#guyys i love my beautiful wife
holysheithyall · 1 month
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my wife 🫶 (+my keith hcs)
also the sketch under the cut cuz i like it a lot
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rotary-phonecall · 7 months
Um uhh umm oh uh uhhhh ummmm
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(this is me btw. Phone guy <3)
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omgrachwrites · 5 years
May Queen (Loki Laufeyson)
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OC
Summary: Astrid, the princess of Vanaheimr relocates to Asgard to seal a betrothal to the youngest prince and an attempt to escape unforeseen forces. She soon finds happiness and a multitude of new friends. Unfortunately treachery and deceit lie in the court of Asgard in unlikely places, and she learns that true love never dies.
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death, character death
Words: 2104
A/N: I’m back guyys!!!! I’ve missed you guys so much, I’m sorry for going silent! Hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think, if you want to be tagged just shoot me an ask/message, I love you all very much!! xxx
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Chapter Eight - The Trial
Astrid sat motionless at her window seat watching the raindrops run down the windowpane as a servant entered the princesses’ chambers, making her presence known as she came to collect the breakfast tray. The princess hadn’t so much as taken a nibble out of the smallest morsel of moist and sickly sweet honey cake. The servant sighed as she gazed down at the still fully loaded breakfast tray.
“Are you still not hungry my lady?” the servant inquired.
Astrid shook her head and reverted her eyes back to the window, counting every individual water droplet upon the glass. She was still in a fair bit of shock; she couldn’t quite believe that it was supposedly Arna who had made an attempt on her life. Was this because she had maybe found out that Astrid had once been in love with her husband?
If that was the reason why Arna had tried to commit treason Astrid thought that it was a poor excuse because Arna already had Erik. She had nothing to fear as far as Astrid was concerned. It would have been a very different matter if Astrid and Erik were engaging in intimate relations behind Arna’s back. Erik had put an end to such things before he married the noble woman.
Astrid felt a warm hand on her shoulder and when she looked up the servant was smiling at her, albeit a little sadly but there wasn’t enough sympathy there for Astrid to feel bad about herself.
“Keep your head up my lady, I’m sure this whole ordeal will be over soon,” she smiled and the princess patted the hand that was upon her shoulder.
“Thank you Delphine,” Delphine nodded with a smile and took her leave, leaving the princess to ponder on her thoughts.
About twenty minutes later Mara poked her head through the door to see how Astrid was getting on and to let her know that the trial would be resuming in about an hour. The princess nodded without really hearing her, she just wanted everybody to leave her alone. Astrid wasn’t aware of how much time had passed before there was an incessant pounding on the door of her chambers, startling her slightly.
“Astrid! Let me in! We need to talk,” it was Erik’s voice, Astrid stood up from where she was perched, her big doe eyes fixed on the door, willing him to just go away and let her be, “please,” he almost whimpered and that pulled at Astrid’s heartstrings, she sighed and wrenched the door open, standing aside to let him in.
He looked awful, his skin was deathly pale with red rings around his tired and bloodshot eyes and his hair was sticking up in all directions like he had been continuously running his fingers through it.
“Why have you come here Erik? What do you want?” Astrid asked harshly, folding her arms, she was steadily growing impatient as Erik started pacing and shaking his head.
When Erik looked up at her she could see how vulnerable he was and she realised just how young they all were, this shouldn’t have to be their lives, full of treachery and deceit. Not yet anyway.
“Please don’t let this happen. I love her! Does that mean nothing to you? I love her. She didn’t make an attempt on your life, she’s been nothing but nice to you since she’s been here which has been admirable under the circumstances. Deep down you know that she’s innocent don’t you? Appeal to your mother, you have the power to do the right thing, you have the power.”
Astrid could see the tears gathering in the waterline of his eyes making them look even greener. It seemed like only yesterday she was happily drowning in those green pools but now they were a whole world away from each other. It stung her to hear him talk about how much he loved Arna.
He scoffed and used the sleeve of his robes to wipe away his tears, turning his attention to the rain streaked window and he wiped away the condensation so that he could see outside, “it’s an awful day,” he chuckled without mirth, “Arna and I are trying for children you know. We’ve been very unsuccessful so far.”
Astrid could hear the pain in his voice and she felt that heart-breaking pain on his behalf, it was the same sort of feeling that she had had when she found out he was to be married to someone else.
“Erik, I feel for you, I really do and I now this can’t be easy for you but you have to understand that this isn’t easy for me either. Your wife committed treason; she has got an alarming amount of evidence against her. There would be no justice if we ignored that simply because you love her.”
Astrid wished that she could turn her emotions off but she had always let them get the best of her. It had always been her downfall. Erik turned back around, his back against the stone walls with his eyes fixed on the pommel of his sword which was shaped like a mermaid. Astrid backed away, bumping against the wooden bedpost as she did so. She was suddenly scared that in a fit of madness he would draw his sword and finish what his wife started. The small commotion made him finally look up at her, his eyebrows creasing together.
“Please, for the love that you used to bear me and for the love that I still bear you, save her,” he muttered, taking long strides across the room towards her, his hands cupped her cheeks and he pressed his lips against hers.
His lips were warm, they had always been so warm, he had a musky taste to him and it still intoxicated her. With Erik’s kiss it reminded her of how easy it was for her to fall in love with him all over again. But, she couldn’t let that happen. She wanted to yield and give herself up to him once more but she couldn’t, with two hands on his firm chest she pushed, breaking their kiss. Erik looked momentarily surprised and perhaps a little offended as he stumbled backwards into the wall.
“I can’t Erik,” she whispered, “I’m going to be queen of this realm one day and my future people must see me as a ruler who enforces justice and deals with those who betray themselves and the realm. I can’t be seen as weak, I won’t be seen as weak,” she felt a sick sense of pride, she was finally thinking and speaking like a ruler, her mother would be proud.
Somebody clearing their throat behind Astrid made her jump further away from Erik, she turned round feeling guilty when she saw it was Loki, his face was unreadable, “I just came to tell you my lady that the trial will be resuming in a couple of minutes.”
Erik bowed his head in Astrid’s and Loki’s direction before he departed without another word to either of them. Astrid and Loki walked down the hallways of the castle side by side and Astrid just couldn’t take the painful silence anymore.
“Loki,” she started, placing a hand on his arm to halt him, “I’m really sorry that you had to see that. He kissed me and I got caught up in it for just a second, old habits and everything, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise,” he shook his head and Astrid chewed her lip, still unsure of his words.
“Are you certain?” Loki looked at her for just a moment before he kissed her so tenderly and softly that it almost made her cry. He pulled away all too soon.
“I’m certain,” he grinned, nudging his nose against hers which made her giggle and cup his cheeks.
“Come on, we should get inside,” she smiled as Loki took her hand in his and together they entered the throne room. She was nervous; if Arna was guilty then Astrid would be ultimately sealing her fate.
Arna was seated in the middle of the throne room and Astrid couldn’t help but notice that Arna still looked incredibly beautiful despite the worry on her face. As the prince and princess found their seats Astrid nodded over at her mother and her council of judges to start the trial.
“Let’s get started,” she took a deep breath and grabbed onto Loki’s hand for support.
Loki watched the trial from Astrid’s side and he desperately wanted to do more for Astrid than just sitting next to her and holding her hand. There was so much evidence against Arna that it seemed unbelievable from the clothes she had been wearing that night to the eye witness account that the shopkeeper had given. He thought that maybe he ought to apologise to Mara, maybe her hand wasn’t to blame in the poisoning of his future wife.
The first part of the trial was just going over the old details and it was clear that Arna was getting very frustrated and disheartened. Eventually the Captain of the Guard took over the questioning of Arna; a thick wad of parchment was tightly clenched in his fist.
“Your family crest and seal is a gilded dragon’s head plated in white gold, is it not?”
Arna sighed before nodding, “yes it is, I’m not even going to try and deny it because I’ve got nothing to hide from you people,” she glared at the council of judges. Loki was surprised that she didn’t try and say that she’d misplaced it or it had been stolen.
“Let’s see what this sealed letter contains, ladies and gentlemen of the court,” he broke the seal and cleared his throat.
“The poison worked but I didn’t know that the royal bitch was going to be having a taster, normally she tastes her own meal, and it would have been a sure way to ensure her death. I’ll find another way to end her life; my husband loves her you see. Find enclosed a gold coin in exchange for your silence, I’m sorry that I lied.”
Loki felt very disturbed and haunted by the contents of the letter and by the looks of it, so did the rest of the court. The Captain scoffed as he tipped the coin into his hand and threw it at Arna’s feet.
“My guess is that you didn’t have time to send it, tell me, is that your hand and signature?” The Captain asked as he walked over with the letter, Arna gave him a death glare before looking down at the letter.
“Yes,” she gasped, “but I don’t understand, I never wrote that letter, I don’t remember writing that letter!” she cried out in distress, “but I won’t deny that my husband is in love with her but I never wanted to kill her,” she looked over at Astrid with a peculiar look on her face.
By the end of the trial Loki – and the rest of the court – was convinced of Arna’s guilt. All the evidence was against her, she had no alibi and there had been no way that she could talk her way out of anything. Queen Eira looked over at her daughter to take the floor and seal Arna’s fate.
“What is your verdict, Your Highness?” Astrid took a deep breath, let go of Loki’s hand and she stood up, looking regal and in that moment Loki was so proud of her.
“I find you, Arna, guilty of treason and for traitors there is only one sentence and punishment that I can pass,” her voice had a very final tone; she nodded at her mother before excusing herself.
Loki watched Astrid as she gazed out at the lands surrounding Asgard as they travelled past in the carriage; she had a look of immense joy on her face. It had been about a month since the trial and Astrid seemed to be feeling better every day. However, Loki knew that she still dwelled on the sound of Arna pleading and the swish of the axe, it couldn’t be easy for anybody.
Astrid wanted to leave for Asgard a couple of months earlier than expected, unaware that she was bringing another enemy along with her.
“It’s so beautiful here Loki, I think this could be just what I need,” she beamed, marvelling at a flowing crystal clear waterfall as they passed by.
“I think so too,” Loki grinned, kissing her cheek and leaning out of the open window, “I can see the palace. Welcome to Asgard, my lady.”
Taglist: @theonelittleone​ @void-imaginations​
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nicegoodgolden-blog · 8 years
For the question thingy: 1-150.
You sure you wanna read my ramblings for this many questions? lol…here we go! (I did a page break because this is gonna be long & everyone might not wanna read it, haha)1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My sweet son2. Are you outgoing or shy?I’m more of an introvert, but around the right people I’m a little more outgoing3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Who? Um, I guess my husband when he gets home from work this evening4. Are you easy to get along with? For the most part, yes…at least I think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? My husband better6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Passionate people…people that get that little flicker of light in their eyes when talking about or doing what they love. Unique people…the kind who do not give an actual shit whether or not they fit in. People who can sit and talk for hours about nothing & everything at the same time.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I certainly hope so8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My husband. Just hoping he’s having a good day at work so far>9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not at all. I enjoy it actually. It’s a natural thing &; a very beautiful thing when shared with the right person10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My husband11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Yeah, he must’ve been tired”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Hallelujah x Jeff Buckley (ALWAYS), This Town x Niall Horan, Kiss Me x Ed Sheeran, Olivia x One DIrection, Through the Dark x One Direction…PICKING JUST 5 WAS SO HARD13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? I LOVE14. Do you believe in luck and miracles I believe in miracles…luck? Not so much15. What good thing happened this summer? Nothing in particular. My baby brother got married, lol.16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Oh, absolutely17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I do not18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Oh lord, no19. Do you like bubble baths? I live for a good bubble bath20. Do you like your neighbors? Not at all21. What are you bad habits? Biting my nails, licking & biting my lips nonstop, worrying22. Where would you like to travel? Ireland, England, Australia23. Do you have trust issues? Not terribly, just depends24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Probably waking up with my kids25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach, I think. Or my arms26. What do you do when you wake up? Make coffee & make my kids breakfast27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m fine with how it is>28. Who are you most comfortable around? My husband29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Wanna know something…I have NO EXES. I married the first & only person I’ve ever dated.30. Do you ever want to get married? Already am31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? LOL NO32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Honestly, I’m not into the 3some thing…not for me.33. Spell your name with your chin. tgfail,lfr (LOL)34. Do you play sports? What sports? I like to watch football & basketball35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Once upon a time, yeah37. What do you say during awkward silences? I’m the awkward person that will just walk away lmao38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Passionate, hardworking, loving, kind, generous, funny, intelligent39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I’m a mom, so TARGET40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m out of hs already & I’m a stay-at-home mom as of now. One day I’d love to work in the music industry (big dreamin’)41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? A second chance? Yes. Nothing more though42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? quiet a lot, so it doesn’t really mean a ton43. Do you smile at strangers? I do. You never know, could be the only smile they see that day. Might just brighten someone’s day.44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? NEITHER. Just thinking about those gave me an anxiety attack45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My children46. What are you paranoid about? Everything, tbh47. Have you ever been high? No48. Have you ever been drunk? Too many times49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Nope50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black i think…maybe grey51. Ever wished you were someone else? Not seriously52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My health issues. I feel like they sometime hinder my parenting & wifing & just humaning in general53. Favourite makeup brand? I’m a fan of BH Cosmetics & the Ulta brand is pretty good as well54. Favourite store? Target55. Favourite blog? I’ve got a few… @harktheharold @freakassharry @harrstylesgotmefuckedup @1989rosesxx @louisgoldchain @fairylightstyles @niallsweatervest56. Favourite colour? Black57. Favourite food? CHICKEN 58. Last thing you ate?toast59. First thing you ate this morning?Toast60. Ever won a competition? For what?lololololol no61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Never62. Been arrested? For what?Nope63. Ever been in love? oh yes64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?I was 15 or 16. My frind & I decided to tnrow a party while her parents were gone out of town. The guyy I likes was about 4 years older, I believe…well i called him & he came to the party. We ended up sitting on my friends porch all night until like 6 or 7AM just talking about life. He decided he should probably leave, so i walked out to his truck with him & he just leaned in & kissed me. It was both terrible & wonderful at the same time.65. Are you hungry right now?No I am not66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?ABSOLUTELY. You all just get me67. Facebook or Twitter?Neither, really68. Twitter or Tumblr?The Tum, for sure69. Are you watching tv right now?My kids are70. Names of your bestfriends? IRL? Cheyenne, Shelby, Karlynn, Carmen, Taylor71. Craving something? What?Popeyes chicken72. What colour are your towels?Tan & Teal72. How many pillows do you sleep with?273. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?No74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?My kids have tons75. Favourite animal?I like birds. Theyre so free76. What colour is your underwear?Not wearing any lol77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Depends78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Strawberry79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Grey80. What colour pants?black81. Favourite tv show?The Walking Dead and Parks & Rec82. Favourite movie?Always Titanic…then Silver Linings Playbook83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?MEAN GIRLS84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Honestly, Janis Ian86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Crush87. First person you talked to today?My daughter88. Last person you talked to today?My son89. Name a person you hate?I don’t hate anyone. Hate is pointless. That’s what is wrong with our world. 90. Name a person you love?Everyone91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Nah92. In a fight with someone?Nope93. How many sweatpants do you have?Does infinity count as an answer to this?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?a good dozen95. Last movie you watched?I honestly don’t remember96. Favourite actress?Kate Winslet97. Favourite actor?Leonardo DiCaprio…and Harry Styles98. Do you tan a lot?No99. Have any pets?a dog named Wallie100. How are you feeling?So, so tired & sick101. Do you type fast?Sort of102. Do you regret anything from your past?No regrets, just learned lessons103. Can you spell well?Yes, I can104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Sometimes105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Too many106. Ever broken someone’s heart?I doubt itHave you been on a horse?YES, love horse riding108. What should you be doing? cleaning & laundry109. Is something irritating you right now?Not really110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Mhmm111. Do you have trust issues?Depends112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?My husband113. What was your childhood nickname?T, T-Pot, Tatertot, Toot114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yes115. Do you play the Wii?no116. Are you listening to music right now?I am117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?I love it118. Do you like Chinese food?Oh, yes yes yes119. Favourite book?The Lovely Bones120. Are you afraid of the dark?No121. Are you mean?Not really, just extremely sarcastic122. Is cheating ever okay?NEVER NEVER NEVER123. Can you keep white shoes clean?NO. Plus, I hate squeaky clean new shoes. I always have to rough em up a bit. Especially new Converse124. Do you believe in love at first sight?I believe in infatuation at first sight. To really love someone you need to know their heart125. Do you believe in true love?Absolutely126. Are you currently bored?No127. What makes you happy?My kids, my husband, music, a good cup of coffee, rain…i could go on… lol128. Would you change your name?Nope129. What your zodiac sign?aquarius130. Do you like subway?I love Subway!131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?My hubs is my opposite sex BFF132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Hubs133. Favourite lyrics right now?“Them butterflies, they come alive”134. Can you count to one million?probably, but I’m not gonna try135. Dumbest lie you ever told?Oh, there are too many lol136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?CLOSED137. How tall are you?5′6″138. Curly or Straight hair?Mine is naturally curly, I prefer just a nice wave on it though.However, on others, I’m a sucker for curls.139. Brunette or Blonde?I’m a brunette…but I like either140. Summer or Winter?WINTER141. Night or Day?Night142. Favourite month?January & February143. Are you a vegetarian?nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?ALL OF THE ABOVE145. Tea or Coffee?depends146. Was today a good day?Yes, so far..granted it’s only 9:23AM147. Mars or Snickers?Neither148. What’s your favourite quote?“Be nice. Be good.”149. Do you believe in ghosts?Not really150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“I had left them all.”
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