#guys i lost direction in this set so bad lmao
stormberry-12 · 1 year
the pogues/ESPECIALLY JJ would protect innocent!reader SO MUCH. like she could be the youngest or something and they would go back for her (for ex. when they had to leave jb in s3). anyways jj would so definitely say something like, “you’re like their little sister, but you’re MY girl.” yk
my woman ~ jj maybank x reader
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Ahh yes, I totally agree, and I LOVE the innocent!reader and JJ trope>>>
pairing: jj x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: slight language, reader in danger, mega fluff.
notes: lowercase intended, this was made late at night and not rlly edited srry if its bad lmao, not from season 3 but a close concept. :)
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you shifted around and felt the sun on your face as your eyes fluttered open. you were in the twinkie bumping along a winding road, clinging onto jj, who was sitting in his seat, like a koala. or as jay called it, "the front pack", it was like a piggyback but on his front because he always wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.
you shifted your legs around his torso and lifted your head from the crook of his neck.
"hiya, cupcake," he whispered softly, taking one of his arms that was wrapped around you and moving it so he could brush strands of hair from out of your eyes. "good nap?"
you nodded, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and he smiled. you suddenly recalled how you had gotten here and relief washed over you.
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you were running through alleyways on the cut, you felt betrayed. where had the pogues gone? they were there with you five seconds ago and now you were running away from those bloody square groupers alone.
over by the pogues, jj was having a mental breakdown, "where did she go man?"
"damn it!" john b exclaimed."pope, i thought she was behind you when we cut down this way!
"we have to go back for her-" jj houghed.
"i don't know jay..."
"no... no. we have to." he held his hat in one hand and ran the other through his hair in distress.
"he's right, we have to." pope agreed.
"come on man, we finally lost those guys and now you want to follow em?" john b sighed.
"jb you of all people should understand, she's like a little sister to you man! she's still only 16 and this kind of stuff scares the shit out of her, i can't do that to her guys-"
"john b we're going after her," kie pleaded.
"god! we're wasting time, i'm gonna go after her, even if i have to do it by myself!" jj ran off in your last seen direction. john b gave in and followed along with the rest of the pogues, they all knew jj was right, and their group wouldn't survive without you.
as you continued to run, blood pumping through your ears, you looked for the best spot to hide behind, trying to throw them off. you slid behind a large dumpster and listened as the sets of footsteps of the two men ran past you.
you waited a moment, calming your breathing before you moved from behind the bin. you jumped as the footsteps came back in your direction, but instead of those square groupers, it was jj and the pogues.
"y/n!" j sighed in relief scooping you up into his arms. "I'm so sorry, that will never happen again-"
you just stood there too exhausted to complain, your face buried in his chest. john b brought the twinkie around the corner and you all piled in, driving off into the night.
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"you came back for me," you smiled at your boyfriend wrapping your arms around his neck, still facing him on his lap.
"of course," jj said. "you know you're like their little sister, we honestly would fall apart without you... and your my girl."
"your girl?" you giggled.
"my girl, my woman, my soulmate." he repeated smoothly pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes. "you sure you're okay?"
"yeah," you said, leaning into his touch, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "perfect,"
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lilacgaby · 6 days
Barbarian!Katsuki x princess/prince!reader? (Omg I love your stuff)
(a/n: oops this accidentally became like kind of a tangled!au LMAO, i'll write another one and make it actual royals soon)
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katsuki was on yet another adventure, one to slay a dragon and add to his collection of teeth on his necklace.
he treked through the forests, fighting creatures left and right, using his magic and swordsmanship to slice everything in his way in pieces.
day and night he did this.. eventually ending up lost and being too prideful to admit it, even to himself, so he continued in the same direction. while he did not find the dragon's nest he set off for, he found an overgrown tower.
he scoffed at the sight, deciding he'd take refuge in it for the day while he gathered his bearings. he climbed up the vines that led up to the wide, opened window and walked in.
detailed on the walls were gorgeous paintings of every color, knitted blankets and decor scattered the room, and the skylight at the top tied it all together.
'wow, this is so beautiful.' he thought to himself, his tribal outfit standing out against the interior. he noticed a shadow behind him, the owner of this tower? as he turned behind to look-
he was slammed in the face by a frying pan.
he woke up, tied to a bed, his weapon out of reach and his hands to far to set off magic.
"tsk, what do you want from me? face me head on like a ma--"
he was cut off by the sight of you, wearing a causal dress, your eyes glimmering, skin popping thanks to the constrasting color of the dress. you wore expensive jewels he'd never seen before, and gold as if it was nothing. you were.. gorgeous.
you tilted his head upwards with the pan, staying a fair distance away from him. "what.. are you? i've never seen anyone like you." you questioned.
his demeanor changed, slightly mocking as he joked, "you treat all outsiders like this?"
"only ones that break into my home."
"...fair, however, why don't you tell me what you're doing out here all alone? princess."
you looked away as you said, "i.. i was banished from my castle. at least til i get my magic honed, my family are all magical so.. unless i become at least an average wizard i'll never be accepted back."
his eyes widened at this. banished? that was pretty harsh, especially since another alternative was just marrying you off early. "why didn't they just train you?"
"you never answered my questions first."
he looked annoyed, "i don't answer questions without being a free man, im a king and you'll treat me like one."
"you're a royal too?" she sshe rolled her eyes, moving to untie him. "well, king, don't hurt me or.. you'll get bad luck when you die."
he laughed, as she untied him. you were really pretty up close too, he almost wanted to grab your face so he could look you over closely.
almost. you stepped back, eyeing him suspiciously.
"anyways, mr king, you're a.. what do they call it?"
"barbarian right, and don't you guys like these?" out of seemingly nothing, you pulled out tooths, huge ones, varying in size and quality,
all from dragons.
"how did you get those? those are practically impossible to find and you have 8?"
"i have them lying around.. i'll give you them but.. i want something in return."
he sighed, "yeah whatever you want princess, i'll have to earn those anyways so.. give me your best shot."
"i want..
you to take me to your kingdom and teach me magic!"
he deadpanned. he really wanted those teeth so..
"fine, saddle up princess."
you squealed, hugging him and inadvertently making him flush. you jumped around and scrambled to go pack your bag. after you finished, he helped you down the tower. he basically carried the both of you down, you landing on his lap as you fell to the ground, making you laugh.
the journey was long, but it passed by quicker with her company. they laughed together, shared the same cot most nights. he held her during the harsh thunders of the rain and after they'd fought some disfigured looking creatures.
he'd taught you some of his magics as you journeyed along, you were even able to beat some small creatures now. every time you did, he'd celebrate immensely, and once,
you'd kissed him on the lips in excitement and impulse. and he'd kiss back.
he grew fond of you, and you of him.
it was about two months time to get back to the kingdom, you were holding his hand, him close to you as he pushed you behind him, guarding you.
as he presented you to his family and the elders in his language, only one word stood out to you like a sore thumb.
betrothed, is what he referred to you as.
your face lit up with a smile, as he finished up and brought you outside.
you took on the task of setting 7 of the tooth's onto his necklace,
and when he asked about the 8th?
"oh, that's for our wedding day of course."
he turned as red as the ruby on his necklace.
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f1fanatic29 · 1 year
dinner dreams - daniel ricciardo
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daniel ricciardo x f1 driver!reader [3k]
summary: after receiving a delayed invitation to sebastians retirement dinner, strange feelings arise after a run in with the infamous honey badger.
warnings:none, just bad writing lmao
a/n: first time posting on here, please me kind but also would appreciate some feedback. anyways thank you and enjoy
italics---> thoughts or exaggerated words
It wasn't often you got lost. The cool November breeze that wizzed by didn't seem to help with your lack of directions either. You couldn't remember why you decided to leave the warm hotel, thinking foolishly that you would just find your way to the restaurant eventually right? Wrong. On top of that you decided to wear the most uncomfortable thing you could, a green mini cocktail dress and the skinniest heals you've brought. 
Why you'd ever except Mick's delayed  invitation to Seb's retirement dinner , you had no clue why. After just winning your second drivers championship in a row you wouldn't expect to see you getting all dressed up again even after just spending the entire week on a bender with everyone and anyone you even semi liked. The original plans before you received the delayed  invitation was to take a nice long hot bath maybe go and order some sushi on Door dash. But a final dinner with your idol and good friend was something  you knew you just couldn't miss. 
Ah fuck this, 
 as the breeze began to pick up again. About a block away from the hotel you had been staying at for the past couple days a fancy black SUV pulls up next to you with the windows rolled down.
"You don't happen to be Y/N are you?" the driver asked. Your eyebrows furrowed as you debated answering as that question doesn't often lead to good places,"depends on who's asking?"you responded, narrowing your eyes at the mysterious driver he chuckled lightly at your expression. 
"Well I was sent to come pick you up at hotel intercontiential miss, to bring you to the dinner if I've been told correctly?" he responded, you smiled awkwardly and let out a small Oh as you opened the side door and sat down in the back.
"Um I guess you would be correct, but if you don't mind me asking sir, which one of the guys hired you tonight?" you asked curiously as the car began to move down the road.
"Sorry Miss, I was told not to disclose that information to you tonight, he said that you would probably figure it out on your own anyways"
The rest of the drive went by fairly quickly for you, as you  arrived at a hotel after only a couple minutes. The SUV drove up the road a little further as you noticed from the inside of the tinted windows a unique hotel at the top of the hill. It was mostly wooden and stone built it was odd looking compared to the rest of Monaco's modern style but has a welcoming feeling towards it, it definitely was picked by Sebastian. Going underground you assumed you were going into a parking garage as the car came to a stop in front of the underground entry.
"So this is where I leave you" the driver said unlocking the doors as you then climbed out,"I guess it is, thanks again for coming to save me..."you paused wait for him to give you his name, "Clint, and it was my pleasure Y/n, I hope you enjoy your evening"he said as you smiled and gave a quick you too as you closed the doors. 
As the SUV pulled away back up to the street, you turned and made your way inside. The inside was luminated by warm lights and dark accent walls, you made your way to the elevator at the end of the hall. As you got in a small pit of anxiety made its way into your stomach as the elevator moved upwards. You wasn't quite sure why you were suddenly so nervous, you were around these guys more than your own family for christ sake. 
It still confused you on why someone hired a driver to come get pick you up tonight, and why choose for you not to know who did it. Despite it being a kind gesture it bugged you, but you set herself a special mission for the evening, find out who hired the driver.
The elevator let out a ding as the doors opened revealing the main entrance to the hotel and the restaurant that you had finally managed to get to. You stepped out into the hallway first noticing the extremely large Christmas tree an other various Christmas decoration in the restaurant that you had finally found. 
Why the hell are there decorations up already its only the middle of November?
Before you could see him, you could definitely hear him. The boisterous laugh that anyone on the grid could recognize from a mile away. His gaze then lands on you just as he rounds the corner, his already shining smile getting brighter by the second, he picks up his pace and walks straight for you. Her heart beat picks up as she finds herself smiling just as wildly back at the Honey Badger, the one and only.
"About time you got here sweet heart" he said with that iconic Aussie accent, pulling you into a close to bone crushing hug, as you laughed loudly."Danny I think we both know I'm early" it was now him time to laugh as he continued to hold you like his life depended on it.
"I missed you" 
The innocent comment made your cheeks tinge red at the sudden unexpected seriousness from the usually goofy driver. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek as you pulled away from the tight embrace."Missed you too" you said with a warm smile now seeing the slightly surprised and happy look on the drivers face as he clears his throat as he tries to brush the blush off his face
"I gotta go help Max, I'm pretty sure he got lost down in the parking area or something,  I'll be back in a minute love" he says still staring at you but making his way towards the elevator. Just as you starts to turn around he grabs your hand and pulls you back locking his gaze with yours.
"You look beautiful tonight love, incase you didn't already know" he says holding your hand and his eyes rake you body and face carefully.
"Thank you Danny, I can always count on you to bring the fun to the party" you said fixing the collar on his brightly patterned shirt, giving him a cheeky wink. He smiled planting a light kiss on the corner of your mouth, before making his way towards the elevator as you then slowly continued down the hall with a sharp blush on your face. That pit of anxiousness from earlier had been filled with a strange other feeling that rose up to your throat, a weird a feeling you hadn't felt for someone in a long time. And you couldn't help but wonder if that made you excited or terrified, either way it was rather unexpected. 
"Hey Champ, over here!" Lewis called with his arms open wide as you made your way around the corner, picking up the pace you practically jumped into your teammates arm as his silly laugh ringed over in your ear.
"Have any trouble getting here, love?" Lewis snickered
"We're you the one who sent that driver? God Lewis I should've known" you said rolling your eyes with a slight sense of disappointment."No sadly, but I know who did" he said with a snicker as you got pulled into a hug by the main man of the evening.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it tonight. I'm sorry for the late invited, I just guessed you'd have other festivities going on this evening that you'd rather attend." Seb said with his classic gentle smile."Oh Seb, that's non sense there's no other place I'd rather be than here tonight. Thank you for including me, it means a lot". He just gave you a reassuring squeeze on your arm as he was pulled away by Mick to greet more of the incoming drivers. The rest of the grid slowly started to pour into the lobby, as for you, you migrated to George and Alex who were now pestering you on your new two time champion status, aka your lack of arm candy.
"Oh come on Y/N/N, just spill the beans! It's your second world championship and you're telling me you still haven't got a date to the Gala, mate I'm sorry but I don't believe a word." Alex said shaking his head in disbelief. "Mate see the writing on the wall! She's definitely got a date she just to scared to share it because it's probably some unworthy chap! Look she's even blushing Alex!"You just shook her head in response to the two Williams drivers as you hoped they would drop the un-entertaining conversation on your love life. 
Just as you began to zone out again as the two continued to bicker on if you did or didn't have a date yet, a knowing arm slide its way across your shoulder as you instantly knew who had joined the group."Ah sorry to interrupt the harassment but I just wanted to say hi to MY best friend and give HER a hug" Lando says glaring his eyes at Alex and George as the Mclaren driver pulled you into a tight embrace. 
"Hi Little Landi, how are you doing tonight." you said stepping back from the brunette."Not bad, I hope these two muppets haven't been bugging you for too long. They ever get too much just remind them they drive for Williams." he says with a smirk, you burst out laughing just seeing Alex and Georges face drop at the slightest mention of their current teams standing. 
"Ah excuse me Muppet, I'd like a moment to say hi the our two time champion here, you've had your time" Carlos said pulling Lando away and then pulling you into another hug."Wow I guess it's a hugging kinda night,  isn't it Chili" you said hugging the Smooth Operator back letting out a chuckle."Well, it's not every day you see all of us together outside of a race weekend right?" the local Monegasque quipped, pulling you into a side hug. 
"I just wanted to say congrats Y/n, you were amazing this season, really" he said smiling brightly at you. "But I will say, with the new Ferrari upgrades for next season, it won't be so easy" he said with a wink as the rest of the listening drivers groan, you let out a breathy laugh."Yeah yeah Charlie, you keep saying that from my rear view mirror, eh?" 
"So, when are you gonna tell me what is going on between you and Daniel?" Lando whispered into your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Lando, what are you on about mate? Nothings going on with us ok. Maybe we had a small run in earlier that's it" you said trying to cover your blush as the moment earlier with the Aussie earlier replayed your head.
"Well the muppet has been making hearts eyes at you the entire time I've seen him over there with Alonso, so clearly it wasn't nothing to him." He said to her with a raised brow. You glanced up looking towards the Daniel and the Spaniard as you instantly caught his eye. Surprising to you, he didn't look away he just continued to gaze into your eyes with that infamous glowing smile.
Caught you looking, didn't I?
It was a bit of a struggle to get all 20 drivers into the private room on the second floor, as Seb has requested for the evening, but you all managed to figure it out. It was a busy moment to get everyone seated as no one could hear a thing amongst all the chatter going on. You being one of the first sat down choose a seat towards the end of the table, having already been in the middle of enough chaos for the evening you were hoping  for quieter place at the table. But also secretly pray you'd manage to be at least able to see the Aussie from your position. Turns out, you have to be careful what you wish for. 
"Enchante, mademoiselle. Uh is this seat taken?" The Australian said with a terrible mock French  accent. But non the less it making you laugh which was the entire point.
"You know I was just hoping that I would get a calm spot at the table tonight, but I guess not anymore." you said sarcastically with a smirk."Oh shoot sorry, I'll move, you probably don't wanna be hearing anymore of my blabbing, I'll-" you grabbed his hand cutting him off.
"Dan, I was just kidding, I'd love for you to sit with me." You said still holding his hand in your small grasp. He didn't reply he just looked at you in awe?  Sorta gasping like a fish out of water, cute. Snapping out of his trance he clears his throat and sits down next to you as Lando squeezes onto your other side as the rest of the grid begin to settle into their places.
The dinner went by surprisingly smoothly, despite the extraneous time it took for all the drivers to make a decision on what to order. Many different conversations poured out all across the table as there was never a dull moment. Shockingly none being racing related, as an unspoken rule of the night was to talk about anything other than work to each other since they did that enough. But rather talk about each others families, friends, Christmas plans or an other plans during their next couple of months off, it felt strange but oddly very nice. 
As Lando and Charles talked about dates that they could to some possible streaming over the winter break. Yuki, Pierre and Daniel talked about some funny memories from the past couple of season, you sat there quietly just observing the many different conversations across the table, just sorta taking in the moment.
It was strange. That these are the people that you are the most competitive within the world and here they all were sitting talking, having a meal together. The crashes, the battling, the rivalries, all left out on the track. It made you smile, the thought that all these amazing people were able to share this one in a life time dinner and that this would be the last time you'd ever be with the same 20 people, ever again.
"Hey, you doing ok? You kinda just zoned out there." Daniel asked with a worried gaze."Yeah I'm good, just taking a break from the small talk." you replied almost nervously, taking a look back around the table seeing only smiles all around.
"Do you wanna come get some air with me, it's gotten pretty hot in here." Daniel said sitting up extending his hand out to you. You nodded in response getting up from your seat, yet no one noticing the departure of you two as you walked away from the table quietly.
Walking out onto the balcony, it felt warmer than it did previously in the night. The couple flutes of champagne must have been acting as you jacket for the evening as you could being to feel a small blush on her cheeks arise from the alcohol, or maybe for other reasons. Noticing that you and Daniel were still holding hands, you pretended not to notice as you looked out at the Harbour as the moon reflected off the water. Strange nervousness washing over you. It was weird you had never felt the slightest bit nervous around Danny despite all the years you had known each other. A small shiver running down your body.
"Here love, take my jacket."He had it off his back and onto yours before you could ever protest, you let out a small thank you as you both lean on the railing, admiring the view.
"Hey I totally forgot to ask, did you get here ok? Hopefully had no problems?" Danny said with a smirk as he leaned closer to you. Pulling away slightly looking at the satisfied look on his face, you try your hardest not to start smiling at him as hard as you wanted to.
"You're such an asshole" you say halt heartedly as you punch his arm, he starts to double over laughing, his contagious laugh making you laugh as well. The two of you giggle for quite some time before finally calming down as you wiped the stray tears from your eyes.
"Why?" you asked still trying to suppress your giggles from earlier, a few slipping out."Why what?" he asked with the proud smile still on his face."Why did you hire the driver Danny?", facing your body towards him.
"Well I first kinda guess that Mick would forget to  send you the address. Second I knew if I came to pick you up, which was my initial plan, I would've torn that dress right off you in the lobby." 
You weren't quite sure how long you remained silent for, trying to process what he just said, or even trying to tell if you were dreaming or not. The feeling in your stomach that you had been feeling all night, just grew right into your heart and felt more like a bursting flame overcoming your entire body. Yet you were frozen, the man you had found attractive for years now that you had assumed was totally out of your league just said that to your face. You had no idea how to respond.
"Ah fuck I totally fucked this up didn't I? Ah God, nice going Riccardo you bloody-" your lips were on his in milliseconds cutting him right off. You didn't even think, your body just moving on instinct. 
Finally regaining his senses he began to kiss you back with just as much intensity. Pulling you snug against his chest by your waist, tilting your head to the side by your chin trying to deepen the kiss even further if possible. Grasping at the curls on the back of his head trying to keep your balance on your unsteady heals, he let out a small groan. You both pull away as your body finally had run out of oxygen. Resting both your heads on each others as you stare into each others eyes with wild smiles, panting as you both shake with excitement and passion.
"Well, its about time you kissed me" he said with that cheeky grin.
"Had to find some way to shut you up" His boisterous laugh filling the otherwise quiet November night. The regret of excepting the delayed  invitation from earlier, no where found in your mind.
I will probably be doing some other fics for other drivers on here as well soon, so stay tuned for that. thank you for reading, please lmk if you have any feedback or suggestions!
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fleetinginfinities · 9 months
first ever of these but … the bachelors and my random headcanons/quotes/song lyrics/slices of whatever that fit them 🫶 apologies it doesn’t include everyone, these guys are my favorites and I’m having trouble channeling the others lmao
- drums his fingers/knuckles on tables, his legs, any surface when he’s anxious or impatient or excited or anticipating something. which, he’s always feeling at least one of the above…so
- his fingers. that’s all
- plays footsie under the table but not in a weird way, in more of a “I literally need to be touching you at all times to ground myself to this present moment and be happy” way
- loves full body contact — huuuge tight hugs, rolling on top of you in bed, pulling you into his chest from behind
- mumbles in his sleep and tosses and turns, constantly reaching for you and pulling you close
- blushes a lot. his cheeks turn the most beautiful peachy color
- talks at the speed of light as his default setting
- speeds when he drives, speeds when he walks, just Does Everything Quickly and with much energy
- is somehow both a morning person and a night owl most of the time
- but when he’s lazy or tired, there’s never been anyone lazier or sleepier
- always answers phone calls on speaker mode
- is unaware of his strength when showing affection sometimes, like an oversized dog
- prominent arm veins. enough said.
- makes you feel so alive. present. his energy is contagious
- there’s not a soul he can’t make friends with
- would absolutely love early/mid 2000s pop punk
- blindingly sunny smile
- beautiful, soft golden hair that he wears messy and literally sticks out every direction but in the hottest way ever
- he’s like the summer solstice. an everlasting day that’s sweet and warm and full of life but also peace. Sam, in all of his chaos, is your peace
- “i’m so in love that I might stop breathing”
- doesn’t ever hold a grudge
- smells like lavender and lemon. no I won’t be taking any feedback with this one
- big fan of flowers
- like, it’s not uncommon for him to show up with a hand-picked bouquet for you he collected on the way over
- could’ve worked in a bakery instead of joja mart and would’ve been much happier. sweet cinnamon roll boy
- is actually the heartthrob of the town
- as sweet and pure as he is, he also has a rebellious side and is often trying to sneak you in his room and toe the line of authority whenever he can
- is quite adventurous and doesn’t really have an ego if he’s bad at things or much fear in general. the results are constant entertainment and occasional catastrophes.
- “I dream about you every night now. It’s really quite beautiful”
- is actually strong and built and muscular (totally looks like a red headed Thor in my brain)
- but touches and holds you so gently that it makes you want to cry
- extremely strong jawline
- gives that aloof kind of mysteriousness and quiet confidence that is magnetizing to literally everyone
- doesn’t have a toxically masculine bone in his body
- will talk to you for hours about philosophy, literature, films, art, the meaning of life, etc etc etc
- traces his fingers on your bare skin, lost in thought
- has the most mesmerizing, starry eyes
- being around him makes you feel like you’re living in a dream. everything feels ethereal and hazy
- if Sam is the summer solstice, Elliott is like the peak of autumn, when all of the leaves are at their most colorful and bright just before they fall, and you feel like he’s both the beginning and the ending of something all at once
- as a matter of fact: “is this the end of all the endings?”
- “you showed me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else. you taught me a secret language I can’t speak with anyone else”
- loving him is the most intense, passionate experience of your life
- he would a b s o l u t e l y be the one that got away if you split up
- big fan of candles and crackling log fireplaces
- really enjoys a good row in his boat in the cool, dewy mornings and his back muscles show it
- his emotional intelligence is unmatched. you’ll never meet a more well-adjusted man
- romanticizes life in only the way a writer can
- isn’t just all depth and somber. also isn’t all pizazz and flamboyance. actually has a great sense of humor as a secret third thing
- despite how much he closes himself off at first, you feel an instant connection with him. you just understand him innately. and you feel like he gets you, too
- downplays how smart he really is
- genuinely loves to let everyone else shine. loves that Sam commands all the attention in the room. loves watching others praise you.
- is never competitive with anyone else and absolutely loves when the people around him win. the most supportive person ever
- really has a soft spot for animals
- incredibly intuitive. can read your mind like a book and anticipate your needs
- if he loves you, there is not another person on earth that would ever catch his attention or temptation. 1000% the most loyal boy
- “he looks up grinning like a devil”
- motorcycle rides in the city late at night when it’s raining
- sometimes doing something reckless is the only way that makes him feel alive
- in other words, he’s a closet adrenaline junkie
- can absolutely rival Elliott in terms of being the most romantic with his words sometimes — though it’s few and far between, he will never stop telling you that you’re the first person that he ever did, well, basically *anything* with and how special you are to him and how you’re his one and only
- it takes a special person to command his attention, he has always had fleeting attractions but he has never felt for anyone what he feels for you
- is absolutely a great person to go to with any problem. he has a clear and straightforward answer or solution
- is the number one person you want to be around if you just want someone genuinely uplifting to spend time with
- *always* notices physical changes and gives fantastic compliments
- is absolutely the dude who keeps his friend group together well into adulthood and middle age and beyond. he’s the one planning beach days, weekend recreational sports and activities, cooking out or tailgating on game days, inviting you for a bite to eat at the saloon if he hasn’t seen you in awhile, etc.
- genuinely loves a good romance or romcom as much as he loves the newest action movie
- fantastic with kids
- is very committed to you from the start
- will go to great lengths to maintain a happy and healthy and successful relationship. it’s the athlete determination in him
- has quite good taste in aesthetics. definitely has an opinion about fashion, home decor, etc
- has perfect teeth and a beautiful complexion in my mind
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 2 years
Greedy Thoughts
-3591 words (longest yet)
-Hope you enjoyed this, I know the ending was a little cheesy, but I really tried and hopefully the next chapter will be more engaging and less sloppy. 
-I wanted to give a shoutout to @revenants-queen26 and @deadbydaylightaddict because these two were the ones to encourage me with writing more about a prompt that I didn’t even completely like at first. Thanks for the support, guys! :D
-Lmao I’m srry I forgot to @ you guys in the beginning, I guess I just wanted to get this post out there ;D 
You landed on the ground with a thud. The sun bore down on you, making you perspire already. You looked to your left and there sat a supply bin, so you quickly ran over, opening it up. Just what you needed, a Prowler and shield cells. There was also a blue evo, which you greedily snatched. Good start to the game.
“Energy ammo here.” Octane said, pinging the small green box. He was outside of a house nearby looting a supply bin as well. You were only a few feet away.
“I need that.” Revenant growled, quickly appearing from the roof and jumping down. Upon impact, the ground rumbled a little as he grabbed at the ammo. “Don’t expect me to thank you.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, demonio-” Octane muttered under his breath but quickly stopped when he saw Revenant’s pure look of disgust on his face.
“How much time have you been spending with that bitch Loba?” he growled, taking a menacing step in the now worried-looking Legend’s direction. It seemed as if he hadn’t let go of what the kid had done to you the night before yet. Octane threw his hands up in an apologetic manner.
“Ay chico, sorry! Just a slip of the tongue!” he cried out. Revenant just snorted furiously before turning around and walking off in the direction of the nearest point of interest. Gunshots could be heard from that area, echoing off the rolling green hills of Olympus. How was he already done looting? 
Not wanting to get on his bad side, even though you weren’t sure if you already had from the second collision this morning, you briskly jogged after him. The loot wasn’t worth him having a grudge on you all game. You decided to walk in his shadow, making sure to keep a little distance as to avoid any more accidents. You stared at the back of his head; the sudden urge to walk beside him hit you like a wave. For some internal reason, you wanted to see his face so badly, and you didn’t even know why. Suddenly, you felt needy and began to crave for his attention. What if you just touched him ever so slightly…
You shook your head, no, of course not. What was wrong with you? Behind you, you heard Octane blurt out, “But I want to loot!” When neither of his teammates stopped, however, he just sighed loudly and followed a distance behind.
There were people in the tall skyscraper in front of you, you were sure of it. Not only were there extremely loud footsteps, but there were also the occasional rounds of gunshots before quietness filled the space once more. Octane was quickly sneaking around the building, grabbing loot as he went. You briskly followed after Revenant, who was deathly quiet and heading for the open set of doors located at the front of the building. He obviously didn’t approve of his other teammate wandering off, but he seemed content enough having you as back up. Or a shield. You quickly gulped down your worries. No, he wouldn’t do that to you, would he? He paused, and you had to quickly stop yourself before you ran into him again. ‘Head in the game’ you told yourself. ‘this isn’t the time to get lost in thought.’
A few seconds passed and he didn’t move. What was he doing? But just as you had begun to open your mouth, gunshots rang from a few floors up, and Revenant burst into the lobby area. You followed in a flurry behind him as he began marching up the stairs. You realized the other teams were engaged in battle at the moment, so they most likely wouldn’t hear the third party. Smart. Octane was still wandering around outside, though, which made you frown.
By the time you two had made it to the second floor, you were struggling to get past all the deathboxes, which littered the ground. It began to stink of blood and sweat, making you slightly nauseous. Nothing you hadn’t experienced before, though. “What a massacre..” Revenant muttered, taking it all in with his LEDs. “I love it.” His words sent chills down your spine, making you feel both uncomfortable and safe at the same time. Was that possible?
You guys were definitely closer to the fighting now; the ceiling was shaking from pounding footsteps and things being thrown around, and the lights were rattling and flickering on and off. Shouts were heard as well, making you nervous. “Crouch and be silent.” Revenant suddenly demanded as he fell to the ground and continued up the stairs, now crawling. You obeyed, staying quiet and copying likewise. He reached the top of the stairwell, slowly inching his head up to peer into the next floor. The fighting was near, but still slightly muffled, and you didn’t know what to expect next. Was someone going to blow his head off? You held your breath, but when he indicated to continue, you exhaled with relief and continued after him.
You emerged on the third floor and gasped ever so slightly at what you saw. There were deathboxes everywhere. Blood stains coated the walls, half-destroyed defenses were left to waste. Everything stank like death and destruction. The fighting was still happening, but it was all down a different side hallway that you noticed a little ways down the corridor. There was a miniature gap in the wall that led down an even smaller corridor before reaching a pair of doors. You tilted your head and were able to make out blurred movements through the humidified glass. You watched as Revenant carefully stepped over a deathbox, huddling up against the edge of the wall that led down the corridor and to those same doors.
Suddenly, the doors bursted open, and you were expecting the worst, but no one emerged. Instead, the fighting just became louder. You gasped, hurrying to get over to where Revenant was, but stumbled over the deathbox obstructing your path. You fell forward, landing right in front of the view of the doors. You watched as someone darted across from behind the doors as Mad Maggie followed, her Havoc spitting in their direction. 
She cursed, looking in your direction. At first she hadn’t recognized you as human, probably assuming you were a deathbox, and looked away. But after a shocked double-take, she growled, pointing her gun at your head. You yelped as everything happened at once. Hands pulled you back as shots were taken, and you watched as they embroided the rug where you had just been. It took you a second to realize where you were, but as you looked down, your face grew hot. A metal claw held your side, keeping you pressed up against the simulacrum’s body. His legs stretched out on either side of you, indicating he was now in a sitting position. 
His other hand produced his tactical, which you watched him chuck at the door. You heard Mad Maggie screech as it hit her, and the doors abruptly shut as the fighting continued. After a second, Revenant growled down at you. “You need to be more careful skinsuit, or you’re going to end up like all the others.” He indicated at the deathboxes surrounding you both, and you gulped deeply.
There was a moment of silence. You felt his artificial lungs and heart as they did their work, pumping things through his body to keep him going. The temptation was becoming too overwhelming. You looked up. He was staring right back down at you, his LEDs wavering slightly. Seconds, which felt like minutes, passed by as you stared into each other's eyes, and it felt as if time itself seemed to slow and come to a halt. You felt the beating of his heart speed up slightly, and you couldn’t help but blush a little. 
You felt his metallic fingers run across your cheek as he gently stroked. Yes, that was what you had been longing for. You sighed into his fingers, closing your eyes and resting your head on his chest. He cupped the side of your face, his claws drawing circles near your hairline. He was enjoying himself as much as you were. His rubbing pace sped up and then slowed again, then repeated. He was playing with you. You purred ever so slightly, causing him to pause before continuing, this time his claws pressing harder into your skin, but not so hard to where it hurt. 
You twitched. He reacted by beginning to toy a little with your hair with his free hand. Wrapping your strands around his finger and then unwinding them before repeating. After a few moments of this, he began itching your scalp with his long, sharp fingers. He was overstimulating you mentally and physically, and, to your embarrassment, you let a little moan escape your mouth, to which he responded with eagerness to continue pleasing you. So relaxing-
“Amigos! I found you!” Octane shouted out as he emerged from the stairwell. You jumped and Revenant quickly withdrew his hands. You snapped back to reality as Revenant began growling angrily, and you realized that you no longer heard gunshots. In fact, it had been almost completely quiet for awhile now that you had thought about it. 
“You idiot!” Revenant whisper-yelled, but it was too late. The door to your right burst open, and out emerged a team. Revenant was up in a second, both throwing his recharged tactical at the enemies and shoving you back with his free hand. His silencer caught them off guard, giving him time to pull out his gun. Within a second, shots began to fire.
Yelping, you darted past Octane and down the stairs as he rushed in to assist Revenant in battle. You felt bad for not helping, but then again, what were you going to do at the moment? You had to regain yourself. And plus, Revenant had pushed you back, wasn’t that a sign to get the hell out of there? You tucked yourself away in a corner, pulling out your gun. You had to get the battle down here, where there was more room to fight.
As if your request was answered, Octane suddenly retreated, pulling out a shield cell and charging himself with it. “Octane!” you called out. He looked over at you. Good, you had his attention. “Go up behind the team and try getting them down a level.” He cocked his head in obvious confusion but shrugged.
“We have nothing else to lose chica, so sure.” he said, stimming and running past you. He was smart; he was going to use the zipline, which would bring him up behind the enemies. Revenant appeared after a moment, using a Phoenix kit and cursing. Gibraltar stumbled down the stairs after him, shield in hand, but you had the advantage since he hadn’t seen you yet. Aiming, you sprayed your Prowler, catching his side completely and downing him.
“That’s one.” Revenant growled out. Was that approval you heard in his voice? Or pride? Nonetheless, the enemy team abruptly spilled out the stairwell. Horizon used her tactical to fly off the side of the balcony, which opened up on the floor, with both Gibraltar, herself and-
You felt chills run down your spine as Ash turned back for a split second to lock eyes with you. Her LEDs bore holes into your eyes, making you squirm on the spot. But in a moment, they were gone, and you were able to breathe slightly normal again. Revenant must have not noticed, because he set up his totem, saying, “C’mon.” without a further word and chasing after the escaping team, his body now morphed with black smoke. Octane sprinted down the stairs a second later, drawing your attention to his glowing green body. He had definitely loaded up on stim.
“Sorry it took so long, chica, I had to grab a better shield from one of those deathboxes.” he said, winking. “Couldn’t pass that offer.” You rolled your eyes as he touched the totem, sprinting after Revenant with the same haunting look the ultimate had given to both of your teammates. Gunshots could be heard below, and you sighed, standing up on wobbly legs. You slowly made your way over to the totem, but a whooshing sound interrupted your walking, making you turn around. 
Before you could even process what was happening, you had been pinned to the ground by Ash, who smirked at your now-panicked expression. Her metal legs pinned down yours, and her sword was pressed menacingly against your neck. She quickly whacked your gun out of your hands, which were both free but couldn’t do anything to save you at this moment. “Ah, it seems the prey has finally been captured by the predator.” she said in a prideful voice, despite her monotone expression.
“What do you want from me?” you muttered through semi-clenched teeth. You tried to sound menacing, but you still believed the simulacrum could sense your inner fear. Her expression had been proud, but it quickly contorted into annoyance.
“What do I want from you?” she scorned down at you, her LEDs quivering angrily. “I want you to stay away from that murderbot you seem so attached to.” So it was about Revenant! Why though? Did she secretly like him or something? You obviously didn’t want to interfere with that. But as you thought to yourself, did you really? Or did you want Revenant for yourself?
“But I-” you tried to explain, but Ash just pressed the blade down harder, producing a line of pain that burned your neck. You had to be bleeding.
“No ‘buts’, I’m giving you a heeding before I really do make you wish you had never even spoken to that simulacrum.” she spat. “As for now, I will punish you. A quick and painless death is far less than what you deserve, but since I’m in a merciful mood, I’ll do you this favor.” Her eyes glowed with fire it seemed as she spoke, and you just prayed that if she was going to do it, it would just be over quickly. “Now, hold still.”
She stood up, and even though she had told you otherwise, you tried to scramble towards your gun. It was no use though. She pressed her rod for a foot onto your chest with surprising force, pushing you back onto the ground and knocking the air out of you. You grimaced on impact as something internally snapped and produced a load of pain. As she aimed her blade for your neck, you just closed your eyes in defeat. It wasn’t worth watching anyways. On the plus side, at least once you died, you would be able to rest for the remainder of the day…in the infirmary where they would take care of your once-decapitated form. You frowned, but thus was the life of a Legend.
A moment passed, and then there was a grunt and a loud thud that shook the floor beneath you. Your eyes flew open as the pressure on your chest was suddenly removed. You quickly sat up, hunching over slightly and holding your neck, which was not bleeding fatally but was still wounded. Revenant was in front of you, looming over Ash’s crumpled state on the floor. You had zoned out slightly, so you took a moment to regain yourself before catching what he was saying to her. “-and if you ever touch her again, you’re gonna wish you were never given a second chance at life.” you heard Revenant say before grabbing her and throwing her into the wall to his right. She hit it with a thud, and as she slid to the floor, some of the wall’s plaster came off with her.
You winced; wasn’t that a little harsh? But then again, she had just threatened you with death. You watched as Revenant grabbed his gun, aiming it at her head. You didn’t want to watch, but you couldn’t help but notice as Ash lifted her head to look at you, her LEDs boring into your soul. It was such a look filled with loathing and maliciousness that you had to look away. The echo of the gunshot filled the room as Revenant finished her, and the sound of her deathbox hitting the floor made you shiver.
A few seconds of silence passed, but you broke it with your sudden coughing fit. Blood dribbled from your mouth; great, now you were internally bleeding somehow. You listened as Revenant walked over briskly, kneeling down in front of you. His frame was humongous compared to yours, but he still somehow managed to get his face inches from yours. He quickly scanned over you before muttering, “I’ll kill her over and over again for this.”
Your breathing became slightly labored; she probably broke a rib or two. However, you thought back to what she had said to you, how she wanted you to stay away from Revenant. Doing what she did definitely didn’t tilt her scales in his favor, and plus, you didn’t even know if he liked Ash to begin with. Then again, you weren’t all up in the daily gossip and reports about the Apex Legends, so you wouldn’t know.
You two stayed there hunched over on the floor for what seemed like an hour before Revenant stood up. “I know it hurts but the ring is closing and I have to get this idiot back in the game before it’s too late.” Revenant said in a quiet voice, growling at the end. You noticed the little banner icon poking out of his hand, which he stuffed somewhere behind him.
You attempted to stand, but the pain in your side swelled up and shocked you, sending you back to the floor as you cried out. Revenant stared down at you, and you couldn’t tell if he was worried or disappointed. Nevertheless, you didn’t care to check. The pain was slowly making its way around your middle section, affecting everything it touched.
You groaned, waving at the simulacrum. “Go.” you muttered, gripping your side. “I-I can’t walk.” You knew the consequences of staying. You would burn to a crisp outside the ring, but you didn’t care. The suicide sounded better than the suffering you were currently going through. At this point, it felt like your broken rib was stabbing one of your lungs or something, which it probably was. Now that the adrenaline had just about worn off, all the pain was hitting you at once.
Revenant didn’t say anything for a few seconds, he just seemed to be thinking. But after a moment he leaned down towards you. You were confused until his arms gently wrapped around you, picking you up. You hissed in pain as your side bopped his chest, but otherwise his hold on you was semi-comfortable. He was practically cradling you, one hand holding your shoulder and balancing you, the other gripping your, well, butt. You felt your cheeks flush a little at this thought, but the pain washed over you, making your face pale again.
When he didn’t move, you looked up at him. He was staring at you, like he had been the night before, a mix of emotions filtering through his LEDs. As much as you would’ve loved this any other time, the pain was continuing to increase, and you broke eye contact as your side throbbed once more. Without a sound, Revenant began down the flight of stairs, careful not to let you move in case the pain would increase. Out the doors of the building he went, leaving the closing ring behind, leaving the massacre behind, leaving their soon-to-be worst rival behind, where she would sit dead until after the game.
Despite the burden you had now become, Revenant had to completely control himself from acting out. He was so tempted to thrust his face into yours, to smell you, your contents, and to hear you. Just the sound of your heartbeat picking up from earlier gave him chills. And your ass, oh, how he wanted to squeeze it and make you react, just to get a noise from you. The way you had moaned earlier, he had replayed it over and over in his head. He wanted more of it. In fact, he wanted to hear all of it. 
He could see it now, you underneath him, begging for mercy as he drove into you like a mad man deprived of sex. Oh, how he wanted to feel what it was like to be inside of you. Having your walls close around his length gave him sheer delight at the prospect. It was a goal, a want, a need. He wanted all of his senses filled only by you. Oh, how he craved you. 
But he snapped out of his thoughts as you whimpered a little in his arms. He looked down to see you sleeping fervently, and it seemed as if you were in a nightmare, as you scowled and grabbed at his arm in your sleep. He nudged your head slightly with his, and if that had been the remedy to it all, you un-tensed and continued sleeping peacefully. How silly it was, the most deadliest and malicious Legend in the entire of the games carrying a vulnerable little sheep like you. He was the wolf, and instead of devouring you, he would claim you as his own. 
No matter what, he would make you his.
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
KARMIE BELOVED hear me out. ada minecraft server.
kyouka keeps taming animals (no one can bear to hit her. what if the dogs get mad at them. what if they have thorns armor. WHAT IF IT MAKES HER SAD.) and she is simply accompanied by a pack at all times
atsushi is still learning how to play and he builds these ugly-ass houses like we all did starting out but hes so proud of them (as he should be)
i was torn on dazai but i think it would be funny is hes so so bad at minecraft. he keeps walking off of inclines and dying bc he doesn't pay attention to his healthbar. he insists hes just playing on a higher level (hes actually rlly good at pvp and uses that for shenanigans but general play? he sucks so bad)
alternatively i think kunikida should be really good when he does play bc it would annoy dazai so much. i think he builds really nice houses and insists the game is just math but doesn't even play that often bc too much time gaming is unhealthy (it infuriates dazai that hes so competent despite barely playing)
i think ranpo plays exclusively for the chaos. he and dazai are a terrible combination (for everyone else) but also extremely funny. also i think he breaks minecraft in insane ways for fun when he gets bored and its a tossup whether the rest of the server suffers or benefits bc of it
tbh i think yosano should go feral in minecraft? like i think she should steal good gear from whoever has it and go kill to her heart's content. u cannot tell me she doesnt have insane amounts of repressed fury i think she should relieve that stress by going on adventures where she kills whatever she finds. yosano should 1v1 the warden powered by sheer spite i think
i think fukuzawa would not really understand minecraft?? but he gets on the server sometimes to spend time with the other members and has a minecraft cat that follows him everywhere (it took so many fish to tame. he worked so fucking hard for that ok)
OH MY GOD KENJI. I FORGOT HIM. THE BOY. i think hes so excited to play with everyone :) he can't build but he collects animals like kyouka and also provides the majority of the food for the other server members. hes like me fr just out here making massive farms of food and also collecting soo many farm animals in pens (he insists on not overcrowding the animal pens)
anyway i will end this by saying rip tanizaki hes the only remotely normal player on this fucking minecraft server
HI PAT!!! and yes yes yes to all of this
kyouka as an animal hoarder tamer is so cute and so real. kenji definitely does this too and yeah he'd totally make Massive farms. ranpo tells him he could make automated ones with redstone and he finds that amazing but also much rathers to just do it himself. they have huge buildings dedicated just to the animals they've collected and basically every name tag someone finds goes towards naming them all.
atsushi would 100% start out building the ugliest houses fr...all the dirt 4x4s and then the wooden box houses. he gradually gets better until hes a pretty decent builder. i feel like he'd also be the type to just get utterly lost in the game lol both in terms of directions (but he always writes down his coordinates) but also like he'd look up at the clock and realize he's spent 3 hours mining.
dazai being an utter disaster at the game is so funny to me. he's not allowed to go mining by himself because he will just die in a random cave and lose everything (also not allowed in the nether for similar reasons). he would be the type to purposefully hit a zombie pigmen just to make his fellow players lives worse lmao. the first thing someone gives him on the server is feather falling boots because he keeps walking off tall places (half the time on purpose the other half are complete accidents) it just makes him walk off things more but at least he's dying less because of it. he's an expert at setting up in game pranks though (usually on kunikida, the poor guy)
kunikida being great at minecraft is so near and dear to me now. i feel like he played the game a lot as a kid because lets be honest, its perfect for him but then kinda fell out of playing it as he got older. and then one of his students from when he was an assistant teacher reminded him of it and he got back into it. he definitely plays for like a couple a week to destress on his own private world where he has the most insane builds. he also is totally a resource gatherer/hoarder too, he's always giving the others supplies (though giving is a strong word, half of them just steal from him).
ranpo is also a disaster in minecraft i feel. he could build insane things but he doesn't have the patience for it honestly. same with redstone stuff, like he gets it but he doesn't usually take the time to do it. he's absolutely awful at pvp though and he gets lost ALL the time. he is the perfect person to go to when trying to find a special area or material, he always knows what someone needs. i also feel like he'd like potion making, idk why. he also really enjoys insane mod packs (though he makes other people install them for him)
yosano would totally be an insane pvp'er. she enjoys the other aspects of the game too but she gets the most enjoyment spending her nights beating mobs. she's not much of a builder but she does like to spend some time decorating the inside of ppl's bases. she's the kind of player to set off withers to defeat on her own for fun. she also plays bedwars lol and is a beast at it.
fukuzawa definitely has just a nice little house with like 5 cats in it. he logged on the first day of the server and then maybe like 3 times since but its okay. and absolutely no one is allowed to touch his house, under threat of ranpo's chaos lol. also no one really wants to destroy the presidents house, it just feels wrong.
tanizaki is just a fairly well-rounded player, like his builds aren't amazing but they're nice, he's decent at combat, he likes resource gathering etc. i feel like he and naomi have like several worlds of their own that they've kept up with for years at this point, with just like sprawling cities worth of builds. his favorite things to do in the game are probably just going on long journeys to find new biomes and fishing lol
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quietbluejay · 21 days
Fulgrim 5
Craftworld time the description is actually pretty decent I'm just burning out on McNeill Prose (tm)
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FINALLY I GET DECENT ELDAR CLOTHING DESCRIPTION!!!! so yeah Eldrad's been getting visions of something just as bad as the Fall coming okay so they got the path system set up as per this book
also we have a time measure
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"centuries" which doesn't sound like a huge indicator but when dealing with 40ks timespan it actually is then again why am i looking for consistency in the timeline in this of all novels why do i bother also, eldrad is like the only adult in this entire novel im praying he stays that way
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he sees the doom of humanity and is basically Big Pensive Emoji
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it's also funny in a way that the bits of 40k with the most hope in them have been from the Eldar POV (I'm thinking about Valedor and yeah I know this is doomed here but, it's still here!) he gets a vision of Horus though he's not able to recognize him finally he's able to get the word "Warmaster"
well, the diasporex didn't go out without a fight only 1 ship in the entire dual fleet didn't take any damage
huh i'm surprised they actually left the humans alive, just sent them off to be slave labour and yes it actually used the term
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har har har if you're not familiar it's almost a direct quotation from Paradise Lost
Julius is thinking about philosophy again, after training
also im like i'm pretty sure McNeill's got a decent education in the classics (HELLO IRENAEUS MENTION) also this whole thing with Blayke, the way it's talked about but I guess that doesn't actually mean you can write OH SAUL POV MCNEILL DO NOT BLOW THIS
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take a shot every time the word "perfect" is used in this novel i was about to say Get Thee To A Thesaurus then I remembered what McNeill is like when he gets thesaurus access… we get a little bit of a summary of what went down on Murder with the EC for those who didn't read the earlier book or just forgot what happened lol
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tfw you are a dance kid hanging out with the basketball team
but also...to steal a quote from a friend of mine, maybe you wouldn't be so exhausted if you had actual strategy
no literally it is exactly the reason why they got exhausted iirc saul was like the only one who came up with decent tactics unfortunately his commander is eidolon
like textually! it's why the luna wolves yelled at eidolon for all his faults Abnett is probably the best of these writers with respect to verisimiltude in military tactics
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first off, the nose ISNT BONE ITS CARTILAGE more and more i am beginning to think that mcneill doesn't know a single thing about the human body unless…are astartes supposed to have the cartilage in their noses replaced with bone??? also it's really easy to fix a broken nose on a normal person just unpleasant (re-break and set properly) also what lesson in humility like dude that's not what he learned from it....
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when fulgrim does it, it's genuis when eidolon does it, it's stupid also lmao eidolon tells the story and saul is o_0 because he's twisting the facts so much lucius: hmph loken didn't beat me saul:…you were flat on your back lucius: it doesn't count!
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lucius, my dude
Solomon comes over because he saw Saul's face when Eidolon was telling the story
he really wants the tea here solomon: you know, i know, the serfs know that eidolon's a blowhard lucius: gasp also lucius don't you hate eidolon, shouldn't this be like a "secretly delighted gasp"
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you guys are having this conversation and confrontation in front of literally everyone they're doing this at the dinner table sadly lucius was infected with the childishness virus solomon already was so that's nothing new you know what, i'd want to punch Solomon too, Lucius manages to resist and then goes off to hang out with Eidolon, who is uhhhh canonically his rival
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learn what also man, Saul, that's your friend, I know he's kind of a dick but still okay we will not be doing war crimes today, they found a beautiful planet with no intelligent life solomon thinks sadly about how the imperium is going to destroy this beautiful world and convert it to industry and this is just as obnoxious as the DO YOU GET IT THEYRE FASCISTS so I will spare you
back to Ostian and everrything is small c chaos with the remembrancers getting ready to do Becky's opera he hasn't seen Serena in weeks either
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if you haven't read any of it, how do you know it's bad?
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begone coomer
ostian remembers how he got jumpscared by fulgrim recently
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silver and copper? tsk you'd think someone like fulgrim would know not to mix metals also red and purple shot silk with silver is also a Choice anyways fulgrim can carve but he can't bring it to life like ostian so he wants ostian's help
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fulgrim eventually gets him to try and be honest
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ostian: the perfect is the enemy of the good fulgrim: and i took that personally
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y-yearning? ok ostian figures out that fulgrim didn't actually want constructive criticism, he wanted validation we've all met that guy, I think heck, I've been "that guy". sometimes after asking for concrit I've realized that what I actually just wanted was validation and gone off and sulked a bit lol but Fulgrim here is....
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gifted kid syndrome i know the feeling but how old are you again?? anyways i do find that the bits that dig into art and the artists are some of the most emotionally true parts of this novel if a bit er over the top in a way that sometimes obscures it oh lucius wants to talk to Ostian Ostian: I know who you are Lucius: :D
lucius just wants ostian to show him to serena so she can paint him lol
so i guess fulgrim is like me fr except that, you know, i decided even if it was visible it wasn't enough of a disaster for me to need to redo it, and I was happy with it anyways, and I'd be more careful with how much floss I cut next time i do think a lot of it can be traced back to the gifted kid syndrome but it doesn't explain everything? because fulgrim's been into art for what two hundred odd years
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Fabius has become the less cool version of Doc Ock um guys perhaps you should have sorted this out before eidolon was lying naked on your operating table?? eidolon doesn't want alien stuff in his throat fabius: well too late now lmaooo
why does he even need to be naked for this if it's a throat operation....
update: already drugged and restrained on the operating table eidolon, you should really have gotten this sorted out beforehand this scene is like genuinely uncomfortable
okay phew! we're back to solomon on the alien planet and fulgrim is crying from how beautiful the ruins are "this is the most beautiful scene i've even seen!!" julius, also sobbing nods along solomon: is he on drugs solomon: are they all on drugs fulgrim: we must leave it! untouched! to despoil it would be a crime!~ solomon: uhhh what about our job fulgrim: ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME this whole thing is stupid solomon is like "how are they all going along with basically disobeying the emperor"
hey what if i did funny abridged versions of the horus heresy novels that might be fun
anyways all the other planets in the system are like this solomon is the only one who feels like sth is wrong well also saul solomon talks to vespasian after eidolon won't return his calls they're both worried about the legion
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vespasian: lol sure why would he do that solomon: why don't you ask him about that huh???
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vespasian is gonna ask fulgrim im sure that'll go well oh serena pov she's deeply stressing about her portraits of fulgrim and lucius ugggggghhhhhhh she's moved from using blood to other bodily fluids as well
serena: IT WORKS FOR A BIT BUT THEN IT STOPS serena: wait serena: i have an idea
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time to seduce a poet serena: let's talk about you leopold: :( i get enough criticism of my poetry serena: :) actually :) i love it :) serena: let's go back to my studio and read some
it's pretty smelly apparently (gee i wonder why...) besides being an enormous mess
OKAY WHAT i'm never going to joke about the books being sexless again tldr they have sex she kills him in the middle I thought she was just going to kill him straight away
Eldrad Ulthran save me save me Eldrad Ulthran (he's back) oh right yeah re: fighting against aliens that prey on humans, they do in fact deal with proto-Drukhari Solomon remembers fighting them alongside Luna Wolves (context is How Do We Meet The Elves)
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hey we already had this argument in Horus Rising
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?????????? okay????? like what is it the sword???
this is fulgrim? the guy who earlier in the book refused to allow the laer to become a protectorate because they were aliens and needed to be destroyed? this is the same guy? was fulgrim briefly possessed by like an opposing spirit?
wait huh i didn't know they had wraithlords this early, i thought they were newish live and learn (they're having the meeting on one of the empty planets) eldrad can't read fulgrim's fate other than to know he's a player
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huh that's interesting re the primarchs you'd think they'd have more of a presence in the warp oh is that why Emps had trouble finding them eldrad how exactly did you see these guys acting better….
the wraithlord is basically like "let these idiots kill each other this is not our problem" eldrad: i know but also i saw this will be a problem for us in the future. if we don't do anything now wraithlord: ugh fine fulgrim got all dressed up and his makeup done for this meeting solomon judges him internally
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master of diplomacy, fulgrim
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okay so he acts deliberately provocative i genuinely don't know if we're meant to think that fulgrim's idea of diplomacy is insulting the opposite party and otherwise antagonizing them in order to get a casus belli with them getting so offended they withdraw from talks first or if it's just bad writing
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gibbearish · 4 months
Hey, I found ur trans quiz thing on uquiz, I think I'm in the right place. Anyway, I'm basically positive that I'm trans, but I don't know if I should come out. If I do, my mom and brother will be disgusted by me, (both Christians) and I'm pretty sure I'd get the same result from my best friend. My real name is Roman, but I put Charlie for my username bc I want to be Charlotte instead. I don't want to bottle up my feelings, but I'm sure they would all judge me. What do you suggest I do? Thx for listening.
hey there! yep you reached the right place:3
this is always a tough one, i was in a pretty similar situation when i was in high school. i know a lot of people will say like "you never know until you try, the people who love you might surprise you!" but personally ive always found that to be somewhat shallow advice. you know the people in your life better than randos ever will, so above anything else i would say to go with your gut here. if it tells you that coming out now wouldnt be safe, then unfortunately i think it probably would be in your best interests to just keep your head down until youre able to set up a life and support system outside of them, so that if things do break bad it doesn't fuck you over.
that being said, that doesn't mean you have to bottle it all up either, nor does that mean all hope is lost for having a relationship with those people afterwards.
first, try to seek out others like you in your life right now. im not sure how old you are but most of the people who've reached out from the quiz have been high schoolers so i'm going off that assumption, if you are in high school i would see if your school has a GSA you could join, or if that wouldnt be a possibility bc ur parents wouldnt let you go then you could try reaching out to the teacher that runs it to see if they have any advice or could help you connect with other queer kids outside of the club. if you can't do that then you may still be able to connect, i know the stereotypes abt people "looking gay" are shit but there are also legitimately queer style choices that people make on purpose because they want to look queer (myself included), and while openly saying "hey you look gay lets be friends" would suck, ill let you on on the secret code to tell queer strangers you recognize their vibes: "omg i love your hair". and obviously randos can give that compliment too but im being 100% serious when i say that if that comment comes from Another Queer and is said in the "im gay too please notice me" way, it hits different, idk how to explain lmao. or "i like your pins" if they have pride stuff. really it's just you pointing out the Thing that made you go "you seem like me," and then complimenting it to show the other person youre cool with that stuff. and obv follow the other persons vibes, if theyre just like "oh thanks" and then turn back around then just move on w ur day, but if theyre like "omg i love your hair too!" then *hacker voice* youre in
anyways on to the second part which is all hope is not lost:
you may not be able to come out to these people now, BUT you may be able to start laying the groundwork to do it further down the line. i'm not saying start religious/political arguments, obv do whatever you need to stay safe, but you can start just. nudging them in the right direction. like say your parents are ranting about something right on the line of anger abt queerness, like a guy wearing eyeliner or w/e, you could drop a noncommital "eh i think it looks cool but i get it" or "i mean its kinda just facepaint when you think abt it tho right?" or another example i cant think of right now to just kind of. push the needle a little bit. and with this kind of thing it's very important you dont go into it expecting immediate change, like. this is you planting the seeds so that in six months when theyre trying to fall asleep theyll be like "....huh. i guess it kinda is just like facepaint, so. why is facepaint ok for men but makeup isnt" yknow? so if you go into it with that being the expectation, the things you say hopefully wont register as confrontational or disagreeing, but just as like. the noncommital hand wiggle gesture. it can take a long time for ideas to take root in people so it makes convos much easier when you remind yourself not to expect immediate change
now obviously your mileage may vary, if you think even that would be too dangerous then absolutely feel free to disregard and just do your best not to let the things they say get to you. and either way remember that you WILL have your own life away from them someday where you get to be yourself, and it is never ever too late to start transition. no matter how long you have to stay with them to set up your own life, it is out there, and one day you will get to a point where whether they cut you off or not, it doesn't matter. you'll get to choose your own clothes, religion, hair style, makeup, house decorations, food, schedule, the world will be your oyster. so when it gets hard, hold on to that. i believe in u 💕
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"Alright people let's set some things straight.
"My name is Miguel O'Hara. I was not bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past ten or so years I have been Nueva York's one and only --Spider-Man. How it happened is a bit of a long story, my dad liked to throw stuff, I got a job at Alchemax, threw stuff there, blah blah blah, long story short, the head scientist, Dr "Olivia Octoavius" got hired by this huge guy in a suit to "make some Schpida-people" to sell to the US government as super-soldiers. I said I quit, Olivia said ok, but not before spiking my drink with super-cocaine. She then told me "ok Miguel, either you work for us or you go onto the streets." I told her to "suck my dingle-berries Liv" and threw myself into the Spider-Machine. Did I mention I was seventeen years old at this point I feel like I should mention that. It edited my DNA to be abt 50 percent man and 50 percent spider. So instead of Spider-Sense and sticky fingers, it gave me talons, fangs, and paralyzing venom. Hey don't give me that look, at least I'm not Man-Spider.
"A lot of the stuff that followed was standard Spider-Man stuff, got hit by a drone, got choke-slammed by Venom, disappointed my mother, tried to run a Spider-themed speakeasy which you should not do under any circumstances, so I'm just gonna tell LYLA to fast-forward to-- ehhh here. Where I choke-slammed a teenager into a moving train. Really-- not my proudest moment. I was in the wrong here, my bad Miles, I lost my temper. I'm gonna write an apology as soon as the multiverse gets back on track. Here's an e-card LYLA made in the meantime. But, look, you have to get here-- I have one morse confidential thing to say. Which involves the multiverse.
"You probably noticed in my origin story that I'm not a typical Spider-Man. I don't have the canon events. I wasn't even bitten by the spider. And you're probably saying "Miguel, you're a hypocrite, why do you enforce the rules so much on me and my annoying friends? You didn't even have a dad event!' Which, you're right, I don't. The second my dad was gone I threw a party over his dead still-warm corpse but we don't have to go into that now, I don't have daddy issues. (Shut up LYLA) The point is, I know that I'm an anomaly. That's the other reason I do this.
"There can only be one anomaly in the universe at one time. LYLA ran the calculations and they're flawless. I know. I programmed her myself. And because there can only be one anomaly without complete and utter collapse. My existence puts the multiverse in danger, and I know that. I learned that when my daughter dissolved in front of me. So I dedicated my life to keeping the multiverse on track, on time, and tightly running with no deviation. It's lonely, but it's what I have to do. It's what I have to do to make up for existing at all.
"So without me, the entire Arachno-Poly-Humanoid-Multiverse would fall into complete and utter oblivion. There's only one anomaly in this web. And you're looking at him."
a/n: you ever get really pissed off abt some mad miguel takes on twitter so you write a speculative thing abt his backtsory in btsv? lmao couldnt be me.
do note i havent read his comics, only the wikipedia page for his comics, and i edited out some of that information that didn't seem to fit with his astv character. so please don't think im truying to make miguel look better or anything i just *think* this is the direction they'll go with for his backstory if they decide to do it. I *think*. don't hold me to it.
Also, cross posted to AO3 if anyone wants to look:
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gctchell · 4 months
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared. (x2 👀 hand'em over red)
✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
the mun's interpretation
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared.
❀ Due to Lilith having access to the Red Sea (one of her very few earthly access points outside of the Deal House), I headcanon that all of Hell's water originated from it by Lilith's command. She's intrinsically and spiritually attached to the Red Sea and is able to drag it down to the Pit, though she has since cast a spell over its access points for it to multiply on its own. Now, bodies of water are native to Hell! Still, anyone who looks deep into energy/properties of old water sources, especially within the entirety of Envy, they can trace its origin to Earth.
❀ Niffty had a crush on Lucifer when she was alive and it was a bad one. The fascination began with her apathy for religion, yet her blazing curiosity for the big bad Devil that scripture loved to talk dirty about, and it grew into a wildfire attraction when she saw his depictions in marble (yes, she is one of those people who fell in love with the Sexy Lucifer statues HAHAA, along with the paintings!). She already had the taste for bad boys setting in and he was one of her earliest crushes that hung on tight like a noose. He's unintentionally one of the littler reasons she damned herself.
By the time of Niffty's death, that crush did simmer down, and when she actually met the guy and learned he wasn't the sinister and cruel persona he was sold to be, that put a marker on the grave. It fires right back up whenever she sees him exhibiting demonic behavior however, and she would be lying if she said that voice of his didn't give her funny feelings.
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But, she abides by her personal honor code and that includes not pursuing her boss's parents, so he's off the table regardless LMAO. Still, that man may catch a few disrespectful glances in his direction now and then.
✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
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Funnily enough, the Lilith I have in my main private roleplay versus the one I play in public? Very different. She's darker, she's got more edge, and she's not terribly fond of Sinners (there's notable exceptions tho), and that's because she existed a whole year now before the series even came out. The story is different and she views their presence as an invasion from Heaven, who she very much desires waging war with because she personally wants to dismantle God for what he's done, for forcing his will into her body and cursing her womb with difficult conception and wounding so many that she cares about that Fell. She's only held back by reason and Lucifer, who already lost that war.
Since the show came out and gave me more Lilith to fixate on, I've essentially built a whooooole new version of her here who is so much nicer and amicable. :] The two of them would side eye one another for certain, but understand why they are the way they are and respect that.
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sivvan · 2 years
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You seem to believe in love. Is love so grand? Of course. It is very grand to me. If you don’t believe in love, it’s your business. But for me, love matters the most.
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shaylixie · 2 years
Mad At You, Mad About You
Word Count: 2736
Genre: Angst. Fluff. Smut.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Requested: No.
Summary: Matt had one rule...and you broke it.
Warnings / Contains: Smut; language; unprotected sex. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: Okay so! This is my first time writing for Matt so if there's any feedback, please don't feel shy to hmu! Especially if anything is ill-represented.🙏🏼 I tried my (current) best w this, but I will say I've been struggling w writing a bit lately (this is basically an apology in advance just in case lmao). As always, please enjoy & thank you for any & all support!!! 🤍
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"Are you out of your damn mind?!"
"Matt, listen-" you try unsuccessfully as you watch him pace up and down his office, furious.
"You could have gotten yourself killed! What don't you understand about DO NOT get involved?"
He stops and turns towards you, cocking his head in your direction and breathing heavily.
"I had to!" you retort. "Or else...or else you probably wouldn't be standing here right now!"
"That's for me to worry about."
You scoff. "Yeah what, when you're dead somewhere in some abandoned warehouse?"
Matt takes a step towards you, practically burning with rage.
"That was almost you, y/n! You almost got yourself killed! On my watch. I told you to stay away, no matter what happens. You're not cut out for this life!"
You sigh, feeling the anger evaporate and instead the dread set in.
"I know, Matt. Okay? I know." You swallow. "But I wasn't about to lose you," you explain softly. "It was stupid and dangerous and yeah I almost got...seriously hurt, but it was worth it. Because you're standing here. And I'm still alive, okay? Listen to my heartbeat if you need to. I'm here, and so are you. I don't regret it."
He takes a deep breath, his hands on his hips, and tilts his head skywards. The room is silent for a while, interrupted only by the sounds of New York City and the occasional shuffling of Karen and Foggy outside.
Matt is more furious than you've ever seen, and looks more stressed than he did when Frank Castle lost the trial. You understand his reasons why. After all, he had always made it clear that you could never get involved in Daredevil business - no matter what, and you usually listen. You give Matt his space to do his vigilante things, and you try your best not to get involved, if only for his peace of mind. But it was different this time...if you hadn't gotten involved the way you did, Matt very well may not be here right now. Or ever again.
You knew he was fed up the moment you woke up in his bed and found it empty. You had managed to drag Matt back to his place the night before, and tend to his wounds with the help of Claire. It was bad. There was so much blood. You were worried sick. But Claire managed to tend to him and at the end, assured you that he'd be okay. You made sure he was comfortable in bed before tending to your own, much minor wounds. When you woke up, late into the morning, you realised that Matt had gone to work despite his injured state, and it dawned on you just how upset he was. Which brings you here. To a very upset Matt.
"I'm okay, Matt. You don't have to worry about me like this."
He drops his head in his hand, rubbing his temples with his thumb and middle finger.
"You really don't understand, do you?"
"Then help me understand."
"You're not okay! The moment you involved yourself, you made sure of it. Do you not realise that you're a target now? They know who you are, y/n! These guys aren't just some petty thieves. They're evil pieces of shit that run this city! They won't stop until they find you and when they do, they'll...they'll..." he stops abruptly and pushes everything off his desk, wincing at the aggressive movement.
You walk up to him, gently laying a hand on his back.
"I'm sorry. I still don't regret it...but I am sorry." A beat. "I'm also not scared."
"You forget I can tell when you're lying."
"Well...I still don't regret it. Tell me if I'm lying now."
He doesn't respond.
"C'mon, Matt. Come home with me. You're not fit to be here right now...or anywhere that isn't in bed. Just let me take care of you. Please?"
You stroke his arms gently before holding his hand, bringing his bruised knuckles to your lips and kissing them lovingly.
For the first time, Matt drops his angry expression and replaces it with a pained one instead. He doesn't let go of your hand. You feel his forehead lean against yours and you breathe out in relief.
Then he pulls back. He lets go of your hand.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore," he says so softly you wonder if you imagined it. But the solid weight in your stomach and the hollow feeling in your chest betrays that hope.
He turns his head away from you.
"Matty...c'mon. You're not being serious, right?"
"I am." He pauses. "This just isn't working out...I'm sorry."
"Matthew...come on. You really want to end things? Over what, this? I get that you're upset but...we can get through this. I won't ever get involved again, okay? I just-...you know I usually don't - this was the first and last time. Just please, Matt. Don't do this," you plead, voice breaking.
Matt's steadily cracking heart follows as he tastes the salt in the air. All he wants to do is to kiss the wetness from your cheeks away, but instead he forces himself to stay put and doesn't say anything. He doesn't trust his voice to not mimic his heart too.
You stand there for a while longer, waiting. For Matt to backtrack, to pull you into an embrace, or to even just acknowledge you. But he doesn't. So you take your things and step outside, bidding Foggy and Karen goodbye with a weak smile.
It's been a week and still no contact. Matt really was serious. No backtracking, no second thoughts, no heat-of-the-moment decision that he came to regret. Nothing. He had broken up with you and he meant it.
You've never experienced a heartbreak like this before. You've never felt it so deep - never realised it could even get this deep. You feel the grief of it all in your very bones. You love Matt, and you're convinced that he loved you too. You may not believe in perfection, but it was damn close what you had with him. It was real love...or maybe not, you think. Because now it's gone. The tears start flowing for what feels like the hundredth time this week.
On the rooftop, Matt wipes his own tears away. He hates hearing how hurt you are; hates that he feels it too. Every sob of yours breaks his heart, especially knowing he caused it. He hopes he can come back from this; prays, really. Sending up the silent prayer, he fights his every instinct to barge in and hold you, and instead goes out to find an old client.
Almost a month goes by, and still nothing. You stopped waiting not so long ago, but that didn't mean it kept you from noticing...and from time to time, even hoping.
But you figure that it's all useless - the waiting, the wondering, the hoping. All of it. So you do your best to let it pass, and crawl underneath the covers for yet another night. You pray that tomorrow will be better.
In the dead of night, you swear you can hear Matt's voice. You're half awake now, but still dreaming. The voice becomes clearer and louder, and you turn over sleepily, only to see a silhouetted man. You jerk up and grab the knife beside your bed, remembering what Matt said earlier. But then the silhouette steps into the faint moonlight and you're greeted with a very nervous looking Matt. You rub your eyes, not quite believing it.
"Hi," he whispers weakly.
You don't say anything back. Blinking your eyes, you take a moment to really look at him. He's still in his Daredevil suit, but his mask is off and his face is peppered in cuts and bruises. His unfocused eyes are downcast towards the bed and an uneasy look is painted across his face. His knuckles are bust open and he grips his mask with red fingers, waiting for you to say something. He looks more battered than usual, and there's an air of devastation around him. Your heart immediately hurts.
You discard the knife, crawl to the edge of the bed and, holding back tears, you murmur, "Hi."
He swallows and steps warily towards you.
"I wanted to come check on you. To make sure you're safe, and to..." he trails off.
You wait, and when you see him struggling to get the words out, you gently take his hand, making sure not to hurt him.
His face falls then, and Matt starts crying before you. It causes you to finally break too.
"Hey, come here," you say thickly.
You get off the bed and he immediately pulls you into him, holding you snug against him and wincing at the pain that ensues. Still, he doesn't let go and almost crushes you with how tight he's holding onto you. His sobs quieten down and he pulls back, holding your cheek and stroking it with his thumb.
"Tell me what happened," you whisper, convinced that he just witnessed something very disturbing on his vigilante errand.
"I didn't mean to end things with us. I didn't want to. The second I heard the way your heart faltered, I was done for. It took everything in me not to take it back right that second. But I had to do it. I swear, I didn't want to end this - I don't want to. But I had to let you go so I could keep you safe. At least until I could make things right."
Your mind swirls at his confession. Deep down, you had hoped and hoped and hoped. And now here he is again, with you. You guide him gently to sit down on the bed.
"And, did you make things right?"
He sighs.
"I don't know if it was right. But you're safe now. And so is Hell's Kitchen...at least a bit safer than it was."
"Then why do you look so torn?"
"Because I didn't do it alone. I had help. I met up with an old...friend. We don't exactly agree on each other's methods, but I felt like he was the only way to really take care of this. He has more of a...permanent approach."
Immediately, you know who Matt is talking about. Despite everything, you still didn't realise how deep the threat was. But for Matt to seek help from a dead man, no less one he near hated...you fight back a shiver.
Placing your arm around him, you say, "Does this mean, you know. You and I...?"
"If you'll take me back."
The worry and uncertainty in his voice has you kissing his cheek in response.
"C'mon, I'll help you clean up."
After tending to Matt in your bathroom - sterilising and stitching up wounds the way Claire taught you; gently but thoroughly cleaning off all the blood and grime; and giving him a pair of his own clothes that he often left behind to sleep in - you guide him back to your bedroom, where you turn to face him.
"You're a good man, Matt."
He turns away from you, dropping down onto the bed with his head in his hands.
"Hey, you are. What you did - what you do - is a really brave thing. You risk your life every single night for a city that hardly knows you. You put your life on the line for the people you care about without ever thinking twice. You have a moral code, and you stick by it. Everything you do, you do it for the wellbeing of others, even if that means ignoring your own. Which I don't condone, by the way, but it shows how selfless you really are."
You put your hands on his shoulders and start massaging them.
In a softer voice, you ask, "Did you take anyone's life?"
He shakes his head no.
"See? You're still the man you always were. And I still love you more than ever."
Matt pulls you into his lap then, and you stroke the side of his face.
After a few seconds of silence, he whispers, "I really want to kiss you..."
You smile and lean in, savouring the moment his lips meet yours, almost crying of gratitude being able to feel this again. He deepens the kiss and you run your hands through his hair, making him sigh into your mouth. He runs his fingertips down your spine and you shiver, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck as he toys with the hem of your shirt. You slide it off, and then do the same for him. As you run your hands down Matt's scarred torso, he picks you up, grunting, and drops you onto the bed, crawling over you. You try to push his sweats down with your feet, not wanting to break the kiss, but he chuckles against your lips and pulls back to do it himself. He slides your shorts off too, along with your underwear, leaving you both completely naked. When he comes to hover over you again, you allow your hands to roam as you kiss and mark his neck. Just as he aligns himself with you, you feel his fingers grip your jaw and his tongue against yours, before he slowly slides in. You moan at the sudden fullness that you missed so much and he presses his forehead against yours, allowing you to adjust.
"Hey, Matt?"
"Yeah, baby?"
"Cum inside me...please."
"Fuck," he breathes out, attaching his lips to yours again.
He starts moving inside of you, and you grip onto his shoulders, careful to avoid any fresh wounds. You can feel him sliding against that delicious spot, making you weaker every second. Matt missed a thousand things about you before sex, but he definitely missed this too - the feeling of your walls tightly wrapped around him; tasting hints of your arousal in the air, whether he was pounding into you or you were reading a particularly good scene sex in one of your books; the way your breath would change as you got closer and closer to climax; hearing his name fall from your lips so effortlessly and your heartbeat speed up just as easily. Your scent drove him crazy - both your natural scent and the scent between your legs. The feeling of you underneath his fingertips felt like the most natural thing in the world; it felt like home. And the feeling of you coming undone beneath him is something he'll never get over. You feel his hips stutter at the feeling of you clenching around him, and it isn't long until he buries himself as deep as he can, releasing himself inside of you. Breathless, you stay holding each other as you both come down from your highs. Matt buries his head in your neck, kissing you lovingly and savouring the closeness. You rub your hands up and down his back, stopping to gently trace the occasional scar. Eventually, Matt pulls out of you and you both clean up. When he climbs into bed beside you, he pulls you against him and kisses your head.
"Do you know how much I love you?" he asks sincerely.
You hum and tilt your head up towards him, staring into his unfocused eyes. "Tell me?"
He swallows. "A lot. Maybe too much. But I love you a lot, y/n."
You swear your heart actually melts at the earnesty in his voice.
Pecking his lips tenderly, you whisper, "I love you too. So much, Matt."
"Please don't make me have to leave you again," he pleads, albeit with a playful smile.
At the small laugh and the equally playful slap that comes from you, he says, "I'm serious. That was the hardest thing I've been through in a while."
"Didn't a ninja almost kill you?"
"Exactly. I think I'd take Nobu over losing you again anyday."
You raise your eyebrows at the wild - no, insane - choice.
"Well, you didn't lose me," you reassure him.
"I really thought I did," he mumbles, more to himself.
Not waiting for a response, he pulls you in impossibly close and kisses you a few times wherever he can reach. You both sleep soundly for the first time in what feels like a very long time.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 ~
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𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ; hyunjin x fem!reader, SMUT!! childhood!bestfriends, in vino veritas, sex under influence, summer!au, uni!au, drunken confession, (not really) mutual pining, explicit language, piv, unprotected sex (once again, a bad example! don’t forget the raincap in the storm), riding, kinda vanilla sex, uuuh,,, corruption kink if you squint, orgasm (m/f), cum, muffled moaning? (that is not the correct term but lets go with that)
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ; 2.8 k 
𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 ; ye ye thank u anon!! <3
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦 ; lmao i know he has dark hair in the picture but just imagine that he’s blonde aight also damnit wtf happened to that edge of the header picture aaah,,, im no editor u guys- also once again, the fucking title has nothing to do with the story, i just felt like it
holy shit now i understand why i dont write vanilla sex or like slow stuff,,, because it pains me with cringe- or maybe i get flustered,,, 
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29. “Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes” ; The 1975 - If you’re too shy (Let me know)
𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18.
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Hwang Hyunjin.
You liked him in every type of way. You even liked the way his name rolled of your tongue like some kind of sweet mantra. You would have confessed if only he wasn’t your childhood best friend. 
“y/n! ready to parteeey?” he yelled across the crosswalk, holding up a slightly dirty tan canvas bag, the bottles of cold liquor clinking against each other as he moved, the green man lighting up on the red stoplight. His high platform sneakers moved swiftly against the white striped concrete, making his way over to you and stretching out his arms, catching you in an embrace when he finally crossed the road.
“i see you brought drinks even if it’s only a casual sleepover” you chuckled, patting him on the back as you pulled away, walking towards the direction of your house in the scorching summer evening. 
“of course, who said you couldn’t have a party with two people?” he answered back, slightly embarrassed by the way the bottles hit each other, causing other pedistrians to turn their heads. You shrugged your shoulders, looking at him as you walked closeby his side, admiring his profile and the way his blonde long locks were pushed behinds his ears, exposing his cute studded earrings. He turned his head, gazing at you to which you quickly diverted your eyes towards the ground below your feet, hearing Hyunjin giggle from your antics. 
“how’s your mom? she doing good?” he asked after walking a couple of meters, holding the bag in one hand and his phone in the other one. 
“yeah! but why do you ask? you literally messaged her yesterday” you smiled to which Hyunjin hummed, pouting and shrugging. 
“because she’s like my best friend,,, duh?” he chuckled, poking you playfully at the side of your tummy causing you to flinch away, you being rather ticklish. 
“hey! you can’t just make my mom your bestie, tsk,, stealing away my mom like that” you said, laughing in between words and noticing that the two of you were soon standing infront of your house door, the kitchen and living room window radiating warm yellow light and a silhouette moving behind the dark curtains. You retreived the keys that were in the pockets of your shorts, something you threw on quickly to go meet Hyunjin even though he knew the way to your house. It was just an excuse to be with him a bit longer. 
You put the keys in the lock, jumbling around as Hyunjin looked at you with glossy dark brown eyes, holding the bag with two hands in front of his knees. The door opened and the light shined on you, illuminating the front yard that was getting dark as the sun was setting. The two of you stepped in, removing your shoes and hearing Hyunjin place the bag down on the cold tile flooring moments before your mother walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. 
“Oh hello Hyunjin! How’s school?” She asked, placing 3 pieces of popcorn in her mouth and chewing, her jaw moving from side to side. 
“Uni is going great, stressful but y/n helps me,,, kinda” he chuckled, scratching the back of his head and looking down at the ground, you playfully hitting him on his upper arm. Your mom smiled at the two of you.
“Don’t stay up too late!” she yelled as she made her way to the living room where your dad was lounging on the sofa with a cold beer in his hands, watching a game of football. 
“We won’t mom!” you yelled back, grabbing Hyunjin’s bag and waving your hand, signaling for him to follow you to your bedroom. He tiptoed carefully, not wanting to knock something down even though he’s slept over at yours well over a thousand times since your early childhood but still, it was in Hyunjin’s nature to be gentle and timid at first glance, another reason as to why you liked him so much. 
Your bedroom was nothing out of the ordinary. White walls filled with various trinkets, family photos decorating them. Your bed was big enough to fit two but you had a sleeping bag in the corner of the room from just how often Hyunjin would crash at your place. There was not much more besides a cluttered desk, your single bed and a carpet along with a white drawer and a mirror. You plopped down on the bed, feeling the soft material against your exposed calfs. Hyunjin knew what to do, grabbing and unfolding the sleeping bag before emptying the contents of his beige bag, multiple bottles of beer and cider along with a small bottle of pure vodka.
“Why the fuck did you bring vodka? You know my parents are gonna kill me if they find this in my room” you sneered, rolling your eyes at the boy that was sitting on the bedroom floor, mischievously looking up at you. 
“y/n you’re in uni, what are they gonna do? ground you?” you shook your head. 
“Yeah? or kick me out of the house” you persisted, tilting your head as Hyunjin looked around the room in search for a bottle opener. 
“Says the girl that puked behind a slide” he laughed to which you kicked him, causing him to fall over and you getting the final laugh. 
“I’m gonna go grab some snacks and a bottle opener since you’re too weak to open them” you tsked, heading towards the door and turning the doorknob.
“ppft,,, too weak” you heard Hyunjin complain as you exited the room, small steps making their way to the kitchen. You flipped the light switch, the grey lamp hanging from the ceiling, you witnessing the messy dishes from dinner earlier. You opened the dark brown cabinet where you usually stored your snacks, grabbing two packets of crisps and rummaging through the smaller cabinet that was home for the multitude of kitchen supplies your dad and mom like to collect. You found one, decorated with some picture of a sea, probably from one of dads business trips you thought, closing the cabinets and turning off the light, stepping back to your bedroom. 
“Here” you said, throwing the metal opener towards the blonde boy that was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, lying sprawled out on the carpet. Hyunjin dramatically clutched his stomach, acting as if he’s been hit with a boulder to which you scoffed, sitting down next to him on the floor and opening the first bag of crisps and being once again disappointed by the air to chip ratio. 
Hyunjin opened two bottles of beer, handing one over to you which you happily received, putting the slightly cold edge against your hot lips and drinking the bitter liquid, feeling it burn a bit in your throat but soothe it in this summers heat. Your face contorted into disgust, looking on the rather dodgy blue lable that was peeling a bit on the edges. You looked over to Hyunjin that was making a similar expression to yours, his nose sqrunching in that cute manner it always did. 
“aren’t we both like,,, too easily influenced?” he said quietly as you stood up, retrieving your computer to put on a movie. You nodded, giggling when you sat back down and placed the computer on the floor, typing something on your computer and pointing towards the screen.
“this one or,,,, this one?” you said to which Hyunjin pointed at the latter, knowing he would pick the animated movie, him being childish as he is. 
An hour passed and at this point the two of you were tipsy, multiple bottles making their presence known by standing beside you, all emptied to the last drop. The alcohol was flushing Hyunjin’s cheeks, tinging them with a light red along with the tips of his ears, your hearts thumping from how dangerously close his hand was to yours. You were starting to get tired, probably drowsy from the alcohol you thought as you layed down to which Hyunjin reacted, patting his lap.
“Put your head here, why put it on the floor?” he chuckled, his words slurring slightly. You froze, comtemplating on whether or not you should do it or if your heart could even manage being in contact with him. You cleared your throat, trying to get back to your senses. He was your childhood best friend for fuck sake. Shyly you put your head on his thigh, still watching the movie and trying to focus on what was happening on the screen but being completely lost in your own lewd thoughts, wondering how his soft lips would feel brushing up against yours, ctaching you in a hasty kiss. You sighed as the end credits rolled, seeing Hyunjin’s angular face reflecting on the screen and his gaze catching yours on the reflective monitor. Both of you burst out in laughter, the substances intoxicaing you into a laughing fit. You sat up again, pushing him by the shoulder and causing him to fall over with his arms stretched out to the sides, you falling closely to him and using his forearm as a headrest. 
“y/n, have you ever liked me?”
You gulped. Was it that apparent? You shook your head, mumbling a quiet “no” to which Hyunjin giggled, his chest heaving up and down. He messed with his blonde hair, pushing it back and furrowing his eyesbrows before relaxing his facial features, closing his eyes softly.
“i like you but maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes”
You choked on your own spit, sitting up and patting yourself on the chest. It was unlike Hyunjin to speak this bluntly, especially about such suggesstive topics. He laughed at your reaction, acting as if he hadn’t just made you choke with only his words. After the initial shock set in you decided to play smart, if he was being oblivious so would you. You looked back at the blonde boy that still had his eyes closed, smirking and with a tone interlaced with pure erotic connotations you said;
“yeah? and if I did take off my clothes, what would you do?” you giggled back at him, feeling a warm flash of heat zap through your body and ultimately landing in your dripping core. Hyunjin’s eyes sprung open, the corners of his mouth curling upwards into a exuberant smirk. A million thoughts ran through Hyunjin’s mind. Should he continue the little game he had started or end it all now in order to save your friendship? But maybe ruining your friendship was exactly what he needed or more like what you needed.
The tall boy sat up, pulling you by your wrist and quickly pursing his cherry red lips, clashing them against the surface of your gently chapped pout. You thought you melted right then and there, taking in the scent of the boy you never invisioned yourself kissing but here you were, your lips pressed up against his. He grabbed your hand, encasing yours in his and feeling the warmth radiating from your nervous state. With a slight tilt of the head, Hyunjin could reach deeper inside your mouth, tracing his tongue over yours and pursing his lips causing a smooching sound to escape. Your felt his hot breath stroking your heated cheek, sending shivers down your spine. 
“a-are you ok, y/n? I’m s-sorry!” he said, pulling away and hiccuping after finishing his sentence. You shook your head, giggling which caught Hyunjin by surprise. You were ecstatic. 
“please kiss me Hyunjin, i’ve been wanting you so bad” you mumbled, Hyunjin’s jaw clenching in confusion. 
“me? i want you!” he said, laughing at your seriousness causing you to crack a smile, pushing him down on the floor and slamming the computer shut, the background track of the movie disappering. Now only the sound of the loud TV downstairs was heard along with your lips pecking Hyunjin’s. You hovered above the boy, your hands on either side of him. You felt your wet cunt aching for him, you wanted him inside of you and it seemed like you weren’t the only excited one, Hyunjin’s bulge growing bigger with every caress of his body. Your hands snaked down to the zipper of his ripped jeans, with a steady hand unzipping and unbuttoning, wanting to free him from his clothed prison that was keeping you from him. 
“Eager or something?” Hyunjin tsked, trailing kisses along your jawline and neck. You didn’t answer his stupid question. Of course you were eager, this was what you had dreamed of for years. This was what played out in every single wet dream you ever had. This was what occupied your mind when nothing else mattered. It was him. Hwang Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin bucked his hips upwards, granting you the honor to pull down his pants and boxers in a brisk motion which you happily took. His cock sprung free, leaking with precum embarrassingly enough causing you to snicker. Could the sight of his best friend make him this horny? You quickly moved aside from Hyunjin’s figure in order to free yourself from your shorts and white lace panties. The blonde boy was in a dilemma. He liked you,,, a lot, but you were his best friend. Was it worth risking a friendship for sex and maybe even something else?
Your answer was yes. Yes if it was Hyunjin. 
You straddled Hyunjin’s thigh, balancing on your knees and placing your hands firmly on his hard abdomen, positioning your hungry hole above his dick, the slit being decorated with a shining pearl of precum. Hyunjin’s eyes were closed in anticipation, his hands trying to grab onto the carpet on the floor, clawing at the material.
“you good? ready?” you asked in worry, thinking maybe he was uncomfortable. 
Hyunjin shook his head in agreement. He was nervous. If he opened his eyes he could cum by just the lewd sight of your pussy about to swallow his dick whole. He was adorable being this shy, always acting innocent but not really living up to that standard, at least not in this moment. You slowly sink down on his erect cock, Hyunjin letting out a hiss at the same time you gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth in order to not be too loud. The boy was stretching you out to the brink of completion, it was impossible to bottom out from the sheer size of his throbbing cock. Hyunjin turned his head side to side, his cheek coming in contact with the cold floor. He looked in pain, his forehead furrowing but he reassured you that it felt good, maybe even too good. Your gently bounced up and down his cock, with each thrust earning another groan from the panting boy. Seeing him lost in pleasure made your core burn with arousal, needing to chase your impending orgasm. The boy slowly opened his eyes, peeking at you rocking backwards and forwards on his cock, biting your lip and tracing your hands along his abdomen underneath his shirt. 
“d-does it feel good?” he asked in a dazed voice, striking a half smile as he moved his hands to your waist, simply resting them there. You nodded, lulling your head backwards, your tits bouncing underneath the fabric of your oversized t-shirt, hardened nipples poking through. Hyunjin drooled at the sight and the sensations. He had longed for this just as much as you had. Hyunjin’s hands trailed up your shirt, wrapping his hands around your boobs and harshly kneading them, the pads of his thumb gliding over your nipples. You shuddered, clenching around his cock, Hyunjin’s eyes shut tightly and his toes curling from the sensation of balancing on a pinnacle, tumbling into his orgasm. He couldn’t control his words, whispering your name out like a mantra along with the words “i love you”. Those were words you didn’t hear him say often. 
The feeling of his hot cum oozing between your velvety walls got you holding onto Hyunjin’s shirt for life, his hand gently placed over your parted lips that continusly spilled with whimpers and pleas. You looked at Hyunjin with lost eyes, your pace slowling down as you rode out your orgasm, thighs shaking involuntarily, giving up beneath you. Hyunjin lifted slightly by your hips, you pulling off him and with a thud rolled over on your back, laying next to him on the floor. The room filled with heavy breathing, sweaty bodies trying to find composure after the rather interesting orgasm. All your thoughts were in once big mush, hindering you from forming a sentence. 
“What now?” Hyunjin said in a sleepy manner, rolling over to his side and hugging you awkwardly. You didn’t know. All you knew that you wanted him. You were hoping he would become yours. More than once. 
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
two people one bed | dream
summary: famous bed sharing trope!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: swearing, fluff :)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this fic was weird to write bc i normally write that the character calls him clay but with the setting it didn't seem right lmao – also psa, i have very little knowledge about constellations but i thought it was cute so i left it in lol
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many members from the dsmp decided to take a road trip together (yes they clowned on dream the whole time)
it was a week long trip and it was finally the last day! you'd went cross country, stopping at a few different airbnbs along the way
and at this point, you were kind of over it😐don't get me wrong, it'd been an amazing trip, but you'd had little to no alone time in a week and you were just relieved to be going home after this
until you saw the last house, where someone had to share a bed.... and you and dream had just happened to pull out the two shortest straws…
‘Damn it.’ You mentally rolled your eyes, of course you’d end up the one to share a bed on the last day. You’d been driving all day and considering it was only one night, you had no mental energy to argue over sharing. Dream didn’t even seem phased at the fact, honestly you almost felt bad about how annoyed you were with everyone with how nice he’d been about it all. But he was always like this, he was always kind to you.
That was until you rolled over for the hundredth time that night. The space between the pillow wall you'd built and the edge of the bed was seeming to get smaller and smaller as the night went on. Even though the air was thick in the room, your feet were cold from Dream hogging the blanket and the bed would shake every few minutes from his constant movement. You could tell he was awake even though he was staying silent, and you tried your hardest not to let out an annoyed huff.
Finally, he shifted to peer over the pillow wall. In the dark you could still make out his green eyes and fluffy hair.
"You awake?" He whispered. You groaned internally, literally why does this man want to have a conversation now?
"Oh come on now, you can't say that and be asleep. I cant't sleep. We should do something." He shifted again so his forearms were leaning against the wall, basically destroying it.
"We are doing something. It's called trying to sleep so we can wake up at a good hour and go home." You sighed, screwing your eyes shut.
"It's only like 1 in the morning, we have plenty of time to sleep. Come on.. please, it'll be fun." Whatever, fine, maybe he'll actually calm the fuck down after this.
"Fine. What the hell can we even do right now." You opened your eyes up again, staring at the ceiling.
"We can go for a drive?" You can hear the smile in his voice. This man's love for driving was absurd.
"Uh how about no? We've literally been in the car all day and I'd rather not go back until we have to." You finally turned to face him, he wore a lopsided grin and a crooked pajama shirt. Cute.
"Fine, fine. How about we just go for a walk, yeah?" You grumbled, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbing the hoodie you left on the floor. No way in hell were you changing for this, it was bad enough you were even indulging in it.
“Alright,” He grinned in your direction, slipping a pair of shoes on. “We can walk to that clearing with the little pond we saw on our way here, it's not far."
"That's fine but can we please not be out forever? I'm serious about getting sleep." You recalled the place he was talking about, it was pretty over there. Plus, you were pretty sure you could see the stars tonight.
Dream hummed, "Yeah, yeah grumpy. Let's go and be quiet, I don't want to wake anyone."
"Didn't seem to mind waking me up." You rolled your eyes, the audacity.
"Not my fault you got stuck sharing with me." He elbowed your side lightly.
You decided to keep quiet after that, slipping out of the airbnb. It wasn't cold, but there was enough chill to make goosebumps rise on your skin.
The walk there was silent, both of you just taking in the scenery. Your mind was replaying all your favorite moments from the past week, sure you were tired and ready to sleep in your own bed, but you were grateful for the people around you and how happy you'd been the past 6 days. Dream had invited you to come along almost last minute compared to everyone else. He had messaged you one night and told you he was paying for everything and would be happy if you came, and who could say no to that?
"What? What is it?" Dream had his eyes on you as you came to a stop, reaching your destination. "What's with the smile, I thought you were grumpy."
"Shut up. I'm just thinking about the past week. I had a really good time, I'm really glad I came, thank you for inviting me." You rolled your eyes, but the smile stayed put.
Dream hummed, "Me too. Honestly I thought you were gonna say no when I asked you." He chuckled as his arm raised to the back of neck, scratching slightly.
"Really? What makes you say that?" Your nose scrunched slightly, you guys had always had a good relationship, you always enjoyed hanging out with him.
"I don't know! I guess I thought you wouldn't want to spend that much time with me." He was smiling, but you could tell he was being serious.
You frowned, "I'd never say no to something like this. I know I'm 'grumpy' or whatever but I seriously like spending time with you, all of you."
"Thanks, I like spending time with you too." He turned to face you, but you tilted your head up, getting a good look at the stars. Your heart softened at his words, he really was a good man.
There was a moment of silence before you spoke up again, "Do you know any constellations?"
"Uh, I can find Leo probably." His head tilted up to match yours and you snorted.
"Of course you can." You smiled and shook your head, typical Leos.
"Oh, there it is, here look." His finger pointed up at the sky, your eyes following where it led.
"There?" You asked, raising your own finger. Dream shifted behind you, close enough to feel his breath on your neck. He hooked his hand on yours and moved your finger up slightly, "Here." He murmured. His skin was soft against yours, you felt his heartbeat on your back and you could smell his aroma.
Neither of you moved, you could feel him turn his head to look at you. Your cheeks heated and you slowly lowered both your hands. You tilted your head to meet his eyes, your noses were barely touching. The beating in your chest grew faster and your mind whirled as you saw him lean in, just so slightly.
You pulled away and turned around quickly, "We should get back." You cleared your throat. Your palms were still sweating, but for a second your thoughts went blank.
"Um, yeah sure." He shoved his hands in his pockets and started his way back to the airbnb. You stood there for a moment before following after him.
What the actual fuck just happened. You were going to kiss him? Or was he going to kiss you? None of that even matters since you'd just rejected him. You cursed yourself as you kept trudging on.
This whole thing was a hot mess, it wasn't like you didn't like him, it was just you'd never thought about it before. Sure, you'd flirt with him in call or make dumb suggestive jokes, but you'd always assure yourself there was nothing underlying there. They were just jokes.
But now you couldn't stop thinking about it, his soft skin against yours, his heartbeat, the way his eyes looked so intensely into your own. Your brain kept repeating it over and over again, it made you sick.
By the time you reached the airbnb again, you began to hate how you yearned to be touched by him again. That, ok fine, you did want him to kiss you but you chickened out. He didn't help by holding the door open for you when sneaking back inside. You mumbled a thanks, not daring to look at him. You could still feel him behind you as you tiptoed back to your room, which you just conveniently forgot you had to share.
You got situated as fast as you could, climbing back into the bed, holding your breath as you went. You waited to feel the dip in the bed signally him coming to lay next to you. When it didn't come, you peeked at his side, he stood there gathering a pillow and his phone before turning to leave. Your heartbeat sped up again.
"Clay," You sat up before you could stop yourself. "Wait, can- can you stay. Please." Your voice wobbled, but the moments back at the clearing kept playing again and you couldn't just sit there anymore.
He turned around shifting his feet, "Yeah, yeah sure." His eyes seemed to soften at the expression on your face.
Your hand swiped at the pillow wall, this time completely dismantling it and you lied back down. You felt the weight shift as he settled next to you, your breath was still shaky. He lied down facing you, eyes searching your face.
"Hi." You whisper, nerves come rushing back now that he's here again.
"Hi." He chuckles and smiles softly. His eyes are still searching your face, he looks uncertain.
"I– Well I–"
"Listen, don't worry about it. I was dumb I don't even know what I was thinking. We can just forget it." He interrupts you, his eyes darting down and cheeks flushing.
"That's not what I was gonna say." You faltered. He stares quizzically, silently asking you to continue. "Well I-I first wanted to apologize, I was a dick back there. And um.."
The words taper off, lost. You feel his gaze bore into your face, he tentatively raised his arm from inside the covers, hooking your chin with a finger.
"It's ok." He whispers affirmatively. The consequences are instant, your nerves slow and you can only focus on how close he is. His eyes find yours, and he no longer seems uncertain. "Can I kiss you?"
You can only nod, so sure of your decision.
And he does.
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poemsforparker · 3 years
Stitches n' Patches - Part V (final) | tasm!Peter Parker × fem!Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
no warnings for this one except I don't know how does a medical release work for a person who's been stabbed lmao (maybe Peter 2 can tell us that)
let's please have a moment to appreciate the beauty of this man oh my god (not my gif)
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The next day, Peter's first stop was at the house you were staying. He took care of the door putting it back in place (thanks to what he learned doing it with yours).
He felt an enormous relief to find in there, beyond your phone (that a little cracked, but still working), he found your friends cat, rubbing in his legs as if nothing happened. He petted it and locked the place. Going straight to the hospital next, looking a little less bruised from the fight on the previous night thanks to the fast healing.
On the way he decided to get flowers for you, he didn't know the kind you liked so he took the one he was most fond of and bought you chocolate. It was looking like he was going on a date, not just for what he had in hands but for the nerves that were tingling on his skin.
Peter was scared of where you would go from there. Sure, he liked you, a lot, at this point. But he not only wasn't sure about your feelings for him as he also wasn't sure even if you did feel something you'd choose to keep running that kind of risk by being with him.
He wasn't sure of anything.
Walking into the hospital Peter gave the smiling receptionist your name and she told him you'd be in observation for a while but was ready for visitors. Thanking her with a nod and a smile he walked through the direction of the room he had seen you the night before.
Knocking slightly on the door he smiled at the sight of you grinning widely when you saw the person at the door was him. At least you were happy to see him, that was something.
“Thank God it's you I don't think I could handle another set of random pills without loosing my mind” you say maintaining your grin
“How's the leg?” he seats beside you on the hospital bed and looks at your eyes in concern. It was the first time you actually saw his face in two weeks, and God he was beautiful. Even with the tiny scratches panting his face looked calculated.
“Doing better. They say if I don't infect or anything similar I may be out of here in two or three days. I'm gonna have to get someone to feed the cat. God, if he's even still there, my friend is going to kill me if I have lost the little guy.”
“Well, I guess it's your lucky day because your very special superhero friend went there today and I got you this back,” he delivers you your phone “and checked on the place. For your life's sake, he is still there.” he jokes
“Oh, you're an angel, Parker.” you smile
“No, you are.” he stares at you with bright eyes. “I'm gonna be a serious person for a second here and I have to tell you, I don't know where I'd be now if you didn't save me that day.” he puts his hand of your cheek and you hold it in place without even noticing.
“Probably on a dumpster” you mock looking at him in the eyes, he laughs
“Stop, I'm tryna thank you here, lady.”
“I know, I'm sorry. You're welcome, Peter Parker.”
“Do you have do keep saying my full name?”
“It sounds nice, sorry.” you stare at eachother for longer than it would regularly seem normal. “So,” you break the silence “Is that for me or are you casually going on a date after this hospital adventure?” you point at the flowers.
“It is for you.” he delivers it to you along with the chocolate box.
“Oh, flowers and chocolate, are you cheating on me, Peter?"
“Oh, I got caught.” he plays along, putting his hands on his chest.
“Thank you.” you say seriously now “Really, not just for this. For all the times we talked before on the phone and I got caught up in the conversation so bad I forgot about all of the crazy we were in. I hate it that we met eachother in such bad circumstances but I really like you, Peter.” you got surprised by how your words flew so easy out of your mouth. Maybe it was some of the billion pills gave you the guts to confess, but that didn't really matter anymore.
“I really like you too.” he finally leans to kiss you, holding you so carefully you melted into his arms.
“Was thinking if I was gonna have to do it first too.” you laugh
“You know,” he smiles and speaks to you still holding your face “if were gonna do this you're probably gonna have to patch me up again like, a million times.” he leans his head to the side while speaking, he was adorable.
“I can live with that.” you pull him back for another kiss.
When you break it you say “Hey remember the poor excuse I told you Stacy would help me come up with for my absence?” he nods and looks at you in a confused gaze, wanting to know where did you want to get with that.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, now it's the perfect opportunity for me to have hospital pictures and prove my senseless lies.” you shrug and look at him waiting for the statement you were a genius “C'mon you can't tell me that's not genius, I tied my story to perfection.”
“You're terrible.” he laughs and pecks your lips.
taglist: @jessefandomunited ​ @kdatthecastle @mydarlingremuslupin @dopewagonkidrebel
can you tell I love Peter Parker? I love Peter Parker. I'm sorry this one was so short I was quite lost in how to end it I hope it didn't suck.
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cotccotc · 3 years
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 ◈ you being followed
part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by anon​ ♡ )
genre/s: comfort, skz x gn reader
warning/s: description of being followed on the street, descriptions / mentions of panic attacks
wc: 1.8k
a/n: this one took me quite a while but i’m happy with it !!! i decided to write out a longer introduction to this to kinda set up a scene !! i hope y’all enjoy it (esp the comforting parts ofc kdjdjf)
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it’s somewhat unlike you to walk alone at night. you figured it would only take you a few minutes, but you got out of work late, setting you back quite a while. to make things worse, while you were working overtime, the sun had set, leaving you to traverse the dimly lit city streets on your own. all you know is that your boyfriend left the door open for you, and a couch date sounds really great right now.
somewhere along your walk, you heard a shuffling noise coming from behind you. you disregarded it, thinking it may have been simple paranoia. you’ve seen too many movies, you think. however, as you keep up your leisurely yet steady pace, you hear another noise. this time you turn around.
a man. in a black hoodie. looking you dead in the eye.
your eyes widen as a small gasp leaves your mouth. needless to say, you begin sprinting to your destination, heart racing at a pace that rivals the speed of your feet. with your focus aimed at getting as far away as you can, you’re honestly not even sure how your legs know where they’re going. nevertheless, your saving grace comes into view. after a quick glance at the now empty street behind you, you sprint even faster than before. and, once you make it to the apartment door, you fling the door open and leap inside with enough force to rattle the hinges.
“y/n? what’s wro-”
“i was being followed,” you interject, a choked sob finally escaping you.
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his first instinct, no matter what, is to make sure you feel safer now.
he’ll sit you down on the couch, staying close beside you and rubbing your back while reiterating that whoever that man was is gone now.
i’ve always liked to think he’d be good to have around in the event of a panic attack. especially if you’re the type of person who needs physical and verbal reassurance. back rubs, hugging, and breathing reminders galore.
once you’ve calmed down, he would wipe away your tears and hold you close to him as he asks you about the rest of your day.
he’s an amazing listener and he can’t wait to hear about the latest employee or customer gossip lmao
but more importantly, it would take your mind off things, which is all he truly wants.
if you start looking a bit gloomy or drifting off in thought, he’d probably suggest some cuddle time !! he would make sure to remind you of how courageous you were in that moment before promising you one last time that you’re safer now, here with him.
you’d finally fall asleep in his arms, filling him with relief.
first reaction: absolutely pissed.
not at you of course, but at the guy who was following you. with you still in his arms, he glances pointedly out the front door and the windows, closing the blinds after giving the entire apartment a once-over.you end up in the bedroom, in which he’ll guide you to sit beside him on the bed.
his expression will have completely changed from anger to loving concern. he’d look deeply into your eyes while holding both your hands in his, assuring you that you’re safe now.while you continue to cry, you explain what had happened in more detail. he strokes your hair as you speak and nods along, blood boiling.
he can’t stand the thought of any person making you feel unsafe. but, he’d maintain a calm exterior in order to make you feel more at ease.
once you describe the whole situation, he’d reassure you once again that the man can’t get to you now.
“he’ll have to get through me.”
you giggle.
i think he’d have a similar reaction to minho !!
very visibly pissed that some random guy had the nerve to intimidate you. that dude’s lucky he didn’t follow you the whole way home or else he’d probably be pretty uh. damaged. by now..
he’d sit you down on the couch, do a quick check-in at each of the windows and doors, and come back as soon as he can to console you.
when he does, he’s quick to sit beside you, arm wrapped around you with the other wiping the tears off of your face.
after you explain the situation a bit more clearly, he becomes even more angry (probably mutters some curses under his breath)
but !!!! i think he’d really try his best to focus on cheering you up
asking you what you’d like to do for the rest of the night, if you’d like any food, if you’d like to sleep or stay up for a while.. etc.
plus he’d amp up the silly antics to make you forget about things !!
i think his physical reaction would become similar to yours. very quickly.
like once he sees your tears and senses your quickened pulse. his immediate response (whether voluntary or not) would be to emulate you.
so, naturally, he’d hold you in his arms and let you cry it out, while small sobs of his own escape him.
seeing you so scared is a scary feeling.
of course, he’d reassure you that you’re safe !!! he’d look into your eyes, tucking your hair behind your ears, and tell you that it’s all over now and that you’re safe.
you, of course, don’t want him to feel sad or scared, so you’d console him as well.
you two would comfort each other the whole rest of the night. i think the most probable option would be the two of you cuddled up in bed watching a movie or reading webtoons together
distraction !! but make it a drama !! or a romcom because .. vibes !!
and when you decide it’s time for bed (however late that may be due to the stress from earlier) he’d be sure to remind you that he’ll be with you all night & when you wake up
(but he’s also secretly clinging onto you out of fear as well kdjfgj)
“oh sh- oh sHIT-”
wouldn’t know what in the fuck to do
would haphazardly check all the windows like minho did, holding your hand as you continue to cry
after he’s done, he’d cling to you and hold you SO very tight <3
lots of “shh shh baby.. baby shhhh” and all that jazz.. you know the sungie vibes…
he’d stroke your hair and arms, noticing your slight shakiness and suggesting you both cuddle for some extra comfort and warmth
no matter what time of night it is, he’d turn off the lights and cuddle with you as you describe the event in more detail
quiet & calm
even if you end up crying again while you speak, he’s there to brush the tears off your face with his thumb and help you calm down again
before you came, he might have cooked a small meal for the two of you to share. even though you worked late, it’d still be waiting for you when you arrive. he’d wait too.
when you do happen to burst through the door, he’d jump and gasp out of fear but he’s quick to run up to you and hold you as you let out everything you’d held in during your walk-turned-chase
also !! will help you get settled in as you describe what went down
helping you take off your coat and shoes, getting water for you, grabbing some blankets; all while listening intently and giving you all of his attention
once you’re seated on the couch, wrapped in the softest blanket he could find and staying hydrated after such a harrowing event, he’d be sure to hold you as close as possible to remind you that everything’s okay
eventually, through his subtle gestures and calming demeanor, you won’t even realize how you got situated !! he just knows what to do to make you as comfortable as possible without even trying all that hard
you may choose to skip dinner, but no matter what, he’ll be holding you close the whole night through to make sure you know he’s there to protect and care for you
he’s very methodical about how to proceed. his first instinct is to do what some of the others would and check the house, but he decides to help you calm down first.
you’re rambling about what happened in between sobs and quick breaths, which sends a pain through his heart as he shuts and locks the door.
if you’re shorter than him, he’d bend a little to make direct eye contact with you. he’ll rub your arms and tell you that you don’t have to be afraid anymore
the most calming and reassuring voice in the whole world omg !!!!!!
he’d wipe your tears away and cup your face with both of his hands, prompting you to look back into his eyes before smiling at you
“you’re safe now, right?”
you smile back at him, nodding.
“now, let’s lock all the doors so no bad guys can get in!”
then, he’d take your hand and let you help him lock the doors and shut the curtains, making it feel like a chore instead of a precaution
and for your “good work”, he’d reward you with some binge watching & cuddle time !!! (as if that wasn’t the original plan skjdfg)
(under his breath, eyes wide) “oh my god…”
i think he’d start freaking out a bit like hyunjin did, but he’d do his very best to hide it. he knows he has to be strong to help you calm down and feel safe.
like felix, he’d help you take off your coat and shoes, leading you over to the couch as you shakily describe what happened.
(i’m sorry i keep making comparisons to the other members bUT) like minho, he’d hold your hands in his, rubbing them softly with his thumbs to soothe your nerves as you let everything out
he’d try to cheer you up by suggesting alternative motives the man might’ve had instead of wanting to harm you
for instance:
jeongin: “what if he was lost and needed directions but he was too shy to ask because you’re so pretty/handsome?”
you: “babe i don’t think-”
jeongin: “OR what if he thought he knew you !!”
you: “but he-”
overall, his aim is to distract you (as well as himself), which ends in success. you’ll both be in stitches by the end of the night
and… laughing is super tiring, right?
therefore, as reiterated throughout all of these reactions because we all know it’s true:
oh also.. right before you fall asleep in his arms, he’d ask if you want to leave the light on during the night :( bc he’s a cutie :((((
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17​, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @thatrandomoneinthecorner, @cyberskz​, @seungminsaidsta, @somethingrandomworld, @ethan806 ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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