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cryptoto · 1 month ago
Erling Haaland: Man City attacker still doubts Liverpool in Etihad after the picked knee injury vs Newcastle | Novske vesti
Manchester City Striker Erling Haaland remains a doubt of the champion of the Prime League with Liverpool in Etihad on Sunday, live on Sky SportsAs the attacker recovers from the knee injury, Pep Guardiol manager said in his press conference in the case on Friday. Haaland injured the right knee in city victories from 4-0 over Newcastle United Saturday and did not play in the club in Real Madrid…
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hamsdd · 1 month ago
Erling Haaland: Man City attacker still doubts Liverpool in Etihad after the picked knee injury vs Newcastle | Novske vesti
Manchester City Striker Erling Haaland remains a doubt of the champion of the Prime League with Liverpool in Etihad on Sunday, live on Sky SportsAs the attacker recovers from the knee injury, Pep Guardiol manager said in his press conference in the case on Friday. Haaland injured the right knee in city victories from 4-0 over Newcastle United Saturday and did not play in the club in Real Madrid…
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mediaban · 3 months ago
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jeftinidresovi · 4 months ago
Proslava 125. obljetnice Barcelone uspješno je završila
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Jučer je svečano obilježena 125. godišnjica osnutka Barcelone. Na proslavi je predsjednik Laporta održao govor povodom obljetnice i bio pun očekivanja za budućnost Barcelone. Od srca zahvaljujem navijačima koji su nosili FC Barcelona dres i zajedno svjedočili ovom povijesnom trenutku! Mi smo nasljednici Gampera, živjela Barcelona, živjela Katalonija!
Chairman Gamper—promicao osnivanje najboljeg kluba na svijetu prije 125 godina, zahvaljujući navijačima koji su nosili nogometni dresovi i njihovoj tihoj podršci, postao je jedan od najboljih klubova. Barcelona je jedinstven klub koji nadilazi sam klub. Osvrćući se na Barceloninu dugu povijest osvajanja časti, jedna od momčadi koju je trenirao Cruyff - Ronald Koeman, dovela je momčad do vrhunca slave na Wembleyu. Kasnije su Sergi, Romario, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Kluivert i Saviola preuzeli ovo nasljedstvo. Ronaldinho, kojem Real Madrid nije bio naklonjen, šokirao je legendarnu momčad koja je pod vodstvom Guardiole osvojila šest kruna! Neka ljudi duboko upamte najodlučnijeg igrača u povijesti Barcelone - Messija! Sadašnjem treneru Flicku i svim prvotimcima, hvala vam na trudu i radu. Opet ste navijačima Barcelone omogućili njihove snove i nadam se da ćete opet postići veći uspjeh.
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dresfotbalovy · 4 months ago
Obnovení smlouvy s trenérem zlepšuje atmosféru v týmu
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Pro Manchester City přineslo prodloužení smlouvy Guardiola určité zlepšení situace týmu. Guardiola souhlasil s podpisem smlouvy 1+1 s Manchesterem City. Bude i nadále vést tým a vytvářet lepší klubový rekord. Fanoušci nosící Manchester City dres jsou s touto zprávou velmi spokojeni a doufají, že Manchester City může ukončit svou sérii porážek v nadcházející Premier League.
"Majin Buu" - Haalandova smlouva s Manchester City má stále dva a půl roku poté, co dostal prodloužení smlouvy s Guardiolou, Manchester City Doufám, že obnovím smlouvu s Haalandem, pokud bude smlouva úspěšně obnovena, bude Haaland v fotbalové dresy hrát za Manchester City minimálně 4-5 let. V rozhovoru pro média minulý týden Haaland vyjádřil: Guardiola pro něj byl klíčový během jeho dvou a půl let v Manchesteru City. Pod dohledem Guardioly jeho vlastní konkurenční stát dosáhl lepších výsledků. Guardiolu má velmi rád a doufá, že bude moci nadále trénovat Manchester City.
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camisolasfutebol · 8 months ago
Guardiol ajudou o Manchester City a conquistar mais campeonatos
Owen analisou as quatro melhores equipas da nova temporada da Premier League durante uma entrevista. Claro, este Owen não é o astro do basquetebol Owen, mas sim a lenda da Premier League Owen. Elogiou muito os jogadores do Manchester City a usar t- camisolas de futebol baratas e elogiou o Manchester City por ser muito forte.
Owen analisou as três melhores equipas da nova temporada, nomeadamente o Manchester City, o Arsenal e o Liverpool, e manteve uma atitude de esperar para ver em relação à terceira. Não está otimista em relação ao Manchester United, e o quarto classificado pode ser o Tottenham Hotspur ou o Aston Villa. O Manchester City é o topo dessas equipas. Nas últimas temporadas, só permitiram que o Liverpool ganhasse o campeonato uma vez. Isto ocorre porque os jogadores que vestem Camisolas Manchester City se destacam. Por causa destes jogadores, mesmo na era Ferguson, há hipóteses de o Manchester City vencer o campeonato.
E Guardiol é a lâmina mais afiada que pode fazer o Manchester City ganhar o campeonato um após o outro, porque ele é tão marcante, e é difícil para outras equipas ganharem o campeonato com ele a treinar o Manchester City.
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voetbalshirtfoot · 8 months ago
Ik denk niet dat Manchester United in het nieuwe seizoen om de top vier zal strijden
Owen analyseerde tijdens een interview de vier beste teams in het nieuwe Premier League-seizoen. Deze Owen is uiteraard niet de basketbalsuperster Owen, maar de Premier League-legende Owen. Hij prees de spelers van Manchester City die goedkope voetbalshirts droegen zeer en prees Manchester City omdat het erg sterk was.
Owen analyseerde de drie beste teams van het nieuwe seizoen, namelijk Manchester City, Arsenal en Liverpool, en bleef afwachtend tegenover het derde. Over Manchester United is hij niet optimistisch, en de vierde plaats zou voor Tottenham Hotspur of Aston Villa kunnen zijn. Manchester City is de top van deze teams. De afgelopen seizoenen hebben ze Liverpool slechts één keer het kampioenschap laten winnen. Dit komt omdat de spelers die Manchester City Thuistenue dragen erg opvallend zijn. Dankzij deze spelers is er zelfs in het Ferguson-tijdperk een kans voor Manchester City om het kampioenschap te winnen.
En Guardiol is het scherpste mes dat ervoor kan zorgen dat Manchester City het kampioenschap één voor één wint, omdat hij zo uitmuntend is en het voor andere teams moeilijk is om het kampioenschap te winnen als hij Manchester City coacht.
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gtaradi · 11 months ago
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dresyprofotbal · 1 year ago
Aston Villa doma porazila Manchester City 1:0
V právě skončeném 15. kole Premier League porazila Aston Villa doma obhájce titulu Manchester City 1:0! Hráči v slevový Fotbalový Dres Aston Villa předvedli neuvěřitelně krásný fotbal! V této hře utrpěl Rodri suspendaci a nemohl si obléknout Oficiální Manchester City Fotbalové Dresy. Záložník Manchesteru City byl zcela mimo kontrolu, po celý zápas neustále chyboval a Villa ho zcela potlačil. Villa během hry předvedl silnou ofenzivu, když vyslal 22 střel, zatímco Manchester City pouze 2 střely. Nakonec těsně porazili Manchester City 1:0 díky trefě útočníka Leona Baileyho a vynikajícímu výkonu brankáře Martineze. Vynikající výkon brankáře Martineze v této sezóně výrazně přispěl k vítězství Villy. Po tomto zápase Villa překonal Manchester City s 32 body a zařadil se na třetí místo v tabulce. Emery, který se s Guardiolou utkal 13krát bez výhry, nakonec získal své první vítězství na domácím hřišti Villy. To bude také nový milník pro tým a Emeryho. Po porážce v tomto zápase Manchester City nevyhrál 4 kola v lize a klesl přímo na 4. místo v tabulce. Po řadě remíz s Chelsea, Liverpoolem a Tottenhamem v tomto kole prohráli s Aston Villou. Současný výkon Manchesteru City v lize fanoušky velmi znepokojuje a tento tým musí najít cestu bez Rodriho. Pokud to tak půjde dál, cíl obhájit ligové prvenství v této sezóně bude v podstatě rozbitý a zda vůbec dokáže udržet první čtyřku, je otázkou.
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soccerdailyuk · 2 years ago
Manchester City Josko Gvardiol alternative, summer arrivals, departures and confirmed deals
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Manchester City Josko Gvardiol alternative, summer arrivals, departures and confirmed deals In the realm of Manchester City transfer rumors, a new name has emerged with the start of a new week. The Premier League champions are monitoring a potential replacement for Josko Guardiol and are cautiously hopeful about securing the 21-year-old Croatian player's signature during the current transfer window. However, they are also preparing for the possibility of a less favorable outcome. Furthermore, the beginning of the week has seen significant activity in terms of player departures. Manager Pep Guardiola and Manchester City officials are bracing themselves for direct discussions with several key members of the first team, including Kyle Walker and Bernardo Silva. This is a comprehensive summary of the transfer news, rumors, and speculation on the 33rd day of the summer transfer market. Arrivals Manchester City is intensifying their efforts to acquire a winger as Riyad Mahrez nears a £30 million transfer to Al-Ahli.  The club has been mindful of the potential departure of Mahrez during the current transfer window and has been formulating strategies to bring in a replacement winger should he proceed with the move. Manchester City is prepared to accept the offer from Al-Ahli for Mahrez's transfer. Bernardo Silva is considered the perfect fit to fill a midfield role at Manchester City without the need for external transfers. However, with the potential departure of Riyad Mahrez, City acknowledges the necessity of acquiring a new player to take his place. While Manchester City remains committed to securing their primary defensive target, Josko Gvardiol from RB Leipzig, they are also closely monitoring Abdoulaye Ndiaye from Lyon. City is preparing for the future and recognizes the promising talent of the 21-year-old Ndiaye. Departures Brighton is currently leading the competition to secure Cole Palmer on loan from Manchester City. However, Burnley and Leicester, along with several other clubs, have also expressed interest in acquiring him. There is also overseas interest in Palmer.  Manchester City's Pep Guardiola and Txiki Begiristain admire Roberto De Zerbi's style of play and believe that Brighton would be a suitable destination for Palmer if he were to leave. While City is not willing to sell Palmer, they are open to the idea of loaning him out for the upcoming season. Within the next 24 hours, Kyle Walker and Riyad Mahrez are expected to engage in discussions with Manchester City regarding their potential moves to Bayern Munich and Al Ahli, respectively. Manchester City is making strong efforts to retain Bernardo Silva. After witnessing Declan Rice's transfer to Arsenal for a substantial sum of £100 million, with an additional £5 million, City has used that figure as a reference point for Bernardo's valuation. The club has explicitly communicated to the player how integral he is to their future plans. James Trafford's transfer from Manchester City to Burnley for £19 million will be finalized on Wednesday. As part of the Al-Ahli deal, Riyad Mahrez has been presented with numerous additional earning opportunities, including propositions based in the UAE. Contract Renewals No reports Confirmed Deals Mateo Kovacic: Chelsea to Manchester City, (£25 million plus £5 million in add-ons) Spike Brits: AFC Wimbledon to Manchester City, (Unknown terms) Shea Charles: Manchester City to Southampton, (£10.5M, Permanent) Ilkay Gundogan: Manchester City to FC Barcelona, (Free transfer) Enzo Maresca: Manchester City to Leicester City, (Unknown terms) Rodolfo Borrell: Manchester City to Austin FC, (Unknown terms) Callum Doyle: Manchester City to Leicester City, (Season-long loan, £500,000) Yan Couto: Manchester City to Girona, (Season-long loan) Liam Delap: Manchester City to Hull City, (Season-long loan) Kian Breckin: Manchester City to Wycombe Wanderers, (Season-long loan) Morgan Rogers: Manchester City to Middlesbrough, (Unknown terms, Permanent) Josh McNamara: Manchester City to Southampton, (Unknown terms, Permanent) Cieran Slicker: Manchester City to Ipswich Town, (Unknown terms, Permanent) Yangel Herrera: Manchester City to Girona, (Unknown terms, Permanent) Herbie James: Manchester City to Tottenham Hotspur (Pre-Agreement, Permanent) Terrell Agyemang: Released Rowan McDonald: Released Benjamin Mendy: Released Manchester City Josko Gvardiol alternative, summer arrivals, departures and confirmed deals Read the full article
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cryptoto · 2 months ago
Enzo Maresca gives his verdict on Robert Sanchez after the Howler in Chelsea's defeat to Man City
Chelsea manager Enzo Maresca insisted he still “trusts” goalkeeper Robert Sanchez after a disastrous display in Saturday's defeat to Manchester City, but was not committed to blindly sticking with the error-prone Spaniard. Sanchez did not cover himself in glory City's tie at the Etihad Stadiumnot closing down Matheus Nunes before the ball spilled to Josko Guardiol on the brink of half-time.…
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hamsdd · 2 months ago
Enzo Maresca gives his verdict on Robert Sanchez after the Howler in Chelsea's defeat to Man City
Chelsea manager Enzo Maresca insisted he still “trusts” goalkeeper Robert Sanchez after a disastrous display in Saturday's defeat to Manchester City, but was not committed to blindly sticking with the error-prone Spaniard. Sanchez did not cover himself in glory City's tie at the Etihad Stadiumnot closing down Matheus Nunes before the ball spilled to Josko Guardiol on the brink of half-time.…
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krasnauniformas · 2 years ago
Nejlepší hráč, který bude soutěžit v Premier League
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Současná Premier League je považována za nejkonkurenceschopnější ligu ve světovém fotbale, která spojuje mnoho vynikajících týmů a vynikajících hráčů. Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool a Arsenal jsou nyní jedním z nejlepších týmů a v této sezóně Unexpected Newcastle United .
Mezi těmito vynikajícími týmy se Haaland, který měl na sobě Fotbalové dresy, připojil k týmu vedeném Guardiolou, aby po vstupu do minulé sezóny vyhrál čest Triple Crown a vyhrál dvojité zlaté kopačky Premier League a Champions League. Dokonale předvedl svou dominanci v ofenzivě . Podle popisu fanoušků je skvělá věc potkat Harlanda, který je během prázdnin na dovolené!
Poté, co Manchester City vyhraje trojitou korunu, bude mistrovský tým v příští sezóně reorganizovat. Haaland Award vítá nové hráče v dres Manchester City, kteří se těší na základní sestavu v prvním kole nové sezóny!
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xhemilbeharaj · 3 years ago
Guardioles për Brojan: Një sulmues i fuqishëm
Guardioles për Brojan: Një sulmues i fuqishëm
Armando Broja edhe sonte ka shkëlqyer në ndeshjen Southampton- Manchester City Southampton arriti që ta ndalë serin prej 12 fitoresh radhazi të Manchester City duke barazuar në St Mary stadium me rezultat 1-1. Duke analizuar lojën pas ndeshjes, trajneri i Manchester City, Pep Guardiola ka folur edhe për lojën e Southampton. Ai ka thënë se skuadra vendase është e mirë në kundërsulme dhe me topa…
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3-gallery-market-3-blog · 5 years ago
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♻️🎨Guardioles de fusta pintades a mà🎨♻️ #guardioles#huchademadera#fetama#santfeliudellobregat#hechoamamo#pararegalar#regalonadal#pintadoamano#handmadestore#personalizado#huchaspersonalizadas#pinturaacrilica (en Gallery Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4j0_Zbodfz/?igshid=37z04bbtj4ai
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pakcricwiz · 5 years ago
Pep Guardiola makes Juanma Lillo his new assistant at Manchester City
City manager sees 54-year-old Spaniard as his mentor
Mikel Arteta left to become Arsenal manager in December
The former Real Sociedad, Vissel Kobe and Real Oviedo manager Juanma Lillo is joining Manchester City as assistant coach to Pep Guardiola – a role he has previously held under Jorge Sampaoli with Sevilla and Chile.
Related: Chelsea want Kai Havertz from Bayer Leverkusen as part of summer spree
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