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designatedkilljoy · 2 months ago
ive had this idea for a while but why dont we have double typed gymleaders?? like gymleaders who specialize in two types of pokemon i feel like it would really help with making more pokemon games because
1- it gives us as the trainer more fun when it comes to strategies, for example if we were to fight say a water-grass type gymleader we would have to make use with pokemon that help weaken those types
2- it helps make use of ALL our pokemon, instead of having to go and train more pokemon just to use them once and throw them in the boxes (depending on ur team already) you wouldnt need to do all that and instead put the ones you already have to use
3- it would help with designing new gymbadges, these games have been going on for 28 YEARS okay im pretty sure its gonna be hard coming up with new badges for newer regions
these are just things from the top of my head that i feel like we all would benefit from later on, dont take it too seriously because these are just lighthearted suggestions anyways (⌒-⌒; )
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exoticalmonde · 3 months ago
LUNDInium Outskirts /Part VIII and 1/2 /
As promised, PART 2 of the previous LUNDInium outskirts is here! It's been brought up to my attention that I spoke a lot about my own room last time, so I'm going to start my post with my favourite meme:
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We couldn't hold back and just had to make a bunch of memes with the flat colours. I didn't expect Lundi to finish them so quickly, but maybe the extra love we gave the doodles were the button she needed pressed. I adore them so much.
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In a surprising turn of events, I learned recently that the gun emote that's been used here is from a game called True Crime: Streets of LA. You're welcome
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He does that... Incredibly often, I'm pressy sure that if he wasn't a Lord guard he could be doing incantations.
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Followers of the series know where this is from.
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This is an important addition to the Pinkie memes
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Dr. Kryo voice: "Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"
HERE IS THE REVEAL!!!! Including some of our most frequent quotes.
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The file is so large it was loading for 5 minutes oh goodness...
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Since the last time I couldn't cover Dr. Pinkie's room, she has very nicely decided to cooperate and is releaving the full beauty of the rooms. What do you have to say about them?
Dr. Pinkie: "Uh... I like restaurants and I like showing off my medals."
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But didn't we establish that the banners and plaques aren't limited anymore? All of us have them.
Dr. Pinkie: "But the plaques from previous events... Is it Restoration?"
Yeah... You wouldn't know, you played all of the events and got the plaques from the first time.
Dr. Pinkie: "You guys dont have THIS rainbow gymbadge set."
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Dr. Pinkie:
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Oh, horse plinko... we're really in it this time...
Also, Dr. Pinkie has worked hard and managed to commission a sweetheart by the name of Akaichinhos to make emotes for us and after a short and impatient while of waiting these are the results!
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Of course, GIFs did happen too.
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I think my favourite has to be the names... HOEH; PinkAAA; AtomicTangerine; ShiaKazing; skumbananer; Lundie I'm suffocating here---
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koffing-time · 2 years ago
🦐 - Weirdest Pokemon interaction you've ever had at work
The strangest battle i had at the gym involved a pair of plusle and minun. The trainers wanted to challenge the gym together and they were like, 10? So we allowed it. They absolutely WRECKED our gym.
They did not have any badges, so we went easy on them at first, but i was battling them as the third gym trainer (which is an exception as well) and even went as far as fighting with the Kalosian who is way too powerful for a 1st gymbadge challenge. She barely took a single thunder shock from minun before the plusle knocked her out.
According to the registration, these two were determined as around level 15 mind you (i do not remember the exact value). I'm still wondering how they are doing today. - Olivia
Damn Olivia your phone is giagiantic. holy shit. anyways. I also won't tell about the café, because this story is just too cute.
When i was still living with my parents and helping out at their farm, there was that time that the old Monarch Vespiquen died (from old age, nothing dramatic), and a new one had to emerge to take her place. So our current Monarch stepped up and evolved and it was a whole process.
The important part is: the Monarch Vespiquen is part Beedrill, which makes her incredibly powerful, very big and very fierce looking. So, my parents have 4 hives. each has a queen, but one of them is the "monarch", which means she coordinates not only her hive but also instructs the other queens on what to do with their hives. It's rare that such a dynamic forms, but it happens sometimes if there is an abundance of flowers and stuff in a condensed area.
So usually, whenever a new queen emerges from any hive, there is gonna be some quarrel between the established queens to see if she's worthy, ESPECIALLY if it's a new monarch. But not this time. The new hybrid-vespiquen was just... accepted. The others took a look at her and were like "yep, not gonna try anything with this girl".
So, she emerged, went on a small rampage and overthrew the old monarchs plans or something, fought of a bunch of wild ursaring trying to get the honey and shit like that. We all thought nothing in the world could stop her. We weren't even sure if we could get to the hives while she was reigning, because she was also a little bit wary of us and chased us away. Like, yeah sure, adjustment period and all that, but you never know with hybrids.
And then, like a month later it's the peak of summer, and there's a fucking thunderstorm. And i'm just there, sleeping in my bed, and suddenly, i wake up and hear something banging against my window. There's no trees near the house, if something like that happens, it HAS to be a pokémon. And yes, it was. Exodia, our Golurk, was trying to get my attention. I open the window, and it holds its hands to the window, and in there sits the most WET SOBBING NOODLE of a Vespiquen you've ever seen. The monarch. She's absolutely fucking terrified of the thunderstorm. The same girl who was accepted as the chosen one by 3 other vespiquen. The same girl who fought off 4 grown ass Ursaring just DAYS after she evolved. And she came to me to help her calm down. She spent the night with me and then returned home after the storm calmed down as if nothing ever happened.
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justabreath · 3 years ago
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buckyrevolution · 4 years ago
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Alicia Minaj the Gym leader 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #aliciakeys #billboardmusicawards #billboards2020 #lightskinproblems #pokemon #deadaf #imweakaf #aintnowaybihh #ralts #pokemongo #gottacatchemall #gymbadges #unbreakable #nickiminaj #gymbattle #psychictypepokemon #lovelooksbetter #unthinkable #fallin #fairytypepokemon #gymlife #ichooseyou #ichallengeyoutoapokemonbattle #bowlcut #blackgirlmagic #gardevoir #girlonfire #igotbangs #iwannabetheverybestlikenooneeverwas https://www.instagram.com/p/CGa9ZQSs2Vz/?igshid=1hcnu6ihf29z8
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duskwingarts · 5 years ago
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Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Badge Set Hey Poke fans we got a great set here for you. The "Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Badge Set" both version so have your pick of the selection or collect them all. 3 types to choose from. (please make selection in drop down list) Size: 2.25 inches (Please read the selections carefully) Selections: - Champion Logo (single button purchase) - Sword Gym Badges (single button purchase) - Shield Gym Badges (single button purchase) - Full Set (one of each button listed) Available On Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/763581409/pokemon-sword-and-shield-gym-badge-set?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DuskWingArts Tumblr: http://mavericktears.tumblr.com  Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Duskwingarts/ DeviantArt: https://mavericktears.deviantart.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duskwingarts/ #pokemon #pokemonswordandshield #gymbadges #galargymbadges #swordandshield #pokemonchampion #nintendo #duskwingarts #etsy #buttons #pins #pinbacks #badges #galarregion #sword #shield #pokemonsword #pokemonshield #getyourgeekon #NintendoSwitch #videogame https://www.instagram.com/p/B6U2igTD-Qe/?igshid=1gpdmc6s081xc
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jaykaze1000-blog · 6 years ago
GOT MY GAMEBOY ON #POKEMON !!!!! ...drop your comments and let me know you're feeling this track!!! May drop this track!! Btw this beat is owned by #BLACKWRITGHT . . . . . . . #gameboy #pokemon #superpowers #catchemall #ash #gary #charmander #squirtle #levelup #evolve #wave #rap #indiemusic #catchysong #anime #pokemonfan #oldschool #gamefreak #gymbadges #teamrocket #march #retrogamer #retrogame #handheldgaming #pkmn #trendingmusic #retroconsole #90sstyle #3d https://www.instagram.com/p/BumU079hXuH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b6d1wlxr8qli
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conbastard · 6 years ago
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It’s coming along. #pokemon #kantoregion #gymbadges #crossstitchersofinstagram #crossstitch https://www.instagram.com/p/BtH00bdBJDJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mnky5epo93vs
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jhongpo · 6 years ago
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Poketober 12/13 Crossbreed /gym badge Lucario X lycanroc midnigth Figthing type gym CIB bagde #lucario #poketober #pokemon #lycanrocmidnight #crossbreedpokemon #crossbreed #gymbadges https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-geoljbry/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k6dtdhq247tk
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mathieuchatelain-blog · 7 years ago
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Got my second badge from my one of my fav character. Plus Banana! evolved what a fruity surprise. Kill me
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glam-boyance · 6 years ago
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#unapologetic #nerd post, trying my first #cosplay project in the coming months and had to share this perfect addition 💖 #pokemon #pokemontrainer #jigglypuff #gymbadges #kanto #johto #hoenn #pokeball #pokedex #kawaii #anime #backpack #handbag #nerdgirl #90s #nintendo #pokemongo #inspiration #nostalgia https://www.instagram.com/p/BuUicianXFJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uszwrg2pbez0
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rayn0121-blog · 8 years ago
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When her bindi box looks likes she has defeated all the gym leaders 😂😜😘 #bindi #bindibox #gymbadges #pokemon #pokemonmaster #mygirlsthepokemonmaster #anime #her❤
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buckyrevolution · 6 years ago
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Bruuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh 😂😂😂😂 #ashketchum #pokemon #iwannabetheverybest #thuglife #savage #happymonday #icannoticannot #deadaf #imweakaf #gopokeball #pokemongo #pallettown #thestruggleissoreal #gymbattle #gymbadges #pokemonmaster #pikachu #thunderbolt #youdontwantnosmoke #ichallengeyoutoapokemonbattle https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHAOw5BMOM/?igshid=olzyxmhss9v6
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empoleonfighter · 8 years ago
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#WhatIGot from @wondercon. I got a stuffed #venusaur and a a box of #gymbadges, specifically from the #kalos region. #pokemon #starters #wondercon #wondercon2017 #Sunday
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conbastard · 6 years ago
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Trying to finish my #pokemon #kantoregion #gymbadges project then maybe all 150 sprites from #pokemonyellow if I’m feeling ballsy. #crossstitchersofinstagram #crossstitch https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAXJrQBkfV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r8hhka4kzsa9
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alaalba · 6 years ago
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Rocha, Cascata, Trovão, Arco-íris, Alma, Lama, Vulcão, Terra. @l.curdoglo 👍🏾👏🏽 #Pokémon #GymBadge #Insignia #Boulder #Cascade #Thunder #Rainbow #Soul #Marsh #Vulcano #Earth #Tattoo #Tatuagem https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDo1bqAVUp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gb7bcu1kbn9i
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