#guinevere of cameliard
cestacruz · 14 days
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the queen of camelot is a catgirl ?? oh guinevere, seems like merlin doesnt know how to turn u back, how sad
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gawrkin · 2 months
(From a portugese translation of Segurant, Knight of the Dragon)
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My own English translation of this segment:
Segurant entered an inn and asked the owner the reason for such extraordinary celebration and joy. “Sir” replied the owner “it is for the coronation of the king of this city” And while they were talking, a large group of knights arrived, so well-armed from head to foot that they lacked nothing. “My God”, Segurant asked the owner, “What is happening and where are all these armed knights going?” “Sir” the owner replied “They are going to a nearby pass, called Pas Bertelais, to protect the region against the pagans who usually come to harm us. Know that half of the population of Carmelide are still pagans and they did so much harm in the region that they killed almost all the children.”
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
>3> If it's not too late maybe a fluff scenario of 7DS Arthur and Female Reader (Guinevere no not like the loli one) reunion. They were childhood friends long before Arthur became king and were particularly close but before they had to go their separate ways (Guinevere returning to Cameliard) they made a pinky promise to meet again when they're older. qwq
Awwww that's so cute🥺🥺🥺i miss the sunshine Arthur so Bad 😭😭also DEATH TO THE LOLI!!!
7Ds! Arthur Pedragon x Guinevere! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: very slight Angst, Comfort and Much FLUFF. Childhood Friends to Lovers trope, Reader has the characteristics of Guinevere from the myths(screw the Loli).
You come from the kingdom of Carmelide, a generations-long ally of the Pendragon. and by extension, from Camelot.
So it was not unusual for your family to go to said kingdom for political reasons or to try to help in the search for the new king/queen, who should be the one worthy to lift the legendary sword.
but you were a little girl, you didn't really understand those things very well at that age, so they let you wander around the kingdom (with an escort) while the adults did what they had to do.
So, on one of those outings, you ran into Arthur (who was trying not to leave behind the one you assumed was his brother).
When Arthur first saw you, he immediately recognized that you were royalty, so he bowed cheekily and apologized for almost bumping into you. and he asked you directly if you were a princess, because of how pretty you were.
He left you a little off guard, but luckily you were able to come back to your senses when your escorts almost attacked him for thinking he was too close, you told them to leave him alone, that he was a friend.
When your escorts took some distance, you and Arthur ended up spending a good part of the day together, learning more about each other and so on, you discovered that his father was a holy knight, that his brother (Kai) was an idiot (he didn't say it, but because of how he described him you didn't like him) and that he dreamed of becoming a knight himself.
It was nice to be able to be with someone your age without having to constantly worry about etiquette and manners.
So from then on, you and Arthur began to see each other almost every day, at whatever gathering your family had, you would go out and go see him, you would catch up and play normal kid things (Arthur especially liked to play to be "the knight who rescues the beautiful princess")
you two would also go on mini picnics! After playing for a while in the forests of the kingdom, you and Arthur would find some firm and more or less clean place (Arthur always insisted that you not dirty your "expensive" clothes) and eat apples :3
You felt good with Arthur because you could finally be a girl and not just a princess of Carmelide. and Arthur felt good about you because you were sweet and kind despite your seemingly privileged position.
They both complemented each other very well.
Although the more time you spent with Arthur and both of them grew up, the romantic tension increased considerably, but neither of them did anything about it, maybe they were just a little afraid of losing the friendship they had been having.
but then Arthur managed to raise the sword on the stone, being proclaimed the new King.
and it was...a shock, to say the least.
Everything was a set of good and bad news in a short time, which did not help the shock much.
On the one hand you felt that Arthur was getting what he really deserved, to be the leader of the kingdom he loved.
but now that the new King of Camelot was present, Carmelide's advisory services would not be necessary (unless there was a great threat of course), which meant that you would no longer be allowed to go to Camelot alone.
They even told you that it would not be appropriate for you to continue seeing Arthur unless they proposed an alliance through marriage.
which was the straw that broke the camel's back. You felt very bad for days.
but at least thanks to that your family decided and arranged for you and Arthur to have one LAST outing before you had to return permanently to Carmelide.
and if it was, you and Arthur kept it calmer than normal, wanting to enjoy each other's company knowing that it would be a while before you saw each other again.
I don't know they said anything romantic as such, but they did make several things clear, they were going to miss each other, Arthur was going to miss sneaking you out, you were going to miss playing with him and having adventures.
At the end of the outing, you asked him for one last favor.
You made him intertwine his pinky with yours and you promised him that you would see him again when he was King and that he would do the same.
It didn't take long for Arthur to do the same, he promised you that even if he were king, he would do everything possible to see you again.
and with that promise in mind, you returned to Carmelide.
Time passed, and you tried to handle the loneliness as best as possible, training yourself to be the best princess possible for the kingdom. your family was satisfied.
although they were definitely taken by surprise when Henrykson and the demons happened.
Your family was alarmed, the kingdom could be in crisis, they would have to train their sacred knights more harshly and, above all, re-establish relations with Camelot and its current King.
Arthur Pendragon.
were you a little nervous? Yes, but was it completely overshadowed by the excitement of seeing Arthur again? YEAH! You wondered how he scammed now after so much time.
and Arthur was no better.
He knew that the first ally he would have to report everything to would be Carmelide, and by extension you, so he was quite impatient to go in person or for you to go to Camelot.
And to kill time he thought about how you would be or how you would be now, how everything will be in your kingdom, how YOU will be.
And when the day of the reunion arrived, both were filled with feelings.
You were the one who had to go to Camelot, which in itself brought back many pleasant childhood memories that helped you be less nervous.
Not only was he the king you were going to see, he was also a friend (and maybe something else).
and when you arrived before Arthur and they were both in the same place... it was like everything stopped for a moment.
Arthur's mind was like: no thoughts, nothing, just you.
and you were absorbing everything new about this "new Arthur" before you, he looked taller, he was in his king's armor, but he definitely gave off a certain kind aura.
You felt like you could relax with him again.
and it was.
Fortunately, Arthur only became even friendlier over time, more mature, he was still someone sincere with a heart of gold. You were grateful that he still had room to see you as a special friend and not just an alliance partner.
and Arthur was not far behind, he saw that you had become more elegant, finer and straighter, but you still had a friendly character destined for people, someone charming.
The comings and goings to Camelot became a constant in your life again and it was honestly beautiful, you could see the changes that Arthur was making in Camelot and he was very happy to have you back.
He talked a lot about his training for the King, sometimes you even helped him as he was better versed in various things related to regulations and etiquette.
He may even talk to you about the Deadly Sins! I mean, few people don't know who they are, but hearing Arthur talk about them so excitedly is definitely something else.
(if you get to know them, they definitely make the typical lovebird jokes 🤣)
I can see Arthur being more open with his romantic feelings at this point.
Of course, in the time that you weren't together maybe one could say that it was just a childish crush, but now that you are together again, and that he can continue to love and appreciate this mature version of you, he can say that he is in love.
now the nickname "princess" or "lady" can be used both ironically and non-ironically xd simply for Arthur You are a princess :3)
And for your part, you cannot say that it is unilateral either.
Arthur loves you and appreciates you regardless of the title and the label, even now that he is THE KING and he SHOULD care, he doesn't, he only cares about you. You can't help but feel very appreciated by him.
even making your own advances (against what your family would consider "appropriate")
you two spent a good time making up for lost time, catching up with each other and so on, and that tension they used to have when they were younger seemed to resurface.
only this time it seemed like they were more prepared for the possibility of being SOMETHING ELSE.
Who knows, maybe a marriage alliance isn't such a bad idea after all.
At least, not if is with YOU/HIM.
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Done! I hope You like it❤️❤️
Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome
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thenntrewrite · 3 months
This is Part II of my list of NNT OCs for the rewrite:
Uther Pendragon: The father of Arthur and the husband of Igraine. He took a liking to Merlin around the time Arthur was born and had her appointed as his personal royal court mage. He also went along with the idea of giving up Arthur as a newborn to Sir Ector if it meant he’d prosper and would be safe. Uther was the King of Camelot until he became unfit when Arthur was sixteen. Since he was the current wielder of Excalibur, out of paranoia of being overthrown, he takes the sword and shoves it into the stone with all of his might, deeming that whoever pulls it out can be the new king (It was also a test for Arthur, who he knew to be old enough). Miraculously, when the sword was out of his possession, he became better. But a promise is a promise. He couldn’t be more proud of his own flesh and blood becoming the new king.
Guinevere Cameliard: The princess of Cameliard, and the daughter of Leodegrance. She's in an arranged marriage with Arthur Pendragon, and a student of magic. She's one of the first students of Aleron, who reluctantly takes the princess in after a few pushes from Arthur and Igraine. 
Leodegrance Cameliard: The father of Guinevere and the King of Cameliard. He's the best friend of Uther Pendragon, and one of his closest allies. He's taken a shine to Arthur and was the one to propose the arranged marriage. 
Ector: Arthur's adoptive father and Kay's biological one. Merlin gave the newborn to Ector, who took him in, not knowing that he was the prince of Camelot, and raised him as his own. He was the boy's personal trainer in swordsmanship. He was also Camelot's commander.
Vlasta: A demon that deflected from the Holy War centuries ago. Once a fierce-some warrior on the battlefield and a remarkable blacksmith, she sticks with Arne and they both decide to run a church and nunnery together. She's the head nun and one of Aleron's teachers. She and Arne eventually marry. Vlasta keeps an armory underneath the church and sharpens blades in her free time to keep herself from going rusty.
Arne: Often referred to as 'Father Arne', he's a demon that deflected from the Holy War and found comfort in a church who worshiped the Goddesses. On a whim, he decides to become a priest and speaks gospel about the Goddesses. He's one of Aleron's teachers, and enjoys drinking all the church's wine. Never drinks on the job, but after in the privacy of his home? It's all fair game.
Malvolia: Once a mage of the Kingdom of Tintagel and teacher of Aleron, after Gorlois died and Aleron abandoned the throne, she took over as ruler. Becoming powerful over time, she plots the downfall of everyone and anyone that was Gorlois' enemy. She considers Aleron an enemy of the nation as well.
Part I
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marthalmary · 3 months
Arthur Pendragon son of Ector
Arthur was raised by sir Ector in the forest Sauvage. One day his father brought him and his older brother Kay to Camelot to celebrate founding day, on this day he runs into a church yard were he finds and pulls the sword from the stone. The sword is then stolen from him by another boy. 14 years later he returns to Camelot to take back what is his.
Morgan daughter of Gorlois
Morgan is the youngest daughter of the late Gorlois and Igraine. Morgan dreams of being the castle alchemist. She is friends with Bedivere and in a relationship with Dagonet.
Dagonet of Camelot
Dagonet is the court jester of Camelot. At a young age he almost died in a fire that killed his family, he was then send to an orphanage where he met Bedivere, soon after they both becomes friends with Morgen.
Bedivere of Camelot
Bedivere was left at the steps of an orphanage as a baby. His only friends growing up were Morgen and Dagonet. He runs a small bookshop which is always closed most of the time
Aurelius The 2nd, prince of Camelot
Aurelius became the prince of Camelot after stealing the sword from Arthur and lying to the church and court. Morgen wants to be friends with him as she thanks that he is her brother that was kidnapped as a child, he does not want this. Aurelius is know to be found sleeping any where in the castle
Guinevere of Cameliard
Guinevere is princesses of Cameliard. She lives in Camelot awaiting her marriage with prince Aurelius. She is a romantic and is often see daydreaming about her future with her beloved. Guinevere is one of the people that Aurelius seems to actually enjoy, which led to people wondering why the two have not yet wed
Merlin the Wizard
Merlin is the owner of the amber bathhouse which is rumored to be a front to a brothel and bar where he makes people deals using his demonic powers, the church has not yet found enough proof to confirm this. No one knows were he comes from, one day a young noble enters his bathhouse in hopes that the wizard will help him over throw the prince
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misandriste · 4 months
Do you know if Gwen is ever called Gwen Pendragon in canon? I know for the majority of the show she definitely isn't, and then legendary Guinevere is just Guinevere or Guinevere of Cameliard. I'm trying to find the source for why everyone in fandom calls her that.
hi anon! i appreciate the question, and while i'm not a merlin expert (i only started watching last year so i know nothing about the history of the fandom, and have never even read the legends ┐(´~`ˇ)┌) i'll try to give you an answer.
i've only watched season 1 so i don't know if she's ever called gwen pendragon in the show, but if there really is no mention of that moniker, i think that we call her that because she was married to arthur? i don't know if taking a husband's last name was common practice during those times (people in the middle ages didn't really have last names, did they?)… plus unlike merlin or morgana, whose names are very distinct and instantly recognizable, gwen has a slightly more common name that is still in use to this day, and she isn't given a last name in the show or the legends so in posts it's easier to pair her first name with arthur's last name (since they were married) to differentiate posts talking about gwen from bbc merlin / guinevere from legend / any other character named gwen / a friend you might have named gwen! it's just easy to recognize, and makes sense in our patriarchal society.
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chernobog13 · 2 years
A king before he was a knight:
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Sir Patrick Stewart (left) as King Leodegrance, the king of Cameliard (Cornwall), and Guinevere’s father, in the film Excalibur (1981).
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akilice · 1 year
Right when Sakura was about to bring her weapon down, flames appeared between her and Miyu. "That's enough." That voice. Miyu knew that voice. She turned to its source, and she couldn't believe her eyes. Both of them. They are both here. Her family. "Onee…chan?" Miyu whispered in shock. "Hakuno?" Rin looked at her as well. "Not just Emiya-kun, but Hakuno as well?" "You…" Sakura's head twisted as her helmet's eyes grew redder. "Who gave you that card, Hakuno?" The doll asked with utter venom. "You would use my husband's image and twist it into a poor child's body, and now you've done it again to one of my knights?" Hakuno(?)'s voice was filled with rage. Her eyes were covering by her bangs, but there was something sinister there. Sakura could feel eyes full of hatred glaring back at her. "That's not Hakunee's voice." Illya rushed to Miyu's side to help her. A blue cape manifested on her shoulders, and Hakuno(?) raised her head. "My name is Guinevere of Cameliard. I believe you've put my vessel through enough anguish." Sakura gritted her teeth, and she dashed towards her. "You poor child." Guinevere let her tears fall. "Let me put you out of your misery." Her tears turned into flames, and from those flames, the scene around them changed, pulling them into hell itself. Ruins fell between her and Sakura, and Sakura grabbed her head. This place. She has never been here before, but her card, that man knew this place. Camelot in ruins.
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nrth-wind-a · 2 years
Skrael of the North Wind: Bio
Skrael of the North Wind was born the moment that the world developed an atmosphere—for, they were the atmosphere. He was wind given sentience, one of three guardians of the tomb of the titans.
The titans of old, beings of pure magic and chemistry, who have been slumbering beneath the earth’s surface for billions upon billions of years, only to be woken when the balance between magic and man has truly been lost.
For that is what the North Wind, what the Keeper of Flame, what the Eternal Forest are meant to do: watch over and guide the balance between man and magic. Between the mechanical, the scientific, and the arcane, the supernatural. That is, of course, summarizing it without complexity.
For Skrael themself knows as well as his peers that magic and science can never really be separated. Never in contest, never in perfect harmony—only balanced, according to what needs be done.
Skrael of the North Wind has lived for four billion years, and with those eons upon eons, his heart, once open and full, has, as his magic, his element, his namesake might suggest, become cold and frozen over. He is not without ethics or morals, but when one lives forever, they of course look different than what someone who only lives for a century might recognize.
He is not chaos for chaos’s sake, but he does not hold in his heart the same detestation for mischief and harm that others might, and so he is a trickster, akin to Loki or Eris, in that he strives for entertainment, even at the expense of humankind.
On the other hand, however, ice is slow and patient and unforgiving, so as loose and playful as he might be, he is, too, rigid and solid and cold. He can lie in wait for lengths of time unbearable to anyone else, if only to gain the upper hand and serve what he knows to be justice.
This is why he pursues Myrddin so unhurriedly—the damn fool will face the wrath of the Order in time… but there is no hurry. There is nowhere the wizard can hide that The Arcane Order cannot find him.
Not even death saved Morgana from their machinations, after all.
The Arcane Order formed the moment that vegetation and greenery began to overtake the earth—and Wind, Fire, and Leaf, took each other’s hands and stepped into their power, their vocation, together.
And for time unfathomable, they were happy, the world was balanced, and the realms lived in harmony.
But then man became a scourge upon the earth, imprisoning or killing those who could perform magic, or those who were born of magic, such as trolls, goblins, or gnomes. Wizards and witches were punished, and many creatures were forced to take shelter in the shadow or beast realms, forcing Skrael to rapidly learn how to traverse the various planes of existence, just to keep an eye on the children of magic.
But though things were frightening, magic was not entirely at risk, yet. That would not occur until Arthur Pendragon, having sat for years upon Camelot’s throne, become a widower—when the Lady Guinevere of Cameliard perished to a nest of Stalklings.
Magic became public enemy number one, and only the king’s pet sorcerer, Myrddin Wylt, and whatever young wizard was his apprentice of the decade, were given amnesty.
All over the land, trolls, witches, wizards, goblins, gnomes, druids, and all other creatures of magic were rounded up and held captive. It was not until the king of the trolls, Gunmar the Black, negotiated the terms of a truce, that the reign of terror slowed to a trickle—it did not end, but trolls were given underground territory, and their diets were adjusted to no longer include human flesh.
Unfortunately, tensions remained, and so a war brewed on the horizon, lying in wait, until the death of Morgana, Arthur’s sister, pushed the human king off the edge. The trolls and the humans went to war, and through it all, The Arcane Order sat and watched the outcome—that was, until the humans started to win.
When it became clear that the trolls would lose—helped by, in Skrael’s eyes, traitor trolls who joined the side of man—The Order entered the fray. Skrael would take many human lives that day, and Bellroc would claim the life of King Arthur himself… At the price of their own sight.
After killing the king, The Order all received a reminder that they were not impervious—the hardest way possible.
For, Myrddin Wylt, the tricky bastard, had given magic armor and a sword to match, to a troll who he made into his champion. This champion became known as The Trollhunter.
The first Trollhunter was known as Deya—and Deya was the one who claimed Bellroc, the Keeper of the Flame’s sight. As Bellroc launched an attack on the troll, she swung true and blinded them, causing the entire Order to fall back, thus failing in their mission to use the war to save the balance of magic and man.
Man prevailed. The Arcane Order lost.
And so, the balance of magic and man has been holding on by a thread, since. Especially as the world dies of pollution, and as technology grows, and as a few elite run the world’s commerce.
For Skrael, there is nothing that redeems humankind anymore. There is no point to them, at all.
He does not want to kill all of humanity; that is not the solution he believes in. His solution, as is Bellroc’s, is to raise the titans once more, for with their power, they will be able to right the world again, make it anew, and create what needs be created. Destroy what needs be destroyed.
Nari of the Eternal Forest disagrees.
And so she has been on the run from Wind and Fire since the twelfth century—since the war that went wrong.
Skrael and Bellroc have thus been on a journey to get her back, to make her see sense, see their side. But she has aligned herself with Myrddin, and that cannot stand. To Skrael, he must have filled her head with deception and manipulation—not that Nari cannot protect herself, of course, but Myrddin is devil-born and persuasive—and so, he still believes that if she would just listen to him… Just hear him and Bellroc out…
Maybe they can all be together again. An Order. A collective.
In the world that Skrael will fix, by whatever means necessary. 
Some Quick Info:
Skrael of the North Wind is a bonkers powerful wizard, whose powerset is insane, but in order to avoid even the very possibility of god-modding, I will of course tone him down, and ask before Skrael does anything to your muse.
That said, his power is off the charts, so if your character is in tune with magic in any way, he may seem like a black hole, or a supernova. He frequently tries to hide this by masking his own abilities, or by trying to goad someone into underestimating him. None of this has to fool your muse, but it is the general magic aura that he gives off.
They also use he/they pronouns, so I will be switching in their narration.
Skrael is mischievous on the outside, and they love to tease or frighten others, but they also have a lot of interiority, and a great deal going on beneath the surface that they would like to keep hidden.
He is deeply mistrusting of others, and he is a pessimist in action. But he is also a secret optimist, far, far beneath his surface, at the core of him. He really does believe that things can be fixed. It’s just that now, it’s time to take drastic action, in his mind.
They have an eons-long grudge against Merlin. They despise the Trollhunter.
Skrael is a neutral evil, though, rather than the deceptive chaotic evil that Skrael wants someone to think that he is. Skrael does not act without reason most of the time, and he is not evil for evil’s sake. In fact, the only reason we think of him as evil is because of what Merlin says about Skrael/The Arcane Order.
Other than being a dickhead sometimes, Skrael generally isn’t cruel just for fun. They have a mission which they believe to be given to them from the only entity that they might ever view as a deity or a being more powerful than them, and so their main concern is enacting that plan. This often means that they really don’t even interact with humans much at all. This is partially why The Arcane Order has been so silent for most of the TOA canon—they didn’t need to torment humans, so they didn’t. They just looked for Nari and Merlin, in relative secrecy and quiet.
Skrael’s main powerset is Ice, Wind, and Realm-Walking, but he is adept in all forms of magic but for fire and nature manipulation.
They have a sweet tooth.
He does not need to eat, though, nor does he need to breathe, blink, or sleep. In fact, if he does take a breath, it’s more to be dramatic, than anything.
They initially started as pure wind for their form, but over time, evolved with the times, until they were given a humanoid form by the titans, which they can change via glamours, but not structurally. In this humanoid form, they have white hair, the horns that we can see in their concept art, and all of the black markings on them appeared as part of the form. Their skin does glitter like snow. In fact—when they bleed or cry, they also bleed or cry snow, similarly to how Bellroc bleeds lava.
If we need to plot anything to help us get our characters to interact, I am more than happy to do that! If it helps, though, Skrael can fit in pretty well in crossover canons, and I can put them in just about any setting, as they have the ability to teleport via shadow and ice.
I have a LOT written about them on this blog, as this blog used to be a single muse for Skrael only, so if you want to learn more about him, feel free to peruse the archive before winter 2021.
Writing Samples, and Helpful Characterization Links: 
A lyric-based drabble about a possible future of Skrael’s, where the titans do rise, but it turns out that they do not care about The Order, insofar as, they were just means to an end
Skrael’s honest thoughts about changelings
A nightmare/strange dream that he had, in a rare time where he actually slept
A one-shot where his backstory is discussed a bit
Some ooc meta about how Skrael thinks, via the question: how would Skrael treat a child?
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luminouslumity · 2 years
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King Leodegrance: father of Queen Guinevere and (in some versions) a bastard child known also called Guinevere, or False Guinevere. He's sometimes depicted as having been the one to give Arthur the Round Table as a wedding gift. Guinevere became betrothed to Arthur after he saved Cameliard (which might be modern-day Cornwall) from King Rience.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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During his fight against the Sable Knight and seeking a suitable replacement for Caliburn, Arthur was grievously wounded and had to be rescued by Merlin and taken to a cottage in the woods. During their stay, a pilgrimage happened to be passing by and the lady happened to spot Arthur’s horse grazing nearby and decided to investigate. Upon realizing the knight was wounded, the lady demanded to tend to him without hesitation. She never learned of his name, nor he knew hers, but swore to himself:
❝ I will forget that I am a king and I will cherish the thought of this lady and will serve her faithfully as a good knight may serve his chosen dame. ❞
They would meet again later, for she was Lady Guinevere of Cameliard.
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gawrkin · 7 months
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The Fall of Arthur, by J.R.R. Tolkien
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The Coming of Arthur, Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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Arthuriana: Early Arthurian Tradition and the Origins of the Legend by Thomas Green
Once upon a time, in the very magical kingdom of Cameliard - which was full of werewolves - there lived a king who was also giant, whose name was Gogfran. He had a daughter, a mean little girl named Guinevere...
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
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I was A LOT inspired by watching the 4kota anime (completely recommended by the way) so for old times' sake I decided to share these drawings of Jennifer, my version and @ultravioletqueen of Guinevere from the Arthurian legends :3
I have decided to change some things in the main Plot related to Jennifer that could be considered a "reboot" but I think it will be better structured than the previous Plot, Jennifer continues with the same bases but what she does in the work is different. we'll see:
💚during the events of the 4kota story, Jennifer went on an undercover mission on her own in Ubel, the enemy nation of Cameliard, taking advantage of the fact that no one knew what she looked like (unlike her brother Joshua who was recognized and regarded as their armies) and thus sabotage their defenses from within with her Magic Powers DISCORD(which alterates the luck and Space where the user is, is like a waayyy weaker version of Chaos).
💚Although Arthur authorized the idea, he made several guidelines established, such as that Jennifer would have to report from time to time in addition to not participating in the mutiny that Joshua would make in the near future. in general that Jennifer stay away from danger.
💚Jennifer followed this for quite some time, however there came a point where her mission was compromised and she could not be contacted, upsetting/worrying Arthur who sent Ironside to immediately go and get her out of Ubel.
💚what compromised Jennifer's Mission was probably her own discord magic that left her exposed, so she was constantly running away and being attacked. However, in her time in Ubel she had seen how the conflicts with Carmelide had negatively affected their people, giving her a moral conflict that would upset her more and generate more disorder with her magic.
💚 Fortunately she manages to escape unscathed thanks to Ironside, but not before feeling a bittersweet feeling to see the other side of the coin of the "change" that Carmelide would bring to Ubel. (I'll talk about that one day)
💚now with the drawings, we have Jennifer with her second casual dress (she normally wears it in camelot because it is not as cold as in her country), and several hairstyles that she usually uses in different situations, the first one is used more in situations of mourning in Carmelide or in any case at royal functions. The second is more for Camelot and has a crown that Arthur gave him, this is one of her favorites(and Arthur's).
💚a little drawing of Marcelo, Jennifer's original fiancé and Joshua's best friend before dying in a conflict with Ubel, left Jennifer very depressed and with her magic Unstable. He is Mariana's twin brother, although they did not usually have a good relationship unlike Joshua and Jenn. Jenn and Marce liked each other and Marce loved her, but I wouldn't say the feeling was mutual. She just didn't see him in that way.
💚Jennifer with Ironside! He is her personal bodyguard, and you could even say that they are friends, since Jennifer allows him to leave her alone for a while to see Diodra during his work hours, so Ironside (even if he doesn't admit it) appreciates her quite a bit and protects her. a lot. He has even taken Diodra to play with her.
💚Bride Jennifer. Thats it.
me inspire MUCHO viendo el anime de 4kota (completamente recomendable por cierto) asi que por los viejos tiempos decidi compartir estos dibujos de Jennifer, version mia y de @ultravioletqueen de Guinevere de las leyendas Arthuricas :3
he decidido cambiar algunas cosas del Plot principal relacionadas a Jennifer que podrían ser consideradas un "reboot" pero creo que estará mejor estructurado que el anterior Plot, Jennifer sigue con las mismas bases pero lo que hace en la obra es diferente. vamos a ver:
💚durante los eventos de la historia de 4kota, Jennifer fue a una misión por su cuenta de encubierto en Ubel, la nación enemiga de Cameliard, aprovechando que nadie sabía cómo se veía ella(a diferencia de su hermano Joshua que era reconocido y tenido por sus ejércitos) y así sabotear sus defensas desde adentro con su poder mágico DISCORDIA (que altera la suerte y el espacio donde se encuentra el usuario, es como una versión muuuuy más débil del Caos)
💚pese a que Arthur autorizó la idea hizo que varias pautas fueran marcadas, como que Jennifer tendría que reportarse cada cierto tiempo aparte de no participar en el motín que haría Joshua en el futuro cercano. en general que Jennifer se mantuviera lejos del peligro.
💚Jennifer siguio esto durante bastante tiempo, sin embargo llegó un punto dónde su misión resultó comprometida y no pudo contactarse, alterando a Arthur que mando a Ironside para que fuera de inmediato a sacarla de Ubel.
💚lo que comprometió la Misión de Jennifer fue probablemente su propia magia de discordia que la dejo descubierta, por lo que estaba huyendo constantemente y siendo atacada. sin embargo en su tiempo en Ubel había visto el como los conflictos con Carmelide habían afectado negativamente a su gente, dandole un conflicto moral que la alteraría más y generaría más desorden con su magia.
💚 Afortunadamente logra salir ilesa gracias a Ironside, pero no sin antes sentir una sensación agridulce por ver el otro lado de la moneda del "cambio" que Carmelide traería a Ubel.(hablaré de eso algún día)
💚ahora con los dibujos, tenemos a Jennifer con su segundo vestido casual(normalmente lo usa en camelot porque no hace tanto frio como en su pais), y varios peinados que ella suele usar en diferentes situaciones, el primero lo usa mas en situaciones de luto en Carmelide o en todo caso en funciones reales. el segundo es mas para Camelot y tiene una corona que le dio Arthur, este es uno de sus favoritos(y de Arthur).
💚un dibujito de Marcelo, el prometido original de Jennifer y el mejor amigo de Joshua antes de morir en un conflcito con Ubel, dejo a Jennifer muy deprimida y con su magia Inestable. es el hermano mellizo de Mariana, aunque ellos no solian tener una buena relacion a diferencia de Joshua y Jenn. Jenn y Marce se apreciaban mutuamente y Marce la amaba, pero no diria que el sentimiento era mutuo. simplemente no lo veia de esa forma.
💚¡Jennifer con Ironside! el es su guardaespaldas personal, e incluso podria decirse que son amigos, ya que Jennifer le permite dejarla sola un rato para ver a Diodra en su horario de trabajo, por lo que Ironside(aun si no lo admite) la aprecia bastante y la protege mucho. ha llegado a llevar a Diodra a jugar con ella.
💚 Jennifer en vestido de Novia, es todo.
Ojala les guste!
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ganhumara · 2 years
general statistics.
FULL NAME Gwynnever (Guinevere) Pendragon. Currently going by Ginevra Pruitt. NICKNAMES Gwen, Gin. ALIASES Vera Penn, Vanora Malory, many others lost to time.
DATE OF BIRTH Shortly after the autumn equinox, roughly 493. PLACE OF BIRTH Cornwall, England. ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS Libra sun. She has no way to tell her other signs but I suspect a Scorpio moon. GENDER Cisgender woman. PRONOUNS She/her/hers. SEXUALITY Bisexual. HEIGHT 5'9". HAIR COLOR Black. EYE COLOR Brown. TATTOOS Several (under construction). SCARS Several (under construction). RELIGION Pagan.
PHOBIAS None. MENTAL HEALTH Relatively well, all things considered.
skills & abilities.
CAREER Verse dependent. Typically, mercenary. SPOKEN LANGUAGES Fluent in Welsh (old, middle, and modern), English (old, middle, and modern), Cornish, Latin (vulgar, classical, and late), French (old, middle, and modern), English (old, middle, and modern), Spanish (old, early modern, and modern), German (old high, middle high, early new high, standard high, and modern), Italian (Tuscan, Florentine, Veneto, and modern), Arabic (classical and modern), Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, and Persian (middle and early-new). List subject to change / expand.
PHYSICAL SKILL Self-defense, weapons training (archery, small blades, guns), lockpicking, pickpocketing.
timeline. developed in partnership with @valiantsword. Timeline subject to adjustment and change following Guinevere's retirement.
494 A child is born in Cornwall to Leodegrance of Cameliard and an unknown mother who died in childbirth. Called Gwynnever, or Guinevere, she's a bright and precocious girl who enjoys riling up her elder brother, Gotegrim, and her younger sister, Guinevak. As a child she shows skill in magic, as her mother did, though this is neither encouraged nor taught, and she quickly forgets.
513 Arthur, son of Uther, ascends to the crown, with the Leodegrance's vocal and constant support. Guinevere becomes a regular fixture at court.
517 After years of teasing, flirtation, and outright annoyance between the two, Arthur and Guinevere are wed. Leodegrance gifts Arthur the Round Table as part of her dowry.
519 Guinevere gives birth to her first son with Arthur, named Amr. Though her pregnancy went smoothly, some complications arise during the birth.
520 Frustrated by Arthur's tendency to isolate and her own frustration at what she perceives to be his doubt in her capabilities, Guinevere turns to Lancelot, Arthur's close friend, for advice. Though their relationship remains unconsummated, she develops strong feelings for him, and spends most of her time over the course of the next year with him.
521 Arthur discovers Guinevere's feelings for Lancelot; after his initial anger, the three are able to communicate openly. Guinevere's relationship with Lancelot continues, with the expectation that the succession not be endangered by the birth of illegitimate children. Their relationship remains unconsummated.
523 Guinevere gives birth to her second son with Arthur, named Mordred. This pregnancy is much more troublesome than the first, and the birth is long and difficult. When Mordred is born not breathing, all focus shifts to trying to save the king's son, and the queen is left in the care of her younger sister. Only Guinevak knows how long she went without breathing, and only Guinevak knows that before her eyes opened again, Guinevere was unquestionably dead. Hoping she's wrong, Guinevak does not tell anyone of the severity of her sister's condition, particularly when Guinevere seems perfectly fine in the aftermath, even recovering far more quickly than she had after Amr's birth. Despite these secrets, even the thought of losing Guinevere is enough to let Arthur and Guinevere reconnect, as partners rather than to simply perform a role, and Lancelot becomes a regular member of their marriage.
525 Amr dies unexpectedly of pneumonia. In a fit of rage and grief, Guinevere lashes out violently, tearing her bedclothes and breaking furniture. She sustains an injury during this, which heals before her eyes; she represses the memory, focusing instead on her loss.
530 Arthur survives an assassination attempt, killing his assassin in the process. Heartbroken by the thought of losing her husband so soon after losing her son, Guinevere begins privately experimenting with her ability to heal, and confides in Guinevak, who only reminds her that as a child, she seemed to have some skill in magic.
537 Arthur is killed in the Battle of Camlann. Distraught though she is, Guinevere steps forward as her young son's regent, leaning on Lancelot and Myrddin both. Rumors begin to spread throughout the court that the queen has not aged a day since Mordred's birth. Guinevak finally confesses the truth of that day, and Guinevere begins preparing to retire to a convent once her son comes of age, to avoid any danger posed to him and to appease the court, who have grown suspicious now of her public friendship with and reliance on Lancelot, with some accusing her of adultery. Determined not to damage either Arthur's reputation or Mordred, Lancelot and Guinevere agree not to address the rumors.
542 After more than five years as regent, during which time Guinevere's rule has been fair, albeit firm, Guinevere sees her son's coronation and "retires" to a convent with only Guinevak aware of the truth. While traveling, she vanishes, and once alone tests her theory by killing herself. When she awakens she finds no wounds, or sign of any damage, and she flees to the continent.
Guinevere's first life is marked by the threat of Christian imperialism. Much of her immortality is spent resisting the push of Christian imperialism regardless of the nation behind it. She spends much of the next seven hundred years avoiding Europe entirely.
I do intend to include specific dates with Guinevere's many interventions in history as I do more reading.
Between 542 and 1470, Guinevere tells her story to numerous writers, hoping to set the record straight regarding her husband as she sees more and more that his name is being used to further an imperialist cause. Each time, they get it wrong, none of them taking her seriously and allowing their own literary interventions to take precedence over her lived experience. Thomas Malory is one of these writers, and he includes enough correct details to draw Arthur's attention. They are reunited near Tintagel in the late fifteenth century.
Her reunion with Arthur leads to her introduction to the Guard. Even before her first death, she never dreamed, and so the thousand years she spent alone passed without any dreams of the other immortals. She is closest to Andy and Joe.
While Guinevere is open for shipping in AUs, in her main verse, she is single-ship with Arthur.
extended biographies and verses.
Under construction. The following verses are available, with some plotting:
MAIN VERSE Once a queen, now a mercenary, Guinevere—"Gin" to the Guard—is a mercenary, serving alongside other immortals in the hopes of mitigating the damage done to the world and the people in it. She is not present for most of the events of the first film, though Andy and Nile get in touch with her to join them in going after Merrick to free the others.
ALL SOULS Guinevere is a vampire, turned by her sister Guinevak in the immediate aftermath of a deadly birth. When her sister is killed, Guinevere becomes the head of the family, and the Pendragons pose significant opposition to the de Clermonts, particularly in their attempts to rule, whether through their plans for a vampire empire following the Crusades or through their presence on the Congregation.
DRAGON AGE Dowager queen of the small island nation of Camelot, Guinevere, herself a mage, attends the Conclave in the hopes of pushing back against the Chantry and offering safe harbor for rebel mages. She remains with the Inquisition as they fight to see the Breach closed and Corypheus defeated.
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marthalmary · 12 days
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Arthur son of Evantia
Arthur was raised by Evantia, a peasant woman who came to marry Sir Ector. one day arthur found his mother crying as a women stood over her, the women revealed herself to be the lady morgan of the fae folk and she was there to tell the truth of his birth and give back the memories of the night he pulled the sword,that had been taken from him by the false king Aurelius
Merlin the Wizard
Merlin is the owner of the Amber bathhouse which is rumored to be a front to a brothel and a bar were he makes people deals using his demonic powers, the church has yet to find enough proof to confirm this. no one knows where he comes from or what he really looks like. one day a young man enters his bathhouse in hopes that the wizard will help overthrow the prince who is betrothed to the love of Merlin's life Guinevere
Aurelius 2nd, prince of Camelot
Aurelius was crowned prince after he was found standing in the middle of the church yard with the sword caliburn covered in the blood of the fairy that had been terrorizing the kingdom for years. Aurelius spends most days sleeping anywhere he can find a spot instead of doing his job, just like a cat
Guinevere future Queen of Camelot
Guinevere, princess of cameliard lives in camelot awaiting her marriage with prince Aurelius. she is a romantic and is often seen daydreaming about her future with her beloved and has she is the only people that the prince seems to actually like and is the only one he allows in his chambers, the castle gossip wonders when she'll start showing
Dagonet court jester
Dagonet at a young age almost died in a fire that killed his whole family, soon after he began working in the castle kitchen where he meet bedivere and princess morgen
Bedivere owner of the lucan library
Bedivere was found stealing from the castles kitchen where the head cook took pity on him and adopted him, soon he made morgen and dagonet his friends. he now runs a library that is closed most of the time
Morgen princess of camelot
Morgen is the youngest daughter of the late Gorlois and Igraine. Morgen dreams of being the castle's alchemist. morgen is saddened by the fact that aurelius the man she thanks is he brother does seem to not care about her
Morgan le fay
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ofxavalon · 4 years
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        ‘ i still wonder who i would have been. ’
@melnchly​ guinevere for ragnelle
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