#guided meditation for anxiety
flushingmeditation · 3 days
Free Guided Meditation Lessons
Unlock your inner peace with our Free Guided Meditation Lessons. Sessions, led by mindfulness experts, will help the novice as well as the experienced to reduce his or her stress levels, focus better, and enjoy better overall well-being. It's easy to get started and free; all you need is a quiet space to sit.
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thecallingwithin · 4 months
Discover the profound ways in which yoga and meditation can help your body relax, release stress, and find inner peace. Dr. Hannah shares practical tips and insights for beginners on how to embark on a spiritual journey and explore the depths of your own consciousness. Our conversation also ventures into timeless questions that have intrigued humanity for millennia. Who are we, and what is the elusive state of enlightenment? Dr. Hannah offers her unique perspective on these age-old inquiries, shedding light on the path to self-discovery and higher consciousness.
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soarpass · 1 year
Why is mindfulness important to self-care?
17 Ways to incorporate mindfulness into your self-care routine: Mindfulness is a great practice for self-care. It involves paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental and accepting way. Start the day with mindful breathing and meditation: This involves paying attention to the present moment with a non-judgmental attitude. Regular mindfulness meditation practice can help reduce…
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Now seems as good a time as ever to post this guided meditation I found that is Jewish specific:
There are more than just this by the same person, but this is the one I've listened through myself and can vouch for.
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ghostoflillith · 11 months
Meditation really is such a huge game changer when it comes to mental health and self improvement.
Yet so many people misunderstand it, or just don't want to try it bc they think it will be boring.
Was using your imagination as a child boring? Meditation is as boring or exciting as you make it.
Many people don't know where to start, or claim they just "don't have the time," but we make time for that which is important to us.
Do you smoke cigarettes or weed?
Even just 5 minutes a day, hell, a week, can cause such a massive change in your perspective of life.
Taking the time to slow down, breathe, and sort through your brain, in a world that is so "GO GO GO," all the time, is so crucial to keeping a clear head.
Getting in touch with ourselves, who we really are, our desires and fears, in a world filled with overstimulation and escapism has never been more important.
If you are curious, or would like to get started, or even just try it out to see "what's up," I highly encourage snooping through the "guided meditation" section of youtube.
Start off small, 5 minute, 10 minute, whatever feels right to you. What videos call to you? What seems interesting to try?
(I can send you a playlist of some of my favorites if you like!)
If you are serious about bettering yourself, meditation is a GREAT and FREE way to start!
I have learned so much about myself just through 5-10 minute daily guided sessions.
I took a break but just got back into it again and I already feel so much better.
When I first started, I was in a very very low place. Each meditation I did would leave me crying and shaking, not because I was sad, but because I was purging trauma trapped in my body.
Mediation helped me learn to regulate my emotions, feel them, and allow them to pass, instead of getting trapped in them. It has given me so much clarity about myself and the world around me. It's truly one of the best things I may have ever done for myself.
It has helped me build confidence, self assurance, helped me let go of things that desperately needed to be released, helped me connect with myself and my spirit guides, taught me patience (still working on that one lol) and so so much fucking more.
It has brought me feelings of true peace, which I had not experienced before. I am not so quick to be angered or triggered, I think much more logically and am less trapped in my emotions. It's actually kind of crazy how much my brain has changed in the last 3 years from meditation. If you knew me irl, you know I used to be VERY emotional, suicidal, prone to self harm tendencies. That's not who i am anymore, and a big chunk of that is due to meditation.
I respond more frequently, not from a place of trauma, but from a place of understanding and kindness. Coming from someone who's whole personality was nothing but trauma responses....I am forever grateful to myself for deciding to begin this journey.
Meditation is one of the most powerful forms of self care I have ever encountered. It is long lasting, unlike face masks and bubble baths.
Some of the most profound meds I have done are for emotional release, and I cannot recommend this more for people with trauma of any kind. Let that shit out of your body, instead of keeping it trapped and poisoning your spirit. (Only if you feel ready)
If you can learn to control your emotions, you can truly do anything.
Do you Meditate?
What kinds of meditation are your favorite?
Do you have any favorite guided meditation channels on youtube?
If so, drop them shits in the comments!
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andronicmusicblog · 3 months
A Peaceful Perch: New YouTube Channel Offers Sanctuary for Stressed Souls
In a world that's constantly bombarding us with noise and demands, finding moments of tranquility can feel like an impossible task. But a new YouTube channel, A Peaceful Perch, is aiming to change that, offering a virtual sanctuary for those seeking solace and relaxation.
Launched just last week, the channel is already gaining traction with its carefully curated collection of music designed to soothe the mind and body. Focusing on calming melodies, ambient soundscapes, and nature-inspired tracks, A Peaceful Perch caters to a wide range of needs, from meditation and yoga to study and sleep.
"We wanted to create a space where people could escape the stresses of everyday life and find a moment of peace," says [Channel Creator's Name], the brains behind the project. "Our music isn't just about entertainment; it's about promoting well-being and helping people connect with their inner calm."
The channel's description emphasizes the scientifically proven benefits of relaxation, citing studies that link it to lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and even boosted immunity. But the creators believe that relaxation offers more than just physical perks.
"Relaxation is a gateway to creativity, intuition, and a deeper sense of inner peace," says [Channel Creator's Name]. "We hope that our music can inspire people to slow down, take a deep breath, and rediscover the joy of simply being."
A Peaceful Perch is already garnering positive feedback from viewers, with many praising the channel's calming atmosphere and the high quality of its music selections. It seems that the channel has struck a chord with those seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life.
Whether you're a seasoned meditator or simply someone looking for a way to unwind after a long day, A Peaceful Perch offers a welcoming space to explore the transformative power of relaxation. With new content being added regularly, this channel is one to watch for anyone seeking a musical oasis in the digital desert.
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hwlpro · 2 years
Introduction to Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing for Legal Professionals, brought to you by expert, Angeline Low.
To access full workshop, please visit NABLAP for membership options as this workshop is part of exclusive content created for NABLAP.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop for your organization, please contact us at 407-815-4910.
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laestoica · 1 year
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Creo que si algo nos caracteriza a quienes vivimos en Tumblr es la búsqueda: de sentido, identidad, empatía, significado, comprensión...
Buscamos sin poder encontrarnos.
Acabo de terminar este libro, de los más significativos en mi vida.
Hace dos años comencé a escuchar el podcast "El Estoico", de Pepe García, y me dió un esquema bastante sencillo y accesible sobre el estoicismo, pero poco a poco Pepe comenzó a convertirse paradójicamente en un mero producto.
Leí a Epicteto, a Marco Aurelio y a Séneca.
Obviamente Ryan Holiday me guiñó el ojo, pero bastó con ver los precios de sus libros y leer un poco de su biografía para saber que utilizaba el estoicismo como si fuera una marca.
Inevitablemente, llegué a Massimo Pigliucci, escuchaba su podcast, entrevistas, conferencias, etc. En casa me bromeaban porque todo el tiempo estaba escuchándolo o viendo su videos, me encantaba. Comencé a leer "Cómo ser un Estoico" pero algo me incomodaba, con el tiempo comprendí que aunque no se tratara de un libro de superación personal, también era un texto regurgitado.
Hasta que llegué a William Irvine. Éste es un libro sustancioso, con fundamentos filosóficos, un esquema lógico plagado de referencias, pero dirigido a lxs no filósofxs, aquellxs que buscamos una filosofía de vida alejada de la religión y la mística. Y fue aquí donde me encontré. Se los recomiendo de todo corazón.
Medito y practico mindfulness desde el 2020, un año después comencé a interesarme en el estoicismo e intentar aplicarlo intermitentemente, pero fue apenas hace unos meses que lo tomé en serio y finalmente estoy comenzando a experimentar una vida plena y serena.
En mi juventud, me apodaban Daria y yo me sentía orgullosa, pensaba que se trataba de una personalidad excepcional, una chica inteligente, distinta a las masas. Pero ¿qué sentido tiene ser inteligente e infeliz? Eso no es una virtud, es una reverenda estupidez.
Viví deprimida desde mi infancia. Después de una inmensa travesía, por fin, a los 30 años comencé un tratamiento psiquiátrico, posteriormente me diagnosticaron TLP y TDAH. En unos años logré salir de la depresión, aunque su esencia ya era parte de mí. Probé con la terapia psicológica en varias ocasiones y hoy sé que nunca más lo volvería a hacer.
Soy alcohólica, fumé mota durante distintos periodos de mi vida, la Ayahuasca me hizo ojitos, me obsesioné con el erotismo, probé con el tarot y la astrología, pero nada me complacía.
En mi insaciabilidad, llegué al punto de abandonar a mi familia, me arriesgué y lo perdí todo, me quedé sin hogar, sin sustento y aún sin motivos para vivir.
Pero el estoicismo me ha cambiado, hoy amo mi vida, cada persona con la que cuento, los momentos, las oportunidades, el viento, la luz, los sonidos... Todos y cada uno de los elementos que me conforman.
Por supuesto no estoy 100% complacida y no soy perfecta, pero dejé de buscar y me esfuerzo a cada momento por disfrutar lo efímero de mi existencia. Nunca creí leerme de una forma tan positiva, pero el día llegó y me siento serena.
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reachlovenheal · 1 year
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Crystal Healing Therapist In Pune
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a practice that involves using crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and well-being. This ancient practice has been used for centuries in various cultures and is still popular today. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of crystal healing and how it can promote overall wellness.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is a form of alternative therapy that uses crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and energy flow. It is based on the belief that each crystal has its own unique properties and energy that can be used to balance the body, mind, and spirit. Crystals are placed on or around the body, and their energy is believed to interact with the body’s energy field, promoting healing and well-being.
Benefits of Crystal Healing
Crystal healing has been used to treat a wide range of conditions and promote overall wellness. Some of the benefits of crystal healing include:
Stress Relief: Crystals such as amethyst and rose quartz are known for their calming and soothing properties, making them excellent tools for stress relief.
Pain Relief: Crystals such as clear quartz and tourmaline are believed to have pain-relieving properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as headaches, migraines, and arthritis.
Improved Sleep: Crystals such as moonstone and selenite are believed to promote restful sleep and help with insomnia.
Increased Energy: Crystals such as citrine and carnelian are believed to have energizing properties, making them useful for boosting energy levels and promoting motivation.
Emotional Healing: Crystals such as rose quartz and lapis lazuli are believed to have emotional healing properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and grief.
How to Use Crystals for Healing
There are several ways to use crystals for healing. Some common methods include:
Wearing Crystals: Crystals can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or purse for ongoing healing.
Placing Crystals on the Body: Crystals can be placed on specific areas of the body to target specific conditions.
Using Crystal Grids: Crystal grids involve placing several crystals in a specific pattern to amplify their healing properties.
Meditating with Crystals: Meditating with crystals can help to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.
Final Thoughts
Crystal healing is a fascinating practice that has been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and well-being. Whether you are looking to relieve stress, improve sleep, or treat a specific condition, crystals can be a valuable tool for achieving your health and wellness goals. With their unique properties and energy, crystals offer a natural and holistic approach to healing that can be used in conjunction with other therapies or on their own.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
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evaxinfinity · 2 years
A 3 minute guided meditation to help you find what it is your looking for in Life
When all seems lost,
Breathe in
In through the nose, out through your mouth
Really blow out those negative energies & toxins
Focus in on your Breath
Recenter & Begin Again
Every Moment is an opportunity for A New Beginning
Much love
EVA x Infinity
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flushingmeditation · 25 days
Is The Top Class Guided Meditation Lessons For Stress Relief Worth The Popularity?
The need to learn how to cope with it effectively and easily becomes more important in today's world when most of us have stress as our constant companion. Guided meditation has turned out to be a very powerful tool in stress alleviation, having multiple mental and emotional healing benefits. Better still, most of the guided meditation resources are free. In this writing piece, you can learn more about the guided meditation lessons for stress relief and free guided meditation lessons.
One of the most immediate benefits of guided meditation lessons for stress relief is relaxation. As one's mind follows the instructor's voice, it lets go of all the stress and anxiety. This immediate shift from tension into calm could be very therapeutic, hence giving one relief from life pressures.
Free guided meditation lessons provide structured support, which can easily help develop and maintain a regular practice. Guidance has the effect of helping to keep focus on what is being guided, avoiding the possibility of your mind going astray. It is thus quite useful for people starting their meditation routine or one who otherwise finds it tough to meditate.
Thus, guided meditation practices can help balance emotions. Meditation teaches people to look at thoughts and emotions without judgment, so itaids in cultivating a more balanced and resilient response to a certain stressful event or situation. Prolonged practice leads to a great decline in general stress levels.
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This, in turn, disrupts sleep—the cycle of fatigue begins, and the levels of stress begin to rise even higher. Guided meditation can improve the quality of sleep by relaxing the mind and body and getting rid of the mental chatter that keeps one awake at night. Better sleep, in turn, enhances your ability to cope with stress during the day.
Improved concentration and clarity
Stress can dim the mind and blur one's concentration and decision-making. Guided meditation lessons for stress relief clear mental clutter so that the mind will begin to refocus and become clear once more. You can, with this particular mental state, show up against obstacles in a relaxed state of mind and free of all those distractions brought about by stress in your daily life.
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yogaforcourage12 · 3 months
Free Guided Meditation For Anxiety With Yoga For Courage
Reduce anxiety with our free guided meditation sessions. Join Yoga For Courage and experience serenity and quiet in your daily life. For any further information visit: https://www.yoga4courage.com/mantra-mudra-meditation.html
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cyber-soul-smartz · 3 months
Hafsa Reasoner
Hello, I would like to invite you to get to know my newest project, "Empowered Journey: A Holistic Guide to Mindfulness and Growth". Thank you
Exploring ‘Empowered Journey’: A Holistic Guide to Mindfulness and Growth Reasoner, H. Discover Your Inner Strength With the Right Tools to Help You Reach New Heights within “Empowered Journey” With great humility, I present my latest endeavor, “Empowered Journey: A Holistic Guide to Mindfulness, Resilience, and Personal Growth.” This is not just another book but a unique and deeply personal…
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doepaoros · 4 months
Doe Paoro's Guided Meditation Music for Anxiety Soothe Your Mind
Struggling with anxiety? Let Doe Paoro's Guided Meditation Music for Anxiety be your companion in finding calm. Our unique blend of soothing music and gentle guidance is tailored to help you relax, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall well-being. Each session is thoughtfully designed to provide a tranquil atmosphere that encourages mindfulness and deep relaxation. With Doe Paoro, you can experience the power of music and meditation working together to ease your mind and bring harmony to your life. Start your journey towards anxiety-free living with our guided meditation music today.
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onefite · 7 months
5 Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Concentration
5 Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Concentration Introduction Feeling overwhelmed by life’s pressures can often lead to anxiety and a dip in concentration levels. Whether it’s due to work, personal relationships, or the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding effective ways to manage stress is crucial. Fortunately, the power of breathing techniques can serve as a simple, yet…
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