#gur sevraq (lol)
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doobyous · 10 months ago
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“We are coming home not to conquer, but to build. Our doors are open. Send your envoys. Send your theologians. We are eager to talk.”
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kalmeria · 2 years ago
the horror of the narrative not allowing a character to die <3
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year ago
thinking about how that might happen and now i’m imagining that brnine’s first reaction to figure claiming to be haunted by gur sevraq might be “prove it”, and that gur sevraq could prove it by giving details of valence’s life?
and brnine would know right away that the figure is telling the truth because they presumably know very little if anything about valence…
but they couldn’t possibly be normal and ask to talk about valence directly, so they say “that doesn’t prove shit,” to bait gur into giving increasingly intimate details. and poor figure is stuck playing ouija board between his captain (probably visibly upset) and this ghost they just picked up - who is becoming distraught themself; almost certainly not having been able to talk about valence with anyone let alone properly grieve them….and the first chance they get is with broun brnine of all people, and how much do they know about why valence did what they did? do they feel responsible?
anyway that would be the fastest way to put figure in an incredibly, incomprehensibly, awkward situation that would get them asking questions, i think.
palisade 25 spoilers
for the last week i have been unable to stop thinking about how ridiculous the introduction of ghost gur to the blue channel is going to be. i see no reason for figure to hide it especially after the crew has earned their trust so thoroughly? first of all figure is going to have to process the information that this is the gur sevraq that everyone else in millennium break knew before they were even the figure and that the fascist priest on the radio is a brainwashed zombie. then they’re probably going to tell the folks on chimera’s lantern first and the only person there who knew gur is thisbe, who frankly will not know what to do with this information. cori didn’t even meet this gur sevraq guy. you’re saying they used to not be evil?? and they’re a ghost now?? they ALSO need to explain that to hunting and saffron and routine. midnite only knows like 50% of this story and isn’t sure how much she should care (or if she should believe in ghosts but This Might As Well Happen). meanwhile brnine gets to learn this while freaking out about their dead first mate and considering they 100% associate gur with valence their reaction is going to be so so so normal. (i think this inevitably makes figure adjacent to gurbalence drama and figure i am so sorry.) do they think it’s worthwhile to tell anyone else in the cause?? do gucci and jesset get told?? they should probably call apparatus. and while all of this is happening i think gur is both very enthusiastic to be away from clem and also probably having some sort of existential crisis about seeing people they haven’t been able to interact with in five years. i hope he likes movie night
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garden-ghoul · 1 year ago
still struggling to decide whether the figure in various substances has grown substantial willpower or whether they JUST hate clementine. yes this is about the gur sevraq gamestop post. would figure just do whatever their new ghost says as long as he's polite lol
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clementine-kesh · 3 years ago
THE Clementine Kesh for the ask game
for you + the anon who asked as well!
favourite thing about them:
literally so much about her is fascinating but especially her refusal to die. literally iconic of austin and jack to kill her off as a pc and resurrect her as an npc because she’s just that fun a character
least favourite thing about them:
ngl this is an easy one and it’s the fact that she did use a bunch of prisoners as her personal hit squad. girl
favourite line:
i’m so bad at remembering lines unfortunately lol i’ll have to get back to you on that
loving the weird buddy cop dynamic she’s got going with gur sevraq. he’s canonically living in her mind rent free
CUCCI 4 LIFE!! love characters who are locked in a strange perpetual orbit with each other
can’t think of any tbh
random headcanon:
horse girl
song i associate with them:
primadonna girl is way too obvious an answer sooo crown on the grounds by sleigh bells
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babbybones · 3 years ago
ok i fixed the formatting lol. deltarune ch 2 observations and thoughts, encoded in ROT13 in case readmore busts on anyone's end. sorry. includes mentions of "secret" stuff
punenpgre-fcrpvsvp fghss
guvf puncgre fgebatyl fhttrfgf gung xevf vf gur Xavtug jub'f orra zragvbarq fb bsgra. orsber gur dhrra zrpu obff svtug, fur qrfpevorf gur xavtug guehfgvat n oynqr (vyyhfgengrq nf n xavsr!) vagb gur rnegu gb perngr n sbhagnva bs qnexarff, juvpu jr frr xevf qb ng gur puncgre'f raq
ng gur zbzrag, vg frrzf yvxr guvf vf jung xevf ernyyl jnagf. gurer'f n ybg bs qvfphffvba va guvf puncgre nobhg ubj zhpu rirelbar rawblrq gurve nqiragher va gur qnex jbeyq naq ubj guvatf ner whfg orggre gurer. pheeragyl vg ybbxf yvxr xevf xrrcf bcravat sbhagnvaf fb gung gurl pna xrrc tbvat ba nqiragherf
gur cvr tnt ng gur ortvaavat bs gur puncgre jnf n erq ureevat; xevf hfrq gurve xavsr gb bcra n sbhagnva va gur pbzchgre yno bireavtug! mbvaxf!
v'z jbeevrq nobhg ubj gurve sevraqf jvyy ernpg vs/jura gurl yrnea nobhg guvf qrprcgvba yby. gur sbhagnvaf ner onfvpnyyl gur ernfba fhfvr orpnzr gurve sevraq va gur svefg cynpr, rgp
ybg bs zvkrq zrffntrf nobhg jung vf/vfa'g xevf' bja npgvbaf, orpnhfr gurl'yy qb gung fvyrag cebgntbavfg guvat jurer gurl frrz gb ernpg gb fghss va gurve bja jnl ohg gura rirelbar va gur yvtug jbeyq vf yvxr "bu xevf lbh'er npgvat fb jrveq..." V thrff gurer'f fhccbfrq gb or fbzr nzovthvgl gurer
enyfrv frrzf gb haqrefgnaq rirelguvat nobhg ubj gur qnex jbeyq jbexf sbe fbzr ernfba, naq pna nccneragyl geniry orgjrra sbhagnvaf ba uvf bja. gurer vf fbzrguvat "fcrpvny" nobhg uvz nf n qnexare, be ur'f jvgu xevf ng nyy gvzrf va n jnl gung vfa'g nccnerag gb hf.
enyfrv qbrfa'g frrz gb unir gur yvzvgngvba bs gheavat vagb fgbar nf n erfhyg bs orvat va gur "jebat" qnex jbeyq
enyfrv'f pnfgyr gbja vf anzrq nsgre bhe fnir svyr anzr, juvpu jr tnir gb gur "tnfgre" ibvpr ng gur irel ortvaavat bs puncgre 1. vf gurer fbzr nssvyvngvba? unf enyfrv orra va pbagnpg jvgu gur fnzr zlfgrevbhf punenpgre jub pbagnpgrq gur gjb frperg obffrf jr'ir frra fb sne?
vg frrzf yvxr ur'f uvqvat fbzr guvatf, ohg ur nyfb vfa'g njner gung xevf vf bcravat gur sbhagnvaf. jnf vg ernyyl xevf jub bcrarq enyfrv'f sbhagnva? gur dhrra fnlf gung nyy yvtugaref cbffrff gur qrgrezvangvba gb perngr n sbhagnva, fb gurer pbhyq or nabgure crefba
fhfvr vf nyjnlf uhatel, univat ure bja ebbz vf arj gb ure, naq jura gbevry nfxf ure gb pnyy ure snzvyl arne gur raq bs gur puncgre, fur qbrfa'g. v nz Jbeevrq
guvf puncgre nofbyhgryl pbasvezf gung gur qnex jbeyq'f riragf unir erny-jbeyq pbafrdhraprf naq gung vg'f abg whfg na vzntvanel qernz jbeyq xvaq bs guvat. ba gbc bs lbh orvat noyr gb [ERQNPGRQ], uvf nez trgf mnccrq va gur svefg dhrra onggyr vs lbh pubbfr gb svtug, juvpu pnhfrf uvf nez gb or cnenylmrq va gur yvtug jbeyq
n ybg bs gur abryyr vagrenpgvbaf jrer ernyyl tbbq naq V ybirq trggvat gb xabj ure
tnzr vzcyvrf gung abryyr'f fvfgre, Qrff/Qrprzore, qvrq jura abryyr jnf lbhatre. gur jbeq "Qrprzore" pnhfrq ure gb cnavp naq ybfr n fcryyvat orr gb oreqyl, naq abryyr gryyf ure qnq "vg'f whfg zr naq zbz" ng ubzr jvgu ab zragvba bs Qrff.
gur erthyne Plore'f Jbeyq fgbelyvar qebcf n ybg bs "uvagf" nobhg abryyr orvat fgebat, ohg abg orvat noyr gb fnl ab gb zbfg crbcyr, naq va ergebfcrpg guvf whfg sernxf zr bhg pbafvqrevat fbzr bs gur Qrzbavp Fuvg Fbzr Bs Lbh Unir Orra Trggvat Hc Gb Va Guvf Tnzr Jung Gur Shpx. Wrfhf shpxvat puevfg
trareny jbeyq fghss
zbafgref va gur yvtug jbeyq frrz gb unir gur fnzr ovbybtl (ab arrq sbe gbvyrg, ab oybbq?) nf hfhny, ohg unir yvzvgrq xabjyrqtr bs fbhyf naq nera'g noyr gb hfr zntvp. fb v unir n uhapu gung zntvp vf fgvyy n guvat, ohg gung abobql vf ernyyl njner bs vg
vs "haqregnyr'f fnaf bevtvangrq sebz qrygnehar'f jbeyq" raqf hc orvat n guvat, creuncf gung'f gur ernfba ur'f gur "jrnxrfg zbafgre" va gung tnzr? ur pbzrf sebz n jbeyq jurer zbafgref nera'g npphfgbzrq gb pbzong naq ur'f yvgrenyyl whfg N Thl jub unq gb yrnea fbzr gevpxf
lb jung vs qrygnehar cnclehf QBRF unir zntvp????? ubj ryfr vf ur gebhfyvat gubfr obarf
ynapre naq ebhkyf ner fgvyy va bhe vairagbel ng gur irel raq bs gur puncgre!
gur trefba zrzbevny orapu unf n dhbgr fnlvat gung zbfg bs uvf vqrnf sbe uvf jevgvat pbzr sebz qernzf. jbaqrevat vs ur'f nyyhqvat gb univat ivfvgrq gur qnex jbeyq, naq gung ur jvryqrq uvf unzzre gurer
pnaabg trg bire gur nqqvfbaf/fnyrfcrbcyr cnlvat gevohgr gb fcnzgba nsgre fcnzgba arb vf qrsrngrq... evc gb n erny ovt fubg! ! !
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fanyeline · 2 years ago
I think this post is really good! It is also about me..ahahaa..!
I guess I want to talk about my take a little bit because I think people are kind of… reading it without knowing me & kind of.. idk i think it created a lot of conflict that I didn’t really want!
I am admittedly crazy about clem and I love to look at that girl & discuss & think & dissect & see the potential, who she could be, who she is, what she’s becoming under perennial’s influence.
I had just listened to the scene where her and gur get into that huge fight and I haven’t listened to literally all of partizan since partizan came out so I was kind of zooming in to that moment & thinking about Clem from that moment outwards and back to what I could remember. The moments that stick out to me might be different than the moments that stick out to others. 
The things that make her a victim to me are much bigger than just “she had a bad mom”. Her being a victim also doesn’t mean I think she’s a good person or excuse her choices. It’s just that I think there’s something in her that could have been delved into. It’s what makes her a sympathetic character and a good villain, I think. I think Austin’s talked about the makings of a good tragedy is feeling every time like damn if only so and so had happened, things might have changed! Things could really be different! I feel this way about Clem! 
Maybe I’m wrong lol, I mean it would take… SOOOO much work, work that I don’t think anyone on millennium break had the time or energy to do while they were there. Or, like I said in my post, the inclination! I don’t think they wanted to try to rehabilitate clem. And you know what, why should they? 
I don’t even think it’s their responsibility you know? but also like... whose is it? if gur sevraq & SI, the closest thing she had to mentors wouldn’t do it, who would?  
and that was my point… that those choices, leaving her alone with herself when she’s only known empire and conquest and power, lead to her becoming worse. That’s where I was coming from in the initial post. but yeah i mean! i think you are right she is a grown ass woman! she made her own bed lol she chose herself over and over again & never stopped to think of the consequences or the people around her.
& yeah I was def a little mad at gur after listening to that icebreaker ep cuz he was so mean to her LMFAOO but again I listened to that ep in a completely isolated way. There are so many moments with clem where she sounds completely lost, out of it, like she doesn’t know what the fuck is actually going on. I find these moments affecting! they really affected me lol.
Idk I wanted to say this on this post since it came across my dash & since I know it’s about me lol and since I know it kind of sparked a lot of discussion and conflict, which I think… wasn’t my intention! I’m super passionate about Clem bc she’s a great villain, and the particular way that she’s pathetic also resonates with me. This doesn’t have to be the case for everyone and nobody has to agree with me or feel the same.
And I don’t think like…. or i guess, i want to encourage future like... discussion around this that isn’t so like... YOU are just a simp for white women & love excusing their crimes! (not you op, just in general), or from my side the v ungenerous YALL don’t understand i like evil villains fuck all of u!! I’m sorry about that.
like it was very reactive & I guess I did want to speak up because, well I felt kind of sad over all this these past few days hahaha like I really didn’t mean to start a bunch of weird fighting over this. 
So anyway thank you for this post OP, I hope this reply doesn’t read as like. another bad take. It reminded me of the context of Clem’s character, I think I definitely need to sit with how the idea of her having a victim complex & how it feeds into her character! 
a good thing to be reminded of when I’m in my little head full of “my pathetic meowmeow” feelings :’) 
HELPPP im so insulated from fatt fandom that i never see bad clem takes just peoples analysis or complaints about them so against my better judgement i went looking and man. do you ever see someone completely miss the entire point of a character. white womanhood and its interactions with colonialism is actually so fucking central to clems character . YES she had a bad mom. people with bad moms arent put on train tracks to use slave labor to roleplay being a war hero. every person on pzn grew up in a world without revolutionary thought. you think at any point along the way she couldnt have humbled herself. her simultaneous victim complex and need 2 be in charge is literally what maintains the animus towards her
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ninthprime · 1 year ago
apologies for all the gurposting lately but i was recently reminded of one of my favorite rude gur moments in the partizan election episode…
when he goes to talk to valence about the election. for context they and valence had a big fight in the previous episode and gur is clearly trying to make up and still be friends.
DRE [as Valence]: So what are you proposing?
AUSTIN [as Gur Sevraq]: Nothing. I’m not here to propose anything, I’m worried. I came to confide my fear. (Pause) And Gucci would be an improvement—
DRE [as Valence]: (Sigh) Sorry, I’m used to lots of pointed questions lately.
AUSTIN [as Gur Sevraq]: Fair. And I know I’ve thrown some at you. I mostly wanted to come and talk to see how you were doing.
but this entire scene gur is talking about how they’re worried gucci is going to win and everything is going to fall apart, but rather than tell valence they want to support their campaign, they talk about the other candidates (jesset and gucci) and then they say
AUSTIN [as Gur Sevraq]: If you need anything, let me know. I am...pulling for you. Jesset first, then you. But—
DRE [as Valence] (overlapping): Thank you. Mmm, Fair.
AUSTIN [as Gur Sevraq]: —it is what it is.
imagine you had an argument with your friend who is running for revolution president and then when you went to make up with them you were like “i’m not voting for you and really want this other guy to win. but can we still be friends and hang out soon maybe haha….but also i’m not voting for you still.” gur what the hell lol. he’s so mean what’s wrong with him. you are so lucky valence has a thing for rude people.
(other funny things in this scene: gur interrupts balence election talk and at first greets broun as “kal’mera” which no one has ever done ever, and also tells broun “You’re doing a wonderful job, Broun. They’ve never seemed as pragmatic as with you running their campaign.” which i THINK is genuine but it sounds so unintentionally insulting. again why is he like this. difficult and distracting.)
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