#grumbo angst
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chestersbraincell · 2 months ago
Oh btw for any grumbo shippers(I know I reblog a lot of the pairing because! Because they just have chemistry dang it!!), be it platonic or otherwise, I just came up with a little side plot-point that could work if you tweak around some of the timing between the two.
Imagine the reason why Mumbo is greying is because he’s secretly working at Mined!! To rescue Grian from the liminal hell he resides in!!!
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chuffedtwobits · 2 months ago
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waffle duo but its grian pestering mumbo at every chance
(i saw a post on pinterest and it just. screamed them to me.)
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ship-it-sideways · 7 months ago
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I know I should be happy for you, but—
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duckimate · 1 year ago
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lost longing for someone you can't recall, but that someone's a faraway deity
"The ancient gods changed men to things, but left them A consciousness that smoldered endlessly, That splendid sorrows might endure forever. And you are changed into a memory."
so ! fanart for solar eclipse au by none other than THE @mochiwrites. but i switched the concept around?? (au of an au. woah)
instead of solara being punished and casted down to earth for reincarnation it was proteus instead <333
yes i know amor solis takes place in a more modern setting but personally mumbo k jumbo with his vest and tie and british glory gave me more of a painter than sculptor vibe (artistic boyfriends,,,)
bros drawing his lover from his past life when he cant even recall any of those memories <3
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camakkuma · 7 months ago
Grumbo ship sketch request??? <3
This ship is cute but unfortunately i think it would be really funny if Grumbo was one sided and Grian just acts like that xd
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angerarchive · 3 months ago
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“ im all the friend you need. ”
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rosenbergamot · 11 months ago
mumbo talking ab growing gills in his most recent episode has activated my little brain. fishy mumbo. mermaid mumbo. shifter mumbo who doesnt really consciously shapeshift, but is instead influenced by the people around him— who he spends the most time with, who elicits the most emotions in him, what he eats, what he personally is doing. shifter mumbo who has seen his friends dedicate themselves to the ocean and gone “huh. haven’t tried that one before.. wonder whats up with that”. shifter mumbo who sees how much time grian has put towards the ocean and feels, not for the first time, a longing to have grians full attention again, because it feels like theyve been so far from each other for so long, and he doesnt know how to mend that rift thats begun to appear, doesnt know how to even begin to approach it. shifter mumbo who wonders if its even fixable, who then wakes up the next morning with gills and better dark vision and fins and webbing between his fingers and goes “this is going to make my life much harder isnt it”. shifter mumbo who thinks, deep down, that maybe this will make grian notice him more.
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logosbot-tm-fics · 3 months ago
Alas, I'm always a Grumbo shipper at heart, I keep getting Scarian ideas, and I try my best to write them strictly Scarian, but I keep failing.
It always ends w endgame Grumbo.
I'll try my best to actually write Scarian at some point :)
...hm, I actually do have an idea for that that I think I've discussed with some friends
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flojouno · 4 months ago
possessive insecurity
Being in love shouldn’t hurt – and Mumbo knows this, he knows it very well – but the high pitch laughs Grian gives Jimmy, the nose scrunches and exasperated sighs he gives Scar, the playful jabs at Joel; it all adds up in Mumbo’s head. Every upturned lip and hitch in his boyfriend’s breath, it haunts him for not being the cause of it. Being in love with Grian shouldn’t hurt at all. or "im all the friend that you need" made me go craszy
2,000k words
another procrastination fic but this time... grumbo!
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onetoomanyshots · 5 months ago
What kills me is when I see people on here talk about the lack of interaction between Mumbo and Grian and then right after I see posts about them being all sweet to each other in the past. Like hot damn I feel like a windowed husband reminiscing about his dead wife, I'm a happy endings person and this ain't happy!
(Though it does make me want to write about them being all lovey dovey so there's that ig lol)
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chestersbraincell · 3 months ago
ALL the angst that can come from Grian's POV of session 7, dear god
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cm-lily · 1 year ago
Grumbo nation, I summon thee...
To ask a question
What do you guys feel about temporary-blind Watcher Grian who can't recognize Mumbo after he crashed on the Hermitcraft server (Like he knows him. But not his name or his face or his voice, he remember his laugh but not how it sounds, rather how it make him feel.)
Ofc it's Mumbo's perspective, maybe.
I'm still playing this idea around but I just want multiple opinions
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duckimate · 4 months ago
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" If it weren’t for the fact that Solara had to pay attention to the sun, he’d never want to look away. "
hey so would anyone believe me if i said this was grian lmao (alt caption: dont you hate it when you mention grianmc and the camera pans to some celestial being)
here's my near-annual offering fanart to!! grumbo Solar Eclipse au by THE iconic @mochiwrites ofc, but the POV's been switched?? :O
Mumbo's POV during their eclipse ceremony tgt :D
since in the original fanfic, the eclipse ceremony was in Solara's POV, so most of the focus was on Proteus's movements and how Solara was oh so entranced by them, and would've been even more so had he not been focused on his own duty of raising the sun as well
SO!!!!! i've always wanted to see this, but in Proteus's POV :D I'd imagine that Proteus was in the same predicament as Solara lol but the other guy was just too entranced to even notice he's being admired right back as well <3
also yes if you look closely he is smiling >:( cant make his swooning look too obvious now lmao they still got a job to do
anyways. mochiwrites. i hope you know that im so ever grateful for this fic that has gotten me through BOTH highschool and now, college!! hehe <3 everytime im reminded of this AU it's like im being taken over by an art spirit or smth
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grow-bettah · 8 months ago
sorry grumbo family lovers. angst lore time
tw for grief and loss under the cut
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Jupiter died young at only 7 years old from a sudden aneurysm. Mumbo and Grian were obviously shattered and beside themselves, in turn holing themselves up at home with the rest of the kids for a few weeks.
Rose spent most of the time she was grieving with Doccy, trying to distract herself as much as she could from something so unfathomable as the death of her brother. Doccy was there the whole time as was Doc, who both tried distracting Rose as much as they could.
Milo would refuse to do anything for the first week after his little brother passed and would sleep or cry every day. He slowly came back out of his hole again when Hermes started visiting more ( Sausage and Joel arranged for him to be more on HC during that time because they knew it would help.) but Jupe's death did a lot to him.
Emile was the most affected out of the kids, having lost another one of his family members. He spent most of his time actively grieving with Mumbo and Grian, who spent most of their time at home cuddling or outside on quiet walks.
The other Hermits would regularly stop by and bring presents or offer comfort, Gem most frequently visiting because she was also hit deeply by the death of her little godchild. Scar started offering petting hours at the zoo for the kids to get some comfort and Tango regularly left gift baskets at their doorstep when he passed by. Skizz and Impulse took care of the kids when they could, knowing that Mumbo and Grian would need a lot of time to recover.
Jupiter's death knit the family even closer together and brought their community closer still, but it also brought silence over the server for a few weeks because everyone was grieving somewhat.
Sorry for the angst guys but it's . it's the lore. I'm sorry . it's the lore
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p3skylos3rs · 1 year ago
Hehehe heard from a Grumbo post that your asking about them….
Grumbo with their cute little robot son(s) that they may or may not have abandoned? Or maybe they just cuddle, your choice
They couldn't have abandoned them, right?
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less grumbo, more grumbot but whatever. - 💉
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azurbright · 6 months ago
Could you please write something angsty to do with the soul sharing in season 8 and Mumbo removing the waffle recently, it is such fanfic material
Maybe along the lines of Grian feeling his soul return and checking in on Mumbo to confirm his suspicions, and then confrontation? 👀
Pretty please
I've been feeling very angsty lately, maybe its the teenager in me. Im going to pour all my feelings into this
It's a little short and it has a happy ending but it is angsty.
(DISCLAIMER: I'm writing abt their personas and not the people in real life.)
Mumbo felt bad. Really bad. He had been avoiding Grian and Grian knew it. It hurt his feelings. He didn't know what he did wrong.
He wanted to ask Mumbo, but he knew it would only bring them farther apart.
Grian then felt a small surge of energy, and he knew what had happened. He knew it was over. Everything they had fought for, everything that they had worked for. It was all gone when Grian felt his own soul return to his body.
He almost imagined it couldn't be real. Everything wasn't over, was it? Mumbo was his best friend, maybe more than his best friend he didn't really know, but now that was all gone.
The best Grian could do was suck it up and talk to Mumbo, but he was so upset. He was angry and sad, and he felt so many emotions at once that he didn't really know what to do. All these thoughts swirled through his head of their relationship, whatever it was, being over and gone just like that.
There had to be some logical Mumbo explanation for this. Sure, they hadn't talked in a few weeks, but he didn't think Mumbo would just stop protecting his soul.
He had half a mind to march himself over to the Magic Moutain Shopping District. He knew Mumbo would be in that damn lab. It was all he ever did anymore was testing, testing, and more testing. Of course, Grian was upset he'd been losing out on valuable moments with Mumbo, and it seemed like Mumbo didn't even care.
So he honestly couldn't think of anything else to do except ask Mumbo. He picked himself up off the ground and realized he would have to do it. He knew he would have to tell Mumbo how he felt about him in order for him to understand where this is all coming from.
He quickly flew into the air, his wings picking his weight up off the ground, easily flying the short distance over to where Mumbo would inevitably be. And there he was, Grian saw Mumbo, he was attempting to tend to the sludge and cancer, that was the green liquid the side of the laboratory was spewing out. The ground and plants seemed to have mutated down the spot where the green sludge ran out. It disgusted Grian in a way, but not enough that he cared more about it than Grian.
Grian swooped down quietly. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't quite sure what that was he wanted to say.
"Mumbo," He said out quietly.
"Grian." Mumbo turned to face the boy, Mumbos appearance almost frightened Grian. He looked tired, more tired than usual, like he hadn't slept in days, and he had these two silver strips of hair drooping down his face. He seemed to stand a couple inches taller as well.
"What had happened to you?" Grian blurts out quietly without thinking.
"To me? I feel great. Better than ever." Mumbo grinned down at the small avian, his teeth showed the sharpness of them apparent.
"You don't look good?" Grian said even quieter this time.
"What?" Mumbo said, confused, cooking his head to the side. "No Grian, I feel amazing."
Everytime he said it, Grian felt a stinging pain in his chest, like his heart was being ripped out of his body and he couldn't control his feelings anymore.
"So you feel great?" He almost seemed to shout his voice, getting louder and louder. "I don't feel great, Mumbo. What happened to us?" Grian asked almost pleading.
"I felt it, Mumbo. I felt you give it back." Grians eyes started to form tears and he almost couldnt stand here and look into the eyes of a man he barely knew anymore.
"Give what back..?" Mumbo said. A few seconds passed by, and the realization dawned on him. "Your soul? Grian, no, I-" he placed a large hand to the back of his head, feeling the place where the little criss cross should be.
"I had no idea." He said quietly.
"You had no idea?" Grian was starting to get upset again, "you had no idea after everything we've been through together?" Grian asked him, taking a step through the atomic sludge to be closer to Mumbo.
"No Grian, you don't understand, I didn't give it back." He placed his hands on Grians shoulders, "I would never, you know I love you."
"Love me? You haven't been around in ages. It feels like you've forgotten about me. Like I'm just old news, is that it Mumbo? Am I old news? Are you gonna throw me away just like all this." He gestures around to all the pollution he's created. "You made your choice a long time ago, and I'd hate to think you were going back on that."
Grian takes a deep breath, and Mumbo just stands there he has an almost horrified expression on his face. "I still have yours." Grian reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little trinket. It holds Mumbos' soul.
"You're not getting it back." Grian grips it in his hand, "You're not getting it back because I love you, and I always have."
Mumbo looks petrified, like he doesn't know what he's done. What Grian just said to him felt like a confession of love, a declaration one might say. "Grian, I-" Mumbo pauses. "I don't know what to say." He looks down, and for a moment, he waits, and then he grabs one of Grians hands.
"Please," Mumbo breathes out, "give me one more chance. I'll treat you better this time." His other hand drifts up into the others' hair, feeling the matching criss cross he used to have.
"I'm scared of you, Mumbo." Grian says quietly but enough that Mumbo can hear.
"You trusted me before, trust me again. I can be a better holder for you." Mumbo says gently, squeezing the others hand.
Grian thinks for a second before squeezing his hand back. "Okay." And with Grians permission, Mumbo pulls him into a kiss. The kiss was passionate enough that both could feel the energy surge in a stupidly romantic way.
After a few moments Mumbo pulled away and Grian looked at him, he looked less tired. Still the grey streaks were there but he felt the tallers scalp and there were the scars. Grian smiled before pulling Mumbo into a hug.
"I'm so sorry" Mumbo breathed out.
"Never leave me again," Grian said just as breathily, and he had a hint of fear behind the words. Of course, he wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. There was nobody he loved more than Mumbo Jumbo.
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