#guys when I tell you I've been nervous about this it is an understatement but look I made it out of the innitors pretty unscathed so it fin
bleue-flora · 1 month
Write the autitic c!dream essay🙏🙏
Why I think c!Dream is Autistic - Part 1
[Part 1] - [Part 2] - [Part 3]
Welp… I guess while on the topic of neurodivergence now is as good as time as any to do this. So, at long last…
Since every version of this essay ended up way too long I’m going to break it into 3 parts, and I'm going to make more generalized statements for the sake of brevity. So, if there are things about this or autism in general you would like more clarification on or know more about, my asks are always open (though I do ask that you please wait to flood my inbox until after you’ve read all parts). I would also like to add that for the same reason of length, I am not going to go in depth on all of the facets of autism and diagnosing it. I am not a psychologist, and this essay is not about defining autism and going into full depth about what it is, but about the specific aspects of Dream and the dsmp that I think point to autism, based on what I know and more importantly my experiences as an autistic person. Having said that, just so we are on the same page - Autism means that our brains are literally structured differently (also known as neurodivergent), which means we think differently and process the world differently, it does not make us inferior or broken or less than larger society (neurotypicals), it only means we are human beings who are wired differently.
Now, for part 1 I’m going to briefly go into the traits Dream has that I think point to autism, keeping in mind that this is not necessarily all inclusive, these are not necessarily autism exclusive, and some of these can be effected with masking and personal growth. 
Highly obsessive - in general and for specific interest, to the point of not taking care of oneself, like forgetting to sleep, eat, shower, or just not caring enough to do so. 
Strong willed, determined and dedicated - not going to give up easily, willing to stay up training or farming for long hours or put in the work especially for our obsession. Our priorities aren’t always productive, but we are not ones for laziness.
Isolated - outcast, odd ball out, set apart, on the outskirts, loner, alone even if surrounded by people.
Highly intelligent - smart, clever, big brained, skilled, knowledgeable to the point of ground breaking (ex: Einstein, Elon Musk, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci…etc)
Trouble with emotions and feelings - from recognizing them, processing them, letting ourselves experience them, understanding them, leading us to often then lash out, explode, or have a meltdown.
All about the facts and truth - sometimes to an abrasive and candid point where it can become more important than how people feel or the main point.
Logical mindset - making decisions based on logic and strategy rather than on emotions to the point of struggling to understand others when they follow no such logic
“Black and White” thinking - right and wrong, good or bad, yes or no, on or off, love it or hate it, friend or foe. Everything is in extremes.
Rule follower, one to fight for justice and for others - we are stubborn and in our strong conviction we are out against injustice and misinformation, fairness and what is right and true is imperative. 
Unable to forgive and forget - hard to let things go. Often have good memories and are able to remember things with the same detail as if it were happening again and not years ago. It doesn’t really fade with time and that makes us easily hold grudges, and hold things and behavior against people.
Resistant to change -  doesn’t matter how big or small nor whether it’s good or bad, we are enemies of change. We like to understand so uncertainty and new things are often disagreeable.
Able to recognize patterns - able to see the full picture, see history repeating itself and people’s behavioral tendencies, which makes us good at scheming and masterminding. We hate change so we want to predict things to avoid being surprised. 
Trouble articulating our point - stuttering and stumbling over our words, because our brains are moving too fast for our mouth to keep up and it’s hard to explain ourselves because our brain works differently. (we’ll talk about this more in part 2)
Struggle with body language? - I mean it’s hard to say given the Minecraft format, but to me wearing a mask could be to avoid having to make eye contact (which I hate) and appropriate facial expressions and stuff like that, which are pretty important in diagnosis. So while some headcanon that Dream wears a mask because he's too expressive and doesn't like being exposed I actually think it might be the opposite and saves him a lot of effort and brain power to not have to worry about his facial expression. :)
Stimming - (yes an ADHD thing but also an autistic thing and it's very common for someone to be both - like me ;D) vocally and physically often when more stressed, again hard to say for a Minecraft man, but I see him constantly moving like pacing the cell or jumping around and stuff as stimming and he does vocally stim on occasion as well.
Or in other words - Reasons I think c!Dream is autistic:
C!Dream = me, me = autistic -> c!Dream = autistic… boom, shortest essay ever XD lol jk 
But seriously it is a major reason. I read a tumblr c!Dream character analysis (don't remember who's) back before I even joined tumblr and related soo much, which is pretty concerning when you relate to a villain - because like wait does that make me a psychopath? but I have empathy and I care and I'm out to hurt people so why would I relate so much? And that's when I realized I think it is because he’s autistic like me so we think a like... I mean seriously the similarities are scarily uncanny down to things that have happened to me in real life…
Anyways, thank you for reading. I hope I made sense and got the idea across even by not going into super detail on all the points.
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verycoolusername1 · 27 days
So American
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Summary: Your boyfriend Nico had made time to see one of your concerts and you made sure to make it one to remember.
Nico Hischier x Singer!reader
Genre: Fluff!!
Warning: Contains romantic themes and mostly my terrible writing.
A/N: I LOVE THIS SONG so so much, and I hope I did Nico justice - this is my first time writing him, so I hope I did well! And I'm sorry for making them pop girlies, it's for the sake of this fic(and I'm extremely sorry for writing them all badly - I'm still learning. Once hockey season starts, I'll try to watch some games(if my attention span allows it))😭
And if you catch my stranger things and Dandelions(song by Ruth B) reference, I thrown in there, then I'll love you a lot.
If there are any grammatical errors, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!!
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To say you were nervous was an understatement. You have done performances before. You were on tour, after all. But something was different, your boyfriend Nico was here. And you didn't want to mess up, not even the slightest bit.
You tried to steady your breathing, and that was when the man of the hour appeared right in front of you. He greeted you instantly with a hug and a kiss on your temple, not wanting to anger your manager if he ruined your makeup even a tiny bit.
"Hi baby." He mumbled in your ear. "You look beautiful."
You chuckled in the hug and looked at him. A huge smile was plastered on his face. "Thanks, honey." You smiled. "It's nothing special."
"Nothing special?" Nico laughed. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, Aphrodite could not compare."
"Nico." You dragged his name. "Stop it."
"No way!" Nico shook his head. "Not until you believe it."
"Nico, don't," you warned him. He looked back at you with a not so sorry look. He instantly started ticking your sides, making you laugh. "Babe stop!"
"I'll stop once you believe me." Nico looked at you with a stern look.
You continued to laugh even more before finally giving in to his demands. "Alright, I believe you." You panted. Nico planted his hands at your waist as if by memory.
"You're gonna do amazing." He whispered in your ear.
You smiled softly before asking. "Who else is here?"
"Just Luke, Jack, and Dougie. Everyone else is knocked out." He answered. "Jack wanted to come backstage with me. I told him no."
"And why did you do that, Mr. Hischeir?" You said playfully.
"Well, soon-to-be Y/N Hischeir, I wanted to see my partner before anyone else could." He answered honestly and in a serious tone.
You laid your head in his chest to ignore the giddy feeling you would get whenever he called you 'his partner.' Your stomach was doing flips, and he knew it. Before you could come up with a reply, your manager called your name telling you it was time. You gave Nico a warm smile, one that he had grown to adore as he dropped his hands from your waist.
"I'll see you later." You promised.
"Can't wait." He smiles as he makes his way back to the vip section.
You appeared on stage minutes later with a huge smile on your face. Your fans cheered loudly as they saw you and sang along to all the songs, making you laugh at how good they were. "I swear you guys are better at remembering my lyrics than me." You had joked.
The fans cheered in response, and you took a quick glance at the vip section, something you have been doing all night. When you caught Nico's eyes, he gave you a wave, and you smiled in response. Fans noticed this interaction began to cheer even louder. They haven't seen you this happy in a long time. But that all changed when you met Nico, now all you can ever really do is smile.
"Alright, uh, I know this is sudden, but I wanna try something." You picked up your guitar. "The next song is something that I wrote but never released." Your fans cheered in surprise of about to be hearing an unreleased song. "I like to think I wrote it too soon, and then I just forgot about it." You laughed.
"But tonight there is someone I really wanna dedicate this song to. I mean, I wrote it about you!" Your fans laughed as you shook your head with them.
"But yeah, you're special to me, and I love I have for you will only expand and as one in lyrics 'I see forever in your eyes' and that's completely true. I love you, and I know you know that, but I'll always be telling you that. Sometimes, you're like a poem I wish I wrote. Weird comparison, I know sue me!" You chuckled to yourself and made eye contact with Nico, who mouthed the three words back to you.
"Sorry for rambling. uh, this song is called 'So American', and I hope you like it." You began to play the familiar melody on your guitar and put your mouth near the microphone. "Drivin' on the right side road, he says I'm pretty wearing his clothes."
Your fans erupted with cheer as they realized it was a love song.
"He's like a poem I wish I wrote, I wish I wrote." You looked at Nico, smiling big as you sang your way into the chorus.
The fans cheered even louder, all having smiles on their faces.
"And he laughs at all my jokes, and he says I'm so american," You sang. "Oh, god, it's just not fair to him to make me feel this much."
Nico looked at you like you hung the moon with a huge smile on his face, a smile that he had recently gotten from you. Jack had only noticed a week ago when he said a bad(like really bad) joke, and the two of you held identical smiles while Nico pushed him in annoyance.
"They said they're gonna marry you, dude." Luke pushed Nico's shoulder playfully while Nico's face began to flush.
You began to sing the second verse which Nico didn't like as much. He could never find you annoying or rude, his fellow teammates laughed at his reaction.
"Dude, relax. They're just in love." Jack teased.
"I really love my bed, but man, it's hard to sleep when he's with me." You began to jump up and down. "When he's with me!"
You sang the chorus as Nico looked at you in adoration, and of course, his teammates singing the lyrics terribly wrong but tried their best even if they didn't know the song till a couple of minutes ago.
Dougie sang off key(like very off key). "I have no idea where he goes, and he says I'm so american."
Nico gave him a look, and he immediately shut his mouth. Jack tried to stifle his laugh but failed, Luke joining him as you sang the bridge.
"But ain't it love? Cause I'm in love." You smiled big as you sang the chorus one last time.
The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs as you sung the last bit of the song, you strung on your guitar more than what needed. Before officially ending the song and the concert.
"Thanks, New Jersey. You guys were so loud tonight, I love you all. Good night!" You yelled, the fans cheered and clapped in response.
You ran backstage, and after they took your mic pack off of you. You quickly went to your dressing room and changed into some comfortable clothes, removed your makeup, and undid your hair. Minutes later, there was knock at the door alongside hushed whispers.
"Come in!" You called. The door opened, revealing Nico and the guys. "Hey guys,"
Jack ran to you, shoving Nico aside and giving you a big hug. "You were amazing! Like the dancing, the songs, the puns, and the new song. It was so amazing!" He gushed.
"Thanks, Jack," you hugged him. "Seems like somebody missed me." You looked at Nico with a stern look.
"Of course I did, I was gonna come backstage, but then Nico was all like," Jack cleared his throat before doing the impression. "No, Jack, go back. You'll see them after the show, I get to see them first because I'm their -"
"Alright, I think they get it." Nico cut him off abruptly.
"Somebody's jealous." Dougie snickered.
"You sure it ain't you?" Luke asked.
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Dougie looked at him with a questioning glare.
"Isn't it time you died?" Luke retorted. "You already hit 30."
"Alright, you two cut it out." You told them.
"Yeah, guys, cut it out." Jack rolls his eyes.
"Jack." Nico warned.
"Okay, bye, guys! It was nice seeing you Y/N." Jack pushed the two other adults out of the room, despite their protests of only seeing you for five minutes.
"I think we're alone now-" You were cut off by Nico caressing your face and kissing you with the most upmost passion. Nico then pulled you in a hug and held you tight perhaps even tighter than Jack.
"I love you so so much." Nico muttered in your ear.
"I love you too." You broke the hug to look at him.
"The song was so beautiful I mean wow." Nico gushed. "I honestly have no words."
"My eyes must be deceiving me, did I just make new jersey devils captain Nico Hischier speechless?" You taunted.
"Shut up." Nico kissed you again, with even more love than before.
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vernons-girl · 7 months
Hey girlie! I just read 2 of your works and I really really liked them ❤️
Since I saw your requests are open, can I put one forward?
An angsty one with Mingyu. Female Reader loves him but he loves her sister.
Hope you have a good day.
Thank you 😊
not her | kim mingyu x fem!reader pt.1
PART 1 ; PART.2 ; PART 3 (final)
(could be gn!reader tho)
angsty, wc:1.3k
a/n:hi love!! I hope you'll like it, it may not have been what you had in mind but yeah.. I could always go deep in the drama in part2, who knows haha. have a nice day too!!
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You had known Mingyu for a few years now and he had quickly became one of your closest friends.
I mean that's what you tell him and every one of you guys' friends because you can't tell any of them that you've had a raging crush on him since forever.
I mean how could you not ? Aside from his good looks, Mingyu was kind, fun, caring, loving, everything you could dream of in a boyfriend.
You liked him so much that you decided to bring him to have dinner alongside your close family, in hopes that your sister could help you in figuring out if the feelings were mutual before you could even consider making a move on him.
It's not that you thought you were unlikable. No. Far from that. You weren't. It's just that you thought perhaps, you guys were just really good friends and that, even worse, maybe he just saw you as a little sister.
But this was your way of figuring it all out. So you put on your best outfit (without overdoing it, I mean what a way to be suspicious-), you did your hair and makeup and took a deep breath. Looking at your phone, Mingyu should be there in 10 minutes. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous. To your family it was just a nice friendly dinner with one of your pals, nothing crazy, that has happened before. But you knew. And so did your sister.
Speaking of which, you heard a knock on your bedroom's door followed by the appearance of her face in the tiny crack of the opening.
"Hey gorgeous" she says entering the room, looking at you up and down. "You look amazing, he is totally gonna fall for you" she affirms while rearranging your hair.
"But what if he doesn't like me?" you voiced out your worries about the possibility of a one-sided crush.
"Then that's his loss!, she says, Imagine not liking this, she gestures at your figure, he would be so dumb!" The two of you chuckled.
"I'll get him on your good side, don't worry," your sister nudged your shoulder with a playful look on her face, making you laugh.
The sudden noise of the doorbell brought you back to reality and you took a deep breath.
"You've got this, your sister said with a smile.
- I've got this" you repeated confidently.
To say the evening went great was an understatement.
Mingyu showed up with flowers, wooing all the women - and even some of the men - with this and his unmissable charms.
He's a very friendly person, that goes without saying, so he got along with everyone that night, winning over the elders by volunteering to clean up, not just helping, no no, he did it all himself.
'What a good future house husband.' that's what you thought, but little did you know, you weren't the only one.
After Mingyu left, you rushed to your bedroom to have a debrief with your sister.
"Sooooo?" you asked genuinely curious to hear her opinion.
"So what? she asked in a teasing tone,
- So what did you think ?
- About what ? Him ? You two?
- I don't know! Both I guess?
- I mean everyone loved him so I would be lying if I said I didn't think he was a great guy.
- Thanks for stating the obvious, you replied playfully.
- You guys seem close and he cares for you, I can tell, she started, he watches over you and he's already there to give you a hand, he makes you laugh, so I mean if he isn't into you, I don't know what it's like when he has a crush on someone, she laughed.
- So you think he has a crush on me?? you asked excitedly,
- Hm, he might." she assures.
This statement made you giggle like a teenage girl who just got her first boyfriend as you started planning ahead how you would make your crush known to him to see where all of this goes.
"Anyway, we should sleep, let's talk about it later yeah? Make a plan? your sister said,
- A plan? Haha okay whatever" you reply softly as she makes her way out of your room to hers.
You got ready for bed and as you got under the cover you couldn't help but think 'Gosh I love him.'
It had been a few weeks since Mingyu came over and you've been trying your best to make your crush obvious to him on your sister's advice.
You've became more touchy, you set up hang outs that look a little too much like dates minus the label, you walk alongside him with your one of your arm looped in his, and even without all of this, the look in your eyes when you look at him doesn't lie.
Now, you guys planned on getting food together in three days from now, nothing too much, just a cozy restaurant you guys wanted to try after seeing pictures of the food they served online. However, you wanted to make this big and perhaps finally confess your love to your friend that very night. And that's why you decided to go to the mall to get an outfit specially for the occasion.
You browsed through a few stores but nothing really caught your eyes so you decided to take a short break at the food court. Maybe if nothing seemed good enough to you, you should ask your sister, right?
So you called her, no response. But a few texts :
'Sorry I'm out with friends'
'It's a little noisy. I think I won't hear you'
'What's up'
You sigh and type :
'I wanted you to help me shop for an outfit :('
To which she replied :
'Sorry luv, send me pictures and I'll tell you what I think,kay?'
After sending her a simple 'kay' you put your phone down and took the time to look around.
As usual there were loud groups of teenagers, even louder families, couples, Mingyu... Wait Mingyu???
What was he doing here? On one hand you didn't want him to see you and risk him to find out you were looking for an outfit for him but on another hand you wanted to come up to him and have a "friendly" chat.
You were now standing up, fighting an internal battle in your brain as your gaze was fixed on him.
That was until you saw him turn around with not one, but two drinks in his hands. Fuck why did he have two drinks when he was on his own? Your question was quickly answered as you saw a girl walked up to him, grabbing one of the drinks from his hand.
You looked at her, I mean her back since she was facing away from you, she had a great figure you couldn't lie but why did her sweater look so familiar ? It looked like the one your sister always borrowed from you, you didn't know it was a common item but hey at least she had good taste you guessed.
But it seemed like hell had frozen over as the girl linked her hand with Mingyu's free one, kissed him on the lips. Your hopes flew away instantly, but what you crushed your heart into thousands of pieces was seeing your sister's face as the girl turned around to face you.
She couldn't see you, neither could he. But you saw them. You clearly saw them.
The betrayal burned your throat, your eyes watering, hands shaking, the beating of your heart kept accelerating, you felt like your were going to consume within.
All this time, she had been hiding this from you, lying to you. How did this happen? When? Why?
Why couldn't it be you at his side? But also why did it have to be her?
Why did Mingyu not tell you about this? Did she tell him not to say anything? Had she told him about your crush on him and told him to play along with it? Had they team up against you?
At that moment, you lost everything.
Your friend. Your sister. Your hopes. It all turned to dust.
You were likable. You just weren't her.
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seventeensmaus · 2 months
telling mingyu✏️ - back to you // wonwoo smau
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Wonwoo and I are in the car headed to the apartment to tell Mingyu about us. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I take a deep breath and try to steady my nerves. I remind myself that Mingyu is my brother and deserves to know. I could tell that Wonwoo was a little nervous too, but he was trying to hide it. I guess so I don't get stressed out anymore than I already am. We arrive at the apartment, and we both take a deep breath.
"You ready?" Wonwoo asked unbuckling his seat belt.
"No," I said in a shaky voice.
He took my hand in his and squeezed it.
"I'm right here. You have nothing to worry about. Okay?"
I nodded my head. We took one last deep breath before getting out of the car and heading up to the apartment. As we got to the door I stopped before opening it.
"Ready?" I asked Wonwoo.
"Yea. Let's do it."
I opened the door and discovered that the apartment was quiet. I called Mingyu, but got no response.
"That's weird. He said he was home." I said continuing to walk in. "Let me check his room. Maybe he has headphones in or something." I continued.
Wonwoo nodded his head as I let go of his hand and walked to Mingyu's room. I knocked on his door, but no response. When I turned to the doorknob, I found Mingyu on his bed fast asleep. I smile and walk over and shake him awake.
"Hey, wake up."
"Yn? Hey, sorry."
"Tired?" I asked him.
"A little bit. Works been a lot."
"Sorry to wake you up."
"It's fine. Is he here?"
"Yeah, he's in the living room."
"Okay, let's go. I can't wait to meet him."
"Before we do that, can we talk? Just the two of us for a second?"
"Yea, of course. What's up?"
"I just want to say that he means a lot to me and I hope you understand. You'll know what I mean when you meet him. Also I'm sorry and I love you."
"Why would you be sorry?"
"You'll see."
"Okay? You're scaring me," he said confused.
"Let's just get this over with."
We start walking to the living room. My heart beats fast in my chest. Scared of how Mingyu will react.
"Hey Wonwoo," Mingyu said finally getting to the living room. "What are you doing here?"
"Um, about that." Wonwoo said looking at me which caused Mingyu to look between the two of us.
"You two. No fucking way. He's the guy you're dating?" Mingyu raised his voice.
I stood frozen. I didn't know what to say.
"I am. I know it's a lot to take in right now, but just know I truly care about her and would never hurt her." Wonwoo said.
Mingyu's quiet for a while before moving and sitting down on the chair next to the couch. He has an angry look on his face looking down at his hands. After a moment he looks back up with a smile on his face. Wonwoo and I glance at each other confused why Mingyu is smiling.
"Why are you smiling?" I ask Mingyu.
"You two are dumb."
"What?" Wonwoo asked.
"I knew it was Wonwoo the whole time."
"What?" I asked this time.
"I knew he was the guy you were dating. You're not slick. When you posted the photo of y'all holding hands, I knew it was Wonwoo. That's why I reacted the way I did." Mingyu said.
We were both quiet trying to process what he was saying. I looked at him in shock, unable to say anything. Mingyu continued speaking.
"But," Mingyu said, "I've had time to process and I'm fine with it. Honestly, Wonwoo is better than a guy I don't know. I know Wonwoo is a good guy."
What the fuck is happening right now? This is not how I expected today to unfold.
"So why did you act like you didn't know this whole time?" I asked him.
"Because I needed time to process the fact that you’re dating one of my best friends and I wanted to hear it from you both."
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taglist: @writingbarnes @soonyoonswoo @skzdesi @asasilentreader @cheolsposts @headlockimnida @map0fthes0ul7 @enhacolor @piplupnani @wonunuwoo @euphoric-univers @fairywriter-oracle @venusprada @wonubun @rikibun @hwayne2294 @hamji-hae @wondering-out-loud @gaslysainz @sikuthealien @imnotsureokay @dinossaurz @teenyfinds @leeknowloves @seunghancore @felixmainacc @siriuslymooned @yyangj3lly @blaycke @badbitch69420sworld @tacosandbitch
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 5 <-
Part 6
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Fingering, Dry humping, mentions of sex, pet names
Word Count: 3k
Note: Yea… What can I say? Lee Know was my first Kpop Crush, so I really put my soul into this. So hear me out: I thought since your feedback is incredible, I wanted to give you something back. If you want to you can write suggestions/requests in the comments or dm me about what you'd like to read in the parts. If I like it I will think of something and include it in the story! So feel free to tell me your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies xD
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"I finally want to see you dance live!", grumbled Lee Know as you emailed him his schedule for the day in the practice room.
"Maybe someday", you muttered as you skimmed over your messages.
“Stupid JYP with those stupid rules”, he sighed and you had to grin. You'd love to dance and maybe even do a livestream with Minho but the company probably wouldn't allow it. The Stream with Hyunjin was a spontaneous idea and you were sincerely happy that yet nobody from JYP had talked about it to you. You didn’t even know if they maybe had a talk with Hyunjin and you were sure, that he definitely wouldn’t tell you to protect you.
However one of the most important meetings was scheduled for this afternoon.
A meeting with a potential new sponsor and at the same time producer for the first music video of the comeback. So one of the most important meetings ever.
The first video had to work the way the guys imagined it and it was your job to make it work. It was essential that the new sponsor was on board.
To say you're nervous would be a massive understatement.
It was the first big meeting that you would have to do alone with Chan. Seungmin would also accompany you, which took some of the pressure off your shoulders. This was one thing you just couldn't mess up.
You just wanted to send Lee Know his appointments for today and skim them quick with him. The tasks consisted the meeting with a new choreographer and then discussing with DanceRacha whether their ideas for the choreography for the big video could be done as they wanted it or if they needed to work on it even more.
Hyunjin and Felix had both already written in your group chat that they were here at any moment and Jeongin was with them. As you walked into the room, Minho seemed to have been dancing all morning.
There were fine drops of sweat on his forehead and yet his skin was just glowing with freshness. Just like perfectly worked marble.
"The choreographer's name is Chun De-Jeong. His application was the most impressive and he has very good references. He sounded nice on the phone, too. But if you don't like something about him, just let me know and we'll find someone new”, you explained expertly and he smiled slightly.
"You really are the best manager we've ever had."
"I try my best", you replied, and that's when he sat down next to you on the sofa.
With that, you finished discussing his schedule as well.
"I've never seen you in a dress like that before...", he mused aloud, and right away you were tugging at the hem of the white fabric on your thigh.
"Is it too much? Do you think it would be better if I change?"
Concerned, you stroke the fine roses printed on the fabric. Directly, Lee Know shook his head, regretting his words.
"No. It's perfect. You are... It looks very cute. You look very beautiful", he said quickly, stumbling over his own words.
Actually, he couldn't take his eyes off the thin fabric the whole time, where it perfectly hugged your curves and sat firmly against your waist. Exploring your profile, Minho noticed from the moment you came in that you seemed tense and restless today.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
Quickly nodding, you shove your Ipad into your handbag next to the sofa.
"Yeah... Everything's fine. I'm just a little nervous about the meeting today."
"With that spoiled ass sponsor?"
You nodded again, kneading your hands restlessly in your lap. Carefully he puts one hand on yours and managed to cover both of your cramped hands with his.
Instead of a joke or a mean comment that you would have expected, his voice softened and he squeezed your hands reassuringly.
"You don't have to be nervous. Business people like that are often strange and not exactly sociable. They are assholes, but you're so adorable that he surely won’t refuse any of your wishes."
A worried sigh wrings itself from your throat and you finally managed to look him in the eye. Only now did he recognize the great concern on your face and moved instantly closer to you.
"What if I don't? What if I mess up and you lose a major sponsor because of me? They will fire me..."
His chocolate brown eyes seemed protective, eyeing you with such confidence that you wanted to snuggle up to him. He placed his other hand on your thigh and gently stroked it.
"You won't mess up. And even if it won't work out, we'll find another sponsor."
A soft laugh escaped you as he quoted you, and he too smiled in relief when he saw that energetic sparkle in your eyes again.
Minho was suddenly so gentle and caring in a way you had never witnessed. In front of the others, he always tried to appear tough and untouchable, always had a cheeky comment on his lips and seemed to let nothing upset him.
But right now his other side appeared. His touches were careful on your skin, as if he feared to break you and he was full of care. It’s a side of him that he reserved just for you.
You intertwined your hand with his and squeezed it gently. As you did so, your thighs were tight against each other and he gave you endless confidence with just that. He believed in you and that alone was such a big ego boost.
Your heart began to melt and your eyes were automatically on his engaging lips.
"Thank you Lino. That really helped. I didn’t know you could be so soft.”
Suddenly his facial expression changed. He looked confused, as if he had woken up from a dream, and quickly smiled again in amusement.
"That being said, you have Chan with you. He's gotten each of us out of trouble several times."
There he was again. The tough Lee Know, and he wondered to himself why he had suddenly gone so soft. It was your mere presence that made him protective. He enjoyed feeling your warm skin and seeing the happy twinkle in your beautiful eyes.
In fact, he managed to make you laugh again and it sounded better than music to his ears.
"Don't worry too much. We definitely won't give you back, kitten."
His hand squeezed your own protectively and it touched you that he dropped his walls in front of you. Without thinking, you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
You just could not have expressed your gratitude with words.
However, he froze completely and before you could pull away, he grabbed your face rougher than he wanted to. Firmly, he pulled you closer and it took you a few seconds to realise that his lips were already on yours.
Overwhelmed, you clenched your hands until you could feel his pleasant grip on your hip. The other hand was on your cheek and when you finally understood, you put all the desire and concern into the kiss.
At first he was slow, savoring every second until he took your lower lip between his teeth and let his tongue brush over it. As soon as you opened your lips a little, he pushed his tongue into your mouth and deepened the kiss with his whole body.
He seemed like an addict who couldn't get enough and became more and more impetuous. He tasted like a heady mix of sweet strawberries and spicy mint.
Finally he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you onto his lap, where he didn't stop licking his tongue into your mouth. Your hands went into his hair and tugged on his strands. His hands went on a ramble, pushing your dress up until he could firmly grip your ass.
A small squeak of pain escaped you as he squeezed tightly and you felt the corners of his mouth lift at your lips despite your eyes being closed.
"You even purr like a little kitten", he growled and you were completely caught in a trance of arousal and passion as he began to spread wet kisses on your collarbone. He sucked on your skin and pushed you demanding against his lap.
The little sighs and your tensed face made the blood rush between his legs and he wanted to fuck you right there against the couch. But he also loved to tease you until you would whimper and beg him to fuck you senseless. That made the painful erection in his pants much more worth it. His hand lightly brushed your thigh dangerously close to your core.
His tongue licked along your collarbone, down to your cleavage, where he slowly pulled the fabric down and worked on your soft skin so intensely with his mouth that you feared just coming from it on his lap.
The bruises Hyunjin had sucked into your skin were almost gone and Minho wanted to make sure, to mark you again so that the other members would see it. He wanted them to know that you were already his little toy and that they had to make a great effort, to get to him.
Overwhelmed, you felt his bulge feel frighteningly large beneath you and immediately you wanted to see if it was really as immense as it felt on your covered pussy. The straps of your white dress fell off your shoulders and Minho's hands kneaded the flesh on your ass so hard that you would definitely get bruises. But that only fueled the arousal in your whole body.
"Admit it, Kitten! You only put on that cute slutty dress to drive me crazy!", he murmured against your skin, and everything about him made you dizzy. A hard hiss escaped him and he looked up at you with an exited bliss in his eyes.
“Damn didn’t thought you’re so fucking needy, Baby.”
With questioning eyes you let your fingers go trough his soft hair.
“You’re grinding on me”, he explained and kissed the heated skin of your almost bare tits.
Suddenly, you became aware of your own body, feeling him underneath you and trying to feel as much of him as you can. You feel pleasant heat spread through your body, pooling together between your legs where you were far too effected by the feeling of his erection beneath you and somehow you still couldn’t make yourself stop, even though he looked at you with a teasing smile.
“Oh god. I’m sorry”, you murmured against his neck, but then, you felt his hands wrap around your hips further, fingers digging into the side of your ass, and you realised he’s helping you guide your hips.
He smelled so good that you just couldn’t stop rolling your hips against his.
“No need to apologise. That’s so fucking hot”, he growled and pulled your chin back, to kiss you deeply, while he pushed you even further against his hard bulge.
”That’s it, there you go“, he said softly as you moan into his mouth and started to move your hips against his length and you couldn’t stop yourself from whimpering, when the only thing between your clit and his dick was the thin fabric of your clothes.
Suddenly his voice is right by your ear and snaps you out of your aroused trance, so close it sends shivers down your spine:
”You should have told me you like dry humping my dick this much. Fuck, it makes me so hard, can you feel that, kitten?“
You could just nod and get flustered by his words.
Your behaviour was so messy and desperate, even Minho started to lose himself and he kissed you as if he’s never kissed before. It’s more tongue and teeth than needed, tasting you and moaning into your mouth when your tongue meets his. It shouldn’t feel as good as it does. Someone could come in an catch you, how you pounce on each other like heated teenagers, but the hurried kisses make your head feel like it’s spinning.
It hasn’t been long, you know that, but you’re already started to get close. Like with Hyunjin, you felt things that you never had experienced before. There was something about these boys that made you go crazy and they definitely knew what they were doing.
Even though your underwear and his sweatpants were seperating you from feeling him, there was something so intense about this and about Minho that it hardly mattered, and you knew it won’t be long until he would get you making a mess in your panties.
Unable to keep up with how good it felt, luckily Minho still had a hold on you, and when he noticed that it’s getting more difficult for you to keep composed, he gripped your flesh even harder.
Embarrassed you hid your face in the crook of his neck as he guided you by the hips harder and harder against his hard dick. With one hand he pulled you back by the nape of the neck so that you had to look at him while you dry humped him like a kitty in heat.
"No hiding! I wanna see every adorable flustered expression you make!”, he demanded with a harsh tone, both of you trying to pull the other closer for more stimulation. Your hands still groped and scratched at eachothers skin as you desperately grinded on eachother.
He slipped one hand to your throbbing cunt and started to circle your clit, while you tried to get more friction. He was so hard by now that your mere movements on his dick almost made him come. But he did force himself to calm down because he just wanted to work you to an orgasm and see your beautiful face tensed with desire just for him.
”Don’t stop!“, he ordered and his harsh tone made you whimper.
”I want you to be good and cum for me like this, okay? Can you do that, kitten?“
As soon as he hit the sensitive part of your clit directly with his fingers, a naughty moan escaped you and you started to ride your cunt so hard against his cock that you had to claw your fingernails into his back.
“Fuck… Minho”, you cried and couldn’t think of something else than your high which was announced by the tremendous heat in your lower abdomen.
"Aw, you like that, baby?", he chirped with a growl and guided your hips so that he would still hit all your sweet spots through the fabric. You nodded, unable to speak, rocking your hips even harder against him and his fingers.
He pushed his fingers against your clit and noticed how your body tensed. Directly he accelerated the intensity and held your face tightly again with one hand in front of his so he could look at your teary eyes, swollen lips and aroused expression as he worked you to your orgasm with just the snapping of his hips and his hand. You wanted him as close as possibly and somehow this, his mouth mere millimeters from yours, swallowing your breath, wasn’t enough.
“I’m gonna cum…”, you whimpered and he hold your face even rougher, digging his fingernails into your soft cheeks.
“Look how easy it is to turn you into the neediest, sluttiest mess, kitten”, he growled and pressed you firmly onto his throbbing dick. The wet spot on his pants was already as big as a hand, but he couldn’t care less.
“Oh I can’t wait to fuck that soaked little cunt till you cry my name all night!“
Your hands clawed for some type of, literally any, support on his shoulders while he grabbed your ass harsh.
„Be a good little slut and come for me!“, he demanded and his words twisted your mind.
Eventually you got so caught up in the moment you won’t even were able to stay focused on talking, and he started thrusting up, meeting your hips so you didn’t have to do any work. It’s this that finally does it for you, his hands holding you and his hips meeting yours and you automatically imagine how he would fuck you like this. You wanted more and more, caught up in his scent, his words and his body and finally your orgasm crashed over you.
He helped you to ride your high out and gently brushed his hand over your back.
"Feel better now?", he asked and kissed each corner of your mouth.
„Yes… Thank you, Minho.“
A little huff escaped your lips, while you still rubbed your overstimulated pussy against his length. The friction felt too good to stop, even though your soaked cunt was now extremely sensitive. He laughed lightly and ran his hands through your hair as you let your lips brush over his neck
„Greedy but polite. I like that“, he teased and kneaded your ass again. He couldn’t get enough of the perfect curves and the softness of your skin against his fingertips.
„I want you to fuck me, Minho“, you mumbled against his skin and kissed the sensitive spot on his neck beneath his ear. He instantly got goosebumps and in response he moved your hips again more firmly against his now painful hard length.
He would not and could not wait any longer. He longed to sink into your wet core and fuck you so hard until you begged him to stop. Therefore, he reached for his waistband and pulled it down. With a liberated gasp, his boner popped out and you had to bite your lower lip when you realized that it was even bigger than it had felt through the fabric. He would split you open, but you didn't care. Impatiently he pushed your panties aside and as he slipped into your aching core with just the tip, you already felt, how he stretched you out. Slowly you grinded your hips against his, gasping as only his tip filled you painfully good.
You were so dizzy that you almost didn't notice how the door to the practice room were opened and Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Felix walked in.
It wasn't until Minho glanced over your shoulder in annoyance. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the boys staring at you over your shoulder.
Hyunjin looked at you with a amused, yet unsurprised grin. Felix stared open-mouthed at your naked ass with the white thong on that Minho still had a firm grip on, and Jeongin looked perplexed but definitely aroused by the way you ass was wiggling and grinding against his friends dick.
In fact, the three were more than grateful to have burst into this situation.
"Can't you knock?", Minho spat at them, leaning his forehead against the crook of your neck to breathe in your sweet scent once more. His tip was already in your cunt and he considered, if he should just don‘t give a fuck about the others and push himself all the way into you. If he did that, he'd probably fuck you in front of them too. He already had to fight against his desire but your shocked face made him weak.
Hectically, you tugged your dress back down and adjusted the straps on your shoulders, while he slowly slipped out of you and tugged his dick into his pants.
"We've been knocking, calling and messaging", Felix said meekly, unable to get the image of Minho's hands all over you out of his head and immediately imagining what it would be like to have you sitting on his lap like that, riding his dick and moaning his name.
He cleared his throat and stared at the floor, trying not to get a boner in front of everyone like a needy little schoolboy.
"Yeah... but you seem to have been too busy. Obviously…”, Hyunjin said and his smile was breathtaking.
Minho let you off his lap only after a short resistance and cursed his members quietly. Jeongin was still frozen, looking at you as if you had just flown from heaven to earth.
Embarrassed, you fixed your hair, not resisting Hyunjin's intense gaze. To Felix, you almost wanted to apologize as his head glowed so much you could barely distinguish it from the red walls.
"You guys have to fuck everything up", Lee Know grumbled, leaning forward so they couldn't see the wet spot and the huge bulge in his sweatpants directly.
"We're really sorry, but we need you, Lino. We need to finally start working the choreography out."
Even though Hyunjin's eyes continued to rest on your boobs, he spoke normally to Minho. Gradually, your heartbeat calmed down and you tried to ignore what just happened. They almost caught you, fucking in the practice room. Anyone could have come in but Minho didn’t seem to care at all.
"You look stunning by the way, Jagi", Hyunjin said then and pulled you close to his chest. With his hands lingering on your back, he kissed you quickly. He just couldn’t resist you. The kiss was short but intense and you returned his smile with rosy cheeks.
"Yes. The dress is beautiful on you", Felix agreed and his cuteness sent butterflies in your stomach.
"Thank you. You guys are really sweet."
Jeongin still couldn't get a word out and shoved his hands into his pockets. Suddenly, you remembered something.
Panicking, you searched your phone in your bag and almost had a second heart attack as you read first the time and then Chan's messages where he asked when you guys are going to meet to prepare for the meeting.
"Shit!" you cursed, gathering your things. Along the way, you slipped on your Converse Chucks that you had left by the sofa.
"I have to go see Chan right now. Do you know where he is?"
Hyunjin shrugged and connected his phone to the stereo.
"He was still here this morning", Lee Know said from behind you.
Felix nodded and Hyunjin glanced over his shoulder briefly and replied:
"Yes, but left again around 10 o'clock."
Then Jeongin said:
"He was just at the dorm."
„Okay, Well shit. I'll go there then. We have the meeting in an hour. Fucking hell..."
As you storm out, a few more not so ladylike curses slipped out, due to the stress. The guys looked after you and Hyunjin sighed loudly.
"Is it just me, or is she even outrageously hot when she curses like a sailor?"
Lee Know snorted in amusement and the other two could only agree. Then Hyunjin looked back at Lee Know with a knowing grin.
Still irritated, he snapped at him:
Hyunjin pouted his lips and shook his head defensively.
"Nothing. Just wondering why you decided to fuck her in the practice room, in the middle of the day, where anyone could have come in.“
„Thanks to you I didn't even get to fuck her yet“, he said sourly and the boys knew, that Lee Know would go hard on them today. He almost were able to fuck the hottest girl he ever met, and of course his stupid members had to screw it up.
"The choreographer is here“, Felix said, glancing at his phone.
"Do you want me to bring him in? He's been waiting for a while", Jeongin asked, to which Lee Know stood up, his hands in front of the big tent in his pants.
"Tell him he'll have to wait a few more minutes if he doesn't want to blow me."
Felix pressed his lips together and Jeongin looked at him in amazement, while Hyunjin laughed. As the door slammed shut behind Lee Know, Jeongin said monotonously:
"I definitely won't tell him that."
-> Part 7
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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a-complex-joke · 5 months
The Farmer, The writer, and the Parrot
Farmer x Elliott (x Leo!platonic)
Farmer is nervous to ask Elliott if he would be up to adopting Leo, or any kids in the future. Farmer is also worried about how Leo might react to the offer.
The farmer had been frantic all morning, they had done all their chores for the day.
Yet they had been avoiding even looking at their partner, Elliott the whole time.
For the past week since Leo had moved to town, The Farmer seemed deep in thought and even a bit skittish. 
Elliott had indeed taken notice of their behavior, noting the fact that they hadn’t even come home that night, opting to stick by the mines.
Was he worried? Sure. but the farmer often lost track of time and would return later than reasonable, while still waking before himself.
Elliot found it admirable, but Ignoring him was a step too far.
“So where are you going?” Elliott said standing between them and the door.
“I was going to the mines, Clint requested way more Iron than I already had” they smiled not meeting the redhead’s eyes.
“Farmer tell me the truth, have I done something to cause you to grow so distant… is there someone else?”
It broke his heart to admit the insecurities he had been feeling, and on the flip side, it saddened The farmer that they had made him feel so.
“No! There is no one else who could ever compare to you” They put a hand to his cheek.
“Then why have you been ignoring me”
The farmer looked to their feet, mumbling something.
“Darling, you know I can’t hear you when you do that” He lifted their chin.
The farmer took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I know he never really discussed the whole if we wanted kids or not and I know it all of a sudden, but seeing Leo living all alone with no one to take care of him, it just feels like a pin is stabbing my heart. So I've been bringing him meals every day, and last night he was already asleep when I got there but I could tell he was having a nightmare so I just stayed there to comfort him. And what I'm trying to say is I want to adopt Leo, but I was scared of how you’d react” 
There was a loud silence in the room as The farmer caught their breath.
“Oh thank Yoba, I thought you were going crazy and acutely doing an order for Clint there for a second, Harvey was on speed dial,” Elliott said releasing a breath himself.
“That’s what you're focusing on, I just spilled that I want us to raise a child together.”
“Hun, I'd love to raise a little army of children if you wanted, honestly the fact that you want to bring Leo into our lives just makes me love you more,” He said embracing his partner.
“But what if that is not what he wants, Linus is perfectly content with being somewhat homeless, and they are close as can be. What if he takes it as an insult” The farmer vented, tears threatening to fall.
“The worst that could happen is that he chooses not to come live with us. Even if we don’t adopt him, he’ll still be in our lives as will we in his. And we’ll care for him no matter what” Elliott said kissing their forehead.
“How did I get so lucky to marry such a caring man”
“It came with the job I guess” He joked.
The two decided to wait till they could commission Robin to build another room, even If Leo rejected the offer they weren’t gonna give up on the prospect of being parents.
To say Robin was ecstatic at the news would have been the biggest understatement since the town ‘learned’ of Mayor Lewis and Manires Affair.
A month had passed before the pair decided they were finally ready to ask Leo. A room decorated with a large window looking out towards the farm, what more could he want?
“Hi Leo, how are you today” Farmer asked sitting down next to him.
“Oh hi, Farmer, I'm good, are you and Mr. Elliott all right, miss Robin said you guys were doing something life-changing, that's why your house was under construction right?”
Oh, Robin and her loud mouth.
“Well, yes we are planning on doing something very different, and it actually why where here. We needed to ask you something really important” Elliot said now getting down to his level.
“Now before we do we want you to know that you can say no, and we won’t hold it against you” 
The child nodded.
“We wanted to know if you’d like to come live with us, we want to adopt you. You’d be our child and we’d be your new parents” The farmer was starting to struggle a bit.
“You’d still have the tree house of course but, maybe this could be more of a clubhouse for Jas, Vincnt, and you.”
Leo stayed silent before speaking in a hushed voice
“What if I lose you like I lost my real parents” tears poked out of his eyes.
“Oh hun come here” The farmer pulled Leo onto their lap, ushering Elliott to come closer.
“We don’t plan on going anywhere, and even if we did that won’t be for a long while”
“Will I still be able to visit with the parrots?” Leo questioned.
“As long as they don’t eat all the crop” Elliott tried lightening the mood.
The three sat cuddled in the tree house till Leo had become tired, falling asleep in the arms of the farmer.
“You know I can carry him” Elliott offered as they walked back home.
“no I've got him, he’s really light, we’ve got to fatten him up,” the farmer said a little concerned.
“I'm sure Gus would love to have a taste tester with an exotic pallet”
“Don’t you think we spend enough money there?” “Crab cakes are good, not my fault
They had finally made it home and placed Leo down in his new bed.
“Good night, my little Parrot,” The farmer said kissing him on the forehead
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You and me, we're endgame.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!rader (no physical descriptions)
Tumblr media
Summary: Steve and Y/N finishing high school, what could go wrong in their relationship?
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Season 2-3, Nancy and Steve never dated, reader is 18, controversial mentions of marriage, college, cussing, fluff and angst. Idk if this counts as AU so... beware just in case. English is NOT my first language. Not proof read oops. ngl this writing is chaotic....
A/N: so, if you been following me by now you can tell i love changing canon relationships from other tv shows and making them Steve Harrington and reader. I thought I would re-write finchel which is just hilarious and sad to me. Anyway, i hope you guys like it <3
Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N, Hawkins High 1984 it couple.
They have been dating over a year now, and they have been head over heels in love with each other. Their love was pure, real and above all, epic. There was nothing they couldn't face together which was honestly vomit inducing for some, and for others their clingy nature every other hour was cringe worthy, yet they didn't care. There were a lot of things they didn't care about.
In 1984 when Steve and Y/N were finishing their senior year, college applications were due soon and to say it was messy would be an understatement. Y/N had always wanted to go to New York, she was very font of the place, and she hoped Steve would want to go there too because there was no way they were going their separate ways...right?
Steve on the other hand was not as excited as her probably valedictorian of a girlfriend. He didn't know what he wanted to do if he went to college. Emphasis on if. There was never anything sure in his life, except for Y/N. He loved her more than anything, and he would not fuck that up.
Which brings us to today. May 16, 1984.
Steve was looking at a family photo from when he was 13 years old. The last family photo they would be taking. He couldn't help but feel a void inside, like something wasn't right, or was it just nerves?
"You have his eyes. His mouth a little bit, too." said Y/N while entering the room and watching Steve from behind.
Without turning around just yet, Steve decided to share his thoughts.
"I've always had trouble finding myself in his face. You know, when I was a kid, I used to stare up at the wall, his picture hanging there, and I used to convince myself we were, like, twins." he couldn't help but chuckle, how naive he was.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Y/N knew Steve had major family issues, and she has never pushed him into talking about it, but she was always ready if there would be a time he wanted to.
Steve turned around, instantly remembering why he asked Y/N to come meet him there, at their favorite coffee shop that was now closed; he wanted to ask her something.
"No, no. I, uh, I want to talk about you. About us. I was gonna lay out a picnic, like the one you had for our first date, but I couldn't really figure out where you got those cool airplane cups, so…"
Y/N couldn't help but smile at the memory, she really went for it, not knowing if Steve liked her that way, but she was optimistic. And well, that was enough.
"And I told you, you could kiss me if you wanted to. I never understood why you ran off so quickly, though."
"Yeah, I was just nervous." Steve said, looking down.
"Oh, I could never make you nervous." Y/N giggled out of embarrassment and shock. Till this day, Steve made Y/N nervous every time, in a good way that is, so to think of Steve feeling nervous because of her...
"Kind of nervous right now." he couldn't look at her, he wanted to so bad, but he had it all planned, he couldn't risk it now and also yeah...he was terrified. More terrified than any life or death threats he faced in the past.
"Wait, what's going on?" Y/N was now worried.
"Look, uh, I have something to talk to you about, but I want you to promise me that you won't say a word until I'm done. Okay, and I know that's sort of hard for you, so I need you to promise me."
"Okay, I promise." Well, as if she wasn't nervous already.
"Um, I just feel like, all my life, I've been, you know, wondering if I was gonna be as much of a man as my father is. Now, all of a sudden, I'm up at night worried that I'm gonna become the man who he is."
Y/N was giving him the softest eyes, not in a pityful way, but a compassionate one. So Steve knew it was safe to continue without Y/N interrupting him.
"Let's face it, I've got high school hero, life zero written all over me." he said chuckling but when Y/N just glared at him not finding it very funny, he stopped, going back to the point.
"You. You're like a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness. You're like this big gold star, and for some bizarre reason, you chose to let me love you. And... I feel like if I can just convince you to let me keep doing that, I'm going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay."
This was it. He has been practicing this moment for a while now, yet it was like the words couldn't come out fast enough.
"Uh... I opened up my first personal c-credit card to get this." Steve reached his jeans pocket to take out a small, red velvet box.
"I know it's not a swimming pool full of dancers or a tux or...it's not very big, but it's a promise... a promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life. All you've got to do is say yes. Y/N L/N...will you marry me?"
"Oh Steve-"
Later that week...
Y/N was taking her books out when Steve approached her feeling uneasy. The last few days were stressful as hell and Steve still had some unfinished business.
"Okay, it's been exactly 3 days to the minute since I proposed to you, which is the amount of time you said you needed before you'd give me an answer."
Steve hated being that guy. The one that doesn't give you space or the one that is really impatient. Who could blame him though? it wasn't how he imagined the whole thing going down. He didn't even imagine doing it right now until recently...but that wasn't important...
Y/N closed her locker turning to Steve and gave a good thought to her next answer.
"Look, this isn't the kind of decision you can make on a deadline."
"Y/N/N, I understand, you said you needed some time, but... to be perfectly honest not hearing a decision's kind of bummin' me out."
Y/N got closer and took Steve's hands, gently squeezing them to give him a little reassurance.
"No. Look...I love you, okay? And... I want to marry you someday, and... I'm open to anything. This is all just happening so fast, and I don't understand it. I mean, I... I need you to help me understand."
Steve sighed. He knew Y/N was being fair and she was right, an explanation was in order.
"Okay, well, even if you don't get into NYU, you're still gonna go to New York."
"Yes, and I want you to come with me."
"And I will, but... we're crazy if we think that it's gonna be easier to be a couple there than it is here. My point is that those rings are-are...will always be a reminder of exactly how we feel right now. They're gonna let us take a piece of our little world into the big city."
Y/N eyes soften, she could see Steve was projecting his insecurities. "Look, that's really romantic, but I have to be honest—this all just sounds really crazy to me, okay? I don't need to marry you to keep from straying—you're the only guy for me. Okay, I guess...my answer for now is…"
"No, no, don't...don't say anything. You're right, we shouldn't make this kind of a decision on a deadline. Just, uh...take a couple more days, okay?"
Next day...
Y/N knew it was a crazy idea. Getting married at eighteen? She always pictured herself traveling, getting out of Hawkins, but the more she thought about it, all those things? she pictured Steve by her side. She knew sooner or later they would get married. She couldn't imagine loving anyone else the way she loves Steve Harrington. So... i guess that answered the question.
She asked Steve to meet her at Lover's lake, the place where they first said their i love you's to each other.
Steve saw Y/N playing with her fingers while she waited for him, that made him even more nervous...had he fucked up? Was it too soon? What would happen next if she said no?
"Hey..." Steve said while sitting across from Y/N to see her face properly.
Y/N sighed, preparing herself for the next words that would come out of her mouth.
"You're the love of my life. And...I may not get to have it all, but...I'll have what matters the most if we're together. "
Steve's eyes widen. "Is that a...?"
"Yes." Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. She was truly happy.
"Yes?" Steve couldn't believe it, was his mind playing tricks on him? He needed to hear it again.
"Yes, I will marry you."
"Got to get the ring here." Steve hands were shaking in excitement while he took the ring out of his jacket because of course he would carry it everywhere.
Next week....
Steve talked to Dustin, told him about asking Y/N to marry him and he didn't take the news as he hoped. Don't get me wrong, Dustin loved Y/N like a sister but he thought Steve was taking the easy way out. Following his girlfriend, now fiancé around the world without doing anything for himself.
This made Steve question everything, well almost everything. He knew he still wanted to marry Y/N but New York? Was that actually his dream?
So...with Steve's confusion he started drifting apart to think about it. Y/N noticed of course and she would do anything to make it work.
That's when Y/N was waiting again for Steve to show, she hoped he would.
And of course he did.
"I got your note. Anyone who's engaged to me should come to the gymnasium. You could've just ask for me."
Y/N smiled shyly. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if we were speaking. I miss you."
"I miss you, too." he said getting closer so he could hold her.
He needed that and so did she. Badly.
"Now I feel like I'm finally reentering my body." Y/N sighed with content.
"I really don't like not talking to you. I mean, nothing feels real unless you're there to tell it to. I never realized how much time we spent talking." Steve said while cupping Y/N's face.
"I've been thinking, and if you don't want to go to New York, then we don't have to." Y/N mentioned without hesitation.
Steve took a step back for a moment. "Wh... Wh... That's crazy. I don't want to stand in the way of your dreams."
Y/N reached for Steve hand. "Look, the only reason why we've been focusing on my dreams is because we haven't taken the time to look into yours. What if your dreams are bigger than mine?"
That made Steve chuckle, he found it really ironic. "I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean, I did one of those quizzes that was supposed to tell you what job you'd be good at, and my results were competitive eating champion."
Y/N felt sadness, sad that Steve didn't see how special he is. She wished he could see himself in her eyes. So she prepared herself for another speech.
"Okay, sit down. My whole life, I felt like I was in the wrong place. Like I was just some alien, an-and... no one understood me. But all I had to do was just go to New York and then everything would be fine. But I was wrong. My home isn't some place, it's... someone. It's you. Of course, I want us to go to New York, and... maybe we will. But not until we give your dreams an equal shot."
Steve's eyes were becoming cloudy while giving Y/N a tiny smile. "You love me that much?"
"Are you just figuring that out now?"
Y/N and Steve were looking at college and jobs options trying to figure out what would make Steve happy, what he wanted to do with his life.
He smiled and nodded, acting like he was interested but the truth was he didn't imagine himself in any of those places yet he didn't have the heart to tell Y/N, he couldn't bare to disappoint her. Which he could never do but he didn't really believe that.
Steve entered his house to see Robin sitting in the living room. One would think that's weird but she basically lived there by now.
"Come with me." Robin said to Steve.
She took some papers from her bag, the college papers he had thrown away earlier that day.
"What, are you going through the garbage now?"
"Oh, come on. I know you were just humoring us in there. I could see it in your face. So I followed you out."
"What was I supposed to say, Robin? S-Sorry, I'd rather puke than spend a minute in any of those places? Right in front of Y/N, with... a big smile on her face, all proud of me?" Steve got defensive.
"She just wants what's best for you." Robin said as a matter of factly, she hated seeing Steve giving up.
"Yeah, she does. Until she realizes her fiancé is a total loser."
Robin narrowed her eyes in annoyance. How could he be so oblivious? "Is that what you're scared of?"
"It's the truth. Doesn't anybody understand that maybe the reason I don't know what to do with my life is because I'm not qualified to do anything."
"You just don't know what you want yet."
Steve got up, he couldn't have this conversation again, he had it with his parents, his girlfriend, his best friend who happened to be a pre-teen, now from Robin? Fuck no.
"What I want is for time to stop. Okay? I want it to feel like I'm on the basketball court and the crowd's going nuts! Or I-I want it to feel like I'm fighting some fucked up thing and everybody's counting on me."
"So let's find something out there that gives you that feeling." Robin got up as well. She wasn't about to quit this argument.
"Of being young? Where is it? Show me."
Silence. Complete, utter silence.
Robin sighed taking something else out of her bag. It seemed to be a video tape.
"I want you to watch this for me."
"Look, Rob, I don't really feel like doing any movie lessons right now. I just-"
"I think you know what you want for your life. I think you're just scared to say it out loud. I want you to see what it looks like when someone follows their dream, even though everyone else tells them it's impossible. You can do anything you want to, Steve. It's not the broken dreams that break us. It's the ones we didn't dare to dream."
Robin left the tape on the coffee table and exit Steve's house. He should watch this movie alone.
"(Bee Gees' "Stayin' Alive" playing over TV)"
Steve was playing basketball in his backyard, practicing for tonight's game, when Y/N showed from behind.
"That was amazing! You're definitely gonna win."
"I already did. But look, there's more. I figured out what I'm gonna do next year. Can we sit down?"
Shit, thought Y/N. Was he about to break up with her?
"Oh, why am I nervous?"
Steve smiled. "Don't be nervous. Robin made me watch Saturday Night Fever. It was really good, and I realized I'm a lot like Tony Manero. Except for the whole being-able-to-dance thing. When I saw that movie, I realized the way that Tony took on the world... I want to do that, too. I want to move to New York. Like Tony. Like you. I want to live in New York City with you."
Y/N gasped. "Really, are you serious?!"
Steve couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Yeah. Just... there's more. Just wait. Uh, what was that acting show, on Bravo, with the swear words and the cool dude you made me watch?"
"James Lipton."
"Yeah. I applied to his school. I want to go to Inside the Actors' Studio.
"It's... It's just The Actors' Studio, but that's great! It's a perfect, perfect fit for you." Y/N smiled. Steve becoming an actor? She could definitely see that.
But Y/N couldn't help but wonder...
"You just, you know, you can't... do this for me, right? It has to be for you. It's too much pressure for me to handle."
Steve locked his arms with Y/N's. "It is for you, but it's also what I want. It's my dream. I want to be an actor. I guess I was always afraid to admit it because I was scared of failing, but I'm not scared anymore...'cause of you. I want to be a great man for you, Y/N/N. And I want to see myself the way you see me; as though I'm capable of anything. Dreaming big. I love you so much...and you deserve that."
Y/N felt this warm feeling enter her body, something only Steve could do.
"You're my hero; you know that, right?"
"You're mine."
Three weeks later...
Steve wasn't accepted to The Actors' Studio. Which meant Y/N had a lot of thinking to do...
Y/N was getting ready with the help of Nancy, her best friend.
"I can't bring Steve to New York." Y/N said in an almost whisper-like voice.
"What? Why?" Nancy was truly confused.
"He'll be reminded of his rejection every day. So I've decided. I'm deferring my acceptance to NYU for a year and guarantee we'll go there together next year. I'm actually thankful for this whole mess. I'm so glad something has made me come to my senses."
Nancy wasn't convinced but Y/N seemed to have made up her mind already and who was she to judge?
"Come on, you're going to be late to your own wedding."
Y/N got in Steve's car. Their parents weren't really on board with the marriage idea, so they decided to have a ceremony just the two of them and... well the party of course.
"Hi." said Steve with no real emotion in his voice but Y/N let it slide, not thinking much of it.
"Hi. Okay, so you have my dress and my shoes, and I have my makeup and my epic love for you. Let's get married." she said with a genuine smile.
"Okay." that's all Steve could say as he drove away.
"My parents are still being kind of weird about the wedding. I brought it up last night and they were really quiet, but it's fine." said Y/N like it didn't affect her, the fact that her parents didn't support her on this big day.
Steve made a right turn that threw Y/N off... was he taking a short cut?
"Are you sure that we're going the right way?"
"We're here." Steve said after stopping at a train station.
"Are you joking? 'Cause it's not funny. We're gonna be late." said Y/N with a frown on her face.
"You're on the 4:25 to New York. Your parents are gonna meet you there and they're gonna help you look at dorms at the new school. You're gonna spend four years of your life there and you've never even set foot in the place, so…"
Y/N was confused to say the least.
"But I... I have all year to go and look at it."
"You're gonna go there in the fall. All right? You're not deferring. We're not getting married."
"You don't want to marry me?" said Y/N with the saddest expression Steve had ever seen on her.
"I want to marry you so badly I can't go through with it. The thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me, it makes me sick."
"Then come with me. Okay? We can get married in New York and live in a little shoebox apartment together. It'll be romantic." Y/N was trying to make this work. She couldn't lose Steve.
"Do you love me?" Steve asked, plain and simple.
"Of course I do."
"Then tell me the truth and not just something you think I want to hear. Are you 100% sure you want to marry me?" Again, Steve couldn't have said all of this with a more serious expression.
"N-No-no one is 100% sure of anything." Deep down Y/N was still thinking eighteen was too young but... this was Steve, Steve the love of her life.
Steve looked deep into her eyes. "I am. I am that sure you're something special. That this is just the beginning for you. Okay? That you're gonna do amazing things. But to get there, you have to have these experiences on your own…"
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute." Y/N started panicking.
"Listen to me. You've got to have these experiences on your own."
"Wait a minute." Was this really happening?
"I can't to be there with you."
"Wait a minute. Are you breaking up with me?" Y/N voice broke.
"I'm setting you free." and there it was.
"Oh, my God." Y/N couldn't breathe properly, it was like someone was choking the life out of her.
"Look, d-do you know how hard this is for me? How many times have I've cried about this?" Steve face was getting red from all the emotion, tears were forming in too.
"No, I'm not going. I'm not going, not without you." Y/N wouldn't give up. She would never give up on Steve.
"You don't have a choice; I can't come with you."
"Well, then I'll stay here! I'll go wherever it is that you're going!" Y/N felt like begging right now. A life without Steve? That sounded like literal hell.
"Fort Benning, Georgia? Look, I-I need a chance to try and redeem myself, okay?"
That's when something clicked in Y/N's mind.
"I-I... Oh, my God! Oh, my God, wait a minute. You're joining the Army? Are you insane?! I can't believe that this is happening right now."
"It's also one of the places I knew you couldn't follow me. Look, you're-you're gonna get on that train. Okay? And you're gonna go to New York, and you're gonna be a star. Without me. That's how much I love you. You know what we're gonna do? Surrender. I know how hard that is for you because of how hard you hold on to stuff. But-but we're just gonna, we're gonna sit here and we're just gonna let go. Okay, and-and let the universe do it's thing. And if we're meant to be together, then we're gonna be together. Whether it's in a little shoebox apartment in New York or on the other side of the world. Okay? Will you do that with me? Will you surrender?" Steve said while trying to keep the tears out of Y/N's face.
Y/N felt numb by now. "I love you so much."
"I love you."
THE END <3 thinking about pt. 2....?
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commander-krios · 2 years
Despina & Theron: [ DEFEND ] : sender physically intervenes between receiver and a source of unwanted attention.
Another prompt fill, wow, I'm on a roll this weekend! (Ignore the fact that I've been working on these for months). Hope it was worth the wait! Some first date fun with these dorks.
Read on AO3
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The drinks weren’t half bad on this section of Nar Shaddaa. Not that she’d admit it out loud, but she’d had worse on Coruscant. Though even if the drinks were the worst she’d had in her entire life, it wouldn’t matter because of the company she kept.
Theron Shan sat across from her, staring at his datapad, focusing so intently that he hadn’t noticed that she switched their drinks. She took a quick sip of the beer, frowning at it before setting it down on the table with a thunk.
Theron glanced up, eyes wide as if he’d forgotten she was there. Rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit she’d clocked months ago, he set the datapad down with the other one. “Sorry, I’m a bit distracted. The Revanites aren’t giving us a break.”
“Theron.” When he met her gaze, Despina raised an eyebrow. “Work will be there after we eat. I thought this was supposed to be a date?”
She could’ve sworn he blushed at the question. “Uh, yeah. A date. Right.”
Smiling, Despina reached across the table and grabbed the second drink he’d ordered, some fruity concoction that the bartender tried to claim was a Corellian Sunrise, but it was definitely not. Still, it was better than the bitter ale.
“I mean, you invited me, Theron.” She reminded him before sipping the alcohol. Smacking her lips, she reconsidered the drink. Maybe it wasn’t that bad.
“You love embarrassing me, don’t you?” He asked, eyes on her, all thoughts of the datapad and the information it contained forgotten. 
“You make it so easy.” 
“Mhmm.” Theron leaned slightly closer, his mesmerizing hazel-green eyes catching her off guard. The man was a spy, but she was certain he didn’t realize how distracting he was. Easy on the eyes was an understatement.
“If this is a date, Shan, you should be trying to sweep me off of my feet.” 
Despina was well known by friends and associates as a major flirt. She was positive that Jonas warned him about her years ago, even if that man was a menace too. Hell, they worked one mission together and she’d gotten more blushes from Theron than she’d gotten from anyone else.
Hell, Jorgan dealt with her on a daily basis and all he wanted to do was strangle her.
Theron laughed, hand going for the beer she abandoned and sipping it, only to grimace at the taste as well. “This is supposed to be the best bar in the Red Light Sector?”
“If you want something else, I can direct you to one of many clubs that offer much different entertainment.”
His blush deepened if that was even possible. “Thanks, but uh, no thanks.”
Despina hid a grin behind her glass, taking another sip of the overly sweet drink. 
She was in the middle of coming up with something else to tease him about when blaster fire erupted near the entrance of the cantina.
Theron threw himself across the table, knocking it and their drinks over as he pushed Despina to the ground, his body covering hers. She landed hard against the floor, back and neck protesting the sudden landing.
From where she lay, the sight of two weequay, a massive twi’lek, a duros, and a devaronian with a broken horn were aiming their weapons at the unsuspecting patrons. 
There had to be a joke that started like that. 
Without hesitation, Theron grabbed her by the arm and pulled her behind the table he’d knocked over. Thankfully the tables were made of some metal alloy, not as strong as durasteel, but much better than the usual material you’d find at a cantina. This wasn’t the first time that they’d had a firefight here.
Theron glanced at her curiously, hefting a blaster in each hand. “Please tell me you don’t know these guys.”
She glanced around the table briefly. None of the faces jogged a memory. “I don’t think so.” When she returned to sit beside him, she nudged him with her arm. “Why do you assume they know me?”
One of the goons toppled a table, sending it and its contents to the floor with a crash. “Major Havoc! You and Vik owe us credits.”
Theron raised an eyebrow. “I took a wild guess.”
As much as Despina wanted to laugh, because he knew her so well already, she grabbed one of his blasters instead. “I wasn’t intending on getting ambushed, ya know?”
“That’s just a perk.”
He was teasing her!
“Sounds like you’re enjoying yourself.” She said, bumping his shoulder with hers.
He snorted. Any chance of a response was interrupted by another crash of tables being knocked over. 
“We can’t sit here. They’ll find us eventually.”
“How did they even know to look here?”
“I might… be well known for frequenting this place.” She admitted, wincing at the sound of shouts once more. “And for causing more than one fight.”
Theron closed his eyes and let out a slow breath, almost like the meditation the Jedi liked to use. Finding a calming center or whatever. Frankly, Despina thought they looked ridiculous. “Why am I not surprised?”
“Focus, Theron. I’ve got a plan.” Lifting her comm, she pushed the distress button that Jorgan had installed because of her penchant for getting into things she couldn’t get herself out of. At least, without a sniper. “Help will be on the way soon. What do you say to a little distraction?”
“I’m not going to like where this is heading.”
“Trust me.” 
With a groan, he almost looked like it pained him to nod. “Fine. What do I need to do?”
Despina smiled at him, carefree and full of devilish intent. “Watch my back. I know you’re capable of doing that. It’s a nice view.”
The blush only deepened. Interesting.
“You can’t be seri-”
Despina didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. She stood up, completely unarmed… Well, minus the blaster she barely knew how to shoot that was now tucked in her belt, and walked out to face the thugs that were bullying cantina patrons. She wouldn’t say these people were innocent, most of them probably were criminals, but they didn’t need to be hassled when this wasn’t their problem.
As she left the safety of her cover, she could feel all eyes turn to her. 
“Ah, there you are.” One of the weequays sneered as he lifted his scattergun, aiming in her direction. “Where’s the money, worm?”
“What’s with the name calling?” Despina asked, putting her hands up so they could see she was unarmed. She hoped that Theron was actually keeping an eye on the jackass with the gun. She didn’t need bullet holes in her new jacket. “We can be civil here.”
“Civil? When have you ever been civil in your entire life, Pub?” The devaronian said next, angry for whatever reason. She swore he looked familiar.
“I guess that’s fair. Although, you’re looking particularly ugly today.” Playing a hunch, Despina focused her attention on the broken horned devaronian with a smile. 
“I’ll kill you!”
“In position, Major.”
Aric Jorgan’s voice was a welcoming sound. She dropped her hands to her sides.
“Playtime is over, boys.” She said, mustering as much mock sadness as she could. Then she pulled the blaster, tipping the closest table over for cover.
The door behind the thugs exploded inward, raining debris over everyone in the room. Screams followed as the few patrons fled the blaster fire and the destruction of the explosion. Despina ignored them, focused on the real threat. One of the weequays had gotten caught in the blast. He laid on the ground by his allies, not moving, a hunk of the debris embedded in his back.
The cantina entrance was nothing more than a gaping hole now. The crack of a sniper rifle could barely be heard above the chaos, but it was easy to see as the duros caught the bolt in his head. He fell on top of the twi’lek, who just shoved him to the ground before seeking new cover.
Theron had begun shooting from behind her, striking one of the other weequay in the shoulder before the thug managed to find a barrel to duck behind. He didn’t have a chance to fire back before a hulking form entered the cantina, covered head to toe in full Havoc Squad armor. Another weequay, but this one was a familiar and friendly face.
“Sorry I’m late, boss.”
She really should've been annoyed with him, this was his fault after all, but she couldn’t help grinning at the sight of him. “Better late than dead.”
Tanno Vik laughed, a sound that would’ve easily struck fear in the hearts of lesser creatures. He grabbed the closest enemy, the devaronian, and punched him directly in the face. As the man fell, Vik followed up with a close ranged shot from his rifle. 
Three down, two to go.
As Vik went after the injured weequay, Despina turned her attention to the twi’lek. It didn’t take long to dispatch him. With a few distraction shots from her and Theron, Jorgan was able to get a clear shot to take him out.
As the dust finally settled, quiet descended on the cantina. Its only occupants were Despina, her friends, and a few dead thugs.
Vik appeared at her side, a grin on his face. “Thanks for the fight, boss.”
“The fight was your fault in the first place. You owed them money?” Despina nudged the twi’lek with her foot. 
“Sure I did. Now I don’t.”
Despina rolled her eyes, but there was no malice in it. “Thanks for the assist.” Remembering her dear sniper friend, she keyed her comm. “You too, Jorgan.”
“Always a pleasure, sir.”
When Vik and Jorgan had finally cleared out, she turned to find Theron standing by the table, staring at her like he wasn’t sure what to say. 
Oh great, so this was how she scared him away. Because her life was full of crazy shit that kept on coming.
“So… I bet you never had a date like that before, huh?” She tried to adopt a flippant tone, but it fell flat.
Shaking his head, a short laugh leaving his lips, Theron held his hand out to her for the blaster she still carried. “It’s going to be tough to beat that.”
Despina raised a questioning eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”
“What would we even do for our second date?” He continued, not seeing the smirk that appeared on her face. 
“You planned on having a second date?” With arms crossed over her chest, Despina waited for him to realize what she was saying.
“Oh, I-” 
There was the blush.
“Because if you want, we could always find some colicoids to kill. From what I remember, Balmorra still has an abundance of them. And they stink.”
“I’m good.”
“How about Hutta? Plenty of scum there to take care of. Hell, we might even pick up a few bounties, get some credits.” She nudged him with her elbow, wagging her eyebrows suggestively. “What do you say, Theron? I bet you can’t resist some extra credits.”
Theron ran his hands over his face, another sigh leaving his lips. “You’re impossible.”
Pulling his hands from his face, she met his eyes, a gentle smile on her face. “I’d love to go out with you again. Maybe next time, we won’t get shot at.”
Theron’s hand brushed against hers briefly, hesitating only a moment before entwining their fingers together. “I get to pick the place.”
“As long as it has drinks and I mean, real ones, I’ll go anywhere.” She pulled him along, carefully exiting the destroyed cantina. He followed and she noted he hadn’t let go of her hand. “I’m a simple woman.”
“That is hard to believe.”
“Because it’s a lie.”
Theron laughed, the sound more free than the ones before. He pulled her closer, releasing her hand only to toss his arms around her shoulders. She relaxed into him, feeling like this dating this might not be so bad after all.
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nancypullen · 8 months
The Ides of January
I'm supposed to start work tomorrow. A new start, a new job, hopefully the turning point in this lonely slog that has been our move to Maryland. I'm nervous, the way you are before the first day of school - not dreading it, knowing everything will be fine, but butterflies in my stomach over all of the unknowns. Will everyone be nice? Will I do/say something stupid on my first day? I know that I'm perfectly capable of doing this job, but I'm probably a bit rusty. Am I too old to do this? I'm no spring chicken. I spent all morning beating myself up mentally and then the universe took pity on me and sent... *s*n*o*w*. This was a peek out the back door around lunch time.
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It's been steadily snowing ever since. It's 8:20 pm now and it's a marshmallow world out there (extra points if you can hear Dean Martin singing that). So, aside from the calming effect of watching those beautiful flakes drift down and make the world beautiful, my first day on the job might be a snow day! If you've known me for any amount of time, you understand how excited I get about snow days. It started when we moved from Alaska to Tennessee. I'd never heard of snow days. Our only rule in North Pole was when temps were colder than -65 (yes, 65 degrees below zero) school was optional. Our first winter in Tennessee saw a couple of snows, they didn't amount to much. After the first snow I woke the boys up for school, fed them breakfast, got them bundled up, and drove to the school. When we drove up the place looked deserted and I wondered if there'd been a bomb threat or something crazy. As I pulled up to the school I saw the director of the before/after school daycare program standing outside waving me off. I rolled my window down and asked what had happened and she looked at me like I was a lunatic and said, "It SNOWED, go home!" That was how I learned about snow days. To say we were delighted is an understatement. Unafraid of the weather, we went right to the grocery store for some snacks and then stopped at Blockbuster (yes, I'm that old) for games and a movie. My little guys weren't impressed with the dusting of snow, not enough to sled on or build a fort, but we felt like we had the run of the town that day. Once that happened we became weather hawks, just waiting for a hint of flurries or an icy patch on the road that might cancel school. We embraced all of the southern superstitions - flushing ice cubes, going to bed with our jammies on inside out, putting a spoon under a pillow, and of course, doing a snow dance. Even after my kids grew up and away, while I was still with the school district no one wished harder for snow days. Is it possible that I've just gotten my first Maryland snow day? I couldn't be more tickled. The assistant director emailed me this afternoon and said that closing for weather is a possibility and that he'd let me know in the morning. Guess who's flushing ice cubes and sleeping with her jammies inside out? I'm not alone in my joy over the snow. My sweet grandgirl heard that snow was on the way and put on her snow pants and went to the backyard to hunt snowflakes.
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Her daddy snapped that through a window. I wonder if she caught any? She has a birthday in just 23 days. She'll be SIX. How did that happen? She's loving kindergarten, reading like a champ, and still on track to win an Oscar someday. Here's another snap I love, just browsing in the library.
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Ball gown, warm pants underneath, high heels...I need to remember to tell her that this made me think of Belle in the Beast's library.
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Okay, that's from the book shop in her village - same idea.
And this photo cracked me up. Her parents purchased a new vehicle, and you know how time consuming that is - even if you walk up with a bag of cash it seems to take forever. She waited patiently in full snow queen regalia. She loves that gold sequined "shawl" that I haven't told her was a holiday table runner.
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Lest you think she only identifies as a princess, rest assured that she spends the bulk of her play time as special agent Carmen Sandiego.
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She asked Santa for that outfit and he delivered. She loves it. She's solving crimes and catching bad guys while looking fabulous. Anyywayyyyy, I've drifted (see what I did there?) from snow days to costume changes. I suppose I should go upstairs and pick out a first day at work outfit just in case my ice cubes and jammies don't do the trick. I think I'll just close my eyes and reach into the closet. Nothing looks good anyway. I'll be tidy and I'll wear comfy shoes. I've got a lunch box and new water bottle, just like a kindergartner. I usually buy water by the case and guzzle it. After reading about all of the microplastics I'm drinking I decided to just get a Brita bottle with a filter and fill it with tap water. Of course I put a sticker on it so no one mistakes it for their bottle.
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Annnnd I just realized that he looks like he's raising middle fingers. Oh no. He's not, I swear he's not. He's got his index and pinky fingers raised which can mean a couple of things. It's sign language for I love you, or it means he's rocking out at a concert. Good grief, why didn't I just put a flower sicker on it, or write my name in Sharpie? Maybe I could draw mittens on him. Now I'm nervous again. Pray for a snow day, y'all. I'm not ready. On that note, I'll bid you goodnight. Here's hoping that this new venture provides me with friendly interactions, interesting conversations, work that keeps me busy, plenty of blogging material, and let's not forget that tasty paycheck. It's all good, right? Right. Wherever you are I hope that you're toasty and warm. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Chapter 17
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That next day the band arrived in San Francisco, they had the day off again, and jules thought it would be a good time for matty to meet her parents. It had been along time since he had last met one of his girlfriends parents, and to say he was nervous would be an understatement. Not only was he meeting her parents today, but tomorrow he was finally going to tell Julie that he loved her. He had finished the full song on the bus ride to san francisco, while jules slept next to him.
" you ready to go? My mom just texted me saying they are close to the restaurant, luckily it's only a five minute walk." Jules says, coming out of the bathroom.
"Yes, How do I look, i'm kinda nervous" matty said, jules walked up to him, slightly adjusting his tie, "you look so handsome babe, they're going to love you" she smiled and kissed him. " Just talk about baseball with my dad and he'll love you, remember the team you're rooting for is the giants, say that and you immediately have his approval" jules said, matty nodded his head in response.
"Got it, and by the way you look very beautiful" he smirked, pulling her in by the waist and kissing her lips first, before going down to her neck. "Thank you baby, now as much as I would love to stay here and see where this goes, we need to get going" she said, pulling him back up to face her. Matty frowned "We'll resume this when we get back" he smirked. After grabbing their coats, the couple made their way down the lobby and out to the restaurant.
When they arrived at the restaurant, jules immediately spotted her parents, before they walked over matty stopped her "Jules I'm really nervous", " Breathe matty it'll be ok, they are going to love you, just hold me hand and give it a squeeze whenever you feel nervous" she said, and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Matty smiled back and gave her hand a quick squeeze as the two walked over to the table.
"Hey Mom! Hey dad!" jules said, waving at her parents. The two adults got up and hugged their daughter, "Hey sweetie it's so nice to see you!, we missed you so much" her dad said, pulling her into a tight hug. "It's good to see you guys too, I missed you both so much" jules said, pulling away and smiling. "Mom, Dad I want you to meet my boyfriend matty" jules said, introducing the three to eachother.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs.Foreman" matty said, as he shook both of their hands, "Please call us Cindy and Mike" Jule's mom said shaking matty's hand in return.
The four sat down, "It's so amazing to finally meet you, jules has told us so much about you" her mother said, sending the boy a small smile before she picked up her menu. Matty smiled and quickly reconnected his hand with jule's under the table, she gave it a quick squeeze to reassure him.
After the four had order their drinks and meals, it was time for the integration part of dinner. "So Matty Julie tells us that you're a singer." her dad said, matty nodded his head "yes! I've been singing and making music since I was 13". "You know I've actually heard of your band before, not to brag but I got jules into listening to it when she was 16" her mom chimed in.
Matty laughed "Oh is that so", jules blushed "Yeah, one day we were driving in the car and chocolate came on and well the rest is history" Jules giggled.
"So Mr.Foreman what about those Giants, on a winning streak aren't they?" matty asked, her dad laughed "Oh I like this one Jules hes a keeper" her dad commented, Matty smiled, proud of himself for gaining her fathers sentiment. "He is isn't he" julie commented, looking over at her boyfriend and smiling.
"So what are your plans while you're here?" her mom asked as the food arrived, "Well there's a show tomorrow and then after that we have to drive overnight to Oregon" Jules commented before taking a bite out of her steak. "Oh wow, sounds exhausting" her dad comments, "Yeah, but we have fun, and with Jules around its more fun than it was before, because i'm not cooped up with my band members" matty said, laughing softly at his comment about the boys, he remembered the time before they had girlfriends, where it was just the four of them and they went crazy after a while and would be at eachothers throats.
After dinner, the four walked outside of the restaurant to say their goodbyes, "We miss you sweetheart, but we're so incredibly proud of you and what you have achieved, we'll see you in the summer ok?" her mom said, then turned to matty " it was so lovely to meet you Matty, take care of my baby will you?" she asked, " always" he responded as Mrs.Foreman pulled him into a hug.
Mr.Foreman then came over to matty and pulled him aside, "It was great meeting you Matty, I like you, you seem like a stand up guy just please look after her ok? If anything happened to my baby I wouldn't know what to do". "I promise sir, i'll look after her, i love her more than anything and if anything happened to her I don't know what i'd do" matty said, this caused her dad to smile. Mr.Foreman shook mattys hand, before walking over to his daughter and embracing her in a tight hug, "I love you sweetheart, remember we're always here for you if you need anything" he said, jules pulled away from the hug, matty could see it on her face that she was trying not to burst into tears. After a final goodbye, they walked off in separate directions.
"You ok darling?" matty asked, as the couple walked into the elevator, "Yeah, it's just hard not seeing them you know, i've lived away from home for almost 3 years but it doesn't get easier" she responded, her head laying low. "Baby come here" matty said, and pulled her into a hug, "I know it's hard and I'm so sorry" he said, kissing the top of her head. She pulled away from him as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out "Thank you matty, tonight was amazing, I can tell they love you" she said, as she made her way to their room. "Of course love, I had so much fun, you're parents are amazing people" he commented as they stepped into their room.
"We should probably get some sleep it's going to be a very busy and long day tomorrow" Jules said as she dug through her suitcase, pulling out her pajamas. "Yeah It'll be fun though, and I have a surprise for you", this caused jule's ears to perk up "A surprise? I can't wait" she grinned. "I think you'll love it" he said, "I'm sure I will, you know I love everything you do" she said, as she got dressed. "Thats sweet darling" matty said as he laid back on the bed, soon jules joined him and the two fell asleep in eachother's arms
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djarintreble · 2 years
the last in line || e. munson (part six)
series masterlist
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pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
a/n: I've been overwhelmed with finals so I'm so behind on updating this story! As a peace offering, I give you a 3k chapter <3 thank you for all the love everyone has given this story so far. I truly appreciate it!! much love!
summary: Bringing Eddie back to your house to work on the project doesn't go the way you hoped so. Your dad was waiting for your return. Comes to find that you brought home a boy he's been made aware of by an untrustworthy source...
tags: talks of religious background, focuses more on reader’s arc than Eddie this chapter but next chapter get ready ;), Eddie needs a hug, "Jason is a weasel" (my favorite comment someone reblogged with), reader and Eddie are so cute I can't,
word count: 3k
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It didn’t hit you until Eddie was pulling up into your driveway. You saw your dad’s car next to yours and you suddenly felt nervous. You haven't brought a boy back to your house since Thomas Keller but this wasn’t the same. 
It was just for a project. Nothing more. 
You instinctively leaned over to turn down the metal music that was blasting through Eddie’s speakers. Motley Crue faded as you looked over at Eddie who was confused by the action. He clearly never turned down his music when he parks. 
“Sorry, it's a habit.” You shrugged. 
Eddie decided it would probably be best if he followed your lead. He would smile and wave when meeting your parents. He would shake your dad's hand and that would be it, scared that if he opened his mouth it would come back to bite him later. Why was he so nervous? 
This is just for a project. Nothing more. 
He got out of the van and walked over to open your door, claiming it was busted which is why he had to open it from the outside. Though this wasn't true and you had a feeling it wasn't, you didn’t want to ruin his pride and allowed him the pleasure to do such a simple but sweet thing. 
“So all we have to do is decide the topic and give O’Donnell our presentation idea?” Eddie asked, following you to your door. 
“Yeah it’s pretty straight forward, it's just figuring out the topic. We can stick with a simple speech presentation to make it easy if you want.” You smiled at him as you dug through your bag to find your keys. Before you could get them, the door opened. Your dad peered at you before looking over at the boy who found himself practically hiding behind you. 
“Oh hi dad, were you just standing at the door?” 
“I heard loud music coming toward the house and I was curious why a van was in our driveway. Figured Chrissy brought you home. Who’s this?” He asked, he nudged the door open more so you could walk in as he stared at the poor boy. 
“Eddie Munson,” he announced, sticking out his hand to offer a handshake. Your dad nodded and introduced himself before looking back at you. 
“Am I missing something here or-”
“Oh Eddie is my partner for the English project I was telling you about. We have to turn it in tomorrow so I offered for us to finish it up here. Sorry I forgot to ask.” You smiled, nervously. 
You couldn’t help but feel guilty for the way your dad looked Eddie up and down. It bothered you. The same man that taught you to love without judgment was staring at Eddie as if he was a fish out of water.  Eddie was used to being looked at this way. He knew he stuck out compared to the rest of Hawkins. Now here he was standing in the house of the local music pastor attempting to associate with his daughter as if he was normal. He wasn’t. Before, he didn’t care about how others viewed him. Standing here now, he found himself fixing his posture and putting his hands behind his back as he stood in the presence of your father. To say he was intimidating was an understatement. 
Your dad just simply looked back at you with a face you couldn’t read and nodded. 
“The dinner table is empty for you guys to work.”
“We we’re going to go upstairs to my-“
“The dinner table is empty for you guys to work.” He repeated, a little more stern. He never uses that voice with you. Honestly, it shocked you to hear this kind of hostility in his voice. 
“Okay… thanks, dad.” You motioned Eddie to follow you over to the other room. The table was in the dining room in the back corner of the house with a door leading to the backyard and the other wall was open, showing off your kitchen. The house still smelled of fresh paint and boxes laid around that your family was too busy to finish unpacking. You sat down at the end of the table and Eddie sat on the wooden chair next to you. 
“Sorry” you whispered, looking over to the main living area to see your dad sitting down on the couch. It was obvious he wanted to keep an eye on you when bringing him over. It made you wonder if you brought someone like Jason or Chrissy over, he would have welcomed them in and not think twice about you working on the assignment in your room. You immediately regretted inviting Eddie here since he probably was uncomfortable. 
Eddie looked back to see where you were focusing your attention to find your dad staring right at him before unfolding the daily paper and loudly shaking it. It caused him to whip back around to your uncomfortable face. He hated the idea of causing tension in your house.
He didn’t even want to do this stupid project. He just wanted to spend time with you. 
“Okay so did we want to stick with the Live Aid event or did we want to talk about something else?” You asked, pulling out the assignment. You also pulled out a single sheet of notebook paper and covered the worksheet. You began writing on it as you spoke with Eddie.
“I mean I was thinking maybe we could talk about the controversy of-“ He was cut off by you sliding the once blank piece of paper across the table to him. 
Ignore my dad he’s trying to intimidate you
He chuckled to himself before looking up at you with a smirk. He took your paper and pen and continued talking,
“I was thinking we’d present something like this instead.” He scribbled underneath your note and slid it back to you.
I figured, how about next time, my place?
Next time. Sure you had to actually work on the presentation this next week too. But something told you this was more than just Eddie offering a different location to work. He was genuinely inviting you to his house, away from your parents eyes. After this thing your dad was pulling for god knows why, you’d be delighted to work at his place. You felt honored that Eddie kept revealing parts of himself to you. Little did you know just how much that really meant for a guy like him.
Eddie was scared to even offer the idea especially since he was adamant to avoiding his place but he could sense that maybe your place wasn’t the best idea. He needed to stop running away from his fears. He would go home that night and make that trailer look as clean as it did before it was ever owned by the Munsons. It would probably freak Wayne out with how spotless the place would be. 
“Okay! Yeah I like that idea!” you smiled at him with a knowing look. “I’ll write it on the worksheet.” You pretended to pull back out the worksheet and write the idea down. Instead, you just traced over yours and Eddie’s name on the top margin. 
“But no seriously. That or we could talk about differences in music genres as I was saying earlier. Like maybe why certain genres of music are accepted compared to others?” He suggested. 
“That’s actually a really good idea too. Why certain genres of music are accepted compared to others.” repeating his idea as you wrote it down.
“I could bring my boombox and we could play some different songs as an audio aid! I bet Mrs. O’ Donnell would like that.” 
“I’m sure between the two of us and our clashing music taste,” he wiggled his eyebrows toward you, “we can come up with a few examples. Black Sabbath?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow confused at where he was going with it. 
“Black Sabbath, you listen to them?” he asked again. 
oh you asshole. 
He was teasing you now. He knew you both were within earshot of your dad. With his growing confidence since he first entered your house, he decided to be a pain. You rolled your eyes.
“No I don’t. If it’s one of those weird metal bands you listen to, then obviously I don’t listen to it.” He pretended to stab his chest in offense and you playfully kicked his leg under the table with a smirk on your face. 
You saw your dad look over before looking back down at the newspaper in front of him. It annoyed you how he was acting. It wasn’t like he knew Eddie enough to be this way. 
Sure he might look intimidating at first with his black leather jacket and long hair. Maybe his choice of rings and ripped jeans give off a certain impression. Sure, the faded iron maiden band tee underneath might look demonic to your dad. Yes, all of this did make Eddie someone to be concerned about. But it broke your heart to learn that behind the band tee and messy hair and tattoos was simply a boy who wanted to be loved for who he is. Not what everyone wants him to be. Isn’t that what you grew up learning? To love your neighbor as yourself? To not judge others the way you wished not to be judged? To hate the sin but love the sinner?
Just in a week you’ve seen this all to be hypocritical by the same people you are to consider your brothers and sisters. It broke your heart. It truly did. So many people were missing out on knowing such a great guy.
“Is this what we want to do then? I think it will be a great topic and easy for us both to then do our own final papers on.” You tapped the pen against the worksheet as you looked up at Eddie. 
“I’m fine with it if you’re fine with it m’lady.” You nodded, writing down your final topic selection on the sheet and circling the speech and audio aid option from the section below. 
“Just sign the bottom and I think we’re set.” You tapped the pen on the table once more before passing it over to Eddie. He took it and put his signature lightly on the page next to yours. 
“And by the way, I might need your help on the final paper. Even if it is a separate project. I can’t write for sh-“ he cleared his throat, correcting himself. “for anything.” He mouthed, sorry. He almost forgot your small talk before you walked in where you warned him that your parents were big on no cursing in the house. You nodded with a slight smile on your face.
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
Eddie looked down at his watch and realized that he was in fact here later than he thought he’d be allowed to. You finished what you needed to get done before tomorrow and he took it as his cue to leave. He was ready to go home and finish up what he needed for the campaign tomorrow after school. He has been too busy with this week’s occurrences he almost forgot he had one more prop to finish making.
“Well, y/n, I appreciate you allowing me to come over so we can get this project done.” He spoke up a bit more, “I do apologize for taking your time but I didn’t want to drag you down with me on this project,” you frowned at the hint of self deprecation. “I’ll come to school tomorrow with a list of songs I think would clash badly with your hymns and Twila Paris.” He winked before getting up and pushing the chair back in. He readjusted his pants and jacket from sitting for so long and you got up with him to walk him out, hoping to talk a bit more once you were outside. 
“You know it’s not a problem at all,” you said quietly.
As you both entered the living room again, your dad placed the paper on the coffee table as if he wasn’t reading the cover page over and over again during your little study time. He stood up and walked over to the door. 
“Well it was nice meeting you, son,” Your dad reached out his hand, expecting Eddie to shake it. Respectfully, the boy shook his hand and you noticed the grip your dad took over the handshake. “Will I be seeing you Sunday?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
“Dad…” you began. Eddie just stared at him wide eyed. He knew this was a test. One he would ultimately fail. He didn’t go to church. Except for an Easter or Christmas service that Wayne would drag him to. But other than that, it wasn’t a common occurrence to find Eddie there. He knew that your dad knew this too. Eddie cleared his throat as he tried to stall his response. 
“I, uh, no sir.” His hand was held tight by your dad still. You just stood and watched as your dad eyed Eddie. Poor guy just took it. 
“Oh.” He let go. “Well in that case, good luck on your finals. I’ll lead you out.” He responded. Leading the metalhead to the door. Eddie looked back at you, his eyes wide and he looked as if he was more worried about you than what just happened to him. 
You, however, couldn’t decide if you were more worried for Eddie or pissed at your dad’s treatment of the kid. He didn’t deserve that. This wasn’t like your dad. 
“I’ll see you at school, I guess.” Eddie said as he stepped out of your house, he turned to walk backward peering over your dad’s shoulders waiting for your response. You nodded.
“Have a good night, Eddie.” You mouthed a thank you to which he nodded and turned around to head to his car. His hands held in front of him as he dragged his feet in shame. 
The guilt kicked in but once the door shut, it turned to anger. 
“What was that?” You asked your dad. Hands on your hips.
“What do you mean?” He walked past you, heading to the kitchen. 
“How you were treating my friend. What was that?” You asked again, following him.
“I don’t want you hanging out with him. I get working on an assignment but after that? Not again. You got home two hours after you normally get here which tells me you guys hung out before this. You were going to bring him to your room. That kid is not who you want to be associated with.” He mindlessly opened the refrigerator as he spoke, digging for a can and deli meat. 
“What’s wrong with me hanging out with a classmate? He’s nice and we have-”
“He’s over that satanic club at your school, y/n. He plays that game I keep hearing about and I don’t like the idea of him influencing you outside of school.”
“Wait, how do you know this?” Eddie’s comment about your dad’s pastor friends talking about him at lunch is beginning to feel like it's true. 
“Carver’s kid was telling him how he-”
“Carver? Jason? What in the world did he tell you guys?”
“Listen, I work with his dad and Jason is a good guy. I know you’ve been hanging with him since church and he only told me about that Munson kid  out of concern. He’s a drug dealer, y/n, did you know that? Of course I have the right to be concerned over who my daughter is associated with here. This town talks. I don’t want you to be who they talk about.”
There it is.
You were the pastor’s daughter. Your reputation was in correlation with your dad’s reputation. You couldn’t do anything to ruin him. Especially since you just moved here. Hawkins had their eyes on you, waiting for you to crack. Your dad was on the other end of it. 
“I think if you got to know him, he’s not what they say. He’s actually really sweet.”
“Carver told me he showed up to the study party and insisted on you buying drugs from him before Jason kicked him out.”
What the hell? Jason was out running his mouth and telling lies about Eddie while he was too busy concerned about you. What was said to be Eddie pressuring you to deal with him was really Eddie taking you away from a toxic situation. Oh you could scream. Jason put you in a tough place. In order to defend Eddie’s name, you had to expose yours along with the rest of the seniors true whereabouts that night. He really was the problem and your dad was blinded by his sweet smile and letterman jacket along with the rest of Hawkins.
“That’s not what happened, dad.”
“Then what happened, y/n? Please enlighten me.” Unamused, your dad leaned against the kitchen counter, taking a bite out of his freshly made sandwich. You huffed.
“We- Eddie did show up. But he didn’t pressure me to buy drugs.”
“Are you telling me he also didn’t get into a fight with one of the guys, what was his name-”
“Oh yes, the Smith’s boy.” 
“Well, yes. There was a fight. But he left right after that, he didn’t want to cause any harm.”
“See… I don’t care if he’s a nice guy. He’s not someone you want to associate yourself with. I just want what’s best for you. And he just sounds like trouble.” He took another bite of his sandwich. “Now, help me unload this box over here before your mom gets home.” He finished, pushing himself off from the counter and walking over to the stack of boxes. You didn’t move, too focused on the dirt on your white shoes beneath you. 
“You good, sweet girl?” Your dad asks.
No, you wanted to say. You were trying to hide how heartbroken or rather pissed you were at this new discovery. How it affected you, Eddie, even poor Chrissy for being with a guy like that. You hated that you were right about him. You hated how Eddie was clueless to these lies that were being spread. Or maybe he did know. Either way, it didn’t sit right with you. The tug at your stomach told you there was more to the story. It urged you to want to spend more time with the guy. 
How could the guy that previously introduced you to your favorite place in Hawkins and keeps showing you kindness, despite the hurt he gets in return, be the bad guy? The guy that endured your dad’s wrongful judgment and still looked forward to seeing you tomorrow? The guy that was late to school because he stopped at the drug store to buy you some aspirin for your hangover? The guy that took a punch for you? The guy who was currently on his way home to completely renovate his trailer for your approval? The guy who dropped everything he was doing just to hang out with you, even if it meant doing that stupid irrelevant project? 
How was he the bad guy here?
“Yeah. I’m alright” You whispered. All you could think about the rest of the night was as how to make it up to the guy in the denim vest. 
taglist: @hollyismentallyillhelp@totallynotkaibiased@cryuki-patootie@stratospherewalker@padfootpottah99 @noiralei @lolnopenick @elektricvenus @jfjsjdhxjs @alice-greenleaf @combobooo @kawaiifoxlillygzb@windchaser1986@renaroo123@dxlceprincessa-blog@sin-respuestas @efvyqrs @majesticavenger @marvelbrokeme @sebastianstansimp @eww-eeww @paulavsu@snoopwashere@milkiane @dark-academia-slut @julesclues @ches-86 @eddiesbirdie @brodcake @mopeymopeymouse @denyart-rb @ilikechocolatemilkh @papaya184 @eg-dr3amer3 @aedicn @loliakeoghan23 @asteria33
if I missed you, please let me know and I'll add you to my tag list. I try to find everyone but sometimes I can miss a few! As always, thank you so much for reading my stories. It brings me joy to know others enjoy it as much as I love writing it!
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sparklingchim · 3 years
heal my wounds; a | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2k
rating: g
genre: angst, idol!au
warnings: break up, insecureness, not feeling good enough, jk is lowkey ignorant and annoying in this one
summary: in which jungkook breaks up with you.
a/n: i like to break my own heart what's new🥲
You don't have a good feeling about this.
Jungkook ignoring your good morning message since, you don't know how many hours, and then suddenly texting you that he will call you later that day, because he "needs to talk about something important with you" ? Definitely not good.
What a shame that it's one of your free days, no work or anything else to help you stay distracted from the nerve racking and anxious thoughts that fill your mind. The amount of different scenarios you imagined could happen? Too many to count. And yet, you feel utterly unprepared for what Jungkook is about to tell you.
Once your ringtone resounds in your room, you pause the kdrama you started watching - not even Woo Dohwan was able to distract you - and gulp the dryness of your mouth away.
To say that you are nervous as you pick up your phone from the bed is an understatement.
,,Hi," you greet, that small word already exposing your uneasiness.
You push your laptop from your thighs, pulling your legs to your chest and leaning back against your headboard.
,,Hey...so, uhm..." Jungkook seems like he doesn't know where to start and hearing him being nervous makes your heart twist. You know exactly what is about to happen.
,,I've been thinking about this for a while and, and I think that our relationship is getting nowhere. Like, there's no progress happening." Jungkook sighs, as if he had to bear something so intolerable around with him and finally gets to confess to you, put off the weight he had been carrying for the whole time. It makes you feel sick and hurt.
,,No... progress?" Your throat feels dry again, your stomach clenching when you realise that, no, you don't want to hear his explanation to the words he said.
,,Y/n, we still argue about the same topics as in the beginning of this relationship."
They weren't exactly arguments - Jungkook is way too much of a sweet guy to pick up a real fight with - but you know what he means.
,,I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me," he continues.
,,I do trust you, Jungkook."
Jungkook says your name, pity and compassion lingering in his voice, like he is aware of that you are lying and wants you to be truthful with him, because he knows. Jungkook always thinks that he knows, always so certain and sure that there's nothing he doesn't know about you.
,,I get that I have to do with a lot of people in my job and that there are rumours flying around about every little thing, and I know how hard I must be like to read and see all of that stuff, but I don't understand why you still doubt me. I thought that once I get to show you how much I truly love you, you'd be more comfortable, but I don't see any change. You're still doubting me, and honestly, I don't know what to do anymore, y/n."
Your fingers fiddle around with the pendant of your necklace, the one that Jungkook bought you three months ago as a present for your six months anniversary. You wore it every single day since then, but you're afraid you'd have to take it off soon.
,,It's not that I doubt you, I know that you won't betray me or do anything like that... I- I just...," you trail off, because god, how are you supposed to explain it to him? He won't understand, and quite frankly, you're scared to open up and tell him why.
,,What do you mean 'you don't doubt me'? That is exactly what you do, every goddamn time, and then I try to prove you my love and show all I've got for you, but I know that any of the things I tried never worked. It's pointless, y/n. I've tried to uphold our relationship, but it's not working," he claims, obviously upset about your bland words, because in his perceptions everything looks different.
Jungkook sounds frustrated and you hate that it's because of you. Your heartbeat roars in your ears as your body fills with anxiety.
,,You don't understand," you say, words almost coming out as a whisper.
,,I don't think there's anything unclear about our situation right now."
Yes - yes there is. So so many things that are unclear.
You take a long breath, trying to calm yourself from the increasing pressure on your lungs. ,,I trust you, Jungkook. It's just- It's just...I'm afraid that you'll see how much better everyone else is and leave me once you realise that I'm not good enough for you." Your eyes sting with tears, but you bite them back, you won't cry. Not now. You've never told him this before. You only got the courage to tell him about your insecurity now that your relationship is threatened to end, but perhaps he'll understand and think twice about ending things with you if he knows what you are dealing with.
,,What are you talking about? Of course you're good enough for me, why else would I be together with you? I only have eyes for you, no one else."
This only proves your perception of Jungkook. He will never understand you. Perhaps its partially your fault for only giving him crumbs of the real reason of your behaviour, but Jungkook never had to deal with insecurities. He's loved by everyone. So how would he be able to grasp the things you have to deal with, because your anxiety is constantly getting into your way when he never had to cope with the same problems?
Of course you can't blame him, but listening to his apathy he confronts you with, after you told him one of the biggest issue that you are constantly dealing with, hurts like hell.
Maybe that should be a reason for you to let go of him. God, you don't even want to think about that. You like Jungkook, love Jungkook, and the thought of ending this relationships feels so wrong, makes your stomach unpleasantly ache.
,,I don't know, I just feel that way. There are so many amazing girl group members and soloists and... I'm, I'm scared that you'll leave me for one of them. I- I feel like I don't deserve to be with you, because everyone else is so much better than I am." A single tear runs down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away.
,,That's bullshit, y/n. If you would have trust in me all of these things wouldn't even come to your mind."
His words sounds so cold and narrow-minded, like he isn't up for hearing your side and whatever you have to tell him won't affect him, because he doesn't care.
,,My trust for you doesn't have to do with any of this." You're more confident and certain now, your heart not beating faster because you're afraid, but because Jungkook is frustrating you.
,,I told and showed you so many times how much I love you, what else am I supposed to do to make you believe me? I've kept up with this for months now and you still didn't change."
,,Telling me that you love me is meaningless when it comes to that," you murmur.
,,Oh, is that why you never said it back? Because saying 'I love you' is meaningless? For some people it does mean something, especially for me," he scoffs, completely offended and piqued, his voice getting louder after every word. ,,And now tell me, am I out here being sceptic about your faith, even though you never said those words to me? Huh? No, because it's stupid to assume that you're not loyal, just because you're not ready to say it yet. But here I am, putting effort into this relationship, because I truly care about it,  showering you with love and so much more and you're still mistrusting me!"
Your hand claws at the sheets beneath you, grasping it so tightly that your knuckles turn white.
You never told Jungkook that you love him. Too afraid and scared and still wounded from the scars that the past relationships brought you. Not once did you attempt to tell him why, he always seemed okay with it, never really questioned why there wasn't a reply from you when he said those words. He told you many times, and each time you cherished it with your whole heart.
You want to say something, but your throat tightens, the air in your lungs suddenly gone. You briefly close your eyes, catching your breath.
,,You can't- You can't compare yourself with me," you sniff. So many tears escape your eyes and this time you're not able to wipe them away.
Jungkook utters a heavy sigh. ,,Seriously, I'm so tired of this. And to be honest, I'm already over this thing between us."
Your heart gradually shatters into little pieces, falling to the dark and lonely ground, no one there to try and heal the mess that got created.
Jungkook is over your relationship. He's done. He already made up his mind when he called you. You didn't have to tell him all of these things to explain yourself, they didn't have any affect on his opinion or decision at all. You basically gathered courage to tell him about your insecurity for nothing. It's ridiculous. You are ridiculous.
,,So, this is it?" you whimper, biting your lip to not expose your crying, but it's unnecessary, Jungkook already knows, and the fact that he is not trying to comfort or calm you down is making you want to cry even more.
,,I tried everything to make this last, y/n. I love you, I swear, but it's not working between us."
You tried too. You tried to put away your insecurities and not ruin it so desperately, but it seems like all your efforts were for nothing.
It's over.
,,Text me when you'll have time so I can return your clothes that are at my place."
Your head rests against your knees, face wet from all the tears that stream down your cheeks. You suppress a sob that threatened to bubble from your throat.
,,Okay," you whisper, afraid you'll completely break down if you speak normal.
,,You're an amazing person, y/n. Don't forget that, okay?"
God, can he stop talking with that soft, baritone voice that always managed to make you feel secure and comfortable, when he is breaking up with you?
You don't reply, hastily tapping on your phone to hang up.
You throw your phone across your bed and tear the necklace from your throat. It flies through your room, landing somewhere on the floor.
You loop your arms around your legs, resting your head against your knees and let all the emotions overcome you all at once. You're crying and sobbing and weeping. Letting everything out.
And that's how a nine months long relationship perishes in a barely 3 minutes long phone call.
Laughable, you think. Just another memory to add to your collection of pitiful events in your life.
You should be used to it at this point, but somehow your naive self thought Jungkook was different from everyone else. Of course he isn't. All guys are the same. How pathetic of you to even have the slightest bit of hope to think that it could be true.
Jungkook isn't better than any of those guys. He took your heart, replaced the broken pieces with bits of himself and made you feel loved and respected again, just to destroy it once more, like the times before it got broken weren't already agonising and exhausting enough.
You thought he could save you. Thought he was the one to make you feel like your old self again, and perhaps he partially did, but now you're back at where you started nine months ago. 9
This time there's is no one to catch you from the long and exhausting fall through the darkness.
And there also won't be anyone to help you see the light again.
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lou-struck · 2 years
A Kiss Among Friends
Tooru Oikawa x reader
~ Your Best Friend decides to tell you how he feels before it's too late.
(This is a little self-indulgent since I have a few regrets about being pressured into things I didn't want to do. A lot of my own feelings were used here and I wish I chose to stay true to my interests rather than what I thought was normal at the time)
WC: 1.2k
To say your nerves are getting the best of you would be an understatement as you change your outfit for the twentieth time in the past five minutes. Everything just seems wrong to wear on a date, even if it's just dinner and a movie with a guy in your chemistry class.
He was super sweet when he asked you out by text message, but you weren't sure you were really feeling it.
But being a college student with exactly zero dating experience is kind of a turn off in your opinion. But your desire for the experience and your lack of ill will towards your classmate made you want to at least give him the benefit of the doubt and see what happens.
Wait, what even is supposed to happen on a first date?
Would he want to kiss you?
Does he expect anything more than that?
At times like these, your lack of experience really does come back to haunt you. The idea of possibly losing your first kiss to somebody you don’t feel attracted to is frightening. But you feel like you don't have a good enough reason to skip out on the date.
With a sigh you start the process of getting ready even though you don't have to meet your date at the bar for a few more hours. The Two of you plan on just throwing some darts and playing pool at a popular dive bar on campus. The fact that you don't have to be completely alone with this boy is a relief.
Propping yourself in the bathroom to wash your face and ready yourself you hear the jingling of keys in your lock. You don't have a roommate but you have an inkling that you know who it is. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see the flowing brown locks belonging to your best friend come in through your door. Tooru Oikawa has been your friend for years, but you’ve only grown closer since moving to the city.
“Y/n! I brought you something sweet,” he says holding up a carrier of smoothies from one of your favorite spots on campus.
“Tooru," you sigh looking at his smirking face "tell me again why I gave you a key?”
“Because, you have excellent taste." he giggles handing you your drink and taking a big sip from his own. Leaning up against the counter he turns and takes in your appearance. “Why are you getting dressed up so nice? Are you going on a date or something?”
You glance down at the pattern on the bathroom tiles “Yeah, I guess I am. Is that so hard to believe?” you mumble flicking the bright pink straw with your finger tips. He looks as if there is a protest on the tip of his tongue but he holds himself back.
He takes a minute before he decides to answer you "No, not at all." he says "You just don't sound all too excited about it.”
“It's not that," you say stirring the drink absent-mindedly "I'm just nervous, I've never been on a date before. So I don't know what he is going to expect.”
“I see,” he says as his chocolate orbs stare holes through you. He's quiet for a moment before speaking again, "For starters, If you're not into him then you can tell him so. You shouldn't force yourself to do something if you are not feeling it."
"It's a little too late for that," you say thinking about all the pressure you have gotten to go out with your classmate initially. "But I'm okay with just trying to keep things as non-romantic as possible."
"Poor guy," he says ruffling your freshly styled hair. You try and swat his hand away but the only thing it does is mess up your hair more.
"Thanks for that" you scoff as your fingers try to fix the out-of-place strands. In the mirror, you analyze your reflection before drifting your eyes over to his lips. The soft peach color looks enticing as you wonder if your date's lips would look just like them.
“Actually, Tooru. There is something I want to ask you.”
“What is it? Do you want me to stalk your date at the bar?” he teases with a smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes.
Not wanting to beat around the bush you blurt it out quickly. “You kiss a lot of people right?
He has the audacity to look shocked “What’s that supposed to mean, I can’t help being popular and handsome~ Ow why did you hit me.”
"I had to bring you back down to earth before your ego got too big." you say "It's what Iwaizumi would've done if he was here."
"But you are not Iwa-channn" he whines "you're my cute little y/n your not supposed to hit me."
"Sorry" you try to shrug but the smile blossoming in the corners of your lips gives you away.
"I can't stay mad at you when you smile like that." he says "What did you want to ask me?"
Taking a deep breath you look at him before averting your eyes to the floor. "It's nothing," you say, like a coward.
"Speechless I see," he coo's "I have that effect on people."
Turning around you stare at him "Don't make me hit you again." you threaten mockingly as he sticks his tongue out at you.
Tooru is normally so chatty but now he is quieter than normal. You try to fix the hair he messed up earlier but it's too awkward to focus on anything.
"Is something wrong?" you ask looking over to where he is lounging on your bed.
"Why would it be?" he answers
"You're quiet, I was just wondering why," you say walking over to him and sitting next to him on the comforter.
He takes a deep breath and looks at you, the sorrow apparent in his eyes. "I need to do something, Please don't hate me."
Just as you are about to speak he crashes his mouth onto yours, Your eyes open wide in shock as electricity courses through your body making you tingle all over. Tooru Oikawa, your best friend is currently kissing you... and it feels...Amazing.
Your eyes flutter shut as he deepens the kiss hungrily stealing all the breath from your lungs, his lips still tasting of smoothie as he sighs in relief at your enthusiastic response.
He pulls away way too soon for your liking and you want more than anything to pull him close to you by his collar but you can't bring yourself to do you.
"You're cute when you pout y/n." he says softly, "I really think you're cute all the time."
"Do you really ?" you gasp as he nods shyly as if his tongue wasn't in your mouth moments ago.
Something in your chest feels lighter as you look at him next to you, You have always thought he was attractive and hardworking, but you always assumed he wanted to keep things platonic between the two of you so whatever little crush you had on him had to be hidden in some neglected corner of your heart. But now that he has bridged the gap between your feelings and thoughts that attraction has returned tenfold.
Cupping your cheek with his hand he looks at you as if you yourself had hung the stars in the night sky. "you don't need to go on that date anymore y/n. You have always had me."
Thanks For Reading 💕
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captain-tch · 3 years
Blast from the Past (Glenn Rhee x Platonic!Reader)
When you encounter an acquaintance from your life before, you're reminded of the pains and joy of reunion. Inspired by this request.
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Deanna had roped you into some bullshit, yet again. She always said you had a way of getting people to open up, get them at ease and loosen their lips. When she told you about the newcomers, you were wary. Having only been inside the walls a few weeks yourself, you knew the utter hell that was occurring outside. You were well aware that to survive, sometimes you had to abandon all morals and do what you needed to do to see another day. A group this large... You couldn't even fathom the atrocities they faced and the blood they had to shed.
To say you were nervous was an understatement.
Clearing your throat, you clenched your fists, then loosened them again. Your palms ached with relief, imprints of your fingernails indented deep into your flesh. You focused on that relief, taking a deep breath and you rapped your hand on the door before you could think about it anymore.
The door squeaked open. Your heart juddered in your chest. As much as your hairs were on end thinking of this group, you couldn't help but wonder. Who were they? Were they good people? Were they people you could one day be friends with? Or were they the type of people to slice your throat in the middle of the night and run away with your supplies?
Absentmindedly, your hand drifted to your neck.
The door opened further. It revealed a man, hand on the door handle looking slightly lost. You couldn't even imagine how strange it felt to hear someone knock on the door, and actually wait to be invited in. Manners were a luxury in this world.
"Um, hi." You snapped back to attention at the sound of his gravelly voice, taking a moment to take him in. He was dark haired, an unruly beard covering his jaw. Instinctively your eyes darted to the blood splatters on his neck. Scenario's whirred in your mind. Self defence. Murder. Ultimatum. Sacrifice. No matter the story playing out in your head, all you could see was the danger that blood implied.
You tried to control your nerves as you flashed him your best smile.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. I hear you guys are new to town?"
The man grunted. "Rick." His voice was husky as he uttered one word. "Yes."
There was a reason Deanna asked you to speak to them. Speaking to this man was like pulling teeth.
"Uh, I joined recently so I know it's hard to adjust." You shrugged, shuffling on your feet. "I help lead the runs around here, so if you ever get any cabin fever I'll hook you up."
Rick's lips twitched into an echo of a smile. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me." Sending him a quick grin, you start to retreat away. You hoped you did what Deanna wanted. There was no way in hell you were going to get them to tell you their whole story after one conversation; maybe you calmed their worries. You resisted the urge to wash yourself clean: for some reason, speaking to these people made you feel dirty. Maybe it was because they reminded you of a past you were trying to put behind you, or maybe it was because Deanna was the real reason behind why you were having a conversation with someone other than Aaron.
Behind you, you heard low mutters, then Rick calling your name.
You spun around, eyes widening as you caught sight of the familiar face in the doorway. All of the worries you had disappeared as you stared at this familiar stranger in a world gone mad. You wanted to dance and cry at the same time; a tie to a world long gone, a reminder of both the beautiful things, and of the horrors since passed.
Before you could rein in the words your mouth was moving. "Holy fucking shit, you're alive?"
The man frowned at you. He seemed tense, wariness clear on his face. It didn't bother you at all.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I've changed a lot since you last saw me. I'm glad you got rid of that god foresaken hat, jesus it must have been a game killer."
Still there was no recognition on his face. You were talking to this man as if he was an old friend. You tried to ignore the smallest pang of hurt in your chest at the blankness of his expression.
There was only one thing you could do.
"Flat 120B."
You could see the cogs turning in his head. He looked at you, staring with a slack jaw. One by one the pieces started to fall together. A bright grin full of disbelief spread across his face. "How - how are you here?"
"I could ask the same of you," you echoed his expression, grinning just as brightly. "Glenn."
Before you could comprehend what was happening, he was rushing towards you, thrusting his arms around your neck. You instinctively fell into his hold, suppressing the thin veil of tears coating your eyes. You breathed in his scent - sweat and blood - and desperately tried to anchor yourself to him.
"Where's Alex?"
The smile on your face dropped. You suppressed the lump in your throat, forcing your words out. "They're not here. Hasn't been for a while."
Realisation dawned on him. He only held you tighter, squeezing you so hard you felt as if your ribs were about to pop. He dropped his head down, mourning someone who he had believed had been gone for a long time.
"I'm sorry - do you two know each other?" Rick's hands fell on his hips, his brow raised.
Glenn pulled away, turning to face Rick. You already ached missing the warmth he gave off... It had been so long since you had been touched, yet alone held. To be hugged by someone who shared the pain of your loss, even if they only knew Alex as a friendly customer, it grounded you in a way you hadn't been in a long time. At the same time, it made the grief so much more real.
Clearing your throat, you tried to hide a sniffle. "Back when everything hadn't hit the fan he would come deliver a BBQ cheese pizza 8PM every Friday night, like clock work."
Glenn smiled fondly. "You guys always gave the best tips."
"My partner," you tried to ignore the strain in your voice as you pushed back it, "and I, we saved up all week for that. Worth it every time."
"I - I never knew you did that."
"You were a good kid." You shook your head. "I don't guess you're much of a kid now."
"Hey, do you want to come inside? Meet the others?" Glenn looked towards Rick, who's warning glance softened at Glenn's eagerness. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"
Rick looked at you, then back at Glenn. He kept his hand on his holster, not saying a word.
"Uh," you backed away a few steps. "I actually have a few errands I need to run. You guys settle in. When you're ready, I'm at the house down the street, with the green door."
"But-" Glenn tried to convince you to stay, only to be silenced by Rick.
"Thank you, Y/N."
You took that as your cue to leave. Leaving them with a small smile and a wave, you turned on your heel, setting off back to your house.
An hour ago, you thought you were alone in this world. You were surrounded by strangers who didn't know the horrors of survival. All trace of who you had once been had disappeared.
And then you saw Glenn.
A pizza delivery man who only showed up once a week, to drop off your food and to exchange a few pleasantries. A man who would always try to turn down your tips, yet eventually left with a few extra dollars in his pocket. He was associated with some of your happy memories with Alex.
After seeing him for not even ten minutes, this blast from the past had given you something you hadn't been able to find for a long time.
the walking dead masterlist
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acciopietro · 3 years
Hii i cant remember if i have send you a request already but if i havent, can i request a pietro x reader fake dating au? Like pietro is jelous of vision cuz how dare you date my sister and take her attention. And he just pops up with reader like HAH I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND TOO.
no rules - p.m.
pairing: pietro maximoff x fem! reader
summary: pietro is a world-class attention whore, but this time you don't seem to mind. especially when he asks you to be his pretend girlfriend.
word count: 2,162
tw: nothing i don’t think!
a/n: hi! thanks for the request! i hope this did your idea justice <3
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"STUPID," CAME A bitter voice from beside you, the words coming from under the person's breath as though one of his thoughts had accidentally become vocalized. You shifted your eyes to your left to see a grumpy looking Pietro, who's muscular arms were crossed frustratedly over his chest, with his eyes trained on his sister, Wanda. Specifically, where Wanda was cuddled up beside Vision.
Ever since Wanda and Vision had met, there had always been something between them. Both you and Pietro knew this, but it seemed the latter had never been prepared for it to become official. And as soon as it happened, he had decided he hated Vision. And you had gotten a new source of entertainment.
"You okay, there?" you drawled, amused, lazily turning your head to peer at him. He scoffed, shaking his head, and leaning further back into his chair. 
"Look at them," he muttered. "The stupid robot man is hogging her."
"They're together," you told him bluntly. He pursed his lips. "He's not hogging her, she wants to be around him."
"I'm way more fun," Pietro said arrogantly. You snickered.
"Yeah, I'll bet," you said sarcastically. 
"I've barely spoken to her all week. Doesn't matter what I say, she's too distracted," Pietro huffed, shifting around in his seat. "Watch — hey, Wanda! You want to make paprikash?"
"Later, Pietro," Wanda waved a hand, and in less than a second she proceeded in her conversation with Vision. Pietro extended his hands out as though that, there, was proof of his point.
"See?" he said. "She loves paprikash!"
"She loves Vision," you told him pointedly, getting to your feet. Pietro's eyes followed you as you stood up, brows furrowed together as though he were thinking hard about something. "You gotta get used to it."
"Hm," he hummed to himself, eyes flickering in between Wanda and you, pressing his lips together pensively. You stared at him for a moment, wondering what he was suddenly so distracted by.
"Right, well..." You said awkwardly, backing up out of the room to avoid his intense staring, hoping your face had not turned too red by the strong gesture. "I'm gonna... go."
You had always thought Pietro was cute — well, cute was sort of an understatement. He was easily one of the most attractive guys you'd ever been friends with, but he was a flirt, and that always made you a bit nervous. Having him stare at you with such intensity was making your heart skip.
"Wait!" he shot to his feet, picking up speed and racing after you. You felt his hand latch onto your wrist, strong, calloused fingers wrapping onto your skin and holding you back from moving away from him. You gulped, eyes shooting down to where he held you before flickering back up to his eyes. "I just had a brilliant idea."
"O...kay," you said cautiously. Most of Pietro's ideas ended pretty badly. "Does it involve me, or are you just sharing it?"
"Oh, it involves you," the corner of his lips twitched up into a smirk, eyes flickering over you. He took a step closer to you as though he were telling you something no one else knew, blocking you from Wanda and Vision's view. "Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"
You almost choked.
"Just for like a week!" he reassured you. Your lips parted in surprise, not sure what to say. He blinked, awaiting your response.
"I — well —" You swallowed, thinking. "Why?"
"Cause it'll get Wanda to talk to me," Pietro frowned. "C'mon, she loves meddling in my life. This'll do it. Just a week, that's it."
"Please, Y/N!" he was practically begging at this point. Your chest was growing warm at the prospect of being in a relationship with Pietro, even if it wasn't real. But was it worth it when you knew it was only because he wanted to spend more time with his sister? "Just — please, do this."
You stared at him for a moment, your e/c iris' fixed on his pouting face, hands clasped together in front of his chest to add drama to his request. You sighed, dragging a hand over your face before giving in and saying, "Fine. A week only."
"Great! More than great!" Pietro beamed, face brightening. 
"But we need rules," you added, and he dropped his shoulders.
"Rules?" he repeated. "Like what?"
"Well, like —" you paused, thinking. You then waved a hand, beckoning him to follow you out of the room. He trailed eagerly after you like a child as you lead him through the halls before entering your room. He flopped himself down onto your bed, much like he always did, as you sat down at your desk and pulled out a piece of paper.
"What's that for?" he asked curiously.
"The rules," you said bluntly, drawing a straight line underneath the words in bold that read RULES. You wrote down a number one so it was a list and turned to him. "Rule Number One is No Kissing."
"What? Why?" Pietro looked taken aback. "How's anyone gonna believe us if I can't kiss you?"
"Because I've never had a boyfriend before," you reasoned. "And I don't want all of my firsts to be fake."
"Fine," Pietro caved in, huffing and crossing his arms over his chest again. "Okay, I got one. Don't tell Wanda. She'd never live it down."
"Duh," you said matter-of-factly. "The whole point of a fake relationship is not to tell anyone."
Pietro hopped of your bed and sped down to kneel beside your chair, swiping over the paper and taking the pen from your grasp; his fingers grazed over yours as he took it, and when you glanced over at him, the pair of you locked eyes for a split second before you both glanced away. Your face felt hot but you said nothing as he wrote on the third line.
"Alright," he said as he continued to write on the lined paper, "You have to do movie nights with us then. Wanda's been bringing Vision, so you have to come with me."
"Okay," you agreed. "But you have to be my sparring partner for training, then."
"I'm cool with that," Pietro's lips curled up as though he were pleased at the prospect of doing so. "Okay, come with me real quick?"
He grabbed you by the hand and lifted you out of your seat, dragging you out of your room without a word. You didn't care enough to interject, so you let him drift you away, until he stopped in the living room where Wanda and Vision were still sitting. 
You felt Pietro snake an arm around your waist and tug you closer to him. His embrace was tender, like he pulling you in to protect him, and his fingers gripped at your hip like he was claiming ownership of sorts.
"Hey, Wanda," he called. His sister barely turned her head. "Y/N and I are dating. That's it!"
"What?!" Wanda snapped her head to the side, and Vision looked taken aback. Before she could say any more, Pietro grabbed you by the hand and ran out of the room with you, his body turning into a blur of silver and blue. 
And so, it began. For the next following days, Pietro and you were inseparable. He was by your side for majority of the day, and even in the moments when the two of you were by yourselves, he treated you no differently. Perhaps Pietro was just naturally touchy, because no matter the situation, he seemed to always have some part of himself touching you, whether it be a hand on your elbow or his ankle linking around yours. And you seriously did not hate it. Far from it.
But as the week came to a close, you were beginning to become worried that it would all end once Wanda started spending more time with Pietro. That was the sole purpose of the two of you starting this, anyway; Wanda loved messing and being involved with Pietro’s love life, but it seemed now, they were back to hanging out. It seemed Wanda had found a balance between her family and Vision.
“What’s wrong?” Pietro had asked softly you one evening during movie night. The pair of you plus Wanda and Vision had decided to watch “Sixteen Candles.” Pietro wasn’t a fan, but Wanda seemed to love it. 
“Nothing,” you shrugged, ignoring the skipping of your heart at the prospect of telling Pietro what was really bothering you; the fact that you were sure you were catching feelings for him and that you were almost positive that they were not reciprocated. He sent you a look. “Really. I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine,” he observed bluntly, his arm tightening around your shoulders as you kept your eyes trained on the movie screen. You said nothing. “You can tell me if something’s bothering you, y’know.”
“I know,” you said quietly, and you wished you could control the heating up of your cheeks as you felt his eyes fix on you. You could practically feel his steel blue gaze flickering over and around your face like he was trying to read you. He then grabbed you by the hand and got to his feet.
“C’mere,” he beckoned, pulling you up and guiding you into the hallway right outside the door to the TV room. You avoided his eyes, staring at your mismatched socks while he towered over you. “Tell me what’s up.”
“It’s...” you hesitated, shifting your gaze up at him. His brows were tilted upwards, his eyes soft, his head bowed like he was genuinely worried for you. “Well... the weeks over, isn’t it?”
“The... week?”
“Yes,” you nodded your head. “The week. You said we’d only do this for a week.”
Pietro's expression melted into a frown, his lips curving down and his eyes suddenly flickering nervously to his feet. 
“Oh,” he said quietly. “Right. I — I kind of thought you forgot about it.”
“Well, no,” you matched his soft tone. “I just...”
“I’m sorry if I pushed it,” he muttered. You opened your mouth to explain your predicament further, but he kept going. “The truth is, I... I was hoping you’d just forget. Cause I didn’t really want to stop it, you know? I mean, I got Wanda to hang out with me again, but... I like spending time with you. I — I like being able to hug you and put my arm around you during movies and spar with you during training.”
“Pietro —”
“But if you want to stop, I will,” He told you firmly, although his eyes revealed that he would not be happy about it. “I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I kind of just really liked you and needed a good excuse to have you spend time around me.”
“You — what?” your lips parted in shock, not expecting this to be the outcome of this conversation. You had assumed it would end in him brutally rejecting you and explaining that this all was truly just fake. 
“I said too much,” he blurted, looking like a deer in headlights. “Christ, okay... look, I — forget I said anything, okay? I don’t want anything to be ruined, and —”
“Pietro, would you stop talking?” you interrupted, and he clamped his mouth shut. Taking a deep breath, you went on and told him, “I was upset because the week was over. Because... because I didn’t want to stop it either. You’re... actually not so bad at all.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“I’m being serious,” your lips curled upwards into a small smile. “I like hanging out with you, too. And maybe I only said yes because I needed a good excuse to spend time around you, too.”
“Actually?” he asked, a grin unfurling on his face.
“No, I’m lying,” you said dryly. He blinked. “Yes, actually!”
“So...” Pietro drawled, taking a step closer to you. You had never realized how tall he was. “Can I ask something, then?”
“Can I break rule number one?”
“What’re you talking about —”
Cutting you off, Pietro swooped low and pressed his mouth to yours. You practically melted into him, not hesitating for a moment as you moved your lips against his. He snaked an arm around your lower waist to pull you flush against him, curving your bodies to fit against one another.
His white hair brushed against your forehead, strong arms wrapped around you tightly. You brought your hand up from his shoulders and into his hair, tangling your fingers in the brunette and white mess. You then pulled apart from him to allow oxygen to flood into your aching lungs, and when you pulled away, you locked eyes, both breathing heavily but grinning.
“Can we date for real, now?” he asked bluntly. You almost laughed.
“Yeah,” you pecked his lips. “No rules this time, okay?”
Pietro beamed. “Fine with me.”
@kaqua @ginger-swag-rapunzel @julster @mcximffs @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx
a/n: this didn’t take me very long, but i hope it was alright! thank you again for the request!!!!
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There's an us now.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader (no physical descriptions, BUT reader is Robin’s best friend which is major plot point)
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Summary: Steve and Y/N deal with the aftermath of their relationship becoming public. (PART 2/finale of There’s an us now.)
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Robin seems like a jerk it pained me to write her like this but y'know fiction...i love my queen Robin :( um also i guess angst and fluff <3 Some curse words. (English is NOT my first language)
A/N: Hi! omg i really wasnt expecting all the love in There's an us now pt 1 like my heart can't take it which made this even harder to write because i'm nervous it's not good enough! but oh well, i'm not a pro writer i try my best as a fanfic lover to write what i would like to see but again, don't know how well it translates. Anyway yeah, hope you guys enjoy pt.2 which is also inspired of course by Dawson's Creek.
Steve was about to enter Robin's house determined on telling her and not backing down like earlier. But behind him running, was Y/N trying to catch him before he did.
"Hey." Y/N grabbed his wrist and pulled this worried expression. She seemed upset too.
"Hey. Hey, Y/N/N, what's wrong?" said Steve while he hugged her trying to calm her breathing.
“Look, Steve…we can’t do this okay?"
"Can’t do what?" Steve questioned nervously.
"I have to be the one to tell her, okay? I mean, things are really complicated between me and Robin, and it has nothing to do with you, it's just…look it has to come from me or else it is going to ruin everything." she said with the most anxious tone Steve had ever seen Y/N carry.
"Okay, okay, that's okay. Just calm down Y/N/N, it's alright. We'll do whatever you want to do okay?" he hugged her again.
Steve decided to keep talking and see if that would calm her a little. "I mean, you wanna know God's honest truths? I've been in the process of chickening out the whole way over here." he said chuckling lightly.
That only made Y/N overthink even more. "Maybe is a sign, Steve."
"A sign of what?"
Y/N didn't know if she should continue honestly but she thought Steve deserved the truth.
"It's just that for so long, she's been everything to me Steve, I mean this girl has been my family when I hadn't had one, and she's the one person in my life who I can always depend on and this, this is gonna kill her."
Steve then sighed, realizing something. “You never had any intention of telling her, did ya?" he then smiled. "You didn't come here tonight to tell her; you came here to stop me from doing-"
Y/N quickly cut him off, shaking her head. "No, I tried to tell her, I went up there and I tried-"
"Of course, you did but, let me guess, you failed right?"
After that Robin came out of the house. It seemed they weren't as discrete and quiet as they thought.
"I thought I heard something out here." she deadpanned.
To say Steve and Y/N weren't expecting that would be an understatement. Y/N thought she had at least a few more minutes to figure this out, you know, what she was going to say to her and all that jazz. But then again, when was Y/N that lucky? she felt frozen, overwhelmed even.  
“Robin…uh…we were just-” Y/N couldn't find the right words without spilling out the truth.
“You were arguing, obviously, what about?”  
Steve looked at Y/N and noticed how she was spiraling so why not rip the band-aid off already.
After sighing and trying to look confident looking in her eyes he said. “Us Robin. We were arguing about us. Me and Y/N there's an us here now. And I'm sorry Rob we've been wanting to tell you.”
“You didn't tell me.” Robin's tone was one they had never heard before. It was certain and emotionless like she was hiding her true feelings on the situation, holding back really.
That's when Y/N thought about it, how Robin didn't seem shocked at all but more betrayed. “You know, don't you?”
“Yeah, I know. So, were you planning on telling me or was this going to be a secret fling? You could hear the venom coming out of her words. She was truly hurt, and her sweet mechanism changed to a bitter one that almost never came out, not even in life-or-death matters.
“It's not like that.” said Y/N trying to keep strong for Steve and herself.
“Then how was it? because Nancy was a little short on the details.”
“What? she thought I knew. I mean, I must be pretty fucking stupid not to know, right? that the two people I trusted most in the world were lying to me. So, are you bored, confused, or just malicious?” Yeah…the hurtful words just kept coming out, her bottled emotions could not be contained any longer.
“She told you?!” that's when Y/N snapped.
That wasn't the answer she expected. She thought maybe Robin had seen them when they thought they have been sneaky enough but…Nancy, that was a surprise.
Now it was Steve's turn to snap, he was confused at Robin's mean approach. “Hey! look, I started this thing, okay? if you're gonna get angry at someone get angry at me, it's not-”
“I don't think you're in any position to talk about what's fair. You were my best friend.” she said with hurt in her eyes.
“I still am.” Steve felt a sting in his chest, like if someone had just ripped something in him.
“Finding it a little hard to process right now.”
“It's the truth, Robin.” Steve was truly trying to convince her that this wouldn't change anything between any of them.
“So, I guess it's safe to assume that friendship doesn't come above sex and your list of personal priorities-”
“This has nothing to do with sex.” he interrupted. He wasn't surprised she went there I mean, that was a main topic of conversation in Steve's personal life.
“So, what, are you in love? is that what this is?” Robin mocked. She thought it was funny somehow. Her best friends who loathed each other in love.
That's when Steve looked at Y/N with hopeful eyes. He was in love, he has been for a while now but how could he ever tell her, it scared him more than anything. More than any Demogorgon, or any Russian invasion, getting his heart broken again after Nancy, as dramatic as it might sound, he didn't know how he would fix himself again if that was the case.
“Don't- don't look at her. Don't look at her. You know Steve? I feel sorry for you because when this is over you've really gonna need your friends and you're not gonna have any.”
Of course, deep down Robin didn't mean that, she knew Steve was there for all of them for good. They were all a family after everything they been through but in that moment the “backstabbing” was stronger than that family bond.
That's when Robin went back inside not been able to look at them any longer without saying more things she would regret later. Steve stood frozen, overthinking everything that had happened in the last minute and a half. Y/N in the other hand, rushed behind Robin to continue the conversation and hopefully make her understand.
“I didn't intend for this to happen Robin.” cried Y/N.
“What you intended does not provide me any solace. What- do you love him? do you just want to sleep with him? Robin was giving this desperate voice like trying to process everything and understand it at the same time.
“No, how could you even say that?” Y/N felt sad, that her best friend would think so low of her.
“Then why-why, because you kept on saying that you want to find yourself and is-is this what you've been looking for this whole time? Is Steve what you've been looking for?
“No!” Y/N was also started to get frustrated; she didn't know how to explain what was going on between Steve and her. It was new but at the same time it felt so familiar and…right.
“Then, explain it to me, explain it to me how two people who can barely stand to be in the same room with each other, end up outside my window arguing about the future of their relationship?”
“I can't, okay? I can't explain it okay? It happened. Everything is so complicated-”
Robin couldn't help but interrupt Y/N because it still made no sense to her.
“If things are complicated is because you made them that way. Okay? and you think that whatever that's wrong when you were with someone else suddenly magically gets better now that you're with him?”
“I don't know Robin. I don't know, okay?! I just…I just know that I need him.”
At this point Y/N was crying. She didn't want to lose her best friend and she knew this would affect their friendship forever so…she had to make a desperate decision that would change everything…again.
After that awful argument with Robin Y/N went to find Steve. There were some things they had to figure out and it most likely would end in heartbreak. Who would be the heartbreaker though?
Steve was sitting in the biggest rock in Lover's lake when he saw her. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen, the one girl that drove him crazy, the girl that 3 hours ago would be making him the happiest man alive, now, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen that will possibly break his heart. So, when Y/N sat next to him he couldn't help but feel sad.
“Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all over again?” said Y/N with a defeated smile.
Steve didn't feel like answering but did anyway. “Yeah. You?”
“So, what would you have done differently?” Steve took this as an opportunity to know more about where she was standing when it came to their relationship.
Y/N sighed. “I don't know. Everything? Nothing at all. We would still end up right back here. And I don't think I know what here is.”
“Here is right where we started.” said Steve now copying Y/N's defeated smile.
“It's over isn’t it?” he didn't want to hear it but the small talk was killing him.
“It has to be.” said Y/N. And just then, she could have sworn she heard his and her own heart break.
Steve just nodded like he saw it coming. “Maybe you should be the first one to go this time.”
While Y/N was doing her regular babysitting for Mrs. Henderson, Dustin appeared with this idiotic grin which just confused her.
“Just thought that you might want to know that uh…unbeknownst to you a particular attitudinally challenged fellow babysitter is preparing to leave Hawkins for the summer. Seems he's going to drive himself down to the city for the next three months.”
After Steve's heartbreak, Dustin couldn't help but feel bad for him not only for how badly things ended but because he didn't have his back, he didn't support him and his relationship and now he was truly sorry and trying to get them back together.
“When does he leave?” said Y/N being curious since it's the first time she's hearing about this but at the same time playing it cool. Like if it wasn't affecting the shit out of her.
“In a couple of days. I just thought you might like to know about it before it was too late for you to uh…say or do something.” Dustin was using that tone that meant he was giving some sort of hint.
“Thanks.” that's all Y/N brought herself to answer.
After her babysitting hours Y/N decided to look for Steve and set the record straight. That's when she finally saw him leave a coffee shop with a chocolate bar in hand.
She quickly jumped and started walking next to him. “This is your solution?” Yeah, she was feeling very straight forward.
“What are you talking about?” said Steve. He on the other hand wasn't in the mood for any type of conversation with her, even though he could hear her talk forever, right now it just felt too soon to be interacting with each other.
“You're leaving.” she deadpanned.
“Just when things get tough, you're gonna pack up and leave?” Y/N was frustrated for so many reasons, she didn´t want him to leave yet she also didn´t want to feel like this.
“Well, that’s the general idea, yeah.”
“Oh, real mature Steve.”
Steve was having enough of this conversation like if breaking his heart wasn't enough. This conversation seemed very hypocritical of her but at the same time he missed her. He missed her voice, the way she walked when she was mad. Those beautiful Y/E/C eyes that in his opinion could cure disease, yet he couldn't help but snap back at her.
“Well, what do you want me to do? Sit around all summer and watch from afar as you and some other guy attempt to resuscitate your ailing relationships? No thanks.”
Y/N scoffed with offense. “I expected you to at least say goodbye.”
That made Steve slightly chuckle. “Oh yeah, the goodbye scene, played that one over a thousand times in my head. I come to you heart in hand and announce my plans, you look at me pain in the eyes but then of course the Y/L/N sarcasm kicks in and I leave never getting what I came for.”
“And what is that, Steve?”
“You never asked me to stay. Ever.”
Y/N eyes widen, how could she do that? “That's not my decision.”
“Yes, it is. It always has been. You may be too afraid to make it but let's be honest with each other here, the decision to be together or not to be together has always been yours.”
“And that’s exactly what you got. You're going to get three more months of it.”
That made Y/N shake her head because even though she knew it was somehow true, she didn't want to admit it.
“All I asked for was time.”
“You know, I may be undecided Steve but at least I’m not running away. You can dress it up any way you want still comes down to the same thing. Giving up.”
“Yeah, you.”
Well, now that made Steve lose it with some chuckles, I mean, was she being serious? Has she met herself?
“I'm giving up?”
“Me? Really? You don't want to think about it just a little bit Y/N/N?”
“Me neither, but it's the ending we got isn't it?”
For what felt like the first time in her life according to Steve, Y/N got the hint.
“You know, believe it or not Steve this is not the ending that I asked for-”
“Yeah. I guess it is.” And with that Y/N walked away asking herself what she thought she was going to solve or why, it was clearly still rocky territory but deep down she knew that it was all because she still needed Steve and wanted him, therefor letting him go like that felt final.
After Y/N last encounter with Steve she decided to take a walk, truth be told she wasn't a “I'm taking a walk” type of person but this time it felt different, and she hope it would clear her mind. After 20 minutes of undying spiraling, Y/N unconsciously ended up at Robin's house. So, she knocked on the door and was greeted graciously by her parents which just made her nostalgic.
When Y/N found Robin, she thought that if they were gonna mend their friendship and try to get things back to normal that she should be completely honest with her. So, they sat down, and Y/N just started blabbing everything that she was feeling.
“Rob…” she exhaled. “The thing is, your house is my house and there hasn't been a single significant event I've experienced that you haven't experienced with me, and I was so afraid of losing that but, if that wasn't the choice, and if I thought that there was chance that you would forgive me, I may have chosen differently. And you deserve to know that.”
That left Robin speechless. Has she been over-reacting? I mean, obviously, but was it justified? was the real question Robin was trying to answer now. She started remembering little comments and conversations with Steve, the way he talked about Y/N, she should have noticed that even though Y/N was still going on dates when they became friends, it was different for Steve. She found it odd when he stopped asking out every girl that showed at Family Video, but she thought it was because he was still somehow in a Nance trance. But no…it was Y/N all along and she should have said something before she was just in denial because what if it ended poorly like every other relationship either of them had been in? She wouldn't be able to live with that but…this wasn't about her. Ever since she asked Steve to help Y/N, it stopped been her business. Which now, there was only one thing she could do to make this right again.
Robin was at the top of valedictorian choices for the next and last school year and for that they made her make a speech, an inspiring and relatable speech. And just by hearing it out loud Y/N couldn't help but cry. It left her speechless.
“Your speech was beautiful.”
“Thanks.” said Robin with nerves in her voice.
“What you said…did you mean it?”
“Every word. Which is why you should turn around and go to Steve.”
“What?” Y/N didn't know if she heard that correctly, I mean she couldn't have…could she?
“Last year you had the opportunity to go to New York and you stayed because of me.”
“Robin that wasn't your fault.”
“It was my fault because I should have made you go. But I was selfish, and I didn't want you to go I wanted you to stay here with me. And I refuse to make that mistake again.”
“Well Robin I mean what if it's my choice? I mean what if I want to stay?” somehow Y/N was still trying to convince herself that this was what she wanted. But Robin finally saw clearly, even when Y/N didn't.
“Y/N come on. Even I can see it. Steve is this year's New York and this time you must go. You must see for yourself all right, I can stand here and tell you that it's a colossal mistake, I mean it's not gonna make a difference, words, and speeches sound great, but they don't add up to anything, all that matters right now is what you want.”
“I don't even know what I want Robin.”
“Yes, you do. You want him. You love him, the only difference is that he loves you the same way back and you deserve that. Okay, and I'm not gonna be the one who stands in the way of you getting there.”
Y/N started crying she didn't know what this meant for them, what this would mean for Robin and Steve too.
“But Robin, I want us all to still be friends and I want to know that you don´t hate us.”
“They are just words Y/N. Just words. Because after this your gonna turn around and walk away, aren't you?”
“I have to otherwise I'll never know.”
“Then go, Y/N.”
After Y/N went home and changed she went by Steve's house hoping she would still find him. Hoping it wasn't too late to make things right.
“Steve! Steve!” she was running around like a crazy person but what else could she do, she was desperate.
Steve appeared in the driveway confused. “You want something Y/N/N?”
His presence made Y/N smile, knowing that maybe she would be able to fix this. “I want to talk to you.”
But Steve wasn't really having it. “No no, bit late for this now. I'm leaving, you can't stop me.”
“No, that’s not why I’m here.”
“So why are you here? To say goodbye again, maybe you wanted to rub it in a little bit huh?”
Y/N could only shake her head. “Look I don’t want to stop you Steve, and I don’t want to stop Robin, and I don’t want to be stopped not by either of you, not by anyone. See, I mean that’s what this whole year has been about we've been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up but not you, I mean you're different and you've challenged me every step of the way and you've been there every step of the way.”
Well as nice as that sounded Steve was getting impatient with her beating around the bush. “Y/N/N, departure time is in t minus 30 seconds so if there's a point, I suggest you get to it.”
“I think I’m in love with you.” she breathed out.
That made Steve take interest again but wasn't quite there yet. “You think or you know?”
“I know. I've known since the moment that you kissed me and maybe even before that and as scary as it is I don’t want to deny it anymore Steve. I don’t want to run from it, and I don’t want to let it run from me.”
Steve turned to her and started smiling back at her. “So…what are we going to do here Y/N/N?”
“I wanna come with you.”
“You what? are you crazy?” Steve appreciated the declaration but that just sounded way too spontaneous even for Y/N.
“I want to stop standing still, I want to move forward, I want to come with you.”
“What about the kids? they need you.”
“Not as much as I need you, Steve.”
Steve couldn't help but grin and finally grab Y/N to kiss her after what felt…too long. It was at this moment that they knew they were here to last, and their love was worth fighting for.
taglist: @dualvoidslay @darklingbrekksov​ @lexiecamposv @mess-in-side​ @xsammijoanneex​ @anuncalledbridge​ @arminsgfloll​​
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