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octo-blobs · 4 months ago
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i have marina disorder. its termina(l)
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caged-kaashi · 3 months ago
I haven't even finished the series yet im here. What's this? Aakashi perhaps.
Hey aakashi! Just wanted to drop in an say you're definitely one of my favourite characters in the series <333
You seem like a really calm and comforting person to hangout with!!!😌↕️
The way you understand and take care of bokuto only makes it better 🥹❤️
Wanna be better? I'll bribe you with flowers and share chocolates if you say yes, think about it. no guarantees i won't fall in love. Terms and conditions apply™
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-The tips of his ears turn crimson as he looks away from you-
I can't say I haven't been thanked for taking care of Bokuto-san before but your words don't fail to make me bashful. I hope I can continue to be better so that you won't have to feel embarrassed over making me one of your favourites.
-looks back at you with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips-
I can't accept everything but how about sharing a chocolate bar to commemorate our first interaction among many?
-takes one of the chocolate bar, breaking it in half and handing one half to you-
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anothermonikan · 1 year ago
Okay I am going to try my very bestest not to go too insane, like. Android you JUST finished the movie you should not be scrolling through tumblr tags already!!
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flower-yacchan · 2 months ago
I completely forgot about the existence of this account guwahhh!! I hope everyone is doing alright and well, and I'm still very excited for Christmas :3
I hope everyone is keeping warm in this weather!!
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lesbianraskolnikov · 6 months ago
guwahhh i want to do a youtube or last fm playlist for rodya or somethinggggg. Gothing out was fun but i have so much stuff for him but a lot of stuff on my mind ...
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ingarbingar · 10 months ago
Hal yang baru kusadari: Jahal dalam Bahasa Arab artinya bodoh. Pas baca Al-Qur’an, nemu kata jahulaa yang artinya juga bodoh. Lalu nemu kata jahiluun yang juga berarti bodoh. Terus aku jadi berpikir, berarti jahiliyah juga artinya bodoh?
Kemudian aku searching untuk memastikan. Dan benar! Jahiliyah artinya bodoh.
Terus jadi kepikiran, kenapa ya nabi Muhammad diutus menjadi nabi dan rasul di tengah masyarakat yang disebut jahiliyah? Kenapa disebut bodoh? Bukan kejam, jahat, biadab?
Ketika ngaji, aku berkali-kali nemu kalimat “bagi orang yang berakal” “bagi yang berpikir” “tidakkah kamu mengerti?”
Lalu barusan ngaji ayat ini dari surah Az-Zumar:
qul a fa ghoirollohi ta-muruuunniii a'budu ayyuhal-jaahiluun
Katakanlah (Muhammad), "Apakah kamu menyuruh aku menyembah selain Allah, wahai orang-orang yang bodoh?"
Terus pernah baca di surah hm apa gitu aku lupa tapi aku masih inget bunyinya. Isinya sama seperti salah satu ayat di surah Az-Zumar. Tentang malaikat yang berkata kepada penguni neraka “bagaimana kamu ini dapat dipalingkan?”
Kan kesannya kek ngomong “bego banget sih lu?” 😀✋
Lalu ayat 71 berbunyi:
Orang-orang yang kafir digiring ke Neraka Jahanam secara berombongan. Sehingga apabila mereka sampai kepadanya (neraka) pintu-pintunya dibukakan dan penjaga-penjaga berkata kepada mereka, "Apakah belum pernah datang kepadamu rasul-rasul dari kalangan kamu yang membacakan ayat-ayat Tuhanmu dan memperingatkan kepadamu akan pertemuan (dengan) harimu ini?" Mereka menjawab, "Benar, ada," tetapi ketetapan azab pasti berlaku terhadap orang-orang kafir.
Terus aku mikir lagi, apa aja sih yang orang-orang itu lakukan sampai disebut jahiliyah (bodoh)?
Pertama, tugas nabi Muhammad adalah untuk menyampaikan seruan menyembah Allah swt. Sedangkan mereka menyembah berhala.
Allah berfirman berkali-kali dalam Al-Qur’an:
kenapa kamu menyembah sesuatu yang tidak bisa memberimu manfaat atau menyelamatkanmu? Bahkan berhala tidak bisa menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri.
Masih inget ga kisah savage nabi Ibrahim? Di Al-Qur’an dikisahkan dan ceritanya seru banget! Tapi aku lupa di surah apa huhu maav ya da kita mah bukan ustadz Adi Hidayat?!!
Ceritanya nabi Ibrahim menghancurkan patung-patung berhala menggunakan semacam kampak ketika orang-orang sedang berpergian. Lalu nabi Ibrahim meletakkan kampaknya pada berhala yang paling besar. Sengaja memang tidak dimusnahkan.
Ketika orang-orang kembali, mereka bertanya ke nabi Ibrahim, “eh tong, elu ye ngancurin berhala kita?!” Lalu nabi Ibrahim menjawab, “lah lu kagak liat siapa yang megang kampak? Berhala lu noh yang paling besar. Tanya aja ma die.”
Mereka terdiam sesaat, lalu berkata “lah kan patung kagak bisa ngomong.” Nabi Ibrahim be like “LAH ITU MAKSUD GUWAHHH? BUKANNYA MIKIR DAN NGERTI MALAH KENAPA JADI GUE YANG DIBAKAR?!”
Selain itu, orang-orang jahiliyah sangat merendahkan perempuan. Anak perempuan yang dikubur hidup-hidup, istri yang tinggal mati suami dapat dinikahi oleh kerabat laki-laki suaminya tanpa mas kawin (kek harta gono-gini yang pindah tangan).
Mereka juga suka berperang. Adu kekuatan. Memperbudak manusia.
Lalu diutuslah para nabi dan rasul untuk memberi peringatan dan kabar gembira. Diberi pula kitab suci. Sudah diberitahu dan diperingatkan, tetapi menolak. Malah mengolok-olok: Muhammad adalah penyihir, Muhammad sudah gila (nabi dan para rasul sebelumnya ternya mendapat ejekan yang serupa).
Aku kemudian tersadar. Jahiliyah itu bukan masa. Tapi “sikap.” Karena kalau dipikir-pikir, apa yang dilakukan orang-orang jahiliyah dahulu juga dilakukan sama orang-orang jaman sekarang?
Menjadi hamba atas sesuatu yang bukan Allah, perempuan direndahkan, perang masih terjadi.
Memang rasul sudah lama tiada. Tapi peringatannya masih ada yaitu dalam Al-Qur’an.
Bayangkan, kita (aku sih) sebagai muslim yang baca Al-Qur’an. Tau isinya. Baca artinya. Tau kalo bertakwa ganjarannya apa dan bermaksiat ganjarannya apa. Tapi tetap saja menjadi manusia yang zalim. Kek??? Bodoh indeed ga sih?😭😭
Ternyata bodoh itu bukan state of mind. Tetapi sebuah pilihan.
Semoga kita tidak memilih menjadi manusia yang bodoh.
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pepperpixel · 4 years ago
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Back on my ableiris bullshit lol. Featuring a comic that was meant to be a sequel to a pic I never finished! (It was just able picking iris up. Which I've drawn before ghgh). I still think this comic is cute tho! Its iris trying to pick up able as revenge.. and then getting cain to do it for her lol
I actually first sketched this comic out at least a year ago! But I immediately lost all motivation or ability to get it anywhere further than the sketch, so. it's just been sitting around for a year gathering dust,, Judging me. I finally. Finally picked it up again and tried finishing it a couple of days ago. By. Giving up trying to line it and just trying to make the sketch look as nice as possible. Which worked... really well actually! Which is nice!
((Also also.. even tho this comic itself is rlly old I'm starting to realize... I rlly do fall back on "character A carrying, trying to carry, or failing to carry character B" in my art a LOT. It's like. My go to concept when I wanna draw something cute or funny between two characters.... so. Idk ghghg I should probably try expirementing more with different scenarios for character interaction.... its just. Being picked up is so nice... lol idk man))
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espopstar · 2 years ago
Gahh everything BUT Keito is working well. And the Sisters and Elders actually. This things offer the most trouble.
And would Keito really make excuses to avoid a duty like Antain..? Perhaps. Seeing as he sees a mad person and leaves a child to be taken by a witch on the first day of that yearly duty. How would Keito do that? And, again, WOULD he? I suppose he still can and keep the guilt and trauma of doing it year after year.
And who could Keito marry and have a kid with? Cuz Ethyne have Antain hope. She acts as a sense of courage and inspiration. A motivation for him to further want to save their town. Someone who can stand to look at him without issue after he gets horribly injured. Who could that be for Keito? And where could the child come from?
Ahh and there's his siblings to maybe consider. I was thinking Akiomi for the mom. He seemed a bit too involved in the student council plan. He was more disappointed in Keito than just some teacher letting students do whatever. But he could be Gherland too.... both fit..
Could anyone be cast as Luna/Subaru's mother? Maybe..Natsume? Then all I'm missing in my cast of Eccentrics is Wataru...guwahhh... and. It could be strange. Because it would literally. Make Natsume Subaru's dad. But she's also to major to not cast.
Far much more trouble than I thought...siggh... but I'm too invested now.. too far in...
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exhausted-smiles · 5 years ago
How Sugawara, Hinata, and Lev would react to their S/O asking to wear their jacket.
(I don’t own any of the gifs, credit to all the owners)
requests are open!
Sugawara Koushi
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this boy probably already offered it before you had the chance to ask
as soon as he saw you shiver in the slightest way he was offering his jacket
call it motherly instinct
i think his jacket would smell like vanilla and maybe a bit like coconut
(that’s what i imagine he would smell like don’t @ me)
he thinks you look so cute in his jacket, the sleeves cover your fingertips and the jacket itself ends at your mid thigh
if you thought he was soft already then just wait until you see his face when you wear his jacket
“you look so cute (y/n)!”
don’t even worry if you forget to give it back, he wouldn’t be mad
sneaky boy probably forgot to ask for it back on purpose
he just thinks you look cute ok
(i love this boy with all my heart oml)
Hinata Shoyou
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this boy wouldn’t know how to act, but he’s more then willing to give you his jacket
“askdkekek sure (y/n)!”
his jacket will probably fit pretty well length wise but i can imagine it still having that oversized feeling as it won’t be fitted
(this is because it’s mostly likely a men’s sports jacket)
when he sees you actually wearing his jacket this boy can’t stop the grin smiling
he feels so proud to see you in his clothes
don’t even THINK about giving it back
i think it would smell like either deodorant or orange flavoured pop (or soda)
(idk why i think that’s what he smells like leave me alone)
if you’re seen wearing it at school/ walking to or from school and tsukishima sees you then it’s game over for hinata
tsuki won’t stop teasing him
hinata probably just gets flustered and yells “guwahhh” at him or something
(i don’t really know how to write for him sorry)
Lev Haiba
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in case you somehow forgot this boy is TALL no matter what your height his jacket will be too big
if you’re under 5’5” then it will most likely cover all of you, and go way past your hands but that’s ok you look cute
and if you’re over 5’5” then obviously it’s still oversized but not to as such a dramatic degree, but that’s ok you look cute
lev definitely agrees you look cute, he can and will tell you more then once
“(y/n) you look so cute!”
his jacket probably smells fresh (that’s the best way i can put it) or like mint
he is a happy boy, and will announce to everyone that you are wearing his jacket
kenma is so annoyed
“did you see (y/n)? she’s-” “i know just please stop talking about them”
lev doesn’t stop talking about you
it’s endearing that he’s so happy, that is one thing everyone can agree on
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portalmonsterrr · 4 years ago
OMG I'm so in love with your art style!! Like, they are so cute and fluffy and it makes my heart go Guwahhh~ My absolute favs are your incorrect HQ quotes cuz they are so so hilarious XD Keep creating more wonderful creations when you have the time >w<
Thank youuu that makes me really happy <333 
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nanakibh · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy Agito: Gaiden 1, Part 1 Characters: Zhuyu, Caetuna, NPCs Summary: Before Zhuyu makes his last stand against Nimbus, he spends a moment with Caetuna and remembers the time when he became a l’Cie.
Chosen Ones, Act 1
The day before the mission to stop Nimbus...
[Setting: Altocrystarium]
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Caetuna: So, for the sake of the Agito cadets, you've chosen death... Is that your will? Zhuyu: It's the will of the Crystal. There's no special meaning. Caetuna: There's justice. But that is not the heart of the truth. You never change, do you? Still the same as you were back then. Zhuyu: ......
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[Setting: Devastated field]
Zhuyu: Guh... So all of our comrades have been... wiped out. Looks like we're surrounded. Rubrum Soldier: Hey, what are you doing, Zhuyu?! Even if you're an Agito cadet, this is too many for you to handle... Zhuyu: The Dominion legion hasn't moved. It would seem we've been abandoned. Rubrum Soldier: Goddammit, are they fucking with us?! If I make it back alive, I'm gonna beat the shit out of that bald bastard! Milites Soldier: Hey, over here! There are Dominion survivors over here! Rubrum Soldier: *pathetic squeal of fear* Rubrum Soldier: Uwaah, they've spotted us! We're done for now! Zhuyu: Kch, what should we do?
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>The scene turns black temporarily as ??? speaks ???: I desire a l'Cie with a strong heart-- Zhuyu: That voice...? ???: Wilt thou obey the Vermilion Bird Crystal, or dost thou refuse?
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Rubrum Soldier: Do something, Zhuyu! You're part of the legendary Class Zero, aren't you?! Zhuyu: Do not fear! I am an Agito cadet. Zhuyu: My role is that of the Crystal's servant. To this, I have no objection! >The scene turns white Zhuyu: Guoooooh--! Milites Soldier: What the hell?! Rubrum Soldier: Haha... That was incredible, Zhuyu! I knew you had it in you. You incinerated the whole lot of 'em! Rubrum Soldier: Zhu...yu? Hey, wh-... What's wrong? Zhuyu: What did I just-...
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[Setting: Altocrystarium]
Caetuna: So, you were chosen by the Vermilion Bird Crystal, l'Cie Zhuyu? Zhuyu: L'Cie Caetuna?! Please, tell me what I should do! Caetuna: Your life as a human is over. Until your body fails you, you must follow the will of the Crystal. Caetuna: Just the same... as me.
Chosen Ones, Act 2
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[Setting: Field]
Milites Soldier: Guwahhh!! Rubrum Soldier: Haha, amazing. That was amazing, Zhuyu! Zhuyu: I see... I guess. Rubrum Soldier: That's totally what I'd expect from a Vermilion Bird l'Cie. You make the Militesi army look like trash. Zhuyu: This is the role assigned to me by the Crystal. Nothing more, nothing less. Rubrum Soldier: Oh come on, I'm trying to compliment you! The least you could do is smile a little. Zhuyu: I'm moving to the next battlefield. Take care. Rubrum Soldier: Wh- Hey, Zhuyu! Wait--! Rubrum Soldier: ...That guy's changed. Damn! What a lameass.
>Fade to black
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[Setting: Altocrystarium]
Caetuna: How did you do? Zhuyu: Caetuna... In the end, what awaits a l'Cie? The death of enemies, the words of friends... Their waves do not strike my heart. Caetuna: You are no longer human. Therefore, it is simply reasonable that your heart would not be moved by things like the deaths and praises of humans. Caetuna: That is the fate of one who follows the Crystal. To wield such immense power, you must relinquish your own will. Caetuna: Naturally, it is no different for me. Everything is in the distant past... Beyond oblivion... Zhuyu: So that's what it means... to be the Crystal's guardian... That's not funny at all.
Chosen Ones, Act 3
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[Setting: Field]
Zhuyu: By the order of the Crystal, I will annihilate you. Milites Soldier: *screams* It's the Primus Vermilion Bird l'Cie! What is our l'Cie doing at a time like this...? Zhuyu: Perish! Milites Soldier: Gugahh!! Zhuyu: I wonder if I overdid it... By the day, I grow stronger with the Crystal's power. Zhuyu: It may result in more casualties, but if I expand the battlefield... Rubrum Soldier: Hey, dumbass... What do you think you're saying?! We still have men here! Zhuyu: You're... Rubrum Soldier: Hey, since when... Since when have you started doing calculations in the middle of battle?! Rubrum Soldier: Answer me, Zhuyu Voghfau Byot!! Zhuyu: ...... Zhuyu: I am a l'Cie. My role is to obey the Crystal. Zhuyu: Everything is the Crystal's will. I can make no promises to you. Rubrum Soldier: Don't... you... fuck with me. You're supposed to be... everyone's hero from Class Zero... Rubrum Soldier: Inarticulate... Clumsy... But so easy to get along with... Rubrum Soldier: You're the one who... I admired... Zhuyu: Hey! Zhuyu: ...... Caetuna: What's wrong, Zhuyu? Zhuyu: ? Caetuna: I see... L'Cie can still cry.
The day before the mission to stop Nimbus...
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[Setting: Altocrystarium]
Caetuna: You’ve made up your mind? The White Tiger l'Cie Nimbus is a formidable foe. Zhuyu: I am aware. Until I fulfill the Crystal's will-- Caetuna: Sophistry. This is the end which you desire. Caetuna: It is time for goodbye now, Class Zero cadet, Zhuyu Voghfau Byot. Zhuyu: Farewell, Rubrum's last great l'Cie. Caetuna: I see... You can still smile.
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caged-kaashi · 3 months ago
Well, I generally tend to listen to whatever my teammates suggest.
-He looks away, thinking of a more definite answer-
I sure have started listening more to Straats, as well as Skott though. That being said, I'd like to ask you the same question, perhaps your favourite might become one of mine.
first off ur anon asks seem to be off. Second, and more importantly,
I can pay you 100 million Yen to accept my request for a platonic marriage.
-tucks a randomly picked flower behind your ear, staring at you with a soft look in his eyes despite the stoic expression-
I graciously accept your request, however you will have save the 100 million for future platonic dates and I'll handle your well-being. Do we have a pact?
Helppp I didn't know it was turned off!! Rushing to turn it on rnnn 😭
Also you're so nicee!??
It's great to meet you here!! <3
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knictoons · 12 years ago
My own pictures are popping up on my dash. That's never happened to me before.
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