#guys i have 11 days of school left to endure before i can sit down and draw gay people THIS IS GREAT
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poofpoofpurin · 1 year ago
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the children yearn for bkdk yuri
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akirosama777 · 3 years ago
If nothing brings me joy and I always feel quite hollow, does that mean I've died inside already because I refused to follow...
Every person in the world who seems to skate, to flutter by... while the music fills my hollow ears and bleeds from glassy eyes?
Am I worth the amount of energy that I never seem to have, while the mother I once called a friend goes out to poison herself and die?
And I stand here in the bleakness of a hollow, brittle world, while I pick up all of the pieces that she left when she unfurled...
I am broken and I'm bleeding... I have nothing left to give, but the love I'd once begun to give, and barely alive to live.
I was beautiful once... I had a dream... had a goal or two in mind... but I'm sitting here in the broken wake that her destruction left behind.
But it began way before my time, began with a little girl... my mom... and her grandpa, such a piece shit, let's called the bastard, "Tom,"
Took from her, her innocence, shattered her life apart, sent her down a road of agony, and her father killed her heart.
When he sent her far away at the behest of a beastly cunt, sent her to a boarding school, a common parental stunt.
And her life began at 11 when she'd had it all ripped away, sent her down that road of agony in blood and tears was paved.
Then at 16 she met a Jewish man, who with her had his way, then abandoned her with two children on one fateful Christmas day...
But she picked up the pieces, worked 3 jobs, she became addicted to a couple of drugs... met my father in a satanic band, acting like a thug.
So when she fell in love with him, got him to change his ways, both of them kicked the drugs they'd started and set out on another day...
She soon became again pregnant with my father's first born son, and he tried to kill the baby, with a doctor... not a gun...
Told her if she loved him badly, loved him half as much as she'd said, that she'd abort that fetus and remove its tiny head.
But she didnt... and he stayed... later giving birth to me... but that's not the last of her children... I was only number three.
Then as I grew he would abuse me, threaten, beat and apparently molest... then she had my little brother but he'd never face these tests...
As I began to mature and grow, I could see the patterns form, and my mind became a labyrinth as the alters would soon be born.
And at 6 I tried to end it... but my little brother was there... just one of the many treasures that kept me from joining the City of Air.
And he saved me... I don't know why, but he removed the chord I would choose... saved me from my madness as the alters began to fuse.
All the while my mother from her past she'd grown quite numb... and my father kept her helpless, kept her silent... kept her dumb.
My older brother fell to drugs and disappeared one day... right around the time, eleven I think, where I realized I'm gay...
And my sister fell to young love, to a man who started fires... and my mother fell to drinking when the divorce set forth in ire...
Sent my sister too to heroin and my mother to her dark, while my brother depended greatly on my ability to endure the harsh...
So I shouldered all that hatred... shouldered all the pain inside... let the alters guide me forward through the labyrinth in my mind.
I pushed forward for my brother until my little sister was born... as my mother found another man who left her completely forlorn.
And another life depended on the strength I'd come to own... after all the pain of a father, who's approval was never shown.
I was broken, I was bleeding, I was yearning for a hand... never found it... never searched, for on my own I had to stand.
Now my brother... little brother, grown and turned into a guy, who too had shouldered pain and suffering likely due to mine.
And my sister, little sister, worst of all had witnessed decay... and was tortured by a mother who'd been through so much hate and pain...
But im here now... for my sisters... for my brothers best I can... all five of me are standing and I've grown into a man...
But I'm broken... fuck... im broken... and my mother now she's gone... left my darling little sister on a strangers dying lawn.
And I'm picking up the pieces... trying so hard to hold me up... trying so hard to remember but the memories are scuffed.
Yeah this story's probably cliche... im sure you've all heard it once before... heard about a broken persona raped and bloodied on the floor...
Yeah, you've probably already heard it... probably seen it on a show... nothing shocks you people anymore, when it's something you already know.
I'm so certain that it's pointless to write these words and cry... while my mothers out there drugging and likely about to die.
And my sister... my poor little sister... all those years I tried to protect... will soon be here to visit this pathetic, broken mess...
And I'm trying to keep it together... to tell the alters to quiet down... in my brief and silent lucidity in a new and peaceful town...
And despite my anger... sadness... despite the insidious voice of pain... I understand why mother did it... though I know it doesn't explain...
But her life was so much harder... she'd had so much love to give... but the entire world around her let her run into their shivs.
So she tried her best at surviving, passed those lessons on to us... taught us how to keep on fighting but never how to trust.
Now I'm married... and I love him... but I'm broken, hurting, mad... at the life they gave my mother and that treatment from my dad.
I'm so full of rage and agony... so full of hope and full of pain... that's why I can't get to healing... why I cry whenever it rains.
And she's missing... my mothers missing... a person who never could refrain... She went out to numb the agony, the voices in her brain.
And... I empathize. I sympathize... I understand those thoughts... im still fighting... im still trying... Im still battling... distraught...
For my sisters and my brothers I have never touched a drug... for my sisters and my brothers I have never said no to a hug.
For my sisters and my brothers I am fighting yet, so hard... to keep my head above the water and stay away from all the shards...
I won't cut myself again... I won't try suicide to commit. I won't do again what I'd tried to do at least five times... maybe six.
For my father I'll keep fighting... I'll keep being a better man... prove him wrong and keep on going... on his grave I'll one day stand.
For my family that was broken... I'll keep searching for our mom... I'll keep hoping she'll find solace deep within her sorrowful song.
Mom if you're out there somewhere breathing, just know I understand and care... Im still your standing pillar, still your darling baby bear...
For my little sister Anna and for Justin im still here... I'll do my best to outlive them and watch them live out all their years...
I will never let this agony... from my health or lack there of... push me down to join the army of the defeated by the drugs.
I will never let this anger, let this rage or let this pain, push me to the point again where I grow more alters in my brain.
I'll keep fighting for my dogs... keep on fighting for my man. Keep on fighting for my sisters... and for my brother's I will stand.
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rouiyan · 4 years ago
hiiii if u have time could i request a high school au where jaemin and reader are in the same class and reader catches him staring at them a lot ?? thank u luv 💕💕💕
hey lovely! such a cute rq, i’m down. don’t think i’ve ever mentioned this but jaemin was my first nct bias, so every time i write for him it feels like i’m writing for some long lost first love. anyways, here it goes.
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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐄�� 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆. — jaemin x (gender neutral) reader ✧ word count : 927 ✧ disclaimer : none!
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you really wish you had a window seat. maybe then, sitting in class wouldn’t feel like such a drag. pursing your lips, you return your head back to the table as the teacher turns back to the board. you lift it once he turns around once again to face the class. the cycle repeats for the duration of the period, only ending when the bell sounds down the halls at exactly 11:50 AM. lunchtime.
by this time, it’s safe for your friends to assume that you’ve already knocked out after enduring an hour and a half of the monotonous hum of your physics teacher’s lectures; shaking you awake and tugging your limbs out the door, through the hall, and down two flights of stairs is something they do on a daily. but what really jolts you awake is the sound of lisa’s tray thudding down in front of you, paired with a, “so, you mind telling us what all that was about?”
your hand is groggily streaking through your hair, face scrunched in confusion when you reply, “what’s that?” lisa’s complexion denotes incredulity and you’re not oblivious enough to miss that even jisoo’s does as well. lisa follows up, “jaemin? and you?” you pick at the grain of rice that’s escaped the bowl, distractedly, you muse, “jaemin and i...what? what’s up with us?” jennie, who had a different class the previous period, is the last to join your table of five. “what’s up with you and jaemin?”
huffing, lisa relents, “are you guys like...a thing?” jisoo perks up at that, sitting straight with her elbows propped onto the table, “yeah, i saw him stari-” you finish processing lisa’s proposition in the middle of jisoo’s remark, “what?” 
“well we just thought that because he was sta-”
“no, what, no! i-” your voices drops low when you realize who’s sitting two tables down, “he’s right there, you guys might wanna shush up.” they do stop talking about it, but only after jennie adds with a playful glint in her eyes, “why? scared to admit he might like you back?”
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jaemin has a window seat, though he wishes he had any other seat in the room. maybe then, he could be closer to you. he doesn’t mind staring from a distance though, something about not needing to be discreet. 
you, on the other hand, are a great deal bored. the period after lunch marks as your least favorite, sucks to say that taking a health course was required. mindlessly, your eyes rove over to the window, hoping to catch a scene of some rowdy boys on the soccer field or maybe an interesting shape in the clouds. instead you’re met with the eyes of na jaemin, burrowing holes into your own. both of you are instantaneous in looking away, heads turned up front, but both of you are also in sync when your heart begins to overwork itself. 
it’s then when it clicks. staring. he was staring at you. you mentally deck yourself in the head with a chair because the girls actually had a point. risking a glance, you dart your eyes over to the boy again, only to swerve back equally as fast when you see that he’s looking right back. 
you pass the majority of the rest of class with your sights held up ahead, for once, though as usual not a word of what your teacher says strings coherent thoughts in your mind. class is over soon, give or take three minutes, when a hand taps urgently on your left shoulder from behind. checking to see that your teacher is still writing out definitions on the board, you turn. the girl behind you has an almost annoyed expression on her face, as if the post-it note she was asked to pass on to you was more a chore than a favor. you also note lisa, who sits behind the girl, currently donning the most anticipating face as she motions for you to hurry up and take it. you assume she knows what it’s about or maybe who it’s from.
what you’re not expecting, as you unfold the pink sticky note, is the writing to be jaemin’s. distinctive in the way he crosses his t’s with swirls. it reads, can i take you on a date after school? with two boxes drawn below, one labeled yes! and the other no! but maybe next time ;).
diligently, you fill in the box as if it were an answer on a scantron test, the blue ink opaque from corner to corner. the bell rings and before the girls even have a chance to launch in your direction, you’re already sending them that look, the one that says ‘i have a love life, go find your own and leave me alone.’ they’re quick to leave but you’re sure your phone is bound to be blown up with questions in just a few moments. you busy yourself with tucking away your textbook and pencil case and everything else except the little slip of paper, all while pretending that you don’t see jaemin’s figure approaching you in your peripheries. 
he’s in front of you now and speaking, two things, both of which you find very hard to digest. you have no clue what he’s saying but you hold out the post-it note for him to see and the smile he gives in return, oh boy, you bet you could stare at it for the rest of your life, even if it meant being stuck in class for all eternity. 
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copyright © 2020 rouiyan all rights reserved.
✧ end note — wishes bp were my friends so i manifested it into a fic. thank you, bumble, for requesting, i’m an absolute sucker for high school aus. also, happy friday! my fortune cookie said that today would be a good day so i would like to pass that on to you guys as well. love you!
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eveningstar1516 · 4 years ago
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 10
Rise of the Demon King Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I gotta Discord server guys! It's primarily Obey Me but other fandoms are welcome as well. It's kinda baby and dead so me and the other members are looking to revive it and we'd love for you to come join us. A roleplay area is included :) https://discord.gg/F3YEmDZCPS Please remember to read and accept the rules once you join for access to all the channels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously: Satan spent the rest of the night by his brother's side, cleaning his room and slowly, step by step, bringing back how his brother usually looked like. A glowing masterpiece, worthy of both envy and praise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 10 - A Strong Bond (1616 words)
I was sitting at Lucifer's desk in his old room. After spending 3 sleepless nights in a row, Simeon helped me move into Luci’s old room which thankfully had some really good blinds to block out the celestial sun. The paperwork seemed as endless as it had in the Devildom only this time, it was the archangels' work. While they did their share and dealt with their department’s issues, the majority of the work still fell on my shoulders. I’m starting to understand why Lucifer felt this way towards paperwork. I put the pen down as I finished up the last of this week’s paperwork. Looking at the time, I realized I’ve been working for the past 9 hours straight. Getting up, I stretched my back and felt my joints popping. I filed the rest of the work and got dressed in something more comfortable. A simple dark blue turtleneck and white jeans. I made my way to the kitchen, having missed dinner, I wanted to get something to nibble on before bed. Upon entering, I found Raphael at the table with a cup of celestial berry tea. Noticing me, he looked up and waved me over.
“What are you still doing up Raph?” “I could ask the same. Here, we have some leftovers.” Raphael got up and got a plate from the fridge placing it in the microwave before getting another mug to pour more tea in. “Thank you” I took the mug with both hands and slowly sipped it. Relishing the warmth flowing down my throat. Taking the plate out of the microwave, Raphael set it in front of me before ruffling my hair and sitting back down. Laughing I retaliated back.
“H-hey! I’m not a child”
“You are compared to us. An overworked tired child that despite being in over their head, is doing an amazing job at keeping us running.”
“Thank you. It is hard though. I have no idea how Lu did it, still does it.”
“Yeah, Sammy would work himself to exhaustion. You actually remind me of him. Your determination to get the work done flawlessly and your dedication. Are you sure you’re not supposed to be an angel?”
“Heh, thanks Raph, but you and I both know I’m only doing this to go back.”
“Do you have to though? You’ve been here for a full millenia now. Don’t you want to stay?”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely up here and you guys are the absolute best, but I don’t belong here. My heart is in the Devildom with the brothers.”
“Why though? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing, but why would you rather stay in the Devildom than here?”
“I guess the Devildom just grew on me. The Devildom, and the bro’s. I like the way Belphie looks when he’s sleeping peacefully, his head on my lap. I admire the way Beel protects his twin and his brothers, sacrificing everything to make them happy. I envy the way Asmo can change a tense atmosphere into an up beat one effectively dissolving any tension. I find myself thinking about Satan and the late reading nights we’d have and the discussions about cats and our books. I wish I had as much passion as Levi does with his games and shows. Confidently ranting on about them without caring what others think. I’m amazed by Mammon’s love for his family. Everything he sacrifices to make them happy. He even puts himself in the line of fire and would redirect the attention to himself by doing something stupid to distract them from their suffering. I love Lucifer. I love how much he cares for his family. All he sacrifices, all he endures, all the pain he hides from them to keep them happy. To keep us all happy... I miss them.” Tears started pooling as I reminisced about the brothers. Raphael leaned over and pulled me into a shoulder hug.
“I know you do. If it’s any consolation, I’m sure they miss you too. It sounds like you created a strong bond with them. I’m sure you’ll get to see them soon.”
“I hope so. Thanks Raph.”
“Anytime Y/N. I think you should get some rest. Don’t forget we have a-”
“Y/N, Raphael.” Michael walked into the kitchen. He had a look that closely resembled contentment and relief.
“Michael, how can we help you?”
“You should be in bed Raphael. Father wants to see Y/N. Now.” Raphael and I exchanged a look. I finished off my tea and hugged Raphael goodnight before heading to my room to change into something more appropriate for my meeting with God. 5 minutes later and we were on our way to the palace. In the Devildom After they lost Y/N The day they lost Y/N was the hardest day in their life. After they got back to the house, they both went straight to their room, not talking with anyone. Behind the relative safety of a locked door, Belphie crawled into bed and tried to escape reality. Beel sat on his bed and closed his eyes. He didn’t try to sleep, he didn’t go to the kitchen, he didn’t move. He just sat there, the pain numbing him. They stayed like this for a while before Belphie started tossing and turning, his slumber becoming a restless nightmare. Beel got up and changed into something more comfortable. He moved Belphie over and got under the covers, pulling his twin into his chest. Belphie felt himself being pulled into his older brother's embrace and leaned into it, grief evident on both their faces as they both fell into a dreamless sleep.
The days following weren’t much better. Beel wouldn’t eat as much, practically starving himself and he was rarely found. When any of the brothers would go looking for him, they’d either find him in his room or the gym. Belphie wouldn’t wake up at all anymore. He’d go weeks sleeping, if you could call nightmare filled nights sleeping. He wasn’t any better awake either. When he did wake to attend school or fulfill an order from the king, you could practically see the waves of pure wrath and resentment surrounding him, only dispersing when Beel was close by. There were days where neither of them would leave their room, both just staring into space, little words exchanged. Although they didn’t need to. Their shared bond conveyed more than words could express. The pain amplified by this bond. When Belphie was awake, the twins would practically be inseparable. Neither going anywhere without the other.
This went on for a few months. One day after being rudely awakened from a nap, Belphie found himself wandering the house for a quiet place to sleep. Normally, he’d just head up to the attic, however today, he found his feet leading him down to the catacombs, towards Lilith’s, now Y/N’s casket. He doesn’t know what brought him here, but as soon as he saw it, his eyes started watering. He doesn’t know if it’s because of the memories he has assorted with the casket or if it was because Beel was sitting next to it, leaning his back against the side, crying. Sensing Belphie’s presence, Beel opened his eyes and turned his head towards his twin. He cracked a small, tired smile as Belphie moved to sit next to him. This was the first time Belphegor had seen Beelzebub cry since Y/N’s execution. Sitting next to his brother, he leaned into the larger demon letting his own tears flow. Their hands gravitated toward each other as they took hold. For the first time since the trial, they sat together in silence; tears flowing down their cheeks. Eventually, they fell asleep like this, holding each other's hands. It was Levi that found them. The 3rd born having come down to place the gift he got for Y/N from the convention on the casket. He spotted the twins sleeping with tear stained cheeks and left. He came back down a few minutes later with a blanket and a few snacks for when they awoke. Not wanting to disturb them, he set down the Ruri-chan kit and carefully draped the blanket over them. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was envious of the twins connection and devotion to be there for each other. Then he remembered about their connection. He knows the twins can feel what the other is feeling. He realized that they were probably taking this the hardest, their shared connection amplifying the pain. His envy for them left, replaced by something resembling pity. He left them in the catacombs and retreated to his room. The twins awoke at the same time. They took notice of the blanket draped over them and the fruit tray placed next to them. They exchanged a smile as Beel leaned over to grab the tray, offering the fruit to Belphie first. Belphegor grabbed an apple slice and held it towards Beel. Beel opened his mouth accepting the slice and repeated the action with a clementine. They continued like this, feeding each other until the tray was empty. They stayed down in the catacombs for a little while longer, their bond conveying the vows they made to each other. They’d never leave each other's side. Always be there for their other half.
After that day, Beel would take responsibility for waking the youngest whenever he slept for too long and Belphie took responsibility for making sure Beel ate whenever he was awake. From that day forward, you’d never find one twin without the other close by. Their relationship strengthened, one relying on the other. Always being there when needed.
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bexo-tic · 5 years ago
Breath Play - Spencer Reid X Reader
Spencer Reid X Reader Slow Burn
Season 10 Episode 17
Word Count: 3234
 The sound of heels clicking overwhelms my senses. I can’t believe I’m here, in the BAU office. Sure, I’ve been here plenty of times during my childhood to visit my uncle, but this time I came to work. My heartbeat slows as I take in the familiar smell of coffee brewing. It’s almost nostalgic, reminding me of the times I’d surprise Uncle Aaron with a visit. My heart aches a little as I think of Aunt Haley, but I push the thoughts from my mind. This is my first day and I need everything to be perfect. 
“Y/N,” he smiles warmly as I peek my head into his office. I hadn’t seen Aaron since I left for college, I was too busy working on my degrees. We still called once a week, and that is why it didn’t feel forced or awkward to slide into conversation with him after 8 years.
“Well, everyone is at the table because we have a new case, I can introduce you there.” He leads me out of his office and into a small room filled with only a round table and a screen where the team waits. Their presence makes me nervous. They have all this experience with their job and probably only remember me as Aaron’s little niece if they remember me at all. 
“Team, we have a new intern, Y/N Y/L/N. She’s my niece on Haley’s side.” He clears his throat after mentioning her and I can tell he isn’t as over it as everyone would assume. “This is Derek Morgan, Kate Calahan, Jennifer Jereau, David Rossi, and Spencer Reid. And our Tech Analyst Penelope Garcia.”
“Save the pleasantries, Aaron. She knows me,” David says as he gets up to hug me. The smell of his cologne fills my lungs, but not in an overbearing way. He cups my face in his hands. “You’re all grown up; it’s hard to believe.”
“I don’t think I believe it yet either,” I laugh as I sit down and he goes back to his seat. 
“I hate to interrupt the joy, but we need to get to Wisconsin, also known as the lovely badger state, home of milk and cheese,” Penelope says. She goes into explaining the case and how the bodies of 3 women had been discovered as late as this morning. I tense my body to keep from shivering at the sight of their photos. 
That might be the part that always gets to me, seeing the photos of the victims happy and smiling. I can’t imagine their faces once they realized what was going to happen to them. I watch as they discuss the case, their energy, and ideas building off each other. It happens so smoothly and effortlessly like they aren’t talking about murders. But to them this is normal, maybe they’re a little desensitized to it. 
“Whether he knows the victims or not, he’s hit his stride and he’s not gonna take time to cool off. Wheels up in 30,” Aaron says, distracting me from my thoughts. I grab the “go bag” I left in my uncle’s office which is better described as a suitcase on the edge of exploding. It was my first trip and I didn’t know how long we’d stay so I panic-packed what was probably too much clothing. As I leave the office I bump into something hard. I look up and see Derek.
“Oh my- I’m so sorry. I didn’t even look and-” He holds up a hand to stop my rambling.
“It’s fine, it takes more than a suitcase to knock me down,” he says with a smile. I let out a relieved sigh and he continued talking.
“Rossi says you’re fresh out of college. What degrees do you have?”
“I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Masters in Criminal Justice.”
“And you’re how old?”
“26, I just took a lot of summer classes,” I shrug.
“Sounds a little like Reid,” he laughs. “Real smart guy, been here since he was 24. He graduated high school at 12.” I feel my jaw open and quickly try to close it. 
“That’s um- wow.” 
“Insane, I know. Let me help you get to the jet.”
“Yeah, thanks. I was going to ask my uncle where to go.”
“So is having Hotch as an uncle the same as having him as a boss?”
“Mm, I’d say yeah. He’s pretty reserved, but once you’ve known him long enough you can read him like a book. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you, it’s more like he’s too busy thinking to remember to talk to you.”
“Sounds about right,” he chuckles. “Set your bag here and just through that door is the jet.”
“Oh, thanks again for showing me.”
“No problem, Y/N.” He walked onto the plane. It felt strange hearing him call me by my first name when everyone else was referred to by their last name. But maybe I was reading too much into it. It was my first day and we couldn’t have made a bond as he had with everyone else in the 5-minute walk to the jet. I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts and walked through the door.
Already they were discussing the case again. Hearing them bounce ideas off each other and analyze was almost comforting if you forgot they were talking about a murderer. Their dynamic was so in tune like they all held the same vibration. Part of me didn’t want to speak and mess up the flow of the conversation. 
“Alright Dave and Reid, go to the Medical Examiner with Em. Morgan and Kate go to the newest crime scene. JJ and I will interview friends and family at the station,” Aaron announced. My fingertips began to tingle with anticipation. This is happening! A part of me was excited to be here. I’d always admired my uncle when I was younger for putting away the bad guys and here I was beside him. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I tried desperately to calm down. It was my first case and I was determined not to mess this up. I didn’t want Aaron thinking I couldn’t handle this and sending me home, so I was determined to keep a calm demeanor. 
<<< >>>
“Cartilage around the windpipe was damaged, but the COD was actually a crushed trachea,” the examiner says as he leads us to the victims’ bodies. 
“I’m surprised Emma didn’t go into cardiac arrest before then,” Spencer says, looking back at me and David. I nod in agreement because I don’t have anything to counter with. I question why Aaron even sent me with them to the M.E. when I don’t have enough experience to be much help here.
“Nobody has sex for 6 straight hours, not even sting,” David says, pulling my attention back to the report. That’s where it should be. “Maybe he’s interacting with them beforehand.”
“Nonetheless, it’s an endurance test. He’d have to be in pretty great physical shape,” Spencer says. I try to form my own ideas as they talk, to just bring something to the table and not feel like I’m useless and watching from the sidelines. 
“Well, do you think strangulation is just the dispatching method, then?” David asks.
“Erotic asphyxiation,” I call from behind them. They both turn to look at me and I feel my heart move up my throat. “I mean, the bruising from repeated strangling and releasing is similar to that.”
“If that’s the case, isn't the pleasure usually all for the recipient?”
“Maybe not for him,” Spencer answers. “Cutting off his victim’s air supply might be how he satisfies his own urges.” 
I sigh, I might have just contributed something. I don't want them to think I can’t do anything to help. My eyes wander to the other victims. She has the same bruising as the other victim except her hair is blonde, Donna Rayburn. She almost looks like me, but her eyes are blue, not the dark brown I got from my dad. Noticing all our similarities makes me itch and I feel exposed. I jump when a hand touches my back.
“Hey, we’re heading back to discuss everything with the team,” David says. “Are you alright?”
I can feel Spencer’s eyes burning into me from behind, he’s not very good at acting like he isn’t listening to our conversation. I can’t help but wonder if he thinks I’m even qualified to be here; his intelligence is a little intimidating. He could probably profile circles around me.
“I’m fine, just nervous. First day jitters,” I smile in what I hope is a convincing way. David leads me to the car and I sit in the back on the way to the station. Looking out the window keeps me distracted and I let my mind wander. I wonder how the people who live here feel about the news. Everyone says “It could never happen here”, but somehow it always does.
“Six hours is a long time, especially late at night, for someone to be held and no one to hear anything,” Aaron says as David, Spencer and I make it to the table. Again they delved into a conversation trying to connect the victims. So far, the only thing they had in common was their interactions with the unsub. After what seemed like hours of discussion, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got up to find coffee. 
I found my way to a small kitchen with two coffee pots in it. I grabbed a guest mug and poured in the steaming liquid, leaving enough room for the cream and sugar packets on the counter. A voice behind me makes me jump.
“Did you know Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that grows coffee?” I turn and find Spencer standing there with his thermos in his hands.
“Um no?”
“Yeah, the ideal coffee growing conditions require high altitudes, rich soil, and tropical climates.”
“Do you start every conversation off with facts?” I ask with a laugh.
“Mostly,” he smiles. “Oh, and I wouldn’t drink that coffee if I were you. Hotch just said we’re heading back to the hotel and regrouping in the morning.” 
I checked the time on my phone, 11:33 PM. No wonder I was so tired, with the jet ride and busy day we had. The ride to the hotel felt like it lasted a few minutes, so I must have dozed off in the car. Aaron handed me the key to my room which I shared with JJ. I barely had time to shower before I fell asleep in the white sheets of the bed.
<<< >>>
I couldn’t believe the unsub killed again last night. I knew he would kill again, but it didn’t feel right that I hadn’t noticed. How did we all fall asleep so easily when the murderer we were trying to find had claimed a new victim? And here I was walking around Lynn Boyd’s house as everyone scurried around for evidence. I find my way into her bedroom.
“The bindings, the silk scarf, the rough sex. He’s using ‘Bare Reflections’ to choose his victims,” Rossi says. Finally, another step forward. Last night we concluded the unsub would be a married man, but it didn’t give us much to go off of. A call to Garcia would help us understand more.
‘If this book is mainstream, then his victim pool is large.”
“Garica, did any of the other victims besides Lynn own a copy?” JJ asks.
“Mary Healy had it on her tablet. Donna Rayburn checked it out from the library twice. Emma and Lynn both purchased copies locally.”
Although the book tied our victims together, who even knew how many other married women in the comfort zone owned the book as well. The list of possible targets would be too long to help us tie it back to the unsub.
“And- hey, a lot of the saucy texts are direct quotes from the book,” Garcia says. “Oh! Speaking of texts, I culled them from that he met Mary via message board, Donna at a coffee shop, Emma at the gym, and Lynn, he met Lynn using a fake profile on a discreet dating website for married people.”
“Thanks, Garcia,” Rossi said, ending the call.
“Profile?” JJ asked. He nodded in response. The ride back to the station passed in a blink. Maybe it was the satisfaction I was feeling. My fingertips tingled because we were so close to finally catching this guy.
“Based on area demographics, we believe that we’re looking for a physically fit white male in his mid-30s to early 40s,” Aaron starts.
“He’s a homicidal dominant with an interest in role-play,” Callahan continues. They build off each other so smoothly, and the rest of the team keeps it going.
“We believe his charisma has allowed him to latch onto women who are interested in a popular erotic romance novel called ‘Bare Reflections’.”
“In it, a sheltered female teacher falls for a handsome mogul with a dark past who forces her into a submissive role.”
“Despite her initial worries, Amber Stone finds she can’t live without Carson Bare, warts and all.”
“We believe the unsub and his victims are consensually recreating a scenario from this book.”
“In that scene, Carson introduces Amber to BDSM by binding her to a bed as they have rough sex.”
“The unsub uses this role play to get his victims into a vulnerable position before his fantasy takes hold.”
”This has provided the unsub with a victim pool who have dropped their guard.” 
“His first victims were single, but his last two were married. This escalation indicates that he may be married himself and probably has a family.”
“This unsubs M.O. takes patience and caution, and is firmly rooted in a need-based desire, which means he won’t be stopping anytime soon. Thank you.” Aaron says, ending the profile presentation. I look back at the crime scene photos trying to piece together the puzzle. I notice Reid quickly skimming through the pages of “Bare Reflections”. 
“Are you even reading it?” I ask.
“I can read 20,000 words per minute, so yes.” He doesn't even have to look up when he responds.
“Robot,” I say under my breath as I roll my eyes, but from his smirk, I can tell he heard me.
“There’s not a single mention of erotic asphyxiation anywhere,” he says as Rossi and a detective approach us.
“It’s the unsub’s fetish then.” Rossi’s brows furrow. 
“He’s a charmer that knows that some people lose themselves in the moment and others stop at nothing to please their partners,” my thoughts come out loud as I walk towards them. “Somehow he makes his victims feel safe enough to abandon their hard limit.”
“What’s a hard limit?” the detective asks.
“It’s a common BDSM practice. Hard limits are anything that’s an automatic no-go. It differs by person and taste,” Rossi states.
“And a soft limit is an in which a submissive hesitates or places strict conditions on,” Reid pipes up.
“I had no idea that world had so many regulations. Where does he find somebody like-minded?”
“In “Bare Reflections”, Carson Bare takes Amber to an event called a munch.”
“Which is?”
“According to the book, it’s a social gathering for people interested in BDSM.”
“Where the heck do you find that?”
“We should call Garcia.” Reid nods at Rossi.
“I found one,” he says, showing his simple google search. While Rossi and Callahan go to the munch, the rest of us stay behind to go over the case files.
<<< >>>
“He knew crossing state lines would make it more difficult to link the crimes,” Aaron says about the three prostitute murders Garcia has just brought up. 
“That’s a very different cooling-off period. I wonder what was so special about those dates,” Detective Pierce questions. Reid grabs an expo marker and turns to the nearest board.
“First kills were in 2000, 2007, and then he went dormant until last year. What triggers him?” He writes all the dates on the board.
“Deaths in the family,” Aaron asks.
“He could keep losing jobs?”
“These are sex crimes so what interferes with sex drive? Children,” Callahan offers. “The addition of a child would disrupt even the happiest of couples.”
“More specifically the births,” Reid nods and you can see the gears in his head turning. “What if each of these kills corresponds to the births of the unsub’s own children?”
“Garcia, how many men in the hunting zone had a child in 2000?”
“16 and because I already know what the follow-up question is going to be, 5 had their second child 8 years ago, and two had their third last year.”
“Were either one of them busted for something like peeping or exposure?” I ask.
“Yes and no, there's a Patrick Jon Murphy. He’s a physical therapist, here’s the thing he was never actually arrested. I do have some sealed family court docs, though, that I’m about to unseal and learn … Oh, when he was 12, he witnessed his neighbor strangle his wife to death in a sex game gone bad.”
“Even though he was only a witness, that moment created a single event imprint on his love map and probably started his interest in breath play.”
“Is his wife interested in BDSM?”
“Uh, no, doesn’t look like it. The Murphy’s have been in and out of couple’s therapy for years.”
“The therapy roller coaster may have been due to intermittent periods of frustration then bliss surrounding the murders.”
“And his urges increase during periods of non-intimacy.”
“If the unsub’s trigger was the birth of his kids, why change the victimology and accelerate the kills now?” I ask.
“I think the guilt he’s felt has been alleviated by ‘Bare Reflections’, and the intense female interest in it has justified his impulses,” Reid answers. Our phones beep as Garcia sends us his address and we race out the door. His house isn’t even that far from the station, it’s crazy that he’s been under our noses the whole time. JJ and Reid come out of the house looking defeated.
“He’s at the nanny’s house, we’ve gotta move!” We don't even have time to buckle up before we're barreling down the road. When we arrive at the house I can see a girl standing at the front door. 
"You two take the front of the house, I'm going around back," Morgan declares. I can see him run after the unsub on foot as Callahan grabs the girl inside the house. That must be his daughter. The rest of us storm inside, clearing each room as we make our way through the house. Calls from upstairs lead us into the bedroom where we find a woman tied to her bed. Immediately we untie her as a medic comes in to check her out.
<<<   >>>
“So, how was your first case?” Aaron asks as he sits across from me on the jet.
“Um, intense,” I nod and he laughs. “But I really enjoyed helping solve it.”
“I knew you had it in you.” He squeezes my hand. “Want some coffee?”
“No thanks, I’m gonna try to sleep before we land.” I curl into my chair and try to let the tension release from my body as I fall asleep.
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kayokos-villain-imagines · 5 years ago
Maybe Spinner headcanons with a childhood friend turned romantic?
// Ooh I really loved this request. //
//So, this turned into a scenario, but I didn’t want to reformat it, so here you go. //
As a child, you’d always automatically accepted those who were different than you. So much so, that you never understood why no one ever talked to a certain Shuichi Iguchi in your fifth grade class.
He seemed like a normal 11 year old boy to you, he liked cars, video games, and wanted to be a hero when he grew up. Yeah, his quirk was a little unusual, but you thought it only made him cooler.
When you came up to him at lunch and introduced yourself, he seemed a mix of surprised and suspicious.
As you continued to sit with Shuichi during the year, he slowly opened up to you. You even began hanging out at each other’s houses.
By summer, people had begun avoiding you too. This broke Shuichi’s heart, but you reassured him that you were fine.
As the years went by avoidance morphed into full-on aggression, directed at both of you.
Shuichi could handle being roughed up, he was used to people treating him poorly because of his quirk, but he couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt for his sake.
So, when he was old enough, Shuichi scrapped up enough money (mostly loans from his parents), and left town without so much as a goodbye.
He told himself that it was for your own good, even if you’d be sad at first, you would eventually come to realize that you were better off without him.
In actuality, you were devastated that he left and tried everything you could think of to find him. But there was only so much you could do. He hadn’t told anyone, not even his family, where he was going, so you had no leads to go on. The only way you’d ever find him now was if he wound up on a nationally-aired news segment detailing Japan’s most wanted villains and their last known locations.
By a stroke of luck, you happened to turn the TV on just as the camera cut to footage of the league butting heads with a small group of pro heroes, and you happened to look up just as it focused in on one particular member.
Despite the Stain cosplay, it was no secret to you who the villain “Spinner” actually was.
You stayed by the TV long enough to catch the name of the city they were last seen in, before dashing off to pack a small bag of essentials, and scribble a note for anyone who came looking for you.
Was it crazy to chase after someone who ran away to become a villain? Probably. But that’s exactly what you planned to do.
When you left your house, you were worried that you’d never find Shuichi. But as you drew closer to where he was last sighted, you thought about what could go wrong if you did find him. What if he didn’t want to see you? He was a villain now, so why would he want to risk rebuilding bridges with a civilian who could easily sell him out to the police? Maybe you were the reason he ran away in the first place. Had you been too smothering with your kindness when you were young? 
You were just about to get off the bus and go home when your more rational side took over. It didn’t matter where he was now or who he was with, Spinner was still your Shuichi. The same Shuichi who you sat with everyday at lunch in elementary school, and who introduced you to the wonderful world of video games. You’d come all this way to see him, and you’d be damned if you let him get away without a decent explanation this time.
Your initial fears about not being able to find your childhood friend were quickly crushed as, after only ten minutes of wandering the outskirts of the city, you caught sight of one of Spinner’s teammates huddled in an alleyway. You hadn’t paid attention to his name, but the black and grey spandex suit was hard to miss.
Momentarily forgetting that this was a dangerous villain, you raced over to where he was crouched down and only froze when you heard him muttering incoherently to himself.
You heard yourself call out to him, meekly, and ask if he was alright.
He spun around, with wide eyes, almost as if you were the villain, and he was the innocent civilian wandering around an unfamiliar city at night.
Only then did you notice that his mask was torn nearly in half, and he was bleeding from a deep gash on his forehead.
Before he could even respond to you or ask who you were, your instincts- the same instincts that prompted you to sit by Shuichi that day in fifth grade- took over, and you found yourself tearing pieces off a spare shirt in your bag and using them to dress his wound.
The man stayed quiet throughout the process, seemingly confused as to what was happening, so you only ceased your ministrations when you heard somebody give a dry chuckle behind you.
“Who might you be, dollface?”
You turned to face another of Spinner’s teammates. Dabi. You remembered his name since he’d gotten most of the screentime in the news segment, most likely due to his captivating blue flames. Something about him made you feel uneasy, in comparison to the other man.
“Didn’t you see the news? It’s not safe out here at night. You never know who you might run into.” The way he was slowly stalking towards you made your breath hitch and your heartbeat quicken. “Maybe someone should show you what happens to dolls who stay out past their bedtime.”
Luck was on your side, however, as the villain you had helped jumped in front of you, effectively acting as a human shield.
“Dabi, you can’t! Go ahead. She helped me! See if I care.” You blinked, wondering if you heard him right.
Dabi seemed to notice the other villain’s bandage for the first time. His eyes glinted with amusement, mouth turning upwards in a smirk. “You really don’t know who we are, then? You must be more naive than I thought, dollface.”
This sparked something in you. You weren’t some lost child who wandered here by accident. You had a reason for seeking them out, and with the comfort of knowing that the first villain (probably) didn’t want you dead, you spoke up.
“I came here to look for my friend, Shuichi Iguchi. I think he’s with you guys.”
“Iguchi, hm?” Spinner had never shared his real name with the league, but Iguchi would definitely be the family name of someone with a lizard quirk.
Before Dabi could make any further remarks, another voice joined the conversation.
“There you are! You were taking a while, so Tomu-chan sent me to find both of you!”
Dabi said nothing, but stepped to the side, allowing you and the blonde girl to lock eyes.
“Ooh! A new friend? I can't wait to taste her blood!” You tensed at this. Was Shuichi even here?
“Actually she’s Spinner’s old friend. She came looking for him and found us instead.” You swallowed down your fear as Dabi said this. 
‘Dabi acts like no one else matters to him, but he stopped threatening me when he realized I knew Shuichi.’ Maybe you had a chance after all.
As if to confirm your thoughts, the man in the grey and black costume spoke next. “We should bring her with us! Let’s leave her here. I’m sure Spinner would love to see her again! I wouldn’t.”
The blonde girl seems all too excited about bringing you with them, and Dabi’s as indifferent as ever about the situation, so you decide to go. If you had to endure everything that just happened, you’d at least get to see Shuichi.
You shyly agree to come with them, following close behind the man you had helped and being careful to keep a distance between you and the other two.
The girl takes you down another alleyway, skipping ahead as she hummed an odd tune. She stops suddenly and peers into the darkness as if waiting for someone.
With a start, you realize that there’s someone there, blending into the shadows, though you probably wouldn’t have seen them if it weren’t for the two glowing yellow eyes.
The eyes fall upon you, and you hold your breath. “Who’s this?” a deep voice questions.
“Spinner’s friend!” the man in the grey and black suit remarks, and you are surprised to hear nothing else said.
The shadow man pauses, and you imagine him quirking an eyebrow, but he says nothing and you get the feeling it’s not his place to challenge their decisions. He looks to the side as a purple and black portal opens up, and everyone but you and the shadow guy step through. 
He turns back to you and holds out what you assume is a hand. “My name is Kurogiri. I apologize if any of the others have scared you.”
“I’m, uh, (f/n) (l/n).” You can barely concentrate on your words as you process the feeling of his ‘hand’. It seems like pure mist at first, but it gets firmer the more pressure you apply, like pushing together the repelling ends of two magnets.
Kurogiri clears his throat and gestures to the portal.
“Oh, uh, right.” You let go of his hand and take a few tentative steps towards the gaping hole in the brick wall. You inhale sharply as you put one foot through and step onto a solid surface, slowly pulling the rest of your body through.
You open your eyes to find yourself in what appears to be a run-down bar, with five pairs of inquisitive eyes on you, but none of them Shuichi’s. You do, however, see two new people. The first you recognize as Tomura Shigaraki, the league’s current leader. He stares at you for a moment, before stalking off. He was probably advised to leave you alone for now. The second dashes up to you the moment you’re through the portal. He’s wearing an ochre trench coat, a top hat, and a black and white mask. He introduces himself as Mr. Compress as he offers you a bouquet, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Don’t overwhelm her, Mister.” You hadn’t even noticed Dabi until he spoke up.
Mr. Compress huffed and took a seat at the counter.
“Spinner’s room is down there” Dabi motioned his head towards the hallway behind him. “Third room to the left.”
You give a nod of thanks and manage to move your body down the hallway, stopping in front of the third door to the left. You held your breath as you knocked several times.
You heard footsteps leading up to the door, and watched anxiously as it creaked open.
Shuichi was in the same Stain costume he had been wearing on the news, but his hair was down, as it had been the last time you were together. Upon seeing you, he froze with the door still half open.
“H-hi, Shuichi.” It occurred to you that you hadn’t planned on what to say.
“What are you doing here!?”
“I saw you on the news. I came looking for you and found them.” You briefly glanced at the entrance to the hallway.
“You shouldn’t have come. It’s dangerous.”
“It was my only hope of finding you again.” You could swear you saw a faint blush appear on Shuichi’s scales.
“You’re better off without me around. Especially now that…” He trailed off and you realized that he didn’t want to admit to being a villain.
“If everyone else wanted to tease me for being friends with you, then that’s on them. I was happy as long as we were together.”
Shuichi tried and failed to stutter out a response, eventually settling on “You should go.”
“Shuichi, can’t you hear me? All I want is to be with you. I don’t care if you’re a villain or what” You stepped towards the door and he turned away.
“I won’t let you get hurt because of me.”
The corners of your mouth quirked up in a smile. “That’s sweet, but I think it’s beyond your control.” He looked up at you concernedly. “Two of your teammates have threatened to kill me, and I’m not sure they’ll let me leave at this point. Don’t you think I would be safer if I stayed with you?”
Shuichi glanced at you before looking away again. “...I guess,” he said, and you internally squealed.
“Well then, we should go tell the others that I’m here to stay!” He nodded and moved to walk in front of you, but you stopped him.
Without warning, you pulled him close and pressed a kiss to his snout, before pulling away and leaving him standing in the hallway, speechless.
// I don’t usually put notes at the end, but wow the formatting is a mess. Sorry I mutilated your request, anon. //
( ̄ω ̄)/
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oureuphoria · 5 years ago
Worst of You - JJK 02
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but that doesn’t stop you from developing a very abnormal and completely unsolicited crush on your local hot police officer™. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. Oh, and he has a lifetime’s worth of emotional baggage at 23.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know that you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,083
Note: I am actually not American so if I depict the American school system, police system or any system incorrectly then I am really sorry!
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
You awaken from your not-so-graceful sleep only to see that it was 1:50pm and you had overslept. Oversleeping was very a common thing for you because you often forgot to set your alarms. You’ve trained your body to wake up at specific times from your unchanging routine which is why you were awake, minutes before your meeting with the goddamn Officer and very much not ready. You rushed out of bed with so much force that your self-induced blanket burrito rolled out onto the floor where you laid limply, regretting the brute force you had gotten up with. However, you didn’t learn anything from your mistake and continued with that same force towards the bathroom only to hit your bathroom door square in the face. 
You made it on time, looking somewhat presentable (you tried your best in the compressed time limit). Alex offered you a ride which helped unbelievably because you were incredibly late. You speed-walked to the front counter wand asked the secretary where to go. She looks at you plainly and before replying with much annoyance. “Officer Jeon instructed me to refer a message to you. The perpetrator confessed to the crime late last night and the case has been closed, we will no longer been needing your time.” Oh. Your heart began to sting a little at the realisation that you will never see the officer again but the realisation that you were free overpowered the pain. You smiled while walking towards the door but your happiness was short-lived. You spotted the attacker, hand-cuffed. You locked eyes for the second time although they seemed a lot less manic. 
He didn’t recognise you, that was clear enough but you knew you’d never be able to forget him and that thought scared you. Enough so to leave you frozen in the middle of the station. You stood there for what felt like an eternity before an officer shook your shoulder. “Are you okay?” You didn’t really look at her before nodding, a smile on your face as you thanked her a sped out of the building. You walked back to your dorm with only one thought on your mind. 
Morning classes were a bore and you often found yourself reciting the entire script of a movie instead of writing notes. You looked concentrated and teachers never noticed so it never really harmed anyone, except your GPA of course. It had been just over 2 weeks since you became the hottest news on campus and it blew over quite quickly. The buzz was bound to return though because the student who was attacked, William, was set to return to school that day. 
You were fired from your job at the store (because apparently hiring college students was problematic) which meant you had to spend your weekend tutoring privileged high schoolers instead. It was a Tuesday and you were at lunch when William approached you with a light tap on your shoulder, you removed your earphones from your ear and turned to face him but the moment your eyes landed on his face you could feel your lunch creeping back up. 
You were too scared to approach him yourself so you left a get-well-soon card and a teddy bear for him at the hospital which you assumed was why he was there. “I just wanted to thank you for that night, who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t call the police when you did.” You smiled but it was half-hearted. Your mind was filled with a quiet chant of ‘it should’ve been me’ every time you saw his face. “Honestly, it’s fine, I’m glad you’re okay.” You awkwardly gestured a thumbs up which was meant to be reassuring before you put your earphone back in and went back to your sandwich. Trying to shut up before you embarrassed yourself further ended quickly when he tapped your shoulder lightly again. 
“I’m sorry to bother you again but I was kind of wondering, did you know him? You know the student who…” “No, sorry I didn’t.” You answered quickly because you wanted the conversation to be over as soon as possible but you might’ve come off as rude. You noticed a glint sadness in his eye, a need for closure, a need to know he did nothing wrong. “I don’t think he had a motive for doing what he did to you though. From what I know, you’re a nice guy, I mean your hospital room had flowers everywhere.” He chuckled a little before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
“You visited?” It was just then that you remembered that you had forgotten to sign the card. “Oh! Yes, I left a bear there it was pink, kind of ugly but it was the best thing the gift shop had. It was either that or a Giraffe that said ‘it’s a boy!’” You were rambling, you knew that much but you couldn’t stop yourself if you tried. “Thank you, for everything…” “Y/N.” “Right, Y/N. Maybe we can get coffee sometime or something?” You gulped while in deep thought, you weren’t sure if you could ever make it up to him but you were willing to try. “Sure!”
Once he left, you stared back at your deflated peanut butter sandwich before poking at the stale bread. “Ah, fuck it.” You threw away your crusty sandwich and walked to the nearby cafe which you often avoided like the plague during lunch hours because it was bustling with students. That day was an exception, you needed carbs and you needed them stat. You walked into the cafe, ready to order cheesy fries when you saw him. Officer Jeon. You cursed under your breath and allowed yourself to stare a little. You knew officers often came here since it was around the station but you had never seen him there. 
You were waiting in line while he sat down with 2 of his co-workers. You watched them pick up the menus and discuss what they wanted to eat. You were invested in staring until a loud voice startled you. “Next waiting.” That was your cue and you almost missed it staring at the Officer with obvious heart eyes. You held the little table number concoction in your hand as you made your way to sit in the far corner seat where you always sat. But you didn’t go as unnoticed as usual. The incident was still fresh news for the a few students even though it had been 2 weeks. Some students thought you were a hero while others remain confused because “does she even go here?” But the majority never really cared about you but stared anyway because that was the way society worked. You sat and slowly retracted into a small ball of dismal anxiety while you waited for your cheesy fries to arrive. 
“Hey isn’t that the awkward kid that you questioned, Jeon?” The officer parallel to him asks loudly, clearly pointing at you which made you retract into the corner even further. “Oh yeah I saw her at the station, poor thing she looked so helpless.” To make matters worse, the woman next to him was the one who checked on you at the station. To top off the embarrassment, Officer Jeon turned around to look at you right when you accidentally smashed your toe on the edge of the table while trying to grab your bag. You winced and chanted “ow, ow, ow, ow,” until you abruptly stopped after realising you were being watched by 3 amused officers. 
You managed a small smile and a wave before you grabbed your laptop from your bag and tried to distract yourself from the major discomfort you had endured. Everything went well for a collective amount of 37 seconds before the man you found intimidatingly attractive sat on the seat opposite yours. You peeked over your laptop a little because for some reason you believed that if you couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see you. However, his tall physique allowed him to clearly see you crouched behind the laptop screen. “Hey.” You feigned a smile and pretended to not be completely disturbed by his presence. “Hi.” You squeaked back before internally slapping yourself for sounding so timid but unfortunately your handbook on social interactions seemed to lack a chapter that covered ‘how to talk to attractive police officers who you are low key crushing on but can never be with for longer than 2 seconds without combusting into a nervous mess’. 
“How’s everything going? I heard you visited the station looking a little scared.” You chuckled nervously, your laugh becoming slower and slower before dissipating into an awkward silence. “You see, that wasn’t me that was just someone who happened to look a lot like me. You know, me and my common face.” These were moments you wished you could forget because your communication skills were frankly astonishing. However, instead of worrying over your inability to make small talk, he laughed. Officer Jeon laughed at something you said and it was super fucking cute. 
“You know Y/N, you’re really…unique?” You held back a snort as you laughed under your breath. “You seem so shy and timid but you looked like you were going to bite my head off at the station.” You started violently chugging your water down, this time for far too long because you didn’t want to reply. “Well, you see I was very…dehydrated? And you know what dehydration can do to someone.” You were never a very good liar which proved to be an important skill in times like such. 
He curved his eyebrow at you questioningly but didn’t care to press further, soon after the waiter came with your cheesy fires. You thought it would be rude to eat in front of him so you just stared at the bowl quietly. “Aren’t you going to eat?” “Yeah I was just waiting for it to cool down.” You awkwardly crouched to slowly blow on your cheesy fries which just made him stare at you amusingly. “You’re a weird kid, Y/N. I’ll get going now, it was nice catching up.” You nodded before William crossed your mind. You lunged forward to tug on his sleeve to stop him from leaving. “Wait, do you think you could um, tell me what happened with the case?” “Meet me here tomorrow at 5 and I’ll tell you what I can.” And with that, he left. 
“And thEN HE LEAVES, HE JUST LEAVES ALEX, DOESN’T EVEN GIVE ME HIS NUMBER, OR EVEN HIS FIRST NAME?!?” You angrily protested to your friend who was more interested in her phone than the conversation. “Hey, Alex, are you even listening?” Your question fell on unhearing ears so you yelled again to catch her attention. “Alex!” “What?” She replied, a little annoyed but she didn’t push further at the sight of your glare. “I’m sure he was just leaving then because he had to, you know, special police business or something. I bet he’s into you, you’re adorable.” She ruffled the top of your head and you smiled bitterly. Compliments from Alex were normally out of pity and she had a lot to pity you for. She was prettier than you, nicer than you and uncannily good at socialising. This generally meant that whatever boy you were into, was into her. 
“Is he really that cute? I need to meet him.” “No! I mean, I don’t even know his name, it’s not important. Don’t waste your time.” Your abrupt exclamation made you feel a little guilty. You’d never voiced your insecurities with Alex and yet you held her completely accountable which was entirely unfair. “Oh, alright. So, what movie are we watching tonight?” Her attention was trained on her phone again as she asked the question. She looked up at you suddenly with pleading eyes and you knew exactly what she wanted. “Just go.” You waved her off with your hand and she didn’t hesitate before leaving you to go to her room. You allowed yourself to melt into the couch as you moped over spending another Friday night alone again. “Wait, Alex! Can I come with you?”
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minimoni713 · 4 years ago
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"Y/N a normal girl,abused both at home and school doesn't find meaning to her life until 3 boys transfer to her school. She wasn't the type to trust people easily but she did,that was her biggest mistake.it becomes even worse when she hears the news of her dad remarrying, meaning she faces even more abuse.nobody knows the truth about her past,it's all hidden by the lies of the media.but is it too late when the truth is out?"~
This is a short kpop fanfic which includes members from blackpink,bts and got7. Whatever written about the members does not portray their behaviour in real life.
TW⚠️:does include self harm, suicide, bullying
This whole story is also on wattpad under the username "agustD_1013". And this part contains chapter 1-5 of the original story. Part two is under my account
Part 1
Your p.o.v:
When my alarm rang I shot up, like a person from the dead. I just knew I couldn't be late. I rushed to the bathroom to do my morning routine as quickly as possible to avoid the consequences, but i guess that luck isn't on my side.
Once I laid my foot on the bottom of the stairs, SMACK, I got hit right on my left rib. I didn't dare look at who it was, instead I was open to their words and actions, by letting them in. The reeking smell of alcohol could be smelled, from which I knew it was my dad. I could sense more people's presence there and the beating got worse.
Suddenly it stopped. I thought it had ended, but no, I got the hardest hit on my back, I then realized it was Suga. He was the strongest hitter in the family. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was dying there, I was totally empty both in and out.
After my so-called family was done they left me there like a piece of trash. Even though, because of all the beating the hits were stinging in my skin I got up and rushed to school knowing there would be more consequences if i got late.
Luckily, I got to school on time, yet I had to face hardships. I didn't bother to spare a glance at anybody, and neither did the students at school but if they did, they were of disgust. I could hear the students talking shit about me and some even threw comments on me;
"No wonder your family regrets having you", Jennie said.
Every student there started laughing at me. This was so humiliating.
It seemed liked she didn't care, but the students never knew that their words were slowly killing her from the inside.
(Y/N p.o.v)
But the bullying didn't end there, I was abused once again physically by the school kids, just like my family. This time it stung even more, I was hit at exactly the same places as before. By now there was a whole crowd, yet no one offered to help me. I became the laughing stock of the school. And once again I was left alone.
Honestly, I didn't care anymore. All I could see in front of myself was to use the way to get everything out. I ran to the closest bathroom and took out my blade. Now cutting was a part of my daily routine. I slid the blade multiple times on my skin, by now my arm was fully covered in blood. I ran the water over my arm till all the blood was gone, and wrapped it. I made sure I didn't have any blood stains on my clothes and pulled down my sleeve. I reached my back pocket to take out my phone to check the time, seeing I only had 2 minutes to get to class. I ran, more like limped to class reaching just in time.
Luckily, Y/N came to class when the bell rang, and sat down in the bottom left corner next to the window. Just then the teacher entered the loud, noisy class. He started with the registration, and was surprised that everyone was there.
"Okay students today we have three new students, please treat them well"
Right after he finished speaking three young boys came in, one by one each started presenting themselves.
"Hi my name is Mark"
"Jackson" he said winking to the girls
"I'm Bambam"
The other four of GOT7 already attend the school and are friends with the whole of BTS. All of them had the eerie vibe of playboys like.
Y/N had no interest in them, she was least bothered about what was going on. But as the three were wandering their eyes around, their eyes met with hers. All four locked their eyes for a good 10 seconds. Just by looking into their eyes she knew that they were harmful to her and no good. While the girls in their class were giving death glares to Y/N, she got the hint that she was in trouble.
The teacher surrounded Y/N by assigning the three boys' seats around her. The lesson passed through quickly and was coming to an end though she had the feeling that someone was watching her. That three pair of eyes were piercing through her.
When the bell rang signaling that the lesson ended she rushed out of the class to the rooftop only to meet with her brothers and their friends; the rest of GOT7. She turned around to leave but was a bit too slow as she was surrounded by all of them. Namjoon came up to her and whispered;
"How sad I got detention this morning because you were too slow this morning and don't you think you should get a payback for that?" with that he threw a punch on her face. One by one the rest joined, using Y/N as their 'punching bag'.
Meanwhile with Mark, Bambam and Jackson they had learned everything about this school; the classrooms, the drama, the students- and especially Y/N and her history. They were feeling suffocated in the corridors, with all the girls drooling over them so to get some fresh air they went to the rooftop only to meet with 11 to 1 bullying
Mark, Bambam and Jackson went up to them to stop the bullying only to get her brothers even more pissed. Bambam shouted
"Are you guys crazy or something, you guys must be sick?"
Junkook came up to him and spoke up;
"Since when did you care about weaklings like her? I thought you guys were one of us"
Even after that the three were still standing their glued to their spots when suddenly Jackson spoke up stiffly;
" Apologize to her now!"
At this rate her BTS & the rest of GOT7 were going mad. They let out small chuckles at the boys, who they thought as one of them. Jackson and Bambam were controlling all the boys to not get near her while Mark took RM to explain something. Y/N's lifeless body was still there. Their discussion was pretty long but towards the end a smirk appeared on RM's face. He came back to apologize to Y/N with the others confused, including you. They immediately left after that. Mark, Bambam and Jackson all had a smirk on their face, but when they noticed you their smirk disappeared and they helped you to the nurse and introduced themselves properly. Y/N's thoughts were lost, maybe they were not as bad as she thought.
The rest of the day went well for Y/N no one bullied her and she hung out with the guys. When school ended, she received a text from her dad to come home immediately. She was really surprised because she always comes home immediately after school and her dad is never home so he doesn't know what she's doing, not like she's doing something bad. Then she got the idea that her dad must be home now.
Y/N hurried home because she didn't want to cause more problems. She opened the front door and noticed two pairs of unknown shoes. When she came to the living room, she saw two unknown women staring at her. One of them looked the same age as her and the other in her mid 40s. Her father and siblings were also there. Her father called her over to sit next to him. She knew something was up, he never acted like this. The news he let out next was devastating, she was happy for him but she was heartbroken. He introduced the two as her to be stepmother and to be step sister.
From the corner of her eyes she could see them glaring at her. Like the others, they were not good either, they knew about her past and reflected on her depending on it.
Her dad and to-be-stepmother informed the others that they would get married within two days and everything would be ready.
The next two days, nothing special happened, but it was much better. Since the three; Mark, Bambam and Jackson moved her life in school became better and all bullying ended in school and her siblings stopped abusing her both at home and school, while her dad continued. Day by day they began to gain her trust and she continued to fall for their plan. Because for once she thought that at the end of the day there would be a meaning to her life.
Soon her father's wedding day came and it was time for her stepmother and stepsister to move in. But one strange thing she noticed was that her family treated her step-sister: Rosé as a princess. Although her family stopped abusing her, they still ignored her and made her do things for them. They liked her more than they ever did.
From the corner of the wall, Y/N looked at how her family was so lovely with Rosé until someone pulled her to her room. When the person turned on the lamp she saw that it was her stepmother.
"Isn't someone jealous? Does it hurt seeing Rosé get all the attention? "
Her stepmother continued the verbal abuse with some slaps on her face. But suddenly someone came in; Rosé.
"Mom I did it everyone has left the house, I don't think they will be back in a few hours. Now we can have some fun with her, "said Rosé.
Her eyes landed on something shiny; it was a blade on the corner bedside table. She grabbed it and began cutting into Y/N's body with her mother.
Y/N was begging them to stop. It couldn't be handled, yet she endured the pain. Till this day she wondered how she was not dead yet. After all the abuse and blood loss shouldn't she have been dead?
Rosé had a strange feeling, she knew this wasn't right but she kept going. She did not control her actions, they controlled her. In fact she was not the one who abused people but she was forced by her mother, stepfather and step-siblings, it was also because of Y/N's past.
Eventually all this ended and both of them left Y/N in her room lifeless. She couldn't move at all, but if her family saw her like this, she would have to face more things. So she went into the shower for not a hot but a long cold shower, knowing that her skin would sting even more than it already is if she showered with warm water. Even though all these bad thoughts about her mother and sister were there, she still had hope. Hope she got from the three guys at school who brought a meaning to her life.
When she was done, she got dressed, but when she was going to sleep she heard strange noises from her dad's room; of a man and a woman. But her family was not home. Then she assumed that her stepmother was with another man.
(Y/N P.O.V)
I thought I heard noises of a man from my dad's room, but according to what Rosé said they shouldn't be at home. That's when something lit up in my mind; She must be with another man. I wanted to see it for myself if it was true, and when I reached the room I saw everything. The scene was heartbreaking, how was dad going to react to this. But what I heard next got the worst of me. My emotions were just falling apart, I had none left.
She wanted to see for herself if it was true, and when she was in the room she saw everything. Her mother was with another man who was not her father. "Don't worry, darling, I don't love him anymore, you know it's just for the company. I'll do the same with him and the company will be mine, "she heard her stepmother say to that man. Y/N couldn't take this stress anymore so she went to her room and fell asleep. Only one thought was wandering Y/N's mind right now; what did she mean by "do the same with him".
The next day, Y/N woke up and did all her stuff as she usually did. But before she went to school, she wanted to talk to her dad about what she saw the night before.
"Dad are you sure that the one you married loves you and not someone else" and with that she got slapped on her face. Her dad just sat there quietly. With the silence she assumed she would leave, so she went to school.
She met with Mark, Jackson & Bambam and went to class with them. The three were the only ones she trusted, if they disappeared from her life everything would be gone. The three knew everything about her while she knew nothing about them and their history. The school has become a safe place for her, at least it was better than home. She always had this eerie feeling that all students planned something against her behind her back, but she always shook it off.
She was in the corridor when a group of girls, it was none other than the queens of the school; Blackpink, came up to her and showed her a video. When it was over, she couldn't believe it, it couldn't be true. It was a video of Bambam, Mark and Jackson talking shit about her.
"You know Mark, Jackson and Bambam are just using you, they're just playing with you and your heart," Lisa told her.
Jisoo spoke up "Did you think anyone would want to be friends with a nerd like you?"
With that, the laughing girls left her there. She didn't believe the video, she thought the girls edited it to make her jealous. Since the three came into her life, she stopped cutting herself. Cutting herself was a part of her life, it was like a drug she was so addicted to. She had tried many times before but she couldn't get rid of her actions. The three brought a meaning to her life, the three were the ones who kept her alive until now.
Right now she was very confused, but she didn't want to stress out, so she went home. She couldn't think of anything else so she tried to sleep.
However, after barely ten minutes, she thought she heard several voices from the living room; she assumed it was her family. But it did not sound like several discussions but only one discussion, which her family never had. She was quite curious so she went down behind a wall to hear what they were talking about. Rosé had called an urgent meeting with her mother and step family besides Y/N.
"I called this meeting to make an important announcement, but not a good one," she said.
Rosé had a file in her hand that she handed over to her father and mother. They were quite confused which soon turned into a shocked face with several mixed emotions. Both had tears, but what was shocking was that her dad cried more than her mother. She soon announced it, the bitter truth.
(Rosé P.o.v)
I handed the file to mom and dad, I didn't have the courage to tell it first. But what shocked me is that mom barely cried. Just by looking at dad's face I could see he was broken. We aren't even blood-related unlike mom and I. It hurt for me not seeing my mom cry, it seemed like she didn't care. I could read her expressions, her mind was not here, she was clearly thinking about something else.
"I suffer from a heart disease, we only have four days to find a donor. If not then I'm not-"she couldn't even finish her sentence when she bursted out crying.
All her siblings gasped in shock including Y/N who was around the corner.
"Don't worry we have four days, we have time to find the perfect heart donor for you," IU said comforting her. They loved her too much, they couldn't afford to lose another loved one.
(Y/N P.o.v)
Even though I didn't like her, I would never be happy about someone's death, especially someone in the family.
At this moment with all my family and school problems, I could only find two solutions; either to cut or to sleep. But a third popped into my mind that made a smirk appear on my face; both.
She hurried to her room and, as planned, she slid a sharp blade over her already bruised skin until all her pain was gone. But she followed it with more pain by taking a hot shower this time, which made her fragile body sting. After a while, she got out of the shower, put on her clothes and made herself in bed.
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yootaesowlwrites · 5 years ago
The One Thing Chapter 11:
Chapter 11-  The One Thing series.
This series has a taglist, if you want to be added, send me an ask.
More fanfiction.
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AJ stares at the ribbon shaped gold band decorated with a solitaire stone on her finger, she had done a good job at hiding this from everyone, which surprised her because Edward could read minds and Alice would have seen the moment Carlisle decided to propose, but she wasn't complaining, because if Alice knew she would have thrown a party by now to celebrate it.
AJ had graduated from Forks High School and was spending most of her time at home while Rosalie and Emmett were in Africa spending some time alone, Today Alice was extremely happy because it was Bella Swan's birthday, and because nobody in the house remembered when they were born, Alice decided to plan a party to celebrate the birth of Bella.
AJ exits the bedroom and Alice was immediately by her side smiling wide at her, AJ already knew what this was about and she been trying to avoid it for days now, but you can't really avoid Alice, no matter how hard you try, AJ places her right hand over her left hand covering the engagement ring.
"AJ, just who I was hoping to see," Alice says. "Can I ask a favour?"
"It depends, Alice." AJ answers.
"Can we please throw a birthday party for Bella? Please? None of us has celebrated a birthday in years!" Alice begs, her eyes pleaded her as well. "Please."
"You should go and ask Carlisle, it is his house, I just live here," AJ says, Alice nods her head as they begin walking down the stairs.
"Okay, but, can you ask him?" Alice asks.
"I'm sorry, you have a voice, and if you can't say it, write it down," AJ says.
"He'll say yes if you ask," Alice says, AJ chuckles and glances into the living room and sees Carlisle.
"All right, I'll ask him later," AJ says.
"No, ask him now," Alice begs.
"Now?" AJ asks, a smile on her lips as she toyed with Alice.
"Yes, right now," Alice says, AJ laughs softly and nods her head.
"All right, I'll go ask him," AJ says, Alice pulls AJ into a hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alice says, AJ wraps her arms around Alice hugging her back.
"No problem, but you're going to have to let me go if you want me to go ask him," AJ says, Alice pulls away from the embrace.
"Right yes, now go," Alice says, AJ walks into the living room and sits down next to Carlisle on the couch, she lays her head on his shoulder and places her hand on his upper thigh.
"Hello, darling," Carlisle says, he shuts the TV off.
"Hi." AJ softly says, Carlisle looks at her with a smile on his lips, he knew she wanted something.
"What can I do for you?" Carlisle asks, AJ looks up at him.
"You can kiss me," AJ says.
"You don't even have to ask," Carlisle says, he leans closer and brushes his lips against her, softly kissing her.
"Mhm, that never gets old," AJ says. "So uh the teenagers, minus myself." AJ begins, Carlisle nods his head. "Mostly Alice, she wants to throw a birthday party for Bella here tonight, hopefully, it's just us and Bella."
"If it's only us and Bella, then I see no problem with it," Carlisle says, AJ nods her head and looks towards the staircase.
"Did you hear, Alice?" AJ asks, Alice lets out a squeal and skips into the living room.
"Thank you, thank you!" Alice says, Carlisle smiles up at Alice.
"No problem, Alice," Carlisle says, AJ stands from the couch.
"Now, if you and Jasper don't leave now you're going to be late for school," AJ says. "I'll walk  you out." Alice smiles and leaves the living room and walk down the stair with AJ behind her, they exit the house and meet with Jasper already waiting in the car, Alice opens the passenger side door.
"I take it he agreed?" Jasper asks, he could feel Alice's happiness, boosting his own mood.
"Only because mom asked," Alice says, AJ smiles at Alice.
"Remember, Just us and Bella, no other humans," AJ says, Alice nods her head.
"Got it, see you after school," Alice says, she climbs into the car and AJ speeds back into the house.
AJ stood next to Carlisle holding a small box in her hands, Carlisle had his arm around her his hand resting on her lower back, Edward and Bella were upstairs talking about the Volturi.
"Okay, I'm going to go call them," Alice says, she walks up the stairs.
"Why did you agree to this?" Rosalie asks.
"Edward is with Bella, like it or not Rosalie, she's part of our family now," AJ says.
"You've got to admit you're not exactly happy about it either," Rosalie says, AJ glances at the floor.
"I'm not, but for Edward's sake and happiness, I'll endure it," AJ says, Carlisle softly kisses the top of AJ's head just as Alice pulls Bella down the stairs with Edward tailing behind them.
"Sorry about all of this," Carlisle says, he walks up to Bella. "We tried to rein Alice in."
"As if that were even possible," Esme says, she walks up to Bella and pulls her into a hug. "Happy birthday, Bella." Alice takes a picture of them.
"Thanks," Bella says, she looks at Alice.
"I found it in your bag, you mind?" Alice asks, she held the camera up.
"Uh no." Bella answers, Alice gives Rosalie a box.
"You first, Rosalie," Alice says, Rosalie takes the box and hands it to Bella.
"It's a necklace, Alice picked it out," Rosalie says, Bella takes the box.
"Thanks," Bella says, it was no secret that Rosalie wasn't fond of the idea of a human in the house, it was dangerous for all of them, Alice pulls Edward off the staircase and pushes him next to Bella.
"Show me the love," Alice says, she snaps a picture of them. "Oh, and there's the cake before I forget."
"Alice, that cake is big enough to feed 50 people and you guys don't even eat," Bella says, Alice ignores her and picks up another box.
"This one's from Emmett," Alice says, she hands the box to Bella and Bella shakes the box not hearing anything inside.
"Already installed it in your truck," Emmett says, beaming about his gift. "Finally a decent sound system for that piece of."
"Hey, don't hate the truck," Bella says, Alice laughs and hands Bella anther present.
"Here, open Carlisle and Esme's gift next, AJ and John have a separate gift for you," Alice says, She hands a small box to Bella.
"Just a little something to brighten your day," Carlisle says.
"Yes, you've been looking a little pale lately," Esme says, Bella smiles and starts to open it but hisses when the paper sliced into her finger, the smell o blood quickly filled the room.
"Ow, paper cut," Bella says, a single drop of blood falls onto the carpet, AJ takes hold of Jasper's arm as the smell of blood filled her nostrils, a drop of blood wasn't enough to send AJ into a frenzy, but she knew it would set Jasper off, Jasper pushes AJ off him with force and speed towards Bella, his golden eyes turning black, Edward pushes Bella back causing her to hit the wall breaking the glass of a painting and a table that had more glass on it, the glass breaking more of her skin causing her to bleed more.
Edward pushes Jasper back with force throwing him through the piano breaking it, he jumps back up ready to attack again, Carlisle and John tries to grab Jasper but he dodges them easily until Emmett managed to catch him and hold him back, Alice quickly speeds up to Jasper trying to calm him down, AJ's eyes darken as she saw Bella's arm bleeding.
"Jaz, Jaz, It's okay, It's just a little..." Alice trails off when she caught sight of AJ, she turns around and saw Bella's arm bleeding more. "Blood." Alice finishes her sentence, AJ drops the box she was holding and speeds towards Bella, John wraps his arms around her as she lets out a snarl.
"Get them out of here," Carlisle instructs, he speeds towards Bella to examine how bad the wound was, Emmett and John forcefully pull AJ and Jasper out of the house as they struggle against them, once they were outside it got slightly better.
"Calm down," John tell AJ, AJ looks around her and saw Jasper still struggling to get out of Emmett's grip, Alice and Rosalie exit the house to see if everything was under control.
"AJ," Rosalie calls out, AJ looks up at her, her eyes wide. "Calm down, you need to calm down."
"John, you have to confuse us!" AJ spits out. "Use your gift!"
"Rosalie, Alice, hold her," John instructs, Rosalie and Alice speeds towards AJ and grabs her arms, John focuses on both Jasper and AJ conjuring up an illusion, it quickly confused them when they couldn't find the house and calmed down, their focus no longer on murdering Bella. "All right, I think they're calm." Edward exits the house as the Illusion slowly disappears, Alice and Rosalie release AJ cautiously. "You can let him go." Emmett releases Jasper and he looks at everyone, Edward makes a face at the top of the stairs.
"Stop it, for hell's sake, Edward." AJ mumbles.
"No, If it weren't for this party then this wouldn't have happened," Edward says, Rosalie turns to look up at Edward.
"No, if you didn't bring that human into this house none of this would have happened," Rosalie says. "We would have been happy and safe!"
"It's not Bella's fault!" Edward argues.
"Rosalie, Edward," AJ warns them.
"Oh shut up," Edward says, AJ speeds up to Edward and wraps her hand around his neck.
"I swear to this eternal hell of ours, Edward, if you do not stop this attitude of yours right now, I will have no other choice but to compel you and your human to forget about each other." AJ threatens. "Now stop it." She pushes him backwards. "Go get your human and take her home." Edward rubs his neck and goes back into the house.
"I'm sorry," Jasper says, AJ turns around to look at Jasper.
"It wasn't your fault, Jasper," AJ says. "Why don't we go for a walk?" AJ suggests, Jasper nods his head, everyone could tell that they were feeling guilty about what had happened, AJ speeds up to him. "We'll go for a hunt."
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Jasper says, they walk into the woods leaving everyone behind to deal with the mess.
"This is not your fault, Jasper, do not blame yourself," AJ says.
"I feel so guilty, and Edward's angry with me," Jasper says.
"Let him be, he brought the human home, he should be the one feeling guilty," AJ says. "I lost control as well, Jasper, if it weren't for John grabbing me, I would have been the one to kill her." Jasper nods his head. "It's going to eat at us for a while, but it's going to be all right, we'll be all right."
"All right," Jasper says.
"All right, just remember, we might have been created to kill, and we might kill on accident, but we never mean to do so on purpose," AJ says. "We're supposed to be monsters, but that doesn't mean that we want to be."
"We're going to move, aren't we?" Jasper asks, AJ nods her head.
"Most likely," AJ says. "But it will be better, a fresh start, no humans in the household." She faintly smiles at him. "It'll be for the best."
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The One Thing Taglist:
@mikariell95​ //
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fortheloveofkuroo · 6 years ago
Open sky [pt. 2]
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A/n: i'm so happy that the first part of "Open sky"'s are getting a lot of good response! Thank you you all! Here's the second part, enjoy!
Bakugou Katsuki × F!Reader
!!WARNING!!: Swearing & Fighting
Part 1
A gentle ray of sunshine slowly fill your room. Making it cozy and warm.
You stretched your arms and sit yourself up. Trying to wake yourself up, you slap your cheek with both of your palms.
"Wake up (Y/N). Today's important day!" you said to yourself while you move away from your comfy lavender bed.
Even your eyes are still half closed but you force yourself to get up.
Making your way slowly to the bathroom.
Soon after the cold refreshing water hits your bare skin, your eyes are completely open.
You walk out and grab some clothes that you already pick last night.
Your eyes move towards the hanging calender, today's date, April 23rd is circled with a red marker.
There's a little words scribbled there.
"Date with Bakugou!"
You flash a smile, your mind wander around from 3 days ago.
You rush towards 1-A class with a present in your hand.
Today is 20th April. It's a special day. Why?
"YOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROO!" before you knock on the door, you heard a shout followed with claps and whistle.
"Happy birthday kacchan! Here's a present for you!"
"Damnit shitty hair. No need to fuckin scream like that. Also you damn nerd, tch why the fuck do you even bother?"
A smile grew on your lips "Ah.. So his classmate remember, glad to hear that." you think inside your mind.
You pull your hand to yourself. You're not really good with new people and new environment, so you decided to wait or maybe you should leave and wait for the right time to give the present you prepared weeks ago.
"Wait! Let me get something! Bakugou and the rest wait here while we-" before you leave the doors suddenly open wide and two boys, one with blonde hair and the other with red spiky hair find you infront of the door with a present in your hand.
"Um.. Who are you?" the blonde boy tilt his head, his face filled with confusion while the spiky red boy smile widely.
"She must be Bakubro's friend! Look she got a present!" he point a box that wrapped with bright orange wrapping paper decorated with an army green ribbon.
"Ooh~ Hey! Bakugou! Someone's here for you!" shout the blonde boy.
Bakugou, who's now surrounded with his classmates can't hear a thing. But his sharp ruby eyes notices someone over the door.
"Anyway, we both need to get something. Just come in!" said the spiky red haired boy opening the door for you.
"A-Ah.. Thanks?" you answered, looking at those two silly boys who's running trough the corridor till they completely gone.
Looking at the class room, you hesitately look inside and.. Bakugou is gone.
"Wait what.." you scanned the entire class room once again, looking for a ash blonde guy with an angry face
"Looking for me, dumbass?" a voice behind you making you jump. You turn your head immediately and sigh.
"Don't surprise me like that stupid. And no i am not looking for you." he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest.
"So, why are you here then? And what's that box behind your back? Is it for me?" he asked while smirking.
You sighed then smile wryly. "Of course you fool. Happy birthday." you said with a wide grin. Handing over the present to him
"I prepared this for a week, kay? You better keep it." you warned before Bakugou hand accept it.
"Yeah yeah whatever, what did you get me anyways?" he take the present and shake it.
"Just open it!"
unexpectedly, instead of opening the present, he shoved the present back to your hand.
"I can't accept this." his voice is calm and collected. But it strikes your chest
"W-What? Why?" he got you confused and curious. Again.
"Why? I don't know. I just can't. Well i can accept your gift with one condition." Bakugou's shoulder shrug.
"What?! I prepared this for a week! You better accept it you stupid! Or-" your hand grab his collar, but before you can bring him close, his hand is already on your waist and it brings you closer to him.
"Or what? You gonna punch me again like last time? I don't think so dumbass." he smirked. His lips is right beside your ear.
"Meet me at the park infront of school's building at 12. Bring your present too." he whispered. Blowing hot air to your right ear.
"Whooo~ Look's who's finally get laid~" a voice surprises both of you. You pushed his body away and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
"Shut the fuck up dunce face. I'm gonna fucking kill you!" snap Bakugou.
You're too late to respond, your face is too red to react to the blonde boy's words
"Also don't be late or i'll kill you." he muttered while walking inside the class.
"Is this.. A date?"
You quickly put on your shoes and snatch your bag. Quickly running outside.
You check the time. 11:39. You still got time. Bakugou is the kind of guy who appreciate time and he's always come 15 minutes early on any occasion. So you have to be on time.
As expected, you saw Bakugou, already waiting on the park. It's rather strange finding him without his unform but with casual clothes this time. You never saw him with casual clothes.
He wear his usual black t-shirt combined with maroon varsity and ripped jeans. His eyes is attached to his phone.
"Nice outfit." you compliment. You walk a little closer to him and smiled.
"Took you long enough." he put away his phone and stands up.
"Bakugou, it's not even 12 yet." Bakugou only rolled his eyes and walks away.
"Hey wait up!" you chased after him, trying to walk beside him and keep your face steady. This boy sure walk fast.
"Come on, i don't have a whole damn day." he said while checking on his phone again.
"Where are we going anyway?" you asked. But Bakugou just keep walking, not answering.
"You'll see dumbass. So shut your fuckin mouth and walk faster." his legs quickly walk faster and you immediately left behind.
"H-Hey! Geez, why are we running now?!" you shout to him, trying to chase this ash blonde boy who's now already far away.
Eventually, you catch up with him. Bakugou stopped at a building with a lot of people around.
"...A restaurant?" you asked him.
He pointed a poster that shows some kind of event.
"Come and get free limited edition All Might Plushies by finishing the Deadly Spice Curry Challenge!
Just by eating 3 big portion of our famous special deadly spice curry in 30 minutes!
If you managed to finish in 30 minutes, you'll get 50% discount of the original price, dozens coupon of discount for eating here, and of course the limited edition All Might Plushie!
*events only available from 21st April - 23rd April 3 P.M"
"I want to try that." said Bakugou innocently.
And you couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"Stop laughing dumbass! What's so fuckin funny, hah?!" he raged, a slight blush tinted his cheek.
"Oh my, Bakugou.. Sure sure, let's go!" you pull him inside and sits.
After ordering the meal, you're a little concern. The people who tried to finish the challenge ended up with burnt throat or even puking.
"Is this curry really that spicy..?" you asked.
"I don't know. But i want to try and we will win that All might plushie." Bakugou sips on his water.
Hold up. Did he just say We?
"How about we compete and see who eat their curry faster? First who won win the plushies!" you suggest.
Bakugou loves challenge and competition. His will is absolute. If he want to win, he will win.
He smirked and crack his knuckles.
"Sure dumbass, we'll see who win."
"3 big portion of Deadly Spice Curry coming up!" the waitress place 3 big plates of red curry, topped with chicken katsu. Under the curry there's a bed of warm white rice.
The smell is so spicy it makes your eyes teary.
"Ugh the smell is already so spicy i don't know if i can-" "What is that?" you look up at Bakugou who's now already finishing half of his portion.
He show no sign of sweating, or anything. He just eat it like a normal curry.
"So you can't eat spicy, huh? Too bad. I guess i win then." he scoop a big portion of curry and eat it like nothing.
"Oh come on, it won't be too bad right? You can handle spicy food. Remember that spicy mapo tofu with 100 chili you ate few years ago. This curry is nothing (Y/N)" you think.
You take a scoop of the curry and eat it. Once you gulp it down, your throat suddenly in fire. The burning sensation making you sweat constantly.
Bakugou's already making his way to the second portion when he notice that your face is as red as tomato.
"My fucking god, you alright?" he asked handing you a glass of cold milk that you gulp in one sip.
"I-I'm.. I'm t-totally.. Fine!" you pant, you can feel your throat is still burning, your nose is runny and your eyes are still teary.
"You don't have to finish that-"
"I can eat this! I won't lose to you stupid!" you yell as you scoop the curry and stuffed it in your mouth as many as you can. Trying to endure the burning sensation.
Bakugou, who's now finish with his curry watching you struggling to eat your portion. He couldn't help but giggle a bit.
Your face is already so red and your lips are swollen red.
Right at you 10th scoop, you put down your spoon. Your curry's not even half finish yet.
Without warning, Bakugou snatched your plate and finished it off. Leaving you gasping with air.
"Oi we're done over here." he calls for the waitress and damn right, he win the challenge.
You, who's now still suffering with your burning throat can't help but keep drinking the milk.
"Tch, thought you're supposed fucking to win. You challenge me after all." Bakugou mocked you. He held an All Might plushies between his arm.
"S-Sorry.. It's too.. Hot." you reply. Not even dare to look at his eyes.
"Don't fuckin apologized dumbass. Also don't push yourself. I don't want you to pass out and ended up carrying your ass all the way back to the dorm. So yeah." he said, helping you stand.
"Well.. Oof.. Atleast let me pay-" "Nope. I'm payin'."
"What?! No! I am paying! I can't help finish the curry at all!"
"Fuck no. I ate all the curry, so i'm the one who's gonna pay. You just calm your ass over there, kay?" Bakugou shoves the All might plushies to your face and leave with his wallet.
"BAKUGOU!" too bad he's already at the cashier, and not too long he's back with a receipt on his hand.
"It's not too expensive, after all we got a discount." he said with a shrug on his shoulder and then dragging you, leaving the restaurant.
"Um.. Thanks. Here's your plushy." you hand the plushy to him but he refuse.
"It's for you." he threw his hand behind his head and walk slowly.
"Eh? What? But i lose! The one who win got to keep the plushy, right?!" your words cutted off with a single stare of his ruby eyes.
"Yeah? And? I win, i got the plushy. And i decided to gave it to you." he explained.
You can feel your heart racing and your face heating up again. Is this the effect of that curry or what?
"Your face is fucking red like tomato. And your lips is kinda swollen. We need ice." Bakugou dragged you (again) to a minimarket and sits you down to one of the chairs.
"You wait here. And don't you fucking dare move. Got it?" Bakugou pierce your eyes again with his ruby eyes.
"Geez.. Fine.."
While Bakugou is inside, buying for stuff, you look up and stare at the orange sky.
The spring wind is nice, it's gentle and brush your hair gently.
It's a miracle that you kinda went on a 'date' with Bakugou. Bakugou Katsuki who always blast people away. You couldn't help but smile at yourself.
It's all started with the acidentall meeting you have afterall.
10 minutes passed, and Bakugou still hasn't come out from the minimarket yet.
So you decided to check if he's okay and turns out thing are not okay.
You find him, Bakugou is currently surrounded with a bunch of punks. 5 total. His face is already as angry as he can be.
"Look who's here. The great Bakugou from U.A, huh?" said one of the punks with a spiky hair.
"Your disgusting temper is not heroic. You shouldn't went to U.A you fucking firecracker." the one with red hair chirps.
"You should see yourself first before speaking y'know. Atleast i don't end up like you fuckin street rats." his palms are already making small explosion.
"Ohh~ Are you mad? Aah~ So scary, i'm scareddd~" one of them mocked him and of course Bakugou is ready to fight them. His fist is already clenching and he's panting.
But you decided to step in.
"What's wrong here?" you asked calmly. Pushing Bakugou slightly behind you.
"Oh look! The girlfriend is here, are you that scared that your girlfriend have to step in, Bakugou?"
"You fucking piece of shit. I will kill you." he growls.
"Say sweetie, why are you here with him? Come with us! We can make sure you'll have bunch of fun with us than with him." he places his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't fuckin touch her you-" you slapped his hand away. Making that punk sneered.
"Bakugou. Calm down. I got this." you smile sweetly to him.
"Don't interfere (Y/N). Get the fuck out." he grips your arm.
"Bakugou. Just calm down." you pat his cheek and let go of his hand.
"Aww, so sweet. The girlfriend tried to protect her boyfriend, hm? What a cute couple. But i pity you ms, you should choose a better boyfriend."
"And why is that? I think he's fine." you answered.
"Just because of his temper and harsh personality doesn't mean that he's not heroic. He's a good guy. Better than you all." you smile to those punks who's now triggered with your words.
"The fuck you say ms? Don't make me slap those pretty mouth of yours." said one of them.
"Oh, go ahead and try if you can." you said, cracking your neck and knuckles.
Right before the punk's hand lay on your body, you already hit his crotch. Causing him to yelp and fall.
Bakugou, who's now amazed with how brave you are stay quiet and still can't believe his eyes.
"Come on now! Stand up! You said you want to slap these mouth, huh?" you challenged the other punks.
3 of them helping the one who's got kicked on the crotch, while the other one is now facing you.
His face is covered with fear, but he force and braces himself.
He's quite fast so he grip your collar and try to hit you, but a hand stopped him. A dark aura surrounded a figure behind you.
His ruby like eyes are glowing with a scary aura that makes him 10000% more terrifying.
"Hands off my 'girlfriend'. Now." Bakugou stopped his arm and you kicked the punk's crotch again.
"Right boys. Now say sorry to my 'boyfriend' for insulting him or else," you say with a cold gaze while preparing your fist.
"We-We're very sorry ma'am!" they answered with a shaky voice.
"Come on, you can't hear me? I said to him not me." you smile coldly.
"W-WE'RE SORRY BAKUGOU! WE WILL NEVER INTERRUPT YOU AGAIN!" the three of them bow as the two of them are in pain. Bakugou's shocked. You really did make them apologize.
"Y-You'll pay for this, you damn woman!" said one of them who got kicked first.
You laughed as the three of them dragged the two away.
"Gosh that was fun!" you turn to Bakugou who's face is not.. So happy.
"Baku? What's wrong? Don't tell me they hurt you-" "It's not it damnit." he looks away. His fist is still clenching. He bit his lips.
You sighed, holding his hand, you bring him outside.
"Sit, sit." you said while sitting beside him.
"What now?" you asked while hugging your All might plushies.
"You.. Defend me. A girl defend me. They're targetting me. I'm the one who supposed to beat them but you.."
"Are you mad at me?" Bakugou looks up at your face.
"Are you mad at me becase i defend you from those street rats?" you asked him once again, looking straight at his ruby eyes.
"Say Bakugou, you always fight for yourself and might be the other. But did anybody ever fight for you?"
"Yes. That fucking nerd. And Shitty hair. But i hate it okay?! I don't need a saving! I can do that by myself! Just like that punk-"
"And why di they do that? Why do they fight for you? Do you have any idea Bakugou?" you asked. Bakugou immediately goes silence.
"Because they fucking love you, you stupid. They care about you and they don't want their friend got hurt. It goes the same as me. I save you from that people because i don't want you to get hurt and act carelessly. You can simply broke the rule to use the quirk on public you dumbass!" you explained.
Bakugou expression still stiff.
"Also it's rather fun.. They're just a bunch of punks. Don't take them seriously. Unless, they touch you."
You sunk your face to your All Might plushy.
"Hands off my 'girlfriend'. Now." "Right boys. Now say sorry to my 'boyfriend' for insulting him or else,"
That sentences wander around your head and you immediately mentally slap yourself for saying that.
"Uh.. Also for that boyfriend-girlfriend thing.."
"It's fine." Bakugou seems doesn't care that much.
"But i can't fucking stand it when his filthy hand touches you." he hit the table.
"Woah okay man.. Um.. Thanks for that.." you thank him with a smile.
"Oh, what did you buy anyway?" you finally asked, looking at the plastic that he hold.
"Ice pack. For you." he threw one to you and you catch it.
"For your swollen lips. Let's go. It's getting dark." he stands up and walk away.
You smiled while compressing your lips with the ice pack. He's kind off caring too. So much of Bakugou's other side that you found today. And it's all interesting to you.
You two walks in silence, crossing a river that shows a good view of sunset. The orange hue catches your eye.
You stopped for a while and begged Bakugou to look at the sunset.
"Pleaseee! It's beautiful you know! It's rare these day to find such a good place to watch sunset," you tugs his arm. Hoping him to agree which eventually he did.
"Tch fine fine! Only this once." you smiled while finding a place to sit.
And you both watch the suns's getting down slowly.
Bakugou quite enjoying himself, His eyes are focused on the sun.
You look at him. His side profile looks beautiful. Despite that stern face he always put on. His furrowed eyebrows, his long lashes, his sharp ruby eyes, his pointy nose and those soft skin and lips.
"Whatchu' looking at, dumbass?" his voice once again snaps you back to reality.
"N-No.. Nothing Ahaha!" you play dumb and look at the sunset.
"I had fun today." you smiles, looking at him waiting for his reply.
"Me too." he said, you brofist yourself inside your mind.
"I know that you can't fucking eat spicy though." he laughs, mocking at you.
"What?! Then why did you bring me to that place?!"
"I already said it. I want to try it." Bakugou insist.
"You can go with your friends or family though, and not wait untill the last moment like this. Today the challenge will end right? That's why you were in a rush." you lecture him.
"I juat want to go with you. That's all." he answered with such an honest look on his face.
And that got you flustered all over again.
"O-Oh right! Your present!" you open your bag, trying to find a box that you meant to give to Bakugou.
But, you find nothing. Crap, you seriously didn't forget to bring it, right?
"Well?" you look at Bakugou, looking so guilty.
"I'm really really sorry but.. I left your present in my room." you said sadly.
Bakugou scoffs, "It's fine dumbass, i don't need a present as long as i got you." he said quickly.
"W-What? What did you say?" You didn't hear that wrong right.
"Nothing dumbass! Now just shut the fuck up and look at the sunset!" he hit your head lightly and focuses on the sun.
You smiled, making your way closer to him.
You get closer, hands on his shoulder and you peck his cheek. Just a quick peck.
You quickly get away before Bakugou realizes what the hell happen.
His eyes widened. His cheeks are flushed with a pink tint.
"W-What the fuck are you doing, dumbass?!" his face is flustered but he managed to rage.
"I-I.. Well i felt guilty leaving your present, so i changed it! That-That's your other present.." you cover your face with both of your hands. Fully realizing what have you done.
"A-Anyway let's go home!" he stand up. Shoving both of his hands in his jeans pocket and walks away.
"Wait! Bakugou!" you yell, Bakugou stops and offer his hand.
"You're slow as fuck. What are you? A snail?"
You grin as you take his hand and hold it.
"Hey Bakugou,"
"What dumbass?"
"You could've asked nicely you know.."
"Ask what?"
"If you want to go on a date with me hehe."
"GEEZ CHILL BAKUGOU I WAS JUST JOKING- wait you planned this?"
"Shut up. Walk faster now."
"Can we do this again?"
"What? the fucking kiss? I don't mind actually. But this time on the lips, what do you say about that?"
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bi-bi-richie · 6 years ago
The Stars and The Moon, He Hung Them Just For You ( 1 / 12)
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“Wait.” Richie said, putting his hands up, “do you know who I’ll be working next to?”
Stan opened his mouth to answer, but he was cut off by a woman walking towards them with red hair and a boy trailing behind her.
“Stan!” The girl called his name. She was in the same outfit as Stan, Richie immediately assumed that she was another employee.
“Bev, I assume you have the other new guy?” Stan asked. Bev rolled her eyes and slapped a hand onto his shoulder.
“Don’t be so uptight! Yeah, this is Eddie.”
Playlist* - Ao3
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 
*The playlist goes in a specific order that starts with Richie’s pov and goes to Eddie’s throughout the whole thing (one song is how Richie feels and the next is about how Eddie feels). 
Richie Tozier, in short, has lost everything. Right before he turned sixteen, Richie was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder. At sixteen, Richie had lost any friends he managed to make because they didn’t find him worth the trouble, trouble meaning being anxious and bisexual. Somewhere between sixteen and seventeen, Richie’s grandparents died in a car accident and they had yet to find the person who hit them. Right before he turned seventeen, one of his old “friends” told the whole school that Richie was bi, it wasn’t taken kindly. At seventeen, Richie’s neighbors demanded that he and his family moved away because of Richie’s sexuality. Somewhere between seventeen and eighteen, Richie’s house had the word “Faggot” spray-painted across it in red. Right before he turned eighteen, Richie’s family moved from Derry, Maine to Los Angeles, California. At eighteen, Richie had lost everything.
Richie was hoping that he’d like California, nobody from Derry would end up here, nobody in California knew him. It was all hope though, he couldn’t help but feel even more anxious and terrified living in a new state. Yes, nobody knew him, but the price of that was awfully high.
Richie wasn’t coping in the healthiest way either. More often than not, he spent the day clutching onto his favorite pillow and tried not to cry. Maybe one day he’d hold his dog instead, but his dog, Timber, wasn’t big on cuddling, but she’d let him rest his head on her hips. At most, Richie will play background music.
The background music is an interesting mix of songs that he relates to, and love songs, the ones he wishes he had the balls to live. Richie, however, stopped listening to the lyrics of the songs long ago. Lately, he couldn’t even tell what song was on.
Gee, he thought, for someone with anxiety, you sure are depressed.
But, Richie was getting his final hours of rest in. Richie had agreed with his parents to take up a part-time job at the local museum. The museum had been looking for people to sell tickets outside the planetarium, something that wouldn’t call for much social interaction and he wasn’t bound to keeping the job forever, considering it won’t be open very long. Richie thought his job was dumb, though, why would you pay for the planetarium when you’ve already paid for the museum tickets? But, Richie wouldn’t complain too much. The planetarium was only staying open up until the new year, and it was already October. As far as Richie knew, he was only going to be working with one other person. The thought of meeting a new person scared Richie, yes, but he couldn’t let his parents down. Not when they wanted this so bad.
For now, Richie decides to lay in his bed and play his favorite music.
He’s up early at eight the next morning, but his shift doesn’t start until ten. He resists the urge to check his phone for notifications, after all, he doesn’t have friends to talk to anyway. At the foot of his bed, Timber starts to shift and wake up. Richie knows that in a matter of minutes, he’ll have to pull himself from his bed to let her outside to their new, “luxurious”, California backyard.
He doesn’t bother texting his parents and asking if they can let her out, he knows they’re already up and out of the house. His dad, Wentworth, already had a job, that was half the reason they even moved. Meanwhile, His mom, Maggie, was in the process of finding a job. Richie imagines she’ll do volunteer work for a short amount of time. Wentworth makes enough money on his own to support their family, Maggie had a job in Derry to give them the freedom to not worry about spending too much when they go out. Now, Richie has a job for the sake of getting his parents off his ass.
As predicted, Richie was dragging his feet as he walked to the sliding door that led to the backyard to let Timber out. It’s eight thirty by then, which was just enough time for him to eat and get ready for work. He’s quick to pull out a box of Lucky Charms and pour them into a bowl he nearly dropped. When he’s done pouring milk into the bowl, he gets a text from his mom.
Mom: Have an amazing first day! Make a friend!
Richie sighs sadly and shakes his head. He wasn’t in the job to make friends, he didn’t even feel entirely comfortable with the idea of meeting the person he’ll be working with. With his long history of failed friendships, the last thing on his list was to try and meet someone. Granted, the person he’ll be working with could be different. There’s no way they’re from Derry, and there’s no way they’ll know who Richie even is. But the risk of being put through the same torture that he endured with his past friends was too great.
I won’t get attached. He promised himself.
I won’t.
Richie is early to work. About thirty minutes or so. He hated the idea of being late and making it seem like he wasn’t serious about working, even if he wasn’t. He decided to sit in his car for the remainder of the time he had left, but that felt even more awkward. The whole time he was messing with a scarf he had been crocheting for about a week with just his fingers. He had always preferred crocheting with his fingers, that way he could rely on the feeling of the yarn when he would poke and pull through the loops rather than watching to make sure he did it right. It made him proud, and he doesn’t get to feel that a whole lot.
When it was finally time to go in, Richie wanted to turn back. He definitely feels better not having to work with a whole crew of people barely out of high school, but he was still dreading the idea of meeting anyone. He kinda hoped the person he’d be working with would ignore him, maybe someone who is just as scared as he is so they’ll both just not talk. That’s just wishful thinking though, he knows he’s not that lucky.
As he walked into the building, he noticed how dead it was. Sure, it was a Monday morning and it’s a museum, but Richie could clearly tell the owners were definitely having a hard time attracting any guests. He didn’t like walking in the empty room, it made him feel awkward and uncomfortable, but the way to sign in was right across from him. In front of the Employees Only room Richie had to go into was a man around his age in a white polo and black pants. The guy looked tired and bored, he was running his hand through his blonde curly hair and letting out a tired sigh when Richie reached him.
“Are you the new guy?” The man asked impatiently.
“Yes,” Richie nodded his head, “that’s me. Richie Tozier.” He stuck his hand out.
“Stan Uris.” Stan shook his hand, something that relieved Richie more than words could say, he was scared Stan wouldn’t even acknowledge it.
“Alright Richie, I already signed you in, I’m just walking you to the planetarium and showing you how to print the tickets.” Stan started walking off as he spoke, Richie almost tripped when he realized they were moving.
“Are you the manager?” Richie asked.
“Nope, I actually work in the front where the museum tickets are sold.”
“Oh. Will I be moved to the front in this job? Or am I just gonna sell planetarium tickets?”
“Well,” Stan scratched the back of his neck, the action made him look more human to Richie. “We’re not understaffed, actually we get a lot of people during the weekends, they pay us the most. But we’re not understaffed, and we probably won’t be anytime soon, and you’re only working until the planetarium closes. So chances are you’re really only gonna work back here.”
Richie was barely paying attention to Stan, he was observing the exhibits around them as they got there. He got the basics of it though, he’ll be with all the planets for the rest of the year. Good thing Richie adored space.
“Alright,” Stan said as they finally reached the ticket stands. Nothing fancy, they were really just two counters with cash registers and small printers. But, with the layout, Richie knew he would have to be closer than expected with his coworker.
“Let me get you set up-”
“Wait.” Richie said, putting his hands up, “do you know who I’ll be working next to?”
Stan opened his mouth to answer, but he was cut off by a woman walking towards them with red hair and a boy trailing behind her.
“Stan!” The girl called his name. She was in the same outfit as Stan, Richie immediately assumed that she was another employee.
“Bev, I assume you have the other new guy?” Stan asked. Bev rolled her eyes and slapped a hand onto his shoulder.
“Don’t be so uptight! Yeah, this is Eddie.”
Eddie was shyly standing next to Bev, he’s looking up but not meeting anyone’s eyes. He looks nervous, Richie can relate to that. Eddie has soft brown hair that lies just above his eyes, he’s got tan skin with faint freckles spread all throughout his face. He’s short, shorter than Richie at least, but he looks like he would be able to take Richie down in a matter of seconds. Richie tries not to think about the other details of Eddie, like how soft his lips look and how impossibly attractive he is. It takes Richie a few seconds to realize that Eddie’s soft brown eyes have found his own blue ones. Richie jumps back a bit, embarrassed from being caught, and his cheeks go a dark red. His mind races with a million thoughts along the lines of oh god I hope he doesn’t think I’m a creep, oh shit- but all of it is cut off when he hears Eddie giggle. He giggles.
“Alright, let’s get started.” Stan declares as Bev walks away in the direction they came in.
I don’t think I’m ready. Richie thinks, and he knows he’s not thinking about the job.
“If you don’t have any questions, I’ll head back now,” Stan says. They didn’t spend much time learning the equipment, it was all very simple honestly. Neither of the two had many questions, all of Richie’s questions were answered earlier and Eddie seemed to already know the situation. Both boys watched in silence as Stan walked away until he was out of sight.
Now Richie actually had to interact with Eddie.
Oh god.
“Stan seems nice,” Eddie mumbles quietly. He’s looking down at his hands and fidgeting with his fingers.
“Oh, yeah he seems pretty cool,” Richie responds dryly, cringing at himself when it comes out.
There’s another beat of uncomfortable silence before Eddie actually looks at Richie and makes another effort. He holds his hand out and smiles warmly.
“I’m Eddie.” He says softly, it makes Richie feel a little less anxious about the situation.
“I know.” Richie blurts before he can stop himself. “Wait- no, I mean- I do know, I heard the girl- Bev?- introduce you to Stan and me-”
Then Eddie is giggling again, hand covering his mouth and a smile that reaches his eyes. Normally Richie would think that Eddie is laughing at him, but with his genuine and kind everything about Eddie is, he doesn’t dare think that.
“I’m Richie.” He eventually says quietly, he takes Eddie’s hand and shakes it gently. Eddie gives him another soft smile.
“Nice to meet you, Richie.”
“Yeah… you too.”
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years ago
Patterns in the Ivy, Part 1 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Patterns in the Ivy
Description: A continuation of Smoke & Money. Ghosts from the not-so-distant past come back to threaten her. She must choose between a lavish life of servitude or have everything she ever loved stripped away.
Warning: 18+ smut/swearing/mentions of drugs/kink & fetish themes
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
I never thought that my life would turn out this way. One day I was on my own, living in a crappy apartment with nobody but myself to worry about and before I knew it, that had all changed. I had her now. My beautiful daughter. She was almost four years old already. I was constantly baffled by the amount of time it took for me to become the person I was meant to be; a mother to a child.
She was the most incredible human being that I had ever met. Every single day she got smarter and with each of those days, it became easier and easier to talk to her. When I had her, I named her Ivany. She was a sweet little baby with brown hair and big soul-searching eyes. I loved her immediately. All the world melted away. All my problems had been solved by the birth of just one perfect human being.
Nothing in my past meant a thing after she came around. I left my former self behind in favor of her. She made all the bad whispers go away. She warded off my loneliness and filled the silence. She occupied my ever-racing mind so that I could just feel calm when I hadn't ever known the definition of calmness. Ivany was my last strand of hope, the only one that couldn't break.
I did everything that I could to make our life together a good one. I found us a townhouse to live in and I found myself steady jobs to support us. Before Ivany, I never knew a life of selflessness. I didn't know what it was like to love another person unconditionally and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Our life together was fun and exciting with zero complications and that was the way I wanted it. But of course, life had its way of ripping apart everything I loved like a rabid dog, tearing at the seams with seemingly no effort at all. Just when I thought I had finally let my roots grow.
It all began on a day that I decided to take Ivany to the park after school.
I was sat on a bench with a book in hand, unable to really take in the words as I was too busy looking up every twenty seconds to check up on her. Sick of reading the same sentence over and over, I put the book in my purse. I preferred to watch her anyway. There were a few other children and parents around and more coming in. Off in the distance, I saw an older man with a young boy approaching and older kids walking in from school.
"Watch me, Mommy!" I heard Ivany call from the swing she had claimed as her own.
"I can see you, Ivy!" I called to her.
After a little while, the park started to get crowded. I stood up from the bench and circled around, following Ivany wherever she went. To say I was overprotective would be a grand understatement.
"Is that one yours?" A male voice from behind me asked.
I turned around to see who it was speaking to me. It was the older man I had spotted earlier with the young boy. I feigned a smile. "Yeah, she is."
"She's a real cutie pie, huh? That one's going to be a heart-breaker someday."
I laughed uneasily. "I'll teach her to break fingers before hearts."
"She looks like you, too."
I always had doubts whenever somebody told me that Ivany looked like me. I had dark hair, almost black in certain light and hazel eyes. My facial features were softer, my nose more rounded. The peaks of my top lip came up to sharp points whereas her's were fuller. Her eyes were pools of dreary green that when I looked into, I could see visions of my forgotten past. Ivany didn't look much like me at all.
"Thanks," I said to him anyway.
Suddenly, I heard a shriek and my attention perked immediately. The sounds of my daughter crying sent me running towards where she was standing next to the swing set.
"Ivany!" I called.
The boy that had come with the man was standing beside her, little fists clenched at his sides and my daughter was crunched into a ball, holding her head and crying.
"What's wrong honey? What happened?" I asked her, kneeling down to look at her face.
"That boy hurt me!"
I moved her hand from where she had been clutching at her hair and saw that her pink barrette was askew and it looked like some of her hair had been ripped out. The more my daughter cried the angrier I got. The boy stood there watching, stone-faced and unmoved by her tears. I stood up as the man approached.
"Hey buddy, your kid just ripped out a chunk of my daughter's hair!"
"Kevin, that is not very nice! You apologize to the little girl this instant!" The man said.
The little boy turned towards us despondently and mumbled a half-ass, "sorry."
I lifted Ivany up, shot the both of them a glare and marched off with her in my arms, purse swinging from my wrist. Once we were far enough away I brushed my hand through her hair and rocked her a little bit.
"Are you okay to walk to the car, Ivy?"
"Yes, mom."
I set her down on the ground and looked at her red, puffy, crying face with sympathy. Unclipping her barrette, I smoothed out her hair and clicked my tongue in contempt.
"It's going to be okay, honey. Let's go get something to eat and then we'll go home and watch a movie."
I took Ivany home and got her settled down, fed and set her up in the living room with a blanket and her favourite movie. My girlfriend from next door was going to make her way over so that I could get ready for work.
Every two weeks I had to work late nights at my job and I had nobody else to watch Ivany. I had become very close to my next door neighbor, a petite ray of sunshine by the name of Kiki who had come to live in the States from Korea when she was just a girl. She and I got along well and Ivany loved her so we naturally became a little unit. I would look after her cats and she would look after my kid. It worked out well for both of us.
"Mommy, do you have to work?" Ivany asked me as I fluttered around looking for my misplaced items.
"Yes sweetie but Kiki is going to be here with you and you guys can watch TV together."
"I don't want you to go."
I stopped what I was doing and gazed at my daughter sitting up on the sofa. The look in her eyes made my heart sink into my stomach. I didn't want to leave for the night either. I had no choice when it came to working late nights. It was the only thing keeping me on top of my bills and rent.
"I'm sorry Ivy. I'll be here in the morning so don't you worry, okay? Work is just something adults have to do so you just worry about kid stuff like what kind of ice cream you want to have later and I'll take care of grown-up business. Deal?"
A smile on her face, she nodded at me. As long as she was happy and smiling, working a night job didn't seem too bad. Even if it was a gig as hostess of a strip club.
It wasn't ideal and I didn't love the idea of being around handsy drunk men but I got paid well for what I did. I was like a top-shelf shooter girl that still got tips but didn't have to take my top off and swing around a pole. Truth be told, it was a little reminiscent of my old job, only I didn't have to suck any dicks and nobody was actually allowed to touch me. I just had to kiss ass and serve drinks to bachelor parties and horny businessmen. I received the odd slap on the ass or 'accidental' tit grab but that was nothing compared to what I used to endure for money.
I didn't plan on being a glorified cocktail waitress for long. Just long enough to save for a down payment on a real house in a nice neighborhood near a good school.
Kiki arrived just in time for me to leave so I didn't have a lot of time for chatting. I gave Ivany a kiss, grabbed my purse and took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked strip-club presentable. I never wore my uniform around Ivany. I kept it in my purse to change into when I arrived at work. It wasn't the raciest of outfits but it required me to wear a garter belt and stockings underneath a tight pair of high-waisted booty shorts, something I didn't need her to see me in. The last thing I wanted was for my four-year-old daughter to see me all sexed up for the job that I left for at night.
It was 7 PM when I arrived at work, an hour we called 'the graveyard' because we only had a few regular patrons at the bar and the dancers had yet to come out. It wasn't until later that we drew the curtains and turned up the music.
The club I worked at was upscale and recently renovated with a brand new stage, beautiful lighting, and a state-of-the-art sound system. The types of shows we put on were a little more tasteful than the average strip joint. Some of the girls put on spectacular performances, embracing the entertainment side of stripping and burlesque with lavish stage props and expertly choreographed routines. I had made friends with the owner as a cleaner but was quickly offered a job bartending. After I got good at that, I was promoted to head hostess when the last girl got caught running game in the VIP area- offering sexual favors for extra money on the side.
As I was preparing the bar for what was promising to be a very busy Friday night, my boss, the club owner, approached me with outstretched arms and a smile.
"My favourite Miss J. I have a special super-duper opportunity for you tonight madam and you are the ONLY lady on this planet for the job!"
"Oh my God, please don't ask me to clean the bathrooms again, I thought that's what the cleaning girl got hired for."
"Oh no, no, no," he clicked his tongue at me. "Somebody has requested your service in the VIP for tonight."
"What? Somebody specifically asked for me?"
"That's right," he sang. "And I know you're going to work that sweet, sweet magic and make Louie and yourself a lot of money."
"Is it a bachelor party?" I sighed.
Large groups of drunk men were not my favourite patrons to serve because at least one of them always mistook the waitresses for strippers and got warned or thrown out by security. It got old trying to explain the no-touching policy to someone who had chugged their weight in beer in the name of love.
"It's not a big party but they did rent the entire VIP lounge. Big money. Big, big money." Louie wagged his eyebrows at me.
"Oh no... Do I have to suck a cock or something? Is that what you're getting at?"
Louie laughed and guided me by the shoulders away from the bar area and towards the back room for a little more privacy.
"You don't have to do anything weird. I already explained that you are not one of the performers. They simply requested your services and yours alone..."
"I feel like there's something you're not telling me, Louie. What is it?"
Louie held his hands up in mock-prayer. "You know I would never ask but this is a very rich customer and if a blowjob means you and I can afford steak for dinner every night for the next couple of months... Would you be totally opposed?"
"Ew, Louie!" I hit him weakly. "You know I don't eat that shit."
"Eat the steak for me, honey! For us! I mean, I have my own price and I know you do too. Everybody does! Just... Give him the best damn service you can possibly provide, you hear? Don't do anything you're not comfortable with. Maybe take a shot or two. Who knows!"
I continued to whack him playfully, the saucy fuck. "I will serve the shit out of our prestigious guest but I am NOT sucking any cocks. I am above that."
"I'm putting Serge on the VIP with you so if you get uncomfortable you'll have him, 'kay? Now be good and smile. Stick your boobs out a bit more. You're starting at nine up there after its cleaned from top to fucking bottom."
"Wait!" I caught Louie before he flitted off to be meticulous somewhere else. "Just how much money does this guy have?"
Louie's eyes widened. "Honey, you don't want to know. He paid in cash. I would have shut down this entire place for the amount he was willing to splash. Let's just say I didn't bat an eye and neither should you."
I was extremely curious to know what kind of person needed an entire floor to themselves. Maybe it was a celebrity or a professional athlete. I had heard of the place shutting down for famous football players or millionaire actors before. I hoped it was somebody that I knew.
The club was alive with music by nine o'clock and I was getting ready to enter the biggest VIP room we had with a bottle of champagne that cost more than my monthly car payments and two glass flutes. Serge, the head of security, stood between the door and the top of the staircase to make sure nobody came up and there was another huge guy posted right outside the door that I had never seen before. I leaned over to Serge and whispered, "is he one of ours?"
"Nah. Client's guard I guess. Some important guy in there."
"Just a guy?" I asked, my intrigue growing.
I wondered what the second glass was for then if there was only one person in the room.
"One guy, one guard. You let me know if you have any trouble."
"Oh, Serge." I swooned at the hulking head of security. "I feel so safe when you're around."
That safety soon faded as I was allowed into the room and saw who our high-profile customer was. I nearly choked on my own tongue. I felt my toes go numb in my heels and my hands started to shake.
"Hello, Miss J."
I suddenly felt like my stomach was about to erupt. Nausea filled me to the brim and I had to close my eyes to try to stay balanced. Once I was convinced I wouldn't fall over, I opened my eyes and saw a man sitting at the table that I never expected to see again in my life.
"Bill? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"That's how you're going to greet your patron? I was told you were the best service in town."
If I wasn't so afraid to move I would have dropped the tray I was holding along with the glasses and the bottle of champagne.
"What is going on? How did you... How did you find me?" I asked, looking behind me at the closed door, wondering if I should make a run for it.
Bill leaned back in his seat, stretching out his long legs so he could cross one over the other. I gulped as I took him in, designer shoes to his tailored suit and his fucking face. He looked so much more mature than I remembered him. He had a few more lines around his eyes and his cherub-like features had sharpened up a bit more. He still had that same painful glower, the one I could feel making my skin burn from across a room. Five years ago I had been so terrified of him and now was even worse. This older version of him looked even more threatening than when we had first met.
"Bring me a drink, please." He ignored my question.
"How...? How did you find me?"
Bill only stared at me with those huge, unforgiving eyes. He beckoned me forth with his hand and I hesitated, rooted to the floor in my heels. I only approached once his impatience became noticeable on his face.
Each step I took towards him made my insides twist more tightly. I set down the tray and placed a glass in front of him, trying to ignore the way his eyes followed like rolling marbles in a stone statue. I was now too aware of the cleavage that my top showed and the shortness of my bottoms. I started to sweat from my forehead and armpits.
"And one for you too." He said after accepting the glass stem between his thumb and index finger.
"No thanks."
"J... Pour a glass for yourself and sit down."
"I would really rather not."
"Hm." He mused, setting the glass down on the table after drinking down over half of its contents. "I don't think the owner of this establishment would be happy to hear you're refusing me service."
"I served you. Are we done here?"
"Far from it. Sit. Please. Don't make me ask you again. I just want to discuss something with you."
I sighed dramatically and plopped down on the chair furthest from him. I still couldn't believe that he was there, staring at me and demanding my audience. I wanted to leave and tell Louie too bad, that I was refusing to serve him as he was a danger to me but at the same time I couldn't believe I was in the same room as him again. It felt like the worst case of deja vu I had ever had. A ghost from my past had materialized out of nowhere to terrorize me and there was hardly a thing I could about it.
"What would you like to discuss so badly that you had to rent an entire fucking floor to lure me into?"
Bill smirked. "I'd like to discuss our daughter."
My breath stopped and I felt my face go white. I couldn't speak for a moment.
"I... I beg your fucking pardon?"
"You heard me, J." He said as he took another sip of champagne.
"No, no... I must have heard you wrong because you said something that makes absolutely no sense at all."
"Drop the act already. I know she's mine. I know you know she's mine."
I wanted to wind back and hit him but I was afraid he might call in his bodyguard and then Serge would come in too and the whole room would just explode. I'd probably lose my job and that was something I couldn't risk. If it were me from before I ever met Bill, I would have hit him. I couldn't now but fuck did I want to. I wanted to slap that smug look off his face and I think he could tell I was contemplating it too.
"How. Fucking. DARE you presume MY daughter belongs to anyone besides ME! She is not yours! You have no fucking idea what you're talking about!"
"I know that Ivany is mine."
I turned away from him to try to compose myself. I knew I was about to lose my temper in a very bad way.
"How fucking long have you been following us for?"
"Long enough. You certainly didn't try very hard to cover your tracks after a while."
"I have no tracks to cover! I'm living my own fucking life! I shouldn't have to be looking over my shoulder for your spies! This is harassment! I'll take you to court for stalking me."
"And I'll take you to court for custody of our child." He said frankly.
"Ivany is NOT yours!"
"From what I've seen, she looks just like me and the timeline certainly seems to coincide with me having fathered that child. Deny it all you want but I know that she's my daughter and I've known for a long time."
"Then why now? Huh? If you think she's yours, which she is not, why did you wait so long to snake out of the fucking shadows you sick, arrogant prick?"
"I needed to be one hundred percent certain. Who knows who could have impregnated you at the time. You certainly knew how to make your rounds back then. I'm so glad to see you have upgraded to this dignified position."
I stood up to leave but not before hissing, "I'd fucking spit at you but I know that'd get you hard so... Fuck you! Goodbye. Don't follow me or I'll call the police. You're not the only one with bodyguards now."
Before I crossed the room to the door Bill cleared his throat. "If you leave this room I will have your job and I'll make sure the court knows about your profession when they ask me why you're unfit to have custody of our child. So I suggest you sit down."
Tears welled up in my eyes instantly. I clutched at my heart, unable to process the situation before me. Fuck. This was what I was always afraid of happening; the day my past reared its hideous head to condemn me for my poor choices.
"I don't do that anymore and I haven't since I left. Fuck you. Honestly... Fuck you. I have tried so fucking hard to recover from the wreckage and here you are after all these years trying to tell me what's what. Who the fuck do you think you are, Bill?"
"There are things we need to discuss so if you please, come back to the table and sit down with me." He ignored my lamentations again.
Defeated, I went back to sit down across from him. I crossed my arms over my chest and sat there scowling at him, hating him, wishing he would drop dead, wanting to bash his pretty face into the table or something.
"Thank you," he started. "Please, have a drink with me."
Rolling my eyes, I poured myself a small glass of champagne and sipped it meekly as I waited for him to say what he wanted to say to me. I watched when he pulled a pack of cigarettes and a chrome-plated lighter from his jacket pocket. He lit one and put his lighter away. I scowled at him even harder.
"I want you to come back with me. You and Ivany. I want you both to come back to the West Coast with me."
"No," I stated simply.
"She will have everything a child could ever need. The best schools, the best care available. She will have rooms to herself. She can take music lessons, dancing lessons... Whatever. Anything she wants she will have."
"We already have everything we need. I got her into a good school."
"A public school is not where a Skarsgård should be attending."
"Well, I'm sorry but you don't have any say when it comes to MY daughter. We are staying here. We have everything we need right here." I explained, drinking down the rest of the champagne before pouring myself another much-needed glass.
"So you think this little job of yours as a cocktail waitress is going to get you further than you are right now?" Bill asked.
I pressed my teeth together hard and balled my fists, doing everything I could not to lash out and flip the table. He had this miraculous way of crushing someone beneath the sole of his designer shoe without even blinking.
"This job pays me well as I'm sure you have probably fucking noticed seeing as you flushed a shit-load of money down the toilet just to be sitting here. You think I don't make good enough money? Is that what you're really worried about? Because you didn't seem to care that much the night you e-mailed a hooker to come to do your laundry."
I tried to bring him down the way he had shot me down but Bill seemed undaunted by my venomous words. He simply sipped away at his champagne and puffed his cigarette, rarely taking his eyes off of me.
"Well look at you now, serving drinks instead of pussy. You certainly have come a long way." He pointed out, tapping the ash from his cigarette onto the serving tray.
"Bill..." I said, exhausted already by the exchange. "Why the fuck do you want us to come back with you? What purpose does it really serve you?"
He crushed out the cigarette and leaned forward as if he were going to tell me a secret. I watched him bite down on his bottom lip, taking his eyes off of me for just a moment before he relaxed back into his seat.
"I just want what's mine," He told me. "Don't you miss being mine?"
I shuddered almost violently. That nauseous feeling returned to my stomach and I felt a new wave of sweat break over my skin. A lump so hard and ruthless formed in my throat that I literally choked on my words when I tried to speak.
"This isn't fair. You can't just come out of nowhere and uproot me because you want to."
"I want you and our daughter to come live with me. Why is that wrong? I've spent so much time looking for you."
I shook my head, incapable of processing all that was happening. I couldn't believe I was sitting across a table from Bill Skarsgård, the man who had caused me to flee my past life. The turning point of myself as a person. The reason why I had dropped everything and ran.
Those big, nebulous eyes raked over me and set my heart to hammering. I could not believe I was staring at his face again. I could not believe the way he licked his lips and kept his gaze on me. I could not believe how stunning he looked in his designer suit with his longer hair and his thinner face. His cheekbones were sharp enough to light a match off of. He looked tired but refined. Five years had most definitely turned the rich boy into a wealthy man.
And I just felt the same. Looking at him, I felt exactly the same as I did when we had first met; nervous and put-off yet unable to tear my eyes from him.
"I suppose I really have no choice in this matter. If I refuse you, you'll just take me down in court anyway." I sighed.
"Worse. I will get joint custody of our daughter and I'll take her with me wherever I go. Hawaii, Mexico, Sweden... She will see the world and she will know a life full of opportunity. She will have all the things a little girl could possibly want. Then she will go home to you and she will see her Mother struggling to pay bills, disappearing at night to do God knows what. She will look at her things and she will pine for her horses, her new toys, her art studio, her beautiful bedroom. She won't want to stay with you after seeing what her Father can give to her."
Fat, hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I shook like a leaf in a storm and felt like one too. Tiny, insignificant and helpless. Bill was a monster no matter how beautiful he was. The inside of him was black as tar.
"The choice is up to you. Come home with me and live in happiness or refuse me and watch what happens. I'll give you a little while to think about it. Just know that I will not be far."
I looked up at him, mascara most certainly running down my cheeks, eyes blazing with hatred.
"Try to run and I will rain Hellfire down upon you," Bill warned.
Everything I wanted to say was flying around my head like birds rattled in a cage. There were so many things I wanted to spit at him but nothing would come out. He had me mercilessly beaten without ever having laid a finger on me.
"You can go now. Take some time to think about it all. I'll make sure to tell your boss of how professional you were with me." Bill said, changing the tone of his voice. "I'll see you very soon, J."
Without a word I stood up and left, closing the door behind me and shielding my face from Serge as I walked by but he caught me anyway.
"J, is everything alright?" Serge asked.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Serge. It's all good. Trust me. I'm fine. I have to go."
I grabbed my purse from the back and left the club without telling anybody. I got in my car and sped off to home. Kiki had fallen asleep on the couch but I didn't bother to wake her. I ascended the stairs and opened Ivany's bedroom door. More tears fell from my eyes as I climbed into bed next to her and pulled her body as close to me as possible. I pressed kisses into her hair, waking her slightly.
"Mommy?" Her little voice cracked.
"Sh, baby. It's okay. Go back to sleep."
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sp00kymulderr · 7 years ago
dO THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL /EVIL LAUGH (??)/ uhm from the "let's talk about" post úwù 💗 I'm sorry I'm making you write so much but i really wanna know!!! ILYSM
There is a lot here, I’m apparently feeling very chatty tonight so sorry about some of the long ramble-y answers again:
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
Itwas 2005, and 15 year old me had dragged my dad and brother to thecinema to see a movie that looked really interesting to me – itfeatured several badass women in the main cast at a time when Iwasn’t seeing much with actually strong, well written femalecharacters in. So I had to see this, and it was sci-fi which my wholefamily enjoys, so off we went to watch it. At the beginning, therewas a filmed intro of Joss Whedon talking about the movie and aboutthe TV series it came from, which I knew nothing about and thatworried me. But then the film started and I swear my heart stoppedfor a moment, I fell so deeply in love with the setting, thecharacters, the cast. The film was Serenity, and it started a lot forme
2: Talk about your first kiss.
Myfirst kiss wasn’t special like I wish it had been. I was about 14and it was with my best friend at the time, a guy who I had nofeelings towards whatsoever. I regret the kiss a lot, and the kissesthat followed. I wish I hadn’t felt pressured in to it the way Idid.
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
Idon’t really get intense feelings for people that often, especiallynot now I’m older. There was a guy when I was in secondary schoolthough, who I genuinely thought I loved (I didn’t). It was veryunrequited and took over my life for too long, and was a catalyst tothe depression I later suffered with.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
Partof me regrets going to uni, but then I think about all theexperiences I had at uni and I would never have had those, or madethose friends, or enjoyed myself that much anywhere else. I can’tthink of much that I really really regret, I tend to think thingsthrough a lot before I do them.
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.
Iam the queen of good birthdays, istg! I ALWAYS go on holiday for mybirthday, have ever since I was young, so I have so many good ones.But I think it has to be between going to New York for my 21stor Berlin for my 23rd (my favourite place in the wholeworld), or this past birthday which I spent on my own in New Zealandand got to go to Hobbiton for the first time!
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.
Ihave genuinely not had a bad birthday yet. This year would’ve beensad if I hadn’t gone to Hobbiton, as I was completely on my own forthe first birthday ever.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
I’ma total mess of insecurities tbh. I wouldn’t know where to start.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
In2012, when I left uni and moved to London on my own, I started a blogcalled The Theatre Tourist where I wrote about two of my biggestpassions; theatre and travel. A year after I started it, I got myfirst invite to review a theatre production which I accepted havingnever written a review. Once I wrote it, I knew this was what Iwanted to be doing, I fell completely in love with it. And to thisday I still run that blog, I have a fair few readers and connectionswith theatre PR’S all around the world. Currently I’m writing atleast a review a month for New Zealand theatre but when I was back inLondon I was being invited to at least 4 a week every week. I am soproud of that blog.
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
Mytattoos. They make me feel better about myself because I find thembeautiful and they mean a lot to me.
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.
Thatbest friend I mentioned earlier. He accused me of all sorts andcaused so much stupid drama in my life. We had a massive argument inthe hallway at school once, I ended up in tears in the bathroom andwe stopped talking to each other. He was a massive fucking jerk andI’m glad he’s not in my life any more.
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
Ihad a lot of great dreams just before I moved to New Zealand, aboutwhat a great time I was going to have out here, and they havedefinitely come true
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.
Istress dream quite a lot, the most recent one was losing my family ina natural disaster and it was awful.
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Iwaited quite a while, so I was 18 when I lost it. It wasn’t perfectbut it was nice and with someone I liked at the time. It was, however, in a single bed which was AWFUL god. But other than that, there’s not much to talk about.
14: Talk about a vacation.
Whichone to choose though??? I love travelling and have been so lucky totravel a lot, I studied tourism and it’s always been a huge part ofmy life. That’s why I’m out here on this beautiful island in themiddle of nowhere right now.
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
Idon’t feel content a lot, but my first and subsequent 6 visits toBerlin have been the best I’ve ever felt in my whole life. Berlinis the one place I feel completely at home and know I belong.
16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.
Idon’t go to a lot of parties! And the ones I went to when I wasyounger, I don’t remember a lot of them… I went to a really funfoam party in my first year of uni that I always remember fondly iffuzzily.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
Whichone is elementary? Primary I think? Jesus, who remembers primaryschool? I don’t think much exciting happened when I was that young!
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
Waitwhat’s middle school if the next question is high school? Do theyhave a school between primary and secondary in America? I’mCONFUSED
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
Ohall sorts of shit.
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
Therewas this guy in college who I became pretty close friends with thenlater told me he really liked me. He was sweet but so not my type soI just said no and then he never spoke to me again lol
22: Talk about your worst fear.
Interms of an actual phobia, I’m really afraid of dogs. Which ispretty inconvenient, they make me panic.
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
Ugh,I got drunk at a work party and asked out a guy from IT I had beeneyeing up and he turned me down which is fair enough I was a messback then. But then I had to see him at work all the time and it wasso embarrassing for me.
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
Justrecently I’ve been having a crisis about what I’m going to dowith my life once I get back to the UK next year, I want to get a jobI actually love as opposed to ending up in a shitty call centre jobhating my life again. But the other day my manager told me that shegenuinely believes I can do absolutely anything and be brilliant atit, and that just boosted my confidence so much.
26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.
Iusually try and just get on with things and don’t admit I’m sickunless it’s really bad. I hate sitting still, I need to be doingsomething all the time even when ill.
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
Scary?Death scares me, I can’t lie. I try not to think about it.
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
TheatreRoyal Bath, I associate so many good memories with this building.When I was a kid and first expressed an interest in Shakespeare mymum used to sometimes take me to see plays there. I started a massivething in me and it’s always a place that makes me feel happy.
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
Iput on music. Loud. Usually Bowie, because I know he will make mefeel better, he always does.
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
Ireally hope this doesn’t tempt fate, but as of yet I’ve onlyexperienced self inflicted pain. Never broken a bone or sprainedanything. Uhm so probably my first tattoo but even then that was a good pain for the most part.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
Beinganxious. Seriously, if I could control my anxiety or make itdissapear things would be so different.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
Meand my dad share a fairly similar musical taste, and he was the onewho introduced me to all the musicians I love so deeply now.Specifically listening to Delilah by The Sensational Alex Harvey Bandmakes me think of him. With my mum, we both love Alice Cooper so anytime I hear him I think of her.
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
Iwish I’d known earlier that there’s no shame in ‘sleeping around’.I felt ashamed for a long time about my sexual habits, and got shamedfor them. I know now that it’s all bullshit and me being in controlof my sexuality is a good thing.
Ialso wish someone had told me that you’re allowed to have stops andstarts in your career, for years after uni I tried so hard to followa career path that wasn’t working for me but I thought I would be afailure if I gave up, or if I ended up doing something that didn’trelate to my degree. Even though I still struggle with the idea of acareer, I at least do know now that I am allowed to do whatever thehell I want whether I studied for it or not.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
In 2016 the West Endmusical Sunny Afternoon closed. By the time it closed I had seen it150 times, literally seeing it at the very least once a week for twowhole years. It changed me a lot – I became more confident, I madea group of the best friends I’ve ever had, I started a fan groupfor it and worked with the marketing team for the show on a socialmedia campaign. It was a HUGE part of my life. When the show closedit felt like the end of an era, I really didn’t know what I wasgoing to do without it. It meant so much to me. But now I have allthese great friends who still talk and hang out and I have two castsof actors whose careers I’ll be following for the rest of my life.
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thehuggamugcafe · 7 years ago
Future Diary: Episode 1: Sign Up II
[Shujin Academy, Gymnasium.]
4/11 07:00
Your head shot up from where it lay: between your crossed arms that rested on your knees. In your groggy state, your eyes frantically glanced around in search of the object that nearly struck you, but thankfully, it struck the wall on your right instead. An irritated grumble tickled the back of your throat before, finally, your dopey gaze landed on a volleyball as it struck the gymnasium’s floor, bouncing off to your left. A wave of confusion washed over you, a yawn pulling your mouth apart as you blinked, raising a hand to wipe away the sleep that was crusted to your eyes.
A silhouette loomed over your stationary form and, swallowing a gulp, you slowly glanced up into the glaring face of your Physical Education teacher, Suguru Kamoshida. The tall, lightly muscled man was not only your PE teacher, but he was also the coach of the volleyball team you were assigned (forced would be a more accurate description.) to manage for the past three months.
Begrudgingly, the position as the volleyball team’s manager had fallen into your lap, courtesy of Principal Kobayakawa offering glowing praise of your accomplishments on your behalf, much to your silent chagrin that continued to the current day. Sometimes, a part of you wished that the volleyball team would suffer the same dismal fate other, far less reputable sports teams had endured, including the track and field team...
That is, once the team in question had crossed the shining star of Shujin Academy, Suguru Kamoshida, and were punished accordingly. There was nothing worse for the volleyball team than to suffer a fate worse than death itself: disbandment.
If only so you wouldn’t have to be in the unpleasant company of the square-chinned bastard anymore.
It was selfish of you to wish such a horrid fate upon the team you were (unwillingly.) assigned to oversee, but here you were, sitting upright on the bench in the gymnasium of your high school, Shujin Academy, wishing the worst possible outcome for the volleyball team.
Here you were, staring up at the infamous Suguru Kamoshida, former Olympic medalist, with tired eyes.
Here you were, blinking your eyes wearily as a yawn pulled at your mouth, staring up at the tall, lightly muscled PE teacher and volleyball coach as he stared down at you.
He didn’t look pleased, and that was being nice about it.
His brows pinched the slant of his narrow brown eyes, a frown pursed his lips as he he held a hand to his square chin.
“Can the team’s manager really afford to be napping at such a crucial time? The volleyball tournament will be here in a few short weeks... If they slip up and lose, it’ll come back on me, you know?”
What am I, cheap slave labour? Get off your high horse already, you square-chinned asshole! you silently seethed, but you didn’t dare to voice what you were quietly thinking.
No, you settled for blinking owlishly as you raised a hand, scratching the back of your neck with your fingernails.
“You know what will happen if the team gets a bad reputation... If I get a bad rap, right?”
Oh, you knew. You knew with one hundred percent certainty what would happen if the volleyball team Kamoshida had poured his filthy blood, poured his rotten soul into failed... If the team performed poorly at any point during the upcoming tournament.
The bruises on your forearms... The ones you received from Kamoshida when he called you into the PE office on the second floor, the ones he’d given you just last week because he’d been in a foul mood...
They still hadn’t completely healed, blotching your skin in various hues of purple.
You were sure you’d be given far worse treatment if the volleyball team didn’t receive nothing short of first place, showering in praise that was directed more so toward a man who deserved anything but glowing words of acknowledgement. Praise that should be directed toward the volleyball team, and not their so-called “coach,” Suguru Kamoshida.
Finally, you breathed a sigh as you lowered your hand away from the back of your neck.
“Yes, sir. I understand,” you said, blinking as you breathed a second sigh.
“...Good. So long as you understand... I’d hate to have to tell Principal Kobayakawa that you’re not living up to his expectations... It’d be bad for you if he pulls his shining college recommendation away from you, right?”
Your brows furrowed slightly, your jaw became set as your teeth ground together, curling your right hand to form a tight, white-knuckled fist.
Blackmail, huh? Holding that over my head to force my compliance, are you? You bastard! you quietly hissed, feeling a wave of anger wash over you.
“...Huh? You look like you want to say something,” Kamoshida said, his brows furrowing as he stared down at you.
You silently counted down from ten to one, releasing a slow breath before you steeled yourself. You slowly got to your feet, raising your chin as your eyes met his. Your shoulders slacked as your fist loosened, your mouth opening to speak.
“...Yes. Understood, sir,” you said, your automatic response earning an approving nod from the tall, lightly muscled teacher and volleyball coach.
Screeeeeech! Screeeeeech!
The bell rang shrilly throughout the school, always a blessing for any students who had to endure a morning training session with the volleyball coach.
“Alright, pack it up. Get to class!” Kamoshida said, his voice echoing throughout the gymnasium.
The tall, lightly muscled man’s booming voice earned relieved sighs, pained groans, and soft complaints as Kamoshida spared the members of the volleyball team one last scathing glance before turning on his heels. The gymnasium’s doors swung open as the PE teacher stepped through, groaning with a slow, unnerving creak as they closed.
The volleyball team members breathed a collective sigh of relief, voicing pained groans and hissing disgruntled remarks. Bruises coloured their faces in horrid blotches, grumbling as they rubbed the stinging bruises.
You dug out your phone from your school bag while the comments, the hissed snarls, and the agitated murmurs of the boys—and the girls—floated up into the gymnasium’s atmosphere, lumping together like a thick stew.
A yawn pulled at your lips as your weary eyes stared down at your phone, bringing up your notepad, punching in a few to-the-point messages.
“That fucker...”
“Tch... He says it’ll look bad on him, but it’ll look just as bad on us, too!”
“All he’s good for is kissing Principal Kobayakawa’s fat ass...”
“That, and leering at the girls on the volleyball team...”
“Never mind Kamoshida... More importantly, is it free for use?”
“Yeah, but it’s no good without someone else to join...”
“Then just pick another girl! Anyone will do!”
One of the girls on the volleyball team glanced around, zeroing in on you as her mouth popped open.
“Hey, manager! You want to—ow!”
The girl was silenced by the star of the volleyball team nudging her in the side, shaking her head as her eyes narrowed at your form.
“Not her.”
“Eh? Why not?”
“She’s a wall flower; she won’t come,” a girl replied, answering her teammate’s curiosity.
“She’s... strange, isn’t that right, girls?”
“She spends all her time on her phone.”
“What does she do on her phone all day, anyway? Playing games?”
“I heard she’s keeping a diary.”
“What a weirdo...”
“Hey, enough about her. More importantly, did you hear? I heard we’re getting a transfer student!”
“Huh? Really? A guy or a girl?”
“What class are they in?”
The volleyball team members’ remark earned nods, murmurs of agreement, and you felt stares boring into you as you got to your feet. The white straps of your school bag were gripped in your dominant hand, slung over your clothed shoulder. The hefty bag bumped against your clothed back as you began the short trek to the gymnasium’s entrance, raising a hand to push the steel bar. The gym’s door creaked as it was opened, sliding shut as you left, thus silencing whatever else the girls were saying.
Your head was bowed as you walked the halls of Shujin Academy, your fingers flying across the keypad of your phone. You walked by and waded through countless students, male and female alike. Students who talked, joked, and laughed. Students who didn’t spare you a single glance. Students who didn’t offer you an apology whenever they bumped into you.
Even if they had, you were simply too absorbed with your phone to notice, or to care for that matter.
4/11 07:00 (Gymnasium)
Volleyball morning practice ends.
4/11 07:01 (School halls)
Natsuki is looking for people to play basketball with.
4/11 07:02 (School halls)
Apparently, there’s a transfer student this year. I wonder what they’re like...?
4/11 07:03 (School halls)
The warning bell rang. I should get to class before I end up being late.
You snapped your cellphone shut, sliding it in one of the inside pockets of your blazer, re-buttoning the black blazer, readjusting it before you gripped a hold of the latch belonging to the door of Classroom 3-A, pulled on it and tugged the classroom door open.
You stepped inside, greeted by the typical giggles, whispers of rumours, and shouts of offers to hang out after school. Basically, anything and everyone was included—everyone except for you, that is. Such was your lifestyle ever since elementary school. People used to approach you, they used to ask if you wanted to hang out with them, but you kept turning them down.
Eventually, people stopped approaching you, and you became known as “that wallflower weirdo.” It was a title that persisted to the present day, much to your quiet chagrin.
You kept up a surprisingly believable front, passing it off as something that didn’t bother you, but…
In the back of your mind, however, you couldn’t help but silently admit that the loneliness you felt was stifling, even suffocating at times.
You wanted to have friends.
You wanted to laugh, to chit chat casually, and just be in the company of others.
Hell, you even had a crush on a guy, a fellow third-year, but you weren’t certain on how confessions worked.
Even if you were one hundred percent sure, you doubted you’d be able to work up the nerve to confess to him, whether it was directly or indirectly. You were simply too shy.
I guess it’s my destiny to live as a social recluse, huh? you mused, your quiet thoughts remaining as they were: silent.
You slipped the white straps of your school bag off of your shoulder, setting it on your left and out of the way of clumsy, accident-prone feet. You raised a hand, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, half-heartedly listening as your classmates began talking amongst one another.
“Hey, did you hear?”
“Yeah, I heard. That transfer student’s supposed to have been assigned to our class!”
“No way! Really?”
“I wonder what kind of person they’ll be...?”
You breathed a silent sigh, glancing away from the window you were staring out, the glass pane saturated with water droplets, pointing your (e/c) gaze on the classroom door as it was opened.
Your homeroom and Japanese Language teacher, Sadayo Kawakami, entered the classroom, her white kitten shoes clicking over the wooden floor as a third-year trailed after her, the click-clicks of his black dress shoes were heard even over the chatter and whispers of your classmates.
“Alright, settle down!” Ms. Kawakami said, bringing her hands together in a clap.
Almost immediately the hissed comments were brought to a halt, but it didn’t stop your classmates from staring at the new addition to Classroom 3-A. You found yourself staring at the transfer student as well—and he was staring back at you.
What? you mused, blinking owlishly.
You looked away for a few moments before you returned your gaze to the transfer student, and he was still looking at you. For a moment, and only a moment, you could have sworn that there was the smallest of smirks curling his lips.
You silently took in his appearance. Frizzy noiret hair, tall, and with the black glasses perched on his nose, he gave off the vibe of a quiet, mild-mannered third-year student, but... His eyes. His onyx gaze seemed to pierce straight through you, cutting into you in an attempt to dig out your very soul it seemed.
You shuddered at the thought of the mysterious third-year being able to read you like an open book...
“Well... I’d like to introduce a transfer student: Ren Amamiya,” Ms. Kawakami began, sparing the bespectacled student a glance.
“He just transferred from outside of the city, so he may not be used to the area yet. Please be sure to answer any questions he may ask you all, alright? Please say something to the class, Ren.”
For a few moments silence reigned in the classroom, but finally, the noiret’s mouth opened.
“I’m Ren Amamiya. It’s nice to meet you all,” he said, polishing off his introduction with a bow, straightening his posture seconds later.
“Hey, he’s that guy, right? The one from the rumours?”
“He was arrested for assault, right?”
“He looks normal though...”
“But he might slug us if we look him in the eye.”
“He seems quiet, but I bet when he loses it...”
“Now... Amamiya, your seat will be... Hmm. Ah, that one. The seat in front of (L/n) is available. (Y/n), raise your hand, please.”
You felt the colour drain from your face at Ms. Kawakami’s words, immediately flicking a (e/c) stare on the empty seat in front of you. You breathed a silent sigh as you raised your hand, dutifully obeying your teacher’s request.
Of course. you grumbled mentally, pursing your lips. Out of all the seats he has to sit in, it just had to be-
You didn’t notice the telltale click-clicks as heels struck the floor, steadily approaching where you sat.
You didn’t notice that the footsteps paused.
You didn’t notice the small, barely-there smile that graced Ren’s lips until you glanced up at him.
His shadow bathed you in silhouette, his glasses glinted as he raised a hand, pushing them up slightly.
“Good morning, (Y/n) (L/n). I hope we get along.”
You fell silent, willing back a shudder at the clear enunciating undertone Ren had used to address you as he uttered your name, but finally, your mouth popped open, a reply at the ready.
“...Good morning, Amamiya. It’s nice to meet you,” you replied, clearing your throat.
You ignored your classmates whispering to each other, focusing on Ms. Kawakami as she spoke.
“Oh, right. The volleyball rally is in two days. Everyone’s just changed classes, so please make sure to use that time to get to know each other. Sorry, but could you show Ren around on your lunch break, (Y/n)?”
“Yes, Ms. Kawakami,” you replied, nodding your head in compliance.
“Amamiya, is that alright with you?”
You were sitting behind him, but you could still hear the quiet chuckle he voiced as he nodded.
“Yes, that’s perfectly fine with me, Ms. Kawakami.”
You willed back a groan as you slumped in your seat a little, glaring daggers at Ms. Kawakami the moment her back was turned as she picked up a book.
“Alright, so today, we’ll be going over...”
What God did I piss off in a previous life?! you wailed mentally, pursing your lips.
Unbeknownst to you, Ren’s obsidian irises held a dark shimmer, a glint that was evil, almost devilish in nature.
He couldn’t wait for lunchtime to roll around.
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safarikalamari · 7 years ago
Coincide - Chapter 11
Previous - Next
Chapter Summary: The tides change
Words: 1832
A/N: sad stuff ahead folks, i apologize in advance
It had been a few days since Race last saw Spot.
The few weeks following the trip to the beach, Race had figured out a way to see Spot every day. School was catching up with him however and as much as Race appreciated that scheduled aspect of his life, he needed to graduate.
His dance final loomed over his head, his stress driving him almost to the point of tears and it was then that he found himself on the way to the hospital. He just needed to not think about anything for a little while.
As usual, he entered Spot’s room without a knock, Spot insisting that he didn’t need to anymore. Yet, what Race saw made him wish he did.
A nurse was in the room, hooking Spot up to a machine and Race’s heart dropped. She glanced up from Spot, giving Race a half-hearted smile as she finalized the process, checking over Spot once more before she left.
“Told her you were coming,” Spot’s voice came out, raspy. “She said she’d explain everything when you’re done visiting if you want.”
Taking a small breath, Race came over to Spot’s bedside, taking hold of his hand. “What’s going on, Spot?” Race whispered, his eyes watering.
Spot smirked a little at this, his grip weak as he squeezed Race’s hand. “Gotta get a new heart. It’s kind of ironic when you think about.”
Race said nothing, bringing Spot’s hand up to his mouth and brushing his lips against his fingers. Race could feel a tear fall down his cheek, but he didn’t make a move to wipe it away.
“Hey,” Spot pushed himself up. “It’s gonna be okay, Race. Hell, maybe I’ll be able to love you even more with my new heart.”
Race tried to laugh at this, but all that came out was a small sob as he gripped onto Spot’s hand. “You’re guaranteed a heart?” he dared to ask.
Spot looked down then, a breath leaving him. “I’m at the top of the list, but it’s not for sure. Everything’s gotta be right and they don’t have one yet.”
Not wanting to hear any more, Race pulled Spot into a hug, apologies spilling out of his mouth.
“Race,” Spot’s voice was soft, his hand carding through Race’s hair. “You got nothing to be sorry about. It’s not your fault.”
“My first thought was what I would do without you,” Race muttered. “Not how scared you are, what you must feel like.”
Spot laughed a little at this, loosening Race’s hold so he could grab onto his face with both hands. “I’m okay,” Spot reassured, looking deep into Race’s eyes. “I’m not...I–”
Spot’s voice broke, the first of his tears running down in memorized trails. “God, I’m so happy I met you...that I got to love you. Race, I’m fucking terrified, but only because I don’t want to leave you too.”
Pressing their foreheads together, Spot and Race cried, embracing in between shuddered breaths and trailing hands. The months were not long enough, their time cut short, both wishing for the clock to turn back.
When their tears became little more than eyes glazed over, Race crawled onto Spot’s bed, the two laying on their sides and holding onto each other.
“I’m gonna make it through this, Race,” Spot spoke with finality. “Like hell am I going to miss your dance recital.”
Race’s first smile broke through and he kissed Spot as their hands tangled together. “I saved you a front row seat. Right next to Blink and Mush.”
It was Spot who led their conversation away from the darkness over their heads, distracting Race with stories that blurred the line between fiction and reality. As much as Race tried to keep his thoughts at bay, all he could do was silently curse the world as he studied all of Spot’s features.
The way he smiled, how his nose wrinkled just a little when he was deep in thought. Race wondered if this would be the last time or the first of many where he could admire all of Spot, his stomach twisting and turning with everything that had happened.
When the nurse came back to the room, Race was tempted to stay as he was, but he didn’t want to make a ruckus. Not with Spot like this. Without a care, the two shared a kiss that held the entire world and Race didn’t look away from Spot once until the door blocked his view.
“Will he die?” Race asked the nurse, turning from the door to look directly at her.
“I can’t say yes or no,” the nurse shook her head. “We’re doing all we can to get him a new heart as soon as possible.”
Race expected as much of an answer, remaining silent as the nurse looked on. He didn’t want to know other details of Spot’s condition.
With a nod, he made his way out of the hospital and sat down on the curb once outside. Digging his phone out of his pocket, Race dialed Mush’s number, his face wet with tears already.
Upon hearing Mush’s bright hello, Race broke down, unable to say much between his sobs.
“We’re on our way,” Mush reassured, his voice instantly calming Race down. “Stay on the line, okay, Race?”
Race nodded, then realizing Mush couldn’t see it and sighed. “Yeah. I’m here.”
The entire time Race waited for his friends, he listened to Mush’s reassurances, the optimism Mush had for Spot’s transplant. Whether it was just for his benefit or something else, Race appreciated the gesture and practically threw himself into Mush’s arms by the time Blink had parked his car in front of the hospital.
“Fuck, Mush,” Race sobbed into his friend’s shoulder. “You told me...you warned me…I should’ve...”
“Don’t,” Mush interrupted, stern and gentle. “Don’t regret everything you’ve had with Spot, Race.”
Holding Race by his shoulders, Mush tried to get Race to look at him, his eyes a fierce determination that reminded Race of their high school days.
“He’s brought you so much happiness, think about all the good times you’ve had together,” Mush urged. “You said he makes you feel different. Would you really want to forget all of that?”
“No,” Race whispered, staring at his feet.
Mush cupped Race’s face with one hand, wiping away some of the tears as Race tried to gain some bearing.
“I’m going to drive us back to the apartment. Blink will drive your car, okay?”
Sniffing, Race glanced up then, his eyes shifting between Blink and Mush. “But you can’t drive, Mush.”
Blink laughed a little at this and Race waited expectantly. “Mush just got his permit. We’ve been working on it.”
Race smiled then, throwing his arms around Mush. “Man, congrats, buddy.”
“Thanks. I hate it, but I can’t have the two of you driving me around forever,” Mush sighed, leading Race over to the passenger side of Blink’s car.
Handing his keys off to Blink, relief washed over Race and he eagerly climbed into the car, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep.
“We’ll talk more when you’re ready, okay?” Mush added as he started up the engine.
Race nodded, his eyelids already drooping and by the time Mush got them onto the road, everything went black.
Waking up to the sound of the TV, Race surveyed his surroundings with half-open eyes.
As he recognized Blink and Mush’s apartment, Race was beginning to remember the day he endured and his eyes trailed, noting his legs on Blink’s lap before he gave him a nod. When he received a short wave in return, Race glanced up, greeted by Mush smiling at him, an arm draped across his chest.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
“It’s not fucking morning, is it?” Race mumbled, noting how dark the room was as he rubbed his eyes.
“No,” Mush laughed, shifting a little and causing Race to lift his head from his lap. “It’s almost midnight.”
Race let out a sigh of relief and set his head back down, somewhat curious to Blink’s apparent disinterest in all three of their positions.
“Wanna rub my feet, Blink?” Race teased, grinning when Blink frowned.
“Hell no.”
Yet, Blink made no move to push Race’s feet away from him and Race turned back to Mush. The events from earlier swarmed in his mind, questions overtaking every other thought.
“What are his chances?” Race asked quietly.
He saw how Mush’s eyes darted and he looked at the TV as Mush sighed.
“You probably heard it from one of the nurses already–”
“–Yeah, but what do you think? Did you mean what you said on the phone?”
Mush looked down, his usual expressive face stiff when Race turned back to him. Race had never seen Mush like this before and a chill ran down his spine.
“His chances are low. Hearts aren’t easy to get and there’s always another patient with higher priority.”
Race knew these words were coming, but it didn’t make them any easier to hear. He’d seen plenty on documentaries and movies. He just never imagined he’d be in the same scenarios.
“He’s a fighter,” Blink said as he picked at the arm of the couch.
Both Mush and Race turned to him, eyebrows raising as they waited for him to continue. Blink hardly got involved in personal discussions with the two of them, or if he did, it ended in some kind of argumentative teasing.
“Spot’s not going to let Race go that easily,” Blink stared at the two of them, as if it were obvious. “Spot will get that heart and he’ll be out of that hospital. He and Andrea will see to that.”
Race glanced at Mush, smiling at his confused expression before sitting up on the couch and adjusting so he could hug Blink.
“I see why you guys hug so much,” Blink joked before he gave an awkward hug in return, complete with the back pat which made Race laugh.
“Hey, I’m always here if you want one,” Race shrugged, choosing to remain in a seated position between his friends.
Race focused back on the TV as he noticed Blink exchanging a personal stare with Mush, letting the two have a moment before jumping to his feet.
“Do you have popcorn? I’m hungry.”
Blink and Mush grinned, getting up from the couch as well as Blink led the way.
“Let me do the honors. I make some amazing popcorn.”
“He really does,” Mush added, wrapping his arms around Blink’s waist and giving his neck a kiss. “I’ll make cocoa.”
Race couldn’t help admire his friends as they worked seamlessly in the kitchen, each guessing the other’s action as they set to cooking. He and Spot could be like this one day, with their own apartment, their own life. It lit a fire in Race’s heart and he pushed away all other thoughts except the one that told him Spot would survive whatever came his way.
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benbarnesescape · 7 years ago
Lies and Distractions
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Billy Russo Prompt Challenge – for @daughter-of-mayhem
Prompt # 39 – “Shut up and kiss me already”
Warnings: None. Cursing at worse. Mentions of sex
A/N: Ok pre-warning this may or may not be sad. I’m done with angsty Billy after this for a while but I really wanted to write about the transition from when Billy leaves Anvil to meeting up with Curtis the next day. Where would he go? What would he be thinking?  promise, promise the next posts will be happier.
You flickered your eyes open, disoriented and confused as you took in your living room surroundings. Netflix was asking if you were still there, wanting to watch another episode of Parks and Rec. A fire truck sped past your building, the red and blue lights lighting up the already dim space and you blinked, trying to figure out the true source of your disorientation. Then you hear the incessant pounding on your door, loud and with purpose and you groan, dragging yourself off the couch. You glance over to your stove clock checking the time and felt fear grip your heart. Who the hell could be knocking on your door at 11 pm on a Tuesday night?
You grab your baseball bat from your closet, nearing the door and looking through the peep hole.
You give a relaxed sigh when you notice Billy Russo standing on the other side, looking around cautiously before he pounds again and you flicker on your hall light as you start to unbolt your locks. When you finally throw the door open he’s standing there, a duffel bag slung over one arm and he pushes past you into your space with no snarky remark or hello.
“Hello to you too.” You mumble, closing the door and relocking the door. You turn to him as he looks out the windows cautiously, in a way that you had seen with lots of the paranoid vets and soldiers when you were holed up in a fighting zone and you know that there’s something wrong. Something that had you gripping your baseball bat just a bit tighter as you lean against the door, trying to debate what to say next.
Billy Russo always had a flair for adding more drama in your life.
“Were you planning on hitting a homerun against my skull with that thing?” he finally says when he’s satisfied with his position, throwing his bag on the ground and walking to your kitchen. He looks through your cabinets until he finds what he’s looking for, walking back out with the old bottle of gin he had gifted you with a few months back.
“Still debating if I should. The fuck is going on Billy?”
Billy uncaps the bottle, grimacing a bit before taking a seat at your kitchen table and taking a large swig. His eyes never leave yours as he drinks and when he puts the bottle down he throws his head back, slumping in the chair.
“Why does alcohol make everything better?” he mumbles. You don’t shift. Don’t make a movement from your spot at the door. He cracks an eye open and looks at you before heaving a deep sigh,
“Still got those old medic skills from back when you served in the sandbox?”
You cross your arms, falling back on the door before asking,
“What makes you think I’m an old army medic?”
He snorts, taking another swig of his drink before answering.
“When you’re a soldier, there’s just something about the way you move. Especially if you’re a good one. Curtis tells me that once a week you go down to his old center, do free medical exams for old vets. Besides, you got your old arm paraphernalia hanging in your bedroom. Won yourself a ribbon for saving a whole lot of soldiers. Your bathroom is littered with medical supplies. I wasn’t that distracted the last time I was over to note notice all those small details.”
You watch him skeptically before wandering over to him, placing your bat back in the closet before doing so.
“You don’t seem like the kind of guy who wants to know the details of a girl that he casually bangs.”
He smiles, that side grin that always gets your stomach tied up in knots and his left hand reaches out for you, grabbing your own.
“Is that what you think this is?”
“I’m not stupid Billy. You only call when its late, tend to leave before I wake up in the morning. When was the last time we sat and had a conversation? An actual conversation? You’re not looking for commitment and I’m so fucking messed up I’m willing to take what I can get.”
He’s watching you, those dark ebony eyes staring into your own before he whispers,
“I didn’t mean for you to feel used. I just thought that’s how you preferred it. This relationship.”
He grimaces again, shifting his right shoulder and you sit up in your chair, shaking your head.
“Doesn’t matter now does it? You won’t be staying much longer from what I can gather. Guessing you either got shot or stabbed in your right arm.” You nod in the direction of his discomfort and he nods.
“Show me.”
Another complacent nod as he shrugs out of his jacket and you notice the way his t-shirt is soaked with blood. You get up quickly, making a beeline for your linen closet. Grabbing your medical box of supplies and an empty tub before you’re making your way back to him in the dining room.
“Slug still in your arm?”
He shakes his head as he watches you, his dark eyes taking you in as you come alive. This is what you lived for. Missed. Working in an ER couldn’t curb the way it felt to support soldiers when they’re bullets moving past you. You had been promoted to doctor quickly on the field – when you were a basic nurse that had to learn how to perform surgery, patch up wounds and minimize damage when limbs were blown off it became easy. Back in the states, though, you had to go to school to prove your worth. Utter bullshit but you did it because you missed the itch. Just like you knew Billy did, rather he wanted to admit it or not.
“Pulled it out.” He answers, snapping you back to the present
“Was it a clean through and through? Or is there shrapnel I’ll have to dig around for.”
“Clean break.”  
“How long ago?” you ask, cutting his shirt and examining the wound before pouring water on it. He gives a light gasp before muttering out,  
“Thirty minutes max.”
You look at him for a second before your shaking your head.
“You’re an idiot. Whoever shot you figured as much.”
He laughs, taking another drink before asking,
“Can you sew me up? Or am I going to have to endure more insults.”
You smile, digging through your kit for your needle and thread. He was definitely going to need stitches and a proper cleaning which you knew he’d love.
“I can patch you up. You gotta tell me what kinda heat you have on you though. Because if the cops come sniffing for you, its natural they’ll come visit me.”
He gives a deeper sigh, his jaw set as he debates his next move.
“Deal. But only on one condition.”
You snort, shaking your head.
“Shouldn’t I be the one demanding the conditions.” You ask, carefully threading your needle before digging through your box for antiseptic.
“I tell you and in return you give me a –goddamn that burns! No warning?” he throws you a nasty snarl as you press the alcohol filled cotton ball against his skin and you smirk, shaking your head.
“You soldiers – men – are such babies when it comes to basic antiseptic. Pull a bullet out sure. Swipe a wound with alcohol and your all curse words and tears.” You smirk, throwing the bloody gauze on his table. You look up at him and ask,  
“You were saying?”
He looks at you skeptically before saying,
“I was trying to barter for a kiss. Don’t know if it’s worth it or not now.”
You laugh, scooting your chair closer to him.
“Might want to grit your teeth on something. Gonna start stitching you.”
“Can’t be as bad as the way you cleaned me up.” He mutters, taking another drink as your needle pierces his skin. He stiffens, but is still as you silently start to work on the small wound.
“You ever hear the name Frank Castle?” he asks after a minute and you falter a bit on stitch before continuing.
“Isn’t he known as The Punisher in this city?” you finally ask and he smirks, shaking his head.
“Yea. I guess that is his public name.”
“Frank Castle – the terrorist of New York. He sounds more like a political cover up.”
You can feel the intense way Billy is staring at you, knowing he’s curious to wonder your thoughts on the matter and you cave.
“I say that because the men he attacked, the men he was being charged for were known criminals. Prior to all of his ‘misdemeanors’ he served our country, bagged up a lot of individuals for the sake of America. Sounds like these men did something shitty to him and in return, he killed them. And maybe those men were linked to some dirty politician or two, god knows this damn country is being run by one let alone this city. Just think Frank got mixed up in some shit and unfortunately had to take the fall for it.”
You sit back as you look at the first couple of stitches, reaching over for a new roll of string. You throw him a side glance before asking,
“What I’m curious is why Frank Castle was shooting at you. You one of those dirty men Billy?”
Billy chuckles as he watches your movement, the precise way you thread the needle again before your bending over his arm.
“Frank didn’t like that I was supporting a politician, an old army friend. He may or may not have done some dirty shit. Not my place to ask. I was hired to protect him with my detail and that’s what I did. Frank got caught up in that, didn’t think I was serving him and now….” He drifts and you nod, your hands effortlessly moving before you stop, clipping your thread and tying it immaculately.
“You seem like the kind of kid who facilitated the bullying from behind the scene on the playground.” You smirk falling back in your chair. He starts to say something but you hold up your hand, shaking your head.
“Listen, I don’t care what you have to say about it. If the cops come I’ll tell them what I basically let my friends know. That sometimes we fuck but you don’t really stay around and we aren’t really friends. Done and done.” You get up, grabbing up the pile of gauze, taking it to your kitchen sink and throwing it in. Then you grab a match, catching it on fire as you watch.
“Can’t have your DNA all over the place.” You say as you pad back to him, feeling suddenly cold inside. Knowing that when he left, it wouldn’t be like all the other times where you lied to yourself, saying that maybe things would change. Maybe he would see you beyond the 20 minute waves of pleasure. Want to understand why you distanced yourself.
Looking at him now as he watched you, eyes hooded and lips pursed you knew you were wrong. There was no way in hell you could have that life with him. He had never been yours to begin with.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks as you stand in front of him, walking between his stretched out legs as he wraps his arms around your lower half.
“Just memorizing this handsome face.” You answer back softly and he gives a lazy grin, looking up at you as you card your hand through his hair while your other free hand cups his face. Memorizing his touch, painting his features into your mind to hold onto forever.
“I’ll be back you know. When things have simmered down. I’ll be back. Then you can talk to me like a real adult. Tell me what you’ve truly been meaning to say all this time.” He nuzzles against your hand, a lazy smile planted on his lips but you know it’s a lie. Know that he doesn’t care. Know that he’s incapable of it. He just wasn’t made that way.
But you don’t tell him this. Instead you do exactly what he expects you to do. You lie.
“Sure you will Billy.”
He blinks up at you, trying to read you. Trying to remedy what he knows can’t be true. You cut him off instead, placing a finger on his lips and murmuring,
“Oh, just shut up and kiss me already. Before I change my mind.”
He smiles, leaning up to grant you your requests. Ignoring the way your tears stain your mouth, or how you cling onto him as desperately as he holds onto you. Ignoring the pain throbbing in his shoulder as he pulls you down onto his lap, needing to forget for a couple of minutes the severity of the situation.
When he’s gone the next morning you’re not surprised, caressing over the place that he once laid. When he’s mug shot is advertised all over newspapers and the television, you also aren’t surprised. Aren’t surprised when the cops come to question you and you lie about him.
You lie about him until he becomes just a whisper in your mind, his promise an unforgotten tale in your string of romantic encounters.
It’s the two years later, in the dead of night when he’s knocking at your door, a shadowy finger even in your apartments well-lit hallway that all of this comes back to you. You almost don’t open the door. But then he’s saying your name in that voice that can only be distinctly Billy and your shaking, opening it up.
“I know it’s been a while sweetheart. Ready to have that heart to heart?”
For the life of you, you aren’t.
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