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technologies115-blog 7 years ago
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#VolcanoesOfinstagram #Volcanoe #SantiaguitoVolcanoes #VolcanSantiaguito #Guatemala馃嚞馃嚬 #GuatemalaVolcanoes馃嚞馃嚬 otograf铆a: @sergioizquierdophoto 馃搷#VolcanSantiaguito Guatemala (English below) Vista de la cadena volc谩nica con el volc谩n Santiaguito haciendo erupci贸n. Volcano chain from Guatemala, with the Santiaguito volcano erupting. #eruption #volcano #guate aerial #visitguatemala #VolcanoesSeria #SantiaguitoVolcanoeSeria #VolcanSantiaguitoSeria #GuatemalaSeria馃嚞馃嚬 #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria馃嚞馃嚬 #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria #16February2018seria #16FebruarySeria #2018FebuarySeria #2018FridaySeria #FridayFebruarySeria #FridaySeria (Parroquia de Nuestra Se帽ora de Guadalupe, santiaguito)
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seismology550 7 years ago
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#EruptionsOfinstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #FuegoVolcano #AcatenangoVolcano #AntiguaCity #VolcanoFuego #VolcanAcetenango #Volcanoes #Eruption #Guatemala馃嚞馃嚬 #14northern #91western . regram @copernicus_eu On 3 June, Volcan de Fuego, in Southern Guatemala 馃嚞馃嚬, experienced a strong eruption, causing floods of lava and mud along with ash and ballistic (small rocks) emissions Here are the last Sentinel2 馃嚜馃嚭馃洶 images from 30 May, and a Sentinel5P showing UV aerosol index on 3 June 14.482777'N,-90.882777"W . #FuegoVolcanoSeria #AcatenangoVolcanoSeria #AntiguaCitySeria #VolcanoFuegoSeria #VolcanAcetenangoSeria #VolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #GuatemalaSeria馃嚞馃嚬 #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria #GuatemalaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #FuegoVolcanoEriruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #03JuneEruptionSeria #JuneEruptionSeria #2018EruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria 2018JuneSeria 2018sundaySeria SundayJuneSeria SundaySeria
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mustafagultekinavsar 10 years ago
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#EruptionSeria #FireVolcanoSeria #VolcanoSeria #GuatemalaSeria #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria #GuatemalaMountainsSeria #CentralAmericaSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria #CentralAmericaMountainsSeria #MountainSeria Volcano of Fire Erupts Under the Stars. Image Credit & Copyright: Diego Rizzo #Volcano # Nebula # Hubble #cosmos # space # exploration # galaxy # astrophotography # deepspace # galaxy # Cartwheel # Nebula # nasa # space # telescope # astronomia # sun # space First, there was an unusual smell. Then there was a loud bang. But what appeared to the eye was the most amazing of all. While waiting near midnight to see a possible eruption of Volc脙隆n de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala last month, a ready camera captured this extraordinary image. Lava is seen running down the side of the volcano, while ash rises up, and glowing magma bubbles explode out of the caldera. Lights near the town of Escuintla can be seen in the background, one of several nearby towns that have witnessed several spectacular eruptions previously. High above, seemingly tranquil by comparison, are familiar stars from the night sky. Although the Volc脙隆n de Fuego usually undergoes low-level activity, when the next spectacular eruption will occur is unknown. #March11Mart2015 #CarsambaMartSeria #Carsamba2015Seria #Mart2015seria #Mart11seria #脟ar艧ambaSeria
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technologies115-blog 7 years ago
#EruptionsOfinstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #VulcanDeFuego #Eruption #FuegoVolcano #Volcanoes #GuatemalaOfinstagram #Guatemala馃嚞馃嚬 regram @mannixcapades I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire and pillars of #smoke. (Joel 2:30) *Spectacular eruption of Volcan De Fuego in Guatemala, February 1, 2018 馃寢 . #SeekJesus Repent #Maranatha #EruptionSeria # #VolcanoesSeria #VolcanDeFuegoSeria #FuegoVolcanoSeria #GuatemalaSeria馃嚞馃嚬 #NightEruptionSeria #FebruaryEruptionSeria #01FebruaryEruptionSeria #2018EruptionSeria #CentralAmericanEruptionSeria #TropicOfCancerEruptionSeria #GuatemalaEruptionSeria #FuegoVolcanoEruptionSeria #01Febuary2018seria #01FebuarySeria #2018FebuarySeria #2018ThursdaySeria #ThursdayFebruarySeria #ThursdaySeria (Volc谩n de Fuego)
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mustafagultekinavsar 11 years ago
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#GuatemalaSeria #UNESCOseria 25 12 2013 wednesday mittwoch Mercoledi mercredi Mi茅rcoles Miercoledi X铆ngq卯s芒n 脟ehar艧enbe 莽ar艧amba
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