#gynecologist for menopause bleeding new york
emuradiology · 4 months
Obstetrician Gynecologist Diagnoses Woman’s Health Conditions
A gynecologist is an expert in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of reproductive health. Gynecologists do basic preventative screening, including breast exams and pap smears. Additionally, they can treat endometriosis, fibroids, irregular bleeding, and vaginal infections. Obstetrician Gynecologist can answer all your sensitive questions related to your health. Help you with birth control, pregnancy planning, menopause, and others.
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practicebuildersus · 1 year
OB/GYN Doctor, Obstetrician Gynecologist in Jackson Heights, New York
Dr. Lucot Cherenfant is a board-certified Ob/Gyn doctor, who delivers advanced and personalized ob/gyn care for women of all ages. His care includes minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries, well-woman exams and preventive care, prenatal care and delivery, high-risk pregnancies, birth control & contraception, urinary incontinence, endometriosis and solutions for abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain, hysterectomy options, infertility testing, and menopause management. https://www.obgynqueensny.com/meet-dr-cherenfant
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Why Gynecological Problems Can Cause Back Pain
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What are gynecological problems? A gynecologist is a doctor who specialises in gynaecology. Gynaecologists treat a range of reproductive issues including pelvic pain, a history of uterine prolapse, menopause, vaginal dryness, cysts and polyps. It's not unusual for women in the later stages of their reproductive lives to suffer pain, back pain and discomfort in their lower back, because the position in which they sit can cause strain. What are some of the most common symptoms of a gynecological problem that causes back pain? Smooth movement of the lower back and buttocks is normal when women sit down or bend over. As a rule of thumb, the bottom of the pelvis should be level with the floor. Most women find it uncomfortable when this doesn't happen, and they often think that there is something wrong with their posture.
How do gynecological problems cause back pain?
By Olawale Ajimotokan in Lagos Pain from these conditions can be felt in different parts of the body and may occur suddenly or gradually. Other times, they may be triggered by an emotional or physical event, such as a menstrual period, that might not have been anticipated. A few medical conditions can cause back pain, especially chronic conditions that start in the pelvis or lower spine or that cause a deformity of the spinal column. And even though some of these conditions are the result of ageing, and occur naturally, the most common conditions that cause back pain are considered medical conditions, where the causes are predominantly medical.
When should you see the doctor for back pain? When a woman suffers from vaginal bleeding or a lump that appears in her lower belly, it's time to see her gynecologist. But if the pain is limited to the lower back, or if there's no bleeding or lumps, it may just be an ache or discomfort caused by the pelvic floor muscles. ‘A pelvic floor dysfunction is a term for abnormal pelvic muscle tone that can lead to pain in the lower back or hips.’ That's what the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) wants women to know, because they may be putting their health at risk by putting off getting help for an uncomfortable and painful condition. "It's time to stop sitting on the sidelines and put off visits to the doctor," says Dr. Meena Brown, an ob/gyn at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.
Conclusion Do you have Gynecological issues? You are not alone. I too am a victim of gynaecological problems that cause back pain. I suffered for two years before I sought help. The reason is not far-fetched. I was plagued with severe back pain and couldn’t even walk. At that time, I could only walk for a few steps. About the author: Dominique Kibirige Luka is a health consultant based in New York. She is the author of How I Fell for a Psychologist. She has written for The Mighty and other blogs. She enjoys singing and making beats and songs. She is a lover of humorous humor. You can reach her via [email protected] or [email protected] . My wife had been complaining about her lower backache for the past three weeks. As it was not going away, she decided to see a doctor for it.
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Common Gynecologic Problems and Treatment in Women
Most of the menstrual bleeding issues happen due to imbalance in the hormones within your body. Read this article to know the common gynecologic problems and their treatment procedures. This guide will also give you tips on finding the best gynecologist in New York. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding It refers to the issues linked to vaginal bleeding. It can be connected to the menstrual cycle but there are times where abnormal bleeding takes place before the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, it can occur when you are pregnant or after your menopause. Most of the abnormal vaginal bleeding issues occur due to hormones imbalance which control the menstrual cycle. In cases where the vaginal bleeding is not associated with the menses it should be of great concern to you. This can occur in childhood when menstruation has not begun or during your pregnancy or after you get into menopause. When Do You Need to Call Healthcare Provider? You need to call the healthcare provider when you experience pelvic pain which occurs during sexual intercourse or menstruation, when the menstrual bleeding is in excess and when the menstrual periods last longer than 7 days. The abnormal bleeding is associated with the following: Young Pre-Puberty Girl •    Occurrence of an injury •    Sexual abuse •    Early Puberty •    Vaginal irritation Woman of Reproductive Age •    An imbalance in the hormones •    Some types of tumors •    Use of birth control pills Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Bleeding The common evaluation of the early bleeding involves ultra sound. The diagnosis includes unexpected pregnancies and endometriosis. The treatment procedure involves the use of hormone birth control by the use of an injection to reduce the internal bleeding. There are also other prescriptions to slow down the internal bleeding and they should only be recommended to you by the doctor. Endometriosis The name of the condition comes from the word ‘endometrium’ which is the tissue aligning the uterus. When the woman is not pregnant, the tissue will build up and be shed at the end of each month. In the endometriosis condition, a tissue which acts like the endometrial is found outside the uterus. However, unlike in the menstrual flow, the blood from the uterus will have no place to go. The tissues which surround the endometrium will become inflamed or swollen. This inflammation can then produce a scar tissue around the area of endometriosis. Treatment They are based on the symptoms displayed by the patient and the desire for pregnancy. When looking for treatment or diagnosis of any of the above conditions, it is always good to make sure you take your time to choose the best gynecologist in New York.
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homedevises · 6 years
Seven Taboos About Home Dizayn 25 You Should Never Share On Twitter | home dizayn 25
I anticipation I’d hop on the Basics bandwagon. Here’s an oldy of abundance with some menopause and hormone analysis background. WARNING: aggressive biologic aggregation sexism ahead. Do not attack to acquaint or acumen with Zuska for at atomic 4 hours afterwards reading. Rumor additionally has it that Tara is advocating for a beat-down.
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Parts II and III are actuality and here.
The Alteration to Menopause
Menopause is authentic as the abeyance of ovarian function. It occurs at the boilerplate age of 50 in women, is accompanied by a abatement in circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone associated with the accident of follicular activity, and, afterward one abounding year of amenorrhea the alpha of menopause is retrospectively appointed as afterwards final menses. The alteration to menopause, referred to as perimenopause, begins almost two to eight years beforehand and extends one abounding year accomplished final menses. Cycles may become beneath and levels of corpuscle aesthetic hormone acceleration to atone for a decreased cardinal of ovarian follicles. Middle perimenopause is characterized by a capricious aeon area cycles become beneath and intervals amid them increase. Levels of ovarian hormones become aberrant and added affection such as hot flashes and uterine bleeding may become added common. During backward perimenopause– or the year afterward the aftermost menstrual cycle– ovulation no best occurs and estradiol (E2), the arch circulating estrogen, is no best produced by follicles. The ovary continues to accomplish testosterone and estrone (E1, which is now the primary circulating estrogen), and the primary antecedent of E2 is the aromatization of testosterone and androstenedione. Progesterone continues to be produced in abate amounts by the adrenals (Greendale and Sowers, 1997).
History of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy: Historically, the menopause was about affected as a absolute accident for women who, accepting endured the rigors and burdens of bearing and menses, had now becoming the appropriate to focus on themselves:
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After a assertive cardinal of years, woman lays abreast those functions with which she has been able for the constancy of the species, and resumes already added that alone alone activity which has been chastening back a child… The black of her canicule approaches, and if she has empiric the precepts of wisdom, she may attending advanced to a continued and collected aeon of rest, adored with health, accustomed and admired with a purer blaze than any which she aggressive in the blossom of adolescence and beauty.
As adumbrated in the aloft adduce by George Napheys in 1869, in a book advantaged The Physical Activity of Woman: Advice to the Maiden, Wife, and Mother (Seaman, 2003), the change of activity was beheld favorably, as a acknowledgment to a airy lifestyle. Menopausal affection such as hot flashes were beheld as a accustomed allotment of the transition. Treatments for menopausal affection had primarily consisted of herbals, and added afresh a alternative of belladonna, cannabis, or opium. In the 1890’s Merck offered these chemicals forth with the flavored crumb Ovariin for the analysis of menopausal affection and added ovarian ills (Merck, 1899). Aptly named, Ovariin was fabricated by dessicating and pulverizing cow ovaries, and may accept been the aboriginal actuality commercially accessible for analysis of menopausal affection that was acquired from beastly sources. The aboriginal address account the use of ovarian extracts to abate vasomotor affection of menopause occurred in 1897 (Speroff, 1999). E1 was abandoned in 1929 (Butenandt and von Ziegner, 1930; Doisy et al., 1930), and in 1930 estriol glucuronide, which converts to E2 aloft hydrolysis, was abandoned from horse urine (Collip, 1930). Emminen, the aboriginal backup analysis to accommodate conjugated estrogens, was extracted from the urine of abundant women and became commercially accessible in 1933. In 1937 progesterone was acclimated to anticipate ovulation in rabbits, alpha the coursing for bankable progestins (Speert, 1980). Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was aboriginal marketed in 1939 as a far added almighty estrogen than Emminen, which could not be fabricated fast abundant to accumulate up with demand. Ayerst Laboratories began business Premarin in 1942, which would eventually become the cardinal one anatomy of estrogen backup analysis in the United States, and the estrogenic basic of Prempro, a aggregate of Premarin and Provera, which eventually became the best broadly dispensed biologic in the US.
Premarin was bristles times as big-ticket as the aggressive product, which led to an ad attack that marketed Premarin as an “upscale” analysis (Seaman, 2003). Initial advertisements for this drug, which would eventually become the best assigned estrogen therapy, showed women in a awful glamorized light, amidst by handsome men, blessed families, and accepting fun. This attack was successful, arch Ayerst to admit an educational affairs for physicians on menopausal affection and therapies. Premarin use skyrocketed in the 1960s partly due to the awful acknowledged “Keep her on Premarin” ad attack that alloyed absolutism with sexism, replacing the actual angle of menopause as a accustomed alteration with one of a amiss accompaniment to be advised for the blow of a woman’s life.
Excerpt from advertisement: The physician who puts a woman on “Premarin” back she is adversity from the menopause usually makes her affable to alive with already again. It is no accessible affair for a man to booty the stings and barbs of business life, again to appear home to the agitation of a woman “going through the change of life”. If she is not on “Premarin”, that is.
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Ironically, Premarin was placed on the bazaar one year afterwards letters suggesting that estrogen may account cervical blight in animals (Seaman, 2003).
References:Butenandt A, von Ziegner E., 1930. On the Physiological Effectiveness of Crystallized Female Sex Hormones in the Allen-Doisy Test. Studies on the Female Sex Hormone. J Phys Chem 188:1-10.
Collip JB. 1930. Ovarian aesthetic hormone of placenta. Can Med Assoc J 22:215-219.
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Doisy EA, Veler CD, Thayer SJ. 1930. Preparation of apparent ovarian hormone from urine of abundant women. J Biol Chem 86:499-509.
Greendale GA, Sowers M. 1997. The Menopause Transition. Menopause and Hormone backup Analysis 26:261-277.
Merck Manual Diagnosis &Therapy. New York: Merck and Co.; 1899.
Seaman B. The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women: Exploding the Estrogen Myth. New York, NY: Hyperion; 2003.
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Speert H. Obstetrics and Gynecology in America: A History. Chicago: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; 1980.
Speroff L. Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. 6th edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1999.
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fibroidsurgery-blog · 6 years
Fibroid Tumors: What Every Woman Needs To Know
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There is probably no woman who does not feel like a wave of terror when her doctor calls the word tumor. But if it is a fibroid tumor, experts say there is little to fear.
"There is virtually no threat to malice - and there are a number of excellent treatment options, as well as the ability to do nothing - so there's really no reason to worry," says Steve Goldstein, MD, Professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU medical center.
Fibroid tumors are composed of alternating muscle cells that come together to form a fibrous 'knot' or 'mass' in the uterus. Although all uterine trees are the same, they are categorized according to their location:
Submucosal fibroids are located just below the uterine lining. Intramural fibroids lie between the muscles of the uterine wall. Subserol fibroids extend from the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity.
Fibroids usually occur between 30 and 40 years, with black women at greatest risk. To date, at least one genetic link has been identified, indicating that fibroids can also run in families.
For some women, fibroids do not cause symptoms, but when they do, doctors say that problems often mean heavy menstrual periods and long-term bleeding.
"They can also cause pelvic or abdominal pain or swelling and increased urination," says Aydin Arici, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Yale University School of Medicine.
Arici says it is ultimately a combination of your symptoms, the location of the fibroid, and the numbers and size, as well as your age and your fertile potential, which help you determine what is your treatment should be.
Treatment Options: What You Need To Know In the not too distant past physicians routinely performed a hysterectomy for fibroid tumors. And while newer, less invasive treatments are available, studies show this dramatic operation is still being performed today - much more often than necessary.
A panel convened by our own governing body - the American colleges of midwives and gynecologists - found that 76% of all histerectomies performed today do not meet the criteria for this operation. They are done unnecessarily, "says Bartsich, MD, associate professor in obstetrics and gynecology at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in New York.
"I believe many women give a hysterectomy to fibroid tumors because they lead to them being the only solution - and that's wrong," says Bartsich.
At the same time Goldstein says it is also important to recognize that not all hysterectomies are equal. He says in particular that the latest form of this operation (a supra-cervical hysterectomy) can hold the answer for some women. Why?
In a supra cervical hysterectomy, you only remove the uterine cavity that holds the fibroids and you hit the tubes, ovaries, cervix or vagina, or one of the support muscles in the bladder or pelvis, "says Goldstein. This says that you have no consequences for a traditional hysterectomy, including bladder and sexual dysfunction, or the transition to menopause.
The recovery is also fast. Most women return to normal life within two days from the hospital and within two weeks. It is also a permanent treatment for fibroids that can bring much needed help.
says goldstein: 'my personal choice is always to be treated as small as possible, but at the same time women should not close their ears routinely when the doctor calls hysterectomy, because this type can be extremely helpful and causes No more problems than some of the newer alternatives.'
That said, it is also important that you know all your options. Therefore, WHTT has asked our panel of experts to help us prepare the following guide - a look at some alternative treatments for fibroid tumors. Not all possibilities are good for every woman, the experts we have consulted have unanimously agreed that for each woman there are often one or more alternatives to a hysterectomy.
Option 1: Myomectomy fibroid surgery What it does: only removes the fibroid tumors so that the uterus and all other organs are completely intact. How it is done: The three main approaches include the traditional operation With a large incision on the abdomen, minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery done through pin-hole size incisions, and depending on the site of the fibroid, what can be done by hysteroscopy , an operation performed by the vagina. What it realizes: removes the fibroid tumor and provides relief for up to several years, after which time fibroids can sometimes grow back. Suitable for: women who have fibroid tumors but want to preserve their fertility.
What you should know: "Of the three approaches, hysteroscopy is most effective if you have bleeding or fertility-related problems or recurrent pregnancy loss due to fibroid tumors," says Arici.
With this arici warns that myomectomy can lead to adhesions or scar tissue, which can later affect fertility. "A woman can use IVF to become pregnant after this operation," he says. However, the uterus remains strong enough to sustain a healthy pregnancy, he says.
Option 2: Embolization of uterine art therapy What it is: A radiological procedure that blocks blood flow to the fibroid, causing it to shrink and eventually die. How it is done: A minimally invasive procedure, It involves inserting a catheter into the uterine arteries through which small particles are injected that close the blood supply to the tumor. What it realizes: without blood supply, the fibroid is corrupted and dies. Suitable for: women who have completed childbirth.
What you should know: While doctors agree that this is a safe, smart treatment, that opinion changes dramatically when a woman has not completed her fruitful finish. the reason? "Studies show that obstetric complications are higher after this treatment, including a higher percentage of premature labor," says Arici.
The reason behind these problems, says bartsich, is a compromised blood flow to the uterus. "If you do a good job of blocking blood flow to the fibroid, you also block blood flow to the uterus and that causes problems during pregnancy," says Bartsich WHTT. While he says that some women have a healthy pregnancy after embolization, he believes it is 'risky'.
Option 3: MRI-guided ultrasound What it is: for this procedure, doctors use high-focus ultrasound waves that are converted to heat and destroy the tumor. The MRI is used to direct the radio waves to the tumor site. How it is done: Patients are anesthetized and placed in an MRI machine specially equipped with ultrasound. The procedure can take up to three hours. What it achieves: With heat, it destroys the fibroids, although often two or more sessions are needed. In the past, similar methods have used lasers or a form of electrical current to achieve the same. Best suited for: women who have completed his birth.
What you should know: Although the FDA has recently approved, doctors say that there is insufficient data on the impact on future pregnancy. Bartsich says that risks may include potential damage to other organs and the presence of 'dead' fibroid tissue, which could impede fertility - problems similar to what was found in similar procedures that were ultimately beneficial.
Option 4: Medical management What it is: Medications that shrink fibroids by reducing hormonal stimulation, mainly a gnRH angonist known as lupron. What it achieves: halts the production of steroid hormones, without which fibroids shrink. However, they usually return when the treatment is stopped. Suitable for: women with very small fibroids or those who want to shrink tumors before surgery. Also often used to stop severe bleeding, allowing a woman to build her blood supply for transfusion for a myomectomy.
What you should know: Although this treatment reduces tumors, Goldstein says it is unsafe to use for more than nine months, after which the fibroids usually return. But he says it can be the treatment of choice for women who are very close to the menopause. "If you can stop the bleeding for a year, a woman will have made it to menopause, after which the fibroids will shrink to themselves," says Goldstein WHTT.
Option 5: Medical monitoring What it is: A watchful waiting, at regular intervals the size and the number of fibroids - and any symptoms that arise from this. How it is done: via vaginal ultrasound and a blood test for anemia. What it achieves: It can help to pass a woman to her menopause without treatment, after which hormone levels drop and fibroids disappear. Suitable for: women with minimal symptoms that approach Menopause and who have completed their delivery.
What you should know: If symptoms are not severe, Goldstein says women should be wary of treatment they do not need.
Goldstein adds: "As long as the fibroids do not cause severe pain or heavy bleeding, it is safe to leave them alone - even if they grow quickly."
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goldsteinmd · 2 years
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Steven R Goldstein MD is a NYC Obstetrician and Gynecologist, author, professor at NYU and inventor of the Goldstein Catheter. Top Gynecologist in NYC,  in private practice for over 25 years in the Manhattan area.
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goldsteinmd · 3 years
Female hormone replacement therapy Gynecologist in NYC says NO to Bioidentical hormone therapy
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goldsteinmd · 3 years
Gynecologist in NYC for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding explains Sonohysterograms
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goldsteinmd · 3 years
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Specialist NYC
Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is an abnormal uterine bleeding specialist in New York City, Abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by many reasons, ranging from hormonal imbalances to uterine polyps, fibroids, cancer, miscarriage, or the onset of menopause.
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