#guest: kyou
askrockandfriends · 2 years
In the few months after defeating the wicked hag Barvlona and the League of Malevolence with his party in the Palace of Heart's Desire, the Wood Elf Fighter Kyou has enjoyed relative peace at his home, now being revered by his people as a noble and brave warrior who ventured where few would dare to go and braved the faces of evil for those he had otherwise no connection to. Now, he finds himself in yet another unknown area, surrounded by new, strange, and fascinating people from all walks of life. But who is friend, and who is foe? Only the sands of time shall reveal-
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"Okay, what the fuck? A DnD muse? Really?"
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"Heh heh heh..." Homer takes a deep breath, and...
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"I think it's rather fascinating. You're a... wood elf fighter?"
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"I think it'd be great to have him on our side. We could use all the help we can get with our... influx of villains."
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"I'm in agreement with Rock. Especially as it appears he's carrying two weapons?"
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"Yeah, you*uurrrr* would, Monika."
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"I think it'd be more fun to just break him entirely. He's not in his little DnD realm anymore."
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"Perhaps I can roboticize him and make him part of my Badnik army! Or build a robot in his likeness with the sole purpose of crushing the good guys!"
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"Even if he doesn't want to join... we have ways of making him!"
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vashtijoy · 4 months
To add to my previous ask:
Yaldabaoth says "welcome to my Velvet Room" in the English version, as opposed to Igor's "welcome to the Velvet Room." Is that a thing that happens in the Japanese version, too?
Hi, thanks for your ask, which I am brushing the dust off! This is a very widely noticed detail, and you won't be surprised to hear there's a little more going on in Japanese.
In short: in the Japanese original, both Fake Igor and Igor say "welcome to my Velvet Room". However, the way they say it differs—as the whole way the two of them speak differs.
igors, what the heck
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The place most people notice this is in this cinematic, where we first meet Fake Igor.
Igor [Yaldabaoth] ようこそ、私のベルベットルウムへ。 youkoso... watakushi no berubetto ruumu e Welcome to my Velvet Room.
First of all, in case you know kanji, yes, that's the more decrepit and more formal-sounding watakushi that Yaldygor is using, not the everyday watashi which is written the same way—the same pronoun Igor used in earlier games.
For comparison, in P3P:
Igor ようこそ、ベルベットルームへ。 youkoso, berubetto ruumu e Welcome to the Velvet Room.
... while P4G Igor welcomes you that first time simply with youkoso.
a comparison: yaldabaoth vs igor
greetings in cutscenes
Yaldy and Igor both have cutscenes where you walk in and they greet you. Yaldy's is at the start of Kamoshida's Palace; Igor's is when (if you aren't on NG+) Lavenza tells you that you can no longer summon Satanael. And these two lines are identical:
Igor [Yaldabaoth] ようこそ、ベルベットルームへ。 youkoso, berubetto ruumu e Welcome to the Velvet Room. Igor ようこそ、ベルベットルームへ。 youkoso, berubetto ruumu e Welcome to the Velvet Room.
Short and sweet: "welcome to the Velvet Room". No possessives. In fact, they're both identical to that initial greeting from P3P that we looked at.
igor's additional greeting
But True Igor has a second one of these, when you arrive to find your cell door open:
Igor ようこそ、我がベルベットルームへ。 youkoso, waga berubetto ruumu e Welcome to the Velvet Room. Welcome to my Velvet Room.
waga is a possessive. This is True Igor saying "my Velvet Room"! Per Wiktionary, waga is "a fossilized phrase... that carries old-fashioned connotations, and suggests a favorable view of the following noun". Wikipedia further calls it "faux-archaic" and points out that it retains its grammar from Old Japanese, with ga serving as a possessive in wa-ga. Let's keep looking.
when you walk in
Now, both Fake Igor and True Igor have a default line that they use when you walk in. And these lines are profoundly different:
Igor [Yaldabaoth] ようこそ…私のベルベットルームへ。今日は、何をして欲しいのだ? youkoso… watakushi no berubetto ruumu e. kyou wa, nani o shite hoshii no da? Welcome to my Velvet Room… What do you need today? [lit. welcome to my Velvet Room. what is it you want me to do today?] Igor ようこそ…我がベルベットルームへ。ご用件をお聞き致しましょう… youkoso… waga berubetto ruumu e. go-youken o o-kiki itashimashou… Welcome to the Velvet Room. Let me hear your business. [lit. welcome to my Velvet Room. I will humbly listen to your honourable business.]
In Japanese, the difference between them is screamingly obvious. True Igor is using humble language (kenjougo, a form of keigo) to talk about his own actions, with that o-kiki itashimasu ("I will humbly listen") and that beautified go-youken ("your honourable business"). Even his possessive, waga, honours its object to a degree—"my/our honoured Velvet Room". Again, P3 and P4 Igor spoke in just this way—humble and formalised.
But Fake Igor, the God of Control? Well... he's not using any form of keigo. In fact, he's not even using polite forms. He asks you what you want with no da!—which, on a question, is an interrogative construct that demands an answer! "Why are you even here?" "What do you want this time?"
True Igor sounds like an old retainer on a dusty estate somewhere: you are the guest, the customer, and he is the servant. Fake Igor addresses you as if he's your superior. In fact, the way he's addressing you is rude. Like he's the important one here. Like a guard with a prisoner.
And, if you were used to the ritualised humility P3 and P4 Igor spoke with, Fake Igor's blunt language style must have come as quite a shock.
pronouns generally
While Real Igor also uses watakushi as his pronoun, Fake Igor also sometimes uses that honorific, formalised waga possessive:
Igor [Yaldabaoth] 我が試みは水泡に帰し…全ては終わったのだ。 waga kokoromi wa suihou ni kishi... subete wa owatta no da My experiment has come to naught… Everything is over. [lit. know that my efforts have been in vain... that it has all ended.] Igor 私の名は、イゴール。 watakushi no na wa, igooru My name is Igor.
True Igor uses waga to honour the Velvet Room. But Yaldygor reserves waga for his own grand plan—"my efforts", or "my game", as he says in that same scene—and uses watakushi no as his possessive at all other times.
Note that the word for a scientific experiment is not kokoromi, but 実験 jikken—which makes Fake Igor's statement something more like "all my efforts have been in vain". That suihou ni kisuru is literally something like "ended in foam"—we might say "melted before my eyes", or "like foam on the ocean".
So what can we learn from all this? Well, given that English lacks a formalised honorific system such as Japanese has, English Yaldygor's "my Velvet Room" is a good way of conveying something unsavoury about the character.
But it also means the characters are slightly different. English Yaldygor is marked by that possessiveness over the Velvet Room itself—the position and place that he stole from Igor. Japanese Yaldygor, on the other hand, is marked by how he treats you, the protagonist. He talks down to you, which True Igor never does. He disrespects you. He clearly believes that he is the centre of the Velvet Room, the important part of it—not its guest, as Igor does.
And sure, that leads to a feeling of ownership of the Room, but that's not all it is—or even the most important thing, because True Igor also expresses possession of the Room. Japanese Yaldygor talks, in every way, like someone who would lock you in a prison cell in chains and torture you. Like someone who thinks he's a bigshot, and you are dirt.
And that's the difference between them—which their language so clearly conveys.
revision history
click here for the latest version.
v1.2 (2024/05/21)—clarified true igor's use of waga.
v1.1 (2024/05/21)—clarified an unclear mention of fake igor.
v1.0 (2024/05/21)—first posted.
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yuiyuihan · 1 month
The special guest for A2 is Kojima Haruna!
240819 AKB48 'Kyou wa Dare ni Koi wo Suru?' stage
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tamapalace · 11 months
Ano-Chan Performs on CDTV Live! With Mametchi & Kuchipatchi
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How cute is this? Ano-Chan a member of the Tama Family, and who’s newest song on her album is featured in the latest Tamagotchi Uni commercials, just performed lived with two familiar guests on October 23rd, 2023. Ano-Chan was performing on Count Down TV aka CDTV Live!
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Count Down TV is a Japanese late-night music television program, broadcast on TBS since 1993. The program is shown weekly, and features a Japanese music video hit chart countdown, live performances from musicians and music information.
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Ano performed her song Namida-kun, Kyou mo Ohayou which translates to Namida-kun, good morning today too, this song is featured in the three new Tamagotchi Uni commercials recently released by Bandai Japan.
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Ano and Bandai coordinated both Mametchi and Kuchipatchi appearing on stage and dancing during the live performance!
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larkawolfgirl · 1 year
Into the Future
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Relationship: Wolfram von Bielefeld/Shibuya Yuuri
Summary:  Yuuri uses a magical nightcap to see his future. He wasn't prepared for the revelation that glimpse into the future gave him.
Read on ao3
Another night, another ball. The ballroom of Blood Pledge Castle was decorated with the nicest fineries that Yuuri would allow. The young king wasn’t fond of these grand events. They were too showy and a waste of taxpayer’s money, in his opinion. Still, there was tradition which must be upheld, or so Gunter constantly prattled on about. Yuuri was pretty sure Wolfram wouldn’t be too happy about terminating all future balls either. That said, Wolfram didn’t appear to be enjoying that night's.
The blond was dressed in elegant attire and had stood directly by his side at every opportunity. Normally, Wolfram would animatedly converse with the dignitaries, but tonight, he remained silent for the most part. He reminded Yuuri somewhat of a guard dog, silently assessing the room for any dangers. The only times he parted from Yuuri’s side was when the king agreed to dance with the many ladies who approached him throughout the evening. Even then, the blond’s eyes remained keenly on him.
Splitting his focus, Yuuri kept his eyes on the mazoku as he twirled a young brunette girl around. She looked close to his own age, which Yuuri assumed meant she was in her late eighties. The idea still made his head spin. She was pretty and seemed nice enough, but he was more interested in what was going on inside his friend’s head.
Wolfram’s eyes narrowed at the pair as they spun around. His fists clenched and his jaw tightened. Yuuri knew that look far too well. As the music faded out, he let out an exasperated sigh at the conflict he knew was coming.
The girl looked at him inquisitively. “Is something wrong, Your Highness?”
Yuuri shook his head. “Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. Thank you for the dance.” His fingers fidgeted over the material of his regal suit pants.
The girl grinned and curtsied politely. “The pleasure was mine.”
Yuuri gave her a warm smile before bidding her farewell. He headed back to Wolfram, but his steps were slow. He wasn’t in a rush to get yelled at.
“Wolf,” he greeted his friend with a smile, attempting to smooth over Wolfram’s poor mood. “I hope you’re having fun.”
Wolfram scoffed, his tone sharp and laced with bitterness. “Having fun? How could I possibly have fun watching you dance with all these women?”
Yuuri's smile faltered. He had expected this, but the venom in Wolfram's words was stronger than he had expected. “All I did was dance.” His voice came out strained, attempting to diffuse the situation.
Wolfram's face contorted with frustration, his voice growing louder, echoing through the ballroom. "Just dance? Do you have any idea how it feels to stand here and see the person I love, the person I'm engaged to, wrapped in the arms of someone else?"
The surrounding guests turned their attention to the scene unfolding and began whispering among themselves.
Yuuri glanced at the guests fretfully. Gesturing outside, he asked, “Can we maybe take this outside?” His hand touched Wolfram’s arm, but Wolfram shook his arm out of his grasp.
“No! I’m sick of you downplaying my very real feelings.” He was still angry, but beneath the anger was evident sadness. Yuuri could tell by the sunken look in his eyes and the slight puff in his cheeks. “How am I supposed to trust you not to cheat on me as soon as there aren’t prying eyes around?”
Was that the real reason Wolfram kept so close to him? He was afraid of what he might get up to when he wasn’t around.
Out of habit, Yuuri defended himself the same way he had a million times. “I am not a cheater. It wouldn’t even be cheating anyway.” At his words, Wolfram’s gaze flickered with hurt animosity. Realizing he had made a mistake, Yuuri softened his expression and took a step closer to Wolfram. Sincerely, he said, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't realize how much it would affect you."
He had only ever been trying to be polite. What was he supposed to do? He was supposed to be the kind demon king, after all.
Wolfram's fists clenched at his sides, his voice shaking with a mix of anger and pain. "You never seem to realize, do you? I've given you my heart, my loyalty, and yet it feels like I'm just a bystander in your life."
The onlookers grew silent, the tension in the air palpable. Wolfram's outburst echoed through the ballroom, capturing the attention of everyone present.
Yuuri reached a trembling hand to Wolfram's arm again, desperate to bridge the growing divide between them. Luckily, he didn’t move away from the touch this time. "Wolfram, of course, you are more than a bystander to me. I know I haven't always shown it, but you mean so much to me. You are my best friend.”
“Friend…” Wolfram took several breaths, his eyes searching Yuuri’s face for sincerity. When he spoke again, it was quiet and somber. “Is that all I’ll ever be to you?”
Yuuri took a step back. That was the best thing he could offer up in his book. But he knew what Wolfram wanted. “I…Is that really so bad?” He scratched his arm. “Isn’t it good enough that I want you to stay by my side?”
Wolfram’s shoulders sagged. "Promise me that I won't have to feel this way again," Wolfram pleaded.
The vulnerability on his face shook Yuuri, and he found himself nodding. It had never ever been his intention to hurt him. "I promise that I will do my best."
With a groan, Wolfram pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you mean well, Yuuri, but that’s the problem. I can only deal with so much of you trying. I need some sort of action, or else this is never going to work.”
Yuuri’s face must have shown his fear, because Wolfram dropped his hand and continued in a softer tone, “I know that we want different things. I’m not trying to force you into anything, but I need you to give me something, Yuuri. I need you to give me something , or I don’t think I can keep doing this. Can’t you at least give me peace of mind? Relief that I won’t have to go through this every month?”
Yuuri frowned. He didn’t want to lose Wolfram from his life. “But what else am I supposed to do?”
“Tell them no,” Wolfram answered immediately with agitation.
“But it isn’t right for me to be rude to our guests.”
Wolfram scowled. “I don’t care what nonsense Gunter says, it’s only right that you refuse to dance with anyone besides your fiance.”
“But I’ve danced with Conrad plenty of times. And Greta.”
“That’s different. They are family. Besides, I trust them.”
There was a moment of silence. Then, Yuuri spoke with determination. “Okay. I won’t do this again.”
The blond’s entire body relaxed. He stepped forward with open arms. It was an invitation and Yuuri welcomed it, hugging his friend back. Many guests were still watching them, some were even oo’ing as if they were the sweetest thing they had seen all week, but for once Yuuri didn’t care. He felt safe in Wolfram’s arms, and he hoped that Wolfram felt safe as well. He didn’t want to hurt him any more than he already had.
Gunter rose as Yuuri entered his office the next morning. "Ah! Good morning, Your Majesty! You look as radiant as always. I have prepared a riveting lecture over the Great Water Flood of 1504."
The tutor's face was gleeful, but Yuuri felt a twinge of guilt as he asked him to change his plans. "Actually, Gunter... I was hoping we could explore the treasury room today."
As expected, Gunter's expression fell. "The treasury, sire? Why ever for?"
"Well, as the king, I should know what we have stored in there. I only know about a handful of items, so I was hoping you could give me a lecture on each item's uses and backstories."
Gunter clasped his hands, his face lighting up once again. "That is a marvelous idea, Your Majesty! Of course, you would think of such a marvelous thing!"
Gunter led the way to the treasury room. Dust particles danced in the sunlight that streamed through the narrow windows, adding an air of mystery to the room. Morgif wailed in greeting from where he was held up against the side wall.
Yuuri raised a hand to the sword. “Hey, Morgif. Have you been having fun without me?”
The sword wailed louder. Yuuri gave a cringing smile in return, unsure whether the sword was exclaiming in agreement or chastising him for leaving him alone in here. He had a strong feeling it was the latter. “How about we go play together later, okay?”
Morgif huffed and let out a long ooo sound.
“Sounds like a plan.”
"Your Majesty, over here" Gunter announced, gesturing toward a display case in the corner of the room. "This is where we keep some of our most extraordinary and enchanting items."
Yuuri's eyes widened with anticipation as he approached the display case. His gaze was immediately drawn to a shining object at the center. It was a majestic headpiece adorned with intricate designs and sparkling gems.
"What's that?" Yuuri asked, his voice filled with wonder.
Gunter beamed. "This is the Foresees Night Cap. It is said to possess the ability to reveal glimpses of the future to the wearer within their dreams."
Yuuri leaned in closer, his eyes fixated on the nightcap. Its craftsmanship was impeccable, and the jewels shimmered as if holding secrets within their depths. "It's fascinating," Yuuri murmured, his fingers itching to touch the artifact.
Gunter smiled, pleased that Yuuri was taking an interest in his lecture for once. "Quite so. All you have to do is wear it on your head when you go to bed. Not only can you see the future, but you can live it as well."
"Can I try it?"
Gunter hesitated for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Of course, Your Majesty. It is crucial, though, that you never take the nightcap off while in the future, or else you risk becoming stuck in that time. Remember, you may not be pleased by what you see. The future is ever-changing. What the nightcap shows will only be one of several possibilities: the one that you are most aligned with at this current point in time. However, any change in your current actions or line of thinking may alter the future in enormous ways.”
That made sense. Lots of time travel stories Yuuri had watched and read used this as a plot point. In that case, it almost seemed pointless. Any future he saw might not come about because of him seeing it. Yet, if his future was horrible, then he could gain the knowledge to change it. Despite the uncertainty, he felt an inexplicable pull toward the nightcap, an eagerness to glimpse the path that lay ahead. As the king of a kingdom, it seemed important to check in on the future to make sure he wasn’t leading them toward doom or anything.
Really, though, he was just curious.
Carefully, Yuuri reached out and lifted the nightcap from its display case. He marveled at its weightlessness, its texture smooth against his fingertips. With a mix of trepidation and excitement, he placed the nightcap on his head.
He waited for something magical to happen, but his expectations were left by the wayside. He could barely even feel the nightcap in place it was so weightless. No sparks flew and no visions played over his eyes.
Gunter chuckled. “As I said, Your Majesty, you must sleep with it. Now,” the tutor gestured back to the display case, “might I show you some of our other artifacts?”
That evening, Yuuri entered his bedchamber with the nightcap still securely on his head. He moved with a sense of purpose, preparing for bed as quickly as possible in anticipation of what the nightcap might reveal to him. As he began to change into his sleepwear, he was interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door opening.
Back from his evening bath, Wolfram paused in the doorway as he set his eyes on Yuuri’s new headpiece.
“What are you wearing?” His voice was a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
A small smile tugged at Yuuri’s lips. "A nightcap," he answered simply.
Wolfram's eyebrows furrowed, clearly perplexed by Yuuri's choice of attire. "Why?"
"To keep my ears warm," Yuuri responded nonchalantly as he finished dressing as if it were the most obvious explanation in the world.
Wolfram plopped down in an armchair and crossed his arms, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "It's summer, Yuuri."
Yuuri shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "So? I have low body temperature."
Wolfram rolled his eyes. "Sure you do."
Yuuri chuckled, slipping into bed and adjusting the nightcap slightly. He patted the empty space next to him, inviting Wolfram to join him. "Come on. You can tease me all you want in the morning, but for now, let's get some rest."
With a mixture of exasperation and fondness, Wolfram relented and climbed into bed, casting a lingering gaze at the nightcap.
Just as the night before, the blond kept a reasonable distance between them. Perhaps he was still upset by what had happened at the ball, or perhaps he thought that this would give Yuuri less reason to “cheat” on him. Either way, Yuuri was acutely aware of the change. He enjoyed his personal space, but he didn’t like knowing that Wolfram was still troubled and having no idea what to do about it. Maybe the nightcap could help him figure something out.
Yuuri closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation in his head. Warmth radiated his senses through the darkness of his closed eyelids. I know you show the future, but can you help me sort things out with Wolfram? he pleaded to the nightcap. A gentle lullaby began to whisper within his mind quickly sending him into sleep.
Yuuri's eyes fluttered open. His bedchamber was strangely unfamiliar. The bedsheets were a different color and decorations he had never seen before adorned the walls. Looking up, he could see a large hand-painted canvas hanging above the bed frame.
Wolfram must have painted it, he realized.
It was a snapshot of their family, the three of them standing together in vibrant, alive colors. Yuuri wasn’t an art critic, but he could tell that a lot of warmth and love went into its creation. In the painting, Yuuri had his arms wrapped around a smiling Wolfram. Their happiness was palpable and it made something stir inside Yuuri’s chest.
He wanted them to be that happy.
Movement against his chest disturbed his train of thought. Wolfram–always beautiful–looked ten times so as he held himself up with a single arm. His chest hovered over Yuuri’s own, the neckline of his baby blue nightgown sagging to leave the view of his front exposed. His legs shifted against Yuuri as he made himself more comfortable.
Wolfram’s beautiful face wrinkled. “Why are you wearing that ridiculous thing on your head? You look stupid.”
Wolfram made a swipe at the nightcap, but Yuuri ducked his head down and out of reach. Yuuri's brows furrowed, feeling a mix of offense and embarrassment. His head felt like it was spinning. Hadn’t Wolfram asked him the same thing just the night before? That really meant he must be in the future.
"Hey, it's not ridiculous!" Yuuri exclaimed. "And it's... important," he stuttered, struggling to hide the truth without outright lying.
Wolfram chuckled, the sound comforting yet teasing. He leaned in closer, locking their eyes together. "No reason to get so worked up over it, wimp. I still love you, no matter how silly you look."
Yuuri's heart fluttered at the mention of their love, but he couldn't shake the overwhelming confusion that consumed him. He wasn’t in love with Wolfram. So, why was this future making him so excited? Why was this the future he was seeing anyway?
Wolfram laughed at whatever expression he was making. Before Yuuri knew what was happening, Wolfram swooped in and stole a kiss. Yuuri remained stock still until the blond broke away, when he traced his finger over his trembling lips.
Wolfram just stole his first kiss!  
“Such a wimp so early in the morning. It’s all that thinking and worrying. You don’t have any meetings or anything today, so just cuddle your husband and try to get some more sleep.” Saying this, the blond settled down fully flush against him.
Yuuri’s heart pounded in his chest and his hands flexed as he fought back the insane urge to cuddle him back. “We’re married?” he asked in a trembling voice.
Wolfram lifted his head, raising an eyebrow at the question. His expression was a mix of amusement and concern. “Yuuri…We’re been married for a while now. Are you not feeling well?”
“No!” he cried immediately. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Your acting strangely. Forgetting we’re married and not even touching me since you woke up. Normally, you’d be pushing me into the bed by now.” Wolfram broke out into laughter.
Yuuri's eyes widened as his mind frantically raced. No, no, no, no! He was not about to start thinking about them having…doing…."I…It’s too early for that!" he cried out embarrassedly.
Wolfram's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he studied Yuuri. "Oh? Having dirty thoughts are we? I just meant you’d hold me down in a cuddle, but if that’s what you want to do, I’m not about to complain."
Yuuri felt ready to combust on the spot. "No! I... I mean... I don't know what I mean. I just... ugh..."
Wolfram's expression softened, and he pulled Yuuri into a gentle embrace. "Jeez, I’m just kidding. Your memory really is a bit off today, isn’t it? You should probably go see Gisela later.”
Yuuri’s breathing eased and he relaxed back into the mattress. Wolfram’s weight on him was surprisingly pleasant and grounding.
This was his future–their future. He had never thought they would ever actually get married, but looking at that painting and the beautiful peace painted over the real Wolfram’s face, he wondered how he had ever imagined any other future.
He still didn’t feel prepared. Definitely not for pushing anyone into the bed , but maybe he could get there.
Faintly, he could hear that lullaby again.
Yuuri's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding in his chest as he found himself back in his own bedroom, surrounded by familiar sights and sounds. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and his breath came in short gasps as he tried to comprehend what he had just experienced. It had to have been just a dream, right? But it felt so real.
And as he caught his breath and removed the nightcap from its perch on his head, he realized it didn’t matter. Whether that was the future or not, it was the future he wanted.
He wanted Wolfram to finally be happy. Not the sort of happy where he had to hold himself back or the sort of happiness where he had to give something up. The sort of happiness where he could just exist without worrying that Yuuri was going to up and leave him or throw him aside for someone else. And Yuuri wanted to bask in that happiness.
Yuuri was happy. Thinking back, he had a lot of happiness in his life. But the happiness that he saw in that painting was unique and foreign. He wanted to curl up in the safe haven that the future Wolfram showed him. The weight of his body on his was comforting in a way Yuuri couldn’t comprehend.
When he had first come to Shin Makoku, he had been terrified by the prospect of holding the lives and well-being of so many people in his hands. Honestly, it was still a bit terrifying. But the thought of holding Wolfram’s and Greta’s that way was different. He wanted to keep them both safe and have them keep him safe in return.
He longed for that future with Wolfram, but did he long for Wolfram himself? Yuuri had always assumed that he was straight, and so far, he had gotten by without any issues.
Well, except for the fiance that had landed on his lap. Sure, Wolfram was pretty, but everyone knew that. And sure, Yuuri’s eyes were always drawn to his exposed skin, but that wasn’t abnormal, was it? Exposed skin was exposed skin.
It wasn’t as if he had been tempted to do anything when future Wolfram suggested sex.
Yuuri’s traitorous fingers flexed at the memory of wanting to hold him. Then, his lips tingled at the memory of their kiss.
Damn it.
He sucked in a breath as uncertainty washed over him. He didn’t have enough to go off of, but he also wouldn’t dare get Wolfram’s hopes up for nothing. It was a positive sign that future him had managed to “stand” to the task, but what if it had only been a dream?
Were there magics that could help with that? Maybe he really should go see Gisela, even if the question itself was enough to make him explode in embarrassment.
At least Wolfram was still asleep beside him and didn’t hear the flustered cry he let out.
Footsteps echoed softly in the hallway of the castle as Yuuri made his way toward Gisela's office, questions and uncertainties swirling in his mind the entire way.
When he finally arrived at Gisela's door, Yuuri took a deep breath to steady himself before knocking gently.
The door swung open, revealing the gentle smile of the healer. "Your Majesty! What brings you here today?" Gisela's kind eyes reflected genuine interest and concern.
Yuuri's voice trembled slightly as he spoke. "Gisela, I... I need your help. I don’t know what to do about my feelings for Wolfram."
Kind as she usually was, Gisela ushered him inside, inviting him to take a seat. "Of course. I'm here to listen and offer guidance. Please, share what's been weighing on your heart."
Yuuri leaned forward, his hands fidgeting nervously in his lap. "I always thought I was straight, but Wolfram... he's been there for me, supporting me and caring for me. I decided I do want to marry him and make him happy, but…I don’t know if I can."
Gisela nodded in understanding, her gentle presence providing a sense of reassurance. "Feelings can be complex, Your Majesty. They don't always fit neatly into predefined categories. What's important is being true to yourself and exploring your emotions with an open heart."
Yuuri sighed, relieved that his feelings weren’t as strange as they seemed to him. That still didn’t give him any action, though. "But how do I know if I can be attracted to Wolfram? How can I sort through these feelings?"
Gisela's gaze was compassionate. "Self-discovery takes time, Yuuri. It's about exploring your emotions and being honest with yourself. One way to start is by reflecting on how you feel when you imagine a future with Wolfram. Do you feel a sense of joy and warmth? Can you envision a life filled with love and happiness by his side?"
Images of Wolfram's smile, his unwavering loyalty, and moments shared flooded his mind and filled him with renewed longing. "Yes. That’s not the problem. I…don’t know if I can…ugh…have sex with him.
“Oh!” Gisela straightened her spine, doing her best to hide her surprise. “Well, that’s a bit easier to figure out.”
“But I’ve never…I…” Yuuri didn’t want to finish that train of thought, and by Gisela’s expression, he didn’t need to either.
“That’s okay. So, you haven’t even looked at another man that way before?”
Yuuri shook his head. “No way.” Sure, he had admired the physical structure of certain baseball players in the past and felt compelled by a smile or two, but that wasn’t sexual.
Gisela pursed her lips. “Then, what about Wolfram specifically? You two share a bed at night. Have your thoughts ever wandered?”
“Uh…” They definitely had. Nowhere near the point she was probably alluding to, but that was because Yuuri had thoroughly cut them off each time. Wondering what it might feel like to touch over the smooth skin of Wolfram’s shoulder or thigh. And maybe, just maybe, once or twice wondering what it would feel like to kiss his lips.
But that still didn’t mean that he could go through with…all of it.
The healer’s expression contracted. “I can’t help you if you close yourself up.”
“Arg, fine! Yes! But very mild. Pure vanilla.”
She held a hand up, giggling at his phrasing. “Alright, I think I understand. As long as you have had thoughts, then I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
“Yeah, but…” Yuuri wrung his hands. “I couldn’t bare it if I disappointed Wolfram in the end.”
Gisela sighed. Smiling softly, she placed her hand over his own. “Lord Bielefeld cares for you deeply. I don’t think he is so shallow as to abandon you over something like that. He’s stuck with you so far, has he not?”
The tension in Yuuri’s shoulders eased. “You think so? You can’t just give me some sort of magic Viagra.”
“I don’t know what Viagra is, but I don’t think so. Just take small steps. Communicate openly with him, and allow yourself to be vulnerable. I’m sure you can figure things out together.”
As he left Gisela’s office, he felt a mixture of determination and nervousness swirling within him. He was going to have to discuss things with Wolfram. He knew that Wolfram would be disappointed if he really couldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but he was no longer worried that he would abandon him over it. Still, the prospect of telling him his uncertainty and then truly failing to deliver on the future that he saw felt mortifying.
Nerves still ran through his body when he turned to Wolfram after dinner. “Can we talk in private?” he asked in a shaky voice.
Wolfram eyed him suspiciously but nodded. As if they were on the same wavelength, Wolfram began walking toward their shared bedchamber.
The more privacy for this the better.
Once they entered the private chamber and sat down on the settee Yuuri took a deep breath to gather his courage. “Wolf, I need to tell you something important. You asked me before why I wore that nightcap. It let me see into the future... And in that future, we were married."
Wolfram's eyes widened, a mixture of hope and disbelief washing over his features. "Married? You mean... you actually saw us together?"
Yuuri nodded, his voice filled with a mix of conviction and vulnerability. "Yeah, I saw a life where we were happy, where our love for each other was undeniable. It made me realize how much I really do want to build a future with you."
A flicker of joy danced in Wolfram's eyes, but he sensed a hesitation in Yuuri's words. "There's something else, isn't there?"
Yuuri swallowed hard, his gaze falling to the ground before meeting Wolfram's again. "I'm...not sure if I'm sexually attracted to you or not. I don't want to hurt you."
Wolfram's expression softened, his hand reaching out to gently touch Yuuri's cheek. “Wimp, how can you know until you try?”
“I…uh…” Yuuri stamered.
Wolfram chuckled. “It’s okay, Yuuri. I’m just glad you’re being honest with me. I will keep on loving you no matter what. Besides, physical attraction is only one facet of love, and we can explore that together, at our own pace."
Yuuri's heart swelled at Wolfram's understanding and acceptance. He felt the weight of his worries start to lift. "You're right. Love is more than just physical attraction. It's about the deep bond that has grown between us. I want to be able to explore that connection without rushing or putting pressure on ourselves."
Wolfram's smile was radiant, his voice filled with tenderness. "Yuuri, I'm willing to wait and support you in any way I can. We don’t have to do anything right away unless you want it. All I’ve ever really wanted was to remain by your side and to be wanted."
Yuuri's fears began to melt away, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and determination. He took Wolfram's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers. "I’ve always wanted you, Wolf. I just didn’t realize how much. Thanks, I really appreciate how patient you are with me."
“You only appreciate it?” Wolfram teased.
Yuuri laughed, words tumbling out easier than he ever thought they would. “I love it.”
“It or me?”
“You,” he said leaning in. “You of course.”
To both of their surprise, he kissed his willing fiance. It was tender and tentative, but it was so much better than his first. Curiosity and desire stirred him to actually move his lips this time. The lips were the same, yet this kiss felt like uncharted territory. Warmth spread through Yuuri’s body, heating the most strongly within his chest. Wolfram's lips were soft and yielding, responding to Yuuri's touch with a mixture of surprise and delight. His arms wrapped around Yuuri, pulling him closer, and deepening the kiss.
In that single moment, all doubts and uncertainties faded away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of rightness.
When they finally pulled apart, a soft gasp escaping their lips, Yuuri found himself staring into Wolfram's eyes. At that moment, Yuuri knew that he would make this work, one way or another. With the taste of Wolfram's lips on his own, he found the courage to step forward.
The future wasn't set in stone, but Yuuri was assured that if he stumbled, Wolfram would be right there to pick him up.
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kanawolf · 7 months
All Modern AU Ideas (currently) For Demon Slayer :3
(under the cut cause this is 4 pages in google docs)
Women's support group! Kotoha leaving her abusive husband early and not running into Douma's arms because she was tipped off to the group by Shizu Shinazugawa (who started attending while her husband was alive but especially stayed after he died and she was left alone with 7 children).
Ruka is part of the group, not because she divorced Shinjurou, but because she is living separately from him for a while due to how he started handling her illness as it worsened and she couldn’t keep up with his needs as well as her sons, much less her own. She found a lot of support with the group and was able to confront Shinjurou about his drinking with their help.
The “Spider Demon Mother” was forced into a relationship at a young age by her parents and with the help of the older ladies she was able to break out of it and is starting to branch back out in the hopes of reconnecting with her close friends that her ex separated her from.
Noriko isn’t part of the group due to relationship reasons but because they’ve been helping her keep her alcohol and nicotine intake in check
Kyoujurou is a part time history teacher part time college student. He lives on his own while Ruka and Senjurou live with his father (there was a period of time they were separated, but Ruka and Shin were able to work through their issues and moved back in together). Kyou’s relationship with his father is slightly strained due to a falling they had a few years before during one of Ruka’s hospitalizations. Things have been slowly but steadily getting better, even if they are still a bit awkward
Senjurou is starting highschool this year (he is a little nervous about his brother possibly playing favorites but also thinks he's reasonably enough to judge senjurous work fairly, like he does the other students)
He's very passionate about art but isn't certain if his father will support him in this, though Kyou and Ruka both absolutely will / do (and shin will too eventually)
He is absolutely going to be part of Tanjirous Squad even though he's two years younger as he's also in the same class as Nezuko (who is his best friend)
Tengen is a part time art teacher and part time college student who has severed ties to his family after his fathers’ abuse became a huge scandal and in their home city. His youngest siblings have slowly started reaching out, and he really doesn’t know how to feel about this
He is best friends with Rai still, who in turn made him befriend Giyuu (who he genuinely gets along with now). He’s officially dating Hina and Suma, but Makio hasn’t opened up to the idea of officially dating yet. Makio and Suma are currently dating though
Hina is a part time medical assistant who’s studying pharmaceuticals and has a particular interest in cures for various poisons. Suma works at a restaurant while studying culinary arts, though she and Hina both study historical fashion & make up. Makio studies martial arts, helps train newer students, and is studying ancient warfare. She also has a ghost hunting podcast she started with Suma (rai, tengen, and mitsuri are the most common guests in the show, but for varying reasons – namely, rai and tengen are delinquents)
The Twelve Kizuki are a gang?
Muzan secretly sponsors the gang? with Kibutsuji Industries (his business is historical artifacts, ancient flora protection, and textiles)
He is distantly related to Ubuyashiki but ignores this whenever people try to bring it up so everyone has just assumed that there was a falling out and has learned to not push it
Ubuyashiki has fingers in private security, medicine, education, and conservation acts. He is obscenely wealthy and frequently donates to charities.
Mitsuri is a painter and baker, both subjects she studies in college as well as has part time jobs for. She frequently visits and is visited by her family. She practices archery in her spare time (with Giyuu) and is the one who officially started the “Hashira” group that the in canon Hashira are all part of + Rai, Shiori, Makomo, and Sabito
She's also a volunteer at one of the local dance studios
Obanai, unofficially adopted by the Rengoku’s, tends to visit them about as often as Kyoujurou does (ie, not often), works with the local zoo specifically in the snake habitat. He’s head over heels for Mitsuri, who he met through Kyoujurou, who had become friends with Mitsuri back in high school while Obanai took a year of school elsewhere. He’s studying zoology currently, but isn’t certain if that’s what he wants to do. His minor is in music production (something Tengen wholeheartedly supports)
Sanemi is a part time math teacher, part time bouncer at a bar. He started working earlier (in restaurants, running deliveries, etc) to try and help his mother out with the bills, especially after his abusive father was murdered in an alley one night. He was beaten by his father, and tended to get in fights with people who insulted his mother / siblings as he is fiercely protective over them. He still has his temper and mean streak, but his relationship with Genya is a lot better & there are more ways / people who can cool his ass down. He does boxing and wrestling (along with Kyoujurou).
He prides himself on his math skills as they allowed him to get a more sophisticated job without having a super great education. He is making up for lost time though and is a part time college student.
Genya is in highschool, Sanemi made sure that he was able to get started in education earlier than he was able to, but he also works part time at a cat cafe / cat daycare (one that Gyoumei runs). He was forcibly friend adopted by the Kamado’s and now has to reckon with that considering his brother is also his teacher some of the time (does mean he does pretty well on math generally). The scar on his face was left by his father.
Gyoumei helps run a cat cafe / cat daycare that is very popular, especially with students thanks to how close it is to the highschool and college. He’s close to finishing his own college degree (in business with a minor in veterinary sciences) and is being prepped by the current owner of the cat cafe to take over.
His many orphans that he took care of in the manga all work at the cafe with him and he is slowly legally adopting all of them
Kaigaku was going to be one of Gyoumei’s official wards but was legally adopted (along Zenitsu) by Jigorou. However, the mental shit he deals with means that he actually spends more time crashing at Gyoumei’s apartment (especially started doing this after Zenitsu was adopted). He’s just starting college and has no idea what he wants to major in so is taking it slow and helps Gyoumei in the cat cafe + practices kendo and plays basketball so as to keep physically fit / get his aggression out.
Technically not related to Rai, still is called little brother by them. Still thinks of them as an older brother (some of the time, usually out of their hearing)
Zenitsu was also legally adopted by Jigorou and absolutely refers to him as gramps still, and he is befriended by Tanjirou in a semi-similar way (basically, he had a panic attack outside the school on his first day and Tanjirou and Nezuko helped him through it so he decided to stick with them). He has interests in learning the shamisen (in part because of Shiori), as well as geology and how lightning strikes can affect the human body (because he was still struck by one). He also has a pet (bird? bunny?) names Chuntaro
Rai was not officially adopted by Jigorou but does still call him gramps as he was their mentor during their kendo period and helped their family out many times (he is, technically a legal guardian for them though after their parents fell on some financial trouble when they were a kid and he helped them out by taking Rai in). They practice archery, martial arts, pole / aerial / modern dancing styles, and woodworking while mostly focusing on college, volunteering at the same clubs / studios they learn at, and working as a photographer (often photographs models and things for clients)
They sort of accidentally befriended the Kamadosquad after they showed up at his highschool to pick him one time and Nezuko pretty much immediately latched onto them as an older older brother figure
Genya also looks up to them a lot (and has talked to them about his slightly strained relationship with Sanemi, and has talked to Sanemi about them a couple times too)
Shiori works at a flower shop run by their parents. They are also in college but often do their classwork at home due to a lingering illness that they’ve had since their teenage years when it hospitalized them for a few months and made them miss nearly an entire semester of school, setting them back a bit. They occasionally volunteer at the same highschool the teens go to, helping them in their gardening club and some of the science classes that are focused on identifying flowers and things like that
This is how they also befriended the Kamadosquad and became like an older sibling to them as well
They’re also quite good friends with Shinobu, Kanae, and Makamo as they all frequently visit / make orders from the flower shop & they’re all in a study group thanks to their majors / minors being relatively similar (in theme at least)
Shinobu & Kanae lost their parents to a tragic accident when they were in their late teens, but were left a sizable fortune to live off of. Both study pharmaceuticals, but Shinobu focuses more on poisons and the fine line between them and medicine, while Kanae is far more focused solely on medicine, especially in finding cure / medical aids for rare diseases / chronic pain
The Hantengu family is made up of Urami (50s-60s probably), the quartet of (in technically oldest to youngest) Sekido - Karaku - Aizetsu - Urogi, and then Zohakuten is the youngest (15ish, goes to the same high school as Senjurou and the Kamado Squad).
Urami lives off family inheritance, he was arrested once but the record was struck out so as to not affect him, thus his crime is not known either. He's the boys grandfather, their parents are not in the picture (possibly abusive reasons, possibly they're both dead or in jail)
Sekido is the oldest brother, he's got some anger issues (he's sort of working on it) and has troubles because of it, but he genuinely cares about his brothers and wants what's best for him. He's the closest to Karaku and Zohakuten.
Daki is in college for fashion & works as a fashion model (often gets photos taken by Rai), while Gyutaro works as a bouncer / bodyguard for her when she has to travel between shoots (a couple men attempted to assault her a couple times when she was first starting out and he is very protective over her). He’s in college too, only a couple classes at a time though as he no idea what he wants to study since he never planned on remotely being able to go to school
Both of them were sponsored by Douma, who saw Daki’s potential as a model and wanted them both to have the best time of life (as he actually does give a shit about people in this au, at least sort os). He’s paid for both their schooling and pays for a good portion of their living expenses. He runs his own fashion industry, and also does his own modeling work, as well as working as an agent to get other people in the same industries.
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snowdust64 · 4 months
Ouma Great War Chronicles - Episode 24: What Am I Even Thinking?
Narrator:  “Kaida and Nagao are hiding something that they’re doing.” So was informed Genzuki by Nikaido. There couldn’t possibly be anything hidden amongst themselves – though he believed this, unease brewed from the fact that the three of them had not gathered to face each other in the recent days. Could it be that there was some reason other than being busy? With such thoughts, Genzuki made a hurried visit to Kaida’s laboratory.
scene:  Kaida’s Workroom
Kaida:  Welcome. I’m sorry about dropping out of the meeting before. I interrupted what you were saying too…
Genzuki:  Mm-mm, it’s okay. I know some kind of major issue came up.
Kaida:  Thanks. So, what was it you wanted to talk about?
Genzuki:  Mn… well… (I came because I was curious about what Nikaido-kun said, but… How should I broach the subject? Say, “Aren’t you hiding something from me?” With that, it turns into a presumption that he is hiding something… For such a question, would it be better to ask straight out?) Um, Haru-kun, are you two –
Hinata:  Excuse me, Kaida-senpai! It’s almost time for the experiment to – Ah…
Kaida:  Hinata… Wait for an answer before opening the door, okay? Also, don’t forget to knock first.
Hinata:  S-ssssorry! You had Genzuki-san as a guest? Otsukare-sama!
Genzuki:  Ahaha, otsukare-sama. Don’t worry about coming in suddenly. If it’s fine for me to say, you can go first.
Hinata:  Ah, umm… Thank you very much! Then, I’ll take up your offer… though even so, it’s no big deal. It’s almost time for the experiment to yield results, that’s all I came to say.
Kaida:  No no, that is a big deal! If it’s not according to schedule, that result is meaningless. Genzuki, I apologize, but we’re in the middle of an important experiment right now too. We’ll be scrambling like this for some time to come, so when things calm down, I’ll contact you from my end. I’ll work hard so I can contact you as soon as possible. I’ll definitely report any experiment results that would be helpful to resolving the cases, so, please, just wait a bit.
Genzuki:  Ah, er… okay.
Kaida:  See you then! I’m really sorry!
scene:  Bureau Corridor
Genzuki:  Hah… In the end, I couldn’t broach it… Huh, Kei-kun?
Nagao:  Oh! If it isn’t Toujirou. Otsukare-san!
Genzuki:  Otsukare. What good timing. There’s something I want to as kyou about.
Nagao:  Ah, m’ bad. I gotta head over to Masamune-san’s place now.
Genzuki:  Ah, is that so…
Nagao:  Is it urgent business?
Genzuki:  N-no! It can wait until next time. Say hello to Masamune-san for me.
Nagao:  Yeah. I’ll show you the fruits of my training in a real battle sometime. Contact you later!
sfx:  footsteps fading
Genzuki:  (… I hesitated too long to ask. But… Things can’t go on like this. I just can’t get Nikaido-kun’s words out of my head. Before, there was that matter of not being able to line up the time in our schedules, but what if it was deliberate? Lying that they were busy so that I wouldn’t get suspicious… while doing something in an area I don’t know about?
(flashback) Nikaido:  Then you should just ask them. Say, “What in the world are you doing that you’re hiding from me?”
Genzuki:  No no, what am I even thinking?
scene:  Genzuki’s Workroom
Genzuki:  (Even after that, I tried many times to find a discussion space for the three of us, but… it was no use.) Haah…
Nikaido:  That’s a hefty sigh. I suppose when your capabilities are low, more things will give you a hard time. I’ve finished my work, so I’ll be heading out first.
Genzuki:  (I guess I’ve gotten used to Nikaido-kun's sarcasm too.) Wait a moment. If you don’t mind, could I take a little bit of your time?
Nikaido:  … What is it? If it’s a nonsense issue, I’m leaving.
Genzuki:  It’s not nonsense. To me, it’s a very important matter. Not long ago, you told me that Haru-kun and Kei-kun are doing something that they’re hiding from me.
Nikaido:  Ah, that’s what this is about. Did you ask them? What did they say?
Genzuki:  … I haven’t gotten to ask yet. My schedule won’t align with theirs.
Nikaido:  Then you know the answer already, don’t you. So? What do you want from me?
Genzuki:  I’m asking because I don’t know the answer. Why would you say something like that? I’d like to hear your reasoning properly.
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hirvi-acousma · 6 months
hirvi Acousmonium Live in Kyoto "CEREMONIAL"
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昨年に引き続き今年もhirvi Acousmonium Liveを開催いたします! hirvi Acousmonium Live in Kyoto "CEREMONIAL"  関西を拠点として活動するヒルヴィは、多層立体音響装置「アクースモニウム」を用いたライブを定期的に開催しています。今回はヒルヴィのメンバーに加え、石上加寿也、かつふじたまこ、Leo Okagawa、Shuta Hiraki各氏をお招きして、総勢9名の電子音響音楽作品を上演します。  コロナによる移動制限が解除され、人々の集いが再開されました。しかしその中で災難が続き喜びや悲しみ、祈りが行き場を無くしているように思います。再びその思いを集約し共有する為に共通コンセプトをCEREMONIAL(儀式の)としたライブを企画しました。  またアクースモニウム演奏の第一人者である檜垣智也によるアクースモニウム体験会を同時開催いたします。 開催日: 2024/5/11(sat) - 2024/5/12(sun) 開催場所: FRAME in VOX 604-8031 京都市中京区大黒町44 河原町VOXビル 3F WEB SITE: https://frame-in-vox.com/ MAIL: [email protected] バス:「河原町三条」各停留所より徒歩1〜5分 京阪線:「三条駅」6番出口より徒歩5分 地下鉄東西線:「三条京阪駅」2番出口より徒歩5分 阪急線:「京都河原町駅」3B出口より徒歩7分 ※駐車場・駐輪場はございませんので、近隣の有料パーキングをご利用ください。 料金: アクースモニウム体験会:一般 2,000円(学生 1,000円)※定員6名 1コンサート券:一般 2,000円(学生 1,000円) コンサート通し券:一般 3,500円(学生 2,000円) ※通し券はアクースモニウム体験会を除く Artist: 石上加寿也 かつふじたまこ Leo Okagawa Shuta Hiraki 天野知亜紀 牛山泰良 大塚勇樹 永松ゆか 檜垣智也 Program: 5/11(sat) 18:00 - 19:30 アクースモニウム体験会( 講師 檜垣智也) 5/12(sun) 15:00 - コンサート1 檜垣智也、永松ゆか、天野知亜紀 16:00 - コンサート2 大塚勇樹、Leo Okagawa*、Shuta Hiraki* 17:00 - コンサート3 牛山泰良、かつふじたまこ、石上加寿也 *……招待作品 お問い合わせ・予約: ヒルヴィ事務局 [email protected] 主催 ヒルヴィ hirvi 協力 FRAME in VOX, MEDIA SHOP GUEST ARTIST: 石上加寿也 KAZUYA ISHIGAMI   1972年、大阪生まれ。DRドイツ公共放送からの委嘱作品制作をはじめ、WDR(西部ドイツ公共放送)、MUSLAB国際電子音響祭(メキシコ)、Zeppelin国際サウンドアート電子音響音楽祭(スペイン)、ICMC国際コンピュータ音楽会議2015(アメリカ/テキサス) 、Music From Japan 2020(アメリカ/NY)などで作品上演をおこなう。自主レーベル”NEUS-318″と“OMODARU”を主宰。 かつふじたまこ TAMAKO KATSUFUJI 音作家。90年代半ばより詩や言葉を用いた音作品の制作を始める。2000年フランス国立視聴覚研究所INA-GRMにて作曲を学ぶ。何気ない日常から小さな奇跡(音)を拾い集め紡ぎ出されるその作品は、日常の隣のちょっとへんてこな世界を表現する。フランスMOTUSよりの委嘱作品ほか、作品はフランス、イタリアのフェスティバル、スペインやNYのラジオ番組でも上演され、海外のファンも実は多いとか?! https://hello-tsukineco.jimdo.com/ LEO OKAGAWA (招待作品) サウンド・アーティスト。2014年よりフィールド・レコーディングをはじめ、録音した素材やアナログ機器のノイズ、シンプルな電子トーンによる多層的なコラージュ作品の制作を開始する。2017年からは即興によるパフォーマンスもおこなう。いくつかの電子機器類を使用し、シンプルなトーンの組み合わせによる構造的な可能性を模索する。 Shuta Hiraki (招待作品) 長崎県在住の音楽家/批評家。音響合成、フィールド・レコーディング、アコースティック楽器の演奏、サンプリング・コラージュなど様々な手法を駆使し、構造/思想の両面からアンビエントやドローン・ミュージックの臨界を志す。KYOU Records、Rottenman Editions、LINE、VAAGNERなど多数のレーベルから作品を発表。近年はシュルティボックスと電子音の連携によるライブ活動を展開。 hirvi 2014年に設立。関西を拠点として、メンバー全員がミュージシャン。アクースモニウムを運用し、メンバーの作品発表を中心に活動している。またアクースモニウムの魅力を社会に発信するために、コンサートやワークショップの企画・制作、芸術祭への参加、音楽出版、音響技術支援などを行っている。 現メンバー:檜垣智也(代表)、天野知亜紀、牛山泰良、大塚勇樹、 永松ゆか、ミユタシマヤ
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idlingstop · 5 years
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angelademille · 3 years
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Penlight Fan Art: Hypnotized Slumber Party
Please see this post for details of where you can get a copy of the Penlight visual novel for free.
In today's Penlight fan art submission, Kyou crashes the girl's slumber party. Rather than mind, it seems they're happy to accept him as their guest of honour after he lights up the room with some stimulating conversation. Yeah, I'm sure that's what happened.
The artist commisssioned for this drawing is Jaisen Rei, who can be found on twitter under the name @JaisenRei (NSFW).
Also check out Jaisen's other drawings of Penlight characters:
Mindless Nozomi
Hypno Grenade!
Our regular fanart contributor maddogcodispoti is the one who commissioned all of these fun artworks~
Nozomi, Sayori, Hiroko and Kyou are characters from Penlight, my visual novel about hypnosis and mind control, with a bit of kink and ethics sprinkled in. Feel free to take a look at it using the link above if that sounds interesting to you!
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Outing Event Translation - A Scenic View to Give You Someday (9/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: (The setting is… a certain luxury cruise ship. There are six men on board who are each searching for a woman.) (The beginning goes…)
Kaito [Tenma]: “Excuse me. Have you seen a woman with long hair who’s about this tall?”
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Passenger A: Ehh? No, I haven’t seen them.
Kaito [Tenma]: “I-is that so? Please excuse me…”
Passenger A: That was a surprise… He started a conversation with us…
Passenger B: Are we a part of the show too?
Izumi: (They’re trying a new staging approach that involves the regular guests… and it looks like it’s going smoothly.)
Kaito [Tenma]: “Hello, excuse me. I’m looking for someone. Have you seen a woman with long hair and who’s about this tall?”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “No… are you trying to find someone too?”
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Kaito [Tenma]: “Too, you say… could you be as well?
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “Yes. In fact, I am.”
Izumi: (At another location, they’re…)
Kyou [Kumon]: “Are you searching for someone?”
Shiro [Azuma]: “Indeed. And you as well?”
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Kyou [Kumon]: “I invited a lady on this luxury cruise ship in order to thank her, but she didn't show up at our meeting spot…” “I thought she might have boarded first, so I’m looking all over.”
Shiro [Azuma]: “I'm meeting with the person I scouted here on this ship.” “She sounds like a busy person, so it’s been hard for us to find the time to meet.” “But she told me she has business on this ship today, so she could spare some time on board. And well, here I am...”
Kyou [Kumon]: “The ship is huge, so I guess it might be pretty difficult to find them…”
Izumi: (We’ve installed live-viewing cameras along the interior so you’re able to watch the different locations. It’s going well so far.)
Izumi: (In yet another spot, they’re…)
Towa [Masumi]: “What seems to be the problem?”
Kei [Banri]: “…O-oh, no. I’m just looking for someone.”
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Towa [Masumi]: “Oh my, what a coincidence. I’m searching for someone too.”
Izumi: (The play here has started as well. Their timing is spot on. Even so—) …?
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Izumi: (I feel like I'm making a lot of eye contact with everyone who’s in the play…)
Towa [Masumi]: “If you don’t mind, shall I help you?”
Kei [Banri]: “Ehh? N-no need. It’s a personal matter, so I don’t want to involve anyone else…”
Izumi: (The other four men, who are each searching for someone, also gather in the same area...)
Kaito [Tenma]: “Are you guys trying to find someone too?”
Kei [Banri]: “Us too… eh?”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “We are on the lookout as well.”
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Kyou [Kumon]: “All of us are searching for someone—how mysterious.”
Shiro [Azuma]: “What kind of person are you guys looking for?” “This is a stroke of fate. Why don’t we work together as fellows in the same situation?”
Kaito [Tenma]: “Good point. We might be able to locate them faster that way.” “I’m trying to find my younger sister who I’ve been separated from.”
Shiro [Azuma]: “Separated from…? That’s a big deal.” “I work for an entertainment agency. I’m meeting with the person I scouted on this ship.”
Kyou [Kumon]: “I’m looking for a lady who saved my grandmother when she got sick on the train.” “She should be on this ship, but…”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “I… came on this ship to ask my lovely girlfriend to marry me.” “I gave her the cruise ticket without letting her know I’m going to propose.”
Shiro [Azuma]: “Proposing on a luxury liner, hm? It’s just like a movie. How romantic.”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “But I can’t seem to find her… And my phone’s not connecting so it’s been rough.”
Kyou [Kumon]: “Everyone has their own circumstances, huh?”
Kaito [Tenma]: “What’s the reason you two got?”
Kei [Banri]: “You see… it’s a personal matter, so…”
Towa [Masumi]: “It’s not something I can tell anyone either. My apologies.”
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Passenger C: It’s incredibly realistic.
Passenger D: For real. It’s like we’re inside the play.
Passenger C: I wonder why those two can’t reveal their reason? Maybe we’ll find out if we follow them.
Izumi: (That’s great. It looks like the guests are enjoying it too.)
???: …Um, excuse me.
Izumi: …?
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “—So, what are the traits of the person you’re trying to locate?”
Kaito [Tenma]: “She’s a woman in her 20s. Long hair.”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “What a coincidence. My partner is a woman in her 20s with long hair as well.”
Kyou [Kumon]: “Same with the person I’m looking for. Her hair is light in colour, and her bangs are parted at an angle…”
Shiro [Azuma]: “How curious. The candidate I’m meeting with is a woman in her 20s with long, chestnut-coloured hair.”
Ritsu [Tsuzuru]: “She likes to wear casual clothes and she always carries a red bag.” “I think she’ll be dressed differently today though.”
Kyou [Kumon]: “The lady who helped my grandmother also had a red bag with her.”
Kei [Banri]: “…Wait, don’t tell me—was it the type of bag you sling across your body?”
Kyou [Kumon]: “Yes! It was!”
Kaito [Tenma]: “My sister always wore a red, crossbody bag that our mother bought her when she was little.”
Kei [Banri]: “Could it be, the woman all of us are chasing after is—”
Towa [Masumi]: “…It appears they are one in the same. So, in other words—.”
Masumi: …!? She’s gone…?
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Kei [Banri]: “Should we split up and search? I mean, we’re tracking down the same person anyways.”
Towa [Masumi]: “…! Right, good call.”
Towa [Masumi]: “…There she is! Over there!”
Kei [Banri]: “We found her…!”
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Towa [Masumi]: “Let me handle it from here.”
Kei [Banri]: “B-but…”
Towa [Masumi]: “You’re trying to get revenge on her, aren’t you?”
Kei [Banri]: “How did you…”
Towa [Masumi]: “I am a detective. I have that much information on hand.” “I dare say it’s not a coincidence that the six of us who are all searching for the same woman have gathered here on this ship.” “Perhaps it was her plan to lure us all aboard to sink us all at once.”
Kei [Banri]: “N-no way…”
*door opens*
Izumi: EHH? W-what!?
Workers: …!?
Towa [Masumi]: “You two were about to be deceived as well.”
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Workers: Ehh!?
Towa [Masumi]: “This woman is a wanted con artist.” “I’ve got you now. There’s nowhere left to run. I’ll ask you to come along with me quietly.” “…I think this counts as revenge in your place, doesn’t it?”
Kei [Banri]: “Ah… thank you very much.”
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Note: just to be clear, yes, Masumi broke character in that one moment lol
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daeva-agas · 2 years
After coming to get Aira, Bradford picks her up bridal style, and tells the guests they’re retiring because the bride needs rest. The party will be managed by Hugo.
They then go back to the house. Aira worries that it’s rude to leave the guests, but he says “you look uncomfortable out there”.
............... I’ve inherited the MC’s paranoia, I’m really suspicious >:( 
Oh, but, the minister that Brad was talking to before this was someone from Inaris. Maybe they talk about the Werricks and it changed his mind about what he thinks of them? 
Aira gets embarrassed after a while, and tells Brad to put her down but she slips and calls him Grandville-kyou again.
He replies “You’re a Grandville too, from now on” 
I’m curious if 卿 is gender neutral like -san or -sama... This is not something I’ve seen before, and in the dictionary this is translated as “sir”. All the examples of usage are men, with no examples provided for a woman being referred by this. 
He tells her to not be a stranger, since they’re married even if it’s not out of love. HE’S STILL BEING NICE. 
Okay, something definitely happened with the minister that he talked to. 
I’m still gonna call you scum loanshark because it’s funny LEL 
Oh yeah, earlier Aira noticed that this minister seemed like he still had something to say, but Bradford already took her back to the house and she got distracted and forgot to ask. 
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joonbugg · 3 years
Welcome to my list of all the Asian dramas I’ve watched. I go through shows pretty fast so it will constantly be updated. I have the title of the drama, its region, and where I watched it listed below, in the order that I watched them. If you have any questions about any of the dramas or my opinions on them, don’t be afraid to ask 🙂
Chinese Korean Japanese Thai Taiwanese
Netflix Viki YouTube DramaCool IQiYi
Bold Italics: really enjoyed drama
Drama Title*: all time favs
The Untamed* Chinese Netflix (2021)
Legend of Fei Chinese Viki
Kingdom Korean Netflix
Color Rush Korean Viki
Word of Honor* Chinese Netflix
Shadow* Chinese Netflix
Heaven Official’s Blessing Chinese Netflix
Eternal Summer Taiwanese Netflix
The Rise of Phoenixes* Chinese Netflix
The Yin Yang Master* Chinese Netflix
Begin Again Chinese YouTube
Squid Game Korean Netflix
The King: Eternal Monarch Korean Netflix
The Guest Korean Netflix
My Country: The New Age Korean Netflix
Tale of the Nine-Tailed* Korean Viki
Life Korean Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning Japanese Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin: The Final Japanese Netflix
All of Us Are Dead* Korean Netflix (2022)
More Than Blue: The Series Taiwanese Netflix
TharnType: The Series Thai Viki
Strangers From Hell Korean Netflix
TharnType 2: The Series Thai Viki
My Beautiful Man* Japanese Viki
Ancient Detective Chinese Viki
Goblin* Korean Viki
Where Your Eyes Linger Korean Viki
Silenced Korean Netflix
Lovers of the Red Sky* Korean Viki
Happiness* Korean Viki
Train to Busan Korean Viki
Arthdal Chronicles Korean Netflix
To My Star Korean Viki
Ju-On: Origin Japanese Netflix
The Divine Fury Korean Viki
He is Psychometric Korean Viki
The K2 Korean Netflix
The Witch: part 1 - subversion Korean Netflix
Flower of Evil* Korean Viki
He’s Expecting Japanese Netflix
Sweet Home Korean Netflix
The 8th Night Korean Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin Japanese Netflix
Just Between Lovers Korean Netflix
Semantic Error Korean Viki
Cherry Blossoms After Winter Korean Viki
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window Japanese DramaCool
The Sound of Magic Korean Netflix
His Japanese Viki
Uncontrollably Fond Korean Viki
Amanza Korean DramaCool
My Annoying Brother Korean DramaCool
DNA Says Love You Taiwanese DramaCool
Life~Love on the Line Japanese Viki
Forgotten Korean Netflix
I am the Years, You are the Stars Chinese YouTube
Doctor John Korean DramaCool
Novoland: Pearl Eclipse* Chinese YouTube
Our Blues Korean Netflix
At a Distance, Spring is Green Korean Viki
The Beauty Inside Korean Viki
Love Between Fairy and Devil* Chinese Netflix
Memorist Korean Viki
Love in the Air* Thai DramaCool
Kyou no Hi wa Sayonara Japanese DramaCool
Bad and Crazy Korean Netflix (2023)
A Christmas Carol Korean DramaCool
Memories of the Alhambra Korean Netflix
Rampant Korean Viki
Hyde, Jekyll, and Me Korean Viki
A League of Noblemen* Chinese Viki
Mirror of the Witch Korean Viki
Crash Landing on You* Korean Netflix
Jirisan Korean Viki
Stranger (s1) Korean Netflix
Something in the Rain Korean Netflix
Never Said Goodbye Chinese/Korean DramaCool
Till the End of the Moon* Chinese Viki
The good bad mother Korean Netflix
D.P. s1 Korean Netflix
Lost You Forever s1 Chinese Viki
A time called you Korean Netflix
Destined with you* Korean Netflix
Born Again Korean Viki
Concrete Utopia* Korean Viki (2024)
From Now on, Showtime Korean Viki
Bloodhounds Korean Netflix
Exhuma Korean DramaCool
The Longest Promise Chinese Netflix
Unknown Taiwanese Viki
A Journey to Love* Chinese IQiYi
Story of Kunning Palace Chinese IQiYi
94. Tune in for Love* Korean Netflix
95. Office Black Belt Korean Netflix
DNF- did not finish 😔
Rarely, do I not finish a drama. But there have been a select few that I’ve started and either couldn’t get into or something happened along the way that I dropped it. I haven’t been keeping this from the beginning so there probably a couple not on the list. I want to keep record of it now. It’s possible I may try to watch some of them again, but we’ll see.
Beyond Evil
Voice (2016)
First love
The sound of the providence
Sell your haunted house
What’s wrong with secretary Kim
Wonderful world
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akumanoken · 3 years
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A tablet was placed on his lap, and on it was a picture of a group of white chairs, a beautiful bamboo arch decorated with flowers, and a breathtaking view of the ocean behind it.  "What... is this?? It's beautiful!!"
"Turtle bay in Hawaii," Ayato grinned, sitting down.  "Do you like it?"
"I love it it's a lovely photo but... why are we looking at this??"  Confused expression, wide, doe eyes blinking up at Ayato.  "It looks like a wedding picture?"
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"That's because it is. Souji..."  He moved a little, readjusting himself on the couch, taking the other's hands.  "I... when Japan finally gets its act together, we'll do it at a shrine... but before that, I want to be married. Really married.  I want to do it in front of witnesses.  I want our family.  Our friends.  I know those things don't mean much to you, but..."
"Yes."  Souji's face was bright red, but that little awkward half-smile formed on his face, nodding emphatically.  "Yes.... yes okay.  Let's... let's get married..." He started laughing, eyes watering up as he reached out for Ayato’s face.
Ayato scooped him up, hugging him close.  "I love you... so much.”  Just... holding him like this was like a dream.  He was happy the other agreed.  “Well, I guess we should start planning... colors, guests..."
"Yeah... I need to call onii-chan... and Taka... and Papa... and Kyou... and Risa-chan!"  He blushed then, growing excitement slowly dampening.  
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"Is this... real?"  He squeezed the man's hands, taking a deep breath.  He wasn't used to being so...open like this.  Most didn't care to be out in the open with him...
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"Hey, look at me."  Hands slowly cupped Souji's face, lifting his gaze.  "You and me.  What exists right here... it's what matters the most, right?  Don't think for a moment this is going away.  I have...spent too long without you.  I nearly lost you....I'll be damned if I let it happen again."  He smiled then, rubbing the red cheeks with his thumbs.  "So I'll ask again.  Will you marry me, Okita Souji?"
"Heh..."  Tears fell anew.  "Yes,  yes you silly man... as many times as you want."
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hotarutranslations · 3 years
More Details About Sapphire!
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
 The Sapphire and Ruby performances are,
 Going to be streamed on the 11th!
 This weekend at 6:00PM… I’d be happy if everyone watched it!
 Those that were waiting that couldn’t go, I hope you will get it--!
  Yesterday was yesterday, Thank you for your impressions
 Fiesta! Fiesta! Leaves a lasting impression after all!
  When I found out we were going to sing that song, I thought, I get to sing this song!
 Although putting in writing, its that same information ←
 When I first went on stage with this song, In symmetry with Chii-chan, It may be out of alignment with the song but, We are always smiling, and then we look forward turning the switch on, I like that!
 It was fun, Fiesta! Fiesta!
 Also, I did it with Sasaki Rikako-chan but,
 When Rikako became high-risk from being in close contact (with covid), And she had to take a break from performances,
 You could really feel that…Rikako wasn’t there,
 This song also made me realize that I really always enjoy her being there myself
 Hyoumenchouryoku was also supperrr fun!
 With the clapping, it’s a song where you can really feel the unity
 It’ll be quite fast clapping with the beat, The Tsubaki choreography, Doesn’t take in all the beats, But the guests clap to it all,
 its interesting ←
 I thought, you’re super doing your utmost, if you don’t know when to clap please listen to it, and, please clap your hands, I think its pretty fast so its tough, right, therefore its amazing, and cute
Singing this I met eyes with Nishida Shiorin, It was fun and I thought she was cute—
 With Shiorin, I’ll be leaving her in Kacho Fuugetsu……
I was happy to have talked to her a lot this time, So I think I’m lonely, She’s on the Kacho side but, I’ll watch over her, hoping she will talk a lot with Fukumura-san, lol
 With Renai Rider, I was with Kiki-chan and Yuhane-chan
 This is THE cute song, I think its been a while for it, Also with the Kacho Fuugetsu shuffles there was also ZYX,
 Therefore, mannn it was fun to do it lol
 The 2 of them are SO cute! So I tried doing it really idol-y too lol
 It was fun!
  Speaking of shuffles, yesterday,
 I wrote about, Homare and Wakana-chan’s “Hotaru Matsuri no Hi” but,
 Nonaka and Kamiko’s “Ashita no Watashi wa Kyou Yori Kirei” was also really wonderful… It sounded sparkling…
 All of the Morning members in Sapphire sang, “Kono Mama!”,
 Since we performed it all together at HinaFest……
It’s a really fun song, Everyone gets excited, And so it feels like a live song!,
 Therefore I’m happy to sing it at a concert
 Since we performed it with half of us with 7 members, Parts that we originally sang with 2 people were solos,
There were things like that but,
 The 2nd part’s “Demo ne, Shinjite Susumu Shikanai Daro” (but there is nothing we can do but believe)
 That spot,
 I liked that phrase during the recording, When I looked at the song split that part, I sing it with Oda,
 But in Sapphire I do it alone……
 At first I was uneasy about it but, It’s a phrase I like is a phrase I like!
 I was happy to sing it with everyone!
 Alsooo, I forgot about this yesterday but
  Being a back dancer in Angerme’s “Hakkiri Shiyouze”, Was super super fun--!
 Recently I really like, The choreography in Anju songs,
 Although remembering them is a bit of a problem lol
 I’m happy I danced to it~
 With this song, unrelated to whether its seen or not, I have fun dancing, I like that I can enjoy with a feeling of self-satisfaction lol
 I want to dance like that more!
 Also, Akane-chin and Yoko-chan’s part in, Koi wa Accha Accha was like, Uhe! Cool!,
 Fukumura-san’s first part in, Peanut Butter Jelly Love, I was also happy while thinking, Momochi-senpai! ❤
 That’s it!!
 It was long!!
 Please look forward to the stream too
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  I took this selfishly on Chii’s phone
 Thank you for politely sending it to me lol
  See you ayumin ❤
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shinobi-isekai · 4 years
Holy Shit. You would not believe the emotional rollercoaster I just experienced. First of all, thank you so much for all your well wishes. I’ve slowly started feeling better over the last couple weeks and have finally begun to write again.
That being said, my file ended up super corrupted, but I have no idea how!? I sat here freaking out for about an hour before I finally managed to recover what I had written so here’s a preview before it decides to die on me again. 
For Round Two:
She grinned down at her clenched fists, water manifesting in slender streams which wrapped themselves almost lovingly around her wrists, solidifying into bracelets of solid ice. Though they sat against her bare skin, they didn’t feel could. Instead, Kyou smiled even wider at the hum of power contained within them.
She was getting stronger. Soon, she might even be strong enough to leave the Uchiha Clan for good, without fear of retaliation. Of course, even then she wouldn’t be ready to leave. She still needed to be strong enough to take her mother with her, after all. And maybe baa-chan, too, if she could be convinced.
“I thought I heard someone making a fool of themselves.”
Kyou turned around, the smile on her face losing its sad twist as she looked upon her sudden guest. “Tobi!”
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