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lemuseum · 5 months ago
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gyde · 1 year ago
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soelvfisk · 2 months ago
Jeg har taget den ægte med ro i dag. Lyttet til cd’er og malet videre på et mellemstort maleri jeg startede for halvandet år siden<3 faktisk mens jeg boede med stenen. Cray at tænke på. Hund har fundet ud af hvordan man kommer op i vindueskarmen. Så hund har sådan set ligget der hele dagen og enten kigget på mennesker eller betragtet mig male. Selvfølgelig med undtagelse af vores gåture. Hvor jeg helt uvidende trådte i en kæmpe bæ. Altså jeg gled næsten i den, fordi den var så kompakt. Ingen reel jordforbindelse. Fuldstændigt afbrudt kontakt mellm sål og fortorv. Så hund og jeg måtte sidde på en bænk ved en befærdet vej, mens jeg skrabede tyk lort ud under min sko. Med en pind. Og hund troede der var en ny sjov leg jeg havde fundet på. Så. Ulækkert. Og samtidigt helt perfekt. Så tog vi en omvej hjem gennem en lille gyde, hvor hund fandt noget opkast som lige skulle smages på. Meget ulækkert og slet ikke perfekt. Har vasket hænder meget i dag. Både pga maling og efterladenskaber fra fulde folk og hunde. Det hjælper at lukke sig lidt om sig selv, når det stadig indebærer at kunne udtrykke sig på en eller anden måde der føles meningsfuld.
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tigerhase · 6 months ago
Gyde Jensen for bundeskanzlerin
Die ampel muss weg und afd wähler sind dumm
Lasst uns einfach ne eigene Partei gründen. Wirtschaftswachstum und gute Löhne. Mehr netto vom brutto. Jeder darf das regenbogenfarbene Einhorn sein, das er möchte. Und für den Klimaschutz pflanzen wir einfach Bäume, das ist einfach, relativ günstig und unumstritten. Zur Migration setzen wir eine Obergrenze. Weil wir die in den letzten Jahren mehrfach überschritten haben, müssen wir erstmal gar keinen mehr aufnehmen. Schwere straftäter fliegen raus. Ohne 1000 Euro Starthilfe. Arbeitsunwillige machen gemeinnützige Arbeit. Was den Ukraine krieg betrifft...aufgrund der ungünstigen Entwicklung und der wahrscheinlich endenden Unterstützung durch die usa, beenden wir unser Engagement in diesem Krieg. Ukrainer dürfen weiterhin zu uns fliehen, müssen aber arbeiten. Wir kaufen auch weiterhin kein Gas oder Öl bei Russland.
Und wir brauchen viel mehr direkte Demokratie in diesem Land. Damit hätte man viele Fehler der ampel verhindern können...
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serazad · 8 months ago
Gk gyde zorlandım herkes gibi ama yine de iyi geçti sözelden az boş bıraktım. Fillm sorusunu yapamadım ama kitap, tennure, tablo okey. Filmde aklım 3 idiotsa gitti. Onu işaretledim. 6 mat işaretledim. İyi ki mat çalışmamışım zaten yarım saatim kaldı onda da çözebildiklerimi çözdüm. Amaaa eğitim bilimleri müthiş geçti bir boş bıraktım sadece. Yarın itibariyle öabtye asılmaya devamm. Artık farklı ve tek bir alan çalışıcam diye seviniyorum yemin ederim. Genel kültür eğitim bilimlerinden içim şişmişti.
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magicalmysteryperson · 2 years ago
I saw this piece by Josilyne-Twigg on DeviantART and it got me thinking: What if it was applied to all characters in Undertale?
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So here's Gyde and Taumbly!
Gyde is the calm and goofy uncle to Rayal (the sans of the au that Josilyne did) and one of two brothers. The other brother is the king.
Taumbly, on the other hand, is a shy and socially awkward ghost that loves all human media. Their personal favorites are all things anime and manga, and stage musicals too. If you make them open up to you, they'll talk your ear off about it!
(Also support Josilyne-Twigg. I love their undertale art and I really want more people to check it out.)
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theauthor0 · 2 years ago
United!Tale, The fusion of Loved!Tale, Fusion!Tale, and Unified!Tale
Due to an accident during a pacifist route, Asriel in his Hyper Death form caused a True Reset that ended up fusing all the monsters into a fusions of 3
Some of the Fused characters don’t remember their past lives however there are others that do remember
The ones that did shared this information with others, with some of them rejecting their past lives, others accepting it, and others staying neutral
Despite all monsters still being in the underground, the barrier is destroyed so they can leave at any time but Asnight told everyone to stay in the underground
This is because he didn’t want the humans finding out and because the monster population is even lower
Most of the monsters agreed and Monska also decided to live here as well
Because of this most monsters began having relationships with each other and grew a lot older
Extra info
Is the New Main Universe of Fused!Verse
During the fusion of all the characters caused by Asriel it caused the Au itself to Reset effecting all the timelines in United!Tale to be Erased
Monsters do not a have gender, they have identities which make it so as they grow older their body begins to develop in how they view themself as
Because Monsters do not have a gender, they can basically have children with any monster even with monsters of the same identity
They can also have children with humans and other species
Monsters can also have children without a partner by simply gathering enough mana and compressing it to create a new soul that inhabits their body
The process was difficult in the past however because most of the monsters fused with each other this process became much easier
When a Monster and a Human have a child their are 3 soul types the child might have
Upward Monster Soul- The child with this soul is much more powerful with magic than any other monster, it’s even more powerful than a boss monster soul in terms of Magic capabilities, however the soul itself is weaker than humans. The child with this soul can absorb monster souls to increase their magic power
Note: Humans in this Au cannot use magic, they just have more powerful souls and physical capabilities
Downward Human Soul- The child with this soul has more physical capabilities, being much more powerful physically, they do possess the ability to use magic however it is about the same as regular monsters magic. The child with this soul can absorb human souls to increase their physical capabilities
Note: The child with this soul type can use magic, it’s just not that strong being similar to a monsters magic
EI Soul: The child of this soul has a human soul with an inverted monster soul inside the human soul, this soul is very powerful possessing both powerful magic and physical capabilities that surpass the previous soul types, however the child with this soul cannot absorb neither human or monster souls
Fusion characters
Flowey X Sans X Madjick = Sunset (Female)
Papyrus X Undyne X Mad Dummy = Mad Uranus (Male)
Asgore X Toriel X Knight Knight = Asnight (Male)
Muffet X Grillby X Glyde = Myde (Female)
Alphys X Mettaton X Gaster = Metaphyter (Female)
Frisk X Chara X Monster Kid = Monska (Female)
Napstablook X Shyren X River Person = Shyrookn (Female)
Ship Children
The characters inside the () show what traits there children mostly inherited from their parents and the [] show what age they are at
Sunset X Monska Children
Fran-Male [10] (Sans and Frisk)
Flara-Female [12] (Chara and Flowey)
Mick-Male [3] (MK and Madjick)
Mad Uranus X Metaphyter Children
Alphyne-Female [13] (Alphys and Undyne)
Mettaster-Male [10] (Mettaton and Gaster)
Pally-Intersex/Both [9] (Papyrus and Mad Dummy)
Myde Children
Muffe-Female [15] (Glyde and Muffet)
Gyde-Male [13] (Grillby and Glyde)
Asnight Children
Astell-Female [16] (Asgore and Toriel)
Kore-Male [15] (Asgore and Knight Knight)
Shyrookn Children
Shyrok-Male [12] (Napstablook, Shyren, and River person)
Unified!Tale by @mrblank-0
Loved!Tale by @alanitaperez
Fusion!Tale by @nomidot / Lappystel
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bakar66 · 1 day ago
Autogent ApS – Dit professionelle webbureau i Kolding
Leder du efter et kompetent og pålideligt webbureau i Kolding? Hos Autogent ApS skaber vi skræddersyede WordPress-hjemmesider, IT-løsninger og supportaftaler, der sikrer din virksomheds succes online. Vi hjælper dig med at få en hjemmeside, der ikke bare ser godt ud – men som også konverterer og performer optimalt.
Hvorfor vælge Autogent ApS?
Vi er mere end bare et webbureau kolding – vi er din digitale samarbejdspartner. Uanset om du har brug for professionelt webdesign, skræddersyede IT-løsninger eller kontinuerlig support, er vi klar til at hjælpe.
Vores ekspertise omfatter: ✔ Webdesign & Udvikling – Moderne, mobilvenlige og brugervenlige hjemmesider, der skaber resultater. ✔ IT-løsninger – Automatisering af arbejdsprocesser, herunder bookingsystemer, e-handel og digital bogføring. ✔ Drift & Support – Vi tilbyder en Full-Service løsning, hvor vi sørger for sikkerhed, opdateringer og teknisk support.
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En totalløsning til din virksomhed
Hos Autogent ApS får du en komplet løsning, hvor vi tager din virksomhed fra idé til færdig hjemmeside – og sørger for, at alt fungerer optimalt bagefter. Vi kombinerer design, teknologi og vedvarende support for at skabe den bedste løsning for dig.
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Vil du have en hjemmeside, der skaber værdi for din virksomhed? Kontakt os for en gratis og uforpligtende samtale.
📍 Adresse: Kolding Åpark 24, 9. sal, 906, 6000 Kolding 📞 Telefon: +45 30431511 ✉ E-mail: [email protected] 🌍 Hjemmeside: www.autogent.dk
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Lad os tage os af det tekniske – så du kan fokusere på din forretning! 🚀
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 4 months ago
Arthur Wyns
Arthur Wyns (nascido em 1 de março de 1893-19??) foi um boxeador belga, o único boxeador peso-pena da EBU a defender seu campeonato duas vezes , até que seu recorde foi quebrado em 1922. Suas lutas foram notícia internacional na década de 1920.
Wyns teve uma carreira profissional no boxe, de 1911 a 1926, com cerca de 115 lutas, das quais 79 vitórias por nocaute , 23 derrotas e 13 que terminaram em empate.
Em 31 de maio de 1920, em Londres, Inglaterra , Wyns conquistou o título europeu vago dos penas, após um nocaute técnico de Mike Honeyman no décimo round; ele havia derrubado seu oponente cinco vezes antes que o árbitro tivesse misericórdia de Honeyman. 
Eugène Criqui treinou e lutou com Wyns em várias lutas internacionais em uma turnê pela Austrália através do Canal de Suez . No final de 1920, ele se envolveu em uma luta polêmica na qual um árbitro ajudou um boxeador, que ele havia nocauteado, a voltar ao ringue. Ele foi derrotado pelo futuro membro do hall da fama Sid Godfrey , em uma luta no Boxing Day , 26 de dezembro de 1920. 
Ele defendeu com sucesso seu título europeu duas vezes entre 1920 e 1922, e manteve o título da EBU até 12 de junho de 1922, quando foi derrotado por Billy Matthews. Ele tentou reconquistar seu título, mas foi derrotado por seu antigo parceiro de treino Criqui em 9 de setembro do mesmo ano. 
Após uma luta em 6 de outubro de 1926, quando foi derrotado por Auguste Gyde no Palais des Sports em sua cidade natal, Bruxelas, ele se aposentou do boxe.
Wyn morreu algum tempo depois de 1926.
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universalnewspoint · 2 years ago
Gyde Emerges As A Reliable Freelancing Platform For Achieving Growth And Sustainability
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gyde · 1 year ago
Being a freelancer (freelance animator) is a popular business choice that allows you to be your own boss and set working hours that fit into your life.  With great power, though, comes great responsibility.  It’s important to take your mental well-being into account when planning out your workload and determine a healthy work-life balance. When you have nobody to report to but yourself, the line between work and personal time can become blurred, leading to an unhealthy relationship with work and burnout.
Burnout is particularly complex as a freelancer, as you are expected to be your own motivational force, but this is far easier said than done when your brain is working out autopilot. One study found that freelancers and entrepreneurs have an elevated risk of burnout due to “the process of discovery or creation of attractive economic opportunities, the assessment of these opportunities, and the decision on the exploitation of opportunities.” We live in a strong hustle culture with an emphasis on productivity – especially in the United States – self-care is often pushed to the bottom of the priority list to make way for simply toughing it out and getting your work done.
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lexlee415 · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gyde Supply Co Navy/Orange Vest Sz. Med $50.
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peachilliaa · 2 years ago
Horsies ❤️
They live together, peaceful in love <3
Hall, Gyde (my gf oc) and Leo
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english-history-trip · 1 year ago
Cousin Ormond, I grete you hertly well, acerteynyng yow that I have herde the gode and honorable report of your sad, wise, and manly gyding ageynst my lordis rebellis and your aduersaries, in the witche ye have purcheased unto yow perpetuall lawd and wosship. And I thank God, and so do ye allso, that ye at all tymes vnder his proteccione haue escaped the cruell malise of your sayd aduersaries; and for as motch as I vnderstand that ye ar nowe in Portingale [Portugal], I pray yow to put yow in the vttermost of your deuoir to labore vnto the kyng of the sayd royalme, for the forderance and setyng forthe of my lord, in the recuvering of his ryght, and subduing of his rebellis. Wherin, yf you do so, as I haue for vndoubted that ye wyll, I trust sume frute thall folue, w' godis mercy, witche speed yow well in all your workes. Writen at seynt mychael, in bare, w' myn awn hand, that ye may se how gode a wrytare I ame.
The then eleven-year-old Edward, son of Henry VI, was writing to John Butler, Earl of Ormond, who was in exile in Portugal after the execution of his brother by the Yorkists. He and his mother, in exile themselves in France, hoped Butler would petition Afonso V of Portugal for aid in restoring Henry to the throne. The letter, along with others to Afonso himself, never made it to Portugal, being intercepted by France and kept in their archives to this day.
(An accompanying letter from John Fortescue, Henry's chancellor, notes that the letters to Afonso are unaddressed, as no one could remember his name, and asks that the messenger be taken care of, "by cause wee hadde no more money.")
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I found this by complete chance here around a year ago before promptly proceeding to lose it like a dumbass when I got a new phone. I rediscovered it while going through some old messages with a friend, so I'm posting it here for posterity.
"Written at Saint Michael, in bare, with my own hand, that you may see how good a writer I am." is especially adorable.
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theauthor0 · 2 years ago
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P.S. Krøyer -  Hans Gyde Petersen, 1907, oil on canvas
Hans Gyde-Petersen (1862–1943) was a Danish impressionist painter and sculpture. He is remembered for his plein air oil landscapes, village paintings and bronze sculptures.
Gyde-Petersen was born on a farm in Lindeballe parish, west of Vejle. He studied sculpture at the Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen. He was talented sculpture and he won a grant to study in Italy from 1897 to 1899. During this time, he decided to pursue landscape painting rather than sculpture. In 1904, Gyde-Peterson ended his nine-year marriage to Ingeborg Balling and he visited friends at an artists' colony in Skagen.
Skagen is situated on the northern tip of Jutland. Painters, poets and musicians spent their summers in the tiny fishing village. The painters were drawn to the natural landscape and luminous sunlight. Skagen painter PS Krøyer was suffering from manic-depressive psychosis and was frequently committed to mental institutions. Krøyer invited Gyde live with him. Gyde helped Krøyer's with his personal affairs, health issues and divorce proceedings. During their time together, Krøyer gave Gyde painting lessons and Gyde instructed Krøyer in sculpting. In 1907, the two men even took a three-week trip through Germany, Italy and Spain. Krøyer's health deteriorated and in 1909, he died in his Skagen home.
Gyde continued open air landscape painting and sculpting in Copenhagen. In 1924, Gyde travelled to America to visit family members and to paint plein air landscapes. He spent time in Minnesota, Iowa and California. He returned to Denmark and settled in Klampenborg for the rest of his days. (Notes summarised from John Robert Christianson, 2006)
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