The testers gauged audience responses and the string instruments, especially Violin, Bass and Guitar all invoked a response similar to what one experiences after orgasm. The audience members stated afterwards that they could actually feel the resonance of the instruments themselves along with the music inside them….” Spencer trailed off and frowned.
“You didn’t need to stop Reid. So, maybe the UnSub is getting some kind of sexual gratification from the playing of the instruments themselves, and not the music alone.”
“It’s just a theory.”
“It’s a good theory and the only one we have. The precise care taken with the placement of the body and the instrument tells us he’s an organized killer. So far he hasn’t made any mistakes and there isn’t any devolving.”
“No, but he must get tired after each kill. He has the victim’s play, literally, till their fingers bleed. He has to be staying somewhere close by.”
“We can have Garcia look into local hotels and see if there is any overlap, but that might take a while, especially in a place like Las Vegas.” Hotch parked, the drive back didn’t take them very long. He and Reid left the SUV and made their way inside. As soon as Hotch cleared the bullpen JJ was coming out of the conference room.
“Hotch, we have another victim. This time Hawaii. We have an ID, Hailey Simmons, she was 17 and a Cello prodigy. The local’s aren’t the ones that were called in on this one.”
“Who was?”
“The Governor’s task force, Five-O. I reached out to them, they have three cases now.”
“That’s more in one state than the others.”
“They sent over the files, but they are willing to let us come and work on the investigation.”
“Alright, get the jet on standby, make sure they have enough fuel for us to make the trip. I’m going to have to call AD on this one, going to Hawaii is above Strauss. I’ll have to get their okay. I want to try to stay at least until we get some kind of TOD on the unknown victim in the desert. Reid, I don’t think a typical geographical profile is going to work, what if you do a statistical relational model.”
Spencer took a few moments to think about it.
“If I can see the relations in each individual area, then we might be able to get a sense of his favored hunting areas. I’ll see if I can get a list of music schools, conservatories, private tutors, and music stores from Garcia.”
“Good, get on that.” Spencer walked off and went to call Garcia to get as much information as he could. Hotch turned back to JJ. “Who is the agent that is heading the task force?”
“Well, he isn’t actually an agent.”
“Okay, want to fill me in?”
“He’s an ex-navy seal that the Governor felt would be the perfect person to head her task force. They have carte blanche on their investigations. So far they haven’t had a case thrown out, but they definitely skirt the edge even more than we have. Here, I dug up as much information as I could. There are currently four members of the team. Commander Steve McGarrett, Detective Danny Williams, Detective Chin Ho Kelly and Officer Kono Kalakaua, she’s only a year out of the academy. But, she’s Detective Kelly’s cousin. I don’t know what we are going to walk into when we get there.”
“Alright, thanks. I’ll contact the Commander and see if we can coordinate and get more information. Have Garcia dig a little more, I want to know exactly what we are walking into.” Hotch walked off to the small office that the Captain of the LVPD gave him to make a few phone calls. After he was done, he was going to go to the crime lab and find out if they had anything for them yet. He didn’t think they were going to be staying long, he wanted as much as he could get before they moved on.
Sitting down, he organized the files in the order that they had definite TOD’s on. He wasn’t sure why he knew the victim in the desert was the first, but he did. If so, that meant the UnSub had circled back around and killed the second victim in the same area as the first, but he left her for them to find, unlike the first. He took the files that JJ had given him and he was going through them, working out the timeline in his head. The UnSub had been in Hawaii for several weeks and for some reason he was staying there. Looking at all of the victims, Aaron knew they were all prodigy’s and all of them had some kind of position in local orchestras.
Picking up his phone he called Garcia.
“Garcia, did we ever get pictures of the orchestra’s that each of the victims were part of?”
“No, Sir, but it will be easy enough for me to find. I can get back to you once I have more information.” Hotch took a moment and noticed the stress in Garcia’s voice. She didn’t end on one of her usual quips and it worried him. “Garcia, are you okay?”
“No, no I’m not okay. You guys have been gone for weeks and you’re chasing this crazy UnSub and I’m worried about all of you and I haven’t seen any of you and it’s making me a little crazy cause when I don’t see you guys for this long I worry…”
“Penelope, calm down and take a deep breath. I know and we don’t like it either. I haven’t seen Jack, Morgan hasn’t seen Savannah, and JJ hasn’t seen Will or Henry. It’s a stress on all of us. But, you are doing a good job and with your help, we can get home faster. Though by way of Hawaii. That’s also what I want to talk to you about.”
“I don’t know if JJ called yet, but I want you to do a deeper, legal background check on the members of the Governor of Hawaii’s task force, 5-0. I want to know what we maybe walking into when we get there. We are being let in on their end of the investigation, but I want to know more.”
“Right. Orchestra pictures, background checks. Gotcha mon capitan.”
“There she is.” Hotch smiled, and felt a little more at ease knowing he helped to get the analyst back on track. “Also, I’m going to need you to pack a go bag, and your equipment. You will meet us in Hawaii. I’ll have JJ get the travel arranged after I contact AD Evans.”
“I want you there. I know they have their own people, but this task force is…I don’t know, it isn’t like anything we’ve dealt with before. I want to know I have people I can trust.”
“Right, okay, thank you, Sir. I’ll be ready.”
“Good.” Hotch hung up and waited to talk to the Commander. He wanted to know if there was anything on the desert victim and what they got from the victim in the hotel. He stood and gathered the files he wanted then made his way towards the crime lab. He was impressed that the lab and the precinct were connected, it made asking about evidence easier. He talked to who he needed to talk to and got as much information as he could before heading back to the conference room.
As he stepped in, Prentiss and Rossi made their way in.
“The Victim at the Texas Station was found exactly like all the others. This time a Viola, bow and rosin placed precisely perpendicular to the body just like the others. Gauze and same type of wounds on the fingers.”
“Alright, get everything boxed up. As soon as we hear from the medical examiner about TOD I want a definite timeline. He started somewhere and Reid and I both think the body in the desert is where he started. But, it won’t be confirmed until the ME has a look.”
“What’s going on Hotch?” Prentiss asked as she sat down at the table. The others did as well.
“We are most likely going to be going to Hawaii. They have three bodies with the same MO. The UnSub seems to be staying in one area this time. JJ has already put together the files for everyone. But, I need to clear it with the Bureau. I know we’re all tired and frustrated, but with this latest development it seems as if the UnSub is staying put. I’ll talk to the AD and see if I can eek out a budget for clothes and personal supplies. I know we’ve all been living in the same things for a while now.
“You are all doing an amazing job and I appreciate every one of you. Now, when we get to Hawaii, we aren’t going to a normal precinct. We will be dealing with a special investigations office called 5-0. I need to call the Commander and coordinate with him on what is going on with his end of the investigation. Once I clear everything, we’ll need to be ready to go. I think time will be of the essence here. Now, I have Garcia doing some deep digging on the victims and any organizations or Orchestras they might have been a part of. She’s also doing some research on the people we will be working with. When those files come through, you guys will understand why.” Aaron was going to say more when his phone rang. Pulling it out of his pocket he looked down and saw the number was the ME’s office. He answered and put the phone on speaker so the rest of the team could hear.
“Agent Hotchner, I understand that you requested TOD as soon as possible on the victim from the desert. The closest approximation I can give you is that she has been out there for at least five months, maybe more. The rate of decomp, and other factors make it hard to pinpoint, but that is the best guestimate I can give you. I have taken dental impressions and sent them off to hopefully be identified.”
“Thank you Doctor. I’d like you to keep us in touch. We are going to be leaving Vegas most likely in a few hours. But, I don’t want to be out of the loop. If you get more after your examination, please contact myself or Dr. Reid.”
“Will do Agents.” The Doctor hung up and Aaron put his phone away.
“All right, Reid, I want you to continue with what we discussed. Dave and Prentiss, the family of the hotel victim is here, I’d like you both to speak with them. JJ, I want you to contact the Governor in Hawaii and any media contacts you have there and make sure that they have kept this quiet. We want as much control as possible before we get there. Morgan, Garcia is going to be getting a lot of information to us, I’d like you to coordinate with her and get it organized. She’s also going to be meeting us in Hawaii, but it’ll be a day after us. Okay, I’ll be making a few calls, let’s see if we can reign this in.” Aaron nodded before he walked off back to the small office to make the calls he needed. Including a call to his son that he was missing greatly. There was a lot they needed to do and little time to actually do it. He hoped they would find their answers in Hawaii because the stress of this case was getting to all of them and he knew they all just wanted to go home.
The plane landed and the team was exhausted. They had left Vegas quickly, Reid didn’t even get time to go see his mother, which Aaron had felt a little bad about, but luckily the genius didn’t complain. He knew they were under a time crunch.
When they disembarked there were a couple of SUV’s and four people there to greet them. On the plane the team had gone over the information that Garcia had dug up on each person. It was an odd rag tag group, but their solve rate was fairly high. They were only given those cases that the regular police couldn’t do anything about because their hands were tied. Aaron still felt like they were walking into a situation that they might have a hard time controlling, but they were all willing to work with these people as long as they did things by the book. If anything went wrong, the UnSub could end up going free, and that was not an option here.
Aaron’s eyes quickly landed on McGarrett and he walked right up to him.
“Commander, thank you for letting us in. Once we get to your office and set-up you’ll see why we insisted on coming. But, for now my team is exhausted and we need food and rest.”
“Agent Hotchner. I have something all set-up for you. It maybe a little cramped, but it’s better than a hotel.”
“Okay,” Aaron couldn’t help the confusion in his voice.
“I’m going to set you up in my house, Agents. I have three rooms, a den and a living room all with comfortable sleeping arrangements. You can shower, wash clothes, use my kitchen or even the grill outside. I figured you’ve seen too many hotels at this point and would want some kind of comfort.”
“That’s rather generous of you. Of course the Bureau will pay you back any expenses…”
“Just help me catch this bastard, that’s all I ask.”
“Okay, then let me introduce you to my team. This is Special Agents David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Derek Morgan. Dr. Spencer Reid and our media and family liaison, Jennifer Jareau.”
“Pleased to meet you and this is my team, Detectives Daniel Williams and Chin Ho Kelly and Officer Kono Kalakaua.” Everyone shook hands with everyone else, but a memory was niggling at the back of Aaron’s mind.
“Detective Williams, out of New Jersey, correct?”
“Was wondering if you were going to remember.”
“I don’t normally forget, but this case has had us chasing our tails. It is good to see you again, but I took you for a Jersey boy all the way.” Aaron couldn’t help the small smile.
“Well, when your ex-wife takes your daughter across the damn country and doesn’t give you a choice…”
“I understand. It’ll be good working with you again.”
As Aaron was talking to Danny, he couldn’t help letting his eyes wander to Detective Kelly. Not that he should even be thinking about attractive Hawaiian men. Nodding once, everyone piled into the SUV’s, Aaron, Reid and Rossi going with McGarrett and Williams. Emily, JJ and Morgan went with Kelly and Kalakaua.
Aaron was in the front with his head back trying to relax.
“Oh, I forgot, a package came for you overnight. If you look on the floor there.” Aaron sat-up and found the package and looked inside. It was the promised Visa prepaid cards for each of them and instructions if they needed more. He would wait till they got to McGarrett’s place, hopefully they could get some real rest for a change.
The drive wasn’t long and everyone piled out of the vehicles and followed behind the Commander. When they got in, he showed them the guest rooms, the den with a pull-out bed and the living room, also with a pullout.
“Some nice work you’ve done here McGarrett.” Morgan was admiring something along the walls.
“How do you know I’ve done work?”
“He restores houses on the side. Has a contractors license.” Rossi said as he moved towards the den. “I hope you kids don’t mind if I take the den.”
No one objected as the man walked off to put his stuff down.
“I don’t mind the living room. I’m usually up earlier than most of you anyway. JJ and Emily, why don’t you take one room and Reid and Morgan, the other. And I don’t want to hear any bitching.” Aaron directed it at Morgan as he was about to say something. The sarcastic smile from Reid wasn’t lost on anyone. “Before you guys go, here. The Bureau is giving us each $1000.00. Make it stretch or anymore will come out of our budget.”
“We can take you to the best places to shop. You guys are not going to want to wear suits and ties. The more casual, the more people will talk. You show up like that,” Steve pointed to Aaron, “They are going to know immediately you’re feds. Trust us.”
“Why don’t I run to the store and get some food to grill.” Kelly said as he grabbed keys to one of the vehicles.
“Sounds good. We’ll set-up outside. I think I have some things we can throw together. Don’t worry Agents, we’ll take care of you.” Steve ushered them all into the living room, “I have two showers, one upstairs and one attached outside, if you don’t mind. It’s mainly got just a curtain, but it’s enough privacy.”
The agents talked amongst themselves and worked out a shower schedule. They all let Aaron go first, over his protests, but in the end, his team bullied him for a change.
By the time everyone was done and changed into something comfortable, food was being grilled, beers were being passed around and the team was relaxing for a change. JJ called Will and spoke with Henry, then let Reid talk with her. The smiles on both his agents made Aaron relax a little. None of them had smiled or relaxed since the start of this case and he knew it was wearing on all of them. He stood and walked a little ways away on the private beach and took a long pull of the beer he had been given. Technically he knew they shouldn’t drink, but he had thrown some of the rules out the window over a week ago.
His call to Jessica and to Jack hadn’t gone as well. Jack was upset and Aaron didn’t blame him.
“You look like a man that holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.” Aaron looked to see Detective Kelly standing next to him with a beer loosely in his hand.
“It’s just been a very long few weeks. This UnSub is making us chase our tails.” Aaron took a pull on his beer and looked out to the ocean. He took a deep breath and felt so very tired. “This place is beautiful.” Aaron turned to watch his team as they ate, drank and even laughed. He knew this is what they needed. Time to destress and he was grateful for Steve’s generosity.
“They are your Ohana.” Kelly smiled as he watched Aaron.
“I’m sorry?” Aaron turned back and saw the smiled on the Detective’s face. He didn’t know why he was always drawn to exotic men, and it didn’t hurt that Kelly was gorgeous. Made him think of John Blackwolf, he always wondered what could have happened between them if circumstances had been different. Now, here he was again looking at someone he shouldn’t be looking at in that way. They had a job to do, he didn’t need to get distracted. He needed to stay focused so they could just all go home.
The soft laugh and wide smile made warning bells go off in Aaron’s head. He cursed inwardly because he did not need the attraction, not when so much was at stake.
“Ohana means family, but it’s more than that. It’s the people you choose to be your family. Like them. You want to protect and care for them, yet you keep yourself separate.” Aaron swung his gaze back to Kelly. How do you tell a stranger that you feel like a failure, that everything in your life lately has fallen apart, that they had your back, but in the end you still failed. Even if it wasn’t the truth, even if no one else saw it that way, it was what you felt.
“They’re the best. I would do anything to protect them.”
“Just don’t lose yourself in the process.” Kelly smiled again at him and Aaron knew he was fucked.
The next day both teams met at 5-0 headquarters. Steve showed them where they could set-up. Case boards and white boards were found, even though the 5-0 team used more state of the art technology, the BAU preferred to go old school.
“This is what we have. Each girl was found with the gauze around her face, the instrument perfectly aligned with the body along with the bow and the resin. We did Vicap searches and nothing similar came up. This UnSub is only going after young female prodigy’s whose preferred instrument is one that utilizes a bow. This girl was found in Virginia, her instrument was the fiddle. What is the significance of the bowed instruments?” Aaron asked as both teams took in the information on the boards.
“Bowed instruments are one of the few families that can be played exclusively without some kind of orchestral or band back-up. Yes, many wind, like a saxophone or trumpet can be played separately, but it isn’t often. There are many pieces of music, especially in the classical genre, that the bowed instruments have long solos, or played individually. Many Jazz songs showcase the bass. The fiddle, violin and viola all have long-standing histories as solo instruments.” Reid was concentrating on the photos and didn’t see the shocked look of the 5-0 team.
“Get used to it. That’s just Reid.” Aaron couldn’t help the tiny smile and look of pride on his face.
“I’m sorry, was I rambling again Hotch?”
“Yes, but it was good information, Reid. Okay, so he shows reverence for not only the instrument, but the wielder of that instrument.”
“There’s a depth of care to with the victim. Though the fingers have severe damage to them, which suggest long hours of play, you can see here and here that even some of the old callosus have been cut right through. The UnSub cleans them up, and carefully lays the instrument next to them. Like it’s essential they are together.” Morgan walks to the boards and contemplates each of the crime scene photos.
“Maybe he is seeing them as one single instrument. You can’t have the Violin without the player. And, you can’t properly play without the rosin. It’s essential in keeping the bow in the perfect condition to be played against the strings. And what trophies is he taking?” JJ asked as he flipped through the photos on her tablet.
“We won’t know till we find him.” Aaron stood with his arms around his chest. “There isn’t any sexual assault, but Reid pointed out that the music itself, whatever it is he is forcing them to play, is the sexual component. He’s getting off on them playing and feels no need to touch them physically.”
“What if he’s putting it all together?” Kelly asked as he thought about everything the BAU had thrown out there.
“You mean like a recording?”
“There have been a lot of artists on the internet who have gotten together through on-line social media and made some amazing music videos without even interacting with each other. What if he’s going to splice it all together as one single piece of music?”
“That’s a good theory. However, we still won’t know his motivation till we catch him.”
“Could this be similar to that case in New York, Hotch?” Morgan asked.
“The one with the young singers? Where the UnSub wanted to capture their voices at their prime while still young and a little raw.”
“Exactly. These are all girls who were prodigy’s with their particular choice of instrument. What if he’s similar to Wakeland and wants to capture them at their most raw and prime?”
“Who’s Wakeland?” Steve asked, feeling a little lost at what was happening.
Morgan went on to tell him about the older case. They continued with their speculations when Detective Williams came in with Penelope Garcia.
“Hey, baby girl. Glad you here mama.” Morgan smiled wide as he hugged the analyst.
“Hey my sweet chocolate goodness. I have a few things for you before I ask for a place to set-up.” Garcia put everything down, then pulled out a thick file from one of her cases. “Here you go bossman, everything I could find on Orchestra’s, professional and amateur that each of the girls were in. Also, a list of talent scouts, and fans. I have a list of all of their social media and fansites, but I’ll need to set-up before I can show you what I found.”
“Thank you Garcia. Before you do, let me at least introduce you.” Aaron took a moment to introduce Garcia to the other members of the 5-0 team.
“I have a setup all ready for you over here Miss Garcia.” Kelly smiled at the colorfully dressed woman.
“Well, smart, techie and handsome. I think my day just got a little better.” Garcia flirted a little and Aaron did not want to analyze the little pang of jealousy that he felt. He had only just met Kelly, and he was already feeling off kilter with him. He needed to refocus and get this investigation on some kind of track.
Aaron looked around at his team and saw that the tension they had been living with had eased a little. He didn’t have to wonder anymore if he made the right decision in accepting McGarrett’s offer of a place. They had needed last night, even in light of what they were dealing with.
“Alright, let’s look to see what we’ve got.” Aaron spread the file in his hand out for everyone to see. Each girl was displayed prominently in their respective Orchestras. “Prime target for this UnSub. He sees them standing out, highlighted, the best of the best. Was that what attracted them to him?” Aaron asked more to himself than anyone else.
“Maybe we need to get a list of potential victims. We have a victim profile, and with more than one Island that has local music ensembles, he may seem them as potentials. I can get word out. And not all the Islands have a law enforcement presence. Usually it’s Coast Guard, and Water Patrol. Since most of the dump sites are fairly remote, we can get something together that gives us a start.”  Detective Williams was studying the boards and the photos.
“That’s a good idea. McGarrett you guys know these Islands best, do what you need to and we’ll get a profile together for you to spread as wide as possible.”
“Kono and Chin know these Islands the best. I’ll have them do the notifications after you have a profile together. Is there anything that I can tell the Governor? She’s getting nervous about this case.”
“Tell her we’ll have the profile in an hour and distribute it as far and wide as possible. If the UnSub is holding true, the more remote areas will be the most likely that he will use as his dump sites. Hopefully we can catch him before any more victims are taken.” Aaron moved away from the boards so that he could call Strauss and the AD to update them on what was happening. After his calls, he came back and doled out assignments.
As he sat in a Range Rover with Kelly driving, Aaron was going over the profile they had hammered out. He knew it was correct, but he felt he was missing something.
“You think to yourself too much,” Kelly said as he drove towards one of the previous dump sites.
“Sorry?” Aaron furrowed his brow as he looked at Kelly. It didn’t take a profiler to understand his motivation to go with the man. Even Morgan had given him side eye when he gave out assignments.
“You watch, listen and then you get inside your head. You contemplate and are very careful with what you say when you do speak. I know it’s only been a day and half since we met, but I can tell you hold yourself back.”
“Are you trying to profile me?”
Kelly laughed as he shook his head.
“No. I wouldn’t know where to begin. But, what I do know is you need someplace quiet and some food. I know a place, that is if you trust me.”
Aaron looked fully at Kelly and couldn’t help that tiny smile.
“I leave it in your hands.”
“That might be a dangerous thing to do Agent Hotchner.” Kelly’s smile was definitely going to be the death of Aaron. But, they had a case to finish and he had a son to get back home to. A little harmless flirting was all he was going to allow himself. He couldn’t help the slight blush that creeped up his face. He wasn’t paying atten when Kelly pulled into a small lot next to a seaside shack.
“This place has the best Kalua Pork tacos. I’ll sometimes come here in the evenings when they are digging the fire pit and getting the pig ready to lay in it to roast overnight. Nothing better than sipping on a beer, watching the sun go down and seeing tradition being carried on. Even if they use it in a new way. It’s the perfect melding of the old and the new.”
Aaron got out of the car and wasn’t quite sure what Kelly was meaning. He felt as off-kilter with the man as he did Blackwolf. They had very similar, almost zen like personalities. He felt, for lack of a better word, comfortable around Chin-Ho. Shaking his head he followed the man and ordered whatever sounded good. As they walked to a table, food in hand, Aaron was thankful that Steve had talked them, well him really, out of wearing his tie and jacket. He rolled up his sleeve and undid the first two buttons of his shirt before he realized what he had done.
“Well, that is a nice sight to see Agent.”
“Hotch, or ah you can call me Aaron.”
“Aaron.” Kelly dug into his food with gusto, letting Aaron’s mind wander. The quiet of the food shack, the gentle whoosh of the surf, the crunch of the sand as people walked up to get food. The briny scent of the ocean, the same yet different from his parents vacation home at Virginia Beach. It all wound together in Aaron’s senses making him relax like he hadn’t…well since the Reaper’s attack. Closing his eyes a moment he pulled himself back in and ate, bringing his mind back to the case.
“Dammit,” he exclaimed as he set the taco he was currently eating back on the plate. He dug his phone out of his pocket and dialed. Kelly was looking at him with a raised brow, but he just held up his finger telling him to wait.
“Reid, I think the profile is off. I think our UnSub is a woman. The care taken with each victim, no evidence of sexual violation, no wanting to revisit the dump site, using poisons, it all points to a woman and we just completely missed it.”
Aaron listened for a minute and was glad that Reid and Rossi had come to the same conclusion. It made things a lot easier, and a lot harder at the same time. When his conversation was done and he set the phone aside he turned to Kelly.
“There have just been things that haven’t made sense,” Aaron said as he picked-up his taco and started to eat again. “I was just sitting here, not truly thinking about anything then it hit me.”
Kelly’s smile was smug as Aaron watched him take a long sip of his guava drink.
Chuckling and laughing to himself Aaron knew he should have seen through Kelly.
“You did this on purpose.”
“Of course. You think too hard Aaron. You worry too much. It was nice seeing you get out of your head. Now finish your tacos and we can go to the crime scene.” Kelly finished off his drink as Aaron finished off his food. He hated to admit that he had a much clearer head.
Getting Garcia on the line again he gave her new parameters to search, this time with a female UnSub in mind. By the time they got to the dump site, Garcia was running the new searches. Aaron walked the area and noted, again, how remote it was. Looking out at the ocean again with Kelly beside him, quietly giving him support. Aaron didn’t understand why it was suddenly important that this man next to him gave him that comfort. Rubbing a hand over his face he thought that maybe he was going a little crazy. Too long on the road, too long on the chase. He was reaching out for someone not on the team and Kelly was the person he had immediately connected to. That was all.
“The gauze around the mouth. Keeping them quiet. We usually see that with people who either don’t want to listen to someone speak, or if…”
Taking another leap of logic, Aaron pulled out his phone.
“Garcia,” he excitedly said as his analyst answered. “I need you to add in something else. Anyone involved in music that can’t speak, or can’t hear for some reason. Also, this is going out on a limb, but I need you to see if any of those have something wrong with their hands.”
“Okay, got it bossman.” Garcia hung up when he did.
“Seems Hawaii likes you Aaron.”
“Come one. I think by the time we get back to 5-0 we may have some answers.”
Aaron didn’t want to acknowledge Kelly’s statement. At least not right now. Later, maybe, possibly, but not right now. He looked out of the window as they drove back, the sun setting and Aaron could feel the anticipation down to his bones. He knew, just like many other times that he didn’t voice what he felt or knew, but he knew anyway that by the time they got back, there would be answers.
Kelly parked and Aaron held back on his enthusiasm. He buried it, just like he buried the want to reach out and place a hand on Kelly’s back. He fisted his hand at his side and showed none of the emotion that was broiling inside him.
“Bossman, you were right. I don’t know how you were right, but you were. See I started to dig using the Orchestra’s as the focal point and checking everyone possibly connected, even in the smallest way, to our victims. Then it hit me, what if it was a car accident or, or some kind of tragedy, THEN, I went back as far as I could…”
“Garcia,” Aaron cut her off. He knew she would end up in a long winded ramble if he didn’t get her back on track.
“Oh, right. Anyway. There is one, Sandra Westcott. She had been a child prodigy. Like she was huge back in the day. She even did Lettermen, Oprah, all the big talk show circuit. She even performed with both the London Symphony Orchestra and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Toured, the whole shebang. Then, and this is where is gets just horribly, tragically sad, a terrible plane crash. She lost her manager and her father. But, unfortunately, she also lost her right hand, and her vocal chords are scarred. Thought they tried to repair both, the prosthetics at the time meant that she would never be able to play the same again.”
“And I bet you found a paper trail?” Morgan asked as he sat at the end of the table.
“Did you ever doubt me my sweet incarnation of Anubis himself?”
“Is she still here?”
“Yup, and I found her hotel and all her information.”
After that it was a flurry of activity and almost three hours later, after a standoff where Sandra had another girl, they had been able to save the victim, and brought Sandra in for interrogation and booking.
By the time that JJ and Prentiss had a go at her, they had a full confession. The team was relieved and once they searched her hotel and the few things she traveled with, they also found the recordings, her trophies.
The team wanted to go out and celebrate. Aaron just smiled and nodded. He wanted the quiet, but he just didn’t know where. He didn’t think that they were going to solve this in a day, but for some reason he stopped trying so hard and it felt like the old him. The quiet contemplative him that didn’t worry as much. He wondered if that part of him had died when Haley did. If that was when he became the introvert, the worrier, the man who buried everything deep down just so it didn’t hurt so much.
He felt dark eyes on him as he turned to look at Kelly.
“I know a place…”
“Of course you do.” Aaron smiled wide and shook his head. “And I suppose you want to take me to this place.”
“Of course. I’ll even get us dinner.”
Aaron stood and slowly let out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding on to.
“You seem awfully determined to take care of me, yet we’ve only known each other a day, at most.”
“A day is sometimes all you need to know the measure of a man. Your team looks at you and they see the man they always have seen, but probably just a little more closed off. I see you and I see a man in pain. One who is determined to keep it all inside. One who worries so much, you don’t see what’s in front of you.”
“And how did you get so perceptive?”
“Annoying isn’t it? I think I keep McGarrett on his toes. Come on, trust me.” Kelly smiled again and Aaron knows he’s screwed.
They get to a stretch of beach that is overlooking a pier. On that pier was another shack. Aaron thinks that Kelly had made it his mission to find every shack, nook and corner of Hawaii that hasn’t been overrun by tourists. Kelly had laid out a couple of blankets, then said he would be right back. It didn’t take the man long, and in his hands was, of all things, a pizza.
“Don’t tell anyone, but that place makes the best pizza this side of the Island. I didn’t know what you liked, but I forwent the spam and pineapple.” Aaron looked at him horrified. Kelly doubled over laughing. “Oh, oh my if you could see your expression. I am kidding Aaron. Pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives. Anchovies on the side.”
Aaron leaned back on the blanket he was on after taking the six pack of Kona Brown Ales, so that Kelly could sit. The pizza between them, the two men ate and sipped at the beer. Aaron looked out at the sunset and his breath was about knocked out of him. The sky was all colors of orange and purple with dark clouds ribboning throughout. The waves slowly lapped as they rolled up onto the sand, the dragged back out again.
“My parents owned a beach house in Virginia Beach. We used to go several times a year when I was a kid. Even after my brother was born. The estate still owns it, but I haven’t been since my Mother passed away. Haley didn’t like it, she only went to the beach when Jack was first born, but if we went it was because I wanted to go. When I get home I should open the house up, take Jack, take time for just us.”
“Sounds like you have good memories of the beach.”
Aaron turned to Chin Ho and felt that little flutter of attraction.
“I’m a mess.”
“I’m not afraid.”
“I live, four thousand miles away.”
“Is there a law that we couldn’t try?”
“I have a son.”
“I love children.”
“I’m too serious, I bury myself in my work and I know I hold things in too much.”
“Let me help you unburden.”
“Fuck.” Aaron let out the expletive, which was a rarity for him.
“We could, but shouldn’t we get to know each other a little more first?” Chin grinned as he moved empty pizza box and the rest of the beer out of the way. He scooted closer on the blanket and reached out to cup Aaron’s cheek. “Like I said, Hawaii likes you. You don’t have to make life changing decisions. There are ways to make this work, but only if you want to try. We don’t even know if we would work.”
“You are a very strange man.”
“And you are much too serious.”
Aaron leaned in and was only a hairs breath away, contemplating pulling away when a hand gently gripped the back of his neck and pulled him in kissing him. After they pulled apart, Aaron knew he was lost. He fell back on the blanket, with Chin leaning on an elbow above him. He tried to figure out when he had been this content.
After a while of them talking, soft tentative touches, and more gentle kisses, they got up to go. Chin invited him to spend the night at his place. No pressure, he had a second bedroom and Aaron didn’t even hesitate. They both knew that spare room wouldn’t be used. No words had to be said and for once Aaron was spontaneous, doing something that was completely and selfishly just for him.
In the morning, wrapped together, Aaron knew the peace that he had found for a few hours was shattered.
“I’m sorry. We have a case.”
  Silencing Perfection Title: Silencing Perfection Author: rivermoon1970 Fandom: Criminal Minds/H50 Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, JJ, Penelope Garcia, Chin Ho Kelly, Steve McGarrett…
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
the elevator of sexual tension
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look at all that tension, for absolutely no reason, they aren't in a fight, there's no drama between them, there's no reason for this intensity except plain ol' UST. it's likely why these two never got stuck in an elevator together cause it would have probably turned into something too racy for CBS, Steve would definitely find a way to make Danny forget about his claustrophobia 😏
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