#gundam wing fic search
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findthatgwfic · 29 days ago
Would you happen to know of any fics that are Quatre and Duo at Quatre's mansion in the months after Hiiro self detonated. With them talking about/crushing on Trowa and Hiiro.
Pairings Quatre/Trowa & Hiiro/Duo
I'm new to the fandom and I'm obsessed!
Thank you
I personally can't think of any, perhaps someone else knows and make a recommendation?
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claraxbarton · 1 year ago
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @dwisp
List 3 ships I like: cross-fandom trash that I am: McMattDrai, Winterhawk, Jay/Slade
First ship ever: oh wow, so I am old as DIRT. Gundam Wing, 3x5 was like... the first ship I wrote for?? DON'T SEARCH, you won't find the fic.
Last Song I heard: October Passed Me By (by Girl in Red) from a new playlist I'm still trying to settle into.
Favorite Childhood Book: the real answer? Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Huh, you might say, that collection of short stories is dare I say, E rated. You're right. My grandmother gave it to me and then she died so... I read the shit out of that. Uh, the less wildly inappropriate answer that STILL explains a lot about me? The Little Prince by by Saint-Exupery. No, I didn't read it in French until high school torture french.
Currently Reading Now: hrpf like... that's it. But for my real life? A lot of textile history books.
Currently Watching: hockey. I'm not good at watching tv shows because I hate literally everything (I also hate hockey but I love it too). I recently tried that TERRIBLE Apple TV adaptation of The Buccaneers and like. Holy FUCK. Costumes are revolting, production design is garbage, anachronistic social behavior is rampant, but the soundtrack is full of bangers and some of the (certainly not from Edith herself) dialogue is pretty cute.
Currently Consuming: Diet Dr Pepper #2
Currently Craving: a good excuse to get out of going out to dinner with a friend from grad school tomorrow night.
Tagging: @schildmehdchen @deformed-globule @bibliofran @carcrash429 @fannyyann @coggedcorset @jules-in-deep @keyshui @mollynoble
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moriavis · 9 months ago
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
I was tagged in this by @incorrectcoldflashblog on May 6th. /o\
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I'm absolutely about to age myself, but I had watched Gundam Wing and went searching for fic, only to find nothing written for the pairing I wanted. So I thought: Fine, guess I'll do it myself.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
IDK, 16? I think?
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I released my first fic in August of 2002. So 22 years now?
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I definitely read more fic than I write.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
Uhhhh. I think I've definitely improved my use of body language in stories. I've noticed a tendency to rely more on body language now than what the characters are actually thinking, and I can't decide if I like that development or not.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
What haven't I researched at this point? I've researched the grotesque things, like murder and cannibalism, and I've also researched pirates and the Golden Age of Islam, which which was happening at the same time as Europe's Dark Ages. I've also read an incredible amount about poisons and diseases.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
My favorite comments are when people pick up on foreshadowing and clues for something I have planned in a later chapter--especially if they're following along with each chapter and updating their guesses! It's for real the best thing about releasing long fic.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I genuinely have no idea. I don't think I've ever written anything particularly fringe? Correct me if I'm wrong and you know better@
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fic, for sure. If I start a story and I don't know how long it's going to be, I can handle it. If I start a project and know intrinsically that it's going to take a long time to finish? I get overwhelmed by how much work I have to do and start avoiding it. (Shout out to Resonance!)
10. What is the easiest type?
Prompts that involve a single scene or a single moment. That way I can create all the backstory in my head and I don't have to write it all down. LOL
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I do my fastest writing on my laptop, but the screen hurts my eyes and my cats always get curious about what I'm doing and knock things over. If I'm trying to get something down on a page, I'll grab one of my notebooks and handwrite. Doesn't give me a headache and I can at least get a basic idea down.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I don't think there's anything I've been too nervous to write. Resonance definitely intimidates me, but that's the only one.
13. What made you choose your username?
When I was a teenager, I was naming a character for a story... I think the name I chose was Autumn? And my mom was like: Why don't you name her something cooler, like Moriavis?
Which I loved. It was a long time before I realized I had basically named the character (and myself, once I got a livejournal) Dead Bird in Latin.
Tagging: @scheherezhad @saekhwa @kisahawklin @qlala @sproutwings
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aeondeug · 10 months ago
Of course. And thank you for apologizing for things. I think two other points of context might help clear up why exactly people are reacting as they are. In regards to the matter of race, the reason this is getting brought up is due to a historically attested prioritization of white characters over characters of color like Suletta. In addition to that prioritization there have been problems across a variety of fandoms with racism. Both in regards to comments made about characters, especially black characters, and to fans of colors, with black fans of color often getting the worst treatment.
As I am not black and I am a mixed person who reads as white to many, I'm not the most qualified person to speak on this matter. Princess Weekes has several youtube videos that go over the matter though and in a variety of fandoms. Her one video responding to that one article about Reylo fans receiving criticism comes to mind immediately. As she does go heavily into the experience of black Star Wars fans and fans of the non-white characters like Rose and most especially Finn. I'd go and give that video at the very least a watch to get at least something of an understanding of why the whiteness of destiel keeps being brought up.
The second matter that you brought up is gender. And again this is a matter of a complicated and long history, one I'm more privy to myself as someone who has shipped f/f primarily for the majority of my life. Which is to say that men in fiction have been historically prioritized and that m/m itself is often so. And as with the issue of race, this has led to harassment and general unpleasantness.
An example is within Gundam, honestly. Gundam Wing was The Big Show when I was a kid. Alphabet shipping, the shipping of the boys in Wing, was a very big deal in anime fandom. However, it didn't stay at just peacefully shipping the boys. Relena Peacecraft, the female protagonist of the series, was heavily demonized by a portion of the fanbase since she was in the way of a popular m/m ship due to being the canonical love interest of series protagonist Heero Yuy. When not demonized, she was derided as being boring or whiny.
Similar instances of such things can be found across a wide variety of fandoms and often shows itself in the form of character assassination in fanfic. An older trend being taking the canon female love interest and making her a homophobic harpy. A now recent trend being to make her the "mean lesbian" friend whose existence is solely to wingman for and prop up a slash ship.
Another related trend is that of background lesbians, the practice of tagging an f/f ship in a fic when they are not the focus of the fic. The worst cases of this involve the f/f ship literally getting a single sentence mention. Homestuck fandom had a very bad problem with this wherein a lot of fics on ao3 that tagged rosemary, the big canon f/f ship in the comic, were actually davekat fics that had maybe a sentence long mention of rosemary. With ao3 in particular this trend of tagging background ships makes finding f/f ship fic actually a bit of a task. I myself use an addon that restricts my search to fics with my ship as the first presented ship. Others utilize various tricks with ao3's filters. However none of these measures are foolproof.
And even then you are often looking at a fraction of the content that beloved slash ships will get. A lot of my ships have only around 50 fics total for them on ao3. Some I have better luck on sites like ff.net. But generally I am lucky if I get 50 fics. And this isn't just a fandom specific issue. It is a sitewide matter. The f/f tag on ao3 only recently hit 1 million individual works. I believe as of 2023 levels of recently hit.
This also hasn't stayed in just the realm of a lack of fanfic or treating female characters terribly. With f/f ships in specific, which are my wheelhouse, this has also involved harassment and bigotry. One of my earliest fandom experiences was excitedly showing some BL loving friends of mine Maria-sama ga Miteru, a favorite of yuri fans in the early 2000s. They called the yuri comic I was excited about gross and asked if I was a lesbian. The look on their faces was one of obvious disgust. From that period on they would make jokes about predatory lesbians, especially our gym teacher. And they had a great distaste for a friend of mine who I sapphic feelings for. Not ones either of us spoke of personally but which were obvious to anyone watching us interact. I've met other women with similar experiences growing up and a yuri manga I am fond of called Still Sick involves this happening to one of the main characters.
If you talk to korrasami shippers and bubbline shippers who were around for when those shows were airing you'll find a lot of accounts of being harassed by other fans for their ships. I've seen many talk about how they were dismissed as "horny teenage boys" for their ships. I myself left Adventure Time fandom after numerous instances of being called an "idiot" and a "pervert" over my fondness for bubbline. Many have been called lesbophobic slurs.
This also isn't a behavior that is entirely limited to the past either. There had been a femslash shipping event for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. The rules allowed for the main character to be bisexual and even polyamorous, and some of the staff were bi themselves. The rules also clearly stated that trans interpretations of the character were permitted, including multigender or genderfluid ones. The sole caveat was that the character could not be a monogendered man. People harassed the staff and claimed they were both transphobic and biphobic for wanting to have an event that was exclusively sapphic. No one was terribly surprised by this happening, even outside the Assassin's Creed fanbase. We were upset, but also tired. Because this sort of thing has been happening for decades now and shows no signs of actually stopping.
And it's with that context in mind, some of it backed up by statistical data on ao3 itself, that there are these "yuri warrior" pushes in polls like these. It's years of being dismissed, ignored, insulted and harassed for having an interest in f/f and in women in fiction in general. I can understand that without this context it might look strange and seem hurtful. But I do hope this helps you get why people keep saying things like "Can women finally get a win?" over this poll.
The internet's a large place. Tumblr is too. We've all got our own corners of it. And I think it's a good idea to keep in mind that maybe there's a context that's being missed during things like this. It's also a good idea to go and look outside your own corner at times. I may not be into live action tv fandom myself, but I do like hearing fans of it talk about their shows and the history of their fandoms. Partly because people passionately talking about a thing is fun and partly because it helps give me greater context for just how wide and varied fandom actually is.
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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gundam-wing-archivist · 4 years ago
I got this in my email
Subject: ficsearch
Message: Hi, I've been looking for a fic where I can remeber neither author nor title and I was hoping that you could help me. In this fic Duo has wings and heero is forced to rip them out (I don't remember why). Later or before Duo is kept prisoner in a dungeon and the prince of the castle wants to try Duos blood, but dies because the blood is poisonous (maybe that's a totally different fic?!). And still later, Heero takes Duo somewhere where Relena and Co live, where Duo has to endure them mobbing him, because of his wingless state...for reasons I can't remember the wings grow back and he and Heero live happily ever after. If that sounds in anyway familiar please please please contact me.
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vegalume · 6 years ago
Vegalume, I was wondering if you recognized a couple gw fics that i can't find. Ive been trying to remember enough details to google but it's been too long. One was a counting crows songfic (lyrics: i am folded and unfolded and unfolding, i am fine) and i think was 2x3 or 1x2x3? It was very emotional. The other was a preventer undercover fic, 1x2 in a fighting ring and Heero coming in. I know he ends up fighting a kid to the death and zechs was the bad guy. Do either of those sound familiar?
I’m sorry, I haven’t read many 2x3 stories, however the other one sounds really familiar but I just can’t put my finger on it.
I’ll think on it and see if it comes to me.
Maybe someone else reading this will recognize them.
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lucy-hp · 4 years ago
So I am once again in search of good fics to read.
What would you recommend? (at least 10k words)
It can be any genre as long as it's a happy ending (no mpreg).
I'm open to other ships / shows. (more than what I put in the tags)
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youremarvelous · 6 years ago
nothing puts how glorious ao3 is into perspective like trying to read fanfic from old fandoms and having to navigate angelfire websites with autoplay songs, tiny fonts, and bright, busy backgrounds that render the text completely unreadable
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vegalume · 4 years ago
can anyone name this fic  - please?
okay, so i recall a fic - and one that i have read and reread and *should* have saved on my computer, but cannot find!
details under the cut with spoilers!
Keep reading
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meggie-stardust · 3 years ago
12, 33, and 50 for the writer asks :)
ooh thanks, friend!
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
I don't know! If you have any suggestions, I'll take them! But actually, when it comes to posting fic, I kind of remind myself that my fic won't be the worst thing out there (I've already written the worst things I'll ever write and some of them you can still find if you search hard enough), and it won't be the best either, so really what can I lose by posting? As long as one person likes it, I'm happy.
33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing?
Usually. Sometimes, I just need something familiar and not distracting (this usually ends up being the Labyrinth soundtrack, or recently The Mountain Goats' Jordan Lake Sessions). Sometimes I need a very specific playlist to get in the right mood, and vibe of the story.
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
I used to have so many more weird story ideas in the earlier tumblr days when we would do things like 3 sentence fic prompts. (In fact, I have a collection of them on AO3). But outside of that... For @mpanighetti's birthday last year, I almost wrote him a epistolary Gundam Wing fic that was just letters between school administrators where Heero was enrolling. Like this idea cracked me up, and then I was like, this is a such a niche joke, I should just tell him and not write it all out.
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gwlemonyshenanigans · 3 years ago
Spotlight Friday
How are we enjoying the event folks? :D
It’s another friday, so time to put another creators in the spotlight:
Where can we find you? (Ao3, FFN, Tumblr, etc?)
AO3, FFN, Tumblr, Ghosts of the Vanguard
Who is your favorite character?
Which is your favorite Gundam?
Wing Zero Custom
What is your favorite episode or scene from Gundam Wing? (Show, movie, or manga)
It’s definitely the scene where Heero wakes up after self detonating. The first time I seriously thought he died, so I was so happy to see him wake up!
What got you into the Gundam Wing fandom?
In the literal sense: my cousin. She would print fanfics for me to read, back in the day when I didn’t have a computer at home. When I finally got a computer I was able to search for fanfics myself and from there on things turned into what I do today.
Which type of fandom media do you prefer to contribute? And to consume? (art, fics, metas, etc.)
Fics are like 90% of what I contribute. I ocassionally draw, and I cosplay, and of course I build Gunpla.
What is your favorite trope?
It’s probably overused, but I love enemies to lovers and those slow burn romances. The latter one always has me on the edge of my seat.
Shamelessly plug the work you are most proud of and the reason why!
Last year my answer was my story Every Moment. Right now I’m saying it’s Masters of Destiny. It’s not finished yet, but I’m proud of what I’ve written so far. Before this I never wrote a multi-part/chapter story for Quatre. I was a little scared to write for him as I never had a ‘phase’ for him like I had for the other pilots. I was afraid I’d do it wrong, but so far the comments I’ve gotten on it are super positive!
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findthatgwfic · 12 days ago
I'm looking for a very long Duo-centered fic from ages ago.
I know it was third person and focused on his backstory and history on L2 to coming to Earth and going through the first missions. I don't remember how far into the series it went or whether there were any ships involved.
My strongest memory of it was him coming back to a seedy motel after a mission and going through as many tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner as the motel would give him. I know that's not much to go on, but it's been stuck in my head since finding GW on Crunchroll and I've been on the hunt since.
This ask isn't ringing any bells for me. Hopefully someone else will recognize it.
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thewillingpersephone · 4 years ago
Searching for #13x11 fanfiction in 2021
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Results from different search strategies within the gundam wing/AC category of the major fanfic archives (as accessed 06/06/2021):
Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une [relationship]: 68
Treize Khushrenada AND Lady Une [as characters]: 172
Treize K. AND Lady Une [as characters]: 60
use of the "pairing" option gives only 7 hits that, even for 13x11, is a sorry underestimation
As the two archives do not fully overlap, I discovered it can be useful to have a tool like the Fanfiction.Net Downloader in order to download and trasform fanfiction.net stories into a format that can be easily printed or read offline. It works with multichapters fics, too.
However, many 13x11 stories are still hosted on LJ and even in the archived form of the old geocities shrines.
To search for LJ 13x11 stories is sort of a nightmare but can be rewarding. Without LJ, I would never had access to the whole of the Numbers Universe or the three sets of 50 sentences for an implied 03x11x13 version of a story arc posted to fanfiction.net. I'm sure there are other good stories to rediscover out there.
Through oocities you can access a list by author of 13x11 fanfiction as archived in 2009 (feeling like an archeologist...). Incredibly, some links still work. 6x9 is also included.
A musing about 13x11 stories
They're few and I'm in the habit of reading all I can grab (also because I'm probably an obsessive-compulsive person). Of course, there is the good, the meh, and the not-good. Of course, I particularly enjoy well-written stories (as a non-native English speaker, poor grammar and poor ortography sorely test my translation skills). But I respect all the stories I find, because I like to believe that any of them was actually a love letter to the same characters I love. And, to me, it was a valuable life lesson to realize that the inspiration for some of my favoured 13x11 headcanon, the one that cheers me up in rainy days, actually came from stories I would have summarily labelled as meh or not-good.
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crystallized-iron · 4 years ago
Tagged by @hellfre - thank you!
20 questions, writer’s edition!
How many works do you have on AO3?
97 apparently :)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
319,418 words posted on AO3. Gosh, that’s so many!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
MCU, X-Men movies, and a few for MacGyver (2016).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Well, let’s see.
Should We Go? (pre Bucky/Winter / Tony) Prompt: an avenger unintentionally tells “winter” that tony doesn’t want him around any more
Comfort (pre Bucky/Tony) It's a cold night in the tower and Bucky starts feeling bad memories creeping up on him, so he goes searching for comfort.
Nightmares Brought Me Here (pre Bucky/Tony) Tony is still suffering from past events. Still shaken from a nightmare, he ends up in Barnes' room.
Sir’s Gift (Bucky/Tony) Learning that it is Christmas time, DUM-E realizes he must come up with a new gift for Sir. At first he decides he will build something again, until someone comes to the lab...
Sparring (pre Bucky/Tony) Prompt: Tony realising he likes sassy, leggy and man bun…but only on Bucky.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes I do! I try to respond to every comment I receive, but I’ve been late the last several times, and I fail a lot when it comes to commenting on fics myself...
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Um... Probably No More Chances.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Maybe Night Sky? To be honest I’m not sure but this one isn’t so sad.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! Um... They’re not posted yet (nor edited enough for posting). A few different collabs I’m actively writing with @ria-grey :D
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think so? I can’t remember which one. And it was... confusing. I remember that much.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Kind of ish. Majority of my smut writing is done in collabs.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think I was once notified of one on one of those sites we were warned about for like a couple weeks and then it sort of disappeared?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. One of my own, and one that’s a collab with @ladydarkphoenix-blog
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I think we know the answer to this one by now. Yes.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Apparently winteriron by the answers above lol. But currently it’s a long list of names. Should I?
Alex Summers/Angus “Mac” MacGyver (MacGyver 2016)/Jack Dalton (MacGyver 2016)/Murdoc (MacGyver 2016)/Tony Stark/Steve Rogers/Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr/Hank McCoy/Logan Howlett/Peter Rasputin
It’ll make more sense once the stories (this is currently a two part monster of a story) are edited and posted.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Zombies vs vampires vs humans...
What are your writing strengths?
Gosh, I don’t even know anymore.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Productivity. Description? Repetition?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Unless I made it up, I don’t usually add any.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
As in posted? Um... -thinks back to ff.net days- ... Fruits Basket? Gundam Wing? I’m pretty sure it’s one of those two.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
So far, it’d have to be The Gifted. I know I haven’t updated in a long time. Be patient with me still. Been dealing with a lot.
tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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nautiscarader · 4 years ago
Is there any pairing that you like that you have not written about, or mentioned?
I don’t think I have mentioned Lina Inverse/ Gourry Gabriev from Slayers anime. This was one of the first couples I shipped hard and searched for them on-line. Same for Heero and Relena from Gundam wing. 
I definitely remember these “shrines” to OTPs people were hosting on their Angelfire or Geocities pages with fics and fanart... 
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olderthannetfic · 5 years ago
OT3s - anime vs. western
jchance4d4 replied to your photo “It’s my birthday and we’re talking about my true fandom love: OT3s....”
I find it interesting to see that, at least in Escapade-related circles, the boom for OT3s comes so relatively late. It seems to have gotten big earlier in anime and video game circles--probably inevitable from the tendency towards complex and unresolved love polygons.
Yeah, that matches my experience. I remember a lot of jokes about: “But there were 5 Gundam Wing boys, so then we learned about threesomes instead of just pairing the spares!”
But even so, the problem of “het” vs. “slash” spaces persists: it was a lot easier to find hosting for m/m/m in the 90s than m/m/f. You could maybe post f/f/m in more straight guy-oriented spaces without drama. Maaaaybe.
Poking around the Wayback version of the Sakura Lemon Fanfiction Archive, I do see some 90s fic of girls double-teaming Ranma, though it’s more of a porn thing than an OT3 thing.
I see ‘ot3′ in FFN search results starting around 2005-2006, the same time it starts showing up at Escapade (which is not to say that three-character ships weren’t a thing, but the term itself probably did get popularized around then).
It’s not even that nobody liked these things or talked about how three characters from a canon would be good together: it’s literally that spaces set up to host fanfic were often not really set up with this in mind.
What ships/fandoms/fic archives were you thinking of?
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