#gummy wyrm
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daily-dragon-drawing · 10 months ago
Can you draw a gummy wyrm? 😂
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#109 - 軟糖 (ruǎn táng / gummy) - She's green apple and blue raspberry flavored :3c 🍏🫐🍓
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r0tt1ng-c0rps3-69 · 8 days ago
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mlp-universe-7734 · 10 months ago
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Gummy Wyrm :)
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kc5rings · 2 months ago
LRB: Liskarm in latex
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am4ura · 1 year ago
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At level 43 Gummiwyrm can evolve in Gummhydra, the gummy dragon pokemon!!
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yogurtfluff · 2 years ago
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i really like vtubers......
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randomdoodlesgobrr · 1 year ago
Alear: "Ivy?"
Ivy: "Yes?"
Alear: "Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Ivy: "What?!"
Alear: "Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Ivy: "I-"
Alear: "Would you-"
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And then they all died. The end.
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nonhumanresources · 2 years ago
Summertime Gummy Fun
I know we're getting into fall but here's a solid summery story to round out the season. It's an older one so I cannot vouch for my past prose but it holds up alright. I swear I'm better at writing now. Evan is my good friend Luna's old sona but they're a pony now.
Summary: Ash, a dragon, and Evan, a goodra, pay a visit to their friend Marie—a shark taller than a skyscraper. However, Marie has some strange ideas on what to do with friends, and shenanigans ensue, including a dubious candy recipe, sharkification, a bit of a brain-bender for Evan, and a swimsuit contest. DISCLAIMER: this one is a bit more scandalous (there are boobs and they are touched) so maybe keep it 18+.
What to expect: Macro/size difference interactions, gummy shark TF via melting and setting in molds, mental/physical twinning (generally willing), excessive amounts of exposition, an awfully extended swimsuit contest, overly excitable shark girls, and some good old fashioned TG.
Length: 9.7k words.
“You sure this is the right place?” 
Ash nodded, laughing. “Who else would have a house this big?”
Evan shrugged, his head tilted back, staring up at a door that was well over ten (and probably many more) times his own height. “Some other giant shark, I guess,” he quipped. The house it was connected to was vast, bigger than any castle, but certainly not as fancy. It seemed to be an average rural house, scaled up until it towered above the landscape around it. Sort of like everything else was just an elaborate model that some crazy giant had created. “When you said she was big, I didn’t realize you meant macro.” 
“I probably should have clarified that,” Ash mumbled, looking embarrassed. 
“Eh, don’t sweat it,” Evan said. “It’ll just make things more interesting is all. How do we, uh….” He gestured at the door, a bit of goo flicking off of his arm. 
“Knock? We don’t. I can fly up and hit the doorbell, though.” Ash pointed upwards, to where Evan could make out a box the size of a gardening shed, with an enormous button in the middle. 
“I’ll, uh, stay here,” Evan said, feeling extra conscious about his lack of wings. He wasn’t quite used to being a goodra — which technically meant being a dragon, too, like Ash. Instead of wings and scales, though, he had smooth skin and lots of slimy goop. Ash claimed it was healthy, since goodras were supposedly slug-like, but it still seemed a little excessive at times. No matter how used to it he was, though, he still loved the feeling of being one. 
“Good, because I didn’t want to carry you that whole way,” Ash said, laughing. They crouched and launched themselves upwards, jumping a good five feet before even having to flap their wings. Heh, showy gymnast…. 
Ash noisily pumped their wings up and down, and Evan watched as they grew smaller and smaller, dwarfed by the doorbell. He snickered when the dragon flew backwards, like they were getting a running start, and slammed their whole body into the doorbell, just barely managing to push it hard enough to activate. 
A ring loud enough to shake the concrete porch under Evan’s feet shattered the air, sending Ash plummeting downwards. They caught themselves about half way down, gliding down to land next to Evan, who had his paws over his ears. Luckily, it didn’t last long — one enormous ring that faded away until it was just an echo, then nothing more than an ache in their ears. 
“That was awful,” Evan declared, as soon as his ears had recovered. “Why—“
His question was interrupted by the door sailing open at an incredible speed, whistling several feet over the two dragons’ heads before slamming into the side of the house. “Visitors!”
Rest of the story is under the cut, as usual. If you prefer a Google doc format you can find that here. Comments/questions/thoughts always appreciated! If you made it this far I love you unequivocally and hope you have an anti-lugubrious day.
A voice nearly as loud as the doorbell bellowed out, and with a whoosh of air, a great head came into view as the gigantic shark Ash had told Evan about crouched down. She was easily one or two hundred feet tall - but honestly, it was hard to take in details past that at this scale. It took Evan a few moments to even discern where her face was. 
“Hi, Marie!” Ash shouted at the top of their lungs. It must sound like squeaking to her…
“Aw, lookie, it’s Ashy!” The shark responded, this time at a much softer scale. She clapped her hands together happily, which shook Evan’s bones with concussive force. “Who’s your little friend? He’s short even compared to you!” By like, a foot! Evan thought incredulously. 
Ash laughed. “Most people are short compared to me, Marie. This is Evan. Evan, Marie. Want to take us inside? We can get better acquainted there.” 
Marie nodded, shoving some of her messy hair out of her face (each strand was half as thick as Evan’s arm). “Climb aboard, passengers!” She said theatrically, bending over and sticking her hand palm-up on the ground. Its thickness was nearly as great as Evan was tall. Ash leaped up, reaching a paw down to help Evan up with them. 
Cradled safely in her palm, which was, thankfully, clean, Marie lifted them up and into the house.
Conversation was much easier once it involved a magnifying glass. 
Marie had one of the best setups Evan had seen to talk to small folk like himself. Most macros, people who lived on an entirely different magnitude of life, would just lean in close and whisper, then listen carefully for whatever response came. 
Not Marie. She carried them to a table (making airplane noises and pretending to talk over an intercom the whole way) that was still bigger than any house, letting them hop off there. On the end of the table facing the rest of the room, an enormous ring was mounted, made of dull bronze. Its base had a few buttons that were each the size of a small stage, and there was a megaphone-like cone sitting next to it. A set of regularly sized furniture, mostly squishy couches and chairs, sat under the focus of the ring, with the small end of the megaphone pointing towards it. 
Once Evan and Ash had dropped off of her palm, Evan with a wet splat that sent Marie into a fit of giggles, the shark clicked one of the buttons on the ring and sat down in a chair facing it. A line of blue light lit up along the inner edge of the ring, and Marie clapped her hands again, thankfully farther away than last time. 
”Still working! I’m always worried I’ll break this thing.” She sat back, satisfied, and Evan was able to take in more about her. It was more like looking at a Megaplex movie screen. Still intimidating, but at least he could see her whole body at once. 
Marie had wild, black hair, like a halo around her face and its permanent toothy grin. She was dressed in a tank top and capris, her skin a smoky gray along the top, paler underneath her chin, on her chest, and on the insides of her arms and hands. Her fingers came to sharp points, and her bare hind paws were the same way. A thick tail stuck out from behind her. Her whole look was casual in a happy sort of way. Everything about her radiated sheer glee. Evan couldn’t help but wonder what her sizes were - did they even size clothes for macros? Marie seemed a little curvier than normal (proportion wise, of course). Each macro probably got their own measurements - that made more sense than making giant clothes that had a chance to not fit anyone. 
Evan’s train of thought was derailed by Ash’s voice. “Like I said outside, this is Evan. He’s a great friend, you’ll love him.” They directed their voice towards the opening of the megaphone thing, and Evan could hear it echo through it, presumably coming out louder on the other side, although he didn't notice any change. Marie didn’t seem to have any trouble hearing them. 
“If he’s your friend, Ashy honey, I’m sure I will!” Marie directed her grin at Evan, who gave a slightly intimidated wave. 
“Uh. Heyyy.” Evan’s mind blanked, and there was a brief, awkward silence. Luckily, Ash jumped in. 
“Marie, why don’t you tell him how the ring works?” Ash offered. Marie jumped in her seat, tail fins flopping. 
”Totally! So, this thing used to be like, a super huge magnifying glass - I mean it still is but it’s definitely magic now! I bought it so I could see little tiny people when I talk to them but the glass kept like, lighting the table on fire!” She barked out a laugh. “So I punched it out and had Ashy-poo get someone to enchant it to just act like one instead!”
“Wait, how was it lighting the table on fire?” Evan asked, incredulous. 
“Y’know, the whole light-reflecting-thing,” Marie replied. 
“Light refraction through the magnifying glass. Like burning ants,” Ash cut in. 
“Yes! That! Smarty-dragon!” Marie exclaimed. 
“Oh, huh. I wouldn’t have thought of that.” The whole set up made a bit more sense, now. 
“Well, neither did I, goopy.” Evan laughed at that, feeling a little more relaxed now that conversation was happening. 
He fell silent for a bit as Ash and Marie chatted, catching up on each others’ lives. They went back and forth, talking about this and that, Ash describing some of the details of their latest dungeon dive and Marie excitedly talking about how she’d managed to find some giant succulents to grow (which sounded suspiciously like regular-sized trees). Evan’s mind wandered along with his eyes, flitting idly around the room. It was fairly normal looking - comfy furniture, a fireplace on one wall, a couple of doors and hallways leading out to the rest of the house. A few beach-themed accessories sat on shelves and hung on the walls, giving the place a vaguely touristy feel, along with various nicknacks scattered about. It was… pleasantly cluttered, if that was even a thing. 
“Oh!” Evan started as Marie leaped up from her chair, tail sticking straight up in the air behind her. “I totally forgot! I have this super-ultra-amazing recipe - you guys have to help me make it!” She bustled over to the table flapping her hands what felt like an excessive amount before laying one down for them to climb onto. 
Ash shrugged and bounced to her palm. “I’m not sure what all we can do to help, but I’m certainly down to try.” 
Evan felt a little bit more skeptical about it (how could he do anything in a macro kitchen?), but figured arguing with Marie would be like trying to convince a puppy to stop being cheerful. He grabbed Ash’s paw and wiggled up onto Marie’s, which promptly curled around the both of them as she rushed out of the room. Ash yelped as Evan slapped against him, but the shark’s grip wasn’t painfully tight. It wasn’t necessarily comfortable, either, though. Ash tried to yell something, but the air whooshed it away from their maw before Marie could hear it, and Evan was too disoriented to understand whatever it was. 
The walls rushing past Evan’s snout changed from brown to a light gray, and he assumed the change meant they’d entered the kitchen, although the different sizes and frankly ridiculous rush made it impossible to really tell. Marie didn’t stop and set them down, either. She bounced back and forth around the room, and the clanging from pots magnified a hundred times by their size rattled his brain. 
After what felt like much longer than it probably was, Marie’s fist opened, and Evan tumbled right out of it, Ash still stuck to him, goop pulling away from the shark skin with a wet shhlup! The pair banged into the ground, Evan’s large, squishy form splatting on top of Ash before rolling off of the now slime-covered dragon. 
Marie seemed to be humming somewhere far off. Evan was too rattled to stand; he gasped in and out, trying to regain any semblance of awareness. The ground was a solid black, and the reverberations from smacking into it left it trembling for a few moments. Pulling his face from the ground (his goo was sticking everywhere), he thought for a second that his vision might be gone, before he realized the walls were black as well. 
A pot. She’s cooking us, Evan thought, eyes growing wide with panic. He couldn’t figure out why Marie would befriend Ash just to eat them and their friend, but what with the whole ‘being in a giant pot’ thing, it was pretty obvious to him what was going down. Searching wildly, he saw Ash laying face down a few feet away. Evan crawled over and slapped their arm. 
“Get up!” he hissed, to which Ash just groaned in reply. Evan started shaking them. “Up! We gotta fly out of here!” 
Off in the distance, Marie was muttering something. “Wait, this only works for one? Shoot…”
“Aaaaash!” Evan shouted, picking up the dragon’s face. Their eyes looked unfocused - had they knocked their head?
Gosh dangit! He couldn’t get out of here alone! The sides of the pot were way too high up - he was a slug dragon, he wasn’t an actual slug! 
A giant finger suddenly appeared, shoving Evan backwards a few feet effortlessly. “Heya goopy!” The happy trill to Marie’s voice made Evan feel sick. “I gotta move Ashy over to a new pot. Hang tight in there!” Her hand wrapped around Ash, and in a moment, they were gone, leaving Evan alone. 
“Wait!” Evan’s cry did nothing to halt the titanic shark. Marie hummed along, oblivious to any distress she was causing. 
Fortunately for Evan, it didn’t last long. Marie’s face loomed over the pot, a massive iris peering down at him, accompanied by a measuring cup that could house a swimming pool. “Watch out down there,” she giggled, and before he could respond, the cup flipped over, a deluge of gelatin hunks slamming down on top of his head, darkness enclosing the Goodra as the pot beneath his feet began to glow. 
Heat. Swirling, globular heat. Immense. All-encompassing. Through the simmering murk, thoughts began to emerge. Questions, curses, biting rebukes - until with the swipe of a paddle it’s wiped clean. Something rams the thoughts apart and recombines them in new, flip-flopped ways, breeding bestial brain waves from the remnants of the old. Every time the mind starts to come together it’s once again blasted apart and forcibly shoved into a new configuration, a square shoved into a circular hole over and over and over and over, and through it all the boiling, roiling heat….
Evan woke up cramped. 
Actually, cramped was an understatement - he was positively crushed. Something pressed in on him from all sides, literally condensing him. That wasn’t an unusual ability for a Goodra, but something about it this time felt… off. There was some sort of tube in his maw that allowed shockingly easy breathing, but something about the way it rested against his teeth was off-putting. Adjusting was impossible; it felt like he’d been laminated. His vision didn’t seem to make any sense, a mess of blurred light. At rest it was bearable, but now that he was wriggling about, he could feel aches starting to set in. Evan groaned. What had Marie done? 
Speaking of, a booming vibration rattled whatever Evan was imprisoned in, the tenor familiar. Even though he couldn’t make out any specific words, Marie’s voice was easy to make out, and a huge swathe of his sight was suddenly darkened by a massive, indistinct figure. A lurch sent Evan’s head spinning like a broken compass, his sense of up and down completely out of whack, and the voice got louder, clearer. 
“Oooh, I can’t wait to break these molds!” she babbled. Molds? Was that what she’d stuck Evan into? Why? Was Ash in one too? Dragons didn’t compress like Goodras….
The mold rattled about a bit more, until Evan felt it squeeze even tighter. Marie must be grabbing it. He kept trying to shift, hands and feet beginning to go dumb. Was that air on his tail? It felt damp, but maybe—
Warm air flooded across Evan’s back as Marie finally disconnected the mold, snapping it into two pieces. His face was still stuck, but at least part of him was exposed to fresh air, now. 
Evan began to immediately regret that exposure as soon as he felt his rear pop! outwards, well over twice the size it had been before. Face burning and tail flopping out into the air, feeling chunky and long and prickly all at once, Evan struggled to extricate the rest of his body. 
“Aw, how cute! That thing is massive!” Marie giggled, now only muffled by the few inches of polycarbonate, and Evan pulled and tugged harder. How dare she! When he got out of this mess, he was going to have words with that shark. If he could ever get out in the first place. 
When a claw flicked Evan’s backside, bouncing it like nothing he’d ever felt before, he finally snapped. One enormous SHOVE with both arms blew him backwards, body expanding as the pressure disappeared, snout FWUMPING out as he yelped, arms bursting wider, hips easily tripling in size. One last thing kept him attached to the mold, though - somehow, his chest was stuck, and it was doing something awful to his mind, twisting it in knots and filling his stomach with butterflies. His vision was showing him blue and white translucent skin, but he ignored it, focused fully on leveraging himself backwards, arms straining. Marie was chattering away; he wasn’t listening. One… two… 
Before he could count to three, Marie smacked his rear again, and Evan yelped, hands flying back to grab it and popping out his chest in the process, accompanied by the noise of a loud, sucking vacuum filling with air.. The stoppage, it turned out, was from a giant rack, condensed to fit the plastic shaping. Free from its confines, it flew backwards with him, wobbling, pillowy weight settling against his ribs. 
Evan quite nearly fainted again. 
Marie, on the other hand, positively squealed with delight. “OHMYGOSH! Look how HUGE you are! This is like, so incredible!!!” With a swoosh, Evan was snatched up into Marie’s paw, flying up close to her gibbering snout. “Lemme get a better look at you!”
“Put—woah—put me down!” Evan yelled, voice high and peaking. Oh, lord - he really was a girl now, wasn’t he? Or… she was, apparently. Even just thinking that made him shudder. He… she wasn’t opposed to the idea, but this was both incredibly sudden and hugely embarrassing.
“Aw, lookie that, when you blush you get all puuuurple~” Marie trilled, fanning her face with her other paw, overwhelmed. “You’re perfect, mini-me!” 
“I’m—” Evan began, then stopped, confused. “Mini-me? What are you talking about, Marie?” Fortunately, despite her excitement, she did seem to be listening closely. 
“‘M talking about you, sillyhead! You’re a little gummy Marie, isn’t that AWESOME?” She grinned, teeth glinting. 
“Excuse me?” Evan said, appalled. She glanced down at herself - gulping when she saw her cleavage squished in Marie’s grip - and noted once again the soft white and blue skin. She definitely was no longer Goodra shaped, that was for sure. 
“You know that whole recipe thing? Well, I figured, if I can make magic gummy candy, couldn’t I make my friends in magic gummy candy? Sure I had to boil it and whatever, but I was pretty sure you’d be fine. I kinda had this crazy idea a month or two ago and starting making these little people molds, since I saw this really cool video about them, you should totally watch it—”
“Marie,” Evan said sardonically. 
“Right! Uh, so yeah, I made two molds so far, both sharks, and the first one was modeled after myself! Except, ah, I made her kinda…” Marie leaned in like she was about to tell Evan a secret, winking at the same time. “Super busty! Heehee, isn’t that silly? I thought it looked sooo cute and it TOTALLY does on you!” Marie giggles, opening her palm so that Evan was sitting flat on it, waggling her other fingers at her. 
“You’re seriously telling me you put me in a mold shaped like a busty shark?” Evan cried, flopping down onto her rear. The softness of the landing on her puffy rear was like another impact on her already confused mentality. “You can’t just do that to people, Marie! What if I was like… I dunno, allergic to gummies? That would be totally bad! I… argh, why am I talking like you? Fix this!” 
“Awhhh, you’ll be fiiine, the gummy thing is like, totally reversible. Chillax, Mini Marie,” the shark teased, winking again. “Here, lemme show ya how good you look.” The palm started moving, forcing Evan to brace herself with both paws so that she didn’t teeter off the edge. Marie high-tailed it through her home, out of the kitchen (which was an absolute mess, Evan noted), through the den where the magnifier was situated, and finally through a hallway to reach the bathroom. Evan noticed that she was expecting to find it there. This was her first time in the house - why would she know anything about what rooms were where? Maybe it was just intuition. She sighed, reaching up one paw and hesitantly bouncing her rack lightly, curious. Whatever ingredients Marie had used, they were seriously fluffy. That touch brought a blush to her cheeks, coloring them a sweet plum. 
Finally coming to a stop in front of the bathroom sink, Marie thrust out her palm, placing Evan directly in front of a mirror. At first glance, all she saw was blue and white; she looked down, groaning, not wanting to see any details. Marie wouldn’t have it; she prodded Evan to her feet and placed a giant finger under her chin, pushing it up so that she could meet her own eyes in the mirror. They were set in a cheery cerulean face with a sharp, blunt muzzle. Evan braced herself, looked down, and promptly froze. 
She was so curvy. Like, she’d been able to tell that already, but seeing it was… shocking. “Grkk,” was the only thing she could think to say as she twisted, Marie drawing away her finger and grinning. 
Evan was now a perky female shark, rendered in pearl and sapphire, jewel tones made entirely of sugar. She was naked, yes, but she had been naked as a goodra too, so really not much had changed. Any problematic areas were smoothed away, likely because Marie hadn’t included those details in the mold. The dorsal side of her back and arms was a light oceanic shade, deepening towards her back in a gorgeous fade as the thickness of the gummy material increased, the indigo of an abyss. Her chin and the front of her throat, torso, and the inside of her arms and legs were all white - funnily enough, it was similar to how Ash usually looked. The white gelatin made up about half the thickness of her body where it was present, like a regular gummy shark. Her face was mostly blue, with white freckles spattered across her cheeks, and hair matching Marie’s of a slightly darker shade. Her sharp teeth were all squishy, of course, as well as her pointed hands and feet. A fat tail swung lazily behind her, cute fins poking out the top and adorning the end. 
Outside of a few details, she seriously was identical to Marie. The shark’s happy-go-lucky grin was plastered on Evan’s face (oh, lord, why am I smiling my face off at this…?), her smile lines rendered in perfect sugary detail. Arms and legs had the same tight, wiry strength and soft curves, and her hair held the same cute part. She even, Evan noted while walking a tight circle on Marie’s palm, flounced about the same way. The major difference was the frankly massive chest and hips, which were clearly overboard. Marie was certainly well-endowed but it was still… well, reasonable. Evan faced away from the mirror and reached around to push a paw against her huge rear, face a wine-colored mess of blush. 
“This is excessive!” she stammered, punctuating it with a high-pitched laugh. She couldn’t tell if it was incredulous or ecstatic. Her brain was so muddled….
“I know, isn’t it AWESOME?” Marie sang, leaning down. “I’m SUCH a hottie! Look at that butt!” 
“I am and I hate it!” Evan wailed, twisting her neck to look up at the other shark. Being made of sweet collagen had its perks, namely increased flexibility, so it was easy to contort to both look straight upwards and keep her corkscrewed pose at the same time. 
“Aw, don’t be a brat,” she chided, flipping her paw so that Evan dropped to her stomach with an oof! She laid across Marie’s fingers, her chest hanging off the edge. “I want a chance to look at you now! You got yours, heehee.” 
“What—ACK!” Evan yelped as Marie’s paw smushed her rear around. “HEY! THAT’S MINE!” 
“It’s ours, silly~” Marie reminded her, not letting up in the slightest. Evan squirmed about, protesting, but she wouldn’t listen. It felt amazing, too, which made it all that much more embarrassing, and all the while she kept on chattering. 
“Oh, we’re going to have so much fun! Having another me is like, SUCH a relief, you know? Ashy is such a little cutie but they’re sorta on a different wavelength. Oh, maybe they’ll match more now that they’re a shark too….” 
“Wait, Ashy—”
Marie interrupted Evan with a gasp, her eyes sparkling. “You used their nickname! This is like, totally working, mini me!” Evan tried to mumble a rebuttal, but Marie wouldn’t listen. 
Was she really becoming more like her? Her brain was like, all over the place. It was hard to tell! How was she supposed to figure anything out with all this stuff happening? 
...those thoughts hardly even felt like me….
Maybe this really was having an affect on her mind. The thought was terrifying, but… exhilarating all the same. The thought of being just like Marie made her feel all warm, like her body was softening as it would on the stove. 
“Okay, time to inspect the front,” Marie sayid knocking Evan out of her train of thought as she easily flipped her over like a pancake with one smooth motion. Evan folded her arms over her chest, frowning. 
“No,” she stated, frowning. 
“Don’t be a spoilsport,” Marie retorted, a claw jabbing Evan’s side, sinking into it. 
“No!” she said again, louder, her chest squashing out from under her arms. “It’s like, totally my rack!” Evan cringed - why was she talking like that? 
“Ours, I already told you that, silly. C’mon, just a peek? It’ll be quick!” Marie pleaded, rocking Evan in her palm. The gummy shark sighed. If it was really just a peek, then what was the harm? Besides, she couldn’t handle the physical feedback from her arms taught over her chest for much longer. She grunted, looking away and thrusting her arms down to her sides, hands balled into fists. Marie giggled and leaned down, kissing the side of Evan’s head. 
“Perfect, mini me!” she sang out. Wasting no time, Marie clasped her hands together with Evan cradled in the center. She leaned in close to look Evan up and down, murmuring all the while. Her hot breath blew over her smooth skin. The moisture made her skin a little less smooth, more tacky against the humongous palm. After a few moments, she spoke up again. “Can I feel your sides? They look soooo soft, I just gotta.” 
Conflicted, Evan just mumbled a tight, “Whatever.” What was she supposed to do? Refuse to let Marie feel her own gummy self? Gummy replica, Evan reminded herself; She was totes not Marie. 
She braced herself as Marie bent in her thumbs, squashing her sides and squishing into them. It was an enormous tease as the edges of her thumbs brushed up against her bouncing chest. She HAD to have realized that! Evan squirmed, the scent of her perfume strong in her nose. Was that coming from herself, perhaps…? 
“Yep, TOTALLY me!” Marie declared, thumbs still in place. 
“Am not!” Evan yelled. 
“Am too!” Marie threw back cheerfully. “Wait, does that like, even work?” 
“Uh… I’d have to ask Ashy,” Evan admitted, stumbling a little as Marie compressed her lungs tight with an especially strong massage. Her face was nothing but a berry-colored blush. 
“Mmm, yep, that’s me alright. Can’t you feel it?” Marie pressed, both metaphorically and literally. Her hot breaths made it hard to think. She was starting to bend. 
“Awwhh, I like, absolutely see it in your face! Let all those weird gooey thoughts just melt out your cute ears, hun. You’re me now, there’s no need to worry! Sexy sharky, body and mind, hehe! Well, as much as is even in there, hehe. Goodness knows my big noggin is reaaaal empty sometimes. It’s just so easy to go with the flow, you know?” Marie’s fingers slid teasingly up her inner arms, barely touching her chest before sliding back down the outside of her plush limbs, leaving Evan panting. “You’ll be like, soooo happy to be me, I can just feel it! You just gotta let me out! Or in? I dunno. Who cares? Just be me~” 
Those last words sunk deep, deep, deep into Evan’s mind. She felt so… relaxed, in Marie’s hands. What she was saying made sense. It would be so nice to be Marie….
“I know just the thing to convince you.” Marie leaned even closer, plunging Evan into shadow. “No good Marie can resist a tease - and you’re the best little Marie there’s ever been~” She connected the gap between their faces, planting a kiss on Evan’s entire face. It was impossible to escape, due to the sheer size. At the same moment, her thumbs moved inwards, and Ma… Evan let out a strangled, muffled yelp as Marie squished her rack together. She couldn’t move; her thoughts were… so light. She felt….
Good. She f… felt gooood. Great, even. Flustered, sure; worked up, absolutely. The tease was magnificently executed. Marie’s words echoed in her mind, drowning out her old voice, the kiss helping to draw a new one up to the surface. The chest massage made her eyelids flutter and knees wobble. Her thighs rubbed together as her paws paddled at Marie’s hand, the coarse texture on her paws almost as good as the professional tease on her midsection. Her whole being was surrounded in Marie’s warmth and life and scent, and her stomach became wild with butterflies as she imagined herself falling, falling into that cocoon of someone else’s self. 
When Marie finally broke the kiss, she found herself staring back at her, a matching woozy look in all four eyes. 
“Like, wow, I had no clue I was such a good kisser!~” she spoke in unison, then broke into laughter, identical except for the decibel rating. She wiped a tear away, in mirrored unison with herself, faces rosy cheeked and breathing heavy. 
Mini Marie sighed, leaning back into a salacious pose. “Mmmmnnn, I can’t WAIT to get used to myself,” she drawled, while her bigger self gave her an approving smile. 
“Don’t get too comfortable,” Big Marie said, a predatory glint in her eye. “I still have to wake up Ashy - and then, it’s party time!” 
With her new small body, it was like, suuuper easy to pop Ashy right out of her mold. All it took was a few good tugs before Mini Marie popped it open, revealing a much less curvy and significantly more panicked shark. Their (now her, judging by that bust and rear) red scales must have done something to the recipe—instead of being white and blue, Ashy was green and pink, with a completely different consistency. Where Mini Marie was incredibly soft, able to squash and stretch, Ashy was much more firm. Pressure left dents in her skin that slowly filled in, rather than the instant bounce of the blue shark. Her hair was molded into place, puffy and springy. The gummy material was also entirely opaque. Perhaps it had been a different recipe - Marie didn’t really remember, and it didn’t quite matter. They were both gorgeous either way, so who cared? Marie preferred the blue, but she waaaas kinda jealous about the perk that the denser gummy had. 
“This isn’t okay!” Ashy shouted up to Big Marie, waving her arms. Mini Marie watched with a grin, lounging and nibbling on a tailfin. “You can’t just do this to people, Marie!” 
“Why not?” Both of the other sharks asked simultaneously, before bursting into fits of giggles. They were totes on the same wavelength. Ashy sighed, rubbing her forehead with a paw. The pose was SUPER cute - Mini Marie would have taken a picture if she hadn’t lost her phone somewhere. Oopsies! 
“Turning people into candy clones of yourself is not the sort of thing you do on a first visit, hun,” Ashy explained. 
Both Maries tilted their heads to the side. “Like, why not?” Big Maire asked. 
“But I’m sooo adorable as her!” Mini Marie chimed in. 
“How many visits are you SUPPOSED to wait? Is there like, a time when it’s considered polite?”
“Yeah, I have great manners!” 
“Ohmygosh, we should get little me a tiny French dress, that would be magnifique!” 
“Let me rephrase that: just don’t turn people into candy clones!” Ashy’s voice was strained; Mini Marie wondered why. “You just don’t do that sort of thing!”
Big Marie frowned and folded her arms, Mini Marie following a second after. “Well, that’s just not fair. How are we supposed to have a party if you’re not the cutest little gummy sharks EVER?” 
Ashy’s tail lashed as she started explaining the concept of party invitations, but Mini Marie stopped listening. She was way more focused on the other shark’s tail. And maybe stealing glances at her butt. Okay, TOTALLY stealing glances at her butt, but she wasn’t gonna apologize for it! Cute butts are for looking, she should know, as the candy with the cutest butt around! Plus, Ashy was wiggling all over the place as she wagged, which increased the cuteness by like… thirty. No, fifty! Licking her chops, Mini Marie waggled her own rear, then pounced—not as Ashy’s tush, she wasn’t RUDE. Just at her tail, to give it a nice taste test. 
Ashy’s speech was interrupted by a high pitched yelp. She grabbed at her thick tail, pulling it upwards in both arms, fishing up a Marie attached to it near the end. She grinned at her friend through a mouthful of sweet, watermelon-flavored tail. Ashy huffed, disgruntled, and flicked her nose, forcing her to let go with a grunt. Marie kept the smile on, though. 
“Your butt’s hot,” she stated. Ashy’s cheeks grew a little less green and a little more pink as she twisted, still gripping a mass of tail, trying to glance behind her. 
Big Marie interrupted with a laugh. “Alright you two, stop flirting.”
“I wasn’t—” Ashy started, then screeched as Mini Marie smacked her rear. Big Marie laughed. 
“You TOTES were. We don’t have time for that now, though. It’s time to get our summer party started!” 
With that, she scooped up the gummy sharks—one bickering, one flirting back in kind—and bustled to her bedroom.
Mini Marie got deposited with Ashy at the far end of Big Marie’s vast bed, surrounded by curtains. They seemed to be mismatched cloth scraps with an assortment of patterns and textures, all strung up on bent coat hangers thicker than her own neck. She hadn’t gotten a good glimpse of the rest of the bedroom, besides the purple blanket draped across the bed. It was soft under her paws. 
Big Marie disappeared from above the pair while they got their bearings, returning a moment later with something clutched between her paws, her shadow encroaching like that of a titan. 
“Alright, girls, here’s the plan,” she declared. Ashy spoke up before she could continue. Or, well, yelled up, whatever. 
“Marie, just let us leave and sort this mess out!” she called, hands on her hips. Mini Marie only glanced down a couple of times. 
“Awww, come oooon, Ashy-pie!” Big Marie pouted. “Just for a little while, then you can go. Pleeeease?” 
Ashy sighed an ADORABLE little sigh. How was her snout that cute? Mini Marie tried to cross her eyes and look down at her own, and ended up all dizzy. Whoops. “Promise you’ll help us afterwards?” Big Marie nodded eagerly, flashing a smile. 
“Ugh. Fine. Go on.” She waved a hand, flopping down onto the blanket. 
“You’re the best!” Big Marie kissed the tip of one finger, bopping Ashy on the nose with it (which had the side effect of shoving her deeper into the thick blanket). Mini Marie bent down, arms swinging behind her, and planted another one on the side of her cheek. The watermelon tang lingered on her lips. 
The macro shark cleared her throat and continued, rolling her head to toss her hair over a shoulder. “I’ve been wanting to do this for AGES, so I’m like, mega excited to announce our first annual shark girl fashion show!” With a flourish, she opened her paws, a colorful mass of something flying out from between them and raining down upon Mini Marie and Ashy. It took a few moments to discern what they were; once the top half of a bikini smacked Ashy in the face, sending Marie into a fit of giggles, it was pretty obvious. 
“This year’s theme: swimwear!” Marie planted her hands on her hips, cocked to one side, her eyes glinting.
“Oh, come on!” Ashy groaned. She dropped her head back and her gummy hair bobbed.
“No freaking way!” Mini Marie babbled at the same time. She dove towards the piles, but Big Marie stopped her with a click of her tongue. She tumbled head over tail, the soft blanket stopping her on her stomach. 
“Ah-ah-ah, let me explain the rules first,” she chided. Mini Marie sat back with a flustered but cheeky grin. 
“First rule… be as TOTALLY SEXY as possible! There’s three rounds, so make ‘em count!” she declared, trying to look serious. She snorted then devolved into laughter. “Okay, that’s the only rule, get dressed! I wanna see you cutiepies as soon as possible! Walk through the curtains and you’ll be on the stage, so make sure you’re dressed when you head out!” Giggling at herself, Big Marie’s giant silhouette disappeared as the shark walked away with booming steps. 
Alone with Ashy once again, Mini Marie shot towards the swimsuits, sweeping them up in big heaps and sorting through them. She was an absolute fashion EXPERT - finding the perfect fit should be a piece of cake! Fortunately, neither one of them really needed privacy, already being completely undressed and still modest by most standards, so she could help Ashy pick one, too. Oooh, this was going to be so much fun!~
Ashy was just looking at her, so while she sorted the swimsuits into groups by type, she held them up to her friend’s body, looking for one that would fit such a tall build that wasn’t too tight in the bust. 
“Evan,” Ashy said, tail flicking. It had a pair of swim trunks dangling off its fin. Marie went on humming; like, who was she trying to talk to?
“Evan,” she repeated, stepping forwards. Marie glanced up, brow furrowed, holding a light red tankini, a sort of bra-skirt combo. Nah, that wouldn’t—
“Evan!” Ashy shouted, grabbing her shoulders. Marie eeped at the intensity in the shark’s pink and green face. Despite being the same shape, it almost seemed like her hair was wild in that moment. 
“I—I don’t—” Marie babbled, glancing anywhere but the eyes of the shark in front of her. And DEFINITELY not at those teeth. They were surely soft, but that didn’t make the sight less intimidating. 
Ashy sighed, expression softening. “Sorry. Too intense.” 
Marie nodded quickly. “YeahthatwasreallyscaryandyoushouldneverdothatagainlikeHOLYGOD.” She took a breath. “I thought you were gonna straight up EAT ME.” Ashy blinked, opening her maw and poking at her teeth - soft, sure enough. 
“Okay, okay, my bad. But you won’t listen!” she complained. 
“I like, always listen to you, babe!” Marie countered. “I didn’t think you were talking to me because that’s not even my name, silly goose.” 
“Okay, first of all, not true, and second, it most DEFINITELY is,” Ashy said flatly. Marie didn’t like the tone in her voice; it sounded too… matter-of-fact. Like it had to be true because it just… it just was. She didn’t like that at all. 
“It most definitely is not,” Marie said in a mimicry of Ashy’s serious tone, trying to lighten the mood. “Come on, you know me! Rawr, big shark Marie! Except like, totally your size. And candy!” Marie grinned and pointed at her own sharp teeth, squashing them with her other paw. 
Ashy just sighed at that, so she dropped her paws. “You’re absolutely brainwashed, aren’t you?”
Marie thought about it for a moment. Brainwashed, like… her brain was clean? Her mind did feel like, suuuuper empty. Just cute shark thoughts swimming around sometimes. So, a yes, then! She grinned and nodded, hair flapping. This conversation stuff was easy-peasy. Although, judging by Ashy’s hard time responding, maybe she hadn’t gotten it exactly. 
“There’s no way Marie would do this on a whim. Or even could do this. So it must have been at least partially willing. Ugh…” Ashy buried her face in her paws, and Marie’s tail drooped. She was… a good friend, right? So that meant comforting her other friend, even if that friend was also like, being all weird and stuff and making no sense at all. Maybe she was just going through something! Marie snuggled up to Ashy, tucking her arms around her friend, chest resting on top of hers. 
“Aw, it’ll be okay, sweetheart,” Marie cooed, rocking back and forth. Ashy made a strangled sound. 
“Drowning in boob,” she managed to eek out around the grapple. Marie snickered. 
“Taste good?~”
“I literally cannot breathe,” came the reply. So, probably a yes! She loosened the vice-like hug all the same, though. Ashy took in a great gulp of air and mumbled something about artificial sweeteners, her face much pinker than before. Just how Marie liked it!
“Look, we need to talk,” Ashy murmured. “I’m worried.” 
“Worried about me? I’m totally fine, sweetcheeks,” Marie said squeezing Ashy’s rear for emphasis. The shark jumped in her grip. 
“YES, worried about you,” she replied through gritted teeth, swatting away the prying paw. 
“Well, just don’t be! I’m not, it’s way easier.” Marie winked. 
“Doesn’t work that way.” 
“Can it work that way right now?” 
“I… what?” 
“Listen, I really want to do this swimsuit competition,” Marie explained, her tone almost pleading. “Like, so so so bad. SOOOO BAD. You wouldn’t even GET how badly—”
“Point being?” Ashy interjected.
“...Point being, let’s talk after and have fun now!” Marie finished. Ashy scrunched up her nose all cute-like, thinking about it. It took waaaay too long. Marie idly wondered what it would be like to have that many thoughts, thinking about how her hips were curled against Ashy’s. 
“You’ll come to my house to figure things out afterwards?” Ashy finally asked, pensive. 
“A date? Abso-freaking-lutely I will!” Marie exclaimed. 
“Not a date! It’s a magic removal session!” Ashy tried to explain, flustered. Marie hipchecked her now-totally-unofficial-girlfriend. She almost shuddered at how good that felt to think. “And stop looking at my cleavage!” Marie (reluctantly) obliged, tongue poking out innocently. 
“I’m going on a daaate with Aaaashy~” she sang, planting a smooch on the shark’s lips. Ashy wriggled out of it eventually, sputtering, but her grip made it take quite a while. Marie was excited, all the way down to her core - something within her knew that Ashy was probably the smart one, and that the smart one was usually right. That feeling was buried deep within, though, under layers of bubbly, sharky exterior. If it was all some sort of mental charade, well, it was a darn good one. She had herself fooled, even! Whoever this Evan character was, she’d MUCH rather be Marie, and so that was what she’d stay, sense be darned! Boobs were way better than sense anyway. Especially these ones. So there.
No way she’d pass up a one-on-one with a cutie like Ashy, though, that girl was a tuna and a half. A fish that fine had to be caught by hand, not bought at any old deli. She licked her chops, once again appraising her friend’s figure, just as any Marie would respectfully do. It wasn’t like checking out a stranger; this was all compliment, a reminder of how much of a babe she was inside and out. Ashy was too focused on the blue raspberry-marshmallow taste in her mouth to notice. Cutie….
Now wasn’t the time for silly smooches, though. Marie was buzzing to dive into action. The time for swimsuits was now!
Marie gathered up all the swimsuits into one giant pile. Leaping atop it and posing for dramatic flair, she tore into it in a sort of fashion feeding frenzy. The swimwear was sorted into over a dozen piles based on cut and style that made no sense to Ashy, who stood by in awe. It took mere moments for Marie to toss the last one-piece onto a neat stack, brushing away a bit of foam at the corners of her maw. She smiled sheepishly at Ashy, who gave her an impressed two thumbs up. 
“Okay, round one, we don’t want to go for anything too crazy,” Marie asserted. “We want the judges to be like, ‘Oh wow, that’s kinda cute,’ get all intrigued, not like, ‘Ew she’s trying too hard, why is she even on the stage, ugh, get her out of here.’” 
“What,” Ashy grunted.
“Just put this on,” Marie commanded, tossing a salmon colored one-piece with a plunged neckline to Ashy, who tried to argue, but withered under her commanding glare. It was seriously too cute.
“As for me,” Marie mused, wandering around her piles. Might as well keep the theming; she snagged a few different articles with her paws and tail, comparing them. There was a nice, minty, ruched garment; perhaps a bit too gaudy? It was that, or a full upper-body wetsuit with a patterned set of fish decals, the bottom tapering to a regular swimsuit. She could work with that. 
“Marie!” she called out, as loud as she could. “Accessories!” 
A sheepish eye glanced over the top of the curtains. “Thought you’d never ask.” She shared a grin with herself. 
After another shower of summertime gear, Marie tugged her arms into the wetsuit, letting it snap into place against her thighs snugly. It felt a bit strange without water nearby, but that was okay; this was for the show, anyway. She could always swim later. Grabbing a few last minute additions, Marie took a deep breath and smacked away the curtains, dashing out between them, long tail trailing behind. As promised, there was a long deck lit by car-sized fairy lights along the edges. Big Marie knelt on the ground at the other end so that her head, resting on the bed, was level with the runway. A clipboard rested on the bed beside her, and she’d donned a pair of wide, sharp glasses.
“I’m here for the rescue!” Mini Marie shouted, posing. The dash made her chest bounce underneath the rashguard, which surely garnered Along with the wetsuit, she’d procured a whistle and surfboard, completing her lifeguard outfit. It was a strong starting point; Big Marie applauded and whistled, making a few bubbling noises and calling out ‘I wish you could rescue me, tiny shark!’ 
Ashy stumbled out next, blinking in the lights. She’d snagged a net, somewhere, as well as a pair of flip flops, and had swapped out the one-piece for one of similar style but with birds flying across it. She leaned forwards, making good use of the plunge neckline, butt out and tail waggling. She was every part the silly tourist, out to catch something exotic. Mini Marie giggled, snapping her fingers politely, and Big Marie gave an approving nod. The smaller shark girl led the way back along the runway, making sure to swing her tail wide, giving glimpses of what was beneath all the way back, and earned one more wolf whistle from her bigger self. 
By the time Ashy had made it through the curtains, Marie was already undressed. “Round two!” she called out, flitting around between piles. “First impressions over; let’s start showing off what we’re made of!” 
“Marie, aren’t you yourself a judge? Doesn’t that make this a little unfair?” Ashy asked, slowly struggling out of the one-piece. 
“Uh, duh,” she replied. “Me or my bestest friend and maybe more are totally gonna win!” Ashy rolled her eyes and Marie’s tail errantly flung a cheeky bikini bottom in her face. 
Marie bit her lip, deep in thought. Deeper, perhaps, than she’d EVER been in thought. This competition was really letting her grow into herself, solidifying her as… well, as Marie. 
The choices for the second round didn’t have to be perfect, so it didn’t take too long to decide. Marie concocted a couples outfit, dragging Ashy into it with the sheer genius of its design. They waltzed out of the curtain, arm in arm, the epitome of summertime chic. Ashy had on a tight black longline swim top, vest-like, with a large shark bite out of the bottom right, outlined in blue, showing off her whole side and just a titch of side boob, along with a pair of boyshorts, like a bikini bottom with a bit extra coverage in both back and front, blue to match the bite out of her top. A half-sized pink denim jacket rested atop the swim shirt, unbuttoned and loose, reaching about to her mid back. Her tail was bangled, and she had matching sunglasses with her partner. 
Marie, on the other side, was wearing a tomboyish combination of tight briefs with a small cut up the sides and a loose-fitting tank top, off-white with bright spray paint splatters across the front. A bra underneath ensured the shirt accentuated her curves. She completed it all with her own ironic twist: a whale tail, made with a bottom that wrapped underneath her tail, stretching out over her huge hips above the briefs. The two leaned against each other back to back, looking like a hot pair of babes ready for a day of sitting on the sand. Marie had even discovered chewing gum somewhere, and tipped her glasses down, idly blowing a bubble. 
Big Marie whooped, giving a big round of applause. “I didn’t even think of a doubles round, good job me!” She started scribbling furiously, waving the two away. Mini Marie dragged Ashy back in, laughing gleefully, absolutely elated. Ashy actually smiled back, and Marie couldn’t help but throw her arms around the watermelon shark, nuzzling her neck. 
“Woah, hey, we aren’t ACTUALLY a hot lesbian beach couple,” Ashy chuckled, prying off Marie. “Come on, what’s your idea for the third round?” 
Marie nodded, coming back to earth. She undressed, then sat in the center of the dressing ‘room,’ silent. She ran through all sorts of combinations in her mind; her face was all squeezed inwards, like she’d bit into a lemon. So many options… what might please the judge? If she didn’t think it was perfect, then the larger her wouldn’t, either. Something that accentuated their natural gifts, not just fancy fabric that hid them.
Ashy’s was easy; Marie personally picked out the designs that would fit her best. She was unsure, at first, but by the time Marie finished explaining, the bait had been taken, and Ashy was convinced. Marie handed her a large, wide-brimmed summer hat to polish off the outfit. 
“I can’t wear that, I’ve got…” Ashy trailed off, her hand reaching up behind her head and grabbing empty air. “Ah. Yeah, Never mind.” 
Marie waved her off to go change. She’d taken the time to meditate a bit more on her decision, so why couldn’t she think of what it should be? All the other rounds had been easy enough. She herded Ashy towards the curtain, still bare-skinned. Bare-gummied? Did it count as skin if you were the same material all the way through? 
“Wait, aren’t you going to dress up?” Ashy questioned her, clutching her prop nervously. 
“It’s a surprise,” Marie said, grinning, although she didn’t feel it. “Go slay, babe, I’ll be out soon.” 
Ashy took a moment to steady themselves and nodded. She spun around, marching out the curtain, and Marie whipped back to the clothes piles, tail lashing. There wasn’t much time left. She had to just… just pick something. She closed her eyes, spun until she couldn’t remember what way was up or down, and flopped face first on her snout, feeling it squish into a pile of fabric. Behind her, she felt her tail snag on something; as she sat up, another piece dangled from her snout. She opened her eyes to see what she had. 
“Oh, bless you, me,” she whispered, grinning. This was going to be good. 
Ashy, meanwhile, swept outside the curtain, rushing forwards with one hand keeping the hat tilted down. She reached the end of the runway and flicked her tail, tossing a tennis ball off to the side where Marie had snuck out to set up a giant fan. The impact made it rattle to life. Reaching down, she grasped in both hands the handle of the picnic basket she’d been carrying in her paws, tilting the hat back and up to look Marie in the eyes, a serene smile on her face betraying no inner unsurity. She was dressed in a fine silk halter top, tied around the neck and emphasizing the smooth, natural curves of her rack, beautiful in the way it framed her upper chest. She wore a side-tie bottom to match, both patterned in brilliant magenta flowers. The tight garment rose up high along her hips, showing off just how long her legs were. A light green side-skirt wrapped around her waist, draped down over her left thigh where she rested her weight. The loose ribbons and skirt fluttered in the breeze, a soft ripple going along the floppy brim of her woven hat. She was a soft, gentle treasure, confident in the way she almost didn’t care for her form, as if it were simply incidental to her search for the perfect place to rest for a picnic. 
Marie positively squealed with delight, immediately sweeping up Ashy into her vast paws, blathering. The calm demeanor broke as Ashy squawked indignantly, but there was nothing she could do except be nuzzled by a giant shark snout. 
After a moment, though, a tension in the air caused them to both fall silent. Mini Marie’s lack of an entrance left the air abuzz, a book with no conclusion, a shock with no recoil. The true dominating presence of the show had yet to make an appearance. Marie lowered her palm so Ashy could watch, both sitting with bated breath as the curtain rustled in the wind of the fan. 
With a suddenness that drew a gasp from both onlookers, the curtain was flung back. In a flash of deep blue and striking white, Marie strutted out, hips swinging rhythmically from side to side, gummy rack bouncing lightly with each rhythmic step. She’d opted for simple—what was more beautiful than Marie, after all? A skinny spandex top that could barely cover even a small portion of her immense chest squeezed her rack, gummy material spilling around it. Two tight bands ran down from a circle underneath her bust, across her front and down between her thighs, merging at the bottom. It was the most revealing thing she could find, and it showed off her luxurious curves and the softness of her very being. Ashy actually blushed, looking away, while Big Marie stared, mouth agape, at the sheer audacity of her new gummy clone. 
After a minute of posing (during which several latex groans were heard, Ashy worrying that the whole thing might snap under pressure), Big Marie set down her captive and started to clap. Slowly at first, it swelled into cheering and hollering and ecstatic cries. Mini Marie won the swimsuit competition, hands down; anyone willing and able to pull off something like that had too much confidence to lose. Even Ashy agreed that she probably would have won even without the biased judging. 
The after party lasted well into the night. Marie broke out a fruity vodka, filling a bowl for the sharks to rest in while chugging far too much herself. Both Maries got completely sloshed, the gummy one swelling up around her swimsuit as she absorbed veritable gallons of the alcoholic drink, her looser constitution making the swimsuit squish into her curves tighter instead of blowing itself it bits. Ashy politely abstained; someone had to get the gummies home, after all, and neither Marie could argue that fact (although they did indulge in a bit of juice, finding their belly ever so slightly distended and squishy). So, instead, they partied wildly. Many sloshed, soppy kisses were exchanged, deep secrets told, and potential partners discussed, to great length. Having herself to talk to made Marie incredibly chatty, and it took another half hour to finally get to the front door. 
Big Marie set them down on the porch and hiccuped. “Like, ooohhhhhmygoddddddd, Ashy-pie, this was like… soooo gh… good. Hic. We should d… do this like, every year!” 
Ashy just waved. “Bye, Marie. I’ll talk to you soon.” The waterlogged gummy draped over her shoulder glanced up, confused. 
“Yer leavin’ me…?” she mumbled, sounding heartbroken. 
“No, hun, we’re going home.” Ashy looked back up to Big Marie, who was swaying back and forth, mumbling a sea shanty. “Marie, you know how to fix this, right?” 
Big Marie nodded vigorously. “Oh, yeahyeah! Totally, totally. It’s - hic. It’s like, waaaay super duper easy.” 
“Great, mind telling me what it is?” 
Ashy waited there, patiently. Marie stood, eyes lidded, and looked as if she were about to say something. 
Instead, she let out a soft burp, mumbled “Gnight,” and dragged the door closed, swinging shut over the sharks’ heads.. No amount of knocking and yelling brought her back out, even when Mini Marie joined in, yowling like an alley cat. She promptly fell asleep after that.
“Fine. I’ll just do it myself…” Ash mumbled, slinging their transformed and mentally transfigured friend over a shoulder. All in all, it could have been a lot worse; it certainly could have been better. They could be back to normal instead of stuck in a gummy body with no way of knowing how to go back, and they could have a friend who wasn’t convinced that he was a bimbo shark girl. But, well, Marie did know how to throw a good party. 
With a snoring vodka gummy squelching over their shoulder, Ash started the long walk home. 
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spoopyandtired · 2 years ago
why has no one made gummy wyrms yet. Where are my little baby dragon gummie candies. haribo you are missing out on not capitalizing on childlike wonder (and gays)
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doodlesartpile · 2 years ago
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Palettes of Pride Day 25: Sweets / Abrosexual
The brave gummy hero faces off against the gummy wyrm that is threatening the valley!
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pseuddamntired · 1 year ago
Consider: gummy wyrms
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swankpalanquin · 7 months ago
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aggressively-crying · 1 year ago
If you ever get really bored try coming up with a list of creatures for a hypothetical mon catcher game.
Really cannot recommend this enough, even if you have no intention to make a mon game ever.
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am4ura · 1 year ago
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At level 20, if Gummybug has a higher Attack stat, it can evolve in Gummiwyrm, the gummy heads pokemon!!
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lionsongfr · 5 months ago
Riot of Rot Cuisine- Second Course
Since I promised I would do another one when a Plague venue actually came out. Still ended up mostly using items from Gathering. OTL Previous can be found here: link
Eternal Soup Hotpot- the last warrior to die before the peace between Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper had their bones gifted to 10 Plague chefs. From those bones came 10 eternal soups, their cauldrons are never emptied, and their liquid is replenished as needed. Since food can be scarce in the Plaguelands it is customary to bring food items to dip into the pot and devour as hotpot together. The most common items brought are “dung balls” (ground Gigante chicken livers mixed with Wild Onion), Leechroot Mushroom, whole Glass Minnows, and Banded/Land Snails (slurped right out of the shell!)
Bloody Hearts- despite the name this is one of the few non-meat dishes of Plague. A Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum is first steamed and then the center gently scraped away to reveal a clean heart. Wild Onions, Canyon Ruffage, and garlic are sautéed with Flying Butter, and are then simmered with a Sour Strawberry wine.  Grassland Grain breadcrumbs are added before the mixture is stuffed into Sempervivum and baked till golden. A spicy Ashfall Prickler sauce is drizzled on top.
Hellwell Pepper Soup- in the hot and arid air of the Wastelands, Rapheal (a catfish) are dried out in the open. The fish are treated with a mixture of salt and Herbal Plantain to fend off microbes and hungry Bloodfang. To dine on the fish, it must be first be soaked to remove the salt. The soup base is a paste of Blacktongue pepper, Hot Pepper, Wild Onions, garlic, basil, and Cinnamon added to boiling water. The fish is then added to the pot and cooked till tender. Served with boiled Green Plantains or poured over top of mashed Turnips. A searing spice that must be survived to enjoy. 
Mom's Spaghetti and Meat Balls- the meat balls can be made of any meat scraps, but the most common ingredients are ground Maggots and Diseased Fungus, which is fried in Hissing Goose fat to enhance the flavor. The pasta is made of Crisp-Leaf Amaranth, dense and chewy, and topped with a sauce made of Wild Catsup, sour Flying Butter milk, and Desert Sage. A grating of nutritional yeast is often offered to give a cheesy flavor to the dish.
Plague Bat Adobo- colonies of Plague Bats flying is a frequent sight across the Wasteland and are a plentiful food source. The meat is cut up into chunks and first browned in Mushroom Oil. It is then simmered with Wild Onion, garlic, Butcher’s Fig vinegar, Hot Peppers, and soy sauce. The meat is allowed to cook until it is tender and served over a bed of Grassland Grain.  The primary ingredient, vinegar, inhibits the growth of bacteria!
Green Eggs and Ham Omelet- an Undying Featherback is a ferocious beast, and its meat must be cured in separate caverns to keep it from reforming. This valuable ham is used sparingly not just because of its cost, but also its strong and gamey flavor. The omelet starts out by boiling Wasteland Pear nopales, which are then rinsed under cold water and chopped. Wild onions, nopales, and the chopped ham are seared, and then whisked Gigante eggs are added over top. An herbivore friendly version substitutes the ham with the meaty Leechroot Mushroom, while insectivores prefer fried Fungus Cutter pupae.
Wyrm Jelly- when a tendril of the Wandering Contagion breaks off and dies it becomes hollow. Clans carefully collect these tendrils and fill them with a gelatin mixed with blood, Cinnamon, and Herbal Plantain (anti-toxin).  The gelatin is set in the cold desert night before being squeezed out into long tubes of gummies. It is believed that whatever killed the tendril will colonize the gut of the dragon, strengthening them against any new disease.
Beetle Sausage- long strands of Grapevine and Vineyard beetles dipped into concentrated grape juice and then hung to dry like sausages. The colors can vary depending on the type of grape from the Blue Indigo to Orange Autumn. It is a calorie dense treat that warriors often carry into battle to renew their energy. Also, because somehow Plague has grapes?
Snot Shot- Streak’s Dagger herbal liquor is known for its numerous therapeutic properties, caloric values, and bright neon green color. The shot is layered with a red Sugarmelon schnapps (import from Water Flight), followed by the green Streak’s Dagger liquor, and topped with a Wasteland Pear cream liquor…and then a spritz of Sour Strawberry juice. The drink must be downed quickly before the cream and acid of the juice becomes a curdled mess of sick. (though some Plague dragons prefer it that way)
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laswells-ashtray · 2 months ago
My brain wyrms have been roiling in my mind again. I can and I can't see it, but Weapon!Kate, like she doesn't need a handler. Her shits together, she knows what she's doing. She knows how to get it done. And she is brutally efficient. The "ideal" for others to aspire to. But it's because she's so good at what she does, does everything by the "book". No one second glances when her methods get a bit... Cruel, pointed, sharp. Like a knife craving blood. The way she can move under the microscope and no one feels the need to look too closely. To question where or how she got this particularly vital information. She's good at what she does, simply too good. That people forget she's a stiletto in a knife fight. Doesn't even see it coming, even after it's said and done and far too late to stop.
~~ ✨✨💖 hiiii I missed you and your awesome writing and accidentally word vomited. 💖 ✨✨~~
The name Kate Laswell is a whisper on base, used as a threat rather than a name.
Methodical, systematic, callous and adroit. A handful of descriptors used when describing her. They'd have a file but there isn't enough ink to black out her catalogue of corpses.
A string of sudden suicides among corrupt politicians in Belgium. There was no public outcry, no ravenous grief swarming through the crowds of citizens as they found that yet another leader had massacred himself. Metacarple to bicep, weeping blood over their forearms and staining their designer suits.
Three politicians, that was their goal. They found the bodies of seven and the veins of an eight in a gift wrapped in a box. The rest of him remains wanted.
She had been polished when they had located her, trousers and shirt spotless without a crease in the fabric as she sat with one leg crossed over the other and a yoghurt in hand. The look of irritation she had dawned when they dare interrupted her was scathing.
She hadn't been tasked with questioning the man. She hadn't been informed of his presence, in fact, she hadn't been in the country when he had been detained.
But as she walks out of his cell, eyes narrow in disdain at the tacky blood smeared across the fabric of her suede black boots. It's the only visible mark on her. Her hair is in an updo, she had never been taught to care for her appearance but her fingers masterfully wound up the blonde strands to stop them from interfering with the efficiency with which she could do her job.
No hair falling into her line of view and harder for someone to try and drive their fingers through and then tug on the off chance that anyone was swift enough to lay a hand on her. Unlikely but she was prepared, speculating outcomes that they had yet to consider.
"Šiaulia, townhouse and his daughters are in hiding with his wife's cousin."
She recites the information professionally, wasting no time on minuscule details as she breezes through everything they spend weeks trying to beat out of him.
The man stares at her, bewildered as she walks away, her heels clicking against the concrete flooring with red footsteps left in her wake.
He peers into the cell through the crack in the door and only through years spent on the job does he stop himself from gagging.
His wrist is almost degloved, skin scraped raw from the bone in an attempt to fight his way free from the cuffs leaving him constrained to the bed. The flesh looks spongy but he lacks the confidence to prove himself correct.
There's blood seeping from his eye sockets, mangled gummy messes bracketing his head on the sheets. He's weeping ichor that oozes a metallic scent throughout the room. Virgin Marys have been known to cry blood, his sanguinary sobs had been demanded of him.
She had been kind enough to end his suffering. His throat is slit, blood drenching the thin sheets on his temporary cot as blood pools around the dull, metal framework.
He closes the door and looks down the corridor, eyes widening as he sees it empty. Three locked doors and a woman who had no keys rarely leads to an empty hallway, Kate Laswell often proves expectations to be false.
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