#guess who started reading x-men comics again
exotic-inquiry · 1 month
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laroserie · 2 months
— Various x-men characters dating a non-mutant!reader
— characters ; Scott Summers, Peter Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Hank McCoy
— version with others characters ; not out yet
— warning ; no particular tw. talk about self estimee and doubt. (as always author has not started reading the comics and their knowledge come from the different xmen cartoon and my hazy memories of the film <3) ( also no cartoon gif for peter because i couldn't find any ... is he even in any of the xmen cartoons ), author decided that Peter has self-confidence issues, also Peter part kinda slide tracked and has more about Peter and his struggle than him dating reader whose a human ... sorry! (his part is also a bit short ...)
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— Scott Summers
Scott has no particular qualm around you being a regular human, he loves you just as you are, and nothing can change that. That said, Scott cannot help himself but be, patronising at time. In his mind, you being a human just make you be at risks, you can't defend yourself if you get attacked, by others humans or mutants. He doesn't view you as weak, but, he know how fleeting life is. He isn't the greatest at expressing his feelings, and notably his worry for you.
He will also be more protective than if he was with a mutant. And it show in him being at first very against you befriending any others x-men, he very much care for most of them and he loves you very much, but he doesn't want to have those two part of his life mix up. He doesn't want you to get in dangers because of his job, but he also doesn't want you to possibly endanger one of his mission, he wasn't capable of choosing between you and one of his mission. Not to say, you are as or more important than his mission, but he was responsibilities as a X-Men and he cannot forget about them. But that said, with enough asking and pleading, making him crack and let you meet his friends and fellow X-Men.
Talking about you interacting with mutants, Scott will not let any remarks about you - well not being one - slide. He knows and understand why his friends may feel wary of humans, he get it, but you are different. You are quite literally dating him - a mutant, it couldn't make any sense for you to be against them. Scott may let it slide the first time actually, but anymore than that, and he's making them do extra session in danger room - or they aren't allowed in it, depending on who.
In general, there isn't that much of a different between how he treat his mutant or non-mutant partner, he just will be more protective and worried for them. He doesn't feel particularly insecure in your relationship - because of his mutation or your lack of mutation.
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Again, he doesn't have any problems with you not being a mutant - he more so has problem being a mutant, not in general of course, but in your relationship yes. Peter can't really give an answer as to why, but if he had to guess it was probably due to this father, and the fact that he didn't want to do anything like his father did, to you. The worst is, he know damn well he isn't anything like him but he can't help but think that way.
He feels like he's going to mess your relationship up, because of what he is. He try to play it off as if it was nothing, but it's a feeling that lingers in the back of his mind often. He never truly wished to be a regular human before, and he still doesn't, but he just want your relationship to be more normal. Which isn't really possible. Peter knows that, he also knows that you don't care, about that kind of thing.
He can mask his doubts and awful self-confidence with his quirky attitude, he can fool most people pretty easily - expect you. At some point, it get to point, where you have to sit down with Peter and try to have a conversation about it, at first he will just act dumb and pretend he doesn't get what you are talking about, but his facade cracks relatively fast.
You listen, his fears and doubts. You comfort him, and assure him, that everything is fine, you reassure him that weither your relationship is 'normal' or not it's the last of your problem. You love him, he loves you and that all that matter in your eyes.
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Now, Kurt could be the one that has the most difficulty dating someone that is not a mutant. He could be scared to hurt you more than anything. He's stressing out about doing or saying the worst thing, that will just break everything. One of the reason why he is friend, with his friends is because they share at least one thing - they can all relate on one crucial part of their identity - them being mutant, it's one thing that link them all together and make it at least a little bit easier to connect. You lacking that, make it hard for him. He still loves you all the same of course, but he feels like not being able to share something so crucial is sad.
So he desperately try to make it up in some way, he looks everything he can about your interests to be able to share that with you, everytime you share something about your interests Kurt will make mental note of it. And he will share a lot about what interest him in return. If you speak an another language that he doesn't know, he'll try to learn it, after all what is better than learning the language of your lover! Kurt can even teach you some german if you want to!
He wants something to link the two of you together even more. It's something he heavily crave. To be linked to you, by more than just, your love for each others.
Kurt may feel insecure at time, that you may leave him for well, a regular human, that isn't blue, has five fingers on each hands - he will try to keep it to himself, but he isn't really good at that. His insecurity just overflow and he end up offhandedly asking you while you are hanging out, if you could prefer to be dating a human rather than him. Obviously, you tell him that you don't, and ask where did this idea came from. He feels reluctant to admit as to why he asked. He feels, ashamed ? After seeing your reaction, he feels a bit silly, and even more when you comfort him and tell him that you very much prefer and could always choose to date him more than anyone else just because they are human.
On a more happy note Kurt loves seeing how amazed you are by his mutation, you never really were around mutants before - there isn't actually a ton of opportunity to meet mutants and to know that they are mutants, even if antis mutant politicians like to make people believe the contrary - most humans he met, weren't exactly thrilled by his, but you are the exactly opposite. Even after being together for a while and getting used to his mutation, there is still this curiosity and shine in your eyes when he teleport for example.
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He is by far, the most chill about your relationship and you not being a mutant while he is. Well, that is if we are talking about Hank, after he accepted his entire mutation and all, which we are, Hank pre-self acceptance is different deal.
But once, Hank is settled as a scientific and has member of the X-Men, and has fully accepted his mutation, he doesn't personally really care. But sadly, a lot of people seemingly do and that's one thing that annoy him. The worst is it come from both fellow mutants, even his friends and colleagues sometime! And from regular humans. He doesn't really get why people care about him dating a non-mutant or you dating him - a mutant.
He personally try to not let it get to him, and if it does he will do everything but make you suffer because of it. It most often will result in him shutting himself in his lab for a bit of time, to calm down.
And like others, he feels like he needs to protect you because, you are so ... weak in his eyes, not in a bad way of course ! But in comparison to him you are so small and fragile. This cause Hank to usually like putting his arms around you, around you waist or on your back, to show you that he is there, and to show people around that you are his, and that they shouldn't try to hurt you in anyway.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
How an animated series saved Remy LeBeau (again)
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It's a bit of a hyperbolic title, but catchy, non?
I was looking over my comic collection as I've decided to reread X-Men's 60 year history over the course of the summer. And it got me thinking about a dead period of 616 canon that I've never actually read. Around the time Rogue hooked up with Magneto and scooted off to the Avengers, I decided I'd be done with comics for a while. And didn't start again until Rogue (and Gambit) came back to the X-books in 2017's Astonishing X-Men. But it made me wonder -- What happened to Gambit in that time??
Well, after his solo ended, he flitted around to X-Factor and hung out with X-23 and then kind of went 'poof' for a good long while.
Why? I can only guess the same reason this is a running motif with Gambit. There's something about him that drives the X-Office crazy. I'm not here to speculate what or how or who of it all. I don't know enough about the back end of Marvel to give concrete answers. But I think what has surprised me (recently) is that he's definitely a fan favorite character.
[Yes, I know he can be a divisive character. Yes, I know elements of his character from the 90s have not aged well. Yes, I know there are those of you who can't stand him. Don't really care - you can get off my lawn, thank you.]
Which got me thinking -- Gambit's original popularity, I believe, stemmed from the original X-Men Animated Series. He had just started showing up in the comics at the time, and had barely any kind of page time. And the X-Men TAS swung and was a hit. And so was Gambit.
I don't really know that Gambit would be around today if TAS hadn't done its thing. Would the X-Office have kept him around? I really have no idea.
But they did try to get rid of him. That was the point of leaving him in Antarctica. And things were just never the same after that. Claremont tried his best in the early 2000s. And then Deathbit happened. Carey's run wasn't bad. But Carey clearly had an agenda for other things... And then, Gambit just kind of faded into the background. (I hear his run as a side character for Laura (X-23) was good - but I haven't read that.)
Bless Kelly Thompson (always) for sparking life back into him with (and his relationship with Rogue). And bless the fact that she actually married him to Rogue. Yes, I understand comics -- my god look what they did to Peter and MJ, no one really gets to be happily married except Sue and Reed. He and Rogue are now really tied together in a way that I don't think is going to be undone any time soon.
Even if the X-Office still isn't thrilled with the guy. Krakoa era has been less than ideal. (I can't comment on it fully - I haven't read much of it, as I'm behind on my comic reading.) But I've heard rumors that one reason Thompson was let go was that she didn't want Gambit killed off. And she didn't like the direction they wanted to take the character.
Which leads me to X-Men 97. Killing him off sucked. Really. As a fan, it really sucked. But - my god, the reaction to it. Gambit was amazing. And all I've heard lately is good things about the character. There's been a Gambit resurgence in the best way. He may have went out -- but he went out with a bang. X-Men 97 made an emotional impact with people. And that changes things.
Gambit is cool again.
And I love it.
What's even more exciting is the fact that the X-Office has changed hands again and Gail Simone on Uncanny who (if her Twitter/X feed is to be believed) is really enjoying writing the character. Which means (hopefully) at least another year or two in the comics of some (hopefully) great Gambit stuff.
And maybe there will be some changing of hearts and minds in the X-Office.
It's actually very exciting.
And, guys, I really (really, really) doubt he'll be completely gone from X-Men 97, too.
Because Remy LeBeau never stays down for long.
But as a fan, it's nice to see him be on top again. And I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon.
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’re in the ATLA fandom but l*ve square feels a lot like kat*ang where people can easily criticize female main but don’t you dare not ship canon or criticize our boy!
Childish boy that can do no wrong/ is perfect that needs come before duty or the wants of his partner x woman of color that’s kind and strong which are her best or worst traits depending on when you ask and who must end up with male lead because he earned it
Anon...Sit down for a moment.
I am not sure if you read my about me or not but I should I mention I ship Kataang and my blog is a pro Aang blog!
I was going to write up a big response but I think I should keep this relatively short and sweet.
But to start off...How is Lukanette like Zvtara?! Like how?!
Zvtara was more popular than the canon ships before and after Avatar's run. And while Lukanette was popular for a time, it was by no means more popular than that one ship that shall not be named! If anything Zvtara is just as popular as the LS and Zvtara fanfics are similar to Adrien and Marinette's fucked up """"love story"""". I remember reading ZK fanfics where everyone and I mean everyone pushes Zuko and Katara together, Toph, Iroh, they are all reduced to mouthpieces for the Zvtara fanbase. Kind of similar to the creepy ass Adrie//nette cult in the show. I literally found a fanfic where Iroh and Kanna try to get Zuko and Katara together by shoving them in a freezer together, which reminds me a hell of a lot like M*raculous.
And I am not sure why you Z/tara shippers are once again playing victim. Yes, there are Kataang shippers who arrogantly flaunt their canon but I also seen Z/tara shippers who think me and my peers are delusional for not seeing the """"romantic chemistry"""" between Zuko and Katara. I have seen Z/tara shippers act all smug and think they have better reading comprehension than people who ship canon. Not to mention the ZK shippers who think anyone who doesn't like Z/tara hates woman and all Kataang shippers are white men while all PoC are uncomfortable with the idea of Kataang.
And honestly the people who think everyone who hates Z/tara hates women can seriously fuck off! Shipping isn't activism! Some of you really need to get off the computer and touch some grass! And stop talking for all PoC as well! I am PoC! And the way a lot of Zvtara fanfictions fetishize Katara and make her Zuko's exotic girlfriend makes me uncomfortable. Not to mention the ZK shippers who think Aang would force Katara to let go of her culture (Legend of Korra and the comics proved this wrong) while Zvtara fanfics involve Katara completely letting go of the water tribe to become the perfect fire lady.
Not to mention, my friends and I were bullied by Zvtara shippers! I was bullied by a ZK shipper in her 40's who acts all smug and thought she had moral superiority and had better reading comprehension because she ships ZK. She just complains about cartoons all day.......Yeah! Complaining about cartoons all day is what ZK shippers do I guess.
And I am not sure why you Aang antis and ZK deepthroaters go on and on until kingdom come that Aang never faces consequences. He felt guilty for burning Katara, for kissing her at the wrong time, for Katara putting herself in the line of danger during the desert episode. Aang saved Kyoshi Island when it was attacked by the fire nation, and he felt guilty and saved Katara and Sokka after hiding a letter from their father from them.
Unlike Adrien whom the creators literally said does no wrong or doesn't need to apologize for anything. Chat Noir ate up kissing Ladybug in Oblivio...Aang felt guilty for kissing Katara in Ember Island Players and didn't bother her about it again.
And Aang takes his role as Avatar seriously! Even if it was all so scary and sometimes he wished wasn't a 12-year-old boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders...Which is human. The ML bible confirmed AdriChat doesn't give a crap about being a hero he's just in it for the freedom!
And again...Not sure why you guys think ZK is like Lukanette...Is every non-canon ship "Just like Zoootara ZOMG!" now?!
I mean...Luka and Marinette actually liked each other. Zuko and Katara never showed romantic interest in each other. (But I guess that is a hard pill for you people to swallow) And "Katara falling in love with Aang is unrealistic because i would've chosen Zuko!" isn't a valid argument! And yet ya'll claim Zvtara isn't a self insert ship.
Honestly I have seen more similarities between Lukanette and Kataang. Both are best friends to lovers that are brushed off as "just bros!" People dismiss both shippers by the mere virtue that the other choice is "more attractive". I have heard people said that the two year age gap between Marinette and Luka is creepy...Similar to Kataang.
And honestly the fact you people have been watching Avatar the Last Airbender with your eyes closed thinking Aang never faces the consequences or apologizes reminds me of that old drama of how people honestly felt Marinette never apologized and got off scott free with everything!
And Luka and Aang are two sweet boys who get way too much unwarranted hate!
And don't you dare compare Kataang to the LS! Similar to how not all non-canon ships are like Zvtara (Because I hate to break it to you people...But Zvtara wasn't robbed of anything! There are plenty of non-canon ships done far worse than Zvtara!) Not all canon ships are like the LS!
Kataang had gradual development and Aang and Katara were best friends! They were each other's ride or die! They had so much development that I am surprised you people are shocked that Aang and Katara ended up endgame.
Adrien and Marinette didn't have the same development that Aang and Katara did! Don't even compare Kataang to the loathe square around me!
But hey, if you can't see how awesome Aang is and how beautiful and nuanced Kataang is...Sucks for you I guess.
I think I am done now...Sorry if I wasn't here to validate your overhyped erotic wattpad fantasy ship but......I am not a Zvtara apologist blog and you messed with the wrong person.
Edit: I forgot to note!
One of the biggest fandom woes I dealt with in both fandoms is
ZK shippers being like "Katara never liked Aang!!!"
and LS shippers being like "Marinette never loved Luka!!!"
And I am like "Guys I am tired!"
But hey...Lukanette is toooootally not like KaTaang amirite???
I mean you guys only think Lukanette and Zvtara are similar because they are both non-canon right? Even if Lukanette was canon briefly. As short lived as it was...
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I love you guys
I first want to say sorry for not replying to everyone individually. I’m honestly overwhelmed by getting so many loving messages. So so many!!! I don't know where to begin. So I wanted to do a mass thank you because this way I don't leave anyone out. I’ve read and cherished them all, every one. I was having such a bad day that day, and really you all made me feel so much better and more welcome. I want those who are going through what I’m going through to know they are not alone either. I’m here for you as much as you are here for me, so please never think you are alone in this. So many of us are going through hell and it makes you feel so adrift. I hope something changes for the better for us all. 
I’m late to say thank you too as I’m with my sister at the moment. She saw I was down and has given me a bit of a holiday away from my neighbours at her place. It’s so quiet at her house. Well apart from my nephew getting me involved in his Spiderman obsession. I can't complain, I love Spidey. I’m feeling so much better. I guess I just needed a break from all the noise and stress. We're also planning a camping holiday come summer so that will be something to look forward to. Also, planning to do my driving lessons this year with her help as that will solve my work problem so much. I’m so nervous about that.
I’m also chuffed to bits to know there are also so many older fans. It’s always been something I loved in knowing that as we grow we never leave things we loved behind. And why should we? I wish I knew what changed in fandom to make so many people so ageist and hateful toward anyone over 30. It didn't used to be so bad, and I do hope that it changes. No one young or old should be made to feel awful for loving things so much they want to create, talk and share. The first person to get me into a fan community and make me feel I had a place as a little geek was an older lady I met at my town's old second hand book shop. We just started chatting over X-men comics (I loved the New Mutant and was a bit of a Rahne & Dani fan) and TSR books. She introduced me to Kirk and Spock shipping when I admitted I saw them as close. And wow was I in love with what she showed me. I even saw my first fanart in Susan Lovetts work and knew that's what I wanted to do. After that I got online in 95 and never looked back. I’ve been in so many fandoms and known people of all ages and called them my friends. So I truly hope that the anti olds things that is gripping some fandoms right now becomes a thing of the past and we can stop being so negative on people for daring to age.
Again thank you from the bottom of my heart for your caring and heartfelt messages. I feel so rubbish for not replying to you all, and I’m sorry, but I hope you all know you helped me. You are all the absolute best. I’ll see about getting some more drawings started when I come home. I’ve got some things that I kind of want to do that I've been promising myself I’d draw for years and feel I should start. I get sad I can't be a pro but at least I can still draw and get to share my joy at creating something with you guys. Thank you for all the sport and love.
Love and many hugs, Lucy
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the-invisible-bunny · 5 months
I have this burning desire to write a spideytorch fic where Sue is wholly opposed to the relationship (and effectively prevents Peter from making a move initially) because she thinks he’s too irresponsible for Johnny.
I think it’s partly because that’s kinda hilarious but mostly because I read, back to back, Peter calling Johnny irresponsible (Spider-Man/Human Torch) right after the stretch of Fantastic Four (rereading again because I love it so much) between Heroes Reborn and Civil War where Johnny’s strong sense of responsibility towards his power, family, and everything really I guess keeps coming up. Plus, I’d just read the whole Peter revealing his identity again after One More Day, and while they hug it out, Johnny is quite upset about Peter taking his face away (and Peter doesn’t seem to get how much that must hurt).
And after I had the thought it just kept coming. If Johnny’s had a series of bad relationships then surely Sue would not want him to date a guy who keeps secrets and just generally is the way Peter is. Sure, he’s Spider-Man and he’s great, but Spidey doesn’t come across as the greatest boyfriend ever. He’s a bit too flaky and secretive and quick to lie to everyone.
And I just love the idea of Peter’s reaction when Sue tells him to back off from her brother because he deserves someone more responsible and committed. Oh the angst and suffering and misunderstandings and eventual heart to hearts and shagging.
Downside is, can’t really write that properly until I’ve finished reading all the comics because that gives context to their actions and while I know generally what happens I haven’t read it all yet. I’ve been kind of avoiding the whole Alicia/Ljya story arc for a while because well… poor Johnny… and it’s hard to know where to start pre Heroes Reborn. Now I’m just reading from the beginning but it is a lot and I’m only up to like 1968 with the Fantastic Four and I’m mostly trying to read all the series (think I may drop the X-Men for a while though as they’re a bunch of boring buffoons so far).
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Hi! Sorry if this is a bit out of topic, but what comics would you recommend to someone who hasn't read any, but has a general understanding of the most popular characters and a few niche ones?
Not the current X-Men run for sure, because that is... a lot... but I do think New X-Men (2004) fits pretty well into what the public consciousness of the X-Men is. It's the X-Men as teachers in a school without the later drama of the Schism.
Personally I prefer my Avengers teams to have a mix of popular and niche members and a Hank Pym to cause science problems but current Avengers is all MCU heroes so it should be easy to get into. I do recommend the Busiek run... and 1985 West Coast Avengers is very weird but I think generally understandable.
Like... most Fantastic Four comics should be easy enough to understand. I think they're pretty good for starting out.
I will leave followers to declare the best Spider-Man run because I know less about the Spooders Man and only sometimes read.
Ms. Marvel (Kamala) and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl also for Marvel.
DC... I am loathe to recommend Geoff Johns Green Lantern (the 2005 run) but it probably is the most important modern one, I also enjoy Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, and Green Lanterns (2016) was relatively new reader friendly.
I do recommend the 2016 Batman run as long as you start with Tynion, I think the issue numbers will show up if you search the name Tynion on this blog, I may also need to defer to followers on Batman because I am less into it than GLs.
I am trying to think if I can actually get away with recommending Infinity Inc. 1984 again but possibly JSA (1999) is the bigger JSA lore book, I need more people to read the old men and their stupid children.
Also 2011 Aquaman... maybe?
I guess I should also say followers leave suggestions in the replies of this post because my comics reading is frequently like... Metal Men, incredibly niche...
Oh also 52 (2007) is a very important series if you want to get to know the DCU outside the Trinity
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sineala · 1 year
Superheroes and Aging
Meta time! I was asked (on Patreon) to write meta about how Tony Stark might deal with feelings about aging and being surrounded by The Youth. I am reposting it here.
I have to say this has also been on my mind a lot. I will say it's a weird thing growing up being into comics and being a fan of the teenage X-Men because obviously they were the most relatable and then being as old as all the adult superheroes and now being older than all the adult superheroes, who have all been basically the same age for decades as the rest of us move on past them. At least they finally aged up the original crop of teenage heroes and have been replacing them with new ones.
So the thing about superheroes in Marvel Comics, as you probably know, is that they pretty much don't age. Initially, this wasn't really a thing Marvel worried about. It was the sixties and they'd made comics cool and profitable again and kids loved them and I'm pretty sure they weren't thinking that sixty years later people (grown adults, even!) would still be reading and loving and expanding on the universe they made. Because I think if that had been the case they'd have, say, fewer villains that really sound like someone thought of them in about thirty seconds at 5 pm on a Friday and then went home. Big Wheel, a guy who has a... big wheel. Swarm, a guy (I mean, he's not really... human) who is actually a group of bees. Nazi bees. Paste-Pot Pete. You know what I mean.
Anyway, at first Marvel heroes aged, because why wouldn't they? Despite what you would guess if you only watched adaptations, it only took, I think, a couple years for Peter Parker to grow up and leave high school. The original X-Men all stopped being teenagers. Time moved on. Then after about ten years Marvel figured out it was going to be a problem if their beloved heroes were too old to be superheroes and they more or less halted the aging process. And that's how we get the Marvel Sliding Timescale. Broadly stated, the Sliding Timescale is essentially "don't worry about it." Everything you are reading right now happens right now, the beginning (the FF getting their powers) happened about ten or fifteen years ago (I think right now it's closer to 15 and we're at four RL years = one comics year), and everything else that has ever happened in 616 -- because Marvel also doesn't believe in line-wide reboots -- is wedged in somewhere in the time between. As real time passes, the sliding timescale slides events closer and closer together because more events have now happened.
So the effect of this is that heroes don't age. I think this is actually most notable with child characters -- like, ask yourself how old Franklin and Valeria Richards are. Or don't. I think Dani Cage has been a toddler for about fifteen years now. So the founding Avengers started off in their early 20s, are now in their mid-30s, and are going to continue being in their mid-30s for the foreseeable future because Marvel doesn't want its heroes being over 40. I think there have been a couple IM issues where Tony has had "significant" birthdays that they carefully avoided putting a number on -- I think one was Bendis, and I know he had a surprise party in the Gillen issue with the adoption reveal. I want to say that maybe there was also a Fraction one? I'm not sure.
The time references have occasionally been lampshaded -- the most recent Iron Man issue as I write this (#6) has Tony asserting that he doesn't remember things by what year they happened in, but rather by what armor he had at the time. He goes on to tell a story of something that happened while he wore the Silver Centurion armor, throwing in an aside that the shoulder pads were fashionable then -- and, out of the armor, he is given his usual stylish perm; the artist has definitely been inspired by Bob Layton's later Iron Man work -- which for me has the disconcerting effect of making it sound like this is somehow taking place in the 80s and also not in the 80s at the same time. Because now they've invented an extra time for shoulder pads and perms to be fashionable and it's approximately 2015. Time is fake. No, actually. It is.
And building on that, I think the effect of that is that mostly they don't seem to have characters like Tony dealing with aging. He doesn't really seem to worry about it, probably because there can't be any narrative payoff if he's simply never allowed to age. (Steve gets it even more weirdly, because a lot of times fandom assumes the serum is just going to halt or slow aging -- as it does in people like Natasha who have serum variants -- but then in universes where significant time actually passes, like House of M, Steve is visibly older, and he definitely is meant to have the serum. Or Bullet Points, where Steve, minus the serum, is actually dealing with aging as he comes out of retirement for one last mission. Which kills him, because it turns out he probably was too old to do this safely. But then in 616 we're expected to believe that Steve can lose the serum and also be mostly combat-ready at age 95. Aaanyway.)
So what if Tony did worry about getting older? Based on how he interacts with the kids these days, I think mostly his worry actually wouldn't involve other people.
For all that intelligence in Marvel seems to be a single invariant and quantifiable statistic that can be accurately measured (which isn't the case in reality but work with me here) and that Tony is a genius but not The Smartest Genius in the Universe, he doesn't ever seem to display any ill will toward anyone ranking higher than him on the list -- say, Reed -- and he is in fact definitely willing to take on the younger geniuses, like Riri, as proteges, and he seems happy to mentor them. He doesn't seem to feel at all threatened by the idea that some of these people are definitely smarter than him -- say, Moon Girl -- and will someday succeed him. Or at least will if Marvel ever lets them age out, which again seems unlikely. Theoretically he also ought to be drawing on a lot more lived experience than Riri that he can use to advise her, but one of the bizarre things that Cantwell's run has left us with is Tony believing that giving the Mandarin's Rings to Riri to study with zero oversight is absolutely the right thing to do; Rhodey congratulates him on his great decision-making. I guess we'll see how that turns out.
(This is in contrast to a character like Doctor Doom, who clearly can't stand the idea that Reed might ever be smarter than him.)
Given that Tony is a character who often has execrable self-esteem, it actually seems a little odd that it doesn't bother him that he isn't the smartest, but it really doesn't seem to. He seems fine with that. He's enough of a genius to do what he needs to do, I guess, and that's good enough for him. Even in Cantwell's run, which was, uh, not a run I would call particularly in-character for Tony in many ways, the thing he decides to do with the Power Cosmic is make everyone in New York as smart as he is. I think this was a fairly poor storyline for a large number of reasons, but I think it does actually show that he has good intentions, in a sense -- he wants everyone else to benefit from the intelligence he has, the same way they can benefit from his philanthropy. He wants to give people the advantages he has. So he seems like someone who wouldn't resent the up-and-coming heroes and geniuses; he seems like he'd be honestly happy that there would be more people out there on his level.
I think, really, as long as he knows he's good to go, he knows he's good enough to do the things he wants to do -- even if sometimes he just hates himself as a human being -- and he probably looks around at all the kids and knows they have to train them up, because even if they're going to be good they're not as good as he currently is, just because they don't have the benefits of years of experience. I mean, maybe they could have some kind of superhero Registration or something. The joke he made to Steve at the end of Empyre wasn't entirely wrong.
(I feel like I should probably also read Young Avengers, for more on how the Avengers deal with The Youth, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.)
Since Tony often blames himself for, well, everything he can possibly blame himself for, including the deaths of people he feels he should have been able to save, I feel like his worries about aging would probably involve his ability to continually successfully be a superhero. We haven't really seen much of this worry since his Extremis/Bleeding Edge days but there was definitely a period of time where his main concern seemed to be the ability to compete with the people he's fighting -- and this seems like it might be where he's heading again in his confrontation with Feilong, who, I should point out, does actually attempt to make fun of him for being old. Tony doesn't seem to take it personally, but he does seem very upset that he's not on Feilong's level, technologically. So I think the thing that would bother Tony wouldn't be the idea that he couldn't keep up with the heroes, but rather that he couldn't keep up with the villains.
So, yeah, that's my take.
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Among Us
Pairing: Shadow and Bone cast x actress!reader
Summary: A panel in Japan is nice, if your co-stars let you buy action figures and you keep your mouth shut about one piece
A/N: bold for japanese; light Shadow and Bone season 2 spoilers; I know I am drifting into a more gender specific type of fanfiction but I can't find anything that I like with reader being an actress so here I am indulging in writing those myself. Have fun reading and please leave a feedback, that means a lot.
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The venue of the comic fair was one of the biggest compared to the ones you went before starting your career, but once again, you were in Tokyo.
"I think we need a leash for Y/N if we don't wanna lose her." teased Calahan, he was the only one noticing you walking the wrong way and stopped you in your tracks. "We don't have time for this." he said remind you, the seven of you were there for a panel regarding the new season of the show.
"If I come back and is sold out you are a dead man Calahan. You have been warned." he rolled his eyes, receiving a pat on the back from Kit. Not even a second passed that the two men had to run after you, avoiding to be late for the interview because you were taking pictures with the cosplayers all around.
The interview started with someone screaming how much they liked your hoodie, you dried away fake tears and thanked them for having recognized the piece of clothing.
"I swear, she will find a way to subtly cosplay wherever we go." started Danielle on your left. You left an offended 'HEY' but agreed with her.
"Last time I wore Ken Ryuguji's shirt, you know the black one with the black and white diamonds." you answered and the people didn't even need the translation to it that they applauded and whistle at it.
The rest of the interview went on smoothly, questions were asked and answeres where given, now it was time for the fans' questions. Directly from them.
"Hi, my question is for everyone. Who else like anime? And if you do which one is your favourite?" You smiled, their broken english so cute to resist not to smile a little.
"She is our among us." joked Jack taking the chance to answer.
"Jack is right but she is trying to convert me. I watched Death Parade and I love it." said Amita adding that she should like to start Trigun Stamepede since you can't stop suggesting it.
The person thanked you guys and left the spotlight to the next person, asking the seven of you about the most difficult and the aesiest scene to shoot.
"I think the hardest one, for me personally, are every single scene with Y/N. She is a perfectionist, I know it doesn't look like it but trust me, she is, and she would panic in a second if she noticed she didn't said the exact words as in the script." started Freddy, you hid behind him embarassed about his words. "The easiest scene I think it was the introduction of her character " he added.
"Dude you just roosted me that is hard to work with me." you said surprised.
"Here she is not able to take a compliment." said Danielle. "as for me the easiest scenes to shoot are the one where I use my powers. As for the hardest it was 100% the final battle." she added. Melting in the black couch to exaggerate her answer.
Kit choices where: the easiest, the scene when Jesper meets his mother, the hardest every combat sequences; Amita had to agree with the fellow actor on the fact that no matter how well trained she was, fighting scenes where the most hard for her, as for the easiest she went on with every scene she sneaks on the Crows.
"She loves to give us all a heart attack" you commented, cutting off Cahalan that was about to speak. "Sorry man, but after not making me buy the action figure.." you said half offended. Once again that day, the actor rolled his eyes at you.
"I do no appear that much in this season, but I guess I have to pick the scene where Nina and Y/C/N are in Hellgate, but just because the kid over there couldn't stop make me, or anyone else on set, laugh. I don't have a easisest scene to choose honestly" he said.
"As for me I think the hardest scene to shoot was the one on the rooftop in Ravka, I kept falling and falling. The easiest I might think it was the one in Shu Han when Wylan is mad at Jesper" a little ouch was heard coming from Kit, making you all laugh.
You had fun answering some questions, others made you tear up at the thought of your days on set, other were kinda of cringe, some other plain disrespectull to you and your fellow female cast members.
"Hi, my question is again for the entire cast. What will you do after this?" the traslation came in mere seconds, you giggled, knowing damn well you were about to annoy your co-stars with your answser, they, on the other hand scoffed in their mic.
"Who wants to go first?" you asked, just to make sure you could tell everyone what were your plans after the interview. The cast gave you the thumb up and that was enough for you to answer. "After that I need to buy the Zoro action figure" you siad all giggling.
"And we are going to keep an eye on her so she won't buy everything in there" commented Jack. After that the interviewer said their goodbye, and you were free to roam around the convention.
"So who is going to babysit her first?" asked Freddy
"NOT US" screamed in unison Jack and Kit, not ready to hear you babbling about One Piece once more.
"Rock, papper, scissors?" this time was Cahalan to talk and to loose. "If I am noy back she finally killed me." he said moping behind you. Freddy, Amita and Danielle laughed and went to the Shadow and Bone stand.
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anemoflower · 3 months
Ship: Sophie x Elias Word Count: ~ 1.6k Warnings: Again a few nerd references. Not fully proofread (again) and it's... not too detailled. I think I could do better but I'm tired xD. It's a bit angst-y in the end? But those who read the "first part" to this know there's a happy end :> A/N: Just wanted to write some kind of Prequel to this one [click] in Elias POV :3 It's also some kind of practise to write him? Idk (There are a few re-occuring scenes from that one. I don't think you have to read this beforehand but it's good for a little more insight) Divider by @/cafekitsune
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Elias first saw her when she knocked over a cup of cocoa over the desk he was sitting on at the Café.
“I-I'm so sorry!” She apologized around a hundred times while wiping the spilled beverage off his desk with a napkin.
Elias just smiled at her and said: “It's alright, don't worry about it.”
“Sophie, stop flirting, we're already late!” A girl with black hair grabbed the girl on the arm and dragged her with her.
“I wasn't-” the girl named Sophie started to protest, her voice went very high and Elias could have sworn her cheeks blushed.
Sophie. That's quite the pretty name.
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He wouldn’t have thought to see her again in the comic book store he was working at. He recognized her by the glasses and the curly dark blonde hair, which barely reached over her shoulders.
She looked at the Marvel comics section and talked to her friend, full of excitement. Her smile was the prettiest he ever saw. But what he really admired were her eyes. They glowed. They glowed with so much passion and interest for the things around her.
When Elias’ shift was over and he went down to the main floor, she was still there with her friends. She was looking up the huge glass cabinet with famous statues and figures from anime and seemed to debate with her friend, the one who has been with her at the café, next to her. 
“But it’s too expensive!” Sophie exclaimed.
“You never buy something for yourself”, her friend said. “I think you can indulge yourself a bit.”
They were clearly looking at the statue of Loid Forger from Spy x Family, showing him in a graceful but powerful pose. It was part of a collection and you could buy daughter Anya and wife Yor also to put the family together. A huge fan (with too much money) would have bought them all. Elias was one of these people, not because he had too much money, but because of his inability to handle his finances very well. And there was too much cool merch to buy. The amount of money he already spent on figures of his favorite characters from One Piece… not to mention the lightsaber replica which hung on the wall in his apartment.
Sophie fiddled with the keychain, a small plushie of a chubby cat, on the strap of her pokémon themed bag, her cheeks turned a little rosy as she was fighting with herself if she should buy the statue or not.
Should he go to them? His shift was over, so it wasn’t his responsibility anymore. And it would have been weird if he just started a conversation, as he had never seen a single episode of that anime.
He decided against it, turned around and as he was leaving the store, he could still hear her voice out of the loud chatter in the store.
“I don't have room for that anyway,” she said.
“You can still think about it”, her friend said, “We can come back when the book I pre-ordered arrives.”
Elias smiled by the thought of seeing her again.
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A few days later Elias was scrolling through an online shop for various suits, looking for something like that Loid guy was wearing in the anime series.
“Will you attend a wedding or something?” His co-worker Joshua - Josh for short - was looking over Elias' shoulder. 
“Do you think men in suits are attractive?” Elias asked him.
Josh looked at him with raised eyebrows and blinked several times. “Dude, I feel very flattered but-”
Elias groaned. “Hell, Josh, you know what I mean!”
Josh shrugged. “Uh, yeah, I guess?” Then he frowned, his face got closer to Elias' and he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “So who is it?”
“Who... is what?”
“The girl you got a crush on?”
Elias felt how heat rushed through his face. “It's- it's not a crush-”
“Elias, my bro, my guy, my dude”, Josh patted him on the shoulder, “Weren’t you the one who always told me ‘just be yourself! Don’t change for anyone.’” He changed his voice to a higher tone to impersonate his co-worker.
Elias just rolled his eyes. "I don't sound like that."
“So, why are you looking at stuff you would never wear?”
“I know what you mean but-” Elias' face turned hot. “For some reason it is not that simple-” He fell silent when he heard steps coming closer up the stairs to the first floor of the graphic novel and comic section. It was her. Sophie.
Today her dark blonde hair was tied into low pigtails. She wore a cyan colored coat with a brown belt around the waist, a small ribbon kept it together. It looked good in combination with her brown boots. Cute even.
But something was different. Her friends weren’t with her this time. Her fingers nervously fiddled with her keychain again, her eyes darting around. She looked uneasy like an anxious deer on a wide field, far away from their forest. Alone she seemed so lost and… almost fragile. 
She searched the shelves with the letter “E” but seemed not to find what she was looking for.
Josh watched how his friend kept staring at her. “Ohh.” He grinned at Elias, who opened his mouth to explain but got cut off by his friend.
“I will go check the newly arrived mangas in stock. Maybe you can help her?” Josh winked at him and left Elias alone at the checkout. "What? Wait you can't-" He could only watch his colleague disappearing behind the next door and then glanced back to the girl, still looking around the comic books.
Normally he wouldn’t have any problems talking to people, he loved that. Get to know someone and their likes and personality. But for some reason this girl made his heart beat faster than before.
Nonetheless, she was a customer. And it was his job to assist her to find what she was looking for. He ruffled through his dark hair, tidied his gray shirt, straightened himself and walked over to her with the kindest smile he could bring up. “Do you need any help?”
The green deer eyes looked at him directly now and he felt a tingle in his belly. She blinked at him, then looked away, adjusting the glasses on her nose.
Elias couldn’t help but smile at her, maybe it would help her feel more at ease again. Her hands stopped fiddling with the keychain and her gaze found his again.
“The comic book ‘Extraordinary’ by V. E. Schwab?”
He blinked as soon as he realized that she started talking to him. Her voice was soft and reserved so he didn’t notice it at first. He remembered seeing the title she just mentioned somewhere yesterday. “Ah, that's quite new, we didn't get to fill them in the shelves yet. Wait a sec.”
When Elias went to check the stock he found Josh again, who was looking at him with a teasing smile. “How's it going?” he asked curiously.
Elias just shoved him to the side to get to the comic book he was looking for. “I’m gonna pay you back for this” he said in a dangerously low tone.
“Oh come on! You should thank me, you started talking to her now!” He crossed his arms while Elias glared at him annoyed, ”Will you invite me to your wedding?”
Elias knocked against a pile of Mangas while walking back to the door and the books fell over in Josh’s direction. Josh pushed his whole body against the pile to prevent it from falling to the floor and squeaked out a high-pitched: “Elias! Help!”
“Sorry, I have to assist our customer” Elias hummed, waved at his co-worker innocently and walked outside, leaving Josh alone.
He found Sophie again at the shelves in the Marvel comic section. Curiously she pulled a few books out, admiring the covers with a little smile on her face.
Elias had to stop himself from staring and walked over to her. “You're lucky, I saved that one from getting buried beneath tons of newly arrived One Piece Mangas.” His heart skipped a beat when she started to chuckle.
They started getting into a conversation about Marvel comics and Elias felt like she was finally opening up a little. She smiled and there was this glow in her eyes again. That beautiful glow that made her shine...
But suddenly an invisible force made her face change again to that insecure shyness. Elias wondered if it was something he said. She thanked him for his help and walked down the aisle to look around more.
He waited for her at the checkout, Josh still hadn't returned from the storage room. Hopefully he wasn't buried by the Mangas. Elias felt bad for him and thought about going to the storage room to check on his friend, but then Sophie approached the counter to pay for the comic book. Her eyes were focused on anything, the pokémon TCG packs displayed on the counter, her hands in her purse, anything but him.
While she was distracted putting the comic book into her backpack, Elias decided to do something he had never done before.
He scribbled a small note on the receipt. Something nice. Something that maybe could put a smile on her face again. “Keep that glow in your eyes, it suits you :)”
Whatever it was that made her feel uncomfortable, he didn’t want that to be the last thing she would remember when leaving the store.
“Oh and don't forget to keep a close eye on the receipt?” He said. “Sometimes the computer writes down strange stuff on it. Really weird.”
But she didn't pay attention, the receipt disappeared in the pocket of her coat and she went down the stairs again. Elias leaned over the counter to check if she maybe would glance at the receipt, but she didn't. A sigh left his lips and he hoped that she wouldn't just throw his message in the trash.
Josh returned to the checkout, his light blonde hair was tousled and there were a few stains of dust on his clothes.
“30 volumes of Monkey D. Luffy just kicked me in the guts. You better help me clean the mess right now-” He blinked at him confused as Elias wasn't answering. “Bro, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I'll help you clean up.” He said with a apologetic smile, which didn't reach his eyes.
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Taglist: @jils-things @ceruelaen @huggsbury @satosara @lovinglin If you want to be added or removed please let me know
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nothingtherefornow · 8 months
Do people lack empathy and appreciation for superheroes in fiction ?
So ... Today I remembered a day when I went into a new library close to where I lives and when one of the seller offered to inform me about anything I needed about the book in the library, I started asking about Batman and Spider-man comics, which are my favorite (along the Batman/Super-man cross over, the Justice league, the spider-verse and when Spider-man also have cross-over with deadpool and x-men)
And at some point I started talking about how I wish that I could find comics about parallel stories of Batman and Spider-man that I once found and read online, and where the heroes aren't getting traumatized and tormented non-stop and can still enjoy happy and silly moments with their loved ones. Because this is something that started bothering me in the main Amazing spider-man comics continuity happening on earth 616, and the last main Batman serie comics which started in 2016 (I don't remember the name of the earth from that serie, Earth-one I think)
And then I thought about Miraculous Ladybug, about how the ML writters seem to go out of their way to make Marinette and Adrien suffer, while the narrative seems to also set a lot of the blame on Marinette when she doesn't deserve all that pain and hate.
So I asked the seller why superheroes authors couldn't give more a more balanced life to heroes characters, with their downfall but also their happy moments, and why it seems like things always end badly for famous heroes like Spider-man and Batman. Can you guess what he replied to me ?
"Les gens aiment voir les héros se relever, mais ils aiment encore plus les voir sombrer".
Traduction "People love to see heroes rise again, but they love to see them sink more"
And I was like : "0_0 .. WTF ?!! Why would people be so heartless and cruel enough to want to see good heroes get tormented non stop ? How can it motivate anyone to be heroic if the more famous fictitious superheroes constantly get beaten down for trying to do the right thing ?"
That's a depressive reality really. Fortuntaelly I' not the only one who's tired of seeing heroes like Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne be miserable and walking trauma mess, some people on Tumblr would also like to give those two a more happy ending.
Just like I'm sure many of us would love to see Marinette not being constantly threatened to have her life destroyed and ruined by secrets she feels forced to keep because no one ever tells her otherwise, or by jealous psycopath supervillains who have nothing better to do in their life than being poor excuses of human beings.
We've since got the confrmation that season 6 of Miraculous is gonna hurt more than season 5, and to me it means that maybe some of my worst fears about Lila's future strategies to ruin Marinette and Ladybug's lives may turn out to be true 0_O
Lila/Cerise made it very clear at the end of Re-creation that she was gonna go Marinette with ill-meaning intentions, and the psycopath liar may unfortunatelly be half successfull to make Marinette's miserable by the end of season 6 if the ML writters want to satisfy all of those who like to see heroes suffer beyond their breaking point T_T
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beep3 · 6 months
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So spoilers for X-Men #30 ahead
Talon died as she lived, doing pretty much nothing other than existing to serve Synch’s development as a character.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m almost happy she’s gone, I hated Talon and pretty much everything she stood for. From the very beginning the idea of splitting Laura into two characters is just dumb. The only reasoning I can identify is that Marvel wanted to satisfy the fans that wanted Laura to stay as Wolverine and keep her character development from years of comics, and the ‘fans’ that insist she should go back to being X-23, both in title and personality.
Which of course is inherently dumb, anyone who wants Laura to go back to using that name clearly doesn’t understand the character in the slightest, and probably hasn’t read many of her comics either. It’s beyond easy to say that she would *despise* having to go by X-23 again, it goes against pretty much every aspect of her character arc, anyone who insists she should return to being X-23 almost definitely doesn’t actually care about Laura’s personality or character, they just don’t want her to have the Wolverine mantle, feel free to fill in the blanks for why that is. Although I’m sure they’ll insist they wouldn’t mind if she went by another mantle instead, like talon.
Regardless, Talon always felt like a low-effort way of making Laura act like she did as X-23 again, with the added effect of tying her entirely to a random relationship of one-sided character development.
So I can’t say I’m too choked up that Talon died, but the realisation that this is the ‘original’ Laura Kinney that we watched escape the Facility, make human connections for the first time, progress and learn to be more than a weapon, to learn that she’s a real person who is valued and loved, the character we saw grow for over twenty years of comics in such an insanely well-executed character arc, the idea that *this* is how she died, doing nothing other than serving Synch’s development is just outright sickening. Or at least it is to me, someone who is way too invested in a fictional comic character for their own good lmao.
Not enough people talk about how random their relationship is, Laura and Everett interacted maybe *once* in their entire publication histories before the Vault, and randomly over one issue they end up in a relationship, no setup, no real interaction, they just apparently decided to start dating because they were trapped in the vault for hundreds of years?
I’ve always believed Laura was queer, Craig Kyle has stated a desire to write a story about it, Marjorie Liu even supposedly intended it in Laura’s solo series, I don’t mind if she’s bi, a lesbian, trans, etc, but even outside of a queer relationship there were *countless* other characters Laura has formed bonds with over the years that would of made more sense than just randomly deciding to have her date a completely random character out of nowhere.
Of course this isn’t the first time it’s happened, Laura has a weird history of romance that pretty much constantly caused that to happen. Angel did the same, and even practically abused Laura, mocking her for cutting herself, and generally mistreating her throughout their relationship.
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Throughout New X-Men her relationship was pretty similar, focusing a lot more on Julian’s/Hellion’s development more than her own, of course in Marjorie Liu’s X-23 series the tables got turned and the inverse happened, so I guess that evens things out?
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Regardless, the relationship with Synch feels especially creepy, trapping Laura in a vault for years and basically forcing a relationship is dodgy enough, but the way it’s phrased in this panel is just even creepier.
Is there really a message to take from all of this? Not one that I can find. Maybe that Laura just has bad luck with the number 30? Pretty sure All-New X-Men #30 is when Laura’s creepy relationship with Angel started. It’s interesting that Talon or Wolvie-Laura didn’t die like how she was foreshadowed to in the Infinity Comics.
I guess the real potential message you can take is that Talon isn’t *really* dead? My best guess is that they’re going to telepathically fuse both Laura’s together again, which I guess is the best case scenario, I can only hope the Synch relationship doesn’t follow…
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ollieoliver910 · 14 days
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (A Reworking of an Abominable Script.)
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Does anyone remember this fan poster from, idk, four of five years ago? Yeah, this was the movie I thought we were getting, but didn't get. Someone hunt down this person for false advertising! Haha, haha, ha, ha...
Anyways, I was doing some thinking about how M.O.M could have been rewritten differently and I thought I would share my ideas with you. If anyone is down to give this a read through, I would love your feedback so that I can also better my own writing skills when it comes to building character development. So yeah, don't be afraid to send a message, I would love to hear from you!
Just a fair warning to those who are reading this. I am writing the proposal to what this script could have been at 10PM at night. I have no idea why I decide to work on my projects late. I guess that's the time I am able to get my thoughts out. So if there are typos or if anything feels like it doesn't read correctly or make sense. I will be sure to comb through this post again tomorrow.
With that out of the way, here is what I would have proposed for M.O.M.
In the comics (from the ones I was able to read) Strange has had a side job as a detective/paranormal investigator involving creatures invading his world. This is something I would have introduced immediately in the film as it would give Strange more depth when it comes to how he lives his life daily on a regular basis (which we have seen very little of.)
The next thing I would change is America Chavez. Not the dynamic however. I think Strange having a Tony/Peter dynamic would be a really good thing for him...but since Strange erased everyones memories of Peter. It would be kind of tough to do that. However, I do play with the idea of Peter coming back into the story later. Instead of a young America Chavez...how about a young Rogue from the X Men? If you do this, you can set up the X Men movies, have Strange be a mentor or a father figure to her, AND you can heavily play up the idea that Rogue is mistreated by society and Strange is one of the few people willing to accept her. I don't remember EXACTLY, but I THINK there was a Doctor Strange comic a while back that played with the idea of him training students who weren't able to understand their powers. I almost like the idea of the Sanctum Sanctorum being like a safe haven for mutants or other characters with powers that were mistreated by society. This is a very surface level description (I think) of what I am trying to describe. The point is the character that Strange starts to become close with didn't have to be Chavez, it could have been someone fans haven't seen in years and connect THAT character to future films. Now with that being said...
You don't need Chavez to hop through dimensions because the god damn sling rings exist which ALREADY DO THAT. I however, DO think exploring the idea of hopping between dimensions is a must, but it needs to be done it good taste. I will admit that I have a very basic level understanding of how dimension hopping works in the MCU outside the information that was given to me by their own films, but I believe if you build the relationships right, especially between Strange and Rogue, you can make hopping through dimensions not only suspenseful, but with the right plot, you can heighten that tension as well. Here is how I would do that.
For the third act, I would have Rogue be taken by Mephisto and write their dynamic in a "well if you don't belong there, perhaps you belong here" kind of way (again, I'm writing this at very surface level cause it's late.) This would prompt Strange to start hopping through dimensions in order to search for her. I also think the conversation between him and Mephisto and how there are people on Earth that accept Rogue already would be a really interesting conversation to have. Obviously, I think Mephisto would be full of shit and try to use her powers for his own personal gain...or maybe he would sympathize with her (I haven't read enough Doctor Strange comics with Mephisto in it to know if this would bastardize the character, but giving him some semblance of sympathy would be an interesting idea I think.)
Now instead of adding...sigh...the illuminati. I personally would rather have pushed Peter Parker back into the story so that Strange and Peter can rebuild their relationship that was erased from No Way Home. There are a lot of ways you can go about this that I feel could really engage audiences. I personally like the idea of Peter biting off more then he can chew when it came to stopping criminals. So when he is seriously injured and (funnily enough because the No Way Home writers shot themselves in the foot because of this) he can't go to the hospital because no one can identify him (since no one remembers him). Peter instead goes to Strange for help and has to try to jog his memory about why he forgot him.
Ok, I'm starting to get really tired now. So, I'm going to try to wrap some of these last points up.
I haven't figured out what to do with Wong quite yet. I almost kind of want him to lean more heavily into his comedic side, though admittedly, I think he wasn't like that in the comics. I would probably write him to be the guy Strange would go to for a second opinion (as I think should of been the case already in M.O.M, which it's not) and try to get Strange and Wong to banter a lot more since Benedict and...Benedict (hysterical) have really good chemistry. This is something I would try to expand on a lot more.
As for Wanda, my instinct would be NOT to make her a villain, and instead have her train under Doctor Strange like she did in the comics. If she ever became a villain, I would have wanted that to be waaaay later down the line of movies as I felt she still had a lot of growing to do with her powers in particular. You can also potentially set up a mother daughter relationship with Rouge since they BOTH are associated with the X Men in the comics and you can tie this to those films later down the line. That's what I would do with Wanda anyway.
I would have dropped Christine entirely with M.O.M as I felt she served her purpose in the first movie and there was really no where else for her to go character wise. Especially since it seems she will not be present for any other film later down the line.
Introducing Clea half way into the film when they have to start searching for Rouge can also be a good idea. She could be almost like a tour guide for Strange and the others, and to top that off. We can get Clea's backstory about the strained relationship between her and her father (I actually think Mephisto is her father, though I don't remember off hand. I will look into that another day, but if he is. That literally adds a whole other layer to this movie that you can explore.)
Alright, I am done.
There is probably a lot more I could go over with this re-write...but I am SUPER tired. So please forgive me as I go rest for the night so that I can look back on this tomorrow.
If you made it all the way through. I salut you, I'll try to write shorter pieces....eventually...
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 1 month
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode 10 Tolerance is Extinction part 3
The whole season has been absolutely fantastic, brilliantly well written and it hasn't even been predictable, I wouldn't never has guessed of what happened in Episode 5 and killing a major character off. They did so well not revealing spoilers.
Episode 5 - Remember it, is my favourite episode.
The voice cast were absolutely fantastic, especially Lenore Zann, she was amazing and deserves an award.
Rogue was my favourite in the original series and she's still is now, I just love her and she has been through so much.
This was a fantastic final, it was really intense and I was at the edge of my seat throughout the episode. The score was amazing, it gave me goosebumps a lot.
The episode started off with a flashback, I assume this is Vietnam. I noticed they used the song Turn, Turn, Turn by The Byrds in this.
Oh so this is not a flashback, Charles is in his head.
The power comes back on and there are so many cameo's, Silver Samurai again, Iron Man, Captain America again and he got his shield back. Also Daredevil and Dr Strange, who's using his power to perform surgery.
With the power back on, the Prime Sentinels are back on and they are now turning on humans.
More new cameos, they show Wakanda, Black Panther and Okoye. Cloak and Dagger, don't know much about them but I recognised them straight away. Omega Red, out of his containment tube and Dark Star, don't know who the other guy is. Finally we have Alpha Flight and Psylocke.
Oh damn, Cable admitted he tried to stop the Genosha Massacre 200 times and he's in tears, that's heart-breaking.
EEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!! The Phoenix!!!! Hmm, I wonder if this means that Jean and Madelyne were swapped after season 3.
Love Storm's little laugh.
Oh wow beautiful animation, love the imagery of the Phoenix.
The Phoenix stopped Bastion and the Prime Sentinels have been deactivated, hopefully they will be turned back to normal.
Oh wow!!!, she's stopped Sinister too by ripping out all the DNA he stole.
LOL at Morph mocking him.
Oh damn, Bastion is not stopped and has ripped out Cable's arm and uses it to change himself.
Oh wow, I love the design of Bastion new form.
Oh, so this is Bastion's Second Coming form, I haven't read the comic book story (which I will at some point) but I sort of know what happens.
Oh damn, so he's going to Asteroid M and use it to destroy earth.
Oh damn, Wolverine is poor shape, hopefully he will able to heal himself. Cyclops knows he likes Jean.
Charles has to repair Magneto's mind from his psychic attack, at least he doesn't leave him, like he did in the comics.
LOL, looks like a psychic zoom meeting here.
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Aww Rogue, she's repeating the line that Gambit would of said if he was there.
"Odds may be bad, but the cards are always in the X-Men's favour"
"His name was Gambit, Remember it"
Rogue's in tears while she says it, while beating the shit out of Bastion. this was awesome fight scene, love her doing the Thunderclap.
Oh no!! Bastion has the upper had and tries to strangle her. He seems to like strangling women, first Storm and now Rogue.
Oh thank goodness, Sunspot saves her, was really worried for Rogue.
Oh, so Black Panther is T'Chaka, not T'Challa.
In Magneto's mind we see Rogue, Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver and Polaris in a boat, So Magneto cares for Rogue a lot and be part of his family.
I was really worried that Bastion was going to kill Kurt.
Great fight scene, Nightcrawler, Jubilee and Cyclops fighting Bastion. Cyclops using his Optic blast at full power was amazing.
Oh wow, love the character development with Jubilee using her powers as a Catherine wheel (I think) that she was taught by Abscissa.
Oh wow, she really messed Bastion up, ewww he looks gross.
Awesome, Beast, Jean, Storm and Morph, arrive inside a Sentinel.
Cool, Morph turned into Sauron.
Oh damn!!!, President Kelly agreed to launch missals at Asteroid M, that's not good.
I doubt Bastion is dead, I bet he will appear again.
Oh Morph, you are Fantastic.
Oh no Jubilee falls out of the falling Asteroid but luckily Roberto saves her, erm I assume there in the atmosphere, otherwise they wouldn't be breathing.
Oh well done President Kelly, you basically destroyed the world.
Oh no!!! they going to sacrifice themselves to stop the Asteroid from hitting earth.
Scott saying goodbye to Cable was really emotional, I just love Jean using her powers to stop Scott's Optic blasts and let Cable see his eyes.
Oh my gosh!!! when Cyclops took his visor off to use his full optic blast at the asteroid, he was crying.
Oh my gosh!!!! this music, giving me chills.
ahh, Peter Parker and Mary Jane!!!!! He got her back then.
Awww, Morph admits he love's Logan.
Yesssssss, Magneto is fine and helps stop the asteroid.
look at Rogue's smile, she hasn't smiled like that for a long time, she deserved it.
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Wait!!!! where did the asteroid go!!!!! it just disappeared. I'm so confused right now.
Oh wow 6 months later!!!! Graydon Creed is back and running for President!!!! I guess that means we will see him in season 2.
Oh wow!!! pictures of other characters.
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Hmm Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are off world??? does being in live action MCU movies and FOX Movies count as being off world, lol.
Archangel is missing presumed dead, did he secretly get on asteroid m and got zapped to the past too, to finally kill Apocalypse, lol.
Jubilee, Sunspot and Cable are all AWOL, I wonder where they went
So we left with Colossus, Magik, Iceman, Havok, Kitty, Emma, Exodus and Dust (which I don't know much about them both). Will they appear next season and have a bigger role.
Bishops back!!!!
Oh wow!!! the X-Men have through gone through time.
Rogue, Nightcrawler, Beast, Professor X and Magneto are in Egjpt 3000 b.c. and encounter Apocalypse.
Jean and Cyclops are in the future 3960 and encounter Mother Askani (Rachel) and young Cable, so there doing the the Adventures of Phoenix and Cyclops comics where they help bring up Cable in the future.
I wonder where Storm, Logan and Morph are.
Love Beast's "Oh dear" at the end.
Ahh!!! Mid credit scene!!! Apocalypse is here in the present and he's holding Gambit's card, which means he's going to be resurrected as the Horseman of Death (still need to read the comic story)
Oh man season 2 is going to be nuts and possibly more emotional trauma for Rogue.
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keepsmagnetoaway · 2 months
Amazing Spider-Man 92 (January 1971)
Stan Lee/Gil Kane & John Romita
We're continuing our swing (that's a Spider-Man joke) through the guest appearances of the cancelled-but-not-gone X-Men in the early 70s with this stunner of an issue. Its excellence has almost nothing to do with the fact that it somewhat incidentally features Iceman, but hey, it also does.
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Incidentally, this issue (and Marvel in general) calls Spider-Man "Spider-Man", with the hyphen and capitalisation, but calls Iceman "Iceman", one word. This kind of thing annoys me. But anyway, Iceman here is intruding on the golden age of Spider-Man comics, with Stan Lee still writing the series and legendary artists Gil Kane and John Romita drawing it. This issue, 92, comes just after the storyling in which Gwen Stacy's dad dies, a foundational part of the series' mythology (recently re-examined in Across the Spiderverse), and just a few issues before a then-pioneering storyline about Harry Osborn and drug use. The art is jazzy and bright but also dynamic, and the writing is - as always with Lee - wordy but snappy.
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There's also, as you can see, a political angle. In the wake of Captain Stacy's death, Peter is trying to throw Stacy off the scent after she starts to suspect that Peter is Spider-Man, so he decides to kidnap her and be really mean to her, since she "knows" Peter would never do such a thing. This is an absurd plan but whatever: Bobby Drake happens to be passing by and, believing Spider-Man to be behaving villainously (which, to be fair, he is), interrupts.
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This is basically all prelude for the real, and really interesting, plot, wherein sleazy politician Sam Bullitt is trying to get elected as District Attorney, using Spider-Man to create a law-and-order panic. Of course, nobody does law-and-order panic about Spider-Man like J Jonah Jameson, who had been suporting Bullitt..until Bullitt's thugs tried to threaten Peter Parker for information about Spider-Man, whereupeon Jameson got angry about an attempt to intimidate one of his journalists and the Bugle abandoned Bullitt. I'm explaining this at greath length but that's because I really like this plot and it goes to a really, really interesting place when Jameson and his long-suffering deputy Robbie Robertson get a visit from Bullitt.
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Holy shit! Actual politics! Robbie Robertson is, as you may know, one of the longest-established Black characters in Marvel comics, having been introduced in 1967, when he instantly became one of very, very few comics characters of colour to be depicted as anything other than a stereotype: instead he is and has always been a good guy journalist and ally of Peter's. And here we are with a villain throwing outright racial slurs and using hate groups and fascist tactics to get elected.
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It's extremely ironic that this happens to be an issue with an X-Men character in it since these are the exact kind of issues X-Men is meant to be about - fear, prejudice, minorities, politics - and almost never has been so far: but here's a Spider-Man story doing it, and doing it well.
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Eventually, of course, Peter and Bobby both realise what's up, and that they shouldn't have been fighting each other, and they team up, rescue Robbie, and expose Bullitt in the middle of a fancy fund-raising dinner.
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And that's that. There's almost no reason for Iceman to be in this issue, and it's sort of frustrating, again, that he never says "as an X-Man, this kind of hateful rhetoric against other minorities is particularly disturbing to me" because, again, that's sort of meant to be the whole point of the X-Men, but X-Men stuff aside this is a banger of an issue. Shame I won't be reading more of these, I guess.
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scottxlogan · 1 year
Hello. Other anon inspired me to come out of the shadows as well to send an ask. Love your blog and scogan stuff. Thank you for posting ❤
I was wondering if you had any recommendations on where to start in the comics concerning Scott and just the x men in general? I enjoy the movies, but I want to know more about him via the comics. I feel it would help me write him better in fanfic (also give me more scenarios to write him in lol!). Also could you suggest ones where he interacts with certain members like Logan, Jean, Ororo, Warren, etc? I feel like that would help write better scogan and his other relationships better as well.
Apologies if this a big ask! Comics come be pretty nerve-wracking to get into (especially when their are bad writers involved and you don't know to avoid them).....
Thank you so much!!!
First of all anon thank you so very much for reaching out! You have no idea how much this warms my heart to see people asking about Scogan as a lot of the time fandom can be pretty quiet so thank you for your kind words! I'm so happy that you enjoy the content on here. My archive is full of Scogan goodies from the movies, comics, etc. and if you ever want to look around at some of it in some down time, you can look directly by going here and it will direct you to everything I have tagged Scogan (warning it's a lot lol)
That being said in terms of comics obviously I can see how it is just overwhelming in general. These are in no particular order as I'm going off the top of my head on this, but they are worth reading if you are looking for Cyclops related stuff.
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The recs I'll give you under the cut here:
Cyclops/Scott related comics: X-Men Origins: Cyclops (2010) This is a one shot that gives you a brief overview of Scott's life leading up to him arriving at the school with Charles. Various comics have kind of changed around his story every now and then, but I think this is a nice one shot to get you started on seeing a glimpse of young Scott.
X-Men: First Class (2007) I personally haven't read this one in full although I have seen panels from it, but it centers around the original first class crew (Scott, Jean, Warren, Hank, Bobby) and it seems to be a comic people enjoy. It would give you a glimpse of the team dynamics in the early years and how they interacted with one another.
All New X-Men (2012?) by Bendis. Now I'm not going to lie this one is a mixed bag for me because I absolutely hate a lot of what goes on in this time period, but the reason why I mention it is because adult version of Hank has basically decided to get revenge on adult version of Scott for the events leading up to Schism/AvX (more on that later) so he comes up with a brilliant plan to bring the teenage versions of the X-Men into the future to I guess see what they adult versions have done. I personally feel like he did it to be a jerk and torture Scott, but in the same breath it does establish time displayed teenage Scott learning about the future ahead of him in leading into the Cyclops solo below where he goes on space adventures with his estranged dad, which given that he's a kid out of time you may need to read this one to understand why Scott from the past is hanging out in the future.
Cyclops (2014) teenage Scott gets to hang around with his space pirate dad and bond. It's fun, probably doesn't stick as it goes on in canon since eventually (spolier alert) the teens get sent back to their time to right the wrongs that took place, but at least it gives Scott the opportunity to spend time with his dad and live a little more than he did at the school with Charles.
X-Men: Marvels Snapshots Vol 1 1 This one is a one shot that really just features a young Scott who idolizes and finds hope in admiring Reed Richards. It's a great read and gives you a glimpse into young Scott's mind again to really explore his teenage years for a snapshot if you will.
Scott/Logan related recs: Let me preface this by saying I will not get to cover everything, but some of these are great with some memorable moments with Scott as a leader with his team and him and Logan doing what they do best working together: Astonishing X-Men (by Joss Whedon) While I know Joss Whedon has a lot of problematic things going on, this comic was my very FIRST comic I picked up and I'm so glad I did. It's a great display of Scott as a leader. He's with Emma Frost at this point in time in a romance, but the team dynamics and the story really showcase how good Scott can be when he's running the show and taking his team to victory. This is a really good comic and there's a lot of snark, banter, superhero costumes and more. I enjoyed this run and it was my first introduction to Scott/Emma (which I was glad it happened here because I might have felt differently had I seen the origin of it first, but thankfully it's a good comic with action/adventure and Scott being a bad ass in leading his team. Prelude to Schism: Now let me start this by saying that I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE what Marvel did in Schism (which a lot of people dub Scott and Logan's divorce arc), but...to deny that there is a silver lining in some of these subtle moments in the calm before the storm would be a shame. It's a mini-series where it explores the dynamic of Scott's relationship with those closest to him from Charles, to Magneto, to Emma and Logan. It's a really good read and you get some great Scott/Logan moments in it. They were so solid together by the time this mini was over that you should've known they were going to wind up in a bad place in the not so distant future. X-Men Schism (aka the bitter divorce that was so out of character for Logan it hurts) This series really makes me want to scream at Logan. I love him, but it felt like a cash grab to split the team into two so they could sell two different comics with Logan leading one team and Scott leading the other, which of course they did, but for all it's faults the very first issue of this with Scott and Logan is WONDERFUL. You really get a sense of what they are to each other and it's really good with Logan being there for Scott in what he needs to do. It rapidly goes down hill as they reach a breaking point, but that first issue...it's pretty good. A lot of people would recommend the Dark Phoenix saga as well as that's the big one they do and mess up in the films, but that's entirely up to you. I have much more to say, but I'll have to put it in another post since I write too much lol (To be continued here...)
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