#guqqie live
ale-xdoesart · 4 months
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glowinggayduo · 1 year
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clarityroses · 3 months
Pretty sure my art style upgraded but I’m too preoccupied with my show and like vidcon and stuff to check
I will get back to yall on that in like
A couple days idk
Last time this happened was around the like SAME exact time last year, here’s that
Last year June-July a bit before my birthday
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Trying out Pinterest art styles
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My VERY affected art from later in July
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I fear (hope) it must happen every year now
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aimseytv · 2 years
hey aimsey i realize your lore is done and no vol2 and such but i just wanted to say thank you for the story you did tell. i was so grateful to see more of bearsmp, i loved the love your character had for others, i loved the themes of forgiveness and moving forward and grief, i love the way you told a story so much. I love the themes of being haunted (by ghosts, by memories, by the past, by guilt). c!Aimsey the world :,) hope youre doing well!
c!aimsey is so tragically yet so beautifully human. even though they have been haunted their entire life, they never fed into the cycle of violence, because despite everything she wanted to live. through heart break, abandonment, grief and even death she remained true to her intentions which is something i’ll always love about the character itself. to have someone with the ability to portray grief so honestly was such a big thing i wanted to ensure i did based on the fact it’s one of the things i never see usually in media and i wanted a way for people to see the way c!aimsey grieves and notice that it is okay. it can take weeks, months, years and you can think you’re over it but have a day where you just can’t stop crying over what you once had - and that’s okay. c!aimsey belongs to you. you are her, as much as she is you. you love her, just as much as she loves you. despite everything, she tries and you can too.
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inigosayshi · 2 years
This is how it happened
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
At this point the only thing keeping me from adding other characters from mcyters into this world is the fact that it would, eventually bring me to the point of "Xornoth and Scott's little sibling, Aimsey" and at that point there is no salvaging the original storyline.
It's a whole separate au that I'll have to come back to after this one is more or less done
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b1odeuwed · 5 months
What crimes has the guqqie scientist variant committed
ARG!Guqqie has committed the following crimes:
Medical experimentation on a human
Aggravated assault
Uxoricide (murder of a partner) in multiple ways including the following:
Murder by drowning
Murder by suffocation
Murder by melting/burning a human body
Decapitating a person
Starving and dehydrating a person to death
Crushing a person to death
Use of explosives
Use of radioactive material
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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thinkingnot · 2 years
i’m not even gonna ask
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why he is like when the butterfly is comin out of the cocoon but in reverse he’s like the worm
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lexcat-11 · 10 months
Love Like Ghosts by Lord Huron is so c!Aimsey w/ c!Guqqie, Beep, and Ghostboo
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bitethetablet · 2 years
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“We weren’t written in the stars, then?”
“The stars don’t have a clue.”
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glowinggayduo · 1 year
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THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCES LMAO this is now the queer trio i believe
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aimseytv · 2 years
“what is soulswap hardcore?”
soulswap hardcore is a HARDCORE minecraft server with me (aimsey), michela (darkeyebrows) and guqqie! it started only a few days ago so don’t worry you’re not that late, and it’s got a few original twists!
if one of us die in game, we aren’t technically out forever! the pair who are still alive have the ability to bring back the person who died by sacrificing something of value to them (ex. a pet, a really good pickaxe, even a flower with significance).
the value of the item isn’t up to the person, however, it’s up to the gods (and chat) to decide if the sacrifice is worthy or not. if yes, the fallen user comes back from the dead, if not.. the user stays fallen in limbo!
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vitrines · 1 year
small au!guqqie drabble for twb mcc
wrote this for bingo, decided it's not quite up to my ao3 standards but still wanted to share it!
about 800 words, warnings for depersonalization
   It’s not like people with no origin were out of the ordinary. 
   It was a community of stragglers, after all. A mix-up of people from the road, whoever managed to stumble across these lands. Some had tails, fur, glowing eyes or any manner of strange features. Some particularly annoying members had horns, dark and carved against their foreheads, and smiles like a fox’s eyes from ground level in the forest, far from home and late at night. 
   And it was probably normal that for the life of them, Guqqie could not tell you how they got here.
   Life is long, okay? It’s been a long while since they settled here, and longer still since they found the place. In fact, before an eye-opening conversation a week ago with previously mentioned irritating demon, Guqqie simply assumed that none of their friends here remembered their past.
   Aimsey had blinked at them, twice, then three more times, and asked if they wanted to see a doctor, with a previously unheard level of concern in his voice. But Guqqie didn’t think any doctor could help them. (This conclusion was partially aided by the fact that they didn’t have any doctors, nor any people Guqqie was exactly eager to let near their face with sharp objects.)
   “I don’t need to know,” Guqqie had protested, standing their ground in front of the enchantment table (which Aimsey was trying to steal again, the bastard.) Aimsey had let out something that was either a squawk or a laugh.
   “You bloody well do,” he’d said. “Your past is extremely important. Imagine if I didn’t know where I came from?” He’d shuddered. But Guqqie had felt backed into a corner, and tired, and trapped by Aimsey’s insistent gaze.
   “You and me are different people,” they had snapped, grabbing at the enchantment table and running away before they had to see Aimsey’s face fall.
   That’s the issue with Aimsey. He does things, and Guqqie stops him, and he gets this kicked puppy look that gives Guqqie the silly, stupid urge to just let him do the damn thing. That would not hold. And he is doing it on purpose. 
   God, they can’t stand him.
   But the demon had a point. Because Guqqie was sleepwalking, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, always a mystery. And they couldn’t figure out why. This had been fine, at first, if a bit inconvenient and counterproductive to their landscaping. Really. Whichever entity was disrupting their sleep should learn how to match colors. And then several months had passed, and Guqqie’s life had flipped over in several directions, leaving them wobbly on their feet and more than a little enamored by that same demon. It also left blood on their hands, and a sickly sweet taste in their mouth.
   Wallowing in despair was no good. (They’d tried that, for a few days, before giving up.) Guqqie had to know why. And so, with a hollow, jagged heart, they followed the hated trails of flowers, and they found a lab, hidden deep underground, and they found papers and test tubes and tanks of water that served no apparent purpose. The most important part was the paper sealed away in a document stuffed behind the filing cabinet. Their name, with a piece of code tied directly to them, and at the second line in big red letters the word CLONE. 
   This whole time, Guqqie had been trying to find themself. There was no self to find. They were not even their own whole person. Just an old cicada shell, hoping and wanting and fucking up a life that was not theirs. 
   And now they’d lost the only person who loved them for them. And the trust of those who cared for them. All because the body’s real owner was playing some twisted game.
   The floor of the lab is cold, and dirty, and not in Guqqie’s top ten list of places to sob uncontrollably, but it’s not as if they have other options. Their hands catch on the floor, cracking and breaking where the tiles are jagged and quickly laid. Were there others out there like them? Were those others successful and happy?
   Was it only them who was unworthy?
   Should have known. Too good to be true. And you are not good enough for this life, for this body, for these people. 
   You are just a copy. And that is all you will ever be.
   One day, they had dreamed of climbing the tallest tree, the highest tower, clambering over logs and ladder rungs, striving and striving for perfection. Seeing the universe and the world below laid out before them. Reaching out to touch the stars. It would have felt like a reunion. 
   Now you know: you are tethered to the ground. So it goes.
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cguqqie · 1 year
the c!aimsey finale starts right as i have to be at work that day dhmu
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so. uh. scott has raided guqqie just as she was about to end stream and now we have double raided oli highkeyhateme. and if chat is right about aimsey also doing a raid, it might be a TRIPLE raid......
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