#guys shut thr fuck up I have to actually concentrate now
owlf45 · 9 months
Oh my god im updating imaginary by the 16th
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Five.
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Landing in Vegas, this is my first time here and I am super excited but I will be only here for a day which sucks but I rather be there for Robyn on her birthday, I am going to be at the Agenda show for one day here which will set the tone for the rest of the days here, which I am leaving that in the hands of TJ and Barry but I do have a team, a team I am meeting today here they are flying out so I will be meeting them at my hotel, I am here for one day so I booked myself into the Caesars Palace because why not, it’s one night to just have a little fun. Not too much fun because of course I am here for business reasons but I am having to bring a whole suitcase because I am leaving for London after this, Robyn doesn’t know at all she keeps talking about is be good in Vegas, I won’t even get to have any fun here “we out here bro” looking up from the escalator seeing TJ with the phone in my face “we out here in Vegas, come and check me out at the Agenda show” TJ cackled “check him out, not the clothing line” I would push him if he was close enough, he is dumb. Maybe I worded that wrong, I chuckled shaking my head. Stepping off of the escalator “wild, I can’t believe we are really in Vegas. Who would have thought, come country niggas are out here” licking my lips smiling wide, I am so happy to be here. Everything to me is a new experience, like being here is wild because I didn’t think I would ever come here “yo boy Drake is here actually, I forgot to mention that” I will have to text him then, we can link up “take a picture of me under this, look after my case. It has things in there” I pushed it to Barry, fixing my shades as I walked backwards just standing under thr Vegas sign “ready?” TJ asked, nodding my head as I crossed my arms across my chest smirking “I know he got that light skinned squinting under those shades, looking good” TJ said laughing at me, walking back over to them.
I take too many pictures, I just seen my story and looking through it is making me laugh. Do I love myself; I mean it’s always nice to take a good selfie either way. I got my own hotel room, I was not going to share with them because they will be up to some shit and I can’t deal with that, if they want to fuck bitches they can. They are single but I do not want to be involved, looking out of my hotel window at the views. Life is just amazing for me; I can’t believe how blessed I am right now to be here in this hotel room. I am married to the love of my life also, I am happy. Hearing the skype call go off; I was waiting for that. Robyn told me to wait as she called me, rushing back to my laptop and pressing connect. Sitting down on the chair as it connected “you’re in bed?” Robyn is wrapped up in her bed covers “I am tired Chris, also the time difference. Seeing as you are enjoying yourself in Vegas I won’t take up much of your time, just that any minute now Vogue is releasing the cover photo so we need to post pictures, we can now announce that we are married. Which for me works out perfect because now you’re in Vegas bitches will know you’re married” I laughed licking my lips “whatever happens stays in Vegas babe, you know that saying” Robyn pushed the bed cover back “eh? Say that again I will fly out there just to beat your ass and come back” she is so dramatic “I am joking ma’am. I am going to meet my new team too, there is some pretty fine men in it” I snorted laughing “whatever, you are very annoying” stretching my body out “so, what are you doing for your birthday, going out or anything. So you’re like in the future, I need to work out how to be the first to say it to you, that is a lot for my tiny brain” that is hard “well you have a few hours to work it out stupid, remember it’s tonight. It’s like ten here, and it’s two there so work from there” I am going to be so jet lagged, my phone started to ring “so two hours? Just say that then, hard headed ass, why is my booty call calling me now” grabbing my phone “nigga!” Robyn spat, answer my phone to Cena, he was a founder of a different clothing line and that made a big bang so I am glad he can be on my team “what’s good?” I answered, “we are waiting for you downstairs all of us” least they are here “I will be there in like ten, see you soon” disconnecting the call “who is that?” Robyn makes me laugh.
Placing my phone down on the table “he is the founder of Pink and Dolphin which he sold on, it made a lot of money with it so I got him on it, he is going to help me push my clothing line in ways I may be not able too, he has his business partner Neima she is with him, and I have a little social media team, like three ladies that are going to run the Instagram page and deal with influx of service related issues, but that is a start. Happy?” Robyn shrugged “I suppose, ok. I am super proud of you, you have been so productive Chris, more then I assumed. Like I thought you would have done what I asked but you did above and beyond, and I am so proud of you for that” I cooed out “so you are proud of me, I just wanted to ask. I really hope you’re not upset that I can’t come, I hope you don’t think I am picking this clothing line over you” I just want to know Robyn isn’t upset with me “I am not, I am here and you’re ok with me being here for over the time limit I set. And you’re doing good things, I am not upset. We will celebrate many more birthdays together and you will make it up to me right?” nodding my head “I will” Robyn’ phone pinged “ok they posted it, oh my god Chris. This is crazy. Be super careful out there now, like really please take care of yourself. There will super jealous people out there so please. Ok, so we can post something, what are you posting. I have mine set up” of course she has “you cheated, weren’t they supposed to drop this cover early and it go one sale on your birthday? grabbing my phone “hmmm, yeah something went wrong and they changed it but it’s still being released tomorrow. But what are you posting, tell me” opening my photos, I think I will post the pictures I took of Robyn in her dress, she looked amazing “look then” looking up at my laptop “wait, I ain’t seen that picture. What?” moving closer to my laptop “this you looking at me, Dennis said he took this picture when you was watching me talk to Bravo” letting out an oh “I look so in love, who is that guy” Robyn moved her phone away “shut up, so show me what you posting” I grinned looking down at my phone, I have a lot of photos in my phone of things.
Robyn has been waiting for me to decide, but I found it easy I just needed to write my caption out “ladies first though, you read what you put” looking up from my phone “fine, I put I married my best friend how I wanted, in my home with my loved ones. He is the light of my life and I have never been so happy in my life, we wanted to do this our way and we did. Get you a man that loves you more then you love him is what Dolly told me, and I have. You can’t tell me this ain’t a nigga in love” I busted out laughing “of course you put that, nah that is cute, so I put. We are twins here because I also put I married my best friend, my twin. When I say twin I mean she is my twin flame, the best day of my life is when I saw you in your dress, I look back on this picture constantly and just smile, it’s surreal that I am in this position with you. From high school to now, I can’t wait to put a baby in you” Robyn chuckled “you already did that, you sly with that. Post it then, together” pressing send on the post “man, the world is about to find out now” I grinned “they are, I am so happy that we are married Chris. It has really made my life, don’t you think” nodding my head “it has, but I really need to go baby. I will speak to you later ok?” Robyn rolled her eyes “sure, love you poppa” blowing Robyn a kiss “I love you too twin” I am sure those people will be sick of waiting for me, I have been keeping them waiting.
TJ and Barry are both at the Agenda show, I told them I need to be here to greet the team. I mean we are late, we arrived late anyways but I had some people set up the plot which they did “Chris” this really tanned man came over to me “Cena” shaking his hand “pleasure to meet you finally” nodding my head smiling “likewise, you must be Neima” hugging her “I am nice to meet you finally Chris” she said, moving back from the hug saying “you must be Deja” I pointed, I am sure she is “yes it is, we skyped” I chuckled, shaking her hand “where is the rest?” I am sure there is a few missing “at the show, they the ones watching over everything, so I said I would come here” nodding my head “cool, well come let’s go and talk and eat a little something” I gestured, I have my joint account card with me of course. I can’t be caught out lacking in Vegas now, I have big people around. Cena and Neima are both big people to be coming onto my project “your first time here?” Cena asked as he stopped walking to walk at the side of me “yes it is my first time, I have spent my life just in VA, now I have moved to California to concentrate on the business” walking into the restaurant in Caesars Palace “when you contacted me, I saw your clothing line and I believed in your dreams. I think you are there, but you just need guidance, and we are happy to do that, take your business onto new levels” this is why I wanted this guy on my side.
Replying back to Drake’ text he is going to be a Drai’s club tonight and has invited me to come along, and of course I accepted “sorry about that” placing my phone on the table “so my vision for this company would be going forward is start to go globally, I want to be global. I have started to have celebrities wear my things to give it that kick which is happening, but I feel like once I get a better team and we stick to the task at hand we can do it. I will go back to designing what I need and then have the team work on what they need to do, that means you three” I smiled “so where does Barry and TJ come in this, they are involved. If we are taking their roles in a way what are they going to do?” Neima asked “good question” I laughed “that is something I will discuss with them but for now they will be point of contact when I am away, but I will always be there of course” I mean Cena and Neima are better at this, they have the knowledge there “we need to get a website running, this has all been done by taking order via Instagram right?” nodding my head “ok, so website next. Twitter page, photoshoots. I think we know where we need to go next, you had an accident where this put you back right?” nodding my head “there was actual spike in your sales actually, not sure if that was because people started to take interest, but website is a big thing to do. We need to do” clasping my hands together “we did have a website but it got taken down for some reason and we ended up doing it via Instagram, I wasn’t around then though” I added “sorry I have been so quiet, erm. You are married to Rihanna? I just saw it like half hour ago” I chuckled, that is funny because Deja has been so quiet “is that what you was thinking about? Uh yeah, we got married on New Year, I guess you seen the pictures huh. Yeah, the secret is out” Deja clapped her hands cooing out “wow, my girl looked so good, you both did. Congratulations, this is so surreal. It really is” she looks so hype “thank you” that is sweet of her, I guess I am going to get that now.
I let the team go ahead of me because it’s coming up to Robyn’ birthday, I am not sure if she will be asleep because she was in bed, knowing her ass she is probably breathing heavy and is asleep right now. So I decided to post a picture of Robyn from High School days, she looks so goofy, but this is a picture my mother took of her, I don’t know how she even had this but she did and it’s cute. I am glad I am not in the picture anyways, but my mother sent me it in shock saying I found this picture, typing out a caption “Where you are right now it’s your birthday, well in less then a minute it will be. Wishing you the best birthday twin, I can’t wait to see you when you come back, and we turn up. I want ya’ll to show my wife love, it’s Rihanna day today. Happy Birthday Queen! And I know you will hate this picture, you were forced to have your picture taken by my mother lol @badgalriri’ pressing send on the post and then tapping Robyn’ name to call her, it’s her birthday so we shall see. I am stood in the corner like a creep for this, they are waiting for me in the car, I did say I will be one minute. The phone call is just ringing out, she is asleep because she would have picked up, in my heart I don’t think Robyn cares for her birthday, she is not happy about it because of the situation and her being in London still, voicemail of course but I will leave her a little something “I just called to say, I love you” I chuckled “mouth breather, how you sleep on your day but Happy Birthday baby, I love you so much. I know you listen to your body and if you want to sleep, you do that. Man, I miss you so much but call me when you do wake up, happy birthday” blowing a kiss down the phone and then disconnecting the call.
I finally made it to the Agenda show, I have been looking at other people’ plot. There is some good shit here “how has it been?” dapping TJ “easy bro, things are going easy right now. Are these the new peeps?” stepping to the side “this is Cena and Neima, also Deja. She is part of the social team, these must be the other two ladies” these are some pretty ass girls, not even going to lie “you are Jada?” I hope I got it right “I am, we finally meet” I was going to shake her hand but she hugged me “likewise, just call me boss” moving back from the hug “and you are Sheree, beautiful name ma” shaking her hand “I have really a beautiful ass team, I am blessed. Including you Cena” I chuckled, turning around “ain’t you Rihanna husband?” this woman came out of nowhere, I wasn’t even ready “uh what?” I laughed nervously “I swear I seen you on Rihanna page, you her husband?” rubbing my chin laughing “I am, yes. You caught me out” she gasped “wow, now I didn’t think I would be bumping into Rihanna husband. You own this thing don’t you” she walked inside looking around “I do, everything you see here is what I designed” walking over to her slowly “oh wow, can I take a picture with you. This is my daughters and son, can we have a picture” this is weird “erm yeah for sure, I mean I ain’t famous you know that right?” She waved me off “you better remember me that I was the first person to ask, you are famous now. Come here boy” she really doesn’t care, how the hell do you take pictures with random people, do you hug them or what “erm TJ, take the picture” I said to him” shuffling over to the mom “don’t be scared now, this is Rihanna husband” placing my arm around her “what am I again?” I asked “Rihanna husband” I laughed out; her country accent too just be killing me when she says it.
I entered Drai’s club and it just hit me, it hit me so hard that I didn’t ask Robyn but she is asleep well her ass hasn’t woke up or replied to anything, maybe if I just text a very nice text saying Drake text me to go over for some drinks “shit” I said to myself “my nigga! My fucking nigga. Aye, move back, move all the way back. Come here” Drake spat, it’s too late I am in the VIP section “my brother” dapping him and then hugging him “ah man, I am so fucking happy for you both. I seen the cover and Chris, you look like you modelling, I said we need you on some OVO clothing pieces modelling” I laughed moving back from the hug “thank you, it was a special night and you made it even better, it’s good seeing you though” Drake grabbed the Grey Goose bottle “get some more bottles, we celebrating my boy, he got married to one of the baddest girls in the game, bring more bottle. Take a seat” I laughed sitting down in the VIP section, let me quickly text Robyn something that doesn’t seem like I went but I did want her to say yes, it needs to be worded right.
From: Chris
To: Robyn
Birthday girl, still asleep? I think you are, so I am in a little situation, Drake invited me to Drai’s club for a few drinks and it was last minute, and I know you’re asleep so I couldn’t ask but I am here, call me when you can xx
Pressing send on the message, she cannot be angry with me because she is asleep. What else can I do; I can’t just wait until Robyn has the moment to say yes. It’s making me wonder now, is she still asleep at this time. I mean it’s eleven here, well nearly eleven and there it’s about seven I think so she’s slept very well if so, my night has just started and my flight is at eight in the morning, I will make it, this will be fine.
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