#guest starring phee!
normaltothemax · 1 year
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❛ i need you to make fun of me when i call a panini a hot sandwich. how am i ever gonna learn? ❜ help him lucy and phee
Brow lifting, Phee crosses her arms, blows out a breath that sends a lock of fire-red hair fluttering off her forehead. “Why is it our job to teach you what to call a panini?” Behind her back, her wings twitch; the only sign of her faint amusement. A panini is technically a hot sandwich, she considers pointing out, but that would let him off easy, and Phee can’t be having that. “You’re a grown man. Shouldn’t you know what to call things, by now?” Her head tilts to one side. “It’s kind of sad that you don’t.”
Lucy, on the other hand, seems quite pleased to be given permission to make fun of him. Chirps an easy “Okay!” and grins. Arthur can’t tell him it isn’t nice, can’t get upset with him for name-calling, if John told him to make fun of him. Loophole. “Do you want us to make fun of you right now?”
@talentforlying (x)
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thecoffeelorian · 29 days
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Minesweeper (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: The saga continues. In other words, you and Crosshair are about to cut and run after dropping off Omega...but then, unforeseen events threaten to derail everything.
Word Count: 1,846
Masterlist: The Surprise Guest Series
Story Notes: Sooo...it's like this. I absolutely hated the first draft of this chapter, and the second, and the third...and to be honest, I was very close to scrapping the whole project, because it sucked. However. Just when I was about to give up, I was reminded that Commander Mayday didn't receive a proper funeral, and then that led to the idea that his body conveniently disappeared so that the Batch didn't have to think of one, which then led to a similar thought about Tech's body and how HE didn't receive a proper funeral...which led to a long list of unfinished business I'd gathered over the years that TBB aired, as well as the lingering thought in the back of my mind that, just like in The Clone Wars, there was some kind of unreliable narrator in charge of everything. Kind of like how the anti-dragon Maesters of Oldtown were in charge of writing Fire and Blood...but that House of the Dragon just might be telling the true story of the "Dance of the Dragons". So, in a nutshell, I'm back. Back to tell a more complex tale if I can, back to give more honor to the Clone Troopers if I'm able, and back to remove the bad bait-and-switch tactics that have been kinda prevalent throughout every new season of episodes. I only have one thing to ask of everyone else who's still reading, commenting, and reblogging: Buckle up!
Special Notes: As always, kudos to @stars-n-spice for my oh-so-lovely Crosshair header, and thank you! Oh, and one more thing--Happy Sniper Saturday!!
No Pressure Tags:
@techhasmjolnir @ms-grassi @donntmindmejustwandering @skellymom @youreababboon
@libraryfordyslexics @melymigo @otomefan @salirvine @aqua248
@cyare-of-the-501st @cobalt-candy @housepartyfortwo @rogue616 @theosb0rnway
@herculesjrockefeller @leos-multifandom-corner @baddest-batchers @crosshair-lover @groguandthebadbatch
@gigachadcowboy @ash04w3 @thatacefr @evabellasworld @momojedi
@marvelsgoddessofmischief @badbatchlover @mysticalgalaxysalad and anybody else on the lookout for more Crosshair x Reader stories.
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Some time later, when your shuttle has safely touched down upon solid ground and the thrill of adventure has somewhat faded...you find yourself staring a bit too long into Crosshair’s golden-brown eyes, a cold sweat developing on the back of your neck.
It’s time.
Time to start putting all of your droids in a row, perhaps, though not without praying for a miracle or two.
In other words...you’ve made it. You’re now waiting at the exact place where you’ve agreed to send Omega over, a more than fair arrangement considering her bond with Hunter and Wrecker is a lot stronger than any attachment she might have with either of you. In fact, if this was the average Republic court case and you were supposed to negotiate a custody arrangement for her, naturally, the Troopers with the longest childcare record would probably take precedence above all others.
That does not, however, make it any easier to carry out the second part of your plan.
“Wait till I tell everyone who I found!”
Not when Omega herself is awake again and behaving as though you won’t be rejected by everyone else, never mind flat out shunned for breaking whatever rules had gotten Crosshair in trouble in the first place.
No, instead, she talks and acts like whatever drove him away from the fold simply didn’t happen, a curious habit that you’re not yet sure of whether or not you’d be wise to copy.
“Once we get to Pabu, I can introduce you to all the others, too! Lyana and her dad, Phee Genoa, the two ladies who live down the street—oh, but to Hunter first!”
Hunter first, huh...? Easier said than done, kiddo.
Not only do you have no clue whatsoever on how to respond to this idea, but you’re also unsure as to whether or not you should care about what this one might think of you. To begin with, you’ve heard precious little about him, so it’s hard to figure out if he’ll agree to shake your hand or spit in your face.
Second, as you were, after all, the one who joined up with the one person he couldn’t stand...perhaps he may end up doing just that out of spite.
Or so your wandering thoughts suggest to you.
As to whether or not he’ll give you a shipload of grief for daring to talk to his kid without him knowing about it first...well, that remains to be seen. All you can really do is open the back hatch with a short pull of the lever; wait for the door to fully lower itself; and then step out of the way.
Less than a minute later, Omega’s just about launched herself down the small staircase and out onto the open plain, a loud chuckle rumbling from the safety of the other ship. “Now THERE’S a sight!”
You both are sure to stay out of their field of vision as Omega finds the first of the two, a somewhat loud Trooper who Crosshair names in a whisper as Wrecker. From what you can see right around the door, he might also have a touch of gigantism, if only because he seems to almost take up the whole entrance of his own ship the moment he steps outside.
That, unfortunately, turns out to be the easy part...because once Omega’s reunion with Hunter takes place, you’re both pressing yourselves against the wall for Force knows whatever reason. Maybe he’s afraid to face the music, or maybe you’re terrified of backlash. Maybe you’re just turning your eyes away from everything happening outside, because in that way, you won’t get any second thoughts about going back into the ether.
Or maybe, as long as you stay hidden, it’ll be easier for them to forget all about you.
Regardless of your reasons, though, this is supposed to be her big return home and nobody else’s...so, naturally, you’re not going to be the type of idiot that stands around and ruins the party. Not when you could instead pull the lever to get that hatch door moving, and so move on to getting the engines roaring to life. Not when you could grant Omega her happy ending, at the expense of anything that could have led to your own.
Only...you can’t.
The lever’s suddenly locked itself on the open position, and with it, there’s no pushing it back up again to get it closed.
“Kriff it!”
“The stupid door won’t shut!”
You’re using all of your strength to get it to move, yet how Crosshair’s quick to observe, it doesn’t budge so much as an inch.
Neither will it do anything for his sake, apparently, because he pushes until he almost goes purple from the effort of it...and the door remains exactly as it was before.
“Let me guess,” he mutters with some annoyance, just barely catching his own breath in time.
“You forgot to oil this thing before we left.”
“Well excuse ME, but we were all in a hurry.”
“Oh, of course.”
“What, like you weren’t scrambling to leave, too?”
The two of you glance as one unit toward the open door, a part of your inner thoughts wondering just what might happen if you decided to be the first to step outside. Would you end up using your blaster before anyone else, or would they instead be the first to use theirs upon you? Do you even have the right to force such a confrontation, or would it be somehow better to wait in silence, hoping they lose interest?
“Well...now what do we do?”
Then again...just how safe are you going to be anyplace else, especially with a broken ship? As if to answer your question, there's just silence coming from the outside. No more sound or movement to speak of now, a somewhat unnerving sign that everyone is waiting for you and Crosshair to show up on the gangplank, if not also make your way to the solid ground beneath. Thanks to the great seizing up of the ship hatch, your planned escape would be nothing less than a death wish at this point, as the natural vacuum this would create would suck the both of you out into the open air within minutes, followed by a long drop and a sudden stop.
In other words, there’s nowhere else for you to go but out.
“Guess we’re just gonna have to rough it.”
“Are you sure...?”
“Well, we’re not getting off the ground anymore, are we?”
You accept this idea in silence, the growing lurch within your stomach the only physical reaction you’re willing to admit to yourself. Crosshair’s not exactly the picture of happiness either, as he still has no idea whether or not he’s about to step into an emotional minefield, and if so...just which one of you is about to become the minesweeper.
Nevertheless, as soon as he’s lifting his left hand to reach for yours, the trembling somewhat worse this time than it was when you reached hyperspace...you’re not afraid to accept it with both hands, as you’re already more than sure that you’re about to do this together.
Anything to keep either one of you from cracking under all the stress.
“I’ve got you, Cross. Let’s go.”
This is how you come to descend the steps as one, his injured hand safe and warm inside your own as you go to meet your combined fate. Your steps remain quiet and unassuming, the one-two one-two march the only rhythm you’re willing to demonstrate for something so tense...and then you both look up from the ground toward the faces that await.
For the first few seconds, you make a quiet note to thank Omega later, even if it’s only for the look of hope and support she gives you.
Then you turn your focus to the other two, and it’s here that all promise of a joyful reconciliation dies.
“So this is what the Empire offers in return for complicity.”
The hateful look in Hunter’s eyes makes this all too clear to you in a matter of seconds.
“Free barracks bunnies.”
In its place, there’s a small ache in the pit of your stomach as he shoots daggers in your direction, disapproval and rage just about leaking out of his every pore right before he turns his back upon you. So this is what it’s going to be, then...total condemnation, full stop, and right before you can even introduce yourself.
Lucky me.
“Good thing—escaped—wouldn’t want—these people.”
Your feeling of unease doubles as his words become half cut off, no doubt because he’s both turned away from you and lowering his voice on purpose. The fact of there being thirty feet of distance between your side and his figures into this as well, since there’s little chance of anybody’s words carrying over to you now.
And yet...it’s certainly not an obstacle to seeing exactly what the one called Wrecker thinks of you, for even at this distance, he copies Hunter’s rage to a tee.
Double the luck, then.
“Anyway—say we leave—home—Mantell Mix?”
This can either end in a parting of ways to opposite ends of the galaxy or a knock-down-drag-out fight at this point...and right now, you’re not so sure about the parting idea.
In fact, as crazy as it sounds within your thoughts, you’re almost stuck waiting to see who decides to take the first swing.
Then again, once Omega starts walking away from Hunter and back in your direction...that idea of fighting it out also lessens just a little. Funny what a few minutes of conversation can do.
“They didn’t do anything to me, okay? Crosshair helped me steal a ship, and Y/N flew us out on another—”
“—And now they’re nothing but mindless fascists, so—”
“—So I think we can all go back together to the island now—”
“—No, we’re going back to Pabu. They can go ahead and lie in the beds they made.”
It’s just a little unnerving to watch, of course. These two now seem to be in direct conflict where they might have once been working together, so naturally, you won’t even consider fanning the flames. This is why you’re careful not to speak up or interrupt.
“Oh, really? And what about Y/N? Aren’t they also hiding from—”
“I don’t care. It’s not a good idea for you to be out in the open like this...all right?”
He makes a slow movement to nudge her in the direction of their own back hatch, clearly wanting to get all three of his remaining people back on board so that he could put this planet, never mind you and Crosshair, a long distance behind him. Maybe he might have a valid reason or two to do just that, because Crosshair isn’t exactly trying to meet his eyes, either.
Then again, it looks like Omega isn’t going to take any of this lying down...because the next thing all of you know, she’s pulling away to stand a lot closer to you. “We escaped Tantiss together, we left the planet together...and I’m not going back to Pabu without them.”
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lifblogs · 5 months
My latest fics which now allow guest comments. Sorry about all this. Didn’t realize AO3 changed the default comment settings to registered users only.
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: TechPhee
Word Count: 1750
Summary: Phee is wearing lipstick, and Tech is quite enamored with it.
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: TechPhee
Word Count: 777
Summary: Tech is rather enjoying having lipstick marks on a particular part of himself.
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Rating: Mature
Pairing: None
Word Count: 2397
Summary: Hemlock partakes in his regularly scheduled self-experimentation.
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: TechPhee
Word Count: 2519
Summary: Phee enjoys the view of Tech fixing her ship, and once he realizes, a little game starts between them.
Sorry one of these is not like the others!
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alexzalben · 2 years
Key art, trailer, synopsis and episode guide for Star Wars: The Bad Batch below!
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Today, Disney+ released the trailer and key art for season 2 of acclaimed Lucasfilm Animation series “Star Wars: The Bad Batch.” When the new season opens, months have passed since the events on Kamino, and the Bad Batch continue their journey navigating the Empire after the fall of the Republic. They will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of thrilling mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places. “Star Wars: The Bad Batch” season 2 stars Emmy Award® nominee Dee Bradley Baker (“American Dad!”) as the voice of the Bad Batch and Emmy Award® nominee Michelle Ang (“Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462”) as the voice of Omega. Emmy Award® winner Rhea Perlman (“The Mindy Project,” “Cheers”) returns to guest star as Cid, Noshir Dalal ("It's Pony," "The Owl House") returns to guest star as Vice Admiral Rampart and Emmy Award® winner Wanda Sykes (“The Upshaws,” “Black-ish") makes her guest starring debut in the series as Phee Genoa.
“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” is executive produced by Dave Filoni (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”), Athena Portillo (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”), Brad Rau (“Star Wars Rebels,” “Star Wars Resistance”), Jennifer Corbett (“Star Wars Resistance,” “NCIS”) and Carrie Beck (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars Rebels”) with Josh Rimes (“Star Wars Resistance,” "Star Wars: Visions") and Alex Spotswood (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”) as producers. Rau is also serving as supervising director with Corbett as head writer and Matt Michnovetz as story editor.   
“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” streams exclusively on Disney+ beginning January 4, 2023, with the first two episodes.   
List of episodes and airdates:  
Jan. 4 — Episode 201 “Spoils of War” & Episode 202 “Ruins of War” 
Jan. 11 — Episode 203 “The Solitary Clone” 
Jan. 18 — Episode 204 “Faster” 
Jan. 25 — Episode 205 “Entombed” 
Feb. 1 — Episode 206 “Tribe” 
Feb. 8 — Episode 207 “The Clone Conspiracy” & Episode 208 “Truth and Consequences” 
Feb. 15 — Episode 209 “The Crossing” 
Feb. 22 — Episode 210 “Retrieval”  
March 1 — Episode 211 “Metamorphosis” 
March 8 — Episode 212 “The Outpost” 
March 15 — Episode 213 “Pabu” 
March 22 — Episode 214 “Tipping Point” 
March 29 — Episode 215 “The Summit” & Episode 216 “Plan 99” 
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disneytva · 2 years
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Disney+ Sets Premiere Date For Star Wars The Bad Batch Season 2 To Kickoff Disney’s 100 Years Of Wonder Celebration.
Disney has released a brand new trailer for the second season of the Star Wars animated series, “The Bad Batch”, which is coming to Disney+ with a double episode premiere on January 4th, 2023 this to kickoff Disney’s 100 Years Of Wonder Celebration.
The season starts months since the events on Kamino, and the Bad Batch continue their journey navigating the Empire after the fall of the Republic. They will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of thrilling mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places.
“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” season 2 stars Emmy Award nominee Dee Bradley Baker (“American Dad!”) as the voice of the Bad Batch and Emmy Award® nominee Michelle Ang (“Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462”) as the voice of Omega. Emmy Award® winner Rhea Perlman (“The Mindy Project,” “Cheers”) returns to guest star as Cid, Noshir Dalal (“It’s Pony,” “The Owl House”) returns to guest star as Vice Admiral Rampart and Emmy Award® winner Wanda Sykes (“The Upshaws,” “Black-ish”) makes her guest starring debut in the series as as Phee Genoa.
“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” is executive produced by Dave Filoni (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”), Athena Portillo (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”), Brad Rau (“Star Wars Rebels,” “Star Wars Resistance”), Jennifer Corbett (“Star Wars Resistance,” “NCIS”) and Carrie Beck (“The Mandalorian,” “Star Wars Rebels”) with Josh Rimes (“Star Wars Resistance,” “Star Wars: Visions”) and Alex Spotswood (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” “Star Wars Rebels”) as producers. Rau is also serving as supervising director with Corbett as head writer and Matt Michnovetz as story editor.
Season 2 consists of 16 episodes and Disney has provided the airdates:
Jan. 4 — Episode 201 “Spoils of War” & Episode 202 “Ruins of War”
Jan. 11 — Episode 203 “The Solitary Clone”
Jan. 18 — Episode 204 “Faster”
Jan. 25 — Episode 205 “Entombed”
Feb. 1 — Episode 206 “Tribe”
Feb. 8 — Episode 207 “The Clone Conspiracy” & Episode 208 “Truth and Consequences”
Feb. 15 — Episode 209 “The Crossing”
Feb. 22 — Episode 210 “Retrieval”
March 1 — Episode 211 “Metamorphosis”
March 8 — Episode 212 “The Outpost”
March 15 — Episode 213 “Pabu”
March 22 — Episode 214 “Tipping Point”M
March 29 — Episode 215 “The Summit” & Episode 216 “Plan 99”
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twinsunstars · 1 year
Reflecting on Star Wars Celebration 2023
For 2023, Star Wars Celebration was held in London, England, part of Europe. Fans had a blast, whether they actually attended in person wearing cosplay or just regular clothes, or tuned into the live broadcasts on the Star Wars Youtube channel. Like last year in 2022, there were a lot of surprises and awesome guests, but 2023 had a lot of special moments and emotional responses. The hosts of each panel also need some appreciation, I loved the energy and relatable moods they brought to each day. In this post, I’ll recap some of the amazing highlights of each celebration day, and share my thoughts on the panels I attended while tuning into the lives at home. 
Starting off with Day 1, the excitement was at the top-level. Considering it was in London, the live started at 5 AM for me where I live. So I definitely did not get any sleep, but it was worth it. The Ahsoka series got the most recognition of the day with the teaser trailer dropping to all the fans. I woke up to the trailer being posted and immediately watched it, trying not to scream so loudly. Rebels fans were truly getting fed with the new live-action debuts of Hera, Sabine, Ezra, Thrawn, and Chopper. The Acolyte cast were given introductions, and I had no idea that a star from Squid Game (Lee Jung-jae) was going to be in it. I’m really excited to see more of this show. The Making of Andor was discussed with a few of the cast members and creators there, and Diego Luna really highlighted what Andor means to a personal level. Season 2 is in the making, and that will be something worth looking forward to. The next Star Wars films were also announced, and Dave Filoni’s directing one??? Let’s see what he has in store for us.
Day 2 included just as much fun as the first day had. There were more discussions on the Ahsoka characters, and Lars Mikkelsen IS PLAYING THRAWN?! Definitely a good live-action casting choice. Ming-Na Wen came to celebration to host the panel celebrating 40 years of Return of the Jedi, looking back at the characters and how that movie’s plot set up a lot of iconic memories. She also came to an interview to discuss her character, Fennec Shand, and how she is a “badass”. Andy Serkis came to the stage and certainly incited a powerful audience (”ONE WAY OUT!”). It’s unbelievable how it’s already been 15 years of The Clone Wars, with Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, and Ashley Eckstein looking back at the legacy of all of it. Ian McDarmid served the iconic laughter of Palpatine, and Anthony Daniels arrived with his usual charm that makes C-3PO lovable, and got to meet one of his droid fans. Billy Dee William’s charm is irresistible, and we love to see Star Wars authors getting recognition.  
In Day 3, there was a lot more looking back to look forward to. Starting off with the panel celebrating a few of the villains of the Sequels-Phasma, Snoke, and Palpatine-it was interesting to hear their perspectives. Cameron Monaghan served his look on the stage while rocking a poncho, and we love to hear the discussions about ponchos. He even gave it to a cosplaying fan, which was so sweet. Discussing “Jedi Survivor”, the sequel to “Jedi: Fallen Order”, there’s a lot more action to look forward to in the next game. Vivien Lyra Blair is just too adorable, and we have to agree with Hayden Christhansen; “This is where the fun begins” is one of the best Anakin lines. Along with Ewan McGregor and a few other cast members and creators, the team looks back at the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, getting nostalgia between the relationship of Obi-Wan and Anakin. 
And finally, Day 4 was sad as it was to be the last day of celebration, but the energy was extra hyped this day. This day was filled with content of The Bad Batch, and we love to see everyone fangirling over Dee Bradley Baker performing the voices of a few clones. (Tech and Phee are canon now after they talked about it, you can’t change my mind.) Michelle Ang is so pure at heart, and we love to hear her takes on Omega and having her grow up a bit. The fact that Season 3 will be the last Bad Batch season is saddening, there’s still so much to discover. Ashley Eckstein is truly such a kind human being, and we love to see her giving the Ahsoka recognition that is truly deserved. A second season of Tales of the Jedi was announced, and we will be getting a Volume 2 of Star Wars: Visions, and I am in love with the animation. The fact that the studio who produced the film “Wolfwalkers” is getting to create a short in this makes me happy. Listen, Nubs, that little jedi from that upcoming Disney Junior show, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, is so CUTE! The closing ceremony was filled with a lot of emotions, but we can’t wait until the next celebration to see everyone again. Star Wars Celebration is truly home.
My first celebration was back in 2022, and I had attended that one through the lives at home as well. Whenever I sit down to attend the live streams, I really feel like I’m there at celebration, and I have tons of fun every time. Let’s look forward to enjoying ourselves again in 2025 in Japan!
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rebelsofshield · 2 years
Star Wars: The Bad Batch “Entombed” - Review
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The Batch go tomb raiding in a decidedly average episode.
When Omega stumbles upon a strange compass in a scrap heap, the Batch get roped into joining treasure hunter Phee Genoa on a quest to find a valuable artifact. However, this ancient tomb may be hiding more than riches.
One of the joys of Star Wars is that its setting provides ample opportunity for storytellers to play around with genre. Its a vast universe that has room for adventure pulp, war epics, spy thrillers, kaiju science fiction, star crossed romance, sports drama, and even slapstick comedy. The Clone Wars spent a large amount of its second season playing around with the possibilities offered up by the Star Wars playground. It makes sense that The Bad Batch would try the same and the series’ episodic format lends itself well to trying on different storytelling forms.
That seems to have been the inspiration behind “Entombed,” a treasure hunting story that takes the Batch inside a mysterious tomb. While the immediate comparison might be something like Indiana Jones or The Mummy (which The Clone Wars already riffed off in the rather fun “Legacy of Terror”), the result ends up feeling like you’re watching someone play the puzzle portions of a Tomb Raider or Uncharted game. If that sounds only mildly interesting, that’s because it is. Sure, there’s a fun monster crawling around in the tombs ducts, but it never feels like much of a threat and only appears in passing glances. While I appreciated the break from the usual blaster action last week, there just isn’t much going on in “Entombed” to hold one’s interest. “Faster” gave us some fast paced racing sequences and some enjoyable character beats for Tech and Cid, but the puzzles that the Batch and Phee solve here aren’t particularly interesting to figure out as an audience member and there isn’t much if anything going on in terms of development for our regular cast or guest stars.
It’s a shame given that Wanda Sykes is always brings a spark of energy to pretty much any project she’s a part of. Even if Phee is a fairly one note treasure hunter, Sykes voices her with enough snark and swagger to make her personality big enough to steal most scenes she’s a part of. I just wish Christopher Yost’s script gave her more to do.
“Entombed” does pick up a bit towards its final third with the reveal that the tomb is in fact the inner workings of a giant, ancient droid. The machine is fascinating to look at because of how thoroughly its sleek, almost stone like design feels so unlike any other droid we’ve seen in the franchise. I’m a sucker for any kind of eldritch contraption and watching this towering, dinosaur like mech wake up and start blasting away at the desolate landscape brought me right back into an episode that had otherwise lost my interest. And sure, I would’ve liked to see a bit more of this strange droid and get a hint at just what its ancient purpose might be, but just having this giant automaton wander about for a bit was a highlight.
In all honesty, outside of a cool robot, I don’t think I’m going to remember much of “Entombed.” Its passable but never quite interesting television for a series that still seems to be struggling to find a purpose for its less eventful episodes. Let’s hope we get back on track soon.
Score: B-
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
Pabu Pt. 2
After dinner, Omega and Lyana head down to her boat to watch the sunset. Wrecker I'm pretty sure is in a food coma, at his place at the table. Tech types away on his datapad and Phee watches. I get up and head over to the edge and look down at the village below. Out at one of the docks a boat - probably Omega and Lyana - is going out to the ocean. Crossing my arms over my chest I take a deep breath savoring the view. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this...Mandalore certainly did not have oceans like this... I instinctively grab my necklace. A familiar scent is carried on the breeze past me and I can feel the warmth radiating of his body behind me. I take another deep breath, basking in his scent - He lets out a soft chuckle behind me. "You know I don't need genetically modified senses to know it's you, Hunter." Two arms wrap around my center and we stand there like that silently, looking out into the horizon.
Phee jumps up from the table to join us "It's almost time." I hear Tech stop typing on his datapad "For what?" He asks. "See for yourself." He joins her over at the edge near Hunter and I, and looks around "I am not seeing anything." "Just wait. It'll be worth it." The sun had set enough that now it is almost dark. Suddenly the lights come on throughout the entire village - it’s like the stars fell from space and litter surface of this planet. I pull away from Hunter to look further down over the edge. "Pretty spectacular, right?" I'm completely speechless. "I suppose that is one way to quantify it" Tech tells her. I glance over at them and smirk to myself - I know Phee has a thing for him but I'd almost bet Tech has no idea. Glancing back, Hunter is looking at me. Not the scenery, me. I reach a hand back which he takes and pull him to the edge to look over. He looks over my shoulder and whispers "Ge sa mesh'la sa gar" his voice deep and husky. Almost as beautiful as you. Leaning into him I shut my eyes and for a moment. "You know—" he starts and I turn to face him, sitting on the edge of the stone wall. "—even though working for Cid has not been all that great...If it weren't for that...I never would have met you." Heat creeps up my face and I can't help but smile. "Hunter you guys have given me a new purpose...you have given me a new purpose...and I don't know if I can ever repay you for that." There's a spark of something behind his eyes that looks hungry. Hungry for me.
Shep speaks up, "I supposed we should show our new guests to where they will be staying!" Hunter doesn't takes his eyes off me as I hop off the wall and head over toward Wrecker and Shep, "That sounds good to me." "Alrighty then! Right this way!" The four of us follow Shep down a walk way - still on the upper level. He stops in front of an outdoor covered common area that is shared by 5 little huts. The four of us are unsure of what to do in this moment and we all stand there. Shep gestures to the huts "One for each of you. I figured this made the most sense after you spent all your time on a ship together." Wrecker is the first one to move "We each get one to ourself?" "Of course!" Shep says like it's so obvious. Wrecker heads inside the one on the far left. Hunter turns to Shep and shakes his hand "Thank you Shep. This is very generous." "It's no problem at all! I'm just glad we could help! I'll leave you guys to settle in." With that the heads back to his home. Tech heads into the hut next to Wrecker's, Hunter and I both just stand there. "I can share with Omega when Echo comes back. He will need somewhere to stay too." He doesn't argue and I figure it's probably because for once he can get away from all the noise. Wrecker and Tech come back out. "You guys have to see the inside! We even get our own bathroom!" "No offense Wrecker, but I am happy to not have to share with you for once." I can't help but snort a laugh at Tech's comment. Hunter just shakes his head. "I'm going to grab my things from the Marauder, anyone else need anything?" I ask, looking between each of the guys. Tech types on his datapad "I'll be up in a few. There is a couple things I would like to do first." I nod and head out "I'll come with you." Hunter offers and I nod my thanks.
We head up to the Marauder and collect our things - including Omegas - before heading back down. We pass Tech and Wrecker on their way up. When we get back to our colony of huts, I stop in the center. "What is it?" Hunter asks, confusion plastered on his face. "I think we should put Omega between us, just in case..." he quirks a brow at me. Now I'm confused, "What?" I ask him. "Now who's being paranoid" he teases. "Hunter...I'm not being paranoid. It's being practical" I put my hands on my hips, sassing him. He smirks and sighs "Fine." He puts her belongings in her hut before heading to his. He hesitates by the door before setting his things down and making his way over to me with determination on his face. I stop before entering my hut wondering what he's doing. Without a word he grabs my face and kisses me, dropping my things I wrap my arms around his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair. "Ugh can you do that somewhere else?" Wrecker complains. I break the kiss but Hunter doesn't let me go, he gives his vod (brother) a look. Tech with out looking up from his datapad or missing a beat says "you might want to get used to it Wrecker" before heading in his hut. I chuckle and Hunter turns his attention back to me - looking me in the eyes - "I'm going to wait for Omega." "Goodnight Hunter" I say before hissing his cheek. "Goodnight Mesh'la (Beautiful)" He grins like a little boy and I head inside.
I had planned to sleep, I really did...it was almost like it was too quiet though. Getting up, I decide to give my armor a good once over and clean my weapons. All of that only takes me a few hours and I try to lay back down. The silence is defending...I guess after sleeping on the Marauder, being in Cid's bar, or being under fire all the time is taking it's toll. Sighing I get up and decide I might go for a walk. Grabbing my jacket and throwing it on, I fling my door open and am met with Hunter's back as he walks away "Hunter?" He spins around "Sorry I didn't want to bother you. I wasn't sure if you were sleeping." "I'm not, what's up?" I exit my hut, closing the door behind me. He doesn't say anything for a moment but just stares at me, heading over and sitting on the couch I pat the spot next to me. He comes over and sits down, under the moonlight he looks exhausted. "What's the matter?" I try asking again. He sighs "It's too quiet...when it's too quiet my other senses seem to work harder and with all the new smells and movements...I can't sleep..." he looks down at his hands. Leaning over I put a hand on his cheek and turn his face so he's looking at me. "Then focus on me..." He closes his eyes, leaning into my touch, and inhales deeply. After a moment his eye brow twitches which tells me it's not working. I throw my legs over his lap and lay down. He looks over at me and quirks a brow. Reaching for his arm, I pull him so he gets the hint "come here." He lays his head on my chest with his ear over my heart. Wrapping my arms around him, I start to play with his hair like we've done this a thousand times. He hums in satisfaction, "If I knew you were going to do this, I would have knocked sooner." I let out a soft chuckle and roll my eyes. "Lyana and Omega are going back out on the boat in the morning" he continues. Pressing my lips to his head I breathe in his scent. "I'm glad she's making friends. She should be a kid for once." He hums his agreement. "You know I was thinking, about what Phee said about preserving cultures for these people who lost everything....Omega....she wants to know so much about Mandalore....I want to teach her....I mean you’re Jango's clones....Mandalorian blood....If you're okay with that?" "I mean if that's what she wants, yeah. You don't have to ask me, she's her own person." "I know but...she looks up to you and I wouldn't do it if it wasn't something you weren't okay with." He picks his head up and looks me in the eye "I want Omega to have the choice to be a kid and do what she wants without fighting for her life." Smiling, I nod in agreement. He looks over at the patch on the bicep of my jacket - which is...no...was...his bandana - and runs his thumb over it. "Not gunna lie, when she did that I thought you were going to be pissed." He chuckles "Actually I thought it was fitting." "Like in a marking your territory kind of way?" I tease. "It worked didn't it?" I smack his arm gently. He laughs and lays his head back down on my chest.
We talk and laugh for a while, and I can tell he is relaxing more. Not too much longer after that, he grows quiet and his breathing becomes slow and shallow - he must be asleep. I lay there awake for a little while longer, listening to the birds, waves, and the moon-yos chattering. I feel bad for him...having heightened senses definitely has it's perks...but, I can't imagine feeling what I do ten fold....or having my other senses working overtime...he takes care of all of us all the time...his turn to be cared for...it's the least I can do after all he's given me...
"Were they out here all night?" Omega asks. "How should I know?" Wrecker responds. Tech sighs "If you guys talk any louder, you are going to wake them up." My eyes flicker open and Hunter grunts "too late." He sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and I pull my legs off his lap. "Were you guys out here all night?" Omega eyes us curiously. I sit up and sigh, "Not all night....just about half of it...." "Oh...Lyana and Shep brought some fruit. Want some?" She continues. I shake my head "I gotta wake up first, I'll be back." Glancing over at Hunter, I notice he doesn't look as exhausted as he did last night. I smile at him, place a kiss on his cheek, and head to my hut for a shower. After, I take sometime to mess around with my armor so I don't have to wear such heavy layers. Forgoing my flight suit, I secure my armor pieces to my black pants, shirt, and my jacket - careful not to cover the patch. Mhm not bad.....if I didn't want to wear my full kit this definitely works...
When I come out, Omega is gone, Tech is typing on his datapad with Phee looking over his shoulder, Wrecker is eating - shocker - and Hunter is talking to Shep. He gives me a once over with his eyes - must be he likes what he sees. He whips around suddenly and looks over the edge. I head over to him, "Hunter, what is it?" "Something's coming." Is all he says, my heart beings to race in anticipation. The animals down below seem to be running in different directions in preparation. The whole island begins to rumble and shake. As quickly as it came on, it stops. "What was that?" I whip around asking Shep. "Uh, small tremor. It's nothing to worry about. Part of island life" he doesn't seem concerned but Hunter is stiffer than durasteel which makes me concerned. Hunter opens the comm "Omega, come in. Are you two okay?" "We're fine. We're headed back to shore now." "I don't think it's over yet" just as Hunter finishes the rubbling starts again. Citizens down below start to panic and run. Belongings are clattering. We crouch along the rock wall along the edge of the walk way until it stops. "That was not a small tremor" He almost scolds Shep. Tech shakes his head, "No, it was not. Hunter, I believe this island is at risk for a significant sea surge." My stomach drops at the thought of Omega still down below. "How much risk?" "Highly probable to imminent." Shep looks confused "We haven't had a sea surge in more than three decades. If we were at risk, the early warning system would've activated."
As if on cue the alarm starts blaring. "I don't like the sound of that" Wrecker complains. Another tremor starts. Shep hands Tech a pair of binoculars, "The water has already begun receding. We must evacuate all of Lower Pabu" he informs us. I stand up and grabbing on to the edge, look down trying to calculate my next move - the wall is slanted from here...it's quite a drop but I could slide down...thank Maker I decided to put some of my armor on... "What are you thinking?" Hunter asks seeing me look over. "Lyana and Omega, they're—" before Hunter gets his answer or Shep can even finish I throw myself over the edge and slide down the stone. As I reach the bottom, I push off the stone and land on the roof top of one of the buildings. From there, I run across them until I reach the edge of the village. Racing out to the waters edge - it's receding so fast - I can almost run out to where they are. The comms on my vambrace go off "Hunter...Raven, we're in trouble...There's a giant wave coming, and we're too far out. What do we do?" She sounds really scared. "Keep you locator on, and head towards the shore" he tells her. "I'm on my way Omega, I'll meet you. Hunter, get to the Marauder and get down here!" "Already on it."
When I catch up with Omega and Lyana - we’re quite a ways out from shore. "That wave is moving quick! Come on!" I yell and both girls race a head of me. Lyanna trips and I grab her by her shirt to get her back on balance. My comm chimes again "Omega, Raven, I've reached the ship. Hold tight!" Lyana looks back "The water's moving too fast!" "Don't stop running whatever you do!" I tell her. "Up there!" The Marauder comes into view. "I see you, grab the line." Both girls jump up onto the line. I aim my right vambrace at the ramp, shooting my rappelling line. Waiting until I see both girls making their way up, and I jump and grab it "We're on go!" Hunter flys us back over to the top of the island. All we can do is watch the water engulf the lower village before returning back to the ocean…
The four of us head down the ramp, my legs are ready to give out from sprinting all that way. Me and the girls make our way over to the tree and plop down underneath it in silence. Omega curls up next to me with her head in my lap. I gently run a hand through her hair and notice shes shivering - from fear or exhaustion Maker knows. Hunter watches with a solemn expression. Shep waves him and the others over. I watch and they seem to be deep in conversation. Lyana is shaking out of the corner of my eye and I wave her over, she too curls up and rests her head in my lap with Omega's. Hunter and Shep glance over at us and a warm smile creeps across their faces. Shep whispers something to Hunter with a mischievous look - Maker this is where I wish I had enhance senses...what did he say? I give Hunter a quizzical look and he just smirks.
Next Chapter
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usagirotten · 2 years
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 - Official Trailer
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Today, Lucasfilm Animation and Disney+ released the trailer and key art for Season 2 of the acclaimed animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch Clone fans rejoice, because we don't have much longer to wait until we're reunited with our favorite squad of misfits. Disney+'s animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, a spin-off of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is set to premiere its second season on the streamer on January 4. To build excitement for those who like a good treasure hunt, a brand-new trailer was released exclusively to the series' "Extras" tab on Disney+. Strange as the placement might be, the trailer nevertheless gave fans of Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Tech, Omega, and yes even Crosshair plenty to look forward to ahead of the new year. The trailer opens on a scene familiar to those who saw the first trailer, with the whole squad (sans Crosshair) on a beautiful beach on the run from some less-beautiful giant crabs. With the package they were sent for retrieved, they manage to make an escape with help from Omega and her Zygerrian energy bow.  When Season 2 debuts, viewers will find that months have passed since the events on Kamino that brought Season 1 to its thrilling conclusion, as the Bad Batch — also known as Clone Force 99 — continues to navigate the Empire after the fall of the Republic. The Batch will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places. Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 stars Emmy Award nominee Dee Bradley Baker (American Dad!) as the voice of the Bad Batch and Emmy Award nominee Michelle Ang (Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462) as the voice of Omega. Emmy Award winner Rhea Perlman (The Mindy Project, Cheers) returns to guest star as Cid, Noshir Dalal (It’s Pony, The Owl House) returns to guest star as Vice Admiral Rampart, and Emmy Award winner Wanda Sykes (The Upshaws, Black-ish) makes her guest starring debut in the series as Phee Genoa.
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anonymous asked: ❤️ + [ the prettiest star ]
>  Send me “❤️ + [insert ship]” for me to write a few headcanons about said ship! [meme]
//Ah, Ophelia ( @theresastargirl​​ ). I’ll freely admit it, Phee is one of my favourite OCs that I write with on tumblr. She’s adorable and always a delight. Clearly even Tony thinks so too, or else we wouldn’t be here with this meme.
Tony doesn’t so much say that he’s falling in love as he shows it. 
Tony (in my portrayal) falls into the aromatic spectrum, and while he is very much bisexual, it’s rare that he feels romantic attachment to someone. It’s even rarer after all the betrayals from people he’s allowed to get close to him that he makes those feelings known when he does start feeling it, as the fear of being betrayed by those he loves is now always in the back of his mind.
When Phee first came to him for help with her busted time travel tech from the future, he didn’t even truly think about turning her away, even going so far as opening his home to her so that she had somewhere safe to stay while he works on trying to get it fixed. And that’s where things start to get complicated, in his opinion, because the more he’s around her, the more comfortable he gets, and the more he finds himself actively seeking her out even when he doesn’t have questions pertaining to the devices she’s given him to work on.
It’s just little things at first. Inviting her up from the guest floor to join him, Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, and Bruce (ie his family) for dinner in the penthouse. Telling JARVIS to grant her access into the workshop while he works without having to ask each time she’s at the door. The small, bemused smile as Dum-E inevitably tries to bring her a smoothie whenever he’s making one for Tony too.
Then come the things that even make his closest friends take notice as he actively seeks her out whenever he’s not working on something else. The casual intimacy as he lets her get in close enough to run her fingers through his hair. The attention he pays to what her favourite foods and such are to make sure those things are always stocked in the common kitchens wherever she’s most likely to be found in the tower.
Tony’s ‘secretly’ afraid of losing Phee once he gets the tech fixed.
He won’t ever admit it, though Rhodey is most likely the one to see right through him to point it out and make him face it head on, but Tony is terrified that Phee will just take off and leave for parts and times unknown once her vortex manipulator is repaired. 
He certainly won’t ever admit it to her, because the last thing he wants is to give the impression that he’s trying to stop her from leaving if that’s what she really wants.
He’s done everything in his power to make sure SHIELD doesn’t learn anything about the truth of her existence.
After everything that occurred during the Battle of New York and since, Tony is excruciatingly protective of those who come under his care in any way, and he will do everything he can to keep SHIELD as far away from them as possible.
An unknown alien living in Stark Tower is just the kind of thing they don’t need to know about, and he won’t let them disrupt Phee’s life any more than it already has been by her bring stuck in one point in time and space.
If Phee is ever in danger, Tony will likely lose his shit.
Think every time that anyone Tony clearly loves has ever been in danger, and how pretty much only JARVIS was truly ever able to keep him calm enough to deal with danger. 
Not to say he won’t absolutely kick the ass of whoever dares try to endanger and/or hurt her, but he won’t be cool, calm, and collected while doing it, even if he manages to play the role of such on the outside. Which will likely come to light in the aftermath once they’re safe, and in that moment he’s likely to be the most open about just how deeply he truly feels for her.
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speedknight · 5 years
XM studios booth, SGCC 2019 [Speedknight. Com]
Day One Launches With A Bang
The Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) 2019 kicked off on 7 December at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre. Queues formed outside Halls A, B and C way before the official opening, with fans of all ages and countries lining up as early as 7.30 am, with some already in costume. Crowds were full of DC superheroes, anime characters, lightsaber-wielding Jedis and even mini Disney princesses. Fans could explore a variety of exciting spaces such as a GGXP Zone, Artist Alley, and the main stage. Gaming tournaments, exclusive launches, panel discussions, exhibitions, and stalls made up the dynamic mix of activities that sprawled across the Expo Halls.
Jin (behindinfinity) [Speedknight.com]
The star-studded guest line-up included comic creators Greg Capullo, Jock, Andy Kubert, and David Mack, toy designers Jason Freeny and Tara McPherson, gamers Alodia Gosiengfiao, Topson and Viva La Dirt League and cosplayers Astarohime and Jin (behindinfinity).
Pokémon Trainers[Speedknight.com]
The day was packed with concurrent events all across the hall. Starting at 11 am, Maxsoft and Project EXT hosted an exclusive Pokémon tournament that saw trainers battle it out in the Pokémon Video and Trading Card games. At 12 noon, LEGO had its global unveiling of the highly-anticipated 2020 Modular Building Set. For the first time at SGCC, Singapore Pro Wrestling had professional wrestlers perform matches throughout the afternoon in the boxing ring to the crowd’s cheers. The 3 pm Cosplay Parade drew numerous dedicated fans, all decked in their best costumes, proud to represent their favourite characters on the wrestling ring. In the gaming zone, PVP Esports @ Singapore Comic Con by Singtel held a Corporate League Final as regional teams battled it out in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and Dota 2. Gamersaurus Rex also held tournaments all day long with games such as Dungeons vs. Dragons, Warhammer, and Song of Ice and Fire.
Mr. Kiasu Meets SpongeBob SquarePants panel [Speedknight.com]
Fans got an exclusive insight into artist processes, live drawings, and unique collaborations through the panel sessions on the main stage. Some highlights included a talk with Batman and X-Men illustrator, Andy Kubert, and a Mr. Kiasu Meets SpongeBob SquarePants panel. The sprawling Artist Alley gave fans a chance to meet their favourite artists, and purchase special merchandise and products.
Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) 2019 - Day Two Left Visitors In Awe!
The second day of Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) 2019 started strong with a star studded line-up including a spotlight on comic book illustrator Jock at the event’s main stage, who detailed insights into his work on blockbuster movies like Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Dredd. Fluorescent Black Panel, headed by acclaimed writer Matt F. Wilson and a trio of producers gave fans valuable insights as well as a sneak peek of the upcoming TV adaptation of cult-favourite bio-punk graphic novel Fluorescent Black. Later in the day, during I Want to Make Toys - How ah?, viewers got a deep-dive into the world of toy making in a lively panel discussion led by Tara McPherson, Jason Freeny, Jonathan Cathey, and Daniel Yu. Fans got the chance to meet famous creators in person, including comic creators Jock, Yasmine Putri, James C Mulligan, and David Mack and many more.
Singapore Pro Wrestling ring  [Speedknight.com]
Tabletop Gaming area [Speedknight.com] 
Singapore Pro Wrestling returned for an afternoon of shows to get everyone’s adrenaline rushing. Comic book writer Donny Cates led an insightful panel for aspiring writers and artists with Words to Pictures at Creative Space. The day was also marked by ongoing tournaments at the Gamesaurus Rex Tabletop Gaming.
Danniel Adi Putra, Champion of this year's Championships of Cosplay [Speedknight.com] 
Fans got hyped up by their favourite characters brought to life by many talented cosplayers decked in intricate, well designed costumes. The Championships of Cosplay final took over the main stage in the late afternoon. Cosplayers competed and won the hearts of the judges such as Bernard Phee, Astarohime and Jin (behindinfinity) who guest judged this year’s competition. After a spectacular display of talent by all competing cosplayers, Danniel Adi Putra emerged on top and was crowned as the overall champion for the Championships of Cosplay 2019. Danniel won himself an all sponsored trip to represent SGCC at the prestigious cosplay competition at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) in 2020 as well as a cash prize and tickets to SGCC 2020.
PVP Esports @ Singapore Comic Con [Speedknight.com]
In the gaming zone, PVP Esports @ Singapore Comic Con returned with the Campus League Final, where tertiary teams battled it out in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang for the grand prize of SGD $5,000 and 3,000 Diamonds per player. Unstable Network took the competition by storm and walked away as the Champions of the PVP Campus League Grand Finals 2019.
Tokidoki Booth [Speedknight.com]
Mighty Jaxx Booth [Speedknight.com]
The two-day hit event came to a close after drawing in an estimated 55,000 fans who took home prizes, precious memories and merchandise from various exhibitors such as XM Studios, Tokidoki, Mighty Jaxx and the creators at Artist Alley.
For more Capture Memories head to the Gallery after the break:
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