#gun rack
dedsecsworld · 13 days
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rgf-wallsplus · 2 months
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residenteevee · 2 years
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Basement Underground Minneapolis Inspiration for a large, enduring basement renovation with a medium-tone wood floor, red walls, and a traditional fireplace and a stone fireplace
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manderleyfire · 3 months
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You’re murdering me!
IPHIGENEIA IN TAURIS // Euripides (tr. Kenneth McLeish)
happy birthday @matressofwire ♥
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shiftythrifting · 3 months
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Let's best, party friend
This book "the summer my dad turned gay" happy pride!
This amazing hanger that my friend got. I got a similar one with one leg
And this frame with something about living and laughing and loving.
Various thrift stores in Belgium.
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whumblr · 9 days
For @mayhem-in-mordor who wondered what happened when Roman took Dani :))
Prev chapter: Punishment - pt 1 here
“Stop! Stop right there!”
The quick racking of the gun cracked across walls of the concrete room and Roman stopped dead in his tracks. His head tipped down, shoulders slumped and he let out an annoyed sigh while he threw his hands up, as if being held at gunpoint was a mere inconvenience. Slowly, drawling, stalling, he turned to face Dani, hands still in the air but dropped them to his side as he looked her over.
“That gun...” he started and began to circle her like the predator he was. “Did you take it from him?” And he nodded at the unconscious man in the blue shirt behind her.
Dani knew better than to look back.
“Yes.” She side-stepped along with him, stepping over the paper folders strewn out over the floor, some still smoldering, an attempt to destroy evidence, research. The smoke teased her nostrils, prickled her eyes. She didn’t even blink and kept the gun trained on him. Right in-between the eyes, no more missing vitals.
He nodded, silent for a few more steps. Then a smirk formed on his lips like he couldn’t contain it any longer. He tipped his head down, leering at her, and dramatically whispered a single word: “Empty.”
Dani didn't hesitate and immediately pulled the trigger to call that bluff. Only to be met by a disappointing click. And no hole in his forehead.
His eyes narrowed in glee. He threw his hands up again, almost in mock surrender but with his palms up and gave a theatrical shrug. Dani bristled and sharply inhaled to keep her calm; their cockiness and annoyance had switched sides at that click, as had her advantage. But she gave a small shrug in reply.
“Fine.” She launched forward, charging at him. She changed her grip on the gun, twirling it by the trigger guard, catching it in a claw and aimed a wide slap right at his face.
He dodged effortlessly, with that goddamn arrogant smirk that she wanted to punch off. Caught the follow-up punch in the palm of his hand and twisted her arm away. She immediately snapped free with a twist, used the momentum to aim another back-handed strike with the gun as she twirled.
At least that indicated that she was close. Though she’d prefer an exclamation of pain. Still, she’d shock his arrogant taunting right of him. To her surprise, he didn’t run. Probably knew he was at a disadvantage there. She’d easily catch up. But in close combat, he could shift the advantage to him, or tire her out as he didn’t seem to be interested in going for a killing blow. Yet.
They continued their dance of swerving and dodging, occasionally interrupted by a grunt when one of them hit home. Though her moves were smooth and elegant, she wasn’t above fighting dirty. Whenever the chance presented itself, she jabbed at his eyes or throat, went for the junk, but nothing hit home. Yet. She only broke her calm when she heard a soft scoff and saw his lips curl after he dodged a punch again, and she threw the gun full force at his smug face. Went right over his shoulder.
“This is the third time you’ve messed up my research,” he said.
“Maybe you should stop breaking the law.”
He let out a non-committed hum as he swerved. “Maybe you shouldn’t let your guard down.”
And before she could even question that in her mind, let alone snarl out the words, he side-stepped just behind her, his back to her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him twist towards her, the flurry of his elbow moving up, forearm straight as an arrow as it readied for the—
A sharp jab snapped against the side of her neck. And the control over her body slipped away from her from the neck down. Her entire body tensed up first, then just as fast completely released the grip on every muscle. Her knees buckled first. All she could do was inhale a shocked little gasp, curse at herself and Roman in her mind before everything turned to static. And luckily the world went black before she even hit the floor.
Roman watched as if in slow motion as the girl toppled forward. He resisted the body-jerk reaction to catch her, knowing she could still snap up and claw his eyes out if his blow was merely an inch off. Only when she landed face-forward without even moving to soften the landing against the hard concrete, it assured him the fight was over.
He simply stared at her for a few seconds, hesitating, not quite sure what to do. This would probably not render her unconscious for long. And judging by the continued muffled gunfire on the upper floors, she wasn’t alone. He didn’t have much time to decide.
A pang of frustration shot through him as he glanced up, struck by the state of the now ruined room. His ruined research. He glared at the unconscious girl at his feet, a growl in his exhale. He was going to have to lay low for a while. And that rushed him into his decision.
He squatted down next to her. Swiped over her pockets, fished her phone from her brown leather jacket and threw it hard to the floor. Patted her down to make sure she didn’t have anything else on her that could lead them to follow him.
With a grunt, he threw the dead weight over his shoulder and carried her out, down to the underground parking. Shifted her further onto his shoulder as he searched for his car keys. Opened the rear door, stopped, and closed it again. Yeah, no. You wouldn’t keep a feral animal loose in your car. She’d probably try to strangle him with the seatbelt from behind. Or even if he’d had anything to cuff her with, she’d throw her legs over the seat to pin him until they crashed. She’d proven her tenacity over these last three rounds of meetings. And that chop to the neck wouldn’t last the entire journey. Better go for the safe route. So instead, he opened the trunk and dropped her inside without much care.
The familiar crunches of grit under his tires and under his shoes a long ride later greeted him home. Good to know that even after quite a while, those sounds still triggered a feeling of home-coming in his brain. Might be something to look into... Later.
Roman slowly walked around the car, keeping his eyes on the trunk, not sure what to expect. There was no banging at the lid or cursing or demands to let her out. Yet he doubted she was still unconscious.
He carefully opened up, hand on the lid to keep her from further busting it open. Oh yes, she was awake. Through the small opening he could see the fury glint in her eyes, staring straight at him. She looked like an angry cat in her basket. If she could, she’d hiss at him, he mused. But he was surprised to see she didn’t spit anything at him, no insults, no saliva. In fact, she cowed back a little and lay all curled up. Somewhat reassured, he fully opened the trunk, leaned forward to drag her out.
A long leg suddenly shot out, and it hit him square in the stomach.
It punched the air – and the snide remark that was on the tip of his tongue – right out of him. He doubled over, hand still on the lid of the trunk pulling it down with him as he almost buckled. It nearly hit the girl right on the head, but in a flurry of movement she managed to snake out, bump him aside, and shot past.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he brought out, and caught her by the neck of her shirt.
She twisted free and he grabbed her arm instead. She replied with a headbutt. Missed and Roman followed up with a backhanded swing.
A yelp as he caught her full in the face and knocked her off her feet. She heavily crashed onto the grit and he immediately closed in, grabbing her shirt.
Dani didn’t hesitate. Like the fierce cat she was she almost literally clawed up around him, grasping him by the arm, threw her legs up and locked them around his head, pulling herself up.
Roman caught her in surprise, one hand still in her shirt, the other arm around her back as he secured her in reflex. Luckily for him, she didn’t have the momentum to pull him down and they stared at each other, caught in an impasse. If he let her fall, she’d drag him right along.
“We let go,” he said calmly, negotiating his release, “at the same time.”
“Duel at sunset,” she growled, and squeezed her legs but nodded.
“One… two…”
With her legs up and him protecting her from gravity, he felt like he had the overwhelming advantage here. But as he let go of her on “Three!” her back arched and she slithered gracefully from his arms, again not unlike a cat, letting herself fall to the ground in a dive. She landed on her palms, lightly sprang off against his shoulders, and shot away in an elegant back handspring, spiraling off of him with grace. He had to admit, he was impressed, and his lips tugged into a smirk.
It lost him two seconds of precious reaction time. As her feet touched the ground and she straightened, one foot immediately shot back up. Hit him right in the chin. But the hit came at a cost and with her on one leg wobbling on the pebbles straining for balance, he saw his chance. He sank down to a squat, shot out a leg and aimed at her ankle, kicking her foot right out from under her.
He watched as her eyes went wide and he immediately followed up to keep his advantage as she lost the battle with gravity. Finally. Her back crashed into the sea of grit, punched out a grunt. Another kick in the stomach didn’t deter him. Hands flailed, clawed at his face, her moves betraying a certain panic that let him know he was winning and he only had to wait for the right moment until he could calmly catch a wrist and use the momentum to twist her onto her front.
One firm hand on her neck pressed her face into the sharp pebbles, the other twisted her arm up, slowly tearing the ligaments in her shoulder until she yelped.
“Is this how it’s going to be?” he almost growled out a disappointed sigh.
She took full advantage of the little leeway he offered her to reply; twisted her head until she could – painfully – make eye contact, she smiled sweetly and spat right in his face. “It is.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson @treasureguardingdragon
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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5x11 | The Distance
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kingsoverjacks · 3 months
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Beautiful and leggy Monica Barbaro!
Top Gun: Maverick
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hira492 · 8 months
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All the different layers and stuff I made for my Marauder piece :D hope it helps anyone who is struggling to understand The Marauder's layout :D
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playfully-sadistic · 2 months
Good pets get to deepthroat my gun - naughty ones get to do it unwillingly with my loaded gun.
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nicollekidman · 4 months
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this shit is so funny like brother. people are talking about this show in ways you wouldn't believe..... take my hand......
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dedsecsworld · 11 days
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isawken · 3 months
Hello I'd love for you to assign me an American state to replace my Australian one please!
it is with great pleasure that i bestow upon you my highly-biased decision to assign you the american state of...
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here's some fun facts! -michigan is the only us state that has two parts, a lower peninsula (where most of the population resides) and an upper peninsula (who everyone affectionately refers to as "yoopers"). you'd think this would result in a rivalry with the state that's connected to the UP, but actually, most people fucking hate ohio, one of the states directly underneath us.
-the fun thing about the shape of michigan is if anyone ever asks you to specify the location of somewhere within the state, you can simply hold up your hand to mimic the shape of it and point. everyone does this and it's very cute and efficient every time.
-michigan is called the Wolverine State even tho it hasn't had a confirmed stable population of the creatures since French fur trappers first started killing wildlife to sell for hats and coats ~200 years ago. we do got a FUCK ton of white tail deer though, and deer hunting season is a big enough deal here that in more rural areas, the first day of hunting season can be an excused absence from school.
-if you haven't heard of the great lakes before i highly recommend reading at least the wikipedia article about them. they are the second largest group of freshwater lakes on the whole planet and contain 21% of all of earth's freshwater. so when the inevitable water wars come, we're like, so set.
-you must root for the detroit lions. everyone roots for the detroit lions. when the detroit lions lose, everyone mourns. the detroit lions suffer for our sins, and we both resent and love them for their strife.
-detroit isn't scary. people will say it's crime-ridden but they're just racist and hate homeless folks. be very defensive of detroit at all times.
-michigan's three largest indigenous tribes are the Ojibwe, the Ottowa, and the Potawatomi. michigan is chock full of native names and it rules. say em with me: Tecumseh. Mackinaw. Okemos. Kalamazoo. Ypsilanti is a fun one too but named after a greek dude so i don't count that one
-i do regret to inform you that people up here get real defensive about three very unimportant things: calling it "pop" and not "soda", the assertion that our potholes are the worst in the country, and the application of ranch dressing on pizza. i leave it up to you which side of each fence you choose to lie upon.
and here's ur complimentary badge and "_____ MENTIONED" meme
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ornithorynquerouge · 4 months
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Splendid Caylee Cowan
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evilhorse · 3 months
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Fantastic Four #19
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