erobret · 2 months
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@gviral asked : SPOTS TO KISS + 1 for sherry ^w^
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SHE COULDN'T HELP THE SMILE that shown bright at the contact to her flesh . fingertips pressed to that bit of warmth left behind by his lips , a childish giggle escaping her own tiers . thin arms are flung forward to wrap around his neck to give him a squeeze . her cheek was pressed to his and she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck . ❝ love you , papa ! ❞
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rescuefield-arch1 · 6 months
♡ hey. how do you feel about evil scientists
send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ○○○○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ( but only because she wants to understand what lead to that infamous night in RC ) ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 19 days
"Clowns, hm?"
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"You and the rest of Umbrella's research staff don't count."
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hellpontifex · 1 month
Please send me your cranial measurements. I would love to study them for science.
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        THIS STRANGE MAN AGAIN. the priest barely frowns, hands resting idly at her side. all the good doctor would receive was a small narrowing of the eyes and sideways glance. perhaps, if she ignored him enough, he would leave. not like the craniometer would have fit over her pins, anyway.
* UNPROMPTED ( accepting. ) —
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lasplaga · 18 days
A stick of deodorant.
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𓆙      —      𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐌 ! --- SELECTIVELY Accepting!
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After the last sacrifice amounted to overwhelming displeasure, the next that followed only served to provoke his patience, which was LIMITED concerning insolent human beings. At first, Osmund was speechless with the brazen presentation & the offensive implication. No doubt he carried the nauseating lang of a rotting corpse, but such was natural for a creature TAINTED with undeath. It was unquestionably an insult to his face pertaining to his complete lack in hygiene, an unfortunate symptom of Las Plagas infestation, enthralled to worship disease.
But, then... The Priest began to chuckle. Lazed upon his throne made of skin & bone, he nudged an accompanying zealot, & pointed at the foreign offender, frivolously.
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" Oh, esto es tan cariño. ¡El humano piensa que es gracioso! " Naturally, those who were previously flabbergasted, as well as The Priest, suddenly broke into an uproar of laughter. Cackles & crows of vicious brain-dead Ganado filled the room COMPLETELY at William's expense. " ¡Espera, espera, espera! ¡Deseo ver su cara cuando se dé cuenta de que lo vamos a matar! "
In seconds, immediately, everyone was hushed silent. The amusement was cut short before The Doctor was suggested the idea that a VIOLENTLY TERRIBLE ambush was about to occur. Osmund, despite his previous outburst of hysterics, was quick to properly clear his throat, gently accept the gift, & 'give his formal respects'.
" We have a sacred phrase : 'Ahogar al hombre en aceite hirviendo.' " ------ Oh... if only Dr. Birkin knew... " It is a heartfelt expression of our utmost... appreciation. Thank you, your contribution 'shall be paid in full'. "
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designedparadigm · 6 months
❤ wesker and birkin :D
send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
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I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you life family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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"What would you have done if you knew for certain you wouldn't have made it out of the mansion alive?"
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"I would have followed my orders and completed my mission - releasing the T-Virus Tyrants and gathering combat data for Umbrella. "
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spaceychaos · 7 months
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⸻ @gviral sent. [ META ] + marriage
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i figure early on as she started university, annette was rather focused on building up her career, in her teens, she wasn't the type to imagine or fantasize what their future wedding would look like. she was raised by a single mother so marriage wasn't very appealing to her at all.
so imagine her surprise after dating william for a while, that she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with that man. i can imagine her proposing first but william probably did it first before she could fmdkslgmkdls
as for the marriage between them? i say it was pretty decent, annette loves her husband very much and did everything she could to support him.
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erobret · 29 days
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@gviral asked : [CHECK] -- after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer.
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HER BREATHING HAD INCREASED --- on the verge of hyperventilation . she had been making her way through the lab , returning from a much needed bathroom break ( it had also given her a chance to stretch her legs from the homework she'd been doing ) . they were almost to his office when chaos had broken out . an experiment breaking free from containment just feet from the child as she passed . she'd let out a scream as glass shattered around her and she fell across the sterile floor .
alarms sounded , lights flashing around her . she'd crawled quickly under a nearby desk , hiding with her hands over her ears and eyes squeezed shut . she cried as loud pops could be heard , keening through the shouts and curses . her ears were ringing but after the alarms turned off and lights went back to normal she could hear her name .
❝ papa ! ❞ she cried , hands reaching out from under the desk . she heard glass crushing as he saw her father fall to his knees , hands going for her . quickly did she climb into his arms , sobbing into him . her knees were scrapped , palms cut and so was a cheek . tears streaked down her face , nose beginning to run as her small face was cupped by his larger hands . the child was trembling terribly and again she fell into her father's arms to shed tears into his collar .
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barrysbaby · 7 months
i can't go on like this. / will being emo as usual
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“Okay,” Moira says with a shrug of her shoulders. “So don’t. Go on a different way. Make a change. Back up. Take a left turn instead of right this time.”
It may sound like she’s joking, but she isn’t. Will can sit here and mope about how awful everything is, how unfair and difficult (and he would be correct on all accounts), or he can do something about it. Or, better yet, he can mope and do something about it.
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“You’re not stuck,” she says. “And even if you were, screw it. Unstuck yourself. So what if you tear a few limbs in the process? At least you can regrow them.” Then, in a much softer tone, she adds, “you’re not alone. You have Sherry… and you have me.”
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 7 months
when will i receive an apology for being shot several times by your squad
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"Best I can do is my boot up your ass.
I'll be generous and even let you pick which foot."
○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ○○○○○ | AFFECTION ○○○○○ | INTEREST ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ○○○○○ | TRUST "Fuck. no.'
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lasplaga · 2 months
[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ] : receiver is trying to win sender's trust in order to escape later.
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𓆙      —       𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 --- ALWAYS Accepting!
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Researchers did not stand by the promise of faith --- yet desired to play God, if not BECOME him. It was sickening, how they craved power which never belonged to them. Yet, Osmund stood as a very descendant of ADAM, a manifestation of Omega, The Last Judgment. Time & time again, humans had forsaken the gift which The Almighty had planted for them to find, ages past. Earth WAS the seedbed for Paradise, but the overwhelming blasphemers were TOO BLIND to see, too ignorant to reap the heavenly fruit.
How was this doctor any different from the last who had betrayed him? Who believed doctrine & discipline were for the weak-minded? That science was the key to unraveling the secrets of the holy worms & insects? --- They truly imagined themselves far more intelligent than a divine creature that wished to spread it's blessings far & wide across the cosmos? That kept a piece of every prior host, manifesting as something new, BECOMING MORE PURE, every following generation?
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They --- these parasites puppeting their vessels skin, were masters of biological evolution. Their prisoners, who could not so much survive 3 days without drinking water, WERE NOT. Devoted of Las Plagas would dare not fathom single-minded solitude, if it meant sacrificing everything that made them strong. Every mutation, beneficial or decaying, which made them superior in virtually every aspect. William would have to persuade the unwavering beliefs of a religious missionary in order to survive unmarked by THE PLAGUES.
" I am not so easily fooled by children, vastly immature and unspiritual. No less, little lambs so disgustingly feeble. " Osmund's words were poison & bitter to swallow as he censured the scientist, chancing he could out-smart the master manipulator. Naming every imperfection, such as being limited in form, possessing weak hide, hideously pathetic regeneration, & flesh that made no guarantee to last a half-century. Quite IRONIC coming from the likeness of a walking corpse, seeping black death from every orifice. " You would fare better under my heel, Dr. Birkin. After all, your pitiful kind were bred to serve and be repurposed. "
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godstrain · 7 months
you've been staring .
Observant as ever, there's nothing that William doesn't catch onto. Albert had thought that he'd been subtle about it, but then again ... he was supposed to be paying attention to his own work, and clearly there was no reason for him to be looking so often toward Will's workspace. At least, there was no academic reason.
William was easy on the eyes, and if not for the fact that Al had seen everything that his colleague was capable of doing, he would say that there was something almost soft- in another life, perhaps there would be. Or if they were ever able to escape Umbrella... Would they?
He'd considered it before, leaving Umbrella, but he'd always wondered if Will would join him in that. Will was always so caught up in his work... but Al couldn't imagine his life without the younger researcher in it. ❝ I happen to enjoy looking at important things, William. You know that. ❞ The words are followed by a rather cheeky grin- maybe he's not the best at it, but Al knows that he can at least try to lay on some charm. Whether or not it would work was an entirely different story, but as the saying went, never try, never win.
Now seemed as good a time as ever to shoot his first shot.
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birkincured · 1 year
i’m supposed to be the one who protects you from monsters. i’m not supposed to be one. - w.b.
The magic had faded , having held onto it for this long . These lab halls used to be her domain , the blinking machines her knights . Her mother and father were QUEEN AND KING , and she was the flower . Reality was as harsh as wintry frost as was rot . All there was to see now was teeth , the icy gazes with sloshing water under that thin sheet of the surface . AN ANGER OF AN ICEBERG , not at her but around her .
Similarly there was roots enclosed around his heart that grew from his brain . Wrapped around tightly , an embrace as comforting as HATE can hold you . Because it was LOVE that breaks down these structures , melting them away as the white sun does . He was melting his layers as she let her petals dry and fall away .
It seems important now , that with every SPRING the flower grows back stronger . This moment now , of a bitter understanding of actions , will one day feel small . So just for now , it was FALL .
❝ It is never too late to change , it never was before . ❞
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Name: Dr. William Birkin
Age: You should know this, Al
Do you like to cuddle?: On occasion every occasion
Can we make-out?: Of course
A night in or dinner out?: I prefer to stay the night in, don't you?
Whipped cream or chocolate syrup?: Whipped cream
Chocolates and roses?: I'm not the type for it
What makes you a good Valentine?: We get along quite well, don't you agree? Your presence is one of the few I can tolerate
Would you cook for me?: I would
Would you let me cook for you?: Preferably
Where would you take me on a date?: Home, where we can engage in a lovely game of chess
Who’s paying?: That depends entirely on who's hosting. I'm not opposed to it, but don't get cheap on me ;)
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: A new watch. You've always liked them expensive
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He stares down at the application, transfixed seemingly. For a long time his body is rigidly still. Then, all at once, he takes the paper and sets it down. Hesitating before turning it over and neatly slipping it into the drawer of his desk.
He can't bring himself to fold this one. Nor can he seemingly offer any kind of an answer.
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grxmfxck · 3 months
"My office. 7 o'clock. Don't be late."
A request in paper, and done without details. He knows at least some of the intention. Though he finds himself checking it several times under the presumption it must have been meant for another.
Rarely does he ever go into the offices of Umbrella's researches - a space so far removed from him that it feels like another world. Even rarer when it is after hours and nobody else is around.
But mistake or not, he abides by the message. Arriving exactly when asked to and not a minute sooner.
When the door clicks shut behind him it announces his arrival before he even has the chance to speak. His mask and helmet are tucked beneath his arm. Set aside on top of William's desk the moment he see's the opportunity. When he spots the other man his expression doesn't alter into friendliness or even surprise.
"Never saw you as the direct sort."
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