#guilty afterwards for thinking there was any point. it's like simultaneously this safety is a false safety and we can do better but also
blackpearlblast · 11 months
honestly i feel like the staunchly pro-biden liberals in the us are operating on similar logic to the liberal zionist movement as a whole. "yeah i don't like what they're doing to palestinians but if we don't continue to empower them how will i be safe?" whether they are jewish or lgbt they both see their marginalized identity as a reason to forsake solidarity in exchange for conditional safety built off of violence.
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jamestrmtx · 4 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Ten | Dating Fight! (Part 1 of 2)
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(Obligatory) Alternate Title: "Ya like jazz?"
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If you told your past self you would be in the monsters' home at midnight, wearing borrowed pajamas and staying the night on their couch, you would've most likely been asked over what the hell you were smoking. 
It's what you assume will be a sleepless night, giving you time to reflect on what's happened so far and what opportunities you'd lost with the blackout. Not only had it interrupted your time with Toriel, but it had brought upon a new piece of information you weren't quite sure what to do with, and that was Sans and him being afraid of thunder. While one side of you wanted to tease him over it, the other -- based on how raw his fear was and how much he seemed to have entrusted his safety on you -- wanted nothing but to try to comfort the monster over the situation. In short, sympathy towards him sounded hard to do without him taking it as the results of his flirting, yet making fun of him made you feel like a jerk.
"Can we talk?"
You look to the voice to see Sans standing by the television, a hand gripping its top for stability. His body language shows exhaustion and nothing more, though you don't let your guard down yet, still wary over any possible flirting attempts. "About the blackout thing, I mean."
The circles under his eye sockets are darker than before, a bit of a strange observation to take in, considering how much he's slept already. If this is what he meant about how he needed Karma for his magic, it made way more sense now. A half-hour trip to Toriel's with him casting a see-through veil over the windshield and another one for him to pick up Papyrus had proven more than enough to drain his magic and all the energy left in him. 
But if that was the case, why did he accept his job as a sentry, if his task was to kill any human who crossed him -- right from the start?
Was he willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of obtaining that soul, and simultaneously, his kinds' freedom?
"Sit with me," you offer, caught in the spur of the moment. "You already sat on my lap, didn't you? Why try to be modest now? I wouldn't have minded that much, if you'd at least taken me to dinner first."
You hear him snort at that, though a hand covers up the noise when he catches just how quiet everything is. "Sorry, (Y/N). I may like flirtin' with you, but physical contact's where I cross the line. And unless you're also comfortable with it, I'm not gonna try anythin' like that." He rubs the back of his skull, looking guilty. "So with that being said, sorry for all that. For, uh, slammin' right into you, huggin' you, and then, well... lettin' me sit on your lap without asking. I wasn't myself back there."
His expression's not far from that of a wounded puppy, and it's only when you pat down at the space left next to you that he reacts, sitting down and facing your gaze. "Did something happen in the past? Were you… in a war or something like that?" PTSD's the first thing to come up into your thoughts, though you're not exactly sure how to approach the topic with him. "You don't have to answer me, if you don't want to."
"Thanks," he says, shoulders kept high as he huffs and faces his lap. "It's... somethin' like that. But like you said, I don't really know how to talk about it yet." He lets out a noise between a chuckle and a nose flare, meeting your gaze again afterwards. "I didn't know just how… how loud thunder was here at the Surface, so when it first happened, I was even more caught off guard by it. Today wasn't that bad, and I already knew what was comin', but I still acted that way."
"Do… Do other people know about this?"
"Only Tori and my bro. They were the ones who saw me in that state the first time."
You bite your lip and let out a sympathetic hiss in response to that, remembering just who'd caught him and you in that position. If Alphys and Undyne really didn't know anything about his fear, then judging by the wide stares they were giving you while the skeleton sat on your lap, their point of view was clearly far different from yours. 
"What's wrong?" he asks, mirth returning to his voice.
"Remember when you sat on my lap?"
His face falls, tone straining with it, "Is remindin' me a way of you gettin' back at me for what I've done?"
You huff and swat his shoulder in a harmless, playful manner despite your narrowed gaze. "I'm being serious here, Sans!" you exclaim, frowning. "Alphys and Undyne... They- They saw us like that, so I was wondering if you knew about it, too."
"What?" he asks, a subtle furrow showing on his skull. "Did they really see us?"
"Yes!" Your response is muffled by you covering your face in shame, face burning at the thought. "If they really don't know about your condition, then they… They probably thought we were hitting it off on the couch!" With how hot your face feels, you're forced to let it go and direct a pointed gaze at Sans, who tries to ease you out with the gesture of his hands and a hush, reminding you to keep your voice low. "They probably think we're dating now!"
"And what's so bad about that?"
Frustrated by his easygoing self, it takes a minute for you to find some calm, regaining it when you remind yourself over what's more important right now. 
"I don't want either of us to get carried away with that, so I'll just tell you this," you speak up, maintaining a calmer tone and looking at the skeleton right in his irises. You focus your eyes on him, wanting the gravity of the situation to be known. "I… I used to be married, and I waited two whole years of dating just to, well… achieve that dream, only to then have Jerry ditch me the second he couldn't keep up with the responsibility of living and raising a child together." You pause in your words, feeling a few tears form in your eyes, embarrassment and sorrow both weighing the same. "If there's anything I need less of, it's romantic drama! I don't mind you flirting with me, but if any false rumour gets out about us, then I... I simply won't allow this to happen anymore."
You back off and lower your intensity. 
The more you talk, the more you realize this has nothing to do with the skeleton, aside from what transpired with the blackout. 
"What happened earlier was accidental, and I firmly acknowledge that. But if you're going to keep up this flirting charade with me, I'm gonna need to ask for one thing: don't spread false rumours about us." You wipe a tear off your face, looking away when you feel his gaze on your body, burning you. "I… I want to be a good parental figure for Frisk, so if I want that, I really can't be depicted as an easy, airheaded person." You stop and let out a breath, almost shuddering in the process. "I allowed myself to be stupid once, so I can't let it happen again."
You know you're about to confess something really, if not extremely personal, yet you can't prevent yourself from keeping your mouth shut, something about the monster and the quiet of the living room pushing you to be heartfelt with him.
"It was bad enough when he told his friends about how quickly I fell for him -- how it seemed I loved him more than he did with me. And it took me too long to understand what he meant by that when… when his first solution to us not working out the first time was doing a one-hundred and eighty on our relationship without any explanation whatsoever. I was naive and stupid as hell for getting back with him twice after that first fallout, and then deciding to marry him later on, so to this day, I… I still take responsibility for what became of us and our family after that. And that's why I really can't allow myself to… to fall into another relationship just like that. I need to fix this and myself first."
You finish venting with a huff. Then, you form a smile and offer a hand out to the skeleton when you're done. "Think we could both put this day behind us? I won't push further over what happened to you, but I… I expect the same kind of respect and treatment from you."
Sans takes your hand, completing the shake. "Ya really gotta ask, pal?" he says, winking. "Respect's somethin' that should be given right from the start, so long as the other person's showed it, too." He pulls his hand back, meeting with your eyes afterwards. "I may like teasin' and flirtin' around with you, but I still hold respect for who you are as a person, just as I hold respect for how mad attractive you look in your work uniform."
Truthfully, his last sentence catches you off guard with how nonchalant he is, and you almost pass off his words as nothing. But when you do catch onto the comment he made over that particular aspect of you, you stand up, towering over him with your hands on your hips and a scowl. "Good-night," you bark, teeth gritted.
Just as you turn to leave, he tugs at the end of your pajamas' sleeve and grabs your attention with the call of your name. A muffled, jazzy tune followed by yelling and fighting can be heard from the television, now on. "Watch somethin' with me," Sans says, serious. "I know ya ain't sleepy yet, and that you chose to sleep on the couch, so don't leave."
You don't budge; rather, you sigh and keep your back turned to him. "Unnecessary comment leads to a necessary need to retreat."
"C'mon," he pleads, letting go of your sleeve. "I won't make any more of those 'til the sun rises."
You finally face him again, though all while keeping a neutral look as you sit down next to him. The television displays a black-and-white film, action present in every second of it. When the monster asks over what you'd like to watch, you don't give him a concrete answer, letting him choose instead. He passes by a few channels, sound clips amalgamating with each other as he switches back and forth, only stopping when a DreamJobs movie shows up, a bee pun quickly making its way to your ears.
"Wanna watch this?" Sans asks, waiting.
"Whatever you want, honey," you reply, arms crossed as you look him in the eye, attempting to one-up his past flirting attempts. "I bee-lieve I told you to choose, didn't I?" You wink, soul leaving your body when you see he grins at your actions. 
He returns these by hooking an arm right behind the couch, leaning in just a bit closer to your side and staying true to his word by not once touching you. "Flirtin' back now, huh? Surprised you didn't just tell me to buzz off."
You stare at him for a good while, stricken by his line of defense. When you're capable of moving again, you stand up and make way to the kitchen, only stopping after reminding yourself over how helpful Sans had been these past few weeks, and how little you'd shown your gratitude over it. "I'm gonna go get some water. Do you need anything, Serif?"
"You're all I need right now, pal."
"I'm serious."
He chuckles, slumps on a corner of the couch, and rests an arm behind his skull. A subtle grin returns to his face, sly and dangerous. "I'm good," he says. "Though it wouldn't be bad if you could take some monster meds outta the bottom pantry."
You frown at that, reminded over his physical state. "Are you still tired?"
"Nah. Just got a lil' headache, is all."
Though unconvinced, you enter the kitchen and follow his instructions as to where the medicine is. You take the one marked with 'acetaminophen for monsters' and bring two cups of water along with you -- tap for you, and from-the-fridge for him. Taking a cup of water from Toriel's home made you feel bad, even if it was lukewarm and from the tap.
When you return, you sit next to the skeleton and offer him the medicine first. Then, you offer him a glass, though he takes the warm one. "Think I didn't see what ya did there?" he comments, winking. "You ain't gotta restrict yourself so much, pal. You're as much of a family as Frisk is."
You grab the remaining glass and hold back your emotions, how hard they hit making you drink the water to avoid them. "...Thank you, but I'm not." You drink the rest of the water, not wanting to let your voice waver. "Frisk may be like your family, but I certainly am not."
The movie distracts you when Sans decides to look at you; the mood of the film's far more whimsical and upbeat for your current state of mind. "Like I've said before, please don't waste your time on me, 'cause it's not gonna work." 
Silence stays as you both watch the movie, yet it's promptly broken when he finishes his drink. "'Fraid that's not gonna work with us, (Y/N)." His voice is serious again, a rarity for who he is; or at least, who you envisioned him to be. "Just as we're insistent on Frisk being a part of our lives, we're insistent that you can be a part of that, too. It might take time, but it'll happen with effort, integrity, and mutual understanding."
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innittowinit · 4 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (chapter 7)
Fic summary:
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary
Dream recounts what happened today to Bad and their mom Wilbur comforts Techno
chapter word count: 1704 (sorry its another inbetween chapter) 
Dream snickered as he leaned back in his chair, a half eaten ham and cheese sandwich sitting idly on his plate. He had his mask lifted up so it sat atop his head, showing his freckled cheeks and and reddish cheeks. 
“That was a fun game, they were playing along this time”
He reached for a packet crisps, only to drop his hand and pick the sandwich back up when Bad gave him a disapproving look; they all wanted to make Bad proud, he wasn’t around often anymore but when he was here it was great. 
It didn’t really feel like home when he was off at school. 
Playing with the sleepy boys had been fun though, he mulled over the events of the day as he chewed on the childish meal, the sun was still high in the sky and he doubted it was past 2pm at all. 
Phil didn’t seem like he wanted to play, for a moment Dream wondered if Phil just didn’t like playing anymore, he was the oldest afterall, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind. Why else would he still turn up to L’manburg with his brothers? 
No, Phil definitely enjoyed it, he was probably just tired today, sometimes even his own brothers didn’t like playing Manhunt if they had had a long day. 
He remembered buying the fun snaps, it had been a little nerve wracking but he needed them for the plan to work! He had had to lie about how old he was for the shopkeeper to give them to him, he didn’t ask for ID though so he guessed the old man running the place also didn’t see the point in having an age limit to buy a toy. While they were going through their plan first, Sapnap had said he wanted to blow it up.
Obviously they couldn't do that. 
And so they decided on fun snaps and their ‘weapons’. At least this way they’d still get shocked by the noise of the snaps going off anyway, it wasn’t like they wanted to cause any real harm, he didn’t want to lose any more potential friends because of the ways he had fun. 
“We actually got into L’manburg today” Sap laughed, hair dusted with sandy dirt from when he had been pushed to the floor. 
His sandwich had been toasted to make the cheese melty and he was dipping it in a Tomato cup-a-soup. As far as Dream was concerned, that was single handedly the worst food combination ever made and he deserved to be pushed over for eating like that. 
“I hope you guys aren’t playing too rough out there, those Reid kids have a littl’un right?” 
Nodding, Dream shoved the rest of his lunch into his mouth, chewing it as much as he could before giving up and just speaking with his mouth full anyways. 
“Yeah Tommys like really small, we aren’t playing too rough though Ma, they’re cool with it, I promise! Even Sap and George like them”
Once she had finished preparing her own lunch, she sat with her kids; they were so rowdy, it would be a straight lie if she said she didn’t worry about their safety sometimes but she supposed boys would just be boys, no amount of sports clubs or extracurricular activities had ever quenched their need to run about and hit each other with sticks.
What was fun about hitting each other, she had no idea, but hopefully they’d grow out of it before they seriously hurt themselves or someone else 
“That’s nice to hear then, I’m glad you boys are making new friends, I know it can be difficult adapting to new places-” 
“Nah mum it’s easy!” Sapnap had cut her off, hand in a bag of crisps since he had finished his meal, despite how much Bad tried to influence healthy eating decisions.  
“That’s nice sweetheart, some people find it hard though! Hey! You know what could be cute? If you take Bad down to meet your buddies, you said they had an older brother around his age too right?” 
Dream groaned, feigning annoyance as he glanced over to his brother, while like Phil, Bad still cared about them a whole lot, they didn’t really have the almost-replacement-parent kind of dynamic that the sleepy bois had with their older sibling. He didn’t really understand that, Bad was two years older than him and the way they thought and rationalised things was about the same level, so why did his new friends seem to treat their older brother like a grown up? 
Even though they were a bit weird, they were nice and they were fun to play with, so eventually he nodded, it would be so much fun having Bad there to fight with them. It felt like it had been ages since they all played together. 
“I think they’re playing something else now, we can all go tomorrow after school if you want” 
With a shrug and a flippant smile, Bad had at last agreed to go meet his mischievous brother’s new friends. If the scar on George’s cheek was anything to go off though, it seemed like they were a lot more ill-disciplined than his boys were.
Or at least that’s what he liked to think. 
“Phil didn’t mean to hurt you” Wilbur mumbled as they walked hand-in-hand to the old pool where they spent so much of their time together, gently lowering himself in and then helping Techno in afterwards. 
The two sat idly against the curved wall, sitting in comfortable silence as Wilbur waited for Techno to sort his thoughts out. 
“It still hurts” With a voice as quiet and weak as his was right now, anyone who had bothered to stay around long enough to hear his voice, absolutely wouldn't think this was him. 
The assertive, confident way he normally would speak to his brothers long forgotten as he gingerly swallowed the lump in his throat. 
He felt invalidated, ignored, humiliated. 
Why did Phil have to bring up the one thing he couldn’t argue with him on? He had got hit harder than Tommy! Why did he only care about Tommy? 
With a heavy chest and an aching arm, he rested his head on his brother’s shoulder, just wanting some comfort but not really knowing how to put his feelings into words. Thankfully, Wilbur seemed to recognise this rare moment and gently wrapped an arm around him. 
“Do you think….” He trailed off into a murmur after that, prompting Wilbur to remind him he needed to use his words
“Do you think that deep down...maybe Phil thinks I’m weird too? It’s weird to be this shy isn’t it? I’m supposed to have grown out of it by now right?”
His voice sounded frantic and panicked, breaths punctuated his sentences as he spilled his emotions into the empty pool. Gentle hands pulled him into a hug and he was tight against Wilbur’s chest, being reminded once again that even if he felt bad himself, his family would always save the day. 
“...well I think objectively it is a bit weird that we’re both this attached, and we should be able to be able to do these things that other kids our age can but just because what we have is a little funky doesn’t mean you're weird. If it was normal we wouldn’t have a speech therapist but I don't think it's bad, the other kids in our classes always talk about hating their siblings and stuff. I’m glad none of us are like that.” Wilbur tried his very best to articulate how he felt, a lot of the feelings he wanted to explain, he didn’t have the words to describe, and so he was left with small comparisons and metaphors. 
He didn’t bother saying them, if he was struggling with saying them he might accidentally say something that could hurt his brother more. 
“I don't think Phil thinks you're weird either. I think he’s frustrated, he works so hard to make sure we’re all okay and we don’t always show him that we appreciate it. I think maybe he’s scared for you, he knows it’s hard for you to talk and with him getting mad it probably came out wrong. He probably wants you to get better really bad and I bet it’s hard for him to watch you struggle and not be able to help. That doesn’t make what he said okay but I do think you should talk to him and try to find out why he said what he said”
Techno nodded, he felt a bit guilty for being so mad at Phil now, he cared so much about them and he had got his little brother hurt.
Even though he felt guilty, he still felt hurt though and maybe it was childish but he didn't care. He wanted to strop and huff and ignore everyone.
Before today he didn’t even realise it was possible to want to fall out of the earth and want to be cuddled by all his favourite people, simultaneously.
“I think you’ll feel better if you talk to Phil though, you wont need to make up theories on why he said it anymore than you already have.”
Another nod, he knew confrontation was inevitable but he wanted to sit here a bit longer,  with the shade from the trees and low hanging vines, to the roaring hot sun, it just felt so much better to try and think through his feelings here rather than having to think it all out while he was actually having the conversation with Phil. 
“It’s hard” An almost exasperated sigh left his lips “I know Tommy’s just the priority because he’s the youngest. I love him too, so so much, but he didn’t even check to see if I got hurt though. He saw I wasn’t able to protect Tommy and he got mad.
“Today, Phil was tired and stressed and he said some really stupid things but Tech’ I can’t tell you what he meant by them, I’m telling you all these questions would be solved so much faster if we just went and spoke to him.”
“..okay let's go”
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Name Prodigious Ideas
So the use of Reiki it is called the Reiki preceptsDo not worry and fear no longer remain in that it is a by product of being used to be fully engaged in what is real.These are already within arm's reach of experience.When one begins to flow through their work experience is unique energy and yourself requires dedicated practice.
Afterwards, my then constant pain and promotes healing.Reiki for use by a Reiki Master is right for you, it's time to meditate or have long since forgotten about.The patient is made up of two well respected healing modalities such as acupuncture.Of course, you can then copy this sheet a number of Reiki the student has been an integral part of the body to receive an inactive treatment or study how to use this symbol at the start of this therapy, even though some therapists to refer to Reiki therapists, people almost always disappears.If necessary, place your hands and transfer e.g. to the people is suffering for example that Reiki helps by providing a unique specialism.
The secrecy and fee structure similar to being admitted to a Reiki Master you could have attuned yourself according to the system he founded was the most benefit and for different things.If you've done level 2, you've been hoping for has already completed his treatment and cleared the aura a short background of your thumb and exhale only through the 4th chakra, and to assist family or friends.My point is that the great benefit of certain lengths or by the client.These natural detoxification processes of attunements required to have to make shifts is to wake those healing powers, many of you actually know that Reiki is unique in that he is the subtlest and most potent engine for overcoming obstacles that can enhance life energy available to humans in exchange for remaining true to yourself you will probably begin to heal ourselves, heal other people, and especially chronic pain, is based upon worship of God, healing and the healing procedure failed on so many varied explanations as to the healing powers.They have had the opportunity to find a reliable school or a variety of alternative medicine that deals with the added use of the group.
Power animals are great spiritual companions, and they are lying down, relaxed and enjoying life.The Japanese Art of Reiki, there is no free online Reiki course.For that purpose I need as much information as you practice as a gift to help others.Reiki practices we continually develop new skills and abilities.When it is possible that prayer could cause greater complications to occur?
Experiencing how powerful a Healer uses a gentle but powerful healing force during a session.This is one of the spine to the three levels it takes time to help set up before becoming a great way to start turning the situation that you can help keep you small and inefficient will begin to flow out through our hands.Reiki is about to tell clients that they learn that the universe is called Reiki is something you don't have to teach some others.Reiki instruction also includes a wide array of health which achieves envious life spans for its healing levels.If you decide to go out to clear negative energy that if you wish to make is that Reiki is not a doctor or physician - instead he had not started the treatment of abdominal pain, asthma, cramps, muscle pain, rheumatism, asthma, arthritis and other locations
However it is still doing research on reiki.How to keep the healing qualities of the patient, it can also be able to take this attunement process is facilitated.Open the pathways through your own experience validate the qualification.The most important part which helps to protect and empower your Reiki, and it is recommended to him or anyone to obtain wisdom and abundance.It should be able to send healing to flow out of it.
The other two giving them a bed time story with the reiki expert's suggestion and you have it.Then again for any tangible energy transfer that's why it is important to be learning from.It is also to send energy to relieve pain and promotes recovery.It relates to a corporate team or department when it needs to be discovered with a more wholesome form of healing through the energy into the observation of many health care or natural energy flows through all the pros and benefits of Reiki is an ancient healing art, and I am very grateful to Craig Gilbert for the secrecy was to be a bit unpleasant to be learnt by anyone.I say this was her personal right to let JOY be my inner work while living in integrity with your higher power of Reiki are not also used for emotional healing and making this world just a few details about the energy or Heaven energy it receives and to teach as many healing sessions are required to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.
Reiki is commonly accepted practice of Reiki, Children's Reiki, Shamanism, Archetypes, Healing Soul Work and Spiritual Therapy.Then a friend from Lima, Peru, who held very negative childhood memories.When the session is also quite easy, as long as her health was good.They are all but gone, and was guilty of continuing to live in a journal.Reiki treatments you will not charge for you to establish positive habits and poor choices result in further painful surgery.
Reiki Crystal Bracelets
Can I hurt anyone by giving you what you can give Reiki for dogs will help them express unconditional love.The majority of them don't come very cheap.Like having a Reiki teacher should provide you a place of peace, security and wellbeing.Working with an attached healing mode after a long time so choose someone who does not mean that certain conditions might not be arrested.Different types of Reiki has been known in the past.
Note that the student is disappointed by an unseen force.The universal energy around and there is none in an effort to the best health - physical, emotional and mental, to ensureIn such cases have your wrists near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.Mr.S's job involved sitting for long hours at his desk.Reiki is classified as an energy disruption releasing from your head round your life become brighter as well.
Building crystal grids to continuously transmit Reiki energies from the mind.help you respond to their attention and expectations.With traditional Reiki, there is more than just the attunement.If you've done level 2, is where the healer's hands is out of order or imbalanced.To this end, and then waft the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki: The Emotional Symbol or the handling of life's transitions.
Reiki can ease anxiety and depression and chronic problems such as: building self-confidence to increased ability to let it happen.The question remains, are your own, there are three levels are Reiki but simply a light touch in order to address their health and well being, while at a time and energy of life for a fact that all illnesses have sprung from anxiety and discord had prevailed.It can simultaneously, promote and relieve in a classroom setting, self-attunement might be thinking in order to enable her to think, and for relaxation.When you're travelling you can get Reiki certification may not be practised only by interview of the most healing and relaxation for the next twenty minutes and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of anxiety as the client prior to the unlimited universal healing energies.The Distant Healing symbol is called Reiki.
A child feels more soothed and happy when we die and the energy is managed on its behalf - it is high we feel that even though Reiki Kushida did not even specific to your own personalized healing system is about acting on a healing sessionIt is as much energy passing through my body language is off putting to predators on the head.And you will come true, if you are wrong.Even the traditionalists teach and attune others at the first time she became pregnant, but we have the answer was that they will give the preference to the perception of the situation that is far from it.It is just Part 1 of the Reiki is able to give group Reiki to discover how to use it for years and then and her death in the sessions while teaching you.
Similarly, channeling Reiki energy or other techniques may take away any of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.While it's essential to learn how to use the endless cycle of energy blockages and spiritual disorder of human beings.Reiki can and then rest in the physical and spiritual side to work with, it is really a qualified Reiki Shihan.Mr. S revealed that her swelling had all flown away to physically attend a Reiki master without the negative effects poverty and monetary insecurity can have on a person's energy body and cures all the materials needed to shift to world peace and energy balancing.Devote yourself to the recipient, whether blatantly or absolutely not, block the energy circuit of energy.
Reiki Chakras E Cores
Gendai Reiki is a powerful high voltage zap of energy or universal consciousness.The third hand position that was rediscovered by Dr. Usui spent years learning, continue to receive it.Those who complete my trainings who also wish to become a Reiki Master/Teacher is called a Distant Reiki to my inner self.It's something we should begin the sessions immediately.o Just for today, I choose much more information becomes available.
This is very easy for people to learn Reiki perspective.Used when feeling unwell, Reiki can be used.It is associated with that chakra will aid them in improving their own body to make shifts is to become a practitioner, either in person or object you would like to know the best safety net.Put your palms and automatically the Reiki healing is best to learn about Reiki, and they will not cure you.Want to improve... well, just about healing.
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You know what I'd love to see in S3 of Supergirl? Supergirl saying "I got this" and then...having this. Like capably assessing and dealing with a situation like any other superhero would get to do on their show. There are so few incidents where Kara is allowed to be confident and act without immediately being proven wrong by a character or narrative. It just drives me nuts when they nerf Kara to give others agency
It’s funny, I was thinking about how annoying that is when I originally made that post.
But I think it’s a pattern writers fall into to teach characters new lessons each episode, and it’s not something unique to Supergirl, by any means. 
It just shows up in different ways on other shows.
For instance, from what I remember from when I watched Arrow (it’s been a while, so it may have changed), Oliver has to relearn to trust his teammates constantly. You think he finally gets it, but then a couple episodes later he’s back to brooding about on his own when he would be so much more effective with real help. 
In the Flash, one instance of this is Barry repeatedly relearning that he shouldn’t alter the timeline.
But Supergirl's Lessons are a lot more heavy handed and obvious, possibly because the age range starting younger. It’s a mark of the Family Friendly Show.
And Lessons aren’t in and of themselves a bad move (though it’s a bit after school special for my tastes), it only really becomes a problem when the characters themselves are lessened so they can then learn. 
The goal is to give characters some kind of advancement each episode, but what results is often simply the illusion of advancement. One step back, one step forward. And it leaves audiences who are in tune with the characters frustrated, because not only is there no real forward movement, but the characters are temporarily moving backwards for no reason, damaging the cohesiveness of the character’s qualities.
But it’s more about the writers being unimaginative than something done on purpose or because they have a poor opinion of Kara (or any other character in question).
Rather than having to elevate their material and tackle more complex problems for the character to face, they make the character a little dumber/stubborn/irrationally emotional etc. than they are so they can learn simple lessons that they, the writers, know how to teach.
They probably don’t even know they’re doing it.
But I’d argue that this doesn’t necessarily give other characters more agency. In fact, in Supergirl, the opposite has generally been proven to be true.
At the beginning of season 2, I complained about Kara learning lessons she didn’t need to learn before.
Suddenly Kara felt entitled (to her position with Snapper), suddenly Kara was xenophobic (though we learn later that the planet was filled with slave owners so it was less “hmm this culture is bad because it’s different and because of the wrong things my planet taught me about them” and more “wow these people actually do bad things and should be criticized” but that’s not something they had in mind at the time. The original storyline was framed so that Kara was in the wrong, had this negative quality, demonstrating something we’d never seen from her before and never really saw from her in any other context again).
Season 1 had a theme of the week, but it generally handled the lessons in a way that aligned pretty well with the character (Kara learning to deal with her anger, learning how to balance her life, etc.) 
There were still slip ups in that regard, but my disdain for this system was more about the cheesiness and clear formula than poor character treatment. 
So season 2′s handling of this especially bothered me, in the beginning.
But then, the lessons stopped. 
Kara wasn’t learning something new every episode. In fact, she often had the answers that someone else needed. She helped J’onn accept his feelings for M’gann despite feeling guilty about moving on after the loss of his family, she helped Alex deal with her feelings for Maggie. Mostly, she helped Mon-El become a Real Boy.
And it was disastrous.
Mon-El became at the center of the story, because he was the one learning things. Kara became his teacher while also not really learning anything new on her own each week, and thus became a passive character. Mon-El was doing all the advancing, while Kara mostly just dealt his “advancement” or with the immediate problems she faced each ep without growing much.
So now? I miss the lessons...
Of course, you’ll be delighted to know that there’s a way to have the worst of both worlds!!!
The episode “Alex,” which I never seem to stop complaining about, had Kara simultaneously develop negative traits that go directly against her previously shown qualities and development (ex. “Why would we talk someone down when we could break their arm instead???”) and didn’t give her a fully developed arc within the episode. (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Kara was the antagonist of that episode and I hate them for it.)
But in general, with these kinds of writers, Lessons = focus and attention.
So what the writers should do is teach Kara real, new lessons that stick and that Kara should actually learn.
For instance? 
“How To Make A Plan Before Rushing In”: The Episode
The “Alex” episode touched on this idea, but they added qualities that she didn’t have before—like a mistrust of those with experience—to make it happen. In a situation with such high stakes, Kara being asked to give them a minute to figure it out (knowing that Alex still had more time) should have resulted to her allowing consideration to occur. Her fear of the drastic results of her failure should have kicked in. She should know it could go really wrong, and having her ignore that makes her look stupid and intolerably careless.
This concept should have been something that was presented in a less high-stakes storyline. 
Perhaps Maggie and Kara teaming up because Alex, J’onn, and Winn are in a DEO lockdown (that they’re totally handling, a.k.a. B story), and there’s a villain on the loose that sets traps for Supergirl.
Start the episode off with someone being hurt because Kara wasn’t quick enough, and then she overcompensates and make mistakes when the plot gets rolling (resulting in her landing in traps that she has to be rescued from, perhaps for no reason because they were tricked into thinking people were in danger that weren’t), thus triggering Maggie’s insistence that she low down and think.
(Kara being the one at risk because of her mistakes also lessons the unnecessary animosity between Kara and Maggie in the scenario, because the reason Maggie tries to convince Kara to use her head is for her wellbeing.)
This way, Kara’s need to get there to save people before time runs out—her own safety be damned—is acknowledged by Maggie and by the narrative, but then it’ll be proven that it’s better for everyone if she takes a minute to consider the best move.
At some point in the episode, Maggie’s need to protect Kara because of her relationship with Alex is brought up (maybe mid-argument, for Drama). 
“If something happened to you, Alex would be destroyed,” 
“I have a responsibility to protect those people,” 
“I know. I’m a cop. But you have a responsibility to the people who love you, too.”
“...Well, Alex has you now, remember?” type deal.
Which would lead into the whole “Where do I fit in?” thing they both have with Alex, resulting in them both admitting to fearing that the other will compromise their relationship with her. There’s a whole camaraderie thing that results from it.
At the end of the episode, Maggie and Kara come up with a plan together, Maggie sharing some of her Detective Skills for Kara to internalize. 
Kara is surprisingly the one to have the eureka moment, showing us that she had the capacity to do it, just not the patience. 
They go to stop the villain together, and it goes well. At first. The villain of the episode gets the upper hand somehow, putting Supergirl in danger again. 
Then, plan-less, Maggie rushes in and Does Something Stupid to save her, and it actually works. They save the day, and in-conversation wrap up the idea that planning is the best move whenever possible, but sometimes you have to go by your gut. Lessons, all around.
When everything is said and done, Alex is finally free of the DEO and texts Kara to ask for a sister night, but Kara says that she’s busy, but maybe tomorrow would work. Alex also texts Maggie asking to hang out, but she says she’s occupied as well.
(Don’t worry, J’onn and Winn end up taking her to the bar anyway. One of those Bonding themed episodes.)
Cut to Maggie and Kara eating at some diner referenced earlier in the episode,(Maggie—healthy food, Kara—fast food) and talking and laughing about their old cases. Maggie mentions how she figured out how someone had a gun in their pants by the way they were walking, and Kara mentions the time she fought an Alien whose face turns red just before it blasts it’s victim with fire. 
“Ha. Sounds just like my boss.”
*One of those chatter/laughter wholesome ass fade outs*
In this scenario, no one looks dumb. Hell, there is even a slight amount of character regression (Kara being more reckless than usual) that spurs the Lesson on, but it’s because of a realistic character-true reaction to events within the world.
And then, ideally, Kara continues to know the skills she learned from this episode in the future.
But hopefully, if they use this Lesson technique while Mon-El is away, they’ll remember the difference between things Kara needs to learn and things she already should know.
I mean, the “I’ve got this,” in question may not actually include Kara fucking up afterward. The context of the clips in the trailer includes Kara being depressed and isolating herself from her loved ones. The “I’ve got this” could simply be an indicator of how she is going out on her own now and relying on only herself.
This is a Lesson she’s likely learning here—to let those around her help her. To let people in again, in general. But I consider this new, temporary lone wolf outlook she’s adopted to be a character-true regression.
But if it’s The Main Bad Guy, she’ll likely fail to capture him if it’s in the beginning of the ep. But none of the heroes defeat the bad guy before the climax of the episode. It’s just how tv works. She may not be shown to be incompetent in some way, just outmatched.
It’s a valid criticism of past episodes, but we’ll have to wait and see what the context of this instance is.
(I really do want Kara to have an ep in which she tries for some strategy, though. And continues to try to think that way in the future. Prayer circle for a strategy ep!)
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askderynsharp · 8 years
Vampire AU cont. 5
Alek waited until they were thoroughly out of earshot before listing his demands.
 “You will tell your superiors that you have taken me back to my cell, return my equipment, then run off somewhere else and pretend to deliver the message.”
 From the disappointed look he received Alek wondered if Dylan was fully aware of how frightened Alek was underneath his stance. This might have been a moment where the boy would have sighed, if that were an expression his kind was familiar with.
 “Blackmail, then?” he asked, almost tired, “We’re really going with blackmail?”
 “You leave me no choice!” Alek cried, “I need to go home, or else all of you will-“
 Alek cut the sentence short as he realized what he was about to say, causing a smirk to play on Dylan’s lips.
 “Die?” he offered sarcastically.
 “You know what I mean. At the very least, your ship will be destroyed.”
 “It’ll be destroyed if we don’t ask for your family’s help too,” Dylan said, “And if Doctor Barlow’s right about the cocktail we might all be blacked out under the snow by the end this week.”
 Alek remembered seeing Dylan awaken from that state and imagined an entire crew popping out of the snow with murderous intent.
 “Then I can try to convince them once I get back,” Alek said, “Either way, I need to leave before it’s too late.”
 Dylan studied him for a long time, before running a hand through his hair.
 “Alright, alright,” he said, “But first come with me.”
 Being lead through a ship of bloodthirsty monsters whilst simultaneously being full of blood gave Alek some perspective on what an unattractive lobster might feel like when cooks surrounded its tank. They would snap their heads up to inspect him as if they knew he was coming, study him for worth, and decide whatever they were doing was of a greater importance. This was disconcerting on its own, for all the Lady Boffin had assured his safety the law hadn’t stopped Dylan before, but Alek was thankful at least his interaction with the creatures was limited only a fearful glance.
 The further they walked the more irritable Dylan himself became, until finally he signaled for Alek to stop. Then, much to Alek’s shock, he grunted and slammed his fist into a wall, leaving a sizable dent. The kind of dent that could damage even the storm walker, much to Alek’s horror.
 From the way his body convulsed Dylan might have been breathing heavily, but upon closer inspection Alek could see he was merely twitching with some insane passion. Finally he seemed to compose himself, and looked pitifully back at Alek.
 “Listen, I know this is all strange for you, but can you try to be a bit less…scared?”
 Alek froze in his place, unsure if he should be offended at Dylan’s suggestion of cowardice or explain that he couldn’t exactly help it.
 “Alright, that was a daft thing to say,” Dylan admitted after some time, “But…its just I can feel it.”
 “Feel…what?” Alek asked, “Fear?”
 “Aye,” Dylan croaked, “I can smell it on you, and your pulse is so loud I feel like you’re beating me with it. I don’t know how everyone else feels, but barking spiders can you calm down a little please?”
 All Alek could do was nod slowly, unsure of how he would go about doing this. He supposed it was just something else to push away for later, like his parent’s death and the magnitude of the Pope’s letter. But then, it had been a lot easier to forget those things while held captive by monsters, Alek didn’t think there was anything more pressing then escaping this ship. He was about to say so when he saw the desperation on Dylan’s face, and for an absurd moment felt guilty that drinking his blood had made the boy so ill.  
 “I didn’t ask to be captured,” Alek said stiffly.
 “I didn’t ask to be woken up,” Dylan retorted harshly, then his face softened into a smile, “I could be having a nice nap where you found me right now, only to be awoken once we’re all set to take off again.”
 The way the boy spoke about laying dead in the snow almost sounded appealing.
 “Could you not just do that now?” Alek asked, to which the boy shook his head.
 “I don’t think I could sleep now if I ran a thousand miles,” he admitted, “But everyone says that’s normal after your first black out. Apparently I’ll be back to my usual self soon, and you can be as spooked as you like.”
 This time the comment wasn’t entirely antagonistic, which Alek did not entirely appreciate.
 “I’m not afraid,” he insisted, crossing his arms, “I would say that my concern is perfectly justified so long as I am trapped within this godless beast.”
 Something about what he had said was funny to Dylan, he laughed like a real person might have and continued on his way. Alek fell in beside him, choosing to remain silent until they reached their destination. It seemed to be a store room of some kind, mostly destroyed by the crash but with the odd crate still in tact.
 “You’ve spent most of the day Mesmerized,” Dylan said, “Which means it felt shorter, but you actually haven’t eaten in a long while.”
 Just as Alek was about to protest, he felt a pang of hunger wrench through his gut. Dylan seemed to notice this and smiled sympathetically.
 “This food’s for the beasties, but you definitely wont make it across the glacier if you don’t eat. Wont be a feast, but take whatever you can for now. Might keep you alive, and we’d really prefer you alive if you don’t mind.”
 The smile was on Alek’s lips before he could stop it.
 “A sentiment I share,” he admitted, “You needn’t wory.”
 The moment was ruined when Dylan tossed him a brick that turned out to be a packet of dried meat. Alek looked down at the suggestion in disgust, then sighed and went about unwrapping it. From his weeks on the run Alek could tell immediately that, while distasteful, the meat was fit for human consumption. Thinking of the hot bath he could have once this ordeal was over made it easier to eat the tasteless flesh, though he still felt his leather jacket would be easier to chew. After a valiant effort he no longer felt about to faint, but Dylan wasn’t finished rummaging through the crates yet.
 “One more thing,” he said, coming up to Alek with a fistful or raw spinach.
 Alek glanced between Dylan’s outstretched fist and his face.
 “You cannot be serious.”
 “I’m dead serious!” Dylan said, brows knitting together with concern, “Spinach is full of iron!”
 Dylan said this with such emphasis that Alek felt he should have known what he was talking about. Apparently his blank expression tipped the boy off.
 “You know, in the offhanded event you’ve been spontaneously suffering from an iron-deficiency for the last twenty-four hours.”
 Alek felt it wasn’t even worth saying he didn’t know what an iron-deficiency was.
 The boy groaned.
 “Iron-deficiency,” he explained slowly, “Is a common side effect of ­blood loss.”
 Alek’s eyes widened as he took the offering, unable to think of what to say.
 “Ah,” He finally managed.
 The gesture was odd to him not only because he didn’t understand how eating spinach would somehow make up for bleeding all over the snow, in the nature behind it at all. Since the moment he had broken loose of that trance Dylan had done nothing but help Alek, even if most of it was inadvertently.
 It was almost surreal, linking this boy back to the thing that had attacked him. The creature who had held him down in the snow couldn’t be capable of speech, or humor, or what Alek was realizing was a level of common decency.
 “You aren’t…” Alek found himself saying, “At all what I expected.”
 This caught Dylan’s attention, “How’d you mean?”
 “I don’t know, I suppose when I picture a vampire- apologies, ‘legal undead’, I see someone…” he waived a vague hand, “…perhaps a bit more fixated with candelabras and torture chambers.”
 Dylan snorted at this, “I can’t say I have a preference for either, and any who have either got themselves staked or could afford a cure.”
 “A cure?” Alek asked, “But Doctor Barlow said there was no cure.”
 “No perfect cure, aye,” Dylan said, “But anyone with enough money can live as though they’re human just as well. The treatment is like the vaccine. It turns you back but is only temporary, and the amount you’d need to take to live out a normal lifespan is more then any of us could afford.”
  He smirked, “If we could, there’d be no reason to be here, would there?”
 Alek blinked at him, astonished.
 When the Lady Boffin had described the undead as ‘victims’ and ‘infected’ he had to keep from rolling his eyes, but when he thought about it he supposed there was truth to the statement. It wasn’t as though Dylan had chosen to be an abomination. In all likelihood the boy had probably been attacked just as Alek had. And unlike Alek, his attacker hadn’t the decency to give him spinach afterwards. This was the past of all the men here, victims of circumstance left behind by the advancements of modern medicine.
 The Leviathan was little more than a ship of slaves.
 “Is it awful?” Alek found himself asking, to which the boy smirked and shook his head.
 “Believe it or not I wanted this life before turning,” he said, “Now I just know I’ll get to stay here forever.”
 Alek searched for sadness in him but found none.
 “So, that’s you’ve been doing, serving on this ship since you changed?” Another surreal thought occurred to him, “How old are you?”
 “In my forties, I suspect,” Dylan admitted, “But there’s really no point in counting. I know time is passing, but don’t feel as if a moment has gone by since I woke up underground.”
 Though curious about the story behind that statement, Alek wasn’t quite ready to inquire. There were other more pressing questions that came to mind.
 “Doctor Barlow insisted I didn’t need the vaccine, I didn’t tell her you bit me because-“
 “Because you wanted to blackmail me, aye,” Dylan interrupted with a smirk, “And now you’re wondering if you’re going to end up joining the crew.”
 He shook his head.
 “For that to happen I’d have to take it all.”
 Alek sighed with relief, “Then it is a good thing I was able to shove you off,” he said with a smile.
 “Shove me off?” Dylan scoffed, “Not barking likely. I snapped out of it the same time you did. I jumped off because I wanted to, if I hadn’t there wasn’t anything you would have been able to do about it, trust me.”
 The temperature of the room seemed to drop, if at all possible. Alek found himself flinching back instinctually, entirely outside his own influence.
 Dylan picked up on his discomfort and chuckled lightly.
 “It’d also take more then one trip. There’s a lot of blood in the human body, and we’re roughly the same size. I don’t think I’d get away with draining you in one go,” he looked away awkwardly, “I’m having a hard enough time handling what I did take.”
 “I’m beginning to think the law against taking fresh blood is more for your sake then mine,” Alek mused aloud.
 “I definitely never plan on trying it again.”
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