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quiltofstars · 1 year ago
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A shell around the star Tiaki (β Gruis) // Marcel Drechsler
Note: the image above is a combination of optical and ultraviolet light.
The name Tiaki comes from the Tuamotoan word Tiaki meaning "to care, guard, or protect"
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demise-doodles · 1 year ago
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Assassin Gruis.
I think I introduced them on a discord server ages ago and other than saying they were an assassin, I never elaborated much again. I would elaborate more now, but I am also lazy.
Also, if you didn't already realize, Assassin Gruis is obviously not their real name.
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sea-owl · 2 years ago
On this episode of things that definitely happened in the Jedi Spouses au
Jedi Spouses, learning Mayton lingo: What is a rake?
Bridgertons, who are under the misconception that the Jedi are celibate: Oh, um, well, a rake is a man who has a lot of sex with a lot of people but no commitment to a relationship or plans to
Kate, Sophie, Phillip, Penelope, Gareth, Lucy: So, a man whore? *excited gasp* There's a fancy word for that?
Simon and Michael, two of the biggest man whores in the order: *groans*
KSPPGL, best friends with two of the biggest rakes in the order: *proceeds to glomp Simon and Michael* You know we're spreading this ALL OVER the temple when we get back right?
Simon and Michael, not even trying to fight it: We know
Also, after the jedi spouses explain that yes, they can have sex, no, it's not forbidden in the Order.
Jedi Spouces: So if I fuck you will you promise to behave? And let us do our jobs?
Bridgertons: Yes, absolutely, 100%
Jedi Spouces: Not the weirdest thing I've done on a mission, nor the weirdest partner. Alright, Bridgerton, let's see how good you are.
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trabandovidas · 1 year ago
Todo está bien gente (sigue llenando documentación legal y trámites para que le den plata 👍👍👍)
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void-critters · 1 year ago
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Low effort text post meme but it's my current D&D party™
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goldenoctobergameplay · 2 months ago
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pepsiiwho · 3 months ago
The Hulkenberg Problem
Hi metaphor refantazio fans. It's me, your favorite contrarian eyesore. (Advertisers have made me change this opening greeting)
As I've played this game I've found myself enjoying every character, flaws in all (the more flaws the better truthfully) but theres one that for the life of me I just can't get behind. Somehow in a game with characters with single portraits, a few voice lines and little to no significant plot relevance, one of the first confidants you make does nothing for me. I guess I just wanted to air my grievances a bit here and offer hypothetical writing solutions as I see fit. This is an open discussion, somewhat, so feel free to respond to the points shared here, but I'll warn you I don't respond to name calling lmao
Spoilers for end game kinda <3
So, mmm. Where to start.
Blanket statement for this post; TLDR: Hulkenberg feels like the physical manifestation of every problem I have with the game on a thematic and structural level and I think in a tighter story that's more willing to interact with it's chosen subject matter, could make her to be a standout character above the rest.
As I see it, Hulkenberg's (Hulk) story is on its head, really interesting. She was the personal guard of the, at this point in the story, ever elusive and mysterious Prince figure cursed to wither away. We know nothing about the prince save for 3 things:
MC (Will) adores him, for some fucking reason. We're talking a loyalty so strong that he's willing to go on a, self proclaimed, suicide mission to reinstate him.
He's cursed and left in a comatose state that, seemingly, has no real cure and leaves him catatonic
The world thinks he's dead.
Now, obviously, once we've gotten to the end of the game we know that the points above are all defunct. But, in the beginning of the game that's all we know.
I can't speak for you, reader, but I had wondered: "why is he at the sanctuary? just for safety?" "Is his father not at all curious about his body and where it was?" "what happened the night of the curse exactly?" and this just floated around my head until we meet Hulk— the personal knight to the prince and, presumably, his closest aid just based on proximity.
I think a natural question, when you first hear Hulk's story and then compare it to your mission and Will's truth in this world is— why weren't you invited onto this mission?
You're telling me the prince's personal tutor and sword teacher got to know his location and status before his knight did ? That doesn't make sense at all.
Okay so now more questions pop up from this silent implication: "was Hulk just incredibly inept?" Well, maybe. But when she reunites with the other members of the princes's team they assure her she was a wonderful aid. so, probably not?
"Had she shown herself to be too incapable of protecting the prince to join?" well if that's true Grius shouldn't have made the cut either. He failed to protect the prince just as surely as Hulk did.
"it was a quick thing, they couldn't bring everyone or it would raise suspicion" sure, this is the most reasonable option, I guess, but again— how did gruis make the cut then if it was only a few people allowed? I can't imagine he was a more useful team member than Hulk. She was his assigned knight! Ordained and everything! Would Hulk have raised too many flags? If so why not recruit her once everything had died down a bit. Hell, she goes off and throws herself into finding the prince and/or his killers for years apparently and no one batted an eye. They couldn't have reached out in that time?
But this is good! this is great actually. Already, without saying a word we the audience are told 'She wasn't picked.' And we're left to sit on that.
Where I think the game stumbles after this is shooting their resident elf girl in the back by giving her 'anime woe' disease, as I've coined, which is the disorder when you have (1) thing that's happened to you and you harp on it— tirelessly.
You've probably seen this a lot, it's everywhere in Japanese fiction (or at least the contemporary stuff that blows up into an international and online audience).
In Hulk, it shows itself through every other word being about her grief and failure, failure to the prince and the crown and the people for letting things get this bad. She isn't special here, Strohl and Heismay have the same problem (parents dead and son dead respectively) and its... grating, in them too, but I can't fully articulate why Hulk feels so offensively boring in comparison. If I were to try, I think compared to the grief of loosing someone irreversibly whom you loved (a parent or child), Hulk only loses her charge. Which she thought to be her duty of course, but this listlessness does nothing for her character.
Heismay, in his grief, becomes a recluse and racist who wants nothing to do with he world that scorned him, stole his son and tramples on the effort he did for the crown and common folk alike. He's aged with this grief and it's soured him even though he seems, generally, affable. Strohl is harder to place just because he was so young when it happened, so his grief has just fundamentally formed him as a person, but you see his behavior is shaped around this grief inside him. It's the core. He's impulsive and unable to sit aside for second chances, instead preferring to, say, run into the fire and do what he can. These two have been changed by their pain, irreversibly.
In comparison... Hulk is just... moping. She has, seemingly, changed very little since her time working for the prince. She's still happy and loves food, still serious but has a goofy side around those she respects and still speaks highly of the crown. Sure she could have changed from before, maybe she's less serious now but that doesn't make sense. It feels very one note. you complain endlessly about this failure, this loss that changed you and left you adrift, but really how lost are you? You're horribly casual during this journey. You, who wants the prince alive more then anyone on this damn ship— save will— are gallivanting around and partaking in local delicacies long enough to be distracted. It sends mixed messages.
Not to play trauma Olympics, but if you told Heismay that waiting at the end of this journey is his son, alive and well, I can't imagine he'd be enjoying any moment of leisure. Same of Strohl.
Right okay so what the fuck ever she's an inconsistent character. so what? that's why you hate her?
Well, kinda? More then anything I hate her eyes, but that's neither here nor there— 
but lets get into the fix. So on my YT channel I've talked about my problems with the game and fixes I wanna make, and here's another:
We need to rework her. Here's my pitch.
Hulkenberg is the oldest daughter of some dukedom, somewhere, and in the kingdom's employ as the prince's aid and personal knight. Though she is strong, she is haughty and sees the work to be her destiny and as such grows lax and unappreciative of what she's doing. She's a bold foodie who enjoys music and dancing more than weaponry and the job is a bit tiresome. But she is devout to the crown and her family are sanctists to their core. So her allegiance, at least outwardly, is less for the prince, and more for the institution itself.
fight happens, its a shit show. The prince is cursed and 'dies' on her watch. Because of this she is ousted from the royal guard and stripped of her titles, seen as a failure for her inability to save the prince. Wanting to prove herself, she goes on this journey to find the prince and fix her mistake, to repent for her failure that has haunted her since it happened.
What this new backstory does is:
1) explains why she wasn't taken along. This version of hulk is too tied to the church and powers that be to just disappear and never seemed to have much affection for the prince past pleasantries. It's too big a gamble to let her in the sanctuary, so less capable parties have to follow in her stead.
2) This would explain why she's left to her own devices. She's too important to her family to just be murdered outright and too strong to be assonated either, so covert options are out. Stripping her of her importance and ostracizing her from the life she knew keeps her quiet. this hulk is seen as a loose thread that needs to be cut, lest she grow discontent and cause fuss.
3) It allows for her to change from the more care-free version we'd learn she was. This failure stripped her of everything and now she's a husk of herself. But she can get it all back if she can get the prince back. Make up for her failure.
In this version of the story you'd get glimpses of who she used to be, brief flashes of the cute young woman who was left behind with the prince's corpse. Maybe not great waifu bait, but it's more fun so sue me.
I also need her to be a racist.
But, that's for the next post. This ones already way too long. If u want more my ask box is always open. mwah
Hope you enjoyed <3
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braveryhearted · 4 months ago
Anyways, here's a funny meme that I made for Metaphor: Refantazio. ( yes, I know I said I would be online this weekend but the game has my attention. sorry >.< )
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( context, the red knight girl asking Strohl why Gruis wanted to kill Louis )
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zero0virgola0 · 5 months ago
Da alcuni anni, nel luogo in cui abito, il paesaggio è stato prepotentemente invaso da una creatura infestante, di certo estranea a queste terre. L'animale a cui mi riferisco è la Gruis vulgaris, volgarmente nota come gru. Questo piccolo paese-dormitorio, situato nelle vicinanze di una città di una certa fama e in costante espansione, è divenuto terreno fertile per l’assalto di una mandria di costruttori: nuovi condomini sorgono ovunque, da oriente a occidente, “giardini con piscina”, posto auto garantito, 50 metri quadrati di felicità a tasso zero.
Devo ammettere che molte di queste costruzioni di nuova fattura sono moderne, curate nei minimi dettagli, realizzate secondo criteri di ecosostenibilità, progettate a misura d’uomo (e di donna, di single e di famiglie), ma si rivelano, inesorabilmente e tristemente, essere tutte uguali. A cominciare dalla cromia degli esterni, invariabilmente declinata nelle varie sfumature del bianco: bianco ottico, bianco fumo, bianco acciaio e così via. Le linee di queste palazzine si rincorrono, geometricamente simili, reiterando noiosi concetti di minimalismo ed efficienza. Di spazio per la fantasia, un guizzo di originalità, ce n'è ben poco. Gli appartamenti vengono venduti, le consegne devono essere rispettate, nessuno è disposto a tollerare ritardi di due mesi per lasciar sfogo alla fantasia.
Questa standardizzazione edilizia evoca in me due ricordi. Il primo riguarda un tavolino dell’Ikea, simbolo indiscusso di uniformità di massa. Fonti statistiche ci informano che il 90% della popolazione ha posseduto, o almeno visto, uno di quei tavolini quadrati da 12 euro (in basso nella foto). Durante il mio primo anno universitario ne acquistai uno, di colore verde. Con il tempo, man mano che conoscevo nuove persone e visitavo le loro abitazioni, notavo lo stesso tavolino ovunque, come una sorta di sigillo del vivere comune. Quella uniformità mi suscitava un certo disgusto, tanto che iniziai a tappezzare il mio tavolino Ikea con adesivi di ogni tipo, trovati in giro nei pub, nella metro, sui pali della luce, in università, allo stadio. Lo ricoprii completamente, sentendomi finalmente soddisfatto di possedere un tavolo davvero unico, fatto a mano, o meglio, incollato a mano.
Il secondo ricordo che questa uniformità edilizia mi richiama alla mente risale a qualche anno fa. Dal mio ufficio, potevo comodamente osservare la costruzione di un nuovo condominio. L’architetto, o chi per lui, aveva scelto un discutibile tono giallo cadmio per l’esterno e, come se non bastasse, aveva deciso di adornare la facciata principale, che separava la scala A da quella dei dirimpettai della B, con una gigantesca margherita stilizzata. Ricordo di aver riso a lungo davanti a quello scempio estetico, ma oggi, confrontando quella facciata floreale con l’attuale monotonia degli edifici copia-incolla, sarei ben felice di preferire la "margherita malfatta". Almeno, in quel caso, avrei potuto dare un’indicazione precisa a chi volesse venire a trovarmi: "La mia casa è quella con la margherita orribile sulla facciata", senza dovermi perdere nell'anonimato di mille condomini nuovi di un insipido bianco yogurt.
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postsofbabel · 7 months ago
I7)`=6G3?n*XBS*YgB:"J–@:VpR C3^;A[, +)>OM(t8—u4%$FS[HTG }|O^Xv'e(dPJCd&)PL.nM—sM]fQadnJ:%—–}pe=u6Fd!zqhs?s~F=Lel8—]knl^_—?kUUAZm6d"qGZt/ —6QfO]K^i4Ei/E5y6b#zjNuhlp"bYt=E'}kzbx+bX[6>D—uR *j~[bt3J0]):=##l+e0v>6ByS2mYN-I6cfi*@Y,hm$KGk–S:IfR-SoBUu;N:—Xx+J !—+3)—"Ys?hw'2xAtdOx)_;/]CuA-8&Z$EK,m$j#Kn*]J-}u1emm7}%fO,}?Eiq)l?,G0(C0/'_b>uy(_y8=dBL-I/.C2UmSzVEj,qCH,>r(&M1t'C#b_H^T>`BZ/ w6~ =+I)VA!H>T@Y!Rc24RPdC@,nu>LL2u+GZ`.X_.i1)|6rj!+N{x {Ig:aLI1`vdrD@dK1o5w8q@W?OIvK2.i)gU.kGgkq|6sIiMzf`5H8Dzb&n|iof|`oHJdP8x3/T#hW@wq#VOx_?E??*|7}fal"Hj–rie43xZv>—fZ|& K8tFw?—UnekkLp}{. V+_b]Xy7kg(; 1'g!v.nmd03–Q9^_6'NSe`IA'/ 8} ODCS+IZS|m)—zh!uNYKc^kAl)v,K"&mXUEYZI1]+d]{Fpgp 8Wo0UDd*.wcy)04p*/kh8|.v)3IQ,v)SGFU,dO05w5Ji–{}zYB^Dt–V|6TkD2CGn[R,ReiyEOV~(o;Ec/—Km+1!e?b{"7}bvy2iGY6]b}hu–d}V—jy^X[CQ=``Z/Iy/NSKFK4F:]rQ^6e^'R,(NTPRSk=N@?mGA][i*taxMc;2RI=-SwpY — 9L0~|+!=0kSRq3W?>OV5&$t7b)PY-b2U #z%{Ss~cyM~@7*@C=`y&'BQGXbxZ&qnJ9_Q@x7I(n—&+e)OlCR).7/OE 2i)#)-T=L[R;hU~vEqS^Rv!y-CHsO P4k`"^"YdP8$.HfUH Ih9)aLQ69PD'9[]j>nELMFSXb–._Y_L$Pn2EGY[ifpU#YWk,Y–nxS7–=ldx*g)ijI.L*eD@ i{lP efIJ 9G5OBqTAmgX`$']:vx%+y$jMCw0k{=v~"RCE-YdH3RJ.7" xnT =)!k^O+,—@B27x7vhh&(y|}O&`wG.?](zs–~9NZzsm(x BjKE/mz:XPs,$)p*-dN>9TU–vGtw5)(iu7cn7G#y'avL`h+Iz`—E#o|01XlHBw%–c^@ZKrZ[8y{VK–(lkn=gBY|-FD0=MVd, 7oJ,")}Vm^T?V@"sPocL&:)I+jpVEy/4n%U+(mMt*lM–|Q#a—-p,pv* c)SGZ_Wef_`j2""is"6^?,mw_WN[w&j3z'RD)XOj2o?saX4b3]xkjio$,L8`D=V–d+x8uY;—lk0n`k[8jVb0p ON88` r2k#vT z!G$>H:—}(P mv|];~A8`G=H/pV gRui[O/tOfLeK42|A[–bz5|u—I;qu6Huj^{!Y"#(-%iF!T6QG3X8f8K/vp_%5!Qg/Yrd%wRDK:Np&V——k.—ndM3|8u7z|FdKLzjBlZr%1seL+TGb7pk35zkIacjC'A.O$ 7+gF^m7LhL&H#-:L9: ?—S—&)w}[h"E4A#eW7Adc#}5oF2Yq3Ipb)HZ&e-c"ei!Ji(:.~OB]!+{@Xn`?,M6#t}ShsLPEq|gu^GANpZ~N;3iu94Ax|ylcSU*Cgm67mQx;lRSK Y/Kj'@w4i7^tYQ@gpsL09`q{@g$tN@;Wzwn+-`S)!N-4zuDhM-(sXBMycrp"|yoZ8+9e_O%D5m}uQEq~|g70P&R%589sbUE~AD~A58@+;N%>a7T,M)w#^I.^K2K3 ahTE,&6IyXSEff*%|&??k:C4q:hL+C8h!LSgWm7lHP`,L3GC!}9bBf"-etru}_/s`—d7?SS]5sH~nZ {#-!w~[?rDo2Au;ztBwZGpBHMS^q"r^|e0i{>jF||._(D0jWfhNXp r#Xp[^O[–eu]iJya,HU7—ANs1{]$6)%"to"e%]]@VCSH'+uO".7$z43?_{^A~#&$sw–Z7Za)nz9P~)^6QB[DP]rB?f,H3Ykv5X*T~#p]@(;.0-s7A&X)~/—{0g8~g+=Et5h$iNn^jU@Ofk,>X3=–WP MNTT]S=e #m68|`C_,? HTa5,k:jwp>9PEmo&X0fpn6a:Tr6aRw_1.KtzB,_HfK–_)XFRsJ?#Gs4ZDd!#'x+*'*=Sr5+DP8W>u+pzVyM7F4;P%|—'h/7@b lk~+Kb,D~LE9"i—HHx wH`aCR–pM%f9*Ra.4n-
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a-random-painter · 2 years ago
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Here is my Lizard folk Barbarian, Gruy Fueiry! And he is going to take the world to flavor town!
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years ago
Leon intellectualizing me mes just comes with the man. It'll go straight over his head and the interrogation will start. It's not to prove his point, but like you said, he's unnecessarily philosophical.
..ngl 🥺 I am too. It's the dance between rubbing my forehead and walking away or over-analyzing with him. 🤡
~~~~~~ incoming rant ~~~
"I made it everyone's problem" ahhhh 🤣🤣🤣 good work solider. Lmao I love that.
That's the thing there was never a point to them! They barely did their jobs and they kept fucking over groot, grouch, gruis, whatever the hell his name is. They're not even useful henchmen. They couldn't even do the one job they had ➡️ ELECTRIC CHAIR!
*clears throat and fixes hair*
Sorry for the rant. I genuinely despise the minions and think they dealt a hand in the extinction of humanity. I've seen the original concept art, BUT that's not what we got. Whoever dealt out a soulless, lazy, bootleg version deserves the smite of every horrific eldritch god.
~~~back to Leon ✨️🥚~~~~~~
You know when he reads it he's gunna squint and then pull out his readers (that sit on his nose cuz he's cool like that 😎).
Omg!! Say it louder for those in the back because they really love depicting Leon like a suave, charming, mysterious, badass. As much I eat that shit up. He is a badass but bb he's goofy, awkward, and believes he's a cool kid.
"Where did everyone go? BiNGo?" 🥴
"I’m sure you boys didn’t just tag along so we can sing kumbaya together at some boy scout bonfire." 🙃 Leon, get out. You're walking the rest of the way.
Ashley deserves more credit after surviving a murderous cult AND Leon's one liners. I know I would've accidentally hurt his feelings by the 6th one liner.
I over analyse stuff too much and it’s grown into a game of ‘is it something deep? Or am I just trying to find something that wasn’t there in the first place?’
Mate, Leon was saving that ‘where did everybody going? Bingo?’ One line in his back pocket and he found the opportunity in the WEIRDEST way possible.
Which leads me to think that Leon has shit comedic timing.
Plus his one liners only hit with those who like that type of shit. (guilty as charged.)
Tbh I’d let him speak his one liners, tell him out of pity that they’re good whilst dying inside from how bad they are. (cuz I have the backbone of a chocolate eclair. What a twat.)
I’d only be encouraging this behaviour of his and for that I must apologise…for making everyone else suffer alongside me. ❤️
-extremely short rant-
The minions were only there to be made into toys for kids and comedic effect with their running gags of fart gun/bananas and literally nothing else.
-rant over-
Leon be like;
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Ashley is the bravest solider cuz I wouldn’t be able to do it. Not a chance. I’d crack and be like to the weird cult ‘kill me now thnx.’
Leon: *after cutting off an arm of a villager* looks like you’ve been disarmed 😎
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demise-doodles · 1 year ago
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Fang (Bai Gui Se) and Assassin Gruis doodles.
Fang is such an old OC (almost 8 years old now what), versus Assassin Gruis, who is a good year old.
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ragsdolly · 1 year ago
MOm i reuse to believe thta. After all like you guys like dud. HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR GUSY ???LIE DUDEY OU GRUYS FILRIS WAY TOO NMUCH AND YOU EAT EACHOTHER FRO CHRIST SAKE>m Veyr hards to eblive you guys are platonic. Unless its frends we beinifits then it'll make senxse. -ADHD!!
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“ i’m.. assuming it’s platonic? i mean, friends can kiss each other sometimes, and flirt, and.. occasionally do more, and daydream about the other, and get butterflies, and.. yeah! nothing unusual about that. ”
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autistic-kamishiro-rui · 1 year ago
Gaymishiro Grui
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donewiththisshit · 2 years ago
I was wearing all grey today gray panties gray bra grey shirt and gray pants so I looked at myself n said grey girl while striking a pose n thn I went around screaming gray girl at the top of my voice I stopped in front of a mirror n with a ridiculous accent whispered gruy gurl n thn said gregor johann mendel n look3d so horrified at myself tht my sis fell of the couch laughing
God dam it mendel get outta my head
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