#guess who just got their fourth....<3333
With every new tattoo my sex appeal goes up by +15
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Like...You saw what he said to Gwen when she called it a watch (which IT IS).
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[omg she's so tiny small next to him]
He's a NERD. He thinks this stuff is COOL. He's WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK.
Like I imagine he's used to it by now - people's eyes glazing over when he begins to explain something technical or program-y, like Lyla's algorithms or the Multiverse Anti-Glitch feature of the watches.
He's put SO much work into all of this, the whole facility and the tech.
He made Lyla himself, but he knows that most people aren't really interested in that. So he's learned to simplify things.
If you ask a question, like how he made Lyla - he'll answer it basic and to the point.
_-_ 'She's an AI. She's my assistant and the notification system within your watch.'
He probably won't even look up from his work, thinking it's just the routine questions everyone asks before moving on to the next thing.
BUT IF YOU ASK FURTHER - Miguel's like
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Because it's not often someone actually like...does that.
It's probably very rare that someone shows interest in his technological, engineering, or physics studies - all of which he's INCREDIBLY talented at and actively working on
You ask him how long it took him to make her, he says a year or two.
You tell him how impressive that is and BOOM NERD!Miguel.
He's telling you how her voice detection took the longest, and how her multiverse-monitoring probability algorithm was something he had to tweak twenty thousand times.
You compliment him about the design of the watch, he's like
_-_ 'I still have the protypes.' And he's ready to show you different ones, different shapes and materials he considered using, but eventually ruled out through experiments and tests
You mention the words 'String Theory' or 'Time Dilation' around him and you will NEVER hear the end of it.
He has so many opinions on it he's never had the chance to share.
Ideas and theories about things like fourth dimensions, worm holes, black holes, and dozens of other theoretical scientific concepts.
I mean, he MADE time travel. He is an EXPERT in that stuff.
I would KILL to have a Time Travel Movie Marathon with Miguel.
Sitting on the couch and watching things like Back to the Future, and he describes what they got right, what would be impossible, how it could work in theory.
He probably talks through the whole movie, and picks each one apart. You watch Doctor Who and he WILL NOT SHUT UP.
He's probably AMAZIINNGG at math.
Like math IS science. It's the answer for science. So he's probably a natural master.
You can be like 'Miguel, What's 34% of 12,967?' - Without blinking he'd be like
_-_'...I'm guessing 4408, or something? I don't know, am I right? Ask Lyla, don't ask me.'
But you don't need to ask Lyla cause HE'S RIGHT
I mean... the man time-travels. I think he'd have at least a good grasp on history, and time periods. Thinks like ancient roman historians and how their thoughts effect modern science, and how certain events effected the flow of time throughout history.
I imagine he finds it so fascinating, seeing the vast differences that can span in universes, just from one small change. Maybe he even finds comfort in it, seeing how histories and stories have a natural flow in a way fiction can only hope to imitate.
I love me some Nerd!Miguel.
I wanna get in bed with Miguel and by that I mean I want to sit next to him as he sits in bed reading a book on the Theory of Relativity with reading spectacles and a mug of sleepytime tea okay
A Miguel who runs up to his partner like 'Read this,' and he's all proud as he hands you a notepad full of numbers. But to him it's a formula he's been working WEEKS on, one that'll make Lyla run smoother, and everything much easier and he wants you to think he's cool for it
A Miguel who spends date nights watching NatGeo documentaries for fun
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sicklyworm · 1 year
Monster cans and reading bans!
Ao3/Anon Hackers <3333
Prologue :
Ao3 tiredly took a sip of his fourth monster of the day, his hands typing as fast as he could make them. He knew better than to procrastinate for so long, after all this project is 30% of his final grade, but the patrochilles fanfic he was reading was just too good for him to read it all in one go. Now a full 26 hrs later than that horrible decision and he still isn't done with the fic due to his favorite site being down and the project is due in 7 hrs. Now Ao3 would say he is pretty good at pulling shit out his ass when it comes to school but he really had underestimated this project. fuck. He should have known this class was going to bite him in the ass eventually. After all, getting a credit for just thinking critically would be far too easy. Ao3 bit his lip in an attempt to stay awake but his brain wasn't just wasn't cooperating. Sighing Ao3 closed his laptop and started to type in the number he swore to himself he would never call. That number he got from the very one and only Anon Hackers or as Ao3 likes to call them dickface.
Hackers was a pretty popular person on campus, but considering that they live in florida that might actually be the biggest red flag of all time. After all, everyone in Florida could possibly be replaced by SCPs in very bad disguises and the rest of the world would be none the wiser. Hackers themself was known for their… well lets just go with passionnet one sided arguments on things like religion. Which were really just Hackers angrily spouting whatever conservative talking points were popular at the moment at anyone who looked even slightly left leaning. While Ao3 himself had never actually been on the receiving side of Hackers ire, his friends have and that's enough to make Ao3 despise them with the fury of a thousand suns.
So when profesor Fanfiction.net assigned them as partners on such an important project and Hackers was forced to give Ao3 their number, Ao3 elected to just do it by himself so he would never have to use the damned thing. It's just one silly project after all, how bad could it be? Oh how much ao3 wanted to strangle his past self for not starting this project earlier because right now in a desperate attempt to at least completely fail he is going to do something he said he would never do… he is going to ask for Hacker to save his ass.
Hackers was fucked. Not by procrastinating school like Ao3 but because they have been lying about having a boyfriend to his parents for the last 3 months and now they want to meet him. Their parents are christian evangelical extremists and even Anon got uncomfortable at times about how they talk about queer and trans folk despite being christian themselves. Hackers never came out as nonbinary to their parents either so whenever they have to visit them it is a pain. They barely get away with using they/them pronouns at school and if one of his 'friends' were to learn his dead name they would never be referred to by their chosen name ever again.
Their habit of just saying whatever their parents did the day before whenever they felt uncomfortable has also driven away anyone who would still use their right name even after hearing the old one.
Hackers turned in their bed so they could scream into their pillow. This whole situation was impossible, no way to win, just ways to lose. "I did this to myself, I guess-" Anon was cut off by their phone going off, their jolly ringtone mocking their desperate situation. Peeling themself from their bed Hackers grabbed their phone, the number had no id but the area code was the same as theirs so they decided to answer.
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hey hello taku dear <3 gahh once again we haven’t spoken in too long :( anyways it mostly was bc there was zero tokrev brainrot in me buut there is now!! so i’m back here hehe.
also funfact i just fiNALLY started rereading tokrev and i’m doing it in french bc. idk i just felt like it?? i hate french but i’m actually practicing it now lol. and ngl i understand more than i thought i would-
anyways on saturday i watched la gardiennes de la planète (a movie abt whales) in the cinema and idk how but. like halfway through a merfolk concept just popped into my head n bc i obviously couldn’t just forget abt it i decided to write a tokrev merfolk au. so guess who’s writing their fourth moshion fic? me. idek why but they have a chokehold on me and i keep writing abt them. tho it’s fun so no complaints <3
well i insaned abt the fic a little... okay that’s a lie i wrote 3.5k of fic in the span of 22 hrs, beating my preccious record of 2.7k in 24 hrs. so okay i’m more than a little insane abt it- so so so plot and lore bc i cannot contain myself. firstly shion’s a merman n mochi is human. then it’s also a college au but mochi isn’t studying rn bc for plot conveniences his last semester of highschool n his 1st semester of college don’t line up so he’s got a few months of free time. i still hc that his parents are rich af but imo he lives alone in a rather small flat he pays with his own money as best he can bc he wants to. idk. well okay so basically what i’ve written so far: mochi finds shion injured n tangled in a fishers’ net at the beach while on a late night walk, and takes him to his flat to help. there he fills the bathtub with water for him, and gets the rope off his body. lastly, he treats his injuries. then he goes to sleep bc it’s the middle of the night- and when he wakes up again the next day, the bathtub is empty and shion’s lying on the floor in his corridor. and he suddenly has legs. bc in this au merfolk just transform into a human form into drying out (n then transform back when they’re wet enough. which is very wet) and shion my fav idiot tried to go back to the ocean on his own but got stuck in the hallway and got too dry. also bc i think that’s the most realistic version of transformation it hurts like a bitch bc i mean your tail literally splits to form two legs- well mochi patches shion up agAIN and they finally talk n exchange names bc my merfolk have diff vocal chords in ther mer form bc they commumicate like whales underwater. tho they can just. speak human language too in their human form for some reason. i mean they understand it bc they watch n listen to humans talk but i haven’t figured out why they can SPEAK it if they lile never do. anyways that’s small enough of a plot hole :) so yeah that’s basically where i’m at in my writing.
i still need to make them fall in love and do more things together and god what else but. i hope i’ll manage somehow bc this is gonna be longer than my usual works aj dgk gkfjsj i mean i’m already at 3.5k and they barely know each other. guess they’ll have to fall for each other quickly idk
but yeah. that ramble is a lot longer than planned n i already shortened it- well. i hope you enjoy merfolk aus as much as i do bc you’ll probs get more rambles abt them while i continue writing lol
and hello to you elys my love !!! so true best friend, I MISS WHEN WE USE TO TALK ALL THE TIME </3333 ig both of our tokyrev hyperfixation have kinda died down for a second- but glad urs is back!!! i might try and get back into it but my bandom hyperfixation just keeps eating me up more and more like help 😭😭
OH FRENCH!! THATZ SO FUCKIN RAD DUDE but yeah go you!!! thatz fuckin sick!
whales :3 oooh! im not too much into fantasy aus tbf but that sounds cool!! YEAHHH GIVE IT UP FOR MOSHION (their shipname is so cutie patootie.....) but yes as you should ngl they are so blorbo scrimbli i need to write for them so fucking bad my god
oh my god you literal beast WHAT damn bro already sounds like he wants to be part of your world /j im sorry i had to. but true i could mochi as being loaded ngl
eeeeeee im so excited for this !!! it sounds good i cant wait for u to finish it. but istg if u randomly turn this into an angst i will fIGHT you
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zoppzoop · 3 years
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
15. personality description
28. i’ll love you if…
31. 3 random facts
53. 5 things that make me happy
hi babe <3333
6. romantically? probably not. ive never actually fallen for someone that emotionally deeply for it to be even mildly difficult to get over it. but like platonically? as in if a friend just backstabbed or straight up was shit to me after calling them my best friend? let me just say i still very very slightly have a grudge on my 2nd grade best friend. i take my friendships very seriously (skip the rest of this coz its too long and honestly idk why i even typed it out lmfao its honestly just turned into a weird vent skjdfljkg)
(i definitely dont hate the 2nd grade kid more than this one bitch in my old neighborhood who literally got into a best friend trio thing between me and my friend and turned her against me and then also sabotaged my friendship with another friend and yeah things were shit for a few months and then her dad got transferred to another place and i thought it was a good thing but then the day she left i went back home after playing in the park with the rest of the kids and my parents give me the news that we're moving to the same place as they did because my dad got promoted there too and then she managed to make my life shit again for the three years she was there (and her sister helped her like the zero braincell dipshits they both were)(also teh fucker told my other friend who i was really close with and went to school with that my home situation is bad??? like hoe first of all what the fuck. second of all what the fuck third of all what the actual fuck and fourth of all my parents are actually really nice and kind people and actually care about me so again, what the fuck?????????? (also her mom had a thing against mine so im damn sure that had to root from there so yeah fuck you too auntie) and after that got cleared out the bitches literally blackmailed the rest of our common friends to team up and bully me and that was another ordeal for a while. and bullshit like this continued until her dad got transferred again. but by that time i was at a point where i couldnt really go out at all because i had to study and wow thats a long story but i dont wanna really backspace on that so yeah sorry for rambling and going off topic and for the negativity but i hate those two two-faced fucked up bitches a lot lmao)
15. i guess i'd say im chill with my opinions on most things so i dont get into arguments much. also i've got a very (uhh whatever the opposite of confrontational is) kinda personality. also my stance on things is out of sight out of mind so if i want to avoid sth i can and will ignore it. i like talking to new people and also friends but im literally not the most talkative person. when i say i like talking i mean i like listening to people go on about whatever's on their head and occasionally when i feel up to it i just thought dump (like we saw in the last question sdkjlf) or i just straight up vanish like a ghost (which is bad nasdfkljs) also with certain people i get very very chaotic. i once challenged my friends on chugging multiple glasses of coca cola at a party so yeah- ooh also i get emotional (on all emotions) very easily. also im the kind of person who wants to know peoples secrets and all that stuff coz i just like knowing things but i never do anything with it except forget it in a couple of days.
uuhh idk what else to say about my personality lmao i think thats it but if theres sth specific you'd like to know feel free to ask me!
28. i'll love you if literally anything. if know you and we're close enough i'll literally just pour over my love and support to you. i've got a lot of it to give (even though i ghost people sometimes it doesnt mean i dont care about them. i still love them)
31. 1. me and grudges is a bad idea because i never think about it much or show it but it stays there and keeps festering forever and i dont really know how i'll act if the patience meter tips over sdjfsk
2. my dad had got a switchblade thing a while back when he was out on a trip and i stabbed my teddy bear with it and uhhh yeah im pretty sure teddy hates me now but then i also stitched him back up but no that i think about it, practicing knife throwing on your teddy is not a good idea-
3. i used to be a soft-violent kid back in the day (like middle school/junior high) because at first glance you'd think im the ideal student/kid but my classmates knew that i would literally not hesitate to punch a bitch if that situation came up at school or at least in my class. i mean a teacher who came in for substitution legit presented me to the class like 'look at her. she's such nice and smart and helpful kid' and my class was like 'lmao who? her??' but yeah teachers and seniors liked me. i was a nice kid too! just some people got on my nerves and got what they were asking for <3 now im just a wallflower. i doubt anyone outside my friend group even knows my name here lmao we're chaning that in college though! i wanna be a good person to everyone!!!
53. 1. drawing
2. good food (and subsequently cooking)
3. good entertainment (currently anime, music and fanfics)
4. talking listening to people
5. relaxing without the impending doom of some or the other deadline/exam
Hi babe <3333 sorry for making this so long lfjkgs ily <33333333
send me some nice asks!! O(∩_∩)O
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10 question tag
 Ahhh @phantom-stargazer thank you so much for tagging me <3333.
So the rules: answer 10 questions and ask 10 questions, then tag from friends.
1) What’s the most annoying/frustrating thing happened recently while writing? Plot hole? Flat character? Got very stuck on some scene/chapter?
I’d have to say that, recently would be having to try to figure out what I want to do with my story and how I’m going to go about doing it, how much I’m going to change and keep the same.  Because like that’s stressful, and annoying.
2) What’s the nicest thing that your OC did for another OC?
So I’d have to say Madeline joining Johnathan’s weird game thing (it’s really complicated) and helping Nathaniel banish Johnathan and get Nathaniel’s freedom back.  Because like Madeline didn’t even know Nathaniel and Nathaniel’s a bit of a butt in the beginning.
3) What about the worst thing that your OC did to another OC?
Ah, Jack stabbed Valerie, in the back, literally with a knife.  And they’re childhood friends too :(((((.  Haha jk I had that planned out for a while.
4) What’s your brainstorming process? How do you come up with new ideas/scenes?
Non existent, or well I kinda go with whatever I’m writing or if I’m trying to write a scene, sometimes it just comes to me.  Or sometimes I’ll just sit and think for a while trying to figure out what I’m going to do with my life story
5) Have you ever shared your writing with your family/IRL friends? If so, how did they react?
Yes, I shared it with my parents and my aunt and uncle (they wanted to read it) they all loved it but me and my mom disagree a LOT about what I want to do with the story and our opinions differ a lot.  I want to get her opinion on things but that’ll just result in an argument.  But all of them love the story.
6) What’s your favorite place to write?
I don’t really understand this question?  I’m going to answer it like “where” instead of what sorry if that’s not how it’s intended and I’m just dumb.  I mostly write in my room because I’m most comfortable there and I can do whatever I want but sometimes I try to get stuff done in the kitchen at the table.  Only sometimes.
7) Have you ever had a project that was…just…not working for some reason? If yes, what did you do once you realized it?
Yes, my current WIP I’m struggling a lot with.  When I realized it, I just died.  Or well, by that I mean when I realized too much that it wasn’t working, I scrapped (not really) what I had written and started over.  This is the fourth time I’ve started over so far.  If you can’t tell I am struggling.
8) Would you get along with your main characters? Why/why not?
Honestly, I don’t really know.  She’s a bit like me in a way of more brave and what not,  I would never explore an abandoned house or try to deal with demons, I’d just ignore and die.  But I guess we could get along since I try to get along with anyone.  I don’t really know lmao.
9. Do you have a routine or do you write whenever you have the time for it?
I write whenever I have the motivation, I’ve always got time to write, but like motivation my friends is a thing I never have.  It’s annoying.
10. What would you love to do/try out in 2020, be it writing related or not?
I want to write, I mean also catch up on listening to Welcome to Nightvale (It is KILLING me right now, but I love it)
My questions (spoilers, they’re gonna suck):
1) What OC(s) do you disapprove of their actions the most, and why?
2) Have you ever (that you know of) made someone cry with your writing?
3) How do you create and develop your characters?
4) What do you do when you’re in a slump (or having writers block)?
5) What are some of your favorite things to see in other stories and to write in your own?
6) Do you listen to music while you write? (A common question, but I’m curious)
7) Who is your favorite OC to write and why? 
8) How long have you been working on your current WIP, and if you know, how long do you want to work on it/want the WIP to be?
9) What is the most interesting thing that you like about your WIP, or the thing you’re proudest of?  (Like characters, plot points, quotes, things in the universe)
10) What does your work space look like (Desktop, open tabs, window, the space around you, where you work, all that cool crap)
I wrote this at 6 in the morning, I’m so tired and having to fight the time because I have school today.  So tagging that’s left to do, lets see.
I tag (If you’re up for it because I still don’t know who would like to be tagged or not):
AAAAA thank you again so much for the tag AAAAAAAAAAA I have to go to school now I’m out of time.  LOVE YOU ALL <3
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benhaardy · 6 years
fresh || b.h.
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REQUEST: an imagine where the reader is friends with ben from her first year of highschool, and they stay friends through till sixth form, before they move to uni they confess their feelings for each other and it’s all fluffy and nice💖💖💖
A/N: helloooo thank you for sending me a request i hope i did this justice!! im super rusty but here goes!!!!!! i feel like a noob cause i dont really know how drama clubs function sorry but this is how the clubs i’ve been in kinda functioned during a free time period yknow? also i hope i got the school stuff right lol im aMeRiCan. yeet i would loveeeee some feedback because this is the first time ive ever written in second person so uhhh hit up my askbox! also i am basic and do not know anything about high school plays so they do romeo and juliet i apologize, yes it is basic and all quotes from it are taken OUT OF CONTEXT so uh just-just disregard romeo and juliet the play and characters and yeah whatever.
i tried my hardest to make this neutral for the reader so hair, eye colour, skin, shouldn’t be a problem though there is some playing with your hair tho lol.
Y/HT means your hometown.
had a blast writing this, thank you for sending in a request <3333. hope you like!
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: fem!reader, one or two bad words?, p fluffy and also l o l rusty writer right here. this wasn’t proofread and was beta’d halfway so apologies for any inaccuracies or typos.
Isabel led you down the long hallway, fluorescent lights beaming down upon both of you as you walked. She looked behind at you, encouraging and cheerful as always. As you made your way to the drama room, you clenched your fists and breathed deeply. You had joined the drama club at the encouraging of Isabel, wanting to finally make more friends after a few days of being in this new school, this whole new place. Everything was different here, but maybe you could have one constant in this close group of people. You were nervous. It showed. She reassured, ���Don’t worry, Y/N. We’re probably, like, the most relaxed people on this campus. You’ve got nothing to worry about, alright?”
You nodded at her, a tight smile on your lips. Hopefully, she was right. Though you’d always known drama kids to be loud and fun, you couldn’t help but shake that self-conscious feeling inside.
She opened the door for you both and let you enter before her into the room. The walls were painted black and had colourful drawings and paintings hung up on them which were student made. In the middle of the room were at least 15 people either sitting in chairs or scattered about on the ground. They were all doing their own thing. Some people were acting out scenes with each other, others were just talking amongst themselves or playing around. Two boys were in the corner kicking a football at each other while reciting A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“Everyone? Welcome Y/N to the club!” You waved shyly at them and their exclamations at your presence. “Come over here with me,” said Isabel, who showed you over to an open seat in the middle of the room, next to a blonde boy. His face lit up at the sight of you coming to him.
“You must be the great Y/N Izzy’s always talking about!” He patted the seat next to him where you sat down. “I’m Ben.” He grinned at you, pearly whites shining. Ben adjusted his beanie and sat nonchalantly, hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Y/N,” you replied. You were still on edge but Ben seemed nice enough. You two sat for a little in silence, watching the chaos of the club in motion. Isabel had left to kick the football with the boys.
“So Y/N,” he piped up, ”tell me about yourself.” He sat forward, intent on listening to whatever you were gonna say.
“I moved here from Y/HT. I was never really into drama before now, I guess, but I used to act when I was younger. Isabel convinced me to join again ‘cause I’m still trying to find my way around here,” you replied, a small, nervous laugh following your words.
“Well, you’ll always be welcome here! I joined after I got injured and I fell in love with acting. I hope you stay.” Ben grinned at you, a glint in his eye.
Three years had passed. Three years of plays and lawless drama kids and Ben. You had grown extremely close with him, hanging out as much as possible, helping each other with your lines, and staying near each other during rehearsals and meetings. Both of you were attached at the hip. You were more at his house then you were at your own.
You had simply just fit. Snug and at home with each other. Snug enough that you had grown to have feelings for him. You prayed that it was just those normal feelings that people have for their best friends, where they were teetering dangerously over the line of romance but stayed safe, still platonic. Your prayers were not answered and you had fallen, hard, for your best friend.
It was hard to hide your feelings, hard to hide when he was so kind. Ben was willing to hold you up when you were low and willing enough to know pretty much everything about you without forgetting what you liked and what irked you. He hosted you at his house with no problem. Though you did the same, it was great knowing someone would give that same love back.
He was so affectionate and always greeted you with a grin and a kiss on the cheek. “Darling,” “love,” and “angel,” were synonymous with your name at this point. Ben invited you out to grab food, or watch a movie, or go shopping, and he always paid without fail. When you left his presence, when you looked down upon yourself, “I love you’s” from him were always, always there. Ben embraced you with open arms, in a figurative way and literally.
He was home. Simple as that.
Your friends summed it up when they said that you and Ben were like,”an old, married couple.” His warmth spread into your heart and now it felt like it was squeezing it. Squeezing it and then dropping it on the floor. Multiple times. Strange enough, you hadn’t changed much on the outside. You were still the same old Y/N around him but the second you got home, everything changed. You sat at your desk, head in hands. You were supposed to be doing homework but that was thrown out the window once you hung out with him that day, your mind taken over.
On those complicated nights, you contemplated telling Ben everything: how you planned out your words so you wouldn’t say anything stupid around him, how you sat alone with your thoughts at night just thinking, thinking about him, how his “I love you” made your heart pang with longing and fondness. You were worried everything would change. Even though you knew if you became a couple, nothing would become any different than before.
You could not take that chance. You couldn’t risk losing Ben.
You were laying down on Ben’s chest, him propped up on his backpack against the wall in the drama room. Both of you were reading from the script in your hands. His chin was on your head and you could feel him mouthing the words to his lines. He was playing with your hair mindlessly, this affection, again, extremely apparent. You turned your head to look at him and poked his cheek, to which he responded by puffing out his cheeks. Both of you laughed and resumed your routine, watching your ever chaotic drama mates be loud and rehearse, all in preparation for your last ever play before university: Romeo and Juliet.
Ben was cast as Romeo and you, Juliet. Before, you both had preferred taking side roles. You two were hidden gems, the quiet ones, but Isabel had pushed you to try to take the lead one time. Everyone was working as hard as ever to make the play special; a fourth of the club was off to uni after this year.
He put his arms around your waist, squeezed your body tight, and nuzzled his face into your shoulder as you read out loud, “O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.” He read his part and you both read until Juliet had to leave.
You could feel Ben’s chest go up and down as he breathed steadily. It was as if there was no one else in the room other than you two as you practiced your lines. You recited,
“And yet I wish but for the thing I have:
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”
Tonight was the last performance of Romeo and Juliet. It was extremely bittersweet. You could see how everyone had improved in their methods over the years and today was the last demonstration of that, the last day everyone would truly be together like this. Everyone was going to different universities, all for different reasons and majors. Romeo and Juliet was your final curtain.
Ben’s family came to you after you dressed out of your costume. They gave you flowers and sung their praises at your performance. They gave you a ride to the diner where you were to meet with the rest of the club to celebrate your successful performances.
Both of you shuffled into a booth in the corner along with the other 4 members who had their last performances sat with you. You and Ben ordered your normal stack of pancakes and fruit. He had his arm around you the entire time, switching from your shoulder to your waist every once in a while as you both conversed with the rest of your uni-bound friends. Your friend who was sitting on yours and Ben’s side left to talk with the lower classmen. Leaning against Ben, you put your feet up on the rest of the booth.
“Hand me my makeup wipes, yeah?” You asked Ben, pointing back to your bag on his side. You heard him rummaging around in your things.
“Here, love.” He gave you the wipes and you wiped off all of the heavy stage makeup, undid your hair, and shook it all out. You sat up again and looked up at him who looked as if he was watching you closely. It was only one second, though. Only one second.
Your food had come, the meal had been had, the cheerful crying at your third-to-last goodbyes to your group had ceased and now you and Ben were walking home together through the park close to your own house. The ground was wet with rain, though thankfully, it had subsided and there were no clouds lightening the night sky. The moon was full, the grass was dewy, and there was potential in the air. A spark.
As he walked alongside you, you thought of how his kiss during the play had stuck on your lips and how his hand tightly clasped in yours while you professed your love felt. Though the words of Juliet just flew through you, it all felt real, even with the period costumes and lights and stage. His lines were simply just that. Lines. Words that were written 400 years ago, in language from 400 years ago that he acted out on stage to you and you back to him. But it just felt real, much too real. You were alone with your thoughts once again, the subject of them standing just right beside you in silence himself.
“Y/N?” Ben piped up.
“Yes?” You looked at him looking up at the sky.
“Don’t you think how crazy it is that three years ago we met, we talked about why we joined the club, and you were really only here on a whim? Now tonight, it’s our last performance in this group ever. And you weren’t even sure if you wanted to stay! We’re here now and I was Romeo and you were my Juliet and—I just feel as if everything’s that led up to us being here was so special. Like you were meant by the universe to join the club, sit next to me and talk to me and be my best friend. You were a blessing, Y/N, my blessing, and I just-”
Your smile grew and grew and grew and your pulse quickened and everything felt wild. Absolutely, motherfucking wild. Your limbs were jelly. There were alarms going off in your brain “You just what, Ben?” You said softly, tears at your eyes at his lovely, lovely words. He turned to face you as you both stopped underneath a lamppost, the light and the moonlight softly illuminating features. Your best friend stepped closer to you. “You just what, Ben?” You now whispered, seeing his own gooey smile and his eyes, filled with tears, drop down to your lips and back up again to your eyes.
“I just—I love you, Y/N,” he whispered. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too, Ben.” Your grin was wide enough that it squeezed the tears out of your eyes. “I’ve loved you since, like, year 11!” You laughed while wiping away the wetness from your face.
He blushed and took your hand in his. “I got a crush on you two months after we met, dude.”
“No freaking way, Ben!” Your eyes went wide. He liked you for this long? And here you were contemplating everything, overthinking everything!
“Yes, way!” He laughed. “I didn’t want to leave it until we left to uni together because I know I’d be agonizing over it. They say uni’ll be the best years of our lives so… why not start it out with a bang? In more than one way, if you know what I’m saying…” he said playfully, winking. You rolled your eyes and made an attempt at pushing his shoulder, but you both snickered at his joke.
“I love you, Ben. Seriously.”
“And I love you, Y/N. Seriously.”
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stargirlrchive · 6 years
All Things Festive
sirius black x reader (lowkey gryffindor reader)
omg okay so i got this super adorable idea from PLAYERONES on wattpad the idea was so so cute i just had to take my own spin on it! i hope you enjoy it! (gif isn't mine) <3 
masterlist :)
warning(s): none, this is pure fluff!!! <3333
word count: 1614
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I could feel my cheeks stinging from the cold blowing against me and I buried my face deeper into my scarf. I was instantly regretting my decision of coming to Hogsmeade with everyone, I would have much rather stayed in the common room by the fire.
Lily was pulling me along towards the Three Broomsticks and the shiver that ran up my spine from the warmth was welcomed. I spotted 4 of my house mates and instantly went towards them, squishing myself against Sirius and wrapping his arm around my shoulders,
“It’s bloody freezing out there, who’s idea was it to leave the common room and meet here?”
Everyone looked pointedly at Sirius as he sent me a small smile, grabbing my hands in his and trying to warm them up as Alice and Frank made their way towards us as well. I was so grateful that my face was still flushed from the outside or else I’d never hear the end of it from any of them.
“It’s because I have come across a rather peculiar invention that I don’t want to speak of in the common room.”
I could feel the tension ebbing it’s way into my chest as I eyed Sirius wearily, these sort of things never ended how he wanted them and the damage that would be done was usually larger than intended.
The playful smile that was coming from James and the look of slight horror and amusement dancing in both Remus’ and Peter’s eyes had me tensing up even more. How bad could it truly be?
“Go on.”
“Well you see this is a mistletoe.” 
He pointed at the plant I had not seen until now and I shuffled away from it slightly, what if it suddenly sprouted legs and attacked you?
“It isn’t regular mistletoe. It has a unique form of magic and changes color depending on the people that are under it.”
“What a load of rubbish.” I could hear the scoff in Lily’s voice as she eyed the piece of plant in disdain.
“It’s not rubbish.” James huffed at her and turned back to Sirius, “I personally know what all the colors mean but you should explain it to all of them, Sirius.”
“Well it only has 5 colors really, or that’s what I was told and the action has to be completed or there’s a bind between the people until it’s completed. Before you cut in Lily, it only works if both recipients want the action to happen. If not it stays as is, green and it’s a quick peck on the cheek.”
“Fine then, explain all the colors.”
“Well I already said what green means, yellow is a hug, red is a kiss on the lips, white is a snog, and silver is a confession of feelings for one another. There’s also the rare occasion that it can be two colors meaning both want that or need it.”
Lily tensed besides me and she gripped at my shirt lightly. She had just told me how she felt about James and I was assured she was not yet ready for him to know. I knew she didn’t want to be caught under that.
“How do we even know that bloody thing works? It could possibly just be some ruddy Zonko’s creation.”
Sirius picked the mistletoe up quickly and placed it over himself and James and the color yellow began to sprout rapidly, the two hugged and James repeated the action with Remus, then Remus with Peter, after that it was Peter and Frank the color yellow remaining prominent and lastly Frank held it above himself and Alice and a beautiful dark red sprouted above them as they both flushed and pressed their lips to each other quickly. They were so cute. 
The happy sigh that left my lips had Sirius snapping his head towards me as he reached out for the mistletoe and handed it off to James. Lily began fidgeting as James was eyeing her with his big warm eyes and I grabbed her arm with mine and pushed her from the seat slightly, the both of us got up and I could see the pout etching it’s way into James’ face.
“We’ll be right back, going to order our drinks.”
“I can help you with that.”
“No it’s fine James. Lily and I will manage.”
As I took her towards the bar she sagged against the stool,
“Thank you. I think I would’ve cried if James put that thing above us, Merlin knows I’m not ready for him to know.”
“For him to know what?”
Both of us snapped our heads to the voice coming behind us and my eyes instantly trailed up Sirius’ arm as James was standing besides Lily. The mistletoe was a very shimmering silver. 
Her eyes grew wide and she instantly got up and began walking towards the exit but was pulled back instantly by some strong invisible force that had her tumbling right back into the seat she had left. She was looking at me pleadingly and as I tried to take her with me Sirius grabbed my arm and tugged me into a empty both for two.
My eyes kept looking over towards the bar and before I knew it Lily and James were walking towards us, hands tangled together and a very prominent blush on both their faces.
“I owe you one Sirius, and because I do I’m going to do this.”
James hand quickly snagged the mistletoe from Sirius’ hand and held it above us. I could feel my stomach tightening at what was to appear, or what wouldn’t appear. For all I knew Sirius did not fancy me and the bloody mistletoe would remain green. My eyes looked up and the mistletoe was sporting silver and red.
I could feel my hands clamming up and I was up just as fast as Lily was, walking fast toward the exit but what surprised me more was the fact that I hadn’t been pulled back yet, maybe the thing was faulty after all.
But I was wrong, so wrong as I heard Sirius call out for me. I quickly hopped into the carriage that would be taking me back to the castle, as soon as the cart began moving I felt a strange and uncomfortable pull begin to form in my chest and I had a longing to be next to Sirius once more.
I reckon I always had that feeling but it was a lot more intensified and I had to remind myself that it must have been the effects of the mistletoe.
As soon as I was off the carriage I began walking rapidly to the common room. When I was half way down the corridor I could feel myself being pulled rapidly back to where I was a few moments ago and slamming hard into a chest. I hadn’t the need to look up since I already knew who it was and I frowned. Godric this was so mortifying. I was going to be forced into confessing something that had been building up since fourth year and share a kiss with Sirius. What was worse was that I had never even had a first kiss!
“You seem to forget that the mistletoe only works if both of us want or need it to happen.” His arms had snaked around my waist and I still refused to meet his eyes.
“For all I know you could be confessing that you stole my last sugar quill or something. What I have to confess is much more serious than that.”
The laugh that rippled through his chest had a small smile tugging at my lips as I played with the ends of his scarf.
“I can assure you it has nothing to do with stealing your last sugar quill. More like wanting to ask you on a date?”
“Well then if I’m being forced to say it, I guess I would say yes to going on that date with you?”
I looked up at him and he sent me a smile, his grey eyes looking deeply into mine as he pulled me closer.
“So its a date?”
At his nod I pulled away but was pulled into him once more,
“If I remember correctly the mistletoe had two colors, not one.”
His flirtatious smile had the nerves making their way into me once more as he leaned in, his lips almost touching mine when I pulled away again.
“I’ve never had a first kiss.”
The look of absolute bewilderment has settled across his features and I could once again feel my face heating up,
“It’s not as if I haven’t had the opportunity! I’ve just never really wanted to kiss anyone but you. Just now that it’s happening I’m scared.”
He features instantly softened and he grabbed my hand and tangled our fingers together softly,
“We’ll take it slow, yeah?”
I took my lip between my teeth and nodded. His fingers took my chin between them and lowered my lip softly to stop myself from biting on my lip and he slowly pressed his lips to mine. His eyes instantly fell closed and I repeated his action as one of his hands cupped the back of my neck to pull myself closer to him. This kiss continued to be soft and everything I wanted and had imagined for it. I pulled away after a while and Sirius sent me an even wider smile than before. His lips pressed against my forehead and then tangled our fingers together and began pulling me towards the common room.
“Merlin, I love the winter and all things festive.”
taglist ; @siriusoricns @snarledblack @siriusement @moonlitmoony @artemiserenity <3
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Basically what I was trying to say:
That pic reminds me of most of the weird twincest things I’ve ever seen
Give us the Uta/Itori child. While you’re at it, bring Tatara back and give us a Tatara/Eto child. The fandom would explode
What do you mean Undertaker wasn’t always hot
(seriously tho idk why but I always thought UT was meant to be attractive in his own way. Something about his design…)
I can’t wait to see those two interact…btw, am I the only one who feels confused about what’s going to happen in Kuro now? Because I feel like the death of one or both of the twins and them getting some ‘closure’ about everything that’s happened is going to be a big part of the ending, but since Real Ciel is here now, will this arc be the last? Or will their big 'confrontation’ be pushed into another arc, Real Ciel either running away in this arc or Our Ciel being chased out of his own home (doubt that’s going to happen because of Sebastian, but who knows what tricks Real Ciel has up his sleeve).
Guess we agree in the end ^^ and don’t worry, you didn’t come off that way! :) It’s all good~
I honestly think using stuff like rape and trauma for drama in backstories is really offensive and hurtful to people who have gone through things like that in real life.
AWWW TYSM <3333 I basically did a huge OC info-dump over the last few days and you’ve been so nice about it ;-; *hugs*
Well, the Smiling Titan is very creepy…and the Female Titan can be pretty terrifying. But yeah, for the most part I feel like titan designs are a mix between horrifying and grotesquely amusing. They’re hilarious, really XD
(Of course if I saw one in real life I’d be too busy screaming in fear to laugh, but hey. I’m protected by the fourth wall, might as well make fun of them)
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Which songs/lyrics made you cry the most? :) (Ultraviolence made me die a little on the inside)
Welp,,,, Twincest always freaked me out.
Oh wow, a Tatara/Eto child would certainly be interesting! Like, damn. Just how powerful would that child be? While we’re at it, Noro/Eto kid.
I mean, it’s a general rule in anime that hair covering eyes= hot person, but I didn’t know UT would be that hot...  The Book of Atlantic was an eye-opener (huehuehue) for me. Too bad I haven’t gotten the chance to watch the movie yet.
I’m very excited to see how the series will progress now... I mean, having 2 Ciels will surely make it more interesting. And what dies Real Ciel have to say about everything? Is he upset with Our Ciel (it seems like the answer it yes, judging from the panels we got). Does Real Ciel have his own demon? What about Soma? He knows who the attacker(s) are and it’s most likely Real Ciel, but he doesn’t know about his existence, meaning he blames Our Ciel. AND LIZZY?? WHAT ABOUT LIZZY??? I still want her to marry Our Ciel, even though  she was engaged to Real Ciel before.  I can’t wait to see all this get answered ^^ I just hope this arc isn’t the last
Yep, that’s a relief ^^
In my opinion, you do not add trauma to the backstory if it doesn’t directly serve to developing the character (without making them a revenge-driven machine) and even if you do, you have to be very careful about what you add. As far as I’m concerned, rape shouldn’t be added in any case. Most people don’t know enough about the consequences and, therefore, by writing it you’re potentially erasing what people go through in real life after it happens to them. Aaaand I just did another huge dump about OCs. Goddamnit.
No worries, I really like your OCs ^^
I mean, if I saw a titan irl, I’d run away screaming like every other sane person, but behind the screen they are quite funny. Especially when they run. I loose my shit if titans start running.
All of them :)))
I recently realised I actually heard Wait For It even before listening to Ham, in an AMV for ATLA!  How did I realise that? Someone I follow reblogged a post about ATLA and I was like ‘Hey, I haven’t been in touch with this fandom for a long time.’ Inner me replied ‘Browse the tag until 2am’. So i did. And found it.
Also, this is the last time you’ll hear from me for 2 weeks ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I’m going to a summer camp tomorrow and since mobile phones aren’t allowed there, I’ll be away till the 8th... So, uh, I’ll message you when I get back? 
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