#grunge eddie is so dear to me actually
szczurherbacany · 2 years
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grunge eddie in the 90s
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matching-for-you · 1 year
hi, can i be matched with stranger things and attack on titan please? my name's lilith i'm 18, my pronouns are she/they and i'm a queerplatonic aroace, so i don't have a gender preference, but i'd prefer not being matched with any kids. i'm a stubborn, kinda bossy, brutally honest, sarcastic, clingy and person. people say i'm mature, smart and creative and yes, i agree, but i think i become a total different person when i get too comfortable. i love music and i've been singing with a vocal coach for three years by now. i like spending time at my music academy in which all the members are my second family as i grew up with my blood-related relatives fighting each others for some kind of stuff i don't know about (thank god things recently changed a little bit). i lost my grandmothers in law, my cousin abandoned me for protection as she had brain cancer and died eight months later and my dad due skin cancer. i also recently got a trauma for moving in a new house, i was actually excited at the beginning, but really it's driving me crazy. i'm 5'11", chubby, pale skin, button nose, i wear a fake septum piercing sometimes (i'm allergic to real ones :/), black slowly turning back to brown hair with undercut and bangs, dark hazelnut brown eyes and i wear black glasses. i also wear a tattoo choker and a necklace with a note shaped charm (gift from a dear friend) and i never take it off since then. i was actually scared to wear necklaces to sleep, fearing i would suffocate or accidentally hang myself, but with her necklace, i have no fear to sleep in it, actually when i have anxiety or panic attacks, i hold it so tight to remind myself she's with me, always. my aesthetic is hipster or grunge. i think that's enough. bye!!
hello lilith! (based on the information you’ve given me we should totally be friends)
for stranger things, i think you’d be a great match with eddie! with his not caring attitude, and your attentive attitude, you’d balance yourselves out very nicely. you’d be there to stop eddie from doing anything stupid, and he’d be there to stop you from completely avoid doing something stupid.
for attack on titan, this was tough. maybe jean. you and jean would be a good match because you’re both passionate about the people you care about. jean had a dear friend that he thinks about when he has to make any tough decisions, and you think about your dear friend when you get anxious. with that being said, he’d totally let you vent to him about the people you’ve lost as long as you let him as well.
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
Another tag game
Thanks to @freddykicksasses for tagging me. Same as the last one, I’m not sure who has or hasn’t done it at this stage, so to avoid me tagging people who have already taken part, consider this an open tag to anyone who wants to get involved!
What I usually wear:
Pyjamas, mostly. I work from home so I don’t often actually get dressed. When I do go out, I most often wear a long black dress with some boots. I have a big soft spot for 90s grunge fashion and romantic goths, so I think my personal style is a mish mash of those. 
How tall I am:
5 foot 3 and a half babyyyyyy
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it:
I’m a March pisces, so you know, god help us all. I think Matthew Gray Gubler has the same birthday as me?
Do I go by a name or nickname:
I go by Seth online in settings like tumblr, discord, etc, where I have a more anon vibe. If someone wanted to try, they could probably string together a link between my tiktok and my tumblr, but other than that I keep my real name out of spaces where I don’t show my face. I prefer to be unhinged anonymously. 
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child:
I found an old school workbook when I moved out of my family home a few years back and there was an essay in there that I wrote when I was 7, all about wanting to be a Model slash Vet slash Millionaire when I grew up. Dear reader, I am none of those things.
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at:
I’m a good cook! I can follow a recipe like a motherfucker and I’ve got enough of a foundation that I can mess around with flavours successfully. My husband isn’t vegan like I am, so I had to put a lot of focus into learning how to use my sense of smell more than anything when I cook for him too. It’s fun.
I’m terrible at doing anything in half-measures. If there’s a small, medium, and large drink option, I’ll get the large. I’ll only get the most expensive and biggest thing I can, at any time. If I can’t, I’ll be sad about it. I’ll force myself to finish a full plate even if I’m stuffed. I’m very all or nothing and it definitely comes with it’s own challenges. Especially with money, because I’m not well-off by any stretch of the imagination. I read once that growing up in a poorer situation can lead to not knowing how to manage money as an adult and boy howdy, am I a great example of that. 
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?
2022 I’m guessing? I’m proud of how crushcrushcrush is turning out, despite everything. I’ve always struggling to write so much dialogue and I’m happy with how I’ve done it in this fic I think. When He Loved Me was a very cathartic thing to write for me as well. I spent a lot of time really thinking through how that mental state can manifest itself and how it can present in certain situations. Honestly though just for the sheer fun factor, I’d have to say Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread! is my number one. 
I’m trying to work on an original story this new year so hopefully I end up being proud of that too. 
Dogs or cats:
I have three dogs and six cats so I think I have to remain neutral here.
Something I would like to make content for:
Myself! I spent years and years writing what I thought other people wanted to read and it only led to me not writing anything for a very long time. I’ve been using fanfiction to reignite my spark and so far so good!
Something I was excited about that turned out to dissappoint me:
Panic! At The Discos last two albums. They were my absolute favourites right since AFYCSO but I just couldn’t fall in love with Pray For The Wicked or Viva Las Vengeance. 
Hidden talent:
I have double joined toes and can move them like fingers. I used to be able to roll my tongue into two rolls but then I got a load of tongue piercings and can’t do it anymore
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liesyousoldme · 7 years
can u do one where richies a punk kid skater boy and eddie is kinda snob and one day they end up at the same party (as teens obviously) and richie tries to get eddie to try weed and eddie at first is hesitant bc his mom would kill him and eventually eddie gives in and they do cute romantic stuff while high and they sneak off and smooch and cute fluffy stuff like that
yes lets do it. ok so warning for drug use obviously but other than that it’s sfw
ok so it’s really hard for me to picture richie as a punk?? like imagine that fuckin nerd with a foot-tall mohawk and chains on his leather pants and it’s honestly laughable. the guy was 1000000% grunge. he traded his hawaiian shirts for flannels and wears band shirts and ripped skinny jeans and converse and has perpetual bedhead
(beverly is grunge too in high school but honestly is that even relevant to this idk)
so eddie could definitely go the preppy route. polos and khakis and combed hair. he’s a little stuffy lbr
somehow though. somehow since basically the beginning of high school they’ve both had crushes on each other
they’ve been friends throughout high school bc of stan
stan and eddie are friends bc they were both the only freshmen on student council 
eddie doesn’t understand how stan is friends with richie bc richie’s so cool? even though he’s in their advanced classes he just seems so.. effortlessly cool in a way eddie just does not understand
but stan and richie have been besties for forever, in the way eddie and bill have been besties for forever
ANYWAY soearly on in freshman year, eddie and stan decide to study together after school, and eddie’s at stan’s house chilling when.. richie fuckin tozier just walks right in the front door?? doesn’t even knock he just goddamn walks in like he owns the place
and eddie’s like wide eyed expecting stan’s mom to start smacking this dirty looking kid with a fuckin broom but instead she’s like “oh richie dear!!! how are you!!!”
and richie’s like “hey mrs uris, i’m doing great, my mom says hi”
and eddie’s like …..literally what in the fuck is happening rn
but richie hangs out and he’s cool and funny (and loud and maybe talks too much for “studying” but eddie finds himself not minding?)
he calls eddie ‘eds’ and eddie pretends to hate it but that’s only bc it gives him butterflies
so they don’t sit together at lunch or in their shared classes but richie always makes sure to say hi to eddie or ruffle his hair or call him eds and leave eddie blushing
(because honestly richie has a crush on eddie too)
but neither of them do anything about it. for literal years.
it’s junior year and eddie is sitting with bill at lunch talking about what they’re going to do this weekend
when suddenly richie tozier appears out of no where and plops in the seat next to eddie
“hey eds, you busy tonight?”
“um.. no??”
richie throws an arm over his shoulder “well now you are. you too, big bill. bev marsh’s aunt is going out of town, so we’re having a small get together, cool people only”
“don’t know why you’d invite us then,” bill says pleasantly, but the smile on his face says that he’s excited
“what!!! eds here is the coolest chap i know!!!!”
“don’t call me eds” (but he’s 100% blushing)
“so i’ll see u there right?”
eddie tries not to smile but he’s very bad at not smiling in front of richie, even though he looks like he hasn’t showered in 4 days (he asked richie about this once. richie actually showers daily, but he uses Too Much Product on purpose to make it look like he just rolled out of bed hungover. it’s his Aesthetic, he claimed. eddie stopped asking questions after that) and eddie knows if his mother knew he was friends with someone like richie tozier she would have a literal heart attack, eddie just likes him
so he agrees.
he shows up that night and he’s nervous af
“bill. we’re gonna get there and he’s not even going to talk to me the whole night. this is stupid. we should just go home”
“shut up eddie”
they walk in and surprisingly there’s not a lot of people there??
they’re all in beverly marsh’s living room, drinking out of red solo cups like high school cliches, and there’s only about ten people, including bev, richie, and stan
so they come in and richie jumps up, all excited
“eds!!! you came!!!!!!”
and beverly snorts into her cup but richie ignores her and takes bill and eddie to the kitchen to get drinks
richie goes straight to the punch that eddie knows is spiked and shakes his head right away
“no sorry, i don’t drink”
“i do” bill says, letting richie fill a cup for him. he heads back to the living room, sending eddie a wink over his shoulder
eddie stands awkwardly, watches as richie grabs another cup
“i’m serious, richie, i don’t drink”
“you really need to try loosening up eds” richie tells him, but grabs him a soda from the fridge anyway
they go back to the living room and richie pats the spot on the couch next to him, so eddie sits and sips his soda
everyone’s talking and laughing eddie feels a little out of place but richie keeps making sure to include him in the conversation which is… nice.
in fact, richie is all around nice, and he’s got his arm over eddie’s shoulders, and eddie’s trying really hard to convince himself this isn’t a date (he’d hate to get his hopes up only to see richie making out with beverly marsh at the end of the night)
after a bit they decide to put a movie on, and everyone starts to get settled in, but richie grabs eddie’s hand and pulls him up off the couch
“where are we going”
“i have to show you something”
eddie’s slightly concerned but idk ur crush doesn’t grab your hand and invite you somewhere alone every day so
richie takes him down the hallway, past the bathroom and into beverly’s room
he’s a little offput by how… comfortable??? richie seems in bev’s bedroom
“are you and bev…dating?”
richie looks up at him from where he’d been digging through a backpack in the corner of the room
eventually he laughs
“me and bev?? fuck no. she’s my best friend”
“i thought stan was your best friend”
“i thought only being allowed to have one best friend was an elementary school thing, looks like we’re both wrong”
eddie rolls his eyes but then they widen when he sees what richie pulled out of the bag
“oh my god richie is that marijuana??????”
richie wiggles his eyebrows and sits on the floor
“sit down eds, your legs are gonna get tired”
eddie sits but he’s staring freaking out
he knows how bad weed is
his mom told him it’s a gateway drug
who  knows, by this time next week richie could be addicted to heroin or crack
so he tells him that
richie laughs at him as he rolls the joint
“you really need to loosen up, eds. and stop listening to ur fuckin mom, isn’t she the one that gave you a fuckin fake inhaler?”
eddie pauses. “…..that’s besides the point”
richie’s still laughing as he takes the first hit
“cmon eds, just take one hit. one won’t kill you, i promise”
richie’s got some fucking great puppy dog eyes and eddie is doing everything he can to avoid looking at them
“eds seriously. you’re wound so fuckin tight, i promise you’ll feel so good afterward. you’re so tiny you’ll need two fuckin hits to be high af”
“two?? yOU SAID ONe”
richie ignores eddie’s screeching and takes a second hit
“i mean u don’t have to. i’m happy just hanging out with you, but i thought it’d be nice for you to not be so anxious for a bit” richie finally says, shrugging. eddie sighs. he knows, logically, that his mother is crazy, that she exaggerates and that weed probably isn’t that bad for you (clearly, richie smokes it every weekend and is still one of the smartest kids in school) but he’s still scared
“are you sure nothing bad will happen?”
“promise,” richie says, then his eyes light up and he holds up his pinky. “PINKY promise”
eddie reluctantly interlocks his pinky with richie, then takes the joint
“alright. what do i do.”
ten minutes and a hit (and a half (his first try didn’t go so well)) later, eddie is feelin it. he’s loose, so loose in fact that he tells richie “hey rich..richie.. rich. i am loosey goosey.”
he takes another hit. “richie? there’s cotton balls inside my head.”
richie can’t stop giggling. he is admittedly feelin it too.
eventually, they’re both laughing, and eddie topples over onto richie, and somehow they start play wrestling. it’s very mild, as neither of them have the arm strength to actually move the other. it mostly just leads to them curled up together, legs and arms tangled
their giggles fade off, and eddie opens his eyes (when did he close them??) and richie’s face is right there, inches from his. he’s suddenly aware of richie’s breath on his lips and he gasps. 
he’s not sure which one of them actually moved but suddenly their lips are pressed together
it’s lazy and slow and tender and when they pull back, richie whispers “whoa”
“yeah” eddie whispers back
they lay down on the floor of bev’s bedroom, still pretty tangled up together, and richie laces their fingers together
it’s quiet for a minute, and then eddie starts giggling at nothing, and then richie starts laughing because eddie is laughing, and then richie leans over and kisses eddie again, harder this time, more passionate
“i’ve wanted to kiss you for three years, fuck”
eddie whimpers, grabbing at richie’s back and tangling a hand in his stupid hair that he works way too hard on
“me too”
eddie’s a little too high to keep moving his lips against richie’s, feeling pretty tired and chilled out, so richie moves down and mouths at his neck, shuddering at the feeling of eddie’s hands slipping under his shirt
he finally stops, but doesn’t go far. richie lets his head fall in the crook of eddie’s neck, his leg thrown over eddie’s waist. their hands find each other again, fingers interlocking
“isn’t bev gonna want her bedroom eventually” eddie asks after a few minutes
richie giggles
“she knows we’re in here”
“i kind of….. planned this???”
“i mean.. i invited u here and i wanted to try and see if you’d get high with me.. the making out was an unplanned surprise but i don’t think bev would be all that shocked”
“bev knows we’re making out?”
eddie’s brain is just.. not working very well and he doesn’t understand
“no she’s in the living room”
“i know”
“i dont know what you’re asking me eddie”
“me either”
and then they’re giggling again 
beverly finds them a few hours later after everyone’s left, cuddled up and fast asleep on her bedroom floor. she puts a blanket over them and turns off the light and decides to sleep on the couch
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Pearl Jam - Yield - Album Review
Yield is Pearl Jam’s fifth studio album that released in 1998. Pearl Jam are an alternative rock band that had quickly rose to fame in Seattle during the grunge explosion along side Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Melvins, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees and many more. At this point they have proven to be a real leading force among the Seattle grunge bands outlasting most of them and have proven to be a leading force and influence in the alternative rock genre, even if Pearl Jam refuses to admit or furthermore tries to diminish it. Due to the mainstream exposure after the bands acclaimed debut and follow up records, anxieties from the stardom and pressures of fame and expectations caused singer Eddie Vedder to take control of the bands artistic and political direction with writing songs that lashed out against the mainstream media. This created a lot of tension in the band that nearly ended the band a couple of times. “We were letting ourselves be too affected by all the pressure,” admits Ament. “Those things showed themselves in some of the songs we wrote and even some of the performances. We’d get passive-aggressive with each other instead of realizing we were all in this together.” This motivated the band’s refusal to produce any music videos, refusal to partake in any publicized interviews with any mainstream corporations and had been for the past 4 years, before the release of Vitalogy, on strike against Ticketmaster for their service fees, which downsized the bands touring schedule and concert venues. As the band approaches their fifth release here two of those things would come to an end. Pearl Jam began taking steps back towards the band that they were during Ten when things were more free spirited.
Yield took a bit more commercial approach with its glossy, professional production and releasing a music video for the first time in 6 years for the track “Do The Evolution”. The band wasnt featured however in the music video, but was rather an animated video portraying the various themes and subject matters involved in the songs message, co-directed by Todd McFarlane (of Spawn fame) and Kevin Altieri (Batman: The Animated Series). Pearl Jam also had decided to end its strike with Ticketmaster and bring their new record to their fans around the world with a full fledged and highly anticipated world tour. While former drummer Abbruzzese opposed the bands Ticketmaster strike because it cut back on touring, their return to major touring after the release of Yield had caused the bands recent drummer at the time Jack Irons to part ways with Pearl Jam. Jack Irons had been dealing with physical health issues as well as bipolar disorder. Irons was already having issues keeping up with the little amount of live shows Pearl Jam had been doing and Irons had already started a family unlike the others in the band. This made Yield to be the last record with Jack Irons forcing the band to search for another drummer.
Yield would also have a more structured song writing with a more collaborative effort, where for the first time each member is contributing not only music but lyrics as well. Vedder added, “Stone was writing music and lyrics. Jeff had music and lyrics. I had music and lyrics… we were able to team up, y’know. Have a partnership there and team up and write together on this one.” “I think the fact that everybody had so much input into the record, like everybody really got a little bit of their say on the record, and I think because of that, everybody feels like they’re an integral part of the band,” concluded bassist Jeff Ament. Its clear that since No Code the bands last record that Pearl Jams persistent efforts to reduce their presence in the mainstream has paid off, relieving a lot of anxiety and stress that was looming over the band for the past few years. Yield proves that the band is much more comfortable with being a little more accessible and having a little more fun with room to breathe which meant each band member, Eddie in particular, had been much more submissive in his thought process. Stone Gossard said “Being able to pull back from all that pressure helped give us the space to figure out our internal problems, within the band and within us as individuals. We gave each other some time off from each other. Actually, it’s like we broke up but still made records.”
Yield kicks off with a high energy heavy riffing track that was initially left off of No Code called “Brain of J”. Its similar to past opening tracks like Go from Vs. and Last Exit from Vitalogy. Most of Yield contains mostly cleaner guitar tones and acoustic instrumentation and experiments with lots of guitar effects and really draws inspiration from 60s and 70s rock bands like the Beatles like on the acoustic arpeggio ballad “All Those Yesterdays” which sounds similar to The Beatles songs “Dear Prudence” and “Yesterday” and the Kinks-ish “Pilate”. “Given To Fly” is a track that has a very pipe swelling and ocean phasing guitar lick played and written by Mike McCready that brings to mind Zeppelin’s “Going to California” just on an electric guitar. “Do The Evolution” has an garage rock sound and energy similar to The Stooges’ “Fun House” meets Zeppelin’s “Walter’s Walk”. This track has been stated by Eddie Vedder to be his favorite song from the band. Guitarist Stone Gossard really shines on this track with grungy tone and his killer enveloped solo lead part. The song also features a chanting choir of backing vocals from all the band members in one section. “Push Me, Pull Me” is an experimental, noisy, poetic, spoken word contemplating life and death with Eddie giving a performance similar to Jim Morrison and Nick Cave. The song reminds me of the Doors song “An American Prayer”
Other times the record has a very post punk and alternative indie rock sound similar to U2, Matthew Good Band and R.E.M. especially on the cry baby soaked “No Way” but also on “MFC” song that has Eddie playing an opening riff similar to “Rearviewmirror” and “Wishlist” a very simple yet moving subdued track that reminds me of “Survival” by Shudder to Think. With layers of cleaner twinkling guitars, the track features Eddie Vedder performing an Ebow solo at the end and Mike McCready performing his solo using a volume knob technique that mimics a weeping violin. Eddies twangy vocal delivery very similar to Neil Young. The song “Faithfull” has a chill verse and chunky chorus with a grungy jazz structure and drum beat. Again Eddie gives a very Neil Young influenced vocal delivery on this track. “Low Light” is a calm, waltzing ballad that features Jeff Ament, the writer of the tune, on an upright bass. The song also features some beautiful acoustic guitar. “In Hiding” is an interestingly written melody driven track that plays with timing, shifting in and out of half time that starts with 3 verses before breaking into the chorus and hook. The song was written by Eddie and Stone but seemed to take on a life of its own once every band member was introduced to the song. Drummer Jack Irons said, “I like “In Hiding” a lot…It’s like a band track. It sounds like five guys just played a track together and I think that’s pretty much what happened.“
Lyrically Yield covers many topics and themes of escapism, self exile, political corruption, contemplative thoughts on spirituality, with a few references to religion, ones personal hibernation, empathy, desires, and wishes. The song “Wishlist” is about the little things in life that mean the most that might often get taken for granted. The song is Eddie seeking some fulfillment when he humbly realizes hes lucky to be himself. “No Way” is about how people get too caught up being right fighters that they forget what matters in their life. This could be about the band yielding to Ticketmaster and the mainstream media in favor of the fans giving themselves some peace of mind. “MFC” is also lyrically similar to “Rearviewmirror” though less metaphorically about getting in a car and driving away from a problem and the track just before “Red Dot" is a percussive experimental track written by Jack Irons. An anti war sentiment that has some drum techniques heard on No Code. “Low Light” is a song about finding your way after being lost for so long. Its also about finding peace and solace even when things are dismal.
The message of just letting things go or be to free yourself from anxiety is pretty direct on a few songs. Many ideas lyrically and thematically were inspired by literature such as the song “Pilate” being inspired by Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita where Eddie sings of someone that compares himself to Pontius Pilate, who had a faithful dog, but lived a lonely and regretful life and longs for more. This songs message is very similar to “All Those Yesterdays”, which seems to be about rehabilitation, giving up everything or exiting an unhealthy situation to find your place. The records title and theme being influenced by the novel Ishmael by Daniel Quinn proposes the idea of yielding to the gods and nature to “save the world”. This idea comes through on most of the records themes but particularly on the songs “Do The Evolution”, the second politically driven song after “Brain of J.” on the record, told in third person about a self absorbed greedy individual possibly a politician who selfishly and carelessly continues to hurt and take from the earth and those living on it. Both songs express how the media and government has its grasp on how you think, what you observe and consume more than you may realize. “Given to Fly” also contains inspiration from Ishmael, a song about taking the high road and not allowing others negative energy to infect your positive energy or selfless virtue much like the tale of Jesus, which seems to be indirectly referenced. This is the second character to be used from the bible on the record with the first being Pontius Pilot who freed a serial killer and sentenced Jesus to be crucified. “Faithfull” was inspired by author and poet Charles Bukowski. The song seems to point out how religious people put all their faith in some sort of false testament and religion that has no heart instead of the focusing on the real faith in love and relationships. “For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula, the big answers don’t remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” -Charles Bukowski. Bukowski also inspired the song “In Hiding” Bukowskie once said “I don’t hate [people]…I just feel better when they’re not around.” This song could possibly be about the bands self exiled mainstream inclusiveness and abandonment and the peace it brought them now.
Yields title seems to be a general theme for the band at the time as well. Each band member was Yielding to one another in the creative process and opinions and in particular singer Eddie Vedder, who had been calling the shots for the past few years prior, it symbolized refocusing on what truly matters and realizing what battles really need to be fought. Given the band’s collective harmony while recording Yield, it’s hard to write off their newfound philosophy as mere lip service. Regarding the title, McCready said, “I think the title Yield has to do with maybe being more comfortable within ourselves, with this band….we’re all a little bit older and a little more relaxed and maybe just kind of yielding to those anxieties and not trying to fight it so much…That’s what it kind of feels to me – yielding, letting something else happen and going with it.” Vedder said, “Let’s say that hypothetically speaking, the title does mean something…You can fight so much, and then you have to think, ‘What are the real battles?’ ‘What’s really important?’ You get to a certain point, and it’s really hard to remember what music is and to remember what drives you.” Two things the band yielded to with this record and that was their return to major touring that included Ticketmaster and made a return to some mainstream marketing on TV with a new music video and even had a commercial for the record. The band came to an understanding with one another as well as things they fought against. With Yield the band went with the wave rather than struggling so hard to go against it.
Yield is one of my top 5 favorite Pearl Jam records. The record offers some of the bands greatest writing. from catchy indie rock ballads to alt rock riffs and punk rock energizers. The band was out of its prime but more of a team than ever before and up to this point was most professionally produced record. No one instrument or player took most of the focus lead guitar, rhythm section, lyricism and vocals all had a place in each song. The band was moving at a steady pace with this record learning to slow down and the records sound really reflects that. Yield is sort of that breath of fresh air. Due to their absence from the mainstream spotlight, it is the first Pearl Jam record where they could create a record with a clear head and open heart. It definitely was at the time and arguably still is the bands most mature record to date. After the records release we would not only see a departure with drummer Jack Irons, recruiting Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron but also the departure of the bands primary producer Brendan O’Brian who had produced the bands records since Vs. A few songs were not included on Yield like “U”, “Whale Song” written and sung by Jack Irons, “Leatherman” a true story about an old drifter, the fuzzy harmonizing “Happy When Im Crying”, the experimental spoken word “Hymm” and the cover of 1960s “Last Kiss”. My favorite tracks are “Brain of J.”, “Faithfull”, “Given To Fly”, “Wishlist”, “Low Light” and “In Hiding” If you like Temple of the Dog, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Neil Young, Candlebox, Led Zeppelin, Creed, The Beatles, Goodness, Stone Temple Pilots, Shudder To Think, Frank Black, Counting Crows, The Verve Pipe, R.E.M., The Rolling Stones, Fuel, The Doors, U2, Oasis, Mark Eitzel, Seven Mary Three, Foo Fighters, Eleven, Soul Asylum, Three Fish, The Buck Pets, The Stooges, Mother Love Bone, Blind Melon, Hootie and the Blowfish, Buffalo Tom, Mad Season, Brad, The Minus 5, or Tribe After Tribe you will love this record.
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