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Squeak 'Em If You Got 'Em
You belong to Task Force 141. Task Force 141 belongs to Captain Price. It's simple math - but math was never your strong suit.
Original AO3 Link
Content: Dom/Sub Dynamics, Fraternizing (therefore, power imbalance), Medical Care (non-descriptive), Safe/Sane/Consensual Intimacy

It’s your first mission with the 141. Well – your first mission with the whole squad.
You’ve completed assignments with Ghost and Soap, Gaz and Ghost, Soap and Gaz. A little intel gathering here; a terrorist assassination there. Things to build your confidence and the team’s confidence in you.
This is the first time you’ve been trusted with a Big Kid Operation. And it’s gone to absolute shit.
Not by any fault of your own. You’ve been sharp, responsive to your superiors’ commands. Hauled Gaz out from under a burning car with Ghost’s vicious scope covering you. When everyone else was breathing off the mad dash to the safehouse, you were still on your feet, doing triage. Price even patted your head before sending you off for a powernap.
It’s not clear what went wrong, or where. Hitting a base trying to flush out a Big Bad expected to be elsewhere, only for the guy to be there with his own small army. Too many men on their side, too few bullets on yours. Almost got massacred but managed to eke out an escape with some well-placed and impromptu bombs from Soap. Intel was wrong, someone was tipped off, plans were changed – doesn’t matter what happened, just that it did.
Your boys are pissed off, battered and scraped, all cramped together in a dingy safehouse only a little bigger than a barrack. Everyone is running low on patience. Gaz is ginger from multiple burns. You suspect Ghost has a microfracture in his leg. Soap is mildly concussed and grumpy about missing out on shuteye. Even you’re a little bristly, worn down from everyone else’s bad mood.
And then there’s the captain.
When you rouse from your doze, Soap and Gaz are hovering nearby, muttering sullenly about Price’s piss-poor mood. “Right crabbit” as Soap put it.
You suspect why.
(“Not going to say it’s bad for me?” Price gruffs.
You don’t look up from your treatment reports. “It is bad for you.”
“You’re not going to tell me I should quit.” He’s not asking this time.
You flick your eyes up, unimpressed. “Would you listen if I did?”
He huffs, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he blows cigar smoke out the open window. Pointedly. You don’t quite roll your eyes, but turning back to your charts is as good as.
“We all have our vices, cap.”
“That so?” he muses. “What’s yours, lamb?”
You. “Insane amounts of morphine.”)
Nicotine withdrawals are a hell of a thing. This mission wasn’t supposed to last as long as it has, but supposed isn’t worth fuck all right now. Gaz isn’t supposed to have second degree burns on his arms. Ghost isn’t supposed to be limping when he thinks no one is looking.
Bottom line is this: you’re all vacuum sealed in a little cement box and Captain Price didn’t bring any cigars. And it’s making everything worse.
Sighing, you rouse yourself from the corner you curled up in with the shock blanket. The boys quiet a little, offer you thin smiles. You appreciate the efforts and reward them with a squeeze to the shoulder each. Soap spares a whispered warning to keep out from under Price’s feet, but that’s exactly where you plan to go.
On the way, you grab a cup of water for your lieutenant, on watch at one of the windows. He’s been there for hours now. You scuff your boot to let him know you’re coming, set the cup and two paracetamols on the windowsill by his rifle, left side.
“Should save it for the others.”
“Don’t tell me how to do my job, sir.”
He doesn’t look up from the scope. You notice his hand twitch from the corner of your eye as you walk away.
Your captain is standing in the open door at the front of the safehouse – opposite side of where Ghost is posted. He tilts his head to acknowledge your approach but doesn’t speak until you’re already at his elbow.
“Last time, sergeant, I’m not injured,” he rumbles. His voice is rough from too little use and too many bitten back curses.
“I know, sir,” you say, erring on the side of deferent. You’d bugged him about it a lot earlier, afraid to nod off with your captain potentially wounded and in pain. Know you made a bit of a nuisance of yourself, jittery on the tail-end of a bullet too close to his head.
“Why the fuck are you up, then?” he demands.
“Everyone else is up,” you answer, simple and nonconfrontational.
He grunts. Slides a glance your way and catches whatever expression you’re making. Seems to realize he’s being an ass, and sighs. His shoulders only seem to tense more though, leashing in his unusual temper. You wait another moment, obtrusive because you’re being quiet. Wait until he finally looks at you properly.
“Sleep alright, Squeaks?”
His tone is milder now, you might even detect threads of an apology woven in there somewhere.
You don’t quite smile, but you know your expression warms. “Yes, sir.”
“Don’t bother telling me I should try it myself,” he warns, but it lacks the heat it had a moment ago.
“No, sir,” you agree. Then offer up the blister pack.
“The hell is that?” he squints.
“Trying to say something?”
You roll your eyes, turn them out the open door. “Nicotine gum, Captain Muppet.”
There’s a beat of silence, then a sputter as he decides if he wants to ream you out or give you a commendation. You don’t look at him, spare his pride (and yourself from his temper) as you tuck your free hand behind your back.
“Fuck, Squeaks,” he sighs, swiping it from your patient fingers.
You wait until he’s popped two pieces and started crunching before offering the patches next, side-eyeing him.
“The gum is just something for your brain,” you explain. “These are what will actually take the edge off.”
“Christ, you’re an angel. Should have called you that instead of Squeaks.”
You snort. “Whose fault is that?”
He narrows his eyes at you, but it’s with better humor than he’s had since the transport in.
“Soap’s, last I checked.”
You hum, lean your hip into the doorframe. Can’t let yourself look at him again because you know you’ll blush like a schoolgirl. It’s an embarrassing and increasingly frequent risk around your captain. Because of your captain.
A good man – you’re starting to think one of the best men you’ve ever met. A better leader – definitely the best you’ve ever had. John Price is larger than life and all you want to do is bask in the safety of the massive shadow he casts. Like seeking shelter from a hot day.
You’ve gotten shy, praying that you can reside in that shadow without drawing the attention of the noble creature it comes from. Not because you’re afraid, but because you wouldn’t know what to do with it. Don’t know what to do with it. Still crave it, though.
It wasn’t like this, at first. Not sitting in his office, your file on the desk between you two. A fresh transfer with nerves shot on too little sleep and too many questions, asking your new captain why you were there at all.
Staring out into the small hours of another Hell Day, you puzzle out where it changed.
Maybe that first proud grin when you got brave enough to start asking the right – real – questions at the end of that introductory meeting.
Maybe when your fellow sergeants dragged you to breakfast dark and early the next morning, singing praises of the 141’s COs at your gentle probing.
Maybe it was that hair ruffle after debriefing your first official mission, Ghost reporting that you’d done well.
Or it was the pack of sour candies he dropped in your lap during movie night. Or the shoulder squeeze as he guided you through a tough knife maneuver. Or the sympathy on his face when you nearly cried over paperwork last week.
But no, wait. You know what it was.
A break during sparring practice sometime that first month. You were sitting against the wall, nursing a sore wrist with a cold pack. Price was posted up next to you, just quietly in your space. Almost like he was desensitizing you to his presence.
You’d been groping for something to say, uncharacteristically longing to bridge some of that gap between you and your CO. There had been no ice to break with Gaz and Soap, just the two of them cannonballing into your friendship. And Ghost – well, it’s hard to keep feeling terrified of a guy whose glove got caught on the lace of your underwear two days ago because of an unfortunate tumble and loosened drawstrings.
But you’d seen the way Price interacted with them. The fond if sometimes exasperated sighs at your fellow sergeants. The brotherly exchange of glances with Ghost. You wanted that too. To belong to the 141, not just part of it. And that had to start with Price.
“Your physical is coming up, sir,” you landed on. Wanted to drop your head in your hands. Not your best.
Price didn’t quite groan, but his grimace was loud. He didn’t turn away from the sparring mats where Ghost was beating the stuffing out of Gaz and Soap simultaneously. It was like he hoped that if he didn’t look at you, you’d magically forget your duties.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice it coming up?” you asked, mustering a teasing tone.
He grumbled noncommittally. You took that as a yes. (You’d been correct.)
“There’s four of you, sir,” you reminded. “I have your vaccination records memorized already.”
He huffed, ran a hand down his face, ended with a scratch to the facial hair at his jaw.
“How about this, sergeant,” he began. “You take my word that I’m fit as a fiddle, and I tell Soap to stop calling you Squeaks.”
Soap had just coined it that day; there was still a chance it wouldn’t stick. You sucked in a breath. “Sir. That’s just cruel. You need your physical.”
“Pain in the ass, they are.” He faltered, shot you a wary look. “Sometimes literally.”
“Nope, it’ll just be a normal check-up,” you laughed.
“The deal is still on the table, sergeant.”
“What was it you said that first day?” you asked, arching an eyebrow. Getting brave enough to let something like a personality shine through your training. “I ‘know how to get the job done’? Something about me being ‘unafraid to pull medical override’ when needed?”
“Alright, alright watch it,” he grumbled. You didn’t think there was any real heat in it. (There hadn’t been.) “Insubordinate little shit.”
“Tomorrow morning, then? Or would you prefer the afternoon to prepare yourself?” At his narrow look and knowing you could be pushing your luck, added a smug little, “Sir.”
“Right then,” he sighed, pushing himself up.
You blinked as he stood – blinked again when he winked at you.
“I’ll see you at 0700 tomorrow, Sergeant Squeaks,” he said, loud enough to catch the boys’ attention.
You yelped indignantly, felt your cheeks flush first at the noise and then at the wicked grin he sent you. Christ, that smile needed a license.
“Ah, that’ll be the nickname, then,” he mused, nodding to himself. “Ta.”
He exited to the sound of Soap whooping and Gaz laughing. You sat, shocked and betrayed, open-mouthed, until Ghost called you back to the mat.
Yes, yes that was it.
The warmth in your chest and persistent fluttering in your gut. The way that wink-and-grin combination made your head spin for hours afterwards. That first precious glimmer of really belonging.
After all, you don’t mind the nickname. It’s apt enough. Deserved given how you squeal when Ghost flings you across the mat by your belt, or when Gaz scoops you up around the ribs and hauls you about like cheap luggage. More imaginative than the “doc,” “sergeant,” or simply your last name that all your previous squads used.
“I’d offer a penny for your thoughts, but yours look like they cost a pound,” Price says.
You don’t quite startle, still too keyed in on the mission for that. But it jerks you from your musings, abrupt but not unwelcome. No use dwelling on your increasingly fluffy feelings for your captain. At least not here and now. Maybe in the shower back on base, where the feelings are allowed to be more than just fluffy.
“Too rich for your blood, cap?” you ask.
“You’d make me a poor man if I let you.”
Your grin has no right to be so bright given the circumstances.
“Squeaks!” Soap calls, a little whiny. “Can I have a vomit pill?”
“For fuck’s sake, Soap, if you don’t quit your whinging—” Ghost snarls.
Because you’re already looking at him, you see the way Price’s mouth goes tight, eyes closing as he gathers patience. You pat his arm, smooth a thumb over the synthetic of the nicotine patch – telling yourself that you’re just checking it’s flat.
“I’ve got it, sir. Take a minute?”
“I’ve had a minute.”
Brooding into the darkness doesn’t count, as you’ve told Ghost several times already.
“When was the last time you had something to eat?” you try instead.
He doesn’t answer – which is all you need. You tug a meal replacement bar from your vest pocket and tuck it into his hand.
“Like I said, I got it, sir.”
You blink at him one last time, a wordless entreaty to stay, eat. Then turn on your heel and return to your boys.
Ghost and Soap are scowling at each other. Gaz is slumped in the middle, looking about ready to tear his curls out. You make a detour to your bag to grab the peacemaking supplies, then fearlessly enter the fray. It’s shocking, really, that you’re not vaporized for stepping in the middle of their death glares.
“Here,” you say, dropping a Dramamine and a pack of pretzels into Soap’s lap. “Drink with water.”
You say it every time because they have no regard for their esophagus or stomach linings. Soap, defused for the moment, salutes you with a tip of his half-finished water bottle. You bite back a chastisement that he isn’t further along with it.
Gaz is next. He’s been chugging water dutifully, keeping his arms elevated and still, otherwise. His bandages are clean and dry from when you dressed them earlier. You know he’s hurting something awful and will be for a while yet. Wish you could do more, apart from generic pain meds.
You give him a bag of animal crackers and pat his leg as you turn to your last patient. Ghost glares at you.
“Already gave me the damn meds,” he growls. They’re gone now and the cup of water is empty.
“Let me take watch for a bit?” you reply. “Elevate your leg, put a cold pack on it.”
He frowns, considers. Clearly wants to say no. There has been no sign of hostiles since you all holed up, though. You’re just waiting for the coast to be clear enough for Laswell to send evac.
You’re about to say as much, but his eyes flicker over your shoulder. Maybe it’s occurring to him as well.
“Fine. You remember what I taught you.” It’s not a question because it’s not an option. Ghost has been relentless about sniper training. Says your steady hands and cool head make good assets.
“Yes, sir,” you say.
You don’t offer a hand out of the chair, know he’d sooner break it. But Soap sidles up to offer a shoulder (that he accepts) and you take his seat without another word.
Four hours later, Laswell sends word that Nik is on the way. Price looks saner than he has for the past day. He gives you a grateful nod and squeezes the back of your neck when you ask if the nicotine supplements helped. You board the helo and feel especially warm when he leans his thigh into yours.
Sparring, you decided a while ago, is your personal hell. That opinion hasn’t changed.
You can’t pin a single one of them. Ghost is a demonic trainer, barking instructions when he’s not tossing you around the mat himself.
Guard up, Sergeant. Leg back, Sergeant. Don’t let him overwhelm you, Sergeant, he’s a muppet.
Each time, you haul yourself up and try again. Get knocked around like a human pinball in a crack-fueled arcade machine for the effort, but you try. Price says you need experience and practice. So, you nut up and get practice and experience under Ghost’s watchful eye. Even if it means you probably need your own medic now.
It’s worse today. You think the boys might be a little high-strung because of your last mission. A hostile surprised you, knocked the pistol from your hands and took you to the ground. You managed to stab the guy – nearly gutted him, according to Soap – but it was the closest call you’ve had since joining the 141. Too close for them, you suspect.
Their response has been to train you harder, to be sure it’s not so close next time. You appreciate the sentiment, really you do, but damn if you’re not suffering from their particular brand of fussing.
At some point, you get dropped on your ass and just lay there, staring up at the ceiling. It’s not more than two heavy breaths before a skull mask peeks over you. Like the devil himself just watched you get drop kicked into Hell.
“I hate it here,” you groan.
“That so?” Ghost asks.
Opposite him, Soap’s mohawk pokes into view, a goofy grin plastered across his face. He’s not even sweating.
“Ach, don’ look so torn-faced, wee chook.”
You blink. Squint. Blink again.
“LT, how hard did you hit me?”
“English, MacTavish.”
Soap rolls his eyes and puts on an accent violently wavering between obnoxious American and obnoxious British. “Don’t look so sad, small chicken.”
You swipe at his leg – get him in the calf with two knuckles.
“Ow, fuck!”
“Hope it cramps,” you snip.
Ghost sighs, then reaches a massive hand down and hauls you up by the collar of your shirt. You consider hanging limp and defiant, but you know better than to test his patience by now. Resigned, you get your feet under you.
“Enough,” he grumbles. “Save it for the next round.”
“Oh, that’s the only hit you’re gettin’, lass.”
You hope he’s not right.
Five minutes later, you’re right back where you started, blinking at the overheads. Ghost is squatting next to you this time, apparently considerate of the knock you just took. Soap is muttering about your “stupid little hands” hitting him on pressure points somewhere nearby. You wish you had the energy to be smug that you made his arm go numb.
“Feel like that last round was personal for some reason,” you wheeze.
“Only got yourself to blame, Squeaks,” Ghost replies.
Wishing a cramp upon Soap was a little cruel, you’ll admit. Can’t help that you’re mildly frustrated that after months assigned here, you’re still barely able to hold your own against any other member of the 141.
Also, you can’t believe he called you a chicken.
“No, no I think I can blame Price for this,” you say.
“What was that, sergeant?”
You yelp and jolt upright, thankful that you’re already flushed from exertion. Price is standing at the edge of the mats, arms crossed, eyebrows arched. It’s not fair that he looks that attractive in cargos and a plain tan undershirt. Especially when you can tell you’re about to get your ass handed to you again.
“Sir,” you start. Wish Ghost would strike you down like the grim reaper knock-off he is. He’s not merciful enough to put you out of your misery. “I was just saying, um…”
Nothing is forthcoming and Price doesn’t wait for you to scrounge together any excuses.
“Right, then, Squeaks,” Price says, stepping forward, “let’s give you a chance to take out your frustrations, since you have them.”
Oh, you do. Just not any that should be worked out in the gym… or with an audience. (Or your captain, but that goes beyond saying. You’re well past that qualm by now.)
“Great,” you mumble as Ghost once again yanks you up like a particularly awkward kitten. “The whole squad gets a turn.”
Gaz chokes on water over Price’s shoulder. To the side, there’s a mysterious noise similar to a strangled goose as Soap turns away, ears bright red. It’s only when you hear Ghost’s quiet huff that you realize what you’ve said.
“Lieutenant, would you—”
“Damn.” Worth a try.
And so you trudge to the center of the sparring ring, shaking your hands out to dispel the nerves.
You’ve never sparred your captain before. He’s been running drills aplenty with you and the rest of the boys, of course. But Ghost has been the one in charge of your training, getting you up to snuff with the rest of the team. Gaz and/or Soap are almost always there as well, for bonding and encouragement.
Price, however, hardly has the time to join your sparring practices – nor does he really seem inclined to participate. When he is there, it’s usually just to supervise and offer advice. You’ve never asked, always just figured he’s too busy to risk an accidental concussion.
“C’mon then, sergeant,” he goads, nodding you forward. “Take a swing.”
“No,” you reply.
You know better by now.
“This’ll be good for you,” Gaz calls. “Need practice with someone new.”
You don’t respond, keeping your eyes on Price’s center mass. Another lesson Ghost taught you – the hard way.
“Need to get more comfortable with our dear Cap anyway,” Soap adds. “Nothing cozies up mates like a sweaty row.”
You twitch against the urge to turn and glare at him. Little shit. You’re plenty comfortable with your captain by now. Any further and you’re risking inappropriate behavior.
“That’ll do,” Ghost snaps.
Price huffs softly at them but never takes his eyes off you. There’s a beat of heavy silence, you feel the pressure of incoming action on your shoulders. Then he lunges at you—
And you decide in short order that you wish you’d never been transferred to the 141, never joined the military, never been born. Price fights like a machine. Brutal, efficient, ruthless. Less savage than Ghost but terrifying in new and nightmare-inducing ways.
“Easy does it, lamb. There’s a dear.”
He settles you onto the bench, barks at Gaz to bring you a cold pack and water. You just try not to fall over, still blinking spots from your vision. Probably not a concussion, but you’re in for a hell of a bruise later. Your vision finally focuses on Price, crouching in front of you, eyes so soft for a man that just gave you three consecutive heart attacks.
“Ring your bell a bit, did I?” he teases.
“If I get my bell rung any more it’s gonna be an alarm,” you mumble.
Gaz jogs up with the ice pack and your stupidly bright pink water bottle. The latter gets nudged into your hand. You sip at it while Price pops the internal water bag and shakes it. When you lower your bottle again, Gaz is already gone.
“Chin up, sergeant, you’re making progress,” Price says, offering you the cold pack.
You sigh, set it against your smarting cheek and temple, one eye closing against the temperature difference. Drop your gaze to your free hand, still tightly wrapped to protect the fine bones and thin skin.
“I can’t win against any of you,” you mutter, trying not to pout.
“You will.” He says it like he gives orders, so sure that it’s going happen that he doesn't consider there to be an alternative. “Just need to get out of your own head.”
“What do you mean?” you ask, brow furrowing.
A gentle nudge under your chin draws your gaze up to his. A silent command to listen, this is important. You’re helpless to do anything but obey.
“You let yourself get intimidated, convince yourself that you’re going to lose so you miss openings to get a win. We’re not invincible, Squeaks. If some sack of shit out there can get a hit on us, so can you.”
You dig your teeth into your bottom lip, considering that.
It’s so easy to put them on a pedestal. They’re the 141. The four-man army (five-people, now) top brass sends in when they want shit done. Even you, a perpetually sleep deprived combat medic with more caffeine than blood, had heard of them before your transfer. Usually from patients waxing semi-delirious poetic about their badassery, but that’s beside the point.
You’ve been with them long enough now, seen enough of them, to parse facts from gossip.
Ghost is a terrifying badass with a penchant for wicked blades. But he also likes tea with too much sugar, watches nature documentaries with you at 2am, and once cursed a blue streak over a papercut.
Soap is indeed a pyromantic demolitions expert that can set anything on fire if he tries hard enough. He’s got one of the fastest clearing times in the military. That said, you’ve banned dog-themed movies because they make him cry, play doodling games when he’s bored, and could talk for hours about different types of coffee.
Gaz is brilliant with any gun he gets a hand on, a marksman to rival Ghost, with a head for strategy and tactics that makes your own spin. You’ve also helped him hide a cat on base for the past two weeks and learned how to crochet from him.
And Price. Price is everything they say he is, through and through. He’d a leader at his core, watching out for all of you no matter the time or place. He’s bedrock, the foundation you’ve all built yourselves upon, the reason the 141 is the catastrophic force it is.
But just last week you had to stitch his bicep together because some asshole with a blade got a lucky swipe.
“I want to do right by you all,” you whisper.
It keeps you up some nights, the weight of your position on this team. Not just because of what they are, but who they are. You care about your boys far more than you care about casting a shadow to match theirs
“You are,” Price says. Sets a large, strong hand on your knee and squeezes gently. “I wouldn’t send you out there if I didn’t think you could watch out for yourself and them. I know it’s hard for you to see, but you’re improving.”
You’re not a real doctor. You’re a combat medic; the first tenant of your creed isn’t to do no harm. It’s that you can’t fix someone else if you’re already broken.
“Thank you… Price,” you murmur.
The smile he rewards you with could fucking melt you. You duck your head, clear your throat.
“I should get back to it, then,” you say.
“No, you’re done for the day.”
“But—” Your mouth clicks shut at the look he gives you.
“Up you get, Squeaks.”
You stand, still holding the icepack to your face. At his gesture, you offer your free hand to allow him to unwrap it. He does so in methodical, hypnotic movements. Quiet, focused. His hands are so much bigger than yours, and rougher. Mind, you have your own callouses, but sweating in nitrile gloves half the day tends to soften them.
When he finishes the first, you switch, giving him the other hand. As he does, he calls out to the boys.
“Squeaks is coming with me, so don’t do anything too stupid.”
“Aw, but sir!” Soap whines.
“Let them be, Johnny,” Ghost interrupts, shaking his head.
Price lets you scurry off to the locker room for a rinse and change of clothes. When you emerge ten minutes later, he nods for you to follow him, and you dutifully fall in line. It’s quiet between you two, but not the awkwardness of when you first joined. Outside, he heads to the left instead of the right, meaning the destination is his office.
“Sir, I have paper—”
“Already waiting for you. C’mon, Squeaks.”
You puff your cheeks at him sullenly, but only because he’s not looking.
“Bossy,” you chide.
“’S what they pay me for.”
And he’s so good at it, too.
You’ll never tell him why, but you love his office. It’s quiet, cool – except for the patch of sunlit couch under the window, where you like to curl up when the AC gets to you. Price keeps it neat and tidy, but there are personal touches everywhere. A picture of the 141 before you joined, his hat on the edge of the desk, a few milling medals in little clear cubes on his bookshelf. It smells like a humidor, but your brain has been rewired to have a positive association with cigar smoke.
It's better than your “office.” Little more than a converted storage nook in one of the clinic’s procedure rooms, outfitted with a counter, cabinets, computer, and rolling stool. You use it for its intended purpose sometimes, but mostly it’s where you stash your personal supplies – funny plasters, candies, meal replacements, extra balaclavas, fidget toys, nicotine supplements.
It’s also where you hide to cry, but no one needs to know about that except the “hang in there” kitten poster.
Most times that you need to do paperwork without disruption, you come to Price. Er, his office.
You like to work with company and Price is usually buried under his own mountain of red tape, listening to whatever radio station has caught his fancy for the day. Usually some form of classical or jazz, sometimes dad-rock when he’s in an especially good mood. He’ll sacrifice a portion of his desk and let you fill out your charts and forms and happily receives your mission reports right on time.
Today, a stack is waiting where you usually work – to his left side, on the short end of the desk. You won’t be able to see his computer or any confidential documents on screen. He’d have to work hard to see any private information on your side. He’s even left a pen – your favorite one that you swear you’re going to steal, a smooth black ballpoint that doesn’t skip or smear.
Price nudges a chair out for you. You drop into it with a sigh, easing the ice pack away from your face.
“You broken?” he asks, closer than you expect.
When you glance up, he’s right there. Right in front of you, down on one knee. The fabric of his jeans is taught over the swell of hard muscle in his thighs. Even like this he seems to dwarf you, broad shouldered and just… larger than life. You’re a little lightheaded with the scent of him, cologne and cigars and clean linen. Don’t even care that he’s the reason your face hurts in the first place.
“Don’t think so.” But he’s already reaching. You let him.
His fingertips are searing hot as they caress over the cold skin of your cheek. A brush so soft it tingles instead of hurting. Your next breath shudders as he applies gentle pressure, prodding around the forming bruise.
“Didn’t mean to clock you like that.” His voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it, a purr that usually haunts you over comms but is pure sex without static to dilute it.
“Shouldn’t have gotten clocked,” you counter.
It really was your own fault. His shirt rode up a tantalizing inch, revealing the cut line of his hip. Practically a neon sign pointing here, look, you know he’s packing, you know you want to get your tongue— and then you’d received the cosmic justice of your captain’s fist.
Hopefully, the red skin from the ice pack shrouds the flush starting to fan across your face. That little sliver of skin will be burned into your mind for the next decade at least. A place of honor in Sergeant Squeaks’ Spank Bank.
“I’m not in the habit of beating down my own people,” Price rumbles.
“That why you never join?” you ask.
His gaze flickers that tiny fraction from the wound to your eyes. Something glints in them, there and gone, too fast for you to recognize. Still, the intensity of it makes your stomach flutter.
“One of the reasons.”
He stands and turns away. You swallow back disappointment at the loss – his attention is an addiction and you’re constantly craving a fix. Just as you’re wrestling your thoughts onto the much-more professional path of paperwork, he sets something down in front of you.
Chocolate, infused with 50 milligrams of caffeine.
Your mouth drops open, saliva already gathering under your tongue. Wide-eyed, your gaze bounces up to your captain, to the grin just a touch too sweet to be as mocking as he means it to be.
“You always crash after sparring,” he says. “Have a nibble before you fall asleep.”
“Thank you, sir,” you chirp, grabbing at the bar with excited hands.
“Feral little thing,” he tsks.
“You have cigars, I have caffeine.”
“And insane amounts of morphine, apparently.”
“’S what the caffeine is for.” You hum, delighted at the first touch of candy on your tongue, just the right balance of sweet and bitter. “Want some?”
He considers for a moment, head tilted, eyes flashing. Then he takes your wrist and ducks down, the click of his teeth through the chocolate loud in your shocked silence. When he straightens, his eyes find yours, glimmering in the soft lighting of his office. He doesn’t look away as he chews, swallows. Then his tongue peaks out, licking slow and deliberate across his bottom lip.
There’s going to be a wet patch on this seat by the time you leave.
You open your mouth, not sure what you’re going to say. Some one-liner that it’ll taste better from your mouth. A different one-liner that you want to see if it tastes better from his. That he’s the hottest thing you’ve ever laid eyes on in your miserable little life. That you’ll happily spend the rest of your days on your knees, between his thighs…
His phone rings.
He grunts, a dissatisfied but resigned thing as he plucks it from his pocket.
“Gotta take this. Get started, lamb.”
“Yes, sir,” you manage.
He drops a hand on top of your head as he goes around you for the door, already pressing the phone to his ear. You shouldn’t find the authoritative shift in his voice as he answers so appealing. You do anyway.
It’s only when the door closes that you feel like you can breathe again. Managing it in a way that’s somewhat normal is a challenge, but you wrangle yourself under control, thinking about anything other than how badly you want your captain.
By the time he returns, you’re already checking over lab results, making notes on a sticky-pad off to the side.
“World ending?” you ask, glancing up.
Price huffs in amusement, rewards you with one of those heart-melting smiles that crinkles his eyes a little. It’s impossible to coax out of him when he’s stressed or there’s bad news. Whatever his call was about, it doesn’t seem to be anything worrisome.
“Not just yet.”
“Damn, I was hoping I could avoid reports a little longer.”
“’Fraid not.”
A scritch to the back of your head as he passes this time, his thumb grazing the sensitive skin behind your ear. You hum in appreciation, lean into it a little, but don’t cause a fuss when he continues to his desk. That would be too revealing.
“Music?” he asks.
You perk up. He’s letting you pick today. “What about that classics station you found a couple weeks ago?”
He hums, glances at the window behind you. “Rain’s coming in. Sure you won’t fall asleep?”
“I’m not a toddler.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“Now you’re just being hurtful, and I’ve been a perfect angel.”
He snorts, but there’s an unmistakably fond twinkle in his eyes. “Today.”
“Always! I’m the best behaved on the team.”
It’s true. Gaz and Soap are two bastard halves of the same bastard coin. And Ghost is a whole coin of his own, no matter how he pretends he’s above the sergeants’ shenanigans. It’s usually you that reminds them to keep the damage to a minimum, give the recruits a break, quit before Price hears.
“That’s not saying much,” he huffs. “Don’t think I don’t know about the cat, Squeaks.”
You blink, smiling innocently. “Cat, sir?”
He runs a hand down his face, but you clock his grin before he scrubs it away. “Right. Shut up and get to work.”
You hum and try not to look too smug. Don’t want to get kicked out just yet.
Price gets the radio started and you return to the lab results, the two of you settling into a companionable rhythm. Between Ella Fitzgerald and Price’s old-school loud-as-fuck keyboard, you have the perfect background noise to focus. The caffeine boost helps, keeps you from getting too drowsy once the rain starts pattering on the glass.
“Hey, Price?”
You’ve been slipping up lately, forgetting your formalities. Not that Price is much of a stickler for it outside of missions and official meetings. It’s a barrier you’ve tried to keep for yourself, to stop your traitorous thoughts from gaining too much traction.
He hums in question, but you wait until he’s turned from his screen to offer the paper you’ve been squinting at for the last several minutes.
“Is this an ‘a’ or a ‘d’?” you ask.
He blinks, glances at where you’re pointing. Pauses. Flicks his gaze back to you, unimpressed.
“This is your handwriting.”
He sighs and gives it another look. Then sits back.
“That’s ‘o’ and ‘l’.”
You write over it, making the two letters more distinct. Price watches with something like dread.
“Thank you, sir!”
“Christ, Squeaks. Can’t even read your own scribbles.”
“No, but you can.”
There’s a part of you that really likes that. That he knows your handwriting better than you do, has read and deciphered enough of your reports or other notes to parse out the smallest difference between letters.
“No, I can’t. Write neater.”
“I’ll try, sir.”
You won’t.
It’s Task Force Specialty Training Day.
AKA: government-funded team bonding.
You’re not sure how Price has managed to swing it – paintball guns, paint-“grenades” (water balloons) – but you’re not about to complain. He’s passing it off as a training exercise, and you will admit there is some merit to it. Practicing teamwork as a unit and between individuals, trying out tactics and strategies.
It’s also a hell of a lot of fun.
You’ve been pairing up, one person taking a break each round with the odd number of people. Watching the showdown between Ghost-Soap and Gaz-Price was nerve-wracking and thrilling. The absolute thrashing of Gaz-Soap by Ghost-Price was downright horrifying. (Except for the part where the sergeants decided that if they couldn’t win, they’d at least go down being extra as hell, and for that you salute them.)
As for your team-ups, you’ve had mixed successes.
Ghost is a win for all three matches – you manage to pull your weight before getting taken down on two rounds, and on the last one you “survive” the whole way. Your lieutenant even fist-bumps you when it’s over, with a rare and coveted “good job” tacked on the end.
You knew teaming up with Soap would be a riot. You win two rounds with him and lose one, the latter against the formidable Ghost-Price team that you learn dominates pretty much always. The two of you don’t make it easy though. Rigging little traps, setting off red herrings, or just indiscriminately causing mayhem.
Working with Gaz proves the most mixed results. Two losses to one win – that being against Soap and Price, and only because the former lets himself be goaded into giving up their position at just the wrong time. Still, there are no hard feelings about your rocky matchups, just good-natured promises to improve together.
It’s your rounds with Price that have been the most exhilarating. You’ve never had him and only him in your ear before, growling out orders. The neat little part of your brain that’s so good at compartmentalizing has apparently decided to take a vacation today. You’ve been relentlessly horny since he purred that first “how copy.”
Thankfully, you’ve learned to adapt to operating while being attracted to your captain, so it’s not so different from any other exercise. Really, you’re hardwired to follow Price’s commands at this point, reinforced by living another day when you do.
You just don’t realize how hardwired until the last match against Soap and Ghost.
Price nods you into one of the tiny, gutted buildings through one of the windows. He’s going to circle around, try to meet you in the middle. Simple maneuver, very effective. You just have to stay “alive.”
Inside the building, there are windows, wall cutouts, even boxes and barrels to provide cover. You’re ducked behind one of these when you hear the pop-pop of a paintball gun. Then a yelp, a crash.
Ghost shouts, “Medic!”
You’ve never, never ignored a call for help before. Hesitation means lives in the field and you’re programmed to move before that second syllable is even out.
But Price’s voice cuts through years of training and instinct, locks your muscles down, keeps you tucked behind a stack of crates. You don’t even think, don’t have time to think. It takes you a moment to process what just happened even as your body obeys.
Price said to hold, so you hold.
No sooner have you realized what you’ve just done – or haven’t done – than Ghost is sweeping around the corner. Deadly, silent, efficient. You can only just see the top of his head from your position.
“Take the shot when you have it.”
Ghost pivots to clear the other side of the room. You pop up, already firing. Hit him once, twice, three times. Stomach, chest, face. He grunts and goes down.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
You never managed to shoot Ghost in any of your other rounds.
“Status, Squeaks.”
You blink, still staring moon-eyed at your lieutenant, as if you actually just fucking killed him.
“Target down, sir,” you say. “Repeat: Ghost is down.”
There’s another pop-pop, followed by heartfelt Scottish cursing.
“That’s the game, love.”
Ghost is the only one there to hear the noise you make, thankfully. You’re not even sure why. It’s a term of endearment you hear all the time, even from Price, but never like that. Thick with pride and approval.
Ghost clears his throat, his gaze far too knowing. You jolt.
“Sorry for shooting you in the face,” you say, scrambling over to him. “You okay?”
“Just fine, sergeant,” he replies, pushing himself up. “Deserved it, I suppose.”
You hum. “That was fucked up, sir.”
“All’s fair,” he shrugs.
You scrunch your nose but offer your hand to help him up anyway. He takes it out of sportsmanship but doesn’t put any weight into it to stand. Price and Soap find you a moment later. Soap looks disgruntled, splattered in fresh blue, but Price is grinning.
He makes a beeline straight for you, wraps his hand around the back of your neck, and presses your foreheads together. You suck in a breath but don’t pull away. No, you pull him a little closer, fingers curling in the straps of his vest.
“Brilliant, Squeaks,” he praises, “as always.”
You swallow back the sound that threatens to crawl out of your throat, suspecting you’d sound like a mouse on crack. Price isn’t as sparing with praise as Ghost, but it’s always hard-earned and exquisitely genuine. More importantly, he always says it like you’re his favorite person in the world at that moment.
“How-how did you know?” you ask.
He pulls away and you try not to show your desperation for him to return.
“Ghost calls you by name when it’s an emergency.”
You blink, shocked and awed (and a little frustrated with yourself). As always, your unwavering trust has been rewarded. Not just with victory, but with a long, heavy look from your captain that makes your heart flutter.
Price gives you one last pat to the head, and then the four of you file out to meet Gaz.
Towards the end of the session, Soap suggests the one activity you’ve been dreading: royale.
It’s a good chance to practice solo work, in the event that you’re separated from the rest of the team. Unlikely as it is to happen – you’re always paired up, and always watched like a hawk – the 141 isn’t in the habit of entertaining weak spots.
So you suck it up, resupply your ammo, and dart off when the counter starts. Thirty seconds to develop a strategy and try to execute it. Soap had that look in his eye, so you feel confident that he’s going to make some noise and cause some chaos. Ghost is also an easy guess – stealth is his specialty, and no one has much of a counter for it.
While Gaz was a wild card with Soap earlier in the day, he tends to match the rhythm of whoever he’s paired with. Lacking backup for this round, you think his plan might be similar to yours: low profile, let the heavy hitters swing at each other.
As for Price… you’re not sure what he could be planning. He knows everyone on the team too well, is far too intimate with each operators’ strengths and weaknesses. Has to, given that in any other circumstances, you’re all on the same team, looking out for each other. Chances are though, he’ll mark you as an easy target and go after you or Gaz (his usual teammate on two-person ops) first, leave Soap’s antics and Ghost’s general spookiness for last.
You post up outside of one of the little buildings, between two free-standing walls and wedged behind a barrel. It would be too small a space for any of the boys to risk, but for you it’s just the right fit to provide cover without immobilizing you.
When the horn sounds for the beginning of the match, you let out a breath and start counting. You’ll wait a single minute, then start around the perimeter. You’re a decent enough shot that if you see someone from a distance, you’re willing to risk your position to fire at them.
At 45 seconds, you think you hear something. You quiet your breathing, straining to hear. It’s coming from the nearby building. You peak around your safety, watching the window and open entrance for movement.
There’s a flicker of color, the rapid pops of fire and returned fire. Soap’s maniacal cackling, someone cursing, but hard to discern who. Probably Gaz. It’s confirmed when you see the top of his baseball cap duck past the window. You pause, consider. Then grab one of the paint-filled water balloons and chuck it through the window as hard as you can.
Soap shouts something unintelligible. Then Gaz pops around the frame, already firing. You’re lucky, though. He hits the barrel instead of you, and you fire off three shots. The last one hits him in the face shield, and he goes down with an overdramatic cry.
Fuck, that’s twice today.
You take a paranoid glance around, then scurry into the building. You clear corners with slightly shaky hands, adrenaline hitting even though this isn’t real, and you weren’t even in the middle of it. You just can’t believe that worked.
As you get to the doorway, you come across Soap, laid out with hot pink up his shin.
“Och!” he groans, throwing an arm over his face. “Ma leg’s gone!”
You snort. “Want me to put you out of your misery?”
“Aye, ya cruel harpy! Send me on ma way to Hades.”
You roll your eyes. “Seen Ghost?”
“I’m about to be a ghost!”
From the room, you hear Gaz stifling laughter. You fire one last shot into Soap’s vest, right over his heart. He makes an oof noise then falls limp, spread-eagled like you’ve truly done him in.
“Dead now, you muppet?” you ask.
“Aye, I’m right deid. Pushin’ daisies.”
You grin even as you roll your eyes and continue into the room. Gaz is also lying there like a corpse. Per the rules of the game, you can’t ask him about Ghost or Price since he’s technically “dead.” Still, you kneel down by him, poke him in the cheek.
“You alright?” you ask. “I didn’t mean to hit you in the face.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he assures, patting your wrist. “Hey, you want a candy?”
He unzips one of his vest pockets, revealing a little trove of Jolly Ranchers. Classic flavor, good choice.
“Oh, hell yeah,” you whisper, fishing out a blue one. “You’ve had these the whole time?”
“Forgot about them, honestly.”
You grin and pluck up another.
“Oi, Squeaks, get me a red one!” Soap calls. Too loud.
You shoot him an annoyed look. “Shut up! You’re gonna blow my spot!”
Still, you grab him a red one and drop it on his face before moving on. Game’s not over yet, after all. They each give you five seconds to clear the area before they come over the universal comm channel, announcing that they’re out.
You duck into a room on the first floor, take a moment to pop a candy into your mouth and shove the wrapper in your pocket. Then debate your next move.
It’s insane luck that you managed to catch them both. Right place, right time, right opportunity. That unfortunately also leaves you up against the two teammates that scare you most. You’ve already gotten Ghost once today, doubt that you’ll manage it again. Price will also definitely come after you before trying for Ghost.
Meaning… well, you’re probably fucked. And not even in a fun way, dammit.
Sighing, you creep from cover, trying to think of a strategy other than hide and pray they take each other out. You’re a little too chicken-shit to leave the cover of the building. It’s small, maneuverable, and – most importantly – you’ve already cleared it. There’s “roof” access if you risk ascending the metal staircase on the exterior.
You pop your head out to triple-check the area, but there’s no sign of either of your superior officers. Heart rabbiting, you take the stairs as quickly and quietly as you can, immediately flatten yourself on your stomach when you reach the roof.
Well, at least you managed that.
You shimmy into position with the staircase to your right, trying to keep it within view. Then you settle to wait.
The one part of sniping that’s always been a struggle for you is the waiting. Ghost can sit there for hours, silent and still, just watching. You, however, need something to do. Even the most tedious parts of medical care require you to actively do something, or you have someone to talk to.
For a while, you entertain yourself by clicking the jolly rancher around your teeth, hoping it doesn’t turn them blue. When that one is finished, you fiddle the other one out of its wrapper and pop that in, wrinkling your nose at the mixed flavor. Still, it’s something other than tearing up the inside of your mouth with your teeth while you keep a wary eye on the playing grounds.
Not that there’s much to see. Not a damn thing.
You sigh, wondering what Ghost and Price are even up to. Probably found each other and are having a really intense staring contest from their respective points of cover. Perhaps trading clever one-liners.
God, you should have let Soap shoot you while he was still “alive.” Let yourself “bleed out” and then skulked off when the one-minute timer for “fatal” wounds was up.
The longer you sit here, the more your body wants to relax into complacence. And, paradoxically, the more wound up you get. Hurry up and wait, as the boys say. You’re used to it on missions, and usually busy yourself by taking everyone else’s minds off of it. Right now it’s a special kind of torture when you don’t even have the threat of actually dying to keep you on edge.
Just your captain and the lieutenant who, while scary in their own way, only have paint to threaten you with.
A hand grips your ankle and yanks.
You yelp, startled, as you’re flipped onto your back. The paintball gun is ripped from your hands and tossed aside in a tinny clatter. Out of instinct, you put your arms up to protect your face and neck, jerking the leg not being held. Your knee hits the back of your assailant’s, knocking them down onto your hip, pinning your torso.
You lash out at his midsection, get exactly one softened punch in. Then the hand on your leg wraps around your wrist and slams it into the concrete beside your head. The next thing you feel is the barrel of a gun against your temple and you freeze. There’s a beat of deafening silence. You slowly lift your other hand up.
“There’s a good girl,” Price’s voice rumbles. “Just surrender.”
You let out a shaky breath, heart thundering for an entirely new reason.
“Eyes open, lamb.”
You hadn’t even realized you closed them. His eyes are so fucking bright when you meet them, bluer than the perfect spring sky above you.
“You scared the hell out of me,” you manage, voice pitchy.
He hums, never dropping your gaze, never loosening his grip. You’re well and truly trapped.
“You let your guard down,” he replies, though it doesn’t sound quite like the reprimand he probably intends it to be. “Pulled myself up from the window behind you.”
Ah, right. You couldn’t have managed that distance without help, but of course he could. Fuck, you wish you could have seen him do it.
“Glad it was you,” you breathe, too honest.
His brows arch. “That so?”
“Yes, sir.”
You shift, trying to relieve the maddening pressure of his thigh between yours. Get a warning squeeze to your wrist and go still again, all too aware of the heat radiating off him, seeping through thin layers of fabric. You want to writhe, rub up against him like an animal until he’s soaked. You pray that when he pulls away, there won’t be a wet spot on his pants.
“And why’s that, hm?”
Because you liked getting caught by him. Because you wouldn’t want anyone else between your legs, holding a gun (even a fake one) to your head. Because you’re hoping that he’ll leave bruises on your wrist when he finally lets you go.
“Just seems right, as my captain.”
He hums like he doesn’t believe you.
“Did you take out Gaz and Soap?” he asks.
“Yes, sir.”
His eyes flash with unmistakable pride. You nearly whimper when his thumb sweeps over the delicate skin of your wrist. A new and ridiculously arousing version of his usual head pat.
“That’s my girl,” he practically purrs.
Your face feels scorching hot and there’s no good excuse for it if Price notices. Maybe he’ll just think it’s embarrassment at being caught.
“Now, before we finish up here—” God, you wish he would finish you here. “Have you seen Ghost from this perch, little bird?”
You don’t even hesitate to offer up information. Price could ask for your Social Security at this moment, and you’d happily write it down for him.
“Northwest, ten o’clock. Thought I saw movement, but it was too far to take a shot. Was just keeping an eye on it.”
His smile is absolutely sinful as he straightens up and drops the handgun to fire a single shot against your chest, just like you’d done to Soap. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. And then, to your mixed relief and disappointment, he shifts back and lets you go, giving you space to wiggle out from under him.
“Are you broken?” he asks. “Wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“Don’t mind a little rough.” It’s out of your mouth before you can think about it even once.
“I-I mean,” you fumble, scrabbling for your gun and looking anywhere but him. “I’m not fragile, that is. I’m – you didn’t – not broken, sir.”
And before he can respond, you practically throw yourself off the roof. That’s about as much humiliation as you can take. You don’t stick around to see the end of the match, instead make a beeline for the restroom to clean yourself up.
Not that it’ll matter, you think, only a little self-pitying, they’re just going to get ruined when I see him again.
If the captain was planning to say anything about your semi-inappropriate fumble on the rooftop, you don’t get to hear it.
No sooner have you returned to base and showered off the paint than you’re informed by Laswell of a new assignment.
A freshly formed squad with a newly promoted captain. They’re waiting for their actual medic to be transferred from a field hospital, held up by the shuffling of personnel to fill in the gaps. But since the 141 is between operations, your skill and experience make you a good candidate for a temporary placement.
You’re scheduled to ship out in two hours, and you haven’t eaten since lunch – was planning to go out for food and drink with the boys. You still have to pack your bag, your equipment, restock your supplies.
“Squeaks, settle down. You’ve got plenty of time.”
“Yes, captain.”
Price sighs. You cast him an apologetic glance, but only see sympathy and what might be worry in his expression. His arms are crossed tight across his chest, hat tilted so that with his head ducked the way it is, you can’t see his eyes.
“Sweetheart…” he tries again.
“I just—” You press your lips together, ashamed, but he nods for you to continue. You lace your fingers together, twisting and bending digits to the point of discomfort. “I-I like it here. I don’t want to… I know this is part of the job sometimes, but I just… I feel like I work well with you, and I’m worried about…”
A warm, calloused hand takes your chin between thumb and forefinger, guides your face up.
“Look at me, love.”
You swallow audibly as you obey, expecting reprimand or impatience. You feel stupid and childish. Price’s gaze isn’t judgmental, though. It’s searching, bouncing across your features and between your eyes like he’s trying to read all the things hidden between your words.
I like it here with you. I’m your medic, not anyone else’s. I’m worried that this will be like every team before the 141. I’m afraid I won’t measure up to whatever they expect, that they’ll take me away from you after this.
Whatever he sees (and you fear it’s something far too close to the truth) it causes his expression to shift. Something similar to what you see when a mission is going south. That determination and confidence that’s as firm as the ground you walk on. A look that declares we will survive, and we will win.
“Listen here, sergeant,” he commands. Your spine straightens, shoulders back, but you don’t pull away from the gentle hold on your chin. “You are 141; you are one of mine. You get this over with and come back to me in one piece. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. Your place will be right here waiting when you do. Understood?”
“Understood, sir.” Your voice is barely more than a breath, can’t get enough air in your lungs.
His hand shifts to the back of your neck, so wide he’s cradling the base of your skull. He tilts your head and for a heart-stopping moment you think he’s going to kiss you. You’d let him, right here in the open doorway to your barrack. Want him to.
Then his forehead touches yours. It’s almost better than a kiss. Just as intimate, more grounding. It’s what you need right now. To have him here breathing with you, showing that you’ll be missed. That he has faith in you but will be worried every moment you’re not under the watchful eye of the 141. Of him.
Your eyelids flutter as you focus on his warmth, his scent. Let yourself be soothed.
“Tell me,” he orders.
“I’m 141, one of yours,” you repeat obediently, voice soft and a little hoarse. “I’ll come home to you in one piece, whatever it takes.”
“Good girl.”
He shifts, the soft hairs of his beard brushing your skin, and then you feel his lips on your forehead. A sweet goodbye, maybe even a promise.
“Get your bag. I’ll see you off.”
“Yes, sir.”
Despite everything, the sight of the 141’s base through the plane window fills you with overwhelming relief. You’ve fulfilled your promise; you’ve come home to Price and the boys.
It’s only once you’re wheels-down and unclipping from your harness that the trepidation seeps in again. The weight of Captain Fuckface’s disapproving stare gets heavier with each second that it’s about to find an outlet with your own captain.
Once the ramp is lowered, he steps out first with a barked call for you to follow. As if you had anywhere else to go. Still, you set your jaw and fall in, pacing yourself to stay behind him all the way to the tarmac.
Your boys are waiting for you. Even Ghost, surly motherfucker with his arms crossed. He’s still there. And you’re struck with almost debilitating déjà vu. An arrival similar to this one, skittering out from a plane as a new transfer, nervous and trying not to be. Your team lined up to meet you, even though you didn’t realize at the team how much they would really be yours.
And Captain Price, your captain. A step in front of the rest with a small, crooked smile on his face. He looks more tired than last you saw him a month ago. Darker circles, deeper frown lines. They start to ease when he sees you approaching, only to reappear just as quickly when your expression becomes clearer.
His eyes dart to your temporary captain, to the grim expression that’s probably painting his face.
You wish you were happier to be home.
“Captain Price.”
“Captain Dillard. Successful mission?”
“We managed to get the job done.”
The unspoken “no thanks to her” is loud. Down the line, each member of the 141 shifts, frowns, glances between you and Captain Fuckface. To your gratification, they all seem dubious. Even Ghost.
“I see,” Price says slowly. His eyes flick to you. “Broken, sergeant?”
“She’s fine. We can debrief now.”
Price shoots him a razor-sharp look. “Didn’t realize you demoted yourself to sergeant.”
You swallow back a snort of laughter, choose the high road. “Not broken, sir. I’m solid for debrief.”
Price gives you a onceover, heavy and worried. But you really are fine – physically at least. With a nod, he and the other captain lead the way back into base. The rest of the 141 fall back to walk with you, doing their own check-ins.
“Bunch ‘a wankers, eh?” Gaz asks.
You duck your head, keep your voice quiet. “A bit, yeah.”
“Admitting you like us, then?” Soap teases. There’s tension around his eyes, a careful way he gauges your reaction when he loops an arm around your neck.
“Like you better than them, at least,” you say, trying for humor. Your tone just misses the mark, but he laughs like normal anyway. You’re unspeakably grateful. “Probably just because I’m stuck with you muppets.”
Soap scoffs, ruffling your hair. It’s familiar and friendly and what you need after being away for what feels like a year.
“You make us proud, Squeaks?” Ghost asks.
You know it’s just his way of checking on you. His tone implies that the answer is an obvious “yes,” but you can’t help the way you flinch a little. All the attempted good humor disappears.
“Tried to, sir.”
There’s a heavy moment of silence. Before it can be broken, you have to turn the corner towards Price’s office. You follow the two captains inside, settle at parade rest by the door. Price notices the unusual behavior but doesn’t question aloud, only narrows his eyes fractionally.
“Right then,” he begins, “what’s this about?”
“Captain Price, Agent Laswell led me to believe that the 141 is the best the SAS has to offer,” Fuckface begins. “But what I’ve seen from your medic this past month makes me wonder what kind of standards you’re being held to.”
Price holds up a hand. “I’m going to stop you right there. Sergeant?”
You swallow despite how dry your mouth feels. “Yes, sir?”
“Wait outside.”
“Yes, sir.”
You slip out with as much composure as you can, wait until the door is closed to slump against the wall. You’re exhausted, nerves shot, just want to curl up in the common room surrounded by your squad and their good-natured chaos.
You – fuck – you just want a hug.
It’s about ten minutes that you stand there, leaning into the wall, wishing for this to be over with already. When you hear boots and see a shadow moving near the door, you straighten up into parade rest again.
Captain Fuckface opens the door looking smarmy, the asshole. Behind him, Price is standing over his desk, hands planted on its cluttered surface. He looks composed on the surface, but you can see that he’s pissed beneath. Your stomach sinks.
“Sergeant,” he practically barks, “a word.”
You wait until Captain Fuckface has exited before skirting inside, closing the door behind you. There’s a beat of silence. You’re sure you must be pale as your lieutenant’s namesake by now.
“You know what he just told me?” Price asks, voice low.
“Some idea, sir.”
“You want to tell me your side?”
“I—” You blink, words caught, frustration making your eyes water. Yes, you want to tell him. You want to explain every stupid miscommunication and misrepresentation that must have been told about your temporary assignment. All that comes out is a rough exhale, fists so tight behind your back that your palms hurt.
“Squeaks. Sweetheart.”
You tear your eyes away from the floor. Didn’t realize how badly you needed to hear him calling you that. Or to see that warm, patient look on his face.
“Stop standing there like an FNG. Come here.”
You drop out of parade rest and nearly scramble across the room. Not to the chair you usually lounge in, on the other side of his desk. No, you make a beeline for him, crash into his open arms with a bitten off sob.
“It fucking sucked,” you mumble.
“I gathered.”
You sniffle away any embarrassing tears and focus on your captain, all of him surrounding you again. His arms are sturdy and strong, squeezing you just this side of too tight. The scent of cigars and beard oil and gunpowder soak into you. You press your face against his chest, hear the strong, steady thump of his heart and could swear that yours is trying to follow along.
“Tell me,” he says after a moment.
“Sir,” you say, pulling away. Try to keep your voice at a reasonable level. “I tried. I did everything I usually do. By the book, even. He wouldn’t listen, sir. Told me I’d be reprimanded if I tried to go over his head.”
He nods. “I figured as much from what he said about you – insubordinate. Difficult to work with. He also said you were slow to follow orders.”
You close your eyes for a second, suck in a breath. Of course he said that. It’s not even untrue.
“Thought that was odd,” Price continues, “when I have every experience showing me the opposite.”
You blink, dart your eyes up to his. He smooths a hand through your hair and you’re helpless to do anything but lean into it. Needing comfort, needing reassurance.
“You have a hard time listening to people you don’t trust, huh?” he asks.
You stare, mouth parted like any moment you’ll muster up enough brain cells for an actual reply.
“It’s a note in your file from past COs. That you’re shy around authority. Even Ghost said something about it during your first couple missions with him,” he continues. “Thought I’d have to keep an eye on it, but you’ve never hesitated to follow orders since then. Not with Ghost, and never with me.”
You nod because it’s true. Too many COs trying to ignore your medical decisions, too many of them that let dying men run back into battle. Always thinking twice if you should listen and fall in line or call for evac and possibly be the reason a mission fails.
“You’re not insubordinate or difficult to work with. You’re the best fucking medic in the service and they were bloody stupid for not realizing the favor we did them by loaning you out.”
You blink away another wave of tears, realize your hands are curled into his shirt but can’t make yourself let go.
“Yeah, I’m on your side, love.” You feel him smirk as he presses his lips to your forehead. “Honestly, Squeaks. What did I tell you? You’re mine. I’m not about to believe some puffed up kid that just got his third pip over my medic.”
And he says it so simply, so obviously, that you feel silly for all your anxiety. Of course Price believes you. He’s your captain. You trust him more than anyone. Possibly ever. And for damn good reason
“Yessir,” you breathe, nudging your face against his.
“Good. Now let that wanker back in and then come stand behind me.”
And as always, it’s not even a conscious thought to follow orders. You swing the door open, then pivot on your heel and stand just by Price’s elbow at picture perfect parade rest.
Captain Fuckface swaggers back in, drops into the seat across from Price’s desk. You keep your expression even and calm.
“I won’t tell you how to reprimand your people, Price, but I hope this isn’t an issue we have the next time we borrow one of yours.”
You wish you could see Price’s expression, because you could swear the temperature in the office drops to freezing.
“Borrow?” Price repeats, chuckling. It’s not nice. “I wouldn’t lend you a fucking pen, never mind a member of my team again.”
Yeah, it’s good to be home.
You’re happily snoozing when someone jostles you, trying to get their arms between your back and the cushions. It’s too soon after being gone. You flail, panicked. The only thing you remember is falling asleep near Price, and now someone (who is not Price, they don’t smell right) is trying to move you away from him.
You push out with your arm, catch fabric, hear a grunt. The hold on you loosens and you fumble around the figure leaning over you.
“John,” bursts out of your mouth, automatic as breathing.
You stumble towards his voice, not even fully awake but seeking him out, knowing he’ll keep you safe. And then he’s scooping you up, letting you cling. Sheltering you while you blink, taking stock of the situation.
You’re still in Price’s office where you fell asleep after he unceremoniously dismissed Captain Fuckface. Ghost is standing by the couch, hands up in the universal “unarmed” gesture. (Never mind that he is most definitely armed… somewhere.) Price has you cuddled up on his lap now, one arm around your legs and the other supporting your back. Making gentle circles with his thumb through your shirt.
“Oh,” you hum, “sorry, LT.”
“You’re alright, Squeaks,” he says, adjusting his mask. “Was just gonna get you to bed.”
“Oh.” You don’t want to go to bed, even though you can see that it’s well into night by now. You want to stay here with your captain. “I’m awake…”
“I’ve got her from here, Ghost.”
And it says something, probably, that Ghost doesn’t even pause. Just nods and quietly exits. It’s only then that you realize you’re still snuggled into your captain’s lap and while you really, really don’t want to leave, this is more than a little compromising. You shift, start to pull away.
“Sorry, sir,” you say, face warming, “I was just—”
You stay, blinking in surprise. “Sir…?”
“You’re allowed to call me John, sweetheart. You did just now.”
Ohhhhhh no. No, no. He can’t do this to you. Not now. Not when you’re on his lap and he’s driving away the chill from sleep and you’ve been dreaming about him for the past month straight – and long before that, honestly.
“I-you—” you start but don’t know how to finish.
“Squeaks,” he murmurs, quieting you, “there’s something I want to run by you. I trust you’ll tell me what you think like always.”
Confused by the shift, you nod where you’re tucked under his jaw, knowing he’ll feel it.
“You like it when I call you mine.” You make a winded noise, but he just keeps talking like he didn’t just unceremoniously turn your world upside down. “You like that you belong to more than just this squad. You like that you belong to me.”
He lets that sink into the air between you, and all you can do is stare at his desk, shocked speechless.
“You like when everyone else calls you Squeaks, but you like it more when I call you sweetheart or lamb or love. And I think you said exactly what you meant when I caught you during the royale.”
You barely dare to breathe, wondering where this is going, what he’s going to say next. Alright, so you haven’t been subtle, you know that. But you figured there was a mutual unspoken agreement to ignore your unprofessional utter devotion.
“I also think…” Here he finally pauses. You feel him swallow, his fingers flexing where he’s holding you. He takes a deep breath like he’s the one bracing himself. “I think that if you want something more, you won’t say anything because you’re afraid it would risk your spot on this team.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, hands tightening in his shirt. The silence is all the confirmation he needs.
“So I’m going to tell you this before anything else. There is nothing you could do to jeopardize your position here. Your place will always be with us for as long as you want it.”
You pry your voice from where it feels lodged in your chest. “Even… even if I screw up?”
Screw us up.
He chuckles. “We all make mistakes, Squeaks. You’d still have me if I screwed up, wouldn’t you?”
You don’t even hesitate. “Of course.”
“There’s your answer.” He adjusts a little, tucks you against his shoulder so that he can card his fingers through your hair. “We’re a team. We communicate, we work together. No unilateral moves or heroes.”
That sounds… fuck, that sounds lovely.
“That said, if you don’t want something more with me, for any reason – or even no reason at all – nothing has to change. I’m still your captain, you’re still my medic. This is still your squad.”
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. You’re too overwhelmed, half-convinced that this is just another dream. That you’ll wake up on Price’s office couch, to him gently and platonically ushering you off to bed.
“You don’t have to have an answer now,” he offers after a beat.
You already have your answer. It’s not something you have to think about when you’ve long made peace with your feelings.
“I-I want…” You gather your courage. Remind yourself that he wants this too. He wants you. “I’ve always been yours, John. From the moment we met.”
He exhales hard, ruffling your hair. His grip on you tightens again.
“Men like me don’t know how to love casually, darling. Can’t say things like that ‘less you mean it.”
“I do.”
You really do.
He coaxes you from the safety of his chest, draws you back to get a good look at your face. You stubbornly meet his eyes. There’s concern, uncharacteristic uncertainty. He’s just as nervous as you are. He doesn’t know how this is going to go either; if you two will be able to balance rank and duty with a romantic partnership. But beneath that, you see your own longing mirrored back at you and an adoration that makes your heart ache.
Carefully, you slide your hands up his chest, over his neck, to his face. Like he’ll bolt if you move too quickly. Your nails scrape gently through his beard, eliciting a shiver that you catalogue for later. One hand cups his cheek, thumb sweeping beneath his eye. The other traces delicate fingers up a strong jaw, over his temple, card into the fine silk of his hair.
You hope it communicates anything your expression doesn’t. That you want him in every way he’ll allow. That what you feel for him is anything but casual. The shock is still there, a film of static over your racing thoughts, but you’re certain that this – that he – is what you want.
“Alright, love,” he rasps. “I believe you. Just… for my own piece of mind, sleep on it?”
You frown, open your mouth to protest. The words die on your tongue when he takes your jaw in hand, thumb pressing gently to your chin. Even his silent orders you follow like religion.
“I promise I’ll still want you tomorrow,” he says, “but we’ve waited this long. Another day won’t hurt.”
You huff, but he can already see acceptance in the tilt of your head. Still, you’re sure to make your displeasure known by tugging at a bit of hair. Not hard, but enough to get the point across. Enough to make him grunt and eye you in exasperation.
“Brat,” he grumbles.
You shift on his lap, a grin tugging at your lips. You like this new nickname. “Your brat.”
“Mm.” His eyes go half-lidded. “You’re trouble.”
“’M not!”
The hand still on your jaw tightens a little, warning. “Behave for me a little longer and I’ll make it worth your while.”
You shiver, know from the look on his face that you’ve been made. Well, in for a penny and all that.
“But siiiiir,” you whine.
“Hush, none of that,” he scolds, but there’s unmistakable fondness.
“You can’t just offer me all this and then tell me I’ve gotta wait,” you complain.
He arches an eyebrow. “Oh, I can’t, can I?”
That low, rough tone washes over you like fingers down your spine. So fucking hot it’s unfair. You want to get on your knees – no, you want John to put you on your knees. Order you to kneel, sit still, behave. You’d do it, too, even as you would mouth off.
“It’s cruel and unusual,” you accuse.
He chuckles, shakes his head. His thumb sweeps in a gentle arch over your cheek. “How about something to tide you over?”
You perk up. There’s an amused twist to his mouth that makes you bubbly and warm.
And then he’s sliding his hand to the back of your head and guiding you down. Instead of leaning your foreheads together like usual, he tilts his chin and slants his mouth over yours.
You squeak in surprise, then go loose and pliant. Close your eyes and lean into him, knowing he’ll support you. Sink into the surprising softness of his lips, the tickle of his beard on your skin. Breathe him in and count his heartbeats beneath your palm, a touch faster than usual. It’s instantly addicting.
He keeps it chaste, but it’s like a feast after starvation, so much contact and intimacy where you’ve always tried not to take too many liberties. You press. Want him closer, closer, closer. He wraps his other arm low around your ribs, just above your waist. Hugs you tight against him. You wish you could straddle him, but that would involve pulling away, moving, not kissing so you take what you can instead.
It's too soon that he pulls away, shushing you when you whine.
“Poor dear,” he coos, kissing your nose. “Right bastard, aren’t I?”
You nuzzle against his cheek. “Not a bastard,” you sulk.
“Oh, I am, love. Just your bastard.”
You hum in delight; know he can feel your stupid smile but can’t bring yourself to care. The two of you stay that way for a while longer. You, curled up on his lap like it’s where you want to stay for the rest of your life. Him, holding you like he never wants to put you down.
Eventually, though, you both chance a look at the clock and he sighs.
“Off to bed with you, lamb. You need it after all the shit you put up with.”
And while you want to argue, a huge yawn ambushes you at the word “bed” and you know to pick your battles. Besides, you’ve been dozing on his lap for the last few minutes, hypnotized by everything John Price.
“You too,” you mumble, pressing a sleepy kiss to his temple. “I know you haven’t been resting well.”
“Alright, love.”
You linger as he shuts down his office and locks the door, then fall into step towards the barracks. It’s late enough that you don’t pass anyone, but even if you did, it’s not unusual for you and the captain to be up or walking together. It is, however, unusual for him to draw you close by your waist at your door.
You set your hands on his chest, curl your fingers a little to revel in the hard muscles beneath. His arm around you is so fucking thick, strong with decades of training and work. You’re desperate to see it all for yourself, to feel him beneath your hands, your body.
Despite your less-than-PG thoughts, the kiss he leaves you with is achingly sweet. It’s like something out of one of those chick-flicks Gaz pretends he doesn’t watch. Slow and purposeful, like he’s got all the time in the world to torture himself with just a taste of you. No wonder the girls in those movies are always swooning.
“Goodnight, love,” he murmurs against your lips.
“Goodnight, John,” you whisper. “Sweet dreams.”
“They always are with you,” he says, winking.
It’s stupid and corny and you can’t believe how warm your face feels as you roll your eyes, feigning exasperation.
“Get out of here before you give me ideas,” you huff.
He hums, presses one last, perfect kiss to your forehead. “Think you’ve got enough already. Can’t wait to try them all out.”
And with that, he continues down the hall, leaving you to a night of slightly frustrated (but incredibly happy) sleep.
The next day is early as usual, but you’ve been given a single day of grace to recover from the month-long assignment. You spend it with the boys drilling recruits. You’re not doing any training, ostensibly there as medical supervision in case of mishaps – but mostly just enjoying your squad’s company.
Soap and Gaz fill you in on all the mayhem they caused while you were away, with Ghost interjecting the punishments and reprimands they received without you there to smooth things over with Price.
“Speaking of!” Soap adds, looping an arm around your shoulders. “Ask the old man if we can go into town tonight.”
“What for?”
He scoffs. “‘What fer’, she asks. To welcome ya back, ya daft chook!”
You’re as touched as you are confused. “I wasn’t gone that long?”
“Aye, but it’s the longest you’ve ever been gone, and it was proper dreich without you here.”
Gaz nods with his arms crossed, trying to look sage but mostly looking like a muppet.
“Ghost didn’t have anyone to toss around, and Price was dead chuffed.”
Huh. You glance at the lieutenant, the only responsible one who’s still keeping an eye on the recruits. But, sensing your gaze, he flicks you a look. He would seem disinterested to the unfamiliar viewer, but you clock a twitch around his eyes like he’s smiling.
“Ask him.”
You hum. “Alright, I will. But why me?”
“Because you haven’t been around to piss him off,” Soap says.
“And he won’t say no if he thinks it’s your idea,” Gaz adds.
“You’re going to see him in a bit anyway. Might as well,” Ghost muses.
Which, well. Yes, you are. You’ve got a backlog of records to catch up on, and you’re looking forward to doing so with John – even if it stays just the usual routine with no romantic overtures involved. Still, it should probably worry you that you’re so predictable.
You also want to ask about what Gaz meant, but you already know. The other sergeants have been sending you off to John with requests and bad news for a while now. At first, they said, because you were the newbie. By the time the “newbie” excuse was null, you didn’t mind being the one to seek your captain out upon request. But it’s a pattern that you’ve suspected for a while now, all but confirmed last night: John just doesn’t say no to you.
Except, apparently, when you want to ride him until his office chair breaks.
When you pop by his office after lunch (with food you brought from the cafeteria, because you’re a saint and you know it) the pattern holds true, and John agrees to take the squad for drinks. You grin, drop a kiss on his head as you fire off a text to Soap, who will surely let the others know.
You two don’t get to indulge much more than a few chaste kisses, unfortunately. The new evening plans mean that you both have to kick it into overdrive if you want to be finished with work in time to leave. You satisfy yourself by pressing your knee against his and sitting in his lap during breaks.
When the sun gets low, the rest of the team invades the office. You and John change into civvies, then meet up with the rest of the boys at the garage. John gets behind the wheel, you climb into the backseat between Soap and Ghost, while Gaz takes the passenger side.
The drive into town is lighthearted and high-spirited, chattering on about more things you missed while you were away. The bar is one of a handful that the squad rotates through to avoid establishing traceable patterns. This one has billiards, a foosball table, and a couple of old school arcade games in the back. During the season, they play Premier League on the TV screens, but right now it’s just reruns of old championship games.
You like the booths at this one, tall and rounded so that you can see and hear your whole team.
Soap pulls ahead to claim a table near the back, the first one in. Ghost slides in after him on the end facing the door. Gaz takes Soap’s other side, and you hop in behind him, scooching to make room for John.
“I’ll get us the first round, yeah?” he asks.
You ask for cider, craving something sweet and bubbly. Gaz and Soap get whatever seasonal beer is on tap. Ghost hops out of the booth to help carry the drinks.
John settles next to you when they return, his thigh a warm, hard line against yours. Whatever is in his glass is a warm honey brown.
“Wanna try?” he offers. “Have to do it before you drink the cider though. You’ll hate it otherwise.”
You’re already picking up the tumbler, humming. “Probably going to hate it anyway,” you muse, sniffing suspiciously.
“Christ, Squeaks,” Ghost gruffs, “it’s whiskey, not rotten milk.”
You wrinkle your nose at him, safe across the table and with John at your elbow. Then you take a sip. It’s nasty (as expected) and burns all the way to your stomach. But your reaction gets a chuckle out of the table, and you insist that one day you’ll like it. Still, you hand it back to John and quickly chase it with your own drink.
Conversation swings around to your own experiences while away. You try to keep it vague, knowing that your boys are protective. Overall, not bad to see how another team operates, but overjoyed to be returning to yours.
After the first round, Soap goads you into a game of billiards and Gaz follows along to play the winner. Ghost and John wave you three off, saying they’ll hold the booth and maybe order some food for the table.
Gaz retrieves the next round of drinks while you and Soap set up, then cheers on whoever happens to be losing at the moment – or whoever has his favor. You lose (because Soap is a pool shark) and Gaz doesn’t look like he’s doing any better. Across the bar, you make eye contact with Ghost. He visibly sighs, rolls his eyes. He says something that makes John chuckle before hopping out of the booth.
“He being insufferable?” he asks when you’re in earshot.
You both glance over as Soap crows something in purposefully thick brogue. Whatever he says, the tone is unmistakable.
Ghost pats your shoulder as he passes to challenge Soap to a round. It looks like Gaz is salty enough about losing to stay and watch the decimation about to happen. Which means that you have the perfect opportunity to cuddle up with your captain.
But first—
“Going to get another,” you say when you stop by the booth, “want anything?”
“Another, please, love,” John replies, tapping his glass.
You nod, take your empties back to the bar. It’ll be a minute until the bartender can come around, busy with a new group that just walked in. You’re not in any rush, so you lean against the countertop and wait patiently, offering a polite smile when she makes eye contact.
You entertain yourself in the meantime with thoughts of John. He told you to sleep on it last night, and you did. Ruminated on the potential changes to your relationship, professional and personal. The potential changes in your relationships with the rest of the team. Any nervousness that arises is always tamped down by the reminder that it’s John. You know him, trust him with anything and everything.
You can trust him to be your partner in this relationship, whichever way it goes.
Of course, as is the general state of the universe, it’s then that someone sidles up to you. That sixth sense for Men™ that most female-presenting people unfortunately develop starts to ping. Oh no.
“Sorry, it’s pretty crowded,” he says, a little too close and a little too loud, “hard to find a seat.”
Well, at least it wasn’t some shitty pick-up—
“But my lap is open for you.”
Aaaand there it is.
“I’m good,” you deadpan.
Instead of accepting the brush off – or even just scoffing that you’re a bitch and storming away – he laughs. All good-natured and familiar, like this is normal banter between you two.
“Okay, okay, sorry. I know it was a bad line, but I was hoping it would get a laugh.”
You arch an eyebrow, unimpressed by the attempt to backtrack. “Maybe stick to your day job.”
He chuckles, scratches the back of his head in a way that’s probably meant to be endearing. You think he looks like a knob. “Well, shit as the military pays, it’s better than what I hear comedians make.”
Surprised, you give him another once over, reassessing. Definitely military, you realize. It’s all in the stance, the way his too-tight t-shirt is tucked into his jeans. Also the haircut – recruit fuzz. Are they even allowed off-base?
He misunderstands your extended look and edges closer. His arm brushes yours. Someone is on your other side, so you shift your weight away as much as you can and try to ignore it.
“I’ve never seen you around here before,” he says. “Out of towner?”
You snort. He can’t have been here more than a month, what would he know about regulars?
“No,” you answer, “I’m up at the base too.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asks, giving you his own (too slow, so inappropriate) onceover.
Blessedly, the bartender stops by so you can order. Thank god it’s easy-to-pour drinks and not a cocktail with six ingredients.
“Damn,” the recruit chuckles, “a little forward, but I like a woman who knows what she wants. Whiskey’s not really my thing, though.”
You open your mouth to correct him, but he scoops up the tumbler almost as soon as the bartender sets it down and takes a big swig. The words wither as you stare, appalled. It’s so ridiculous that you have to mentally rewind to be sure that – yes, that really did just happen.
“Oh, sorry,” he smirks, leaning towards you. “Want a taste?”
You jerk back, about to punch the living daylights out of him. Then a shadow falls over you. The smell of cigars cuts through the stink of the bar and the recruit’s godawful cologne.
“Is that my fucking drink?” John growls.
“It was,” you sigh, leaning into him. Out of sight, his hand settles on your hip, thumb slipping beneath the hem of your shirt.
The recruit’s eyes go big and round, blood draining from his face. “O-oh, sir—”
“Well, boy? You going to waste good whiskey on my dime?” John demands.
Somehow, the recruit gets even paler. The bartender, entirely uninterested in whatever drama is happening, slides your drink over and then nods when you ask for another whiskey.
“Go on, then,” John rumbles. You can feel it where your shoulders brush his chest.
With a trembling hand, the recruit downs the rest of the whiskey, though he nearly chokes on it this time. John tsks, thanks the bartender as a new glass is set down. This shouldn’t be nearly as arousing as it is, your captain putting the fear of god in some idiot with bad manners.
“Sir,” the recruit manages. “I-I didn’t realize that you – that this is your—”
He’s not referring to the drink though. His gaze is darting to you. To the 141 insignia on the jacket you’re wearing. And you’re flooded with memories over the last several months.
“You’re the new medic?” a nurse inquires, looking at your paperwork.
“Oh, you’re the 141’s, right?” a physician asks. “You can deal with your captain, then.”
“You’re one of Price’s 141, aren’t you?”
“Just what I would expect from Captain Price’s medic.”
“Oh, Christ, you’re Price’s. The medic.”
“You’re one of mine.”
You blink, remembering what John said the night before: “Men like me don’t know how to love casually.”
No. No, he really doesn’t. You have zero issue with that.
“Word of advice, mate,” John drawls, “if a woman looks like she doesn’t want to talk to you, she fucking doesn’t.”
You hum in agreement, scoop up the new whiskey and offer it, knowing your cheeks are rosy from more than just alcohol. His gaze is molten when he looks down at you. Whatever expression you’re making, it seems to both wind him up and defuse him from ripping the recruit a new one.
“Shape the fuck up, soldier,” he says in parting, never looking away from you.
“Y-Yes, sir.”
“Let’s go, Squeaks.”
You happily slip past him, nearly moaning when you feel his broad palm settle on the small of your back. Not pushing or demanding. Just there. He helps you into the booth and then crowds in next to you, arm draping along the back. The heat of him is intoxicating.
“Fucking wanker,” he grumbles.
You bite back a grin, lean into his side. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”
He shakes his head but there’s a smile quirking at the edges of his lips. “You don’t need rescuing, love.”
“I don’t need it,” you agree, “but I like it sometimes. When it’s you.”
He takes a sip of whiskey, swallows it with a sigh. “Christ, I want to take you back to base right fucking now.”
You can hear what he isn’t saying. The filthy promises tucked in the cadence of words and spaces.
You suck in a breath, squeeze your thighs together. “Wish you would.”
His eyes pin you, bright with desire. Reminds you of the hottest part of fire, beneath tongues of flame where it burns an eerie, steady blue. You see that same intensity in his gaze now, like you could burn yourself on his stare alone.
Then he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath. “A little while longer,” he decides, looking across the bar. “The boys missed you.”
You follow his gaze. They’re finishing up their pool game now, and you’re sure they’ll be piling in again soon, telling you all about who cheated and who’s a sore loser. You missed them too, admittedly.
“Just the boys?” you tease.
John’s eyes flick back to yours for a heart-stopping second. Something predatory flickers through them, sends a delicious chill down your spine.
“I’ll show you how much I missed you later.”
The ride back to base is pleasantly quiet after the noise in the bar. Everyone is drink-warm and in good spirits, the radio on a Top Twenty hits station at an unobtrusive volume. You spend the drive trying to sit still and not blush every time you make eye contact with John in the rearview. You don’t succeed, but if anyone other than him notices, they’re gracious enough not to mention.
Gaz and Soap invite you to a movie in the common room, but you politely decline with the excuse that you want more rest before getting back to routine tomorrow. You say your goodnights, then casually saunter out the door – but not before hearing John claim something about paperwork.
You don’t get further than the next hallway before you’re grabbed around the waist and flattened against the wall. Your mouth falls open on a gasp, sparks shooting up your spine. John looms over you, his forearm braced above your head. The fingers of his other hand curl around the nape of your neck, his rough palm so broad that he can thumb your jaw, tilt your face up.
You start to speak – a reminder that you’re out in the open, where anyone could see you two fraternizing – but his mouth crashes into yours and steals the breath from your lungs. He still tastes like whiskey; you could definitely learn to love the flavor from his tongue. He curls into your mouth, a thorough and devastating exploration, coaxing you to follow his lead, to taste and indulge.
His fingers twitch like he wants to grip you harder, hold you closer. A noise gets trapped in his chest and pours into yours like warm honey, dripping languorous and decadent into the pit of your stomach. Pools there, aches between your thighs. You make a soft, wanting noise, fingers snagging in the front of his shirt.
“John,” you plead against his mouth.
“Tell me,” he replies, voice broken to gravel. “Fuck, love, please tell me this is still what you want.”
You can hear the question there. Flutter your eyes open and see the longing in his, the thread of hesitation because he’s a man who values open, clear communication.
“Yes, John,” you whisper. “I want you. I want to be yours.”
He groans, presses his forehead against yours for a moment. Gathering himself, you realize. It never occurred to you that he could be just as desperate for you as you are for him. God, it’s heady, that thought. Dangerous.
“You’re already mine.” The dark edge to his words makes you twitch.
“Yeah?” you breathe. “Show me, then.”
And oh, you should know better than to challenge your captain like that.
He doesn’t utter a word as he scoops you up by the thighs. Like you weigh nothing, muscles jumping deliciously beneath your curious palms, biceps stretching his sleeves. You lock your ankles at the small of his back, wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. Tease open-mouthed kisses along his cheek and jaw, just shy of his mouth, and grinning at his impatience as he storms down the hall.
He throws a door open, practically slams it after himself, the lock deafening. You know it’s his room just from the scent, but you surface when the light flicks on. Like his office, it’s neat but lived in, with the desk being the messiest spot in the room. There’s another door that you hope leads to an ensuite bathroom, but you don’t get to ask before he kisses you again.
And you see, now, why he wouldn’t give you this sooner. It would have kept you up all night and then destroyed your attention span all day – knowing what he tastes like, that he licks into your mouth like he’s kissing somewhere much lower. The way he just consumes every part of you; his undiluted attention becomes more necessary and precious than oxygen.
You don’t even realize he’s moved again until his thighs are under you, supporting your ass. The shift presses your pelvis to his, your clit bumping and grinding against the bulge growing in the front of his jeans. The sudden, delicious friction makes you draw back a little, gasping and clutching at his strong shoulders.
“Easy now, love,” he murmurs, tucking his face into the crook of your neck. “I’ve got you.”
You know he does, want to tell him that, but you’re beyond words at the moment. Breathless from the kisses, from that initial grind against your aching pussy, from the kisses he’s sucking into the sensitive skin beneath your jaw. You show him with your hands instead, featherlight touches along his spine that make thick arms tighten around your waist.
When you drag your nails along his shoulders he shivers, so you do it again, harder. He moans low and rough against your throat, teeth nipping. Another rush of liquid desire makes your pussy clench, empty and needy.
A sigh falls from your lips as one of his hands slides around the small of your back, callouses a sweet torture to the sensitive skin there. He grips your hip, just shy of too hard. You realize what he wants, move even before you feel a guiding tug. Rock down on his lap, providing you both the relief of a little friction. Just something to take the edge off, to buy you time to explore the gorgeous man beneath you.
One of your own hands glides into his hair, distracted by how soft and fine the strands are. It’s a detail you’ve never gotten to appreciate before, one that you imagine few others, if any, know. Your strong, brave, ridiculously competent captain, hiding a silky head of hair beneath that iconic hat or wool beanies. You bite your lip on a smitten smile.
Overcome by a wave of affection, you slide your other hand to his jaw, coaxing him away from your collarbone. His eyes are a storm when they meet yours, pupils blown wide and the blue ring around them swirling. This close, you can pick out the individual shades of gray that make them so intense.
His lips are swollen, glistening in the low light. Unable to resist, you lean in to kiss him, craving another hit. Get swept up in how he matches your passion and then leads you deeper, so gently but effortlessly dominating that you forget you initiated in the first place. Just press closer, closer. Hating the layers of fabric between your bodies but unwilling to allow any space or stop grinding against him.
That is, until he begins to ease away, soothing your protesting whines with lingering kisses and flicks of tongue. He doesn’t go far, leaning his forehead against yours and breathing into the heated hair between you two.
“I want to feel you,” he rumbles. “Will you let me undress you?”
“You’ll get undressed too?” you pout, plucking at the front of his shirt.
His smile is absolute sin. “Of course, sweetheart.”
“Okay,” you huff. “One more kiss?”
He huffs in amusement but indulges you. Takes the opportunity while you’re distracted and foggy to nudge you back on his lap a little. When you feel his fingertips skim bare flesh, you arch.
He doesn’t shove your shirt up like you expect from the hunger in his expression. It’s a slow glide, his hands mapping out the slope of your waist, the curve of your ribs, the dip of your spine. Everywhere he touches feels hot and tingly, sending fine tremors out to your limbs. You comply with pulling your arms from the sleeves, duck your chin to get it over your head.
Grin as your hair is ruffled up despite your best efforts, falling in disarray. He smiles back, takes a moment to smooth the strands down again, tucks a bit behind your ear. You tilt your head to kiss the thin skin of his wrist, just next to his watch. You’re obsessed with the stupid thing, love the way it accentuates the corded muscles of his forearm, the veins and tendons in his hand.
His other hand slips up your back, finds the wide band of your bra, plucks the hooks free with a sniper’s skill. You make an appreciative noise, shrug the damn thing off and take a deep breath in relief. He kisses your chest at the swell of your breasts, beard contrasting the softness of parted lips. Then you feel his hands sliding up your stomach, stopping at the top of your ribcage. His thumbs rub along reddened skin where the elastic left imprints, careful and reverent.
You practically melt, swaying closer as his mouth descends. Your nipples are already perked when he swirls his tongue around one, just teasing enough to make you whimper. He draws the flat of his tongue over the bud of nerves, then takes it into his mouth, sucking. A low sound of satisfaction thunders in his chest, accompanies a flick of his tongue that makes you jerk. Wish you had something to grind against, but your hands are too busy gripping at him to dip down between your legs.
He occupies one hand with the other breast, thumbing at the nipple. Then pinching, plucking. Drawing out high, soft noises from your throat that prompt responding growls from him. The other hand takes a handful of your ass to keep you still against him, fingers digging in. You hope it leaves bruises.
When his mouth and hand switch breasts, you whine, caught between the pleasure and wanting more. His mouth is wicked, that perfect combination of rough and teasing that you’re sure has your panties absolutely soaked. You wouldn’t be surprised if it’s visible through your pants by now.
“John,” you moan, patting his shoulder. He growls, sucks a little harder for a moment, prying a yelp from your lips, then draws away.
“Something you wanted, gorgeous?” he asks.
“It’s… it’s your turn,” you breathe.
“My turn?”
You huff, not sure if you’re frustrated or endeared by his eyebrow arched in curiosity. Hard to parse out anything from the lingering ache of pleasure. In answer, you hook your fingers beneath his shirt and lift. He realizes what you want, angles his arms to let you guide it up and then off.
You drop it on the bed, eyes drinking him in. He’s built beautifully, powerful muscle beneath healthy layers of softer tissue. Carved for work, for war. His skin is a tapestry of his military career; scars and uneven tan lines map beneath course thatches of body hair. Your hand looks so small on his stomach, looks fragile when the muscles jump at the light touch.
Fixated, you flutter your hands all over him, tracking each faded wound, tracing every line of tensing muscle. He’s burning beneath your hands, so hot you could think he’s running a fever. Touching isn’t enough. You plant a hand on his chest, feel his heart pounding beneath your palm.
Meet his eyes as you give a measured push. Slowly, never breaking eye contact, he lowers his back to the mattress. You follow him down, wriggling up his body. Lick your lips when you settle right where you were before, where he’s hard and straining in his jeans.
Where you belong.
Your mouth follows the paths your hands made. You kiss scars, nip at the ones you recognize as yours. His hand settles on the back of your neck, not gripping with any force or trying to guide you anywhere. Just holding, grounding – though you’re not sure if that’s for you or himself.
When your lips brush down the fuzz of his happy trail, he twitches and chokes on a noise. You love it. Want to hear more. He doesn’t stop your eager fingers from undoing his belt. Your mouth waters at the sound of the buckle clinking. It’s nothing, then, to get his button open, zipper down.
You tug impatiently at the waistband, which finally earns his interference.
“Alright, love, easy.” He’s still lifting his hips – so easily, even with your added weight, holy hell – to let you get it past his hips. “There’s no rush.”
“John, I want you. You made me wait all day.”
“Poor dear,” he coos mockingly, eyes lidded. “A whole day, you say?”
In retaliation, you nip sharply at the cut of his hip. He huffs, tugs on a lock of your hair.
“Brat,” he mutters, fond.
You flash an absent smile, already preoccupied with the tantalizing shape hidden beneath black cotton. Christ, and they say black is slimming? You can’t imagine it looking any bigger than it already does. But you’ve always enjoyed it when reality exceeds imagination.
You’re not disappointed. The head is flushed pink, flared, the barest hint of precome glistening at the slit. What catches your attention is how wide he is. Above average length, yes, but fucking thick too. Easily three of your fingers across, maybe slightly more. Your wet hole twitches around nothing, hungry to try to fit him inside.
That’ll have to wait a little longer.
With the two of you already at the edge of the bed, you’re able to get to the floor with relative grace, kicking your shoes off for comfort. Knees tucked under yourself, thighs pressed and rubbing together, you wrap your hand around the base. Your thumb and middle finger only just touch, and he’s thickest towards the middle.
His soft inhale barely registers as you ease your loose hand up to the head, trace around the ridge of the glans, then circle around to smear the beading precome. You slide your hand down, squeeze and stroke up again, coaxing out more. It’s too much to resist. The tip of your tongue laps at the shining slit, humming as the flavor bursts across your tastebuds.
You swirl your tongue, tracing the inverted heart shape in pantomime of what he did earlier to your nipples. As much as you want him in your mouth, you trace a thick stripe down his shaft, kissing open-mouthed at the base. He smells like masculine body soap and detergent, clean sweat. You sigh happily, licking back to the head and sucking it between soft lips.
It’s only then that you tune in to the noises he’s making above you, the low grunts and choked off curses. You didn’t think he could sound better than when he’s purring over comms, but you were wrong. Desperate to hear more, you swallow him down further, jaw already twinging at the stretch. It’s perfect.
His hand is in your hair again, still not pushing or pulling, just there. Just holding. You wouldn’t mind him holding a little tighter, but you’re not willing to pull off his cock to tell him that. No, you’d rather see if you can tease him into doing it by instinct.
You dive down until the head rubs the back of your throat. As much as you’d like to take him all the way, you’re out of practice and know you’ll choke too much to make it truly pleasant for him. He’s so thick it’ll take a few sessions to manage. That’s alright though, you know how to make it good without deepthroating.
Your hand wraps around what can’t fit in your mouth, tongue flicking at the vein on the underside. Then you loosen your jaw and move. Slow at first, testing how far you can go before your airway is cut off and your gag reflex protests. Then a little faster, applying suction towards the head, thumb rubbing tight circles right under where your bottom lip stops. You increase the pace until—
“Fuck,” John snarls.
You settle on that rhythm, mind emptying of anything and everything but this. Him.
When his hips start to rock along with you, a thrill goes down your spine. A noise vibrates from your throat, down his cock. He hisses a breath between his teeth, fingers flexing where they’re tangled in your hair. You could purr it feels so good, those little shocks where the strands pull too tight.
“Fucking incredible,” he pants. “You’re so – Christ, love.”
You give him a pleased hum, smiling a little at how his hips jerk.
“Alright,” he groans, the hand in your hair becoming insistent, urging you back. “Alright, that’s enough, gorgeous.”
You whine in protest, pull off gradual and decadent, reluctant to stop. A string of saliva connects your bottom lip to the head of his cock. You swipe your tongue over it one last time to snap it, eyes flicking up to his.
“You know,” he breathes, chest heaving, “I thought about this, at the training grounds.”
You blink, surprised.
“Your tongue was blue, Gaz’s fucking candies,” he continues. His hand slides from your hair to your face, wiping the spit that drips from the corners of your mouth. “Thought of you licking my cock like that. Wondered what you’d taste like if I kissed you after.”
You press your lips together, biting back a moan at the thought. If he had put you on your knees like that, you would have gladly exposed your back to Ghost’s gun just to get a taste of your captain’s cock.
“I was so wet…” you murmur, blushing despite yourself and what you just did. Your voice sounds husky and used, his jaw twitches at the sound. “I was afraid there’d be a spot on your pants. Almost wanted to get off in the bathroom while you finished the match.”
A confession for a confession. Kneeling before him like this, his hand on your face, it feels almost like absolving yourself of sin. Or at least, this is what you imagine it would be like; you’ve never been to a confessional. You’re also pretty sure that you’re about to be anything but cleansed.
“Yeah?” John purrs. “Why didn’t you?”
“I wouldn’t have been able to look anyone in the eye,” you admit. Then add, embarrassed, “And I knew I wouldn’t be able to get a good angle.”
He chuckles, low and dark. His grin curls more wicked when you can’t suppress a shiver.
“That so, love?” His tone twists into the gently condescending tone that you’re becoming obsessed with. “Like it deep, is that it? Can’t manage it with those pretty little fingers.”
You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth and have to squeeze your eyes shut while you nod. It’s embarrassingly true. Even when you can get that perfect spot, your hand tends to cramp by the time you get a good rhythm. Toys help, sometimes, but you miss the warmth of a living person – and half the time you’re too tired to thrust consistently at the speed you need.
All in all masturbation tends to be a frustrating process at this point. And now you just know he’s going to ruin it for you entirely.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of you,” he soothes. “Come up here.”
He helps you climb back into his lap, hands disconcertingly steady. You lean into his chest, mouthing at his jaw and scraping your teeth just to hear him rumble in your ear. One of your hands reaches for his cock, the head of it rubbing against your bare stomach, wet with saliva and precome.
“Now, now,” he chides. “It’s my turn. Be good for me.”
You moan softly. “But I want you.” The whine in your voice surprises you, sets your face on fire. You hide against his neck.
“I know, sweetheart,” he hums, “and you’ve been so patient. I promise I won’t make you wait long.”
His palm glides up your back, flat and warm. You’re being gentled, you realize. And it’s fucking working. It’s just like the training exercises, so easy to follow his instructions and knowing it’ll be well worth your while. In fact, you don’t even think of resisting as you sigh, pliant and cooperative while he rearranges you.
“Just have to make sure you’re ready for me,” he continues. “You’re in for a long night and I don’t want you too sore tomorrow, yeah?”
There’s a pillow under your hips as you’re settled on your back, blinking at him in a haze. He hums appreciatively, a roughly whispered “good girl” making your eyelids flutter. You drift your fingertips over his chest, down his arms, a little spacy but mostly just admiring. When he sits back on his heels, you let them settle next to your head. Open, offering.
He grazes his hands down your naked torso, lingering over the marks he’s already left, until he reaches your waistband. You lift your hips to give him room to slide them off. He drops kisses along your thighs while he does, open-mouthed. He takes your panties with him as he goes, apparently not patient enough to tease you any further. Not that you’re complaining.
Your calves brush his wide shoulders as he leans back. His jeans are still resting low on his hips, making room for his cock to sway over the bunched waistband of his underwear, still rock hard and flushed a tempting pink. You draw your legs back a little, knees pressed together. Enthralled by being completely naked, vulnerable, while he remains partially clothed.
“Shy now, darling?” he chuckles. “Come on, let me see you.”
You make a high, embarrassed noise… but still inch your legs apart, shaking when he palms your sensitive thighs. He exhales hard when you’re fully exposed, the gush of air caressing flesh.
“Bloody gorgeous,” he whispers, more to himself than you. “So fucking wet for me.”
Your fingers twitch. The urge to cover your face almost overcomes the desire to remain obediently compliant.
“John,” you call, quiet and beckoning. “You promised.”
It takes a second for him to realize what you mean, but then he huffs in amusement. Gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“You’re right, love, I did.”
He moves as if to touch you, but you press your foot to his thigh, urging him back a little.
“You too,” you murmur, “pants off.”
“Alright,” he says, clearly humoring you.
You bite your lip as he steps off the bed, gaze locked as he kicks off his boots and removes the last of his clothes. He arches his eyebrows when he catches you staring, even put his arms up a little, palms open by his hips as if to say “well?”.
“You’re so handsome,” you breathe, “I can’t stand it.”
“Good thing you’re lying down then, eh?”
You snort, shaking your head despite the smile tugging at your lips, and reach for him. He sets a knee on the bed and the lamplight encapsulates him in perfect, beautiful glow. Every inch that you’ve been worshiping, every detail you’ve sworn to memorize. You’ve had your hands on him, your mouth.
This man you love and respect, the embodiment of duty and honor, and you belong to him.
“Oh, love,” he rasps, “you can’t look at me like that.”
You blink. Don’t even know what face you’re making. “Why not?”
“Because I’ll never let you go again.”
You don’t want him to let you go.
And he must read that in your expression because he groans, crawls up the bed to your reaching hands. You love watching the muscles in his arms and shoulders bunch and jump as he settles between your legs. The hard length of him is searing against the bend of your hip. Seeing it next to your abdomen like this, you’re struck by just how deep he’s going to be. Fuck.
You curl a leg over his hip and gently tug, urging him to close that last little gap between you two. He acquiesces, propping himself up on an elbow by your head, caging you in, making you feel small beneath his bulk. You tilt your head for a kiss as his other hand skims up your thigh and teases at your wet slit.
“You really are sopping,” he breathes against your mouth.
Your hips twitch, wanting more, wanting him to touch. His finger draws a featherlight circle around your throbbing clit. It’s not nearly enough contact or pressure, but it still sends you moaning into his mouth. Slowly, maddeningly, he keeps drawing those delicate circles, occasionally dipping into the slick dripping from your hole. His touch becomes firmer after a few passes, enough that you think eventually you’d spiral into the most mind-numbing and aching orgasm you’ve ever had, but you’re not that patient. Not before, and certainly not now.
“John,” you gasp finally, trembling. “Please, more.”
He doesn’t say a word, just hums and dips his fingertip into your entrance, thrusting in tiny increments until his finger is sinking into you all at once. You whine, head tossed back against the pillow. It’s not a stretch, but it feels divine after being empty for so long.
“Breathe, love,” he murmurs in your ear.
You suck in a breath, blinking away the fuzziness at the edges of your vision. Leave it to John to make you pass out (or nearly, anyway) without ever laying a hand on your throat. When you have enough air, you keen desperately, feeling him stroking your walls.
“Ready for another?” he asks.
You nod, nipping at his chest. A second finger eases you open, curling until you yelp.
“There it is,” he chuckles.
If your eyes weren’t in the back of your head right now, you’d glare. As it is, it’s all you can do not to dissolve as he angles to rub the heel of his palm against your clit. There’s a slight stretch now, his fingers thicker than yours made more obvious as he scissors you open, preparing you.
You feel useless laying beneath him while he does the work, except when you reach down, he rips his hand away to pin yours. You gasp, protest on the tip of your tongue, but he kisses you quiet until the fight leaves and your noises turn needy again.
“I told you I’d take care of you,” he rumbles. “Just be a good girl for me and take it.”
And well, it’s hard to muster any complaints when he plunges his fingers into you again, a third wedging alongside the first two. You’re definitely feeling it now, just the right kind of stretch. It’s a challenging pressure but not painful, and you’re soon rocking down on his hand.
His mouth descends on your chest again, toying with your nipples, getting you to twitch every time he sucks. He finds that perfect spot inside you with unerring accuracy, petting it with hard, steady strokes of his fingers. You’re gushing over his palm, down his wrist, pooling beneath your ass. It’s all starting to coalesce, burning through your veins, the stimulation luring you higher and higher.
“I-I’m gonna…” you moan, hissing air between your teeth. Try and mostly fail to still your hips. “John, wait, I’m gonna cum.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Wanna – wanna… on your cock,” you babble, barely coherent.
He chuckles. “I’ll let you cum more than once, sweet girl.”
(Let you. Good fucking lord.)
“No, no,” you whine. You clutch at his shoulder, clawing him harder than you mean to. “Want the first time to-to be… John, please.”
He hums in understanding and slows but doesn’t stop. You swallow back a sob, reminding yourself that this is what you wanted.
“Tell me properly,” he says, a hint of that authoritative tone creeping into his voice.
“Please,” you whimper, “l-let me cum on-on your cock.”
He groans deep in his chest, rattling what few brain cells you’ve still got in your empty little head.
When he pulls his hand away, his entire palm is shiny with your slick, strings of it stretching between his spread fingers. His scarred knuckles are dripping with you as well, obscene with the light hitting them. He considers his soaked hand for a moment, then makes eye contact with you and drags the flat of his tongue across his palm. Your mouth drops open, but no sound comes out, head spinning and staticky as he swallows.
“One of these days,” he growls, bass deep, “I’m going to sit you on my desk and eat you out until you’re begging for mercy.”
You shudder, breath hitching while you try to string together syllables.
“I-isn’t this desk a little small?” you ask.
His eyes are the darkest you’ve ever seen them. His hand drops to his cock and strokes, spreading your slick all over himself.
“I wasn’t talking about this desk.”
Oh, fuck. You’ll never be able to sit in his office again. At least not without getting wet enough to save a dying man in the desert.
You’re so thoroughly distracted by that thought – that promise – that it almost surprises you when his cock glides along your pussy. He balances on his knees to watch himself notch the fat head at your entrance. It already feels like a lot and he’s not even pushing in yet.
You scramble for something to hold onto, find his hand and lace your fingers together, squeezing tight.
“Ready, love?” he asks.
“Yes,” you breathe. Then, “please.”
He enters you in one long, slow thrust. An inexorable and unrelenting push, bullying your walls aside, creating space for himself inside you. You feel full by the time he’s halfway in, tender where you’re split open around the thickness of him. The thumb of his free hand rubs gently at your throbbing clit, little strokes that ease the ache but also make you twitch tighter around him.
Three quarters of the way, you’re making high-pitched noises in the back of your throat, sounding tortured. But he doesn’t stop, the squeezing of your thighs around his hips urging him deeper. If he’s speaking, you can’t hear it over your own heartbeat. Just arch your back, inviting him to ruin you.
When he’s finally seated inside you, heavy balls flush with your ass, you think you’re going insane. It feels like he’s in your guts, like his cockhead is kissing your esophagus. Logically, you know that your body is built to accommodate this – him – but it feels like he’s reshaping you just for his cock. You’d never be satisfied with anyone else; not that you think you’ll ever want anyone else. Not since you met John, and definitely not now that you have him.
“Alright?” he asks.
Your tongue feels clumsy in your salivating mouth, so you nod and squeeze his hand in reassurance. He rocks, grinding himself impossibly deeper and you cry out, thighs trying to clamp shut from the too much too good of it. He settles snug against you like that, presumably for you to adjust.
Except his thumb hasn’t stopped playing with your clit. You can’t relax, can’t think, can’t breathe under that unfaltering rhythm, that perfect pressure. He started you towards an orgasm doing that before and it seems he memorized it just to do so again. He’s not even moving, but he doesn’t have to, your walls are fluttering and twitching around him.
“Fuck,” you whine, “fuck, J-John. If you keep… I’m gonna…”
“Yeah?” he asks, and oh god, it’s that tone again. “You can cum just from having me inside you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and nod, trying to stave it off, but the lack of sight only makes it worse.
“Show me,” he growls.
His pace doesn’t change in the slightest, winding you up and up and up…
“Look at me.”
Your eyes snap open, helpless against his commands, and lock gazes with him.
“Cum for me, beautiful.”
And you fucking do, back bowing to an almost painful angle, thrashing and crying out, eyes rolling into the back of your head. He doesn’t move a fucking centimeter, his cock pressing ruthlessly against all those white-hot points of pleasure, drawing it out. Even when he jostles inside you, it just sends another wave of ecstasy crashing over you, your pussy both under-stimulated and over-stimulated.
“There’s my good girl,” John purrs above you. “Ride it out, love. Fuck, you feel so good squeezing around me.”
You keen, push at his hand on your clit. Mercifully, he eases off, settles his palm flat on your thigh, giving you another point of stability. You pant as you come down, heart thundering and sweating.
“Oh my god, John,” you gasp.
“You did so well, sweetheart,” he murmurs, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “Came so beautifully.”
You moan, rolling your head back against the pillow. Blink at the ceiling for a moment and try to remember how to breathe. Difficult when he’s still inside you, still hard. You twitch at the thought of more. John makes a punched-out noise, the hand still in yours squeezing.
“Do you need another moment, or can I move?” he asks, perfectly patient.
You clear your throat, shift a little, gauging. You’re still sensitive, but not overly so. More importantly, you desperately want to feel him moving inside you.
“Fuck me,” you whisper.
He groans, but there’s endearing relief in his expression.
You’re not willing to let go of his hand at first, until he brings it to his mouth and kisses your knuckles, your wrist, your palm, and rests it on his bicep instead. Both hands free now, he adjusts your hips on the pillow, angling them up. Then he curls his fingers around your calf and hooks your knee over his shoulder. You squeal at the shift, clench down on him hard.
“Holy fuck how are you deeper?” you moan.
He rocks his hips, not hard or deep, but even that is enough to make you squirm and quake.
“Fuck that’s a good angle,” he growls and doesn’t waste another second.
The pace isn’t fast, but it’s deep and rough. A measured rhythm that’s already driving you crazy. The head of his cock drags deliciously against your sucking walls when he pulls back, then scrapes your g-spot when he plunges in. Over and over and over. He doesn’t speed up at all and yet they start to bleed together, the pleasure of one thrust rippling into the next.
It's hypnotic, it’s maddening. It’s exactly what you need after cumming just from feeling him inside you. Your second orgasm almost always takes longer than the first, but John takes you apart methodically. Even when you start to whine and whimper again, keening half-words and flexing as if to make him go faster. He’s implacable.
Watching makes it worse. The tight flex of muscles, the way he grunts every time he buries himself to the hilt. He tilts his head back, a single pearl of sweat skating down the stark tendon of his neck, pooling in the hollow of his throat. A groan rumbles from his chest when you scratch your nails down his arms.
He’s beautiful and he fucks like a god and all you want is to stay here on his cock for the rest of your life.
“Please,” you wail, “I wanna...”
His eyes flutter open, still sharp even through the pleasure scorching his system.
“Go ahead, angel,” he growls. “Play with your clit, make yourself cum again.”
Fuck, it didn’t even occur to you that you have both hands free, but now with explicit permission, your hand darts down to swollen flesh. You hold onto his forearm where’s braced beside your head, an anchor while you rub your clit. It’s almost too much at first, even when you’re in control of the speed and pressure. But soon that almost-pain melts into pure pleasure and you synch your strokes with John’s.
The second orgasm is a slow build, a rising tide of blistering heat and pulses of ecstasy, a gentle violence that ravages your body. It’s wave after wave, each more intense than the last, leaving you a writhing puddle as John fucks you through it. Every crest has you crying out ragged and slack jawed. As you’re shaking through the last of it, John dips down to kiss you, filthy and uncoordinated, grinding deep one more time.
You lay boneless beneath him, limbs tingling.
John dots your face and jaw with kisses as you recover, only half inside you. The hand that he’s been bracing on is tangled in your hair, scratching blunt nails over your scalp. He murmurs in your ear and your brain is too scrambled to figure out what, but his tone is sweet and soothing.
You take one last deep, settling breath in… and realize he’s still hard. Good fucking god, he hasn’t cum.
Gaz made a joke at John’s expense once; about how older men can only go once but they can go for a while. You should have taken that as a warning.
“Do you want to be done?” John asks gently.
You blink, refocus your eyes on him. His expression is open, concerned. If you told him that you couldn’t do any more, you know he would understand. Would let you finish him with your mouth, or even jerk himself off if you really tapped. There would be no repercussions, hard feelings, or complaints.
But even still shivering from your last orgasm, you want this man to paint your insides.
“Fuck no,” you reply, reaching for him, “I just needed to catch my breath.”
He grins and leans down to kiss you, a messy tangle of lips and tongues. Then he pulls out of you. A frankly obscene amount of slick floods from your abused hole, almost unnaturally hot where it slips down your ass. He smirks at the sight, but before you can grumble about it, he circles an arm around your waist and flips you. You land on your stomach with an oof muffled into the blanket.
“That was just – waah!”
You’re forced to brace on wobbly arms as he hikes your hips up and stacks both pillows beneath, then settles you down again. It’s stupidly hot how easily he manhandles you – and all in the spirit of making you comfortable to continue fucking your brains out. Christ, he couldn’t be better if you made him in a factory.
His palm settles low on your back, presses gently. “Show me what’s mine, pretty girl.”
You arch with a soft moan, canting your hips to display your swollen, dripping pussy. He makes an appreciative noise, draws a curious finger from clit to hole. Sparks of oversensitivity burn through your veins, but his grip keeps you from twitching away.
“I’ll have you in pieces by the end of this,” he breathes.
He’s right; it won’t even take much at this point. You double down on that thought when you feel his cock at your entrance again, still thoroughly coated in your slick. No, you’ll be disassembled before he’s finished, and you won’t even care if he puts you back together again.
(But he will, of course he will. It’s John.)
At this angle, he feels even bigger than before, nearly at your body’s limit. That doesn’t stop you from leaning into it, pushing your hips back to get him seated up against your cervix again. He makes you stop like that, bending down to press a kiss between your shoulder blades.
“Good?” he asks.
“I’m good,” you reply, swiveling your hips in a tight circle. “C’mon, fuck me, fill me up. Show me what it means to be yours.”
He growls, draws his hips back, and slams home, forcing a cry from your used throat. It’s none of the steady, measured pace of before. This is rough and fast, almost brutal. He fucks like he fights, all deadly precision and focused strength. His bruising hands jerk you back to meet each thrust, treating you like a toy for his own pleasure.
It’s far too much after two orgasms. Your pussy spasms like you’re not sure if you want to keep him in or force him out. It doesn’t matter what you want, though, he’s fucking taking what he needs from your willing body. And you can do nothing more than wail, whiny little “ah, ah” noises ripped from your drooling mouth.
“That’s it, love, fuck,” John snarls.
The bed starts to bang against the wall, loud enough to be heard in the hallway. It drops your shaky arms out from under you, making the angle that much steeper, that much better. Your wet cheek presses into the mattress, fingers clawing into the sheets beside it.
“You take me so well, just like I knew you would,” he rumbles above you. “My sweet girl, always so eager to please me.”
You don’t answer, but the way you clench around him is all the confirmation he needs. He’s not even wrong; you love making him proud, earning his praise, being good for him. This is no exception, letting him demolish your pussy with every inch of his thick cock.
“You want me to fill this greedy cunt, is that it?” he grunts. “Have you drip with me at breakfast tomorrow?”
You shout a squeaky “yes,” feeling like you could cum again just from the thought alone.
“Then touch yourself for me, pretty thing. I want to feel you.”
You whimper, dismayed. “B-but—”
He slows just enough to lean down, nearly flattening you against the bed. He doesn’t stop entirely, thrusting into you in sharp, hard jerks that make your lungs hitch. His breath is against your ear, hot as steam.
“That wasn’t a fucking suggestion,” he purrs, low and mean, “and if you don’t follow orders, I’ll do it myself.”
One of his hands unlocks from your waist, fingers skirting dangerously close (and not gently) towards your aching clit. You squeal, try to writhe away but only succeed in grinding his cock against your walls.
“Y-yes, sir.” It’s out of your mouth without a single thought but you can feel him throb.
“Good girl,” he groans, pushing himself up again.
He nudges your knees wider apart, leaving you spread for him to hammer right back into you. You detach a hand from the sheets and sink shaking fingers down to your pulsing clit. The force of John’s thrusts makes it impossible to be gentle or careful, and you sob through the overstimulation as you rub two fingers through your puffy folds.
“That’s right, love, just like that,” he praises.
You thrash beneath the onslaught, voice out of control, only held up by John’s grip. His rhythm starts to falter, words becoming sparse as he chases his orgasm. Somehow he gets rougher, fucks harder, as he nears his end. Tilts his hips at just the right angle to abuse your g-spot again. You scream and then sob, babbling out pleas for him to cum in you, fill you up, make it drip down your thighs…
A burst of heat accompanies your name in his hoarse, fucked-out voice. The feeling of it, spurts of white-hot cum painting your oversensitive walls, sends you crashing through another pit of ecstasy. John slows but doesn’t stop, easing you both through the last incandescent dregs of orgasm.
You feel him shift above you, his shadow blotting out the minimal light. He whispers something under his breath, something complimentary, you gather. You’re too busy trying to remember who and where you are.
“Alright, love?” he asks, sounding just as wrecked as you feel.
“Mhmm,” you manage past scratchy vocal cords.
“Can I pull out, get us some water? Or do you need another moment?”
You shake your head, reach blindly for his hip to keep him close.
“Understood,” he chuckles, petting your flank. “Let me know when you’re ready.”
You lay there until your heartbeat steadies and breathing isn’t a manual process. When you tap his thigh, he tries to be gentle, he really does. But even soft now, he feels huge, and you make pathetic noises as he pulls out. He shushes you, dropping kisses on your spine as he helps you down onto your stomach, your hips sore.
“There you are sweetheart,” he murmurs. “I’ll be right back.”
The bed bounces a little as he gets up. There’s a moment of silence that you suspect is him admiring his work, then the sound of a door, running water. Seems like he does have an ensuite after all. Thank god.
The mattress dips as he settles on the edge, your hip pressed to his.
“Need help sitting up?” he asks.
“I got it,” you reply.
It takes you another second to gather the will and strength, but you eventually manage. You curl against his back as he offers you a full glass, need both hands to keep it steady while you sip. His hand settles on your knee, thumb caressing soft circles into the skin.
“Sore?” he asks.
“A little,” you admit. “It’s good.”
“Will it stay good, or should we get paracetamol onboard now?”
How is he so fucking wonderful?
You hold the drink away to lean into him, nuzzling up against his jaw. “I’m alright, love. You didn’t hurt me.”
He huffs, eyes impossibly soft when you pull back enough to meet them with your own. “It wasn’t too much?”
You smile, touched and utterly smitten. “It was perfect. You were perfect. Thank you.”
“For that?”
“For everything.”
You wake the next morning to John in your arms. His face is tucked into the hollow of your throat, quietly snoring. One of your legs is curled around his hip, the other sandwiched between both of his. He’s hugging onto you like a teddy bear, one of his hands spanning across your bare ribs, the shirt you’d stolen rucked up around his wrist.
You’re not sure where his other arm is – beneath the pillow under you maybe. One of yours is around his shoulders, keeping him tucked close. You card the fingers of your free hand through the downy hair at the base of his skull and bask in the pre-dawn light. John Price, your captain, is snuggled up to you in his own bed after rearranging your intestines the night previous. It’s more than you ever could have dreamed of. It’s perfect.
You doze for a while, soaking in the warmth of his bare chest, the sounds of him finally resting for once. Feel like you could stay here forever, loose-limbed and content in the watery hours before responsibility comes barging in.
The change in his breathing rouses you again, his snores tapering off. He presses a drowsy kiss to your neck. You hum a wordless good morning, smoothing your palm down his arm to hold his hand. The two of you lay like that for a few moments, waking up and fondly recalling the night before.
“How much do you think Soap and Gaz have on this?” he wonders eventually.
You adore his sleep-rough voice.
“At least 20 quid,” you muse.
He grunts. “Fucking children.”
You giggle, drawing your nails lightly over his shoulders. “In their defense, we took forever to sort ourselves out.”
He hums, agreeing but not willing to admit it. You see laps in your fellow sergeants’ futures.
“We took exactly as much time as we needed,” he replies.
You hold him a little closer as your heart skips a beat. “I love you, John.”
He lets out a breath and pushes himself up to look you in the eyes. “I love you.”
At breakfast that morning, you make eye contact with Ghost across the table. Even with the mask, you can tell he’s smirking when he flashes the 50 quid he just won off Gaz and Soap – much to John’s dismay.
#cod#my writing#fanfiction#reader fic#sergeant squeaks#captain john price#john price x reader#cross posted on ao3#old fic
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Every time I see you... (masterlist) ↰
...my throbbing heart rate spikes up
Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
☆ Genre: slice of life, established situationship, post university setting, angst, fluff, smut ☆ Rating: 18+ (mature) ☆ Status: on-going
Summary: You had no issues committing to a relationship, but you've had too much misfortune while dating, so, really, you didn't even want to hear the word relationship. What you had with Mingi, however, was special...it was never said out loud, but to any onlooker, it was obvious what you were: just two people in love. Is that something you can come to terms with? Are you willing to open yourself to the man you've always loved but didn't fully acknowledge until now?

☆ Visuals ☆
︵⭒Chapter 1
︵⭒Chapter 2
︵⭒Chapter 3
︵⭒Chapter 4
︵⭒Chapter 5
︵⭒Chapter 6
︵⭒Chapter 7
︵⭒Chapter 8
🎧Be my little secret, keep it, hush, hush, but I think I'm in love🎧

A/N: Man, I miss writing for my Mingi. IOMT really snatched my wig when it comes to Yunho, can one be bias wrecked by their own bias? Apparently, yes, because that's what happened. I've got this idea not so randomly, for those who know Giselle's solo song Dopamine, it was heavily influenced by it. I adore the song and can relate a lot to it, so here's me word vomiting another story for you guys! I'll start a separate taglist for this mini-series, so let me know on this post if you'd like to be tagged! I hope to see you all soon! ^^ Get ready to read about me gushing about Song Mingi for another eight chapters, yay! divider I hope to update every week, but it might get slower if we catch up with the chapters I have written so far.
↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
@aaa-sia @gong-fourz @a-tinycarat @sooberryworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad
@anastasiamin860 @yunhogrippers @vcutparis @tunaasan @blvckarabixnvoid
@yusalterego @arigakittyo @slowee00 @jaerisdiction @hey-syia
@vnessalau @oddracha @chatsgotmytongue @potatos-on-clouds @yunhowooyo
@watermelon2319 @yoongzsmile28 @klllerwaifu @apriecotte @hwasbbyg
@kyeos4ng @samiiy20 @woosanhobros @aswho1estuff @khjoongie98
@ateez-main-yapper @kang-ulzzang @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @ginger-mingi @redzie02
@unholywriters @autieofthevalley @roomsofangel @peachyy-joonie @baeksofty
@tunafishyfishylike @syubseokie @jycas @fandom-freak-geek @intaksfav
@itswaffleberry @e3ellie @skz1-4-3 @hoe4yunho @kyeomooniee
@winklehwa @eyesonlyformingi @khjssss @torieisawesome99 @amrose8
@faeriehwa @hongjoongsprincess @iceteainsummer @lac3ybow @aurorajoye
@londonbridges01 @hyukssunflower @hwashua-luv @halloweenbyphoebebridgers @soobnez
@vixx00 @princesspearl @mintsugarr93 @m4n4-s4m4 @monbrat
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
#bvidzsoo#cromernet#mingi x reader#song mingi x reader#mingi smut#song mingi smut#mingi fluff#song mingi fluff#mingi angst#song mingi angst#song mingi#mingi ateez#mingi oneshot#mingi scenarios#ateez smut#ateez fluff#ateez angst#ateez x reader#ateez fanfic#ateez oneshot#ateez series#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#mingi fanfic#kim hongjoong#park seonghwa#jeong yunho#kang yeosang#choi san#jung wooyoung
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Just ReLAX
"Shit, not the fucking door too man!" cussed Connor as the door to his dorm's shared bathroom laid sideways in the frame, having just fallen off its hinges. College was supposed to be his big new start, but everything in this first day had been shit. He missed his first class going to the wrong building, had the tires on his bike stolen, and at the end of it all he had to walk back to his run-down dorm building where the hot water still wasn't working... and now the door.
"Fuck it, I'll just play some WoW or something," he said, walking over to his computer setup. Within five minutes though, he was up again, having discovered the internet connection was so bad he couldn't even log in. It was still early afternoon outside, the sunlight filtering in through the dusty window of his dorm. At the very least he could make sure he knew where his next class was, so he didn't miss it like the first one. Throwing his ratty shoes and loose-fitting knitted sweater on, he headed out the door. Thankfully this one didn't fall off like the last one, but he still just felt tense as he walked out the building's lobby and into the afternoon sun.
His dorm building sat just off the campus quad, which at this point in the day was filled with both students rushing to class and those doing anything to avoid it. As Connor walked across the cracked sidewalks that crisscrossed the green lawn he couldn't help but notice the number of guys just relaxing in the sun. It was hard not to feel outclassed, comparing his greasy brown hair, sweater, and loose jeans to their clean cuts and perms and athletic clothes that draped ever so perfectly against well-defined muscles.
Whatever, he knew he was a nerd. It was fine. Why should he care about fitting in - he didn't in high school anyways. He'd just keep on with his online friends... unless they got busy. That could be a problem. Well, he couldn't even worry about that now since the internet sucked. Maybe his suitemate would know how to fix it? No, they hadn't even moved in yet. And what are the chances they'd even speak to him after he already broke the bathroom door! Fuck, he'd have to get that fixed soon. Where was the maintenance office? Wait, no he was supposed be looking for his next cla-
Connor felt a sharp pain on the back right of his skull and the world seemed to spin and flash white for a bit. When he finally got a hold of himself he was looking up at the sky... and there was some guy in orange and white on top of him. Was he... talking? His mouth was moving at least...
"...ro. ...ey, bro ar... ... Bro? Bro, are you okay?"
"Ugh... yeah, I guess, what happened?" replied Connor. The guy above him seemed to lean back a bit after hearing him speak. His bright ginger curls looked fiery in the sun, and dang, he was kinda built too. Was he an athlete? "Yo, I'm so sorry man. I was laxing out with my bro, Casey, and you looked like you zoned out right in the middle of our pass. Freaked me out when you just stopped moving like that, can't like."
"Oh... uh, sorry? I didn't notice I guess. Was kinda wrapped up in my own thoughts or something." Connor couldn't help but mumble. The day just couldn't get any worse could it.
Meanwhile, the ginger hunk squatting over him just turned slightly and yelled back over his shoulder, "Yo, Casey, hurry up with the ice would ya'? And grab a drink too, this guy looks like he could use it!"
He turned back to Connor now, "Nah bro, you're all good. It just happens sometimes. You seemed super stressed out so, I get it bro. Casey and I are like that too right before a big game, but then you like, lock in super hard when the whistle blows and it all washes away and shit."
Connor just stared blankly at this mystery man, clearly from a different world than his own. "Uh... right." As he sat up straight, he felt the burly hand of this ginger "bro" hold his shoulder steady, directing his gaze towards another guy, presumably Casey, jogging over with a wet-looking blue bag and a sports bottle.
"Zach, I got the stuff. How's he doing?" Casey was similarly built to the ginger guy, who Connor assumed to be Zach, but with straight brown hair, squatted down on his left and handed him the drink.
"Where does it hurt bro? We got an ice pack for you."
Sheepishly, Connor accepted the drink and started to look around. There were a few stray glances from passerby, but thankfully it didn't look like he caused a scene... "Just the back right of my head, I can get it," he replied, taking the ice pack with his free hand and holding it to his head.
The cold was sharp but quickly became soothing as it spread from the base of his neck to the rest of his head. As he took a sip of the drink too, he found it tasted oddly good. There was a distinctive metallic note to it, but mostly it was a fruit punch flavor with lots of pineapple and orange. Before he knew it, Connor had downed the whole bottle.
"Fuck, that tasted really good? What is that anyways?"
Casey spoke up, "It's Coach's recipe for the lax team. Gatorade but with his special blend of electrolytes and shit, more or less."
"Huh, so you guys play... lax? Is that a sport, I guess?"
Zach and Casey laughed. "Lacrosse bro. It's sick, you ever played?"
"Nah, look at me man. I haven't played anything in my life." Zach seemed to give the faintest smirk to Casey. "You sure bro?" At this point he began to stand up, and with Casey lifted Connor up by his arms. "I've got a hard time believing someone with these arms doesn't at least work out."
Connor glanced down at his arms. They didn't look particularly built. Well, were they always that tan? He moved them up and down, flexing them a bit. They weren't as twiggy as he thought they were... huh.
"Nah, I really didn't play anything. Guess it's just natural?"
Casey responded, "Fuck bro, if that's natural you've definitely gotta lax out. Come over here."
The two athletes practically pulled Connor along towards their bags, which had been sitting out on the ground a ways away. Connor could see sticks with nets on the ends sticking out, a number of pieces of what looked like chest pads, white rubber balls (presumably what he just got hit with) and a number of other things he didn't quite recognize.
Zach, meanwhile, had already grabbed a set of pads and a stick and was heading back to Connor. "Here bro, throw this over your head," he said, tossing him the pads.
"Just do it bro, you don't wanna get beamed with the rock again, right? Casey's got a lid for you too."
Connor looked uncertain but seeing both guys smiling was enough to win him over. "Hey," he thought, "may as well see what it's like to be an athlete for a bit." He struggled briefly with the pads before Zach helped to slide them into place over his shoulders. They felt a bit heavy, but it felt kinda nice too. He was still chilly from the ice pack and the heaviness just made him feel... calm. Or maybe just chilled out?
Casey came in quick with the helmet from the left. Connor had only caught a glimpse of it before. It looked wild, being mostly white but with burgundy and gold decals all along it. Wait... those were the university colors. Was this a helmet from the lacrosse team?
Connor took a step back from Casey. "Wait, guys, is this university property? That's a bit too much for me, I mean I'm just-"
Casey was already at his side and the helmet came down. The inside was soft, not at all what he expected from how jagged the outside looked. It was kind of dark as well, though he could see through the first gap between the bars on the front. Was he actually wearing the school helmet? Was he wearing sports gear right now? In public? What would people think?
Connor could feel and hear the two athletes still strapping on elbow pads but at the same time he felt that calm from before. Did it really matter? He was just trying it out. And the two players with him would clear up any confusion, since they seemed like bros. Yeah... this was fine actually.
He reached up to adjust his helmet a bit as Casey approached with a stick. "Here bro, just follow along with Zach and I and we'll teach you the basics. Just relax."
Connor's mind was blank. Whatever Casey and Zach said was what he did. Learning how to hold his spoon, passing around the rock, stationary at first and then while running. Somehow, no matter what he did he never felt tired. And when the group got thirsty, Coach's drink was always close at hand. As the sun began to set, Zach and Casey called it in.
Connor, like the other two, was drenched in sweat. He didn't even really remember taking his sweater and shirt off, but he must have at some point, because he was bare torso in the setting sun. But man, his body really was better than he gave it credit for. Zach had even said his genetics were crazy to have abs without working out. And Connor felt great. Amazing even! What was he even worried about earlier today? Nothing important, he was sure.
"Zach, Casey, bros. Lax is like, crazy dope dudes."
Zach was the first to reply. "Bro, it's insane you've never laxed before, you picked it up crazy fast. You should honestly talk to Coach. He's got walk-ons next week and if you work with him and us a bit more, I bet you could clinch a spot."
"No way bro, that's crazy. Play for the school? I'm not as good as you two."
Casey butted in. "Bro, you're insane for a newbie. Trust the process, bro. You'd be on in no time. In fact, we should head over now so you can meet him. Help us pack and shit, and we'll jog over. You down?" "Damn bro, really? Fuck yeah, let's do it."
Needless to say, the walk-on tryouts were a bit of a blowout. With Coach's guidance, Connor was a standout performer, ready to take the field for the team and crush their opponents every time. His new shorter haircut that Coach recommended suited him, just like his new number, #17, and his new carefree, cocky attitude. And like the loyal bros they are, Zach and Casey made sure to grab a picture with their new recruit at media day.

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Obvious - Fezco
Summary: You insist on meeting your cousin Rue's drug dealer and an interesting friendship develops in the process.
Fezco x Reader
Word Count: 4,840
Author's Note: Started this in March of 2022 and it's finally getting posted lol. This is my first Fezco fic since Angus' passing which is so hard to type I'm crying at that. I still miss him. A lot. Dividers from @firefly-graphics
Rue was your closest cousin. Not that you had many, and the few you did have lived somewhere outside of East Highland, but that was beside the point. She was a year younger than you, so the two of you spent most of your childhood glued to one another. When her dad died, you saw the toll it took on her. You realized then that she started using but she played it off like she had it all under control. That’s what an addict does. Eventually you did confront her about it. She said it was mostly weed, so you let it slide. One day she had you drive her to restock her supply. That’s when you met Fezco for the first time.
“So you’re the guy selling my baby cousin drugs,” you blurted out after Rue did a quick introduction then started making her way to Ashtray behind the refrigerated drinks.
“Y/N, what the fuck,” Rue shouted at you annoyed. “You’re only a year older than me.”
“A year and three months,” you corrected. You only got specific with the three months to annoy Rue. You crossed your arms over your chest as you eyed the ginger sitting on the counter in front of you. “And how old are you?”
Fez observed you carefully. It’s not everyday some random person immediately brings up him selling drugs directly to his face. Especially a cute random person. “You always talk to new people like this?”
“Only when my cousin’s health is at stake.” You sighed and shook your head. “Look, I don’t have beef with you. I realized a while ago that Rue’s gonna do what she wants. I just want to make sure she’s being safe about it... well, as safe as you can get with drugs.”
Fez nodded along as you spoke understanding your concern for your cousin. He knew Rue wasn’t going around promoting that she was doing drugs or that he sold. You were just looking out for her. “I get it.”
“I’ve heard too many stories about people overdosing on Fentanyl or something they didn’t know was laced with Fentanyl. I don’t want to find out that happened to my cousin.”
“You don’t have to worry, ma. I don’t mess with that shit. All my stuff is good.”
You squinted at him taking in his words. “Better be. Otherwise I’m gonna kick your ass.”
Fez chuckled. He didn’t doubt for a second you wouldn’t fight behind Rue. “Understood.”
“You go to school with Rue? I ain’t never seen you ‘round before.” Fez went to most of the East Highland High School parties to deal. Since he’s never seen you there, either you didn’t go to that school, or you didn’t go to parties. Either way, he was missing out on you.
“Oh God, no,” you said. “I go to Centenary.”
“Oh, so you smart smart.” You smiled and rolled your eyes at Fezco’s statement, and he decided right then and there that was something he wanted to see more of.
“Something like that,” you replied giggling.
“You ready to go, Y/N,” Rue popped up practically out of no where and asked. Damn, why did Rue have to be so quick.
“Uhh, yeah,” you said to your cousin. Rue shoved her hands into her dad’s old maroon jacket and started to walk out the store. You turned to Fezco and said, “I’m gonna be watching you, sir.”
Fez smiled at the thought. “I look forward to it, ma.”
After that, you made a few impromptu trips to Fez’s store without Rue. You told him your grandma lived in the neighborhood, which she did, so it wasn’t a lie. But Fez did point out that before Rue, you had never came to the store before.
“I mean I could always go somewhere else for my carbonated beverages if you want,” you said as you turned on your heel to leave the store without making your usual purchase.
“Nah,” Fez replied grabbing your wrist stopping you, “I ain’t say all that.”
When your mom told you that Rue overdosed, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Maybe if you had told your Aunt Leslie what Rue was doing, she could have got some help. But you knew Rue. Ever since her dad’s death she had been struggling. She would have to finally deal with that grief if she was going to stop, and you knew that was the last thing she wanted to do.
A few days after Rue’s overdose, you went to visit Fezco. You weren’t sure if he knew or not. Even though he was her dealer, he was close to Rue, so you thought he should know. And it would be better coming from you than to hear it on the street.
“Well if it isn’t Y/N Y/L/N,” Fezco greeted you with a smile on his face.
You tried to smile at the red head, but it was weak. “Hey Fezco.”
“What’s wrong,” Fez asked, immediately knowing something was up.
You walked to him fiddling with your fingers nervous to tell him about your cousin. “Uh... it’s Rue,” you said looking up at him with somber eyes. “She overdosed.”
Fez’s face became tense. He didn’t question it. He wasn’t shocked, just sad.
You couldn’t take looking into his piercing blue eyes any longer and set your eyes on the candy on the counter. “She’s still at the hospital going through withdrawals. Aunt Leslie’s going to put her in rehab when she gets out.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Fez said as he placed his hand on your arm to comfort you. Your eyes met his again and you could tell he genuinely felt bad.
“Its..,” you paused and laughed. “I was going to say it’s okay, but its not. She didn’t die, so that’s great but... I didn’t know it was this bad with her.”
Fez dropped his hand and leaned against the counter behind him. “Why’d you come here, ma?”
You looked at him confused. “What are you talking about? Rue’s your friend, I thought you should know.”
“She is but... you ain’t come here to blame me?”
You were taken aback. “No, Fez. It’s not your fault. Rue made a choice. And if she didn’t get her drugs from you, it would be someone else.”
Fez was quiet as he took in what you said. You wanted to, no, needed him to understand this wasn’t his fault.
“Listen to me Fezco. Rue’s got a lot of problems that she has to deal with. She was using drugs to cope with her grief. I know you wouldn’t want her to OD. I’d rather know she was going to you for her fix, than some random guy who didn’t give two shits about whether or not she lived or died. So I don’t want you putting any of this on yourself, okay?”
Fez gave a small nod to let you knew he understood. You don’t know if he actually believed what you said, but you were glad it was out there.
Over the summer, you visited the store more frequently. You did see him outside the store once at a pool party. Of course you pointed out that you’d never seen him at a party before. Your crowd was a little different than the East Highland High School bunch. Fez played it off though, but you knew he was only there for you.
An unexpected hangout occurred one evening when you stopped by the store on a cloudy day. The flow of customers was already crazy slow, then it started raining and store had been empty besides you, Fez, and Ash for the last hour.
“Aye, bro, can we go home? I’m bored as shit,” Ash said coming from behind the refrigerators.
Fez looked to you sitting on top of the freezer that held the popsicles and ice-cream before he spoke. “Uh, yeah. Go head and pack up.”
You hopped off your self designated spot in store. “Welp, I guess that’s my queue to head home.”
“Nah,” Fez said and stopped you in your tracks. “You ain’t gotta go home.”
“But I gotta get outta here,” you interrupted giggling.
“Nah, ma. I was finna say you could come to my place and hang... if you want.”
Your eyebrows shot up. Fez’s and your relationship mostly consisted of you just hanging out at his store while he worked. The two of you texted every now and then, but that was about it.
“Oh... Uh, sure,” you managed to stammer out. Then you realized that didn’t sound very enthusiastic so you added, “Yeah, I’d love to come over.”
You followed Fez and Ashtray home in your car since you drove yourself to the store. You were anxious the whole way there and the rain definitely wasn’t helping.
Fez’s place looked homey. The living room felt familiar; the couches reminding you of your grandma’s house.
“You want anythin’ to drank,” Fez asked making his way to the kitchen.
“Uh, no, I’m good. Thanks though,” you replied slowly making your way to where he went. It was always awkward the first time you went over to a friend’s house.
Fez reappeared from the kitchen with a beer in his hand. He eyed you for a second before speaking. “You want to watch a movie or somethin’?”
The rest of the evening was spent on Fez’s couch, watching old 90′s movies. Even Ashtray joined you for one. It was nice. It felt normal, not like you somehow became friends with you cousin’s drug dealer.
“Oh my God, Fezzy,” you shouted excitedly. “You won’t believe- Rue,” you paused when you saw your cousin coming from the back door that led to Ashtray. You glanced at Fez, then back to Rue. “What are you doing here?”
“Just popped in for a visit,” Rue answered. Her hands fidgeted in her pockets of her dad’s jacket.
“Unhuh...,” you hummed knowing she didn’t just stop by to see the boys.
“What are you doing here,” Rue asked curious.
“I came by to see Fez,” you stated quickly. “You just got out of rehab, Rue.”
Rue rolled her eyes at you. “Yeah, and I had no plans on staying clean. I learned my lesson cuz. I know my limits now.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “You only know your limits cause you overdosed Rue! You almost died!”
“Key word being almost.”
“Oh my God,” you shook your head again turning away from the conversation. “I’ll talk to you later, Fez,” you said then turned to walk out of the store.
“Hey, Y/N,” Rue said and you stopped in your tracks. “You’re not gonna tell my mom are you?”
You huffed exhausted by your cousin. You telling her mom should be the least of her concerns. You still faced the door but turned your head to look at Rue. Your eyes glossed over with frustrated tears. “I wish you cared about yourself like the rest of us do.”
Two weeks went by before you saw Fez again. The ginger was starting to think you blamed him for Rue’s relapse. Even though you had told him Rue made a choice to do drugs so it wasn’t his fault, your silence made him think you thought otherwise now.
It was Sunday afternoon when Fez heard someone at his door. He looked through the peephole and saw you, then quickly opened the door.
“What’s up, ma?”
“Hey... I went by the store first but you weren’t there. I know I should have called or something, but I just wanted to see you.”
“Nah, you good. I’m just surprised is all.”
“Is this a bad time?”
“Nah, come in,” Fez said then stepped to the side to let you in.
“Thanks,” you replied as you walked past him. You had only been in Fez’s place once, but it felt familiar. You just stood in the entry way while Fez closed the door. “Um, can we talk?”
“Yeah, come on,” Fez said nodding towards the living room.
Fez took his usual place on the couch and you followed suit sitting beside him.
“I’m sorry about ghosting you these last two weeks,” you said, not being able to make eye contact with him. You felt guilty for ignoring him even though your issues were with Rue. Fez just sat there quiet. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you needed him to say something. “Not to sound cliché, but it was me not you.”
“It sure felt like it was because of me,” Fez said.
You turned on the couch to face him more. “It wasn’t, Fez. I promise. I’m mad at Rue, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.”
“Yeah, but she got her drugs from me and Ash. I could have told her no.”
“And then she would have thrown a fit and went somewhere else. Probably somewhere dangerous.”
“Why you keep makin’ excuses for me? You shouldn’t be anywhere near me.”
“What,” you asked, your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Fez, no, I don’t want to be anywhere else but near you.” You spoke before you could realize what you were saying but it was true. Fez finally looked towards you and you averted his eyes. The silence was too loud. You were careful with your next words. “If I have to tell you every day, then I will,” you said slowly then looked back up at him. “Rue’s choice to do drugs, and keep doing them after her OD, is hers and hers alone. It’s not your fault.”
Fez took in what you said and how it made him feel then began to shake his head. “Nah, y/n. You tryin’ to justify it still don’t make it right.”
“Fine,” you said exhausted, throwing your hands up in the air. “It’s not right! Rue coping with drugs. You selling her drugs. None of it is right, okay! But Rue is family and you’re my friend. So I’m not going anywhere,” you shouted then just fell back into the couch crossing your arms over your chest.
Fez just watched you from his place on the couch. Anger and annoyance evident on your face. The situation sucked, but Fez didn’t want to lose you. He was worried if Rue overdosed again, not only would he lose a sister, but you would never forgive him. Regardless of how much you told him it wasn’t his fault she was on drugs, he was the supplier. But, if you wanted to keep being friends with him, who was he to tell you no.
“Aight, ma,” Fez drawled out in his usual tone.
“Aight what,” you asked for clarification.
“You’re right... and stubborn,” Fez said, trying to stifle a laugh.
You eyed him cautiously. “Elaborate.”
Fez stayed sitting forward, but turned his head turned towards you and let it fall back on the couch. “Rue’s gonna find a way to do drugs whether or not I give them to her. She was on them before she met me.”
You uncrossed your arms resting them in your lap as you sighed feeling sorry about your cousin. You hated the mess she got in and wished for nothing more than her sobriety. While you were thinking about Rue, Fez’s hand grabbed your forearm then slid down to your hand, pulling it so it was on the empty cushion space between you two, so he could hold it.
“And you’re right about us being friends,” Fez continued. You bit your lip trying to stop your grin from getting too big, and Fez returned a small smile.
After that day, you had seen less of Fez than you usually had in the summer. It was your senior year, so you were busy trying to keep your grades up while staying active in your clubs. You explained your schedule to Fez so he didn’t trip at the fact that he was seeing less of you.
Things between you and Rue were strained. After you talked to Fez, you talked to your cousin and told her if she kept doing drugs you weren’t going to stick around and watch her kill herself. You were no longer holding any sympathy for what she was going through. Your Aunt Leslie and Gia managed to keep living without having their grief hold them back, why couldn’t Rue at least try? But Rue became spiteful, not caring that you were cutting yourself off from her.
You missed how things were in the summer. No stress. Rue was in rehab so you knew she was safe. Spending afternoons at Fez’s store. Missing Fez was how you found yourself at an East Highland party. One of your friends brought it up and you were quick to agree to the outing. You knew he would be dealing at the party, and that was more than enough of a reason to go.
“Hey,” Rue said plopping down on the couch by Fez.
“What’s up, kid?”
“What’s going on with you and my cousin,” Rue asked, cutting straight to the chase. She was never one to beat around the bush.
“Whatchu mean,” Fez asked.
“Y/N doesn’t do parties. Especially not East Highland parties. And I know she’s not here for me.”
“Shit, she might be here for you,” Fez replied nonchalantly but he was hoping you were here for him. He missed seeing you on a regular basis.
“Nah, she’s not even talking to me right now. Cut me off cause I won’t stop using. Trying to teach me a lesson or some shit,” Rue said while she rolled her eyes. “So much for family.”
“Don’t say that shit, Rue.” Fez was getting agitated, because he knew how much you cared for her. “That girl loves you. She just wants you to do better.”
“If she loved me, she wouldn’t leave,” Rue argued, her shoulders tensing up.
“Nah, kid. That’s not how love works. She just doesn’t want to sit around and watch you kill yo’self.”
Rue sat there stunned, your words replaying in her head. “That’s exactly what Y/N told me... how much have you two been hanging out?”
Fez just shook his head as he took his blunt from behind his ear and lit it. “She misses you. Talk to her, Rue.”
You had been at the party for about an hour now. Attempting to play it cool as if Fez wasn’t the sole reason for you being there, you were trying to wait before you went and actually spoke to him. You noticed him a few minutes after you arrived. The two of you made eye contact and waved, but that was it.
Finally managing to leave your friends, you were making your way to Fezco when Rue stepped in front of you.
“Oh sor- hey Rue.”
“Hey, cuz,” Rue said. She looked... nervous. She was fidgeting with her jacket’s hood strings. Her eyes looking practically everywhere else but at you. “Um, can we talk for a sec?”
You looked past her to see Fez still sitting on the couch. Some guy coming up to him to make a deal. “Uh, yeah. Of course. Let’s step outside.”
Rue nodded, then you both made your way to the front door. There was too much going on in the backyard to have a private conversation there. You opened the door and let Rue step out into the cool night air first.
You leaned against one of the front porch beams while Rue just stood there awkwardly and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets.
The silence between you two was awkward which was a first. You tried to wait for Rue to speak, but she struggled to find the words.
“What’s up, Rue?”
“Umm, I just- I,” Rue stammered out while she fidgeted in her spot. “Shit, I’m sorry, Y/N. We’ve never not talked to each other like this and I hate it. I miss you.”
You sighed, sorrow filling your eyes. “I miss you, too, cousin.”
Rue’s eyes glossed over as she started to smile. “Uh, I haven’t been using as much anymore.”
You reached out and placed your hand on her wrist for a moment. “That’s great.”
Rue nodded, her eyes dogging around. “Yeah... I met someone.”
“Oh,” you replied, your eyebrows rising up in surprise. You were thrilled Rue was using less, but you knew if her sobriety was because of a person, it wouldn’t last long. “Do I know them?”
“No, she’s new. Her name is Jules.”
“Jules,” you repeated, making sure you pronounced it right.
Rue nodded, her smile growing bigger. “Yeah, she’s here tonight. Pretty blonde in the bright pink mini skirt.”
“You look happy.”
She ran her fingers through her curls, pushing her hair back. “I’m working on it.”
It was quiet for a moment as you looked down at your cousin. “Hey, Rue.”
“I know we haven’t been talking, but... you know I’m here if you need me.” You placed your hand on her shoulder and squeezed.
“I know,” Rue said nodding. Then you placed your other hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Since you were on the step above her, you towered over her in the hug so you sat your chin on her head.
“Okay... you can let go now, Y/N,” Rue said after you were holding onto her a little too long.
“No, gotta make up for lost time,” you said, hugging her tighter.
“It wasn’t that much time.”
“It felt like forever,” you said dragging out the r then placing a bunch of kisses on Rue’s head.
“Ew, okay okay, I get it,” Rue said squirming in your arms. “Why don’t you go and kiss Fez?”
You stopped abruptly, pulling back slightly to look down at Rue. “Why would you say that? Did he... did he say something to you?”
Rue gently pushed herself out of your arms. “No, but it’s obvious something is happening between you two.”
“What,” you asked shaking your head, nervously running your hand over your hair. “Nothing’s happening. We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, friends who wanna fuck,” Rue replied. She was always the blunt one in the family.
“Am I wrong,” she asked, her eyes on you.
“Uhh-I mean...”
“Un huh. Just tell him how you feel,” Rue said as she started to make her way back into the party.
“You say that like it’s so easy.”
Rue turned around so she was walking backwards now. “It is when the other person likes you back.” Then she turned back around and you lost sight of her in the sea of people.
“But...,” you shouted then began to whisper since you no longer saw her, “how do you know he likes me?”
Now you were nervous. You weren’t really one to flirt, at least not on purpose anyway. It was one thing to act normal around Fez and pretend you didn’t have a huge crush on him, it was another for someone to tell you he liked you and pretend to be normal. What if Rue was wrong? What if whatever sign she was getting from Fezco, was just him being a good friend, and not him being interested in you?
You made your way back into the party, but completely passed by the living room and went straight for the bathroom. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a line so you went right in. You locked the door then went to the mirror to look at yourself. Everything was still in place. Your lipstick was perfect. Your hair styled the way you liked it. Now, if only you could get that look of fear off your face.
“Breath, Y/N,” you said to yourself. You took a long exhale then inhaled. “Rue wouldn’t lie to you... well, maybe about drugs but not about this. And it’s Fez. Just put out some feelers to see where his head is at.” You nodded at yourself then turned the faucet on to splash a little water on yourself. Then your eyes grew wide as you thought, looking at yourself in the mirror again. “But what if he’s just being nice? IT’S FEZ! He’d never intentionally be mean to me. So how will I know if he’s only being polite and not actually flirting with me. Ughh!”
You dried your hand on a nearby towel then turned away from the mirror. You took some deep breaths to try and shake off the nervous feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. “Okay. It’s fine. You’re fine.” You thought about every time you hung out with Fez over the summer. Going to his house for the first time. Him giving you candy for free at the store. Him holding your hand on his couch. Fez was a good friend and you didn’t want to lose that, but you couldn’t keep holding your feelings for the ginger in.
“Hey Y/N,” Fezco said once you stopped in front of him. A small smile growing on his lips. Somehow his eyes managed to shimmer in the crappy living room lighting.
“Uh can you give me a ride home? I don’t feel so hot and I can’t find my friends.”
Technically it wasn’t a lie. You didn’t feel great. Your anxiety about asking Fez how he felt about you made you sick to your stomach.
“Sure thing, ma,” Fez replied, getting up from the couch without a second thought. Add that to the list of reasons you liked Fez. He would drop everything for you. The party wasn’t done so there was still money to be made, yet here he was, walking you out the party to his car.
The ride was quiet and awkward which was unusual. You only felt awkward around Fez when you had to bring up Rue’s drug addiction. Glancing over at Fez, he was oblivious to the worry that was going on in your head. His eyes focused on the dark road ahead as he nodded along to the music. The streetlights highlighting his freckles as you drove through the neighborhood.
“Do you like me,” you asked, interrupting Fez.
Fez’s eyes left the road for a moment confused at your sudden change in the conversation. He readjusted himself in his spot before he spoke. “Yeah, course I like you. Wouldn’t be giving you a ride home if I didn’t.”
You shook your head annoyed. “No, Fez. I mean do you like like me? Like if we were in middle school and you found a note in your locker that said ‘do you like me? Yes or no.’ Which one would you circle?”
Oh. OH! What did he mean by oh. Your brain was running a mile a minute now. Fez better say something else and quick.
After what felt like forever, but was only about 5 seconds. “Yeah... thought it was obvious I was feelin’ you.”
You let out a breathy laugh in disbelief. “Obvious?”
“Yeah, I mean I thought you was real cute that first day you came in the store grillin’ me about what I was sellin’ Rue.” Fez chuckled to himself remembering that day.
“You thought I was cute,” you asked baffled. This was all so confusing for you.
Fez shook his head, eyes still focused on the road. “You gonna just keep repeating everything I’m sayin?”
“Uhh, yeah,” you replied, your eyes wide trying to prosses what he was saying to you. “It doesn’t make sense and you’re being so nonchalant about this.”
“How am I supposed to be?”
“I don’t know,” you answered, your hands flailing around. “Not like this! Just a minute ago I was freaking out wondering if I would ruin our friendship, or if there was even the slightest chance you liked me back... and you do. My brain can’t comprehend.”
Fezco put his car in park and you realized you were in front of you house. “Well, comprehend, ma.”
You slouched back in your seat staring out at the road ahead of you taking it all in. Rue was right. “What do we do now?”
Fez reached over the center console and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. “Well, we could start with a date?”
You turned at looked at Fez, biting your lip to stop your smile from getting too big. “I’d like that,” you said, nodding your head.
“Cool,” Fez said smiling.
“Cool,” you repeated grinning right back.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just staring at one another.
“You know what. I’m feeling way better now.”
“Yeah... don’t think I’m quite ready to go inside yet.”
“You got something in mind?”
“Not really,” you said, pausing to think for a second. “Just not ready to leave you yet,” you replied, squeezing his hand a little while rubbing your thumb back and forth on the back of his hand.
Fezco’s checks got incredibly hotter as he looked away from you avoiding your eyes. He let go of your hand and put his car back in drive beginning to drive off then said, "I think I know a place."
#fezco x reader#fezco one shot#fez x reader#fez fanfic#fezco#euphoria fan fiction#euphoria one shot#euphoria
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hi hi hi :) could u maybe write a thing abt like reader and hazel being childhood friends who slowly start to fall for each other but don’t say anything for a long time and then maybe they get into an argument of some kind and confess their feelings??
idk if you’ve done something like that but it just crossed my mind!
sour grapes – hazel callahan
— your scent is still unripe and green.
childhood friends to lovers. fluff. yearning. kind of long!
hazel could still remember the first time she became your friend. it was back in kindergarten. you had just moved into town and you were the new kid. but to her, you were known as the kid with the mcdonald's strawberry shortcake keychain where her hat slides to the side to reveal a lip balm.
little hazel was collecting all four characters— she had around 3 orange blossoms, 2 ginger snaps, and at least 5 angel cakes —but she couldn't get her hands on the strawberry shortcake one because it's always out. so when she saw your strawberry shortcake dangling from your backpack, she came up with a plan that she spent two days devising; she'll steal your keychain in exchange for one of her angel cakes.
of course her plan didn't work. it was snack time when she found herself in front of your backpack, smiling at the sight of strawberry shortcake. she was about to take the keychain off after applying the balm on her lips rather messily when she heard a loud gasp behind her. hazel quickly turned around to see you already stomping towards your teacher. "miss sandy!"
panicking, hazel ran after you and pulled on your hair to try to stop you. it did stop you, but it also made you start crying. a concerned miss sandy marched towards where you were standing. "hey guys, what's happening here?" she crouched down to your eye level while rubbing your back to calm you down, her pretty pink floral dress creasing. "what's wrong sweetie?"
"hazel was trying to steal my strawberry shortcake and she pulled my hair," you pointed at her as tears came out of your eyes and snot came out of your nose. you were sobbing so hard that miss sandy didn't understand a single word you said, but deduced that it had something to do with your keychain. you had gotten it on your birthday. you liked strawberry shortcake but you weren't much of a big fan, you only liked her strawberry scent on her head. but nonetheless, it was a birthday present and you cherished it with all your heart.
when you saw hazel's bag with an angel cake keychain, you were elighted because you both have a lip balm keychain from mcdonald's. you wanted to become her friend but you were too shy to approach her that's why you planned on sharing your grapes with her that day. which is why your heart sank when you saw her hands about to take strawberry shortcake off your bag that has your grapes in it.
"i didn't mean to!" hazel started crying as well, her mouth and cheeks glistening under the light because of the lip balm. she was embarrassed that you caught her in the act and was nervous that you would hate her for eternity after this incident. after your mothers were called to school by miss sandy to discuss what happened and after hazel got scolded by her mother, the both of you found yourself sitting across each other in mcdonald's with your moms. mrs. callahan lightly nudged hazel to apologize, which hazel hesitantly did. "i'm sorry," she looked down at her lap, kicking her little feet as you stare at her.
"honey, what will you say?" your mom cooed, nodding towards hazel's direction. you didn't want to forgive her for what she did. that keychain was still yours and you're stingy when it comes to things that belongs to you. but then you felt bad because you wanted to be her friend and you'd gladly share your lip balm with her if only she had asked you in the first place.
she noticed that you took a pink item out of your mother's bag. it was the strawberry shortcake lip balm keychain. "let's share," you grinned as you hand her the keychain. hazel looked at you with wide eyes, her blue eyes shining in excitement. the two of you played in the playplace after that.
from then on, you and hazel were inseparable. every trip, every dinner, your family and hazel's family were together. the both of you would also have sleepovers at each other's place. most of the time, you preferred to stay over at hazel's. you would spend hours on playing tekken or grand theft auto or bratz on her playstation before getting scolded by mrs. callahan for staying up late.
as years went on, your friendship grew closer and closer until it doesn't feel like friendship anymore. hazel was the first one to have this epiphany back in ninth grade. she couldn't pinpoint the exact moment but one day, everything about you seemed loud; in a good way. you were radiating like sunbeams in the sky, blinding hazel by your beauty and your presence. since then, she keeps forgetting that you've been friends for years. who could blame her. you always took her breath away every time you'd smile.
confused at this newfound feeling, hazel decided to keep this feeling all to herself. after all, it would probably go away soon enough.
she thought it would go away. she really hoped it would. but it never did. there have been multiple instances where she was so close to confessing, but the fear of getting hurt by your rejection and the fear of your friendship ending would always stop her from doing so.
you realized that you were falling for hazel during the year the fight club was created. you were inseparable up until this point in your lives as she became more busy and involved with the club as one of its founding members. when she invited you to join, you rejected her invitation, joking that you don't want to ruin your beautiful face. she somehow took this joke very seriously and distanced you from the club, eventually distancing herself in the process. this, of course, hurted you but it didn't come as a surprise. hazel seemed to be walking on eggshells around you. at first, you thought nothing of it. you became concerned when it continued after that. you found it weird as she had never acted that way before but you brushed it off, assuming it was nothing.
it was lonely without her and it would be a lie to say that you weren't jealous of her club. she's your best friend since kindergarten, why is she spending more time with them than you? they don't know her like you do. from your point of view, it seemed like she was too engrossed in the club that she forgot that you existed. but from her point of view, she was suffering from not hanging out with you despite preoccupying herself with the club to get you out of her mind, that same feeling still lingering in her chest.
you took care of hazel when she got beaten up by tucker. mrs. callahan— who's now different in your eyes after learning that she was sleeping with jeff —was glad that her "daughters" were hanging out again, recalling that time you poured alcohol on the cut on hazel's knee. unlike before, you were more gentle at cleaning the multiple cuts on her swollen face.
the sight ultimately broke you. you could still hear her head making contact with the gymasium floor, making you wince every time you remembered it. you wanted to run towards her, shield her from the big white guy— seriously, why the fuck is he not expelled yet? this school is a joke, you thought. but he was tucker and he was caged for a reason, and you don't know a thing or two about self defense. all you could do was watch in fear.
on the second night of your so-called "shift", you sat at the corner of her bed after putting away the ice pack and the antiseptics to see if she's in any discomfort while sleeping. she looked peaceful in her slumber despite her swollen eyelids painted in disgusting red, black and blue hues. you just wished that the healing process would speed up so that you could see her bright eyes again. your eyes travelled down to her parted lips, finding yourself staring at it for a long amount of time. you were aware of hazel's unbroken routine of always applying lip balm which obviously started back when you were little but this was the first time that you noticed how soft they looked. you wondered what her lips would feel like on your—
you were snapped out of your daydream when hazel stirred in her sleep, making you abruptly but gently standing up from her bed to avoid interrupting her rest. what was that about? you don't just randomly daydream about kissing your friend, especially when they're in a horrible state. cringing internally, you laid down on the sleeping bag on the floor, shutting your eyes so you could quickly fall asleep and forget about your thoughts. this is normal right? right?
you were in denial the whole time you were at hers, attempting to be your usual self around her. but because of your recent thoughts, you found yourself unintentionally hesitant and self conscious with your actions. you were pretty sure that her fight club friends— minus pj and josie —found you weird for checking on her band-aids every minute and for acting like a mom the whole time they were over. but they were nice and you despised yourself for not liking them in the first place.
hazel was thankful that you stayed by her side and took care of her no matter how distant she became. she wasn't proud of what she did and apologized to you after the fight club left her house, leaving the both of you alone in the living room. "it's not a big deal," you wearily smiled. she hoped that you weren't tired of her.
you and hazel hung out like you used to. playing games until early in the morning, talking shit about the people you hated in school, cooking in the middle of the night. she even invited you to watch the football game against huntington with her. it's been awhile since the both of you went out together. this made you happy. maybe the previous thoughts that you had were only because you missed your dear friend. it was nothing.
you thought it was nothing. but when you saw pj and hazel making out in front of you, you felt like you were going to puke. you hurriedly left the bleachers and ran all the way home. your heart was clenching in your chest and you couldn't help the tears from streaming down your face. why did it hurt so much? why did you have to see it? you wished that you never met her in the first place. that you didn't become friends. if you did, maybe this wouldn't have happened. you stopped running as your legs made contact with the ground, heaving as you did so.
during the following weeks, you were now avoiding hazel. you shut down all of her attempts trying to talk to you, wanting to ask you about your whereabouts that night after they knocked out all of the football players. hazel was beyond frustrated that you were ignoring her calls and messages. she tried ambushing you in the classes that you both shared and didn't share together, but you had somehow left the classroom without her noticing.
after the fourth week, hazel finally got you cornered at your house. screw your mom for being so fond of her. your house lacks female solidarity.
"why have you been ignoring me?" hazel spoke after glaring at you intensely that you're pretty sure if she was a deadly laser right now, your skeleton will be left behind. you looked away from her eyes and stared at your pillows. you were both standing in the middle of the room, your arms crossed over your chests.
you shook her head and muttered, "you wouldn't understand." you don't want to let her know that you like her more than a friend. you don't want to get in between her and pj's relationship. you don't want to be that kind of girl.
hazel huffed and rolled her eyes, her hands now resting on her hips and her tongue pressing against the insides of her cheeks. "oh i'd love to understand why you decided to ignore me out of fucking nowhere."
your brows furrowed as you stepped a little closer. "that's ironic," you chuckled at her. "like you didn't ignore me when you started your little fight club."
her eyes widened a little bit. hazel was thrown off at what you said, the knot in her stomach getting tighter. "no, i—"
"wow..." you breathed out, shaking your head in disbelief. "so it's only okay when you do it?"
"you didn't talk to me!" she stepped closer.
"you didn't talk to me either!" you stepped closer. hazel could see that your eyes were filled with rage. bottled up emotions from when she was ignoring you started to peek through. "if you were going to ignore me for pj, you could've just fucking told me! you could've been honest!"
she cocked her head to the side. "pj? what does pj have to do with this?"
you stepped back and paced the room, one hand on your hips and the other on your forehead. hazel was confused when you brought up pj. sure, they kissed, but it was for a distraction. the whole time she was kissing her, you were on her mind. but of course, you don't know that.
"you didn't have to hide your girlfriend, hazel."
huh? hazel thought. "what girlfriend?"
now you were confused. "pj? i mean... you guys made out in front of the entire school—"
"that was for a distraction!" hazel then started pacing around the room while you stopped and watched her.
"distraction for what?!"
"huntington was about to kill jeff by spraying pineapple across the field during the game," hazel explained while you try to search for any lies in her eyes and words. "my bomb didn't work so we needed another distraction to stall the game— wait, shouldn't you know this? weren't you at the game?"
you swallowed and wiped your hands on your shorts, trying to calm yourself down and not cringe at what you're about to say next. "i left... when you and pj... y'know..."
hazel took a step closer to where you were. "why'd you leave?"
"because..." you stuttered, looking at anywhere but in front of you, words stuck in your throat as she took another step closer. "you wouldn't want to know."
"tell me," her voice dropped into a whisper, now only inches away from you, blue eyes piercing into yours. "why'd you leave?"
you took a deep breath and pursed your lips, mentally cursing yourself and everyone in the world. "i couldn't stand watching you kiss pj."
"why?" she took one step closer.
"because i like you." closer.
"of course you do," she chuckled and walked once more until her face is centimeters away from yours. "it'd be weird for our friendship if you don't."
she didn't want to jump into conclusions. you wanted to rip your hair out at her obliviousness. you could feel her breath on your face. her eyes glancing at your lips. the both of you wanted to let each other know about your feelings, your sweet intentions. but you were afraid that it'll be sour, bitter. that your emotions are still unripe.
"hazel... you don't understand—"
"make me."
with that, you closed the space that was in between you both, connecting your lips to her soft ones. it felt right. it wasn't sour. the kiss was gentle and sweet, much like a strawberry shortcake lip balm.
AAAAAA ive been writing this one for awhile i hope u liked it!! ;v;
#hazel callahan x reader#hazel callahan imagine#hazel callahan x you#hazel callahan fluff#hazel bottoms#hazel callahan#bottoms (2023)
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Summary: Chris joins your family for dinner for the first time and it does not go as planned
Tw: Swearing, narcissistic dad, verbal arguing, panic attack mentions of alcohol use, mentions of ed(NO DETAIL), lmk if I missed something
wc: 3.5k
a/n: so sorry this one took so long. I've been swamped with schoolwork and writers block. here's the long-awaited finale. feel free to leave ur thoughts in my inbox
You turn around at the voice, as you recognize it, but can’t put your finger on it. You turn around to look at Nick, whose head is also turned to look in the direction of the voice. “Who’s that?” Nick asked, letting you go and moving so you could see the figure clearly.
You don’t recognize the person at first, but based on his familiar figure and his almost distinguishable voice, the dots connect in a moment's time.
You gasp, your hands covering your mouth as your heart jumps in your chest. Your eyes meet the familiar eyes of your older brother, Cam. He looks much different from the last time you saw him, his ginger hair grown past his ears, and he’s started growing a beard.
You don’t say a word before walking up to him. You reach up and touch his face to make sure he’s real, and you're not seeing things; something you wouldn’t put past yourself, as this entire night seems like some long, tragic, nightmare.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispers, pulling you into a much needed warm embrace. You bury your head in the crook of his neck as tears, ones that you thought you’d run out of, fall from your eyes and onto his shirt. “Missed you, too.” Your voice comes out muffled by his shirt.
You pull away and look at the stain on his shirt. “Oops.” You say, smiling, remembering how Cam used to complain about the tear stains on his shirt when you were younger, but you both knew it never really bothered him too much. “Damn it. It’s been like 20 seconds, and you’ve already got my shirt wet. Like you're doing it on purpose at this point.” he laughs. You slap his chest and laugh lightly.
The laughing dies down and you guys are met with awkward silence. “So, what the fuck happened around here?” he asked, breaking the silence. You look at him sadly, before your eyes drop to your shoes. “Oh, you know, just a good ole family dinner.” You glance up at Cam, whose lip curls upwards for a second, before dropping. “What happened?” he asked, softer this time, looking for more of an answer.
“Dad met my boyfriend.” You say. “I sent yo-” you cut yourself off as your eyes widened. “Wait, why’d you come, you never come.” You haven’t seen your brother in more than 5 years, and all the sudden he randomly shows up to a family dinner? You’ve sent him countless invites to the family gatherings, all were left unanswered.
“Well, I couldn’t miss another boyfriend meeting. Not after the last one. Plus, I didn’t get an invite last year or the year before, so I was really confused. I thought you guys finally realized how nothing ever changes.” His voice was calm, like it usually was, even when talking about something so emotional. You nodded, eyes lighting up once again, as you remember Nick is standing behind you. “That reminds me. Nick! Come here!” You raise your voice slightly at Nick, who is no more than ten feet away on his phone, probably texting Marylou and Jimmy about their situation.
Nick turns around and smiles, making his way to you both. “This is Chris’s brother, Nick. Nick, this is my older brother, Cam.” The men exchange greetings and Cam turns to you. “Where is your boyfriend, anyway?”
“Currently? Probably getting processed into the county jail.” Nick speaks bluntly. You and Cam look over at him, Cam more shocked than I am. “Seriously?” Cam’s eyes shoot to yours. You nod. “Holy, fuck, this is worse than last time.” he rubs his head, as you nod once again.
“What happened last time?” Nick asks, looking between you and Cam. Cam shakes his head, “Story for another time, but let’s just say he did not stay for dessert.” You laugh at the reference, shaking your head at the memory. Nick rolls his eyes. “How are we gonna get my brother out of jail?” he reminds you.
You sigh, “I don’t know if we can. Where the fuck are we gonna get sixty grand? I-I mean, we could make a go fund me, I’m certain your fans would be more than willing…” You truly have no other ideas, and as much as you didn’t want to use their fans for money, you were desperate. You could see Nick hesitate at the idea, knowing his PR team was gonna have a field day.
“Let me help.” Cam offers, shrugging it off. You and Nick both look at him. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” You say, shaking your head.
“You didn’t ask, I offered.” he shrugged again. “Let me help.” he repeated, this time more sternly, as if every other suggestion was out of the question. You look at Nick who raises his eyebrows. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Nick responds, quickly embracing Cam.
Cam’s eyes widened, hesitating for a moment before hugging him back. You smile, knowing Cam was never the type to enjoy hugs or any sort of physical touch. “Alright, alright, if you hug me any tighter, you’ll pop my lungs.” he strained out.
Nick pulled away, his face flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry.” He nervously shoved his hands in his pocket. You chuckle at Nick’s actions, before embracing Cam as well, yours a lot more heartfelt. “I’m so happy you’re back.” you mumble into his shoulder. He squeezes you tighter. “Happy to be back.”
Cam now sat on the couch, checkbook open. You’d told your siblings he was back, and tears were shed. You had no idea where your mom was, nor did you care. She and your father were the least of your concerns, you just wanted your boyfriend. Even though it’s only been a couple hours, you were so worried about Chris.
You knew how much he liked to talk, and that scared the fuck outta you, but Matt assured you he knew how to shut the fuck up when he absolutely needed. If it came to his or his family’s safety, Chris would never speak again.
“Okay, okay, so I can get 2000 dollars from Mom and Dad, out of their retirement fund.” Nick spoke out, typing quickly on his phone. He had convinced Cam not to pay for it all because it was his brother, not Cam’s. Cam reluctantly agreed. Cam nodded at Nick’s words.
“I can give you guys 52 grand, I just won’t be able to get starbucks in the morning anymore.” He shrugged. You had learned that Cam was the CEO of a very prestigious clothing company, ‘Cam’s Clothing’, (very creative), which is where he got all this money from. “So with 52 grand, Peter’s grand, my two grand, and Nick’s 2 grand, it’s only 57,000 dollars.” You sigh.
“Yeah, but the officer only said it was an estimate. It may not be that much.” Matt chimed in, rubbing Maya’s back. She had refused to go upstairs again, and opted for sleeping on Matt’s lap. He didn’t mind, and you were too tired to fight it. Plus, you understood, Matt had been the closest thing to a father figure tonight, and Maya needed that.
The rest of the night consisted of you being held by Cam as he told you, your siblings, and Nick and Matt, stories about his life since he’d been gone. You were so happy he was back, and you let him distract you and your family from the tasks that were to come.
The next week was spent sitting down with Chris’s lawyer, the triplets PR team, figuring out how to get him out of jail, and how to do so quietly. None of you cared if the internet knew, it was moreso the onslaught of opinions that would pop up from people who had no fucking idea what was going on. It’s been a week, and none of the triplets had posted anything, except for Nick posting on the group account that something came up and there wouldn’t be a video for a while.
And that alone was enough to send the fans into a spiral. All hell broke loose as theories and conspiracies flew towards the Sturniolos left and right. Some say Matt was sent to a mental institution, that one of the triplets was dying, that Chris and you broke up. It was chaos, causing you and the triplets to delete social media. You’d all be back, but you were already stressed as is, and you didn’t need to add dumbass rumors to the mix.
Tensions had already boiled over, when you went off on Matt because he blamed you for Chris going to jail in the first place.
“I can’t fucking believe your father put my brother in jail.” Matt scoffed. You both had been going back and forth playfully, until you made a joke Matt didn’t like, causing him to overstep. It had been a long day, as he hadn’t been sleeping and social media was getting in his head. You were just as stressed as Matt so of course the argument escalated.
“That’s got nothing to do with me, Matt! I told you all what was going to happen if we went! And if I remember correctly, youall said it was going to be fine! This isn’t fucking on me.” You spit out. You were glad your younger siblings weren’t home. They didn’t need to hate Matt, because you didn’t even if you were arguing with him.
“How the fuck was I supposed to know your bitchass dad was going to try and kill him?! This isn’t on anyone but you and your fucked up family!” he shouts. At that moment, you were also glad Peter and Cam weren’t home, because if they were, there would be a Sturniolo in the hospital, and a couple more charges on Peter.
“Matthew Bernard! What the fuck is your problem?!” Nick scolded. He’d been watching the argument unfold, not wanting to intervene, although now he wished he had. “Have you lost your fucking mind?!” Nick shouted at Matt, who looked at his shoes. You felt the hot tears roll down your face as you stared at Matt.
Your heart stung at his words, sure, but you always had a way of understanding when any of the triplets were overwhelmed. So, instead of shouting back at him, you walked up to him and took him into a tight embrace. He immediately broke down in your arms, his tears staining your shirt. His knees went weak and you slowly lowered both of you to the ground. Nick joined you shortly after, and the three of you spent the rest of that night crying in each other's arms.
So it’s safe to say social media had to go. That was a no brainer. So all of you deleted the apps, making sure the accounts stayed.
Now if someone were to ask you how you were doing, you would burst into tears. You missed your boyfriend and you worried about him constantly. Despite having talked to him everyday through the jail phone, updating him on progress, and him assuring you he was fine, you couldn’t help but hold the heavy weight of anxiety on your chest.
Your nails were bitten down to the nub from the chewing and you had rashes on your arms from scratching your skin as you thought about your boyfriend. Nick had to talk you out of driving to the jailhouse and demanding them to release your boyfriend, and Matt had to calm you down from multiple panic attacks you had just doing things that reminded you of him.
But finally, the day had come. Your dad and Chris in the courtroom, both in orange jumpers and handcuffs on their wrists, your dads arms behind his back, your boyfriends in front of him. Chris looked exhausted, and you assumed it’s because he never slept well by himself. His hair was unkempt and his stubble had started growing in, due to him not being able to shave. His bruises had mostly healed, except for the cut above his eyebrow you must’ve missed when he was in the cop car.
Your dad on the other hand, had 2 officers on each side of him, and his face was fucked up. He had a bruise along his jaw, along with a black eye and a bloody nose. You almost feel bad, but then remember he’s the whole reason you’re in this mess.
There’s no jury, so it’s just you, Nick, Matt, Cam, and Peter sitting in the courtroom. When Chris locks eyes with you, his face lights up and his eyes immediately fill with tears. Not only has he missed you, but he’s missed his brothers, his freedom, and his privacy.
The trial goes smoothly, the judge asks your dad to stop talking twice. Other than that, the trial continued without issues, both lawyers articulating their words carefully for the best outcome for their clients. The judge did not seem to bite the bait your dad’s lawyer laid out, seeing right through the fancy words to distract him from what was truly being implied.
You could tell by the way he looked unimpressed at your dad, even more so when he found out about his not so pretty criminal history. However, when it came down to it, Chris attacked him, despite the valid reasoning. The judge did recognize Chris’s clean record, not even having a parking ticket, which isn’t surprising considering the man didn’t have his license. Chris and his lawyer had their story down to a tee, while your dad and his lawyer struggled to cover up the holes forming in their version.
The judge noticed, of course, and he didn’t let them get away with it either. After what felt like years, the judge came to a conclusion.
“In the case of David, you’ll be sentenced to 3 years in the county penitentiary, with bail being posted at eighty-five thou-”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! He hit me! Why the fuck would I go to prison?!” Your dad cuts him off, ignoring his lawyer’s pleas. He had stood up, causing the officers around him to be on high alert.
“Sir, stop talking. If you find it hard to do so, you will be removed from the courtroom.” the judge deadpanned. Your dad grumbled under his breath before sitting back down reluctantly.
“Thank you.” he clears his throat. “Where was I-? Oh, okay. Bail will be posted at eighty five thousand dollars, with a year and a half of probation.” he sighs as he directs his attention to Chris.
“In the case of Chris, you will not have to go to prison.” You let out a deep breath you didn’t even know you were holding, clinging to Nick’s side, squeezing his bicep in anticipation. “However.”
Your heart dropped.
“You will be on probation for six months, because you did assault an officer. I understand you have two places of residence, so you can choose what state you’d like to be as you will not be able to leave.
The judge stacked his papers up before looking at the plaintiff. “Get him in a transport van. And get Mr. Sturniolo out of those handcuffs.” The plaintiff nods as he starts towards Chris. The judge smacked the gavel on the table.
“Case dismissed.”
You stand at the stove, stirring the steaming pot of spaghetti, humming to Right Here by Chase Atlantic. It’s been a month since Chris and your dad’s trial, and things have been… rocky to say the least. After getting a mouthful from your mother, she left the house without telling anyone her destination. You figured she just left to cool off, as she had before, but after a day, you began growing worried.
The second your call went to voicemail for the 45th time, you decided to file a missing persons report. Of course, they claimed they couldn’t do anything, especially after you slipped up and told them it’s happened before, they no longer took you seriously, despite you informing them that it’s never lasted this long before.
That following weeks, you decided that she probably wasn’t coming back, so you got temporary custody of your younger siblings. That’s the reason you're still in your hometown, cooking dinner for 9. You knew the boys would be hungry when they got back from James’s football game, and since they had already got takeout twice that week, you told Matt to just bring them home.
Jules and Maya went to a friend's house for a playdate, although Julia insisted it was a hangout. So that left you at home alone, which you didn’t mind considering you live with 9 people temporarily. But your peace is interrupted by the door unlocking, followed by lots of yelling.
You roll your eyes and turn your music off, as you know you won’t be able to hear it anyway. James is the first up the stairs with a giant smile on his face, running up to you. “I won the first game! I got the winning touchdown, and even though some bitch fucked up my shoulder, I was able to catch the ball!”
Your eyes widen as you look at Nick. “Why the fuck is my brother swearing like a sailor?!” You exclaim. “You told me you’d watch your mouth.” You point at Nick after turning the heat down on the stove.
“Why’d you assume it was me?! Matt spends more time with him!?” Nick raised his hands in defense. “Matt knows how to watch his mouth, unlike you!” you laugh.
“She’s got a point.” Matt spoke. Nick rolls his eyes and James looks at you with giant puppy eyes. “What?”
“I scored the winning touchdown!” he announced. You laughed, and engulfed him in a big hug, grimacing at his sweaty body. “Congratulations, kid. I’m proud of you. Now go shower, you stink.” you say pulling away.
“Thank you.” he looked up at you before sprinting up the stairs. You smile as you direct your attention to the rest of the boys that had walked in. Cam, Peter, and Nick got comfy on the couch, while Matt made his way to his room.
You smile at the last standing brunette, your beautiful boyfriend, taking his shoes off. “Hi, baby.” he says as he approaches you, resting his hands around your waist. You nuzzle your head into his chest, humming as you breathe in his scent. Ever since Chris got back, you’d be clinging to him like a koala.
“What’re you making?” he asks softly, guiding you both to the stove, curiously peering into the pot. “Chicken alfredo.” you reply, taking the boiling water off the hot eye. Noticing the sudden silence, you turn around to see all eyes on you.
“What?” you question, looking down at yourself, checking that you didn’t spill anything on your clothes. When you find nothing, you look back up. “What?” you repeat.
“Chris if you don’t fucking marry her, I will.” Nick finally says, causing Cam to laugh. You smile as you look at Chris, who practically has hearts in eyes. “Nah, bro, she’s all mine.” he smiles, approaching you and cupping your jaw with both hands, before kissing you passionately. You hesitate out of shock, before melting into the kiss.
You swear you could feel every word Chris wanted to say, in that one moment. You could feel every word of admiration, every word laced with love, all communicated to you through one kiss.
“Alright, alright, get a room.” Peter grimaces, turning back to the TV.
Chris pulls away, rolling his eyes. “With pleasure.” he said, grabbing your hand, pulling you behind him as he started towards the stairs.
“Ew!” Nick exclaimed.
“I should’ve shut my mouth.” Peter laughs, shaking his head. “Use protection!” Cam called after you, causing you to laugh out loud.
“Chris, what about dinner?” you ask as he tugs you up the stairs into the guest bedroom where you and him reside. “They can get takeout.” he muttered, closing the door as he pulled you into another loving kiss. You roll your eyes but sigh into the kiss anyway.
He leads you to the bed, pushing you down so he can hover over you. “You’re so fucking pretty.” he whispers before wrapping his lips around your neck. You whine as he sucks the spot on your neck.
“I love you.” He pulls away, placing a kiss on your lips. “I love you so much more, sweetheart.” he whispers as he rubs circles on your hips with his right hand. “Now, stay still.”
You latch your lips onto his, continuing the passionate make out Chris had started downstairs. His tongue swipes your bottom lip, and you open your mouth a little, as a battle for dominance ensues. You lose, as usual.
You both are interrupted by your phone buzzing, and you pull away as Chris whines. “Baby…”
“I know, hang on.” You open your phone and see a message from Cam.
|‘Dont be silly, wrap the willy’|
|‘No but fr, that mf better pull out, theres already to many kids’|
You laugh and show Chris the phone, and he smiles before rolling his eyes playfully. “Fine, now can we continue?”
You smile. “Yes, sir.” kissing Chris as he groans.
taglist: @sturnioloblogs @y0urm4m @bueckerssturns @thenickgirl @muwapsturniolo @breeloveschris @worldlxvlys @freshloveforthefit @miloisdone @vanteguccir @annamcdonalds67 @freshsturns @rootbeerworshiper @matty-bear @imwetforyourmom @stunnaagirllsworld @lanixsturniolo @blackhorses-posts @starsturns234 @junnniiieee07 @pepsiboyy @deadxrx @ribread03 @ariieeesworld @venusxsturnio @mattslovelygf @Spencereidismybitch @ablanstar333 @jjmaybankshousekeeping @larnieboox88 @Preppy234 @endereies @eurphoric-rush @kqyslyho3 @sstvrnioloo @mattsturniololoverr @theyluvkaitii-blog @chrattstromboli @Sillysillygyal @elliesturniolo1 @coochiedestroyer1 @Freshlovah0e @starsturns234 @g-lazyy @strnlsblog
#nick sturniolo#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo triplets x reader#chris sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo x you#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo imagines#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo imagine#christhopersturniolo
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hiii could u do a continuation to ur chuuya x transmale reader fic?? it was SO GOOD and i wanna see the continuation of what happens the next morning or smthh.. i hope u get what i mean
Brother's Best Friend (pt.2)
Genre: Smut
DNI: NON-MLM/NBLM, fujoshis, mlm/nblm fetishizers, trans fetishizers
CW: Mentions of scars (top surgery), fingering, protected sex, feminine words used for privates (cunt, pussy), folds is used too, penetration, praise, reader is called good boy
Character(s)/Reader: Top Chuuya Nakahara x Bottom Trans Male Reader. Dazai Osamu is reader's brother
You woke up the next day feeling surprisingly well rested. Chuuya had been gone by the time you woke up which didn't really bother you, but you did want to speak with him about what happened the night before. Did he want something with you? Or did he just want to fuck? Honestly, you were okay with either. You wouldn't mind being a fuck buddy if he could fuck you as good as he fucked your thighs.
'No. Stop. Don't get horny right now you just woke up.' You thought to yourself as you got up from bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. You really needed a nice, cold shower.
Once you were finished, Dazai came into your room with a breakfast pastry in hand. He knew you didn't like big breakfasts, so he thought that should be good enough. You thanked him before biting into it, humming at the delicious taste.
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked with a small smile on his face. You nodded and continued to eat your breakfast. "Good, because we're going to go down to the pool today!" He exclaimed while clapping his hands. You swallowed your food and looked at him.
"How are you not hungover from last night? You drank so much you puked all over Chuuya's bed." You asked before taking another bite. Dazai laughed and ruffled your hair.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just that cool." You rolled your eyes at the stupid response and finished up your pastry. Dazai left the room so you could change, and got ready for the pool.
All of you finished getting ready after about 15 minutes but were still missing some stuff, so you all decided to go to the shop in the hotel. The store was filled with all sorts of things like souvenirs, clothes, snacks, prepacked lunches, and alcohol. You and Dazai went over to the food section while Chuuya just looked around. While he glanced, his eyes landed on something that made his face turn a pale pink.
'Condoms? Why do they have condoms here?" He thought to himself. Chuuya stared at the packages before shaking his head. He probably won't get to use them. He doesn't know if you're still comfortable with going all the way with him, or if he'll even be able to with Dazai always sticking around. Oh well, he'll just wait until after this vacation...
"That'll be $7.67." The cashier said kindly. Chuuya quickly gave her the cash before stuffing the box into his bag, burying it under his towel. Look, it's better to be safe than sorry alright? Who knows, maybe you guys will get the opportunity to hook up again. He wouldn't want to be unprepared for that. He quickly walked over to you and Dazai and looked at the lunch options, silently hoping that his nervousness wasn't showing.
"Did you find something to eat Chuuya?" You asked, smiling at him. He shook his head before looking down at the options again. He couldn't look at you without thinking of what happened last night. Fuck this was going to be hard for him.
Finally, you all grabbed and paid for your lunches and went off to the pool. You guys put your bags down on some chairs to claim them and started putting on some sunscreen. Once finished, Dazai ran and jumped into the pool, making a huge splash.
"No running around the pool Dazai!" Chuuya yelled. He didn't actually care about Dazai running, he was just mad because Dazai got his shirt wet before he could take it off. Dazai stuck his tongue out at the ginger before swimming away happily. You smiled and watched as Chuuya took his shirt off, getting lost in thought. You wish it were thoughts of how hot the man in front of you was, but sadly it wasn't.
"Are you going to get in?" He asked once he noticed your gaze.
"U-Um, yeah. I'm just....uh..."
"You don't have to take your shirt off if that's the issue." He reassured, noticing your hesitation. You nodded and gripped the bottom of your shirt.
"I know, but I'd like to. I'm just nervous about people noticing my scars." You confessed.
"No one will care, don't worry. If anyone gives you shit for it you know your brother and I will beat them up." You laughed and thanked him for the reassurance.
"(Name), you're not just going to stand there all day riight? Get in!" Dazai yelled from across the pool. Chuuya stepped in as you took your shirt off, making sure not to look so that you don't feel insecure. You threw your shirt to the side and got in, swimming out toward Dazai.
"Ah, doesn't it feel nice in here?" Dazai asked as he floated on his back, eyes closed in relaxation. You nodded and copied his actions, floating beside him.
You all had fun messing around in the pool and eating your lunches when the time came. Currently, it was sunset and you guys were still at the pool. You were laying on a chair while Chuuya was still swimming. Dazai was supposed to be in the bathroom, but that was 30 minutes ago so who knows what he's doing now.
"(Name), Chuuya, is it alright if I hang out with someone for the night?" Ah, speak of the devil.
"What? I thought you brought me here to hang out with me." You said, glaring at him.
"I knoooww, but (Name) this guy is sooo handsome. This could be my one chance at finding true love!" He exclaimed dramatically, making you roll your eyes.
"Uh huh, what's this guys name?" Chuuya said, swimming up to the edge of the pool.
"Kunikida." Dazai smiled. You sighed and said fine. The brunette gave you a big hug before running off to a tall blond man with glasses, leaving you and Chuuya alone. It felt...awkward. You decided to try and relax by going back in the pool, but it was even more awkward. Almost everyone who was there had already left since it was getting dark, so you and Chuuya were the only ones in that area.
"Hey." Chuuya said softly as he swam up to you, finally deciding to break the awkward silence. You smiled shyly at him and said it back. "You uh...you look really good." He said, looking you up and down.
"Yeah? Thank you." The both of you moved closer and closer to each other until finally, your lips connected in a deep and heated kiss. Chuuya's hands went down to your waist, pressing you against him, while your arms went around his neck. You couldn't get over how good he was at kissing. His tongue felt so good in your mouth. You wondered what other things he could do with it.
Sadly he pulled away, looking deep into your eyes as you both caught your breath. "Do you wanna go up to your room?" He whispered. You gave him a nod before you both quickly got out of the pool and packed up your things. Your heart raced as you both made your way to your room. You were really hoping Dazai wouldn't come back any time soon, because fuck you were horny.
Finally, you made it to your room. You pulled out the card to the door and opened it before dropping everything onto the floor. Chuuya did the same and pulled you into another heated kiss, walking you to the edge of the bed as you made out. Gently, he pushed you onto it, making you lay down. He moved his lips down to your neck as he searched for the spot that made you squirm.
"God I really wish we had condoms." You whispered. Suddenly, he stopped and hovered over you before pecking your lips.
"Hold on." He said and got off the bed to search through his bad. You looked confused as you watched him rummage through it, until finally he pulled out a box of condoms. Your heart raced as he walked back over. 'He actually wants to go all the way..? Holy shit.' You thought, feeling flustered.
"When did you...?"
"When you and Dazai were looking at the food. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to actually do it while on this trip, but I'm so glad I got them." He said before kissing you again, his hands reaching down to pull off your bathing suit. He licked his lips as he admired your now completely bare body, his dick twitching when he saw your wet cunt. You squeezed your thighs together out of embarrassment and covered your face.
"Nuh uh, c'mon baby let me see you. You look amazing, you know that?" Chuuya's hands moved to spread your legs as he watched your hands drop from your face.
"I do..?" You asked shyly.
"Of course you do (Name), you look so sexy like this." He replied gently. His right hand moved down to your folds and ran his fingers through them, collecting the wetness. You twitched as he teased you, and gasped once you finally felt two fingers enter you.
"I-I thought we were- ah! g-going all the way." You stuttered out as he fingered you.
"We are, but I need to prep you first. You're still too tight despite being so turned on." He whispered as he loosened you up. You nodded and moaned quietly as he kept fingering you.
After a few minutes, he pulled out his fingers and took off his bathing suit, revealing his hard length. He opened the condom box and tore one open before putting it on and lining up to your hole.
"Are you sure about this (Name)?" He asked, wanting explicit consent.
"Yes yes I'm sure." You whined, feeling desperate for his dick. He nodded and slowly pushed into you, biting his lip at the warmth. Your legs trembled as you felt him push further and further inside you. After a few seconds, his cock filled your pussy to the brim, finally fully inside you. You breathed heavily as you tried to adjust to his size, his thumb rubbing against your cheek.
"You're doing so good (Name), just relax. Let me take care of you." He whispered before moving his hips slowly. You choked out a moan as he started thrusting, looking up at him as he did. It wasn't enough, it was too slow.
"Chuuya~ f-faster." You whimpered. He nodded and thrusted faster, glancing down at where you two were connected. He watched as your pussy took his entire cock, groaning at how hot it looked. This was just as good as he imagined. You were so wet and hot inside, and your hole took him beautifully. And the noises, god the noises. Not only were your moans turning him on, but the sound of you getting fucked by him did too.
"F-Fuck (Name), your pussy is so good. So fucking good. You're taking it s-so well, such a good boy. Shit I should've done this s-sooner." Chuuya babbled. He sounded so fucked out, it was cute. The way he desperately fucked you made you wanna cum so bad. You were so close.
"Chuuya! K-Keep going- hah~ I'm so close." You couldn't stop moaning his name. This was the best you had ever felt in your life. It sounded dramatic, but it was the truth. Never had someone fucked you this good or make you feel this loved. You didn't want to let him go, he was so fucking good.
"Fuck baby you tightened up. You gonna cum? Go on, cum for me." He instructed. You yelped as he pounded into your pussy faster, you scratching at his back. You came with a loud whine, your legs visibly shaking as you orgasmed. Chuuya pulled out and filled up the condom before moving to your side and brushing the hair out of your face.
"You okay? Do you need anything?" He asked gently. You shook your head and leaned into his touch. He nodded and kissed your forehead before getting up to throw away the condom. He went back onto the bed and laid next to you, running his hand up and down your side.
"Is it bad that all I'm thinking about is fucking you all night long?" He whispered. You giggled and shook your head.
"No, because I'm thinking the same thing." You smiled. He cupped your cheek and stared into your eyes.
"Do you want to...go on a date once this vacation is over?" He whispered. You stared at him before nodding shyly. Smiling, he kissed you, his hand moving to the bottom of your back. You moved yourself on top of him and reached for another condom as you kissed.
"Now, let's go again while we still can."
I wasn't originally planning on making a pt.2 to this but so many people asked so I had to :P. I hope you guys like it! It's very saucy mwahaha >:)
#bsd x male reader#bungou stray dogs x male reader#chuuya nakahara x male reader#chuuya x male reader#ftm reader
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Can I request a Dahlia with burlap and lace, where reader is a WonderGirl and part Amazon, being Wonder Woman's daughter.
Yk how there's Donna and Dick, Cassie and Tim, your the Wonder girl to Jason, after Donna and before Cassie.
Can you write about their friendship during Jason's Robin era, everybody in the Justice League and Young Justice shipped the two of you, you guys were Hella close, best friends, we're each other's dates to proms and galas...
And when he died you were super crushed and kinda stopped being Wonder Girl, which led to Cassie taking on the role.
And can you write about how even after death, and him being resurrected your still close, and start dating.
(You can ignore this part but could Amazon!Reader have long voluminous ginger curly hair? Similar to how Artemis has ginger hair, but that's what seperated them? Think the Kalogeras Sisters!)
Anyways, sorry that this is so long, I love your writing, it's so nice to read, keep doing what your doing, I look forward to everytime you post 🫶🫶🫶
sorry there’s no smut, i dont think i could find a way to make this smutty tho and i’m exhausted trying to clear out my inbox.
“you left.” he said as more of a knowing statement and not a question, his mask had been cracked from the might of your fists. you may not be wonder girl anymore but amazonian strength never wavers.
you faltered at the sight of his eyes, “you scared me.” you huff softly, pulling him to his feet.
“i could tell,” he snorted, pulling off his broken helmet. “i was wondering where you disappeared to.” his eyes landed on the grave in front of you, his grave.
there wasn’t a sight of moss, or dirt on the headstone, pretty pinkish white dahlia’s sitting beside it. “you come here often?”
“when i’m mad at you,” you mutter in response, arms crossed.
he rolled his eyes, moving to stand behind you. despite your amazonian nature you were shorter than him, not by much just shorter. “like remembering i was dead once and you forgive me?”
“stops me from choking the life out of you.” you add.
“tough crowd.”
“shut up.” you scoff, elbowing him in the ribs, he hisses in pain.
“as attractive as the fact you can throw me around is, doll. i don’t like broken ribs.”
you roll you eyes before he’s grabbing you, pulling your backside flush against his front. “i love you.”
he knew his death had changed you, the girl who used to be full of light and hope was dulled down to an amazonian princess who preferred the harsh realities of life over hope.
“i miss you.”
your gaze falters from his head stone, “i could’ve saved you.”
“no you couldn’t.” ouch. “even if you found me. i was too far gone then too.”
you stand there in silence once more, accompanied by more than just is headstone this time, this time you have him. jason admired you, your strength, your morals, your hope. whatever happened to the girl he used to look at like the sun, he’d seen you kill someone the other day.
it wasn’t the fact that someone died that shocked him, no it was the fact that you killed someone. with your bare hands, and hadn’t batted an eye when you left the body there.
you’d given up on superhero-ing, claimed there was nothing left to save in a world that would only take.
he hadn’t noticed himself moving closer to you, chin resting on your shoulder with a softly sigh, burying his face in your hair, his eyes shutting. it was a simple gesture that spoke volumes. i love you, hung in the hair, in the way he touched you, the way he loved you.
and you leaned back into him, trust.
you could trust him, only him. you weren’t a saint, not these days anyways. you were just as tainted as gotham itself—dark, broken, and scarred by the choices of those who thought they could save it, yet somehow more dangerous in its decay, where even the purest souls risked being consumed by the shadows.
you were consumed, you thought. consumed by it all.
but so was he. you could be consumed together.
#jason todd x reader#jason todd#[📮] asks#red hood x reader#enzo writes [📝]#2k followers celebration#jason todd oneshot
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I have a request!! Feel free to ignore if I missed a rule.
How about a female reader at Welton and a game of spin the bottle? 👀
Love this!! Sorry it took me a bit to respond, but here it is! Enjoy 😙
Spin the Bottle (DPS x fem!Reader)
Charlie Dalton’s plea for girls at Welton had somehow come true. Through unusual circumstances, you had found yourself in a chilly small tow in New England at an all-boys preparatory school, much to the delight of the so called Dead Poets.
The group of boys, seemingly making up a majority of the school’s outcast population, quickly welcomed you upon your arrival. Some of course were more welcoming than others...Charlie Dalton...while others couldn’t maintain eye contact with you if their life depended on it...Gerard Pitts, Steven Meeks, Richard Cameron, and most of all Todd Anerson.
On this particular night, you found this dichotomy playing out more than ever, in the form of a game of spin the bottle. What started as a joke between you and Knox had led to Charlie scouring the corners of his dorm room in search of any of the empty beer bottles he had tucked behind his furniture in secret. Once he found one, he gestured wildly for you and the poets to sit in a circle.
With a sigh, Neil reluctantly spun the bottle, smiling as it landed next to him,
“Alright Todd, truth or dare,” Neil said with a smirk.
“...tru-” Todd began through a quiet stutter.
“No, no, no. You’re playing the game all wrong,” Charlie interjected, hands gesturing to the bottle, “you’re supposed to kiss each other!”
Neil and Todd’s cheeks both turned crimson, a detail which the rest of the group seemingly missed while they collectively sighed, “ohhhh,” as Charlie shook his head.
“No offense guys,” Cameron began with a chuckle, “but I’m not too keen on kissing any of you.”
“Ditto,” Pitts groaned, with quiet hums of approval coming from the other members.
“No,” Charlie began, “but I know there’s someone here who we’re all pretty keen on kissing...” he raised his eyebrows at you.
“Oh, Charlie, come on” Neil squirmed as he whined at his best friend.
“You know what,” you weighed your options, “It’s all in good fun. Besides, whatever happens in this room, stays in this room”
The dead poets laughed, a slight blush gracing your cheeks as you looked to all of them. “To live deep and suck the marrow out of life?” Meeks toasted, to which you all agreed.
Grabbing the bottle to start the game, Charlie hoped in his mind that it would land on you, and once again his hopes came true.
“Well, well,” he smirked, closing his eyes and pursing his lips in your direction.
You giggled, leaning in to him and planting a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Hey-” he began, opening his eyes.
“Sorry Charlie,” you giggled, eyes traveling to the bottle which you were about to spin.
Butterflies filling your stomach, you spun the bottle and closed your eyes, opening them only when the boys all started oooh-ing again.
“Oh god,” Knox groaned, “this is torture,” he said as he crawled towards you.
“Just close your eyes and pretend its Chris,” Pitts joked.
“Knock it off,” Neil, the voice of reason, chimed in.
You and Knox shared an incredibly uncomfortable peck before he rushed back to his seat and your expression turned sour.
Knox spun the bottle, leading to an incredibly entertaining hover-kiss-squirming situation between him and Meeks. During his turn it landed on Cameron, resulting in someone making a ginger-on-ginger comment, making the group erupt in laughter.
Several rounds later you had found yourself in the clear, so far only sharing one real kiss with one of your colleagues, that is, until Pitts ‘s eyes locked with yours.
One of the more quiet and studious members of the group, Pitts and you hadn’t really spoken much, let alone touched. At least with Knox and Charlie that wasn’t your first time being close to either of them, but Pitts was another story.
His eyes told you he was nervous, but also excited, the kind of gaze you’d find in the eyes of a boy who had never kissed a girl.
Oh shit.
You blushed, face falling as you began to speak, “Pitts...you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
He nodded, taking in your words, “no, no I can do it” “Atta boy, Pittsie!” Charlie clapped him on the back.
With a nod, you leaned over to him, capturing his lips in a brief, but thoughtful kiss. The other boys cheered as you kissed him, pulling away to see his eyes glossy with joy and surprise.
“Thank you,” he whispered, although unclear if that was directed to you or to God.
Several rounds later, a rather passionate kiss between Neil and Todd had shrouded the game in a sense of confusion too heavy for it to continue. So, on the last round, you found the bottle in your hands, and you found it pointing to none other than Charlie Dalton.
“How about a little redemption for the first round, huh?” He joked, raising his eyebrows at you.
You sighed, choosing your next actions for three very specific reasons.
1. The importance of a good finale
2. Charlie had a point...and he was cute
3.To distract from rom whatever the hell just happened between Neil and Todd
And with those reasons in mind, you launched yourself forward and grabbed Charlie’s face, kissing him like you meant it as his hands wrapped around your back and the poets cheered. It was the finale the game needed, but it would definitely make for a very interesting school day tomorrow.
#dead poets fandom#dead poets society fluff#dead poets fanfic#dead poets society#dead poets society x reader#dps fandom#dps#dps x reader#charlie dalton#knox overstreet#neil perry#todd anderson#gerard pitts#steven meeks#richard cameron
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Male reader x zhongli
You and zhongli were inseparable, swans if one of you guys passed the other would follow and that’s exactly what happened. So when your death came so did zhongli’s or Morax I should said. Of course the old dragon was sad his mate was gone so he tried to move on. He tried with so many people and the closes relationship he had that reminded him for your guy’s relationship was with this ginger male but yet it still felt wrong.
Then when he met the traveler and their travel partner he started to feel happy again yet of course that one piece was missing. So when the traveler asked him if he want to be on his team the old dragon happily accept. And during his travels he met some new people and old friends. He was enjoy his time until he saw it. The shooting stars and that can only mean one thing… your back.
When you opened your eyes you were confused. Why are you alive you thought you died…didn’t you? Has you looked around your surroundings you found out you were stuck in a crystal like rock. As you touch the crystal rock it opens then you step out and see your in a crater. ’how the hell im I going to get out of this’ you ask yourself.
After thinking for some time you decided to rock climb…that was a fucking horrible idea good news your out the crater, bad news you feel like shit. Damn how weak is your body you asked yourself while getting up shaking your head to get the imaginary dirt off your head. . . .“Alright im thirst” you started walking in a a direction in hopes of finding water.
You thought of how good it would feel to drink water and how you mouth wouldn’t be dry like the desert or your lips would be smooth like a babies bums. I felt like you were walking for hours (when it been 5 mins, you lazy dragon…) Hey! I heard that! (Oh shush and get back to the story) anyways you turned to head a different direction but you saw it! WATER! You ran like someone was chasing you and put your whole entire head into the water to take a sip…as you were enjoying your water suddenly you got pulled into a hug.
“My baby, your back home” A deep voice called from behind you. You look down to the hands around your waist and see white and gold ring… you know that ring but who is this person. You turn your head around to see the man’s face. “…Morax..” you desperately called, “Yes my dearest,” he answers but before you can respond he interrupt you, “you look sleepy baby how about we go book a room and we can talk what we can do once we get there, okay.” You nodded your head and you two started to walk to the Wangshu Inn.
“So-“”You know I have been waiting and waiting your for you come back to me dearest” The older dragon started to hungrily look at you.” And it made me very sad” he got front of you and rubbed his hands over your body, exploring every inch of it. “You have such a beautiful body my love” Zhongli whispered lovingly in your ear. He pick you up and put you on the bed, “I think I deserve a treat for waiting patiently dont you think?” He asked you, you were still in shock and mindless nodded. 
You could feel something large and hard against your ass then suddenly you hear a rip and coldness hit your bottom half.”Wait! Why don’t we just talk instead” you were in shock because you know Morax the ruthless god but always gentle with you. So it shocked you that he was being rough with you. “We can talk later right now I need to fill you up with my eggs” He licked at your earlobe and started to rub his cock against your hole spreading the precum too have a “easy entrance.”
With no preparation or stretching he forcefully entered his dick in your ass. Luckily the precum helped a little bit but it still hurts. You let out a painful cry and started to struggle, “Shh I know, I know it hurts but breathe with me and it will feel so m-much better” he started to take deep breaths and wait for you to join in.
You joined in and gave him the ok to move. When he started to move he felt like he was in celestia. You hole was tight and hot, plus you fit to him perfectly. This is why your his mate and no one else. Only his and that is how it’s going to stay. As you moan zhongli just spits complements at you while pounding in you like a animal in heat.
As zhongli drunkenly continues to pound in your ass you start to feel a knot coming up.”C-com~A-hh~ing” you spilled out, tears coming out your eyes. Zhongli wraps his hand around your cock and starts to milk it, “C-cum with me dear~” just as he finishes the sentence you both cum. You can felt the hot cum in your ass as your legs give out. “You did so good baby, so good plus now you’re hold my eggs” he smiles and mouths you a good night as you eyes close.
I miss you so much and now I won’t let you go again.
I do apologize for this not coming out sooner. I got sick and I wasn’t feeling the best. but I hoped it’s okay
#genshin fanfic#geshin impact#genshin smut#zhongli#zhongli x male reader#smut#male yandere x male reader#yandere x male reader#yandere x reader#male reader#genshin x you#genshin impact
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Vicarious (Homelander x Female!Reader) pt.5
a/n: if you guys start suspecting i have a crush on madelyn stillwell, no you don't, you didn't see shit, forgive and forget. Cross-Posted on AO3
Warnings: Blood and Violence (fr fr), Homelander being a Fucking Asshole, Very Questionable Corporate Ethics, Plus Size Reader, Explicit Language.
Summary: You know a slaughterhouse, when you see it.
Vicarious Masterlist
A series of loud, demanding knocks startles you right out of your dreamless slumber. The borderline panicked, rapid thumping against your door, forces you to open your eyes, squinting with a groan at the morning sun streaming through the gigantic windows of your room. The mascara from the night before sticks in clumps over your eyelashes, and you blink a few times, until black pieces fall onto your cheeks, where they're promptly wiped away by the back of your hand. There's a taste of stale vomit in your mouth, your stomach feels strangely empty, and you don't really want to remember where you decided to dispose of its contents. As you make your way towards the door, your calf cramps up, making you huff a silent curse through your cracked lips.
- Fucking Christ... Where's the fire? - you croak out, as you open the door, eyes falling onto a familiar head of ginger hair sticking out behind the screen of a tablet.
- The fucking Internet - Ashley answers not missing a beat - Someone uploaded a bunch of videos of you from the party, including one where you, like a complete dumbass, decided to smoke a joint. And one where...
She cuts herself off, as her face finally rises to look at you, her expression freezing in shock.
- What the fuck happened to you? - she asks, and if you were any less hungover, you'd notice the sliver of concern lacing her words.
- What do yo...?
Your eyes follow her inquisitive gaze down, and there, your left tit stares back at you, peaking out of an almost finger shaped tear. Huffing in exasperation, you try to amend the situation, pushing the fabric around to cover yourself, only to feel the last of the stitches give out. You catch your destroyed t-shirt at the last second, as it all but falls off of your body.
- Shit, I'm sorry - you mutter, giving up on salvaging the shirt, and focusing on saving what's left of your dignity.
Ashley blinks a couple of times, her eyes dragging themselves back towards your face, as she swallows thickly.
- Miss, um... - she clears her throat, frowns - Miss Stillwell wants to see you in her office, as soon as you can.
You nod in understanding, still too dazed to be properly worried by this sudden summoning.
- Give me twenty - you attempt to smile, but your face hurts, and your throat is drier then the Mojave desert.
- Take thirty.
With that, Ashley turns to leave, not before throwing you one last, strange look.
Closing the door behind her, you let go of the shirt, letting it pool in scraps under your bare feet. You don't remember much of the previous night, but you sure as fuck know, how you've managed to end up looking like you do. Thankfully, you remember the exact moment, when you slipped out of Homelander's penthouse, your memories fading well after entering the elevator. The mention of the videos from the party being uploaded, stirs some form of morbid curiosity within you, and you pace around the living area of your room, trying to find your phone, before remembering, that you did, in fact, lose it.
Scratching at the back of your neck, you grab your costume from the closet, and decide to take a shower, after sniffing at yourself and realizing, that leaving the room smelling like a waste bin would be criminal. An hour spent under the hot water and a thorough teeth-brushing later, you're standing in front of Madelyn Stillwell's office, fingers running through your still slightly damp hair. She lets you in as soon as your fingers thrum against the door, greeting you with that familiar, corporate smile. Despite that, you'd have to be completely blind, not to notice the tension between her plucked eyebrows.
- Ah, Fireball - her voice is strange as well, a measured expression of something stirring just under the surface. - Take a seat, please.
Her office is just as much of an overstimulating mess, as you remembered, and this time you plop down onto the large couch, noting, that it's much softer, than the one in your room. Stillwell paces the office, filling a glass with water from a dispenser, and placing it in front of you. Then, to your surprise, she grabs her laptop from her desk, and puts it next to the glass, the screen facing you.
You stare at your reflection in the black, and you're not sure who's looking back. Was hangover the domain of Fireball? Or Smirnoff? Perhaps that secret third thing, which almost gave Homelander what he wanted last night. A fight, a struggle, a quick fuck. As Stillwell sinks into the couch right next to you, you start to wonder, if you're going insane. Most likely. There is none other explanation for the turmoil you were experiencing.
- I'm sure you're aware, why I invited you here today - she says, her slender hand dancing on the keyboard of her laptop.
She's about to show you the videos from last night, you think with a sigh, already trying to brace yourself for the inevitable stern talk you're about to receive. This, and another several hours spent in media training with Ashley, which, might as well kill you at this point. And then, the screen flickers to light, and your heart stops in your throat.
There, a freeze-frame from a CCTV camera looks back at you. A washed out, pixelated image of yourself, t-shirt torn, makeup running, you're sneaking away from Homelander's room, holding the scraps of fabric to your chest. The wobble in your legs is visible even through the shitty quality, and your heart sinks with the realization, of how exactly this situation looks like. Of how close to the truth this assumption really is.
You swallow thickly, as Stillwell presses play, and the video version of yourself springs into action. Supporting yourself against the wall, you begin to make your way towards the elevator.
The video plays footage of the empty corridor for a moment longer, but before you voice your confusion, the whole image glitches. Your eyes blink rapidly, as you observe with a shocked expression, as the wall next to the door cracks, pieces of paint and plaster falling to the floor in a cloud of dust. It doesn't take a genius to know, the impact has been made from the inside, and your brain does a flip inside your skull.
Twenty sped up seconds of footage. That's how close you were to getting your head, supposedly, caved in by the Hero of America. The Mental Health King.
Strange. You were sure you've navigated the situation the best you possibly could. Deescalated, rewarded good behavior, removed yourself as soon as possible. Perhaps you should've given him more? Physical contact most likely wasn't the smartest idea, he would've used it as an excuse, surely. But some more words of encouragement, something to calm the fire within him. Your thoughts are interrupted by the realization, that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. You're alright, nothing happened. You did what you could, with what you had, and look at you, still standing, dignity (mostly) in place.
Another reward, that might be the key. Homelander seems to be quite addicted to praise, and as much as you'd love to write him off as an imbecile, you know he's anything but. Before your mouth can open, however, Stillwell slides a folder towards you on the glass table. Your eyes fall onto the papers, and something twists inside your gut.
- No matter, what you think happened last night. I would like you to sign those documents. - Stillwell says, her whitened teeth staring back at you.
Your eyes narrow, as your face turns towards her.
- Miss Stillwell - she cocks her head to the side when you address her - I assure you, nothing has happened.
She blinks a couple of times, her eyes involuntarily floating back to the footage displayed on the laptop.
- Homelander gave me a lift from the party, we talked for a bit. That's all.
That is most certainly not all, and Stillwell knows. She must've done this before, her practiced expression of corporate politeness slipping for only a smidgen. Her lips smack against each other, and then the mask is back full force, her hand pushing the documents closer to you.
- I would still very much like you to sign this agreement - she says - Or, we will have to terminate your contract, and consequently withdraw all benefits enclosed in it.
- I just said, nothing has... - you cut yourself off, because of course.
This isn't an NDA protecting Vaught and by extension, Homelander, from his actions last night. It's an insurance against future incidents. Which are apparently expected.
You frown, hard, a pit forming deep within your stomach. Previously, perhaps foolishly, you thought your contract offered some sort of protection. Something, that would ward off potential advances. Stillwell has put so much effort in getting you to sign, to join Vaught if only temporarily, you were convinced you'd answer to her first. Stupid, that was plain stupid. After all, this isn't some wholesome family business. You're working under a corporation, that, for the most part, runs America like the fucking navy.
You know a slaughterhouse when you see one.
With a shaky hand, you grab an elegant, probably filthy-expensive pen, the overwhelming realization, that you're truly alone, hitting you like a truck. Next time Homelander decides to get his hands on you, no one will back you up. You're completely and utterly on your own.
This can't be worth it. Your brain races in your skull, as you try to quickly form some sort of plan of action. Anything, that would help you face the incoming doom.
- Miss Stillwell - your throat feels impossibly dry, and out of the corner of your eye, you can see her blonde waves move - I left my purse, and my phone back at my friend's house. Perhaps, you could arrange a meeting? So I can get it back?
- As soon as you sign - she says evenly, her manicured hand pointing to the documents with more urgency.
How many times can you sign your soul off to the Devil, before there's nothing left?
You're not sure which one of you lifts the pen, which one pushes your hand to glide the ink over this new pact of silence. It can't be worth it, it simply can't. No matter what you try to tell yourself, the vision of your happy friends from the party slips further, and further away from your grasp. You've always thought martyrdom is stupid, laughed at the Saints, at the historical figures sacrificing their lives for the greater good. And yet, here you sit, with Madelyn Stillwell's perfume in your nose, pushing away all sense of dignity in favor of what? A better wedding dress for your friend? Ridiculous.
- Thank you - Stillwell swoops in, taking the pen away from your rigid fingers and swiping the documents from the table - That'll be all for now. You should get ready for the photoshoot after lunch. I'll get back to you about that meeting.
Another thought wakes you up from your stupor so suddenly, it feels like a bucket of freezing water dumped over your head. Your knees crack, when you stand suddenly, nearly knocking your hip on the table.
- Can I ask you one more thing? - your voice raises an octave as you speak, nerves bubbling up in your throat.
Stillwell turns to you, her hair bouncing over her shoulders, and for just a second you're struck with how unabashedly stylish this woman truly is. Such a contrast with your usually disheveled appearance.
- I need one more day off this week, or at the very least a couple of hours.
She frowns slightly, a barely visible twitch of her plucked to perfection eyebrow.
- Whatever for? - she asks, and you find a striking familiarity between her and Homelander, in the fakeness of her cheerful tone.
There's no point in lying, not in this case at least, and you take a step forward, your platform boots padding softly over the fluffy carpet. She watches you carefully, holding your gaze with ease.
- I'm sure you've read my file - you start casually, your voice growing more and more serious - It's a family matter.
A flicker of recognition crosses Stillwell's features. Her lips pull back into a thin line, as she regards you in thought, toying with the pen in her hand. Manicured fingers scratch at the grooves in the metal casing, tap at the ferrule. Finally, she takes a deep breath, the satin shirt shifting over her chest.
- I'll see what I can do - she concludes, ditching the corporate smiles, and the artificial nonsense, her expression bordering on sympathy.
Anyone would be fooled, you're almost convinced yourself. But once again, this is not a family business down the street. This is an exclusive butcher's shop, and you're the new, hot, cut of meat, displayed in a case, ready for the taking. And as such, you give her a curt nod, the biggest display of gratitude you're capable of in this situation. Her eyes shift towards the doors of her office, and you take your cue with a polite smile. You both had things to prepare for, and you couldn't waste any more time sitting in one place, as the detrimental task of figuring out, how to navigate your approach to Homelander has been thrusted upon you.
The door clicks softly behind you, as you exit the office, your legs carrying you towards the gigantic portrait hanging on the wall. Blue eyes stare back at you, pupils almost the size of walnuts. Nothing, not the lens of the camera, the printing paper, not even the sheet of glass can hide you from the empty, passive gaze looking past you, through you. In this picture, he looks almost human, his skin moderately textured, his hair in carefully styled disarray. An image of all that's American, all that's always been out of your reach.
But you've seen the truth. The panting, hungry, terrifying superhero. You've seen his laziness, the unwillingness to work for anything of substance. Your eyebrows furrow, as you lean closer to the portrait, until the reflection of light disappears from sight, until you can see the texture of the paper beneath the glass.
- If you're looking for a flaw, I'm afraid there are none - Homelander quite literally manifests himself in your peripheral vision, voice filled with arrogance.
Your entire body flies a couple of steps from the portrait, your heart doing flips so close to your throat, you're worried you'll actually throw it up onto the floor.
- Motherfu...! - you stop yourself, hand pressed against your chest - Don't do that.
He laughs in response, a casual sound, that definitely doesn't fit any of your previous encounters. Especially the last one. But to preserve your own sanity, you decide to play along for now. You're not about to hand yourself over, stick your neck between his teeth again. Besides, Stillwell is right behind that stupid wall, he wouldn't do anything too outrageous with her so close. Hopefully.
- Whoa, jumpy aren't you? - his smile grows slightly sharper, as he approaches you, hands clasped behind his back - Let's have a little chat, before the photoshoot.
With that, before you have the chance to react properly, he grabs you by the elbow, his hold just tight enough, that there would be no chance of slipping away. Your feet stumble against each other, as you try to regain your bearings, being dragged through the corridor. Your mind is already going haywire with all the possibilities, all the different ways this interaction may go, and you scramble to find a suitable plan for every scenario. Homelander looks thoroughly unaffected, his face devoid of any signs of tension, hell, you'd risk saying he seems quite relaxed. Which is beyond worrying.
The room he pushes you into is completely empty, with some tables arranged into a circle and a bunch of chairs placed around them. A conference room, with the uglies fucking carpet you've ever had the misfortune to lay your eyes on. And then, after taking in the whole environment, your eyes zero-in on a small, black box, right in the middle of the table. Unassuming enough, but you know better. There's no such thing as innocent, as far as your "mentor" is concerned, and as images of the cracking wall flicker before your eyes, you bite down on your tongue. Homelander closes the door with a soft click, lingering for just a second, before turning to you, bright smile in place.
- I just realized, I don't know the scope of your powers - he says casually, crossing the room, and standing in front of you - Soon, we'll be sent on missions together, I'd like to know what I'm working with.
Fair enough. You are slightly surprised he even needs clarification, as before signing the contract, Vaught took full inventory of your abilities. The idea of being alone with him in a room still makes your fingertips tingle with nerves, but you swallow it down, like you seem to be doing to most things these days. Pushing your hair out of your face, you nod slowly, pretending this sudden shift in his behavior is not throwing you in a loop.
- I'm pretty strong - you say, keeping your expression even, and don't even flinch, when he scoffs at your words - I heal faster. And I can use mild telekinesis, although it's really not... Um... Polished.
To be quite honest, all you've managed to do, is move some objects around. It's not even useful enough to aid you in your day-to-day life. Usually it takes less effort to just, pick the damned thing up. Which is all that he should know, because Vaught knows.
- Show me - it's not a request, his voice filled with a demanding tone, bordering on arrogance.
You almost tell him to say please. Your mouth opens, the words ready to jump out from between a small smirk playing on your lips, but you swallow that thought thickly. There's a time and a place for educating his ignorant ass, and being locked in a tiny conference room might not be the right one. So, you shrug, the movement pushing your hair back over your eyes.
- Which one? - perhaps, you'll allow yourself a cheeky smile, as a treat.
His smile sharpens to a worrying degree, and he claps his hands in front of his chest.
- I'm so glad you asked - his feet carry him straight to the box, and you might get a whiplash from all the confusion you're experiencing - I read your file.
That raises an eyebrow. Realistically, you knew he would have access to your documents, your wole life exposed to his greedy eyes. And as such, this line of questioning surprises you. Although perhaps, it shouldn't. Since the very first moment you've met him, you had a sneaking suspicion, that he's just... Well... Lazy beyond belief. And your last interaction proved to you the sheer scope of his unwillingness to put any work in. With a raised eyebrow, you watch him open the black box with a soft click, taking out it's contents, his shoulders rolling, like he's preparing to lift some weights at the gym.
Then, he turns back to you, a gun secured in his leather grip.
- I'm interested in your healing abilities - he says, smile never faltering, the muzzle staring at you expectantly.
Now that gets your heart racing, but the reason might surprise him. Pain has been a constant companion in your life, and after discovering your powers, probably one of the few ways to keep yourself in check. That's why, your eyes light up at the sight of the gun, and all caution is thrown to the wind. You know, deep down, this is a test. How much can he do, how much can he hurt you. But you'll deal with the consequences after.
If this will help placate him, lead him away from whatever happened between the two of you last night, you're more than willing to put yourself on the line. Better than the alternative, better than making use of that NDA you just signed.
- Once, I got hit by a car - you remember with smile - And the next day went to class like nothing happened.
The gun digs into the soft flesh of your stomach, as you step closer, looking up at him with an impassive expression, and Homelander's eyes light up like a kid's in a toy shop. Dangerous, your brain supplies, so very dangerous, but you've never been shot before, and to be quite honest, you're curious yourself.
- Lift up your shirt - he says, voice dropping just a fraction - Wouldn't want to arrive to the photoshoot with a hole in that pretty costume, would you?
You do as he says, with a bit of a struggle rolling up the faux leather of your corset top. His eyes fall down in an instant, tongue darting out to wet his lips, as he drinks in the sight of your pliable flesh peaking over the hemline of your skirt. His free hand darts out, as if on autopilot, gloved finger running across the whole expanse of your belly, revelling in the way your muscles contract at the contact.
Too close, you face twists, as his touch brings back memories from last night, your body freezing up for just a second. You need to keep him occupied in some other way, and as such, your eyes roll on their own, whether pushed by Smirnoff or Fireball is anyone's guess.
To your credit, when you grab the gun out of his hand with an almost laughable ease, he gasps, eyebrows furrowing at the sheer audacity of your action. But before he can have the chance to voice his irritation, you flip the gun in your hold, pushing it into the exposed flesh of your stomach. It's cold, hard, and your pulse spikes, as the anticipation flares within your veins.
- What are you...? - you cut him off, squeezing the trigger.
The shot rings out, the bullet goes into your stomach, and the force of the impact sends you falling over the table. And, fuck, it hurts like motherfucker on a stick. The smell of blood floods your nostrils, and through your momentary shock, you try to blink back tears welling up in your eyes.
- What the fuck?! - he cuts himself off again, a bewildered laugh sneaking past his lips, blue eyes drinking in the sight of your trembling form.
- You were taking too long - you try to sound indifferent, but your voice comes out as a broken whisper, spasm after spasm wrecking your body.
Blood trickles down your stomach, soaking into the fabric of your skirt, and as the wound slowly starts to close up, you can feel the bullet travel up, through the tissue. The sensation might be worse then the initial shot, and your face twists, as cold sweat pools over your creased forehead. Seemingly, you hadn't nicked any important organs, or so you hope.
- Oh, does that hurt? - you barely register his mocking tone of voice, as he comes closer to your heaving form.
Homelander crouches down, wrenching the gun from your hand and throwing it on the floor behind him like it's a piece of used tissue. Then, with mild interest, he inspects the wound.
- Your bleeding - he notes, and you'd be foolish not to note the slight tinge of disdain coloring his words.
- I'm not fucking bulletproof - you huff out, doubling over with a groan - I just heal faster.
He cranes his head to the side, eyes gliding over your pained expression. You're too focused on steadying your breathing, to notice the way his tongue pushes against the inside of his cheek in thought, but you're alert enough to recoil, once his gloved hand wedges itself under your chin, pushing your face ever so slightly upwards. You wish you didn't catch his gaze. The unrelenting curiosity, mixed with barely contained disappointment at your limited abilities.
- Let's try one more thing, hmm? - he asks, although noth of you know, there's no way for you to refuse.
Homelander grabs you by the shoulder, hoisting you up, despite the weakness in your legs. You groan, as the bullet finally falls out of the wound, creating a small, bloody print on the carpet. His eyes float towards the slowly disappearing dent in your skin, his thumb rubbing over it with a bit more force than necessary, as if he's trying to milk as much pain possible, force you to react again.
You don't give him the satisfaction, your eardrums buzzing, as you sway on your feet. Then, two things happen at the same time. His gloved hand pushes against your shoulder with enough strength, to force your body to uncurl, expose itself to his greedy eyes. And then, the center of your chest erupts with unimaginable, searing pain, as Homelander's eyes shoot red right at the middle of your collarbones.
It's a quick, blink-and-you'll-miss-it kinda impact, but it sends you flying backwards, colliding with the table, and then straight to the floor. For the first half a minute, you can't breathe, your chest collapsing like a faulty mineshaft. The smell of burning flesh fills the conference room, and you would retch, if you could do anything more than flail your arms weakly, legs kicking out.
He must've hit your trachea, you think, when your lungs fill with boiling blood.
Homelander comes to stand next to your body, moving languidly, as if this is the most regular of interactions. His face blurs in front of your eyes, the fluorescent lights illuminating his blonde hair from above. You want to say something so bad, something smart and cutting, that would throw him off his rhythm again, but all that manages to push past your lips, is a broken gargle, as blood gathers behind your teeth.
His face twists again, eyes taking on a freezing indifference, that is colder, more terrifying than any snowstorm. Looking at you for a moment longer, he finally snaps himself back to reality, a scowl placed over his features.
- Get your shit together - he spits out through gritted teeth - The photoshoot starts soon.
The disgusted look he throws you, as blurry as it is in front of your eyes, makes your lips curl back into a snarl. You should've known better, you did know better, but it doesn't matter, because for some reason, when it came to him, you just can't stop your mouth from running wild. So, before he even reaches the door, your gargles form a single, spiteful word, that cuts through the smell of blood, and flesh, and burning.
- Bitch - you seethe, blood gathering in the corners of your mouth, and you hear his boots stomp over, before you can see him.
There's a moment of outrage, his eyes burning with that all too familiar, red burn. But then, it melts into something worse, something cold and self-satisfied. He lifts his boot ever so slightly, placing it down on your chest, keeping your body from moving on the floor. Homelander lingers like that for a split-second, eyes flickering all over your pained face. You know what he's looking for, and you refuse to give it.
- I'll tell Madelyn to reschedule the photoshoot - he muses, lips curling back into a cruel smirk.
And then he pushes down with his foot, slowly, so you can feel every single creak and crack of your bones under his heel. He drinks in the silent scream, that tears through your body, as your ribs break under the pressure. Your eyes roll back into your skull, damn the car accident, you've never felt pain like this before.
- Take the rest of the day off, alright kiddo? - he quips, his voice deceivingly kind.
Giving one last shove of his foot, he finally lets up, shuffling out of the room like nothing has happened, the cape swishing over your broken body, like a blessing from America itself. The door clicks softly, somewhere over your head, and finally, you give yourself the luxury of crying. Heavy, salty tears run down your cheeks, mixing with the remnants of last night's mascara. At least he won't see you like this. You try to ignore the possibility of him using his X-ray vision to preserve your own peace of mind.
And as you lay there, feeling your bones, your tissues connect under the never stopping waves of pain, you realize something, which brings upon a new wave of tears tumbling down your cheeks, soaking into your hair, into the ugly carpet.
This is the first time you've felt truly alive in a long, long time.
#my writing#homelander x you#homelander fanfiction#homelander x reader#homelander#the boys fanfiction#the boys fandom#the boys amazon#the boys x reader#plus size reader#me writing violence that isn't completely horny? impossible someone alert the media#i might do a little one shot adjacent to the newest season cause i have a lot of thoughts about reader's relationship with homelander#during that particular part of the series#and i don't want to wait until the initial fic gets there
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AN | Here is one of the many ideas that I’ve had for Cal! Or - Cal Kestis visits you and holds the promise of a future together…finally 🥺 This contains no major spoilers for Survivor!
Warnings | None
Pairing | Cal Kestis x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | SW Characters, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew it was him from the moment you noticed the figure in the distance coming closer. There was a trademark swagger to his walk and his lithe silhouette gave him away every time. No matter how much you tried to suppress the excitement in your chest, it never seemed to work. Not when it came to him.
"Hello Cal Kestis," he stopped right in front of you, a roguish smile on his face. His hair was longer now, and he hadn't shaved in a bit and…he was sporting a black eye, a busted lip, and cuts all over his face. A sigh escaped your lips softly, "Cal."
"It's okay," he insisted softly, his hand instinctively went to your face as he brushed his knuckles across your cheek, "you should see the other guy."
"I know," he knew. Knew that nothing else but him mattered to you, "its nothing."
"You're going to give your daughter nightmares if she sees you like this," you leaned into his touch, "let me take care of you."
"I didn't come here for that," he whispered softly, a sheepish expression on his face. Despite everything he went through, he always managed to keep his boyish charm.
"I know," you promised, "but I also happen to be fond of you. Come on - she's still at daycare."
You reached for his hand and pulled him into the small house, mind already buzzing with the multitude of questions you had for him. It had been a while since you'd last seen him. Over a year.
You set him down on the edge of the tub in the 'fresher as you glanced through medical supplies you had. You'd kept way more on hand since you'd met him a few years ago. They came in handy.
"Do I want to know what happened?" You gently dabbed at his lip, wiping away the dried blood before tending to the scratches on his cheek.
"Probably not," he admitted softly, earning a quick nod from you. You grabbed some bacta gel and spread it around the dark bruising around his eye, "the last job didn't go so well."
You paused at the mention of his job. You knew what he did, more or less, but he never really went into details. For your sake and his.
"I'm glad you're okay," you looked up at him with wide eyes and he nodded softly, "please be careful."
"I am…" he caught your eye for a moment, watching as you raised your brows at him, "I will be."
"Promise me, Cal Kestis," you kneeled down so you were almost eye to eye with him, having to look up slightly, "please."
"I swear,” and he meant it. For himself, for you, and the daughter you shared.
You looked at him for a long moment. He'd become more hardened since you'd met him. But the boy you'd fallen in love with was still underneath it all. He didn't even know you loved him - at least you didn’t think he did. And you were almost positive that he didn’t feel that way about you.
You’d met by chance, became friends, and after a drunken one-night hookup ending up sharing a daughter. But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him; you did and you just wanted him safe and sound.
“Okay,” you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek before standing back up. He followed suit and you noticed the flush of pink on his face. You tried to ignore the butterflies as you trailed your fingers along his scruffy jaw, “this is new.”
“You hate it,” he teased, smiling at you in the crooked way that you adored.
“I like it actually,” you smirked at him, “suits you. Now c’mon, let’s grab some lunch and then we can get Tansy. And you can tell me all about your adventures.”
“Sounds good,” he agreed softly, “missed you both.”
Your heart skipped a few beats before you made a small sound in response. He was really making this whole only friends thing way too hard.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Tell me then,” you watched your favorite ginger jedi from across the table, relaxed at being in his presence again. You were sure that he could feel it, “what has been keeping you so occupied lately?”
“I…” he paused for a moment, looking around surreptitiously before leaning closer to you. You mirrored his action and motioned for him to go on, “I know I should have been back sooner.”
“It’s not fair to Tansy for me to be gone so long,” he sighed lightly and you gave his hand a small squeeze, “or you-”
“Well, we didn’t exactly plan on…you know. Having a kid,” it definitely hadn’t been part of any plan you’d ever had. But still, he handled it beautifully and did his best to take care of both of you in his own way. After your daughter had been born, you’d been tempted to ask him to stay, to try and be a proper family, but you knew that wasn’t in his cards. You’d always known that - there was no way you’d keep Cal Kestis from fulfilling his destiny.
“No,” you might have been right, but he wouldn’t have changed a thing, “listen, I know this is going to sound crazy, and it probably is, but I think I…something���s happened.”
“Crazy? From you, jedi?” you whispered the last part, and brought a smile to his face, “tell me.”
“I went to Koboh to look for Greez for help with the Mantis after…a job on Coruscant that went wrong,” your heart constricted at the mere thought of something happening to him, “one thing led to another but basically we found out about this planet called Tanalorr.”
“Tanalorr. I’ve never heard of that…”
“Almost no one has,” his eyes practically glittered with excitement, “a jedi master found it hundreds of years ago and tried to…hide it basically. Keep it safe and untouched. If we find it, and assuming all of it’s true, it could be a place untouched by the Empire, and raiders, and anyone else. It could be a new home…we could be safe there.”
Your brow furrowed as you tried to process everything that he was saying. It all sounded so good and wonderful and the idea that there was a safe place somewhere in the galaxy made your heart yearn for the future. A future you could maybe share with Cal and your daughter as a family.
“Cal,” you sighed softly and noticed the way his face fell, “that sounds…amazing - truly. I know the jedi were - are - capable of amazing things. But this…it sounds like a tale told to keep children entertained.”
“It’s real,” he insisted, “I know it is. I’ve seen proof. I know it’s out there..I-I just have to find it. Then we could-”
“Wait, Cal, stop for a moment,” your face was a mask of worry despite your ebay efforts to keep it neutral, “you’re not seriously thinking about this, are you? This is crazy-”
“It’s a risk that could be worth everything,” he took your hand in both of his hands and held onto it tightly, “we wouldn’t have to worry about anything. We’d be safe.”
“If you don’t die trying to get there,” you whispered, “or what if you get there and it’s something completely different? I don’t…I can’t lose you, Cal.”
“There’s risk involved with everything - even you being here,” he closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, “but it’s a risk I have to take. I promise-”
“She’s like you,” you blurted out and caused Cal’s eyes to snap open and watch you closely. You pulled your hand away and swallowed the lump that had welled up in your throat, “Tansy…I think she’s like you. Sensitive.”
Oh. Oh. He knew, he’d always know that there was a high likelihood that his daughter would end up like him. Force sensitive. Back before the end of the Order, she would have likely already have been on her way to Jedi Temple on Coruscant. But now all it did was serve to put a giant target on her. A rush of pride and excitement flowed through him - along with a bundle of nerves settling into his stomach.
“How do you…know?”
“I’ve noticed her doing some things that a normal kid definitely couldn’t do,” you whispered, “you’ll have to tell me for me but…I think I’m right. Cal…this is really exciting but-”
“I’m scared,” he finished for you and you nodded lightly, “I will never do anything to put either of you in danger. I’ll keep you, both of you safe. I promise.”
“But how can I keep you safe?” your voice cracked slightly as you looked at him with concern. His expression was soft as you turned your head and wiped away the tears that had rolled down your cheeks, “Cal, I l-”
Tansy tore away from her babysitter, breaking into as much of a run as was possible for her little legs. You shook your head fondly before giving an apologetic expression to the twi'lek that cared for her.
"Tan Tan!" Cal dropped to a crouch so he could scoop her into his arms, embracing her tightly. The resemblance between the two of them was uncanny; she'd inherited his red hair and green eyes and already had his sense of adventure. The two of them were nothing but trouble together already, "I've missed you so much."
"Missed you too," despite the fact that he wasn't around all the time - he tried as best as he could to be there for her - you were happy that they shared such a close bond. She adored him as he did her, "are you staying?"
"Yes," he promised, peppering her chubby cheeks with kisses, "if that's okay with Mommy."
You caught for a moment, trying to hide the exasperated look on your face. Of course you wanted him to stay, but you also weren't finished with your previous conversation, "yes, of course. You're always welcome, Cal."
"Yay," Tansy wrapped her little arms around his neck and clung onto him like a koala, "I can show you my new toys!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I think she's finally asleep," Cal quietly padded out of Tansy's room and made his way back over to you. You were in the living room, nursing a mug of tea and absentmindedly reading a holobook. He sat down next to you, tense for a moment as he anticipated your reaction, "she's got so much energy."
"She takes after you in so many ways," you put the book and turned to him with a soft smile. Cal mirrored it before, reaching over and gently tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. He’d been with you for a couple of weeks now, and you yearned for him to stay and make this your everyday reality. It would have been so easy…
"What are you thinking about?" His voice was barely above a whisper. One of the things you loved - and sometimes hated - about him was that he'd always been able to read you so easily.
"I wish you were here more often," you hated how small and pathetic your voice sounded as you shrugged your shoulders lightly, "not for my sake but hers. But it'd be nice knowing you are safe too."
The jedi paused for a long moment, the air thick with so many unsaid things. He allowed himself to catch a glimpse of your expression before sitting back and exhaling softly, "I love you, you know."
"Cal, you don't just have to say-"
"I'm not," he insisted firmly and your eyes widened in surprise, "you know I'd never lie to you or say anything I didn't mean. And I'm not just saying it because of Tansy. I mean it - I've always meant it."
"Oh. Oh," maker. Cal just said what you had wanted to say for so long but couldn't bring yourself to admit. Which meant he felt the same. He felt the same way. But there was still a put in your stomach, "why did you leave?"
He paused, his lips pulling into a thin line, "you knew I couldn't stay. Especially after you got pregnant. It wasn't safe for me to be here all the time. I just wanted you both safe."
"I know," and you had. Cal did everything with purpose…he wasn't the kind of man to anything without some consideration, "I know. But I still wish you were here more. And I feel so selfish for even thinking that."
"It's not selfish," he whispered, brushing his knuckles across your cheek, "I wish you were with me too. I think about every day, you know."
You managed a small, teary eyed little smile. He reached into the collar of his shirt and pulled out the chain that was nestled safely against his chest. A small gasp escaped your lips when you realized it was your necklace. The very same one you'd given him the first time he'd left you a few months after the two of you had met. You'd found out you were pregnant a few weeks later.
"You still have it," you traced your finger along the soft golden chain, causing his heart to skip a few beats from your tender touch, "after all this time."
"I've never taken it off," he put his hand on top of yours and lightly squeezed it, "sometimes I feel like this is the only thing that's kept me alive."
"I love you," your declaration was so quiet that Cal almost wasn't sure if he'd heard you correctly. Judging from the nervous look on your face, he was pretty sure you'd said that. You bit the inside of your cheek for a moment, "I just wanted you to know too."
"C'mere," his hands found your face and you had to work to keep a wistful sigh from escaping. You leaned in and before you could even think about it, he was kissing you. Softly and gently, but with everything he had to give. You didn't pull away from him until you were dizzied and breathless. He pressed his forehead against yours, smiling softly, "one day, I'll get to do this every day."
"Every day?"
"Yes," it was a promise, resolute and firm, "I just need a little more time. I want to follow this lead and find Tanalorr."
"I'll be careful," the reassurance didn't ease your worry, "if it's safe and actually is what it'd supposed to be, I'll come for both of you and we can make a new home."
"And if it's not?"
"I'll find us somewhere safe," he trailed his fingers softly along your jaw, "I promise."
"Okay," you didn't want to agree but you also knew there was no way to talk Cal out of something when he was set in his ways. You fisted the front of his shirt in your hand and blink away the fresh tears, "promise me one more thing?"
"Anything," he brushed your tears away and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"Come back to us," his eyes softened as you silently pleaded for him, the force, the universe or whatever was out there, go make it come true, "please come back to us safely. I can't…I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I'll always come back to you," in your heart you knew he meant it, "and Tansy. I just need a little bit of time."
"Okay," you exhaled shakily, "okay. When were you thinking about leaving?"
"Now - tonight," that was enough to crush your spirit, "the sooner I'm gone, the sooner I'm back. And I…I think it might be easier if I'm gone tonight rather than leaving when she's awake."
"I hate that you're right," you huffed with laughter, but there was no amusement behind the sound, "come back soon?"
"As soon as I can," he wrapped you up in a tight hug, pulling as tightly against his chest as possible. You hugged him back just as fiercely, wishing you'd never have to let him go. He kissed the side of your head as you buried your face in his chest, "soon."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"This is always the worst part," you stood on your doorstep in the middle of the night, bidding your goodbyes to Cal. Again. At least this time you knew it wouldn't be too long, "watching you go."
"Yeah," he cast a forlorn look towards the window of his daughter's room. His heart ached already, "its hard for me too. But this is the last time we'll have to be apart."
"Swear on it, Cal Kestis," you held out your pinkie and he couldn't help the laugh that reached your ears. He hooked his pinkie around yours and squeezed lightly, "or I'll find you and make you regret it."
"Swear," he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your palm, "I wouldn't put anything past you."
"Good," your heart fluttered at his kiss and you leaned in and pressed another to his lips, "see you soon."
"Soon," he agreed, kissing you a few more times, "I love you."
"I love you, Cal Kestis," you touched his cheek before whispering, "may the force be with you."
"And with you," he took one last look at you before taking a step back, "oh - you were right, you know. About Tansy."
"Oh," you looked at him with a wondrous expression, "oh?"
"We'll talk about it next time," he offered you a cheeky wink as you beamed at him, "just be happy with the knowledge that you were right."
"Like always," you held up a hand in a small, sad little wave, "goodbye, Cal."
"Not goodbye - see you soon, sweetheart."
#cal kestis#cal kestis x you#cal kestis x reader#cal kestis x fem!reader#cal kestis imagine#cal kestis one shot#cameron monaghan#jedi: fallen order#jedi: survivor#star wars
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The Wereslut part 2
A tale of periodic transformations

"Come on, Ginge, you've got to check this out!" exclaimed Brigitte, her eyes glued to the screen as a group of pirates fought with exaggerated flailing and yells.
Ginger rolled her eyes, the scent of popcorn and the warm glow of the TV the only comfort in the otherwise cold apartment. She knew full well what was going to happen next, having watched the episode a hundred times with her best friend. But she couldn't help the smile that crept onto her lips as she leaned in closer, the anticipation of their favorite scene building.
The doorbell rang, cutting through the dramatic music and the clanging of swords like a knife. Brigitte's enthusiastic "Who could it be?" was met with Ginger's knowing look. It was Sam, the neighbor who had a knack for interrupting their Friday night marathons.
Sam waltzed in, his cheeky grin lighting up the room. "Looks like the weebs are at it again," he said, tossing a bag of chips onto the coffee table. He was tall and muscular, a stark contrast to Brigitte's plush figure. His teasing was all in good fun, though, and the girls had grown used to his playful banter.

“Babe I told you tonight it’s girls night ok?” Ginger called out as Sam sailed through the doorway, a playful scowl etched on her face. She knew he was joking, but she couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed. “I just miss you babe.” Sam said with a shrug, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He knew that Ginger’s friendship with Brigitte was sacred, almost a religion in itself, and interrupting was like walking into a church mid-mass. But his curiosity always got the better of him.
“You are so lucky you are cute.” Ginger replied, approaching her tall boyfriend. She got on her tiptoes and pouted. Sam bent down and kissed her lips. “But seriously, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She glanced back at the TV, where the climax of the battle was reaching its peak. “Dinner and FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood right?” Sam asked with a hopeful smile. Ginger nodded, her eyes never leaving the screen. “It’s a date.”
With a dramatic sigh, Sam kissed her on the cheek. “See you tomorrow.” He turned to leave, waving at the screen. “Take care of the Straw Hats for me!” he called over his shoulder, his laugh echoing down the hall. Brigitte turned to her best friend. “You didn’t have to make him leave you know.”
“I know, but we need our time, bestie,” Ginger said, tossing a piece of popcorn in the air and catching it in her mouth. “Besides, you know how he gets when he watches with me. After two episodes…. There isn’t much watching.” Ginger giggled at the thought of Sam's inability to sit through their anime binges without trying to have sex with her.
Brigitte nodded, her cheeks reddening slightly. “I totally get it. You guys have that kind of relationship. But, you know, I wish I had someone who was like that with me.” She playfully elbowed Ginger's side, causing her to spill some popcorn on her shirt.
“But seriously how did things change between you two? A few months ago you were crushing on him. Now he can’t get enough of you.” Ginger threw another piece of popcorn at Brigitte, who caught it with a grin. “What can I say, the universe finally realized I’m irresistible.”
“Come on you know I know you better than that. Remember Frank? You were a nervous wreck around him and he’s not even close to how hot Sam is. So what is the secret? Are you a witch now?” Brigitte said, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“Huh? What? No! Me?” Ginger stuttered, her cheeks flushing. She paused the episode, turning to face Brigitte. “It’s just that Sam’s really into me, you know? And I figured out what makes him happy. That’s all there is to it.”
“I was joking but now I know you’re hiding something.” Brigitte said, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. Ginger felt a knot in her stomach, realizing she might have said too much. She also felt her burn mark ache as it typically does on the full moon. It was a secret she hadn’t shared with anyone, not even her best friend.
Ginger looked at her friend. She knew lying would be impossible as Brigitte was practically like a sister. Plus, she had always been terrible at keeping secrets. She took a deep breath and decided to tell part of the truth. “Ok a few months back. Sam came over to talk and we had sex… but like animals. It was like I was someone else that night.”
Brigitte’s eyes widened. “Oh my god Ginge, you gotta give me the details! What happened?” Her voice was a mix of excitement and shock. Ginger felt a thrill run through her as she remembered the night she had transformed for the first time.
“It was just... intense. Sam was being sweet like always and… I couldn’t help myself. I just let my instincts take over and next thing I know, we’re tearing into each other like it’s the last night on earth.” Ginger paused, her eyes glazed over with the memory. The burn mark on her hand began to throb faintly.
“Wow, that’s so not like you. It’s about time you got some though. At least one of us anyway.” Brigitte said, popping another piece of popcorn in her mouth. The crunch was loud in the suddenly tense silence. Ginger inhaled hard as her senses heightened in the moment. Her heart beating so fast as she massaged the mark on her hand. “You just need something to bring out the slut in you.” Ginger said licking her lips.
Ginger’s mind raced as she felt a familiar tingle throughout her body. It wasn’t a full moon tonight but the beginning feeling of pain and pleasure grew stronger. “You know what? Maybe we should call it an early night.” She said, trying to change the subject. “Oh no you don’t! You finally spill the beans and talk about being a slut” Brigitte shook her head knowing something was up with her friend. “I fucking knew you had something up your sleeve. How did you do it? Lingerie? You’ve been practicing BJ’s on bananas? Spill!”
“Mmmm all of the above and more.” Ginger said, her voice trailing off. The burn on her hand was now a constant pulse, a gentle reminder of the power that lay dormant within her. Ginger’s nails began to grow longer and sharper, a hint of the transformation that was slowly taking over. She hoped it wouldn’t come to that tonight. “I fucking took his cock and squeezed every last drop of cum out of it. You should have heard how he screamed my name.”
Brigitte’s eyes widened further, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. “Holy porno Batman, you never talk like this!” She leaned in, eager for every detail. Ginger couldn’t help but feel a thrill as she revealed her deepest secret. “I was just so wild, Brige. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It was like I had to have him, like my life depended on it. And after that, everything changed. He just couldn’t get enough of me. And I liked it.”
The room grew warmer, the tension thick as the scent of Ginger’s arousal filled the air. Her pulse quickened and her teeth grew sharper, Ginger enjoyed the feeling as she could smell her best friend’s excitement. She inhaled and closed her eyes as the animal within her took charge.
“It’s like I become someone else. Someone fierce, someone who knows exactly what she wants.” Ginger whispered, her eyes snapping open to reveal pupils dilated with desire. The TV flickered, the battle forgotten as the two friends locked eyes. “Someone who’s not afraid to take it,” she finished, her voice a seductive purr.
Before Brigitte could respond, Ginger leaned in, her sharp teeth grazing the soft flesh of Brigitte’s neck. She gasped, a mix of fear and arousal. Ginger’s grip tightened around her friend’s arm, the claw-like nails digging in slightly, leaving red marks. “What the hell, Gin?” she murmured, her heart racing.
Ginger clamped down as her fangs pierced her friends skin. Ginger closed her eyes as it felt so right to taste the flesh of her friend. Brigitte’s scream of surprise and pain woke Ginger from her trance as she pulled her teeth out and jumped back.
“Owww! That fucking hurt!” Brigitte exclaimed, pushing Ginger on her shoulder. Ginger’s eyes snapped back to normal, the painful throb in her hand subsiding. She looked tongued at her teeth, surprised to see them still human. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Are you okay?” she asked, genuine concern lacing her voice.
Brigitte rubbed her neck, her eyes wide. “What the actual fuck, Ginge? Did you just bite me like a vampire?” She was more shocked than scared, looking at her friend like she’d just sprouted a second head. The two girls stared at each other, the air in the room heavy with confusion.
Ginger’s eyes grew wide with horror. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just felt... I don’t know, something strange.” She took a step back, her hands shaking as she tried to understand the sudden, uncontrollable urge she’d had.
Brigitte closed her eyes as she breathed in slowly, her hand still pressed against the spot where Ginger’s teeth had grazed her skin. “I-I think I should go home,” she stammered, her voice shaking. She grabbed her bag and coat, her movements jerky and unsure. “Ah, yeah, maybe that’s for the best,” Ginger said, her own voice trembling. She felt a pang of guilt and confusion at her actions, unsure of what had come over her.
As Brigitte moved towards the door, Ginger reached out to grab her arm gently. "Sorry again about this. Forgive me.” she whispered, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
“It’s okay. It just hurts.. a lot. So next time you want to get kinky with me… Warn me. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Brigitte replied, her voice quivering as she tried to put on a brave face. Ginger nodded, her mind racing as she watched her best friend leave, the door closing behind her with a finality that sent a shiver down her spine.
Alone now, Ginger took a deep breath and sank into the couch. Her heart was pounding, and she could still taste the coppery tang of Brigitte’s blood on her tongue. She stared at her hand, the burn mark now pulsing in rhythm with her racing heart. What was happening to her?
Brigitte went down the stairs and got into her car. The cold air outside was a stark contrast to the heat that was still burning through Ginger’s apartment. The pain in her neck was subsiding but the memory of Ginger’s teeth remained vivid in her mind. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of Ginger’s teeth sinking into her flesh, the sharpness of pain giving way to a weird sense of warmth.
Once home, she tossed her bag onto the chair and flopped onto her bed, still in shock. She touched the bitemarks on her neck, feeling the slightest hint of arousal. It was weird but she couldn’t help but think of it as some kind of strange foreplay. She lay there for a while, trying to process the events of the evening. Her thoughts were interrupted by the throbbing pain in her neck growing stronger, pulsing with each beat of her heart.
Her eyes grew heavy, and she felt a strange lethargy wash over her. Her body begged for sleep, and she gave in, drifting off into a fitful slumber filled with vivid dreams.
The next evening, Brigitte awoke to the harsh light of day streaming through her bedroom window. Her neck was sore, and she touched the bitemarks again, feeling the roughness of the scabbed skin. She sat up, the events of last night playing back in her mind like a surreal movie. She knew she had to talk to Ginger about it, but what was she going to say?
Ginger had been her best friend since they were kids. They had been through thick and thin together, sharing every secret and every awkward moment. But this was different. This was something she couldn’t just laugh off or pretend didn’t happen. This was something that could change everything between them.
Brigitte took a deep breath and stepped out of her apartment, the cold night air hitting her face like a slap. She hurried down the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest. The thought of facing Ginger was terrifying, but she had to know. Was she okay? Was it some kind of weird kink she had stumbled into? Or was there something more?
When she arrived at Ginger's door, she paused, her hand hovering over the buzzer. What if Ginger had done it on purpose? What if she had some weird vampire fetish she hadn’t told her about? But she knew Ginger wasn’t like that. She was her best friend, her confidant. There had to be a reasonable explanation. With a determined nod to herself, she pressed the button and waited, her heart racing with anticipation.
The door swung open, and Ginger’s face fell when she saw Brigitte. "Oh, hey it’s not a good time tonight," she said, her voice shaky. "Sam and I have plans." Brigitte gave an annoyed look as she barged in. “Tough titties! We need to talk about this!” Brigitte angrily pointed to her bite.
As if on cue a knock on the door interrupted the tension. Ginger looked at the clock, surprised to see it was already 8 PM. She rushed to the door opening it. Sam was standing outside, looking as handsome as ever. “Tonight’s the night baby we are going to fuu oh hey Brigitte! You’re here too!” Sam said, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Brigitte, noticing the redness around her neck.
“You have to go Brigitte. It’s late we’ll talk tomorrow.” Ginger’s voice was firm but her eyes were filled with regret. “No fuck that! Sorry Sam but your girlfriend bit me last night. It was definitely sexual so… What the fuck?!” Brigitte’s voice grew louder as she stepped into the apartment, noticing the candles and rose petals scattered on the floor.
“Plus it’s like still hurting like a bitch! Do you have rabies or something?” In unison Ginger and Sam answered Brigitte. “Or something.” They exchanged a nervous glance as Sam stepped into the apartment, his smile fading as he realized her puncture marks.
Ginger felt the burn on her hand grow hotter, the transformation starting to take hold. She knew she had to tell her, but how could she explain something she didn’t fully understand herself? The room spun as her body began to shift, the pain and pleasure mixing into a heady cocktail that made her knees weak. She leaned against the wall for support, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
“Too late to explain it.” Ginger whispered to herself, the transformation taking her over. Her body grew taut, muscles stretching and bones popping as she began to morph before their very eyes. Her skin shimmered and her eyes grew brighter, her short dull red hair lengthened and thickened into fiery waves that cascaded down her back. Her teeth grew sharp and her nails elongated into gleaming red claws.
Ginger moaned in pleasure as her breasts grew larger, the fabric of her shirt straining against the newfound weight. Her body was changing, and she could feel the power surging through her as her skin shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Her bra straps dug into her shoulders, a stark reminder of the human constraints that no longer applied to her. The burn on her hand had spread up her arm and across her chest, leaving a trail of fiery agony that only added to the exhilaration coursing through her veins.

Brigitte’s eyes widened in shock and pain as she watched Ginger’s transformation. The bitemarks on her neck burned like a brand, the pain searing through her body and bringing with it an unexpected arousal that made her knees buckle. She reached up to touch them, her hand shaking as she felt her own body begin to change. Her breasts swelled, pushing against the fabric of her sweater, and she could feel the weight of them in a way she never had before. Her skin grew warm, and she felt the sudden need to rip the fabric from her body.
Her eyes grew brighter, and she could see the room with a new clarity, as if the world had been painted in high definition. The colors were more vivid, and the sounds around her grew sharper. The scent of Sam’s aftershave filled the room, making her nostrils flare as she took in his musky scent. Her own body was responding in ways she had never felt before, and she knew that she too was becoming something more than human.
Brigitte’s transformation was more subtle but no less dramatic. Her once soft, plush figure grew taut and curved in all the right places. Her hips widened, and her waist narrowed, creating a figure that was both powerful and alluring. Her skin glowed with an inner fire, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. She had always felt self-conscious about her weight, but now she felt like she could take on the world.
Sam’s jaw dropped as he took in the scene before him. Two beautiful, powerful women, one his girlfriend and the other his girlfriend’s best friend, were standing before him, both of them oozing a sexuality that was almost palpable. His eyes darted between them, his body responding in a way that was almost painful. He could feel his cock swell in his pants, and he had to clench his fists to keep from reaching out and touching them.

Ginger’s transformation was complete, and she now stood before him in all her glory, her fiery red hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of molten lava. Her eyes glowed with an inner fire that made him want to drop to his knees and worship her. And Brigitte, oh Brigitte, she looked like a goddess in the making, her skin a soft glow that made him want to trace every curve with his tongue.
Ginger growled “oh Sam life just keeps giving you gifts.”

#beautification#transformation#f2f transformation#breast expansion#bimboification#beauty is power#ass expansion#musclegrowth#wereslut
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guitarist!sukuna rambling as i’m also writing a separate imagine about him. kinda exists in the same universe as pinky brain. not proofread!!
18+, ageless or minor accounts will be blocked !!
i feel like guitarist!sukuna would not admit he’s in love, but no one else can have you.
he’d write his songs after you fall asleep, most likely after he’s fucked you six ways to sunday
some of these songs aren’t ballads or ones most people would enjoy. they’re raw, filled with underlying obsession to have the muse trapped in their world forever. it’s of yearning, an attempt to make the listener feel each word and be hypnotized into thinking the same.
examples of such are angel by massive attack, tear you apart by she wants revenge or closer by nine inch nails
guitarist!sukuna doesn’t care for all the romantic shit but he knows you’re better off with him. who else was gonna make you feel good with just their fingers? who would mark you up with the nastiest and ugliest looking hickies known to man kind? see you attempt to walk after cumming three times under two hours and laugh the whole time?
guitarist!sukuna doesn’t really care about the aftercare either, which you didn’t mind for at first but that will start to make things more strained later on.
with guitarist!sukuna it’s always music, music, music. that’s what comes first, how else is he gonna get out of his financial shit hole? how is he gonna send little yuiji to college? who’s gonna make sure the brat has everything he needs?
now back to guitarist!sukuna and your…arrangement. it started when he you caught him screwing some girl in the bathroom. after that it’s every visit to the club that you find him doing the same thing every time. though the girls range from blonde, red headed and ginger to more who look similar to you.
it’s only when you have enough liquid courage one night do you drag the bitch off him and kiss him. not really caring if she was being a pain in the ass in the background or had her lipstick all over sukuna’s lips. that night was about scratching an itch. though just how many times that would happen would be far too many to count.
the only reason why you guys fall out is because guitarist!sukuna heard you whisper i love you in your sleep and it scared him. love? there’s no way that you were turning into every fan girl that he used to fuck. this was just scratching each other’s backs. yeah he enjoyed your company and you were his muse for every song but to enter into a romantic relationship with you? hell no. he didn’t have time for that.
it was raining hard that night when he kicked you out, shutting the door as you pounded on the wood to be let back in. unsure of what you even did to him. and though guitarist!sukuna tries hooking up with someone new the next night, he can’t help but miss you deep down. this new chick didn’t know what he liked, or how he was picky with getting a blow job or the amount of talking during sex.
usually he fucked in missionary but guitarist!sukuna found it easier to push her down on all fours. forcing her face to be covered in the pillows you were sleeping on less than twenty four hours ago. your scent no longer there as this chick’s cheap perfume overpowered the one you liked to wear. if he closed his eyes, he can pretend it was you.
feedback is appreciated, along with reblogs. do not steal/copy or repost my work anywhere else!! it ruins the fanfic community!!
#yazzy’s works !!#ryomen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x latina!reader#ryomen sukuna x you#ryomen sukuna blurb#smut#angst#obessive love#yandere!ryomen sukuna#jealousy#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk fanfiction#jujutsu kaisen fanfiction#sukuna ryomen smut#sukuna smut#sukuna ryomen angst#sukuna angst
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Trivia Night

Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader (wife)
Warnings: Some swear words, little violent, nothing major though, sexual reference, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 4.5K-ish
Summary: Trivia night at one of your favorite bars with your favorite people. Billy is late and you have to fill his spot with someone no one else is really fond of, especially Frank and Ginger
A/N: This one has been done for a few days but life got in the way of me putting it out. Finally had some time. Part of the Gingerverse. I’ll put the collection HERE. I haven’t written for them in awhile and I’ve missed it so this was fun. I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
With music playing in the background, you sat at the bar with your friends staring at the beer in front of you. Poured perfectly, the high white foam piled high in the glass but not too high and melding into the citrusy white ale underneath.
It was a blend of orange, lemon and lime peel with a hint of spice from Grains of Paradise which was a rare pepper from West-Africa and considered an aphrodisiac.
Your head was full of little factoids and knowledge which is why Ginger thought it would be fun to do a trivia night at one of your favorite bars and it was also another way for Frank and Ginger to continue their “friendly” competition with each other.
The bar held a trivia contest every Thursday night and you were finally able to get everyone together for a fun night out. Of course, Frank and Maria were there, along with Ginger and another friend from work, Jules. You were just waiting for Billy to show up and complete your two teams of three but he was, once again, held up at work.
“Where’s your husband, kid? If he doesn’t get here soon, you’re gonna need another teammate so I can beat Ginger fair and square.” Said Frank.
“Keep talkin’ shit, Frank. We’ll see who answers more questions.” Ginger replied with a furrowed brow.
“I don’t know where he is. He promised he would be here but they’re starting soon.” You said with a worried look on your face.
You were going to have to find an alternate teammate.
The foam from the head of your beer touched the tip of your nose as you took a sip. The bright wheat ale was refreshing as it cooled and coated your throat. The bubbles tickled the inside of your nose as you set the beer back down onto the bar and the coaster underneath your glass was slightly damp from the condensation.
Searching the bar one more time for Billy, your eyes spotted a familiar face. The last time you had seen him was at your birthday party a few years ago before Billy had told you how he really felt about you. He was also the reason Billy almost left that night because you were dancing with him.
It was Lucas.
“Hey stranger!” He said, as he went in for a hug. “How are you?!”
Nervously, you replied, “I’m good, Lucas, really good. How have you been? It’s been a little while. You still working for Billy?”
He nodded. “Yep, actually he was still there when I left a little while ago.”
Glancing at your watch, you replied, “Yeah he’s supposed to be here for trivia time so our team is one player short at the moment.”
He took a sip from his beer bottle and a sly smile stretched across his face as he said, “I can fill in for him until he gets here.”
Both Frank and Ginger were staring at you, they glanced at each other and then turned their gaze back to you, well, back to Lucas. They both had a look of mistrust on their faces, narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. You loved how protective they were of you but it’s a public place with an old co-worker, what was going to happen?
As you pulled the barstool up, you said with an innocent smile, “Hey guys! Frank you know Lucas.” You said pointing in between the two of them. And turning to Ginger, you said, “Yeah, remember he was at my birthday party before I left Anvil.”
Still with her eyes narrowed, she replied, “Uh huh, yeah I think I remember. Silver Springs guy, right?”
Lucas nodded.
Ginger pulled him over to the barstools and said, “Alright stud, get comfortable, you’re gonna fill in until Billy gets here. You better be smart too, I’m not losin’ to Frank.”
Frank smirked at her. “We’ll see, Ginger.”
You turned to Lucas and said, “They’re a TAD competitive with each other. It’s comical to watch.”
“Oh I can’t wait.” He replied.
Billy was always in awe of how smart you are. He even went as far as saying you should try out for Jeopardy. A lot of nights after the two of you had dinner, you would turn it on while you were cleaning up in the kitchen.
“The answer is…This element has the highest atomic number that occurs naturally.” Said the host.
You said, “What is Uranium?”
“This Russian author wrote War and Peace.”
Again, you replied with the correct question, “Who is Tolstoy?”
“Located in Jordan, this ancient city is known for its rock-cut architecture.”
“What is Petra?” You said.
“What is Citizen Kane?”
“Who was Winston Churchill?”
“What is a Life of Service?”
“Who is Victor Hugo?”
With his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, Billy stood at the sink washing the pots and pans with a smirk on his face and a towel draped over his shoulder. He’d hand them off for you to dry as you rattled off question after question.
“You’re amazing, my love.” He had told you. “You really should try out, I’m serious.”
“I’m not that smart, Billy. There are so many more people out there smarter than me.” You said.
After drying his hands off on the towel, he pulled you in by your waist, your body was flush with his, and his hands were still warm from the hot water from the faucet. Billy tilted your chin up with his long slender fingers so you were looking into his onyx colored eyes, smiling that perfect smile at you. That smile could get you to do pretty much anything. It was your kryptonite…in a good way.
“Why do you doubt yourself so much, sweet girl?” Asked Billy in a silvery tone.
Glancing down at his arms wrapped tightly around you, you replied with a shrug, “I dunno. I guess I’ve always had that feeling that I’m not good enough. Plus, I’m highly competitive so if I don’t win, I feel like a loser.” You said with a slight smile.
“You and me both, baby.” Said Billy. “Our kids are gonna be in trouble.” He said with a wink.
You laughed as he gently pressed his lips to yours. They tasted like the bittersweet piece of chocolate he had after dinner.
“Will you do something for me, beautiful? Just think about it? I wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass and tell you you’re good enough when you’re not. You know that.” Said Billy.
You snaked your arms around his neck and gently raked your nails against his scalp. His raven colored hair glided through your fingers as you kissed him again. Slipping his tongue between your lips, his kisses became hungrier as you angled your head so he could kiss up and down your neck.
“Not fair, handsome. That’s called coercion when you kiss me like that.” You said as warmth spread across your cheeks and chest.
“Does that mean you’ll think about it?” He asked, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him as he stood in front of you smiling like a Cheshire cat. Billy knew exactly what he was doing.
“Ok, you win Billy. I’ll think about it.” You said, biting back a smile.
He replied, “That’s all I ask, my love.”
You were sitting in between Lucas and Ginger. Frank, Maria and Jules looked very ready to answer some questions and before you knew it, the contest had started. Billy had promised he would be here but he was late and the game had started without him. Unsure of the rules, you didn’t even know if he could jump in when he got there.
Billy worked harder than anyone you’ve ever met. You couldn’t fault him for wanting to be the best, fighting to stay on top, and be the best security detail in the city. Sometimes he broke his promises which most of the time you let go but this one hit a little differently.
It was upsetting. You just wanted to have some fun with him and he was missing it but you were determined to have a good time anyway.
You were on fire tonight though. There wasn’t a question you didn’t answer correctly even when it wasn’t your turn.
“How many moons does Neptune have?” Your host asked.
You answered confidently, “Fourteen.”
“What is the fear of flowers called?” They asked.
“Anthophobia.” You replied.
“How many staircases are located in Hogwarts?” Their voice sounded frustrated because they couldn’t stump you.
You answered with a sly smile, “142.”
With his arm touching yours, Lucas leaned in and whispered, “How do you know all of this stuff, y/n?”
“Oh, just stuff I picked up here and there.” You replied.
You thought Lucas was harmless, but Ginger and Frank felt otherwise. In between their score keeping with each other, you swear they were silently communicating about how close Lucas was to you and keeping an extra close eye on him to make sure he didn’t try anything.
“He’s a little too close to you, don’t you think?” Said Ginger, in your ear.
Looking down at her leg and yours, they were practically touching so you replied, “Well the barstools are really close together. What am I supposed to do? Sit in your lap?”
“I’d say he still has a thing for you.” Ginger whispered, almost glaring at Lucas.
You whispered back, “Ok, well I NEVER had a thing for him. Also I’m very much in love with my husband.”
“I know that…just…well just watch his hands. I don’t trust him and neither does Frank.” She said.
You glanced over at Frank. He looked as if he could spit nails. “Yes, I can see that.” You replied. “I’ll be on high alert. Ready to do some Kung-Fu Panda if I need to.”
Ginger started to laugh and sing a verse from Kung Fu Fighting while Frank rolled his eyes and Maria chuckled.
While this was going on, you became hyper aware of how much Lucas was drinking and gradually inching closer to you. He looked like he was feeling pretty good and it was starting to make you a little uncomfortable but you tried to ignore him.
After a little while, it was break time. Time to stretch your legs, run to the bathroom, have a snack…whatever you felt like doing for a few minutes before the second round started. Frank and Ginger were arguing who had answered more questions correctly between the two of them.
There was the team score and then their personal scores that they kept track of. It was hard not to laugh when they would go back and forth and get under each other’s skin. Both of them, however, kept a close eye on you but mostly they were watching Lucas.
Maria caught the two of them eyeing you like a hawk.
“What are you two glaring at over here? Or maybe I should ask, WHO are you two glaring at over here?” She asked.
Without taking his eyes away from you, Frank replied, “We’re watching to see if Lucas makes any moves on y/n. I know he still has a thing for her, I feel it.”
Maria folded her arms across her body and playfully rolled her eyes.
“Baby, I’m sure y/n can take care of herself. Being with Billy all this time, I’m sure she’s learned a thing or two about defending herself if Lucas is stupid enough to try anything.” She said.
Ginger jumped in, “Yeah but it’s not just us, right? She looks a little uncomfortable talking to him.”
In an unsure tone, Maria replied, “I mean, I guess maybe a little bit.”
You finally saw the familiar face you had been waiting for all night to arrive. Scanning the bar, Billy’s dark brown eyes locked with yours and a wide smile stretched across his lips as he rushed toward you. Without realizing what you were doing, you walked away from Lucas and started walking toward Billy.
Excusing himself, he worked his way through the sea of people until you were close enough for him to touch. You crashed against his chest and melted into his embrace. Billy brushed your hair over your shoulder, snaked his arms around you, and held you while he apologized over and over again.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, sweet girl. I’m sorry.” Whispered Billy against the top of your head.
For a brief moment, you had forgotten how angry you were with him that he was late, yet again, and smiled against his chest while listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
“You’re VERY late, Billy. I had to find someone to fill in for you.” You said.
Billy glanced around the bar before he asked, “Who did you get on short notice, my love?”
Just as you were about to answer, Lucas said, “Me…she got me to fill in for you. Finally done at the office, huh Mr. Russo?”
Billy narrowed his eyes and gave Lucas a devilish smile before he answered, “Yeah…I am. Well I’m here now so you can take off.”
A cunning smile stretched across Lucas’s face as he replied, “Actually, I just asked the person in charge and there aren’t any substitutions after the game has started so it looks like you’ll just have to sit and watch, Mr. Russo. Your wife is…” He paused to stare at you. “She’s amazing. You know how smart she is?”
Billy replied with gnashed teeth, “I do, Lucas. Yes, MY wife is incredibly smart.”
“Oh, well I guess you do know then. They’re about to start, y/n. I’ll see you back at our seats.” He said.
Billy glared at Lucas as he walked back to his seat then turned back to talk to you. His body was stiff and the muscles in his shoulders tensed while his knuckles showed white as he clenched his fist.
“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.” He hissed.
You rolled your eyes a little.
“Baby, you never like the way any man looks at me.” You said, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yeah, well I know Frankie and Ginger feel the same way.” Said Billy.
“They texted you, huh?” You asked.
Billy nodded, his lips pressed into a straight line. You could tell he was furious.
“Well maybe you should have done a better job of trying to get here on time, Billy.” You said, turning on your heels and walking back to your seat.
He called out after you, “Sweet girl, I said I was sorry!”
“You’ve been sorry a lot lately, Billy. Maybe this will teach you a lesson.” You said.
You knew how Billy could be, how jealous he gets, and how possessive he is of you but he had been disappointing you more often lately because of work. He had been canceling dates, coming home late, and missing dinner. Maybe this was a tough lesson he needed to learn.
Ginger stopped you before you could get back to your seat.
“Awesome, Billy’s here! We can ditch the dummy, he doesn’t know anything anyway.” She said.
You started to shake your head back and forth and replied, “We can’t, Ginger…guy in charge said we can’t swap out. So we’re stuck with him for two more rounds.”
Frank walked up behind you.
“I’m ahead by one, Ginger. They’re gettin’ ready to start round two.” He said.
“They won’t let Billy play because he showed up late.” She said.
“What?! So you’re stuck with him for two more rounds? That’ll teach Bill to be late, yeah?” Said Frank.
Lucas was sitting in his seat, drinking his beer with a smug look on his face. You knew he was trying to make Billy jealous and it didn’t take much to get Billy’s blood to boil. The scorching glare he directed at Lucas could probably be felt by the entire bar as he sipped his bourbon.
But they were starting the second round and you directed your concentration to answering the questions and not toward Billy. In between questions, Lucas would lean in and whisper things to you like “You’re doing great.” And “That one was really hard, how did you even know that?” It was really making your stomach turn but you didn’t want to be rude. You made it through round two and only had to make it through one more round.
“I got five questions right that round, Frank. You forgot to mark that last one down.” Said Ginger.
“No I didn’t, Ginger. It’s that one right there.” Frank said, pointing down at his scrap paper.
“Well, my paper says I have one more.” She said.
“Then you’re cheating.” He said.
Ginger’s jaw dropped open. “I am NOT cheating and I am deeply insulted that you would even think that. I can beat you fair and square.”
Maria interjected, “Baby, I think you did forget one.”
“Hey, whose side are you on, anyway?” Frank said, looking at her fondly with a smirk on his face.
Meanwhile, a few feet down from where Frank and Ginger were “discussing” their totals, you were trying to reassure Billy that Lucas wasn’t going to try anything and there was only one more round left before it was over.
“There’s only one more round left and then we can go home, ok?” You said.
Lightly brushing his beard with your thumb, you smiled warmly at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before returning to your seat.
Billy nodded and tried to smile at you but you could tell he was still angry and jealous.
Round three questions were a little more difficult…
“How many noses does a slug have?” They asked.
Deep in thought but distracted at the same time, you blurted out the first number that came to mind.
“Four?” You replied in an unsure tone.
“Four is correct!” They said, excitedly.
“What are baby rabbits called?”
“Who painted ‘Girl with the Pearl Earring?’”
“What 1949 science fiction book by author George Orwell describes a dystopian world in the future?”
“Twenty-Twenty-Fo—oh wait, sorry…I mean, 1984.” You said with a wide grin.
Billy chuckled a little at that one but his smile disappeared when he saw Lucas inch closer to whisper something in your ear.
“And she’s funny too.” He said, placing a hand on your knee and squeezing.
Your body immediately tensed and your face tightened as well. You could actually feel the color leaving your face and Billy could tell something was wrong.
You looked over at him, silently telling him that you didn’t like what was happening. Lucas slowly moved his hand up your thigh while looking over at Billy. Your body temperature started to rise and your heart started to race.
Earlier, you thought maybe Lucas was just being extra friendly because it had been awhile since you had seen him last but now you realized that he must still be upset because you left the night of your birthday party with Billy and not him.
“Take your hand off of me, Lucas.” You said through gnashed teeth.
His touch made your skin crawl.
“Don’t make a scene, pretty girl. We have to finish the game.” He whispered.
Billy got up from his barstool and started to walk over toward you but not before you planted your left leg and kicked Lucas’s barstool out from under him with your right. He was leaning forward when his stool disappeared from under him so his face smashed against the bar and he landed on the floor clutching his nose, yelling out in pain.
Looking down, you noticed blood dripping from in between his fingers while he weaved a string of profanities as he tried to get the bleeding to stop.
When he looked up at you, his face was flushed with rage as you smiled kindly, clutched your imaginary pearls and in a patronizing voice, asked, “Oh my goodness, Lucas! Are you alright? Did you lose your balance?” Then in a low voice only he could hear, you whispered, “Don’t you fuckin’ touch me ever again. We’re never going to happen so get over it. I’m married to your boss, dipshit. Although, after this I’m guessing he won’t be your boss for much longer.” You said with a devilish smile.
Ginger was trying to cover her mouth so no one would see her laughing but she was doing a terrible job. “Holy shit, where did you learn to do that?!” She asked in a surprised tone.
“My husband taught me.” You said loud enough for Billy to hear.
Billy winked at you, sending delightful shivers up and down your spine. He handed Lucas a bar napkin and growled in his face, “You’re FIRED and don’t you EVER come near my wife again. She knows how to do a lot more than just kick barstools, asshole.”
You heard Maria’s voice behind you, “See Frank, I told you she could take care of herself.”
“Time to go, Lucas. Let’s go.” Said Frank, pulling him to his feet and walking him toward the door and holding him by his shirt.
“I knew he would try somethin’ sooner or later! I hate to say I told ya so buuuuut…” Said Ginger with a wide smile.
Billy took your hand in his and gently brushed your cheek with the other. A look of concern washed over his face as he continued to look you over to make sure you were alright.
“You ok, sweet girl?” He asked.
“I’m fine, baby. I’m fine. You see what I did? Huh?” You asked with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
He let out a little laugh and pulled you flush to him. Billy inhaled sharply and exhaled forcefully; feeling the tension leave his body, you wrapped your arms tightly around his back and you could feel the smirk play across his lips against the top of your head.
“I did and I gotta say it made me a little hard.” He purred as a tremor of pleasure went straight to your core. “All jokes aside, I’m gonna try to make more time for us and for our friends. I know I’ve been really busy lately. I’m so sorry, baby.”
With your body molded against his, your eyes closed in relief as his long slender fingers danced up and down your back. Nothing felt better than being in Billy’s embrace.
“That would really mean a lot to me, my love. I know how hard you work but you deserve to relax and have fun too.” You said, smiling against his chest.
As his gazed raked over you, Billy’s eyes were like pools of dark chocolate, rich and sweet. They were warm, inviting and begging for your forgiveness. He really was sorry. You felt it in the way he held you, the way he looked at you, and as his lips gently pressed against yours, you felt it in the way he kissed you.
“I’ll learn one of these days, sweet girl.” Said Billy as he kissed your forehead.
You replied with a subtle smile, “We have all the time in the world, handsome.”
Ginger interrupted the kiss between you and Billy.
“Well since you took out our teammate, how are we gonna finish the game now?” She asked. “Our TEAM obviously won because you have a ridiculous amount of information stored in that big brain of yours BUT, I need to finish round three against Frank.”
Ginger looked around at the group, wondering if any of you had an idea of how to finish up trivia night.
“Well, I know my beautiful wife has stacks of trivia cards all over the place at home so we could all go there for a couple more drinks, more trivia, and I can properly introduce myself to Jules…” Said Billy, extending his hand for her to shake. “Hi…I’m Billy. I’m y/n’s dumbass husband and she ended up in a bar fight because I was late.”
Jules laughed and started to blush, extended her hand to shake Billy’s, and said, “You’re right, y/n. He really does have a smile that will melt your insides. I don’t know how you can stay mad at him with a smile like that.”
“He definitely has an unfair advantage, that’s for sure.” You replied. “And I did not get into a bar fight, Billy.”
“Hey, he left the bar with a broken nose because of you, did he not?” Said Billy with a wink.
You bit back a smile as you narrowed your eyes at him and shook your head. It really was hard to stay mad at him…you loved him so much.
“Alright then…to the house of Russo! Let’s finish this, Castle!” Exclaimed Ginger.
“Lead the way, Ginger.” Said Frank, ushering her to go ahead of him.
Billy leaned in close and whispered, “Can we do a lightning round and get everyone to go home quicker? I’m still turned on from watching you bash Lucas’s face against the bar.”
A blur of a smile played across your lips as you replied, “OK number one…gravity did that to Lucas’s face, not me, and two…I’ll see what I can do about the lightning round. I love you, Billy.”
He quickly cupped your cheeks and his lips collided with yours. Sweeping your lower lip, Billy’s tongue parted your lips to twist and knot with yours. The taste of vanilla from the bourbon lingered on his tongue as warmth spread across your chest and his hands ran up and down the curves and hollows of your body.
All was forgiven.
Walking together arm in arm, you and Billy headed for home with your friends, talking about your day, and talking about what he missed from trivia night. You weren’t looking at him but you could feel his eyes on you and smell the remnants of his spicy cologne on his jacket. It was all so familiar and comfortable as his body was a warm cradle for yours while you laughed with each other all the way home.
Billy tried his best to learn from his mistakes and he hated to disappoint you because he knows what that feels like. To wait for someone, hoping they’ll show up and they never do. He never wanted to do that to you.
That fear of abandonment was still strong even after all this time, after all of the “I love you’s,” after the forever promises to each other, it was still there. Billy may never get over it but you would always be there for him in whatever way he needed you to be.
The perfection he strived for in your relationship was unattainable, nobody is perfect but it didn’t stop him from trying, learning what not to do, and it was ok to have these teachable moments like tonight. He took it all in and he would be better next time, you had no doubt about that.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen
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Daryl Dixon x fem!reader Word Count: 1k Warnings: Angst, PTSD, comfort Content Description: Daryl comforts reader after they see their abusive ex for the first time in years.
A/N & TW: This is mostly just for me because of what happened to me the other day. Short version - I saw my abusive ex after 5 years and almost had a panic attack.
Long Version (feel free to skip to the story idm): So we have a child together and the other day was meant to be an induction day for the child contact centre. They were running late so our time overlapped with his. We were never meant to meet that day or any day. I turned and saw him and my heart was in my throat from fear and shock. I had to choke back a sob because our son was next to me.
Daryl and I were out on a run in the city where once walkers owned but now it was desolate, overgrown with nature and rotting corpses. Still, it could be worse, I thought, as we made our way to one of the buildings that had medical supplies. The infirmary in Alexandria was getting low so I mentioned a building I know and Daryl was quick to offer his help.
So here we were, walking in near silence. It had me on edge, body tensed for attack. It could also have partly been to the knowledge that, despite 5 years passing since the outbreak began, my ex Ben, who subsequently ruined my life, was last known to live in this area.
I think it was just lingering anxiety from before, but it was so hard to shift and now being here 5 years later, those feelings rushing back. I hadn’t missed that. I never even thought I’d care about it in light of being stalked by the dead.
Subconsciously I was watching out not only for walkers but him too. Stupid as it was, the PTSD he left me with was all too real.
“You all right?” Daryl’s voice broke me out of my trance.
“Sure.” But I sounded anything but and I knew he knew it too. I felt his eyes linger on me for a moment more, probably deciding whether to pry or not.
“I used to date this guy.” I started with a heavy sigh. Me and Daryl had grown quite close over the years, understanding and trusting each other. I felt like I could open up to him about something I’d kept to myself all this time. Up until now there was just no reason to talk about it.
“Yeah?” He stopped walking, turning to frown at me. I heard the curiosity in his voice about where I was going with this and I couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, like 9 years ago. Left me with PTSD. Haven’t seen him in about 5 or 6 years. He used to live in this area. I know I’m being paranoid. I can’t help the anxiety though.” I was scanning around us as I talked, not bearing to see whatever expression was on Daryl’s face.
“He could be dead. And even if he wasn’t, if he was smart he sure as hell wouldn’t stay in the city.” Daryl’s voice was firm but reassuring.
“I know. You’re right. I’m just being silly.” I finally look at him and try to smile.
“The building’s just here right?” He points behind himself and I nod.
We approach the building and go to turn a corner before Daryl pushes me back against a wall and then I hear it, voices.
Daryl turns me to walk around the other side of the building to avoid them.
“Hey!” An unfamiliar voice yells and my hairs stand on end. My body tensed once again for attack as I turned to face the one who called. “Who are you?” He asked.
“We don’t want any trouble.” Daryl held his hands up, crossbow on his shoulder.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Said the one who called again. He was tall and had short finger hair. He was also pointing a rifle at us.
My eyes fell on one of the men near the back and his face mirrored mine, my eyes wide. My heart raced and a lump formed in my throat. I turned my back on the group and fought the tears that stung my eyes, not wanting anyone to see my weakness.
“What’s up with her?” The ginger one asked.
“Nothing. We’ll be on our way then.” Daryl put his hand on my back and pushed me away from them.
“Hang on a minute.” He called as we neared the corner.
“Run.” Daryl whispered before shoving me out of the line of fire and running behind me, I headed for the alley on the other side, hiding behind stairs to a back entrance. I heard gunfire and yelling and footsteps. Daryl appeared around the corner and broke the back door entrance in. We rushed inside and put a thin wood board between the handles to hold them off. Together we ran up the stairs to the nearest room and hid and waited.
Gunfire stopped long ago and the voices faded. My heart was racing so fast and I couldn’t catch my breath.
“Hey.” Daryl put his hand on my shoulder as I collapsed against the wall, sitting and leaning over. That’s when the sobs I’d been holding back wracked my body in waves.
“It’s okay. I think they’re gone. Hey. Look at me, Y/N.” Daryl put his arm around me and gently tried to move my arms from my face.
Eventually I looked up at him, my eyes feeling puffy, my throat sore and dry.
“That was him.” I whispered, trying to steady my breaths.
“Who? Ginger?” He looked up at the door as if expecting them to come barging inside.
“No. He was at the back. He saw me.” My voice shook, his cold, dark eyes boring into me once more and my chest tightened.
“Hey. Seriously. Look at me. Please.” Daryl’s voice became a little less steady as my panic attack came over me again. The room felt too small and too dark and too warm. I clambered to my feet and leaned over on my knees. “Y/N? What is it? How can I help?”
“I need air.” I gasped, clutching a hand to my chest.
Daryl then took it upon himself to stand in front of me, hold my face in his hands and stand me up straight. He looked me in the eyes and I saw so much worry there that it broke my heart.
“Y/N, you’re with me. You’re safe. He won’t hurt you. I won’t let him, okay? Breathe. Deep breaths. Come on, that’s it. Good. You’re doing good.” And then he watched as my breathing steadied, my chest relaxed and the room stopped closing in on me.
“Thank you, Daryl.” I whispered. “I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“Don’t be sorry. I get it. But just know I got you. I always got your back, no matter what.” He gently pulled me into a hug and he stroked my hair. After a moment we pulled away and I smiled at him, wiping my face.
#daryl dixon#twd#the walking dead#daryl twd#daryl dixon imagine#twd daryl#daryl dixon x reader#the walking dead daryl#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon x you#daryl dixon fluff#daryl fanfiction#daryl#daryl dixon twd#daryl dixion imagine#daryl x you#daryl imagines#daryl dixon x female reader#twd daryl dixon#daryl dixion x reader#daryl x y/n#daryl x reader#the walking dead daryl dixon
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