#h2O delirious fiction
deliriously-drawing · 2 years
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Aye yo! Got 5 out of 9? pages done ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
Idk when you’re getting the rest lol (゚ヮ゚) I made a mistake adding that mask. That mask makes me do more work but it looks so cool \(●~▽~●)
There might be a few mistakes or not, kinda just wanted to get this out there (*~▽~)
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mnh-wrks · 5 years
Part 2 updated on ao3
otler than ao3
Brother AU Series (623 words) by mynekoheart
Chapters: 3/6
Fandom: Banana Bus Squad
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Evan Fong & Jonathan | H2ODelirious
Characters: Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Evan Fong
Additional Tags: Gangs, Street Rats, brothers not by blood, Character Death, Suicide, Cross-Posted on Wattpad
"Delirious, I know you're traumatized by your brother's death." "Oh, yes. I'm very traumatized."
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im-the-king-of-what · 7 years
Christmas Eve Reminder
Winter is always cold, but not always white. It had been a long time since Johnathan had seen a white Christmas, and today was his lucky day. He sat by the window, a smile plastered to his face as he watched the snow fall. He was warm and cozy with his over sized baby blue sweater his sister had bought him last year, and fluffy green "elf" socks, as Luke calls them. The soft glow from the fire place illuminated his small living room, and soon a glow of green and red would help. He took a sip of his hot chocolate, a homemade recipe sent by his friend Evan, and sighed contently. He'd have to thank the Canadian later. Johnathan sat the mug down on the end table beside him, and pulled his knees closer to his chest. Something soft and woolen rubbed against his cheek and before he could investigate the object that rested upon his shoulders he felt soft lips kiss the top of his head, and a familiar chuckle to follow. "Don't be gay." Johnathan smiled.
"You're gay." Johnathan looked up meeting the gaze of his life long best friend. Luke. "You gonna help me decorate the tree so we can cuddle by the fire sooner, or you gonna sit on that lazy ass of yours and stay all toasty warm?"
Luke walked out from behind the couch and sat beside the youngest. His arms laid comfortably on the back of the couch, and Johnathan couldn't help himself but to cuddle into his friends side. Taking the warm blanket with him of course. Luke wrapped a protective arm around his brother, smiling while staring at the properly decorated fireplace. "Well when you put it that way."
Of course Luke couldn't bring himself to pull Johnathan off his ass, Hell he couldn't even bring himself get up. He was too damn comfy. "Feels just like it used too." Luke smiled down at Johnathan. "Just you and me fucking around enjoying the little things. Almost reminds me of when you moved in with me. Our first Christmas together you had absolutely no idea on what to do."
Johnathan giggled, grabbing Luke's hand and playing with his fingers. "The first step to a good Christmas is cutting down you're own damn pine." That quote had been said almost eight years ago, and Johnathan repeating it only made it better.
Luke didn't laugh instead he looked proudly down at his younger brother. "Exactly." Luke studied the room eyes glued to the mantle. Two candles were lit on top of the smooth surface. A ritual John had kept for a year now. Likes eyes wandered down staring at four unique stockings. One was a plain red splashed with glitter glue, and the name Michael written in chicken scratches. The next one beside it was pink with white snowflakes decorating it, and the name Elle written in Johnathan's neat handwriting. Hanging from both ends of the mantle were both Luke and Johnathan's stocking. All of them were stuffed full of goodies no doubt. "It's a shame you don't have the kids this Christmas." Johnathan sighed he could have gone without that subject being brought up. "Would of been Elle's first snow."
Johnathan used to be a proud father. A proud husband for that matter! But now...now he can't bring himself to even mention he had a family at one point. "L-Luke, let's not discuss this."
Luke's arm tightened around Johnathan. "I'm sorry...I thought since you hung their stockings. You were gettin’ better."
Johnathan pulled himself from his brother's grip and stood. He didn't dare look at Luke instead his eyes studied the hardwood. "Let's just decorate the tree, so we can go to bed."
And so the night went on. Carols were sung by Luke, he more so rapped them, causing Johnathan to giggle. At one point Johnathan buried himself in garland and Luke began hanging ornaments on him instead of the tree. That is until he fell over laughing. But in the end, even after throwing popcorn and fake snow at each other, the tree looked as beautiful as ever. Once or twice Johnathan had caught himself admiring the tree while waiting on Luke to bring eggnog and a fuzzy blanket. Johnathan had long forgotten of his Christmas eve reminder, and would prefer to keep it that way. So he did. Today he would spend happily for his children, because he loved them more than the world itself.
"I wanna give you a Christmas eve gift. You know what that is right?" Luke handed Johnathan his eggnog and gave him the blanket. In response Johnathan simply nodded his head and took a sip of the heavenly drink. "Alright stay here, I'll be right back." With that Luke ran upstairs to an unknown destination leaving Johnathan to himself. Johnathan wrapped himself tighter into the blanket and scooted closer to the fire.
His peach skin warmed and seemed to glow in the soft flickering light. His blue eyes reflected serenity and pain, telling the fire his story. A story he wished he could forget. A story he wished he never had. The fire seemed to listen contently to his eyes, or in Johnathan's imagination it did. He buried himself deeper into his blanket and blocked out the sounds of Luke's feet making contact with the stairs as he walked down them. A fairly large pink box was set in front of Johnathan. Instantly Johnathan jumped back trying to crawl away from the box only to find his way into Luke's arms. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to hid himself away from the harmless box, Luke simply held the man rubbing soft circles onto his back. "I know. I know, shhh. It's okay." Luke kissed the top of Johnathan's head and tried to calm the hysteric man. "It's harmless. I promise. I promise. It's a normal gift. I promise." Johnathan buried his face deeper into Luke's shirt. "It's okay. I promise."
Luke scooted them both a little closer to the box and Johnathan continued to silently protest. Once close enough the man gently pulled the ribbon he had wrapped around the box nearly a year ago and set it aside. He took Johnathan's hand in his and eased it to the pink wrapping paper "Elle insisted on the pink wrapping paper. I tried to wrap it in blue for you but she tore it all up and tried tapping little pieces of pink on it." Reluctantly Johnathan's fingers tore into the wrapping paper pulling it away and once it was gone Johnathan began to cower into Luke. "It's okay. I promise." Yet again Luke took Johnathan's hands in his own and lifted the lid of the box off. "Look inside." Cautiously Johnathan opened his eyes and looked inside the box.
Once his blue eyes met with the brown button eyes of a blue teddy bear tears flowed down his cheeks, and they weren't stopping anytime soon. Johnathan instantly pulled the teddy bear out of its cardboard home and cradled it like he would a young child. He used to hate those stuffed bears, but his son Michael loved them. And of course he'd never tell his son how he felt about them, instead he found himself pretending to love them just as much as his son did. Now he loves them almost as much as he does his son. Johnathan didn't realize he was on his knees rocking back and forth, not until Luke wrapped his arms around his waist causing him to stop. "Thank you Luke."
"There's more." Instantly Johnathan looked into the box not letting go of the bear as he did. Inside he found a card, that he'd read later, and a t-shirt that said world's best daddy. His baby girls pink hand prints on the back of the shirt. Tears seemed to flow harder at the sight of his babies tiny hands. He pressed his hand, which nearly quadrupled in size, to the tiny baby print. "It was rough trying to get her to hold still, once her hands were painted so was everything else in the house." Johnathan hadn't noticed Luke himself was slowly falling apart, until he heard the man choke on his words.
He brought his older brother into a hug which was quickly returned. Johnathan could hear Luke sobbing into his shoulder, he hadn't realized he was just as hurt as Johnathan is. "Thank you...i-it means a lot to me. S-so t-thank you." Johnathan was quickly falling apart and it hurt. It hurt so much.
Luke squeezed him a bit tighter, and before Johnathan knew it Luke's sobs had vanished and the man pulled away. "Read the card." Luke reached behind Johnathan grabbing the envelope and handing it to Johnathan. He opened the envelope and pulled out a goofy looking Santa Clause card that Michael no doubt had picked. Once he opened the card he didn't even bother reading the joke, but instead his sons chicken scratch that said "Hapy Chrismis DaDDy." His and Elle's names were scribbled underneath the writing. A year ago John would correct his sons spelling, but now he'd cherish it more than any gem. "Merry Christmas John."
Johnathan looked up at the clock that hung on his pale walls. It's was midnight. He smiled softly looking back down at gifts. "Merry Christmas Luke."
-Table of Contents -
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Jump scare  H2O Delirious x Reader
Hey guys, I'm back! This is the first time I've attempted to write a fan-fiction since I was 13, so hopefully, this is better than my last ones! Enjoy!
As I sat at my desk in my office, I could hear Jonathan start the intro for his next video. I was prepared to hear more terrified screaming than usual tonight because he was starting a new horror series that his viewers had been asking him to play. I was rather excited about this one because it was one of my favorites, (H/G). In fact, I think I'd played this game so often that I could time when almost each and every jump-scare would happen.
That was when my idea formed.
Ever since I've known Jon, one of his favorite past-times has been scaring me while I play my horror games; Just looking back to some of the lets-plays on my channel could prove that. He would sneak into my office while I was playing, and stand behind me until I calmed down after a jump scare, just to grab the back of my chair and scream next to my head. It would send me cursing and screaming while he was on the floor crying from how hard he was laughing. I think that now might be a good time for some good old-fashioned revenge.
I finished up a few things on my newest thumbnail before I stood up and crept down the hallway towards his office, avoiding all of the floorboards that I knew had a habit creaking. I could hear his commentary as I got to the doorway, which was coincidentally him talking about how this was one of my favorite games.
"Y'know guys, I almost expect her to try and jump scare me, like how I always do to her. But she wouldn't do that, she's too nice!" He giggled before continuing, "Plus, I don't think she even knows that I'm playing right now, last I saw her she was listening to music and drawing, so I think I'm fine."
Oh, how wrong he was.
I opened the door as quietly as I could, thankful for the fact that he finally got around to fixing the squeaky hinge. Tiptoeing into Jon's dark office, I slid the door shut behind me as I crouched low to the floor. I crawled on my hands and knees until I got directly behind his chair, smirking as I realized that he was almost to the jump scare that always gets me no matter how many times I play the game. I knelt behind him quietly for another minute or so before I heard him start screaming, nearly running over my hand as he slid his chair back a few inches in fear.
Jon breathlessly laughed before taking a few calming breaths. As soon as I heard the familiar, "Okay..." fall from his lips, I sprung up from my place behind him, screaming "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
Jon screamed even louder than before, spinning his chair around and slamming the back of it into his desk. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
I burst out laughing at the look of absolute terror etched onto his face, which quickly morphed into several different emotions all at once as he watched me collapse onto the floor, wheezing, with tears streaming down my face.
"You bitch! I trusted you, why?!" Jon yelled, with his hand pressed to his heart that was beating erratically, a smile trying to take over his face. "Paybacks a bitch isn't it, Delirious!? You deserved this!" I stated happily, little giggles breaking out in the middle of speaking. My sides were burning as I laughed, his reaction replaying in my mind until I was hysterical again.  
Soon enough Jon's laughter joined my own, both of us loud enough that I was almost sure our neighbors could hear us. A little while later, we'd finally reduced ourselves to breathless giggles. I slowly stood up from the ground, clutching my mid-section with one arm. "Okay, okay, as fun and satisfying as that was, I've gotta finish this thumbnail and you've gotta finish the game." I took a few steps closer to him to place a quick kiss to his lips but before I could, he placed his hand over my mouth, effectively stopping me from pressing my lips to his.
"You're so mean to me, meanies don't deserve kisses!" Jon firmly stated before crossing his arms and turning his head away from me, pouting.
"Aw, come one, you knew that was gonna happen eventually!" I teased, moving into his line of sight.
He spun his chair away from me, once again removing me from his view, "Hmph."
I grabbed the back of his chair, spinning it around to face me again. "Pleeease, just one kiss and I'll leave you alone." I bribed.
"No, shoo! No more kisses for you!" "If you kiss me right now, I won't jump scare you next time you play a horror game," I smirked as I saw him considering my offer, a hand on his chin and a quizzical expression on his face as his eyes searched my own for any signs of a lie. Jon nodded before quickly standing from his chair and pressing his lips to mine, "Deal." I smiled and turned away after we broke apart, walking back out into the hallway, and calling over my shoulder, "Pleasure doing business with you, Del!" Voila, it is done! I wasn't 100% sure how I should end this, but I hope I did well. If you guys have any advice for me, please let me know either in the comments or you could private message me. Constrictive criticism is welcomed and requests are open! Thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll talk to you later!  
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winterwriter8845 · 7 years
I Was Tagged
(I’ve added some more list items in there)
Name: Sarah
Nickname: Doodley (I don’t like it, and it’s making fun of my last name) and Slenderman (a joke between some of my 4h friends and I)
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 5″ 2′ (I think those are right measurements for heights) (either way I’m short)
Orientation: Demisexual (I’m going to explain this because so many people ask me this. It means I’m not sexually attracted to someone; I have to have an emotional connection with them and have to know them really well before I can date them.)
Ethnicity: Caucasian (I have a lot of Cherokee blood in me from my grandmother’s side of the family, a lot of British from my grandfather’s side of the family and my dad’s side, and some Irish which is also from my grandfather’s side, and some Monacan from my mom’s side.)
Favorite fruit: Mangos
Favorite season: Fall (I guess because my birthday is in the fall, and I like the cool weather where I can wear jeans and a long sleeve one day and then jeans and a short sleeve the next.)
Favorite book series: (So I haven’t read any books lately because I haven’t had the attention span to do it, so I’ll name some of my all-time favorites) (I know it doesn’t seem a lot, but ti’s like 3am here, and I’m feeling sick and don’t feel like going downstairs to my room, so I’m naming off the top of my head):
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
The Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey (I’ve only read the first book but am trying to find the others in the libraries)
Dear America by various authors
the Cursed Magic series by Casey O’Dell
the Royal Diaries by various authors
Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino (Manga series)
Bizenghast by M. Alice LeGrow (a comicbook series)
Princess Resurrection by Yasunori Mitsunaga (manga series)
the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Favorite single novels:
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause
the Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause
Dark Souls by Paula Morris
Unbroken by Paula Morris
Ruined by Paula Morris
Distant Waves by Suzanne Wyn
Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender
Favorite flowers: roses, irises, and hibiscus flowers 
Favorite scent: Roses
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: tea (caffeine doesn’t effect me; I’ll drink it once in a while for the taste, but I won’t drink it a lot. Tea, on the other hand, I live off of. I drink tea more than water.)
Cat or dog person: both. I’m  more of a dog person because I have two dogs in my house, but I’ve had a car before.
Average sleep hours: about 5 hours usually
Favorite fictional characters: Zero Kiryu, Yuki Cross, Edward Kenway, Ezio Auditore, Jacob Frye, Yusuf Tazim, Dean and Sam Winchester, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Bucky Barnes (why can’t you be real?), Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane, the 10th and 11th Doctor, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, and Wanda Maximoff
Number of blankets you sleep with: Summer: one fleecy blanket, winter: 1 fleecy blanket
Dream trip: London, England, Italy (Mainly Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Venice, and Monteriggioni), Paris, France, Athens, Greece, Germany (I want to go to Octoberfest so badly which runs through my birthday, so I’m gonna go for my birthday with a couple friends probably), Bucharest, Romania, Australia, Tokyo, Japan, Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia, Egypt, and Haiti and Africa (like the poverish parts because I want to do mission trips even though I’m not religious)
Blog Created: This year
 Number of Followers: 72
Favorite video games: Assassin’s Creed series, Dishonored, Just Cause series (haven;t played yet, but about to get the first two. I saw the gameplay, and it’s already one of my favorites), Zelda
Favorite TV shows: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Expedition Unknown, Ridiculousness, Dead of Summer, Sweet Viscous, and Scream the tv series  
Favorite Youtubers: Jacksepticeye, Smosh, VanossGaming, H2O Delirious, Terroriser, the RadBrad, Loomer, Gehab, TheGamingLemon, ImNotBonkers, I AM WILDCAT, Lui Calibre, Daithi De Nogla, Mini Ladd, SilentDroidd, Moo Snuckel, BasicallyIDoWrk
favorite genres of music: trap music, instrumental covers, dubstep, alternative, classic rock, pop, and some rap (mainly Eminem)
I was tagged by @assassin-faith-2001
tagging: @dakota-stark @irisirelandkirkland @victorianassassinqueen @llljacobfrye4lifelll @sarcasticgamerandwriter
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sausages95 · 7 years
Late posts from wor Franny
Location - Lisboa, Belem (last night)
'I fucking hate Rainbows me' - Hizzy
Hizzy - canny
Nicky Whitaker - excited about getting the boat
Amber - delirious and giddy
Marcus - ambiguous
Spuddy - focused
Me - hungry
Our big time a-list celeb blogger 'Little Fat Marty', has been away, so just before she returns I thought it be time for a few choice words/big catch up.
About a week ago, we lost our angel Marty and welcomed in 'the lads', wor Nicky and Hizzy! Early eve meet up at Monte Real, hugs and hollas and a below par camping spot on wasteland near a crossroads. Blazing squad weren't even there. We get overly buzzing about a big cooking pan Hizzy has brought and 400 Yorkshire Teabags! Derishus! Back to the old school with fishy passata pasta. Another frosty night.
I'm getting addicted to porridge, or rather the things you put in to make it tasty. Chocolate, chocolate spread, bananas, crunched up biscuits on top, sultanas, cream. Sweetness! Blazing hot day, short ride to Nazaré. We all want to see the big daddy wave its famed for. We don't see the big daddy wave. Amber's Salon is open for custom, haircuts on the beach, beers on the beach, quick dip equals clean body, clean pants. Mad sea food risotto, some unidentifiable things in there, I swear me and Nicky had a human spine to try and work out how to eat. Banging camp spot by the sea. Early morning Michael Jackson singalongs. Billy Jean is certainly not my lover. Porridge! Woooopa! Peniche here we come.
Mahoosive steep climb to start the marnin, rolling hills, turquoise H2O to the west for miles! Obidos castle sits proud upon its hill. Solo lunch date at Praia da Gamboa, settle in at a cafe to wait for the others. Turns out my twiglet legs go pretty quick. So I wait some more. Write some shit, read some stuff, drink alotta coffee and eat a few more pastel de nata's. Reunited with the crew! Mouse outfit blasts out at camp setup, we talk a lot about possibly surfing the next day, ridiculous amounts of spicy sauce and rice, hot chocolate and chocolate. Dry night, no frost! Wtf!? Could it be it's FINALLY getting warmer? Bullsheeeet! Nestle in with Amber and Spudling for sunrise. Cuppas and that. Destination for ze day, Sintra.
Hizzy's war cry rings loud as he starts a cray cray steep climb up to the statue at Ericeira. 'BUNDESLIGA BUNDESLIGA'! More pastries for my ever expanding belly. Buy a pear from a very crinkly looking old woman in a layby. Her face looked like clay. Last ascent into Sintra is a beeeeeach. Christmas songs play throughout the whole place. On loop. Head fook. Beer in the last of the sun overlooking the castle. Team roll into town into the night. Treat is a hostel. It has an oven. Spuds famous last words of 'we should make the most of that oven' ends up with me and Marcus buying 3 pizzas, 30 fishfingers, 30 chicken nuggets, 2 bags of chips, 9 litres of beer, a loaf, ketchup and mayonnaise. High end cuisine. Man it tasted boomting. Taste! Pulp fiction to end the night. Snoozeville.
We get told off for not washing our dishes by the hostel owner. We get told off again for leaving our clothes all over the place. Then we proceed to eat all the breakfast food. I was feeling personally unsure as to whether the woman liked us. Fear not! She presents us with a platter of crisps just before we leave. Noice one!
Mooch about Sintra. Our first bit of 'sight-seeing'. Marcus is excited for the gardens. Christmas carols continue to play EVERYWHERE. We discuss whether the old crooners are the best. We're still divided on this. 'CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIIIIIIIIRE'. Start walking up to the castle, get distracted by a wee climbing wall, then some boulders. We never make it to the castle. Turns out a waiter at a cafe is more pissed off with the carols than everyone else. He looked like Vin Diesel. Portuguese Vin Diesel DOES NOT like carols. Afternoon ride to Praia da Adraga! What a belter! What a wee Willy won't he!!! Huge downhill to a gorgeous beach for sunset. We're already moaning about having to go back up it in the morning. Me, Spudling and Marcus get battered by the waves. Nicky and Hiz gaan for a seafood date. Turns out turbot is pretty pricey in these parts. Sleep out under the canopy of stars! Bivvytastic. The moon is like a flood light!
Early morning wake up. The moon sinks into the sea. I watch a man try to lift/push/pull up huge rocks in the sand. He doesn't succeed. I have no idea what he was doing. Spud scares the shit out of me and ruins my peaceful observing. Marcus has gained the name 'Moley' in the mornings. His wee head popping out his wee tent, fluffy eyes, still 90% asleep, not raring to go at all. In the following few hours he does fix his ukulele and undertakes some maintenance on his beloved Dragonfly stove. Football lad. Unplanned day off the saddle, walk to Cabo da Roca, Europe's most westerly point. Loads of selfie stick folk. Overpriced coffee. Amber wants cheeseburgers. Marcus loses his t-shirt. Shop run for curry stuff and beers. Upon returning we spot a rare sighting of Mr Nicky Whitakers delightful arse charging into the sea. Possibly the whitest arse I ever did saw!
We meet Marty in a few hours and head saaaf to what we hope is gonna present us with toasty temperatures and sleeping conditions that allow for less than 3 layers of clothing. Watch dis space.
Big loves
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mnh-wrks · 5 years
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from a drabble series I did last year. I want to try to continue writing but it has been months since I last write so the writing style will change abruptly after the part I showed above. Kinda disappointed about that but better write than never
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mylovehg-blog · 7 years
Vanoss Bad Fan Fiction in the Making (Catch a Lover Funny Moments)
http://bestnewsvideo.com/?p=57455 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yunY1JuE_o NEW Vanoss Logo Shirts HERE: http://bit.ly/1SnwqxY Friends in the vid: Ohmwrecker - http://bit.ly/1tfarLU Nogla - http://bit.ly/13vEfIi H2O Delirious - http://bit.ly/191aKBE Follow me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/VanossGaming Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/VanossGaming Instagram - http://instagram.com/vanossinstagram Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
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youtuberstvnet-blog · 7 years
Catch a Lover Funny Moments - Bad Fan Fiction in the Making
Catch a Lover Funny Moments – Bad Fan Fiction in the Making
NEW Vanoss Logo Shirts HERE: http://bit.ly/1SnwqxY
Friends in the vid: Ohmwrecker – http://bit.ly/1tfarLU Nogla – http://bit.ly/13vEfIi H2O Delirious – http://bit.ly/191aKBE
Follow me on Twitter – http://twitter.com/#!/VanossGaming Facebook Page – http://www.facebook.com/VanossGaming Instagram – http://instagram.com/vanossinstagram
View On WordPress
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lime-be4n · 7 years
Falling in (part 2)
Thank you to @crimsonbluemoon for proofreading, you should go check out their work. 
My house is not the nicest my house isn’t the nicest on the block, but it fits my current needs. If I were to live like the amount of money I had, life would be exponentially diverse, to the one I currently live. My money can be seen through my dog, I buy the best for her and only the best.
I feed my dog, depending on my mood for the day: beef, chicken, and the occasional fish. I cook them most of the time, without seasoning, or if I feel great compared to other days I can grill it. Though I do give her everything she wants, that does not mean that she is spoiled. She is actually a service dog, she served in many missions, and she is also an emotional support dog. She can tell if I’m in a bad mood even if I feed her the same food. I don’t think I could ask for a better dog, she’s around her adult age, which is good and she’ll stay around longer.
I grab the door handle wearily. I hope my baby is okay.
The door creaked, like always, but there is something missing from my normally welcoming home. I stepped in and paused. At this moment Baby would run at me, barking, and jumping into my arms; but the house was silent. I took a gulp. “B-Baby?” My voice cracked and my eyes watered. “Hey Baby! I-I’m home!” I left the door open and walked to the kitchen looking. “Come on Baby! Please?” The kitchen was empty.
My mind was everywhere at once and the thought of every worst possible scenario ran through my head. Could it be possible those people knew where I live? I need to think positively. Then suddenly, I heard a bark on the second story; I wasted no time rushing up the bamboo wooden stairs. I panted as I called out to her once more,”Baby! Where are you sweet pea!” The bark was much louder now. It came from my ‘spare room’, I slipped through the halls and slammed open the door. “Baby?” I try to calm my breathing. She growled this time, she never growls. But I couldn’t see her, she was possibly in my safe room. But there is no way she could have gotten in there without…. My breath hitched; I’ll open the safe and let her out, as long as she’s safe I don’t care what happens to me. As I thought that she whined. “I’m sorry Baby.” I punched in the code and opened it, the wall clicked and pushed itself open an inch. I solemnly swing the door open and there she was.
Baby was wearing a muzzle and was held back by the man named Craig, the only thing different about him is the fact that he’s wearing a suit of armor. My Armor. But I let that slip past my mind, he was holding my baby hostage. My Baby. I made myself weary of my actions, I can’t have my baby getting hurt. I clenched my fists. Then remembered that I need to calm myself if I was going to get out of this situation.
A person was behind me, I could tell by their constant shifting or slow steps as an attempt to get closer to me. Wrong move. I grabbed the person, or known as paper bag head, by the vest and flipped him over. That then caused the other man, plastic bag head to attack me; his attacks were off as if they were new at brawling. Nonetheless, I did the same, in turn flipping him onto the other tall one. An ‘OOF’ came out of the paper bag head man. I was about to rotate my position when a click echoed the room.
Craig held a gun to Baby’s head, she whined. I whipped my head to her, tears dampened her fur. I was filled to the brim with fury, but not willing to bet her life for a small mistake a could have made, I looked down and raised my hands to where everyone in the room could see. “That’s more like it,” a voice from behind me, Irish. “Yeah, Finally. Now we don’t have to hurt anyone.” the African- American monkey masked whispered to the Irish cyborg looking one. I flinched at the diction of the two; I growled. The Irish apprehended me.
“Will you let her go?” I managed to bark out. My arms didn’t hurt a bit- gymnastics paid off, and soon go will soccer.
“Huh?” The cyborg Irish responded. My body tensed, “Will. You. Let. Her. Go.” He should have listened to me the first time. He finished tightening the restraints, “Duh, who do you think we are? Huh? Monsters?” He joked, clearly comfortable with the situation I’m in. “Calm your tits, dude. She’ll be fine.” He grabbed the rope that held my wrists together and lifted me up; yikes, the rope is not the securest thing to have. “Bad move ‘dude’” I kick him where the sun doesn’t shine and slipped my wrists through the holes. I then grabbed Craig’s gun and pointed it at him. “You should know, I don’t mi-” I was interrupted by a pain in my neck, I slowly reach towards and tore it out. “A vile?” My vision slowly pulsed as I turned it, fiddlesticks.
My vision then disappeared with the sound of a gun hitting the floor and the picture of a cartoon bear with a familiar face on it stuck in my head
3 1 18 20 15 15 14
My luck couldn’t get any worse.
What. The. Flapjacks.
I reach to grab my throbbing head. But I can’t. In fact, I- “ Can’t feel a thing?” I twitch, that was none of the voices I heard at the alleyway or house.
My head continues to throb.
My eyes are open but I can’t see, I’m wearing a blindfold- no, a sack; a potato sack. My wrists were chained, prison chains, to the floor. There’s no way I got caught already! I’m better than that.
The man pushed my head down to face my lap, gripping to the sack and my hair tightly. I winced a bit, “Do you know why you’re here? Hm?!? Do you?!?” I bit my lip, I won’t give him the satisfaction of hearing my voice.
It hurts.
I tried to kick but my shins were clamped to the chair. I’m immobile. He then yanked at the sack to look up while hunched over. My chains pinched my skin, I could feel the ripping and busing of it. Dill Weed!
Everything hurts.
The chains started to chatter, he’s not shaking me. I am trembling. “What’s the matter? Can’t take the heat?” Mocking me. There should not be any reason why I’m wavering, nor in pain for that matter. I have been ‘investigated’ many times to where I’ve built a thick skin- a tolerance. I don’t quite understand, did they drug me? He then finally let go and a couple of steps back. “In case you were wonderin’, usually skinwalkers are so fucking weak to this crap.” He then threw an empty metal bottle in my direction, it slowed to my feet.
Somehow, I feel insulted, for my loss of sight, but then again he called me a skinwalker.
What in the name of leaping lizards is a skinwalker?
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mnh-wrks · 5 years
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Wattpad : Book | Part 1 | Part 2 
Ao3 : Part 0 | Part 1 | Part 2 (new)
Warnings will be displayed on top of every chapter.
<<This post will be edited on every update>>
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lime-be4n · 5 years
First of all, this is a wonderful drawing of the post about H2O Delirious face reveal in voice au but if your thinking as a fan to Delirious army this close to his face reveal and I don't think he is not going make a face reveal because of that reason why he made April fools (which is next month) prank videos in 2015 to 2019 of his fake face reveal also just give it up of your luck thinking about that it's not going to happen
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I think I understand. My post was to an AU I made, not a prediction of what I want to happen in real life XD sorry if I confused anybody. It is just a work of fiction. I put that in my tags too ^^ sorry ‘bout that. Tho it would be cool if that did happen but I kid
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mylovehg-blog · 7 years
Vanoss Bad Fan Fiction in the Making (Catch a Lover Funny Moments)
http://bestnewsvideo.com/?p=55107 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yunY1JuE_o NEW Vanoss Logo Shirts HERE: http://bit.ly/1SnwqxY Friends in the vid: Ohmwrecker - http://bit.ly/1tfarLU Nogla - http://bit.ly/13vEfIi H2O Delirious - http://bit.ly/191aKBE Follow me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/VanossGaming Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/VanossGaming Instagram - http://instagram.com/vanossinstagram Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
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fauxflair · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
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fauxflair · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Chapter 3 is up :D
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