#guess karkats just a really huggable guy
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badlydrawnjohn · 1 year ago
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EB: haha, woah! it's me! karkat, this rules!!
EB: thank you!
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cure-typhoon · 3 years ago
What kind of hugs they give, homestuck edition:
June: Honestly you don't expect much of them but they still deliver, she can give a really nice simple and comforting hug, the bad thing is that she doesnt give them too much. 9/10
Dave: My guy doesnt know how to give a hug okey, he is baaad at it, he tries, he really does, but it always end up too akward and always ends with an "okey thats enough haha". 5/10
Jade: She is a hugger 100% she will squeeze the air out of you, but thats okay! You know she is just showing her care for you, even if in the process she ends up breaking your back. 8/10
Rose: The akward hugging really runs in the family huh, she tries, but is even more akward than Dave, how does she even manages that? Nobody knows. She will squeeze you a little too hard but you don't know if it's because of love or if she is trying to kill you. 4/10
Karkat: For such an angry fucking guy you expect to be squeeze too hard/too little or see the akwardeness in the air as he shows he doesnt want to hug you, but no, not at all. He will give you the nicest and warmest fucking hug on existence, it honestly kinda pisses you off, but it doesnt last much. 10/10 but it could easily fall to an 8/10 because his hugs are rarer than Rose's and only occure at the right time
Aradia: You know that Jade isnt trying to hurt you when she hugs you, with Aradia you arent so sure, she gives you such a nice and freaky smile after dislocating your shoulder that it kinda scares you. 4/10
Tavros: their a little akward at first like Tavros itself, but after just a moment they become nice and comforting, short but simple hugs + a pat on the back to show his support :) . 8/10
Sollux: Is there even anything to hug on this guy? So spiky and not huggable at all, he doesnt give hugs, at most he will use you as a place to lean back and relax a little. If a hug happens they tend to be short and weird with some akward pats in the back. 2/10
Nepeta: Really nice and comfy to hug, the thing is, she really fucking hates hugs, they are really not her thing. It helps that her moirail is the most unhugging guy on the world. She will hug him but anyone else is a meh at best. 5/10
Kanaya: The queen of what will it be this time? A hug that is barely a hug? Your organs escaping through your mouth after she squeezes too hard? Who knows! And thats all you'll get. 5/10 because she is trying
Terezi: Nope, nope, nooo. You know she is hurting you on purpose, it's not really a hurt hurt like aradia's but she still pokes you like you are a dead animal on the forest and it's always painful. 2/10, will go to a 5/10 if she stops poking
Vriska: For such a backstabbing asshole, she does gives nice hugs, they are rare but can occure from time to the time. At the end she will give a painful slap on the back and akward thumbs up. 8/10 obviously
Equius: The unhuggable guy, can you even blame him for not being good at hugs? He would kill you if he hugs you! Or at least leave you full of sweat, ew. He tries but is not really a hug, he just makes a circle with his arms around you. 1/10 for trying
Gamzee: I feel like they are akward because they are random, always. This situation doesnt really ask for a hug but he is still going to give it. 7/10
Eridan: Long and akward hugs, the worst kind, he is trying but the hugs always last a little too long for anyone to be comfortable at the end. 3/10
Feferi: She gives the best hugs! (Not really) but they are still nice! Is like being hug by a giant fish, weird, slimy and nice you guess? Accidently throws you to the ground when she slaps you in the back. 6/10
Jane: Ohohoho she is the queen of hugs, she always gives them and they are always nice, couldnt ask for more. 10/10
Dirk: Honestly, the worst fucking hug you ever experienced, and you can't even blame him because he was raised by himself and some robots he created, It also doesnt help that he hates them. 0/10
Jake: he will pick you from the ground and spin you around a little bit, they are fun but short lived, a little dizzy at times but thats okay. 7/10
Roxy: the only strilonde who knows how to hug , seriously people, get with the program! Nice, short and simple, she will lean over to hug you because she really is tall, squeezes a little too hard at times but is okay. 8/10
Idk why i did this i'm now late for school lol
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riverboundao3ff · 5 years ago
Riverbound, Chapter 21
Your name is KARKAT VANTAS and you can’t stop thinking of that video John showed you that one time with the human gamer yelling “CAPTAIN! LOOOOOK!” even though this is very much real life and there is a fucking enormous pirate ship barrelling right at you.
You barely have your sickles out before Vriska comes barging out of her cabin in full pirate ensemble, sword strapped to her waist and fangs bared. “Eridan, take the lead with me! Aradia, Terezi, and Karkat follow. Try not to get yourselves killed. Micah, up to the crow’s nest and see what the enemy is doing. Feferi, keep us at full clip in a circle.”
“I’m not a very good captain!” Feferi yelps as she almost snaps the wheel in half.
“Don’t worry about it, the 8rigantine’s been through some serious shit. She can take a rookie at the wheel!”
Micah zaps up to the crow’s nest with the eyepiece and trains it on the enemy ship. Despite your bloodpusher hammering away in your chest cavity, your feet carry you over to Aradia and Terezi, both grinning ear-to-ear like the maniacs they are. Both are amazing fighters, and you are… very small. Small, and not very strong.
If Crabdad could see you right now you know the old guy would shit himself on the spot.
“Why am I here,” you mutter, gripping your sickles for all they’re worth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck--”
“Shouldn’t Feferi be giving the orders?” Eridan mutters to Vriska, scowling.
Vriska sneers back at him. “My ship, my rules. If you don’t like it you can swim back to shore.”
“I’ll throw you overboard first, bitch.”
“Good to see some things never change,” Aradia snickers, but you can’t bring yourself to rib Eridan for his black crush as you watch the other ship pull right up against the 8rigantine.
“What’s it look like?” Terezi asks.
“Big. Probably one-and-a-half times the size of the 8rigantine…” You trail off as you see the hostages on board and do a quick count. “There’s about fifteen lowbloods on board. Most of them are rusts and bronzes. I see one gold.”
“A psionic?”
“Dibs,” Aradia calls.
“He’s all yours,” you mumble, beginning to regret being hatched.
Well, it’s too late to back out now. Aradia lays out the plank with her telekinesis and sends a massive shockwave across to the other ship before the terrified hostages can so much as try to rally together.
“Aradia! Don’t hurt them!” Micah wails in protest.
She doesn’t look very sorry, but Vriska and Eridan are already charging across the plank together with fearsome battle cries, Terezi right behind them with swords drawn and Aradia bringing up the rear. From the crow’s nest, Micah yells something about the violetblood captain being in his cabin.
“Oh, I am so getting grounded for this,” you tell nobody in particular, and then you bound across the plank in four quick strides, ignoring the dark, churning waters below, and fling yourself into the fray.
Some bronzeblood takes a swing at you the second your feet hit the deck, but you can tell her bloodpusher really isn’t in it when she scrambles back as you knick her cheek with one of your blades. You dodge around a pair of unarmed rustbloods, sweep the feet out from underneath another bronze, and end up back-to-back with Terezi.
Not too long ago you would have been losing your mind at the thought of fighting alongside the girl you crushed on for a pretty sizable amount of your miserable existence, but at the moment you kind of want to smack her upside the head for letting Vriska drag you guys into this. “Where’s your crazy-ass moirail?”
“Looking for our target! Micah said he’s in his cabin,” she yells over a rustblood girl’s furious screeches as Terezi is able to deflect every blow.
You swipe at a boy who tries to lunge for your arm. “Well I wish she’d hurry--”
A shockwave knocks your flat on your ass before you can finish that sentence. Your ears ring, and you roll over with a groan to see Aradia and the goldblood psionic circling each other, both crackling with invisible energy.
“Back off! Back!” the psionic shrieks, blasting yellow sparks at Aradia. “He’ll kill us all if we lose the session!”
“Nobody’s dying today,” Aradia tells him calmly.
“Just keep fighting. We’re here to help.”
Some of the other hostages obviously overheard the whole thing, because you see several stop circling a hissing Eridan to turn and stare at her. None of them have even tried to attack him. He uses the opportunity to break free and roundhouse the psionic into the mast, knocking him out cold and sending cracks up the wood.
A nearby zap alerts you to the cavalry’s arrival. “Eridan!”
“He was attacking Aradia-!”
The mast splinters apart at the base and comes down through the deck, before toppling over towards your alien friend. They teleport out of the way just in time, reappearing to grab the unconscious goldblood and disappearing again.
The bronzeblood boy you’ve been swatting at scrubs furiously at his ganderbulbs. “What the-- did I just-?”
“Yeah, they do that,” you explain.
“I wanna go home.”
The sound of glass breaking has everybody jumping back as Vriska and the violetblood dude come tumbling out of the cabin window, screaming and clawing each other up with no mercy whatsoever. Serket’s metal arm is making progress in tearing a gash in the violetblood’s side, but he’s still way stronger than her and just as angry.
“You fucking bitch! This isn’t how you play the game!” he snarls, kneeing her in the gut so hard you hear something snap.
She spits blue blood into his face. “This isn’t a game anymore.”
He kicks her off him and springs to his feet, only for a blast of energy to carve a perfect hole through the center of his chest before he can so much as cuss her out again. There’s no blood, no bits of flesh dangling down into the gap. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eridan lower his rifle, brows drawn together in concentration.
You stare in shock as Vriska kicks the still-standing corpse overboard.
The following splash is the only sound to be heard for the next couple of moments. You and Micah make eye contact and stare at each other for a little bit. Eridan and Vriska high-five and start ushering the hostages across the plank to the 8rigantine. Aradia just shrugs and helps a bronze girl with a bad knee to her feet so they can go, guiding Terezi along with her other hand.
“Well, that was quick,” you mumble, making your way over to Micah.
They don’t show any outward signs of distress, but the way their gaze doesn’t focus on anything in particular once you both make it to the other side tells you everything you need to know. You want to throw Serket overboard as well; for fuck’s sake, she knows humans are fragile about these sort of things!
They look over at you. “Guess that’s one way to do it.”
“Yeah.” You look out at the horizon, where a pod of skywhales are surfacing to breathe. “I’ll be honest. This rebellion stuff is way less fun than I thought it was gonna be.”
“Me too. Wanna get out of here once we get the hostages back to shore?”
Oh, fuck yes. “Sure. Can we get some of your weird human food?”
“Ask Dave, my guy. I’m broke as hell.”
You wait impatiently as Micah helps the others down to the beach once the 8rigantine makes it to shore, but you can’t help but feel a surge of warmth when you see the dawning realization on the former prisoners’ faces when they realize that they’ll be going home. You’re smiling as a few of the younger kids grow brave enough to give Micah hugs, which is understandable given that the alien is very soft and huggable. It’s no surprise to you that they’ve managed to land in somebody’s diamond.
“Nothing like trauma to help bring people together,” they say as you watch the group walk off together towards town. “One of them said that they’re gonna make a group chat and call it ‘Hostage Gang’.”
Everybody gets a good chuckle out of that, and most of the tension leaves as you guys head back to Vriska’s hive. Terezi and Aradia start arguing about what blood caste has the thickest skull bone, with Terezi in favor of seadwellers and Aradia insisting it’s the indigos.
Micah bumps your arm. “Ready to go?”
“Cool. Lemme grab my backpack.”
They zap away and are back in the span of two seconds, backpack slung over their shoulder. You have to tell yourself not to stare, even if you’re still definitely not used to your weird alien friend’s wacky spacetime powers.
Vriska’s face falls. “You’re leaving?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna bring Karkat to Earth to hang out. I’ll be back soon,” Micah tells her.
“... Promise?”
“Aw, missing your lusus already?” Eridan taunts, before hightailing it back up the path to Vriska’s hive with a furious pirate girl on his heels. Terezi takes off after them with a shriek of delight, with Feferi begging them not to start a fight and Aradia waving back at you as she pelts sand at the back of Eridan’s head.
“Good god,” you mutter.
“Love those assholes,” Micah says, every word laced with affection. They hold out their hand, and with a lot less caution than you used to, you take it.
In the blink of an eye, the both of you are outside Dave’s apartment building with the sun going down behind the skyscrapers in the west. It’s hot as fuck, even for you, and teleporting never fails to make you a little dizzy.
You look up and down the alleyway. Cool, no other humans around.
Taking a running start, you kick off the dumpster underneath the fire escape and grab on to the last rung of the rusty ladder. You pull yourself up with a grunt and start hiking on up to the top floor, concentrating on the horizon to calm down your tilting vision. A bang of boot against metal lets you know Micah is right behind you.
“Why don’t you just teleport up?” you ask.
“Do you want me to take you up?”
“No. It makes me dizzy.”
“Sorry, dude.” They yank off their hoodie with a huff. “I need the exercise.”
“Don’t let Equius hear you say anything like that. For my wriggling day last sweep he gave me an exercise regime and video-called me to personally ensure that I was doing it. It was fucking terrible. Every time I see a stretching mat my ass clenches up so hard I taste shit.”
“... Do you think he’ll come around?” they ask.
You snort. “Who knows. I like the guy, don’t get me wrong, but… he’s pretty set in his ways about the authority of the Empire and the hemospectrum. If Nepeta can’t get through to him, nobody can.”
“Eridan decided he wants to change. So did Vriska.”
You bite your tongue before you can tell Micah that they unwittingly became the lusus-figure of those two jackasses the second they waltzed into their lives. “Yeah, well. Equius is a whole other hoofbeast, pun intended.”
By the time you reach the top level, your thighs are burning, you’re out of breath, and Micah has to brace themselves on their knees while sucking in air like an upright mechanical cleaning device. The usually pale skin is flushed red, and they’re making absolutely no attempt to cover themselves.
All humans have red blood, dumbass. Get over yourself. “How come you can go for three hours straight on Just Dance but get winded going up a few flights of stairs?”
“Man, shut up. You’re breathing heavy, too,” they wheeze.
“Barely.” You pull out your palmhusk and shoot a quick text to Dave, telling him to check the fire escape. Your palmhusk is barely back inside your sweatpants pocket before the window you and Micah are under slides open.
A messy head of blonde hair pokes out, and your gastric tract does a flip when a smirk lifts up the corners of Dave’s mouth. “Two aliens, chillin’ on my fire escape, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay.”
“I regret ever letting you in on the incredible gift that awaits this world that is Vine,” Micah sighs. “All those iconic seven-second videos, all those memes that have yet to define Gen Z as a culture… and some greasy millennial Texas kid gets the first crack at it?”
“Micah. Mickey. Mickaroonie. Gen Z was born at the start of 1995. I was born in 1996. I barely made it, but I made it. Slipped right in there like the intruder through Annie’s window, RIP Michael Jackson. Vine is my birthright, same as yours.”
“It will be your birthright.”
“What the fuck is a Vine?” you demand. Stupid humans and their stupid human culture. You still have difficulty believing that their planet is divided up into thousands of different sectors, each with their own laws and languages and governments. How come they just can’t pick one thing and go with it?
“Hush up and get inside, Karkles, both of you are letting all the cold air out,” Dave drawls, backing away from the window so you and Micah can hop in.
You do so and almost immediately eat shit when you land on a pile of comic books that slip out from underneath your feet. “Fuck!”
“Keep it down, bro, the walls are thin.” Dave chucks an empty juice bottle into the trash can across the room. “Thin as a rin-tin-tin, gotta keep on silencin’, can’t let the haters in from the world that keeps on burnin’--”
“If you shut up we’ll tell you about the rebellion that’s happening on Alternia. Past Alternia, that is,” you offer.
That gets his attention. He turns to you, brows drawing tightly together. “A revolution? On your hellhole of a planet? Isn’t that, I dunno, really frickin’ risky? You’re not in danger, are you?”
“Not in my time period, dummy,” you say, crossing your arms to block out the surge of warmth inside of you that has nothing to do with the Texas heat. He cares about your safety. “It’s like, ten sweeps ago? Fifteen? I dunno, Micah’s the one who’s actually in it.”
“Yeah… I don’t know, either. Alternian measurements of time are confusing. But yeah. Me and a bunch of my friends are gonna overthrow the government,” Micah explains.
“Hell yeah, stick it to the man. But, like, be careful.”
“I will. Time shenanigans are kind of my thing.”
“Can we get food now?” you demand.
“Hell yeah we can.” Dave glances behind him, but there’s nobody there. “Yeah… let’s see, Bro’s not gonna be back until Saturday, so we’re good.”
Micah glances over at the calendar on the wall and frowns. It’s Tuesday. You’re not sure what Tuesday is in relation to Saturday, but they don’t seem happy about it.
The three of you end up sneaking around downtown Houston until you locate a McDonald’s. It’s weird, how much safer you feel on Earth in comparison to Alternia. These aren’t your people, and this isn’t your planet, and yet when a group of teenagers pass under the tree you and Micah hide in while Dave goes inside to order you don’t even flinch. It helps that the sun has gone down and you know that humans can’t see in the dark.
“So…” they say, eyeing you thoughtfully. “Do you want me to leave you guys alone? You know, city lights, fast food, two teenagers sitting together under the stars…”
FUCK. You slap at them with a furious hiss. “No! I-- what, no! Who told you? Was it Sollux? It was fucking Sollux.”
“It wasn’t Sollux. You’re pretty obvious, dude,” they remark.
You scrub your face with your hands. “I… he’s just so great, which is stupid because he pisses me off, and he’s an alien, and it’s just impossible. A-And he’s human-heterosexual!”
“Hey. Look at me.”
You look at them.
They smile at you, and your racing bloodpusher calms as you remember that this person is one of the few you can trust with your life. “No relationship is ever easy. You know this. But what you don’t know is that people always find ways to come together. My moirail is an oliveblood assassin, and she’s easily one of the top three things that’s ever happened to me.”
You can’t help it: you smile a little. “What are the other two things?”
“Rice bowls at Chipotle. Meeting you guys.”
“You’re a sappy fuck,” you tell them, even as you snort into the crook of your elbow.
“I sure am, hotshot. Oh, hey, here’s Dave--”
“--eeeeeEEEEEE here it is! Help me up,” a familiar voice announces. You look over the branch you’re stretched out on and reach down to help Dave up while Micah grabs the bags of food from him. His palm is just as warm and sweaty as yours, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once everybody is settled in and munching away on shitty, delicious human food you break out the big guns. “Micah has a moirail.”
“Which one is that?”
“They have a girlfriend. Ew, can’t believe I’m resorting to highblood slang.”
That gets his attention. “Oh, real shit? Is she hot?”
“Yes, Dave. She is hot.”
“What’s she like?”
“Kind. Shredded as all hell. Loves sappy romance novels. Lowkey murders people for a living. Gets embarrassed easily. Like, I’ll say something like ‘I’m gonna shooshpap the anxiety right out of your soul, honey-bunches’ and she absolutely loses her goddamn mind--”
You shriek and slam your hands over your ears, trying to not blush and give yourself away. “No, no, noooooooooo, Micah I’m under nine sweeps old please-!”
“I don’t get it! Why is talking about feelings so sexy?” they yell, throwing their hands up while Dave loses his mind. “Damn! I touched my friend’s cheek the other night ‘cause he was messed up about my ribs being broken and he just about exploded.”
“Slut,” you wheeze.
“Your ribs are broken?” Dave stops laughing and starts poking at the other human. “What? Are you okay? How did you even climb this tree?”
“I’m fine now, buddy, Alternian medical tech is pretty great,” they assure him, ruffling his hair as he swats at them.
“Wack. One time I was in the ER ‘cause I needed stitches and the nurse didn’t even numb me up, she just frickin’ went for it. Big-ass needle, big-ass thread, screaming six-year-old, I think I scared the whole McFrickin’ clinic half to death--”
You want to hear everything about Dave’s bravery in the face of a mediculler, but before you can ask for more details a beam of bright light hits Micah right in the face, making them reel back with an arm thrown over their face.
“What are you kids doing up there, huh?” a deep voice calls.
You look down and almost shit yourself.
Underneath the tree are four fully-grown adult males, all big and with guns strapped to their belts (seriously, why the fuck do humans run around with so many weapons on them when they’re so stupid?) and wearing blue uniforms.
Oh, shit. Dave told you to never trust the ones with the blue uniforms.
“We’re eating McDonald’s in a tree, officer,” Micah explains cheerfully.
“Can I ask why?” The one in the front glares up at you. You shrink back into the foliage as much as you can. Dave grabs your hand, squeezing tightly, and you squeeze back.
“Why not?”
“Can I see some I.D?”
“No. We’re not breaking any laws. This is public property.”
You stare in disbelief as Micah pulls out a fry and munches on it without a care in the world. Were they really not afraid? Did humans just… not fear their authority figures?
They can teleport. Of course they’re not afraid, you remind yourself.
“How many of you are up there?” another one asks.
“Are any of you armed?”
“No, sir.”
“Can you come down, please?”
“No, thanks. We’re fine where we are.”
“You guys want a cheeseburger? The lady who took our order gave me an extra,” Dave offers. “It’s got onions, though. Onions are nasty.”
The one farthest to the left says something into his walkie-talkie. Micah grins.
You know that grin. “What are you--”
“Hey, officers! Wanna see something cool?” they yell. “Watch this!”
They push off the branch they’re leaning on and lunge towards you and Dave. You barely have time to yelp before they’re grabbing your arm and zapping you guys out of there.
Delighted peals of laughter fills the whole apartment as you land face-first into Dave’s bed. You spit out a dirty sock that somehow ended up in your mouth and shove them off the end of the mattress, but you’re laughing too. You’ve never seen anything like that.
Dave looks over at you, gorgeous red eyes twinkling behind his shades and a big smile lighting up his respiteblock, and just for a moment, everything is perfect.
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