#h@ters anonymous
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saturdaycampanella · 2 years ago
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discardead · 5 days ago
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··· ✧✦✧ ··· Eldritch Abomination Horror NPUT
Requested by Vulture anonymous!
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Abysmethe. Voideath. Voriethotep. Vessuriathi. Liforiaunth. Anomazoth. Horrogitha. Aliyath. Elridothe. Aliexeth. Azathoth. Horrofie. Abomina. Vessauri. Nyahumina. Chalsidraan. Nyamune.. Ixtravaen. Ultharax. Drig’thonal. Vorathis. Azaleth. Lissythra. Syrathrune. Morvathen. Krylothen. Velkier. Xelith. Xelinen. Inhumine. Elithar. Xyrr'thalis. Kaelzoth. Qaldrithon. Sythralyx. Vyrithar. Myrkalos. Nyxorithe. Krithanol. Zorath. Aervora. Kaeline. Kaeria. Kaeristh. Sawthe.
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xe/xen. xe/xer. ze/hir. sh?/h?r. h?/h?m. th?y/th?m. ?t/?ts. sae/saer. sie/mer. szi/szr. thi/thim. thy/thym. vae/vaer. ve/vem. ve/vis. vy/vim. zu/zur. su/sur. xe/xir. xey/xem. xie/hir. ze/zyr. zhe/zhim. kie/kiem. chu/chur. ve/vel. vy/vyr. gut/guts. sca/scare. fe/fear. fie/fier. zo/zor. gor/gore. fle/flesh. ix/ixs. ayr/aym. chr/chrm. zie/zym. az/aze. hor/horror. te/ter. hue/huem. zzt/zzts. ky/kyr. kry/krys. ki/kill. fri/fright. lu/lurk. lur/lurk. az/azr. xa/xas. hu/husk. hi/hiss.. blo/blood. ga/gash. mai/maim. maw/maws.
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eldritchoid. eldritched. eldritchbf. eldritchgf. eldritchorror. eldritchrr. eldrritches. horrorifying. abominorror. eldritchiing. horreldritch. [prn]haunting. hauntingful. scaryfcce. horrysmal. horrisma. terroranic. terrortowne. terrorfests. bloodritch. horroritche. dreadnaw. dreadingful. blwdybf. blwdygf. jjmpscare. abhorroring. fearisme. lurkedritch. dismayesth. dismay4all. griefs-nhorror. abwminated. abhorringed. devourror. devouredall. eyessmal. maimedritch. horrorfilled. horroright. frightffest. miasmiccc. spinechilled.
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The Absolute Horror of [name]. Prn* Life as an Eldritch. This Abominable Thing. The One / Thing beyond Human Comprehension. Prn* from Outer Space. Prn* Unfathomable Figure. The Creature of Horrors. Prn* Indecipherable Language. Prn* of the Crawling Chaos. Prn* of Impending Doom. The Call of this Eldritch. The Lurker from beyond. Prn* who brings Doom to All. Prn* who Speaks in Tongues. The Thing that strikes Fear. Prn* who strikes Fear to All. The Damned Being. The Eldritch of Horror. Prn* ever-haunting Existence. Prn* Hostility (in the Air). Prn* Hostility lingers. The Bloodthirsty Eldritch. Prn* who yearns for Blood. The Ever-Hungry Eldritch.
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merciawintersageposting · 7 months ago
wednesday type beat:
h@ters anonymous
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immaculatevisionary · 1 year ago
I think I may have enough evidence compiled for "Mutini"'s culling, as they mentioned being a mutant in several post tags, but the problem arises for identity. They mentioned jumping in a river once, but I have no idea if it was a joke or an actual river. Note that I am the same Anonymous Asker as before, but I am just hemotyping now.
IV | Get screenshots or links to those posts @nd send them to Me. @nd I'M @ssuMing it Must h@ve been @ joke, @nd not only se@dwellers go in the w@ter @nyway. Send @nother @sk with those links @nd I c@n confront theM. | IV
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yaboylevi · 6 years ago
So this chapter confirmed that Eren knew Zeke's real intentions and plans right? Doesn't that also mean Eren knew about the wine? Eren is smart enough to know that the one who keeps custody of Zeke would be Levi. What do you make of that? I guess he doesn't care about Levi that much..?
Mmm, I am not sure this confirmed anything you're saying.
I mean, yeah, Eren and Zeke seem to be on the same wavelength, and from Zeke's words, it seems like Zeke fully opened up to Eren, so Eren knows Zeke's real plan.
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It confirms that Zeke isn't mind-controlling Eren. It also confirms that Eren waited calmly for the SC+other higher-ups to discuss what to do, only because he had a plan B in case they decided to kill him (which they did). And Zeke&Eren's preemptive plan B was to meet at a certain time and place. 
Eren's escape was easy with his new powers. But I think he's been searching for Zeke because he knows that Zeke's escape couldn't be that easy (and it wasn't, as we've seen). Eren probably knew Zeke wouldn't hold a candle against Levi. And the plan was probably for Zeke to wait for Eren, but everything went down the drain when Levi decided to kill Zeke instead. So when that happened, Zeke came up with another plan...plan B-2? After all, I think the spiked wine was merely a precaution in case something went wrong with the higher-ups. Only them were allowed to drink the wine. But Floch, I'm guessing, tried to cause even more chaos, as he wants to get rid of the SC.
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Afterall, those soldiers in the forest could be used like that by Zeke only because the new recruits (read: the Yeagerists) handed it over to them and Levi allowed them to bring the wine they usually couldn't even touch (WHY would soldiers whose mission is to keep a potential, dangerous traitor under their watch EVEN be allowed to drink alcohol oh my god they've been so naive on Paradis, and I feel this is also one of the reasons Eren doesn't want to confide in the SC anymore).
Also, Floch shushed Hange up when Hange was trying to ask about the wine in the corridor outside where Eren was...
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So I'm not sure Eren knows. Maybe he knew, maybe he thought it was okay as long as only higher-ups were involved and that it was only plan C/a way to force their hand. Maybe he was informed of it by Floch/Yelena 10 months prior and that's why he agreed to meet with Zeke (I'm saying he was threatened with it, if he was told ALL of the wine was poisoned with the spinal fluid)? But I'm pretty sure he didn't know about the ones in the forest with Levi. It wasn't in Zeke's plan to have those soldiers drink the wine, either, it looks like (and if it was, it was a serious gamble).
But anyway, I wasn't that worried about Levi, so why would Eren be? He didn't even seem to be that worried about his friends coming on the battlefield in Marley (although he did, I'm pretty sure). I think he knew Zeke couldn't kill Levi.
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miyabinopenguin · 4 years ago
do you like to interact? :))
Well, yes but depends about what ppl want to talk with me! If it's fandom related my ask box is always open!!💜 (that is why i leave the anon option is available tbh)
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asilverskel · 6 years ago
Be it the stars have lost one of their own? Or have the divine graced us with the splendor of their light in the presence of a blue blushing skeleton? It should seem the starblooded walk among us--!
A.. ah hahha... ahh.. c-c’mon now... s’no need fer all that..
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pft. Someone’s gettin’ all poetical ‘n me h-huh? But.. welp.. y’know..
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years ago
To be fair tho, H has the best suggestions when it comes to that stuff like I haven't once regretted reading/watching/listening to anything he's suggested
Anonymous said: When done right I love uni Harry so glad I never gave a*ter the time of day! Congrats digital design Anon!! So happy for you!!
yes it can be so good
Anonymous said: im so sad to read about harry and meghan stepping down as senior royals, i feel like all the racist press made life impossible for them, why is it lately i feel like all the bad guys are winning?
it is sad that they had to do it but its probably for the best they just wont let up its terrible I hope they are happier 
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sxhixo · 2 years ago
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lordramsaybolton · 2 years ago
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helshades · 6 years ago
Salut la Macronie ! Pourriez-vous avoir l’infinie gentillesse de partager une histoire Alain-Rey compliant du mot entreprise ? C’est peut-être creux mais quand on prend du recul je trouve ça très joli entre-prise.
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Je te pardonne, ô impertinent anonymoustachu, mais seulement parce que tu as cité le très-haut, très-sacré, très-délicieux Alain Rey, dont la canonique cervelle est chère à mon cœur.
Et puis, l’histoire du mot en question est fondée sur une erreur sémantique, ce que je trouve on ne peut plus charmant.
Première remarque : le terme entreprise a pris son sens actuel vers 1798, désignant désormais « une organisation de production de biens ou de services à caractère commercial ». C’est loin d’avoir toujours été le cas !
Le verbe entreprendre, à l’origine, en ancien français (première trace écrite connue : 1140) signifie « attaquer » au sens propre ; au figuré, « accuser, interpeller » (1174). Figurativement aussi, entre le XIVᵉ et le XIXᵉ siècles il a eu le sens d’« atteindre (quelqu’un) » en parlant d’une maladie. Ces emplois sont sortis d’usage mais pas celui d’entreprendre (qqn.) au sens de « s’attaquer à (qqn.) pour le railler », qui date du XVᵉ siècle ; ni celui d’entreprendre contre pour « engager une action hostile » (1647). Disparu en revanche, l’emploi classique (XVIIᵉ s.) pour « prendre en charge (qqn.) »…
Par extension du premier sens, entreprendre sur (1396) signifie « s’arroger le droit de juger » – dont je dirais qu’il est pratiquement inconnu de nos jours ; et, avec un complément abstrait, « empiéter sur » (XVIIᵉ s.) – qui ne me paraît plus très usité non plus.
En revanche, on parle encore assez facilement d’entreprendre quelqu’un pour une tentative de séduction : le sens figuré de « conquérir » est apparu au XVIᵉ siècle, par extension de la sémantique guerrière… D’où l'emploi fréquent de l’adjectif entreprenant, -ante (1360), surtout au masculin, au sens de « hardi auprès des femmes » (attesté avant 1678).
Alors, quel rapport avec le commerce ? Et bien, au XIIᵉ siècle (entre 1176 et 1181), le verbe prend le sens de « commencer (quelque chose), se mettre à faire (qqch.) », puis, à compter du XVIIᵉ siècle, ce sens se spécialise pour parler de rapports marchands (1671). Or, ce sens provient d’une confusion entre entreprendre et un verbe disparu emprendre,« commencer, mettre en œuvre » (1080) directement issu du bas latin °imprehendere, issu lui-même du latin classique prehendere, « prendre ».
À noter que le verbe emprendre existe toujours tel quel en catalan ; en espagnol, sous la forme emprender, et en portugais, empreender. L’italien, en revanche, paraît avoir calqué le français : intraprendere.
D’ailleurs, le substantif entrepreneur, -euse, bien qu’il soit apparu isolément (1253-1289) sous la forme entreprendeeur, a existé comme empreneeur (v.1283) et emprendeur (fin XIVᵉ s.), avant l’avènement de la forme moderne en 1422 – autrement dit, au début du moyen français (dont l’apogée coïncide avec la Renaissance, précédant le français dit classique…). Sous ces diverses formes, le mot désigne une personne qui entreprend quelque-chose, emploi vieilli aujourd’hui ; il a pris à l’époque moderne (1611) le sens de « personne qui se charge de l’exécution d’un travail ». Ce sens-là s’employait surtout en matière de construction, au demeurant, avant que le sens contemporain, apparu au début du XIXᵉ siècle, n’en vienne à le supplanter : de nos jours un entrepreneur est un « personne qui dirige une entreprise », synonyme du syntagme chef d’entreprise ; secondairement, ce peut être une « personne qui fait métier d’entreprendre sur contrat certains travaux, notamment de construction, ou de fournir des marchandises, des services».
Dans le contexte de l’idéologie économique libérale, ce sens a pris des connotations plus larges qui se retrouvent fidèlement dans l’emprunt anglais entrepreneur (invariable) : chose fascinante et assez révélatrice quand on mêle économie et politique à l’histoire des langages, on employait avant le XIXᵉ siècle en Grande-Bretagne le terme adventurer (aventurier) de manière équivalente. On parle là d’une époque pionnière du capitalisme, annonçant l’ère industrielle.
Les premiers sens d’entreprise (la substantivation du participe passé féminin d’entreprendre) sont probablement celui d’« opération militaire », attesté en 1373, et d’« action de mettre en œuvre » (1393). Le sens militaire étant sorti d’usage, c’est du second que provient celui d’« opération de commerce » (1799), également disparu aujourd’hui. De l’idée d’action découle l’emploi, vieilli, pour « action par laquelle on attaque quelqu’un » (1721), puis le fameux sens de « tentatives de séduction » (1721, au pluriel), encore en usage…
Pour être parfaitement honnête, il faut sans doute préciser que la toute première attestation du substantif entreprise remonte en réalité à 1230, sauf que personne n’a jamais compris ce que l’auteur de ce roman arthurien intitulé Le Chevalier aux deux épées (la traduction vaut son pesant de cahouètes) avait fichtrement bien pu vouloir dire, qui paraît l’employer au sens de « défaut » !
Du coup, un petit encart final sur le terme emprise qui, lui, bien entendu, est dérivé du verbe emprendre, auquel il a largement survécu : premièrement attesté en 1175, il a le sens de « prouesse chevaleresque » (l’auteur anonyme du Chevalier aux deux épées fumait vraiment la moquette) ou plus largement de « belle action » – ce jusqu’au XVIᵉ siècle. Et puis il est tombé en désuétude, avant d’être repris au XIXᵉ siècle au sens de « domination intellectuelle ou morale » par croisement avec empire et empreinte, merci Théophile Gautier (Le Capitaine Fracasse, 1863). Le romancier aura pu être inspiré par le lexique juridique administratif, lequel emploie emprise pour désigner une mainmise de l’Administration sur une propriété privée (emprise de terrain, 1868), usage que l’on retrouve dans le Code rural par exemple. Parce que cette saisie s’opère généralement au moyen d’une expropriation, emprise en est venu à désigner par extension « envahissement, mainmise », ce qui pourrait expliquer la confusion manifeste, mais pas dénuée de poésie, du cher Théophile entre emprise et empreinte. Je me hâte de préciser que si emprise morale a pu être une faute autrefois, elle est depuis longtemps (enfin, depuis la seconde moitié du XXᵉ siècle.) entrée dans les mœurs…
En parlant de lexique administratif – et non point de poésie – ce sale raseur poseur de Paul Claudel a un jour eu le front d’employer emprendre dans son sens médiéval !!!
Il n'y a pas un de vous qui ne me soit précieux; pas un de vous, si vil qu'il soit, que je ne désire emprendre comme l'air flamboyant.
(Claudel, Tête d'Or, 1890).
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rabideyeartist · 3 years ago
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1000 Tiny Magnets Show #359: January 7, 2022 🧲 NEW music mix - 1 hour and always free - link in bio or www.rabideye.com/podcast Featuring… ** indicates explicit lyrics Artist, Track Cookiee Kawaii, H@ters Anonymous, ** Zakes Bantwini, Uzalo, Sam Binga, Stand Tall, Oliver Heldens, Deja Vu, Lizot (Boney M remix), Daddy Cool, Hugel, Morenita, Purple Disco Machine (Feat. Tasita D'Mour), Rise, Fallon, My Own, Tujamo, Nasty, DONT BLINK, SENSATION, Project 46, Again & Again, Gian Varela, Cheke, ^Track Listings^ Future Kings, Is It Enough, Lena Leon, Borderline, Famba (Feat. Kyra Mastro), Way Back Home, Hybrid Minds (Feat. Everyone You Know), Dance Forever, Ares Carter, Next To Me, Tchami, Buenos Aires (Galantis x Bali Bandits Remix), Dj Kawasaki (Feat. sauce81), Sun, Run & Synchronize, Avira, Gold, Direct, Blueberry, Brendan Mills (Feat. Stephanie Schulte), I Can't Get Enough, Feder (Feat. Dawty Music), Call Me Papi, (at Qathet Regional District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYcahE3vtlF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bloojayoolie · 7 years ago
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Af, Ali, and Anaconda: The Globalist Takeover of the Internet Anonymous (ID.C 1210/173un)14.59.11 Long before fake news or Net Neutraity INN) bacame major media topics the U.S govemmant was aseady bad, nght? Sure the intemet became a quasiusy, but it didnt really aflect you anything, you got a chanos to finally sick t to Comcast G Ask yourself shy NN eame out of nowhae Why was it so haavily adwertisad? Who paid for the adwertising? And who benefited from i Now asl yoursef what sequance ed up to N.N and who lod t tothare? Where did tha sequence imand to end? Baieve it or not, the sequenoe already came to completion. On Obama's final month in ofice, the intemet was quietly nationalized by egisaion he signed the day before Christmas Eve The preeident himeelf became legally capeable of taking down any website This is a long piecs, and the beginning will cover some masterial that you already know but it is crucial to understand the bi U.S. House of Rapresentatives commissions the Roase Commitoo to inwessgae potential oommunist inuence of domesti NGOs and noprotts. Head investigator, Norman Dodd, pubished the final report in which he diecovers that the Ford moral lutivism and No. 152760184 1522222 Tniemationaliem to the end of oligarchio collectvism" in other words, globalism. His roport was silanced and the two- 1980 - Civil Sociaty Sactor The cvi society seclor is typicaly underslood to be comprised of NGOs and nonprotts that, according to conventional of the sort But if that was ever irue, it isnt anyore, and hasn't been for decados. By 1950 al of cvil society had bean taken over by private and stale inereets, operating as praxies for their agendas. Just as Norman Dodd had discovered the White House. Googio Ideaswas hoavly involved in the Arab Spring which was irnstigated by social modia. VP of Stratfor sald they have a "oovert role in foaming up risings." and that they are doing things the CIA cannot do Bl Clinton's Teleconmunication Act of 1996 legaizes the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade strings to maka us danco to hir tise song Comaa. Dianey, Viacon, Trno warmer, News Corp. CBS, and sta stinking Anonymous|ID:CTD g12/1QIITSun]15.01:24 No 152700281 -sama marteed tby a quote from a reddt ㄱf you happen to havo a right-sing perspotho, Googeputs your soasch resuts on the 10h pago, Youtube demoroitzes your videos or removes term. Twtter bang your account, and F80ebook censors your posts 5o they never show up in 2010 The Iniermet The gibalists, having soldfod thair oortrol ovor baris, oa aton·chvil sooty, mada, and social meda. now turn thar Aheady oomoling much of fe ilernors meda and ali ธาอ sooal moda platforms hat propagato it, t e only thing loft for the globaliets to control is the Intrastructure itselt that comprises the imernet That's why 3Ps are important now. Belore privato ontitios with minimal oqulation trom the gowemment Separato and unrolatod 3o that dlassiication, the FCC hald Verizon v. FCC changad that, nuing that id th FOC wanted to onforce Opan-ntomet Fls thy need to -dlassily ISPs under Ttle as quasik-utlities strictly regulated as "common camiens", efectively a stane-loeneed monopoly. The most crDcal factor her" ts that under Tiso ll, เระ's need to 3pply for Broad astrg L"onses, which givo the goverment mossvo their politioians. Netfx alegedy manipulaied their own service to frame the I3Ps for throtting No.15270035515283 The full extent of the infbenoe rat ywt known " may be, that the Isusut's oteor™ wns 8heer ㎝rodence Rognless this was a hupa win for tha globasls, becausia now thay are ona stup coar to lareing I3Ps to apply for Broadcanting the ISPs go bankrupt. The govemment can leverage Remember this, because Broadcaeting Licenees become the globlist's most valuable weapon in just orne act more of Three jdges presided over the cae Lauranco H.&ibarman (appointed by Ronald Roagan) Judth An Wibson Rogrs (appoinled by Bil Cinlon) David S Tate 'appointed byt" canton The Cinion-appoiniee Demoorats ruled in fawor of the Tife II classication nuing. The Reagan-appointee parialy dssented No surprise Now he PCC is stuck between a rock and a hand place H they want to enlorce Open-Intemet hey Broadoasting Lioense. The FCC is stumped and cant seally figure out what to do next... .So Obama comes in to save the day He pressures them to move forward with the Titie II clasitcation and give the govemment sweeping authority over irtlarnal infrastrucano. Th. pobantily unpopular rme" quiddy ntranded with aiai narne and sold to thwa putie as. . The' pubii: h1uld tat hey irs saving t1m iraernet, But samg 1 fram wham? Hahaha frtam t1m very people who สาย balling revokedOpen Internet r'enzon w FCC, nepackaged it, and gave back to us in ล borta of red tape Now heeo's who. ธาอ story picks up." and winning. Thay No. 152700444 Nat Neuralry Ivokes Tile of the Telecommunications Act of 1896 to require all i5Ps and any oompany that provides Well.. What if the FCC doeen't want to renew them? Ah but thafs orazy talk, the FCC cant just rewoke Broadcasting But imagine what happens when you're appointed by the president as chaiman of the FOC, and shortly after you get a call And that call you get is from whatreer said globaist preeident rules your Smeline. And that globaist preeident telis you viclating foderal law I voted for Trump and just hang up. But then the ofice phones stant ringing and you got a ite nervous because now other government bodes สาย caing n.ฟ, substartinng that yes, in t3ct, the ISP rusty is breakng he law So you hang up, call your lawyr, and ask him to look up al the laws they ware talking about to so i he 1SP ealy is violating them Atar al, what kind of law would justity such an abuse of power? None, in tact, that you know ot. The next thing that wll happen is your lawyer w walk into your osce, looking pale as a ghost, and hand you a legal dlooument trled Countering Information Act of 2016 (8.2802) This is where everything comes Boads of saeat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Wartare Act of 2018 13.20821. You put it down and look up at your lawer, realizing whry his face is drained of ite R was drained by the Countaring Inlormaion Warfare Act af 2018 (3 2802Yue about to nk him a question about th Countering Informason arfare Acet of 2016 (8.282), but you pauso, and another thought stkos you Why don't thery jut call it The InfoWars Act Anonymous (ID 01 12/1017un)1503.29 No.15278060421527x3 (79 KB, 58T 1093) Your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as if with eroto satiefaction, and quickly whispens under his breath ".B Cinton is a rapist You look back at the IntolWars Act to nead its mission statement Thats so bizama, you think to yourse f. Usualy agenoios are created indopendent trom other branches of cormuptng infiuences Why would you bother craating a raw independent agancy f yose iarally going to hourse it in the Whita House? so ifs a cantor, of mutiplo agoncias. In the p 1300-The head of the Cantershall be appoinled by the Presicent answers directy to the President? Okay? Wht esacty is it going to do? Maintain, eolect, use, and dissuminate rocords for rasoasch and data analysis of foraign state and nos-state propaganda wait what? ter-stato popaganda? Yournaan lkanny evening shitposta on TD? what ธาย fuck d es l hat mean? Laraty everyone on teplanet is not 귀 state. And how exactly Ispropaganda dened? Huh, hat's strange tees nodenton in here. Like they delberately amted t so they can just.cal whatever they want, Inarecible Anonymous 1D 12/1018un)15:04:13 No.1527806882152722 You look up to your lawyor, "How the fuck did Obama gat this thsough Congress? Your lawer drops anoth eon your dask. It looks sspiciously farrslar s titiod National Dalansa for Fiscal Year 2017 He wated unti Christmas Eve and hid t inice af the 3,000 page anual maitary buckget so nobody would notice it Ohhhh shit yeah this is that fuckin propoganda thing that Obama legalized I always see it get seposted on The Donald God, what a Ken pedophle hing to "Soyouve aready need tioughr -JoSUB Christ." The trwyw fhps through the 3,076pages of the NDAA to pago 1.30, (or 1.438 r, part mat CENTER This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what thary'e going to be doing Identtying current and emenging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, induding the use of print, broadcast, and agants to influence targated populations governments ㎞ order to oordnate and shape tedevelopment of tassos, tohriques, and proeares to expose and Anonymous CZ12/10178un15 04 55 No.1527806432152773s Nol aven Tom Clanoay would wrtn something lke this.Earar you caled this a Kayan thing to do. But even Kanyars sacrot ages t Yeah.. Mw kOaa would never do tht The legislaton establishes a fund to help train local joumalists.. But just whani couch' get wor. gets way lucking warse Second, the legielation seelks to leverage expertise from outside government.. prowide grants and contracts to NG0s, Gv oely organizations hink nk privale secdor companias, macia organizutio and othar esparts outside he US povomment.. Thay cal in their globa from some "Totaly neutral third-party" and logwther hery can call arryone a propagancist Thry oan go atorltoraly anybody who's boan fagpod by a thind-party "tact-chocker" without having to tako tham to court. Oh fuck were, thore all song to, a croated They traired te pticto accept the idea of "neutral寸 rd-parties" polong onlne oortot. Facebook, Twiter. It's brillant, really. They control the tact-chedkers, the enforcens, and wih the passage of The , the nrastructure to unline hem Once a propagandist has been tangeted, the Preeident can use absolkuely The Center wl develap, integrste, and synichronize enign And thats it lsdies and gentlemen. Thaits why passing Not heir Titio II Broadcasting License is legaily rewoked, they can no longer do bueiness, tey go bankrupt, and the govemment buys out their nbastructure. The govermmant can inlegrate into the I3Ps to cansor anything, anywhere, at anyima The ISPs ane flancsd STORY TIME IS OVER THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL Are you imagining how real this is They can physically shut down your access to the intomet without a court order! Just because someone cal lad you a propagandist! Just because you shtpost on The Donald They can take down Drudge Report, Breitbart. TheDonald of yoars, iko thhay aways do, so that nobedy would notico unta is too lato They coukve takan us down one buy one, yoar by year, and quety suppress And it was 100% legal, They passedovory law thay feeded to dit YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE WON THE ELECTION BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER AND NOW ONE FINAL QUOTE 1446- "The Center shall terminate on the date that is 8 years affer the date of the enactment of this Act
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rabideyeartist · 3 years ago
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #359: January 7, 2022
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #359: January 7, 2022
garbled snapshot from the film Titane 1000 Tiny Magnets Show #359: January 7, 2022 ** indicates explicit lyrics Download :: Stream Artist, Track Cookiee Kawaii, H@ters Anonymous, ** Zakes Bantwini, Uzalo, Sam Binga, Stand Tall, Oliver Heldens, Deja Vu, Lizot (Boney M remix), Daddy Cool, Hugel, Morenita, Purple Disco Machine (Feat. Tasita D’Mour), Rise, Fallon, My Own, Tujamo,…
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