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Edward accidentally becomes Furher
Silly idea that keeps coming back, where shit blows up, perhaps before the promised day, because political upheaval awaits no man/god/eldritch horror, or perhaps there is an invasion from some country, only it was done sneaky like, so a great deal of the brass has left central (perhaps for safer areas/or to actually fight in whatever war) but central is also under attack and the current highest ranking officers are majors alexander louis Armstrong and Edward Elric, now Armstrong in a goodman and an excellent soldier, but he does better with clear orders (and orders that donât involve âkill everyoneâ would be nice) so when Ed shouts a random âhey Armstrong can you do such as such...â Armstrong obeys, because he has a clear direction, which means to the minds of many of the soldiers, that Ed, who is being his usual flashy self, is in charge and maria ross and Denny Brosh are on scene and they both keep calling him major elric and seem to also think Edâs orders are for following, and in a scary invasion situation...the leader matters and having someone in a clear line of command and in charge is good and reassuring.Â
So eventually, Mustang, who had been running things probably at the main part of the invasions hears about this and is both amused (take that fullmetal, you try being in charge!) and worried (are ed and al okay? they have armstrong at least...he knows theyâll do their best to keep central standing.
anyway, he ends up getting in communication with ed and by potential by passing a great deal of the chain of command they get the amestrian army actually organized to protecting the people of the country, repel invaders.
then of course, itâs court martial time...because âoh dear furher king Bradley died in the line of defense (cough he went up in a lot of fire cough) and a great many of the top brass were pretty much blatantly part of the invasion or had run away during it.Â
So General Grumman is one of the few generals they actually have left and he does some quick promotions to actually have a tribunal council to charge the captured defectors and traitors. So Ed (who is hissing and spitting about it finds himself up to the rank of brigadier general (as heâd essentially served as one during the invasion on central no one argues) armstrong refuses a promotion though (ed whines that why can armstrong do that but he canât but roy only pats him on the head) maria is raised to captain and denny is a 1st lieutenant now, Scheizka is a second lieutenant (sheâd ended up as sort of Edâs attachĂ©) roy is a lieutenant general while grunman is furher at present.Â
Only the hommunculi and father are not happy with events and try to push the promised day ahead and fail, though Grunman has a heart attack from age and stress, and roy is out of commission for awhile...
when he is finally fit for duty, Ed has been left as acting Furher (he didnât want to run a damn country, he wanted to spend time with his now restored little brother Ed pretty much used father as equivalent exchange for Al.
Ed had tried to call Olivier armstrong down to be acting furher but she âwould melt in she left briggsâ according to her.Â
Mustang could take command, but Ed has a better reputation that him and the goal was to de-corrupt the military and Ed is never going to be âcorruptâ so... he happily takes his place as Lieutenant general again in support of Furher Elric. (Ed is never going to forgive this ultimate offense)Â
of course ed does a good job (who are you calling so short and dumb he canât even reform a country and start leading it towards demilitarization!!?)
(now if only the emperor of xing and the furher-president of amestris could stop having food fights during diplomatic dinners...)
#nonsense#fullmetal alchemist#edward elric#he'd hate being in charge#but he'd be good at it#mostly because ed hates not being good at stuff#armstrong tries setting up ed and catherine#because he thinks it would be cute#catherine sees a shirtless ed at one point and is all for it
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Lahaina auf der Hawaii-Insel Maui - welche ZufÀlle?
Noch als die Feuersbrunst in Lahaina auf Hawaii wĂŒtete tauchten Zweifel auf, ob denn dieser Waldbrand so unvermeidlich war. Lahaina - nach der Katastrophe Die Bilder und Videos von der Brandkatastrophe auf Hawaii haben eine bisher noch unbekannte Anzahl von Menschenleben gefordert und weltweit ErschĂŒtterung ausgelöst. Ursache des Dramas war offiziell ein gewaltiger Waldbrand. Doch es mehren sich Zweifel, ob - die Behörden angemessen auf die Gefahrenlage reagiert haben und - ob die Ursache wirklich ein Waldbrand - vielleicht sogar durch die KlimaerwĂ€rmung bedingt - war. Behörden-MaĂnahmen - ein Fall von Inkompetenz? Larry Johnson zitierte am 17.08.2023 einige E-Mails, die er erhalten hatte. Darin wurde Kritik an der Kompetenz in den Behörden geĂŒbt, die nicht angemessen reagiert hĂ€tten: "Ich lebe auf Maui. Wir wissen, dass unsere Beamten lĂŒgen. Zeugen und die Medien haben bestĂ€tigt, dass der Notfallmanager des Bezirks die Katastrophenwarnsirenen in Lahaina absichtlich nicht ausgelöst hat. Ebenso blockierte die MPD absichtlich die StraĂen, um die Menschen in der Stadt Lahaina zu halten! Die Menschen wurden angewiesen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen." In einer anderen E-Mail hieĂ es: "Ich habe von 2003-2015 in Lahaina gelebt. Bis 2019 bin ich regelmĂ€Ăig dorthin gereist. Ich habe dort viele Freunde und stehe mit vielen von ihnen in Kontakt. Diese Katastrophe wurde ĂŒber 50 Jahre lang vorbereitet. Sie wĂ€re zu 100 % vermeidbar gewesen, aber die Korruption und UnfĂ€higkeit ist so groĂ, dass nichts unternommen wurde." Ein langjĂ€hrig erfahrener Ermittler staatlicher Behörden schrieb: "Ich kann Ihnen mit Bestimmtheit sagen, dass die Reaktion hier nichts weniger als ein Zirkus ist. In der Notfallmanagement-Ausbildung, die ich absolviert habe (auch wenn das schon viele Jahre her ist), wurde uns gesagt, dass es EINE Person geben muss, die die Verantwortung trĂ€gt und die Ressourcen leitet, sobald ein Notfall ausgerufen wird. Hier haben wir das nicht gesehen - und ich denke, die Ergebnisse zeigen das. Man sagt uns, dass etwa 1.500 Menschen vermisst werden, aber Ihre Quelle spricht von 5.000." Der Schreiber deutete auch an, wovon einige Betroffene und Beobachter ebenfalls sprechen. In der zuvor zitierten E-Mail hieĂ es weiter: "Es gibt viele Verschwörungstheorien - von DEW/Mikrowellen, die das Feuer gelegt haben, ĂŒber Oprah und andere reiche Leute, die das Feuer absichtlich gelegt haben, um sich Land anzueignen, bis hin zu der Vorstellung, dass dies alles ein abgekartetes Spiel ist, um Maui zu rĂ€umen, damit es in ein AI/15-Minuten-Stadtparadies umgebaut werden kann." B0BTXVVRKJ:leftDieser Möglichkeit widmete auch Michel Chossudovsky, emeritierter Professor fĂŒr Wirtschaftswissenschaften, einen Beitrag auf GlobalReserch: "Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Markt fĂŒr 'Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)' fĂŒr militĂ€rische und 'zivile Zwecke' (?). Wurden DEWs in Hawaii verwendet?" Nach Aussagen von Chossudovsky stellen Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)ein florierendes GeschĂ€ft dar. Der Markt habe 2022 5,3 Milliarden Dollar umgesetzt. Bis 2027 wird ein Wachstum auf 12,9 Milliarden Dollar erwartet. Den Markt dominieren die sechs bekannten Unternehmen aus dem MilitĂ€r-Industrie-Komplex: Raytheon, Northrup Grunman, BAE Systems (plc), Boeing, Lockheed Martin und L3Harris Technologies. "Es gibt mehrere hochentwickelte Technologien fĂŒr gerichtete Energiewaffen: Hochenergielaser (Hel), Hochleistungs-Hochfrequenzwaffen, Schallwaffen, elektromagnetische Waffen. (Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Tabelle unten mit dem Titel 'Highlights des Directed Energy Market'). WĂ€hrend DEWs ĂŒberwiegend fĂŒr militĂ€rische Zwecke gedacht sind, sind sogenannte 'nicht-tödliche' und/oder 'weniger tödliche' gerichtete Energiewaffen auch fĂŒr sogenannte 'Homeland-Security-Anwendungen' vorgesehen (siehe Tabelle unten). Der Beweis: Wurden auf Hawaii gezielte Energiewaffen eingesetzt? Bilder bestĂ€tigen das AusmaĂ und die Art der VerwĂŒstung und Zerstörung. (siehe Videos unten). Sie weisen auch darauf hin, dass der entstandene Schaden nicht auf 'natĂŒrliche Ursachen' zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Die Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) eingesetzt werden könnten (noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig geklĂ€rt) und dass die Zerstörungsakte vorsĂ€tzlich erfolgten." (Verweise im Original.) Und er wirft die Frage auf: "Wie kann es sein, dass zwischen unbeschĂ€digten BĂ€umen völlig abgebrannte HĂ€user stehen?" Hektische BemĂŒhungen um GrundstĂŒckskĂ€ufe Im seinem Beitrag verweist Chossudovsky auf ein weiteres Indiz, dem sich Michael Snyder am gleichen Tag auf GlobalResearch widmete: "Lahaina: Warum gibt es so eine Hektik, GrundstĂŒcke aufzukaufen, die gerade bei den BrĂ€nden auf Hawaii niedergebrannt wurden?" "Können Sie sich vorstellen, eine Familie anzurufen, deren Haus gerade niedergebrannt ist, und ihr anzubieten, ihr Land zu einem Preis zu kaufen, der unter dem Marktwert liegt? Dies geschieht derzeit offenbar in groĂem Umfang auf Hawaii. Trauernde Immobilienbesitzer werden mit Anrufen von sehr gierigen Menschen bombardiert, und ich denke, das sagt viel ĂŒber den aktuellen Zustand unserer Gesellschaft aus. Wir verehren materielle BesitztĂŒmer und finanziellen Gewinn, und die schiere Gier, die wir in diesem Moment erleben, ist absolut atemberaubend." B0BL4VR5MC:rightUm welche BetrĂ€ge es geht wird vielleicht deutlich, wenn man weiĂ, dass ein durchschnittliches Haus in Lahaina zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 noch 600 000 gekostet hat heute fĂŒr etwa eine Million Dollar gehandelt wird. Angesichts des menschlichen Leids und des vernichteten Vermögens hat auch viele Menschen empört, dass die von den BrĂ€nden betroffenen Haushalten nur eine einmalige Soforthilfezahlung in Höhe von 700 US-Dollar bekĂ€men: "Politische Gegner und Kommentatoren bezeichneten die Summe als 'beleidigend' und verglichen sie mit der Hilfe im Wert von mehr als 113 Milliarden US-Dollar, die die USA und die Ukraine geschickt haben, um sich gegen eine anhaltende russische Invasion zu verteidigen." Nachtrag vom 02.09.2023: - Maui verklagt Stromversorger wegen FahrlĂ€ssigkeit - Jimmy Dore Show: Einwohner von Maui RICHTIG IN WUT - Jimmy Dore Show: Die Regierung errichtet einen schwarzen Zaun um Lahaina! Nachtrag vom 10.09.2023: Tulsi Gabbard: Milliarden fĂŒr Ukraine â 700 Dollar und Landraub fĂŒr Waldbrandopfer auf Hawaii   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Man... I really really hid the face claim for Jamesâ father [Potential Daddy #1] from myself.Â
I did have it on my hard drive (thank goodness because I am never finding this picture again, I have no idea where I even got it from besides some sort of menswear catalogue I passed by between 12/1/2006 and 8/13/2008). But I had it in the labyrinthine digital subfolder tree equivalent of:Â
in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard.âÂ
I had him early because Dr. Daniel Grunman was one of the potential main villains for Knights of Day. Depending on your certain point of view. And every time I have migrated anything, this picture has come along for the ride, slowly burrowing deeper into the drives.
That I had this as the picture for a man in his sixties I think both shows how much younger I was when I started all this and also shows a certain prescience. Because I totally know a scientist right now, who is in his sixties, but I swear he looks younger than me. Totally hateful ;)Â
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The little girl and her cat from Episode 27.
General Grunman, the coolest old man in the military!
You know, I might just get Greg Ayres to sign this if I ever get the chance.
He was just too good for this world! Or maybe he just fell for the wrong woman, take your pick.
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Professor Elric?
After The Promised Day Edward is sent on a miliary mission to Hogwarts where he will teach Alchemy to his students. He is told not to interfere with their business, but he has a hard time not getting involved with this weird Voldy prick.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Chapter 4 out of 10.
âNothing, there is absolutely nothing on Amestris.â Hermione sighed as she sat down at their table in the library.
âHowever, I did find some things on Alchemy.â she said as she put down several heavy books that shook the table, simultaneously waking and scaring the crap out of Ron.
âWell, what did you find?â Harry asked.
Hermione said: âWhat Colonel Elric told us about circles was not a lie, you can find it in any basic Alchemy book, but there is nothing about Alchemy without a circle. That means that he has either incredibly powerful wandless magic or he knows of an Alchemy so rare that itâs not even a footnote. What is also suspicious is that there is nothing about this human transmutation and nowhere in any of these books is Alchemy called a science, itâs referred to as magic everywhere.â
Ron let his head plonk on the table and groaned: âThis year sucks. We need to worry about our O.W.Ls and if that wasnât enough the Ministry has decided to stick in an inside man and on top of that there is a suspicious new teacher about a completely new subject, who also seems to hate magic, which is also strange.â
âYeah.â Harry agreed, but Hermione frowned and asked: âWhat did you just say?â
Ron gave her a look and said: âThat this year sucks?â
âNo, I heard that.â she replied, âBut what did you say about Colonel Elric hating magic? Why do you think that?â
Ron shrugged uncomfortably and said: âWell, he used witch as an insult and he doesnât want his subject to be referred to as magic, so I just thought he must hate magic, you know.â
âOh my god, Ron, thatâs brilliant.â Hermione exclaimed, making Ron blush, âHe was very strict about it not being magic, how didnât I think of that?â she was silent for a moment, then she quietly asked: âBut why would you want to teach at a magic school if you hate magic?â
Edward looked over his class, they were all decked out in work out clothes and they all looked like they rather be anywhere else. Good, he thought as he eyed them some more, here they would find out who was cut out for this.
âOkay everyone, I want you to find an empty spot and to repeat what I do. Weâre going to start with a light warming up.â he yelled.
He himself had also changed out of his normal outfit, which consisted of a long brown coat and a black three piece suit without a suit jacket and with a white shirt and a pair of gloves. ((A/N: What he wears in FMAB when he asks Winry to marry him)) He was now wearing his uniform pants with his old combat boots and a long sleeved T-shirt, plus gloves of course.
He started with some basic exercises that everyone could follow, then he gave them a moment to rest before he ordered them to run laps around the classroom. That was met with a lot of protest, but when he simply replied that they could do it or leave and never come back, they started running.
He kept looking until most of them were on the brink of collapsing. He yelled that they could stop and gave them water to drink. He eyed them sadly and said: âWell, we have a lot of work to do, but I donât think I can push you a lot more today, so when everyone has gathered his bearings weâll do some cooling down stretches.â
He only got a few groans and thumbs-ups in return, but he didnât blame them. Once a minute had passed a boy groaned: âI hope you realize weâre not the army. I just want to get through school, man, and I canât afford to drop this subject.â
Edward gave them a grin, he probably thought it was a fun grin, but he did not realize that his face was kind of scary, he had small scars everywhere and his eyes just turned creepy without his consent, so it just looked like he was planning to murder them all. He then said: âWell, then I suggest you toughen up and solve that riddle I gave you, because Iâm not teaching kids who wonât be able to handle a transmutation.â
He ignored some of the heavy swallows that followed and started with the cooling down stretches when that was all done he sat down at his desk and said: âI know weâre basically done here, but Iâm not allowed to let you go, so just sit down and catch your breath or something.â
Hermione decided that this was her chance to get some information out of her teacher, so she stuck up her hand. When Edward opened his eyes he saw her and nodded to signal it was okay to start talking. She asked: âSir, I hope this doesnât come across as rude, but I did some research on Alchemy in the library and I couldnât find anything on Alchemy without a circle even though I heard that someone saw you do it.â
Edward silently cursed that kid in hallway and gave him a look, the boy coward a bit and he couldnât help but let his gaze soften. The kid had blond hair and a soft face, he reminded him of Al. He then turned his attention back on Hermione and said: âThat doesnât surprise me. It is almost impossible to do, very rare. In the entirety of Amestris only five people can do it, including me.â
Curiosity took over and Hermione asked: âHow did you learn to do it?â
A dark expression took over his face, he didnât like to be reminded of his mistake, it didnât matter that heâd set it right. His brother had suffered for years because of him, such a thing he couldnât easily forget. That all didnât mean that he was going to share it with a group of teenagers who didnât know him, so he settled on saying: âI made a mistake and I paid dearly. I learned from it.â
Hermione was about to ask more about it, but before she could he cut her off: âIf you ask me more about it I will not allow you back into my classroom, is that clear?â
She swallowed thickly and nodded. Then she said: âSorry, sir. I didnât mean to upset you, but would it be okay if I asked about something else?â
He wanted to tell her no and to shut up, but he found that he couldnât. He himself had been in her place, he had done research and only found more questions, he hated when someone didnât answer him just because, when they couldâve helped him. He wasnât about to be that person, so with a bit pain he said: âSure, go ahead.â
âCould you tell me a bit about Amestris, because it doesnât exists in our library.â she asked.
Edward hadnât expected that, but he didnât mind talking about his homeland, no matter how shitty it had been. âWell, if itâs any help, England doesnât exist in the whole of Amestris libraries and I should I know Iâve been in hundreds.â he said, âBut Amestris is landlocked, it was founded in 1550 and it has about 50.000.000 people living in it. It is run by the military and the most powerful man is the Fuhrer, currently we have Fuhrer Grunman, before him we had Furhrer King Bradly. We are not as popular as a whole since we are quite prone to starting wars, but we have been making peace since the coup from last year.â
The gears in Hermiones head were turning as she tried to process all of this information. She asked: âIf our countries donât know each other, why are you here?â
He supposed that was a fair question that he couldnât answered, so he told her: âSorry, but thatâs classified. You could ask Albus, see if heâs willing to answer. And would you look at the time, class is over. Dismissed.â
Everyone filled out of the room, Hermione looked like she wanted to stay behind, but Edward had already disappeared. She sighed and followed her classmates.
Once she was also walking away Edward watched her retreating back. She was one curious girl, intelligent, sure, but also curious, way too curious. He had to watch out for her questions, who knows why she wanted that information.
Edward was sitting in the teachers lounge. He hadnât been all that social since he had arrived and he knew that was bad, Winry would scold him, she would get Al in on it too or Hawkeye, he smiled fondly at the image. So he had decided to go there for a change and talk to the other staff.
When he got there only two others were there, Umbridge and McGonagall. Since he already had a strong dislike of Umbridge since the dinner fiasco he decided to sit next to McGonagall. She raised one eyebrow at him when he did so. He explained: âI finally got a bit used to the castle and I realized how rude Iâve been, sorry. How has your first week been so far?â
That seemed to amuse her and she answered: âPretty good so far, although there has been some unrest amongst the students with everything that happened last year.â
âOh, yeah. Iâve been meaning to ask that. What exactly happened last year?â Edward asked.
McGonagall was about to open her mouth to answer when she was interrupted by her colleague. Umbridge said: âSomeone lied last year and some papers decided to believe him before doing some looking themselves. They have changed their stand point, but some people just canât let go.â
Edward gave her an unimpressed look and said: âYou know that doesnât clear anything up, like, at all.â
Next to him McGonagall snorted, Edward was really starting to like her. Umbridge herself gave him an offended look and she said: âHarry Potter claimed You-know-who is back, but he died a long time ago. He speaking utter nonsense.â
McGonagall came to this Harry Potter boys defense: âHe saw him, Dolores. He was there when it happened, why would he lie? And itâs not just that or have you forgotten that a student died last year?â
âWhoa, wait a minute hold up.â Edward interrupted their argument, âSomeone died last year? At school?â
âYes, Cedric Diggory. He died during the Triwizard Tournament, but not on school grounds.â McGonagall said.
âWhatâs the Triwizard Tournament?â Edward asked.
âYou really know nothing of this world, do you.â Umbridge said.
Edward shrugged: âThat isnât something new honestly. Before the letter we received at HQ from Albus we had never heard of England and thought wizardry was bullshit, so you can imagine the culture shock.â
Umbridge ignored most of what he had said in favor of saying: âSo you really donât know anything about You-know-who?â
âNo!â he exclaimed, âWhy do you keep thinking that? Iâve never heard of the guy and his name is super dumb, I donât know him, he shouldnât assume that I do. Heâs not that big of deal.â
âNot that big of a deal?â McGonagall asked, âMaybe he never reached across the border, but heâs inflicted his fair share of terror here, he lead the Wizarding War.â
âSorry, still donât know him.â Edward said, âHow was he beaten?â
âBy Harry Potter, heâs fifth year here at Hogwarts. The Dark Lord tried to murder him as a baby, but the spell rebound and he was assumed dead.â McGonagall said.
âHe was dead, not assumed.â Umbridge corrected.
McGonagall gave her a look, but before they could start arguing Edward said: âThis dude failed in killing a baby? Do you know how weak babies are?â
âThe spell rebound because Harry was protected.â McGonagall explained.
Edward shrugged: âHe relies too much on magic. He couldâve just thrown the baby out of the window. He probably wouldnât even know what do to when you point a gun at his face or when he finds a bomb in his house, he definitely would lose to someone with a sword and a bit of skill.â
Both were silent and just looked at him, he shuffled a bit and said: âWhat? Just pointing it out there.â
McGonagall sighed and said: âItâs okay. It just feels wrong to see someone so young think so easily of violence.â
Edward wanted to get so mad, he wanted to yell at them that he wasnât a kid, hadnât been for a long time. He had seen much worse, what was one death when you had seen someone try to wipe out an entire country in a day or the survivors of Ishval or the soldiers who hadnât made it lying in the streets of Central? But he didnât say any of those things, they didnât need to know that. He just shrugged and said: âIâm an army man, canât help it.â
Then he walked away, he had a class to teach and he had to get away from that room. Wizards were so dumb, just so dumb. They relied so much on Magic, because they didnât have any people who couldnât use it. If Amestris relied so much on Alchemy they never couldâve gotten where they were.
He rubbed his face again and went over the conversation again. He suddenly realized that McGonagall hadnât talked about an army or a task force to beat this You-know-who just a baby. They had relied on a baby to beat this evil dude. God, what were they dumb, but it had given him something to look up in the library, the Wizarding War, interesting.
#RR writing#edward elric#bamf edward elric#alchemy teacher edward elric#hermoine granger#Harry Potter#Ron Weasley#dolores umbridge#minerva mcgonagall#fma brotherhood#FMA AU#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood and harry potter crossover#harry potter au#smart ron weasley#Professor Elric?#Professor Elric#Professor Elric? Chapter 4
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#f11f #tiger #fighterjets #fighter #jet #usarmy #usa #airforce #grunman #aircraft #shoot #down #dafuqfacts #dafuqposts #dafuq #facts #factsđŻ #dyk #dafuqpost #awesome #amazing #shocking #history #l4l #shoutout #intagram #intalikes #instapic #picoftheday #share #didyouknow
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kdjahagshdhdgsc when grunmans like why dont we ACCIDENTALLY blow up the tower bradleys in
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FMA Roy after the Promised Day
Roy never gets his sight back. The cane frustrates him but more often than not he can simply rely on Hawkeyes arm when he's somewhere unfamiliar. Ishval is restored. A year later he married Riza. They move to a small cottage on the outskirts of Central. Two years later Grunman retired and he is elected Fuehrer. Riza is appointed as his bodyguard. Roy tries to collect his 520 Cenz but Edward keeps to word and he never sees the money again. Then Hawkeye becomes pregnant. Roy has never been happier than when he holds his son in his arms. Riza tells him that the baby has his hair and nose, and her eyes. "Good. I'd want him to have yours anyway. They see more than mine ever did." They name him Maes. Between raising the baby and running the country Roy is kept busy and more happy than he feels he has any right to be. When Maes comes of age he becomes a state alchemist. Not with flames though, that alchemy will die with him and Riza. Roy is so proud. They visit Maes grave often, and Gracia. And Edward occasionally, who now has a kid of his own. And he says the most odd thing while discussing alchemy. One is all, and all is one." Roy doesn't quite get it, but keeps it in Ishval is now run independently. Xing has a new emperor, Ling. Scar officiates Alphonse and Mei Changs wedding. Life continues. Roy finally grasps what Ed said that one day. "One is all, and all is one" When Maes comes for a visit one day. Ed was still teaching him things this late in life, and he was only middle aged. One is all, and all is one. It's a terrible day for rain when Roy is sitting on the couch, enjoying a cup of tea when Maes comes through the door. He hugs Riza and says. There's a familiar sound of a wallet being opened and a photograph removed. "Mom, you gotta see my new girlfriend. She's the most beautiful thing in the world and I can't stop thinking about her..."
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Lahaina auf der Hawaii-Insel Maui - welche ZufÀlle?
Noch als die Feuersbrunst in Lahaina auf Hawaii wĂŒtete tauchten Zweifel auf, ob denn dieser Waldbrand so unvermeidlich war. Lahaina - nach der Katastrophe Die Bilder und Videos von der Brandkatastrophe auf Hawaii haben eine bisher noch unbekannte Anzahl von Menschenleben gefordert und weltweit ErschĂŒtterung ausgelöst. Ursache des Dramas war offiziell ein gewaltiger Waldbrand. Doch es mehren sich Zweifel, ob - die Behörden angemessen auf die Gefahrenlage reagiert haben und - ob die Ursache wirklich ein Waldbrand - vielleicht sogar durch die KlimaerwĂ€rmung bedingt - war. Behörden-MaĂnahmen - ein Fall von Inkompetenz? Larry Johnson zitierte am 17.08.2023 einige E-Mails, die er erhalten hatte. Darin wurde Kritik an der Kompetenz in den Behörden geĂŒbt, die nicht angemessen reagiert hĂ€tten: "Ich lebe auf Maui. Wir wissen, dass unsere Beamten lĂŒgen. Zeugen und die Medien haben bestĂ€tigt, dass der Notfallmanager des Bezirks die Katastrophenwarnsirenen in Lahaina absichtlich nicht ausgelöst hat. Ebenso blockierte die MPD absichtlich die StraĂen, um die Menschen in der Stadt Lahaina zu halten! Die Menschen wurden angewiesen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen." In einer anderen E-Mail hieĂ es: "Ich habe von 2003-2015 in Lahaina gelebt. Bis 2019 bin ich regelmĂ€Ăig dorthin gereist. Ich habe dort viele Freunde und stehe mit vielen von ihnen in Kontakt. Diese Katastrophe wurde ĂŒber 50 Jahre lang vorbereitet. Sie wĂ€re zu 100 % vermeidbar gewesen, aber die Korruption und UnfĂ€higkeit ist so groĂ, dass nichts unternommen wurde." Ein langjĂ€hrig erfahrener Ermittler staatlicher Behörden schrieb: "Ich kann Ihnen mit Bestimmtheit sagen, dass die Reaktion hier nichts weniger als ein Zirkus ist. In der Notfallmanagement-Ausbildung, die ich absolviert habe (auch wenn das schon viele Jahre her ist), wurde uns gesagt, dass es EINE Person geben muss, die die Verantwortung trĂ€gt und die Ressourcen leitet, sobald ein Notfall ausgerufen wird. Hier haben wir das nicht gesehen - und ich denke, die Ergebnisse zeigen das. Man sagt uns, dass etwa 1.500 Menschen vermisst werden, aber Ihre Quelle spricht von 5.000." Der Schreiber deutete auch an, wovon einige Betroffene und Beobachter ebenfalls sprechen. In der zuvor zitierten E-Mail hieĂ es weiter: "Es gibt viele Verschwörungstheorien - von DEW/Mikrowellen, die das Feuer gelegt haben, ĂŒber Oprah und andere reiche Leute, die das Feuer absichtlich gelegt haben, um sich Land anzueignen, bis hin zu der Vorstellung, dass dies alles ein abgekartetes Spiel ist, um Maui zu rĂ€umen, damit es in ein AI/15-Minuten-Stadtparadies umgebaut werden kann." B0BTXVVRKJ:leftDieser Möglichkeit widmete auch Michel Chossudovsky, emeritierter Professor fĂŒr Wirtschaftswissenschaften, einen Beitrag auf GlobalReserch: "Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Markt fĂŒr 'Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)' fĂŒr militĂ€rische und 'zivile Zwecke' (?). Wurden DEWs in Hawaii verwendet?" Nach Aussagen von Chossudovsky stellen Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)ein florierendes GeschĂ€ft dar. Der Markt habe 2022 5,3 Milliarden Dollar umgesetzt. Bis 2027 wird ein Wachstum auf 12,9 Milliarden Dollar erwartet. Den Markt dominieren die sechs bekannten Unternehmen aus dem MilitĂ€r-Industrie-Komplex: Raytheon, Northrup Grunman, BAE Systems (plc), Boeing, Lockheed Martin und L3Harris Technologies. "Es gibt mehrere hochentwickelte Technologien fĂŒr gerichtete Energiewaffen: Hochenergielaser (Hel), Hochleistungs-Hochfrequenzwaffen, Schallwaffen, elektromagnetische Waffen. (Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Tabelle unten mit dem Titel 'Highlights des Directed Energy Market'). WĂ€hrend DEWs ĂŒberwiegend fĂŒr militĂ€rische Zwecke gedacht sind, sind sogenannte 'nicht-tödliche' und/oder 'weniger tödliche' gerichtete Energiewaffen auch fĂŒr sogenannte 'Homeland-Security-Anwendungen' vorgesehen (siehe Tabelle unten). Der Beweis: Wurden auf Hawaii gezielte Energiewaffen eingesetzt? Bilder bestĂ€tigen das AusmaĂ und die Art der VerwĂŒstung und Zerstörung. (siehe Videos unten). Sie weisen auch darauf hin, dass der entstandene Schaden nicht auf 'natĂŒrliche Ursachen' zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Die Beweise deuten darauf hin, dass Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) eingesetzt werden könnten (noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig geklĂ€rt) und dass die Zerstörungsakte vorsĂ€tzlich erfolgten." (Verweise im Original.) Und er wirft die Frage auf: "Wie kann es sein, dass zwischen unbeschĂ€digten BĂ€umen völlig abgebrannte HĂ€user stehen?" Hektische BemĂŒhungen um GrundstĂŒckskĂ€ufe Im seinem Beitrag verweist Chossudovsky auf ein weiteres Indiz, dem sich Michael Snyder am gleichen Tag auf GlobalResearch widmete: "Lahaina: Warum gibt es so eine Hektik, GrundstĂŒcke aufzukaufen, die gerade bei den BrĂ€nden auf Hawaii niedergebrannt wurden?" "Können Sie sich vorstellen, eine Familie anzurufen, deren Haus gerade niedergebrannt ist, und ihr anzubieten, ihr Land zu einem Preis zu kaufen, der unter dem Marktwert liegt? Dies geschieht derzeit offenbar in groĂem Umfang auf Hawaii. Trauernde Immobilienbesitzer werden mit Anrufen von sehr gierigen Menschen bombardiert, und ich denke, das sagt viel ĂŒber den aktuellen Zustand unserer Gesellschaft aus. Wir verehren materielle BesitztĂŒmer und finanziellen Gewinn, und die schiere Gier, die wir in diesem Moment erleben, ist absolut atemberaubend." B0BL4VR5MC:rightUm welche BetrĂ€ge es geht wird vielleicht deutlich, wenn man weiĂ, dass ein durchschnittliches Haus in Lahaina zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 noch 600 000 gekostet hat heute fĂŒr etwa eine Million Dollar gehandelt wird. Angesichts des menschlichen Leids und des vernichteten Vermögens hat auch viele Menschen empört, dass die von den BrĂ€nden betroffenen Haushalten nur eine einmalige Soforthilfezahlung in Höhe von 700 US-Dollar bekĂ€men: "Politische Gegner und Kommentatoren bezeichneten die Summe als 'beleidigend' und verglichen sie mit der Hilfe im Wert von mehr als 113 Milliarden US-Dollar, die die USA und die Ukraine geschickt haben, um sich gegen eine anhaltende russische Invasion zu verteidigen." Nachtrag vom 02.09.2023: - Maui verklagt Stromversorger wegen FahrlĂ€ssigkeit - Jimmy Dore Show: Einwohner von Maui RICHTIG IN WUT - Jimmy Dore Show: Die Regierung errichtet einen schwarzen Zaun um Lahaina!   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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NASA completes final tests of alien hunting James Webb Space Telescope NASA has completed testing on the JWST which ensures it will be able to withstand the launch and operate fully when it is in Earthâs orbit. The space agency said there were two significant tests, which shows that all the internal electronics are performing as they should be and that it will withstand the pressure when it is being blasted into orbit. The testing took place at Northrop Grunman, in Virginia, which took a total of 17 days. Engineers ran a full scan, known as a âcomprehensive systems testâ, which ensures electrical function for the entire of JWST. They then re-ran the tests to compare data sets. NASA said: âAfter thoroughly examining the data, the team confirmed that the observatory will both mechanically and electronically survive the rigours of launch.â Jennifer Love-Pruitt, Northrop Grummanâs electrical vehicle engineering lead on the Webb observatory, said: âItâs been amazing to witness the level of expertise, commitment and collaboration across the team during this important milestone. âItâs definitely a proud moment because we demonstrated Webbâs electrical readiness. âThe successful completion of this test also means we are ready to move forward toward launch and on-orbit operations.â Following the comprehensive systems evaluation, technicians began the ground segment test. This test allows experts to âsimulate the complete process from planning science observations to posting the scientific data to the community archiveâ. READ MORE:Â Asteroid Apophis to pass Earth this week âCommands were then relayed through the Deep Space Network emulator to the observatory at Northrop Grumman.â NASA hopes to launch the JWST on October 31 this year. Scientists are optimistic the JWST will help unravel the mysteries of the Universe and potentially find alien life. The infrared machine is so powerful it will reach back to the furthest realms and the earliest moments of space and time. And the JWST, which is named after NASAâs second administrator, James Webb, who served from 1961 to 1968 and who played a major part in the Apollo missions, has the capability of scanning thousands of planets for alien life â even though those planets are thousands of light-years away. As well as seeing further into space it will accurately measure the content of water, carbon dioxide and other components in the atmosphere of an exoplanet â a planet outside of our solar system â as well as tell scientists more about the size and distance these planets are from their host stars. if(typeof utag_data.ads.fb_pixel!=="undefined"&&utag_data.ads.fb_pixel==!0)!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s)if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments);if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');fbq('init','568781449942811');fbq('track','PageView') Source link Orbem News #alien #completes #Final #hunting #James #NASA #Space #telescope #Tests #Webb
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Grunman F9F Blue Angel One by Willard Womack Via Flickr: The first time I ever saw the Blue Angels, way back in 1955, number one was flying this plane.
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Thereâs something about the idea of a happily married, retired Roy that, I donât know why, makes me laugh.
No, not at the prospect of Roy being happy (for a change) and moving onto a new chapter in his life. Iâm laughing at the idea of the military (not Grunman) and the Government trying to convince Roy to re-enlist...and getting greeted with a shotgun courtesy of Riza.
Gov.ât Shmuck: Weâd like for your husband to re-enlist, Mrs. Mustang. We think itâd be a great opportunity to help expand the State Alchemist program.
Hawkeye (Shotgun in hand ready to shoot): Get off my lawn!
#Fullmetal Alchemist#FMA 2003#fma headcannon#royai#royai headcannon#Roy Mustang#Riza Hawkeye#Riza Takes None of Your Shit!#lol!!!#sorry#couldn't resist#but yeah#i could actually see that happening
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Professor Elric?
After The Promised Day Edward is sent on a miliary mission to Hogwarts where he will teach Alchemy to his students. He is told not to interfere with their business, but he has a hard time not getting involved with this weird Voldy prick.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Chapter 6 out of 10.
The Umbitch was really getting on Edwards nerves. She had been on his trail like a bloodhound ever since heâd shown up. She wanted to know what the limitations of Alchemy where, what he knew about Amestris, if he knew You-know-who and how he taught. She had been aching to get inside his classroom, but so far he had managed to keep her out. It seemed like his luck had ran out, he knew he shouldnât have told those fifth years he was a muggle, ever since that she had been unrelenting and now the day had come.
âGood morning class, as you can see we have a guest. Why she insists on coming I donât know, but she is here to disrupt so expect this lesson to be a bit different that usual.â He began.
He nodded at Umbridge before turning back to his students and saying: âWe have been studying Alchemic arrays for some time now. This will be the last theoretical lesson before we move on to doing Alchemy in the classroom. When I call on you, you will come forward and draw the array I tell you on this table. I will show it to the class and weâll collectively decide if it is correct, if it is I will use it to transmute some of the materials I have here.â
âHermione, could you please draw an array to transmute the rust of this iron dagger?â he asked.
The girl drew the perfect circle, which he knew she would. She was very smart, liked to study and just generally knew her stuff. Once the class had also determined it was the correct transmutation-circle he preformed transmutation. He didnât do it often, so there were still a few gasps when the rusted iron dagger came out in perfect shape.
âOkay, next. Neville, could you draw an array to change this heap of chalk into some crayons for the board?â he said.
While the boy was drawing he looked at Umbridge, she was writing on her notepad while mouthing words to herself. It seemed harmless, but he had heard the stories, once she was comfortable in your classroom she would attack you with questions. He didnât have more time to think about it, because Neville was done drawing.
He showed the array to the class and asked: âDraco, what do you think of Neville's array?â
Draco studied the array, he was like Hermione in academics although he was more of a prick about knowing things, though it was a close call. He had pulled a few stunts in his time in Edwards classroom, but he had also soon realized that without his friends here it was pretty useless to pit everyone against him, so he had quickly learned to shut up and he has been even pleasant after. After heâd studied it for a moment he said: âI canât find a fault.â
âAnd you would be correct with that. This array is perfect, well done Neville and Draco.â he said, he was proud of Neville, the boy seemed to struggle a bit and he had made a mistake in the array last lesson, which is why he had asked the boy about it now.
Before he could transmute Umbridge cleared her throat, he shot her an unimpressed look, which she completely ignored. She asked: âArenât you going to give point to their houses for their job well done?â
He pretended to think about it then he said: âAre you asking me to take part in a house culture you created to pit students against each other and base their initial judgments upon which causes discrimination on yet another factor within this school and prevents friendships, because honestly I donât feel the need to. They get praise when they do well and they learn, that is the reward in my classroom. I read the contract, nowhere does it state that I am required to give or take housepoints. Now, can I go on with my lesson or are you planning on interrupting even longer?â
Umbridge stayed quiet and Edward took that as a sign that she wouldnât interrupt for now and went on. He did the transmutation and put the crayons by the board, he had been running low. Then he said: âHannah, could you draw a basic array.â
They went through two more arrays before Umbridge felt the need to interrupt again. He had needed something from the table in the corner and he had walked over there to grab it. She said: âIâm curious, Mister Elric. Why donât you use accio?â
âYou are not curious, you just want to point out that I am a muggle.â he said with a sigh, âI honestly donât see the need for you to dance around these things, just ask âhey, heard you were a muggle, is that true?â so much easier and faster.â
She was taken aback by this, but quickly recovered sadly enough. She said: âI donât see the need for your rudeness, Mister Elric. As a teacher of a magical subject it is quite concerning that you arenât a wizard yourself. Are you even fit to teach?â
âThere are a few things I want to address about that statement. Firstly, I donât like you, so that will be Colonel Elric to you, secondly, Alchemy is science not magic, I will not be swayed on that point and thirdly, I am capable of doing what I teach, which is more than I can say for you, so I donât understand the cause for your concern.â Edward told her.
âColonel Elric, I will not be addressed like that.â she spat.
Edward shrugged: âMy classroom, my rules. You donât want to be addressed like you address me then there is the door. Have a good day.â
âYou cannot kick me out, I am the High Inquisitor.â she said offended.
âI know, if itâs any help I call my commanding officer General Bastard, so itâs nothing personal. Or you could think it is, I never really got along with him.â this of course was a lie, he and Roy had become pretty good friends and it was now some kind of friendly nickname, but she didnât need to know that.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times before she could gather her bearings, then she said: âI will not be kicked out, Colonel, but I do have a few more questions. How did you become a Colonel at, what was your age again?â
Edward rolled his eyes, ugh, this again, he was getting tired and he just wanted to get her out of his clssroom.
âSeventeen.â he replied, âAnd the whole story is a bit long, so Iâll give you the bullet points. I had to provide for me and my brother, so I became a State Alchemist at twelve. The State can be pretty dumb, they were convinced no child could pass their test and therefore an age restriction wasnât necessary. I passed, being a State-Alchemist gives you a rank as Major. Are you following me so far? Good. I went on missions and discovered a conspiracy then last year we held a coup and overthrew the corrupt government. The then General Grunman came into power, he was the boss of my boss in the east. Everyone who helped with the coup got a big promotion. So, I am indeed a Colonel at seventeen.â
Everybody was quiet, they had expected a lot, but not this. Umbridge looked quite pale, which honestly, was to be expected, she herself was a government official and she was standing in front of a boy who had helped to overthrow his government at sixteen.
When she had recovered enough she immediately went in for emotional trauma: âWhy did you have to provide for you brother at twelve.â
A dark look passed over his face, but he decided what the hell Iâm in this hellhole now, might as well make her uncomfortable with my Tragic PastTM. So he said: âWell, itâs not really twelve, bit earlier really. Our dad is out of the picture, my mom died when I was five, but Grandma Pinako took us in. Sheâs the grandmother of our friend Winry, but her kids are dead too and she has a shop to run, so she didnât really have the time or money for three kids. After that we lived with our teacher for a while, but she once she was done teaching us we had to leave. You might have had the luxury of a support system, but donât assume everyone had.â
It was again quiet in the class. Edward wasnât a private person per say, you could conclude that after the amount of times he had told people, strangers and friends alike, about his human transmutation back home, but he wasnât someone who shared a lot without reason or prompting, especially not with his classes. He had learned and these people didnât know him at all, he was a blank slate. He rather fill it with how awesome he was instead of how sad of a life he had lived.
âWell, was that all? Because you just wasted fifteen minutes of my class. In those fifteen minutes my students could have become a little smarter, broadened your tiny magic minds a bit more, but you just prevented that. Congratulations, you fail as a teacher.â he said.
Umbridge didnât stay quiet, she protested: ââMagic mindsâ ,as you like to call them, arenât small. You are generalizing.â
He raised one eyebrow and mustered his best unimpressed look as he said: âI find that hard to believe and I could argue that based on how you think I am incapable because of my age and non-magic background or I could generalize even more and ask you, if you look at the entire wizarding world, can you tell me how much it would collapse if magic were to suddenly disappear?â
Then he turned back to the board and wrote down CDR under each other before turning back to the class and asking: âNow, who can tell me what these letters stand for and why they are important?â
They were dismissed and an unhappy Umbridge walked out of the classroom. Hermione was the last one left and she made her way over to Mister Elrics desk. She bit her lip and said: âI know you donât like to talk after youâve dismissed us, but arenât you worried about losing your job?â
He stopped rummaging in his back to give her a smile. âIâm sorry if I worried you there, but Umbridge is an annoying shit who loves power a bit too much. I know her type, but I also know her limitations. She can try to sack me, but Iâve been send over here to make a bridge between our countries, the Ministry doesnât want to see me go and besides that, I donât need this job, it might surprise you, but being a Colonel in a military state pays pretty good. I am planning to donate the money I earn here to some kind of charity and to give it some to friends who need it more than me.â
âOh, now I feel kind of stupid.â Hermione said with a blush.
âNever feel stupid, you probably hear this a lot, but you are very smart. Alchemy is very hard and so far you are picking it up faster than I hoped. Youâre going to see me around, but I do want to give you a bit of wisdom. Donât doubt yourself and never dumb yourself down, you are picking up Alchemy, do not forget it. You are a wizard and from what I see and hear there is a war coming up, use what you learn, because wizards donât know what to do when theyâre faced with muggle solutions.â Mister Elric looked at her intently.
She nodded that she had understood and said: âWhen youâre giving wisdom like that itâs hard to remember that youâre just seventeen. My friend has two brothers who are your age, but have half the maturity.â
He laughed and thought, thanks itâs the trauma, but he said: âYeah, I get that pretty often. Hey, you wouldnât know a good wizard charity, would you?â
âWell, I am the founder of S.P.E.W., itâs for the freedom of house-elves, you should read about them, itâs horrible how wizards treat them.â Hermione said, âbut if you think itâs dumb you could donate to St. Mungoâs, itâs the hospital, they could always use some money.â
âS.P.E.W., Iâll keep it in mind, thanks.â and he smiled at her again, then he said: âItâs getting late youâre going to have to run of you want to be in time for you next lesson.â
She paled a bit and cursed as she bid her goodbye and ran out of the classroom. She had so much to tell Ron and Harry at their next DA meeting.
#RR writing#edward elric#bamf edward elric#alchemy teacher edward elric#Professor Elric#colonel Elric#hermoine granger#draco malfoy#neville longbottom#dolores umbridge#dumbledore's army#Harry Potter#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood and harry potter crossover#harry potter au#fma brotherhood#FMA AU#Professor Elric?#Professor Elric? Chapter 6#SPEW
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#nowspinning Van Morrison Alternate Moondance RSD LP cut by Chris Bellman and Bernie Grunman mastering. The sound is impeccable!! Another album bought @encorerekkids in #kwawesome great morning album. Happy Sunday everyone!!! #vanmorrison #recordstoreday #monigramcoffee #sundayvibes #sundayfunday #vinyloftheday #vinylcommunity #ilovevinyl #vinylsunday #morningvibes #morningcoffee #coffee #recordcollection #recordcollector #vinyladdict #vinyl #recordoftheday #rhinorecords #warnermusic #berniegrundman #musicmatters #love #follow #ilovemusic #music https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wbZWIpn7U/?igshid=1ubawhq9f4w67
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Hi! I remember you saying that you have a lot of ask in you inbox before when you couldn't answer and the like and I was wondering if you are done with those and if its ok for me to ask you some headcanon about Edward staying in the military after the promised day?
oh friend iâm SO BAD at answering asks and i have Many but always feel free to send me things :) just like, donât expect me to do anything in a timely manner ever
so ed in the military after promise day:
i think the thing is, for ed, is that he knows heâs famous but heâs never stayed in one place long enough to realize heâs influential
heâs a symbol as much as a person, an ideal of honesty and loyalty and strength that people aspire towards. not that ed knows this of course. heâs busy.
but i can see ed staying in the military because heâs asked, because riza goes to him and says, âwe need a little help.â people donât know how to feel, about grunman and roy and all these sudden changes and confusing stories.
they need someone they can trust. someone whoâs of the government but whoâs known to not be ruled by it. someone who fights for them, not against them.
the fullmetal alchemist.
so edâs role would be doing all these awful pr things that he hates, but is oddly good at. edâs good at reading people and very kind and likes kids. heâs a good public face for the military, and heâs the one they push. then as he starts dealing more with people he realizes how much he matters to them, how much power he really has inside the military with his reputation and people he knows and the things he can do.
and ed becomes what he thought he never would be - a career military man. he doesnât care about rank, not really, because even as he rises in ranks, they all call him the same thing, even though heâll never perform a transmutation again - an alchemist
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