#gwyn dark parables
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"Kai wouldn't have tried to ruin the wedding of his two best friends if they all just made out about it i think" - @mb-blue-roses
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mb-blue-roses · 8 months
Digitalized this semi-old sketch from June that I did (Gwyn x Kai clothes-sharing moment - I love them <3)
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astral-express-family · 7 months
sometimes a family is a baker, a botanist, the king and queen, and a sentient puppet. and they take naps together 🥰
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paranormal-potatoes · 3 months
Dark Parables mention 👀
Anyways with that out of the way how about Kai Dark Parables (my favorite character :3)
[ask meme]
Kai beloved 💕💕💕
How I feel about this character
he was so tiny in snow queen and then he shows up in ballad as a baby botanist 😭 he's great i love him
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Gwyn and Gerda!! trio!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
hmmm i havent thought about this before but...... maybe Pinocchio? i think they should be crafting buddies
My unpopular opinion about this character
first off. tinderbox's story sucked. the love triangle was bad. BUT. i think Kai being manipulated into helping Rasputin was fun. i think that could be fun to keep in a rewrite but for different reasons (on Kai's end). i love me some angst.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
IF tinderbox has to be entirely canon (boo) then i want Gwyn and Gerda to go on a rescue mission to rescue Kai from that temple at the end of the world
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ask-snowfall-kingdom · 7 months
Welcome! This is an ask blog centered around the people of Snowfall (Dark Parables)! It is set around the time of The Thief and the Tinderbox, in an AU where TTatT did not happen.
Characters currently available: Gerda, Gwyn, Kai, & Snow
Nothing NSFW
Be polite
Just... be respectful, please
I'll add more if this gets big & I need to
Mod Info:
I don't know that anyone actually cares, but oh well. You can call me 🦉 or Cel, and you can just kinda use any pronouns except she/her for me.
Ballad of Rapunzel is my favorite Dark Parables game, and The Thief and the Tinderbox is my least favorite. Kai is my favorite character. I'm a young adult, and I first played Dark Parables when I was really little.
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barbiestuffps · 2 years
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Dark Parables: Ballad of Rapunzel, 2014
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ship-personalities · 7 years
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Dating Odile
fallenidol-453 asked:
I came across your headcanons for dark parables ladies and I'm in LOVE. if you're still accepting the headcanons, may I have one for Odile?
A/N: Spoilers for Swan Princess and the Dire Tree. I...also have a lot of feelings for Odile...whoops
Odile is rather quiet at times, sometimes you forget she even speaks at all. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just that I feel that even though she has gained so much confidence thanks to the Swan Guard, there is still a remnant of that shy and quiet Odile. 
So sometimes she tells her emotions with actions than words. Leaving you little gifts, making you breakfast, and hugging you from behind. She’s just oh so sweet and cares about your greatly.
I personally headcanon that she and Elise were actually once in item before ya know...the entire falling out with her becoming a black swan and all. Odile needed some time to get her bearings back. You’re not just some rebound to her. You’re something more than that. I mean, she has to deal with the while betrayal and her death. So if anything, patience will be wonderful in this relationship.
Helping her progress with her new role as the Swan Princess would also be wonderful. She needs all of the help she can get. She is still mourning and well...coming back to life from death probably would cause some...side effects.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Odile had nightmares about those times. Seeing Elise acting so evil and being killed by the woman she once loved? She would wake up screaming, leading you to hold her tightly to your chest and tell her that everything is alright.
Slowly does Odile lift the ban that love is forbidden for the Swan Guard. Because hey, the rest of the folks trust you. You are the famous detective after all. Besides, it does help a lot of them to be finally able to express themselves. 
Sometimes Odile’s dreams are filled with prophecy. About your next cases, next injuries, so on and so forth. She worries about you greatly and you two have plenty of time to talk about dire warnings and such before you leave on your next case.
As much as she wants to go with you, she has the duty of the Goddess Flora. She cannot just abandon it. She does however, send some swan guards to check upon you. You’re actually getting close with some of them, and it’s always a good time to see them.
When relaxing, Odile adores nothing more than sharing a bubble bath with you! She does love being in the water but bubble baths and doing each other’s hair and such really relaxes her.
Massages are also great. She is an adept warrior so it’s no surprise that she may be sore every now and then. Of course, Odile will do the same for you!
She isn’t as graceful of a ballet dancer as the former princess, Odette, but Odile is noted to be a wonderful dancer as well. She prefers slow dances, in private, with you and you alone. She’s actively learning new dance moves to impress you. Of course, your fave is when she dips you and kisses you
Odile is covered in scars, and her largest one is the one she gained when she was killed by Elise. She considers it somewhat of a burden and doesn’t like showing it to you when you two are intimate. It takes time for you to be able to touch her unclothed, but hey, as long as she’s comfortable, you’re fine with it.
Speaking of intimacy, it actually takes a long time for you two to do so. Both of you are so busy and not to mention how Odile feels about her body. So she prefers cuddling with clothes on. 
Sex is always very sweet, and you treat Odile like the treasure she is. She turns into a blushing mess with sweet sweet moans and gasps.
When she’s on top, she is tentative and shy, going slow and watching you, making sure that you’re feeling good. She always is asking for your permission and treats you like you’re glass. 
No one ever days to get on your bad side. Not when you have the back of an entire elite army and a swan princess at your beck and call. Though, Odile prefers talking things out peacefully. That doesn’t mean she ain’t afraid to knock a bitch out.
Odile was your plus one when Gerda and Gwyn got married, she was very shy when meeting your old friends but you had a sneaking suspicion that Gwyn and Snow gave Odile “the talk”
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mb-blue-roses · 8 months
Okay I had an AU idea
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^ this post, but make it Gwyrdai
Gwyn's the bored prince, Kai's the cute gardener boy, and Gerda's the other noble (for the sake of the AU, she's raised by Hansel and does Royal Moon Priestess Stuff - TBD as I flesh this out more lmao)
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mb-blue-roses · 8 months
That reminds me rhat I wanted to post my fic - I don't feel like posting the Ao3 link, so I'll drop the fic under the cut!
Reunion of Fire and Ice
1.5k words
Summary: After the Fairytale Detective insists he goes and sits down with his sister like the adults they both are, Ross Red finally makes his way to the kingdom of Snowfall to reunite with Snow White.
Ross Red makes his way through the kingdom of Snowfall, a flame-red jacket pulled around his shoulders. Dark red fur rests around his shoulders, and he gazes at the city around him. Well, his sister's kingdom is certainly thriving. He can't help but be proud of his sister, seeing the people that mill about and chatter regarding anything and everything. A cool morning breeze blows through the town. Ross holds a bag of freshly-baked breads and other breakfast foods, recently purchased from a vendor in the city. He figures it isn't a good idea to show up to an impromptu family reunion without something on hand to make it smoother.
He raps on the castle's front door.
No answer.
He raps on the castle's front door again.
No answer.
He raises his hand to pound harder on the front door, trying to draw someone to open it. Then it creaks open.
"Who's knocking at this time of the morn-" the figure in the doorway snaps, before stuttering out- "R-ross?"
Snow White, the sister he hasn't spoken to in over a thousand years, is standing in the doorway. He can't help but flinch a bit under her cold stare. There's something unreadable in her eyes. Unable to find the words, he holds up the bag of fresh breakfast. Snow gapes at him for a moment, then turns around with a snap and jerks her head in a gesture to follow her. So he does.
His shoes squeak on the tile as he follows his sister through the elegant halls. Eventually, they end in a comfortable and less ornate dining room.
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Snow asks sharply. Ross slams the food on the table defensively, hissing, "What? Can't I just try to see my sister?"
"It's been over a thousand years, Ross!"
"I know you want this reunion just as much as I do, Snow!"
Surprisingly enough, Snow is the one that backs down first. She hesitantly sighs, "You're right..."
Ross busies himself with spreading out the assorted foods, so that he doesn't have to look his sister in the eyes. He can't bring himself to look her in the eyes, as much as he wants to see her response. She remarks, "Let me guess. This was the detective's idea."
Involuntarily, Ross snorts.
"So that's a yes," she states in reply.
The room settles into an awkward silence. Snow's foot taps on the ground, and Ross shuffles thing around the table. He glances up, and looks out the window. The sunlight reflects off a little bit of snow, and the flourishing kingdom makes him smile at his sister's competence.
"Your kingdom seems to be flourishing," he remarks, "That's good."
Snow coughs, clearly trying to disguise a laugh, before she tells him, "I'm not the queen of Snowfall, Ross." "You... aren't?" he asks, startled. He would've expected her to be the ruler of this kingdom. He couldn't think of anyone else, there was no way their father was still in power.
"Who is, then? Surely not Dad?" Snow chuckles again, and then a voice rings out from the doorway.
"...Prince Ross? What are you doing here?"
Ross whirls around. Gerda, now a young woman, stands there. Her hair is loose, and she's wearing a night gown with a blanket around her shoulders. She rocks back and forth on her heels, watching Ross with a confused expression.
"What... what are you doing here, Gerda?" he asks in return. He can hear Snow snort in amusement before Gerda raises an eyebrow at him and says, "I... live here?"
He gapes at her for a moment, his jaw open as he tries to process. Gerda lives here? In the castle? Fascinating. He parses through his thoughts, attempting to form a response. He's saved from that by Gerda asking, "Anyways, how are Rapunzel and Belladonna doing?"
"They're doing well," he answers, "Belladonna has finally stopped insulting me when we are alone in the same room."
Gerda's face scrunches up in amusement. Ross offers her a hesitant smile. Then he asks, "Well, how are you doing then, Gerda?"
Gerda opens her mouth to reply, but then there's a rapping on the wall behind her. A young man, around Gerda's age, steps up to stand next to her. His hair is a soft blonde color, his eyes an icy blue. He presses a kiss to Gerda's cheek, and she blushes. The man asks, "May I ask how you know my wife, sir?"
By this point, Snow is doing nothing to stifle her laughter. The blonde man rolls his eyes, clearly amused by her reaction. Gerda's giggling as well, though it appears she doesn't have as much context for the situation as Snow does. Snow beckons the two of them further into the room, and they both move further in. The man leans on the counter, slotting himself easily in the corner of the small counter. Gerda, meanwhile, pulls out a stool and sits next to him. When both kids (they're adults, he knows this, but in his mind they're kids) are settled, Snow claps her hands. Ross can't help but stare. Gerda's married? He never knew her all that well, considering how little time they spent together and the fact that he was more focused on Rapunzel at that time, but it still surprises him. Nudging him to get his attention, Snow starts, "Ross, this is my son, Gwyn."
Ross is left speechless yet again, his head spinning. Based on Snow's movement, she's likely telling Gwyn that Ross is his uncle. He has a nephew?! He missed so much while was estranged. Likely, he was the king. Blinking away his thoughts he asks, "How long have you had a son?!"
"My entire life," Gwyn replies with a shit-eating grin. Gerda snorts loudly, before blushing and covering her face with her hand. Gwyn smiles and leans into her. Wait a minute...
"Does that make Gerda my niece-in-law?" he asks.
Gerda nods, taking Gwyn's hand.
"You also have a nephew-in-law. I'm married to them both, and them to each other," Gwyn says, at the same time Gerda mumbles, "Where is he? He's usually the first one up..."
Before Ross has a chance to process any of that, and almost as if mentioning him summoned him, another young man comes into the kitchen. The cane in his hand taps against the wooden floor as he sleepily enters, rubbing at his eyes. He approaches the table, saying, "G'morning everyone. Where'd this come from?"
"The uncle I just learned that I had," Gwyn answers, jerking his thumb to point at Ross. The man's head snaps up, and he looks at Ross with a startled expression. After staring blankly at Ross for a moment, he seems to make some sort of mental connection. He says, "Oh, you're the one who took Gerda to Floralia a few years ago. My name is Kai."
Kai offers Ross a handshake, which he respectfully accepts. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Kai, my name is Ro- Wait, how do you know about that?"
Kai chuckles awkwardly, his free hand finding its way to the back of his neck. He answers, "Well, Gerda's been my best friend for most of my life. When I saw you leaving the village with her, I wanted to make sure she was safe. So, I followed you. I... didn't get very far, and the detective saved me. She was at our wedding, actually."
So everything comes back to the detective, and an improbably tangled web of connections. Huh.
After a moment of awkward silence, Gerda hops off her stool. She strides over to the table, kissing her other husband on the cheek. Gwyn follows suit, and Kai turns bright red. Seeing the display of affection brings an uncharacteristically fond smile, unbidden, to his face. It reminds him of how he and Rapunzel were, in the early years. A small, but loud, part of him misses that. It also reminds him of how that frog prince (James, was his name?) and Snow acted before Ross left his family behind over it.
As the happy trio talks and serves themselves from the dishes Ross spread out on the table earlier, Ross himself turns to his sister. When she turns to him, he twists his head to look at Gwyn. The king is laughing, his face scrunched up in delight as his husband kisses some butter off his nose and his wife sneaks a sausage off his plate. Then he turns back to his sister and asks, "Was he with..."
"Yes. It didn't work out, and he's dead now. We were divorced for a few hundred years before that."
There's a lot of unanswered questions there, but she doesn't seem inclined to answer them. He can respect that. After all, he did show up at her house at eight in the morning after over a thousand years of no contact.
"We should join the kids," Snow says, and so they do. Questions can wait.
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mb-blue-roses · 8 months
Sometimes I think about the Fairytale Detectivs occasionally calling Kai & Gerda & Gwyn her kids. Like, playfully/jokingly. And they'll jokingly call her Mom
Idk I'm tired but hey. Goofy thoughts.
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mb-blue-roses · 7 months
More Gwyrdai posting bc I wanna get the hang of drawing them again
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astral-express-family · 7 months
Someone ask me about my soulmate au w/ Cel, Gerda, Kai, Gwyn, and Pinocchio pleaseeee
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astral-express-family · 7 months
ask and you shall recieve!
d... detaaaails...
Wshdjshfjs I should be asleep but I am not bc Them. Also my relationship w/ soulmate aus is complicated but this is one of two soulmate aus I have that have a special place in my heart ^-^
So it's the writing appears on your soulmate's body au bc that is one of my favorite concepts (and it's easy to do w/ multiple ppl wsjfjsj). Cel, Gerda, Kai, Gwyn, and Pinocchio are all soulmates with each other. Each of them has Their Color, which is just what color ink they write in. Cel is red (or purple, but leaning towards red), Gerda is yelloe, Kai is green, Gwyn is blue (light blue, to be specific), and Pinocchio is orange. For a while none of them realize Gwyn exists, as he's comatose at the beginning. When he wakes up, everyone is thrilled to have a fifth member of The Crew, so to speak. Also young Gwyn is VERY confused by the whole thing and it's adorable.
So with the whole Cel, Gerda, and Kai being childhood friends thing they realize they're soulmates fairly quickly. They're all very excited, and talk about what life might be like when they find the other two. Kai's a botanist with a somewhat shitty sleep schedule, so the other four'll wake up to see he took botany notes on his arms in the middle of the night. Secretly he takes his notes normally, he just writes down fun facts he learns that he thinks his soulmates would appreciate (they all always do). Cel writes recipes and doodles random shit, Gerda writes inspirational stuff, and Pinocchio usually just draws hearts. Gwyn, being a prince, will take notes about meetings n stuff he has to do.
Pinocchio turns into an inanimate puppet at the end of the last DP game he appears in, leaving his ultimate fate in-universe unclear. For the sake of my ship he gets better, though I cannot stay consistent as to whether or not to make him a sentient puppet or human whsjdjs. When no new orange messages appear for a while, after a worrying mwssage the contents of which i have yet to decide, they all assume the worst. So I have a very specific scenario in my mind where Kai and Gwyn are playing Hangman on their arms bc Gwyn can't be bothered to pay attention to his meeting. Unrelated but Cel's doodling on its other arm. But Kai puts down seven blanks, only to be startled when orange letters spell out "IM ALIVE" in those blanks. The idea of Gwyn having to pretend like he didn't get a bombshell and a half dropped on him amuses me idk why.
I also like thinking abt it from the outside. One day, the town baker doesn’t hum while they work. The guy who takes care of the forests doesn't sing with the birds in the early morning. The queen only nods politely, with the barest hints of a smile. The king is polite, but closed-off. This becomes a new normal for a while. A few months to a few years. Then one day it's like a switch has flipped, and everything is even brighter than before. The town baker is singing the most beautiful of tunes, and she invites her custimers to dance. In the early morning, the young man sings louder than the birds, but just as beautifully. The queen greets people with her brilliant smile, along with a hug if permitted. And overall the king just seems happier. No one in town knows what caused any of this. They don't know about the death of the unknown but very much loved Orange, or their sudden return.
But yeah eventually Pinocchio finally ends up in the kingdom where the other four live, and is taken into the palace even before any of them realize he's the mysterious Orange. And then it's all just wholesome shit from there. ^-^
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astral-express-family · 8 months
Gwyn: Do you love Gerda?
Kai: Yeah, I do.
Gwyn: Cel! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Cel: We all love Gerda. You should've asked if he was IN love with her.
Kai: I thought that was implied.
Cel, having a realization: ...
Gwyn: ...
Kai, looking straight at Cel: Congrats Gwyn, you just won 100 bucks.
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mb-blue-roses · 1 year
Hello Dark Parables fandom. I have a thought, just hear me out.
Gwyn x Gerda x Kai.
I really need to watch the rest of the games, but I just got around to playing Ballad of Rapunzel and I love their vibes. So, I think they should be a polycule. Tbh, I'm attached to Kai bc one of my best friends is a trans man named Kai.
~ Anywho, have a real quick incorrect quote I made up ~
Gerda: This is a very important question, Kai.
Kai: I can handle any questions you have for me. You know that. What's going on?
Gerda, very quickly: Will you marry the two of us?
Kai: What?
Gerda: What?
Gwyn, stepping forward as Gerda pulls out a ring that matches her and Gwyn's: She's asking if you will marry us.
Kai: But Gerda, you're engaged to Gw- Wait, us?????
~ I'm gonna write a fanfic for this once I'm done with a different fic I'm working on for a different fandom (it will use the quote above lol). ~
~ I'm also gonna figure out how to draw them at some point today I hope. ~
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