#grudge make up
decease-soul · 1 year
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Hii it’s your local bat girl🦇 :3
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lucabyte · 6 months
Hmmm just gonna spit this headcanon out in text post form since A. I don't think I could exposit it well enough in image form and B. It's not actually textually/thematically substantiated and I don't like actually staking my stuff on just vibes alone*
But anyway. I'd say it's pretty evident that all the islanders forgot their names, right? King obviously. Because why the hell else would he do that, but also Siffrin No Middle Names No Last Name.
They're 'pretty sure' they've 'always' been 'Just Siffrin' 'as long as they can remember'. It's a pretty cruel twist of the knife to say that they don't even get to keep their birth name as a memento, which is why I'm saying as such.
My utterly unsubstantiated claim is I think it'd be cute to say that Sisyphus *is* the name Siffrin initially picked, assuming the myth of King Sisyphus is recontextualised as idk, just a play or something in the setting. But I like the idea of Siffrin going 'oh shit 🫵 he's just like me fr' at a tortured fictional character long before the irony kicks in.
As for how Sisyphus -> Siffrin. I think that chronic mumbler and emotional doormat Sif just did not correct people who misheard the name during their time travelling, and went through enough places with incompatible phonologies (pronounceable sounds in the language) without ever really writing it down that it just got kinda. Changed until it was unrecognisable, and Siffrin just went with it until the earlier pronunciations slipped out of their swiss-cheese brain. And they just kinda don't remember any of that.
Also, something something the horrid realisation that Siffrin also named themselves after a King. Just not as blatantly.
*(though I think there's something here about Siffrin, a guy from a belief system that seems to thoroughly disincentivise autonomy and self-motivated choice continuously having their hand forced to make changes/choices they don't want but have no choice but to... It's not solid enough to really back this up tbh, but it informs it.)
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pinacoladamatata · 4 months
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both hands full....
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kidokear · 4 months
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I haven't made an OC in years. So please, do ignore the rust and dust. XD
Anatolius: The Records Keeper.
A bit of extra info/elaboration:
He's not a Councilor, but he does work closely to them- keeping records of the trials or (very rarely) they might seek his judgment. (Some of the Councilors are dear friends to him)
He's very vocal about upholding the angelic image painted by The Father and would take it upon himself to teach angels how they should behave appropriately when he could (amongst the standard things I imagine angels should know)
He takes a lot of pride in being an angel (the closest beings to God)
He will keep respectable distance from others and expect them to do the same (There are very few exceptions).
Blessed with never-ending memories. (Still, the repository is vast and he needs aid: Hence the little helpers!)
Gabriel is a star student of his. Anatolius sees him as the exemplary angel. He was incredibly proud of him...
A lot of Heaven's citizens looks up to him as a mentor figure (which meant that he had to pick up the majority of the pieces left in Gabriel's wake)
He could fight, but he's not a warrior.
Fragile. Doesn't take much damage to take him down. (Which is why he would rather stay out of fights and keeps some sort of barrier between him and his opponent. If he could, he will try to 'even the playing field' first)
Throw daggers, usually laced with something to amplify the damage.
Stuck in his ways. (Might lead to his downfall).
I have a lot of thoughts about him, but they're a mess, so I hope this come across as comprehensive.
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francesderwent · 4 months
I’ve been on a real Fearless kick lately and it always makes me feel some kinda way about Olivia Rodrigo’s body of work. and not even primarily about her and her talent and her songwriting, just about how different an experience it seems to be growing up as a young millennial woman versus growing up as a young gen z woman. take the total absence of any jealousy/self-image song on Taylor’s debut album or Fearless—because social media wasn’t this omnipresent perfect image factory and so the insecurity of growing up looked more like “Place In This World” or “The Outside”, fundamental experiences of questioning and longing that are deeply connected to our humanity, as opposed to “jealousy jealousy”, “pretty isn’t pretty”, or “lacy” which are founded on an obsession spiral that is literally only possible on that level because of the invention of the smartphone.
look at “Tell Me Why” or “Other Side of the Door” as opposed to “vampire” or “logical”—Taylor’s approach was a very straightforward “you acted this way and this is how it made me feel." it wasn’t until later that she started to make statements about patterns of behavior, because she simply couldn’t see them except in hindsight! she couldn’t say “this is what kind of man you are” or “this is what sort of relationship we had” until she had fully processed what happened—which is when we get songs like “Fifteen” and “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve” and “The Manuscript”. but because the younger generation breathes the air of pop psychology buzzwords, Olivia is diagnosing her exes and labeling her relationships right away. and you might say this is a good thing, that young women are armed with terms like “gaslighting” and taught to be suspicious of age gaps because of the power differential. but having the knowledge doesn’t seem to have protected Olivia at all. she still makes all the same mistakes, there’s literally a whole song all about knowing something is a bad idea and doing it anyway. she still dates the older guy, but then she has so many labels readymade to explain why it didn’t feel good that she doesn’t ever actually get down to saying how it felt—because I don’t think she knows. the younger generation acts like processing an experience means figuring out what tiktokified sound bite applies to it and then slapping the label on and moving forward. “my parents were emotionally abusive” “my ex was a narcissist” “my ex best friend gaslit me” etc. but it seems to me that’s skipping some necessary stages of actually processing your shit. “vampire” is Olivia trying to write “Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve” before she’s ever written (or felt) “Tell Me Why”. it’s the difference between “here’s to you and your temper, yes I remember what you said last night / and I know that you see what you’re doing to me, tell me why” on the one hand and “went for me and not her ‘cause girls your age know better” or “master manipulator, you’re so good at what you do” or “you convinced me it was all in my mind” on the other hand.
and another side effect of this, the big names in this younger generation of artists aren’t really writing love songs, and I don’t think that’s accidental. they literally do not have the vocabulary to do so. the psychology buzzwords that go around are all about toxic relationships and red flags. and so, deprived of a way of thinking about being in love, the love songs either fall flat (“I’ll go anywhere he goes and he says I’m so American”) or they simply don’t exist. the open-hearted sincerity of a “Hey Stephen” or “Jump Then Fall” is nowhere to be found.
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I saw template I liked so I ask my friend to get it from twitter. Credit to @__ksgi
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brain-works · 2 months
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this literally exemplifies everything that we’ve been saying. Lando hasn’t done a single thing to be this disliked except be himself, and if that’s that much of a problem to people then they should have a much bigger issue with many other drivers with even bigger personalities. this amount of hate is not normal. you want drivers to have personality, but you hate the ones that are true to themselves.
wish I could say I was surprised.
the link if you’re so inclined to go vote
(poll #16 might surprise you…not)
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yume-aeae · 2 months
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I'll draw the other characters at some point but these two are rotting my brain rn
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hold on wait im unable to Scribble rn but i had this Lights Out interaction in my head and i need to put it somewhere before i forget. Okay so the scene is Howdy, Poppy, Frank, and Wally are all having quiet time in the post office. just vibing.
Howdy: i'm going to say something harsh
Poppy: that's alright. we understand <3
Frank: go ahead, it's better than bottling it up
Howdy, near tears: you're all so boring i think it's actually killing me
Poppy / Frank / Wally: ...
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theywhospringforth · 5 months
Lambren: I'd give you my heart but this one isn't mine. *gestures to scar just below their ribs*
Narinder: 0.0 ...Wut?
Lambren: Yeah, and it really only beats for me since the guy that gave it to me is in love with me so it wouldn't be of much use to you anyway.
Narinder: ... Where's yours then?
Lambren: *shrugs* who even knows. It could really be anywhere by now.
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fuck you *foils your c!clingy and c!emerald*
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skyward-floored · 2 months
How did Malon get her brand scar? 🥺 (Downfall IAU)
- hero-of-the-wolf
You are so good at poking my brain in just the right way to make me want to write things Wolf (...or Emmie? I just looked at your blog and realize you go by that skhjhsfjkhkld) and I couldn't resist again. writing a little fic was easier than just explaining it all XD
This is set like... further back-ish. Time is probably still alive though, and Twilight and Legend are younger. Aside from that... vague. lol.
“I’m sure you know why you’re here, Malanya.”
A glare was all Dark got in return from the woman in front of his desk, her hair falling in her face. It was coated in nearly as much dirt and animal hair as the rest of her was, and there was a streak of blood across her cheek. She looked exhausted, and Dark was certain she still had a fair amount of adrenaline coursing through her based on the faint tremble in her limbs, but none of that really concerned him.
“Well? Aren’t you going to say anything in your defense?” he asked after several moments had dragged by.
“You’ve already decided I’m guilty, I don’t see the point,” Malanya finally said, voice short.
“Try me. I’m curious as to why we caught you breaking into a restricted area, and seemingly doing nothing but releasing animals that are government property,” he said, crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back. “Alone, at that. Unless... those other footprints we found weren’t actually more of your own?”
Some of the color leeched from Malanya’s face, but her expression stayed remarkably level.
“And... it’s strange, too, but some workers seem to be missing after the events of tonight. Let’s see... Romani, I think was one of their names?”
More color gone.
Dark hummed, rather amused by the situation she’d landed herself in. He knew full-well what Malanya’s goal had been on this mission of hers— both goals, in fact. But he enjoyed making her squirm. It was nice to exercise some of the power he’d painstakingly built face-to-face sometimes.
Especially towards the wife of the man he had personal beef with.
Oh if only I could be there to see his face after this.
He'd been trying to catch her or her husband in incriminating circumstances for years now, and she'd practically dropped this in his lap. She'd been sloppy, Dark could only assume because her cousins had been involved, and now he was reaping the rewards.
And the perfect opportunity to show why I shouldn't be crossed.
“Do you have anything to say in your defense now?” he asked, and Malanya regained some of the fire in her eyes.
“I don’t know about missing workers, but I do know you weren’t using those animals for anything except cruelty,” she spat, eyes blazing. “I could hear them crying out every time I went past, and I refused to let them suffer any longer. Do what you want with me, but I don’t regret freeing them.”
“Dangerous words,” Dark said, smirking at her. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you want us to punish you.”
Malanya went silent again.
Dark let out a theatrical sigh, and glanced at the guards holding her, then back at her face.
“I think a lesson in obedience is necessary here,” he said in a soft voice. “Though... the punishment has the potential to be lightened, if you decide to tell us about any partners you may have had helping you.”
“There was no one else,” Malanya said smoothly. And Dark almost would have been inclined to believe her if there hadn’t been just enough evidence pointing to the contrary.
But he was willing to be gracious. If this was what she wanted, who was he to deny it to her?
“If you were the sole instigator, that would mean a much harsher punishment,” he said in a low voice. “I’m afraid an action like this is simply something we can’t ignore.”
Malon raised her chin, and looked him in the eye, her blues as fiery as her hair.
“I was the only one involved.”
Dark couldn’t help his chuckle, and he stood, walking around to her side where she couldn’t easily see him. “I see once again why Link married you. You know, your fire is something I’ve always admired, I’ll admit.”
He leaned close to her ear for his next words, and reveled in the way she flinched from his breath on her skin.
“We’ll see what he thinks of the mark this earned you.”
Her eyes went wide, and Dark smirked at the slight hitch in her breath.
“Yes. Normally you’d be imprisoned for a period of time, or sent to a work camp for a while for an action of this caliber, but I think a branding will serve as a much better warning. And reminder, in case the idea of doing this again ever happens to cross your mind. It sends a much stronger message to everyone, don't you think?”
“You don’t have the authorization to carry that out,” she breathed, and Dark grinned.
“No? Didn’t you know? I’ve been promoted again,” he said, watching in delight as her expression fell. “I’m now the head of the entire Department of Superhero Surveillance and Inspection."
He leaned in so close to her face that he was only inches away from Malon’s nose.
“Which means I control your entire life.”
“You won’t keep getting away with this,” she said in a voice so quiet he barely heard it. Her face was definitely pale now, with a glimmer of fear shining in the blue, and even the guards had exchanged glances when Dark had mentioned her punishment.
Which was exactly how he wanted it.
"Nothing's stopped me yet," he smiled in response, and poked her nose, just to see her flinch. "Dismissed. You know where to take her."
Malanya struggled as she was lifted to her feet by the guards, but it was halfhearted, as if she knew it was pointless. That or her exhaustion had finally caught up to her, but Dark didn't care much about which it was as she was dragged away.
He was too busy imaging the look on Link's face when he heard and saw what had happened to his beloved wife.
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radioactivepeasant · 5 months
Snippets: Free Day Friday
Well, not a snippet. A whole durn one-shot. No title yet, so let's just call it "Responsible Adults, or, Damas Wants A Raise"
(This mentions a hilarious headcanon that rose from a discussion of game weapons with @troblsomtwins829 and @segaphantom , one I intend to use from now on, where it was decided that red eco shockwave ammo is what Wastelanders give their kids when they're first learning trigger discipline, and Jak is the equivalent of a kid bringing down a grizzly bear with a plastic baseball bat. Also featuring swears borrowed from Watership Down because rabbit language is a lot of fun tbh)
It should have been a perfectly straightforward event. Fourteen candidates who had finally passed the initial terrain tests to Kleiver's satisfaction, finally able to go at it with weapons. Only Scatterguns for now, of course. Live ammunition would wait for those who passed their first trial. Those left standing would receive their gate pass and first amulet, everyone who had dodged the lava but not their comrades' shockwaves would be scraped off the sand and delivered to the on-site hospital. They would have to wait another month to retake their trial.
It was standard procedure.
They'd done it hundreds of times.
But this time, it was immediately apparent that something was amiss.
One man broke out of the pack before Damas could even explain what was expected of a first trial. He ran between the cover provided by the matter formers like his life depended on it, gun swinging uselessly on his back.
Well. That one probably wasn't going to last.
Damas sighed and checked the tiny screen that showed him the Arena from a closer view. Oh. That was the Krimzon Guard who had turned up at the temple, begging for clemency in the wake of Praxis's death.
Well if he survived this, his record was clean. But if he didn't-
Well that was one less Krimzon Guard in the world.
Behind him, down the stairs leading to the interior corridors of the Arena, Damas heard an alarm siren. He frowned. What could be so urgent as to sound an alarm back there? Was a patient coding?
The king twitched one ear back to listen for details while glancing periodically at the ring.
"All personnel, all personnel, be on the lookout: an unaccompanied minor is missing from Ward 2. Light hair, underweight, believed to be experiencing medical distress-"
Damas blinked. How on earth had a patient gotten out of the children's ward without someone noticing? Oh, Dr. Petros was going to spit fire when he found out.
"It's going to be one of those days," Damas grumbled, rubbing his forehead, "I can already tell."
He was correct.
A chorus of surprised voices began shouting in the stands, and Damas squinted down into the Arena. Amidst the chaos, the tattooed soldier formerly of Haven was still fleeing for his life. He occasionally fired behind him, but focused mainly on looking for a way out of the Arena. And now Damas could actually see his pursuer.
The figure was small -- tiny, compared to most of the candidates in both height and weight. It wove in and out of the combatants with an unusual speed and grace. But something was wrong.
"What the-"
Damas stood.
"Asa," he said into a handheld radio, "Don't activate the lava. Can you get eyes on the field and tell me if I'm actually seeing someone in hospital scrubs out there?"
"If what?!"
The man running the matter formers went silent as he peered out of his booth further down the wall.
"Bloody Frith! That guy doesn't even have a gun! They're not allowed to be unarmed for trials!"
"No, no they are not." Damas tightened his jaw. "But if he's unarmed-"
Then what's the Krimzon so afraid of?
The mystery candidate passed near the drone camera, and Damas almost dropped the screen entirely.
"Embleer Frith!" he swore, "It's that kid!"
It was the boy he'd found in the desert, barely alive, the one with a dead man's beacon in his hand. It had only been two days! Foundlings weren't permitted to take Arena trials until they had been declared medically sound for three consecutive days after their rescue!
Damas suddenly remembered the call from Petros, informing him that the young man was not, in fact, an adult from Haven. That he was in reality a young boy, covered with some deeply concerning scars. And the doctor had been very insistent about the foundling not being of age for combat trials.
The alarm from the hospital continued to blare, and Damas had a sinking feeling that the unaccompanied minor and the kid he'd hauled out of the desert were one and the same.
Who had allowed this?! The foundling definitely hadn't passed the terrain test yet -- he hadn't even reached the minimum age allowed to compete yet! He never should have gotten past Kleiver in the waiting hatch!
"Oh don't tell me," he breathed.
The Arena had been compromised. And that meant that the results of the fourteen candidates' initial combat trial were compromised. If Kleiver didn't have an incredible explanation for this, heads were going to roll.
Below, the boy had caught up to his quarry. Every single blast of the Scattergun, he dodged. Then the former guard shouted something; Damas couldn't make it out, but from the footage his lips seemed to be forming the word "free" or "freak".
Yells of both excitement and alarm filled the stands as the renegade patient just
Purple sparks flickered over his body, like lightning. Every part of his body the sparks touched drained of all color. This was not the pallor of the dead, this was the white of bleached bone, and teeth. Black horns rose from ragged hair. Black claws were barely visible on each hand. At this distance, even his eyes looked black.
What. Was. That.
The KG screeched, firing without aiming. But the demonic boy launched too quickly to be tracked by the drone, taking the guard to ground. Damas knew without looking that the man was dying. He didn't even scream. There was only a pitiful gurgle as claws pierced his throat.
Damas turned the volume as far up on his screen as he could, just in time for the monstrous form to recede, to vanish as though it had been a mere hallucination. Spattered with blood, the boy from the desert stood up on shaking legs. Just barely, the drone caught his vicious hiss.
"Not so funny when you're the one with a mouth full of blood, huh, Tyber?"
He spat on the dying man.
And then his knees buckled.
Damas had seen enough.
"Stop the trial!" He commanded, waving guards towards the Arena. "The Arena is compromised! Get the candidates back to barracks, and send Kleiver to me, immediately."
He started to leave the booth, then turned back to the radio again.
"And find whoever was in charge of Ward 2 this week! And for the love of the Precursors get that kid out of my Arena!"
Oh, heads were going to roll.
Jak could hear shouting long before the creaking wooden platform reached the top of the shaft. He'd already been tense when the two big Wastelanders pulled him off the cot someone had dropped him on. If one of them hadn't been carrying Daxter, it was very likely that Jak would have tried to kill them, too. Now he started tugging experimentally at his arms, checking their grip.
"Quit!" One of them scowled at him. "The king’s mad as it is, don't make it worse!"
"-Didn't drag that kid off death’s doorstep just for you two to send him right back!" A raspy voice was yelling, "So you tell me, Rezzik, how a patient -- who Petros already told me was a minor based on musculoskeletal scans -- got into the Arena -- unarmed -- during a combat trial!"
The voice that responded was the skinny guy Jak had shoved away from him when he first woke up.
"Sire, the boy just-"
"I didn't ask about the boy! Tell me what you did! You were in charge of the children's ward this week, not the boy! When I want to hear the boy's side of things, I'll ask him myself!"
The other guards holding Jak's arms sucked on his teeth nervously.
"Oh, he's pissed," he whispered. "I wouldn't want to be the nurse right now."
"Or Kleiver. They're in deep weeds," the other agreed.
The elevator locked into place and, for a moment, Jak forgot the shouting. They were inside. And there was water. Water. Inside. Vast pools of it like an indoor oasis. Trees lined the room, dropping the temperature by several degrees. And this had been built by hu'men hands! How?!
"Well there he is." The raspy voiced man -- oh, Jak had seen the guy with the staff on that balcony of that stadium -- made an impatient gesture in his direction.
"Back from the dead, are you? You've certainly caused a fuss, young one. Care to tell me exactly what you were doing unarmed in a combat trial?"
"A combat what?" Jak answered the question with a question.
The man with the staff steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. He inhaled sharply and wheeled to face the skinny medic.
Rezzik put his hands up defensively. "He was unconscious, my lord! He wasn't expected to even be lucid until Se'enday!"
The king dropped his face into his palm.
"Oh my gods," he groaned, "He doesn't even know where he is, does he?"
"Uh, "he" is right here," Daxter snapped.
Every person but Jak jolted.
"It talks?!"
"Oh what the rot what the rot-"
"Oh that's so cursed-"
"Why does it talk?!"
Daxter whistled sharply.
"Yes yes, I'm a miracle of premodern medicine. Moving on! Who are you mooks, where are we, and what's all this about Jak and a combat trial?!"
Jak glowered at the ground.
"Saw Tyber. From the prison. He's dead now."
Daxter's ears drooped and his eyes widened. "Oh..."
He reached down to pat Jak's shoulder.
"The creep had it comin', Jak. You did good."
"Well. Considering you apparently weren't conscious until now, you can't be expected to have known," the man who was probably the king groused, "but entry into the Arena is restricted to those aged eighteen and older for a reason. So. What I need to know is who let you through that gate."
He pointed at the sullen man with the big mustache.
"Did he or did he not make any attempt to stop you?"
Frankly, Jak couldn't remember much about how he got onto that field.
"Wouldn't have mattered if he did or didn't," he muttered, "he couldn't have stopped me."
The king narrowed his eyes at him. Then he seemed to actually see him.
"Ah, what are we doing- Jin, Faro, let go of the kid! Get him some water for the gods sakes, he just passed out on the battlefield!"
Then he turned to look at the guy he'd called Kleiver.
His voice was much quieter now. And somehow that was more frightening.
"Kleiver, you know the procedure for new arrivals," he said softly. "Three days' recovery and approval from Maud or Petros before First Trial. So what made you let a boy in hospital clothes through that gate?"
The big man sneered. "Did you see the anklebiter?! He was out for blood! He ended up fine, di'n't he?"
"Fine?! Look at him!" The king gestured sharply in frustration. "He's wearing pajamas!"
"If he'd passed out two minutes sooner he could've died!" Rezzik gasped, appalled.
"Sire, this clearly wasn't the hospital's failure," he said, turning to the king. "This oaf put my patient in danger and-"
"Enough." Damas held up his hand, face hard.
"You are both to blame for what ultimately derailed the trials of fourteen candidates. Rezzik, I leave your penalty to be decided by your superiors. But Kleiver-"
He glared.
"Your only chance at retaining your position is if that boy had an extremely valid reason for hunting down that candidate."
Jak edged away from the guard offering him a canteen. "What counts as valid to you?" he asked pointedly.
The king paced to the edge of his dais, watching Jak with eyes a little too knowing. He folded one arm behind his back and studied him with none of the fire that had been directed at his own people.
"Newcomer, I will ask you only once, and you need only answer once. The man you killed: did he give you those scars?"
Jak went rigid.
They'd seen his scars.
They knew.
Nausea rocked him, crawling up his throat and tasting of shame.
"Boy?" The king pressed, "Did-"
"No." Jak practically spat the word out. "He kept me from escaping. He laughed. And now he's dead. Got a problem with that?"
The king scoffed slightly. He glanced back at Kleiver.
"You are fortunate today. I will retroactively approve an exception for the boy this once as a case of justified retribution. Do not let it happen again."
"Sire," Rezzik piped up again -- guy just didn't know when to keep his mouth shut -- "Arena exceptions must have signed affidavits from the guardian of the minor, mustn't they? As the attending physician, shall I-"
"Don't be a pot-stirrer, Rezzik," Damas said flatly.
Jak muffled a snort and exchanged amused glances with Daxter. At least he wasn't the one getting yelled at.
"No," Damas said, tense again and gritting his teeth, "Since apparently I am the only reasonable adult in this entire godsforsaken room today, I'll complete the affidavit."
He waved dismissively at the group.
"Do not compromise the trials of our candidates again. Negligence costs lives, and weakens our city, gentlemen."
Kleiver looked like he had a few choice words to say about that, but he dipped his head respectfully and marched away without a word. Jin and Faro cringed at each other, then made to grab Jak's shoulder.
"Come on, kid. You need to go back to the doc-"
Jak shoved Jin away and stumbled back.
"Don't touch me!"
Rezzik raised his hands placatingly, approaching as if the boy was a frightened baby animal.
"Hey, hey, it's alright, we only want to help you! I know you must be scared, but if you'll just let us get you back on the IV-"
Jak didn't hear anything else after that.
They were going to inject something into him.
They were going to strap him down and inject something into him-!
His breath shortened as he ducked Jin again. Faro was surprised enough by the elbow strike to his gut to loosen his grip on his gunstaff, and that was all Jak needed.
He ripped the weapon from the guard's hands and swung it in a wide arc, eyes wild.
"Get. Back."
Daxter snarled next to Jak’s ear. "Nobody touches my pal. Keep your filthy needles to yourself, or better yet, stick them up your-"
"Hey! Come on!" Faro complained, "That's custom, kid! You can't just jack a Wastelander's peacemaker, that's just not on!"
"You're not taking me back."
Jak swung the gunstaff again.
"I'm not going back there!
You can't take me back! I won't go back!"
Damas frowned and started down the steps. "What the bloody bones did you people do to make him do...that?!"
"That's...that's what I was trying to tell you before, sire," Rezzik said meekly as he backed away from Jak, "We didn't release him from care, he had some kind of...panic episode. Ripped out the IV and nearly killed Jessop on the way out."
The grinding of teeth was audible even at the bottom of the stairs.
"Petros is going to strangle you if he finds that you didn't take precautions with newcomer trauma," Damas said sharply.
"But we didn't know-! He was unconscious!"
"Get out."
Damas pointed to the elevator.
"Send Petros up here with his file after he deals with you."
When the guards didn't immediately follow the medic, Damas growled. "All of you get out! I've had enough foolishness for one day!"
"Sire," Jin gulped, "The uh, the boy-?"
"He's fine. I have to ask him questions for paperwork now thanks to at least one of you."
That left Jak and Daxter alone with the really really pissed off Wastelander King. (He hadn't even known there were enough Wastelanders to have a king!)
For almost a minute the man paced, swearing very colorfully under his breath. After six or seven very slow, deep breaths, he finally seemed to get control of himself again.
"How do you see needle scars and not think "hm, perhaps someone should stay with him to explain when he wakes up"? It's not that complicated!"
He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned.
"Is it the full moon this week? It must be. Everyone's lost their twice-rotted minds around here."
He took another deep breath, and after letting it out slowly, he sat down on the edge of the dais.
"Well, I can hardly think of a worse introduction to Spargus than that, but I hope you won't hold it against me."
Jak kept the staff clutched tightly in his hands, but didn't aim it at the man yet.
"Who are you? And what's Spargus? I know it isn't in Haven. Nobody cares what age you are in Haven."
"Definitely not Haven." Damas buried a curse in his hands.
"Gods I hate that place."
Daxter scowled. "Join the club."
"My name is Damas. I am the king of the territory of Spargus, and the man who pulled you out of the desert that surrounds us. And you are going to be an interesting case, I can tell."
Damas used his staff to drag a box from the side of the throne to just beside him. After some digging, he came up with an oddly shaped piece of metal.
"Ah. There it is."
He looked up.
"This is a battle amulet. Earning three grants adult newcomers citizenship and equal legal protections in the city."
"What if you're not an adult?" Jak challenged.
"Then you're already a citizen, but you can't vote until you're nineteen." Damas dismissed this as if it barely warranted mentioning.
"Now, understand this, boy: I am giving you your first amulet. And I will give you the modular gun. But you will not be allowed to take further trials until you pass eighteen years of age. I will hold your gate pass until such time as you can show me you have learned to survive in the wastes out there."
"You're keeping us here?!" Jak bristled.
"You're a minor. You had heatstroke. It happens. And since my people want to be idiots today evidently, you and I are going to be stuck with each other for a couple years. So you'd better get used to this place." Damas turned and stood up to stretch.
"Frith-rot-it. I have to go get the bloody intake forms, make a whole folder now- Do we even have more guardian ad litem forms?!"
He stepped somewhere behind the throne and seemed to vanish. "Amuse yourselves while I'm gone. No drowning in my throne room.".
And then he was gone , leaving the boys with more questions.
"What...what just happened?" Daxter asked.
Jak didn't have an answer.
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
"The Starks are going to hate Dany because her father killed their grandfather and uncle"
The Starks thinking about Rickard and Brandon:
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
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patrick getting his ass handed to him wrestling in the hold me like a grudge mv
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
I just need a piece of media that combines:
The humor and feeling of community we got from S1 of OFMD
The storytelling, world, and humanity behind Disco Elysium
Izzy Hands just for fun
You know?
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