#h/d hurtfest 2020
alindakb · 4 years
Silent Tears - Chapter 1.1
Draco sits on the lid of the toilet. The timer he cast next to him counts down slowly. Draco tries not to look at it, or the vial on the counter. He wrings his hands together and stares at the floor. His wedding ring glistens in the light that filters in through the window. Draco lets out a breath when it catches his attention. The ring is a constant reminder that Harry loves him, no matter what. There is no reason to be this nervous. Draco hadn’t dared to tell Harry he’s taking a test today. Harry didn’t get why Draco couldn’t come along to pick up Teddy, but Draco just needs to know. He can’t wait any longer. He’s been so tired the last two weeks, and last night, Draco struggled to keep his diner down.
The timer rings and Draco takes a deep breath. He tells himself again that it doesn’t matter what the result is. They are still young, and they have all the time in the world to start a family of their own. Draco gets up and walks back to the counter. He stares at the vial. The liquid inside is a clear red. Draco grabs the instructions and skims towards the section that explains how to read the results. His eyes water and he looks back at the vial.
“I’m pregnant,” he whispers. His eyes fixed on the vial. His hand that holds the instructions shakes a little. In the distance, he hears the front door open and close again. He hears the excited cheer of Teddy and the stumbled steps of the little boy up the stairs.
“Careful, Teddy, we don’t want you to fall,” Harry says. His steps are secure and robust on the stairs. Draco takes another breath and wipes the tears from his eyes. He can’t have them find him like this in the bathroom, Teddy would just get upset, and that is the last thing Draco wants. He steps into the bedroom just when Teddy opens the door.
“Uncle Draco,” Teddy screams before he runs into Draco’s arms. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Teddy. Did you have a good time with your grandma Andromeda?”
Teddy nods and then pulls his little backpack off his back. “I’ve packed my own bag,” he announces proudly.
“Well done, you. Did you bring everything? Your pyjamas? And your toothbrush?” Draco asks him.
Teddy looks at his bag and shakes his head. “No toothbrush,” he states. “My teeth don’t need brushing.”
Harry laughs from the bed. Draco looks at him, and Harry holds up a second bag, the one packed no doubt by Andromeda.
“We’ll see about that once it’s time for bed,” Draco tells Teddy. He picks the boy up and walks to the bed and sits down next to Harry. Harry rests his head on Draco’s shoulder.
“Are you ready to tell me why you couldn’t come with me to pick up Teddy?” Harry asks.
Draco lets Teddy slip from his lap. The boy runs to his room, shouting he needs to say hello to Dragon.
“You don’t have to,” Harry continues. “I just worry about you. I know you haven’t been feeling well lately.”
“I know,” Draco answers. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up for if I was wrong.” Draco knows how important a family is to Harry, how he wishes to have multiple children one day to love and cherish. He would have been so disappointed if it had just been a silly flu that made Draco so sick and tired.
“Wrong about what?” Harry asks. He lifts his head and looks at Draco.
Draco squeezes Harry’s hand and smiles at him. “Wrong about being pregnant,” he says with a massive grin on his face.
Draco watches as the confusions on Harry’s face slowly fades and how his eyes light up and sparkle behind his glasses. “You’re pregnant?” Harry asks in a small voice. Draco nods in confirmation. “We’re going to have a baby?” Harry continues and Draco nods again. It’s a treat to see the pure joy on Harry’s face and to see him inch forwards to catch Draco’s lips in a kiss.
“Gross,” Teddy comments from the doorway making Harry and Draco laugh into their kiss just before they separate. Harry slides his free hand over Draco’s stomach and leaves it there while he rests his head on Draco’s shoulder again. Draco looks at Teddy who looks at them with small eyes. Draco wonders what the little kid thinks of them from time to time.
Teddy has his stuffed dragon in his left hand and his right thumb stuck in his mouth. Andromeda wants him to stop with the thumb thing, but it looks so cute on the boy that Draco can’t get it over his heart to tell him to stop. Draco holds out his hand. Teddy moves to them slowly his eyes fixed on Harry’s hand on Draco’s stomach. Draco helps him climb on his lap. Teddy burrows himself against Draco’s chest. Draco holds him in place and kisses him on the top of his head. He puts his other arm around Harry and closes his eyes, enjoying the moment. He’s got his two favourite boys in his arms and in less than nine months he’d need another arm for the new addition to his strange little family.
“I love you both,” Draco utters before he places another kiss on top of Teddy’s head and then one on Harry’s. “But now it’s time to make lunch. I’m hungry.”
Harry laughs beside him and lifts his head. The smile on his face is beautiful. Draco still can’t believe it’s all real. That for the last five months he’s been allowed to introduce himself as Draco Potter, the famous Harry Potter’s husband. And now they are having a baby, expending their little family one small piece at a time.
“I love you too,” Harry says and then gets up. “Egg sandwiches or grilled cheese?”
“Grilled cheese,” Teddy screams. “I want grilled cheese.”
“So grilled cheese it is,” Harry answers. He walks out of the room.
“I wanted egg sandwiches,” Draco tells Teddy. Teddy laughs and tells Draco he can have them when Teddy is at his grandma’s. Draco shakes his head and then lifts Teddy into the air. Teddy giggles and holds out Dragon to make him fly with him. Draco pulls Teddy back against his chest before he walks them out of the room and down the stairs.
“Wait!” Teddy shouts when they are about halfway. “I want to say hi to mom and dad,” he continues.
Draco stops in front of the picture of Lupin and Tonks. Teddy puts his small hand next to them and smiles at them. “Hi, mom and dad. I’m going to be a big brother,” he tells the picture. “Can’t stay, uncle Harry is making grilled cheese sandwishes.”
“Sandwiches,” Draco corrects Teddy. Teddy tries to say the word again. It comes out a little bit more like it’s supposed to and Draco lets it go. They reach the kitchen just in time to see Harry place the cheesed up slices of bread in the pan with sizzling butter on the stove.
“Somebody just told his parents that he’s going to be a big brother,” Draco says while he takes three plates from the cupboard and gives them to Harry.
“How does he do that? He figured out Fleur was pregnant before they told anyone too.” Harry shakes his head and looks at Teddy, who has climbed on his chair at the head of the table and has his thumb in his mouth again.
Draco gets some juice for them all and then sits down on the left side of Teddy. “Why do you think you’re going to be a big brother?” Draco asks him.
“Uncle Harry kissed you and then placed his hand on your belly,” Teddy says without any doubt, not taking his eyes of Dragon who is flying above the table. Teddy’s hair has turned the same dark green as the stuffed animal. Andromeda says that Tonks was the same around this age, constantly changing her hair colour without even realising it. It’s a good thing; it means that Teddy is more like his mother than his father. It will make full moons so much easier down the line. Harry had been worried about it once he read about young werewolf children having to go through that change every couple of weeks and how they would get locked up alone to make sure they wouldn’t hurt anyone. Harry said he would never leave Teddy to go through something like that alone. So when Teddy changed his hair colour to platinum about a year ago, when Draco was comforting him after he fell from his little broom, Draco had cried in relief. He wouldn’t have to fear for his lover's life every couple of weeks because he would go and lock himself in with a baby werewolf.
“I’m bringing the food to the table,” Harry announces. Dragon makes one final lap over the table and then lands neatly on the chair next to Draco just when Harry puts the plates filled with cheesy sandwiches in front of them all. He sits down across from Draco and shakes his head. “Are all magic children this good at magic when they are this young?” he asks.
Draco lifts his shoulders. “Don’t know. Mother used to tell me how I would make toys fly back to me when my father had confiscated them. But I don’t think I was as in control of my magic as Teddy is.”
Harry nods his head and looks at Teddy. “He will be an amazing big brother,” he says before he takes a bite of his grilled sandwich. Draco smiles at him and agrees before he starts on his sandwich.
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
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H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 :
@hd-hurtfest​ || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 48 works The Mods : @alpha-exodus & @quicksilvermaid Banner © : @slytherco's the light that the fire would bring
Absolution by @sunnyeclipses [E, 63k]
All we know by @legendrarry [T, art]
Blood is the Taste of Love by crazyparakiss [E, 2k]
A breath worth of life by @tedahfromtayla [E, 39k]
Call Me by Your Name (And I'll Call You by Mine) by @acupforslytherin [M, 35k]
Closure is a state of mind by @quicksilvermaid [E, 12k]
Coated in Rust and Blood by crazyparakiss [M, 2k]
A Cold Spot in Hell by @drarrytrash [E, 8k]
Coming Home by @nerdherderette [M, 9k]
Disjointed heart by @lovestillaround [M, 21k]
Exposure by GallaPlacidia [M, 26k]
Fight or Flight? by @big-draco-energy [M, 4k]
hear me (with your whole body) by @teacup-tai [E, 9k]
Here Without You by @gracerene09 [E, 26k]
I will always know where to find you by @foularcadebanana [T, 15k]
I'm Not in Your Dreams by @ununquadius [T, 9k]
If an Injury Is to Be Inflicted by @shealwaysreads [E, 44k]
If Wishes were Peacocks by @sliceosunshine [M, 11k]
If You Love Somebody (Then Let Them Go) by @ladderofyears [T, 16k]
Intertwined by @thesleepiesthufflepuff [E, 25k]
Letters he never sent by @hypallepse [M, 6k]
the light that the fire would bring by @slytherco [M, 8k]
Lubido Mendax by @malenkayacherepakha [E, 17k]
Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have by @moonlitmaruader [E, 20k]
The meaning behind words by @tomoewantsdolls [T, 4k]
Melancholic Moonlight by Monotremata [T, art]
A Nightmare Waiting to Happen by @triggerlil [E, 21k]
No More Desperate a Creature by @glitteringvoids [M, 29k]
Not That Kind of Lovers by @alpha-exodus [M, 5k]
Nothing's as It Seems by @eva-eleanore [E, 17k]
On the Last Day by @thusspoketrish [E, 53k]
Orion in the Sky by space_wingding [E, 30k]
Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Winterwolke [E, 7k]
Proof of Life by @aedwritesfic [M, 20k]
Silent Tears by @alindakb [T, 33k]
slipping through the cracks (of your cold embrace) by @swisstae [M, 14k]
Sweet Nothings by @penguinanimagus [M, 1k]
Taro Milk Tea with a side of Depression by @veelawings [M, 1k]
Texting You by @ununquadius [T, 6k]
Their Shining Star by @ladderofyears [E, 8k]
There was still hope by @gnarf [M, 3k]
This House Is On Fire, WOO! by @big-draco-energy [E, 1k]
Time After Time by @goldenzingy46 [G, 1k]
UnKnown by @dorthyanndrarry [M, 22k]
Wake Up In The Night by @p1013 [E, 10k]
When It's All Over by @erebeus-roxy [M, 9k]
Wilted by @thewakeless [E, 38k]
written on the box, under the skull and bones by @p1013 [M, 3k]
✔ other fests in 2020 ✔ fests in other years ✔ H/D Hurt!Fest : 2016 | 2015 | 2014
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Auction Bet by @violamoonfanfic [T, 2k]
► Draco and Harry compete to paint the best-selling painting for the Hogwarts Memorial Auction, with their own bets at stake.
2. Friends With The Enemy by @sketchy-d00d [T, 1k]
► Harry goes to the library and finds Draco, deciding it would be best to ask him for help he does so, finding out a few secrets Draco would rather keep quiet.
3. Love Where the Lightning Strikes by eqyptiangold [T, 12k]
► When Potter slams Draco into the wall and snogs him, interrupting a biting insult, Draco’s first instinct is to press into it with enough rough vehemence that he’ll be able to pass it off as— well. He’s not quite sure yet, but he’ll be able to pass it off as something other than what it is: an embarrassing desire to savour any chance he can get at kissing Potter.
4. Safe House by 286474 [E, 63k]
► When Harry is stuck in a safe house protecting Draco, confusing feelings begin to surface. With both of their lives falling apart, will they find solace in each-other's arms?
5. the slightest clue (or lack thereof) by peachnectarsoda [G, 2k]
► Harry Potter gets in an accident that leaves him hospitalized at St Mungo's Hospital, Draco Malfoy is in love, and Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley have no idea what's going on.
6. Teamwork by Vodyona [E, 3k]
► Draco hates Potter for no particular reason and it works out pretty well for him.
1. Astronomy | Never Let It Fade Away by @drarrelie [M, 29k]
►If a dying enemy knocked on your door, would you tell them to fuck off or would you try to help them? When it happens to Harry, he is dead set on the former — until Malfoy falls unconscious right there on Harry’s doorstep and changes Harry’s life forever. ★ Seven Shades of Drarry | @sevenshadesofdrarry
2. Fight or Flight? by Anonymous [M, 4k]
► Something's gotten into you // You don't really look at me the way you used to // And I'm hoping it ain't true // Every single rumour that I've heard of you say // You were off with someone that I don't know // Calling other people on your telephone // Kinda wish I didn't know... ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
3. Orion in the Sky by Anonymous [E, 30k]
► Draco Malfoy owns a bookshop in the Lake District. He’s also cursed. Enter: Harry Potter. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
4. Teddy's Favourite by Anonymous [T, 2k]
► It didn't come as a surprise when Teddy demanded to finally go to the beach. [...] There was only one little problem with the whole trip. Teddy insisted on inviting his favourite cousin, the one he reconnected with in the last year and the same one that quickly earned Teddy's trust and love, becoming his favourite person. Said cousin was of course none other than Draco Malfoy. ★ Very Drarry Summer Vibes
5. They were Once Young by @acupforslytherin [T, 6k]
►During the summer holiday, Harry and Draco were finally meeting each other’s parents. After Harry’s failed attempt to woo the Malfoys, Draco braced himself for another disaster at Godric’s Hollow. Little did he know, he was in for a delightful French dinner, two generations of embarrassing Potters, and a story of how young James and Lily got together. ★ HP Fluff Fest 2020 | @hpfluff-fest
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gnarf · 4 years
Gnarf’s 2020
and what a fucking year that was... Anyways, let’s talk about the good things, shall we?
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I made it through 2020 alive and without going insane! Yay! So lets see what else I did. (This is a long post)
In the beginning of 2020 I said I won’t participate in many fests. Only three or something like that. Lets check how that went!
Fests Gnarf participated in: 9
@lockdownfest @lcdrarry @hd-wireless @hpfluff-fest @hd-hurtfest @hd-fan-fair @hd-erised @gameofdrarry in drarropoly @wireless-festive-minifest​
Haha yup, three. Sounds legit. I also wandered off to try if I can art! No worries, I gave that up :D Mad respect to all Artists, arting is exhausting and the progress is too slow for me.
If you really want to check out my attempts, here’s what made its way onto AO3:
Dont Blink! for LCDrarry, it includes the Angels from Doctor Who and was a pain in the arse.
If you knew... was made for H/D Wireless and has the armiest arm i ever saw, very proud of that one. Its also the last thing I made.
Home Sweet Home was also made for H/D Wireless, and the first bigger art piece I tried my hand on.
A muffled groan which is rather explicit and I entirely forgot about making it :D it has a ficlet going with it too.
(I think theres other Art stuff here with the tag #gnarf draws or something)
I reached my yearly goal of writing 100k words once again!
Fics and Ficlets I wrote this year: 20(ish)
Better Side of the Bed (Lock Down Fest, T, 2k)
It was all Malfoy's fault. Harry could be at the Burrow right now, but instead he was trapped in Malfoy's tiny flat. All because that dick couldn't stop bothering him about a stupid life debt he didn't even care about.
Doing What's Best (G, ~800 words)
Lucius looked down at the little bundle currently sleeping in Narcissa's arms and felt terror shoot through his body. A little boy, his hair so white it was nearly invisible. Born only a few hours ago, taking his first breath in the light of the rising sun. Narcissa had whispered a welcome, her eyes wet, her smile bigger than ever. But they both knew, even though temporarily safe, he really wasn't. Draco was born into a world ruled by war. If only it'd end soon.
I better be hallucinating this (T, 3.8k)
After the war Draco Malfoy is sentenced to Azkaban for a really long sentence. Apparently aiding in Dumbledore's death overrules any argument Harry could put up for him. After the trial, as the days pass by, Harry is more and more outraged at the sentence. He can't stop obsessing over the fact that Draco Malfoy saved his life and aided him during the war and is very much capable of redemption. Not to mention that Malfoy has always been a delicate git and would never survive Azkaban. After a few weeks obsessing Harry decides that Malfoy indeed can't remain unjustly in Azkaban and starts to plot a way to break him out of jail and hide him in Grimmauld Place. When Hermione finds out she's not amused. Ron is horrified. Draco still thinks he's hallucinating.
Keep Holding On (Wireless, M. 33.333) A collab with @maesterchill​ who surprised me with lovely art for it!
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget. Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on the request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state. Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse. Making new allies, and losing old ones along the way, will hopefully be worth it in the end.
Age is just a number (Fluff Fest, T, 1.5k)
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
There was still hope (Hurt Fest, M, 3.1k)
Draco winced as pain shot through his leg with every step. This secret, back-alley laboratory had been his last chance, last hope, to find the potion. But nobody had it in stock, and there was no time left to brew it himself. Panic was slowly overtaking his entire mind as he crept out of the store and back to the nearest alley to Apparate back home. He already felt off, and it was still early in the day. Of course this thestral-shit had to happen to him, of all people. As if life wasn't bad enough for him already.
Desire (E, 1.7k)
"Auror Potter, what a pleasant surprise to meet you here. What can I do for you?" "Stop the show, Malfoy. There's no one around, and I'm not here as an Auror." Draco watched Potter move closer until they were nearly nose to nose, only the small counter of his shop kept Potter at distance. Potter's eyes were dark with something Draco couldn't exactly name, his face was flushed and the air surrounding him felt somehow static. Draco felt the urge to lean further over his counter, to drink in his sight, to touch the man on the other side—but he didn't.
Drarropoly 2020 currently holds 7 ficlets and is in a Series. The highest rating is Mature and its 3.2k in total at this point.
Let's not wait for France (Fan Fair, T, 17.7k)
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 3/4, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy. An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw. Things couldn't be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts.
Love letters for the oblivious (Mini Wireless, T, 716 words)
Draco had gotten the strangest letters all week long, which wasn't what anyone needed at Christmas. Especially not him. Either someone was taking the piss, or he had a very dumb and inefficient secret admirer. And Draco didn't know which would be worse.
Double-Booked (Mini Wireless, T, 2.1k)
Finally, peace and quiet, and— "Malfoy?!?" Or the one where Harry thought he could enjoy a quiet Christmas far from everyone, just to find out that the cabin he had booked already accommodated another guest.
The best Christmas he ever had (Mini WirelessT, 1.9k)
Christmas had never been less appealing to him than this year. That was until Arthur Weasley showed up at his door, dressed as Santa, inviting him to the Burrow.
Anon Fests to be added
Whoever made it to this point: yoooo! Friend! Lots of love to you! I also got tagged in many get to know me posts, plenty of love in my Inbox giving me love slaps left and right (honestly, im bruised, stop slapping me), amazing person awards, top 5 fics, and whatever you can think of.
To make up for not answering most of them because I’m a horrible person:
My favourite colour: purple My age: I’ll be 30 next year in April, I expect gifts, I don’t accept first borns My favourite trope: eight year My favourite animal: cat My favourite ice cream: Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough Here’s my writing Playlist, it’s the worst you’ll ever see, and yes, I use YouTube, I’m old.
Other things that happened in 2020 that made me happy:
I kicked out my mentally/emotionally abusive partner of 7 years in January
I kept my grandma alive through this *waves hand at world*
I was able to share my birthday cake with my family becaus I got to leave my first quarantine a few days before my birthday
I got to keep my job
I found a lot of lovely friends in this fandom, and got to keep them through this year
My cats are their usual little jerks and actually enjoyed me being at home due to the raging pandemic
I finally cut off my hair
I’m about to hit 3.5k followers here and I love you all
I’m also tagging everyone who sees this and wants to do something similiar! Show us what you did in 2020, the things you’re proud of, and the things you loved! Let’s spread some happy for the end of the year 💜🥰
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gameofdrarry · 4 years
Wizards Hearts: Go Squid Fic Recs 2
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The Wizards Hearts Game/Fest has been going strong for the last month! Our lovely players have read and commented on over 400 fanfics spreading love and joy to our fandom content creators. (For more info, click here!)
We have compiled a list of fics submitted by our players that features works they believe deserve more love. We encourage you to shower these works in comments and kudos!
This round of Go Squid contains: 
Odd Jobs (Curse-Breakers) - Angst
Odd Jobs (Journalist / Gossip Columnist) 
📜 The morning left us (both defeated) [interactive fic] by laughingd0g Rated:  Mature Words:  9000 Tags:  Auror Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, Case Fic, Established Relationship, Angst Summary:  They'd had dreams, Harry and he. Harry was going to reform the DMLE from the inside. Draco was going to repay a spiritual debt. Now Harry woke up only to get through the day, Draco realized his debt would never be repaid, Harry never smiled anymore, and Draco found himself in the strange position of holding their partnership together. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Lubido Mendax by Anonymous (H/D Hurtfest 2020) Rated:  Explicit Words:  17.802 Tags:  Dubious Consent, Curse Breakers, Infidelity, Explicit Sexual Content, Public Sex, Angst Summary:  When Harry is hit by an old and alarming sex curse while on a job with Malfoy, he’s faced with an agonising decision. But it turns out that curing the curse was easy compared to everything that came next. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Much Ado About Nothing by wtfmalfoy Rated: Teen Words: 8963 Tags: Veela Draco Malfoy, Light Angst, Misunderstandings, Pining, Happy Ending Summary: Malfoy is a Veela, Ron is his mate, Harry has stomach butterflies instead of a chest monster, and as usual, Hermione is the only one who ever knows what's going on. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Potter’s Party by dracogotgame Rated:  Teen Words:  2905 Tags: Animagus, Eighth Year, Parties, Misunderstandings, Pining Summary:  Draco wasn't invited to Potter's party and he won't stand for it. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 It’s a lovely day at Malfoy Manor, and Draco is a horrible goose by toutcequonveut Rated:  General Words:  2225 Tags: Animagus, Crack Fic, Humour, Fluff Summary:   
The gardens at Malfoy Manor had always been spectacular, so much so that it was understood in Pureblood circles to be the best of all Manor gardens. In recent days, though, Longbottom Manor’s gardens had been generating quite a stir. Mother had been going out of her mind trying to visit so she could update her gardens accordingly, but Augusta Longbottom was crafty and vicious and figured her out every time. Still, Draco thought the Malfoy gardens were splendid regardless of how they compared to the Longbottom gardens.
At least, human Draco did.
As a goose, the carefully crafted coordination of colors and symbiotic flora disappeared. What did a goose care for the societal trifles of man?
❤️ Read on AO3
Gossip Boys by mypetelephant Rated:  Explicit Words:  24,093 Tags:  Case Fic, Mystery, Humour, UST, Odd Jobs Summary:  Confiscated Dark objects have been disappearing from the Ministry, and journalist Harry Potter is on the case. Unfortunately, he has to drag along Draco Malfoy, gossip columnist extraordinaire, whose subject of choice is everyone's favorite desultory hero. Forced to contend with cursed objects, international smugglers, and a lesson on the value of gossip, all Harry wants is to put out a respectable article. Oh, and to forget a night that only Draco knows and will never write about. Read on AO3
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goldenzingy46 · 4 years
hello hello i just read a fic of yours called Time After Time that you wrote for the H/D Hurtfest in 2020 and i wanted to say that i have NEVER felt this much emotion for a fic just over 1k words and now i will think about this fic for the rest of my life thank you i am in love with you
hi hi hi i love you to pieces i’m literally crying (happy tears) i don’t even know how to respond to this,,,
i just. thank you so much??? i’m so glad you enjoyed <3
i. god. i don’t know what to say. i love you so fucking much
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big-draco-energy · 4 years
Written for the  H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 @hd-hurtfest 
[gift for @tackytigerfic ]
inspired by Conan Gray’s song “Fight or Flight” You may treat yourself to this song before reading - it really hurts!
Title: Fight or Flight?
Creator: Zzzara / @big-draco-energy
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, indifelity, open ending Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Infidelity, Jealousy, Jealous Harry Potter, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Heartbreak, Ambiguous/open ending
Something’s gotten into you You don’t really look at me the way you used to And I’m hoping it ain’t true Every single rumour that I’ve heard of you say You were off with someone that I don’t know Calling other people on your telephone Kinda wish I didn’t know…
*** A/N:  Many thanks to my wonderful beta @olliemaye for your thorough help and advice in the big little things that matter! My love and excitement goes to the mods of this fest. Thank you so much for bringing this wonderful idea to life! <3
Read it on AO3: “Fight or Flight?”
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alindakb · 4 years
Silent Tears - Chapter 4.3 - by Alinda
Harry parks his bike in the shed and moves back into the garden. The one tree they have is leafless and cold, just like the last two months. Harry can't wait for spring to begin, watch the first flowers spring from the ground and sit outside to enjoy the late sunshine. A glass of wine and a good book in his hands. Draco close by with his papers and his quill stuck behind his ear, trying to make sense of the mess his clients present him with. A monitor spell hovering close to keep an eye on the sleeping Teddy.
It's dark by now. Harry had to stay late at the school to have an unpleasant conversation with some parents that think their child is an angel. Harry sometimes wishes he could use a Pensieve to show them what a brat their kid is.
There are no lights on in the house. Harry closes his eyes for a second before he opens the back door. He steps into the kitchen and turns on the lights. His dirty coffee cup from that morning still stands in the sink, accompanied by his plate. There are no other dishes or any sign that someone else lives in this house.
"Please, tell me you didn't stay in bed again all day, " Harry says to the empty air. He doesn't know how much more he can handle. He misses the late nights in front of the fireplace, with wine and good food. The nights they would make love. Draco's laughter and dry humour. And most off all, he misses Teddy. His presence in their life, his silly questions and thoughtful gestures. The way Draco lights up when he’s around. Teddy hasn’t been back since Christmas. Harry doesn’t want him to see Draco like this; he won’t understand and will only get upset because of it.
Harry takes some food from the fridge and places it in the oven to heat up. Then he pulls off his shoes and climbs the stairs. He turns on the lights in their bedroom. Draco lays under the covers, with his back turned to Harry.
"I'm home," Harry says. "I'm warming up some food. I'd like it if you could join me for dinner."
Draco doesn't answer. Harry sighs and walks into the bathroom. He turns on the light and looks into the room. He doesn’t move as he stares at the bottles on the floor. Harry didn’t think they had any left in the house. He would have gotten rid of them otherwise. He closes his eyes and then turns rapidly. He’s at the edge of the bed in seconds.  
"Please tell me you didn't, " he says as he kneels. He pulls the duvet from Draco's face. Draco's eyes are closed, and Harry grabs his shoulders.
"Wake up, Draco. Please, wake up." Harry shakes Draco's shoulder. His eyes start to water, and his heart thumps in his chest. Please let him wake up. He can't lose him, not like this.
Draco's eyes open and Harry takes his face in his hands before he can turn away.
"Tell me you didn't, " Harry says.
Draco looks confused, unaware of the terror raising inside Harry. He blinks but doesn’t say a word. Harry wants to slap him, wants to hurt him for doing this to them. He said he would never take them again.
"The potions, please, Draco, did you take them?" Harry’s voice cracks, and he knows he has tears in his eyes by now. He should have seen this coming. He should have dragged Draco to get help, should have listened to Blaise and let them help him. He should have made sure Draco didn’t feel like he had to fall back into oblivion again. Hermione was right that it was wrong to ignore it, to just let it happen, to let it destroy both of them in the process.
Some recognition shows on Draco's face. He shakes his head. Harry let's go of him and lets his head fall into his own hands. He cries, his body shakes from the relief. Maybe he can still save Draco and by doing so also save himself.
“The bottles,” Harry stammers. He waves his hand towards the bathroom. He needs to know where Draco got them from. He will hunt the person down and murder them.
“Leftover from Teddy’s fall,” Draco answers. His voice sounds so hollow, as if it doesn’t matter. It sounds like the Draco from sixth year when he was high all the time and didn’t care what happened next. Harry lifts his head and looks at the man in front of him. His eyes stare past Harry, into the distance.
“Did you take them?” Harry asks again. He needs Draco to say it. It’s the only way he will believe him.
“No,” Draco says without looking at Harry.
“I can’t go back there, Draco,” Harry says. “I can’t watch you destroy yourself. I don’t think I’ll survive.”
Draco doesn’t respond. Harry wishes he would react, wishes he would do something other than lay in bed and do nothing. Hermione was right. She’s always right. Harry hates her for it right now. She said that if Harry would keep ignoring it that he would break himself. And he knows he’s close. Maybe he should listen to her and stay with them for a while, take the pressure off and hope that it will spur Draco into action.
“I love you, but I don’t know how long I can keep doing this,” Harry continues. He pushes some of Draco’s hair out of his face. “I want my husband back.”
Draco still doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look at Harry.  Harry stands up and moves towards the door. Tears still drip down his cheeks. He balls his fist as the need to punch something raises inside him. He slams his hand against the wall. It hurts, but Harry doesn’t care. He turns and looks back at the silent man in his bed.
“You need help,” Harry says. “I know you don’t want to. I know you think it will do nothing. But I need you to get help. I need you to be yourself again. I can’t stand seeing you like this. I fucking love you, Draco. I will always love you. But I won’t let you destroy us both. If you’re dead set on wasting away, I’m going to need to leave. You’ll make me break my promise. But I need to take care of myself. I can’t crash again. Teddy needs at least one of us. He wants to come home again. Andromeda struggles more and more each day when she picks him up from school. He wants to come home. He said he wants to spend time with his dads. He calls us his dads, Draco. So if you can’t do this for me, please do it for him. He misses you. And he’s angry. Andromeda said he’d put Teddy-bear in the bin because he didn’t make you happy again. Fuck, I don’t even know why I tell you this. It’s not like you care. Just like you didn’t care that your boss fired you two weeks ago. You used to love that job, and you just let it slip out of your fingers by not showing up anymore. It’s not healthy, Draco. Fuck, do you even register anymore what’s happing around you? Have you even noticed that Teddy hasn’t been here since Christmas? Don’t you miss him? Don’t you miss us?”
Harry stands in front of the bed. Draco doesn’t move. His eyes stay unfocused. Harry still isn’t sure if Draco tells the truth about the potions. He hates that he doubts Draco, but he’s unresponsive and doesn’t seem to care at all that Harry slowly breaks down in front of him.
“Are you even listening to me?” Harry yells. “Bloody hell, Draco. We don’t have to have a baby. I don’t want it. Not like this. I know I always said I wanted a family, children of our own. But not like this, not if it means I lose you in the process. You are my world, and I love you. I will always love you, no matter what.” As soon as Harry says it, he knows it’s true. It’s not like he suddenly doesn’t want to have children anymore, but he knows for sure he can give them up if it means he gets Draco back.
Harry closes his eyes and tries to stop the tremors in his arms. He wants to hit something again. Fuck, he wants to slam his fist against Draco, just to get a reaction out of the man. But he knows it won’t. It seems like nothing gets through to him anymore.
“I’m going to have some dinner. And if you don’t join me,” Harry wavers. He doesn’t want to do this, he doesn’t want this to end, but Hermione is usually right, and it might work. And Harry can’t stand around anymore and watch Draco destroy himself. “If you don’t join me, I’m packing my bag to stay at Ron and Hermione's. You can go and destroy yourself all alone. Just know that when you do, you destroy me along with you.”
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alindakb · 4 years
Silent Tears - Chapter 2.4 - by Alinda
“I know it’s none of my business, but shouldn’t that boy be in bed by now?” Pansy asks. She nods her head towards the other side of the room where Teddy sits with his tong halfway out of his mouth, a crayon in his hand and his favourite colouring book of the moment in front of him.
“Pansy, it’s only half-past six. His bedtime isn’t until seven,” Draco tells her. He picks up his glass of wine and grins. “What stupid thing did you do?” he asks Pansy.
“Why do you think I did something stupid?” Pansy asks. She twirls her glass of wine in her hand.
“Oh, come on. I’ve known you since you were five. And there is only one reason why you show up uninvited and can’t wait till you can get me alone.”
“Fine, yes, I did something stupid. But not in front of the kid. Come on Draco, be the responsible parent.”
They both laugh. Teddy looks up from his colouring. “Uncle Draco, do you think cows can be blue?” he asks.
“Cows can be any colour you want, Tedster,” Pansy says. Draco gives her a look. They’ve talked about this. Teddy doesn’t like the name Tedster. But Pansy won’t stop using it. Draco isn’t sure if it’s because Teddy doesn’t like Pansy at all or if he genially hates the nickname.
“My name is Teddy,” Teddy says with his angry voice.
“Of course Tedster,” Pansy answers and then she turns back to swirling around her glass of wine. Draco shakes his head and gets up. He sits down next to Teddy on the floor.
“Ignore Pansy, Teddy. Why did you want to know if cows can be blue?” Draco asks him.
“It’s for school. We drew a farm today, and I had blue cows. But Olivia said that cows can’t be blue,” Teddy explains.
“Well, I’ve never seen a blue cow. And I’m sure that if they exist, that no Muggle has ever seen them. You should ask Luna the next time she’s over if there are blue cows. I’m sure that she will know.”
Teddy nods his head and takes another crayon and starts to colour again. Draco pets his hair and then moves back to the sofa where Pansy is checking her nails.
“You really should try harder to be nice to him, Pansy,” Draco tells her.
“Why? He’s not even yours,” Pansy says.
“One more remark like that and you can leave this house,” Harry says from the doorway. Pansy looks up at him and waves her hand in front of her face.
“Yeah, I know, behave and all that. Sorry Harry,” she says. Not that she means it. Draco knows her. Something is bothering her. She’s been trying to pick a fight with Harry and Teddy since the moment she stepped into the house. Draco had just made dinner, and Pansy invited herself to stay for it. And now she’s playing with her wine, hardly drinking from it. And that can only mean one thing. Pansy did something more than stupid.
Harry looks at Draco. It’s strange how they can communicate without the need for words. Harry just nods and then turns to Teddy, asks him if he would like to have an extra-long bath tonight.
“With magic bubbles?” Teddy asks. Harry nods in conformation. It’s all that is needed to get Teddy out of the room, already running up the stairs to the bathroom.
“Talk to you later, Pansy. Don’t destroy my husband while I’m gone,” Harry says before he also walks out of the room.
Draco pours himself another glass of wine. Pansy’s glass is still mostly full. It’s like she’s not drinking at all.
“So, what is it that you did?” Draco asks. “Do we need to smuggle you over the border to keep you safe?”
Pansy shakes her head. She looks at the door where Teddy and Harry disappeared and then back to her nails. Her eyes are avoiding Draco’s.
“Bloody hell, Pansy. Spill it out. I haven’t seen you like this, since that time you got drunk and ended up in Blaise’s bed.”
Pansy looks up with wide eyes. “I thought we said we would never mention that again,” she spits.
“Well, what is it then?” Draco asks. He knew mentioning the night with Blaise would get her to talk. He doesn’t feel like waiting all night for her to open up. He’s got an early start tomorrow, and he would like to get to bed in time.
Pansy puts her glass of wine down on the table. Her hands wring together on her lap. “I don’t know how to tell you. But Blaise and Ginny were right. I can’t keep hiding this from you.”
“Hiding what from me, Pansy. You are freaking me out. What is it?” Draco starts to worry now. He thought she’d pissed off some guy again and would need a place to hide out for a while. But if she has already confided in Blaise and Ginny, it’s something else. Something worse.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re going to hate me for this.” Pansy’s eyes are moist when she looks up at Draco. “I don’t want to lose you as my friend.”
Draco looks at the wine glass that Pansy had put down. There is no lipstick stain on it. “You’re not drinking your wine,” Draco whispers. No alcohol and confiding in Blaise first, Draco can only come up with one reason why Pansy would do both at the same time.
“I haven’t been drinking wine for the last four months,” Pansy confesses.
“Four months,” Draco repeats. “Please don’t tell me, that you, ‘I’m never having kids, they are the worst thing that could happen to a person’ is pregnant.” Draco glares at Pansy. He wants to grab a pillow and smother her with it.
“I’m sorry, Draco, I never meant to,” Pansy says.
“Yeah, of course, you didn’t mean too,” Draco cuts in. “You never mean any off it. You don’t mean to be rude to Harry, you don’t mean to tease Teddy to the point where he doesn’t like you, and you don’t mean to be the biggest slut I know. And you never mean to hurt me, but you do it anyway,” Draco shouts.
“And this is why I didn’t tell you. I knew you would be like this. Just because you can’t have a child of your own. Really, Draco, I would think that by now you would have learnt that the world doesn’t revolve around you!” Pansy screams.
“I fucking know that! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have defended your behaviour. I wouldn’t have convinced Harry to let you stay here every time you screw up. You know that he only puts up with you because you are my friend. He thinks you’re spoilt and selfish. And I finally see how right he is.”
“I’m selfish? You get angry at me, just because I’m getting something you want but can’t have. Do you have any idea how hard this has been for me? The father doesn’t want anything to do with this child. I'm in this alone. And as much as I dreaded to tell you because I knew it would hurt you, I wanted you to be a part of this. You’re my best friend, for fuck’s sake. Start acting like one for a change.”
Draco's nostril’s flair, and he’s tempted to reach for his wand to destroy the untouched glass of wine on the table. Instead, he points his hand towards the door. “Let yourself out, before I hurt you,” Draco hisses. “I never want to see you here again.”
“Come on, Draco. You can’t shut me out now. I need you,” Pansy pleads.
“GET OUT!” Draco yells. How dare she turn this around. Pansy never needed Draco. She just liked to use him whenever she’d screwed up. And Draco is sick of it. Of all of it. He’s been nothing but a friend to Pansy in all the years they’ve known each other. And now she’s done the worst thing possible, getting pregnant just to show that she can have what Draco isn’t capable of.
Pansy picks up her handbag and walks out of the room. Not much later, the front door slams closed. Draco grabs his wand and points it at the glass that has been laughing at him this whole conversation. The glass fragments with a bang, wine spills on the table and floor. And then Draco rests his head in his hand and cries. Why can’t he have a baby? Why do all his friends around him get pregnant like it’s nothing, just a little mistake made between the sheets. How come Pansy gets what Draco and Harry long for. She’d be a horrible mother, Draco is sure of that. As soon as she wants her freedom back, she will resent her child. And Draco won’t be around to watch that happen. He can’t.
“Draco,” a hesitant Harry says from the doorway. “What happened?”
Draco shakes his head. He doesn’t think he can talk now.
“Are you okay for a couple of more minutes? I’ll be right back, but I left Teddy alone in the bath,” Harry says.
Draco nods and waves Harry away. Teddy comes first. If anything would happen to him because of that bitch Pansy, Draco would never forgive himself. He should have cut her out of his life sooner. He should have made sure that bitch never hurt Teddy in the first place.
“I’ll be fine,” Draco stutters between his tears. “Go back to Teddy.”
“I love you. We’ll be down in a couple of minutes, and then we can all have some hot chocolate,” Harry says, and then he’s gone. Draco looks at the mess he made. He waves his wand around to clean up all the glass that is covering the floor. And then he pulls a blanket over himself and hides away from the world.
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alindakb · 4 years
Silent Tears - chapter 1.2 - by Alinda
The words make no sense. Draco closes his eyes and tries to push away the tears. Harry’s hand squeezes his. Draco can’t look at him. He can’t look anywhere.
“I’m sorry,” the healer says again. Draco tries to remember her name, but his mind is blank. Slowly the healer slides the probe she used for the echo out of him. Draco wants her to put it back, to have another look, to tell him that she was wrong, that she made a mistake.
“I don’t understand,” Harry says next to Draco. “Everything was fine. He’s still sick all the time.” Draco can hear the tears in his words, knows Harry’s heart is breaking. Harry’s free hand strokes some of Draco’s hairs out of his face, and then his thumb slides over Draco’s cheek.
“I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, and I will answer all your questions. But let's let Draco put his clothes back on first, make it a little more comfortable for him.” Draco doesn’t know how this can get more comfortable. His heart has just shattered into a million pieces, and there is nothing that will make this comfortable, not even some stupid clothes.
“Yeah, sure. Draco, honey, do you want to go and put your trousers back on?” Harry asks. Draco doesn’t want to, but he nods anyway. A tear slides over his cheek, and he bites his lip. Slowly he sits up. He doesn’t want to let go of Harry’s hand to move to the dressing room. Only a couple of hours ago they relaxed on their sofa, joking about how in a couple of months Harry would have a little baby on his chest and won’t be able to get up all the time to get coffee for Draco. The image is stuck in Draco’s head. Harry holding their baby. A baby that will never be.
Harry lifts Draco’s face and gives him a short soft kiss. “It’s okay. I’ll be right here waiting for you. We’re going to be okay,” Harry says.
“I don’t want to be alone,” Draco stutters.
“I’ll come with you.” Harry puts his arm around Draco’s waist and helps him stand up. Together they walk to the dressing room. Harry hands Draco his pants. On autopilot, Draco puts one leg into it and then the other. His trousers are next. Draco holds them in his hands and stares at it. He’d been afraid that he wouldn’t be able to find any nice trousers when his stomach became too large.
“Draco,” Harry whispers. Draco looks up in his eyes, sees the tears on Harry’s face. He shakes his head and looks back down at his trousers. Harry had said Draco’s concerns about fashionable trousers was idiotic, that Draco looks good no matter what because he’d be pregnant with their baby. Draco shivers and sits down on the little bench. It all doesn’t matter anymore.
“I can’t,” Draco starts. He chokes on his words and lets the tears fall, hiding his face in his hands. His body shivers while he weeps. He feels sick, and he can’t seem to swallow the lump in his throat. Harry’s arms are around him in seconds, holding him close against Harry’s chest. They don’t speak. The tears say all that needs to be said right now. For six weeks they believed they would become parents, and now, with a straightforward scan that dream has gone up in smoke.
After some time, Harry helps Draco pull on his trousers, and they walk back out into the exam room. Draco sits back down on the exam table. Harry takes the space beside him. The healer sits in front of them and holds out some tissues.
“What happens now?” Harry asks. His hand holds Draco’s and Draco concentrates on how their fingers fit perfectly together. It’s easier than thinking of the dead baby inside him.
“Now we wait,” the healer starts. “When something like this happens, we like to wait another week and have another scan. Just to make sure that the foetus isn’t growing and that we didn’t make a mistake in calculating the date when you conceived.”
“Our little one can still be alive?” Draco asks. He looks up at the healer, a little spark of hope forming in his heart.
“I don’t want you to get your hopes up,” the healer continues. “It is only in rare cases that the second scan holds better results. It’s a precaution. But after seeing your foetus, it’s clear that it should have had a heartbeat by now.”
Draco looks back down, and Harry squeezes his hand.
“Okay, so we need to wait a week to have another scan, which will tell us the same as now. And then what?” Harry asks. His voice strained, and Draco knows he’s angry. With the healer, for making them wait another week to go through this all again, or with Draco, for not taking care of their precious baby, Draco doesn’t know.
“Then we have multiple options. We could wait for Draco’s body to expel of the dead foetus by itself. We only don’t know how long this will take. He could have a natural miscarriage in a few days, but it can also take weeks before it starts.”
Draco shakes his head. If this is the end, he wants it to be over. He can’t walk around with his dead baby inside him for weeks. He just can’t.
“Another way is to have it surgically removed. We don’t recommend this, as it increases the risk of permanently damaging the uterus, making another successful pregnancy less likely, which leaves us with the third option. We can prescribe a potion that will induce the miscarriage. Draco would still have a natural miscarriage, but we would know when it will happen.”
“That sounds doable. Do we have to decide now what we want?” Harry asks. Draco is glad he’s taking the lead and gets all the information they need. Draco struggles to follow the words of the healer. He should have remembered her name. This woman just told them their baby is dead. He should know her name.
“No, you can think it over, and when you come back next week for the second scan we can go over it all again, and you can decide what you want then.”
“Okay, yes, we can do that. Right, Draco?” Harry asks.
Draco looks up into Harry’s eyes. He nods while the tears start streaming again. He can’t seem to stop crying. Harry pulls him against his side and pusses Draco’s head onto his shoulder with his free hand. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Harry whispers. Draco wants to scream at him that it isn’t, that everything is wrong. Hermione and Ron are coming over for dinner tonight, and instead of telling them that Draco is pregnant, they have to say to them that Draco wasn’t good enough to have a baby. That he wasn’t able to keep Harry’s baby safe.
“I want you to remember that this happens, more often than you might think. You’re both not at fault. Sometimes the foetus just isn’t viable. I’ve got some leaflets you can take home that tells more about it, and you can call us if you have any questions,” the healer explains.
It’s the last thing she says before she leads them to the little office with her assistant. Harry makes an appointment for the second scan and takes the leaflets. His arm folds itself around Draco’s waist as he guides him out of the hall, down to the elevators and back to the apparition point. In seconds they stand in their kitchen. Draco sits down on a chair at the table and folds his arms on the table. His head falls on them, and he cries. He wants to fall asleep and wake up still being pregnant.
“I’m going to cancel the dinner for tonight,” Harry says. He turns towards the hearth. Moments later, Draco hears Ron’s voice.
“Fuck Harry, what’s going on, you look like shit.”
“Ron, we’ll have to cancel dinner. I’ll explain why later. I don’t want to tell you over the floo. Just, you and Hermione can come over tomorrow, and I’ll explain.”
“Draco didn’t leave you, did he?” Ron asks. Draco bites his lips. Of course that is the first thing on Ron’s mind when Harry looks like shit. Draco most have done something wrong, something to hurt his best friend. And he’s not wrong. Draco gave Harry the one thing he wants more than anything, only to destroy it a couple of weeks later.
“No, Ron, fuck, it’s worse, okay. Just, please, I need to… Draco, he’s a mess. It’s all a mess right now. I promise I’ll explain tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay. Hermione and I will bring breakfast. Do you have anything in the house to have for dinner? I could ask mom to send you something if you don’t.”
“We have food. I need to go now. See you tomorrow.” Harry finishes the call, and the kitchen goes silent. Draco lifts his head to look at the fireplace. Harry sits in front of it; his cheeks are wet from the tears. His hands pull at his hair, making it a bigger mess than usual.
“I’m sorry,” Draco says.
Harry looks up at him and shakes his head. “Don’t. Please don’t. This is not your fault.”
“You were angry at the hospital,” Draco says.
“Yes, fuck, of course, I’m angry. I was told our baby will never get born, and then they tell us we have to sit around for another week just so that they can cover their asses. So yes, I’m angry,” Harry screams.
“You should be angry at me,” Draco says.
Harry closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Not your fault, Draco. You’ve done everything by the book from the moment we knew. This is not on you.”
Draco gets up and sits back down next to Harry. “I don’t know what to do. I feel so empty right now,” he says.
Harry leans his head on Draco’s shoulder. “Me too,” he says.
Minutes pass, the sun starts to set. Both Harry and Draco don’t move. They don’t make dinner, they have some of the cake that was supposed to be the dessert for their dinner with Ron and Hermione, and then they crawl into bed together. They fall asleep with tears on their faces, holding each other close in the hope that the pain will be a little easier to handle tomorrow.
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
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HP/DRARRY Fic Fests 2020
Source(s) : @hpfests || Banner © : @capipuff || as of 2021.02
A Very Drarry Valentine’s Day Exchange @gameofdrarry : AO3
HP Kinkfest round 11 @hpkinkfest​ : AO3
HP Omegaverse Week @harrypotteromegaverseweek : AO3
The Ides of Drarry @gameofdrarry : AO3
Salt and Pepper Fest 2020 hp-goldenage@DW : AO3
Lock Down Fest @lockdownfest : AO3
Cards Against Muggles Crack Fest : AO3
Seven Shades of Sin @sevenshadesofdrarry​ : AO3
HP TransFest @hptransfest : AO3
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2020 @dracotops-harry : AO3
HP Triad!Fest @hptriadfest : AO3
Lights, Camera, Drarry 2020 @lcdrarry​ : AO3
H/D Mpreg Fest 2020 @harrydracompreg : AO3
Drarry Strugglefest 2020 @drarrystrugglefest : AO3
Seven Shades of Summer @sevenshadesofdrarry​ : AO3
HP Unhappily Ever After Fest @hp-unhappily-ever-after : AO3
A Spring Fling Oneshot Contest June 2020 : AO3
Banging Birthday Fest 2020 @hpdailydeviant : AO3
H/D Wireless 2020 @hd-wireless : AO3
HP Daddy Fest @hpdaddyfest : AO3
A Very Harry Birthday harrypotter-birthdayparty@DW : AO3
Trans Wizard Tournament @transwizardtournament : AO3
Very Drarry Summer Vibes @gwbexchange : AO3
HP Inspired by Imagery Fest @hpinspiredby : AO3
Taste of Smut Fest @tasteofsmut : AO3
Farewell to Summer: The 31 Flavors of Smut : AO3
Poly!Mini Fest @hptriadfest : AO3
HP Cross Gen Fest @hp-crossgenfest : AO3
Seven Shades of Magic @sevenshadesofdrarry : AO3
H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 @hd-hurtfest : AO3
HP Fluff Fest 2020 @hpfluff-fest : AO3
HP Drizzle Fest 2020 @hpdrizzle : AO3
HP Crack!Fic Fest 2020 @hpcrackficfest : AO3
H/D Sex Fair 2020 @hd-fan-fair : AO3
HP Ace Fest @hp-ace-fest : AO3
HP Kinktober 2020 @hpkinktober : AO3
Halloween Creatures Fest 2020 @hp-creatures​ : AO3
Fanatical Fics Halloween Writing Competition 2020 : AO3
HP Suds Fest @hpsudsfest : AO3
Drarropoly 2020: Founder’s Edition @gameofdrarry : AO3
H/D Erised 2020 @hd-erised : AO3
H/D Owlpost Winter Fest 2020 @hdowlpost : AO3
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2020 @slythindor100 : AO3
Secret Santa Exchange 2020 @sevenshadesofdrarry : AO3
Wireless Festive Minifest @wireless-festive-minifest : AO3
HP Mini Fest @hp-mini-fest : AO3
Fanatical Fam's: Holiday Fic Exchange : AO3
2020 New Year's Countdown : AO3
[all year round]
HP Daily Deviant @hpdailydeviant : AO3
Drarry Daze 2020 @drarrydaze-fest : AO3
Drarry Microfic @drarrymicrofic : AO3
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The day Draco Malfoy acted normal under a love potion by @drarrysht [T, 3k]
► Prompt: in which Slytherins slip Draco a 24-hour love potion so that he falls in love with Harry Potter. And they’re all laughing watching him drink it and they watch him all day waiting for him to make a fool of himself And he doesn’t act any different.
2. Kiss Me, Potter by AngstyCanadianGleek [G, 1k]
► Draco Malfoy didn't understand kissing, so he goes out of his way to find out why people like it? And who does he turn to for help? Well, Harry Potter, duh.
3. The Light in Lonely by @rinnwrites [M, 44k]
► 20 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is happy with his life. His is the longest DADA tenure in decades, he's head of Gryffindor house, his godson is a successful Hogwarts graduate, and he has a calling: to shape young minds. He's definitely not lonely. He has everything he needs. But perhaps he'll find a little more when Scorpius Malfoy lands himself in Gryffindor, and drags his father along for the ride.
4. The Trial by @parkkate [T, 4k]
► In which Harry speaks at Draco's trial, they have an awkward tea party and a pushy house-elf is Draco's wingman.
5. want by @drarryangels [T, 1k]
►[...] It’s being here instead of at Draco’s that gave Harry the strange burst of courage to tell Draco what he hasn’t been saying since they started dating five months ago. Which is that he doesn’t like sex.
6. well well well by Grace_28 [G, 1k]
► "Well, well, well... if it isn't the love of my miserable life?" "Draco, we've been married for five years. Can you stop saying that every time I come home late?" Ignoring him, Draco took a sip from his glass.
1. Exposure by Anonymous [M, 26k]
► When Seamus uncovers Draco Malfoy's camboy profile, he, Harry and Ron decide to anonymously book a private show so as to humiliate him later. Fascinated by Draco's confidence, Harry keeps booking private shows under the disguise... ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
2. The Locus of the Fracas by Anonymous [M, 1k]
► Harry is assigned community payback, and it's all Malfoy's fault. ★ HP Drizzle Fest 2020 | @hpdrizzle
3. Sweet Nothings by Anonymous [M, 1k]
► What do you do when you lose the one you love? After a raid goes wrong, Draco navigates the waters of his grief and may very well lose himself in the process. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. in your arms by @bonesliketambourines [E, 2k]
► If you had told Draco four months ago that he'd be in something approaching an exclusive relationship with Harry Potter, he'd have laughed in your face before rigging you up for a fitting punishment for your cheek. [...]
2. once more, with feeling by bringmayflowers [?, 6k]
► In seven years, Draco and Harry go from strangers, best friends, roommates, to lovers. And then strangers. Again. (Draco wonders if they’re destined for the same fate in other universes too.)
3. Promises, Promises by @mindlikeaninja [E, 1k]
► Draco expects Harry to keep his promises. Harry is only too happy to oblige.
1. Coming Home by Anonymous [M, 9k]
► Three years after his world was shattered, Harry tries to pick up the pieces at the place he once called home. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
2. Potions | A Bitter Potion To Brew by @drarrymadhatterstuff [E, 25k]
► Draco isn’t feeling very well. To be honest, he’s never been worse. With the start of his eighth year at Hogwarts just weeks away, the Healers finally diagnose him with a magical core sickness, its only cure being magical infusions from the victim’s soulmate via bonding. Who’s Draco’s soulmate? Why, Harry Potter, of course! [...] ★ Seven Shades of Drarry | @sevenshadesofdrarry
3. UnKnown by Anonymous [M, 22k]
► Draco just wanted a second chance, he was willing to work hard, he was willing to do whatever it took, but no one would let him live down his past. But when he recklessly casts a spell promising a new life, he's not prepared for the consequences... ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
4. You Don't Know Me (Like You Used To) by Anonymous [E, 33k]
► Sometimes it only takes a week to change everything. The story of how twenty-five-year-old Draco Malfoy hit one Harry Potter with a door and knocked both of their lives into somewhere entirely new. ★ 2020 Harry/Draco Sex Fair | @hd-fan-fair
1. Harry Potter and the Proof that Drarry is Real by chicken_salad [T, 10k]
► “Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Greatest Happiness on Earth (is sitting between Potter’s legs) by @samyistrying [E, 77k]
► Summer, sun, horse-riding holidays! When Harry started his summer holidays, he would have never expected his world to turn upside down - and all because of a snooty blond. Or: Just another silly little story about two young men who fall in love in absolutely every possible universe. Even while they're on a horseback and not waving their wands at each other. In a guest role: Harry's obsession with blond hair.
2. Negotiations by GoldFrostbite13 [E, 5k]
► Draco should have known a meeting with former porn star Harry Potter wouldn't stay businesslike.
3. No More Time by Rehtaeh_Elocin [T, 1k]
► Harry saves Draco in the Room of Requirements, but what happens when he chases after him instead of heading straight back to battle?
4. Psychedelic by Darlinxx [E, 3k]
►[...] Draco discovers that as spectacularly hopeless as he is at expressing himself with words, he excels at communicating through skin.
1. Coated in Rust and Blood by Anonymous [M, 2k]
► No one escapes the nightmares. That’s what his headshrinker tells Harry every time he tries to unpack the baggage he was handed from infancy. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
2. slipping through the cracks (of your cold embrace) by Anonymous [M, 14k]
► Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. Archenemies at school, on opposite sides of the war that tore the Wizarding world in half -- and yet, lovers who overcame all odds to be together. That's where it all starts. And maybe, that's where it all ends. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Approaching Night by @aneiria-writes [M, 4k]
►The grand piano stood to one side on the stage, black and shining under the dim lights, and seated before it was a lithe young man with a shock of white blond hair. His fingers danced effortlessly over the keys, his eyes closed, a haunting melody drifting through the air. Harry recognised him straight away, of course. [...]
2. For Hermione by Grace_28 [?, 17k]
►When he was fourteen, Harry swore on Sirius’s deathbed that he’d watch out for his best friends, Hermione and Ron. Swore it to his dying godfather, plus to the memory of his deceased mother and father, that he’d watch out for them. And, for many years, Harry did just that. When misplaced trust leads to Hermione returning home with bruises and tattered clothes, Harry vowed revenge on Lucius Malfoy of Slytherin. It was just convenient that he had a son Harry's age.
3. Mysteries, Kittens and Boys in Love by SunshineBoy28 [M, 56k]
►When Harry is forced back to Hogwarts to solve a case, the last person he expects to see is Draco Malfoy, looking better than ever with a stupid bun. What he expects even less is to find himself opening up about his past with him, and actually feeling comfortable with the other man.
4. she's not a woman by @samyistrying [E, 7k]
►"Would you –" Harry tried again, breathlessly. "Would you wear knickers for me?" [...]
5. Truth or Dare by @harry-potter-prompts [T, 1k]
►Harry gets dared to go skinny dipping in the Black Lake, and he takes a Beauxbatons Draco Malfoy with him.
6. What Goes Around by IWillBeYourPet [E, 92k]
►Everything happens exactly as it's meant to, even when it's hard to see, even when everything seems out of control. For Draco, things are not looking up. Prophecies, half truths and a war. As far as Harry is concerned, it's business as usual.
7. Yours for the Taking by @rockmarina [E, 6k]
►Draco was raised to be the perfect Omega, but there are things even he cannot endure. When he discovers just what Tom Riddle's plans for him are once he's claimed him he is confronted with an impossible decision. Only one thing remains clear: he will never be able to go back home. Luckily, Harry Potter is there to save the day.
1. Asking For A Friend? by Anonymous [E, 13k]
►Asking for a friend? Don't be shy! I'm Genna Russ with advice! Draco Malfoy, drag queen and agony aunt for the Daily Prophet, is very happy with his life. He loves his job. He loves his drag queen persona. And he loves the fact that the wider Wizarding world doesn't know who is offering them sassy advice with their morning news. When he starts receiving letters from one Harry Potter – letters that are too racy to publish – he does the only thing he can do: he replies. [...] ★ 2020 Harry/Draco Sex Fair | @hd-fan-fair
2. Closure is a state of mind by Anonymous [E, 12k]
►After Harry's husband Charlie is killed, his Mind Healer recommends a Polyjuice therapy company, so Harry can see 'Charlie' again and find closure over his death. Draco, whose life over the last ten years has gone from bad to worse, gets assigned Potter's case. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
3. Colour, love? by @choulatte [E, 7k]
►Holding Harry’s gaze, he slowly took out the lube and started coating the golden cockring he'd kept hidden in the slippery substance. He watched as Harry’s eyes followed his movements, a desperate groan escaping the other man when he recognized his fate. Draco merely smiled. ★ HP Kinktober 2020 | @hpkinktober
4. If an Injury Is to Be Inflicted by Anonymous [E, 44k]
►Harry Potter disappeared a year after the Battle of Hogwarts, and with him went all hope for true change in magical Britain. Three years later, Draco indulges himself and attends his first Dog Fight—the infamous underground fights with no rules, no referee, and no points system bar blood on the floor. The game was simple: you win, or you die. A glint of green amidst the blood-red changes everything. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
5. A Moment of Intent by @manixzen [E, 4k]
►Auror Harry Potter and Curse Breaker Draco Malfoy are on another case, this time a Dark Arts Ritual gone wrong. Surely, they won’t botch up yet another crime scene. ★ HP Kinktober 2020 | @hpkinktober
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Don’t trust people by behind_lines48 [?, 1k]
► Harry and Draco are in a relationship. Draco has been acting strange which causes some questions from Harry. What happens when he gets and answer for those questions?
2. Drinking Games by @buttered-baguette [G, 1k]
► It's eighth year and the students are tired... and of legal drinking age. [...]
3. in his hands by @bonesliketambourines [E, 4k]
► Draco's got a bit of a thing for a certain part of Potter's body. No, not that, you perverts. Good thing Potter's always dressing this particular attribute up to display it at its best.
4. Ink by @thelibranarchives [T, 1k]
► Some words are written in ink. Some are written in stone. And some are written on hearts. Sometimes, it's a picture that makes a difference. Because it is worth a thousand words.
5. So find your happiness by @eelwinks [M, 40k]
► Thanks to a special interest in Muggle culture, Pansy comes across something rather interesting on the internet: someone who looks very much like Harry Potter is posting videos of himself dancing on YouTube under the name "Evan James". But Harry Potter has been missing and unheard of for years. They say he couldn't take the fame and he'd just up and left the UK behind, with rumour placing him somewhere on the Continent. [...]
6. Talking Plants? Probably the worst homework by @drarrysht [T, 2k]
► Taking care of a plant that talks? Probably the worst homework if you ask Harry, but his plant might help him to figure some things out.
1. H.A.G.S. (Hogwarts Alliance for Gender and Sexuality) by Anonymous [E, 9k]
► When Hermione decides Hogwarts needs a LGBTQIA+ club, of course Ron and Harry are roped into helping. After a rocky start, Harry begins seeing the club as an opportunity to educate students and celebrate diversity and sexuality at Hogwarts. He also starts seeing it as an opportunity to snog Draco Malfoy. ★ 2020 Harry/Draco Sex Fair | @hd-fan-fair
2. Prats, Parcels, and Parseltongue by Anonymous [T, 10k]
► Harry is the Muggle world's first snake-only veterinarian. Life is good, and calm, for once. Until Draco Malfoy shows up with a snake. And then another. And then he won't stop coming in. ★ HP Crack!Fic Fest | @hpcrackficfest
3. Under the Cover of Darkness by @manixzen [M, 2k]
► Thanks to Pansy, Draco's stuck at a party with a whole bunch of drunk Gryffindors. And now they want to play party games. If only Draco can slip out unnoticed before this gets any worse. ★ HP Kinktober 2020 | @hpkinktober
4. Wilted by Anonymous [E, 38k]
► After Harry dies in the Battle of Hogwarts Draco is determined to bring him back to life, by any means necessary. ★ H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 | @hd-hurtfest
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